HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 01/23/1996 FRED ONG ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL THE CITIZ REGULAR MEETING i JANUARY 23, 1996 CITY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING 6500 PALMA AVENUE, 4T" FLOOR ROTUNDA ROOM 7:00 P.M. George Ray George Harold r David Luna Johnson Highland Carden Bewley This agenda is prepared and posted pursuant to the requirements of Government code Section 54954.2. By listing a topic on this agenda, the City Council has expressed its intent to discuss and act on each item. In addition to any action identified in the brief general description of each item, the action that may be taken shall include: A referral to staff with specific requests for information;continuance;specific direction to staff concerning the policy or mission of the item; discontinuance of consideration; authorization to enter into negotiations and execute agreements pertaining to the item; adoption or approval; and, disapproval Copies of the staff reports or other documentation relating to each item of business referred to on the agenda are on file in the office of the City Clerk (Room 208) and in the Information Office (Room 103), available for public inspection during City Hall business hours. The City Clerk will answer any questions regarding the agenda. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in a City meeting of other services offered by this City, please contact the City Manager's Office, (805) 461-5010, or the City Clerk's Office, (805) 461-5074. Notification at least 48 hours prior to the meeting or time when services are needed will assist the City staff in assuring that reasonable arrangements can be made to provide accessibility to the meeting or service. CLOSED SESSION - 6:30 P.M. 14' Floor Club Rm.): 1. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATOR: Agency negotiator: City Manager Employee organizations: Management; Mid-Management/Professional; Fire Captains; Firefighters; Atascadero Sergeants Service Orgn.; Atascadero Police Officers Assoc.; Atascadero Public Safety Technicians Orgn.; Service Employees Intl. Union 2. PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT Title: Police Officer 3. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION Name of case: Greene May, Price Rounds Smith, Sturtridge, Tray, Wilson, Dougherty & Gutmann v. City of Atascadero REGULAR SESSION - 7:00 P.M.: (Please see Rules of Public Participation, back page) CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL COMMUNITY FORUM: (Please see Rules of Public Participation, back page) Deputy City Attorney: Status report on the adult book store (verbal) A. CONSENT CALENDAR: All matters listed under Item A, Consent Calendar, are considered to be routine and will be enacted by one motion in the form listed below. There will be no separate discussion on these items. A member of the Council or public may, by request, have any item removed from the Consent Calendar, which shall then be reviewed and acted upon separately after the adoption of the Consent Calendar. 1. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - December 12, 1995 (City Clerk's recommendation: Approve) 2. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - January 9, 1996 (City Clerk's recommendation: Approve) 3. CITY TREASURER'S REPORT - December, 1995 (City Treasurer's recommendation: Review & accept) 4. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS FOR THE MONTH OF DECEMBER, 1995 (Staff recommendation: Approve) B. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. APPEAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVAL OF C.U.P. 95-008, PROPERTY NEAR INTERSECTION OF TRAFFIC WAY & OLMEDA (Cont'd from 1/9/96) (Recommendations: Planning Commission Deny appeal; Staff- Uphold appeal) 2. ORDINANCE NO. 297 - Urgency ordinance extending the interim ordinance prohibiting adult businesses in certain places, pending consideration of a permanent ordinance for same (Staff recommendation: Adopt- Requires 4/5 vote) 3. SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN A. Resolution No. 02-96 - Approving the Notice of Determination & Negative Declaration for the Siting Element and Summary Plan, as prepared by the S.L.O. County IWMA (Staff recommendation: Adopt) B. Resolution No. 05-96 - Approving the Siting Element & Summary Plan, as prepared by the S.L.O. County IWMA (Staff recommendation: Adopt) 4. 1993 STATE OF CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT, FINAL GRANTEE PERFORMANCE REPORT (Staff recommendation: Accept comments/questions from interested parties) 2 • C. REGULAR BUSINESS: 1. INITIATION OF CITY COUNCIL-GENERATED GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENTS (Oral) (Staff recommendation: Provide staff direction) 2. PROPOSED POLICY FOR ARTS IN PUBLIC PLACES FOR THE CITY OF ATASCADERO (Parks & Recreation Commission/Staff recommendation: Approve Alt. C &provide staff direction) 3. REVIEW STREET LIGHTS IN THE DOWNTOWN AREA AND DISCUSS POTENTIAL POLICY DEVELOPMENT (Staff recommendation: Provide staff direction) 4. APPOINTMENT OF PLANNING COMMISSIONER TO ECONOMIC ROUND TABLE (Staff recommendation: Appoint one member from Planning Commission)(Verbal) 5. ORDINANCE NO. 296 - Amending Planned Development Overlay Zone No. 10 with respect to the master plan of development and allowable uses affecting certain real property located at 5000, 5020, 5040 and 5060 Marchant Ave. (ZC #95012: Gear- hart) (Staff recommendation: Adopt Ord. No. 296 on second reading by title only) D. COMMITTEE REPORTS (The following represent standing committees. Informative status reports will be given, as felt necessary.): 1. S.L.O. Council of Governments/S.L.O. Regional Transit Authority 2. City/School Committee 3. County Water Advisory Board/Nacimiento Water Purveyors Advisory Group 4. Economic Round Table 5. Finance Committee 6. Air Pollution Control District 7. North County Council 8. Ad Hoc Regional Water Management Committee 9. Integrated Waste Management Authority E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION: 1. City Council 2. City Attorney 3. City Clerk 4. City Treasurer 5. City Manager 3 RULES OF PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: The City Council welcomes and encourages your ideas and comments as a citizen. To increase the effectiveness of your participation, please familiarize yourself with the following rules of decorum: O Members of the audience may speak on any item on the agenda, in the order the item(s) are addressed by the Council, as directed by the Mayor. Items not on the agenda should be submitted during the Community Forum period (see below). O Persons wishing to speak should step to the podium and state their name and address, for the official record. O All remarks shall be addressed to Council, as a whole, and not to any individual member thereof. O No person shall be permitted to make slanderous, profane or personal remarks against any elected official, commissions and staff. O A person may speak for five (5) minutes. O No one may speak for a second time until everyone wishing to speak has had an opportunity to do so, and no one may speak more than twice on any item. O Council Members may question any speaker; the speaker may respond but, after the allotted time has expired, may not initiate further discussion. O The floor will then be closed to public participation and open for Council discussion. COMMUNITY FORUM: O The Community Forum period is provided to receive comments from the public on matters other than scheduled agenda items. O A maximum of 30 minutes will be allowed for Community Forum, unless Council authorizes an extension. O State law does not allow the Council to take action on issues not on the agenda; staff may be asked to follow up on such items. Agenda Item: A-t Meeting Date: 1/23/96 ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL DECEMBER 12, 1995 MINUTES CLOSED SESSION: The City met in Closed Session at 6:30 p.m. for purposes of discussions pertaining to: 1. Conference With Legal Counsel - Discuss possible initiation of litigation: One (1) potential case 2. Conference with Real Property Negotiator: Property: 9085 Morro Road Negotiating Parties: Brown / City of Atascadero Under negotiation: Price and terms of payment • Closed Session was adjourned at 6.58 p.m. The City Council gave direction to counsel and the property negotiator. REGULAR SESSION: The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. Councilperson Johnson led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: Present: Councilmembers Bewley, Carden, Johnson, Luna and Mayor Highland Absent: None Also Present: Rudy Hernandez, City Treasurer and Lee Price, City Clerk Staff Present: Andy Takata, City Manager; Steve DeCamp, City Planner; Art Montandon, City Attorney; Brady Cherry, Director of Community Services; Brad Whitty, Finance Director; Bud McHale, Police Chief and John Neil, Assistant City Engineer COUNCIL COMMENTS: The Mayor announced that the second meeting in December was officially canceled due to the holidays. CC 12/12/95 Page 1 • SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS: The Mayor proclaimed the month of December 1995 as "EOC 301' Anniversary Month" and presented the proclamation to Jody Smith of the Economic Opportunity Commission (EOC). The Mayor presented plaques of appreciation to Milton Souza, Food 4 Less Manager, for outstanding support of the Charles Paddock Zoo. COMMUNITY FORUM: Tom Austin, 10780 EI Camino Real, spoke on behalf of Citizens Against Pornography, turned in additional pages of an opinion poll with 534 more signatures of area residents and business persons who are opposed to the opening of an adult bookstore in Atascadero. Joyce Zimmerman, 5225 Lomitas Road, said she was concerned about the color and height of the new lamp poles installed around the Lake. She commented that they are too tall and the color is not harmonious with the natural beauty of the Lake. Ray Jansen, 6655 Country Club Drive, shared a letter to the editor of the Atascadero News regarding recent traffic fatalities on Highway 46 East and shared his concern about the lack of funding for highway and driver safety. He also added that the realignment of Highway 41 is a foolish expense. CONSENT CALENDAR: Mayor Highland read the Consent Calendar as follows: 1. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - November 14, 1995. (City Clerk's Recommendation: Approve) 2. CITY TREASURER'S REPORT - September, 1995 (City Treasurer's Recommendation: Review and Accept) 3. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS FOR THE MONTH OF OCTOBER, 1995 (Staff Recommendation: Approve) 4. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS FOR THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER, 1995 (Staff Recommendation: Approve) 5. RESOLUTION NO. 111-95 - Authorizing the Atascadero Police Department to participate in a multi-agency DUI Enforcement/Education Grant (Staff Recommendation: Adopt) 6. RESOLUTION NO. 113-95 - Authorizing the execution of a Memorandum of Understanding with San Luis Obispo County for participation in the San Luis Obispo Operational area Organization for Disaster Response (Staff Recommendation: Adopt) CC 12/12/95 Page 2 MOTION: By Councilman Luna, seconded by Councilman Johnson; motion passed 5.0 by roll call vote. B. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 95004, 8295 MARCHANT - Request to divide a 1 .13 parcel into two lots of 0.50 and 0.55 net acres each for single-family residential use (Bernard/Shoulders) (Planning Commission Recommendation: Approve) Steve DeCamp provided the staff report. Questions and comments followed regarding the lot sizes and exceptions to the subdivision ordinance as approved by the Planning Commission. Councilman Luna asserted that he was not willing to make any of the four findings required to approve the project. Public Comments: Douglas Shoulders, representing the applicant, spoke in support of the application. He remarked that the property is ideal for building and 90% of the neighbors are for it. James Watson, adjacent property owner, stated that he supports the lot split. ---end of testimony--- MOTION: By Councilman Carden, seconded by Councilman Johnson to approve the tentative map. Discussion: Councilman Luna indicated that his concern was not about being for or against the proposed subdivision, but whether or not the City Council will follow approved development standards. Mayor Highland remarked that he was having difficulty with the calculations and the fact that they include the driveway. He added that if standards seem unreasonable to the public, they should seek action to change zoning, not make exceptions to the subdivision ordinance. Vote on the motion: The motion to approve the tentative parcel map passed 3:2 (Highland and Luna voting in opposition). C. REGULAR BUSINESS: 1. RESOLUTION NO. 114-95 - Declaring the corridor between the High School and the Junior High School a "Drug-Free Zone" (Parks & Recreation Commission/Staff Recommendation: Adopt) Brady Cherry provided the staff report and recommendation. He noted that action to adopt would require staff to come back with revisions to the City's current sign ordinance. Council questions followed. Mayor Highland commented that he would like to see additional signs at the High School. CC 12/12/95 Page 3 Public Comments: Joyce Zimmerman asserted that the proposed action would do very little good and Y p p rY questioned why the City was not declaring the entire City drug-free. Chuck Wilbur, Principal Junior High, pointed out that there are 3,000 students in the corridor and explained that because of its visibility, students are greatly at-risk. He also thanked the Police Department for increased patrol and commended the efforts of the School Resource/D.A.R.E. officers. Speaking in favor of the proposed resolution and urging approval were residents Judy Hotelling, Tom Austin, Bill Zimmerman, Duane Burbach and Terry Denning. ---end of testimony--- Andy Takata reported that City staff will request, through the courts, action to strengthen and stiffen laws dealing with selling drugs to children. He noted that the proposed signage will provide additional weight in the courts of law. Councilman Johnson emphasized that he hopes the program will be effective and commented that it will take more than just signs to address the problem. Mayor Highland agreed and noted that while this may be the first step, parents will need to get involved. MOTION: By Councilman Luna, seconded by Councilman Johnson to adopt Resolution No. 114-95. Discussion on the motion: Councilman Carden commented that he, too, hopes to see public participation and stressed that signs atone won't solve the problem. Vote on the motion: Motion to adopt passed 5:0 by roll call vote. 2. RESOLUTION NO. 110-95 - Amending the City's facilities, policies, procedures and fees (Parks & Recreation Commission recommendation: Adopt) Brady Cherry provided the staff report and summarized revisions to the policy. He responded to brief questions from Council concerning the collection of a cleaning deposit and cleaning services at the Lake Park Pavilion. Mr. Cherry reported that it has become necessary to provide more thorough cleaning than what is covered by deposits paid for by the users and indicated that additional cleaning is informally contracted for on an event-by-event basis at this time. Staff speculates that contract services will be required in the future. Public Comments: Rush Kolemaine, 4850 Potrero, asked if there are fees for non-resident use. Brady Cherry explained that there are discounts for resident use of facilities under the Class B category and added that non-residents pay an additional surcharge for program activities. CC 12/12/95 Page 4 activities. MOTION: By Councilman Luna, Councilman Carden to adopt Resolution No. 110-95; motion passed 5.0 by roll call vote. 3. INITIATION OF GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENTS (Staff Recommendation: Provide staff direction) At staff's request, this matter was continued until the next meeting. 4. IMPLEMENTATION STATUS OF AD HOC DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE'S RECOMMENDATION Steve DeCamp summarized staff's review of the recommendations of the Ad Hoc Development Review Committee. He noted that the low-cost and no-cost recommendations have already been implemented and explained that those recommendations requiring allocations by the City Council have been set aside for the time being until the City is in better financial condition. Council comments followed. Councilman Carden commented that he would like to see staff develop a plan for the implementation of recommendations and projections relevant to cost and timelines. Steve DeCamp indicated that staff could bring back an analysis as part of the budget review process and noted that it would require adjustments in the present work plan for the department. Councilman Johnson spoke to the issue of commercial and retail permits and questioned whether there had been any thought given to making them easier to issue. Steve DeCamp noted that presently there are 25-30 permits issued over the counter each week. Councilman Luna commented that he did not support Councilman Carden's suggestion to develop an implementation plan because it would defeat the purpose of streamlining processes and result in additional expenditures. In addition, he noted concern relative to Recommendation #1-B-2 (preliminary title reports) and asked how the public would be notified. Steve DeCamp remarked that this recommendation has been referred to the zoning ordinance re-write and explained that it is anticipated that a form will be developed to cover this issue. Councilman Bewley spoke in favor of keeping the committee active and suggested that it continue meeting at least once a year. As a committee member, he noted that he would be willing to continue serving on the committee. By consensus, the City Council agreed to keep the committee active. Discussion ensued regarding Councilman Carden's recommendation to devise a work plan. Mayor Highland spoke in support of directing staff to come back with recommendations for establishing priorities. Councilman Johnson agreed, adding that it is important to set priorities and develop timelines. By mutual consent of the Council, the matter was referred to the Ad Hoc Committee for selecting the top three priority recommendations for CC 12/12/95 Page 5 implementation. Once done, staff was directed to estimate related cost and . timelines. 5. STATUS REPORT ON THE FORMATION OF THE LINDA VISTA AVENUE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT (Staff Recommendation: Receive and File) John Neil provided the staff recommendation to terminate City assistance with the proposed formation. Questions followed regarding estimated costs. Public Comments: Lindsey Hampton, Alta Vista resident spoke on behalf of Lee McDaniels who is against the district. She reported that the neighbors have pulled their financial resources and in an effort to temporarily improve the road. John Atherstone, Loma Vista resident, commented that he and his wife want to see the road brought up to City standards and included in the City-maintained system. He requested that staff be directed to go the next step and get a better estimate of the costs so that the residents will know more precisely how it will affect them. ---end of testimony--- Councilman Johnson recommended that staff prepare the necessary estimates so that the residents may make an informed decision. By Council consensus, staff was directed to go the next step and prepare a more detailed cost estimate. 6. CENTRAL COAST REGIONAL MARKETING TEAM - Discuss City's involvement (Staff Recommendation: Provide staff direction) Andy Takata reported that the City had received an invitation to support and participate in the Central Coast Regional Marketing Team. Council comments followed. Mayor Highland asserted that he cannot see any advantage in joining when there are no other San Luis Obispo County cities involved. Councilman Johnson spoke in favor pointing out that the program will focus on business retention and expansion. Councilmembers Luna and Carden also supported participation because of potential long-range benefits. Councilman Luna commented that he would like to know what long-term costs may be involved. Andy Takata indicated that staff would research the matter. Public Comments: Rush Kolemaine urged the Council to support the program and endeavor to acquire the City's share of promotion. He suggested that the program be reviewed on an annual basis. • ---end of testimony--- CC 12/12/95 Page 6 MOTION: By Councilman Johnson, seconded by Councilman Luna to join for this year and analyze in one year; motion carried 5.0 by roll call vote. 7. PROPOSAL FROM CRAWFORD, MULTARI & STARR FOR PRELIMINARY ASSESSEMENT OF REDEVELOPMENT POTENTIAL IN ATASCADERO (Staff Recommendation: Provide staff direction) Steve DeCamp provided the staff report and recommendation to authorize an agreement with Crawford, Multari & Starr for the preparation of an assessment of potential for re-development. Brief questions followed regarding costs. Public Comments: Rush Kolemaine spoke in favor of the recommendation and encouraged a positive vote. ---end of testimony--- MOTION: By Councilman Carden, seconded by Councilman Johnson to authorize the City Manager to enter into an agreement with Crawford, Multari & Starr for planning services; motion passed 5.0 by roll call vote. D. COMMITTEE REPORTS (the following represent standing committees. Informative status reports were given, as follows): 1. San Luis Obispo Council of Governments (COG)/Regional Transit Authority - Councilman Carden reported that, during a special meeting, COG reviewed revisions to the State Constitution and announced that all elected officials will soon be receiving copies of the proposed revisions. He also announced that there will be a special meeting regarding LafCO on Saturday, January 20, 1996. 2. City/School Committee - Andy Takata reported on the meeting of December 14, 1995. He indicated that Jim McGill has met with the PTA presidents, who have expressed that they are pleased with the progress of the Routes to Schools program, and further input is expected from the schools to continue future phases. He also noted that discussion ensued regarding pending sewer assessments charges in arrears and noted that considerable strides were made. 3. Nacimiento Water Purveyors Advisory Group - Mayor Highland announced that this group would meet on the 14P of December. 4. Economic Round Table - Councilmember Johnson reported that the Round Table meet w wouldte h following o . daY 5. Ad Hoc Water Regional Management Committee - Mayor Highland reported that the committee had met Wednesday, December 6, 1995 to compile information relating to current water usage in the North County, twenty year estimates and CC 12/12/95 Page 7 total water resources available. He noted that the information is being put together for distribution. 6. Air Pollution Control District - Mayor Highland commented that the APCD would meet the following day and requested input on an agenda item relating to the revised Clean Air Plan. He noted that he was concerned that Appendix E may, if approved, violate the City's General Plan and explained that he was considering voting in opposition to it. By mutual consent, Mayor Highland was directed to vote in a manner that supports the Atascadero General Plan and go on record in opposition to any measure that would violate it. E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION: 1. City Council Mayor Highland reported that he had been appointed to represent the Channel Counties Division of the League of California Cities by serving on the Housing, Community and Economic Development Policy Committee. Councilman Johnson extended congratulations to the Atascadero High School Football Team for their recent C.I.F. win. Mayor Highland pointed out that there would be special recognition of the team on the steps of the Administration Building on Thursday, December 14' at 3:30 p.m. 2. City Attorney Art Montandon announced that the had been appointed to serve as a member of the City Attorney's Department of the League Committee on Insurance Coverage and Tort Liability. 3. City Clerk Lee Price announced that she had been appointed to represent the City Clerks Department of the League on the Environmental Quality Policy Committee. She noted that expenses would be paid by the City Clerks Association of California. 4. City Treasurer Rudy Hernandez reported that he is currently in the process of putting together a progress report on his activities and announced that he would be in his office from 10:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, December 14, 1995. 5. City Manager Andy Takata provided an overview of the next meeting's agenda and reminded the Council of the employee holiday luncheon to be held on December 1 Wh THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED AT 9:50 P.M. THE NEXT MEETING OF THE ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL WILL BE TUESDAY, JANUARY 9, 1996. CC 12/12/95 Page 8 Agenda Item: A-1 Meeting Date: 1/23/96 * .NOTICE: THE MINUTES FROM THE CITY COUNCIL'S DECEMBER 12, 1995, MEETING WERE NOT AVAILABLE AT THE TIME OF AGENDA PREPARATION AND WILL BE DISTRIBUTED SEPARATELY. Agenda Item: A-2 Meeting Date: 1/23/96 * NOTICE: THE MINUTES FROM THE CITY COUNCIL'S JANUARY 9, 1996, MEETING WERE NOT AVAILABLE AT THE TIME OF AGENDA PREPARATION AND WILL BE DISTRIBUTED SEPARATELY. i 46PORT TO CITY COUNCIL TY OF ATASCADERO Agenda Item: A-3 Through: Rudy Hernandez, City Treasurer Meeting Date: 1/23/96 From: Brad Whitty, Finance Director SUBJECT: Treasurer's Report - December, 1995 RE COWIENDAT I ON: Council review and accept. Attachment: Treasurer' s Report, December, 1995 • 000001 CITY OF ATASCADERO TREASURER'S REPORT FOR THE MONTH O DECEMBER, 1995 (UNAUDITED) • GENERAL FISCAL ACCOUNT INVESTMENTS AGENT TOTAL BEGIN. BALANCE 417,930 4,476,322 517,010 5,411,262 RECEIPTS 1,921,707 0 58,757 1,980,464 DISBURSEMENTS -1,015,129 0 0 -1,015,129 TRANSFERS IN 0 900,000 0 900,000 TRANSFERS OUT -900,000 0 0 -900,000 OTHERS 0 0 0 0 ENDING BALANCE 424,508 5,376,322 575,767 6,376,597 DEPOSITS IN TRANSIT 39'842 CHECKS OUTSTANDING -273,587 ADJUSTMENTS -4,033.00 ADJUSTED TREASURER'S BALANCE $6,138,819 C ATASCADERO RU HER AND • City Tre rer 000002 ALL FUNDS-GENERAL ACCOUNTIIlVVESTMENT RESERVED UNRESERVED CASH (1) CA_ SH(2) FUNDS General Fund Pooled Cash $807,686 Gas Tax Fund Pooled Cash 6,035 Development Fee Pooled Cash 9,407 Donations Pooled Cash 2,778 A.D.#4-Reserve Pooled Cash 43,013 0 Zoo Enterprise Pooled Cash -14,107 Camino Real Reserve 4,685 92 St.A.D.Resrv.Pooled Cash 45 Payroll Trust Pooled Cash 18,316 TRAN Repayment Pooled Cash 366 94 CDBG Pooled Cash 29,045 93 STBG-688 Pooled Cash 12,533 95 CDBG Block Grant 31,289 93 EDBG-268 Pooled Cash 990 DialA-Ride Pooled Cash 71,769 Wastewater Fund Pooled Cash 1,602,267 Lake Park Pavil.Pooled Cash -30,835 Aquatics Pooled Cash -19,016 Recreation Pooled Cash -64,400 Tree Plant Fund Pooled Cash 30,298 Tree Assn.Fund Pooled Cash -239 Sidewalk Trust Pooled Cash 41,781 Emergency Services Pooled Cash -9,160 Police Training Pooled Cash -10,821 Weed Abatement Pooled Cash 31,104 A.D.#3 Redemptn.Pooled Cash 7,779 A.D.#4 Redemptn.Pooled Cash 42,171 A.D.#5 Redemptn.Pooled Cash -2,849 Camino Real Redempt.Pooled Cash 23,830 92 Street A.D.Redemptn.Pooled Cash 38,071 Santa Ana A.D.#7 -938 89 COP Debt Svc.Pooled Cash 2,448 Capital Project Pooled Cash -63,136 Pol.Dev.Fees Pooled Cash 12,711 Fire Dev.Fees Pooled Cash 55,728 P&R Dev.Fees Pooled Cash 87,402 Drain.Dev.Fees Pooled Cash 337,035 Amapoa-Tec.Fee Pooled Cash 210,973 Public Works Pooled Cash 20,571 St.Main.Dist.Pooled Cash 42,140 TDA Non-Transit Pooled Cash 31,237 Sewer Facilities Capital 2,036,680 Camino Real Const.Pooled Cash 15,952 Las Encinas Const.Pooled Cash 16,429 3-F Meadows Const.Pooled Cash 13,332 Santa Rosa A.D.#7 Pooled Cash 50,027 TOTAL ALL FUNDS $196,830 $5,366,222 CASH WITH FISCAL AGENT Camino Real Resr.Cash 202,766 92 St.A.D.Resvr.Cash 45,685 Wastewater Fund Cash 71,214 Camino Real Redem,Cash 33 92 St.A.D.Redm.Cash 115 89 COP Debt Serv.Cash 255,954 TOTAL WITH FISCAL AGENT $575,767 TOTAL OF ALL CASH $6,138,819 000003 INVESTMENTS TIME DEPOSITS CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT, SAVINGS, AND LOCAL AGENCY INVESTMENT FUND 12/31/95 INTEREST TIME DEPOSITS: AMOUNT RECEIVED Orange County Investment Pool/TRAN $ -0- $1, 609 (6) Orange County Investment Pool -0- 51, 206 (6) Local Agency Investment Fund - Reg. 5, 376, 322 143, 600 Local Agency Investment Fund - TRAN -0- (3) TOTAL TIME DEPOSITS $5, 376, 322 196, 415 Mid-State Interest Received 5, 118 TOTAL INTEREST RECEIVED $201, 533 (5) Notes : (1) Reserved Fund Cash is specified for City debt service. (2) Unreserved Fund cash can be used for normal operations of the City. (3) The City must repay a $1, 210, 000. The City must set aside $639,000 in January and again in June to repay the TRAN due on July 3, 1996. (4) December, 1995 interest yields were as follows: Orange County Not available LAIF 5. 810 Mid-State 4 . 66% (5) This is actual amount deposited to City accounts and does not reflect interest amounts accrued but not received. Also not included above are interest amounts earned in Fiscal Agent or County accounts, which are used for bond retirement purposes. (6) On December 6th, Orange County filed a Chapter 9 bankruptcy tcY with the for Th recognized 1 f $1, 155, 283.04 on the OCIP o courts. e Cit reco ed a loss o Y g the 1994-95 fiscal year. The City is attempting to recover the principal plus interest through a lawsuit filed against the OCIP. The interest received above is post-petition interest for the period from December 1, 1994 through July 20, 1995. 000004 REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL Meeting Date: 01/23/96 CITY OF ATASCADERO Agenda Item: A-4 Through : Andy Takata, City Manager From: Bradford Whitty, Finance Director SUBJECT: Payment of Audited Bills and Payroll for the month of December, 19x5 . RECOMMENDATION: Approve certified City accounts payable, payroll and payroll vendor checks for the month of December, 1995 . Attached , for City Council review and approval , are the following: A. Payroll Period End 12/08/95 Ck . #24019-24191 139,178.53 Period Enc_! 12/22/95 Ck. #24216-24346 125 ,658.49 B. Special Payroll Dated 12/15/95 Ck . #24200 110.75 Dated 12/27/95 Ck . #24266 VOID (523.88) Dated 12/27/95 Ck . #24365 736.89 Dated 12/29/95 Ck. #24368-24369 351 .05 C. Payroll Vendors Dated 12/16/95 (Nov M/E)Ck . #24193-24199 33,466.76 Dated 12,/26/95 Ck. #24203-24213 33,644.25 Dated 12/28/95 Ck . #24348-24364 64,514.99 • Dated 12/29/95 Ck. #24371-24374 228.47 Dated 12/31 /95 Ck. #24376-24380 33 ,249.83 D. Accounts Payable Dated 12/29/95 Ck. #51866-52836 522 ,975 .34 The undersigned certifies that the attached demands have been released for payment in the total amount of $953,591 .47 and that funds are available for thes de a � . Dated: BRAD D WH TTY, Financ irector Approved by the City Council at a meeting held January 23 , 1996 . LEE PRICE, City Clerk 000005 ••+ R Q I '.1 >-O z Y-:4 'L'" L Y 'L 'L Y`L Y''! Y '4 z'e Y'L ie G 'e Y G i4" Y Y'L Y'L''! `G 'L Y Y:4'L 14 GL @ OF 'r iG $LL QUUUU UUUUUUUUUUL'U UUUUUU UUUUUU UUUUUU UUL' UUL: UU @ }•Q F UCL MWW W WWW W WW WW WWWW WWW WWW WWW_LJUWWWULLfWW WWWWWW u iL i t: J SSSS iSSsSS32 SST TS - SST - S_ STTT=-' TSS T-rTT '-y i CL AJW 67UUUU UUUUUULUUUUU UUUUUUUUUULU UUUUUUUUUUUU UL 1 3 F H¢> @ Y . 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Y 0 PT 0, 0, a PS wS0GSa SS S•-I .•+� .+.-+.r--I.-•I.-i HNCJNCJNNNNNCJMMMInmM."i \ \ r u-1 1 NNNNNN NO ODuMMMt)MCD Wal WXCO '.X MCO S.XCDC^.'7i M WLDW WOOD WOOD Mo x (r.WO .+-•+ L W £ i NfvaC•iNNNC-4r,; N t4 N!, N(% NNNC: N ^LNC: Cl.N(% cv '`+^.)NNNKalINCl.frNNCl.fl NNN 9@ N - 3 L L•7 L7 L•:c7 0 0 4:0 0 0 n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 L•:_i 0 0 0 0 0 is 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n n 0 21 0 0 0 0 0 0 U I.SS9S@@1S'+ @@9MG&W SMS @9@ W @SS6' SS SSG T 1 Li i[ X G 1 P 0 •� I 1 r Ul= z 000016 X it r c. 1 REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL CITY OF ATASCADERO Agenda Item: 8-1 Through: Andrew J. Takata, City Manager Date: Sanaa-rT-9T-1-9.9b- Via: Steven L. DeCamp, City Planner January 23, 1996 From: Gary Kaiser, Associate Planner C0i4'eJ File No: CUP #95008 SUBJECT: Appeal of Planning Commission decision to eliminate the construction of public improvements as a condition of approving a Conditional Use Permit application. RECOMMENDATION• The appeal should be upheld and Conditional Use Permit #95008 should be approved based on the Findings and conditions contained in the November 21, 1995 staff report. Alternative: Same as above with a re-wording of condition #13 to allow public improvements to be completed, or bonded for, within two (2) years of final CUP approval or upon completion of planned bike lane improvements along Traffic Way, whichever comes first. BACKGROUND: On November 21, 1995, the Planning Commission held a public hearing to consider a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) application for the establishment of a preschool/daycare facility at the intersection of Traffic Way and Olmeda Avenue. The staff report recommended the application be approved based on certain Findings and subject to certain conditions (Attachment A) . Following public testimony and ensuing discussion, the Planning Commission voted 4:3 to approve the application based on Findings and conditions substantially different than those recommended by staff. A follow-up letter sent to the applicant after the hearing shows how both the Findings and conditions were modified by the Commission majority (Attachment B) . In addition to waiving public improvement requirements, the Planning Commission did not require modification of the proposed monument sign for Sign Ordinance compliance. The Planning Commission did, however, require additional landscaping in the parking lot area. Although these items do not appear to be primary concerns of the appellant, all aspects of the Planning Commission' s approval are now open for reconsideration. 1 {)0{)017 DISCUSSION• The subject site was designated for high-density multiple family use in 1980 (prior to the establishment of the preschool) and has been ever since. It has always been the City' s policy that development in such areas include curb, gutter and sidewalk improvements to provide a safer separation between vehicular traffic and pedestrians, control drainage and establish continuity and order in these densely populated areas. At the same time, it has always been the City' s policy that development in single family residential areas, where preschools are also allowable, not construct such improvements in order to maintain the City' s unique and desirous rural atmosphere. At some point after 1980, the applicant made a business decision to purchase this property for the purposes of establishing a preschool. The site' s central location on the City' s principal industrial arterial and in proximity to schools and downtown commercial uses probably seemed (and still seems) ideal for a preschool. However, had the applicant sought the proper approvals for the preschool (i.e. , applied for a business license) , she would have discovered that such a facility providing care to more than seven (7) children would require conditional- use permit approval and would have to meet certain zoning requirements including but not limited to the construction of curbs, gutters and sidewalks. There is little question in staff' s mind that recommended public improvements are reasonable, appropriate and necessary in this • case. Furthermore, staff believes that such improvements ought to be required at this juncture, as opposed to through a future reconsideration, as the nexus for requiring such improvements is now. Although the issue of whether or not to require public improvements (i.e. , the construction of curb, gutter and sidewalk) was discussed by the Planning Commission at length, the possibility of establishing a reasonable time frame for compliance perhaps could be further explored by the Council. Such a grace period would recognize planned bike lane improvements along Traffic Way, and therefore reduce costs to the applicant, without compromising basic zoning requirements or broader and more long-term goals for safe and orderly development. Such an arrangement would also allow the applicant additional time to either finance the improvements or relocate the school to an area where such improvements would not be required. Attachments: Attachment A - November 21, 1995 Staff Report Attachment B - November 22, 1995 Follow-up Letter Attachment C - Letter Appeal Planning Commission Action C:\cups\cup95008.cc 2 000018 4K#YO23- CITY OF ATASCADERO Item: B. 1 STAFF REPORT FOR: Planning Commission Meeting Date: November 21, 1995 BY: Gary Kaiser, Associate Planner G el File No: CUP #95008 SUBJECT: Consideration of a conditional use permit application to establish a child care center for up to 24 children in a designated High Density Multiple Family area. RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Commission should: 1. Find that the Negative Declaration prepared for the project is adequate under the requirements of California' s Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and that the project would not have a significant effect on the environment; 2. Approve Conditional Use Permit #95008 based on the Findings contained in Attachment F and subject to the Conditions of Approval contained in Attachment G; SITUATION AND FACTS: 1. Applicant. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Judy Mora 2. Project Address. . . . . . . .5690 Traffic Way 3. Legal Description. . . . . .Ptn. Lots 24 & 25, Block LA, AC 4. Proposed Use Area. . . . . . 1,592 sq. ft. (existing house) 5. Zoning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .RMF-16 6. General Plan . . . . . . . . . .High Density Multiple Family 7. Existing Use. . . . . . . . . . .Daycare < 12 kids (never approved) 8. Environmental Status. . .Negative Declaration posted October 17, 1995 1 000019 1 ANALYSIS• The applicant proposes to establish a child care center for the daytime care of up to 24 children within an existing single family residence located at 5690 Traffic Way (Attachments A & B) . The subject residence is presently being used for daycare purposes without benefit of a conditional use permit and/or business license. The applicant is now seeking these approvals in response to enforcement actions taken by the City' s Compliance Official. As shown by Attachments A & B, the site is in an area designated by the General Plan for High Density Multiple Family use and is zoned RMF-16. Within the RMF-16 zone, preschools and daycare facilities serving more than six (6) children are listed as conditionally allowed uses. No physical changes to the building or site are proposed with the exception of a monument sign (Attachments C & D) . Building Code Compliance The project has been reviewed by the Plan Check Engineer and Fire Marshal, who advise that daycare facilities accommodating more than twelve (12) children must comply with E3 Occupancy requirements. Essentially, this means that fire alarms, smoke detectors and fire extinguishers will have to be installed. In addition, the building must have two (2) qualifying exits one ( 1) of which is handicapped accessible. Since none of the existing exits are handicapped accessible, a building permit will be required for the construction of a ramp. For appearance reasons, staff recommends the rear exit/entrance be made handicapped accessible rather than the front exit/entrance. Zoning Consistency As noted above, the proposed daycare facility is a conditionally allowed use in the RMF-lb zone. The special standards that apply to preschools and daycare facilities are contained in Section 9- 6. 125(c) of the Zoning Ordinance. Although the proposed use complies with minimum site area and fencing standards, parking and loading requirements are left to the discretion of the Planning Commission. Staff feels that ample parking areas exist on-site, but the parking lot area should be re-striped and a handicapped space designated. New construction within the RMF-16 zone triggers frontage improvement requirements as do substantial changes of occupancy. Since the existing residence was built prior to such requirements and the frontage has not been improved since, it is considered a nonconforming use. If the Planning Commission opts to approve the current application, the approval should be contingent on the completion of such improvements to current City Standards. 2 0,00,020 `$ftot27tT— 1 Proposed Sian The current Sign Ordinance is silent with respect to commercial and public assembly uses in residential zones; the previous Sign Ordinance, however, addressed such signs specifically. In reviewing such sign applications, staff refers to the previous standards for guidance which allow monument signs with a maximum area of 32 square feet and a maximum height of five (5) feet. Whereas the previous sign standards allowed for free-standing monument signs, the current Ordinance requires that monument signs have a solid base on the ground. The proposed sign complies with size and height standards but is not proposed to have a solid base on the ground. The proposed sign should therefore be modified accordingly. Environmental Review An Initial Study has been conducted for the project and no potentially significant effects were identified. A Negative Declaration has therefore been prepared for the project in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) . CONCLUSIONS: With the Conditions of Approval recommended herein, the proposed use would comply with applicable zoning, building, and sign standards and appears to be very much compatible with surrounding land uses. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment A - Location Map (General Plan) Attachment B - Location Map (Zoning) Attachment C - Site & Floor Plan Attachment D - Proposed Sign Attachment E - Negative Declaration Attachment F - Findings for Approval Attachment G - Conditions of Approval cc: Judy Mora, applicant P.O. Box 1806 Atascadero, California 93423 CUP95008.sr 0 3 000023 �0 �" ♦ ,�; WeDIMIN ON _ , X11/11 /1lullsMANZ �'• .: mwm 1 11 ; : ii •. X111 �► ' �� �� 11111��111 111111► �� = : -1.: '� 1111 . ���► ; ��„tHlIto w all t � t � ATTACHMENT C CITY )F ATASCADERO SITE/FLOOR PLAN CUP #95008 . tro to COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. I • BAND 80X �str•I A G ' d* J I �itrMh I AA YARD. ' . -- 3 erdsurM Z ' E'.YISn/v I O � YARD f 0o . P•r ' . Kb ACMfDA ST. 000024 }! ATTACHMENT D 1 PROPOSED SIGN + CITI H ATASCADERO ' CUP 095008 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT �0 DEPARTMENT, . i s Ki escr, t�o,D- S i � Vln 5, r � x yl q Qotio�-, rno C n ?o� o h 3' x 3' - ' cN I L D CARS & PR�SCR.ao G - 46G . <F6 �24 000025 I { ATTACHMENT E ' CITY )F ATASCADERO NEGATIVE DECLARATION CUP #95008 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT � DEPARTMENT. - / CITY OF ATASCADERO ' ENVIRONMENTAL COORDINATOR NEGATIVE DECLARATION COMMUNM DEVELOPMENT DEPT. 6500 PALMA AVE. ATASCADERO,CA 93422 (805)461-5035 APPLICANT' JUDY MORA PO BOX 1806 ATASCADERO, CA 93423 PROJECT TITLE: CONDITIONAL USE' PERMIT #95008 PROJECT LOCATION: 5690 TRAFFIC WAY PROJECT DESCRIPTION: ESTABLISH CHILD CARE CENTER (UP TO 24 CHILDREN) IN DESIGNATED HIGH DENSITY MULTIPLE FAMILY AREA. FINDINGS: 1. The project does not have the potential to degrade the environment. 2. The project will not achieve short-term to the disadvantage of long-term environmental goals. 3. The project does not have impacts which are individually limited•but comulat ively considerable. 4. The project will not cause substantial adverse effects on human beings either directly or indirectly, DETERNMNATION: Based on the above findings,and the information contained in the initial study(made a part hereof by refer- ence and on file in the Community Development Department).it has been determined that the above project will not have an adverse impact on the environment. STEVEN L. DECAMP, CITY PLANNER i Date Posted: OCT. 17, 1995 Date Adopted: 00002+6 ATTACHMENT F - Findings for Approval Conditional Use Permit #95008 5690 Traffic Way (Mora) November 21, 1995 ENVIRONMENTAL FINDING: The proposed project will not have a significant effect on the environment. The Negative Declaration prepared for the project is adequate. FINDINGS• 1. The proposed project is consistent with the General Plan. 2. The proposed project, as conditioned, satisfies all applicable provisions of the Zoning Ordinance, Sign Ordinance and Building regulations. 3. The establishment, and subsequent operation and conduct of the use will not, because of circumstances and conditions applied in the particular case, be detrimental to the health, safety, or welfare of the general public or persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the use, or be detrimental or injurious to property or improvements in the vicinity of the use. 4. The proposed project will not be inconsistent with the character of the immediate neighborhood or contrary to its orderly development. 5. The proposed project, as conditioned, will not generate a volume of traffic beyond the safe capacity of all roads providing access to the project, either existing or to be improved in conjunction with the project, or beyond the normal traffic volume of the surrounding neighborhood that would result from full development in accordance with the Land Use Element. 6 . The proposed project is consistent with the City' s Appearance Review Guidelines. CUP95008. fin 000027 `f 0VMI2" ATTACHMENT G - Conditions of Approval Conditional Use Permit #95008 5690 Traffic Way (Mora) November 21, 1995 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. This approval allows the establishment of a daycare/preschool facility for up to 24 children within an existing single family residence _located at 5690 Traffic Way (corner of Traffic Way and Olmeda Avenue) . The approved use shall maintain conformance with these conditions and all applicable provisions of the Atascadero Municipal Code. Any expansion or substantial modification of the use shall be subject to the approval of the Planning Commission. 2. A building permit shall be obtained for building alterations required to meet E3 Occupancy standards. A successful final inspection shall be received for such alterations prior to the issuance of a business license for the proposed use. All ordinary requirements of the City Building Division that are necessary to secure and final such a building permit shall be met. Building permit review shall ensure the building has exits in accordance with building/fire code requirements and that the building is accessible to the handicapped (including the striping of a handicapped parking space) . 3. The building entrance to be altered for handicapped accessibility shall not be the front entrance that faces Traffic Way. 4. A building permit and final inspection shall also be obtained for the proposed monument sign. The sign shall be modified, however, to either sit at grade or have a solid base on the ground. Engineering Conditions 5. All improvements shall be constructed in conformance with the City of Atascadero Engineering Department Standard Specifications and Drawings or as directed by the City Engineer. 6: The applicant shall enter into a Plan Check/Inspection Agreement with the City. Prior to issuance of the Conditional Use Permit, all outstanding plan check/inspection fees shall be paid. 7. An encroachment permit shall be obtained from the City Engineering Department prior to the start of construction. (Page 1 of 3) 000028 8. All improvements within the right-of-way shall be covered with a 100% Performance Guarantee and a 50% Labor and Materials Guarantee until the improvements are deemedsubstantially complete by the City Engineer. Prior to the final inspection of the improvements, and before the other guarantees mentioned in this condition are released, a 10% Maintenance Guarantee shall be posted to cover the improvements for a period of 1 year from the date of the final inspection. The guarantee amounts shall be based on an engineer's estimate submitted by the project engineer and approved by the City Engineer. The estimate shall be based on City standard unit prices. The Guarantees posted for this project shall be approved by the City Attorney. 9. The relocation and/or alteration of existing utilities shall be the responsibility of the developer. 10. Any utility trenching in existing streets shall be overlayed to restore a smooth riding surface as required by the City Engineer. 11. Road improvement plans prepared by a registered civil engineer shall be submitted for review and approval by the City Engineer prior to issuance of the Conditional Use Permit. Road improvement plans shall conform to the requirements of the City Standard Specifications, Section 2 —Preparation of Plans. R-value testing shall be done, and the pavement section designed by a registered civil engineer to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Road improvements shall include, but not be limited to the following: a. Traffic Way shall be improved from centerline to the property frontage in conformance with City Standard 406 (Collector) contiguous to the entire property frontage, or as approved by the City Engineer. Transitions shall be constructed where required to achieve a smooth join with existing improvements. b. Olmeda Avenue shall be improved from centerline to the property frontage in conformance with City Standard 405 (Local) contiguous to the entire property frontage, or as approved by the City Engineer. Transitions shall be constructed where required to achieve a smooth join with existing improvements. C. A sidewalk ramp in conformance with City Standard 420 shall be constructed at the intersection of Traffic Way and Olmeda Avenue. 12. A Mylar copy and a blue line print of the as-built improvement plans, signed by the registered engineer who prepared the plans, shall be provided to the City Engineer prior to the final inspection. (Page 2 of 3) 000or'.41119 13. All public improvement work shall be completed prior to issuance of the Conditional Use Permit. 14. This Conditional Use Permit approval shall expire one ( 1) year from the date of final approval, unless: a. Substantial site work toward establishing the authorized use has been performed, as defined in Section 9-2. 114 of the Zoning Ordinance; or b. The project is completed, as defined in Section 9-2. 115 of the Zoning Ordinance; or C. An extension has been granted, as defined in Section 9- 2. 118 of the Zoning Ordinance; or d. A building moratorium is imposed on the project site. CUP95008.con (Page 3 of 3) 000030 J 4��i� ■10 CITY OF ATASC' ADERO 1918 1979 'Scan %i COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT November 22, 1995 . Judy Mora P.O. Box 1806 Atascadero, California 93422 RE: PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION -- CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 195008 Proposed Childcare Center @ 5690 Traffic way Dear Ms. Mora: As you are well aware, the City's Planning Commission met last night and held a public hearing to discuss the above-referenced Conditional Use Permit application. Following public testimony. and ensuing deliberations, the Planning Commission voted 4:3 to conditionally approve the application. The Findings upon which said approval was based, and the conditions upon which said approval is contingent, were modified by the Commission and are significantly different than the Findings and conditions recommended by staff in the staff report (see attached revised Findings and conditions) . Assuming no appeals, this action of the Planning Commission will become final on December 5, 1995. If you have questions about satisfying the conditions of approval and securing the necessary building permits and business license please feel free to call. In the meantime, thank you for your patience and cooperation throughout this process. Sincerely, Gary Kaiser Associate Planner Enclosures: Revised Findings for Approval Revised Conditions of Approval 6500 PALMA AVENUE • ATASCADERO,CA 93422 Building Permits: (805)461-5040 Planning: (805)461-5035 Enforcement: (805)461.5034 Director•. (805)461-5097 City 06 ATTACHMENT F - Revised Findings for Approval Conditional Use Permit $95008 5690 Traffic Way (Mora) Revised by Planning Commission @ November 21, 1995 Hearing ENVIRONMENTAL FINDING: The proposed project will not have a significant effect on the environment. The Negative Declaration prepared for the project is adequate. FINDINGS: 1. The proposed project is consistent with the General Plan. 2. The proposed project, as conditioned, satisfies all applicable provisions of the Sening ^_a_r_aee, sign Ordinance and Building regulations. Strict adherence to Zoning Ordinance standards relative to curb, gutter and sidewalk improvements is not necessary nor appropriate in this particular case. 3. The establishment, and subsequent operation and conduct of the use will not, because of circumstances and conditions applied. in the particular case, be detrimental to the health, safety, or welfare of the general public or persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the use, or be detrimental or injurious to property or improvements in the vicinity of the use. 4. The proposed project will not be inconsistent with the character of the immediate neighborhood or contrary to its orderly development. 5. The proposed project, as conditioned, will not generate a volume of traffic beyond the safe capacity of all roads providing access to the project, either existing or to be improved in conjunction with the project, or beyond the normal traffic volume of the surrounding neighborhood that would result from full development in accordance with the Land Use Element. 6. The proposed project is consistent with the City's Appearance Review Guidelines. CUP95008.fi2 000032 ATTACHMENT G - Revised Conditions of Approval Conditional Use Permit #95008 5690 Traffic Way (Mora) Revised by Planning Commission @ November 21, 1995 Hearing CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. This approval allows the establishment of a daycare/preschool facility for up to 24 children within an existing single family residence located at 5690 Traffic Way (corner of Traffic Way and Olmeda Avenue) . - The approved use shall maintain conformance with these conditions and all applicable provisions of the Atascadero Municipal Code. Any expansion or substantial modification of the use shall be subject to the approval of the Planning Commission. 2. A building permit shall be obtained for building alterations required to meet E3 Occupancy standards. A successful final inspection shall be received for such alterations prior to the issuance of a business license for the proposed use. All ordinary requirements of the City Building Division that are necessary to secure and final such a building permit shall be met. Building permit review shall ensure the building has exits in accordance with building/fire code requirements and that- the building is accessible to the handicapped (including resurfacing of the parking lot and the striping of a handicapped parking space) . The parking lot shall also comply with Section 9-4.119(f) of the Zoning Ordinance relative to landscaping. 3. The building entrance to be altered for handicapped accessibility shall not be the front entrance that faces Traffic Way. 4. A building permit and final inspection shall also be obtained for the proposed monument sign. * The-sign sal be r_a'fler heweveE, te- ltheEelt at grade eehave a se=idbase ea the RnalneeEina Ge d:t sw All impr-evemeats shall be eeesEteted In eenfepee-,4h Speelfleatleas .i r ir- as d ..i.e L. J.L.. n:t Snq!seeE- The -agpileant shah-eater ;..pts a Plan Ghe speetlen AL- "twit the-Gj:ty.—siierr teTee4a ee-eg the-Genditlenal gee Pei -y-all-eetetaeding-glace-ehee!t�Iaspeetlee lees shall beep Rags�'irisg e� PS�p--atm elect to the—staEt eg eeas euetlen. �� 000033 8. X4.11 impEevements within the ..Lt y shah be a eveEea lea-w �L eemplete jeG y angd-aeeE. PNIeE te- he final laspeet�� fthe lats, and begeee the ethee 7 s �f3 t 3 9 eA -t om l eased, a 10% liai atena ^ t .r cssz c�tie s ra posted te eeveLc the ienteSe=-a-peEied-ems "ate €aw the--date-of the Sinai laspeetsea. The shall be based oft an engliteeels estimate-eubmit-t - ed by and vevedAsy tke-Gity HagiseeE. The mate eha�� •he iaeeed--eft-C__J itiaed est--pelees v The GuaL-aatees posted fGE this G,tv ate----`- --p�}eet shall be by the j aey 9 The veleocklen d /AE alt 'Edea of ej{astifig %tilitles shall be the lit-y of the-dere epe-f. Any ' }�' ilIty- hing in em1$tiAg steeets shall 1 L e e-weelayed ' angi a is hal l-tee e, b f ew=e a d ag�ee�a�-a=--the G"T Engineer- prrlez to --suasee €-�e-Gen d � Pe�t.Read-prceNcemeal - I hall eee€em t �LL�eea qa_!_r-emeats of -�,.. --- a a...i.. d Spee t-eat-i-eae, Sestiee r ,.•ea r oeotioll d- Agmed by a rregisteved-e=v-i:l es _48-_ g e ... ae -�e$--e€ r-L_ ^'`y Begineem-=sad-AmpEevements L ,, afe-lsde, betgE- •----a€€ e-Waw-e a §e-4apEeved firrem eeateell$e to the pEepeety J is S.rtet Git t & fie- the entire pEepevty gEestage,GE as appeeve bY the - ty HagliteeE. Trraas:jt:jeas shall be eeestEuetejeqa eek to aehleve-a-aseeth with st' Olmeda A-.a shall be4"eeved-€Eeaeesteellse to tie em 2J.L /'.•i , 1 .SAG E r,�"ea . GestigUOUS te the est �eL=ky-tee ages, i ppeeved by the-g�2 gft_'aeer.�--�a$e�easshall be e*=o} •�ag } • es•€emnanee with Grp-StanQ�d 429 ahal�-him-mm-o- a -at 1 TEaffle Way llylarm eegr-and a-blue eat of the as-bell- mpFevemen Plane, igigmed by the eg3 a terred-eagine erwh e-gfegaFed Plafre,--shall be p*ceded te-the-Gi-tr-Raq�eee-g em to tie 000034 n-na -Rag 2 •3) E- shall 18 -e a r-'he r0ead-ait-lenal- Pe 14. This Conditional Use Permit approval shall expire one (1) year from the date of final approval, unless: a. Substantial site work toward establishing the authorized use has been performed, as defined in Section 9-2.114 of the Zoning Ordinance; or b. The project is completed, as defined in Section 9-2.115 =- of the Zoning Ordinance; or c. An extension has been granted, as defined in Section 9- 2.118 of the Zoning Ordinance; or d. A building moratorium is imposed on the project site. CUP95008.co2 (Page 3 of 3) CITY OF ATASCADERO } PLANNING COMMISSION ! 11/21/95 ACTION MINUTES SUBJECT: B. HEARINGS, APPEARANCES, AND REPORTS 1 . CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT #95008: Consideration of a conditional use permit application to establish a child care center for up to 24 children in a designated High Density Multiple Family area. Subject site is located at 5690 Traffic Way. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: (Kaiser) 1 . That the Negative Declaration prepared for the project be found adequate under the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act, (CEQA) and that the project would not have a significant effect on the environment; and 2 . That the Conditional Use Permit #95008 be approved based on the Findings for Approval contained in Attachment F and the Conditions of Approval in Attachment G. TESTIMONY: Judy Mora, the applicant, read a statement into the record asking for a waiver of the engineering conditions because the cost is prohibitive. Sandra Wilson, 2300 Traffic Way, a parent who utilizes this child care center, expressed support for the day care . Doug Lewis, P. O. Box 1017, Atascadero, lives next door to the day care. Mr. Lewis mentioned that there were other upcoming projects that would handle some of the Traffic Way improvements without cost to the residents . He felt that asking the applicant to make these improvements at this time would place an unfair burden on her that other residents would not have to handle . Rush Kolmeine, P. O. Box 1990, Atascadero, stated that Traffic Way is the only industrial arterial in Atascadero. He felt it would be unfair to impose the cost of Traffic Way improvements given the upcoming state-funded projects (i .e . , bicycle pathway) . .) (Page 3 of 5) 000036 Planning Commission Meeting, November 21, 1995 ACTION: The Planning Commission finds that the Negative Declaration prepared for the project is adequate under the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) . Motion: Wallace Second: Edwards AYES: Wallace, Edwards, Bowen, Zimmerman, Hageman, Sauter, Johnson NOES: None ABSENT: None ACTION: The Planning Commission approves Conditional Use Permit #95008 based on the Findings contained in Attachment F, as amended [Modify Finding #2 to read as follows: "The proposed project, as conditioned, satisfies all applicable provisions of the Sign Ordinance and Building regulations. Strict adherence to the Zoning Ordinance is not applicable 1 in this- case. "] , and the Conditions of Approval in Attachment G, -as amended [Amendments: 1. Remove Engineering Conditions 5 through 13 . 2 . Require 100-. landscaping parking lot. 3 . Include re-surfacing of the parking lot. ] Motion: Bowen Second: Edwards AYES: Bowen, Edwards, Hageman, Sauter NOES: Wallace, Zimmerman, Johnson ABSENT: None MOTION PASSES. (Page 4 of 5) receive a M�IY 7 A'p'; ` ..: CITY OF ATASCADERO 1918 9 R^ �� 1979 \ �D COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT December 1, 1995 Lee Price, City Clerk City of Atascadero 6500 Palma Ave. Atascadero, CA 93422 RZ: ]Appeal of Planning Commission Decision Conditional Use Permit 95-008 Dear Ms . .Price, I am hereby exercising my right, as provided by Municipal Code Sec. 9-1 . 111, to, appeal a decision made by the City' s Planning Commission. On November 21, 1995, the Planning Commission approved CUP 95-008 allowing for the establishment of a day care facility for up to twenty-four (24) children at 5690 Traffic. In approving this project, the Commission waived all requirements for the applicant to install public improvements along Olmeda and Traffic Way. The improvements recommended by staff included curb, gutter, and sidewalk along both property frontages . These improvements should be required to protect the public, both on foot and in cars, as well as add to the network of "routes to school" in this neighborhood. I believe that the City Council needs to hold a public hearing on this issue to review the Planning Commissions decision. Sincerely, 4krt�Jo�hns_on_ Chairman 000038 6500 PALMA AVENUE ATASCADERO,CA 93422 '00$13"" Building Permits: (805)461-5040 Planning: (805)461.5035 Enforcement: (805)461-5034 Director. (805)461-5097 City Fax: (805)461-0606 MEMORANDUM TO: Atascadero City Council AGENDA ITEM: B-2 FROM: Roy A. Hanley, Deputy City Attorney, through Andrew J. Takata, City Manager DATE: January 15, 1996 SUBJECT: Interim Urgency Ordinance Relating to Adult Businesses RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council by 4/5 vote extend the period of the Interim Urgency Ordinance, an additional four months, or until the effective date of the permanent ordinance, whichever occurs first. BACKGROUND: Attached hereto is a copy of the Interim Report dated September 19, 1995. Please refer to that report for background through September 19, 1995. Since that date, and on or about September 26, 1995 the City Council adopted, pursuant to appropriate findings, Ordinance Number 294 as an urgency ordinance of the City Council of the City of Atascadero. Since that date extensive investigation into the legal aspects of a permanent ordinance has been conducted. Also since that date the Community Development Department has done extensive research into the physical locations under which adult businesses would be allowed to exist under several of the potential alternative methods of regulation. The physical evidence is necessary in order for the record to be complete. A complete record will be necessary to withstand any legal challenges. The proposed permanent Adult Business Ordinance is in final form and is scheduled to go before the Planning Commission. The hearing will be in front of the Planning Commission on February 6, 1996. Assuming that the Planning Commission is able to make its recommendation after that one hearing, the permanent ordinance will come before the Council on February 27, 1996. The ordinance will come up for second reading on March 12, 1996 and April 11, 1996 would then be the first day for the effective date of the permanent ordinance. The extension of the urgency ordinance as indicated, would still give us a two month window for further extensions if they are necessary. Further extensions are not anticipated. Pursuant to direction of the City Council staff has drafted maps protecting the central business area and indicating that with appropriate distance limitations from certain specified uses up to 18% of the commercial locations would be available for adult businesses. 000039 Atascadero City Council January 15, 1996 Page Two On October 26, 1995 Janet LaRue, directing attorney for the National Law Center for Children and Families met with staff and public. The public was allowed to ask questions directly of Ms. LaRue, although Ms. LaRue was there to help the City draft an enforceable ordinance and it was explained to the public that she could not represent any particular group in opposition to adult businesses. The meeting went very well. The staff feels that the public came away from the meeting understanding the constitutional limitations the Council faces when drafting an adult business ordinance. Specifically, and most importantly, the public seemed to accept the fact that adult businesses cannot simply be banned by the City. Since then, the public has been quite helpful in working with staff in terms of drafting an appropriate ordinance locating the businesses in appropriate parts of the City to limit the secondary effects of adult businesses. Staff does want to take a moment to explain to the Council that it was necessary to ask for this further extension to avoid rendering Planning Commission input useless. We were not able to get a full report to the Planning Commission in time to meet the original intended deadlines. Under these circumstances, the emergency still exists and that is why it is recommended to the Council that by an appropriate majority they extend the ordinance as indicated. ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL DATED: Janua 1996 BY: rY ` �, & a, ROY V HANLEY, Dep y City Attorney 000040 REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL 9/26/95 CITY OF ATAScADERO #B-1 TH1ROt G.R: Andrew J. Taka l•a, City Manager FROM: RQY A. Hanley, Deputy City Attorney DATE: SQptwmber 19, 19+ 5 29a7sc-T: Int•.erim urgcnay ordiu4nce relating to adult businesses RZCOI'1_NDATION: That the city Council, by a 4/5 vote extend the period of the interim, urgency ordinance an additional four (4) months. The City Council , Community uevelopment bepartment and the Deputy City Attorney have been working towards the adoption of a City ordinance which will constitutionally regulate the location of defined adult businesses within the City. The City currently has no permanent ordinance. The City Council, Community Development Department, Deputy City Attorney, and staff have received and acquired information both significant in amount and content to assist the City Council in making this legislative decision. This decision is difficult because of two conflicting City Council concerns. A significant segment of the community has objected to the location of any adult businesses within the City limits, citing numerous studies to support their conclusion that these businesses increase crime, lower property values, and degrade the quality of life in the City. However, the City Council is faced with a framework of constitutional law which requires that a reasonable avenue of expression be left open for legal adult materials. Stafi's task ic, therefore, to help the City Council balance those interests and enact an ordinance that serves the City's needs and is constitutional as well as enforceable. It would serve no useful purpose to enact an unconstitutional or unenforceable ordinance. Pursuant to appropriate findings on August 16, 1995 this Council approved Ordinance Number 293 as an urgency ordinance of the City Council of the City of Atascadera. The ordinance became effective upon an affirmative vote of 4/5 of the Council, and remains effective through September 30, 1995. The ordinance may be extended, upon appropriate findings, up to an additional ten (10) months and fifteen (15) days. i 000041 Csince the adoption of the ordin6nce on August 16, 1995 Roy A. Hanley was appointed Deputy City Attorney. At the most recent meeting of the City Council, Arthur Montandon, City Attorney, declared a conflict in regards to the proposed ordinance. Since that date, additional studies have been received and additional efforts made to advise city Council on the most appropriate constitutional method of regulating adult businesses in the City of Atascadero. Available for the City, and the public, at the City Clerk's office is a copy of the Adult Use overlay District Background Studies prepared for the City of Pleasant Hill, June, 1995. These studies are in addition to the information cited to the Council in any previous reports and at any previous City Council meeting. These studies further indicate that adult businesses do in fact have secondary impacts on cities, including, without limitation, increase in crime, lower property values, and degradation of the environment of the community. Review of the appropriate case law demonstrates that the City's authority to adopt land use regulations on adult businesses is limited. The City may limit adult businesses to certain portions of the City and prohibit these businesses within a specified distance from certain specified uses. A city may not adopt regulations that effectively eliminate all potential locations for adult businesses or restrict them to merely a handful of locations. All analysis of adult business ordinances must begin with the lead United States Supreme Court case qty of Renton vs. Playtime Theaters, (1986) 475 U.S. 41. The Renton case has become the standard for determining the constitutionality of adult business ordinances. In Renton, the United States supreme Court approved an ordinance tial. provided at least five percent (5%) of a city's entire land area be available for adult businesses. The Renton case specifically approves each of the two (2) main methods available to cities for restricting businesses: (1) The red light district method wherein the City requires all of the adult businesses tv be located in a certain district; (2) 111he dispersal method wherein the City requires that adult businesses be separated from other businesses by certain distances and from other adult businesses by certain distances. The City is free to choose whichever method it feels best serves the interests of the City. The use of zoning reyulations to regulate adult businesses is legally permisslble if: (A) The ordinance contains clear and valid definitions; (H) The ordinance is based on evidence of adverse secondary effects of such businesses; 2 i 000042 (C) The ordinance floes nuL operate as a prior restraint on freedom of speacn; (D) Sufficient area in the City, along the lines outlined above, is left available for location of these businesses. The proposed permanent ordinance contains definitions relating to adult businesses that have been recognized by several Courts. The standards we have chosen are the most strict standards available under current consLiLut.ional law. A proper purpose for regulating adult businesses must be based upon evidence. Preventing a "skid row" effect is a proper purpose for zoning regulation. rhe evidence cited in previous reports and city council meetings, the Adult Use Overlay District background Studies from the City of Pleasant Hill, dated June 1995, and the materials we have obtained from the City of Santa Maria in regards to the statewide survey conducted by that City in preparation for enactment of its ordinance, all provide adequato evidence of the adverse secondary effects of adult businesses. we know that we must not limit the available space to significantly less than Live percent (54) or the City. Several, things need to happen before the Ci Ly can adequately choose between the alternative methods of zoning adult businesses and the appropriate locations- for adult businesses. staff will need time to have the zoning ordinance placed before the Planning commission for proper review. 'Phis would require an extension of the urgency ordinance. Staff should also conduct a letter writing campaign and personal follow-ups in the cummunil.y of Atascadero to obtain local information about where adult businesses might appropriately locate in the city. Letters should be sent to the School vistrict, the Chamber of commerce, the local Board of Realtors, churches listed in the yellow pages, the American Civil Liberties Union, and any other interested parties. The city staff has arranged for a visit from Janet M. LaRue on October 26, 1995. Janet M. LaRue is an attorney for the National Law center for children and Families. Staff wants to make it clear, at this point and throughout, that Janet M. Laxue'a role for the city is to help the City draft a well documented constitutional and enforceable ordinance. firs. Laxue has extensive knowledge in the area of sexually oriented business law and has co-authored a comprehensive legal manual on the subject. The meeting that is scheduled should not be a city council meeting, but should be a fact finding meeting of staff. The public should be allowed to attend so that they can supply information to the city in relation to appropriate locations, and so the public is made aware of the continuing efforts of the City in balancing the city's interest in regulation with the constitutional right of adult businesses to exist and customers of adult businesses to have reasonable access to them. staff has been directed to, and will continue to keep the 3 c � 000043 +..a Citizens in the, community adequately informed of the efforts being taken to draft the ordinance. sta.Cf reels that they can accomplish the fact finding procedure within the four (4) month period. If, in fact, staff is unable to do so, Government Code section 65858 would allow for a further extension of up to an additional six (6) months and fifteen (15) days (for a total extended period of ten (lo) months and fifteen (15) days) of the interim urgency ordinance. The City Council is Laced with a difficult legislative decision. The Council must adopt regulations on adult businesses within constitutional restraints. The Council cannot ban all adult businesses. It is going to be a difficult process to establish the most appropriate locations where such businesses can be allowed. The City's predominant concern is the secondary effects of the adult businesses. The City cannot regulate the content of legal adult materials. The ordinance will be designed to prevent crime, protect the City's retail trade, maintain property values and protect and preserve the quality of the Cityls neighborhoods, commercial districts, and the quality of our rural life. Staff can do so only within the constraints of the Constitution. The rirst Amendment, however, does not require the City to establish adult businesses. The City has to make sure that adequate space is available for adult business if, fending for themselves in the real estate market on an equal footing with other Prospective purchasers and lessees, someone chooses to establish such a business. The community must arrive at a solution that makes some areas available for adult businesses and their patrons, while at the same time preserving the quality of life in the community at large by preventing those businesses from locating in other areas. This is the purpose of zoning laws, DATED: September 19, 1995 ROY A. HAN=Y, DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY f 4 000044 ORDINANCE NO. 297 AN URGENCY ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA, PROHIBITING USES IN CONFLICT WITH ZONING PROPOSAL CONCERNING LOCATION OF ADULT BUSINESSES, AND FURTHER PROHIBITING LOCATION OF ADULT BUSINESSES WITHIN A SPECIFIED DISTANCE OF PUBLIC PARKS, CHURCHES AND SCHOOLS AND WITHIN THE DOWNTOWN, PENDING CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSED ORDINANCES BY THE CITY COUNCIL THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, HEREBY FINDS AS FOLLOWS: WHEREAS, on August 16, 1995, the City Council properly adopted Ordinance No. 293 an urgency ordinance of the City of Atascadero, which ordinance remains effective through September 30, 1995; and WHEREAS, on September 19, 1995 through the Deputy ,City Attorney, the City Council issued a written report describing the measures taken to alleviate the threat to the public health, safety, or welfare that led to the adoption of this ordinance; and WHEREAS, there remains a current and immediate threat to the public health, safety, or welfare from the secondary effects of inappropriate location of adult businesses in the City, which would be alleviated by immediate, interim adoption of the proposed zoning ordinance extending the requirements of Ordinance No. 293 that adult businesses be dispersed by at least 1000 feet from public parks, churches and children's schools and be excluded from downtown. In the absence of an interim, urgency ordinance, approval of additional subdivisions, rezoning, land use permits, variances, building permits or any other applicable entitlement for use which is required in order to comply with a zoning ordinance would result in a threat to public health, safety or welfare, particularly the safety of children in the vicinity of parks. WHEREAS, the City of Atascadero has gathered and is gathering evidence regarding appropriate location of adult businesses; and WHEREAS, the City Attorney has prepared a proposed zoning ordinance with findings, based on a staff report, written comments from the public and numerous studies- which have been available for public review in the City Attorney's office, concerning location of adult businesses; these documents are hereby incorporated by reference into these findings; and WHEREAS, The basis for the proposed zoning ordinance is to regulate the location of adult businesses to avoid potential adverse secondary effects of inappropriate locations as shown by the evidence gathered, including increased crime, a "skid row" effect and decreased property values, while providing reasonable alter- 000045 ORDINANCE NO. 297 (Urgency) Page 2 of 4 native avenues of communication for those wishing to deliver and receive adult messages; and WHEREAS, The City Council has received a status report and public comment on the regulation of adult businesses. Concerned members of the public testified that location of adult businesses in close proximity to public parks, churches and children's schools and within downtown would result in adverse secondary impacts. The City Council was urged to immediately adopt an interim ordinance on an urgency basis to provide for appropriate location of adult businesses and to protect the health, safety and welfare of its citizens; and WHEREAS, Government Code Section 65858 allows the City Council upon four-fifths vote to adopt an urgency measure prohibiting any uses which may be in conflict with a contemplated zoning proposal that the City Council, Planning Commission or Community Development Department intends to study within a reasonable time; and WHEREAS, On January 15, 1996 through the Deputy City Attorney, the City Council issued a written report describing the measures taken to alleviate the threat to the public health, safety or welfare that led to the adoption of the ordinance. WHEREAS, On September 26 1995 the City Council properly adopted Ordinance Number 294 as an urgency ordinance of the City of Atascadero, which ordinance remains effective through January 30, 1996. WHEREAS, There remains a current and immediate threat to the public health, safety or welfare from the secondary effects of inappropriate locations of adult businesses in the City which would be alleviated by immediate, interim adoption of the proposed zoning ordinance, extending the requirements of Ordinance Number 294 that adult businesses be dispersed by at least 1,000 feet from public parks, churches and children's schools and be excluded from downtown. In the absence of an interim, urgency ordinance, approval of additional subdivisions, rezonings, land use permits, variances, building permits or any other applicable entitlement for use which is required in order to comply with a zoning ordinance would result in a threat to public health, safety or welfare, particularly the safety of children in the vicinity of parks. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO HEREBY ORDAINS: SECTION 1. INTERIM PROHIBITIONS. (a) During the effective period of this ordinance, no person shall establish an adult bookstore, adult cabaret, adult hotel or motel, adult motion picture theater, 000046 ORDINANCE NO. 297 (Urgency) Page 3 of 4 or other adult business, as those terms are defined in the proposed zoning ordinance relating to adult businesses, except as permitted in the proposed ordinance. This ordinance is attached hereto as "Exhibit A" and these definitions incorporated herein. (b) During the effective period of this ordinance, no person shall establish an adult bookstore, adult cabaret, adult hotel or motel, adult motion picture theater, or other adult business, as those terms are defined in the proposed zoning ordinance relating to adult businesses, within one thousand (1000) feet of a public park, church or children's school or within the Downtown Master Plan area. SECTION 2. EFFECTIVE DATE AND EXPIRATION. This is an urgency ordinance adopted pursuant to Government Code Section 65858, to be effective immediately upon adoption by four-fifths affirmative vote of the City Council. This ordinance shall remain in effect up to and including April 30, 1996, and shall expire as of April 30, 1996, or the effective date of the permanent ordinance, whichever occurs first, unless extended by further action of the City Council pursuant to Government Code Section 65858. SECTION 3. WRITTEN REPORT. At least ten days prior to April 30, 1996, the City Council shall issue a written report describing the measures taken to alleviate the threat to the public health, safety or welfare that led to the adoption of this ordinance. SECTION 4. PUBLICATION. Within fifteen days of the adoption of this ordinance, the City Clerk shall cause this ordinance to be published in a newspaper of general circulation, published and circulated in the City. SECTION 5. CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT REVIEW NOT REQUIRED; FILING OF NOTICE OF EXEMPTION BY CLERK AUTHORIZED AND DIRECTED. This ordinance is exempt from review under the California Environmental Quality Act. It can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that the proposed, interim ordinance will have any significant effect on the environment because it will prohibit establishment of specified land uses while it is effective. (14 Cal. Code of Regs. §15061(b)(3), 15270.) To the extent that such uses would otherwise have adverse environmental effects, adoption of the ordinance is a procedure for protection of the environment. (14 Cal. Code of Regs. §15308.) 00004'7 ORDINANCE NO. 297 (Urgency) Page 4 of 4 The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to file a Notice of Exemption with the County Clerk in regard to this ordinance. SECTION 6. SEVERABILITY. If any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word of this ordinance is declared by a court of competent jurisdiction in the form of a final determination to be void, this City Council finds that said voided part is severable, and that this City Council would have adopted the remainder of this ordinance without the severed and voided part, and that the remainder of this ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. INTRODUCED, PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Atascadero City Council held this 23rd day of January, 1996, by the following roll- call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ADOPTED: ATTEST: GEORGE P. HIGHLAND, Mayor LEE PRICE, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: ROY A. HANLEY, Deputy City Attorney 000048 EXHIBIT A DRAFT Title 9 (Zoning Ordinance) of the Atascadero Municipal Code is amended by the addition of the following: 9-6 . 107 . Adult Businesses. The purpose of this section is to provide reasonable, uniform regulations to prevent problems of blight, deterioration, and other adverse secondary effects associated with the concentration of adult businesses, while permitting the location of adult businesses in specified locations . 9-6 . 108 Definitions 9-6 . 109 Permitted Locations 9-6 . 110 Exterior Display 9-6 . 111 Persons Responsible 9-6 . 108 . Definitions. (aY Adult Bookstore. A building or portion thereof used by a business devoting more than 2501 of the total floor area used for display, sale or rental to display, sale or rental of books, magazines, other printed material, photographs, audiotapes, videotapes, films, or other forms of visual or audio representations which are (1) distinguished by their emphasis on specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas; or (2) defined as obscene matter or harmful matter by California Penal Code Sections 311 or 313, or their respective successor sections . An adult bookstore is an adult business. (b) Adult Cabaret . A building of area used for presentation, exhibitions or other features or entertainment, a substantial portion of the total presentation time of which is characterized by an emphasis on specified anatomical areas or specified sexual activities, including but not limited to strippers and topless or bottomless employees, for observation by customers or patrons. An adult cabaret is an adult business. (c) Adult Hotel or Motel . A hotel or motel or similar commercial establishment offering public accommodations for consideration which provides patrons with closed circuit television transmissions, films, motion pictures, videocassettes, slides or other photographic reproductions, a substantial portion of the total 0000,19 EXHIBIT A Page 2 presentation time of which is distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on specified anatomical areas or specified sexual activities. An adult hotel or motel is an adult business. (d) Adult Motion Picture Theater. A building or area, open or enclosed, regularly used for presentation of motion pictures, slides or similar audio or visual presentations characterized by an emphasis on matter depicting, describing, or relating to specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas, for observation by customers or patrons . Use is regular when the specified presentations constitute a substantial portion of all presentations made or constitute a substantial part of the theater' s revenues. An adult motion picture theater is an adult business . (e) Establish. With reference to an adult bookstore, adult motion picture theater, adult cabaret, or other adult business: (1) Opening or commencement of operation as a new business . (2) Conversion of an existing business to an adult business . (3) Addition of an adult business to an existing business, whether or not adult, if the addition results in enlarging the place of business . For purposes of this paragraph, enlargement means an increase in the size of the building or area in which the business is conducted by either construction or use of an adjacent building or any portion thereof, whether located on the same or an adjacent lot . (f) Other Adult Business . Any other business or commercial establishment not otherwise defined herein: (1) In which the establishment provides entertainment to patrons, a substantial portion of the total presentation time of which is characterized by an emphasis on depicting specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas; or (2) which devotes more than twenty-five percent (251-0 of the total area used for display and sale of its stock in trade to items, instruments, and/or paraphernalia characterized by an emphasis on depicting, describing or relating to specified sexual activities . 000050 EXHIBIT A Page 3 (g) Specified Anatomical Areas. (1) Less than completely and opaquely covered human genitals, pubic regions, buttock, and female breasts below a point immediately above the top of the areola; and (2) Human male genitals in a discernibly turgid state, even if completely and opaquely covered. (h) Specified Sexual Activities . (1) Human genitals in a state of sexual stimulation or arousal; (2) Acts of human masturbation, sexual intercourse or sodomy; (3) Fondling or other erotic touching of human genitals, pubic region, buttock, or female breast. 9-6 . 109 . Permitted Locations. (a) Zones . Adult businesses may be established only in the CS (Commercial Service) and I (Industrial) zones . (b) Dispersion Requirements. (1) Dispersion from other uses . No adult business shall be established within one thousand feet (10001 ) of the following uses : a. Children' s schools or preschools. b. Public parks C. Churches (2) Dispersion between businesses. No adult business shall be established within one thousand feet (10001 ) of any other adult business whether inside or outside the City. (3) Measurement of Dispersion. The distances specified in this section shall be a straight line, measured without regard to intervening structures, from the nearest point on the lot where the adult business is to be located to the nearest lot line of the other adult business or other specified uses . (c) Prohibition with Downtown. No adult business shall be established within Downtown Zone 1 (Pedestrian Commercial Zone) , Downtown Zone 2 (Downtown Commercial Zone) , Downtown 3 (Restaurant and Entertainment Zone) , or Downtown 4 (Commercial Zone) . 000051. EXHIBIT A Page 4 9-6 . 110 . Exterior Display. (a) Performance Standards . No adult business shall be conducted so as to permit observation of any material depicting, describing or relating to specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas from any public property or way outside the building or area of the business . This provision shall apply to any display, decoration, sign, show window, or other opening. (b) Other Standards. Adult businesses shall comply with other development, performance, design, and signage requirements of the CS and I zone in which they are located. 9-6 . 111 . Persons Responsible. The owners, operators and managers of premises which constitute an adult business under this section are responsible for compliance with this section. 000052 REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL Meeting Date: 1/23/96 CITY OF ATASCADERO Agenda Item: B-3 (A&B) Through: Andy Takata, City Manager From: Kelly Heffernon, Administrative Analyst SUBJECT: Public hearing on the San Luis Obispo County Integrated Waste .Management Plan Siting Element and Summary Plan RECOMMENDATION: 1 . Adopt Resolution No. 02-96 approving the Notice of Determination and Negative Declaration for the Siting Element and Summary Plan 2. Adopt Resolution No. 05-96 approving the Siting Element and Summary Plan BACKGROUND: AB 939 (1989) requires each city and county to develop and adopt several planning documents, including the Source Reduction and Recycling Element (SRRE), Household Hazardous Waste Element (HHWE), Non Disposal Facilities Element (NDFE), Siting Element and Summary Plan. All of these documents together are considered the County Integrated Waste Management Plan (CIWMP). To date, all documents have been prepared and approved except for the Siting Element, Summary Plan and CIWMP. Copies of the Siting Element, Summary Plan and Environmental Determination have been distributed to each Councilmember under separate cover. DISCUSSION: The Siting Element was prepared in order to accomplish the following four tasks: to define goals and policies for maintaining long-term solid waste disposal capacity; to quantify the remaining permitted disposal capacity in the county; to identify minimum siting criteria from federal and state sources, and some discretionary siting criteria for any new or expanded disposal facility siting effort in the county; and to identify strategies for the county to maintain long-term disposal capacity. The Summary Plan is a comprehensive document which summarizes the four planning documents (SRRE, HHWE, NDFE and Siting Element). 000053 On November 8, 1995 the San Luis Obispo County Integrated Waste Management Authority (IWMA) held a public hearing on the final drafts of these two documents and approved them with minor revisions. The deadline for submitting the documents and approved resolutions to the California Integrated Waste Management Board (CIWMB) is January 31 , 1996. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact associated with approving the Siting Element, Summary Plan and accompanying Environmental Determination. All AB 939 planning documents are paid for through County landfill tipping fees. Encl: Resolution No. 02-96 Resolution No. 05-96 Separate Cover: Copy of Siting Element, Summary Plan and Environmental Determination • 000054 RESOLUTION NO. 02-96 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Atascadero Approving the Notice of Determination and Negative Declaration for the Siting Element and Summary Plan as Prepared by the San Luis Obispo County Integrated Waste Management Authority WHEREAS, the people of the State of California have enacted the Integrated Waste Management Act of 1989 (Assembly Bill 939) which requires the preparation of solid waste planning documents known as the "Siting Element" and the "Summary Plan", incorporated herein by reference; and WHEREAS, said procedures of the California Integrated Waste Management Board require local approval of these documents be accompanied by environmental documentation verifying compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), as amended; and WHEREAS, an Initial Study has been completed and a Notice of Determination and Negative Declaration, incorporated herein by reference, prepared in accordance with the requirements of CEQA; and WHEREAS, the City of Atascadero has participated in the preparation of these documents; and WHEREAS, the San Luis Obispo County Integrated Waste Management Authority approved the Negative Declaration for the Siting Element and Summary Plan after considering all the information presented to it, including the staff report and the public testimony presented in writing and at the November 8, 1995, Public Hearing; and WHEREAS, prior to acceptance of these documents by the California Integrated Waste Management Board, the cities and county within the county shall approve the documents; and WHEREAS, a duly advertised public hearing was held before the City of Atascadero for consideration of all information presented to it regarding the Notice of Determination and Negative Declaration; and WHEREAS, the potential environmental effects were duly considered and proposed mitigation measures reviewed and discussed. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Atascadero has considered all information presented to it concerning the Notice of Determination and Negative Declaration and determined that the Siting Element and Summary Plan shall not have a significant effect on the environment; and 000055 Page 2 Resolution No. 02-96 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Atascadero hereby approves the Notice of Determination and Negative Declaration. On motion by Councilmember , seconded by Councilmember the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: DATE ADOPTED: January 23, 1996 ATTEST: CITY OF ATASCADERO By: LEE PRICE, City Clerk GEORGE P. HIGHLAND, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: ARTHER R. MONTANDON, City Attorney 000056 RESOLUTION NO. 05-96 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Atascadero Approving the Siting Element and Summary Plan as Prepared by the San Luis Obispo County Integrated Waste Management Authority WHEREAS, the people of the State of California have enacted the Integrated Waste Management Act of 1989 (Assembly Bill 939) which.requires the preparation of solid waste planning documents known as the "Siting Element" and the "Summary Plan", incorporated herein by reference; and WHEREAS, the City of Atascadero has participated in the preparation of these documents; and WHEREAS, the San Luis Obispo County Integrated Waste Management Authority (herein referred to as the "Authority"), acting as the Local Task Force, prepared and circulated the Siting Element in accordance with the requirements of Public Resources Code Division 30, Part 2, Chapter 4, §41700 et seq, and California Code of Regulations Title 14, Division 7, Chapter 9, §18755 through 18756.7; and WHEREAS, the Authority has prepared and circulated the Summary Plan in accordance with the requirements of Public Resources Code Division 30, Part 2, Chapter 4, §41700 et seq, and California Code of Regulations Title 14, Division 7, Chapter 9, §18757 through 18758; and WHEREAS, the San Luis Obispo County Integrated Waste Management Authority approved the Siting Element and Summary Plan after consideration of all information presented to it at the November 8, 1995 Public Hearing; and WHEREAS, a duly advertised Public Hearing was held before the City Council of the City of Atascadero to receive and consider testimony on the Siting Element and Summary Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Atascadero has held a Public Hearing and considered all testimony regarding the Siting Element and Summary Plan; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Atascadero hereby grants local approval of the Siting Element and Summary Plan in accordance with the requirements of the California Code of Regulations Title 14, Division 7, Chapter 8, §18783. 000057 Page 2 Resolution No. 05-96 On motion by Councilmember seconded by Councilmember the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: DATE ADOPTED: January 23, 1996 ATTEST: CITY OF ATASCADERO By: LEE PRICE, City Clerk GEORGE P. HIGHLAND, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: ARTHER R. MONTANDON, City Attorney 000058 REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL CITY OF ATASCADERO Agenda Item: B-4 Through: Andrew J. Takata Meeting Date: 01/23/96 City Manager Via: vp Steven L. DeCamp City Planner From: µ Doug Davidson ' '/ Senior Planner SUBJECT: 1993 State of California Community Development Block Grant, Final Grantee Performance Report. RECOMMENDATION: City Staff recommends that the Council hold the public hearing and accept comments and/or questions from interested parties. BACKGROUND: In 1993, the City of Atascadero applied for, and was awarded, a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) from the State of California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) . The grant was for the acquisition and rehabilitation of a domes- tic violence emergency shelter. According to the regulations that govern the CDBG Program, a final "Grantee Performance Report" is to be submitted to HCD upon completion of the grant activities . This performance report is used to assess the degree to which the grantee has completed the various activities, and whether the activities are being completed in a timely fashion, are within budget, and are in accordance with the overall CDBG Program goals and objectives as identified in the Grant Agree- ment. The final report has been prepared by the City' s consultant, Peoples ' Self-Help Housing Corporation (PSHHC) . Grantees are required to hold at least one ( 1) noticed public hearing regarding the Grantee Performance Report prior to submitting the report to the State, and must allow interested parties to comment on the grantee' s performance to date. A copy of the report must be included in the CDBG Public Information file, along with a copy of the notice of public hearing and minutes of the meeting. 000059 The activity funded by the 1993 CDBG was the acquisition and rehabilitation of the North County Women' s Resource Center' s emergency shelter for the victims of domestic violence. The rehabilitation of the facility has finally been completed. The . City and the NCWRC have fulfilled their obligations of the grant agreement. PSHHC and City staff are now closing the grant. 000060 REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM: C-2 CITY OF ATASCADERO DATE: 01-23-96 THROUGH: Andrew J. Takata, City Manager FROM: Brady Cherry, Director Department of Community Services SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF ADOPTION OF AN ARTS IN PUBLIC PLACES POLICY FOR THE CITY OF ATASCADERO. RECOMMENDATION• The Parks and Recreation Commission and Staff recommend the Policy identified as Draft "C" in this Report. REPORT OUTLINE: I. Introduction to Arts in Public Places Programs -Richard DeLong, Past President, San Luis Obispo County Arts Council (presentation). II. Consideration of draft policies for Arts in Public Places for adoption by the City of Atascadero. III. Provide Staff direction on Arts in Public Places with regard to private property. Issues: Type of approval process preferred, if any; and modification or exemption from Sign Ordinance. IV. Clarification on City Council action to approve Pavilion Mural Project. I. PRESENTATION: Richard DeLong II. POLICY DEVELOPMENT BACKGROUND: Prior to the direction from City Council to develop an Arts in Public Places Policy for artwork on public property, City Staff had been meeting and reviewing potential policies and procedures for Atascadero with representatives from the San Luis Obispo County Arts Council. (Please see attached letter from Ms. Susan Beatie.) When the Pavilion Mural Project appeared on a'City Council Agenda, the item moved to the Parks and Recreation Commission for policy development and recommendation. An Ad Hoc Committee was formed by the Parks and Recreation Commission, chaired by Commissioner Paul Hood. The Committee consisted of approximately 12 members (please see attached list). The Committee met several times and . went through at least four different versions of a draft policy. It was ultimately 000061 clear that no consensus of the Ad Hoc Committee could be achieved. Thus, two different draft policies were forwarded to the Parks and Recreation Commission for consideration. At the Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting on January 4, 1996, the two proposed policies were discussed. It was generally agreed that the two policies had many similarities, but a couple of significant differences. Draft "A" was considered to be a policy designed to address Arts in Public Places on publicly owned or leased property only, as per Council direction, with the Parks and Recreation Commission playing a major role in screening artwork for non- aesthetic issues (such as maintenance, public safety concerns, consistency with facility master plans, public uses, etc.). An initial review would be conducted by a Council appointed Arts Committee subject to the Brown Act. Their recommendation on artistic merit, etc., would be forwarded to the Commission and then the City Council. Draft "B" is supported by at least six members of the Ad Hoc Committee. This draft is different from Draft "A" in that it encompasses both private property and publicly owned property, and eliminates the review by the Parks and Recreation Commission. In lieu of the Commission's review, Community Services Department Staff is relied upon to screen all issues that the Commission would normally address. The Council would appoint an Arts Committee that would be subject to the Brown Act and function as a "Legislative Body." The City Council project. would hold a public hearing and make a final decision on a proposed p � ect. Draft B also includes a modification of the SinOrdinance, which essentially creates a waiver for any type of mural or wall art that has been approved by the Arts Committee. Draft "C", which has been developed by George Beatie, Parks and Recreation Commission Chairman, is the proposed Policy being recommended by the Parks and Recreation Commission, Community Services Department Staff, and has the approval of a least a couple of the Ad Hoc Committee members. This version encompasses only public property at this time, but could easily be modified to include private property using the same review processes. This version does not create a new standing body, such as an Arts Committee/Commission; but rather a pool of people from the arts community would/could be drawn upon as needed to serve on a temporary, five member subcommittee of the Parks and Recreation Commission to review proposed artwork, and make a recommendation to the Parks and Recreation Commission. The Commission would hold a public hearing and weigh input from the community and Subcommittee. The Commission would then forward both the Commission's and the subcommittee's recommendations on to the City Council for a final decision. The item would be placed on the City Council's Consent Agenda, unless otherwise removed. 000062 DISCUSSION: There are many advantages and disadvantages of each of the three drafts resented. g P Some important considerations are: • Should the City's Arts Policy include public and/or private property? • Is the Policy and process "user friendly"? (not too cumbersome) • Does the public have an adequate opportunity to provide input and participate in the process of decision making? At what point in the process is a public hearing held? • Who is involved in the screening and reviewing of proposed artwork for aesthetic value and artistic merit? This seems to be a very important part of the approval process. • Should the City create a Public Arts Committee/Commission? Are there adequate resources available to support such a body? Who should ,staff it? • What City Departments should be involved in the screening process? • Are the standards for public artwork clearly defined in the policy? • Are the procedures and policies practical and manageable? • Does the process and guidelines set forth encourage public art in Atascadero? Given all of the above, Staff believes that Draft "C", developed and suggested at the Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting by Chairman Beatie, best suits the City's needs at this time. However, it should be noted that sooner or later the City must address the issue of public art on private property, and the implications on the Sign Ordinance if artwork, such as murals, are desired. A possible alternative to the three versions presented above, would be to adopt Draft Policy "C", but modify it to add four (4) new Commissioners from the arts community to the Parks and Recreation Commission. These four new members would be full voting members of the Commission, but would serve in an auxiliary capacity, only sitting on the Commission when items related to public art are considered on the Agenda. III. After the City Council decides on an Arts in Public Places Policy and Procedures, Staff would appreciate the City Council's direction on whether to pursue policy development for public art on private property, and the possible modification of the Sign Ordinance. 000063 IV. Finally, there seems to be some confusion regarding the City Council's action on the Pavilion Mural Project presented by Police Chief, Bud McHale. The Parks and Recreation Commission has requested clarification on the action that the Council took at the meeting. The project was apparently approved in "concept." Which parts of the proposed project were approved, and must the project come back before either the Parks and Recreation Commission or the City Council? Many people seem to have a different understanding of what has been approved. C:\CITYCOUN W RTPUBLC.RPT 000064 [CRAFT A CITY OF ATASCADERO ARTS IN PUBLIC PLACES "DRAFT POLICY" I. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES The ultimate purpose of the procedures and standards set forth herein is to encourage appreciation, acceptance, and support by the public of visual arts in public places owned or leased by the City of Atascadero. Art is both a permanent and changing reflection of what the community holds important. The Arts in Public Places Policy should reflect and communicate community values and enhance the quality of life of the citizens of the City of Atascadero. The goals and objectives of the Arts in Public Places Program are to direct the inclusion of works of art in City capital improvement projects and existing public places, including City-owned or leased buildings and parks, to create a more livable City, engage and attract a wide spectrum of citizens and visitors, stimulate the vitality and economy of the City of Atascadero, and enhance the community environment. II. DEFINITION OF ART IN PUBLIC PLACES Arts in Public Places is defined as all art, including but not limited to,sculpture,murals,painting, graphic art, mosaics,photography,crafts, mixed media and environmental works. It includes all artwork that is to be displayed longer than 30-days on or in a publicly owned or leased facility or park, or publicly owned or leased open space or easement. III. PROCEDURE . A. Submittal to Community Services Department: Works of art may be donated to or purchased by the City of Atascadero to be placed in publicly-owned or leased property. Plans for proposed artwork and its placement must be submitted by the artist or sponsoring group to the Community Service Department. A standardized proposal application form will be required as part of the submittal package. It shall include sufficient data upon which to properly evaluate the project. A full-color rendering shall be submitted as part of the proposal. Copies of the application shall be transmitted for comments to all affected City Departments, including Community Development. 000065 DRAFT -2- After the ro ►sal application is B. Consideration by Atascadero Public Arts Committee: P P� deemed to be complete and comments have been received from all affected City Departments, it shall be forwarded to the Atascadero Public Arts Committee (APAC). The APAC shall review the application, meet with the artist and sponsoring group, and make a recommendation to the City Council. The APAC shall review the proposed artwork for its appropriateness based on theme, artistic excellence, innovation, originality, appropriateness of materials, size, and construction. A public hearing may be called at the discretion of the ADAC. The ADAC will either recommend approval or rejection of the project,includ ng recommendations for appropriate changes. If the project is recommended for rejection, specific reasons for the rejection should be communicated to the proposer. If the proposer agrees to the suggested modifications, it will be reconsidered by the APAC. C. Consideration by the Parks and Recreation Commission: Before presentation of.the recommendation of the APAC to the City Council, the Parks and Recreation Commission shall review the proposal application for location, impact on the public building or park, and overall theme and consistency with the goals and objectives of the Community Services Department and the City of Atascadero. A public hearing may be called at the discretion of the Parks and Recreation Commission. The Commission will not consider the aesthetics of the proposals and to the maximum extent possible will not duplicate the previous review by the APAC. The Parks . and Recreation Commission would either recommend approval or rejection of the project, including recommendations for appropriate changes. If the project is recommended for rejection, specific reasons for the rejection should be communicated to the proposer. If the-proposer agrees to the suggested modifications, it will be reconsidered by the Parks and Recreation Commission. The recommendation of both the APAC and the Parks and Recreation Commission shall be forwarded to the City Council. D. Consideration by the City Council: The City Council shall review the proposal,together with the recommendations of the Atascadero Public Arts Committee and the Parks and Recreation Commission and approve, reject or suggest modifications to the project. The City Councirs consideration of the artwork shall be placed on the consent agenda, unless removed for separate action. If the project is rejected,specific reasons for the rejection should be communicated to the proposer. If the proposer agrees to the suggested modifications, the proposal may be reconsidered by the City Council. IV. SELECTION STANDARDS The selection of works of art for the City of Atascadero, Arts in Public Places Program, shall be based on the following criteria: 1. Artistic excellence, innovation and originality. _ 2. Appropriateness of the artwork in terms of scale, form, content and the environment. OOOOGG DRAFT -3- 3. Durability of the artwork relative to theft, vandalism, and the environment. 4. Materials and methods shall be suitable for durable outdoor display. 5. The program shall strive for diversity in style, scale, media, and numbers of artists represented. 6. Selection shall be based on the compatibility of design and location within a unified design character or historical character of site; preservation and integration of natural features of the project. 7. Ability to maintain the project. A further requirement shall be the complete execution of an appropriate contract related to the rights and duties of the parties involved in the creation,display and maintenance of the artwork. V. ATASCADERO PUBLIC ARTS COMMITTEE The Atascadero Public Arts Committee (APAC)shall be a community-based seven(7) member. The members of the APAC shall be appointed by the City Council and must be residents of the City of Atascadero. Members of the APAC shall serve four (4) year, staggered terms. Recommended backgrounds for the members of the APAC are artist, art teacher, art historian, art collector, architect, landscape architect or board member of a non-profit art corporation. Persons with pending art project applications shall not be allowed to serve on the APAC during the time their project is under consideration by the Committee. It shall be the function and purpose of the APAC to: 1. Review proposed project applications and implement selection standards. 2. Set standards and procedures for the construction and maintenance of art in public places. Such standards are to be consistent with the requirements of the City general plan and land use element. 3. Advise the City regarding the amounts of funds to be expended on artwork. 4. Advise and assist in obtaining financial assistance for visual art from private, public and corporate sources. 5. Survey available or potentially available sites on publicly owned facilities and open areas within the City. 6. Assist in the establishment of appropriate themes for areas in the City along with general recommendations for size and placement of artwork in those areas. 7. Encourage and assist in community participation that promotes public involvement in the arts. 000067 CITY OF ATASCADERO ®RAFT ART IN PUBLIC PLACES PROGRAM PROPOSAL APPLICATION Project Name Project Location/Address Developer Work Phone Property Owner Work Phone Artist Address City/State Zip Phone Title of Artwork Media = Description of Artwork Approximate Weight. Dimensions Approximate Cost Location of Identification Plaque Description of Foundation Date of Installation Site Location Distance Between Public Street and Artwork Landscape Plans Special Problems Dedication Plans **ENCLOSE ARTIST BACKGROUND INFORMATION AND AN ARTIST'S PLAN. INCLUDING EPI TINE SEVERAL VIEWS OF THE ARTWORK AS LOCATED ON THE SITE SURROUNDING 6UILDING AND GRADE ELEVATIONS AND BUILDING FACADES. ALSO INCLUDE ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING FORMATS: 1. 8" x 10" photographs or 35mm slides depicting several views of the artwork- 2. A model of the artwork 3. A graphic or artist illustration depicting several views of the artwork. ()00068 DRAFT B// 12/7/95 18 PROPOSED PROCEDURAL OUTLINE FOR ENCOURAGEMENT AND PROCESSING OF VISUAL ART ON PUBLIC AND PRIVATE PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF ATASCADERO GUIDELINES FOR APPROVAL OF SAME I. OBJECTIVE The ultimate purpose of the procedures and standards set forth herein, is to encourage appreciation and acceptance and support by the public of visual arts in the City of Atascadero as well as to encourage and sustain artists and those working under their supervision for making contributions to the beautification and cultural enrichment of our community. II. PUBLIC VISUAL ARTS DEFINED Public visual art is defined as three-dimensional or other forms of artwork. It includes all artwork that is displayed longer than sixty days on or ins a publicly owned facility or park, or publicly owned open space or publicly owned easement. III. PRIVATE VISUAL ARTS DEFINED Private visual art is defined as all artwork displayed longer than sixty days on the exterior of any privately owned facility, building or open area, that is open to the public view. Artwork displayed in residential areas on private property, or within the interior of any commercial facility is excluded from this definition. IV. MODIFICATION OF THE SIGNING ORDINANCE The signing ordinance of the City of Atascadero would be modified by way of ordinance creating an exception to the signing ordinance for murals or forms of wall art and statuary that have been approved by the Atascadero Arts Advisory Committee (AAAC) or City Council, as appropriate, in accord with the course of proceedings outlined herein. This exemption removes the mural, wall art, or statuary from any signage review or application process. V. FUNCTION OF THE ATASCADERO ARTS ADVISORY COMMITTEE It shall be the function and purpose of the Atascadero Arts Advisory Committee to: 1. Advise the City in matters pertaining to the quality, quantity, scope and style of art in Public places and art displayed in areas open to public view. 2. Advise the City regarding the amount of funds to be expended on artwork, subject to municipal approval. 000069 3. Advise and assist in obtain financial assistance for visual art from private, public and corporate sources. 4 Review proposed artwork projects and implement standard procedures for such review. 5. Advise and assist private property owners who desire such advice and assistance regarding the selection and installation of art to be located on the property in the public view. 6. Act as liaison between local artists and public or private property owners. 7. Set standards and procedures for the maintenance and promotion of an inventory of meritorious works of art in the public view. 8. Encourage and assist in the development of community participation activities that promote public involvement in publicly displayed works of visual art. VI. COMPOSITION OF THE ATASCADERO ARTS ADVISORY COMMITTEE The AAAC shall consist of at least members.. At least one member shall be a licensed architect; at least two who are artists, teacher, historians or art collectors; at least two who are members of local art, mural or sculptural organizations dedicated to the support of the arts. The members shall be appointed by the City Council and shall serve a term of years on a staggered basis. VII. PROCEDURE Proposed works of visual art must first be submitted by the artist, property owner, or sponsoring group to the AAAC for review and approval of that particular form of art. The criteria for approval shall be: -Appropriateness of theme -Professional excellence -Appropriateness of materials, size and construction Upon review of the proposed project, the AAAC would either approve or reject the project, including recommendations for appropriate changes. If the project is rejected, specific reasons for the rejection would be communicated to the proposer. If the project is approved with suggested modifications, and the artist agrees with those modification, it will be approved without further AAAC review. If the project is for display on private property, the determination of the Atascadero Arts Advisory Committee is final. The project would appear on the consent calendar of the City Council to insure that the necessary contracts and related documents are signed and to allow the the artist or someone objecting to the approved project to request the matter be pulled from the consent agenda. In the event that a project is to be displayed on or in a public building, or erected on property owned by the*City of Atascadero, it would require review by the Department of Community Services or the department ultimately responsible for maintaining public areas, and a public hearing by the City Council. A standardized proposal form, acceptable to the AAAC and the City Council will be a required part of the submittal package. It shall include sufficient data upon which 0000'70 to properly evaluate the project. A full-color rendering shall be submitted.as a part of the proposal. The AAAC or appropriate subcommittee will establish submittal criteria for three dimensional and wall art. A further requirement shall be the complete execution of an appropriate contract related to the rights and duties of the parties involved in the creation, display and maintenance of the artwork. VIII. MUNICIPAL STANDARDS FOR ARTWORK 1. The size and configuration of the artwork shall be appropriate to the view window, size and architectural features of the building or open area in or upon which it is displayed. 2. Method of construction/erection of the project shall be in accord with the standards established by the AAAC. 3. Materials and Methods shall be suitable for durable outdoor display. 4. The artwork must be either created or supervised by a professional in the field who's professional competence has been determined by the AAAC. The AAAC will review that artists portfolio, artistic credentials and other appropriate criteria. The project shall be of high professional quality and consistent with the theme adopted for the area of proposed placement. 5. Appropriateness of theme, method and style is admittedly a subjective criteria and it is to be applied by the AAAC in such a manner so as to encourage diversity among the artists as well as diversity of style. IX. THEME The Atascadero Arts Advisory Committee shall survey available or potentially available sites on public and private facilities and open areas within the City of Atascadero. The AAAC shall establish appropriate themes for those areas along with general recommendations for size and placement of proposed artworks in those areas. No work of art shall incorporate any signage or subject matter that advertises any existing business. The project may include a graphically represented recognition plaque listing major donors of materials and/or financial sponsors. The plaque shall not exceed 24 inches in width or height and be confined to the colors of green and/or cream with white highlights, in a uniform style and lettering. The plaque shall also bear the creating or supervising artist's name(s). An exception to non-commercial advertising criteria shall apply in the Colony District of Atascadero as part of the promotion of the 1920's theme. Advertisements may be depicted in murals of businesses presently non-existent, but having existed during the time of the City's founding-and 1927 and of historical significance. Such murals will portray the logo or lettering style and composition of the original advertisement with reasonable authenticity. (ATASPUB.DOCJ 0000'71 RAFT CIW OF ATASCADERO ARTS IN PUBLIC PLACES "DRAFT POLICY" I. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES The ultimate purpose of the procedures and standards set forth herein is to encourage appreciation, acceptance, and support by the public of visual arts in public places owned or leased by the City of Atascadero. Art is both a permanent and changing reflection of what the community holds important. The Arts in Public Places Policy should reflect and communicate community values and enhance the quality of life of the citizens of the City of Atascadero. The goals and objectives of the Arts in Public Places Program are to direct the inclusion of works of art in City capital improvement projects and public places, including City-owned or leased buildings and parks, to create a more livable City, engage and attract a wide spectrum of citizens and visitors, stimulate the vitality and economy of the City of Atascadero, and enhance the community environment. II. DEFINITION OF ART IN PUBLIC PLACES Arts in Public Places is defined as all art including, but not limited to, sculptures, murals, paintings, graphic arts, mosaics, photography, crafts, mixed media, and environmental works. It includes all artwork that is to be displayed longer than 30 days on or in a publicly owned or leased facility or park, or publicly owned or leased open space or easement. III. PROCEDURE A. Submittal to Community Services Department Works of art may be donated to, or purchased by, the City of Atascadero to be placed in publicly owned or leased property. Plans for proposed artwork and its placement must be submitted by the artist, or sponsoring group, to the Community Services Department. A standardized proposal application form will be required as part of the submittal package. It shall include sufficient data upon which to properly evaluate the project. A full-color rendering shall be submitted as part of the proposal. Copies of the application shall be transmitted for comments to all affected City Departments, including Community Development. 1 0000'72 B. Consideration by Atascadero Public Arts Committee After the proposed application is deemed to be complete and comments have been received from all affected City Departments, it shall be forwarded to- the Parks and Recreation Commission. The Parks and Recreation Commission shall appoint a five (5) member ad hoc advisory committee from selected members of the Atascadero Public Arts Committee (see Item V. below) . This ad hoc committee should be selected from those most knowledgeable about the art form, and shall be chaired by a non-voting member of the Parks and Recreation Commission. A project proposer shall not serve on this advisory committee. The approval or rejection of the project, together with suggestions for modifications by the sub-committee, will be received by the Parks and Recreation Commission at a regular or special meeting that shall be deemed a public hearing. Following the public hearing, the Parks and Recreation Commission will either recommend approval or rejection of the project, including recommendations for appropriate changes. If the project is recommended for rejection, specific reasons for the rejection should be communicated to the proposer. If the proposer agrees to ,the suggested modifications, it will be reconsidered by the Parks and Recreation Commission. The recommendation of both the APAC and the Parks and Recreation Commission shall be forwarded to the City Council. C. Consideration by the City Council The City Council shall review the proposal, together with the recommendations of the Atascadero Public Arts Committee and the Parks and Recreation Commission, and approve, reject, or suggest modifications to the project. The City Council's consideration of the artwork shall be placed on the consent agenda, unless removed for separate action. If the project is rejected, specific reasons for the rejection shall be communicated to the proposer. If the proposer agrees to the suggested modifications, the proposal may be reconsidered by the City ,Council. 2 0000'73 IV. SELECTION STANDARDS The selection of works of art for the City of Atascadero, Arts in Public Places Program, shall be based on the following criteria: 1. Artistic excellence, innovation and originality. 2 . Appropriateness of the artwork in terms of scale, form, content and the environment. 3 . Durability of the artwork relative to theft, vandalism, and the environment. 4. Materials and methods shall be suitable for durable outdoor display. 5. The program shall strive for diversity in style, scale, ,media, and numbers of artists represented. 6. Selection shall be based on the compatibility of design and location within a unified design character or historical character of site; preservation and integration of natural features of the project. 7 . Ability to maintain the project. A further requirement shall be the execution of an appropriate contract related to the rights and duties of the parties involved in the creation, display, maintenance and ownership of the completed artwork. V. ATASCADERO PUBLIC ARTS COMMITTEE (APAC) The Community Services Department will solicit membership from interested citizens of Atascadero to serve on an advisory committee to assist in the implementation of the Goals and Objectives. Members of this group may be asked to assist in the development of an inventory of sites for public art, provide leadership in the selection of artists and artisans, provide direction for funding public art, and serve as advisory members to the Parks and Recreation Commission on an ad hoc basis to consider and evaluate proposed public art projects. In this capacity, their expertise and advice would be considered in the development of a recommendation to the City Council. Recommended backgrounds for the members of the APAC are artist, art teacher, art historian, art collector, architect, landscape architect, or board member of a non-profit art corporation. 3 0000'74 Persons with pending art project applications shall not be allowed to serve on the APAC during the time their project is under consideration by the Committee. It shall be the function and purpose of the APAC to: 1. Review proposed project applications and implement selection standards. 2. Set standards and procedures for the construction and maintenance of art in public places. Such standards are to be consistent with the requirements of the City general plan and land use element. 3 . Advise the City regarding the amounts and sources of funds to be expended on artwork. 4. Advise and assist in obtaining financial assistance for visual art from private, public and corporate sources. 5. Survey available or potentially available sites on publicly-owned facilities and open areas within the City. 6. Assist in the establishment of appropriate themes for areas in the City along with general recommendations for size and placement of artwork in those areas. 7. Encourage and assist in community participation that promotes public involvement in the arts. C:\POLICY\ARTPUBGB.REV 4 0000'75 CITY OF ATASCADERO ART IN PUBLIC PLACES PROGRAM PROPOSAL APPLICATION Project Name Project Location/Address Developer Work Phone Property Owner Work Phone Artist Phone Address city p State Zi Code Title of Artwork Media Description of Artwork Approximate Weight Dimensions Approximate Cost $ Location 'of Identification Plaque Description of Foundation Date of Installation Site Location Distance Between Public Street and Artwork Landscape Plans Special Problems Dedication Plans ** Enclose Artist background information and an Artist's rendering depicting several views of the artwork as located on the site plan, including the surrounding building and grade elevations and building facades. Also include one or more of the following formats: 1. 8"xl0" photographs or 35mm slides depicting several views of the artwork. 2. A model of the artwo4k. 3. A graphic or artist's illustration depicting several views of the artwork. CAFORWARTPUB.APP 0000'76 I 12/28/95 i City of Atascadero Parks and Recreation Commission ! Dear Sirs: The undersigned members of the Ad Hoc Committee for Art In Public Places respectfully submit the attached document for your consideration and recommendation for adoption, to the Atascadero City Council. This draft of Art in Public Places Guidelines incorporates discussions and objectives evolved during the Ad Hoc Committee's meetings, and represents the consensus of at least six committee members. This set of guidlines: • Has as it's objective the encouragement of all forms of visual art placed for view by the public and delineates the functions for doing so. • Defines and describes procedures for both privately and publicly owned art. • Creates an exception to the sign ordinance for works of art approved by a committee of artistically knowledgeable citizens, appointed by the City Council • Is a complete guideline. It addresses the composition and function of the committee, clearly sets forth a streamlined procedure of approval, sets standards and outlines themes for the Colony District of Atascadero. We strongly recommend that the City Council adopt this set of guidelines that encourages and assists the development public artworks on private and public property. 7'ce Deli- �Noe;N Gounr%•J Mt A?,AC— Vq' ),�- GA46,,� /"�.r3 t2rL N o/�"7'! Goc�••� /�N�'�`" Sm ci CJ�j �'Y18rv►�r /Vo✓fl. ��0�-tt.yc *•� rhLc.✓"Gt-� J J a � �' ,zJ�CC��;�✓c'Z ryu�oyrt�f'�u� Allo 77 CO��ry mora/ So�ie�y cc: Atacadero City Council 000077 17 January, 1996 Atascadero City Council: For almost two years the Art in Public Places Committee of the County Arts Council has been studying the policies of California communities regarding art in public places so that we would be able to answer questions and offer suggestions regarding Art in Public Policies for the communities in our county. In March of 1995 letters were sent to all county localities suggesting that they institute Art in Public Places policies for their area. I met with Brady Cherry and Steve DeCamp on August 1 to discuss such a policy for Atascadero. It was suggested that a committtee be formed of a diverse group of individuals not just artists to act as advisors. I gave the information from the study by the County Arts Council to Brady Cherry to use in preparing an Art in Public Places Policy for the City of Atascadero. The ad hoc committee formed under the chairmanship of Parks and Recreation Commissioner Paul Hood to consider Brady's report met several times but could not agree on his report, so two proposals were presented to the Parks and Recreation Commission. Whereas it would be ideal to have a separate Commission or Committee, the Parks and Recreation Commission has sent you a proposal that would allow a pool of interested residents of Atascadero [artists, historians, architects, landscape designers, etc.] be established from which the P&RC would chose individuals to review the artistic merit of any proposal for art in publicly owned facilities. These persons would then make their recommendations to the P&RC at a public hearing. I support the recommendation of the P&RC and urge the City Council to adopt this policy. Since the Ad Hoc Committee was set up to consider art in publicly owned or leased property only, I feel it would now be appropriate to send this proposal, if adopted, back to staff and consider it for art in/on privately owned property to which the public has access [exclusive of private residences.] 0000' 8 Susan J. Beatie • 10025 EI Camino Real #8 • Atascadero, California 93422 • 805-466-5389 Proposals considered "Public Art" whether in/on publicly or privately owned property should go through the process of artistic review and public hearing where the "public" has the opportunity to comment. Support for a proposed project is important. If a proposal is not designed to please the public perhaps it should be installed where the public does not have access. Very truly yours, 17 January, 1996 - Susan J. Beatie - page 2/2 0000'79 REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM: C-3 CITY OF ATASCADERO DATE: 01-23-96 THROUGH: Andrew J. Takata, City Manager FROM: Brady Cherry, Director Department of Community Services SUBJECT: REVIEW OF STREET LIGHTS PROGRAM IN DOWNTOWN AREA AND DISCUSSION OF POLICY DEVELOPMENT. RECOMMENDATION: City Council to provide direction regarding street lights policy development. BACKGROUND: The City has approximately thirty (30) street lights in the Downtown Business Improvement Area (B.I.A.). These lights are not uniform in type or style, nor are they well maintained. Currently, all of the lights in the B.1.A. are owned and maintained by PG&E, with the exception of the two in front of the City Administration Building, with the old-fashioned standards and "Acorn" fixtures. City Staff has met with Russ Cracknell, new Business Representative for PG&E, to discuss the replacement of damaged street lights and installation of a uniform type of standard and luminaire. As the City currently does not pay for the standards and fixtures, we are often given the types of street lights available at any given time; hence the City's wide variety of street lights. The location and type of some poles also creates some maintenance problems. Weak poles in close proximity to the curb are struck by automobiles and easily damaged. Staff would like to take this opportunity to review some options with the Council to attempt to develop a uniform street light program. With regard to the type of luminaires, there are three types which can be installed by PG&E without cost to the City. (Please see attached sheet.) These luminaires are as follows: 1. Lantern Type 2. Colonial Type 3. Conventional Type It would be easiest to standardize the Colonial Type sooner, as most of the luminaires we currently have are of this type. Whichever type is chosen would be changed over as they need replacement by PG&E. Some of the poles we currently have are decorative fluted tin poles that Staff feels are too fragile. Other standards or poles that would be provided without cost by PG&E are simple round steel poles that can be painted black. They are plain but functional and durable. 000080 The City Council also has the option to upgrade the standards and luminaires by paying for any upgraded street lights that we desire. There are many different types commercially available, and can be seen in the downtown districts of many communities, such as Paso Robles, San Luis Obispo, etc. These street lights can range from $1,000 to $3,500 each. The City of Atascadero may wish to stay with a type of luminaire with a photocell on top, similar to most we currently have, to accommodate Christmas decorations. The old-fashioned "Acorn" bulbs do not have photocells. While the City's ability to afford upgraded street lights is severely limited, we may be able to have the type of street lights we would like downtown over time by replacing damaged poles with an upgraded type. Costs for new street lights could then be spread out. However, given the importance of sprucing up the downtown area, we may want to approach the merchants in the B.I.A. to determine their interest in improved street lights. If there is enough interest from the property owners within the B.I.A., a Landscaping and Lighting Assessment District can be formed. This is very common in many communities, and can be relatively inexpensive depending upon the costs of the lighting desired, etc. The City Council can direct Staff to meet with B.I.A. representatives to explore this option. City Staff would like to see a different standard or pole used than the ones that are currently in place. They are very fragile, and easily damaged when struck. The new painted, steel poles offered by PG&E, or a more decorative cast aluminum pole(approx. $1,000 each), are preferred by Staff to prevent so many damaged poles. Pending City Council direction, Staff will meet with PG&E and provide instructions regarding having uniform street lighting installed. C:\C1TYC0UN\STRTLrrE.RPT 000081 _. .- I i 173/4"S9 17" --- - - 17"Sq. ;m N GE Co. TC-/00 A.E American Revo/uJion 28-DiaLANTERN T lblc-Ed Co. Trodilionoire W.E.Colo. Co/oay YPE Z 1/4.,Dio. 28 3/8"Dio. \L11 GE Co. PMC-116 WE Cao Promenade-Colonial Mc-Ed.CaSi/eki r me o nl/ y ng Ono C lA OL ON L TYPE 3 — --- 28 3/8„Dio. -F KI � 1 G E Co. PMA-117 W.E. Corp. Pin!o Mc-Ed Co, Sly/eking CON✓EiVT/OVAL TYPE (See Sheet 3 for Post Top Luminaires Tab/es:) TABLE A. H/GH PRESSURE 50D/611W Co1VV_R5101v KI T,5 FOR Mc CRAW ED/SON Co. MERCURY IrAPOR TRAD/T/ONAIRE LI M/NAIRE5 0 WATTAGE VOLTAGE CAT. NO. CODE 70 120 A51213 35-2216 JOO 120 PB 1223 35-2217 150 120 PB 1233 35-2218 A On o/t other o'ecorotive luminaires, its more econornicol to reploce the luminaire than insto/1 a Conversion kit. Q�OfESSIO- POST TOP LUMINAIRES APPROVED g 7-16-75 Revised Cot.Nos. 6.E.Co. and Mc(irow Edison A,,Z. D,Z,y, � AKTTQSNORTN 7 21-7 Added W E. Cor .Pinto Removed Promenade W.E. Cor . A(,1— p L.X * Na 199 t3.#(' /- p t0 2-28/ Added Tab/e A• r Tc to Sheet 3. K.L. �r' COF CIS 9 - Move Tab/e I D.t.N ° . CMO. "OAT[ O[[CRIFfNH1 . suPERv:.r F. F. Y. ENGINEERING STANDARD EUPERseoes N. D. L.H. SUPERSEDED BY CN. K. M.S. POSTS AND POST TOP -LUMINAIRES SHEET NO. 2 SHEETS C.K. DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING D[AwINO NUN[[[ c ND[ owr-%cc SCALE PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY 029690 I 4-28-W SAN FRANCISCO.CALIFORNIA 00008 ` TABLE 2. PRESTRESSED CONCRETE POSTS HF/GHT MFR. AND GAT, NO. TYPE 480VE CODE - --- ------- - ------- _ GROUND Post Size Mir. Cal No. I T112 x615/6x16-O U.M.BM.Co. LE-7026-B _ x 16"O" Ameron O-C2-J6P 3%2 z 6',e"x 16'4 Cenfrecon SER-4T-123 DI Prestressed 4i2"x714"x/6-O U.M.&M.Co. LE 28-C -7 of Concrete 14' 55-71,3,5 5"x 7.45'"x J8"O" Ameron O-C2-JBP 3i2"x63/n"x/8-D Cenlrecon SER-4.27T-123 41/2 X 7r/2"x 20-0 U.M.8 M.Co.__LE-7028 D QI 16' _T 5-7/34 5 x 775 r 20'0 Ameron O-C2-20P 3%2"x 6rf/s x20-5 Centrecon SER 5T-123 TABLE 3. STEEL POSTS Z — N.1FR. AND CAT NO. ao TYPE HOvl�T GAGE CODE hbndho%� __ Pos/ Size Mfr Cot NO. 0 ,All Prestressed 10 3"x 4.68"x 12 O'"U.M.8 M. Co. _ L_E-10069_-A Concrete Posts 135-7135 3.575"x 525'x 12'-O" Ameron PGF120-/3/5 O em edded 4 fee/ Slee/ 1 or DYire In/el' in ground i 3"x 4.96'" O"U.M.8 M.Co. LE-0069-8 I /ti 35-7136 3.275'"x 525"x 14'-O" Ameron PGF140-1316 FIG.f. PRE SIRES RETE POST { 3'"x 5.24"x f6'O"U M.8 M Co. L E-10069-C /6' 135-7137 2975"x 5.25",r 16=0" Am PGF160-/3/7 TABLE 4. ALU-✓111✓uivf POSTS TYPE PO`T I d✓ALL CODE ---------- MFR. AND CAT. N0. _--_ HEIGHT;TH/CK Post Size Mfr. Cot No. - Ha co 409345-0/ 12" 1.125'" 35%7138 3"' x 5" x f2"-O'" PSK PA5312/TSB-5 o Alum um - U M. M.Co. 60008-28 ff�Co 409345-02 J4' J25'" 35 7/39 3" x 5" x 14'-O" P 8 K PA5314/TSB-5 o U M.8 M Co. 60008-3B I Hueco 409345-03 "-71=0 3"x 5"" x 16'-0" ---P(5 K PA 316/TSB-5 U M 8 M.Co. 60008-4A eron formerly wcs vIeld-Rite Co. HOpco formerly Inas Hubbard. FIG.2. STEEL AND AL UMINUM POSTS P C_r �' v SPECIFICATIONS: sls to be su/t r mounting P051/op luminaires wish 3" -D(,f s/ipfi/lec Slee/an a uminurn posts shot/be designaled for 3 anchor bo/1s Ivith 8 boil Circles and furnished IviM base Covers. Aluminum posts to be manuloclured 016063_T6 aluminum e//,y. Ail steel posts to be furnished hal dipped gnlvOnized per/o1es1 revision of ASTM Spec. 4153 Slee/Ond aluminum posts, Tables 3 and 4 to be/urn/shed less Oncnor bolls. Each anch0rbo/1l0 be lurmshed wilh one go/v regu/orhex nut and one go/v wOsh& Anchor bolls to be 1201 dipped gals.pet toles/revision of ASTM Spec.A153. As on 0/1ern01e/o fu//length go/vonized anchor b0/Is may be ho/dipped goivo,2ized 0n threaded end to Iwo inches minimum below end of ilmoods. ORDER/NG INSTRUCTIONS: Specify post code and anchor tion Code,if required. ����o QROf ESSIph���yc POSTS y APPROVED 4 7-3-73 Revised Code Numbers Table 2. �� JIBEITFISWORTH �,. 7 2-r,?-7P Chore ed Ameron Co> Nos- and Post Size Tob/e 2. Y * No.19% -;Al 6 8-131-77 C d. sheet No. former Sheet 4 mode Sheet 7. K.L. 5 7-1,6-75 Added Centre n sfs to Toble 2. Chore e Nubbord to Ha co Tob/e 4 K.[, o.[,N. r�1`Or C ' CN0. DAT[ DFlCNIPTON SUP V. OV CN. A►RD. SUPERv.evYENGINEERING STANDARDSUPERSEDES DSON.DRD. L.H. SUPERSEDED BY CN. K. M.S. POSTS AND POST TOP LUMINAIRES SHEET NO. 4 SHEETS O.K. DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING DnwwwD Nu.... CNANac. DATE SCALE PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY 029690 / 7 4-28-66 SAN FRANCISCO.CALIFORNIA 00T107;5 LUMEC Pole Guide R67 & R71 Aluminum Poles / Tenon Details: The R67 and R71 poles are ( constructed from a fluted, cast aluminum, tapered shaft 4- welded to a cast-aluminum (101 mm) pole base, with an anchor plate incorporated into the 1- base casting. These aluminum poles feature E a tapered access hole, comple- te with cover and copper ground lug, conveniently set at a height of 16" (406 mm). The pole base accepts up to 2 ballasts. The EPA recommendations for Base Details: all these pole models are cal- culated according to AASHTO 11'2" standards and include a 30% (3.4 m) gust factor. Finish The specially-formulated textu- red Lumital powder coat comes in six standard colors. This uni- que coating of thermo-setting polyester resins has been 8'.0- specially developed to provide (2.5 m) ► a highly-durable exterior finish E capable of withstanding the effects of ultraviolet rays. It 5" offers an exceptional level of (127 mm) resistance to salt spray, and resistance to humidity as determined by ASTM testing 1 procedures. 7 ?' (1mm) Should a project require a spe- cial color or color match, 1 E Lumec reserves the right to io E 1 use an oven-cured liquid poly- r= urethane finish. We recom- mend that you contact the E Grouting factory for full specifications. � 6 QOM' Q 19 1/2- , 1 (495 mm) R67 R71 Comes with 4 anchor bolts, 8 nuts and 8 washers. Nominal Catalogue Tenon Top Sec. Base Plate Bolt Weight EPA rating Anchor Height Number Section Wall Thick. Size Circle ft. m 70mph 80mph 100mph Bolts in mm in. mm in. mm in. mm lbs. kg ft.2 ft.2 ft 2 8 2.5 R67-8 4 0 101 .375'9.5` in mm 18.6 473 8 5 216 103 47 30.0 23.3 14.1 314-20 19-508 a 5 2"e- Options: g q .' 20 " 5 ••">� u.X 2Q %5M_ SC Special Color. PH Photoelectric Cell (Specify operating voltage), LS Provision for Loud Speaker Outlet, A. OR Duplex Receptacle(1120V line voltagegonly), A Nominal Thickness Yl. A Consult Factory The performance of lighting standards is related to the design of the foundation. However, Lumec neither designs nor makes recommendations as to the design of foundations. NOTE:Lumec reserves the right to modify the above details to reflect changes in the cost of materials and/or production and/or design without r 25 (���� 4 X74 LUMEc - P o I e G u i d e Aluminum-Pole Tenon Details: Constructed of a fluted, tapered cast-aluminum shaft welded to a cast-aluminum 4- base, the R74 pole is designed (101 mm) to last. Its base is welded at both the top and bottom to an anchor-plate which is, in turn, protected by an cast-aluminum E base cover mechanically faste- ned with stainless-steel screws. For ease of maintenance, this aluminum pole features a tape- red 11" (279 mm) access hole, complete with cover and copper ground lug. 12 0• Base Details: The pole base accepts up to 2 tis m) ballasts. The EPA recommendations are calculated according to AASHTO standards and include a 30% gust factor. Finish The specially-formulated textu- red Lumital powder coat comes in six standard colors. This uni- que coating of thermo-setting polyester resins has been ' 4 7/8- specially developed to provide (123'"x") a highly-durable exterior finish capable of withstanding the E effects of ultraviolet rays. It orwfing offers an exceptional level of resistance to salt spray, and resistance to humidity as deter- mined by ASTM testing proce- dures. Should a project require a spe- 1E cial color or color match, Lumec reserves the right to "' a•'.e use an oven-cured liquid poly- urethane finish. We recom- mend that you contact the � e factory for full specifications. E e E X01 r� N L /Zr �2 m a / �, E It O t 20' n0i (5013 mm) R74 Comes with 4 anchor bolts, 8 nuts and 8 washers. Nominal Catalogue Tenon Top Sec. Base Plate Bolt Weight EPA rating Anchor Height Number Section Wall Thick. Size Circle 70mph 80mph 100mph Bolts ft. m in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm lbs. kg ft.Z ft.2 ft.2 in. mm 12 3.6 874-12 4.0 101 .375' 9.5' 19.0 483 15.0 381 163 74 30.0 24.1 14.4 1-36 25-914 Options: SC Special Color. PH Photoelectric Cell (Specify operating voltage), A. ' Nominal Thickness LS Provision for Loud Speaker Outlet, A. DR Duplex Receptacle (120V line voltage only), A. 0 Consult Factory The performance of lighting standards is related to the design of the foundation. 000085 However, Lumec neither designs nor makes recommendations as to the design of foundations. 28 NOTE: Lumec reserves the right to modify the above details to reflect changes in the cost of materials and/or production and/or design without prior notice. REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL CITY OF ATASCADERO Agenda Item: C-5 Through: Andrew J. Takata Meeting Date: 01/21/96 City Manager File Number: ZC 95012 Via: Steven L. DeCamp City Planner From: Gary Kaiser Associate Planner<�� SUBJECT: Adoption of an ordinance amending Planned Development Overlay Zone No. 10 with respect to the Master Plan of Development and allowable uses affecting certain real property located at 5000, 5020, 5040 and 5060 Marchant Avenue. RECOMMENDATION: Approval and adoption of Ordinance No. 296 on second reading. BACKGROUND: On January 9, 1996, the City Council conducted a public hearing on the above-referenced subject. The Council concurred with staff' s recommendation (Planning Commission recommended denial) and approved Ordinance No. 296 on first reading. \ph Attachment: Ordinance No. 296 000086 ORDINANCE NO. 296 AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO AMENDING PLANNED DEVELOPMENT OVERLAY ZONE NO. 10 WITH RESPECT TO THE MASTER PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT AND ALLOWABLE USES AFFECTING CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT 5000, 5020, 5040 AND 5060 MARCHANT AVENUE (ZC #95012: GEARHART) WHEREAS, the proposed Zoning Ordinance amendment is consistent with the General Plan in effect at the time of application acceptance, as required by Section 65860 of the California Government Code; and WHEREAS, the proposed amendment is in conformance with Section 65800 et seq. of the California Government Code concerning zoning regulations; and WHEREAS, the proposed amendment will not have a significant adverse impact upon the environment. The Negative Declaration prepared for the project is adequate; and WHEREAS, the Atascadero Planning Commission held .a public hearing on December 19, 1995, and has recommended approval of Zone Change #95012. NOW, THEREFORE, the Council of the City of Atascadero does • ordain as follows: Section 1. Council Findings. 1. The proposal is compatible with surrounding land uses and the zoning in effect at the time of application acceptance. 2. The proposal is consistent with the General Plan in effect at the time of application acceptance. 3. The proposal will not result in any significant adverse environmental impacts. The Negative Declaration prepared for the project is adequate. 4. Modification of development standards or processing requirements is warranted to promote orderly and harmonious development. 5. Modification of development standards or processing requirements will enhance the opportunity to best utilize special characteristics of an area and will have a beneficial effect on the area. 00008'7 Ordinance No. 296 Page 2 6. Benefits derived from the overlay zone cannot be reasonably achieved through existing development standards or processing requirements. 7. The proposed plans offer certain redeeming features to compensate for requested modifications. Section 2. Zoning Ordinance. Section 9-3.154 of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Atascadero is hereby amended to add "RV Parks" and "Caretaker' s Residence" to the list of allowable uses and replace the existing MasterPlan of Development with a new one, as shown by Exhibits A & B, respectively, which are attached hereto and made a part of this ordinance by reference. Development of said property shall be in accordance with the standards of Planned Development Overlay Zone No. 10, the approved. Master Plan of Development and all other codes, regulations and requirements of the City of Atascadero. Section 3. Publication. The City Clerk shall cause this ordinance to be published once within fifteen (15) days after its passage in the Atascadero News, a newspaper of general circulation, printed, published, and circulated in the City in accordance with Section 36933 of the Government Code; shall certify the adopting and posting of this ordinance and shall cause this ordinance and this certification together with proof of posting to be entered into the Book of Ordinances of the City. Section 4. Effective Date. This ordinance shall go into effect and be in full force and effect at 12:01 a.m. on the 31st day after its passage. On motion by and seconded by the foregoing Ordinance is approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: 000088 Ordinance No. 296 Page 3 By: DATE ADOPTED: GEORGE P. HIGHLAND, Mayor City of Atascadero, California ATTEST: LEE PRICE, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: ARTHER R. MONTANDON, City Attorney PREPARED BY: STEVEN L. DECAMP, City Planner 000089 Ordinance No. 296 Exhibit A 9-3.654. Establishment of Planned Development Overlay Zone No 10 IT-PL-1-0a. Planned Development Overlay Zone No. 10 is established as shown on the Official Zoning Maps (Section 9-1. 102) . The following development standards applicable therein are also established: (a) All physical development of the site shall conform to an approved Master Plan of Development. Applications for a Master Plan of Development shall be made in the same form as that prescribed for a zone change, conditional use permit or tentative map. Any conditions of approval imposed during approval of a Master Plan of Development, or any associated application, shall be complied with. (b) Allowable Uses: The following uses shall be allowed in Planned Development Overlay Zone No. 10: 1. Hotels and motels 2. Libraries and museums 3. Temporary Events (See Section 9-6. 177) 4. Temporary and seasonal sales (See Section 9-6. 174) 5. Offices 6. Personal services, where areas of use are less than 1000 square feet per store 7. Recreational Vehicle Park (See Section 9-6. 180) 8. Caretaker's Residence (See Section 9-6. 104) (c) Conditional Uses: The following uses may be allowed if specifically approved in conjunction with the aforementioned Master Plan of Development for the site, or an approved amendment thereto: 1. Indoor recreation services 2. Public assembly and entertainment 3. Auto, mobilehome and vehicle dealers and supplies (See Section 9-6. 163) 4. Sales lots (See Section 9-6. 139) 5. Amusement Services 6. Eating and drinking places (exclusive of drive through facilities) 000090 Ordinance No. 296 Exhibit B 3f1N3'IV 1NVNJHVFI ! 44 to rA 44 14 04 14 IN to 3 010 t i• f �i ro 1. io, E ' 41-4 0 0 ed 04 'b410 44 �, - / /• ` .{ i U a „ i 000091_