HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 09/29/1981 AGENDA - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL • Regular Meeting September 28 , 1981 7 : 30 p.m. Atascadero Administration Building Call to Order Pledge ' of Allegiance Invocation Roll Call Public Comment A. CONSENT CALENDAR NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC All matters listed under Item A , Consent Calendar , are con- sidered to be routine and will be enacted by one motion in the form listed below. There will be no separate discussion of these items. If discussion is required , that item will be removed from the Consent Calendar and will be considered separately. Vote may be by roll call. 1 . Minutes of the regular meeting of September 14 , 1981 (RECOM- MEND APPROVAL) • 2 . Lot Line Adjustment LA 810721 : 1 , 2100 Traffic Way, Levi Barrett (Stewart) , to adjust an existing lot line between Parcel A of AT 80-72 and parcel 1 of AL 77-183 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) 3 . Resolution No. 27-81, authorizing entering into a deferred compensation plan issued by Variable Annuity Life Insurance Company (RECOMMETID ) B. HEARINGS, APPEARANCES AND REPORTS 1 . Report on Departmental Review R810811 : 1 , 7315 El Camino Real , Bob Lawrence, to establish game arcade 2. Report from Citizen ' s Parking Committee regarding parking limitations 3 . Oral report from Recreation Director regarding recreation activities C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1 . Ordinance No. 42 amending the Animal Ordinance - second reading •F11 } AGENDA - ATASCADERWITY COUNCIL - SEPTEMBER 0, 1981 D. NEW BUSINESS 1 . Ordinance No. 43 creating Chapter 2 to Title 3 of the Atasca- • dero Municipal Code, entitled; Real Property Transfer Tax first reading 2. Resolution No. 27-81 approving the application for grant funds _under the Roberti-Z 'Berg Urban Open-Space and Recrea- tion Program for the Southern Atascadero Park Development project 3 . Recommendation of the Mayors in San Luis Obispo County for City Councils to adopt policies regarding the San Luis Obispo Area Planning and Coordinating Council (SLO COG) 4 . Payment of contractor 's penalty; transfer of $3 ,650 from Contingency Reserve 5 . Purchase of asphalt curb machine E . INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION 1 . City Council 2. City Attorney 3 . City Manager NOTE : The City Council will hold a closed session after the regular meeting to discuss employee negotiations • MINUTES ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting September 14 , 1981 7: 30 p.m. Atascadero Administration Building The meeting was called to order at 7: 30 p.m. by Mayor Wilkins with the Pledge of Allegiance. Mike Arrambide of the Nazarene Church gave the invocation . ROLL CALL PRESENT : Councilmen Highland , Mackey, Nelson , Stover and Mayor Wilkins ABSENT: None PUBLIC COMMENT Mr . Munson discussed a hazardous traffic situation on Traffic Way. A. CONSENT CALENDAR 1 . Minutes of the regular meeting of August 24 , 1981 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 2 . Treasurer ' s Report , 8-1-81 to 8-31 -81 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 3 . Tentative Parcel Map AT 810721 : 2 , 8940 San Gabriel Road , Henry Hohenstein , to allow subdivision of 11 .96 acres into four parcels (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION REC- OMMENDATION) 4 . Lot Line Adjustment LA 810707 : 1 , Santa Ysabel and Highway 41 , Hurbert LaPrade (Twin Cities_ Engineering) , to adjust a pro- perty line eliminating a 531x74 ' flag from Quail Ridge Tract 595 and adding it to adjacent lot (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) 5 . Lot Line Adjustment LA 810629: 1 , 5635 & 5665 Bajada/5370 & 5374 Barrenda , Robert Newdoll (Stewart) to adjust lot lines to correct inadequate setback for residence under construc- tion (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDA- TION) 6 . Acceptance of Parcel Map AT 810126 : 1 , 8270 Toloso Road , Ernest Chalekson (Hilliard) (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) 7 . Succession of Title to Quitclaim Deed from the County of San • Luis Obispo for the thirteen Lakeview Drive parcels (RECOM- MEND ACCEPTANCE ) MINUTES - ATASCADEROOITY COUNCIL - SEPTEMBER 110 198 1 , Mayor Wilkins reviewed all items on the Consent Calendar . MOTION : Councilman Mackey moved for acceptance of theConsent Calen- dar. The motion was seconded by Councilman Nelson and unani- mously carried by roll call vote. B. HEARINGS, APPEARANCES AND REPORTS 1 . Appearance of Leslie Cannon to request an ordinance be adopted to set a method for commission selections Leslie Cannon read parts of her Tetter to the Council which charged that the Council had abused the intent of the Brown Act in their recent selection of Planning Commissioners and confused the pub- lic in the process . She proposed that an ordinance be adopted setting out a method for commission selections. Most other cities make their selection by roll call vote one at a time. She suggested that Council declare the most recent Commission appointments invalid and vote again . Mayor Wilkins reminded Mrs . Cannon that she was selected as a Com- mission member under the same process. Mrs. Cannon stated that when she was selected she was not aware there were other procedures and there did not seem to be the confusion then as there was this time . Mayor Wilkins stated that he did not feel that the Council had made a mistake and that they had acted within the scope of the Brown Act. Councilman Mackey stated that she wanted to vote on the whole list • of candidates at one time; she could not tell how other Councilmen were voting in the most recent procedure and , if she had voted for Elaine Oglesby at the time when two other Councilmen did, Mrs . Oglesby would have been reappointed . Councilman Highland was not in favor of the roll call procedure because it could end up a follow-the-leader process. He stated that only one member of the Council was confused; the Council has followed the same process three times before without complaint. He suggested that some were upset with the outcome rather than with the process. He also did not feel that Council needed another ordinance; however , a procedure could be devised for voting that will satisfy everyone . Councilman Nelson stated that he would like to see a list of al- ternatives for discussion. There was considerable discussion regarding the matter with the decision that Staff would come back with alternatives for Council con- sideration . C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1 . Designation of voting delegate for League Annual Convention .MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that the Mayor be designated as • the voting delegate and the Mayor Pro Tem as the alternate. 2 MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL - SEPTEMBER 14*1 81 I J The motion was seconded by Councilman Nelson and unanimously carried . D. NEW BUSINESS 1 . Resolution No. 26-81 approving amendment to the Central Coast Cities Self Insurance Fund Joint Powers Agreement for De- ferred Compensation. and appointing City representative to Board of Directors Mr . Warden explained that the amendment to the Joint Powers Agree- ment was to allow cities to offer a deferred compensation program under the overall Self Insurance JPA structure . The resolution also appointed the City Manager as the City ' s representative to the Self Insurance Board of Directors and the Director of Finance as the alter- nate. MOTION : Councilman Highland moved that Resolution No. 26-81 be read by title only. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey and unanimously carried . Mayor Wilkins read Resolution No. 26-81 by title only. MOTION : Councilman Nelson moved for the adoption of Resolution No. 26-81 . The motion was seconded by Councilman Highland and unanimously carried by roll call vote . 2. Ordinance No. 42 amending the Animal Ordinance Mr . Warden explained that this ordinance amended the City ' s ordin- ance in order to comply with the one adopted by the County. The most significant change is an increase in the fees for impounded dogs . MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Ordinance No. 42 be read by title only. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and unanimously carried. Mayor Wilkins read Ordinance No. 42 by title only. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that this constitute the first reading of Ordinance No. 42 . The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and unanimously carried by roll call vote . E . INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION 1 . City Council (a) Councilman Nelson asked about the City ' s use of the Ran- ger ' s residence. Mr . Warden stated that the County is still using it , but on a shared and scheduled basis with the City for Recreation programs. 3 MINUTES - ATASCADEROPITY COUNCIL - SEPTEMBER 14; 1981 (b) Council thought the Recreation brochure for the fall programs was very well put together . Councilman Nelson asked the Recreation Director if he could have an activities report for the Council at the next meeting. 2 . City Attorney Mr . Grimes had nothing to report . 3 . City Manager (a) Mr . Warden stated that Cuesta College will be holding a public hearing on September 28 , 1981 , at 7 : 30 p .m. in the Cuesta College Board Room, No- 3132 , Library Building. The Board of Truestees will be considering the future of the Cuesta College au- ditorium and its uses. (b) Mr . Warden stated that so far , the Diablo Canyon block- ade has resulted in the assignment of five City of Atascadero officers to assist in the police effort . (c) Mr . Warden requested a closed session to discuss labor negotiations . He did not anticipate that there would be an announcement at the conclusion of the closed session. The meeting adjourned to closed sessin at 8: 15 p.m. and returned to regular session at p .m. at which time Council adjourned. • Recorded by: MURRAY L., WARDEN , City Clerk By: Ardith Davis Deputy City Clerk • 4 M E M O R A N D U M TO: CITY MANAGER September 22 , 1981 FROM: PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT LA 810721 : 1 LOCATION: 2100 Traffic Way APPLICANT: Levi Barrett (Stewart) REQUEST: To adjust an existing lot line between Parcel A of AT 80-72 and parcel 1 of AL 77-183 On September 21 , 1981 the Planning Commission considered the sub- ject matter approving the lot line adjustment subject to Find- ings 1 -2 and Conditions 1-5 as listed in the attached Staff Report . There was no discussion since the matter was on the Consent Calendar . /4041- 14444 _ ��LA LAWRENCE STEVENS _ WAY WARDED Planning Director City M ager /ps • �..�FP Fr: - r r r r, 79 ( v i9r� r i r. 1�''� CITY OF ATASCADERO Planning Department September 21 , 1981 STAFF REPORT SUBJECT: Lot Line Adjustment LA 810721 : 1 LOCATION: 2100 Traffic Way (Ptn . Lot 42 , Block 21 )` APPLICANT: Levi 0. Barrett (Stewart) REQUEST: To adjust an existing lot line between Parcel A of AT 80-172 and Parcel 1 of AL 77-183 BACKGROUND 1 . Existing Zoning: A-1-2 112 2. General Plan: Suburban Single Family Residential 3 . Environmental Determination : The Planning Director has deter- mined the application as presented to be a Class 5 (a) Categorical Exemption according to provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act. 4 . Site Conditions : The site is bounded on the northeast by Traffic Way, (a 40 foot, two lane paved right-of-way) , on the west by Obispo Road (an unimproved paper road) , on the south by rural res- idential development and on the east by vacant land owned by the applicant . The site is dominated by a drainage swale running from south to north (Traffic Way) across Parcel A while Parcel B is generally level . The site is grass covered with several large oak trees scattered over the Parcels . 5 . Project Description: The applicant proposes to adjust the common property line between Parcel A of Parcel Map 80-72 and Parcel 1 of AL 77-183 by shifting approximately 2.2 acres of land from one to the other. The area being shifted is generally flat and will pro- vide a larger level building site for proposed Parcel A. If the request is granted , Parcel A will be enlarged to approximately 7 . 4 acres ( from 5 . 84 acres) and Parcel B will be reduced to 2 . 5 acres ( from 4 .06 acres). Both parcels will continue to have access from Traffic Way. • r 0 • Lot Line Adjustment LA 810721 : 1 (Barrett) • STAFF COMMENTS On Thursday , September 10 , 1981 the Subdivision Review Board met with Levi Barrett, the applicant , and Daniel Stewart , engineer , to discuss the application . Also attending the meeting were : Larry Stevens , Planning Director; Joel Moses , Associate Planner ; Mary Beatie , Associ- ate Planner : and Wayne LaPrade , Planning Commissioner . The following items were discussed : 1 . Require notes on Final Map to future owner of Parcel Awho may desire to subdivide further that they may have the responsibility to provide road improvements to Obispo Road , installation of fire hydrants , and drainage improvements . 2 . Technically, further division of Parcel A could be tantamount to creating a tract (5+ parcels) by cumulative lot splitting. Pro- visions of the Subdivision Map Act in this regard will be reviewed in detail by the Planning Department. FINDINGS 1 . The application as submitted has been determined to be Categor- ically Exempt from the requirements of C .E .Q.A. as defined by Class 5 (a) . 2. The application as presented conforms to the applicable zoning regulations . RECOMMENDATION Based on the above findings , the Planning Department recommends ap- proval of Lot Line Adjustment LA 810721 : 1 subject to the following conditions : 1 . The Lot line adjustment as shown on the map attachment provided herein shall be submitted in a Final Map format to be approved by the Planning Department prior to recordation by the County Recorder 's Office. 2 . Any tree removal or site grading necessary for the development of -the lots shall be subject to Planning Department approval prior to issuance of a building permit . This requirement shall appear as a Note on the Final Map. 3 . Monuments shall be set at all new property corners created and a Registered Civil Engineer or licensed land surveyor shall sub • mit a letter certifying that the monuments have been set prior to recordation of the Final Map. 2 • 0 Lot Line Adjustment LA 810721 : 1 (Barrett) 4 . A note shall be placed on the Final Map as follows : . "Any future division of the subject property may result in requirements to construct road improvements for Obispo Road , in- stall fire hydrants , construct drainage improvements and similar improvements. A Tract Map may also be required in conjunction therewith due to prior land divisions of contiguous property under common ownership . " 5 . Approval of this Lot Line Adjustment shall expire one year from the date of final approval unless a time extension has been granted pursuant to a written request prior to the expiration date. ACTION The Planning Commission should by motion direct Staff as deemed appropriate. TO APPROVE : Motion to adopt findings and set conditions. TO DENY: Motion setting findings for denial . REPORT PREPARED BY: JOEL MOSES Associate Planner REPORT APPROVED BY: a"4vla AWRENCE STEVENS Planning Director /ps _ 3 : o ill Ur '' • • . ►��. 1 ASUNCf. 07 4441 WE ,0.144 4 ME ♦ ♦�d,,� . � ,► w_ fir• .� �®�+i •, •,,i,\ •. t`®So_ ��� --,,.-ova _�'�'.''',11 �- �� � � � �;�► �1�+��.71 37 1 Z PAI.3 PARA A� 12-C 12-8 12-A 12 T _ 12-0 �-` 1 4 13 - •- 12-E 4 -' - - •, 23 12-F 4-A <_ !. 22 4-B 3 21 II T 2 r ti z 20 19 10 24 � _" 20 , _ 25 5 I8 .26 j. I 27 28 _ - 29 7 / � 2 36 3 45 49 35 44 46 �k141 _ 47 34 33 40A— f _ 49 \ FAci z \� 50 9 2 ro% _ 25 39 5! 30 38 37 52 , 34 F/LL 26 i 33_- 32 6 / 31 3 Q 329 ybAoboq 32. c�+ 2 8 2 7 15 i t 6 .� \ •'� P\448 . 2 I-0 I-C i-B I-A • b2 I 7-A -F� �. 3 E 8 - � 5 I- C Piz 1-F 9 titer P I I 10 ' 22 / J RX 10 ala iI _ .1 APFic WAY _ _. -- - \ 1 1 RCEL_i A o � 1 , P 1 P14RCZ B 1 Z.50 A V,z�YgY� - i 3 L-/oo 06' 1 I — —� o• h _'t^'• y mea ana �� � �I /V 54'Z(.' d � 1 Tr-FFIC «r; .I 1-Y4 'AY ` I 6 , 3't Ya"E� W i 1 1 .�r ►. � N5Y'26'W 'i/Z.JO� S� ytclraTY \26KA P 20 - LOT yl SCALE RESOLUTION NO. 27-81 i RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ENTERING INTO A • DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN ISSUED BY HARTFORD VARIABLE ANNUITY LIFE INSURANCECOMPANY WHEREAS, the Atascadero City Council desires to provide certain benefits for its employees or independent contractors as part of their compensation, said Council does hereby authorize and approve entering into a Deferred Compensation Plan with those eligible to participate as designated by the City of Atascadero; and WHEREAS , In order to accumulate the appropriate funds to meet the City' s obligation to pay benefits to Participants in accordance with the Deferred Compensation Plan , the Council does hereby authorize and approve the purchase of insurance and/or annuity contracts as issued by the Hartford Variable Annuity Life Insurance Company in such amounts as may be appropriate to provide plan benefits. NOW, THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED that it is the intention of the said Council that the payments made by the City of Atascadero for such insurance and/or annuity contracts will not currently be considered as income paid to the employees concerned; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Atascadero will be the owner , beneficiary and have all rights under the said insurance or . annuity contract and such contract shall be held as a general , un- pledged , and unrestricted asset of the City; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Council hereby authorizes the City Manager of the City of Atascadero to act on its behalf in respect to these insurance or annuity contracts and to formulate rules and proce- dures for the purchase and administration of them. On motion by Councilman and seconded by Councilman , the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted - in its entirety on the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT : ADOPTED: ROBERT J . WILKINS , JR . , Mayor ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: ♦. MURRAY L . WARDEN , City Clerk ALLEN GRIMES, City Attorney �y n fir.. r. _M_E_M O_R_A N_D_U M_ TO: CITY MANAGER FROM: PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: Departmental Review R810811:1 LOCATION: 7315 E1 Camino Real APPLICANT: Bob Lawrence REQUEST: To establish game arcade On Tuesday, September 8, the Planning Commissionconducted a public hearing on the game arcade unanimously adopting Findings 1-5 and approving the request subject to Conditions 1-11 as listed in the attached Staff Report with the following added conditions: 12. This Departmental Review is not transferrable to another business owner. 13. This Departmental Review shall be subject to review one year from the date of final approval by the Planning Commission at a public hearing and may be subject to further annual re- views as determined at that hearing. There was discussion among the Commission expressing concern for the feelings of the shop owners in the Adobe Plaza. It was the Commission' s general consensus that the arcade should be allowed the opportunity to prove itself. It was generally agreed that the conditions, including the added ones above, were sufficient to protect existing tenants while making clear the limits under which the applicant could operate. Norleen Ginther (Ginther' s Menswear) , Betty Hale (Santa Lucia Prop. , Shoe Tree) , Earl Murie (Venus de Milo), and Melanie Karp (Calico Kids) all spoke in opposition to the proposed arcade citing several reasons why they did not want the arcade. These included lack of adequate parking, numerous requests for change, loitering. and littering by teenagers, lack of adequate - super- vision (as was noted with the previous arcade) , etc. Concern was expressed because of problems with the previous arcade. Bob Lawrence, applicant, concurred with the Staff' s recommendation and expressed his concern over condemnation of the arcade prior to establishment of the use. He stated the business would be family run and he would exercise sound management control over the busi- ness and the surrounding area. No one else appeared on the matter. This matter would normally be on the Consent Calendar, but since there is a strong likelihood that discussion will occur, it has • Departmental Review R810811:1 .Lawrence Page 2 been scheduled to allow such discussion. The Council cannot, however, change the conditions recommended by the Commission or deny the Departmental Review without setting the matter for a formal public hearing. LAWRENCE STEVENS Planning Director LS:ms T0: City Council • If Council feels this approval should be denied, then it must be scheduled for a full public hearing. A finding would have to be made that, in fact, the arcade was not permitted use as determined during Departmental Review and as endorsed by the Planning Com- mission. � I .�rFr�firf �� CITY OF ATASCADERO 1918 E r, . C� 1979 Planning Department September 8 , 1981 -STAFF REPORT SUBJECT: Departmental Review R810811 :1 LOCATION: 7315 El Camino Real (Adobe Plaza) APPLICANT: Bob Lawrence dba: "Star Station 101" REQUEST: To allow establishment of a game arcade BACKGROUND i, Existing Zoning: C-1-D 2 . General Plan: Retail Commercial 3 . Environmental Determination: This application is exempt from the requirements of C.E.Q.A. • 4 . Site Conditions : The site is the present location of the Adobe Plaza Shopping Center. A parking lot exists across the entire frontage of the Center along El Camino Real and provides parking shared by all tenants. 5. Project Description: The applicant is proposing to rent an 18 ' -6" X 60 ' 6" (1120 sq. ft. ) store in which to operate "Star Station 101" - an arcade with electronic games . A pool table is also proposed. The floor plan indicates the placement of approximately 20 game machines , a change booth and a restroom. The game machines would be located against the two walls running the length of the store. The applicant has indicated the hours of operation of the family arcade to be 10:00 a.m, to 11 : 00 p.m. seven days a week. STAFF C01MENTS One problem inherent in zoning ordinances is the coming into vogue of new uses not previously provided for in the ordinance text. Though it may be generally similar in nature to bowling alleys or pool halls, there may be some unique aspects to the use; such as adverse public reaction for certain locations , potential noise problems, public nuisance perceptions , etc. At the present time game arcades are not listed specifically as a permitted use in • any commercial zones. However, Staff has determined that an ar- cade is similar to certain uses as described above. Page Two Re: Departmental Review R810811 :1 (Lawrence) . September 8, 1981 The Planning Commission previously approved an arcade as a proposed use in a recreational facility in an "L" or Recreational zone, The determination at that time rendered a game arcade as a "commercial recreational" use under Section -22 .-62 . 015 -Departmental Review Uses . Game arcades have more recently been viewed as undesirable uses because of their tendency to be a "hang-out" for kids . Gatherings occur in and around the business possibly creating an adverse effect on adjacent businesses by blocking walkways , causing noise to the detriment of nearby commercial and residential uses , and even causing police problems . Many of these can be adequately controlled by proper management along with other limitations attached to zoning or license approvals. -FINDINGS 1. The site of the proposed game arcade can be adequate in size and shape to accommodate said use and all parking and other features required by the Atascadero Municipal Code. 2 . Streets in the vicinity of the proposed use are adequate to carry the quantity and kind of traffic generated provided access to residential areas is prohibited. 3. The proposed use will have no adverse effect on abutting property or the permitted use thereof if recommended conditions are imposed and if the use is properly managed. 4 . The establishment and conduct of the game arcade for which the Departmental Review is sought will not be detrimental to the public welfare or be injurious to property or improvements in said neighborhood. 5. The project will not have a significant adverse effect upon the environment. RECOMMENDATION Basedonthe above findings, the Planning Department recommends approval of Departmental Review R810811 :1 subject to the follow- ing conditions : • Page Three Re: Departmental Review R810811 :1 (Lawrence) September 8 , 1981 1., Site development including interior floor plan and signing and other features shall be consistent with site plans sub- mitted and with modifications as required by other conditions herein.. 2 . Permits shall be obtained from the Planning Department for all interior modifications, including the proposed change booth, and for upgrading of electrical service to accommodate increased loads. 3. Business sign shall conform to approved sign plans for the Adobe Plaza shopping center. 4. Hours of operation shall be limited to the following: - Sunday through Thursday 10 :00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. - Friday and Saturday 10 : 00 a.m. -11: 00 p.m. 5. Provision shall be made for responsible adult (over age 21) management of the business during all hours of operation. • 6 . To minimize possible congregating and related noise behind the premises, the rear door shall beusedas an emergency exit only and shall be so posted and equipped with any necessary signs and panic hardware as required by the Planning Department. 7. An occupant load sign with the occupant load to be determined by the Planning Department shall be posted inside the building . 8. Effort shall be made to minimize unnecessary noise and congre- gating at or near the business- premises by customers to avoid disturbance to adjacent businesses and residences . If such a public nuisance develops in conjunction with the operation of the business, the Planning Director may set the matter for public hearing by the Planning Commission to consider the revocation of the Departmental Review and/or additional con- ditions deemed necessary to minimize such nuisance. 9. A business license shall be secured and it shall be subject to successful completion of a background investigation as re- quired by the Licensing ordinance. 10 . This Departmental Review approval is granted for a maximum period of one year from the date of final approval unless an extension is granted by the Planning Director pursuant to a written request filed a minimum of ten days prior to the expiration date. Page Four Re: Departmental Review R810811:1 (Lawrence) S September 8 , 1981 11. All conditions of approval established herein shall be complied with prior to occupancy of proposed use. -ACTION The Planning Commission should by motion direct Staff as deemed appropriate. TO APPROVE: Adopt findings and set conditions TO DENY: Set findings for denial REPORT PREPARED BY: MARY ER BEATIE Associate Planner REPORT APPROVED BY: (�/" A 6 LAWRENCE STEVENS Planning Director /ps cv cli P G njto ►` ` `Q cit N 1cri NI \ � � y - 4 � / b �� / I` eco F '�� G1 am cln �z i N. � .• n u ; f say sto � �'� N, tjo lop 000 PLAZA .9 \ / Com• — 7—Ot-O 6v MAP a/ . R�3loalt s1 Lo75 PROJECT DATE SHEET A90t� ,I.AZ,A cot�®r);'I NO Core* JOB NO `j ®MM McCarthy rchitects, AIA DRAW" I hY BradyY i) AL 615 Creston Road, P.O.Box 305 Paso Robles,California 93446 (805)238-7447 CHECKED } 738 Higuera Street, Suite A, San Luis Obispo, California 93401 (805)543.0729. OF - ----X35-5-- �.--._ -'13 - . T3+ a -- - - X341 - - - - - -- __ - I31qku _ - -- -_ — -- Z81081/�l D 15 u51 r PTis I z9 x CI-74 �✓G ► PP , E= c • c CD _ c v . O v C . cS� s •c _ a �? N Ab 0 3 pv m tbb t3\' O to tap Q O ' N ,� O too,5 . `m.O 2\ ss O Q�. r M t �j$ ae cy NC\j 0 64 %01 Vv \1 N 5' M O y {�6 \ s �pp�'S8 N J00 �• N tea• ap.`}�,��tet' M �c P CJ '� �•n Orn � 5 m •� '� �. Oma �� \ h d- °� vP� _ . LO \ O AT cr cr .c+ end s cL � -'AP.CLZ MAP TZ8/0811 '/ -PTN r oTs s-Z9 G"Ven1 September 11, 1981 The Honorable Robert J. Wilkins, Jr . Mayor of Atascadero P. O. Box 1064 Atascadero, CA 93446 RE: Game Arcade, 7315 El Camino Real, Atascadero, CA 93422 Dear Mayor Wilkins : I am Corporate Counsel for Venus de Milo, the franchisor of the Venus de Milo salon in the Adobe Plaza. It is in this capacity I am contacting you regarding the above-referenced business which is to be established in the Adobe Plaza Shopping Center . The City Planning Commission approved this business for opening at its September 8, 1981 meeting when application was made by the owners of the proposed facility under the heading Public Hearing #2. Venus de Milo is a national franchise chain of locally-owned • ladies ' figure and reducing salons . Because our salons are located from coast-to-coast we have had the opportunity to evaluate the importance of tight quality control on the types of uses which will enhance or destroy a particular commercial district. The Adobe Plaza is a beautiful addition to the commercial environment in Atascadero and the uses permitted in it should be carefully controlled in order to maintain a truly superior commercial environment there. Currently, the plaza is primarily a mixture of small specialty retail stores and a few food and service establishments . The types of businesses in the center would seem to be slightly more attractive to the women of Atascadero than to the men. This is not surprising because the owners and developers of the center knew that women generally control family spending and consequently, they want to attract women. The Game Arcade is without question the type of business which attracts primarily males who are in the adolescent and teens age groups . Although most young men and boys are law-abiding, this particular demo- graphic group has the highest rate of lawless acts including crimes against both persons and property; many of such crimes are committed during use of alcohol . It is inevitable that in this age group liquor will be present at the Game Arcade if not available at that facility. The presence of alcohol in any location naturally greatly increases the possibility of criminal • acts . Ladies Reducing and Figure Salons Corporate Offices: 1600 Dove Street, Suite 215, Newport Beach, California 92660-2458 (714) 955-1491 Each Salon is independently owned and operated The Honorable Rtrt J. Wilkins, Jr . Page 2 9/11/81 You have already had the advantage of determining what effect a penny arcade would have in the Adobe Plaza. Last summer a simi- lar facility was opened there temporarily and it was reported by several of the merchants that the incidents of shoplifting increased substantially. In addition to the already proven problem of shoplifting, the new facility will be located very close to the Venus de Milo figure salon, where many women from the community come to exercise . It is inevitable these women will be subjected to verbal harassment and possibly physical abuse by the ever-present, rowdy element which frequents facil- ities similar to the Game Arcade . One Venus de Milo figure salon was ruined by the opening of a facility such as the Game Arcade . The fate of the business was the direct result of the verbal and physical abuse, in the presence of the use of alcohol , experienced by the women patrons of the salon. In other words, these patrons did not feel safe . As the representative of the citizens of Atascadero your concern is for the safety of the citizenry and for the general improvement of your town. The opening of the Game Arcade in the Adobe Plaza would be a grave disservice both to the safety of the citizens of the city, particularly women, and to the improvement of the business environment in Atascadero. Currently, the Venus de Milo salon draws a substantial number of its patrons from surrounding cities who come to Atascadero and spend money which helps support Atascadero merchants who, in turn, pay the city taxes. A use such as the Game Arcade would be more appropriate in a free-standing location where other businesses and persons would be unaffected by the troubles and conflicts which are the inevi- table results of the opening of such an establishment. Because it would be in the best interest of the safety of the citizens of Atascadero and the business establishments in the Adobe Plaza it is respectfully requested that you vote against the issuance of permits for the opening of the Game Arcade in the Adobe Plaza . Sincerely yours, .� Venus e Milo By: o LL'L- C - Kev' C. Vic President and Co orate ns 1 KCF/lw cc Edward E . Worthan Earl and Mary Murie, c/o Venus de Milo of Atascadero William H. Stover George P . Highland Marjorie R. Mackey . Rolfe D. Nelson • September 21, 1981 City Council Membeeuhip = City o6 Ata s cadeAo Admin,Lst tation Bu ad.i.ng P.O. Box 747 Ata6cadeAo, Ca. 93423 To the Membetus o6 the City Council, Recentty I received approvae 6nom the Atascadetto Pta.nn.ing Commi66-i.on to estabtish a game arcade at the Adobe P&za. However, it was not untie that meeting that I wa6 awcvte o6 any di..ssensi.on to my plan. At that meeting 5 eveAae o6 the ache-A bustne�s6 ownett6 ,in. ,the p.2aza spoke o 5 .the iA b eatus o6 an ateade so ceo6 e to th eitt, e6tab.e iis hments. • A6tet that meeting my wi4e and I taiked with many o6 these people and they were kind enough to allow us to join .them at a meeting o6 the menehants in. the ,n.?_a.za. Atthough at 6iAAt not eotdia2, by the time the disuizsion .;mss oven, we sound that only one metchant was stile unhappy with the prospects o6 out arcade opening. Appattentey the owner o6 the Venus de Mito Saeon has wrc itten you a Zetteh containing many negative thoughts. He Head his copy aloud at the meeting. I wish onty to rebu66 a hew statements that his attorney ineeuded, .ie; that theAe wooed be ttquor on the ptemises and that we might even seU Ziquott iUegaiey to young teenagetu . A6 you can ,imagine, this would not only be cause bot aAAest by ,the poti.ce, but wooed endanger outs te-icen�s.ing o6 ,the aneade, which wiU be .the main ,soutee o6 out .income, We have not in the past of present even. thougfrt o6 6 e ting .e i.quor to m%notus. Further in out Zeas e, we have -ineeuded that we were not going to allow any beverages or smoking on the premi,s es, 16 just one coke goes ,into a machine, you can throw away the ginner workings. They wiXe 6aie and rendeA a $3,000.00 machine . .i.noperabZe. 0 0 We have a-tso been told that the debtis outside oun bu inez.6 would be unmanageable. In oun lease, although theae is a change Sots eommunaZ ctean ing o6 the ptco peAt i.es, we have ,i.nceu.ded a maintenance excuse, that we wiU be napons.ible 6m a 100 boot tadcus, to inceude ceean-up and any b.ieycZe blockage o6 the s idewa?U, lo.cteAing o5 teenag ehe and patt of ing the area to ptceve.n t any ptco Mems. Finally .the SaP.on ownetc suggests that we would h.indetc his businet;.s because the boys might eongtcegate and make Jude tcemvn to his clients. We again, wish to aszune evetcyone that we wit. not a tow this to oecuno We jutrtherc wash to estate that both o6 the a&cada in Pismo Beach and San Luis Obispo have no such pnoblm with tutee arc no ,supehvis i.on. Thene6one with aduP.t6 at out opeAat ion, we beZieve thst thetce shouZd be no treason to ats,sume we w,iU be anything but an ate 5 et to the Plaza and the community. T We hope that you wilt view oun business with 6avotc, as the Planning Commizz ion did unanimously. • YOU4s to ty' Bob Lawtence • LAW OFFICES MICHAEL T. LESAGE A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION 620 13L-- STREET MICHAEL T.LESAGE P. O. BOX 306 PASO ROBLES, CALIFORNIA 93446 TELEPHONE 236-3484 September 17, 1981 Honorable Robert J. Wilkins, Jr. Mayor of Atascadero P.O. Box 1064 Atascadero, CA 93423 RE: Game Arcade, 7315 E1 Camino Real Atascadero, CA Dear mayor Wilkins: Please be advised that the proposed use is for a family arcade. That use is very carefully-defined in' the lease with a long series of operating restrictions relating to hours , professional management practices, management by an adult and not a minor, cleanliness within and outside the store, etc. • Under the terms of the lease the lessee must close by no later than ten o'clock. Sound control is a condition of the lease. The attorney for Venus de Milo incorrectly assumes that the arcade will be of the worst type. To the contrary, the lessee is a mature adult with a background in law enforcement, previously operated a chain of family arcades in Hawaii. His wife is an artist who draws for snoopy and intends to hand paint the walls within the building. The proposed family arcade is separated by approximately three stores from Venus de Malo and will be subject to very tight and all-inclusive lease restrictions. Ed Worthan is very sensitive about tenant mix and appropriate control and I believe his past management and the Adobe Plaza itself demonstrates that. In the final analysis he stands to lose considerably more if the family arcade is not operated to the highest standards. Both the prospective lessee and the lease terms assure that the highest standards will be maintained. It should further be noted that when the franchisee executed the lease and when Venus de Milo approved the site there was a family arcade in operation at Adobe Plaza. • It is my understanding that a hearing on this matter is scheduled for September 28, 1981 and at that time I would repsectfully request that the Council consider these factors and the community's need for wholesome family entertainment and uphold the unanimous decision of the Planning Commission. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, MICHAEL T. LeSAGE MTL:rg cc: Edward ,vorthan Kevin C. Findley, Corporate Counsel, Venus de Milo Venus de Milo of Atascadero William H. Stover George P. Highland Marjorie R. Mackey Rolfe D. Nelson • • M E M O R A N D U M I TO: City Council FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: Roberti Z ' Berg Grant Application The attached packet is the first step towards securing a grant for the development of the 20 acre park in south Atasca dero. We are asking for $200, 000 to start the development of an, estimated $950 , 000 overall park project . I would hasten to point out that the $950 ,000 is an outside estimate assuming contractual commitments to building the entire project in one phase . This amount may scaled down if community participation is forth- coming and if the scope of the project should be more modest than indicated. In order to get the wheels moving and to secure a place in line for the State grant monies , the initial proposal as attached should be forwarded recognizing that much more definitive plans, layouts , and costs must be forthcoming as we get further into the process . In the meantime , recommend your approval by passage of the attached resolution. M RRA L . WARDEN MLW: ad 9-18-81 • 0 ;-U_ �0 RESOLUTION NO. 27-81 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO APPROVING THE APPLICATION FOR GRANT FUNDS UNDER THE ROBERTI-Z 'BERG URBAN OPEN-SPACE AND RECREATION PROGRAM FOR THE SOUTHERN ATASCADERO PARK DEVELOPMENT PROJECT WHEREAS, the Legislature of the State of California has enacted the Roberti-Z' Berg Urban Open-Space and Recreation Program, which pro- vides funds to certain political subdivisions of the State of Cali- fornia for acquiring lands and for developing facilities to meet urban recreation needs; and WHEREAS, the State Department of Parks and Recreation has been delegated the responsibility for the administration of the program, setting up necessary procedures governing application by local agencies under the program; and WHEREAS, said procedures established by the State Department of Parks and Recreation require the applicant to certify by resolution the approval of applications prior to submission of said applications to the state; and WHEREAS, said application contains a certification that the applicant will comply with all federal, state, and local environ- mental, public health, relocation, affirmative action, and clearing- house requirements and all other appropriate codes, laws and regula- tions prior to the expenditure of the grant funds; and WHEREAS, the project applied for under this program must be of a high priority and satisfy the most urgent park and recreation needs with emphasis on unmet needs in the most heavily populated areas; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Atascadero hereby: 1. Approves the filing of an application for funding under the Roberti-Z'Berg Urban Open-Space and Recreation Program; and 2. Certifiesthatsaid agency understands the general provisions of the agreement; and 3. Certifies that said agency has or will have sufficient funds to operate and maintain the project funded under this program; and 4. Certifies that said agency has or will have available prior to commencement of any work on the project included in this appli- cation matching money from a nonstate source; and 5. Certifies that the project included in the application conform to the recreation element of any applicable city or count' general plan; and Resolution No. 27-81 Page 2 6. Appoints the City Manager as agent of the City of Atascadero to conduct all negotiations, execute and submit all documents in- cluding, but not limited to, application, agreements, amendments, payment request, and so on which may be necessary for the com- pletion of the aforementioned project; and 7. Appoints the City Attorney as legal counsel for said agency with authorization to sign the certification on page 1 of application. On motion by Councilman and seconded by Council- man the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ADOPTED: ROBERT J. WILKINS, JR. , Mayor ATTEST MURRAY L. WARDEN, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: A ALLEN GRIMES, City Attorney PROJECT DESCRIPTION Project Name South Atascadero Park Development project Project Location The project is located on the corner of Viejo Camino and Halcyon roads Project Description Development of a 19 . 5 acre community park that includes : Restrooms , Softball fields, Soccer fields , A Baseball field, Racquetball courts , Field lighting systems , A Football field, Bleachers , Underground watering system, Snack Bar and Utilities , and A Play area. Estimated Cost $956 ,516 Grant Request $200 ,000 Amt. of Matching Funds $ 50 ,000 Source of Matching Funds City of Atascadero Our project will provide a new Park to the City of Atascadero. Currently, the city owns and maintains one park that includes a small lake and a baseball field. The city population is over 16, 5 so the current facility is very over-used. The population of the immediate area is over 25 ,000 people. The new development project would serve as a regional park. Recreation facilities planned in- clude: Softball fields , soccer fields , a baseball field, racquetball courts , a football field, a childrens play area, field lighting systems, a walking trail, bleachers , a concessions area, utilities , and a gymnasium. The City Department of Public Works maintains all city parks with the Department of Recreation planning and directing all activities concerning leisure programs. Both Departments are full-time depart- ments. The. South Atascadero Park Development project will provide multi- ple recreation opportunities such as: Softball, soccer, baseball, football, children' s play area, racquetball and a multi-purpose gym- nasium. Also included in the project is a picnic area and a walking trail. This project is innovative in that the city is leasing State land and other local organizations will participate in project devel- opment (Atascadero Youth Association, Atascadero Softball Players Association, local service clubs) . Furthermore, this project will serve as a major public sports and recreation complex serving Atas- cadero as well as the regional North San Luis Obispo County area The project will also feature the first set of outdoor racquetbal courts in San Luis Obispo County. The citizen involvement and participation in this project will be provided by the Atascadero Youth Association and the Atascadero Softball Players Association (see enclosed letters) , along with local service clubs. It is expected that these organizations will donate equipment, labor, materials , money and man-power in contributions toward the development of the park project. The project will offer significant recreational opportunities for surrounding areas and communities including; Santa Margarita, Creston, Shandon, Templeton, Carrisa Plains, Cholame, Pozo, and Garden Farms. The combined population of the localities mentioned is approx- imately 6, 500 people. None of these areas have public facilities of the caliber named for this project. Many of these areas are already represented by sports teams in the various Atascadero recreation pro- grams. Therefore, we feel that the South Atascadero Park will serve as a regional park for much of the North County. As a new city Atascadero' s recreational needs require facility development. Recreation as a city function was a major concern ad- dressed during the incorporation proceedings. • • PHASING SCHEDULE • Roberti Z 'berg GraPt South Atascadero Park Development Project PHASE I GRADING $ 25,000 SOFTBALL FIELDS 28 ,050 Backstops 5, 500 Lights 30,000 Dugout Benches 432 Fence 10, 000 RESTROOM 35,200 LANDSCAPING& UNDERGROUND WATER SYSTEMS 100,000 CONCESSION STAND 13,200 BLEACHERS 4 ,220 PARKING AREA 40,000 STORAGE SHED 17,600 PHASE I TOTAL $309,202 PHASE II GYMNASIUM $200 ,000 PICNIC AREA Barbecue Area 366 Picnic Tables 1, 518 LANDSCAPING & UNDERGROUND WATER SYSTEMS 100, 000 PHASE II TOTAL $301, 884 PHASE III BRIDGE $ 10 , 000 LANDSCAPING & UNDERGROUND WATER SYSTEMS 75, 000 PARKING 35,000 BASEBALL,/FOOTBALL FIELD 26 ,400 Backstop 3, 500 Lights 55, 000 Dugout Bench 216 Fence 8,000 BICYCLE RACKS 358 OUTDOOR RACQUETBALL 30, 000 Lights 15 ,000 PHASE III TOTAL $258 ,474 TOTAL OF ALL PHASES $869 ,560 10% Contingency 86 ,956 PROJECT TOTAL $956 ,516 State of California —The Resources Agency Check One DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION ROBERTI-Z'BERG URBAN OPEN-SPACE AND RECREATION PROGRAM Block Grant Need Basis GrantEl APPLICATION FOR LOCAL ASSISTANCE GRANT Project Tttle: Estimated Total Project Cost Amount of Grant Request $ 200, 000__ • � Applicant (Agency --address incl.zip code) Amount of Matching Funds $50, 000 Ci_-y of Atascadero Source of Matching Funds City of ATAS. Atascadero, Ca, P.O. Box 747 Corner of Viejo Camino & Atascadero, Ca. 934.23 Project Location: 7 Halcyon Roads County Sad} e1 — Ob spe Nearest State Senate District No. Address and Nearest Cross Street: Corner of Viejo i t Camino and Halcyon Roads State Assembly District No. Applicants' Representa rive Authorized in Resolution (type) Murray Warden _ City Manager_ (805) 466-8000 (Name) (Title) (Phone) Person w th day to-day responsibility for project (if different from authorized representative) s- Jeans -fit Director (205) 4 Name) Title) (.Phonal I i Description of Project (Brief) ) A development project to include two softball fields (one with lights) , one baseball/football field combination, a parking area, one gymnasium, 3 outdoor raquetball courts, one picnic area, underground water system, ilandscaping, utilities , storage sheds , bleachers, snack bar and restroom-s_-.f I i I I cerrrfy that the mformanon contained in this application,including requrrad attachments,is accurate and that 1 have read and understand the imn portant nforration and assurances on the reverse of this form. I Signed _ Applicant's Authorized Representative as Shown to ResciVion Date I heIehy certify that the applicant has met, or will meet, all federal,state or local environmental,pulps health,relocation,affirmative action, and cleannghouse requirements and all other appropriate codes, laws, and regulatroms prior to the expenditure of the grant funds. (Public Resources Code 5626 (c) I I I rurther ceri.fy that the applicant fully understands that the State Department of Parks and Recreation vnll riot assume any respons b;loy to ensure curnp!innce with any applicable federal, state or local codes, laws or regulations, but that the Department may conduct an audit to enr.ure compliance. lei ISigned Legal Counsel) -- Date I - Ltor City ty cif Atascadero f Appl cant TPR 632(12/80) (over) 1 Qt po If2 f Mail �'�i�M,NOW, �I�il�� �!` �it �!.■�►�� �j fir:■.s�ali.� ��I OP ANOME � ,ps bt p-u Ifs LF ENS ,�� t moi, � �ulf��s�y'► �,�i+�y.;` '. IN y � _ I _ 4 � A 74 e ' • T r. ' H t1 1-3> t11 O Iq— R b td ti Im ro C-4 t7j (-6 n Atascad.er® Youth Athletics, Inc. POST OFFICE BOX 566 ATASCADERO. CALIFORNIA 93422 September 23, 1981 Mr . Skip Joannes Atascadero Recreation Director P .O. Box 747 Atascadero, Ca 93422 Dear Mr . Joannes; Regarding the; development of the 19.3 acres at Atascadero State. Hospital,.. into- athletic fields, the position of AYA renains as previously discussed. That is,AYA has pledged support with vol - unteer manpower, equipment and donated materials to developthe proposedrecreation' park. Our need for recreational:�facilities 'is great and we are all anxious to get started on this project. Please continue to keep AYA informed of the progress and when work may be started. Sincerely, ohn�J. Mott President AYA ATASCADERO SOFTBALL PLAYERS ASSOCIATION c/o Recreation Department, City Hall Atascadero, California 93422 21 September 1981 PRESIDENT Dick.Grove VICE PRESIDENT Skip Joannes _ Don 111a1re . 4,66-1293 Atascadero Recreation .Director SECRETARY P.O. Box 747 Janice 5ary 466-0620 Atascadero, CA 93422 TREASURER Fancy Jer_scm 466-5356 DIRECTORS Mr. Joannes: ?az Scttloccez 466-5950 Chris L� 466-9492e The Atascadero Softball Players Association appreciated the oppor- bobEusick tunity to provide input, along with other citizens and groups in planning 466-29SG the development of the new city sports complex. ASPA is in agreement with the proposed layout and development of the 19.5 acres for a citizens park and recreation center. The ASPA, which you know numbers over 37 teams with over 700 adult members, wishes to pledge its support in manpower, equipment, materials and professional skills to help develop and build this project. One of the goals of the ASPA is to help pay for lighting on the remaining soft- ball fields. I know we have the city interest and support and through joint ef- forts on � P ever ones art the ark can be developed to satisfy the community y P needs=-for both_recreation and organized sports along with general enjoy- ment for all age groups. Sincerely yours, Richard L. Grove n President r} Atascadero Soft Ball Players Assn ",Janice Baro Secretary, ASPA i 0 i M E M O R A N D U M TO : City Council FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: Area Council recommendations The attached letter from Mayor Pro Tem Juanita Qualls of Grover City resulted from the bi-monthly Mayors ' meeting . This recommenda- tion reflects the unanimous opinion of the Mayors in the County. You are being asked to confirm and retain existing purposes and procedures of the San Luis Obispo Cities and County Area Council of Governments . This Area Council was formed some ten or eleven years ago with membership from each city and the Board of Supervisors to process and coordinate federal grant applications and to act as the vehicle for coordinating overall city and county planning activities. With the passage of the State of California Transportation Development Act, the Council also became the Regional Transportation Planning Agency with responsibility for reveiw of the Countywide Transportation Plan and for approval of disbursement of transportation funds such as the SB . 325 funds which are used to support a variety oftransit systems throughout the County. One of the provisions of the JPA was that each member would re- ceive, at least two weeks prior to any Area Planning Council meeting , the agenda so that the City Councils could take action in instructing their representative how to vote. For a variety of reasons , none of which are valid in my opinion, agenda have not been reaching the cities in time for this necessary coordination to take place. The consequence has been that representatives often arrive at a meeting with having only one day within which to consider some rather volumi- nous informational documents and without being able to have the bene- fit of a Council judgment as to the position which should be taken. The attached letter asks that you re-affirm the policy of compliance with the terms of the JPA in providing two weeks advance receipt of agenda packets as well as complying with the existing purpose and in- tent of the JPA document. There has been a suggestion to placing the staff of the Area Plan- ning Council entirely under the direction and supervision of County offices . The cities do not feel that this arrangement would serve the needs of both the cities and the County, but could work to the dis- advantage of the cities . Therefore , the Mayors felt that the present staffing arrangements should remain which is that Area Council staff is responsive to the Area Council , not to the County or its staff. Memorandum - SLO* Recommendations The suggestion was made , and unanimously approved , that the iden- tity of the Area Council be such as to reflect that it is a planning i and coordinating council and not a council of governments with the implied' powers associated with that term. The distinction is rather important if one feels that another layer of government in a regional form is not necessary and should be avoided . There are, of course, others who believe that an Area Government has some distinct advan- tages , but the conviction of the Mayors , City Managers, and a majority of the representatives is that this county does not need a regional government, per se . With this conclusion , it was felt that stationery and other re- ference to the Planning Council should be such as to assure its iden- tity as a coordinating , cooperative agency as opposed to an agency with regulatory or compliance powers . This , in general , addresses the concerns implied by the letter from the City of Grover City and as expressed by the Mayors ' group. I will be responsive to other questions at the meeting. Suggest that you concur in the policies as outlined in the attached letter . MUWARDEN • 9 24-71 MLW: ad 2 Mayor-Robert H. Newdoll Mayor pro tem Juanita Qualls Councilman Alfred C. Dutra .y� `/QMCity GroverCity Councilman Jack Kean C Ity o� �1 O V ei 1 HUB Councilman Woody Lynn J ./ of the �ity Administrator-Arnold Dowdy South County 01 A,kl September 10, 1981 � V Mayor Bob Wilkins City of Atascadero Post Office Box 707 Atascadero, California 93422 Dear Mayor Wilkins: The Mayors of the Cities of San Luis Obispo County met today and discussed the matter of reorganization of the agency made up of the cities and county identified previously as SLOCOG. - The Mayors would request each City Council of the County to take a position by adopting a policy containing the following items as unanimously voted upon by the Mayors present at the meeting. These policies are as follows: A. That all agendas will full packets are received by the cities in accordance with the terms of the Joint Powers Agreement, two weeks in advance of each meeting. B. That each city take this agenda to their City Council for review so that the representative can be instructed as to each city's position on the items contained within the agenda. C. That the matter of .staffing for this agency be continued the same as it is at the present time. _ D. That those items placed on the agenda be only those items not otherwise established in the Joint Power Agreement as presently adopted. E. That stationery be changed to reflect that the agency is a "planning and coordinating council " and not a council of government as was previously identified by the terms of the Joint Powers Agreement. Your City Council 's review of this request will be greatly appreciated. Sincerely /JUANITA QUALLS ( Mayor Pro Tem • JQ:dh Note: This letter mailed to each City in San Luis Obispo County and to the Board of Supervisors 154 S. 8th Street e Grover City, California 93433 a P.O. Box 365 0 Phone 805-489-4040 M E M O R A N D U M i TO: City Manager FROM: Finance Director SUBJECT: Payment of Contractor ' s Penalty The City awarded paving and grading, Bid #80-9 , to Jerry Lueck who , during the process of completion , experienced a chal- lenge as to employee payments by the Division of Labor Standards . The City was required by law to withhold certain contract pay- ments and forward such to the State for disbursement to Mr .- Lueck ' s employees plus hold the assessed penalties of $3 , 650 . This penalty amount was carried forward to this fiscal year bud- get as part of the Contingency Reserve since we had not received a request for payment. The State is now requesting we forward the penalties inasmuch as time has expired for Mr . Lueck to file a suit for recovery. Request permission to transfer $3,650 from Contingency Reserve to Account 01 -4401 -224-002 so that a check can be issued to the • State of California. RALPH H. DOWELL , JR . 9-23-81 TO: City Council Recommend approval to transfer $3 , 650 from Contingency Re- serve to Fiscal Year 1981 -82 Budget for payment per Finance Di- rector ' s request . • STATE OF CALIFORNIA • EDMUND G.BROWN JR.,Governor DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS DIVISION OF LABOR STANDARDS ENFORCEMENT 411 EAST CANON PERDIDO STREET SANTA BARBARA, CALIFORNIA 93101 805-963-1438 is Q p h September 18, 1981 ^ v IN REPLY REFER TO: + �6 13-7414 RC Lawrence McPherson Director of Public Works P.O. Box 747 Atascadero, CA 93422 Dear Mr. McPherson: Would you please advise the undersigned concerning the status of assessed penalties of $3,65o.00 which were withheld pending the possibility of Jerry.Lueck (Paving & Grading Contractor) filing suit for recovery. If no suit was instituted please forward the penalties to our office. Your earliest reply would be appreciated. Very truly yours, Robert L. Caligiuri Senior Deputy Labor Commissioner RLC:ae enc i ROUcR,J. VYILXIPi S,-1R. � • MAYCR CITY lITnJ%-: y iV ILLL\)d H.STcven MAYCP. PRONEMPORF f3 ,,.� ATASCAGER5, CA 93421.. C�U)ORGF P. HIG>f'_AI`IUAA MARJCRIC 6. Ni ACKEY !f F..i`ii `4�1 AT Y.�'JULY P697'1��p.- FtOLFi: NCLSCH P 0 L 1 Cf_' '7.. "2 T:1_:tiT MuRRAY L. WA"ZN ADMINISTRATION BUILDING CITY MAHAGLR;CLe.RV 'r'OST 4.'§''MC E nOX 747 ATASCr'tdl.FRO. CALIFORNIA 93422 FIRE DUPA.ITMVNT . PHONE (00 5) 46:v-£0,00 6005 LEWIS AVENUE ATASC,AMERO,CA 93422 (90 J) 461.2141 Did Gentlemen, _ `-3 4 n 1.'.. lt _ ..El t t_ ., ._ duo _ 2 _ . . hil .( is .. .-- lwvn�nkz _ V � r We will Ald �ho assessed punaltior yyy suit ,I ,. ... .A e _ _ -t f ._ '. , I i I i I M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Council FROM: City Manager SUBJECT : Purchase of asphalt curb machine I have a request from the Public Works Department to purchase a manual asphalt curb machine at a price of approximately $850 . The funds are available in the budget because the purchase, of an air compressor came in at a considerably lesser amount than we had anticipated , thereby creating a surplus of $6 ,511 in the air • compressor purchase account. Because of this surplus , there is no need to transfer any money from reserve. Unless you object, therefore, it is my in- tention to authorize purchase of the manual asphalt curb machine. The machine is needed for the construction of curbs in various areas throughout the City and rental of the equipment alone would pay for half the cost of a new machine . n n M Y L. ARDEN ML : ad 9-24-81 • • 7��5/2.a� J eZ gate, ilLedKeC% XTu/�' ." "CPQ L , l2f ��" 7,1 aX' �-rnf, 17 (A`ilY.c��iEe; � O wito ./� ✓e�',.�cio %fey,-- ��`�'' „ Senior Citizens United, Inc. of Atascadero, Garden Farms, Santa Margarita and Templeton 5905 EAST MALL • P. O. BOX 239 ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA 93423 PHONE: (805) 466-4674 BALANCE SHEET - November 1, 1979- October 31, 1980 INCOME Membership Dues 2080.00 Vehicle Donation 5989:13 Other donations 8069. 20 (Includes 1-anon. grant and 1 Bank of Ameri6a grant. Total of $,000.00 Interest on savings 99.42 TOTAL $16237.73 EXPENSES: Transportation 6768.79 Mortgage: 4500:^0 Utilities - 683.84 Telephone 386:37 Office expense 866.95 Maintenance 330019 Insurance- 1007:00 Accounting 150000 House improvementq 238: 38 Taxes _ 16 -050 Misc. � 7.72 TOTAL (SUB) $14955.74 Mortgage (extra payment) 1000.00 TOTAL $15955.74 "WE CARE" Family Serviees eenter Start Making Some Changes � August 17, 1981 Dear Family Services Center Friend, Are you ready for another great party? We hope so, for Family Services Center is having a Benefit Wine Tasting Party and Grand Auction in the historic Jack House gardens , Saturday evening, October 3, 1981 , from 5: 00 until 7: 00 p.m. We would love to have you attend! Allen Ross , the well known television personality in charge of news on KCOY-TV, will be there as grand auctioneer. At, the guitar and singing will be Judy Carroll-Phillips, and at bass Newt Kerney. Judy is presently performing at Sebastians and Newt is a pastor at Mt. Carmel Lutheran Church and a member of the Board of Directors of Family Services . And last but not least, superb wines will be served from Monterey Vineyards along with cheese and crackers . All and all, it promises to be the beginning of a most wonderful evening, and because you have supported Family Services Center in the past, you are being given this early opportunity to re- serve a place for yourself and your friends . Perhaps you will want to get a "party" group together and meet accumulated social obligations. Please detach the coupon at the bottom of this letter and send it with your donation of only $6. 00 per person to Family Services , or secure your tickets from a FSC Board member. Requests will be filled as received as long as the tickets last, so hurry and re- serve yours now! Your tickets will be sent to you, by return mail . Sincerely, i Edwin Girod Chairman, Board of Directors Family Services Center 1160 Marsh Street, Suite ",E" San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Please send me My donation of number o icke s dollars ($6. 00 per person) is enclosed. Name Address 1W ' • • ell San Luis Obispo County Symp#ony Association ,San Luis Obispo County Murray L. Warden City Manager City of Atascadero P. 0. Box 747 Atascadero, CA 93423 Dear Mr. Warden, At the recent revenue-sharing hearing the City Council requested a copy of. our `" ��4 1982-83 budget which we have enclosed. If you need any additional material, please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you again for your considera- tion. Cor is ly� Ellen lum Executive Director Post Office Box 658 • San Lt{is Obispo,California 93406 • (805)543-3533 S;,II LUIS 0P. I -, I'U OUNTY SYMIIIION l3u ire t I1c011r : 198o - 81 1981 - 82 1982-83 Conc(21- t Scrics season Tickets $ 15 ,000 5 16 , 500 18,00G Single Tickets $ 0 . 000 $ 4 , 500 6 ,000 Special Concerts $ 3 000 $ 12_,000-: 3,000 $ 22 ,000 $ 33 , 000 27 ,000 CC)n l :- i b U t i O n s Individual $ 5 , 000 $ 7 , 000 10 ,000 Local & Corporate Business $ 11 ,000 � 2 ppp 4 ,000 Organizations and Clubs $ 80o Sop . 11000 $ 9800 $ 9 ,5Oo 15,000 Fund Raising Projects Symphony Association $ 4 ,000 6 ,000 6:,000 Symphony G u i id $ 4 , 1+00 $ 6 ,000 6 ,000 tither $ _7.0_0 $ 500 11,000 $ 9 , 100 S 11 ,500 13 ,000 Educational Services Contribution Music Performance Trust Funds $ 1 , 500 1 , 300 1,500 $ 1 , 500 $ 1 , 300 1,500 Grants & Foundations S t a to/Federal $ 8 000 ` ti , 5C0 3 ,000 Cohn t ( San Lu i s Oh i spo) $ 5 ,000 1, ,pop 4 ,000 Cities ( San Luis Obispo and Others ) $ 9 , 000 $ 6 , 750 7 ,000 Foundations $ 7 , 850 S 4 250 5,000 $ 30 , 50 ; . 20 , 000 21 ,000 Advertision Income Program $ 6 ,000 $ 5 000 6 ,000 S �000 $ 5 , 000 6 ,000 Interest $ 60O $_ 51)0 1,000 $ 0 $ 500 1,000 Restricted Fund $ 4624C,2 l_. .- 462 462 Ft.i scc 1 I 611u0us $ 8838 � 3u CETA1 ,000 $ - 0 - 8 1 1100 Y i a e Lu i UI, i sl,c> Cr�un l 'ySy niplruny / EXPENSFS 1980 - 81 1981 - 82 1982-83 artistic I'c rsonnel COndUCL0r $ 4 , 500 $ 1+ , 50o 5 ,000 Musicians - Local $ 16 ,000 $ 18 ,000 20 ,000 Mus i C ans - Iruported $ 8 , 500 $ 9 ,000 10 ,000 Guest AI- Lists - Classical Series $ 1 , 900 $ 2 ,000 6 1000 "Popp " Artist $ 4 . 000 $ 2 , 800 0 Musicians - "Pops " Con cc rt $ 2 , 500 $ 2 , 500 0 5 3 174 b-0- 5 3 B-66- n7oTu- Educational Services Programs in Schools $ 600 $ - 0 - 500 Concert Production Music Rental $ 600 $ 700 1,000 Music Purchase $ 800 $ 800 800 Printed Programs $ 4 ,000 $ 4 , 500 5 ,000 Advertising and Promotion $ 3 , 500 $ 3 , 500 4 ,000 Guest Bodging $ 350 $ 300 300 Orchestra Librarian $ 200 $ 200 200 Stage Manager $ 200 $ - 0 - 0 Facilities Use. Fee Cuesta College $ 1 , 500 $ 1 ,800 2 ,000 Cal Poly $ 60 6p 60 Eqipmnt re it $ 300 $ 300 300 Ll en Staging $ 850 $ 200 200 Contingency $ 1 ,000 $ 1 ,000 1,000 i3 , 3�0 13 , 30 14 , 860 General and Administratioil Manager ' s Salary $ 8 , 000 $ 8 ,000 8 ,000 0Fficc- Assistant $ 5 , 610 $ 4 , 200 3 ,000 Payroll Taxes $ 1 , 700 $ 1 ,900 2 ,000 Office Rental $ 1 , 200 $ 1 , 200 1, 500 Office SupIies $ 600 $ 800 800 Postage $ 900 $ 1 , 200 1,500 Insurance IS Bonding 1 ,600 $ 1 , 700 2 ,000 Telephone $ 800 $ 850 900 Dues and Subscriptions $ 150 $ 75 100 Repairs /Mainten an cc $ l00 $ 150 150 Con vL•n t i (-)n expense $ ?20 $ 250 250 Del) rcc i at: i on $ 200 $ `,0 s0 NewsIuCtor $ 800 $ 1)00 500 MisccI Ianeous $ 400 � $ 1 , 415 1 ,000 Contingency $ 1 ,060 $ 1 ,000 1,000 Office Equipment $ . 100 S 1500 200 100 Taxes and Licenses $ - 0 Expenses (Manage r) $_ _ 800 $ 1 1000 1 ,000 S 24 , 2T0 $ 26 , 1+50 24 ,050 Publicity & Promotion ( Season) $ 3 , 500 $ 3 , 500 .1 ,500 Fund Raising Expenses $ 1 , 000 $ 1 ppp 1,000 Educational Services ( Production ) $ 3�)G 90 Totals $ 8D , 1400 $ 81 , 500 $85 ,000 M E M O RAN D U M TO: a City Council FROM: City Manger SUBJECT: Budget Study Session The following schedule is established for the Fiscal Year 1981-82 Budget Study Session, June 6, 1981: 9 : 00 a.m. City Manager, Introduction 9: 15 Police Department 9: 45 Fire Department 10: 15 Planning Department 10 : 45 Public Works Engineering/Administration Streets Wastewater Park & Zoo Building Maintenance 11 : 25 Recreation 11: 45 City Council City Manager City Attorney Finance Department Non-Departmental w MURRAY L. WARDEN MLW:ad 6-2-81 P r„ 1 City of AtascaAro 2 Municipal Budget 3 Budget Summary (Budget A) 4 Fy 82-83 5 6 8 FROM FY81-82 GENERAL FUND RESERVES (01) 9 Building Renovation Phase II 155,000 10 Land Acquisition 30 ,000 11 Contingency Reserve 156,851 12 Equipment Replacement 39,579 13 16 FROM FY81-82 LOCAL TRANSPORTATION RESERVE (05) 17 Dial-A-Ride Equipment 25,000 18 Parking/Turnaround 15,000 19 20 CARRYOVER FROM FY 81-82 21 General Fund (01) 441,267 22 Revenue Sharing (04) 132,033 23 24 ESTIMATED REVENUE FY82-83 3,275,392 25 • 26 FROM FY81-82 GRANTS 27 Z'Berg Park Improvement (State) 131,987 28 City Shops (State Transportation) 50 ,000 29 Ballpark Lighting (State) 60 ,979 30 31 TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE 4,513,088 32 33 34 PROPOSED EXPENDITURES FY82-83 (BUDGET A) 35 Salaries and Benefits 1,860 ,016 36 Estimated Personnel Adjustments 165,000 37 Services and Supplies 1,038,635 38 Capital Outlay 1,034 ,818 39 40 TOTAL PROPOSED EXPENDITURES 4,098,469 41 42 43 BALANCE 414,619 44 45 46 RESERVES 47 Contingency 150,000 48 Equipment Fundi 144,619 49 Building Fund 120 ,000 50 51 52 BALANCE BUDGET A -0-- 1 t 1 City of Atascadero 2 Municipal Budget 3 Budget Summary (Budget B) 4 FY 82-83 5 6 8 FROM FY81-82 GENERAL FUND RESERVES (01) 9 Building Renovation Phase II 155,000 10 Land Acquisition 30,000 11 Contingency Reserve 156,851 12 Equipment Replacement 39,579 13 14 FROM FY 81-82 LOCAL TRANSPORTATION RESERVE (05) 15 Dial-A-Ride Equipment 25,000 16 Parking/Turnaround 15,000 17 18 CARRYOVER FROM FY 81-82 19 General Fund (01) 441,267 20 Revenue Sharing (04) 132,033 21 22 ESTIMATED REVENUE FY82-83 3,030 ,259 23 24 FROM FY 81-82 GRANTS 25 Z'Berg Park Improvement (State) 131,987 26 City Shops (State Transportation) 50,000 • 27 Ballpark Lighting (State) 60 ,979 28 29 TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE 4,267 ,955 30 31 32 PROPOSED EXPENDITURES FY82-83 (BUDGET B) 33 Salaries and Benefits 1,837,713 34 Estimated Personnel Adjustments 147,500 35 Services and Supplies 1,045,631 36 Capital Outlay 867 ,293 37 38 TOTAL PROPOSED EXPENDITURES 3,898,137 39 40 41 BALANCE 369 ,818 42 43 44 RESERVES 45 Contingency 100 ,000 46 Building Renovation 160,000 47 Equipment Reserve 109,818 48 49 50 BALANCE BUDGET B -0- 2 1 City of Atascadero 2 Municipal Budget 3 Budget Summary (Budget C) 4 FY 82-83 5 6 8 FROM FY81-82 GENERAL FUND RESERVES (01) 9 Building Renovation Phase II 155,000 10 Land Acquisition 30,000 11 Contingency Reserve 156,851 12 Equipment Replacement 39,579 13 14 FROM FY 81-82 LOCAL TRANSPORTATION RESERVE (05) 15 Dial-A-Ride Equipment 25,000 16 Parking/Turnaround 15,000 17 18 CARRYOVER FROM FY 81-82 19 General Fund (01) 441,267 20 Revenue Sharing (04) 132,033 21 22 ESTIMATED REVENUE FY82-83 2,885,065 23 24 FROM FY 81-82 GRANTS 25 Z'Berg Park Improvement (State) 131,987 26 City Shops (State Transportation) 50,000 27 Ballpark Lighting (State) 60 ,979 28 29 TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE 4,122,761 30 31 32 PROPOSED EXPENDITURES FY82-83 (BUDGET C) 33 Salaries and Benefits 1,837,713 34 Estimated Personnel Adjustments 147,500 35 Services and Supplies 1,045,631 36 Capital Outlay 717,293 37 38 TOTAL PROPOSED EXPENDITURES 3,748,137 39 40 41 BALANCE 374 ,624 42 43 44 RESERVES 45 Contingency 100 ,000 46 FY83-84 Operational Reserve 160,000 47 Equipment Reserve 114 ,624 48 49 50 BALANCE BUDGET C -0- 3 0 • 1 City of Atascadero 2 Municipal Budget 3 Proposed Budget (Budget A) 4 FY 82-83 5 7 8 9 DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL SERVICES CAPITAL TOTAL 10 AND OUTLAY 11 SUPPLIES 12 13 City Council 9,243 3,000 250 12 ,493 14 15 City Clerk 294 620 -0- 914 16 17 City Manager 92,900 24 ,050 5,625 122,575 18 19 City Attorney 49 28,382 -0- 28,431 20 21 City Treasurer 174 620 -0- 794 22 23 Finance Department ; 80 ,947 10 ,855 2,150 93 ,952 24 25 Planning Department 197 ,003 47,554 12,525 257 ,082 26 27 Police Department 749 ,237 128,167 31, 309 908 ,713 . 28 29 Fire Department 320,575 59,398 15,395 395,368 30 31 Non-Departmental -0- 158,809 15,603 174,412 32 33 Public Works Engineering 103 ,177 198 ,945 8,855 310 ,977 34 35 Public Works Streets 127,102 154 ,750 393,430 675,282 36 37 Public Works Parks & Zoo 56 ,612 73 ,850 288,000 418,462 38 39 Public Works Buildng Mnt 54 ,749 59 ,135 259,070 372,954 40 41 Recreation 67 ,954 90 ,500 2,606 161,060 42 43 44 1, 860 ,016 1,038,635 1, 034 ,818 3,933,469 45 46 Estimated Personnel 47 Adjustment 165,000 165,000 48 49 50 TOTAL BUDGET 2,025,016 1,038,635 1, 034 ,818 4,098,469 51 52 (49 .41%) (25.34%) (25 .25%) (100 .00%) 7 1 City of Atascadero • 2 Municipal Budget 3 Proposed Budget (Budget B) 4 FY 82-83 5 7 8 9 DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL SERVICES CAPITAL TOTAL 10 AND OUTLAY 11 SUPPLIES 12 13 City Council 9,243 3,000 250 12 ,493 14 15 City Clerk 294 620 -0 914 16 17 City Manager 92,900 24 ,050 5,625 122,575 18 19 City Attorney 49 28,382 -0- 28,431 20 21 City Treasurer 174 620 -0- 794 22 23 Finance Department 80 ,947 10 ,855 2,150 93 ,952 24 25 Planning Department 174 ,700 54 ,550 5,000 234 ,250 ; 26 27 Police Department 749,237 128,167 31,309 908,713 • 28 29 Fire Department 320 ,575 59,398 15,395 395,368 30 31 Non-Departmental -0- 158,809 15,603 174,412 32 33 Public Works Engineering 103 ,177 198,945 8,855 . 310 ,977 34 35 Public Works Streets 127,102 154,750 393,430 675,282 36 37 Public Works Parks & Zoo 56 ,612 73 ,850 288,000 418,462 38 39 Public Works Buildng Mnt 54,749 59 ,135 99 , 070 212 ,954 40 41 Recreation 67 ,954 90 ,500 2,606 161,060 42 43 44 1,837 ,713 1,045,631 867 ,293 3,750 ,637 45 46 Estimated Personnel 47 Adjustment 147 ,500 147 , 500 48 49 50 TOTAL BUDGET 1,985,213 1,045,631 867,293 3,898,137 51 52 (50 .93%) (26 .82%) (22. 25%) (100 .00%) i 8 1 City of Atascadero 2 Municipal Budget 3 Proposed Budget (Budget C) 4 FY 82-83 5 7 8 9 DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL SERVICES CAPITAL TOTAL 10 AND OUTLAY 11 SUPPLIES 12 13 City Council 9,243 3,000 250 12,493 14 15 City Clerk 294 620 -0- 914 16 17 City Manager 92,900 24 ,050 5,625 122,575 18 19 City Attorney 49 28,382 -0- 28,431 20 21 City Treasurer 174 620 -0- 794 22 23 Finance Department 80 ,947 10 ,855 2,150 93,952 24 25 Planning Department 174 ,700 54 ,550 5,000 234 ,250 26 • 27 Police Department 749,237 128,167 31,309 908,713 28 29 Fire Department 320 ,575 59, 398 15,395 395,368 30 31 Non-Departmental -0- 158,809 15,603 174,412 32 33 Public Works Engineering 103 ,177 198,945 8,855 310 ,977 34 35 Public Works Streets 127,102 154 ,750 313 ,430 595,282 36 37 Public Works Parks & Zoo 56 ,612 73 ,850 233 ,000 363,462 38 39 Public Works Buildng Mnt 54 ,749 59,135 84,070 197 ,954 40 41 Recreation 67 ,954 90 ,500 2,606 161,060 42 43 44 1, 837 ,713 1,045,631 717 ,293 3,600,637 45 46 Estimated Personnel 47 Adjustment 147 ,500 147 ,500 48 49 50 TOTAL BUDGET 1, 985,213 1, 045 ,631 717,293 3,748,137 51 52 (52. 96%) (27 .90%) (19.14%) (100 .00%) • 9 • • 1 City of Atascadero • 2 Municipal Budget 3 Comparison of Prior Budgets 4 With Estimates for FY 82-83 (Budget A) 5 6 7 8 ACTUAL ESTIMATED ESTIMATED 9 FY80-81 FY81-82 FY82-83 10 11 12 City Council 2,828 3,823 12, 493 13 14 City Manager/Clerk 97 ,835 126 ,077 122,575 15 16 City Clerk -0- -0- 914 17 18 City Attorney 27,326 27,442 28,431 19 20 Finance/Treasurer 65,064 97,096 93,952 21 _ 22 Treasurer -0- -0- 794 23 24 Planning Department 152,748 256,529 257 ,082 25 26 Police Department 668,405 865,391 908,713 • 27 28 Fire Department 368,107 445,516 395,368 29 30 Non-Departmental 153 ,796 211,570 174,412 31 32 Public Works-Engineering 215,231 313 ,229 310 ,977 33 34 Public Works-Streets 398,068 582,674 675,282 35 36 Public Works-Parks & Zoo 106,521 142,382 418,462 37 38 Public Works-Building Maint 361,228 397,928 372,954 39 40 Recreation 42,151 191, 363 161,060 41 42 43 44 TOTAL 2,659 , 308 3,661,020 3,933,469 • 10 1 City of Atascadero 2 Municipal Budget 3 Comparison of Prior Budgets 4 With Estimates for FY 82-83 (Budget B) 5 6 7 8 ACTUAL ESTIMATED ESTIMATED 9 FY80-81 FY81-82 FY82-83 10 11 12 City Council 2,828 3,823 12,493 1'3 14 City Manager/Clerk 97 ,835 126,077 122, 575 15 16 City Clerk -0- -0- 914 17 18 City Attorney 27 ,326 27,442 28,431 19 20 Finance/Treasurer 65,064 97 , 096 93,952 21 22 Treasurer -0- -0- 794 23 24 Planning Department 152,748 256, 529 234,250 25 • 26 Police Department 668 ,405 865,391 908 ,713 27 28 Fire Department 368 ,107 445,516 395,368 29 30 Non-Departmental 153,796 211, 570 174 ,412 31 32 Public Works-Engineering 215,231 313 ,229 310 ,977 33 34 Public Works-Streets 398, 068 582,674 675,282 35 36 Public Works-Parks & Zoo 106 ,521 142, 382 418,462 37 38 Public Works-Building Maint 361,228 397 ,928 212,954 39 40 Recreation 42,151 191, 363 161,060 41 42 43 44 TOTAL 2,659 ,308 3, 661,020 3,750 ,637 11 1 City of Atascadero 2 Municipal Budget 3 Comparison of Prior Budgets 4 With Estimates for FY 82-83 (Budget C) 5 6 7 8 ACTUAL ESTIMATED ESTIMATED 9 FY80-81 FY81-82 FY82-83 10 11 12 City Council 2,828 3,823 12, 493 13 14 City Manager/Clerk 97 ,835 126 ,077 122,575 15 16 City Clerk -0- -0- 914 17 18 City Attorney 27 ,326 27 , 442 28,431 19 20 Finance/Treasurer 65,064 97 ,096 93,952 21 22 Treasurer -0- -0- 794 23 24 Planning Department 152,748 256,529 234 ,250 25 26 Police Department 668,405 865,391 908,713 • 27 28 Fire Department 368 ,107 445 ,516 395 ,368 29 30 Non-Departmental 153 ,796 211,570 174 ,412 31 32 Public Works-Engineering 215,231 313 ,229 310 ,977 33 34 Public Works-Streets 398,068 582, 674 595 ,282 35 36 Public Works-Parks & Zoo 106 ,521 142, 382 363 ,462 37 38 Public Works-Building Maint 361, 228 397 ,928 197 ,954 39 40 Recreation 42,151 191, 363 161,060 41 42 43 44 TOTAL 2,659 ,308 3,661,020 3,600 ,637 12 . 1 Municipal Budget 2 Department - City Clerk 3 Department Number - 02 4 Fund- 01 General 5 6 7 DEPARTMENT RECAP FY81-82 FY82-83 FY82-83 FY82-83 8 BUDGET PROPOSED GOVNR'S MAX REDUCED 9 10 SALARIES/BENEFITS -0- 294 294 294 11 12 SERVICES & SUPPLIES -0- 620 620 620 13 14 CAPITAL OUTLAY -0- -0- -0- -0- 15 16 TOTAL -0- 914 914 914 17 18 19 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION-PERSONNEL 20 21 22 OBJECT ACCOUNT FY81-82 FY82-83 FY82-83 FY82-83 23 NUMBER NAME BUDGET PROPOSED GOVNR'S MAX REDUCED 24 25 1010 Permanent 26 City Clerk -0- 240 240 240 • 27 28 29 1070 LIFE INS -0- 54 54 54 30 31 32 FUND RECAP (01) -0- 294 294 294 33 34 TOTAL -0- 294 294 294 35 36 37 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION-SERVICES/SUPPLIES 38 39 40 OBJECT ACCOUNT FY81-82 FY82-83 FY82-83 FY82-83 41 NUMBER NAME BUDGET PROPOSED GOVNR'S MAX REDUCED 42 43 2020 Dues/Memberships 100 100 100 100 44 45 2030 Mileage/Travel 120 120 120 120 46 47 2060 Conf/Seminars -0- 400 400 400 48 49 50 FUND RECAP (01) 620 620 620 620 51 52 TOTAL 620 620 620 620 • 23 MUNICIPAL BUDGET 101 City of Atascadero 102 Municipal Budget 103 Department - City Manager 104 Department Number - 05 105 Fund - 01 General 106 107 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION-CAPITAL OUTLAY 108 109 110 111 OBJECT ACCOUNT FY81-82 FY82-83 FY82-83 FY82-83 112 NUMBER NAME BUDGET PROPOSED GOVNR'S MAX REDUCED 113 114 115 3010 Typewriter/ 116 Lease/Prchs 1, 365 900 900 900 117 118 3020 Desk,Secretary 125 150 150 150 119 120 3060 Chair ,Side 220 -0- -0- -0- 121 122 3070 Table 86 -0- -0- -0- 123 124 3080 File Cabinet 125 With Lock 175 175 175 175 126 •127 3100 File Cabinet 128 Portable 75 -0- -0- -0- 129 130 3110 Copy Machine/ 131 Lease/Purchase 3,924 4,200 4,200 4,200 132 133 3111 Sofa 572 -0- -0- -0- 134 135 3121 Clock 35 -0- -0- -0- 136 137 3131 Chair Mats 200 -0- -0- -0- 138 139 3151 Word Processor 140 Table 300 -0- -0- -0- 141 142 143 3143 Misc. Equipment 200 200 200 200 144 145 146 FUND RECAP (01) 7,277 5,625 5,625 5,625 147 148 TOTAL 7,277 5,625 5,625 5,625 • 26 • 0 1 Municipal Budget 2 Department - City Treasurer 3 Department Number - 03 4 Fund - 01 General 5 6 7 DEPARTMENT RECAP FY81-82 FY82-83 FY82-83 FY82-83 8 BUDGET PROPOSED GOVNR' S MAX REDUCED 9 10 SALARIES/BENEFITS -0- 174 174 174 11 12 SERVICES & SUPPLIES -0- 620 620 620 13 14 CAPITAL OUTLAY -0- -0- -0- -0- 15 16 TOTAL -0- 794 794 794 17 18 19 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION-PERSONNEL 20 21 22 OBJECT ACCOUNT FY81-82 FY82-83 FY82-83 FY82-83 23 NUMBER NAME BUDGET PROPOSED GOVNR'S MAX REDUCED 24 25 1010 Permanent 26 City Treas -0- 120 120 120 27 28 1070 LIFE INS -0- 54 54 54 29 30 31 FUND RECAP (01) -0- 174 174 174 32 33 TOTAL -0- 174 174 174 34 35 36 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION-SERVICES/SUPPLIES 37 38 39 OBJECT ACCOUNT FY81-82 FY82-83 FY82-83 FY82-83 40 NUMBER NAME BUDGET PROPOSED GOVNR'S MAX REDUCED 41 42 2020 Dues/Memberships -0- 100 100 100 43 44 2030 Mileage/Travel -0- 120 120 120 45 46 2060 Conf/Seminars -0- 400 400 400 47 48 49 FUND RECAP (01) -0- 620 620 620 50 51 TOTAL -0- 620 620 620 • 29 0 0 1 Municipal Budget 2 Department - Planning 3 Department Number - 20 4 Fund- 01 General 5 6 DEPARTMENT RECAP FY81-82 FY82-83 FY82-83 FY82-83 7 BUDGET PROPOSED GOVNR'S MAX REDUCED 8 9 SALARIES/BENEFITS 184,144 197 ,003 174 ,700 174 ,700 10 11 SERVICES & SUPPLIES 65 ,458 47 ,554 54 ,550 54 ,550 12 13 CAPITAL OUTLAY 6,527 12,525 5,000 5,000 14 15 TOTAL 256,129 257,082 234 ,250 234 ,250 16 17 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION-PERSONNEL 18 19 OBJECT ACCOUNT FY81-82 FY82-83 FY82-83 FY82-83 20 NUMBER NAME BUDGET PROPOSED GOVNR' S MAX REDUCED 21 22 1010 Permanent 23 Planning Dir 32,003 32,003 32,003 32,003 24 Assoc Plnnr 20,546 41,092 41,092 41,092 25 Chf Bldg Insp 24 ,253 24 ,253 24 ,253 24 ,253 26 Bldg Inspr 18,677 18,677 18,677 18,677 • 27 Clrk Asst III 13 ,691 13 ,691 13 ,691 13,691 28 Clrk Asst II 12,446 12,446 12,446 12,446 29 Contract 30 �ssoc,PInnr, P 20 ,546 -0- -0- -0- 31 Pln Ck Eng -0- 20,211 -0- -0- 32 33 1020 TEMP/P.T. 34 Intern Plnnrs 35 (2500 hrs @ 36 $4.00/hr) 16,000 10 ,000 10 ,000 10 ,000 37 38 1030 PERS 13,612 12,222 10 ,958 10 ,958 39 40 1040 OVERTIME 900 1,200 1,200 1,200 41 42 1050 HLTH INS 5,914 7,055 6,351 6,351 43 44 1060 WRK COMP 3,582 3,730 3,651 3,651 45 46 1070 LIFE INS 340 423 378 378 47 48 1090 MRT INCR 1,634 49 50 FUND RECAP (01) 184 ,144 197 ,003 174 ,700 174 ,700 51 52 TOTAL 184 ,144 197 ,003 174 ,700 174 ,700 33 r • 123 City of Atascadero • 124 Municipal Budget 125 Department - Planning 126 Department Number - 20 127 Fund - 01 General 128 129 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION-CAPITAL OUTLAY 130 131 132 OBJECT ACCOUNT FY81-82 FY82-83 FY82-83 FY82-83 133 NUMBER NAME BUDGET PROPOSED GOVNR'S MAX REDUCED 134 135 136 3010 Typewriter/Ls 137 Purchase 713 900 900 900 138 139 3020 Desk, Executive 466 375 -0- -0- 140 141 3050 Chair, Secretary 140 150 -0- -0- 142 143 3060 Chair, Side 300 400 400 400 144 145 3070 Table 170 -0- -0- -0- 146 147 3080 File Cabinet 148 With Lock 175 400 400 400 • 149 150 151 3110 Copy Machine 152 Lease/Purchs 2,616 3,100 3,100 3,100 153 154 155 3140 Credenza 352 -0- -0- -0- 156 157 3114 Drafting Stool 120 -0- -0 -0- 158 159 3134 Pagers 552 -0- -0- -0- 160 161 3154 Camera 250 -0 -0- -0- 162 163 3164 Drafting Table 164 and Light 350 -0- -0- -0- 165 166 3174 Bookcase and 167 Shelving 323 200 200 200 168 n 169 3175 Small Stn. Wagon -0- 1 `'" U 7,000 -0- -0- 170 171 FUND RECAP (01) 172 173 174 TOTAL 6,527 12 ,525 5,000 5,000 • 36 • 0 1 City of Atascadero . 2 Municipal Budget 3 Department - Police 4 Department Number - 25 5 Fund - 01 General, 03 Traffic Safety 6 7 8 DEPARTMENT RECAP FY81-82 FY82-83 FY82-83 FY82-83 9 BUDGET PROPOSED GOVNR'S MAX REDUCED 10 11 SALARIES/BENEFITS 663 ,212 749,237 749,237 749,237 12 13 SERVICES & SUPPLIES 14 (01) 107 ,722 104 ,167 104 ,167 104 ,167 15 SERVICES & SUPPLIES 16 (03) 35,580 24 ,000 24 ,000 24 ,000 17 18 CAPITAL OUTLAY 59 ,127 31, 309 31,309 31, 309 19 20 TOTAL 865,641 908,713 908,713 908,713 21 22 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION-PERSONNEL 23 24 OBJECT ACCOUNT FY81-82 FY82-83 FY82-83 FY82-83 25 NUMBER NAME BUDGET PROPOSED GOVNR'S MAX REDUCED 26 • 27 1010 Permanent 28 Police 29 Police Chief 33 ,631 33 ,631 33 ,631 33 ,631 30 Police Sgts 107 ,737 107 ,737 107,737 107,737 31 Police Off 248,730 267 ,862 267,862 267 ,862 32 Dispatcher 65,341 65,341 65,341 65,341 33 Records 34 Disptch Sup 15 ,813 15,059 15,059 15,059 35 School Re- 36 source Grnt 4,401 19,133 19,133 19,133 37 Narcotics 38 Officer -0- 19,133 19,133 19,133 39 Traffic Off -0- 14 ,350 14,350 14,350 40 41 1020 TEMP/P.T. 42 Cross Grds 8,500 8,500 8,500 8,500 43 Rsry Offcrs 2,713 1,00.0 1,000 1,000 44 45 1030 PERS 73,589 87 ,714 87,714 87,714 46 47 1040 OVERTIME 22, 500 16,682 16,682 16,682 48 49 1050 HLTH INS 21,965 26 ,117 26,117 26,117 50 51 1060 WRK COMP 46 ,087 65,412 65,412 65,412 52 • 37 • • 53 1070 LIFE INS 1,264 1,566 1,566 1,566 54 55 1090 MRT INCR 10 ,941 56 57 FUND RECAP (01) 663,212 749,237 749,237 749,237 58 59 TOTAL 663,212 749,237 749,237 749,237 ti 38 0 0 61 City of Atascadero 62 Municipal Budget 63 Department - Police 64 Department Number - 25 65 Fund - 01 General, 03 Traffic Safety 66 67 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION-SERVICES/SUPPLIES 68 69 70 71 OBJECT ACCOUNT FY81-82 FY82-83 FY82-83 FY82-83 72 NUMBER NAME BUDGET PROPOSED GOVNR'S MAX REDUCED 73 74 75 2020 Dues/Mbrshp 1,987 1,987 1,987 1,987 76 77 2030 Mileage/Trvl 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 78 79 2040 Postage/Frght 425 700 700 700 80 81 2050 Uniforms 4,600 4,000 4,000 4,000 82 83 2060 Conf/Seminars 1, 440 1,500 1,500 1,500 84 85 2080 Printing/Binding 86 Codes 3,000 4,500 4,500 4,500 87 88 2090 Publications 300 400 400 400 89 90 2100 Special Suppl. 3,100 3,000 3,000 3,000 91 92 2140 Rents 300 300 300 300 93 94 2150 Auto/Eqp/Repair 8 ,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 95 96 2190 Gasoline 40 ,000 30 ,000 30 ,000 30,000 97 98 2210 Small Tools 200 200 200 200 99 100 2220 Stndrd Office 101 Supplies 2,400 3,000 3,000 3,000 102 103 2230 Tires 3,200 3,200 3,200 3,200 104 105 2240 Contracted Services 106 (03) 0005 Vehicle Ls 35 ,580 39,000 24 ,000 24 ,000 107 0015 5c/mi over 2,600 -0- -0- -0- 108 0025 Film Pres 700 700 700 700 109 0035 Physicals 2,740 2,740 2,740 2,740 110 0045 Fire Extn 111 Service 400 -0- -0- -0- 112 0055 Dpt. of • 113 Justice Cks 50 200 200 200 114 0075 Spcl Invst 115 Fund 500 500 500 500 39 157 City of Atascadero 158 Municipal Budget 159 Department - Police 160 Department Number - 25 161 Fund - 01 General, 03 Traffic Safety 162 163 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION-CAPITAL OUTLAY 164 165 166 OBJECT ACCOUNT FY81-82 FY82-83 FY82-83 FY82-83 167 NUMBER NAME BUDGET PROPOSED GOVNR'S MAX REDUCED 168 169 170 3010 Typewriter/Ls 171 Purchase 1, 322 1,322 1,322 1, 322 172 173 3020 Desk, Executive 466 -0- -0- -0- 174 175 3060 Chair, side 780 500 500 500 176 177 3070 Table -0- 400 400 400 178 179 3080 File Cabinet 180 With Lock 350 -0- -0- -0- 181 182 3090 File Cabinet 183 Without Lock -0- 700 700 700 184 185 3110 Copy Machine 186 Lease/Purchs 3,270 4,000 4,000 4,000 187 188 3120 Typewriter/Mntnc 189 Contract -0- 100 100 100 190 191 3140 Credenza 450 -0- -0- -0- 192 193 3141 Comm Equipt 18,277 18,277 18,277 18,277 194 195 3142 Hand Radios 4 ,300 -0- -0- -0- 196 197 3143 Helmets 840 -0- -0- -0- 198 199 3144 Armor Vests 500 400 400 400 200 201 3145 Flashlights 140 140 140 140 202 203 3146 Revolvers/ 204 Leather Equip 2, 430 2,000 2, 000 2, 000 205 206 3147 Chemical Mace 72 70 70 70 207 208 3148 Camera (Mug) 1,500 -0- -0- -0- 209 210 3149 Shoulder Ptch 400 400 400 400 211 41 212 3150 Shotgun 180 -0- -0- -0- 213 214 3151 Tape Recorder 150 -0- -0- -0- 215 216 3152 Binoculars 80 -0- -0- -0- 217 218 3153 Wall Lockers 170 200 200 200 219 220 3154 Finger & Palm 221 Print Equipt 450 -0- -0- -0- 222 223 3155 Vehicle Acq 18,000 -0- -0- -0- 224 Existing 1,800 1, 800 1, 800 1,800 225 226 3156 Car Emergency 227 Equipment 3,200 -0- -0- -0- 228 229 3157 Console Expan- 230 sion Equipt -0- 1,000 1, 000 1,000 231 232 FUND RECAP (0.1) 59 ,127 31,309 31,309 31,309 233 234 - 235 TOTAL 59 ,127 31,309 31,309 31,309 42 MUNICIPAL BUDGET • 0 1 Municipal Budget 2 Department - Fire 3 Department Number - 30 4 Fund - 01 General 5 6 7 DEPARTMENT RECAP FY81-82 FY82-83 FY82-83 FY82-83 8 BUDGET PROPOSED GOVNR'S MAX REDUCED 9 10 SALARIES/BENEFITS 332 ,811 320 ,575 320 ,575 320 ,575 11 12 SERVICES & SUPPLIES 71,168 59 ,398 59 ,398 59,398 13 14 CAPITAL OUTLAY 61,751 15,395 15,395 15,395 15 16 TOTAL 465 ,730 395 ,368 395,368 395,368 17 18 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION-PERSONNEL 19 20 OBJECT ACCOUNT FY81-82 FY82-83 FY82-83 FY82-83 21 NUMBER NAME BUDGET PROPOSED GOVNR'S MAX REDUCED 22 23 1010 Permanent 24 Fire 25 Fire Chief 33 ,631 33 ,631 33,631 33 ,631 26 Fire Capts 66,287 66,287 66,287 66,287 27 Fire Engs 58,891 58 ,891 58 ,891 58,891 27.1 Firefghtrs 53,712 53,705 53 ,705 53,705 17�C 27.2 Clerk I 3,911 -0- -0- -0- 27. 3 Clerk II -0- 9,334 9 ,334 9,334 27 .4 (3/4 time) 28 29 29 .1 1020 TEMP/P.T. -0- -0- -0- -0- 29.2 1021 CETA GRANT 5,322 -0- -0- -0- 29 . 3 1025 RESERVES 11, 000 17 ,250 17 , 250 17,250 30 1030 PERS 35,830 32,348 32,348 32, 348 31 32 1040 OVERTIME 12, 000 12,000 12,000 12,000 33 34 1050 HLTH INS 14 ,415 13 ,641 13 ,641 13 ,641 35 36 1060 WRK COMP 33 , 225 22 ,907 22,907 22,907 37 38 1070 LIFE INS 972 581 581 581 39 40 1090 MRT INCR 3,615 41 42 FUND RECAP (01) 332,811 320,575 320 ,575 320 ,575 43 44 TOTAL 332 , 811 320 ,575 320 ,575 320 ,575 43 MUNICIPAL BUDGET 0 9 99 2270 Electric 1,700 2,000 2,000 2,000 100 101 2280 Telephone 3,200 3,500 3,500 3,500 102 102.1 2290 Radio Services 3,000 3,500 3,500 3,500 102.2 103 2300 So. Cal. Gas 900 1,100 1,100 1,100 104 105 2310 Waste Disposal 200 200 200 200 106 107 2320 Water 2,000 2, 000 2, 000 2,000 108 109 2340 Sbscptns/Books 400 400 400 400 110 110 .1 2360 Special Trning 3,000 3,500 3,500 3,500 110.2 110 .3 2370 Liability Ins 2, 933 3,800 3,800 3,800 110.4 110 ..5 2420 Special Eqpt 2, 400 2,500 2, 500 2,500 110.6 110 .7 2490 Weed Abatemnt 8,000 10 ,000 10 ,000 10 ,000 110 .8 110 .9 2500 Misc Housekpng 400 400 400 400 110.91 110.92 2510 Sewer Fees 120 120 120 120 110.93 110 .94 2580 Fire District 5 5 5 5 111 FUND RECAP (01) 71,168 59,398 59,398 59,398 112 113 TOTAL 71,168 59,398 59 , 398 59,398 45 MUNICIPAL BUDGET 9 9 115 City of Atascadero 116 Municipal Budget 0117 Department - Fire 118 Department Number - 30 119 Fund - 01 General 120 121 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION-CAPITAL OUTLAY 122 123 124 OBJECT ACCOUNT FY81-82 FY82-83 FY82-83 FY82-83 125 NUMBER NAME BUDGET PROPOSED GOVNR' S MAX REDUCED 126 127 128 3010 Typewriter/Lease -0- 960 960 960 128.1 Purchase 130 131 3020 Desk, Executive -0- 500 500 500 132 133 3040 Chair , Executive -0- 250 250 250 134 135 3050 Chair, Secretary -0- 150 150 150 136 137 3061 Chair Mats -0- 135 135 135 138 139 3070 Table -0- 90 90 90 140 141 3080 File Cabinet -0- 180 180 180 142 With Lock 143 144 3110 Copy Machine/ 262 300 300 300 145 Lease/Purchase 146 147 3141 Radio Pagers 2, 500 -0- -0- -0- 147.1 148 3142 Scanners -0- 1,750 1,750 1,750 149 150 3143 Portable Radios 3, 500 -0- -0- -0- 151 152 3144 Hose Replcmnt 5,875 2, 500 2,500 2, 500 153 154 3145 Shovels 250 -0- -0- -0- 155 156 3146 Fire Shelters 800 280 280 280 157 158 3147 Chain Saw Chaps 100 -0- -0- -0- 159 160 3148 Radio Modifica- 1, 000 -0- -0- -0- 160 .1 tions 161 162 3149 Repeater -0- 5,000 5,000 5,000 163 164 3150 Smoke Generator 50 -0 -0- -0- . 165 166 3151 Foam 2, 000 300 300 300 167 46 MUNICIPAL BUDGET 168 3152 Command Kit 75 200 200 200 •169 170 3153 Modify Engine 2, 000 -0- -0- -0- 171 Bay Light 172 173 3154 Sprinkler 200 -0- -0- -0- 174 Control Kit 175 176 3155 Hazardous 4,000 -0- -0- -0- 177 Chem Suits 178 179 3156 Float Pump 700 -0- -0- -0- 180 181 3406 Mini Fire Trck 38,439 -0- -0- -0- 182 183 3407 Shoulder Patches -0- 200 200 200 184 185 3408 Nozzles -0- 1, 200 1,200 1, 200 186 187 3409 Modify S.B.A. -0- 1,100 1,100 1,100 188 189 3410 Extngsher Srvc -0- 300 300 300 190 191 FUND RECAP (01) 61,751 15,395 15,395 15,395 192 193 TOTAL 61,751 15,395 15,395 15,395 47 MUNICIPAL BUDGET • 1 City of Atascadero 2 Municipal Budget 3 Department - Non-Departmental 4 Department Number - 90 5 Fund - 01 General 6 7 8 DEPARTMENT RECAP FY81-82 FY82-83 FY82-83 FY82-83 9 BUDGET PROPOSED GOVNR'S MAX REDUCED 10 11 SALARIES/BENEFITS -0- -0- -0- -0- 12 13 SERVICES & SUPPLIES 186,238 158,809 158,809 158,809 14 15 CAPITAL OUTLAY 30 ,482 15,603 15,603 15,603 16 17 TOTAL 216 ,720 174 ,412 174 ,412 174,412 18 19 20 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION-SERVICES/SUPPLIES 21 22 23 OBJECT ACCOUNT FY81-82 FY82-83 FY82-83 FY82-83 24 NUMBER NAME BUDGET PROPOSED GOVNR'S MAX REDUCED 25 26 27 2020 Dues/Membrships -0- 200 200 200 28 is29 2030 Safety 30 Mileage/Trvl -0- 300 300 300 31 32 2040 Safety 33 Postage/Freight -0- 200 200 200 34 35 2060 Safety 36 Confrerences -0- 400 400 400 37 38 2080 Safety 39 Printing/Binding/ 40 Codes -0- 50 50 50 41 42 2090 Safety 43 Publications -0- 200 200 200 44 45 2100 Special Suppl. 46 1000 Computer 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 47 2000 Safety -0- 300 300 300 48 49 2220 Safety Standard 50 Office Supplies -0- 50 50 50 51 52 2240 Contracted Services 53 0005 FinanceProg 5,100 -0- -0- -0- 54 0006 Business Lic 55 Program 2, 000 2, 000 2,000 2,000 48 MUNICIPAL BUDGET • 56 0007 Planng Prog 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 57 0009 Fixed Asset 58 Program 920 920 920 920 • 59 0017 Election 5,000 -0- -0- -0- 60 0026 Training 1, 220 3,000 3,000 3,000 61 0036 Computer 62 Maintenance 63 Hardware -0- 6,960 6,960 6,960 64 0046 Computer 65 Maintenance 66 Software -0- 4,500 4,500 4,500 67 0056 Negotiiator 4 ,100 10,800 10 ,800 10 ,800 68 69 2340 Safety 70 Sbscptns/Books -0- 100 100 100 71 72 2380 Surety Bond 800 900 900 900 73 74 2390 Data Processing 75 Service 2,250 -0- -0- -0- 76 77 2400 Auditor 2,000 2,500 2, 500 2,500 78 79 2410 County �Health 80 Services 1,200 1,200 1, 200 1, 200 81 82 2420 Special Equipmnt 500 -0- -0- -0- 83 84 2430 League of Calif. 85 Cities Dues 1,253 1,253 1,253 1,253 86 87 2450 Animal Control 18 ,500 21,500 21,500 21,500 88 89 2530 Vehicle Col. 90 Insurance 2,000 2,900 2,900 2,900 91 92 2540 Property Acqus. 61,000 3,600 3,600 3,600 93 94 2250 Fire Insurnace 2,101 2,400 2, 400 2,400 95 96 2560 Insurance Claims 50 ,000 50 ,000 50 ,000 50 ,000 97 98 2570 Contributions 98.1 0007 Atas Chmbr 5,000 16,000 16,000 16 ,000 99 0017 SLO Symphony 400 600 600 600 100 0027 Family Service 400 500 500 500 101 0047 Hotline 400 -0- -0- -0- 102 0057 Peoples Self 103 Help Housing 4 ,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 104 0098 Sr . Citizens 105 Vehicle Ins. 568 -0- -0- -0- 106 0099 Sr . Citizens 107 Vehicle Cost 2,376 -0- -0- -0- 108 0100 Sr . Citizens • 109 Operate Cost 2,400 2,400 2, 400 2,400 49 MUNICIPAL BUDGET 0 . 110 0101 Resource Cent -0- (500) (500) (500) ill 0102 Hospice -0- 250 250 250 112 0103 Action for • 113 Animal Right 3,000 -0- -0- -0- 114 0104 Childrens 115 Theater -0- (500) (500) (500) 116 0105 EMT-2 Traing -0- 3,426 3,426 3,426 117 0106 India, Inc. -0- 4,000 4,000 4,000 118 119 2580 4th of July 120 Celebration -0- 3,400 3,400 3,400 121 2630 Lease Process/ 122 State Property 750 -0- -0- -0- 123 124 125 FUND RECAP (01) 186 ,238 158,809 158,809 158,809 126 127 TOTAL 186,238 158 ,809 158,809 158,809 50 MUNICIPAL BUDGET • 0 129 City of Atascadero 130 Municipal Budget 131 Department - Non-Departmental • 132 Department Number - 90 133 Fund - 01 General 134 135 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION-CAPITAL OUTLAY 136 137 138 OBJECT ACCOUNT FY81-82 FY82-83 FY82-83 FY82-83 139 NUMBER NAME BUDGET PROPOSED GOVNR`S MAX REDUCED 140 141 3117 Computer Lease/ 142 Purchase 16,650 15,603 15,603 15,603 143 144 3147 Computer Maint. 8,262 -0- -0- -0- 145 146 3148 Binding Machine 1,000 -0- -0- -0- 147 148 3157 Display Terminal 2, 300 -0- -0- -0- 149 150 3167 Power Load Cond. 2,000 -0- -0 -0- 151 152 3177 Modem 270 -0- -0- -0- 153 154 155 156 FUND RECAP (01) 30 ,482 15,603 15,603 15,603 • 157 158 TOTAL 30 ,482 15,603 15,603 15,603 51 • 1 Municipal Budget 2 Department - Public Works Engineering 3 Department Number - 40 4 Fund - 01 General, 05 Local Transportation 5 6 7 DEPARTMENT RECAP FY81-82 FY82-83 FY82-83 FY82-83 8 BUDGET PROPOSED GOVNR'S MAX REDUCED 9 10 SALARIES/BENEFITS 106,467 103 ,177 103 ,177 103 ,177 11 12 SERVICES & SUPPLIES 37 ,094 36,945 36 ,945 36 ,945 13 FUND 05 175,870 162,000 162,000 162,000 14 15 CAPITAL OUTLAY 2,347 8,855 8,855 8,855 16 17 TOTAL 321,778 310 ,977 310 ,977 310 ,977 18 19 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION-PERSONNEL 20 21 OBJECT ACCOUNT FY81-82 FY82-83 FY82-83 FY82-83 22 NUMBER NAME BUDGET PROPOSED GOVNR'S MAX REDUCED 23 24 1010 Permanent 25 Pub Wrk Dir 37 ,120 37 ,120 37 ,120 37,120 26 Sr Engr Tech 17,808 17,808 17,808 17 ,808 • 27 Asst Civ Engr 28 Trainee 18,677 18,677 18,677 18,677 29 Cler Asst III 13,692 13 ,691 13,691 13,691 30 31 1020 TEMP/PART-TIME 3 ,765 3,765 3,765 3,765 32 - 33 1030 PERS 8,154 6,565 6,565 6,565 34 35 1040 OVERTIME 150 150 150 150 36 37 1050 HLTH INS 3,379 2,702 2,702 2,702 38 39 1060 WRK COMP 2,297 2, 537 2, 537 2,537 40 41 1070 LIFE INS 194 162 162 162 42 43 1090 MRT INCR 1,231 44 45 FUND RECAP (01) 106 ,467 103 ,177 103 ,177 103 ,177 46 47 TOTAL 106 ,467 103 ,177 103 ,177 103 ,177 i 52 49 City of Atascadero 50 Municipal Budget 51 Department - Public Works Engineering 52 Department Number - 40 53 Fund - 01 General, 05 Local Transportation 54 55 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION-SERVICES/SUPPLIES 56 57 58 59 OBJECT ACCOUNT FY81-82 FY82-83 FY82-83 FY82-83 60 NUMBER NAME BUDGET PROPOSED GOVNR'S MAX REDUCED 61 62 2010 Car Allowance 1, 800 1,500 1,500 1,500 63 64 2020 Dues/Mbrshp 120 120 120 120 65 66 2030 Mileage/Trvl 300 900 900 900 67 68 2040 Postage/Frght 450 600 600 600 69 70 2060 Conf/Seminars 900 1,200 1,200 1, 200 71 72 2080 Printing/Binding 73 Codes 300 400 400 400 74 • 75 2090 Publications 100 100 100 100 76 77 2100 Special Supplies 2 , 500 1,000 1,000 1,000 78 79 2150 Auto/Eqp/Repair 500 500 500 500 80 81 2190 Gasoline 500 300 300 300 82 83 2200 Oil/Grease 50 25 25 25 84 85 2210 Small Tools 100 100 100 100 86 87 2220 Std Office Supl 1,125 1, 400 1, 400 1, 400 88 89 2230 Tires 150 150 150 150 90 91 2240 Contracted Services 92 0018 Leased Veh. 2,400 -0- -0- -0- 93 (05) 5001 Dial-A-Ride 94 Contract 89 ,910 104 ,100 104 ,100 104,100 95 (05) 5002 Maintenance 96 and Fuel 25,000 27,000 27,000 27,000 97 (05) 5003 Lease/Purchae 98 Buses 17 , 500 -0- -0- -0- 99 (05) 5004 Phone 500 2,000 2,000 2,000 100 (05) 5005 Insurance 6,600 5,900 5,900 5,900 101 (05) 5006 Contingency16 ,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 102 (05) 5007 Handicapped 103 System 20 , 360 13 ,000 13 ,000 13 ,000 53 • 106 2250 Legal Services 500 500 500 500 107 108 2280 Telephone 1,164 1, 350 1, 350 1,350 109 110 2290 Radio Services 100 100 100 100 111 112 2370 Liability Ins. 23,935 26 ,600 26,600 26,600 113 114 2340 Sbscptns/Books 100 100 100 100 115 116 FUND RECAP (01) 37 ,094 36,945 36,945 36,945 117 (05) 175,870 162,000 162,000 162,000 118 119 TOTAL 212,964 198 ,945 198,945 198,945 • 54 121 City of Atascadero •122 Municipal Budget 123 Department - Public Works Engineering 124 Department Number - 40 125 Fund - 01 General, 05 Local Transportation 126 127 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION-CAPITAL OUTLAY 128 129 130 OBJECT ACCOUNT FY81-82 FY82-83 FY82-83 FY82-83 131 NUMBER NAME BUDGET PROPOSED GOVNR`S MAX REDUCED 132 3010 Typewriter/ 133 Lease/Purch 455 455 455 455 134 135 3080 File Cabinet 136 With Lock 175 -0- -0- -0- 137 138 3110 Copy Machine 139 Lease/Purch 1,569 2, 000 2, 000 2,000 140 141 3130 Calculator 175 -0- -0- -0- 142 143 3150 Radio-Engineering 144 Pickup 1,200 1, 200 1,200 145 146 3160 Desktop Pager/ • 147 Controller -0- 1,000 1,000 1,000 148 149 150 3170 Van Lease/ 151 Purchase -0- 4,200 4,200 4,200 152 153 154 FUND RECAP (01) 2,374 8,855 8,855 8,855 155 156 TOTAL 2,374 8,855 8,855 8,855 • 55 MUNICIPAL BUDGET 1 Municipal Budget • 2 Department - Public Works Streets 3 Department Number - 41 4 Fund - 01 General, 02 Gas Tax, 05 Local Transportation 5 6 7 DEPARTMENT RECAP FY81-82 FY82-83 FY82-83 FY82-83 8 BUDGET PROPOSED GOVNR'S MAX REDUCED 9 10 SALARIES/BENEFITS 110 ,192 89 ,042 89 ,042 89 ,042 11 FUND 02 38,060 38,060 38,060 12 13 SERVICES & SUPPLIES 81,903 82,750 82,750 82,750 14 FUND 02 -0- 72,000 72,000 72,000 14 .1 FUND 05 57 ,247 -0- -0- -0- 15 16 CAPITAL OUTLAY 116,484 174 ,300 174 ,300 94 ,300 17 FUND 02 126,450 79,940 79,940 79,940 18 FUND 05 90 ,308 139,190 139,190 139 ,190 19 20 TOTAL 582,584 675,282 675 ,282 595,282 21 22 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION-PERSONNEL 23 24 OBJECT ACCOUNT FY81-82 FY82-83 FY82-83 FY82-83 25 NUMBER NAME BUDGET PROPOSED GOVNR'S MAX REDUCED • 26 27 1010 Permanent 28 Street Supr 23 ,702 26 ,072 26 ,072 26,072 29 Maint Wkr IV 13,805 16 ,565 16,565 16, 565 30 Maint Wkr III 18,447 15,812 15,812 15,812 31 Maint Wkr II 12,550 15,059 15,059 15,059 32 Maint Wkr I 15,973 27,380 27 ,380 27,380 33 34 1030 PERS 8,214 7,600 7,600 7,600 35 36 1040 OVERTIME 1, 500 1, 500 1, 500 1, 500 37 38 1050 HLTH INS 4,224 5,404 5,404 5,404 39 40 1060 WRK COMP 6,211 8,751 8,751 8,751 41 42 1070 LIFE INS 243 324 324 324 43 44 1080 STAND-BY 3,255 2,635 2, 635 2,635 45 46 1090 MRT INCR 2, 068 47 48 FUND RECAP (01) 110 ,192 89 ,042 89 ,042 89 ,042 49 (02) 38 ,060 38,060 38,060 50 51 TOTAL 110 ,192 127,102 127,102 127,102 56 MUNICIPAL BUDGET • • 120 City of Atascadero 0121 Municipal Budget 122 Department- Public Works Streets 123 Department Number - 41 124 Fund - 01 General, 02 Gas Tax, 05 Local Transportation 125 126 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION-CAPITAL OUTLAY 127 128 129 OBJECT ACCOUNT FY81-82 FY82-83 FY82-83 FY82-83 130 NUMBER NAME BUDGET PROPOSED GOVNR' S MAX REDUCED 131 3080 File Cabinet 132 With Lock -0- 200 200 200 133 134 3119 Tractor/ 135 Lease/Purch 14 ,200 9,300 9,300 9,300 136 137 3129 Dump Truck/ 138 Lease/Purch 8,000 7,100 7,100 7,100 139 140 3139 Air Compresr/ 141 Tool/Curb Mch 20 ,000 -0- -0- -0- 142 143 3149 3 Point Disc 1, 500 -0- -0- -0- 144 145 3159 Fuel Storage 30 ,000 30 ,000 30 ,000 -0- 146 . 147 3169 Service Shop 30 ,000 100,000 100,000 50 ,000 148 149 3209 Construction 150 Equip. Rental 4 ,000 7,500 7,500 7,500 151 152 3219 Voice Pagers 600 -0- -0- -0- 153 154 3229 Radio Mounting 155 Bracket/Charger 250 -0- -0- -0- 156 157 3239 Mobile Radio/ 158 Dump Truck 1,200 -0- -0- -0- 159 160 3249 Street Signs/ 161 and Markers 2, 000 5,000 5,000 5,000 162 163 4319 Street Maint. 4,734 -0- -0- -0- 164 (02) 28,325 -0- -0- -0- 165 (05) 80 , 308 -0- -0- -0- 166 167 4329 Mobile Radio 168 Chev. Pick-up -0- 1,200 1, 200 1,200 169 170 4339 Paint Sprayer/ 171 Stencils -0- 7,500 7,500 7,500 172 173 4349 Asphalt Spreader 174 for Tractor -0- 6,500 6,500 6,500 59 MUNICIPAL BUDGET 0 • 176 4350 (02)Reconst.Balboa 98,215 -0- -0- -0- 10 177 178 4351 Overlay El Camino 179 Real (02) -0- 79 ,940 79 ,940 79 ,940 180 (05) -0- 139 ,190 139,190 139,190 181 182 4352 Ferrocarril 183 Crossing (05) 10 ,00.0 -0- -0- -0- 184 185 FUND RECAP (01) 116,484 174 ,300 174 ,300 94,300 186 (02) 126,450 79,940 79,940 79,940 187 (05) 90 ,308 139,190 139,190 139,190 188 189 TOTAL 333,242 393 ,430 393,430 313,430 60 • i MUNICIPAL BUDGET S1 Municipal Budget 2 Department - Public Works Building Maintenance 3 Department Number - 44 4 Fund - 01 General 5 6 7 DEPARTMENT RECAP FY81-82 FY82-83 FY82-83 FY82-83 8 BUDGET PROPOSED GOVNR'S MAX REDUCED 9 10 SALARIES/BENEFITS 54 ,846 54 ,749 54 ,749 54 ,749 11 12 SERVICES & SUPPLIES 56 ,320 59 ,135 59,135 59,135 13 14 CAPITAL OUTLAY 286 ,982 259,070 99 ,070 84 ,070 15 16 TOTAL 398,148 372,954 212 ,954 197 ,954 17 18 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION-PERSONNEL 19 20 OBJECT ACCOUNT. FY81-82 FY82-83 FY82-83 FY82-83 21 NUMBER NAME BUDGET PROPOSED GOVNR' S MAX REDUCED 22 23 1010 Permanent 24 Maintenance 25 Worker II 16 ,314 15,059 15,059 15,059 • 26 Building 27 Custodian 23 ,759 23 ,760 23 ,760 23 ,760 28 29 1020 TEMP/PART TIME 30 800 Hours 2,680 31 1200 Hours At 32 $4.00/Hr . 4,800 4,800 4,800 33 34 35 1030 PERS 3,926 2,928 2,928 2,928 36 37 1040 OVERTIME 750 750 750 750 38 39 1050 HLTH INS 2, 534 2,702 2,702 2,702 40 41 1060 WRK COMP 3,767 4,588 4, 588 4,588 42 43 1070 LIFE INS 146 162 162 162 44 45 1090 MRT INCR 970 46 47 FUND RECAP (01) 54 ,846 54 ,749 54 ,749 54 ,749 48 49 TOTAL 54 ,846 54 ,749 54 ,749 54 ,749 65 L MUNICIPAL BUDGET 105 City of Atascadero 106 Municipal Budget 107 Department - Public Works Building Maintenance 108 Department Number - 44 109 Fund - 01 General 110 111 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION-CAPITAL OUTLAY 112 113 114 OBJECT ACCOUNT FY81-82 FY82-83 FY82-83 FY82-83 115 NUMBER NAME BUDGET PROPOSED GOVNR'S MAX REDUCED 116 117 3080 File Cabinet 118 With Lock 220 220 220 220 119 120 3511 Building Renovation 121 1001 Phase II 275,000 200 ,000 40 ,000 25,000 122 1002 Refrigerator/ 123 Microwave 750 -0- -0- -0- 124 1003 Telephone 4 ,532 -0- -0- -0- 125 1004 Coun.Chair 3,130 -0- -0- -0- 126 127 3512 Power Floor 128 Scrubber 2,500 -0- -0- -0- 129 • 130 3513 Heavy Duty Vacuum 850 -0- -0- -0- 131 132 3514 Parking Lot 133 Acquisition -0- 56 ,200 56 ,200 56 ,200 134 135 3515 Pager -0- 300 300 300 136 137 3516 High Speed Buffer -0- 900 900 900 138 139 3517 Paint Locker -0- 500 500 500 140 141 3519 Drill Press -0- 300 300 300 142 143 3520 2 h.p. Air 144 Compressor -0- 650 650 650 145 146 147 148 FUND RECAP (01) 286 ,982 259 ,070 99 , 070 84 ,070 149 150 TOTAL 286 ,982 259 ,070 99 ,070 84,070 67 1 Municipal Budget 2 Department - Recreation 3 Department Number - 35 4 Fund - 07 Enterprise 5 6 7 DEPARTMENT RECAP FY81-82 FY82-83 FY82-83 FY82-83 8 BUDGET PROPOSED GOVNR'S MAX REDUCED 9 10 SALARIES/BENEFITS 46 ,353 67 ,954 67 ,954 67 ,954 11 12 SERVICES & SUPPLIES 141, 613 90,500 90 ,500 90 ,500 13 14 CAPITAL OUTLAY 3,397 2,606 2,606 2,606 15 16 TOTAL 191,363 161,060 161,060 161,060 17 18 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION-PERSONNEL 19 20 OBJECT ACCOUNT FY81-82 FY82-83 FY82-83 FY82-83 21 NUMBER NAME BUDGET PROPOSED GOVNR'S MAX REDUCED 22 23 1010 Permanent 24 Recreation 25 Director 23 ,436 23 ,436 23,436 23,436 26 Clrk Asst II 12, 446 12,446 12,446 12,446 27 Recreation 28 Programmer -0- 15,812 15,812 15,812 29 30 1020 TEMP/PART TIME 31 Intern 1,560 3,200 3,200 3,200 32 1200 Hours At 33 Life Guards 2,856 5,676 5,676 5,676 34 35 36 1030 PERS 3,436 3,654 3,654 3,654 37 38 1040 OVERTIME 375 502 502 502 39 40 1050 HLTH INS 1,690 2,702 2,702 2,702 41 42 1060 WRK COMP 146 364 364 364 43 44 1070 LIFE INS 97 162 162 162 45 46 1090 MRT INCR 311 47 48 FUND RECAP (07) 46 ,353 67 ,954 67 ,954 67 ,954 49 50 TOTAL 46 ,353 67 ,954 67 ,954 67 ,954 68 • . 52 City of Atascadero 53 Municipal Budget 54 Department - Recreation 55 Department Number - 35 56 Fund - 07 Enterprise 57 58 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION-SERVICES/SUPPLIES 59 60 OBJECT ACCOUNT FY81-82 FY82-83 FY82-83 FY82-83 61 NUMBER NAME BUDGET PROPOSED GOVNR'S MAX REDUCED 62 63 2010 Car Allowance -0- 600 600 600 64 2020 Dues/Membershps 100 200 200 200 65 66 2030 Mileage/Trvl 500 *300 *300 *300 67 *Include in Final Budget 68 69 2040 Postage/Freight 150 350 350 350 70 71 2060 Conferences 1,800 2, 500 2,500 2,500 72 73 2080 Printing/Binding 74 Codes 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 75 76 2090 Publications 200 200 200 200 77 2100 Special Suppl. 2,350 1,000 1,000 1,000 • 78 79 2220 Standard Office 80 Supplies 375 600 600 600 81 82 2240 Contracted Services 83 3001 Sports 26 ,655 23,750 23,750 23 ,750 84 3002 Special 85 Events 5,550 5,250 5,250 5,250 86 3003 Classes 28,492 40,000 40,000 40,000 87 3004 Trips 67 ,630 9,000 9,000 9,000 88 3005 Typewriter 89 Maintenance 94 100 100 100 90 3006 Physicals 100 100 100 100 91 92 2280 Telephone 873 1,200 1, 200 1, 200 93 2340 Sbscptns/Books 100 -0- -0- -0- 94 2360 Special Training 250 100 100 100 95 96 2370 Liability Ins. 4,394 3,800 3,800 3,800 97 98 2480 Other Ads 300 150 150 150 99 2500 Misc. Housekeeping 200 100 100 100 100 101 FUND RECAP (07) 141, 613 90 ,500 90 ,500 90 ,500 102 103 TOTAL 141, 613 90 ,500 90,500 90 ,500 • 69 105 City of Atascadero . 106 Municipal Bud4et. 107 Department - Recreation 108 Department Number - 35 109 Fund - 07 Enterprise 110 111 EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION-CAPITAL OUTLAY 112 113 114 OBJECT ACCOUNT FY81-82 FY82-83 FY82-83 FY82-83 115 NUMBER NAME BUDGET PROPOSED GOVNR'S MAX REDUCED 116 117 3010 Typewriter/Lease 118 Purchase t 220 -0- -0- -0- 119 120 3020 Desk, Executive -0- 456 456 456 121 122 3050 Chair, Secretary -0- 150 150 150 123 124 3070 Table 500 -0- -0- -0- 125 126 3090 File Cabinet 127 Without Lock -0- 200 200 200 128 129 3010 Copy Machine 130 Lease/Purchase 1,047 1,200 1, 200 1, 200 • 131 132 3130 Calculator 200 -0- -0- -0- 133 134 3130 Credenza -0- 300 300 300 135 3311 Chalkliner 250 -0- -0- -0- 136 137 3351 Exercise Mats 500 -0- -0- -0- 138 139 3361 Miscellaneous 140 Equipment 380 300 300 300 141 142 3317 Horseshoe Pit 143 'Fencing 300 -0- -0- -0- 144 145 146 147 FUND RECAP (07) 3,397 2,606 2,606 2,606 148 149 TOTAL 3, 397 2,606 2,606 2,606 70