HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 07/08/1997 *PUBLIC REVIEW COPY Man nmot v ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING JULY 8, 1997 CITY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING 6500PALMAAVENUE, 4T" FLOOR ROTUNDA ROOM 7:00 P.M. George Harold Ray Jerry Ken Luna Carden Johnson Clay Lerno This agenda is prepared and posted pursuant to the requirements c f Government code Section 54954.2. By listing a topic on this agenda, the City Council has expressed its intent to discuss and act on each item. In addition to any action identified in tf,e brief general description of each item, the action that may be taken shall include: A reterrg I to staff with specific requests for information continuance;specific direction to staff concer 7ing the policy or mission of the item; discontinuance of consideration authorization ro enter into negotiations and execute agreements pertaining to the item; adoption or roval; and, disapproval. Copies of the staff reports or other documentation relating to each it m of business referred to on the agenda are on file in the office of the City Clerk (Room 2 8) and in the Information Office (Room 103), available for public inspection during City Hall i usiness hours. The City Clerk will answer any questions regarding the agenda. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need spe cial assistance to participate in a City meeting or other services offered by this City,please cc ntact the City Manager's Office, (805) 461-5010, or the City Clerk's Office, (805) 461-507J. Notification at least 48 hours prior to the meeting or time when services are needed will assist the City staff in assuring that reasonable arrangements can be made to provide accessibility to the meeting or service. 6:30 P.M. - CLOSED SESSION: 1. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION (C.C. Sec. 54956.9 and 54957 et seq) Names of cases: Ramirez v. Atascadero; McHale v. Atascadero; reene v. Atascadero 2. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR (G.C. Sec. 54956.8) Property: 9085 Morro Road, Atascadero Negotiating parties: City of Atascadero and Jim & Audrey Hensley Under negotiation: Consideration of sale or trade of City-owned property for private property adjacent to park land Property: Parcel Map 16-86, Parcels 1,2,3 & 4, APN No.#029-1 5-023 Negotiating parties: City of Atascadero and Nellie Kennedy Under negotiation: Consideration of sale or trade of City-owned r roperty for private property adjacent to park land 3. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATOR (G.C. Sec. 54957.6) Agency negotiator: Roy Hanley Employee organizations: Mid-Management/Professional, Atascad ro Fire Captains, Atascadero Firefighters, Service Employees Intl. Union Local 620 4. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - CITY MANAGER RECRUI MENT (G.C. Sec. 54957) 7:00 P.M. - REGULAR SESSION: (Please see Rules of Public Participation, back page) CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL COUNCIL COMMENTS COMMUNITY FORUM A. CONSENT CALENDAR: All matters listed under Item A, Consent Calendar, are considered to be routine and will be enacted by one motion in the form listed below. There will be no separate discussion on these items. A member of the Council or public may, by request, have any item removed from the Consent Calendar, which shall then be reviewed and acted upon separately after the adoption of the Consent Calendar. 1. CITY TREASURER'S REPORT - May, 1997 [Rudy Hernandez] (City Treasurer's_recommendation: Review& accept) 2. PAYMENT OF AUDITED BILLS & PAYROLL - May, 1997 [Rachel/e Rickard] (Staff recommendation: Approve) 3. ANNUAL ASSESSMENT CHARGES FOR STREET MAINTENANCE DISTRICTS [Brady Cherry] (Staff recommendation: Adopt) A. Resolution No. 50-97 - Aguila Ave. (Maint. Dist. #86-3) B. Resolution No. 51-97 - Cayucos Ave. (Maint. Dist. #86-4) C. Resolution No. 52-97 Falda Ave. (Maint. Dist. #86-1) D Resolution No. 53-97Lobos Ave. (Maint. Dist. #83-1) E. Resolution No. 54-97 Maleza Ave. (Maint. Dist. #83-3) F. Resolution No. 55-97 Pinal/Escarpa Aves. (Maint. Dist. 86-2) G. Resolution No. 56-97 - Sonora/Pinal Aves. (Maint. Dist. 83-2) H. Resolution No. 58-97 - San Fernando Rd. (Maint. Dist. 84-1) 4. RESOLUTION NO. 57-97 —Designating a no parking zone on the west side of Ramona Road beginning at the intersection with Del Rio Road and continuing 250' to the south [Brady Cherry] (Traffic Committee/Staff recommendation: Adopt) 2 5. RESOLUTION NO. 60-97 - Designating a 30-minute parking zone on the north side of Atascadero Mall at the Chamber of Commerce office [BradyCherry] (Traffic Committee/Staff recommendation: Adopt) 6. RESOLUTION NO. 61-97 - Establishing a crosswalk at the intersection of Atas- cadero Avenue and Atascadero Mall [Brady Cherry] (Traffic Committee/Staff recommendation: Adopt) 7. FINAL TRACT MAP 96013, 3425/3505 EL CAMINO REAL - Consideration of final tract map to subdivide two (2) lots, 8.94 acres total, into eight ( ) lots of approximatelyone acre each for single family residential use (Verheyen/Norton/Sholders Surveys) [Steve Decamp] (Planning Commission/Staff recommendation: Approve) B. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. HEARING OF PROTESTS REGARDING PLACING SANITATION C ARGES ON THE 1997/98 PROPERTY TAXES [Brady Cherry] A. Resolution No. 59-97 - Adopting sanitation service charges to be added to the 1997/98 Property Tax bills [Valerie Humphrey] [Staff recommendation: -Adopt] C. REGULAR BUSINESS: No scheduled items. D. COMMITTEE REPORTS (The following represent standing commi tees. Informative status reports will be given, as felt necessary.): 1. S.L.O. County Mayors Group 2. S.L.O. Council of Governments/S.L.O. Regional Transit Authority 3. City/School Committee 4. County Water Advisory Board/Nacimiento Water Purveyors Advisory Group 3 _ 5. Economic Round Table 6. Finance Committee 7. Air Pollution Control District 8. North County Council 9. Ad Hoc Regional Water Management Committee 10. Integrated Waste Management Authority E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION: 1. City Council 2. City Attorney 3. City Clerk 4. City Treasurer 5. City Manager 4 i RULES OF PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: The City Council welcomes and encourages youl ideas and comments as a citizen. To increase the effectiveness of your participation, please familiarize yourself with the following rules of decorum: O Members of the audience may speak on any item on the;agenda, in the order the item(s) are addressed by the Council, as directed by the Mayor. Items not on the agenda should be submitted during the Community Forum period (see below). O Persons wishing to speak should step to the podium and state their name and address, for the official record. O All remarks shall be addressed to Council, as a whole, and not to any individual member thereof. O No person shall be permitted to make slanderous, profane'o personal remarks against any elected official, commissions and staff. O A person may speak for five (5) minutes. • O No one may speak for a second time until everyone wishing to speak has had an opportunity to do so, and no one may speak more than twice on any item. O Council Members may question any speaker; the speaker may respond but, after the allotted time has expired, may not initiate further di cussion. O The floor will then` be closed to public participation and open for Council discussion. COMMUNITY FORUM: O The Community Forum period is provided to receive comments from the public on matters other than scheduled agenda items. O A maximum of 30 minutes will be allowed for Commu ity'Forum, unless Council authorizes an extension. O State law does not allow the Council to take action on issues not on the agenda; staff may be asked to follow up on such items. • REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL AGENDAS ITEM: A-1 CITY OF ATASCADERO Through: Rudy Hernandez, City Treasurer Meeting Date: 7-8-97 From: Rachelle Rickard, Accountant SUBJECT: Treasurer's Report -May, 1997 RECOMMENDATION: Council review and accept. Attachment: Treasurer's Report, May, 1997 000001 CITY OFATASCADERO TREASURER'S REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF MAY 1997(UNAUDITED) CHECKING FISCAL ACCOUNT INVESTMENTS AGENT TOTALS Balance per Banks at May 1, 1997 $ 504,015 $ 8,373,392 $ 506,170 $ 9,383,577 Receipts 597,589 2,174 599,763 Disbursements (794,917) (794,917) Transfers In 300,000 300,000 Transfers Out (300,000) (300,000) Balance per Banks at . May 31, 1997 $ 606,687 $ 8,073,392 $ 508,344 9,188,423 Deposits in Transit 39,994 Outstanding Checks (249,110) Adjusted Treasurer's Balance $ 8,979,307 CITY OF ATASCADERO City Tr 000002 CITY OFATASCADERO-MAY 1997 ALL FUNDS-GENERAL ACCOUNT/INVESTMENT ON PAGE 1 OF 2 RESERVED UNRESERVED CASH(1) CASH(2) TOTALS POOLED CASH General Fund $ 1,256,840 $ 2,052,605 Gas Tax Fund 131,592 Development Fee Fund 53,463 Donations Fund 3,501 AD#4 Reserve Fund 45,836 Zoo Enterprise Fund (76,147) Camino Real Reserve Fund 13,293 92 Street Assessment Reserve Fund 2 94 CDBG Fund 13,321 93 EDBG Fund 15 95 CDBG Fund (43,710) Dial-A-Ride Fund 46,742 Wastewater Operations Fund 1,155,002 Lake Park Pavilion Fund (31,632) Recreation Fund (46,998) Tree Plant Fund 36,150 Tree Association Fund 23 Sidewalk Fund 44,826 olice Donations Fund 913 COPS Fast Grant Fund (13,245) Weed Abatement Fund 42,692 Supplemental Law Enforcement Fund (3,462) AD#3 Redemption Fund 12,447 AD#4 Redemption Fund 184,866 AD#5 Redemption Fund 57 Camino Real Redemption Fund (54,543) 92 Street Assessment Redemption Fund 81,035 AD#7 Fund Redemption Fund (978) 89 COP Debt Service Fund 17,152 Capital Projects Fund (214,019) Police Development Fees Fund (22,412) Fire Development Fees Fund 56,841 Parks&Rec Development Fees Fund 128,304 Drainage Development Fees Fund 317,253 Amapoa-Tecorida Fees Fund 146,932 Public Works Development Fees Fund 520,257 Street Maintenance Districts Fund 45,963 TDA Non-Transit Fund 139,363 Sewer Facilities Fund 2,344,044 Camino Real Construction Fund 16,459 Las Encinas Construction Fund 5,605 W3-F Meadows Construction Fund 4,443 anta Rosa AD#7 Construction Fund 60,272 Total Pooled Cash $ 1,599,127 $ 6,871,836 $ 8,470,963 CITY OFATASCADERO-MAY 1997 ALL FUNDS-GENERAL ACCOUNT/INVESTMENT PAGE 2 OF 2 RESERVED UNRESERVED CASH(1) CASH(2) TOTALS CASH WITH FISCAL AGENT Camino Real Reserve Fund $ 204,097 $ - 92 Street Assessment Reserve Fund 50,519 Wastewater Operations Fund 53,732 Camino Real Redemption Fund - 92 Street Assessment Redemption Fund - 89 COP Debt Service Fund 199,996 Total Cash With Fiscal Agent $ 508,344 $ - $ 508,344 Total of All Cash $ 8,979,307 000001 I INVESTMENTS TIME DEPOSITS, CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT, SAVINGS AND LOCAL AGENCYINVESTMENT FLWD May 1997 INVESTMENT INTEREST AMOUNT EARNINGS Orange County Investment Pool/TRAN $ - $ 1,609 (6) Orange County Investment Pool - 51,206 (6) Local Agency Investment Fund(3) 7,045,616 134,903 Certificates of Deposit(see attached schedule) 1,027,776 20,843 TOTAL $ 8,073,392 208,561 Mid State Interest Received 8,446 TOTAL INTEREST RECEIVED $ 217,007 (5) Notes: (1) Reserved Fund Cash is specified for City debt service. (2) Unreserved Fund cash can be used fornormaloperations of the City. (3) On July 2, 1996,the City received$ 1,200,000 in the form of a Tax Revenue Anticipation Note(TRAM). The City must repay this amount including$56,841 of interest (4.75%per annurn)on June 25, 1997. Total repayment($1,200,000+$56,841)is$1,256,841. (4) May 1997 interest yields were as follows: Orange County Not available LAW 5.634% Mid-State 2.43% (5) This is the actual amount deposited to City accounts and does not reflect interest amounts accrued but not received. Also not included above are interest amounts earned in Fiscal Agent or County accounts,which are used for bond retirement purposes. Furthermore,with the exception of the Orange County Investment Pool, interest earnings are reported on a calendar year basis. (6) On December 6, 1994, Orange County filed a Chapter 9 bankruptcy with the courts. The City recognized a loss of$ 1,155,283.04 on the OCIP for the 1994-95 fiscal year. The City is attempting to recover the principal plus interest through a lawsuit filed against OCIP. The interest received above, is post-petition interest for the period from December 1, 1994 through July 20, 1995. 00.0005 CITY OF ATASCADERO SCHEDULE OF CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT May 30, 1997 PURCHASE MATURITY YIELD YTD BANK DATE DATE RATE AMOUNT INTEREST Santa Lucia Bank 12/19/96 6/19/97 5.00% $ 36,776.00 $ 769.10 Atascadero Union Bank 12/26/96 6/26/97 5.00% $ 99,000.00 $ 2,070.41 Atascadero Great Western Bank 12/28/96 6/28/97 4.98% $ 100,000.00 $ 2,082.96 Atascadero Bank of Santa Maria 1/27/97 7/24/97 5.01% $ 99,000.00 $ 2,074.57 Templeton First Bank& Trust 2/26/97 7/26/97 5.48% $ 99,000.00 $ 1,781.18 Santa Maria Bank of America 1/31/97 7/30/97 4.40% $ 99,000.00 $ 1,821.96 Atascadero Los Padres Savings 2/13/97 8/12/97 5.00% $ 99,000.00 $ 2,081.14 Santa Maria Wells Fargo Bank 2/22/97 8/22/97 4.50% $ 99,000.00 $ 1,863.37 San Luis Obispo First Bank of SLO 2/19/97 8/19/97 5.40% $ 99,000.00 $ 2,172.89 San Luis Obispo ValliWide Bank 2/23/97 8/23/97 5.00% $ 99,000.00 $ 2,049.79 San Luis Obispo First Valley Bank 3/6/97 9/6/97 5.04% $ 99,000.00 $ 2,075.45 Santa Maria TOTAL $ 1,027,776.00 $ 20,842.84 000006 4 ' REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: 07/08/97 CITY OF ATASCADERO AGENDA ITEM:,, A-2 From: Rachelle Rickard,Accountant SUBJECT: Payment of Audited Bills and Payroll for the month of May, 1997. RECOMMENDATION Approve certified City accounts payable, payroll and payroll vendor checks for the moi nth of May, 1997. Attached, for City Council review and approval, are the following: Payroll; Period End 05/09/97 Ck.#30428-30560 $116,382.91 Period End 05/23/97 Ck.#30604-30740 $116,908.95 Special Payroll Dated xx/xx/xx Ck.# Payroll Vendors Dated 04/30/97 Ck.#30563-30567 $ 31,367.46 Dated 05/21/97 Ck.#30585-30599 $ 39,525.74 " Dated 05/29/97 Ck.#30743-30760 $ 54,779.75 Accounts Payable Dated 5/31/97 Ck.#57801-58106 $361,143.79 TOTAL AMOUNT $720,108.60 The undersigned certifies that the attached demands have been released for payment and that funds are available for these demands. Dated: Rach ile Rickard,Accountant Approved by the City Council at a meeting held July 8, 1997. iMarcia M.Torgerson, City Jerk 00000'7 0 0 9 S S 9 9 -,a@ S@ 9@ .4 @ 0 9 S S V 9 C S S Oh 9 5l S J 9 9 951_3 0 7.1D@ 9 -J S 9 9 S@ @ 1 z n +• •• LI 000 Ll Llu1 '10u 0 CA0 .!-0'l 00Ln, '1C.R'l0-1L` '1-•^"l 'a'lU '1LI I 0 f1Ll LR :,ICI Ul'lU UU'l 1 � V VVV.V VV VVVV\V �:VV V\V V \IV V VV'V V V�!V \VV V VV VVV V VV VV`V�.V 13 .8 xwx ^'OJx= x ^ SS. i {0" max X. C:,m c06. wxw 0 w -Mz9 mxC xG m x07x n VP 1 C:1 1.4 \ A A D A A W WWW W W:,! 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DD DD DD DDDR DD 1-0 C C C C r C C C C C C C I = y -i-1-1 -1-1--I-i -1-f -1-1-1 1 N 000000000000 I n . - 333;3333;33323 I x D D D D D D D D D D D D I- tv N H H N H H N H N N N H ! f0 0003 C3 C70 C) C')C") C')00 1 N I n mmmmmmmmmmmmIW. z z z z z z z z z z z z I 'a - m m m m m m m m m m m m I & 77T;3T77 fiT 21777)T X I H. D D D D D D D DDD D D 1 0 "1 1-1 -1--t-1-I -1-1 1 z -!t7 D m m m m m m m m m m m m I r tJt70d00C0C t7C7C I #h 1 .. 0 0 0 0 C3(7 C7 n C7 C9 n C3 I " - xx.x2 x2 x22x2x ! '9 m m m m m m m.m m m-m m I D -C 9 7 7 T•.7 7. 7•."7;7..7. 7,7•. I D l7 V _. 000014 REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM: A-3 (A-H) • CITY OF ATASCADERO MEETING DATE: 7-8-97 Through: Robert Grogan, Interim City Manager Via: Brady Cherry, Director of Community rvices From: Valerie Humphrey, Staff Assistant SUBJECT: Annual Assessment charges for Street Maintenalnce Districts. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that Council approve the attached resolutions authorizing the annual assessment rate for the following Street Maintenance Districts: 83-1 Lobos Lane 86-1 Falda Avenue 83-2 Sonora/Pinal 86-2 Pinal/Etscarpa 83-3 Maleza Avenue 86-3 Aguila ;Avenue • 84-1 San Fernando 86-4 Cayucos Avenue BACKGROUND: Street surfacing was done in all of these districts under the provisions of the Streets and Highways Code. The estimate of $20.00 per parcel is based upon accomplishing minor maintenance work during the 1997-98 fiscal year. It is required that this special tax rate be established by resolution in order to appear on next year's property tax roll. FISCAL IMPACT: Pursuant to the provisions of these resolutions, all funds received by the City Treasurer from the Tax Collector shall be deposited into funds established for each specific maintenance district. Enclosures: Resolution 50-97 Aguila Avenue Resolution 51-97 Cayucos Avenue Resolution 52-97 Falda Avenue Resolution 53-97 Lobos Lane Resolution 54-97 Maleza Avenue Resolution 55-97 Pinal Avenue Resolution 58-97 San Fernando Rd Resolution 56-97 Sonora/Pinal 000015 RESOLUTION NO. 50-97 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO ESTABLISHING AN ANNUAL ASSESSMENT FOR MAINTENANCE OF CERTAIN IMPROVEMENTS PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF THE IMPROVEMENT ACT OF 1911 (STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE SECTION 5830) FOR MAINTENANCE DISTRICT 86-3 AGUILA AVENUE WHEREAS, The Council has previously approved the formation of Maintenance District 86-3; and WHEREAS, certain street improvements were constructed under the provisions of the Improvement Act of 1911; and WHEREAS, it may be necessary for the City to perform routine maintenance of the improvements constructed within Maintenance District 86-3; and WHEREAS, under the provisions of Section 5830 of the Streets and Highways Code it is the responsibility of the Council to estimate the cost of maintenance in the district during the ensuing year and to fix a special tax rate for .the real property within said maintenance district to raise an amount of money to cover the expense of maintaining said improvements; and WHEREAS, we also find this to be in complaince with Proposition 218. • NOW, THEREFORE IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE Council of the City of Atascadero as follows: Section 1. The above recitals are true and correct. Section 2 . Based on an estimate of the Public Works Director, the Council sets a special tax rate of Twenty Dollars ($20.00) per parcel as identified in the assessment diagram for Maintenance District 86-3, said special tax to cover the expense of maintaining the road and drainage improvements within said district during the ensuing year. Section 3. The adoption of this resolution constitutes a levy of the assessment for the fiscal year commencing the lst day of July, 1997, and ending the 30th day of June, 1998. Section 4. The works of improvement and maintenance performed within Maintenance District 86-3 shall be performed pursuant to law and the County Auditor shall enter on the County Assessment Roll, the amount of the assessment, and said assessment shall then be collected at he same time and in the same manner as the County taxes are collected. After collection by said County, the net amount of the assessment shall be paid to the City Treasurer of the City. 000016 Resolution No. 50-97 Page two Section 5. The City Treasurer shall place all monies collected by the Tax Collector into the special fund known as "City of Atascadero Maintenance District 86-3 Aguila Avenue" pursuant to the provisions of this resolution and law, and said transfer shall be made and accomplished as soon as said monies have been made available to the City Treasurer. Section 6. The City Clerk is hereby ordered and directed to file a certified copy of this resolution with the County Auditor upon its adoption. Section 7. The City Clerk is hereby further ordered and directed to file a certified copy of this resolution with the County Tax Collector upon its adoption. Section 8. Any parcels or lots of land known as public property, as the same is defined in Section 22663 of Division 15, . Part 2 of the Streets and Highways Code, which are included within the boundaries of the District shall be omitted and exempt from any assessment made under these proceedings. On motion by Councilmember and seconded by Councilmember , the foregoing Resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ADOPTED: ATTEST: CITY OF ATASCADERO MARCIA TORGERSON, City Clerk RAY JOHNSON, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: ROY A. HANLEY, City Attorney 000017 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FOR ROLL YEAR 1997/98 FUND: 1802 - ATAS AGUILA AV M/D ASSESSMENT NO. ASSESSMENT AMOUNT 030,321,010 20.00 031,012, 016 20.00 031, 012,020 20. 00 031,012,004 20.00 031, 012, 017 20.00 TOTAL AMOUNT $100.00 000018 RESOLUTION NO. 51-97 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO ESTABLISHING AN ANNUAL ASSESSMENT FOR MAINTENANCE OF CERTAIN IMPROVEMENTS PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF THE IMPROVEMENT ACT OF 1911 (STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE SECTION 5830) FOR MAINTENANCE DISTRICT 86-4 CAYUCOS AVENUE WHEREAS, The Council has previously approved the formation of Maintenance District 86-4; and WHEREAS, certain street improvements were constructed under the provisions of the Improvement Act of 1911; and WHEREAS, it may be necessary for the City to perform routine maintenance of the improvements constructed within Maintenance District 86-4; and WHEREAS, under the provisions of Section 5830 of the Streets and Highways Code it is the responsibility of the Council to estimate the cost of maintenance in the district during the ensuing year and to fix a special tax rate for the real property within said maintenance district to raise an amount of money to .cover the expense of maintaining said improvements; and WHEREAS, we also find this to be in compliance with Proposition 218. NOW, THEREFORE IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE Council of the City of Atascadero as follows: Section 1. The above recitals are true and correct. Section 2. Based on an estimate of the Public Works Director, the Council sets a special tax rate of Twenty Dollars ($20. 00) per parcel as identified in the assessment diagram for Maintenance District 86-4, said special tax to cover the expense of maintaining the road and drainage improvements within said district during the ensuing year. Section 3 . The adoption of this resolution contstitutes'a levy of the assessment for the fiscal year commencing the 1st day of July, 1997, and ending the 30th day of June, 1998. ' Section 4 . The works of improvement and maintenance performed within Maintenance District 86-4 shall be performed pursuant to law and the County Auditor shall enter on the County Assessment Roll, the amount of the assessment, and said assessment shall then be collected at he same time and in the same manner'; as the County taxes are collected. After collection by said County, the net amount of the assessment shall be paid to the City Treasurer of the City. 000019 Resolution No. 51-97 Page two Section 5. The City Treasurer shall place all monies collected by the Tax Collector into the special fund known as "City of Atascadero Maintenance District 86-4 Cayucos Avenue" pursuant to the provisions of this resolution and law, and said transfer shall be made and accomplished as soon as said monies have been made available to the City Treasurer. Section 6. The City Clerk is hereby ordered and directed to file a certified copy of this resolution with the County Auditor upon its adoption. Section 7. The City Clerk is hereby further ordered and directed to file a certified copy of this resolution with the County Tax Collector upon its adoption. Section 8. Any parcels or lots of land known as public property, as the same is defined in Section 22663 of Division 15, Part 2 of the Streets and Highways Code, which are included within the boundaries of the District shall be omitted and exempt from any assessment made under these proceedings. On motion by Councilmember and seconded by Councilmember , the foregoing Resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ADOPTED: ATTEST: CITY OF ATASCADERO MARCIA TORGERSON, City Clerk RAY JOHNSON, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: ROY A. HANLEY, City Attorney 000020 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FOR ROLL YEAR 1997/98 FUND: 1084 - ATAS CAYUCOS M/D ASSESSMENT NO. ASSESSMENT AMOUNT 029,212, 011 20.00 029,212, 013 20. 00 029,212, 023 20.00 029,261,007 20.00 029,261,014 20.00 029,261,019 20.00 ' 029,212,012 20.00 029,212,015 20.00 029, 261,001 20.00 029,261,012 20.00 029,261, 017 20.00 TOTAL AMOUNT $220. 00 000021 RESOLUTION NO. 52-97 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO ESTABLISHING AN ANNUAL ASSESSMENT FOR MAINTENANCE OF CERTAIN IMPROVEMENTS PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF THE IMPROVEMENT ACT OF 1911 (STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE SECTION 5830) FOR MAINTENANCE DISTRICT 86-1 FALDA AVENUE WHEREAS, The Council has previously approved the formation of Maintenance District 86-1; and WHEREAS, certain street improvements were constructed under the provisions of the Improvement Act of 1911; and WHEREAS, it may be necessary for the City to perform routine maintenance of the improvements constructed within Maintenance District 86-1; and WHEREAS, under the provisions of Section 5830 of the Streets and Highways Code it is the responsibility of, the Council to estimate the cost of maintenance in the district during the ensuing year and to fix a special tax rate for the real property within said maintenance district to raise an amount of money to cover the expense of maintaining said improvements; and WHEREAS, we also find this to be in compliance with Proposition 218. NOW, THEREFORE IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE Council of the City of Atascadero as follows: Section 1. The above recitals are true and correct. Section 2 . Based on an estimate of the Public Works Director, the Council sets a special tax rate of Twenty Dollars ($20. 00) per parcel as identified in the assessment diagram for Maintenance District 86-1, said special tax to cover the expense of maintaining the road and drainage improvements within said district during the ensuing year. Section 3 . The adoption of this resolution constitutes"a levy of the assessment for the fiscal year commencing the 1st day of July, 1997 and ending the 30th day of June, 1998. Section 4. The works of improvement and maintenance performed within Maintenance District 86-1 shall be performed pursuant to law and the County Auditor shall enter on the County Assessment Roll, the amount of the assessment, and said assessment'> shall then be collected at he same time and in the same manner', as the County taxes are collected. After collection by said County, the net amount of the assessment shall be paid to the City Treasurer of the City. s I 00002 Resolution No. 52-97 Page two Section 5. The City Treasurer shall place all monies collected by the Tax Collector into the special fund known as "City of Atascadero Maintenance District 86-1 Falda Avenue" pursuant to the provisions of this resolution and law, and said transfer shall be made and accomplished as soon as said monies have been made available to the City Treasurer. Section 6. The City Clerk is hereby ordered and directed to file a certified copy of this resolution with the County Auditor upon its adoption. Section 7. The City Clerk is hereby further ordered and directed to file a certified copy of this resolution with the County Tax Collector upon its adoption. Section 8. Any parcels or lots of land known as public property, as the same is defined in Section 22663 of Division 15, Part 2 of the Streets and Highways Code, which are included within the boundaries of the District shall be omitted and exempt from any assessment made under these proceedings. On motion by Councilmember and seconded by Councilmember , the foregoing Resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ADOPTED: ATTEST: CITY OF ATASCADERO MARCIA TORGERSON, City Clerk RAY JOHNSON, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: ROY A. HANLEY, City Attorney 0000,213 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FOR ROLL YEAR 1997/98 FUND: 1805 - ATAS FALDA RD M/D ASSESSMENT NO. ASSESSMENT AMOUNT 049, 301, 004 20.00 049,301,007 20.00 049,301, 008 20.00 049,301,017 20. 00 049,301, 020 20.00 049, 301, 021 20. 00 049, 302, 001 20. 00 049,302,006 20.00 049, 302,007 20.00 049, 302,010 20.00 049, 302,034 20.00 049, 302, 035 20. 00 TOTAL AMOUNT $240. 00 000024 RESOLUTION NO. 53-97 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO ESTABLISHING AN ANNUAL ASSESSMENT FOR MAINTENANCE OF CERTAIN IMPROVEMENTS PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF THE IMPROVEMENT ACT OF 1911 (STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE SECTION 5830) FOR MAINTENANCE DISTRICT 83-1 LOBOS AVENUE WHEREAS, The Council has previously approved the formation of Maintenance District 83-1; and WHEREAS, certain street improvements were constructed under the provisions of the Improvement Act of 1911; and WHEREAS, it may be necessary for the City to perform routine maintenance of the improvements constructed within Maintenance District 83-1; and WHEREAS, under the provisions of Section 5830 of the Streets and Highways Code it is the responsibility of the Council to estimate the cost of maintenance in the district during the ensuing year and to fix a special tax rate for the real property within said maintenance district to raise an amount of money to cover the expense of maintaining said improvements;and WHEREAS, we also find this to be in compliance with Proposition 218. NOW, THEREFORE IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE Council of the City of Atascadero as follows: Section 1. The above recitals are true and correct. Section 2 . Based on an estimate of the Public Works Director, the Council sets a special tax rate of Twenty Dollars ($20. 00) per parcel as identified in the assessment diagram for Maintenance District 83-1, said special tax to cover the expense'';of maintaining the road and drainage improvements within said district during the ensuing year. Section 3 . The adoption of this resolution constitutes a levy of the assessment for the fiscal year commencing the lst day of July, 1997, and ending the 30th day of June, 1998. Section 4. The works of improvement and maintenance performed within Maintenance District 83-1 shall be performed pursuant to law and the County Auditor shall enter on the County Assessment Roll, the amount of the assessment, and said assessmentshall then be collected at he same time and in the same manner , as the County taxes are collected. After collection by said County, the net amount of the assessment shall be paid to the City Treasurer of the City. 00002- Resolution No. 53-97 Page two Section 5. The City Treasurer shall place all monies collected by the Tax Collector into the special fund known as "City of Atascadero Maintenance District 83-1 Lobos Avenue" pursuant to the provisions of this resolution and law, and said transfer shall be made and accomplished as soon as said monies have been made available to the City Treasurer. Section 6. The City Clerk is hereby ordered and directed to file a certified copy of this resolution with the County Auditor upon its adoption. Section 7. The City Clerk is hereby further ordered and directed to file a certified copy of this resolution with the County Tax Collector upon its adoption. Section 8. Any parcels or lots of land known as public property, as the same is defined in Section 22663 of Division 15, Part 2 of the Streets and Highways Code, which are included within the boundaries of the District shall be omitted and exempt from any assessment made under these proceedings. On motion by Councilmember and seconded by Councilmember , the foregoing Resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ADOPTED: ATTEST: CITY OF ATASCADERO MARCIA TORGERSON, City Clerk RAY JOHNSON, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: ROY A. HANLEY, City Attorney 000026 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FOR ROLL YEAR 1997-98 FUND: 1704 - ATAS LOBOS LN M/D ASSESSMENT NO. ASSESSMENT AMOUNT 029,222, 018 20.00 029,222, 019 20.00 ' 029,222,020 20.00 029,222,021 20. 00 029,222,026 20. 00 ` 029,222,037 20.00' 029,231,001 20. 00 029,231,013 20.00 029,231, 015 20.00 029,231, 016 20. 00 029,272,013 20. 00' 029,272, 016 20. 00 029,272, 023 20. 00 029,272, 024 20. 00 TOTAL AMOUNT $280. 00 000027 RESOLUTION NO. 54-97 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO ESTABLISHING AN ANNUAL ASSESSMENT FOR MAINTENANCE OF CERTAIN IMPROVEMENTS PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF THE IMPROVEMENT ACT OF 1911 (STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE SECTION 5830) FOR MAINTENANCE DISTRICT 83-3 MALEZA 'AVENUE WHEREAS, The Council has previously approved the formation of Maintenance District 83-3; and WHEREAS, certain street improvements were constructed under the provisions of the Improvement Act of 1911; and WHEREAS, it may be necessary for the City to perform routine maintenance of the improvements constructed within Maintenance District 83-3; and WHEREAS, under the provisions of Section 5830 of the Streets and Highways Code it is the responsibility of the Council to estimate the cost of maintenance in the district during the ensuing year and to fix a special tax rate for the real property within said maintenance district to raise an amount of money to cover the expense of maintaining said improvements; and WHEREAS, we also find this to be in compliance with Proposition 218. NOW, THEREFORE IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE Council of the City of Atascadero as follows: Section 1. The above recitals are true and correct. Section 2. Based on an estimate of the Public Works Director, the Council sets a special tax rate of Twenty Dollars ($20.00) per parcel as identified in the assessment diagram for Maintenance District 83-3, said special tax to cover the expenseof maintaining the road and drainage improvements within said district during the ensuing year. Section 3. The adoption of this resolution constitutes a levy of the assessment for the fiscal year commencing the 1st day of July, 1997, and ending the 30th day of June, 1998. ' Section 4. The works of improvement and maintenance performed within Maintenance District 83-3 shall be performed pursuant to law and the County Auditor shall enter on the County Assessment Roll, the amount of the assessment, and said assessment'; shall then be collected at he same time and in the same manner as the County taxes are collected. After collection by said County, the net amount of the assessment shall be paid to the City Treasurer of the City. V0V0tis Resolution No. 54-97 Page two Section 5. The City Treasurer shall place all monies collected by the Tax Collector into the special fund known as "City of Atascadero Maintenance District 83-3 Maleza Avenue" pursuant to the provisions of this resolution and law, and said transfer shall be made and accomplished as soon as said monies have been made available to the City Treasurer. Section 6. The City Clerk is hereby ordered and directed to file a certified copy of this resolution with the County Auditor upon its adoption. Section 7. The City Clerk is hereby further ordered and directed to file a certified copy of this resolution with the County Tax Collector upon its adoption. Section 8. Any parcels or lots of land known as public property, as the same is defined in Section 22663 of Division 15, Part 2 of the Streets and Highways Code, which are included within the boundaries of the District shall be omitted and exempt from any assessment made under these proceedings. On motion by Councilmember and seconded by Councilmember , the foregoing Resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ADOPTED: ATTEST: CITY OF ATASCADERO MARCIA M. TORGERSON, City Clerk RAY JOHNSON, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: ROY A. HANLEY, City Attorney 000029 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FOR ROLL YEAR 1997/98 FUND: 1790 - ATAS MALEZA M/D ASSESSMENT NO. ASSESSMENT AMOUNT 029, 121, 005 20.00 029, 121, 006 20.00 029, 121, 007 20. 00 029, 121, 019 20. 00 029, 121, 020 20. 00 029, 131, 002 20. 00 029, 131, 023 20. 00 029, 131, 025 20.00 029, 131, 026 20.00 TOTAL AMOUNT $180.00 000030 RESOLUTION NO. 55-97 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 'ATASCADERO ESTABLISHING AN ANNUAL ASSESSMENT FOR MAINTENANCE OF CERTAIN IMPROVEMENTS PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF THE IMPROVEMENT ACT OF 1911 (STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE SECTION 5830) FOR MAINTENANCE DISTRICT 86-2 FINAL-ESCARPA AVENUES WHEREAS, The Council has previously approved the formation of Maintenance District 86-2; and WHEREAS, certain street improvements were constructed under the provisions of the Improvement Act of 1911; and, WHEREAS, it may be necessary for the City to perform routine maintenance of the improvements constructed within Maintenance District 86-2; and WHEREAS, under the provisions of Section 5830:. of the Streets and Highways Code it is the responsibility of the Council to estimate the cost of maintenance in the district during the ensuing year and to fix a special tax rate for the real property within said maintenance district to raise an amount of money to cover the expense of maintaining said improvements; and WHEREAS, we also find this to be in compliance with Proposition 218. NOW, THEREFORE IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE Council of the City of Atascadero as follows: Section 1. The above recitals are true and correct. Section 2. Based on an estimate of the Public Works Director, the Council sets a special tax rate of Twenty Dollars ($20. 00) per parcel as identified in the assessment diagram for Maintenance District 86-2, said special tax to cover the expense of maintaining the road and drainage improvements within said district during the ensuing year. Section 3 . The adoption of this resolution constitutes' a levy of the assessment for the fiscal year commencing the 1st day of July, 1997, and ending the 30th day of June, 1998. Section 4 . The works of improvement and maintenance performed within Maintenance District 86-2 shall be performed pursuant to law and the County Auditor shall enter on the County Assessment Roll, the amount of the assessment, and said assessment: shall then be collected at he same time and in the same manner'' as the County taxes are collected. After collection by said County, the net amount of the assessment shall be paid to the City Treasurer of the City. 000031 Resolution No. 55-97 Page two Section 5. The City Treasurer shall place all monies collected by the Tax Collector into the special fund known as "City of Atascadero Maintenance District 86-2 Pinal-Escarpa Avenues" pursuant to the provisions of this resolution and law, and said transfer shall be made and accomplished as soon as said monies have been made available to the City Treasurer. Section 6. The City Clerk is hereby ordered and directed to file a certified copy of this resolution with the County Auditor upon its adoption. Section 7. The City Clerk is hereby further ordered and directed to file a certified copy of this resolution with the County Tax Collector upon its adoption. Section 8. Any parcels or lots of land known as public property, as the same is defined in Section 22663 of Division 15, Part 2 of the Streets and Highways Code, which are included within the boundaries of the District shall be omitted and exempt from any assessment made under these proceedings. On motion by Councilmember and seconded by Councilmember , the foregoing Resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ADOPTED: ATTEST: CITY OF ATASCADERO MARCIA M. TORGERSON, City Clerk RAY JOHNSON, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: ROY A. HANLEY, City Attorney 000032, SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FOR ROLL YEAR 1997/98 FUND: 1083 - ATAS PINAL/ESCARPA ASSESSMENT NO. ASSESSMENT AMOUNT 029,111, 002 20. 00 029, 111,003 20.00 029, 111, 004 20.00 029,111, 005 20.00 029, 111,006 20. 00 029, 111,007 20. 00 029, 111, 008 20.00 TOTAL AMOUNT $140.00 000933 RESOLUTION NO. 56-97 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO ESTABLISHING AN ANNUAL ASSESSMENT FOR MAINTENANCE OF CERTAIN IMPROVEMENTS PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF THE IMPROVEMENT ACT OF 1911 (STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE SECTION 5830) FOR MAINTENANCE DISTRICT 83-2 SONORA/PIN'AL AVENUES WHEREAS, The Council has previously approved the formation of Maintenance District 83-2; and WHEREAS, certain street improvements were constructed under the provisions of the Improvement Act of 1911; and ; WHEREAS, it may be necessary for the City to perform routine maintenance of the improvements constructed within Maintenance District 83-2; and WHEREAS, under the provisions of Section 5830 ', of the Streets and Highways Code it is the responsibility of the Council to estimate the cost of maintenance in the district during the ensuing year and to fix a special tax rate for the real property within said maintenance district to raise an amount of money to cover the expense of maintaining said improvements; and WHEREAS, we also find this to be in compliance with Proposition 218. NOW, THEREFORE IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE Council of the City of Atascadero as follows: Section 1. The above recitals are true and correct. Section 2 . Based on an estimate of the Public Works Director, the Council sets a special tax rate of Twenty Dollars ($20. 00) per parcel as identified in the assessment diagram for Maintenance District 83-2, said special tax to cover the expense of maintaining the road and drainage improvements within said district during the ensuing year. Section 3. The adoption of this resolution constitutes a levy of the assessment for the fiscal year commencing the 1st day of July, 1997, and ending the 30th day of June, 1998. ` Section 4. The works of improvement and maintenance performed within Maintenance District 83-2 shall be performed pursuant to law and the County Auditor shall enter on the County Assessment Roll, the amount of the assessment, and said assessment; shall then be collected at he same time and in the same manner' as the County taxes are collected. After collection by said County, the net amount of the assessment shall be paid to the City Treasurer of the city. j 000034 Resolution No. 56-97 Page two Section 5. The City Treasurer shall place all monies collected by the Tax Collector into the special fund known as "City of Atascadero Maintenance District 83-2 Sonora/Pinal Avenues" pursuant to the provisions of this resolution and law, and said transfer shall be made and accomplished as soon as said monies have been made available to the City Treasurer. Section 6. The City Clerk is hereby ordered and directed to file a certified copy of this resolution with the County Auditor upon its adoption. Section 7. The City Clerk is hereby further ordered and directed to file a certified copy of this resolution with the County Tax Collector upon its adoption. Section 8. Any parcels or lots of land known as public property, as the same is defined in Section 22663 of Division 15, Part 2 of the Streets and Highways Code, which are. included within the boundaries of the District shall be omitted and exempt from any assessment made under these proceedings. On motion by Councilmember and seconded by Councilmember , the foregoing Resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ADOPTED: ATTEST: CITY OF ATASCADERO MARCIA M. TORGERSON, City Clerk RAY JOHNSON, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: ROY A. HANLEY, City Attorney 000035 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FOR ROLL YEAR 1997/98 FUND: 1705 - ATAS SONORA/PINAL ASSESSMENT NO. ASSESSMENT AMOUNT 029, 121,001 20.00 029, 121,002 20.00 029, 121, 003 20. 00 029, 161, 009 20. 00 029, 171,001 20. 00 029, 171, 002 20. 00 029, 171, 003 20. 00 029, 171, 021 20. 00 029, 181, 002 20. 00 029, 181, 005 20.00 029, 181, 006 20.00 029, 181, 016 20.00 029, 181, 040 20.00 029, 181, 041 20.00 029, 181, 045 20.00 029, 181, 046 20.00 029, 181,051 20.00 029, 181,052 20.00 TOTAL AMOUNT $360.00 000036 RESOLUTION NO. 58-97 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO ESTABLISHING AN ANNUAL ASSESSMENT FOR MAINTENANCE OF CERTAIN IMPROVEMENTS PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF THE IMPROVEMENT ACT OF 1911 (STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE SECTION 5830) FOR MAINTENANCE DISTRICT 84-1 SAN FERNANDO ROAD WHEREAS, The Council has previously approved the formation of Maintenance District 84-1; and WHEREAS, certain street improvements were constructed under the provisions of the Improvement Act of 1911; and WHEREAS, it may be necessary for the City to perform routine maintenance of the improvements constructed within Maintenance District 84-1; and WHEREAS, under the provisions of Section 5830 of the Streets and Highways Code it is the responsibility of the Council to estimate the cost of maintenance in the district during the ensuing year and to fix a special tax rate for the real property within said maintenance district to raise an amount of money to cover the expense of maintaining said improvements; and WHEREAS, we also find this to be in compliance with Proposition 218. NOW, THEREFORE IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE Council of the City of Atascadero as follows: Section 1. The above recitals are true and correct. Section 2. Based on an estimate of the Public Works Director, the Council sets a special tax rate of Twenty Dollars ($20. 00) per parcel as identified in the assessment diagram for Maintenance District 84-1, said special tax to cover the expense of maintaining the road and drainage improvements within said district during the ensuing year. Section 3 . The adoption of this resolution constitutes a levy of the assessment for the fiscal year commencing the 1st day of July, 1997, and ending the 30th day of June, 1998 Section 4. The works of improvement and maintenance performed within Maintenance District 84-1 shall be performed pursuant to law and the County Auditor shall enter on the County Assessment Roll, the amount of the assessment, and said assessment shall then be collected at he same time and in the same manner as the County taxes are collected. After collection by said County, the net amount of the assessment shall be paid to the City Treasurer of the City. 00003'7 Resolution No. 58-97 Page two Section 5. The City Treasurer shall place all monies collected by the Tax Collector into the special fund known as "City of Atascadero Maintenance District 84-1 San Fernando Road" pursuant to the provisions of this resolution and law, and said transfer shall be made and accomplished as soon as said monies have been made available to the City Treasurer. Section 6. The City Clerk is hereby ordered and directed to file a certified copy of this resolution with the County Auditor upon its adoption. Section 7. The City Clerk is hereby further ordered and directed to file a certified copy of this resolution with the County Tax Collector upon its adoption. Section 8. Any parcels or lots of land known as public property, as the same is defined in Section 22663 of Division 15, Part 2 of the Streets and Highways Code, which are included within the boundaries of the District shall be omitted and exempt from any assessment made under these proceedings. On motion by Councilmember and seconded by Councilmember , the foregoing Resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ADOPTED: ATTEST: CITY OF ATASCADERO MARCIA M. TORGERSON, City Clerk RAY JOHNSON, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: ROY A. HANLEY, City Attorney 000038 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FOR ROLL YEAR 1997/;98 FUND: 1791 - ATAS SAN FERNANDO ASSESSMENT NO. ASSESSMENT AMOUNT 049,241, 008 20.00 049,241, 012 20. 00 049,241, 030 20.00 049,241, 031 20. 00 049,241, 039 20.00 049,241, 040 20.00 049,251, 036 20. 00 049,251, 037 20. 00 049,251, 038 20.00 049,271, 016 20.00 049,271, 017 20.00 049,271, 020 20. 00 049,271, 021 20. 00 049,271, 022 20. 00 049,281, 001 20.00 049,281,002 20. 00 049,281, 003 20. 00 049,281, 004 20.00 049,281, 005 20.00 049,281, 007 20.00 000039 049,281,008 20.00 049,281,009 20.00 049,281, 010 20.00 049,281,011 20.00 049,281,012 20. 00 050, 051,001 20. 00 050, 051,022 20.00 050,051, 023 20.00 050, 051, 024 20.00 TOTAL AMOUNT $580. 00 000040 REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL MeetinggDate: 7-8-97 . CITY OF ATASCADERO Agenda Item: A-4 Through: Robert Grogan, Interim City Manager via: Brady Cherry, Director of Community Services From: Valerie Humphrey, Staff Assistant SUBJECT• Establishment of No Parking zone on Ramona Road at Del Rio Road. RECOMMENDATION• It is the recommendation of the Traffic Committee that Council adopt Resolution No. 57-97 establishing a No Parking zone on Ramona Road from the intersection with Del Rio Road continuing 250 ' south, as illustrated on Exhibit A to the subject resolution. DISCUSSION• • The roadway in question fronts the city-owned property at the corner of Ramona Road and Del Rio Road. At this location the street is not wide enough to accommodate two lanes '!of traffic and on-street parking. Currently, when vehicles are parked on Ramoha Road, southbound traffic is forced to cross over into the northbound lane. This creates a hazardous traffic situation. Prohibiting on-street parking would eliminate this 'hazard. OPTIONS• 1) Adopt Resolution No. 57-97 2) Deny Resolution No. 57-97 3) Return item to Traffic Committee for further review. FISCAL IMPACT• The cost of these modifications will be approximately $175.00 for painting to be paid out of currently budgeted funds. Attachments: Resolution No. 57-97 000041 RESOLUTION NO. 57-97 RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO DESIGNATING A NO PARKING ZONE ON THE WEST SIDE OF RAMONA ROAD BEGINNING AT THE INTERSECTION WITH DEL RIO ROAD AND CONTINUING 2501 TO THE SOUTH WHEREAS, Section 4-2.1101, et. seq. , of the Atascadero Municipal Code allows the City Traffic Engineer to designate "No Parking" areas, and to place and maintain appropriate signs or markings indicating the same; and WHEREAS, the Traffic Committee has determined that sufficient roadway width does not exist at this location to provide safe traffic movement when on-street parking is allowed; and WHEREAS, eliminating on-street parking will provide for increased traffic safety. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Atascadero directs the City Traffic Engineer to place and maintain appropriate signs or markings as indicated in the attached "Exhibit "A". On motion by Councilmember and seconded by . Councilmember , the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ADOPTED: ATTEST: CITY OF ATASCADERO By MARCIA M. TORGERSON, City Clerk RAY JOHNSON, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: ROY A. HANLEY, City Attorney 000042 t 101 ,gyp o _ 1 V �3 \apo, 1 t "IX. t ,t :D G°_r "" \ 0 yds 50 100 150 200 250 Streets Plus ATASCADERO TRAFFIC COMMITTEE-MAY 1997 caPNtgtt 01988-1996.Morosott Capomon and/or its 94*kers,AN dgtts reserved- Page 1 e 000043 REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL MeetingDate: 7-8-97 • CITY OF ATASCADERO Agenda (item: A-5 Through: Robert Grogan, Interim City Manager Via: Brady Cherry, Director of Community services From: Valerie Humphrey, Staff Assistan SUBJECT: Establishment of a 30 Minute Parking Zone on a portion of Atascadero Mall located adjacent to the Chamber of Commerce office. RECOMMENDATION• The Traffic Committee is recommending that' a portion of Atascadero Mall, as described on the attached ;Resolution, be restricted to 30 minute parking. DISCUSSION• • The Traffic Committee received a request from the Executive Director of the Chamber of Commerce to assist in alleviating a parking situation at the Chamber office. Long term parking along Atascadero Mall eliminates available parking needed for those wishing to visit the Chamber office. The establishment of a 30 Minute Parking Zone along this section of Atascadero Mall will correct this parking problem. OPTIONS• 1) Adopt Resolution No. 60-97 2) Deny Resolution No. 60-97 3) Return item to Traffic Committee for further review. FISCAL IMPACT• The cost of these modifications will be approximately $50.00 to be paid out of currently budgeted funds. Attachments: Resolution No. 60-97 s 000044 RESOLUTION NO. 60-97 RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO . DESIGNATING A 30 MINUTE PARKING ZONE ON THE NORTH SIDE OF ATASCADERO MALL AT THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE OFFICE AS INDICATED ON ATTACHED EXHIBIT A WHEREAS, Section 4-2.1301, et. seq. , of the Atascadero Municipal Code allows the City Traffic Engineet to designate limited time parking areas, and to place and maintain appropriate signs or markings indicating the same; and WHEREAS, the Traffic Committee, at the request of the ' Chamber of Commerce, has studied the parking situation at this location and have determined that establishing a 30 minute parking zone is appropriate. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Atascadero directs the City Traffic Engineer to place and maintain appropriate signs or markings as indicated in the attached "Exhibit "A" . On motion by Councilmember , and seconded by Councilmember , the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ADOPTED: ATTEST: CITY OF ATASCADERO By MARCIA M. TORGERSON, City Clerk RAY JOHNSON, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: ROY A. HANLEY, City Attorney 060045 U.S. ioi Ah �o�o c7 Q a w CHAMBER OF � COMMERCE o M W 0 a O a a � l ,SQA PLANTER EL CAMINO REAL 000046 REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL Meeting;Date: 7-8-97 CITY OF ATASCADERO Agenda Item: A-6 Through: Robert Grogan, Interim City Manager Via: Brady Cherry, Director of Community Services From: Valerie Humphrey, Staff Assistan SUBJECT• Establishment of a crosswalk on Atascadero Avonue at Atascadero Mall. RECOMMENDATION• It is the recommendation of the Traffic Committee that Council adopt Resolution No. 61-97 establishing a crosswalk on Atascadero Avenue at Atascadero Mall as illustrated on Exhibit A to the subject resolution. DISCUSSION• Atascadero Avenue at this location intersects 'with Atascadero Mall between two school sites. The request for a designated crosswalk was received by the Traffic Committee from Mr. Jim Lee, Administrator of the North County Christian School. - While the Traffic Committee usually recommends crosswalks only at signalized intersections, it appears that this location may an exception to the rule. There is heavy pedestrian traffic at this location and it is anticipated that pavement markings will make the crossing more obvious to motorists, OPTIONS: 1) Adopt Resolution No. 61-97 2) Deny Resolution No. 61-97 3) Return item to Traffic Committee for further review. FISCAL IMPACT• The cost of these modifications will be approximately $50 for painting to be paid out of currently budgeted funds. • Attachments: Resolution No. 61-97 i 00004'7 RESOLUTION NO. 61-97 RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO ESTABLISHING A CROSSWALK AT THE INTERSECTION OF ATASCADERO AVENUE AND ATASCADERO MALL WHEREAS, Section 4-2.404, et. seg_ , of the Atascadero Municipal Code allows the City Traffic Engineer to establish crosswalks, and to place and maintain appropriate signs and markings indicating the same; and WHEREAS, the proposed crosswalk is located between two schools in an area of heavy pedestrian traffic; and WHEREAS, the Atascadero Traffic Committee has determined that establishing a crosswalk at this location will improve pedestrian safety. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Atascadero directs the City Traffic Engineer to place and maintain appropriate signs or markings as indicated in the attached "Exhibit All . On motion by Councilmember and seconded by Councilmember the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES ABSENT: ADOPTED: ATTEST: CITY OF ATASCADERO MARCIA M. TORGERSON, City Clerk RAY JOHNSON, MAYOR APPROVED AS TO FORM: ROY A. HANLEY, City Attorney 000048 0Ow x U u � � o o u Hw � 0w z Cub x z ° V c� r w � 8O UCx� 8 � xx ox U x � U ° anuaAV ojapeasuiv 3 000049 . REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL CITY OF ATASCADERO Agenda Item: A-7 Through: Robert F. Grogan Meeting Date: 07/08/97 Interim City Manager File Number: TTM 96013 Via: Steven L. DeCamp Acting Community Development Director From: kDoug Davidson, Senior Planner SUBJECT: Consideration of Final Tract Map #96013 to subdivide two (2 ) lots, 8 . 94 acres total, into eight (8) lots of approximately one acre each for single family residential development. Subject site is located at 3425/3505 El Camino Real (Paul Norton/William & Martha Verheyen) (Denton Peters/Sholders Surveys) . RECOMMENDATION: Accept Final Tract Map #96013 . • BACKGROUND: On November 26, 1996, the City Council considered the above- referenced map on their Consent Calendar. Their City Council approved Tentative Tract Map 96013 based on the Planning Commis- sion's recommendation and the Findings and Conditions of Approval. All conditions have now been met by the applicant and the final map is ready to record. Ph\ Attachment: Tract Map cc: Paul Norton William & Martha Verheyen Doug Sholders Denton Peters 40 000050 ATTACHMENT C 's.+, Ll l Y Ut' AIA`'iC:A I )FIN( TENT. TRACT MAP qpy - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TTM 96013 DEPARTMENT ZZ as ru SO oil i •a I� i � ,: � /• �'- { - �,�.. '-``` � .11 C Via, _ L,,— _j _ i its ,17: j -39 i v' ,r -.Luh `� -_F • , ;—rz, ) 3 i��i i��i 7etrAttiE ww ,�,,,�� •�. ••�• TWIG=w Ceyr, E�L' II��I%I ATASCAUM, `� 000051 • REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM: B-1 CITY OF ATASCADERO MEETING DATE: 7-8-97 Through: Robert Grogan, Interim City Manager Via: Brady Cherry, Community ServicesDi ator From: Valerie Humphrey, Staff Assistan SUBJECT: Addition of Sanitation Service Charges to the 19,97-98 property taxes. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that Council adopt the attached resolution No. 59-97 and Exhibit upon completion of the publics hearing. BACKGROUND: City Ordinance provides for the collection of sewer service charges on the general County tax bills. The charges applied are those as revised by the City Council on June 14, 1994 when, after a Public Hearing, Resolution 56-94 was adopted. The attached resolution has been prepared in accordance with Section 54354.5 of the Government Code to accomplish the necessary collection through the 1997-98 property tax bills. In addition, a Notice of Public Hearing has been published noticing this action. DISCUSSION: The basic area of discussion during the public hearing is whether or not the property owner is responsible for all or any portion of the sewer charge that is listed under the column entitled "amount" on Exhibit "A" . Any questions or concerns received during the public hearing may be referred to staff for resolution in order to ensure compliance with forwarding the approved list to the County Auditor in a timely manner. FISCAL IMPACT: The City will bill approximately $1,400, 000.00 in sanitation service charges for fiscal year 1997-98. Attachments: Resolution No. 59-97 00005A. PUBLIC NOTICE A Public Hearing will be held before the Council of the City of Atascadero to hear comments to or objections regarding the placing of the 1997-98 sanitation service charges on the 1997-98 property tax rolls. Any person interested, including all persons owning property within sewer service boundaries, may appear and be heard as to whether or not the proposed rates and charges are discriminatory, or excessive or will not be sufficient under Section 54515, or will not comply with any other provisions of this chapter, or will not be sufficient under the provisions or covenants of any outstanding revenue bonds of the city payable from the revenues of the enterprise, or on any other matter relating to said proposed resolution or the rates proposed therein. After all comments are addressed it is proposed that the following resolution authorizing the County Auditor to include the sanitation service charges on the property taxes be passed. Said public hearing is to be held before the City Council on Tuesday, July 8, 1997 at 7:00 p.m. or later in the Rotunda Room of the Administration Building, 6500 Palma Avenue, Atascadero, CA. CIA M. TORG RSON, y C er 000053 0 RESOLUTION NO. 59-97 A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO ADOPTING SANITATION SERVICE CHARGES TO BE ADDED TO THE 1997-98 PROPERTY TAX BILLS WHEREAS, Council, after due notice was given in accordance with Section 5473-5473a of the Health and Safety Code has duly held a public hearing concerning the addition of the 1997-98 service charges to the 1997-98 property tax bill; and WHEREAS, at said hearing the attached report marked "Exhibit All containing such charges was duly received by said Council; and WHEREAS, at said public hearing opportunity ;was given for filing objections and protests and for presentation of testimony of other evidence concerning same; and WHEREAS, it is in the public interest that this body adopt the charges and determine and confirm the report presented at the hearing; and WHEREAS, we also find this to be in compliance with Proposition 218 . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Atascadero, as follows: Section 1. That the recitals set forth hereinabove are true, correct and valid. Section 2 . That Council hereby adopts the service charges set forth on the attached report marked "Exhibit All which is hereby expressly incorporated herein by reference ad thoughhere fully set forth; and Council hereby determines and confirms the report containing such charges as set forth in said "Exhibit All and hereby further determines and confirms that each and every 'service charge set forth in said report is true and accurate and is in fact owed. Section 3 . That the charges as so confirmed and determined and adopted shall appear as separate items on the tax bill of each parcel listed in said report, and such charges shall be collected at the same time and in the same manner as ordinary County ad valorem taxes are collected, and are subject to the ''same penalties in the same procedure and sale in case the delinquency is provided for such taxes. Section 4 . The City Clerk shall file a certified copy of this resolution and said Exhibit A with the County Auditor upon its adoption. Section 5. This resolution is approved by at least a two- thirds vote of said Council. 000051 Resolution No. 59-97 page two On motion by Councilperson and seconded by Councilperson the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ADOPTED: ATTEST: CITY OF ATASCADERO MARCIA M. TORGERSON, City Clerk RAY JOHNSON, MAYOR APPROVED AS TO FORM: ROY A. HANLEY, City Attorney 000055 EXHIBIT A Due to the length of this document it will not be reproduced for the agenda. A complete copy of the listing is available in the City Clerk's Office 000056