HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 07/27/1981 0 AGENDA - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting July 27, 1981 7 : 30,p.m. Atascadero Administration Building Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Invocation Roll Call Public Comment PRESENTATION OF CERTIFICATE OF APPRECIATION TO VFW POST 2814 A. CONSENT CALENDAR NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC All matters listed under Item A, Consent Calendar, are considered ` to be routine and will be enacted by one motion in the form listed below. There will be no separate discussion of these items. If discussion is required, that item will be removed from the Consent Calendar and will be considered separately. _Vote may be by roll call. 1. Minutes of the special meeting of July 13, '1981 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 2. Minutes of the regular meeting of July 13, ',1981 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 3. City of Atascadero and State of California„ Department of Forestry/San Luis Obispo County Fire Department Fire Pro- tection and Fire Fighting Mutual Aid Agreement (RECOMMEND APPROVAL AND AUTHORIZATION FOR SIGNATURES) 4. City of Atascadero and Atascadero State Hospital Fire Pro- tection and Fire Fighting Mutual Aid Agreement (RECOMMEND APPROVAL AND AUTHORIZATION FOR SIGNATURES) 5. City of Atascadero and Templeton. Community ,Services District Fire Protection and Fire Fighting Mutual Aird Agreement (RECOMMEND APPROVAL AND AUTHORIZATION FOR SIGNATURES) 6. San Luis Obispo County-Wide Fire Protection and Fire Fighting Mutual Aid Agreement (RECOMMEND APPROVAL AND AUTHORIZATION FOR SIGNATURES) 7. Tentative Parcel Map AT 79-065, 5740 Rosario, John King Development (Keith Gurnee) to allow conversion of three existing apartment units into air-space condominiums (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) 8. Tentative Parcel Map AT 78-121, 8900 San Gabriel, Catherine Lewis (Hilliard) approval of one year time 'extension to enable completion of road requirements and approval of road name request for road common to this application and AT 78-164 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS) 9. Lot Line Adjustment LA 810611: 1, 7313 and 7'345 San Gregorio, Florence Desrosier-Henry Ranellette (Stewart) to adjust existing lot line to resolve encroachment problem (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) 10. Tentative Parcel Map AT 78-164 , 8920 San Gabriel , Elizabeth C. Davis (Hilliard) approval of one year time extension to enable completion of road requirements and approval of road name request for road common to this application and AT 78-121 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) 0 0 AGENDA ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting July 27, 1981 Page Two A. CONSENT CALENDAR (cont. ) 11. Tentative Tract Map 999 , 5525 Capistrano, RPI-V - A Limited Partnership (Walker/Lundberg) to allow conversion of 44 existing apartment units into air-space condominiums (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) 12. Conditional Use Permit U810608: 1, 5830 Entrada, Mary Pulsifer (dba: Bipi Gi' s Botique) to allow establishment of a commercial dog grooming business in conjunction with an existing residence on the ground floor (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) B. HEARINGS, APPEARANCES AND REPORTS None C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Resolution No. 22-81 approving Fiscal Year 1981-82 Budget 2. Adoption of Fiscal Year 1981-82 Salary Classification Plan 3. Resolution No. 21-81 confirming the cost of weed abatement D. NEW BUSINESS 1. Street closure for Colony Days Parade E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION 1. City Council 2. City Attorney 3. City Manager NOTE: The City Council will hold a closed session after the regular meeting to discuss employee negotiations MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Special Meeting July 13, 1981 7 : 00 p.m. Atascadero Administration Building The meeting was called to order at 7 :00 p.m. by Mayor Wilkins. He stated that the meeting was for the purpose of interviewing applicants for Planning Commissioner. PRESENT: Councilmen Highland, Mackey, Nelson, Stover- and Mayor Wilkins ABSENT: None Councilmembers interviewed Cecil Barrett, Joseph PeBenito, William Carroll, and Gregg Ellison. It was noted that another inter- viewing session will be held on July 27th before the regular Council meeting. The meeting adjourned at 7 :25 p.m. Recorded by: MURRAY L. WARDEN, City Clerk i MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting July 13, 1981 7 : 30 p.m. Atascadero Administration Building The meeting was called to order at 7 : 30 p.m. by Mayor Wilkins with the Pledge of Allegiance. John Cole from the Atascadero Bible Church gave the invocation. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Councilmen Highland, Mackey, Nelson, Stover and Mayor Wilkins ABSENT: None PUBLIC COMMENT Mr. Munson made some comments about a problem on Traffic Way. A. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Minutes of the regular meeting of June 22, 1981 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 2'. Treasurer' s Report, 6-1-81 to 6-30-81 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 3. Tentative Tract Map AT 810526 : 1, 6225-7 Santa Ynez/6330-2 Navajoa, Bunyea Development (Poler) to allow a four unit air space condominium conversion (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) 4. Tentative Parcel Map AT 810430 : 1, 2205 San Fernando Road, Edith Hessick (Daniel J. Stewart) to allow subdivision of ten acres into four parcels of 2. 5 acres each (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) 5. Tentative Parcel Map AT 810518 : 1,3100 Ardilla Road, Gordon T. Davis (Twin Cities Engineering) to allow division of 9 . 9 acres into two parcels of 5. 3 and 4. 6 acres (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) 6. Acceptance of Lot Line Adjustment LA 810316 : 1, 8808 Arcade, Ms. Rayetta Williams (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) 7. Acceptance of Parcel Map AT 79-081, 8830 San Gabriel, - Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Slote (Hilliard) (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) 8. Resolution No. 19-81 accepting work and giving notice of completion for construction of Phase I of the Administration Building renovation (RECOMMEND ADOPTION) 9. Resolution No. 20-81 supporting federal legislation repealing Section 301 of the Powerplant and Industrial Fuel Use Act (RECOMMEND ADOPTION) Mayor Wilkins reviewed the items on the Consent Calendar. Mr. Warden noted that Council had been provided with corrected pages eight and nine to replace page eight in the minutes of June 22 , 1981. MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting July 13, 1981 Page Two This page included the Council 's motion concerning the appeal of the decision on the Firefighter's Memorandum of Understanding. Councilman Mackey stated that she wished the minutes corrected to reflect her no vote on Item A-5, Ordinance No. 41, regarding mobilehomes; and her no vote on the Firefighter' s appeal matter. Councilman Nelson stated that he had initiated the motions on items 7e, regarding the Chamber of Commerce' s funding request, and 7h, regarding the Senior Citizen' s funding request. Council was also in receipt of a memo from the Planning Director about Item A-5 on this evening' s agenda; Council decided to pull the item and consider it separately. MOTION: Councilman Mackey moved that the Consent Calendar be accepted with the corrections to the minutes as noted, with the exception of Item A-5. The motion was seconded by Councilman Highland and unanimously carried by roll call vote. Councilman Nelson asked questions regarding the Treasurer' s Report to which Mr. Warden responded. A-5 Tentative Parcel Map AT 810518:1 Mayor Wilkins stated that the Planning Director was recommending that a note be added to the Final Map on this project to read, "There is an existing water meter, water line and pumphouse for which there is no easement of record. This note would notify future owners of the status of the property. Mr. Stevens stated that both parties involved agreed to this notation. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Item A-5 be approved with the recommendations of the Planning Commission and with the addition of Condition. '#14 suggested by the Planning Director in his memo dated 7-13-81. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and unanimously carried. B. HEARINGS, APPEARANCES AND REPORTS 1. Report by City Manager on California Regional Water Quality Control Board Cease and Desist Order regarding the Atascadero County Sanitation District Mr. Warden advised that the California Regional Water Quality Control Board had met on June 12th and had imposed a Cease and Desist Order with content as previously noted and as advertised. The order requires a work program and schedule to solve the septic field problems. There are still some problems or conditions which may be MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting July 13, 1981 Page Three improved by the State Water Quality Control Board which need to be resolved. When these actions are completed, it is hoped that the project will go to bid in the fall. 2. City Attorney Report No. 14 Mr. Grimes reviewed his report for the Council highlighting selected items. C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Reconsideration of Action for Animal Right' s funding request Mr. Warden stated that a question had been raised as to the need for Atascadero' s donation of the $5, 000 in view of the Board of Supervisor' s action in allocating $10, 000 to AFAR. The Board' s action was taken after Council had decided to donate $5, 000 in the belief that AFAR would be cut back in fundsprovidedby the County. Councilman Highland stated that he had requested that this matter be reconsidered because Council was under the impression that the City would be supplementing the program based on what the County would be giving the organization. The funding realized actually results in an expansion of the program. He also felt that the other cities in the County should be requested to allocate funds based on their appropriate share of program costs. He noted that a percentage of any funds coming from the County is in reality coming from Atascadero as well. Ms. Fahsing stated that Council approval had not been contingent on what the Board of Supervisors approved; she would consider it a breach of faith if Council withdrew its support. She stated that Atascadero should pay more because the residents of this City derive more benefit from the program than any other city. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Council reconsider their allocation to AFAR. The motion was seconded by Mayor Wilkins and carried with Councilman Mackey voting no. Councilman Nelson was in favor of cutting Council ' s $5, 000 allocation back to $3, 000. MOTION: Councilman Nelson moved that Council allocate $3, 000 to AFAR. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and carried on the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen Mackey, Nelson and Stover NOES: Councilman Highland and Mayor Wilkins 2. Consideration of parking survey recommendations Mr. Warden reviewed the recommendations of the Traffic Com- mittee. Maps were displayed with proposed "no parking" areas MINUTES - ATASCADER CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting July 13, 1981 Page Four i s delineated for areas near the Post Office and along El Camino Real. Comments criticizing the plan were heard from Herb LaPrade, Norman Norton, Irwin Manning, and Ted Munson. Mr. Manning stated that he had been in contact with several other merchants and they would like to meet and come back to City staff with an alternate proposal before the next Council meeting. Council agreed to table the matter until the next Council meeting. 3. Ordinance No. 40 adding Section 4-3. 504 to Title 4 of the Atascadero Municipal Code regarding speed limits _ second reading MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Ordinance No. 40 be read by title only. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and unanimously carried. Mayor Wilkins read Ordinance No. 40 by title only. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved for the adoption of Ordinance No. 40. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and unanimously carried on a roll call vote. Councilman Mackey stated that her only problem with the ordinance 'f was that she did not feel a 55 miles per hour speed limit should be allowed. 4. Ordinance No. 41 amending Title 22 of the Atascadero Munici- pal Code to establish regulations for mobilehomes as permanent dwellings - second reading MOTION: Councilman Nelson moved that ordinance No. 41 be read by title only. The motion was seconded by Councilman Highland and unanimously carried. Mayor Wilkins read Ordinance No. 41 by title only. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved for the adoption of Ordinance No. 41. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and carried on the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen Highland, Nelson, Stover and Mayor Wilkins Noes: Councilman Mackey D. NEW BUSINESS 1. Supervisorial redistricting Mr. Warden reviewed this matter stating that under plans being considered by the Board of Supervisors, Atascadero' s supervisorial i MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting July 13, 1981 Page Five district would be changed to place more of the City in Mr. Jorgensen' s district and taking a comparable area from Mr. Diefenderfer. The district line would follow Curbaril and San Marcos Roads. Councilman Highland objected to splitting a city into more than one supervisorial district. He said that all the plans being considered cut into Atascadero and none are being considered which would place all of Atascadero in one supervisorial district. This would mean that Atascadero would have limited impact on elections in the first super- visorial district. He felt that every effort should be made to keep all of Atascadero represented by one supervisor. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Council support a policy determination by the Board of Supervisors that no city be split; particularly Atascadero. The motion was seconded by Councilman Nelson and unanimously carried. 2. City of San Luis Obispo request for limiting expansion of State penal instituttions in the County Mr. Warden stated that the City of San Luis Obispo was seeking support in their injunction against the State of California prohibit- ing further work at the Men' s Colony until they comply with the pro- visions of the California Environmental Control Act. San Luis Obispo is also opposed to expansion of the Men' s Colony, feeling that San Luis Obispo County already has more than its share of the State' s Department of Corrections prisoners housing facilities. Mr. Grimes did not believe that the City should participate in an injunction since he did not feel that the City of San Luis Obispo had a chance of succeeding in stopping the State from their building; however, legally the City could support San Luis Obispo' s position. Councilman Highland was in agreement with the request; he �stated ,,that with the Paso Robles Boys School, Atascadero .State Hospital, and the Men' s Colony, the residents of this county were doing.,.their part`­ in providing for State facilities and' any expansion o�.,use size of facilities should not"Abe approved. I _el x MOTION: Councilman Nelson moved that the Council support the City of San Luis Obispo' s contention that an EIR is required and that the State should not expand the Men' s Colony facility; that the Council ' s action be forwarded to the City of San Luis Obispo and the State Department of Corrections. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and unanimously carried. 3. Ratification of the Joint Powers Agreement for the San Luis Obispo County Area Council of Governments Mr. Warden explained that this was an annual re-ratification of last year' s agreement. He recommended that Council approve. Mr. MINUTES - ATASCAD* CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting July 13, 1981 Page Six Warden also reviewed a proposed reorganization of the Area Council of Government' s staff which would place administration and direction of the staff under the County Engineering Department. Some of the City Managers and Mayors did not feel that recommendations involving projects or for expenditures of the transportation funds should come from a department which itself was competing for project approval, grants or fund allocations. The Council noted their general concur- rence with this view but since no action was required at this time, they did not take any action. Mr. Warden stated that he would keep Council advised of the situation which will be reconsidered by the San Luis Obispo County Area Council of Governments in September. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that the City Council approve the ratification of the Joint Powers Agreement. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and unanimously carried. 4. Appointment of Dorill B. Wright as State Coastal Commissioner Mr. Warden stated that many of the cities in the Central Coast area are recommending Mr. Wright' s appointment to the State Coastal Commission. He reviewed Mr. Wright' s qualifications which include long service with local government and with service on both the State Coastal Commission and Regional Coastal Commission. MOTION: Councilman Mackey moved that Council support the appointment of Mr. Dorill B. Wright to the State Coastal Commission. The motion was seconded by Councilman Nelson and unanimously carried. 5. Agreement for Collection of Special Taxes and Assessments with the County of San Luis Obispo Mr. Warden reviewed the City' s attempts to have this agreement revised in order to eliminate some of the escape clauses relieving the County from any liability for errors or other actions. The City Attorney has attempted to recieve information from County Counsel on certain points but has not received answers to his correspondence or telephone calls. Mr. Warden stated that the City needs to enter into this agreement with the County in order to place weed abatement charges on the tax rolls and was, therefore, recommending Council approval even though some differences in content existed. MOTION: Councilman Stover moved that the Agreement be adopted by Council and that the Mayor be authorized to sign the Agree- ment. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey and unanimously carried. E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION 1. City Council (a) Councilman Nelson stated that he had thought of one alternative with regard to the Firefighters lawsuit which he wished to discuss in closed session with Council. MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting July 13, 1981 Page Seven 2. City Attorney Mr. Grimes had nothing further. 3. City Manager (a) Mr. Warden advised Council of a League of California Cities Small Cities Planning Workshop. He asked Council to advise him if any planned to attend. (b) Mr. Warden circulated a picture of outside lamps proposed to replace the old ones which were donated to the Historical Society. Council agreed with the selection. (c) Mr. Warden advised that the Street Overlay project had been completed. (d) Mr. Warden reviewed the savings cities in the self- insurance JPA have realized over the last few years as a result of joining together for satisfying their insurance needs. (e) Mr. Warden requested a closed session to discuss em- ployee negotiations. He stated that Council may wish to make an announcement or take action after the closed session and should, therefore, reconvene in open meet- ing if any announcements or decisions were to be made. The meeting adjourned to closed session at 9: 11 p.m. and returned to regular session at 11: 20 p.m. In reference to salary negotiations, Council made the following motions: MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Council approve an agreement with the Police Officers Association to include an 8 . 50 salary increase, time and 1/2 for overtime, $30. 00 per month towards dependent' s medical insurance, floating holiday based upon the individual' s birthday, and $15, 000 term life insurance to be paid by the City through the JPA, staff to return a Memorandum of Understanding reflect- ing these items to Council for approval. The motion was seconded by Councilman Nelson and unanimously carried by a roll call vote. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that, with regard to general em- ployees, Council approve an 8. 5% salary increase, time and 1/2 overtime except that certain employees who have 'a two- hour minimum call out computed at straight hourly rates may select either time and 1/2 or the two-hour guarantee at straight time, $30 per month towards dependent' s medical MINUTES - ATASCAD10 CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting July 13, 1981 Page Eight insurance, floating holiday based upon the individual ' s birthday, and $15, 000 term life insurance to be paid by the City. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and unanimously carried by roll call vote. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that, with regard to management employees, Council approve an 8. 5% salary increase, $30. 00 per month towards dependent's medical insurance, a floating holiday based upon the individual' s birthday, and $15, 000 term life insurance to be paid by the City. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and unanimously carried by roll call vote. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that the City Council and City Attorney be included in the life insurance program. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and unanimously carried by roll call vote. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that, with regard to the Fire- fighters Association, the Council extend the current (unilateral) Memorandum of Understanding to August 15 , 1981; that reestablishment of negotiations with the Firefighters be encouraged in order to resolve differences by August 15, 1981. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and unanimously carried by roll call vote. MOTION: Councilman Nelson moved that Staff return the Final Budget to Council to include the above increases and an amount to implement the existing approved merit system. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and unanimously carried by roll call vote. The meeting adjourned at 11: 30 p.m. Recorded by: MURRAY L. WARDEN, City Clerk By: Ardith Davis Deputy City Clerk CITY OF ATASCADERO AND STATE OF CAORINA, DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY/SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT FIRE PROTECTION AND FIRE FIGHTING MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into by and between the City of Atascadero, hereinafter referred to as City, and the State of California, Department of Forestry/San Luis Obispo County Fire Department, through its duly qualified and acting Director, here- inafter called Forestry. WHEREAS, Health and Safety Code Section 13050 authorizes the use of the apparatus, equipment and fire fighting force of any pubic entity outside the jurisdictional limits of that public entity for the purpose of providing fire protection or fire fighting services; and . WHEREAS, Government Code Section 55632 authorizes the legisla- tive body of any local agency to contract with any other local agency for the furnishing of fire protection to such other local agency, and WHEREAS, it is desirable that each of the parties hereto should voluntarily aid and assist each other in the event that a local peril, local emergency or local disaster should occur that is of such proportions that it cannot be adequately handled by an individual Department, District, or Agency; and WHEREAS, it is necessary and desirable that' a cooperative agreement be executed for the interchange of such mutual aid on a local and county-wide basis. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby agreed by and between each of the parties hereto, as follows: 1. To furnish fire protection personnel, equipment, mater- ials and supplies, and to render such fire protection services to each other as necessary to suppress fires of a magnitude that have developed, or appear likely to develop, which are emergencies City of Atascadelo and State of California Department of Forestry/San Luis. Obispo County Fire Department Fire Protection and Fire Fighting Mutual Aid Agreement beyond the control of a single party and adjacent mutual aid and which therefore requires the combined forces of the parties hereto, including back-up station coverage. 2. Such mutual aid shall be provided within .the limits of the County of San Luis Obispo, provided, however, that none of the parties hereto shall be required to respond to a request for mutual aid if such response would deplete its own fire protection resources, personnel, service and facilities to the detriment of its normal fire protection responsibilities. 3. No response to a mutual aid request provided for in this Agreement will be made by the parties hereto unless such request is received through the established communications channels common to each party and made by a responsible fire official of the party requesting aid. 4 . That any mutual aid provided under this Agreement is made with the express understanding that the responsible local fire official (in whose jurisdiction an incident requiring mutual aid has occurred) shall remain in charge at such incident including the direction of the personnel and equipment provided him through the operation of this mutual aid agreement. 5. The assurance of mutual aid set forth in this Agreement shall constitute the sole consideration for the performance of extra territorial fire protection services agreed to herein during the first 24-hour period of service and neither party shall be obligated to reimburse the other on account of any action taken or aid rendered hereunder or for an use of material damage to Y g -2 City of Atascadero and State of California Department of Forestry/San Luis Obispo County Fire Department Fire Protection and Fire Fighting Mutual Aid Agreement equipment, or liability incurred which may occur in the course of rendering the fire fighting assistance herein provided for during that 24-hour period. 6. There shall be no reimbursement to the responding juris- dictions for services provided which are less than 24 hours in duration. Reimbursement may begin with the 25th hour after the responding mutual aid equipment and personnel leaves its assigned base on initial dispatch to attend the incident, and shall end when said equipment and personnel are returned to the assigned base (or such other location as the responsible custodian may designate) . Such reimbursement shall be for: the reasonable value of the use of, and repairs and depreciation on, apparatus and equipment, and other expenses reasonably incurred in furnish- ing fire fighting services including, but not limited to, salary costs. Claims for reimbursement shall be presented as set forth in Health and Safety Code Section 13052. 7. Government Code Sections 50925 et seq. (Extra-territorial Activities of Firemen) are incorporated into this Agreement and shall apply in all cases of mutual aid. 8. Unless the parties hereto otherwise expressly agree, each entity is financially responsible only for the torts of its own personnel as provided for by Government Code Section 850.6. 9. Termination of participation in this Agreement may be effected by any party hereto by giving to the other parties fifteen (15) days notice in writing of such termination. -3- City of Atascadfpo and State of California Department of Forestry/San Luis Obispo County Fire Department Fire Protection and Fire Fighting Mutual Aid Agreement IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed this day of , 19 CITY OF ATASCADERO STATE OF CALIFORNIA/DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY, SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY/SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT BY Murray L. Warden City Manager BY T. J. Waddell Ranger-in-Charge Department of Forestry County Fire Chief-San Luis Obispo County Fire Department Approved as to F m: a BY Allen Grimes, City Attorney -4- CITY OF ATASCADERO AND ATASCADERO STATE HOSPITAL FIRE PROTECTION AND FIRE FIGHTING MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into by and between the City of Atascadero, hereinafter referred to as City, and the Atascadero State Hospital, hereinafter referred to as State. WHEREAS, Health and Safety Code Section 13050 authorizes the use of the apparatus, equipment and fire fighting force of any public entity outside the jurisdictional limits of that public entity for the purpose of providing fire protection or fire fighting services; and WHEREAS, Government Code Section 55632 authorizes the legis- lative body of any local agency to contra-ct with any other local agency for the furnishing of fire protection to such other local agency; and WHEREAS, it is desirable that each of the parties hereto should voluntarily aid and assist each other in the event that a local peril, local emergency or local disaster should occur that is of such proportions that it cannot be adequately handled by an individual Department, District, or Agency; and WHEREAS, it is necessary and desirable that' a cooperative agreement be executed for the interchange of such mutual aid on a local and county-wide basis. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby agreed by and between each of the parties hereto, as follows: 1. To furnish fire protection personnel, equipment, mater- ials and supplies, and to render such fire protection services to each other as necessary to suppress fires of a magnitude that City of AtascadeTo and Atascadero State Hos�tal P Fire Protection and Fire Fighting Mutual Aid Agreement have developed, or appear likely to develop, which are emergencies beyond the control of a single party and adjacent mutual aid and which therefore requires the combined forces of the parties hereto. 2. Such mutual aid shall be provided within the corporation limits of the City and of the State provided, however, that none of the parties hereto shall be required to respond to a request for mutual aid if such response would deplete its own fire pro- tection resources, personnel, service and facilities to the detriment of its normal fire protection responsibilities. 3. No response to a mutual aid request provided for in this Agreement will be made by the parties hereto unless such request is received through the established communications channels common to each party and made by a responsible fire official of the party requesting aid. 4 . That any mutual aid provided under this Agreement is made with the express understanding that the responsible local fire official (in whose jurisdiction an incident requiring mutual aid has occurred) , shall remain in charge at such incident including the direction of the personnel and equipment provided him through the operation of this mutual aid agreement.. 5. The assurance of mutual aid set forth in this Agreement shall constitute the sole consideration for the performance of extra territorial fire protection services agreed to herein during the first 24-hour period of service and neither party shall be obligated to reimburse the other on account of any action taken or aid rendered hereunder or for any use of material, damage to -2- City of Atascadero and Atascadero State Hospital Fire Protection and Fire Fighting Mutual Aid Agreement Sequipment, or liability incurred which may occur in the course of rendering the fire fighting assistance herein provided for during that 24-hour period. 6. There shall be no reimbursement to the responding juris- dictions for services provided which are less than 24 hours in duration. Reimbursement may begin with the 25th hour after the responding mutual aid equipment and personnel leaves its assigned base on initial dispatch to attend the incident, and shall end when said equipment and personnel are returned to the assigned base (or such other location as the responsible custodian may designate) . Such reimbursement shall be for: the reasonable value of the use of, and repairs and depreciation on, apparatus and equipment, and other expenses reasonably incurred in furnish- ing fire fighting services including, but not limited to, salary costs. Claims for reimbursement shall be presented as set forth in Health and Safety Code Section 13052 . 7. Government Code Sections 50925 et seq. (Extra-territorial Activities of Firemen) are incorporated into this Agreement and shall apply in all cases of mutual aid. 8. Unless the parties hereto otherwise expressly agree, each entity is financially responsible only for the torts of its own personnel as provided for by Government Code Section 850. 6 . 9. Termination of participation in this Agreement may be effected by any party hereto by giving to the other parties fif- teen (15) days notice in writing of such termination. -3- City of Atascade'Oo and Atascadero State Hospital Fire Protection and Fire Fighting Mutual Aid Agreement 10. Joint training operations shall be carried out at least three (3) times each calendar year under the direction of the respective agency training officers. Training officers are respon- sible for coordination and direction of these operations. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed this day of , 19 CITY OF ATASCADERO ATASCADERO STATE HOSPITAL BY BY Murray L. Warden Hospital Administrator City Manager Approved as to form: Approved: STATE OF CALIFORNIA Department of Mental Health w BY , BY Allen Grimes, City Attorney -4- CITY OF ATASCADERO AND TEMPLETON COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT FIRE PROTECTION AND FIRE FIGHTING MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT --- THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into by and between the City of Atascadero, hereinafter referred to as City, and the Templeton Community Service District, hereinafter referred to as District. WHEREAS, Health and Safety Code Section 13050 authorizes the use of the apparatus, equipment and fire fighting force of any public entity outside the jurisdictional limits of that public entity for the purpose of providing fire protection or fire fighting services; and WHEREAS, Government Code Section 55632 authorizes the legis- lative body of any local agency to contract with any other local agency for the furnishing of fire protection to such other local agency; and WHEREAS, it is desirable that each of the parties hereto should voluntarily aid and assist each other in the event that a local peril, local emergency or local disaster should occur that is of such proportions that it cannot be adequately handled by an individual Department, District, or Agency; and WHEREAS, it is necessary and desirable that a cooperative agreement be executed for the interchange of such mutual aid on a local and county-wide basis. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby agreed by and between each of the parties hereto, as follows: 1. To furnish fire protection personnel, equipment, mater- ials and supplies, and to render such fire protection services ito each other as necessary to suppress fires of a magnitude that City of Atascad* and Templeton Community Orvices District Fire Protection and Fire Fighting Mutual Aid Agreement have developed, or appear likely to develop, which are emergencies beyond the control of a single party and adjacent mutual aid and which therefore requires the combined forces of the parties hereto. 2. Such mutual aid shall be provided within the corporate limits of the City and of the District, provided, however, that none of the parties hereto shall be required to respond to a request for mutual aid if such response would deplete its own fire, pro- tection resources, personnel, service and facilities to the detri- ment of its normal fire protection responsibilities. 3. No response to a mutual aid request provided for in this Agreement will be made by the parties hereto unless such request is received through the established communications channels common to each party and made by a responsible fire official of the party requesting aid. 4 . That any mutual aid provided under this Agreement is made with the express understanding that the responsible local fire official (in whose jurisdiction an incident requiring mutual aid has occurred) shall remain in charge at such incident including the direction of the personnel and equipment provided him through the operation of this mutual aid agreement. 5. The assurance of mutual aid set forth in this Agreement shall constitute the sole consideration for the performance of extra territorial fire protection services agreed to herein during the first 24-hour period of service and neither party shall be obligated to reimburse the other on account of any action taken or aid rendered hereunder or for any use of material, damage to -2- City of Atascadero and Templeton Community Services District Fire Protection and Fire Fighting .Mutual Aid Agreement equipment, or liability incurred which may occur in the course of rendering the fire fighting assistance herein provided for during that 24-hour period. 6. There shall be no reimbursement to the responding juris- dictions for services provided which are less than 24 hours in duration. Reimbursement may begin with the 25th hour after the responding mutual aid equipment and personnel leaves its assigned base on initial dispatch to attend the incident, and shall end when said equipment and personnel are returned to the assigned base (or such other location as the responsible custodian may designate) . Such reimbursement shall be for: the reasonable value of the use of, and repairs and depreciation on, apparatus and equipment, and other expenses reasonably incurred in furnishing fire fighting services including, but not limited to, salary costs. Claims for reimbursement shall be presented as set forth in Health and Safety Code Section 13052. 7. Government Code Sections 50925 et seg. (Extra-territorial Activities of Firemen) are incorporated into this Agreement and shall apply in all cases of mutual aid. 8. Unless the parties hereto otherwise expressly agree, each entity is financially responsible only for the torts of its own personnel as provided for by Government Code Section 850. 6. 9. Termination of participation in this Agreement may be effected by any party hereto by giving to the other parties fifteen (15) days notice in writing of such termination. ! -3- City of Atascade90 and Templeton Community services District Fire Protection and Fire Fighting Mutual Aid Agreement IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed this day of 19 CITY OF ATASCADERO TEMPLETON COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT BY BY Murray L. Warden Chairman, Board of City Manager Directors Approved as to orm: BY Allen Grimes, City Attorney Approved as to Content: BY Murray L. Warden City Manager -4- SAN LUIS ODISPO COUNTY-WIDE FIRE PROTECTION AND FIRE FIGHTING MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into by and between the various Fire Departments , Fire Districts , and Fire Agencies within the County of San Luis Obispo . WHEREAS , Health and Safety Code Section 13050 authorizes the use of the apparatus , equipment and fire fighting force of any public entity outside the jurisdictional limits of that public entity for the purpose of providing fire protection or fire fighting services ; and WHEREAS , Government Code Section 55632 authorizes the legis- lative body of any local agency to contract with any other local agency for the furnishing . of fire protection to such other local agency, and WHEREAS , it is desirable that each of the parties hereto should voluntarily aid and assist each other in the event that a local peril , local emergency or local disaster should occur that is of such proportions that it cannot be adequately handled by an individual Department , District , or Agency ; and WHEREAS , it is necessary and desirable that a cooperative agreement be executed for the interchange of such mutual aid on a local and county-wide basis . NOW , THEREFORE , it is hereby agreed by and between each of the parties hereto , as follows : 1 . To furnish fire protection personnel , equipment , mate- rials and supplies , and to render such fire protection services to each other as necessary to suppress fires ,of a magnitude that have developed or appear likely to develop , which are emergencies beyond the control of a single party and adjacent mutual aid and which therefore requires the combined forces of the parties hereto . 2 . Such mutual aid shall be provided within the limits of the County of San Luis Obispo as predetermined and set forth in Attachment "A, " provided , however , that none of the parties hereto shall be required to respond to a request for mutual aid if such response would deplete its own fire protection resources, person- nel , service andfacilities to the detriment of its normal fire protection responsibilities . 3 . * No response to a - mutual aid request provided for in this Agreement will be made by the parties hereto unless such request is received through the established communications channels common to each party and made by a responsible fire official of the part requesting aid . 4 . That any mutual aid provided under this Agreement is made with the express understanding that the responsible local fire official ( in whose jurisdiction an incident requiring mutual aid has occurred ) shall remain in charge at such incident including the direction of the personnel and equipment provided him through the operation of" this mutual aid agreement . 5 . The assurance of mutual aid set forth in this Agreement shall constitute the sole consideration for the pet-formance of extra -Orritorial fire protection services agreed to ierein during the first 24-1hour period of service and nei her party shay be obligated to reimburse the other on account of any action taken or aid rendered hereunder or for any use of material , damage to -2- equipment , or liability incurred which may occur in the course of rendering the fire fighting assistance herein provided for during that 24-hour period . +: . There shall be no reimbursement to the responding juris- dictions for services provided which are less than 24 hours in d,uraticn . Reimbursement may begin with the 25th hour after the responding mutual aid equipment and personnel leaves its assigned base on initial dispatch to attend the incident , and shall end when said equipment and personnel are returned to the assigned base (or such other location as the responsible custodian: may designate) . Such reimbursement shall be for : the reasonable value of the use of , and repairs and depreciation on , apparatus and equipment , and other expenses reasonably incurred in furnishing . fi :re fighting services including , but not limited to , salary costs . Claims for reimbursement shall be presented as set forth in Health and Safety Code Section 13052 . 7 . Government Code Sections 50925 et seq . ( Extra-territorial Activities of Firemen) are incorporated into this Agreement and shall apply in all cases of mutual aid . 8 . Unless the parties hereto otherwise expressly agree , each entity is financially responsible only for the torts of iC.s oan personnel as provided for by Government Code Section 850. 6 . 9 . Termination of participation in this Agreement may be effected by any party hereto by giving to the other parties fifteen ( 15) days notice in writing of such termination . a -3- Chairman , Board of Supervisors f or County Fire Department and South Bay Fire District Da tied Dated Dated : Dated : Dated : Da ted Dated : Dated : S Doted Dated : Da ted : Dated : Dated : Dated : Dated Mated -4- ' . R7 M_E M_O'R A N^D_U M^: TO: CITY MANAGER July 22 , 1981 FROM: PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP AT 79-065 LOCATION: 5740 Rosario (Ptn. Lot 61B, Block QA) APPLICANT: John King Development (Keith Gurnee) REQUEST: To allow conversion of three existing apartment units into air-space condominiums On July 20, 1981 the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing unanimously (with Chairman Moore and Commissioner Wentzel absent) adopting Findings 1-2 and approving the conversion subject to Conditions 1-9 as listed in the attached Staff Report. It was noted at the meeting that the applicant is offering incentives to tenants by offering a reduced purchase price or a rental credit with assistance in moving; one tenant will be allowed to continue renting for a year. • There was brief discussion among the Commission concerning the need for the City to review the CC&Rs and concerning Staff ' s approach with applicants on the matter of tenant purchase incen- tives and assistance. Keith Gurnee, applicant 's representative, spoke and indicated agreement with the recommendation. No one else appeared on the matter. LAWRENCE STEVENS U RAY . WARDEN Planning Director city M nager /Ps CITY OF ATASCADERO 1979 Planning Department July 20, 1981 STAFF REPORT SUBJECT: Tentative Parcel Map AT 79-065 LOCATION: 5740 Rosario Avenue (Ptn. Lot 61B, Block QA) APPLICANT: John E. King Development (Keith Gurnee) REQUEST: To allow conversion of three existing apartment units into air-space condominiums BACKGROUND 1. Existing Zoning: R-2-B-2-D 2. General Plan: Low Density Multiple Family 3 . Environmental Determination: The Planning Director has deter- mined the application to be a Class (1) Categorical Exemption according to the provisions of C.E.Q.A. 4. Site Conditions : The site is presently developed with three existing two-story detached three bedroom apartment units each with two-car garages. The site has paved driveway access and parking area. The site is fenced and is moderately landscaped. The site fronts on Rosario, a 40 foot right-of-way. It is paved, but does not have curbs, gutters, or sidewalks . Except for a duplex on the south side of Rosario, the immediate area is basically single family in character. The project has ac- cess to full public services and utilities. 5. Project Description: The applicant proposes a one lot tract map to convert three existing detached apartment units to air-space condominiums. No additional improvements are pro- posed at this time . No indication has been made by the appli- cant of any program which might be offered to encourage or provide incentive to current tenants to purchase their units. STAFF COMMENTS At the termination of the condominium moratorium late last year, this application was considered withdrawn pending notification from the applicant to reactivate the file with updated information etc. Shortly after the first of the year, the City became aware Page Two Re: Tentative Parcel Map AT 79-065 (King Development) July 20 , 1981 of changes in the 1981 Subdivision Map Act which were requiring certain notice procedures to apartment tenants prior to an owner filing for a condominium subdivision. This applicant was subse- quently notified of these new requirements and was advised that failure to comply could constitute grounds for denial of a tract map after filed as provided by the Map Act. This applicant has now complied with Sections 66427 . 1 and 66452 . 8 of the 1981 Subdi- vision Map Act regarding these notice requirements to apartment tenants prior to the filing of their tentative map. The application was reviewed with the applicant and his represen- tative at the Subdivision Review Board on Thursday, March 5 , 1981 . In attendance at that meeting were : Keith Gurnee, applicant 's representative, Larry Stevens, Planning Director; Mary Beatie, Associate Planner; John Kennaly, Assistant Civil Engineer; Don Sylvia, Fire Chief; and Shirley Moore, Planning Commissioner. The following items were discussed at that meeting: 1 . Applicant should submit copy of tenant relocation and/or incentive-to-purchase package for consideration by the City. 2. Applicant indicated that the units were built with the intent of being condominiums at some point in time. 3 . Applicant should prepare CC&Rs for City review. 4 . Applicant will notify Staff by letter of their willingness to comply with State ' s new notice requirements . FINDINGS 1. The application as presented is exempt from the requirements of C.E.Q.A. 2 . The application as submitted conforms to the applicable zoning and subdivision regulations . RECOMMENDATION Based upon the above findings , the Planning Department recommends approval of Tentative Parcel Map AT 79-065 subject to the follow- ing conditions : Page Three Re : Tentative Parcel Map AT 79-065 (King Development) July 20 , 1981 1. The applicant shall establish Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&Rs) for the regulation of land use, control of nuisances and architectural control of all buildings and facilities . a. These CC&Rs shall be submitted for review and approval by the City Attorney and the Planning Department prior to approval of the Final Map. b. These CC&Rs shall be administered by a Condominium Home- owner's Association. 2. The applicant shall comply with the following sections of the 1981 Subdivision Map Act: a. Section 66427 .1 (c) provision for 180 day written notice of intention to convert prior to termination of tenancy. b. Section 66427 .1 (d) right to purchase unit for 90 days at same or more favorable terms. C. Section 66452 . 8 notice to new tenants that units are being converted. 3 . That the applicant offer for dedication to the public for future road widening purposes five feet along the Rosario property frontage. Said offer to be made by certificate on the Final Map. 4 . That the Rosario Avenue frontage be improved as necessary to comply with City standards including pave-out to achieve a 22 foot paved width and shoulder grading. 5 . Said improvements shall be constructed under an inspection agreement and encroachment permit issued by the Public Works Department. 6 . That all easements of record as shown on the Title Report be shown on the Final Map with recording data. 7 . That all conditions of approval herein specified are to be complied with prior to the filing of the Final Map. 8 ., Approval of this Tentative Tract Map shall expire 18 months from the date of this approval unless an extension of time is granted pursuant to a written request prior to the expi- ration date. Page Four Re: Tentative Parcel Map AT 79-065 (King Development) July 20 , 1981 9 . A Final Map in compliance with all conditions set forth herein shall be submitted for review and approval in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act and the City Lot Division Ordinance prior to recordation. a. Monuments shall be set at all new property corners and a Registered Civil Engineer or licensed land surveyor shall submit a letter certifying that the monuments have been set prior to recordation, unless certification is received that corners are already monumented. b. A Final title policy (CLTA or ALTA) shall be submitted for review in conjunction with the processing of the Final Map. ACTION The Planning Commission should by motion direct Staff as deemed appropriate. TO APPROVE: Motion to adopt findings and set conditions . • TO DENY: Motion setting findings for denial . REPORT PREPARED BY: •/ MARY EJ BEAT IE Associate Planner REPORT APPROVED BY:— la44� LAWRENCE STEVENS Planning Director /ps c S r 1 i y i 3 T, `c/1i"i i iW- tioo oSAS . A �r 40 c 9 3s o 4 8 41 P•1 � �� �'l. ''f �'2 3a 10 f8 3 9 a2 �� 3q 3 p1 l- 19 I9 ti L p q3 3� ? II I 2 i"1 , 44 30 3 20 I 12 r45 29 ,A / 13 Z46 9 7 21 2223 24 14 47 28 1 48 49 27 J ' 4 3 2 I I I 16 50 ' t. r - 1 v-4ss-s 12 \ ,k S 1 t7Y 26 6 `0 a0 T 6 9 6 it - -18 ?3 3 hh h hb 4 h9 \`y hh 3 12 1 q `o h ham ' ,4 b4. 0 h bb 6 h 6 a 2 3q O 3 q b y bh 4 2, q /O 3 ,y b Mil c ?/ ?q c n S P, � ?RB 1 P y 6 � A PAR 2 f�•D /�/`�9 �.gT P 'q 1j 2 j �O �� �:2 � Zv� 8 29 � o l P P 8 30 p• R K 1 6 � l4 3 2 �q lei 2 15 53 � �s /J A® S IAl1 (fC/NG) SECC ORD. REVISION DATE BY ORD. REVISION DATE BY 6 Zo/- 7-A0,71, C; OIC 1 PrN GDT Cv 6"-, 44-77 tlV _- T 71 6: 216 7-13-17" PLJ - — -- At. 77-S4' n ;14/77, PW _____ 17 1'4 36 CP 41 10 18 ; 9 ` ` 34 Q(sob) 19 2 LA 43 3� 4 30 4 20 -,O a , 12 _45 29 9 117 g 21 22 23 24 i4 47 28 4 0 4 g v-z P-535 48 �� IS 49 2 , 16 50 i I p AU 6 i 2 u's:l6:J , ' a� _ 17 y - - _ �L 12 �i .7 �-�` \ �, •� _ �"' �x-50 <�e g a'1' ,tion?• ,'� h 60 6 6['A P-11 59 2 ti ya CO • L'` 4.. O d4 by �0,�T `\ • e � s V7/ �. -J 2 ' 8 29 3 3� 32 -19� 7QN1/V6 MAJO Ar 7q 7 • !ter c4),66zxOA s a 34 \ C KIitaG - iso .00 gel ..61ar ca N 1 Q YY .ow= ��V ��•` �� ea \ it OG� I co w rr �\ ori - 0 T(Loo UJ J � � • Of X t0 ti r: to �i m Q < ° C) CO LL W M OL)z o' o wLU P CL Q O o (1) / �9 i� l • M_E M_O_R A_N_D U M_: TO: CITY MANAGER July 22 , 1981 FROM: PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP AT 78-121 LOCATION: 8900 San Gabriel (Lot 10 , Block 33) APPLICANT: Catherine Lewis (Hilliard) REQUEST: Approval of one year time extension to enable completion of road requirements and approval of road name request for road common to this applicstion and AT 78-164 On July 20 , 1981 the Planning Commission reviewed the subject matter unanimously (with Chairman Moore and Commissioner Wentzel absent and Commissioner Sherer abstaining) approving a time exten- sion to June 18 , 1982 and a road name of San Guillermo Lane subject to Items 1-6 listed in the attached Staff Report. There was no discussion as the matter was placed on Consent Calendar. LAWRENCE STEVENS M R Y L. WARDEN Planning Director City Ma ager /ps J ' CITY OF ATASCADERO 1 Planning Department i 1979 STAFF- REPORT July 20, 1981 SUBJECT: Tentative Parcel Map AT 78-121 LOCATION: 8900 San Gabriel Road (Lot 10 , Block 33) APPLICANT: Catherine Lewis (Hilliard Surveys) REQUEST: Approval of a one year time extension to enable completion of road requirements and approval of road name request for road common to this appli- cation and AT 78-164 (Davis) - BACKGROUND 1. Existing Zoning: A-1-12 2. General Plan: Surburban Single Family Residential 3 . Project Description: The applicant is requesting an extension of time to allow a subdivision of a 9 .7 acre site into three parcels; two at 2 . 5 acres and one at 4 . 7 acres. Access to the sites would be via a proposed cul-de-sac extending from San Gabriel along the easterly side of the property. 4 . Past Actions The Tentative Map was conditionally approved by the Board of Supervisors on June 18 , 1979 . A time extension to June 18 , 1981 was approved by the City Council on June 9 , 1980 . STAFF COMMENTS On Thursday, July 2 , _1981 the Subdivision Review Board met with the applicant, Catherine Lewis, and her representatives, Robert Hilliard and -Rick Barber of Hilliard Surveys, to discuss the application for the time extension. Also attending the meeting were: Mary Beatie, Associate Planner; John Kennaly, Assistant Civil Engineer; Don Sylvia; Fire Chief; and Shirley Summers , Planning Commissioner. The following items were discussed: A. Applicant must submit road name request with Final Maps . Road name shall meet following requirements : 1. All road names shall be of Spanish origin or shall be the names of non-living persons of historical importance. 2 . Road names shall not be duplicative of nor similar to other road names within the City of Atascadero or in the nearby unincorporated areas of San Luis Obispo County. Page Two Re: Tentative Parcel Map AT 78-121 (Lewis) July 20 , 1981 B. This is the last time extension that can be granted; it will expire at 5 : 00 p.m. on June 18 , 1982. The requested road name of San Guillermo (this would be the proper spelling) appears acceptable for the following reasons: San Guillermo is a Spanish word meaning Saint Williams, and the names Santa Isabelle and San Juan are unacceptable as they are similar to or duplicative of other road names within the City of Atasca- dero or the nearby unincorporated area of the County. RECOMMENDATION The Planning Department recommends approval. of the time extension request and the road name of San Guillermo Lane subject to the following: 1. All conditions of approval for the Tentative Parcel Map AT 78-121 established previously by the County of San Luis Obispo shall remain in effect. • 2 . The Planning Department shall assign addresses to each of the new parcels created by this parcel map. At the time of build- ing final, address numbers in compliance with the following standards shall be provided. a. Numbers shall be no smaller than 4" in height, with width proportionate to height. b. Numbers shall be of a color in contrast to that of back- ground upon which they are mounted. C. Numbers shall be located on a portion of the building nearest to the street, and at least six (6) feet above grade. d. Numbers shall not be obscured by shrubbery, hanging baskets, etc. 3 . The applicant shall make provision for acquisition and instal- lation of a street sign of a type and design acceptable to the City of Atascadero . 4 . Effort shall be made to minimize grading that would be disrup- tive to the natural topography and removal of existing, mature trees. The following shall appear as a note on the Final Map : Page Three Re : Tentative Parcel Map AT 78-121 (Lewis) July 20, 1981 "No grading shall commence without an appropriate permit and compliance with applicable City ordinances . " 5 . A Final Parcel Map in compliance with all conditions set forth herein shall be submitted for review and approval in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act and the City Lot Division Ordinance prior to recordation. a. Monuments shall be set at all new property corners created and a Registered Civil Engineer or licensed land surveyor shall submit a letter certifying that the monuments have been set prior to recordation of the Final Parcel Map. b. A final title policy (CLIA or ALTA)-" shall be submitted for review in conjunction with the processing of the Final Parcel Map. 6 . Approval of this time extension shall expire at 5 : 00 p.m. on June 18, 1982 . • - ACTION The Planning Commission should by motion direct Staff as deemed appropriate. REPORT PREPARED BY: 'fes MARY E. ' EATIE a Associe Planner REPORT APPROVED BY : WX-a LAWRENCE STEVENS Planning Director /Ps AlY L � :"`.r. r 1.; •'?. \ J\/ _L /• ''" dp`yl6, •• a80 • i �T�=.: -1....il:,-d` _ ' _ s'i `• IDS\. • •`�� �( � • A •. .' 1FJ / SeAazz IJT -N I`fit\• j. y 1 � 2s. •! �� �, �vV for Y, 41 Grbv ! .P �� I t��"+ `�,, �! �`� � f ;ant •� � � q a�`` •• } X34 � ` \\4- ir4" •r IGOp \ ` �\ __� I �01 j� ya f. C' LO ` ft q � i� / Ooo F�F �. J •\� • A Ln I \ 36 _ V. •\\\ J A0. 0 j 1200 �/ - . .� iz \ j 66 0 5 _- RO o e0 / 64- too j , _ o1203 0 R 0 G4' \ " 5 35 \ 34 31 4 €y Gv , =131 _ ` S L 12 _ 2/ Y 10 46 9 Al 45 i 44 -C� 42 1 F i AT 78 �2� i r C f>6 W 4�00i���\ 1 r ! t ' I } Vic; -"•' �- • fill • M_E M—O_R A N^D U M—: TO: CITY MANAGER July 22 , 1981 FROM: PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT LA 810611 :1 LOCATION: 7313 and 7345 San Gregorio APPLICANT: Florence Desrosier - Henry Ranellette ;,(Stewart) REQUEST: To adjust existing lot line to resolve encroachment problem On July 20, 1981 the Planning Commission reviewed the subject matter unanimously (with Chairman Moore and` Commissioner Wentzel absent and Commissioner Sherer abstaining) adopting Findings 1-2 and approving the adjustment subject to Conditions 1-4 , as listed in the attached Staff Report. There was no discussion as the matter was placed on Consent • Calendar. ll A � — LAWRENCE STEVENS MURRAYL. 6 RDEN Planning Director City Manag r /Ps • r Ai P FF F',,�I�� CITY OF ATASCADERO 79 Fn (1 1979 i i 19173 � G � �'' I �, -- Planning Department July 20, 1981 STAFF REPORT SUBJECT: Lot Line Adjustment LA 810611: 1 LOCATION: 7313 & 7545 San Gregorio Road (Ptn. Lot 4 , Block 52 being Parcel 1 of PM 17/21 and Ptn. Lot 5 , Block 52 being Parcel B of PM 21/42) APPLICANT Florence Desrosier-Henry Renallette (Stewart) REQUEST: To adjust existing lot line to resolve an encroachment problem BACKGROUND 1. Existing Zoning: A-1-BV-3/A-1-BV-2 2. General Plan: Suburban Single Family Residential 3. Environmental Determination: The Planning Director has deter.- • mined the application as presented to be a Class 5 (a) Categorical Exemption. 4. Site Conditions: The portion of Lot 5 (being owned by Renallette) is currently undeveloped with the exception of a graded driveway leading to a flat area, which is a proposed building site. (Mr. Renallette has applied for a building permit. ) The westerly portion of this lot is traversed by a drainage swale trending generally parallel to the west property line. The area of this swale is moderately vegetated with trees and shrubs as is the lower southern edge of the property. The site slopes gently down away from San Gregorio. The portion of Lot 4 of this application is developed with a single-family dwelling (owned by Mrs. Desrosier) . This house currently encroaches on Lot 5 about 12-15 feet. This lot is vegetated mostly by natural grasses to the east and south of the house, the area in front and along the west of the house is landscaped. The septic system is directly east of the house and is therefore not affected by the proposed line adjustment. 5. Project Description: The applicants are proposing to adjust the property line common to Lots 4 and 5 to resolve the en- croachment onto Lot 5 of the single family dwelling belonging to the owner of Lot 4 . The adjusted line will begin at the common point to Lots 4 and 5 at San Gregorio Road and will generally follow the toe of the slope adjacent to the graded dirt driveway on Lot 5 to about the center of the site and then • Page Two Re: Lot Line Adjustment LA 81061.1: 1 (Desrosier) July 20, 1981 trends east about 40 feet and then runs parallel to the existing line common to Lots 4 and 5 . STAFF COMMENTS On Thursday, July 2 , 1981 the Subdivision Review Board met with Mrs . Desrosier, the applicant, and Danny Horn from Daniel J. Stewart Engineers , to discuss the application. Also attending .that meeting were: Mary Beatie, Associate Planner; John Kennaly, Assistant Civil Engineer; Don Sylvia, Fire Chief; and Shirley Summers, Planning Commissioner. The following items were discussed: 1. Does the lot line adjustment take in any part of the graded driveway? (No) 2. Concern was expressed over location of septic tank and leach field for the residence. 3. Concern was expressed over the loose fill in the portion of • Lot 5 in the area at the end of the driveway. 4 . There is some confusion over the address on the application and the address on the house that should be clarified. It was noted at the meeting in regard to item #3 above, that if there was a building permit taken out for that portion of Lot 5, that the applicant would be required to properly compact the loose fill before construction could begin. Also, in case Mr. Renallette sold the property, that a note regarding the compaction requirement should appear on the final map as an informational note. FINDINGS 1. The application as submitted has been determined to be Categorically Exempt from the requirements of C.E.Q.A. as defined by Class 5 (a) . 2. The application as presented conforms with the applicable zoning regulations. RECOMMENDATION • Based upon the above findings , the Planning Department recommends approval of Lot Line Adjustment LA 810611: 1 subject to the following conditions: Page Three Re: Lot Line Adjustment LA 810611: 1 (Desrosier) • July 20, 1981 1. A Final Parcel Map in compliance with all conditions set forth herein shall be submitted for review and approval in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act and the City Lot Division Ordinance prior to recordation. a. The adjusted lot line shall provide for a minimum side yard of five (5) feet from the existing residence on Lot 4 and any proposed structures on Lot 5. b. Monuments shall be set at all new property corners created and a Registered Civil Engineer or licensed land surveyor shall submit a letter certifying that the monuments have been set prior to recordation of the Final Map. c. A Final title policy (CLIA or ALTA)=' shall be submitted for review in conjunction with the processing of the Final Map. 2. Any tree removal or site grading necessary for the development of the lots shall be subject to Planning Department approval prior to issuance of a building permit. This requirement shall appear as a note on the Final Map. • 3. Loose fill exists on a portion of Lot 5 and may be subject to a grading permit and proper compaction at the time of building permit application. An informational note to this effect shall appear on the Final Map. 4 . Approval of this Lot Line Adjustment shall expire one year from the date of final approval unless ,a time extension has been granted pursuant to a written request prior to the expiration date. ACTION The Planning Commission should by motion direct Staff as deemed appropriate. TO APPROVE: Motion to adopt findings and set conditions . TO DENY Motion setting findings for denial. REPORT PREPARED BY: � G: C.� MARY E BEATIE Associate Planner • REPORT APPROVED BY: /a4�� Z041(14 LAWRENCE STEVENS Planning Director • �� � 9 � 6 23 10 .00 5 24 - / 2.5 507) 12 ' 13 1 ® 3 Al �® 47 Q Rf - 47-A `� 4$ ` 49 /Not0.V.A0.t r 4—_ co-7 -3� --- 3 YAfC.3 - cc,4g- -t - r L , o ® � 0 ?ORIEL 2, 29 30 31 X26 7 2 Cool � ,� ,�p-k via `,a.t _ 60 I I G I AlAP .10-111 1 pARM A J'NS .OTS 11fS 6LK6;-� IR is I PA'fM -Il(v 1 14 I ,� 4 (Des koc5/e ) — d J AOL �Aff,�'W' 657.��' '�N tea.; •; co gu si/oeo 1p 10 tbO _ � b U �p to 11 f co -n v 2 to � rhlrn .mai M_E M_O_R A_N_D U M__: TO: CITY MANAGER July 22 , 1981 FROM: PLANNING n1RECTOR SUBJECT: TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP AT 78-164 LOCATIDN: 8920 San Gabriel (Lot 9 , Block 33) APPLICANT: Elizabeth C. Davis (Hilliard) REQUEST: Approval of one year time extension to enable completion of road requirements and approval of road name request for road common to this application and AT 78-121 On July 20, 1981 the Planning Commission reviewed the subject matter unanimously (with Chairman Moore and Commissioner Wentzel absent and Commissioner Sherer abstaining) approving a time ex- tension to June 18 , 1952 and a road name of San Guillermo Lane subject to Items 1-6 listed in the attached Staff Report. There was no discussion as the matter was placed on Consent Calendar, Pi IX LAWRENCE STEVENS MURW L. ARDEN Planning Director City Man er • /ps CITY OF ATASCADERO Planning Department July 20 , 1981 1979 \ SSCAD F,�O% STAFF REPORT SUBJECT: TentativeParcel Map AT 78-164 LOCATION: 8920 San Gabriel Road (Lot 9, Block 33) APPLICANT: Elizabeth C. Davis (Hilliard) REQUEST: Approval of a one year time extension to enable completion of road requirements and approval of road name request for road common to this appli- cation and AT 78-121 BACKGROUND 1. Existing Zoning: A-1-112- 2 . -1-122 . General Plan: Suburban Single Family Residential 3 . Project Description: The applicant is requesting an extension of time for a subdivision of a ten acre site into four parcels of approximately 2 . 5 acres each. Access to the sites would be via a proposed cul-de-sac extending from San Gabriel along the westerly side of the property. 4 . Past Actions : The Tentative Map was conditionally approved by the Board of Supervisors on June 18 , 1979 A time extension to June 18, 1981 was approved by the City Council on July 14 , 1980 . STAFF COMMENTS On Thursday, July 2 , 1981 the Subdivision Review Board met with the appli-cant's representative, Mr. Robert Hilliard and Richard Barber, to discuss the time extension request. Also attending the meeting were: Mary E. Beatie, Associate Planner; John Kennaly, Assistant Civil Engineer; Shirley Summers, Planning Commissioner; and Don Sylvia, Fire Chief. The following items were discussed: 1. Applicant must submit road name request with Final Maps . Road Name shall meet following requirements : a. All road names shall be of Spanish origin or shall be the names of non-living persons of historical importance. b. Road names shall not be duplicative of nor similar to other • road names within the City of Atascadero or in the nearby unincorporated areas of San Luis Obispo County. Page Two Re: Tentative Parcel Map AT 78-164 (Davis) July 20 , 1981 2 . This is the last time extension that can be granted; it will expire at 5 : 00 p.m. on June 18 , 1982 . 1. A requested road name of San Guillermo Lane is considered with the time extension request. 2 . "San Guillermo" is Spanish for Saint Williams , which complies with City policy for Spanish names. 3 . Other names requested were Santa Ysabelle and San Juan, but both duplicated other road names. RECOMMENDATION The Planning Department recommends approval of the time extension request and of the road name of San Guillermo Lane subject to the following : • 1. All conditions of approval established previously by the County of San Luis Obispo shall remain in effect. 2 . The Planning Department shall assign new addresses to each of the parcels created by Parcel Map AT 78-164 . At the time of building final, address numbers in compliance with the follow- ing standards shall be provided. a. Numbers shall be no smaller than 4" in height, with width proportionate to height. b. Numbers shall be of a color in contrast to that of back- ground upon which they are mounted. C. Numbers shall be located on a portion of the building nearest to the street, and at least six (6) feet above grade. d. Numbers shall not be obscured by shrubbery, hanging baskets , etc. 3 . Provision shall be made for acquisition and installation of a street sign of a type and design acceptable to the City of Atascadero. • 4 . Effort shall be made to minimize grading that would be disrup- tive to the natural topography and removal of existing, mature trees . The following shall appear as a Note on the Final Map: "No grading shall commence without an appropriate permit and . compliance with applicable City ordinances . " Page Three Re: Tentative Parcel Map AT 78-164 (Davis) July 20 , 1981 5. A Final Parcel Map in compliance with all conditions set forth herein shall be submitted for review and approval in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act and the City Lot Division Ordinance prior to recordation. a. Monuments shall be set at all new property corners created and a Registered Civil Engineer or licensed land surveyor shall submit a letter certifying that the monuments have been set prior to recordation of the Final Parcel Map. b. A final title policy (CLIA or ALTA) shall be submitted for review in conjunction with the processing of the Final Parcel Map. 6 . Approval of this time extension shall expire at 5 :00 p.m. on June 18 , 1982 . - ACTION The Planning Commission should by motion direct Staff as deemed appropriate. REPORT PREPARED BY: . MICHELLE OLDS Engineering Aide REPORT APPROVED BY: LAWRENCE STEVENS Planning Director /ps S � ,•�7 � �_-`ti � ^•/�`,�,\ may// YQa �� ` ]�. °`/� � /. VI 80 LLol car t.- Y i. �`.•� ,� ./• - / ,�Y a V Z.,. 1� o i' r ' �- E' - -�•!����` � P�~\ ,l!� / �A'j •/ _� .� 0 1FP �'y4 ♦, \ ::AtOi_l\.- ._�'. �•� � ♦ "Ca Pa \k)\\/ an 9 917 o AP IQ LA 0 � 0 1200 66 125 DO RD 40 64 i o 4 �� t. �< 01203 � _ �`'•g o - } ORT rG - - -� Al 1110 rr f ic �r ozi \ \ _ 4- 35 . PAQ4 7 r . 33 3 t ��� Gop 3l t i g YP i,j S t2 10 Fw r 2 f. r r � 46 .40 ,... v 45 t ®. r ( -44 1 - - r 42 ZoN/A,)G ' Poec.E-L Mme°A7 7 -lld LOT 9 ,BGOc.�C 33 A- --3 �f r iV27'S4 9S u/,e �p. AdL /{ d=32'33 25 .Q= 93.00 G=SZ. SNj Qn �c �' y/ /YV�/� /d' it I 'e-w-co, 4—'V-S N��e�%B G.J� Bc/NG TNS L/NE Iry/.o/n�G 'C m •?NGS le— ,4z e— N A,PEA ="235'�9G. NET r ON� PERS_ cG•E/�4p � ,� � �Srry,� ` SEw -.s^ ;CST of �� a Ts•� - 33 �? /0,4.eCjT1- +B SEu �� ECCE. �� ✓.7�C 1��'�/� A D 2S'G7FFE"P G1<Q:.O/CfiTiO"V O ANQ�. D o , P OF fI , I ,SOTS //-/.� ( ! � /✓�7� `3� yq`C�C7 v A moo r (S \ AGERtv 0� XI/4 N�0 ,aG fit__ AW Ar75 I .Cor93 _M_E M O R A N D U M—. TO: CITY MANAGER July 22 , 1981 FROM: PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 999 LOCATION: 5525 Capistrano (Ptn. Lot 5 of Life Residence Park) APPLICANT: RPI-V - A Limited Partnership (Walker/Lundberg) REQUEST: To allow conversion of 44 existing apartment units into air-space condominiums On July 20 , 1981 the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing unanimously (with Chairman Moore and Commissioner Wentzel absent) adopting Findings 1-2 and approving the conversion subject to Conditions 1-8 as listed in the attached Staff Report, with the addition of the following condition: "9 . The storage space created under a portion of Building #k4 shall be eliminated prior to recordation of the Final Map. There was discussion among the Commission concerning the past history of the project, concerning the purpose of CC&Rs , concern- ing the impact of this and other conversions on the rental market and concerning the grading/storage area violations . Mitch Walker, applicant ' s representative, spoke in support of the recommendation. He discussed the past history of the project and indicated the efforts of the applicant to work with and inform tenants on the project. Ruth Peattie, resident on Country Club Drive, expressed concern that the property might not be maintained as well if it was converted. She also wondered why the apartments were being converted since they were normally full. George Molina spoke in opposition to the conversion because of past representations that the project was government assisted, because the conversion was too soon, and because it placed an unfair burden on taxpayers. No one else appeared on the matter. LAWRENCE STEVENS MU Y WARDEN Planning Director City Ma ager /Ps CITY OF ATASCADERO Planning Department July 20 , 1982 STAFF -REPORT SUBJECT: Tentative Tract Map 999 LOCATION: 5525 Capistrano Avenue (Ptn. Lot 5 of Life Residence Park) APPLICANT: RPI-V - A Limited Partnership (Cheryl Lundberg/Mitch Walker) REQUEST: To allow conversion of 44 existing apartment units into air-space condominiums BACKGROUND 1. Existing Zoning: R-2-B-2-D 2 . General Plan: High Density Multiple Family 3 . Environmental Determination: The Planning Director has deter- mined the project to be a Class 1 Categorical Exemption according to the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act. 4 . Site Conditions: The 3 . 679 acre site is currently developed with 43 one-bedroom and one two-bedroom apartment units , and related paved parking and landscaping. The site slopes gently up from Capistrano. A total of 78 parking spaces, four trash enclosures and one laundry room facility are cur- rently provided. Landscaping consists of a large lawn area along the northerly side of the site, miscellaneous shrubs around the buildings and parking areas and about 14 major oak, magnolia and sycamore trees scattered throughout the develop- ment. The County Hospital borders the site on the south, single-family _residential on the north across from Country Club Drive and primarily vacant land to the east and west. 5. Project Description: The applicant is proposing to convert the 44 existing units into air-space condominiums. No addi- tional structures or amenities are proposed at this time. The applicant has indicated that as an incentive to purchase their units, existing tenants will be offered a $2 ,500 .00 discount off the purchase price offered to the general public. The discount would be in a form of a credit to be directly deducted from the down payment required. For those tenants not desiring or not able to purchase their unit and hence having to relocate, they will be offered a one and one-half month credit off their rent. This rent credit would be available only to those persons who were required to vacate as a result of the conversion and remained at the complex through the 180 day termination of tenancy period. Those vacating their units prior to the 180 day period would not receive the credit Page Two Re: Tentative Tract Map 999 (RPI-V) July 20 , 1982 STAFF COMMENTS The application was reviewed with the applicant and his represen- tative at the Subdivision Review Board on Thursday, July 2, 1981. In attendance at that meeting were : Cheryl Lundberg, agent for RPI-V, and Mitch Walker, applicant' s representative; Larry Stevens, Planning Director; Mary Beatie, Associate Planner; John Kennaly, Assistant Civil Engineer; Don Sylvia, Fire Chief; and Shirley Summers, Planning Commissioner. The following items were discussed at that meeting: 1. Require curb, gutter, and sidewalk along Capistrano Avenue. 2 . Concern over uncompacted fill in area of new parking in center of complex. Grading permit and compaction report would be required, or else parking and fill to be removed. 3. Are the sales intended to be phased? Applicant indicated no. 4 . Storage area built in under Manager' s unit needs to be removed. 5. No other facilities or amenities are proposed. 6 . Lot line adjustment needs to be recorded prior to tract map. FINDINGS 1. The application as presented is exempt from the requirements of C.E.Q.A. 2 . The application as submitted conforms to the applicable zoning and subdivision regulations . RECOMMENDATION Based upon the above findings, the Planning Department recommends approval of Tentative Tract #999 subject to the following conditions : 1 . The applicant shall establish Covenants , Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&Rs) for the regulation of land use, control of nuisances and architectural control of all buildings and facilities. Page Three Re : Tentative Tract Map 999 (RPI-V) July 20 , 1981 a. These CC&Rs shall be submitted for review and approval by the City Attorney and the Planning Department prior to approval of the Final Map. b. These CC&Rs shall be administered by a Condominium Home- owner' s Association, 2 . The applicant shall comply with the following sections of the 1981 Subdivision Map Act: a. Section 66427 .1 (c) provision for 180 day written notice of intention to convert prior to termination of tenancy. b. Section 66427 .1 (d) right to purchase unit for 90 days at same or more favorable terms. C. Section 66452 . 8 notice to new tenants that units are being converted. 3 . Applicant shall install concrete curb, gutter, and sidewalk along the Capistrano frontage of the subject property prior • to approval of the Final Map. a. An offer of dedication shall be provided along the Capistrano frontage, if necessary. b. Said improvements shall be constructed under an inspection agreement and encroachment permit issued by the Public Works Department. C. Improvements may be deferred by improvement bond or similar guarantee. 4. Applicant shall obtain a grading permit and submit a compaction report for the new area of parking between Buildings 3 and 4 or else the parking and fill shall be removed, prior to the recor- dation of the Final Map. 5. That all easements of record as shown on the Title Report be shown on the Final Map with recording data. 6 . That all conditions of approval herein specified are to be complied with prior to the filing of the Final Map. 7 . Approval of this Tentative Tract Map shall expire 18 months from the date of this approval unless an extension of time is granted pursuant to a written request prior to the expi- ration date. Page Four Re: Tentative Tract Map 999 (RPI-V) July 20 , 1981 8 . A Final Map in compliance with all conditions set forth herein shall be submitted for review and approval in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act and the City Lot Division Ordinance prior to recordation. a. Monuments shall be set at all new property corners and a Registered Civil Engineer or licensed land surveyor shall submit a letter certifying that the monuments have been set prior to recordation, unless certification is re- ceived that corners are already monumented. b. A Final title policy (CLIA or ALTA) shall be submitted for review in conjunction with the processing of the Final Map. ACTION The Planning Commission should by motion direct Staff as deemed appropriate. TO APPROVE: Motion to adopt findings and set conditions. TO DENY: Motion setting findings for denial . REPORT PREPARED BY: , MARY E, ATIE Associate Planner REPORT APPROVED BY: LAWRENCE STEVENS Planning Director /Ps • ,_ .�-.--�i X47 tf) CIS cot x n U LLo CA) z<CD . S tAZ<O� t r 4 O '►ro i 1 ��• L� ., �..y • A 1st 17+ � Cj •>•. J 'Nt OG.909 90 9 DIY �� 1 ".''',.:R 1 �� ^ n~t V)Z Et of o Pit K to tY rJ + v)It- edt OIQ . .•._�. r 1z- mO Vii/ t •A`^ •.. J j LU lobo .Q o Z O N Brli•e .t ' o T LU f7 .t • _ _ W Q rj 0 ¢ Cr •�.. 09 y�' T �'/ O Tef� �. t Ll- 0 L, F- LI i_ W o Qi rIT U Omrli!►Sj� (� LJN •.��oi 7. Z to =rF�/` 0) tiN mor w o a 4 _ to Ir O W X `i. C *�^ yt 1 O ,.,ya ^, ,� y k>• w_ y6. LJ c7 U 11 W i 1� Z 09 t i ;a� jy�,"•7y o 0 C3 CC uj LLj il ` .. /;,i. CL ,c. L.L,Y r s r t _ 9071'7,--.+rr "-•�-�. /✓ rr ? f / h �•9,eN .moo - <.., '' ya -,�.'-a S.v ._r... orti w ! u.�� �Y '•6 Ky tr? O Vic ��T X99 44 _ 45 29 -� SQ's SS Y. (D-Z .�-f/� ��- 4 � P-33 • S 28 49 2s 50 / ' n _ ' /0 12 17 r 1 • P 118 z7)37 1 ���� ` �6soBo�c• �". 114 1 0 A a O 4aQ S '9-4 t nzDFb° 2 2i ',••�" �� ms's ti dub so+z8� / p7 �- — ^� 4'�4yp1�C. \ AREA rr,^, lO�IO 16 17 4 l� /9b o �T ,� C-� Imo- Dt� , Zollv/A)C7 m 1410 f� v�3o2q T/eAT qqq •U'12mZ2.3• �' C- (RP/ - V 9 e ' 5 C (V•�� (x { / 17 SPACES l oho o a m ra n \ 'A SPACES �. i o c II�� N • U R a 0 IL a i po I M i O: 7 i L O a I p• zoll te• u l�J • r. fa a 7?PAcT /IMe# 99I Lor 5 ljrr des, P4 _M-E M-O_R-A-NTD_II_M TO: CITY MANAGER July 22, 1981 FROM: PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT U810608 :1 LOCATION: 5830 Entrada (Lots 20, 21 of Block MF) APPLICANT: Mary Pulsifer (dba: Bipi Gi ' s Boutique,) REQUEST: To allow establishment of a commercial dog grooming business in conjunction with an existing residence on the ground floor On July 20 , 1981 the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing unanimously (with Chairman Moore and Commissioner Wentzel absent) adopting Findings 1-3 and approving the uses subject to Conditions 1-7 as listed in the attached Staff Report, with the modification to Condition #4 as follows : "a. No portable or window signs are allowed and existing such signs are to be removed. Wall signs are to mounted parallel to the street and flush to the building. There was discussion among the Commission concerning parking and possible layouts and concerning the existing signs. Mary Pulsifer, applicant, spoke in support of the application. She indicated a desire to place the parking in front. No one else appeared on the matter. 4t,4�*Y0 --- LAWRENCE STEVENS MI/.-WARDEN Planning Director City MzVfiager • /Ps I r rF I► '�;.�.� �` CITY OF ATA5CADERO 1913G �C{ RjF 1979, Planning Department July 20 , 1981 STAFF -REPORT SUBJECT: Conditional Use Permit U810608 :1 LOCATION: 5830 Entrada Avenue (Lot 20 & 21, Block MF) APPLICANT: Vary Pulsifer (dba: Eipi Gi' s Boutique) REQUEST: To allow establishment of a commercial dog grooming business in conjunction with an existing residential use located on the ground floor BACKGROUND 1. Existing Zoning : C-1-C 2. General Plan: Retail Commercial 3. Environmental Determination: The Planning Director has deter- mined the application as presented to be a Class 1 (a) Categorical Exemption from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act. 4 .- Site Conditions : The site is currently developed with a residential structure with garage and induced landscaping. The site is flat and surrounded by similar mixed residential and commercial land uses. The site is bordered on the rear (northwest) by a dead end alley, and on the front (southeast) by Entrada Avenue. Adjacent to the southwest is Grisanti Hardware. Curb, gutter and sidewalk exist along the Entrada Avenue frontage. 5 . Project Description: The applicant is proposing to convert a portion of an existing residential structure for use as a commercial dog grooming business (approximately 300 square feet); the remaining portion of the structure would be main- tained as a residence. Parking is proposed to be provided in the alley to the rear of the property. Parking is available for the residence in the two car attached garage with a drive- way to Entrada. Minor interior modifications, including partitioned walls (or securing existing doors between the uses), are proposed to accommodate conversion to commercial use and provide for a physical separation. Page Two Re: Conditional Use Permit U810608 :1 (Pulsifer) July 20, 1981 STAFF COMMENTS It is necessary that the proposed project provide for adequate off-street parking.. In order to provide that parking, it is suggested that the attached garage be retained for parking in conjunction with the residential use. A total of one space per 500 sq. ft. plus one space per each two employees would be re- quired for the commercial use. Assuming that the applicant would not have any employees , only one space would be necessary for the .proposed commercial square footage (322 sq. ft. ) . In the event the applicant does have employees, additional spaces would be required. Chapter 22, 40 , C-1-C (Community Shopping) District-Section 22 . 40 . 020 Conditional Uses, permits residential uses -on the ground floor. Section 22. 40. 010 permits pet shops and supplies. Perhaps concern should also be expressed regarding the desirability of a mixed residential and commercial uses in the downtown business area - at least as a long term issue. It may, for example, be more appropriate to encourage improvement of the area by considering more substantial renovation and exclusively commercial uses to facilitate development in the area. It should, however, be noted that the proposed project can comply with applicable regulations and the minor improvements may not be a deterrent to future im- provement efforts. It should also be pointed out that there is an emerging trend in support of mixing residential uses into downtown areas to conserve energy and increase all-day activity. FINDINGS 1. The application for this project conforms to the applicable zoning regulations and is consistent with the-1980 Atascadero General Plan. 2. The proposed project should not have an adverse effect on abutting property or the permitted use thereof. 3. The conditions established are necessary to assure that the proposed project will be reasonably compatible with existing and future uses in the area. • Page Three Re: Conditional Use Permit U810608:1 (Pulsifer) July 20, 1981 RECOMMENDATION Based upon the above findings, the Planning Department recommends- approval ecommendsapproval of Conditional Use Permit U810608 :1 subject to the follow- ing conditions: 1. Site development to be consistent with the plans submitted including any modifications as required by conditions which follow. 2. Provide a revised site plan indicating the number of off-street parking spaces as required by Chapter 22. 86 .050 of the Zoning Ordinance. Design and layout of said spaces to be approved by the Planning Department. a. Required parking spaces and driveways shall be provided with 2 AC paving over adequate base; individual parking spaces shall be paint striped or otherwise indicated and provided with concrete wheel stops or approved functional equivalent. b. Tandem parking in the driveway or parking spaces which • back directly into Entrada are prohibited in complying with the requirements for customer parking, C. The existing fence along the alley may be required to be modified depending upon the design and layout of parking spaces. 3. The applicant shall obtain a building permit for any interior remodeling in conjunction with the conversion including new partitions., electrical and plumbing. a. Business license will not be issued until building permit is finaled. b. The existing restrooms will be adequate provided that the operator of the business is also the occupant of the residence. If a change in that situation occurs , a build- ing permit shall be obtained to modify the floor plan to provide direct access to a restroom for the business. In conjunction with that change, the restroom shall be modified to provide for requirements for the physically handicapped, C. In conjunction with changing a portion of the building to a commercial occupancy, provision shall be made for access for • the physically handicapped as provided in the Uniform Build- ing Code to the commercial portion of the building. d. County Health Department approval shall be secured. 0 • Page Four Re : Conditional Use Permit U810608 :1 (Pulsifer) July 20 , 1981 4 . On-site signing shall be limited to an aggregate area of 60 square feet for the entire project, and shall not exceed the height of the building. All signing to be reviewed and ap- proved by the Planning Department. Flashing, rotating or wind activated devices are prohibited. Signs on buildings shall be mounted flush with the building face. 5. The floor area used for the commercial business may not be expanded without prior review and approval by the Planning Department. 6 . This Conditional Use Permit is granted for a period of one (1) year from the date of final approval to allow establishment of the proposed use unless an extension is granted by the Planning Director pursuant to a written request .filed a minimum of ten (10) days prior to the expiration date. 7. All conditions of approval established herein shall be complied with within 30 days of the date of final approval. • ACTION The Planning Commission should by motion direct Staff as deemed appropriate. TO APPROVE: Motion to adopt findings and set conditions . TO DENY: Motion setting findings for denial. REPORT PREPARED BY : MARY E. EATIE Associa e Planner 1.616" REPORT APPROVED BY: /aww LAWRENCE STEVENS Planning Director • /Ps 18 2 34 �� ZE r•:. 32 23 19 LA 43 3/ z 2 30 t�� - 44 3 20 � 45 s . 12 _ 29 ? \ 22 23 24 14 47 28 $ / h z P e 15 48 -- _ 49 2 16 50 I I 12 Ai 17 9 /0 )d- 11 12 J,3 4 3 1 R r 137 CO-4 h� 60 gi 61LA F;` ' re O q ti• 11)"51 4 D` 3 •'o �" f�'°• 3 t' 4 2, '.\ `5th �. �O • y,oil ••off, .•:•• /. �t/ � 1 � . Flo' / 2h'� .a• a TiQ ••.ar . � . / 32 ,' ✓�9 Lois z f 2/ �LL�Jc Ott 2 - R, ALLEN z O � 3 mss'vy p➢Garn i I � I I i i I I I i � l i r ' - I I D -� 1 I � M 1 _ = c a .I uj .a �(v I CO D , Tj _ - ° G1 f�lDwDB: / I I oI i 1p rqI itl � jr 1 CLOSET-- H tp C i � I � n. r M E M O RAN D U M TO: City Council i FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: Final Budget, Fiscal Year 1981-82 You are being asked to approve the Final Budget for Fiscal Year 1981-82 which will be done through adoption of Resolution No. 22-81. Subsequent to the drafting of the budget and to the preparation of the attached memo, two additional items have come to my attention. One is a request to fund a Narcotics Task Force made up of police officers from cities in the County and from the Sheriff ' s Department plus a State Bureau of Narcotics Officer. The objective of the Task Force is to provide police attention strictly to narcotics in a manner that individual police departments can't do by them- selves. The Task Force would operate under the supervision of the governing board of the Task Force consisting of the City Police Chiefs and the Sheriff. Under them would be a supervisor from the State Bureau of Narcotics,, one plain clothes officer from the San Luis Obispo Police Department, two plain clothes officers from the San Luis Obispo Sheriff's and one additional officer hired collectively by the other cities to • serve on the Task Force. Cal Poly is also a participant in the Task Force. Each of the cities, except San Luis Obispo who is assign- ing a man fulltime, and Cal Poly State University are being asked to contribute $7, 000 towards Task Force costs, i.e. , equipment, salaries, etc. There are many more details to be worked out such as a Joint Powers Agreement, accountability for the funds, and other administrative details; but at this point a commitment and willingness to pay up to $7, 000 by each of the cities participating is needed. I recommend your approval of amending our budget to include a maximum of $7, 000 for this project. The second budget amendment involves the 'retention of Michele Reynolds through the month of OctoberI61981, in an Engineering Aide position to finish up the Flood Plan study as effects the former moratorium area along Morro Road. She has been responsible for the majority of the City work and data analysis to date and replacing her would ';require a con- siderable amount of repetition to acquaint a new person with the project. Michele was hired to fill in for Patsy West during her four month pregnancy leave and Patsy is now ready to return to work. Memorandum - Final Budget Page Two The cost of salary and sick leave and vacation for the additional period from July 27th through October 31st is $4, 093. If you approve, request your specific motion approving the allocation of that amount for the purpose stated. M RAY WARDEN MLW:ad 7-23-81 _M_E_M_0_R_A_N_D_U_M_ • TO: City Manager FROM: Finance Director SUBJECT: Final Budget , Fiscal Year 1981-82 The Final Budget for Fiscal Year 1981-82 has been completed per City Council direction and a resolution is attached with recommendation for adoption . This Final Budget includes certain Council actions and changes which have occurred subsequent to the initial budget approval on June 22 , 1981 . The Final Budget includes salary and benefit increases for all departments except for a portion of - the Fire Department . Increases within the Fire Department are included only for the Department Head and firefighter personnel hired after January 1 , 1981 . All other firefighter personnel will continue to receive their current salary and benefits under the Memorandum of • Understanding adopted by City Council on September 22, 1980 , pending the re-establishment of negotiations by August 15 , 1981. A total of $34 , 864 has been reduced from the estimated revenue as a result of the State of California budget which eliminated certain taxes and fees . Financial Aid to Local Agencies Fund (FALA) $26 , 400 ; Alcoholic Beverage Fees $4 , 800 ; and Highway Carriers Fees $3 , 664 were the three reductions affecting our estimated revenues . This is our total reduction this fiscal year per telephone conversation with the State of California Accounting Office . A minor revenue increase of $4 , 350 for our CETA position in the Fire Department has been added to balance the accounting process for this "in and out" payment . The receipt of our Fiscal Year 1981-82 billings for Liability and Fire Insurance has reduced $15 , 142 from these estimated expenditures and has been included in the Final Budget. Contribution and donations approved by Council on June 22 , and July 13 , 1981 , have been included in the Final Budget. In addition , the expenditure of $4 , 352 approved by Council in June for telephone adjustment has been included. The General Fund Reserve has been adjusted to maintain a 5% Contingency Reserve plus estimated funds for possible future salary settlement . In addition , $155 , 000 is allocated to the Building Renovation Reserve for the Public Works Building program 1 0 outlined in the approved 5-year- Capital Improvement Program. Adoption of the Final Budget for Fiscal Year 1981-82 includes approval distribution of funds within the General Fund Reserves . • RALPH H. DOWELL , JR . RHD: ad 7-21-81 i 2 RESOLUTION NO. 22-81 • A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO APPROVING THE BUDGET FOR THE 1981-1982 FISCAL YEAR AND APPROPRIATING FUNDS THEREFOR BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Atascadero as follows: Section 1. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 37208 of the Government Code, that certain document entitled "Final Budget for the City of Atascadero for the Fiscal Year 1981-1982 , " dated July 27, 1981, on file in the office of the City Clerk, is hereby approved as the final budget for the City of Atascadero for the fiscal year 1981-1982 to the extent of the totals set forth for each function in the General Fund, Special Revenue Funds, Enter- prise Fund, Reserves and totals set forth for each capital project. Section 2. The City Manager, upon recommendation of the Finance Director, may transfer funds within, but not between, each of the functional appropriations of the General Funds as re- quired to achieve the purpose of this function. Section 3 . The Council, from time to time, by motion, may approve and authorize the payment of non-budgeted demands from appropriated funds; and may appropriate funds for budgeted or non- budgeted items, and any such appropriation for a non-budgeted item shall constitute an approval to issue a warrant in payment of a proper demand or demands therefor. Section 4. This resolution shall become effective and in full force immediately upon its passage. Adopted (7j, ` �27 1981. ROBERT J. WILKINS, JR. , Mayor ATTEST: MURRAY L. WARDEN, Ci Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: . ALLEN GRIMES, City Attorney _M_E_M_O_R A_N_D_U M_ C � ® TO: City Council FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: Salary Classification Plan The attached Salary Classification Plan will apply to Fiscal Year 1981-82. It reflects adjustments approved by Council for base salaries. The adoption of this Classifica- tion Plan does not mean that the salary will be automatically applied if there are still issues under negotiation, but .its adoption is necessary in order to pay employees for whom negotiations have been completed or to pay new employees who may be hired. Recommend adoption. kcej U Y WARDEN MLW:ad 7-23-81 • CITY OF ATASCADERO July, 1981 Salary Classification Plan Fiscal Year 1981/82 MONTHLY Base Maximum Range Salary Merit 1 857. 15 942. 87 2 878. 58 966. 44 3 900. 01 990. 01 4 921. 44 1013. 59 5 Clerical Assistant I. . . . . . . . 942. 87 1037. 15 6 966. 44 1063. 08 7 Custodian I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 990. 01 1089. 01 8 1013. 59 1115. 30 9 Account Clerk I/Clerical Assistant II . . . . 1037. 15 1140. 87 10 1063. 08 1169. 39 11 Dispatcher Clerk. . . . . . . . 1089 . 01 1197. 91 12 1114 . 94 1226. 43 13 Maint. Worker I/ Account Clerk II/Clerical Assistant III . . . . . . . . . 1140. 87 1254. 95 14 1169. 39 1286. 33 15 1197.91 1317. 70 16 1226. 43 1349 . 08 17 Maint. Worker II/Bldg. Maint. Worker/ Engineering Aide/Records & Dispatch Supervisor . 1254 . 95 1380. 45 18 1286. 33 1414. 96 19 City Mgr. Secretary/Dep. City Clerk/ Maintenance Worker III. . . . . . . . . . 1317. 70 1449. 47 20 1349. 08 1483. 98 21 1380. 45 1518. 49 22 1414 . 96 1556. 45 23 Firefighter . . . . . . . 1449.47 1594 . 42 24 1483. 98 1632. 37 25 1518. 49 1670. 34 26 Building Insp./ Treatment Plant Operator. . . . . 1556. 45 1712. 10 27 Police Officer/Eire Engineer 1594. 42 1753. 85 28 1632. 37 1795. 61 29 1670. 34 1837. 37 30 Associate Planner/Asst. Civil Engineer. . . . . . 1712. 10 1883. 31 31 Chief Treatment Plant Operator 1753. 85 1929. 24 32 Police Sgt./Fire Captain. . . . . 1795. 61 1975. 18 33 Chief Building Inspector. . . . . . . . 1837. 37 2021. 11 34 1883. 31 2071. 63 35 1929. 24 2122. 16 36 Public Works Supervisor . . . . . . . . . . 1975. 18 2172. 69 37 2021. 11 2223. 22 38 2071. 63 2278 .80 39 2165. 56 2334 . 38 40 2172. 69 2389. 96 • Management Salary Classification Plan Fiscal Year 1981/82 Range Monthly Salary M-1 Recreation Director. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1953. 00 M-2 2030. 04 M-3 2081. 03 M-4 2133. 11 M-5 2187. 36 M-6 2221. 00 M-7 2299. 12 M-8 2356. 62 M-9 2416. 30 M-10 2477. 06 M-11 2538 . 90 M-12 Finance Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2601.83 M-13 Planning Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2666. 93 M-14 2734. 20 M-15 Police Chief/Fire Chief. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2802 . 56 M-16 2872. 00 M-17 2943. 61 M-18 3017. 39 M-19 Public Works Director . . . . . . . . . . 3093. 34 • M-20 3170. 37 M-21 3247. 41 M-22 3330. 95 M-23 City Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3414. 50 M-24 3499. 13 M-25 3587. 01 M-26 3677. 07 M-27 3768 . 21 M-28 3862. 60 M-29 3959. 17 M-30 4057. 90 M-31 4159. 89 • M E M O R A N D U M -/ TO: City Council FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: Weed Abatement In accordance with our weed abatement procedures, you have held a hearing to consider any objections to the weed abatement process. The next step is to formally adopt the costs to be forwarded to the County Tax Collector's Office for inclusion on this year' s tax bill. The costs that are referenced in Exhibit A are those resulting from the contractor having completed his work on the affected pro- perties. The County Assessor' s Office has a deadline of August 10th for receipt of any assessment charges in order to assure placement on the tax rolls. It is recommended. that you approve the attached resolution so that the charges can be forwarded to the County Tax Collector' s Office. The referenced Exhibit A is not available at the moment, but will be provided prior to the meeting. M RAY WARDEN MLW:ad 7-23-81 • 0 RESOLUTION NO. 21-81 RESOLUTION OF THE ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL CONFIRMING THE COST OF WEED ABATEMENT • WHEREAS, the Government Code of the State of California, Section 39500 , et seq. , provides that cities may declare weeds a public nuisance for the purpose of Weed Abatement; and WHEREAS, the Atascadero Fire Department did abate said nuisance within the provisions of the Government Code, Section 39500 , et seq. and WHEREAS, the cost of the work of abatement as shown on Exhibit A was submitted in accordance with Government Code Section 39574; and WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Atascadero received the cost report and held a hearing to receive objections of any property owners liable to be assessed for the work of abatement. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the report of abate- ment cost is confirmed as presented; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the costs of abatement shall be a lein on the property in accordance with Government Code • Section 39577. On motion by Councilman and seconded by Councilman , the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES. ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ROBERT J. WILKINS, JR. , Mayor ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FO MURRAY L. WARDEN, City Clerk A ALLEN GRIMES, City Attorney • i t M_E M_O_R A N_D_U_M_ • TO: City Council FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: Colony Days Parade The attached memo from the Public Works Director is request- ing street closures for this year' s Colony Days parade. The arrangements are similar to those for past years'. We will need a specific motion by the Council approving the parade to be held from 9 : 45 a.m. to 12 : 00 p.m. on October 24 , 1981, and approving the closing of E1 Camino Real between Pueblo and Entrada; Entrada from El Camino Real to Lewis; and West Mall from El Camino Real to Capistrano. Your motion will be forwarded to Caltrans who will then issue the necessary permits to close freeway off-ramps and to detour Highway 41 traffic around the parade route. • Recommend your approval. k al, 4RAY WARDEN MLW:ms 7-23-81 • C� M E M 0 R A N D U M TO: Murray Warden FROM: Larry McPherson SUBJECT: Street Closure for Colony Days Parada Recommendation: It is recommended that you request City Council to allow the closure of El Camino Real between Pueblo and Entrada and Entrada from El Camino Real to Lewis and West Mall from El Camino Real to Capistrano from 9 :45 to 12 :00 on October 24 , 1981. Background: This recommendation is in response to a request by the Colony Days Committee to hold its annual parade along the route mentioned above. A map of the parade route is attached showing the streets that will be blocked to through traffic. Barricades and traffic • officers are planned to be used as a traffic control measure along the parade route. Caltrans has informed the committee that they require a motion from City Council_ approving the parade before they will issue the necessary permits to close the freeway off-ramps and arrange for detouring Route 41 traffic around the parade route. Insurance certificates have been received by the City and State. As in the past, volunteer firemen will erect and take down the traffic control barricades along the parade route. CHP officers will be used to direct and control state highway related traffic. The parade committee is well organized and have a great deal of past experience draw on, therefore, I do not foresee any problems in granting their request. WRENCE MCPHERSON LM:vh att. 7-15-81 I' �p m In r k.. 3 W M l— R�'EQI 1� t� E M A L O d 20 Y10 rn v r,> rn PUEBLO Ln . Ul o S d s t CURH ARIL l • .11�.i �v�-IiJ� '1� Wit.. (J.1S •E'!(�� AT Qc�l� +h1 iit� (Ct�R'C ' � �;E��5 •,v t�.c. g� p 5 �-,-+..:'•� �;Vit'. PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Atascadero City Council will hold a special meeting on Monday, July 27 , 1981, beginning at 7 : 00 p.m. , in the Rotunda Room of the Administration Building, 6500 Palma, Atascadero, California. This meeting will precede the Council' s regularly scheduled meeting and is held for the purpose of interviewing Planning Commissioner applicants. Because of the number of applicants, one-half of the applicants were inter- viewed on July 13th with the remainder being interviewed on July 27, 1981. Dated: July 22, 1981 • Y L ARDEN, City Clerk Ci y of Atascadero, California