HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 11/09/1981 AGENDA - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting November 9, 1981 7: 30 p.m. Atascadero Administration Building Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Invocation Roll Call Public Comment A. CONSENT CALENDAR NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC All matters listed under Item A, Consent Calendar, are con- sidered to be routine and will be enacted by one motion in the form listed below. There will be no separate discussion of these items. If discussion is required, that item will be removed from the Consent Calendar and will be considered separately. Vote may be by roll call. 1. Minutes of the regular meeting of October 26 , 1981 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 2. Treasurer 's Report, 10-1-81 to 10-31-81 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) i 3. Tentative Parcel Map AT 810820:1, 3295 San Fernando Road, Gordon T. Davis Cattle Company (Twin Cities) to allow subdi- vision of 7. 1 acres into two parcels (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) 4. Tentative Parcel Map AT 810903:1, 3650 Maricopa Road, James Coleman (Twin Cities Engineering) to allow subdivision of 5.4 acres into two parcels (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COM- MISSION RECOMMENDATION) 5. Tentative Parcel Map AT 810910 : 1, 8870 San Gabriel Road, Catherine Davis (Twin Cities Engineering) to allow subdivi- sion of 14. 2 acres into three parcels (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) 6. Tentative Parcel Map AT 810922:1, 3280 San Fernando Road, Clayton Sanchez (Twin Cities Engineering) to allow subdivi- sion of 31. 1 acres into four parcels (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) 7. Acceptance of Tract Map 1004 (AT 810811: 1) 8400 Morro Road, Paul Washburn (RECOMMEND ACCEPTANCE OF FINAL MAP) 8. Transfer of $1, 411 from Contingency Reserve to the Fire De- partment budget account for hydrant work accomplished during Fiscal Year 1980-81 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) AGENDA - ATASCADER00ITY COUNCIL - NOVEMBER 9,*81 B. HEARINGS, APPEARANCES AND REPORTS 1. Appeal of fire sprinkler requirements, southeast corner of Traffic Way and Via, Atascadero Industrial Center (V. Lavorgna) 2. Report regarding Amapoa-Tecorida drainage moratorium study 3. Finance Director Departmental Report C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Resolution 35-81 setting forth procedures for committee, com- mission and board selections 2. Ordinance No. 45 setting the general municipal election date on the same day as the statewide direct primary election; the first Tuesday after the first Monday in June of even numbered years - first reading 3. Ordinance No. 44 establishing a Board of Appeals second reading -4. Consideration of Balboa Road widening - continued from 10-26-81 D. NEW BUSINESS 1. Consideration of San Luis Obispo County Law Enforcement Inter-Agency Agreement for Drug Task Force 2. Consideration of transfer of funds for data processing pro- grams E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION 1. City Council 2. City Attorney 3. City Manager 2 MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting October 26 , 1981 7: 30 p.m. Atascadero Administration Building The meeting was called to order at 7: 30 p.m. by Mayor Wilkins with the Pledge of Allegiance. David Doll of the Four Square Gospel Church gave the invocation. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Councilmen Highland, Mackey, Nelson, Stover , and Mayor Wilkins ABSENT: None A. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Minutes of the regular meeting of October 12, 1981 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 2. Tentative Parcel Map AT 810701: 1, 9040 San Diego Road, David Dunham (Twin Cities Engineering) to allow subdivision of approximately 9.7 acres into three parcels (RECOMMEND APPRO- VAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) 3. Appeal of Departmental Review R810602: 1, 5265 E1 Camino Real, Glen Lewis, to convert existing butcher shop into profession- al offices (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOM- MENDATION) 4. Lot Line Adjustment LA 810817: 1, 5300 Traffic Way, Ernest Simon (Hilliard) to adjust exiting lot line to resolve a building encroachment (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMIS- SION RECOMMENDATION) 5. Award Bid- No. 81-17, Balboa Road reconstruction, to Ventures West in the amount of $84 ,754 (RECOMMEND ACCEPTANCE OF LOW BID) Mayor Wilkins reviewed all items on the Consent Calendar . Coun- cilman Highland requested that Item A-4 be withdrawn for discussion separately. Mr . Warden stated that he had some additional information on Item A-5 and requested that it also be withdrawn from the Consent Calendar . MOTION: Councilman Mackey moved for the approval of the Consent Cal- endar , Items A-1 through A-3. -The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and unanimously carried by roll call vote. A-4 Lot Line Adjustment LA 810817 : 1, 5300 Traffic Way, Ernest Simon (Hilliard) to adjust existing lot line to resolve a building en- croachment MINUTES - ATASCADEROCITY COUNCIL - OCTOBER 26;""1981 Councilman Highland stated that he was not in favor of granting lot line adjustments which created lots less than the 10 ,000 square foot minimum. Councilman Mackey agreed. Mr . Stevens, Planning Direc- tor , stated that the applicant has some adjacent parcels he may be able to use to create the minimum lot size. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Item A-4, LA 810817:1, be re- ferred back to the Planning Commission with a request to re- design the adjustment so that it will not result in a lot of less than 10, 000 square feet. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey and unanimously carried. A-5 Award Bid No. 81-17, Balboa Road reconstruction, to Ventures West in the amount of $84 ,754 Mr . Warden stated that the City has an offer from Gordon Davis to widen a portion of Balboa Road to allow an additional shoulder for a bike path, equestrian trail, etc. He stated that if not done at this time, it will have to be eventually. The City has an opportunity to have this accomplished for free and it might otherwise cost in the neighborhood of $5,000 for labor . Mr-. Warden passed out some pictures of trees in the right-of-way which will have to be removed to allow widening of the road. Councilman Highland felt that Council should approve the matter since it will have to be -done sometime in the future anyway. MOTION: Couuncilman Highland moved that Council approve the necessary, slope and shoulder improvements at the same time as the Bal- boa Road reconstruction takes place. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover. Councilman Nelson stated that he would like to have the matter de- layed so that he can look at the location. Councilman Highland withdrew his motion and Councilman Stover his second MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Council approve awarding the bid to Ventures West in the amount of $84,754. The motion was seconded by Councilman Nelson and unanimously carried by roll calf vote Staff was instructed to bring the matter back at the next meeting for a decision on the road widening. B. HEARINGS, APPEARANCES AND REPORTS 1. Public hearing on appeal of Departmental Review R810811: 1, 7315 E1 Camino Real, Bob Lawrence; to allow establishment of a game arcade Mr . Warden stated that tonight' s public hearing was a . formal, appeal from the Planning Commission' s approval of the arcade at the Adobe Plaza. He stated that although the Council had heard public 2 MINUTES - ATASCADERAITY COUNCIL - OCTOBER 26,981 comments b hearing and e at the last meeting, it was not a noticed public ea g , therefore, the appellant had not exhausted his appeal rights. Larry Stevens reviewed the project and the conditions set by the Planning Commission. He also outlined the various alternatives avail- able to Council in approving or disapproving the appeal. Ron Von Felden, Attorney for Don Chapman of the Sugarless Shack, spoke in support of the appeal to deny the use at this location. He introduced Mr . McLain, owner of the bowling alley, who outlined his experience with having arcade-type games in his establishment. He stated that the problem was not while the teenagers were inside the building, but after they left. They would congregate outside the building and, in addition, there were problems with burglaries and vandalism while he had the games. Mr . Von Felden did not feel that the arcade could be compared to a bowling alley use as suggested in the Staff report. He asked Council to deny the permit and, since the City does not have an ordinance specifically dealing with game arcades , the City should come up with one defining them. Don Chapman of the Sugarless Shack presented the Council with pe- titions signed by patrons of the businesses in the Adobe Plaza against the arcade being located there. He cited problems with juveniles con- gregating outside the businesses, inadequate parking, too many games, etc. Earl Murie of Venus de Milo spoke in support of the appeal. He did not feel that an arcade was compatible with the type of businesses • in the Adobe Plaza. Mr . Beck of Swensen' s spoke in opposition to the arcade' s location and cited problems with arcade games in the. Toy Cen- ter in San Luis Obispo and Grover City. He also did not feel that one restroom was enough to accommodate the anticipated patronage at the arcade. Norman Munson asked how many people knew where their children were at that time and stated that the problem may lie with the parents dis- ciplining their children. David von Ter Stegge, attorney for Ed Worthan, objected to the public hearing stating that he felt the hearing had already been held at the last meeting when everyone was given an opportunity to express their views. He requested that all testimony given at the last Coun- cil meeting regarding this matter be incorporated in this evening' s record. Mr . von Ter Stegge discussed the stringent provisions in Mr . Lawrence' s lease. Mr . Lawrence responded to some of the comments made by those in opposition to his proposed business. He feels he should be given an opportunity to prove he can run an arcade. Jeff Chowman, general manager of the Sugarless Shack, and Eric Michaelsen of Calico Kids, spoke in support of the appeal. Ralph McCarthy, partner in Luigi ' s, felt that Mr . Lawrence should be given an opportunity to operate the arcade. He felt that the conditions set by the City and the lease were enough to insure that the business is run properly or Mr . Lawrence will be asked to vacate the premises at Sthe Adobe Plaza. 3 MINUTES - ATASCADERIPCITY COUNCIL - OCTOBER 26981 Ken Cave pointed out that there was another arcade located on Portola and Highway 41. The hearing was closed at 8:45 p.m. and the matter turned over to Council for discussion. Councilman Nelson stated that he feels negative about arcades for children, however , he is not sure he can deny the applicant the use at this time. He would Tike to see a shorter review period than a year ; perhaps six months. Councilman Mackey felt that the present tenants should be considered in favor of someone coming in; - she did not feel she could vote in favor of an arcade in the Adobe Plaza. Councilman Highland felt that Mr . Lawrence should be given a chance " to operate and live up to the conditions imposed in the lease and by the Planning Commission. Councilman Stover did not feel that the Council could turn it down with all the conditions set which should adequately con- trol the activity. Mayor Wilkins agreed that Mr . Lawrence should be given an opportunity to perform. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that the appeal be denied. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and carried with Councilmen Mackey and Nelson voting no. Councilman Nelson stated that he was voting no on the basis of the yearly review. RECESS 8: 50 P.M. RECONVENED 8: 58 P.M. 2. Appearance of Chamber of Commerce representatives regarding funding Grigger Jones, representing the Chamber of Commerce, stated that the Chamber would like to see Atascadero promoted in a proper way. He reviewed some of the ideas the Chamber has forromotin Atascadero p 9 including seeking motel and convention facilities and promoting a "Shop in Atascadero" campaign. Council discussed this matter at length with questions to Mr . Jones and Mike Lucas. They discussed different items they would pre- fer to support and others that they would rather see continue to be self-supporting, such as a business directory and city brochure and map. Comments were heard from Kathleen and John Daly and Doug Lewis in opposition to allocating funds to the Chamber of Commerce. Councilman Nelson felt that the City should enter into an agree- ment with the Chamber and have a work session to discuss specifics of expenditure of funds. MOTION: Councilman Nelson moved that Council support the Chamber of Commerce in the full amount requested, $16, 500 , and sit down with them to determine the specific programs. The motion died for lack ofa second. 4 MINUTES - ATASCADERAITY COUNCIL - OCTOBER 26 ,0981 MOTION: Councilman Mackey moved- that Council sign the agreement with the Chamber and allocate $5,000 to them. The motion was seconded by Mayor Wilkins. There was considerable discussion regarding the motion with Coun- cilman Highland not in favor of a specific dollar figure until the programs are defined. He thought that perhaps bids should be sought. Councilman Mackey withdrew her motion and Mayor Wilkins his second. MOTION: Councilman Nelson moved that Council accept the agreement for community promotion services and sit down with the Chamber to work out the details of the dollar figure as soon as possi- ble. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover . Mr . Warden stated that Council would have to determine the dates to be inserted in the agreement. Council decided that the agreement would be effective November 1, 1981, and shall continue in effect un- til June 30, 1982. Councilman Nelson amended his motion to include that the ef- fective date of the Agreement is November 1, 1981, and it shall continue in effect until June 30 , 1982. The amendment was accepted by Councilman Stover and the motion was unani- mously carried. - • 3. Report on General Plan Amendments/Cycle l (1982) Mr . Stevens reviewed his memo to the Council of October 20, 1981 and his memo to the Planning Commission of October 19, 1981, which included the recommendations of the Planning Commission for proposed amendments to the General Plan. These items will be considered at a public hearing. Council members had nothing to add to the list estab- lished by the Planning Commission. Doug Lewis stated that he had submitted a list of items during the last cycle and was told that they would be considered in this cycle. He asked where they were. Mr . Warden suggested that Mr . Lewis re- quests be presented to the Planning Commission to determine if they recommended inclusion in the General Plan amendment process . C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Ordinance No. 44 relating to buildings and construction and establishing a Board of Appeals (first reading) MOTION: Councilman Nelson moved that Ordinance No. 44 be read by title only. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey and unanimously carried. Mayor Wilkins read Ordinance No. 44 by title only. 5 MINUTES - ATASCADEROCITY COUNCIL - OCTOBER 26 , k981 MOTION: Councilman Nelson moved that this constitute the first read- ing of Ordinance No. 44. The motion was seconded by Coun- cilman Mackey and unanimously carried by roll call vote. 2. Set date to consider location of Police Department facilities Howard Marohn suggested that Council establish a committee of res- idents to study this matter in order to receive a broader range of possibilities. He felt that their charge could be to locate the po- lice station as well as consider a satellite fire station. Mr . Warden advised that that the Sheriff' s lease for the Masonic Hall is up November 30th. Council set Monday, November 30 , 1981, at 7: 30 p.m. to discuss the location of a police facility. 3. Resolution No. 34-81 recommending certain parking retrictions on State Route 41, specifically on El Camino Real and West Mall Mr . Warden stated that this resolution was required in order to get State approval to the proposed parking restrictions. The instal- lation of the signs and proper markings will cost between $5, 000 and $6 ,000. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Resolution No. 34-81 be read by title only. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover. and unanimously carried. Mayor Wilkins read Resolution No. 34-81 by title only. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved for the adoption of Resolution No. 34-81. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and unanimously carried. D. NEW BUSINESS 1. Resolution No. 32-81 authorizing the filing of a claim for local transportation funds in compliance with the Transporta- tion Development Act Mr . Warden reviewed the claim in the amount of $253 ,736 which in- cludes paying the City' s share of the regional handicapped transporta- tion system, the operation of the Dial-A-Ride system, the City' s 20% share of grant matching funds to purchase two new handicapped equipped vans, development of the property adjacent to the bus dispatch loca- tion to be used for bus parking and turn-around, the City' s 10% share for the construction of a railroad grade crossing protection device, and asphalt overlays for roads and streets within the City street sys- tem. i 6 MINUTES - ATASCADERPITY COUNCIL - OCTOBER 26,0981 MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Resolution No. 32-81 be read by title only. The motion was seconded by Councilman Nelson and unanimously carried. Mayor Wilkins read Resolution No. 32-81 by title only. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved for the adoption of Resolution No. 32-81. The motion was seconded by Councilman Nelson and unanimously carried. 2. Resolution No. 33-81 authorizing purchases of certain items for the City by the Purchasing Agent of the County of San Luis Obispo Mr . Warden reviewed his memo which outlined the City' s purchasing procedures. Basically, the City purchases locally unless there is a 10% or better difference in costs . MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Resolution No. 33-81 be read by title only. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey and unanimously carried. Mayor Wilkins read Resolution No. 33-81 by title only. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved for the adoption of Resolution No. 33-81. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and unanimously carried. 3. Consideration of election date legislation Mr . Warden reviewed his memo to Council which outlined the new legislation allowing cities to consolidate their April municipal elec- tions with either the June primaries, November State-wide elections or school board elections. He reviewed the pros and cons of the legisla- tion; the biggest benefit to the City being the savings in costs rea- lized through consolidation. MOTION: Councilman Mackey moved that Staff prepare an ordinance to consolidate with the State-wide primaries in June. The motion was seconded by Councilman Nelson and unanimously carried. 4. Review of San Luis Obispo Area Council of Governments agenda items Mr . Warden stated that only items of interest to the City on the agenda are the Transportation Claim they had just approved and the Section 18 funding. The City does not have any requests in for Sec- tion 18 funding at this time. Staff recommends approval of the COG recommendations. Council authorized Councilman Stover to vote appro- val in these items. 7 MINUTES - ATASCADEACITY COUNCIL - OCTOBER 26*981 E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION 1. City Council (a) Councilman Mackey stated that she had received corres- pondence from KQED, the educational television channel, that Sonic Cable TV was substituting another channel for KQED. They suggested that Falcon Cable TV viewers write to Falcon expressing their preference for keeping KQED in this area. (b) Councilman Mackey noted the restrooms in the Administra- tion Building during the Colony Days celebration were heavily used and, in particular , that the women's restroom was inade- quate for the number of people in the area. (c) Mayor Wilkins suggested that the City obtain a copy of the Board of Supervisors minutes of this morning ' s meet- ing for the City' s files. The item regarding the dissolution of the Atascadero Garbage District had been discussed. 2. City Attorney Mr . Grimes was absent because of illness. 3. City Manager (a) Mr . Warden stated that the County burn period scheduled for November 1-15 is under consideration for cancella- tion due to the lack of rain. Acting Fire Chief Mike Hicks feels that too great a danger exists for uncontrolled escape fires if residents are allowed to burn before a rainfall of at least a 1/4" . Mr . Warden stated that the Fire Chief will make a determination by Friday as to whether or not the regular burn period will be cancelled. (b) Mr . Warden reported on his meeting with the Farmer.' s Home Administration and the County regarding the disso- lution of the Atascadero Sanitation District. He discussed the vari- ous alternatives available for transferring the District to the City. He hoped to have something for Council at their next meeting. (c) Mr . Warden stated that he was in receipt of correspon- dence from Falcon Cable advising that they will begin to construct facilities and provide service in the Monterey Road area as soon as they receive notification to proceed from. P.G.&E. (d) Mr . Warden advised Council that the next Channel Coun- ties Division of the League of California Cities will be held on Friday, November 13 , in Santa Barbara. He asked Council to get their reservations in as soon as possible. (e) Mr . Warden advised that Automatic Alarms, Inc. will be installing an intrusion alarm system at the Zoo. The cost will be $3,779 and this is a budgeted item. 8 MINUTES - ATASCADEROPITY COUNCIL - OCTOBER 26,0981 The meeting adjourned at 11: 05 p.m. to November 7, 1981, at 9 : 00 a.m. in Room 207 to interview applicants for Fire Chief. Recorded by: MURRAY L. WARDEN, City Clerk By: Ardith Davis Deputy City Clerk 9 CITY OF ATASCADERO TREASURER'S REPORT October 1, 1981 to October 31, 1981 BALANCE AS OF SEPTEMBER 30, 1981 $ 45,638.78 RECEIVED 244,868. 47 TOTAL $ 290 ,507 .25 HAND CHECK REGISTER DATED 10/31/81 53,324.00 CHECK REGISTER DATED 10/11/81 35,685.40 CHECK REGISTER DATED 10/16/81 41,804. 53 CHECK REGISTER DATED 10/30/81 74,980 .50 PAID LISTING 74,900. 58 TOTAL $ 280,695. 01 BALANCE AS OF OCTOBER 30, 1981 9,812. 24 PETTY CASH 93. 54 LOCAL AGENCY INVESTMENT FUND 65,000 . 00 TIME DEPOSIT, BANK OF AMERICA 16. 00% Interest, Matures 11/16/81 100 ,000.00 TIME DEPOSIT, CENTURY FEDERAL SAVINGS • 18. 25% Interest, Matures 11/18/81 100 ,000 .00 TIME DEPOSIT, SECURITY PACIFIC NATIONAL BANK 17.125% Interest, Matures 11/19/81 100 ,000 .00 TIME DEPOSIT, SECURITY PACIFIC NATIONAL BANK 17.375% Interest, Matures 12/10/81 100 ,000 .00 TIME DEPOSIT, SANTA BARBARA SAVINGS 18. 50% Interest, Matures 12/14/81 100 , 000 . 00 TIME DEPOSIT, FIDELITY SAVINGS 18 .125% Interest, Matures 12/21/81 100 ,000 . 00 TIME DEPOSIT, SECURITY PACIFIC NATIONAL BANK 17.50% Interest, Matures 01/12/82 100 ,000 .00 TIME DEPOSIT, MID-STATE BANK 16. 80% Interest, Matures 01/13/82 100 ,000 . 00 TIME DEPOSIT, MID-STATE BANK 14 .60% Interest, Matures 02/17/81 100 , 000 .00 TIME DEPOSIT, SECURITY PACIFIC NATIONAL BANK 14. 75% Interest, Matures 02/17/81 100 ,000 .00 TOTAL $1,074,905.78 CITY OF ATASCADERO TREASURER'S REPORT October 1, 1981 to October 31, 1981 I , RALPH H. DOWELL, JR. , do hereby certify and declare that the demands enumerated and referred to in the foregoing register are accurate and just claims against the City and that there are funds available for _payment thereof in the City Treasury. Dated: November 4, 1981 RALPH H. DOWELL, JR. Finance Director APPROVED: • MURRAY L. RDEN City Manag r -2- RECEIVED LISTING OCTOBER 01,1981 TO OCTOBER 31,1981 TAXES Sales & Use $ 37 , 500 .00 Property Transfer Tax 2, 403. 67 Motor Vehicle "In Lieu" 23,174. 56 Cigarette Tax 2,971. 58 Current Year Secured Tax 11,794.43 Occupancy Tax 6,456.18 LICENSES/PERMITS/FEES 10,455. 01 GAS TAX 15,674 .91 TRAFFIC SAFETY 3,578.31 RECREATION 4,635. 50 FROM L.A.I .F. 45,000 .00 INVESTMENTS 17 ,746.30 FIRE DISTRICT ASSETS 13 ,695.29 MISCELLANEOUS 49,782. 73 TOTAL $ 244,868 .47 -4- f C t C r C C r < r r r r r C r r c o0o �: >! . - ao ' ^caaa I4. �. 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Q1 10'a CA to ':A--C,f V3 '^A QI V .0 A �...rJ [0 rJ� ;tt...i D WI.0 ?` 1 C4 C4 7`r �0 rj 01 '.7 TA '., A.a L .^A TZ'N ZV u u,JMT 10 • I d PAID LISTING October 1, 1.981 to October 31, 1981 Check P2286 not voided $ 2,782.91 Revenue deposit #2 September , understated ( 70 .00) Check P2268 overstated ( 5. 00) Check P2376 duplicate entry computer ( 700 .00) Payroll dated 10/07/81, Check 7001-7098 Check 7313-7432 40,710 .65 Payroll dated 10/20/81, Check 7101-7171 34, 405. 50 Voided Check 12398 ( 293. 24) Voided Check 12396 ( 1,545. 48) Voided Check 12401 ( 219 .14) Voided Check 12408 ( 105.12) Voided Check 12406 ( 48 . 00) Voided Check 5897 ( 12. 50) TOTAL $74 ,900. 58 • -29- M E M O R A N D U M TO: CITY MANAGER November 3, 1981 FROM: PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: Tentative Parcel Map AT 810820 : 1 LOCATION: 3295 San Fernando Road (Lot 35, Block 25) APPLICANT: Gordon T. Davis Cattle Company (Twin Cities) REQUEST: To allow subdivision of 7 . 1 acres into two parcels of 3. 6 and 3. 5 acres each • On November 2, 1981 the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the proposed two lot parcel map unanimously adopting a Conditional Negative Declaration and approving the request subject to Conditions 1-12 as listed in the attached Staff Report. There was only brief discussion among the Commission on this matter . ' Allen Campbell, applicant' s engineer , appeared and indicated his con- currence with the Staff recommendation. No one else appeared on the matter . n C� aa/�/M� A*VVA� A-4 LAWRENCE STEVENS MURRAY L.) WARDEN Planning Director City Manager /Ps rit n�rlrr� -�: � •...... Cj C r Re CITY OF ATASCADERO 1913 G �, `-" fl 1979 CADS Planning Department November 2 , 1981 STAFF REPORT SUBJECT: Tentative Parcel Map AT 810820 : 1 LOCATION 3295 San Fernando Road (Lot 35, Block 25) APPLICANT: Gordon T. Davis Cattle Company (Twin Cities Engineering) REQUEST: To allow subdivision of 7. 1 acres into two parcels of 3. 6 and 3. 5 acres each BACKGROUND 1 Existing Zoning: A-1-B-V-3 2. General Plan: Suburban Single Family Residential 3 . Environmental Determination: An initial study environmental description form has been completed. The Planning Director has prepared a Draft Conditional Negative Declaration indica- ting the project will not have -a significant adverse effect upon the environment if certain mitigation measures are incor- porated into the project. 4. Site Conditions: The site topography is moderately steep and is characterized by fairly constant slope up from San Fernando, with a minor depression in the central area of the site. There are some oak tree clusters near the central area and along the rear of the property along the ridgeline. Surrounding property consists of similar large lot undeveloped property. The stretch of San Fernando Road from Ardilla Road and on beyond the subject property was recently rough graded. The applicant has entered into an agreement to voluntarily improve San Fernando Road. 5. Project Description: The applicant is proposing to create two parcels from the 7 . 1 acre lot. The Tentative Map indicates Parcel A would be 3. 6 acres and Parcel B would be 3 .5 acres. Access to each building site is not indicated, but it is as- sumed that individual, or possibly shared, driveways would be provided at the time of building permit on each parcel. Page Two Re: Tentative Parcel Map AT 810820 :1 (Davis) November 2 , 1981 STAFF- COMMENTS On Thursday, October 8 , 1981 the Subdivision Review Board met with the applicant' s engineer, Allen Campbell. Also attending the meeting were: Larry Stevens, Planning Director, Mary Beatie, Associate Planner; Joel Moses, Associate Planner; Mike Hicks , Fire Captain; Larry McPherson, Public Works Director; and Mike Sherer, Planning Commissioner. The following items of concern were discussed: 1) No fire hydrant necessary; even though limited fire protection is available to the site, Class C roofing required. 2) Recommend Conditional Negative Declaration to address : fire hazard, drainage and erosion control with site development, slope protection, septic suitability. 3) San Fernando Road improvement agreement. 4) Review plan and profile of individual driveways at time of building permits. 5) Topo on tentative map does not seem to reflect the site too accurately; is rear property line generally at crest of hill? FINDINGS 1 . The application as presented conforms to the applicable zoning and subdivision regulations and is consistent with the 1980 Atascadero General Plan. 2 . The application as presented together with the recommended mitigation measures will not have a significant adverse effect upon the environment, and therefore the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report is not necessary. RECOMMENDATION Based on the above findings, the Planning Department recommends : A) Issuance of a Conditional Negative Declaration as follows : 1. Adequate provision be made to reduce fire hazards at the • - site. 2 . Adequate provision be made for drainage, erosion control and slope protection with site development. Page Three Re: Tentative Parcel Map AT 810820 :1 (Davis) November 2 , 1981 3 . Provision be made to ensure septic suitability on the site; and, B) Approval of Tentative Parcel Map AT 810820 :1 subject to the following conditions: 1 . Private sewage disposal systems will be an acceptable method of sewage disposal, if reports , tests, and design are acceptable . All tests , reports and designs shall conform to methods and guidelines prescribed by the Manual of Septic Tank Practice and other applicable City ordinances. The following shall appear as a Note on the Final Map: "Appropriate soils reports including a percolation test, a test to determine the .presence of ground water, and a log of a soil boring to a minimum depth of ten (10) feet shall be submitted to the Atascadero Planning Department prior to the issuance of a building permit on each lot. Where soils reports indicate that conventional soil ab- sorption systems are not acceptable, City approval of plans for an alternative private sewage disposal system, designed by a Registered Civil Engineer,, shall be required. Depending upon the system, more restrictive requirements may be imposed. " 2. Water shall be obtained from the Atascadero Mutual Water Company and water operable facilities shall exist at the frontage of each parcel prior to . filing of the Final Map. A letter from the Water Company indicating that they are willing and able to serve the property shall be submitted to the Planning Department prior to recording the Final Map, 3 . All other utilities available to the area not already in place shall be extended underground to the frontage of each parcel at time of building permit. 4 . Plan and profile drawings of proposed driveway (s) shall be submitted at the time of building permits for approval by the Public Works and Planning Departments in order to deter- mine average grade and appropriate improvement requirements. If average slope exceeds 120 , paved improvement would be a requirement at the time of application for building permit. otherwise, an all-weather surface would be required simi- larly. In no event will grades exceeding 20% be allowed. In the event any portion of the driveway (s) shall be shared, improvement of that shared portion shall be a • • Page Four Re: Tentative Parcel Map AT 810820 :1 November 2 , 1981 requirement made in conjunction with the first building permit. Notes to these effects shall appear on the Final Map. 5. With regard to improvement standards for the driveway (s) , the following note shall appear on the Final Map: "Private driveway(s) shall be improved to a minimum width of twelve (12) feet with an unobstructed vertical clear- ance of fourteen (14) feet. " 6 . Effort shall be made to minimize grading that would be disruptive to the natural topography and removal of exist- ing, mature trees.. The following shall appear as a Note on the Final Map: "No trees shall be removed without compliance with applicable City ordinances . No grading shall commence without an appropriate permit and compliance with applicable City ordinances. " 7 . Final grading, drainage and erosion control plans in con- junction with site development, prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer, shall be submitted for review and approval by the Planning and Public Works Departments prior to issuance of a building permit. A Note to this effect shall be placed on the Final Map. 8 . Recordation of the Final Map shall be contingent on the completion of the full improvement of San Fernando Road along the frontage of Lot 35 . The Public Works Director shall indicate in writing his satisfaction with and acceptance of said road improvements as required in the written agreement, 9. All pipeline and other easements of record shall be shown on the Final Map. A letter shall be submitted from each utility company indicating the nature and extent of any building restrictions . A note so stating such restric- tions shall appear on the Final Map. 10. Roof materials for all structures shall be Class C rating or better and a note to that effect shall appear on the Final Map. 11. A Final Parcel Map in compliance with all conditions set forth herein shall be submitted for review and approval in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act and the City Lot Division Ordinance prior to recordation. Page Five Re: Tentative Parcel Map AT 810820 :1 (Davis) November 2 , 1981 a. Monuments shall be set at all new property corners created and a Registered Civil Engineer or licensed land surveyor shall submit a letter certifying that the monuments have been set prior to recordation. b. A .Final title policy ( CLTA or ALTA) shall be submitted for review in conjunction with the processing of the Final Map. 12 . Approval of this Tentative Parcel Map shall expire one year from the date of final approval unless an extension of time is granted pursuant to a written request prior to the expi- ration date ACTION The Planning Commission should by motion direct Staff as deemed appropriate. TO APPROVE: Motion to adopt findings and set conditions. TO DENY: Motion setting findings for denial. REPORT PREPARED BY: MARY . BEATIE Associate Planner REPORT APPROVED BY: Vkwwa /4�� LAWRENCE STEVENS Planning Director /Ps \ O d 0 d gyp° U I a tm M -1 t't7 0 �ym7 i o -4 >Ln i y i N ° OR • Z U1 aD u o 1-1 , y a 2 'U 00 N thwe Jss OZ VA C i� D to ~ N" P1 0 n r °res n Z ? m w O f'o� p O > OI m Ln ro 01A 0 I' z b -< Fr° 3 artil `per r .°e6 O C 1 V q O Zz 'n"iw •z a �q� R O� b n� 9: � M err 16 N O x ti w 8 SITE L064770A,) MAO z N AT9/Coo ao / 0 3,2g5 CSAry /CkE A) 1A)PO 1-A-5-D-1-p � ry b P t y _f a-/-g_ s P f� 1 'S I D` -v-5 w 'FITE Loco) MAP A-1-0-V-5 A77<3 Ogg:/ r 34295 X54-0 F&eAAA)IDO i \ 1 i z 1 \ \ 1 \ IN. 0 Ny rN � i I ► 1 � ' ," � � I 1 1 � � l ti ti o 0 0 / �`�ORa pad Z paw C - n i • S I f • 0 . M E M O R A N D U M TO: CITY MANAGER November 3, 1981 FROM: PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: Tentative Parcel Map AT 810903:1 LOCATION: 3650 Maricopa Road (Ptn. Lot 29 , Block 17) APPLICANT: James Coleman (Twin Cities Engineering) REQUEST: To allow subdivision of 5. 4 acres into two parcels of 2. 5 and 2. 9 acres each. . On November 2, 1981 the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the proposed two lot parcel map unanimously adopting a Conditional Negative Declaration and approving the request subject to Conditions 1-10 as listed in the attached Staff Report. There was only brief discussion among the Commission on this matter . Allen Campbell, applicant' s engineer , appeared and indicated his con- currence with Staff ' s recommendation. No one else appeared on the matter . LAWRENCE STEVENS MURRAY L. RDEIT Planning Director City Manag /Ps • r, CITY OF ATASCADERO / Planning Department November 2, 1981 STAFF REPORT SUBJECT: Tentative Parcel Map AT 810903 : 1 LOCATION: 3650 Maricopa Road (Ptn. Lot 29, Block 17) APPLICANT: James Coleman (Twin Cities Engineering) REQUEST: To allow subdivision of 5.4 acres into two parcels of 2.5 and 2.9 acres each BACKGROUND 1. Existing Zoning: R-A-B-D-1-D 2. General Plan: Suburban Single Family Residential 3. Environmental Determination: An initial study environmental de- scription e scription form has been completed. The Planning Director has pre- pared a Conditional Negative Declaration - indicating the project will not have a significant adverse effect upon the environment if certain mitigating measures are incorporated into the project. 4 . Site Conditions: The subject property is generally characterized as a north facing slope lot, running uphill from Maricopa Road to a ridge at the rear of the site. The site is presently developed with a mature walnut orchard. The site also contains a utility easement running diagonally across the lower portion of the site. The property fronts on Maricopa Road, a paved City-maintained road right-of-way. Community water is available to the site but sewer is not. Lots on either side of the property and across Maricopa Road are presently developed with single family residences. 5. Project Description: The applicant is proposing to subdivide the subject 5. 4 acres into two parcels of 2. 5 and 2.9 acres . Parcel B will contain 2. 9 acres. It is assumed both lots will obtain access from Maricopa. STAFF COMMENTS On Thursday, October 8, 1981 the Subdivision Review Board met to dis- • cuss the application with Allen Campbell, - the applicant' s engineer . Also attending the meeting were: Larry Stevens, Planning Director ; Larry McPherson, Public Works Director; Mike Hicks, Fire Captain; Mary • • Tentative Parcel Map AT 810903 : 1 (Coleman) • Beatie, Associate Planner; Joel Moses, Associate Planner ; and Mike Sherer , Planning Commissioner . The following items were discussed: 1) Application is a division of Parcel 3 CO 74-162. 2) Concern over loss of potential commercial productivity of orchard. Possible condition to limit tree removal by deed restriction (covenant) . Require note on Final Map for tree removal restric- tions at time of building permit. 3) No fire hydrants necessary. 4) Possible building restrictions under 2 foot PT&T easement. No structures or paving allowed within easement. 5) Require review of individual driveways at time of building permit. Note on the map that easement documentation may be required if easements on adjoining parcels are to be used for access to build- ing sites on subject property. 6) Recommend Conditional Negative Declaration addressing: tree re- moval, drainage and erosion control during site development. • FINDINGS 1. The application as presented will not have a significant adverse effect upon the environment and the preparation of an Environ- mental Impact Report is not necessary. 2. The application as presented conforms to the applicable zoning regulations and is consistent with the 1980 Atascadero General Plan. RECOMMENDATION Based upon the above findings, the Planning Department recommends: A) Issuance of a Conditional Negative Declaration as follows: 1. Adequate provisions shall be made for drainage and erosion control and protection in conjunction with site development. 2. That provision be made for adequate access including provi- sion for improvements and slope protection. 3. That grading and tree removal be minimized during all site • development; and, 2 • 0 Tentative Parcel Map AT 810903 :1 (Coleman) B) Approval of the Tentative Parcel Map AT 810903:1 subject to the . following conditions: 1. Private sewage disposal systems will be an acceptable method of sewage disposal,, if reports and design are acceptable. All tests , reports, and designs shall conform to methods and guidelines prescribed by the Manual of Septic Tank Practice and other applicable City ordinances. The following shall appear on the Final Map: "Appropriate soils reports including a percolation test, a test to determine the presence of ground water , and a log of a soil boring to a minimum depth of ten (10) feet shall be submitted to the Planning Department prior to the issuance of a building permit. Where soils reports indicate that con- ventional soil absorption systems are not acceptable, City approval of plans for an alternative private sewage disposal system, designed by a Registered Civil Engineer , shall be re- quired. Depending upon the; system, more restrictive require- ments may be imposed. " 2. Water shall be obtained from the Atascadero Mutual Water Com- pany and water operable facilities shall exist at each parcel frontage prior to recordation of the Final Map. A letter from the water company indicating they are willing and able • to serve the property shall be submitted to the Planning De- partment prior to recordation of the Final Map. 3. Other utilities available to the area shall be extended un- derground to each parcel frontage prior to issuance of a building permit. 4. Plan and profile drawings of proposed driveway(s) may be re- quired at the time of building permit for approval by the Public Works and Planning Departments in order to determine average grade and appropriate improvement requirements. If average slope exceeds 12%, paved improvement would be a re- quirement. Otherwise, an all-weather surface would be re- quired similarly. In no event will driveways be allowed which exceed 20% in slope. In the event any portion of the driveway shall be shared, improvement of that shared portion shall be a requirement made in conjunction with the first building permit. Notes to these effects shall appear on the Final Map. a. In the event existing easements adjacent to the subject property are to be used for access to building sites, appropriate documentation granting easement rights shall be required at the time of building permit. 3 • • Tentative Parcel Map AT 810903: 1 (Coleman) 5. With regard to improvement standards for the driveway, the following note shall appear on the Final Map: "The private driveway shall be improved to a minimum width of twelve (12) feet with an unobstructed vertical clearance of fourteen (14) feet. " 6. Effort shall be made to minimize grading that would be dis- ruptive to the natural topography and removal of existing, mature trees. The following shall appear as a Note on the Final Map: "No trees shall be removed without compliance with applicable City ordinances. Removal of walnut trees shall be limited to that necessary to clear a building site for a residence, out buildings, and yards, provided the area cleared shall not exceed 1/2 acre on any parcel. No grading shall com- mence without an appropriate permit and compliance with applicable City ordinances." 7. Final grading and drainage plans prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer for development on each parcel may be re- quired to be submitted for review and approval by the Planning and Public Works Department prior to issuance of building permits. A Note to this effect shall appear • on the Final Map. 8. All easements of record shall be shown on the Final Map. A letter shall be submitted from each utility company indi- cating the nature and extent of any building restrictions. A Note so stating such restrictions shall appear on the Final Map. 9 . A Final Parcel Map in compliance with all conditions set forth herein shall be submitted for review and approval in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act and the City Lot Division Ordinance prior to recordation. a. Monuments shall be set at all new property corners cre- ated and a Registered Civil Engineer or licensed land surveyor shall submit a letter certifyig that the monu- ments have been set prior to recordation. b. A final title policy (CLIA or ALTA) shall be submitted for review in conjunction with the processing of the Final Map. 10 . Approval of this Tentative Parcel Map shall expire one year from the date of final approval unless an extension of time is granted pursuant to a written request prior to the expi- ration date. 4 Tentative Parcel Map AT 810903:1 (Coleman) ACTION The Planning Commission should by motion direct Staff as deemed appropriate. TO APPROVE: Motion to adopt findings and set conditions. TO DENY: Motion setting findings for denial. REPORT PREPARED BY: JOEL MOSES Associate Planner REPORT APPROVED BY: LAWRENCE STEVENS 'Planning Director /Ps a 5 1 i ¢-1-8-3-p �` `� OF �• 1 q-I R3-v � ,I" s-o4vQ i � ¢ •I ,8-2N 2-D ��� � h uz Z C i N 9-A A 4 l 1ZA3-0-f-D C 6b` -� t-3-D-I- 2 2 D-1_D r t: �A ry b P A-I-2Fz W1UiN6 MAP A-TS'!©9o3:I tit•4�1cvPA AD. A -� _ �p� v O ^^ N P • O R 2 \ m EZ I —4f y ` 'L•'` w i S a s=f0ry a _ n� `�r� a/20 Ca 933tYJ (fid S3Jvb9 III ' C+ i 3�OZi • ®/r� O hOty�\ 99.0 la Ott 3Jf 06 •l� � ° � •0N tea.. A �' A j�e k m ► a0 p J CN2 G 0 rn i vm� 'o r M;r� o o 02in y;:00 p � b b Nt V i ,F vo 69.18 �..' .- �\ ♦ '? \ .y` 7 ra a �c� m \tom Rnl � Y C4 At 1 T1 m -i /n\ � � a• Zoo -5/7E t45C-4770AV MA P Nv a n�ro o AT8/OgO5 �* rri 3&50 MAR►COPA Rom c COLEMAAJ) i t at- L. U poir 'ydo)t,YdW r � r ° T5VTA-T7 V E M A/0 �, a A7-810803: 1 3e50 11-1.4,P—/COP,4 Rg4T� (coc-Fit t AA)) 1 • M E M O R A N D U M TO: CITY MANAGER November 3, 1981 FROM: PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: Tentative Parcel Map AT 810910 : 1 LOCATION: 8870 San Gabriel Road (Lot 11 & Parcel 1 of AT 78-121, Block 33) APPLICANT: Catherine Davis (Twin Cities Engineering) REQUEST: To allow subdivision of :14. 2 acres into three parcels of 2. 5, 2. 5, and 9.2 acres each. • On November 2, 1981 the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on this proposed three lot parcel map unanimously adopting a Condi- tional Negative Declaration and approving the request subject to Con- ditions 1-14 as listed in the attached Staff Report. There was only brief discussion among the Commission on this matter . Allen Campbell, applicant' s engineer , appeared and indicated his con- currence with Staff ' s recommendation. No one else appeared on the matter . LAWRENCE STEVENS MURRAY L. ARDEN j Planning Director City Manar • /Ps r m n is yr r h�r��iF X111 CITY OF ATASCADERO . 19-79 - ! Planning Department November 2 , 1981 STAFF REPORT SUBJECT: Tentative Parcel Map AT810910 :1 LOCATION: 8870 San Gabriel Road (Lot 11 & Parcel 1 of AT78-121 , Block 33) APPLICANT: Catherine Davis (Twin Cities Engineering) REQUEST: To allow subdivision of =.4 . 2 acres into three parcels of 2 . 5 , 2 . 5 and 9.,2 acres each. BACKGROUND 1. Existing zoning: A-1-1z 2 . General Plan: SuburbanSingleFamily Residential 3 . Environmental Determination: An initial study environmental • description form has been completed. The Planning Director has prepared a Draft Conditonal Negative Declaration indicat- ing the project will not have a significant adverse effect upon the environment if certain mitigating measures are in- corporated into the project. 4 . Site Conditions The site is comprised of gentle to moder- ate slopes and is vegetated with oak trees and grass cover. The soils are subject to moderate erosion hazard while the suitability for septic tank use is rated as severe. The site is served by community water but is not served by sewers. The character of the surrounding area is suburban and is developed with scattered residences . Surrounding parcel sizes generally range from 2 to 20 acres . 5 . Project Description: The applicant is proposing to subdivide the 14. 2 acres into three parcels. Parcels 2 and 3 are each 2 . 5 acresandare generally a division of Parcel 1 of Parcel Map AT73-121 (which is pending recordation) and a small por- tion of the adjacent lot 11. Parcel 1 is 9_. 2 acres and is the remainder of Lot 11 . Access to Parcel 1 is assumed to be off San Gabriel . Access to Parcels 2 and 3 is to be off San Guillermo Lane, however access to Parcel 2 could be via its frontage on San Gabriel. • Page Two Re: Tentative Parcel Map AT810910 : 1 November 2 , 1981 STAFF COMMENTS On Thrusday, Ocotober 8 , 1981 the Subdivision Review Board met with the applicants engineer, Allen Campbell from Twin Cities Engineering to discuss the project. Also attending the meeting were Larry Stevens, Planning Director; Larry McPherson, Public Works Director; Mary Beatie, Associate Planner; Joel Moses, Associate Planner; Mike Hicks, Fire Captain; and Mike Sherer, Planning Commissioner. The following items of concern were discussed: 1) Require engineer to mark property line common to Parcel 2 of AT 78-121 and Parcel 3 of AT 81-195 in order to make a determination on access to proposed Parcel 3 . 2) Require fire hydrant in vicinity of proposed Parcel 3. 3) Possibly require a plan and profile of individual drive- ways at time of building permit. • 4) Provide a sign with correct spelling of "San Guillermo Lane" prior to recordation of final map. 5) Underground utilities already in San Guillermo Lane to each parcel frontage. 6) Recommend Conditional Negative Delcaration concerning sep- tic suitability, drainage and erosion control in conjunction with site development, grading, and tree removal. - FINDINGS 1. The application as submitted together with conditions of approval, will not have a significant adverse effect upon the environment and therefore the preparation of an Environ- mental Impact Report is not necessary. 2 . The application as submitted complies with the applicable zoning and subdivision regulations and is consistent with the 1980 Atascadero General Plan. • Page Three • Re: Tentative Parcel Map AT810910 : 1 November 2 , 1981 RECOMMENDATION Based on the above findings, the Planning Department recommends: A. Issuance of a Conditional Negative Declaration as follows : 1. Adequate provision shall be made to ensure proper septic suitability on all parcels created. 2. Adequate provision shall be made to minimize grading and tree removal on the site. 3 . Adequate provision shall be made to reduce and minimize drainage and erosion in conjunction with site development. and; B. Approval of Tentati-\e Parcel Map AT810910 : 1 subject to the following: 1. Private sewage disposal systmes will be an acceptable • method of sewage disposal, if reports and design are acceptable. All tests, reports, and designs shall con- form to methods and guidelines prescribed by the Manual of Septic Tank Practice and other applicable City ordin- ances. The following shall appear as a Note on the Final Map: "Appropriate soils reports including a percolation test, a test to determine the presence of ground water, and a log of soil boring to a minimum depth of (10) feet shall be submitted to the Planning Department prior to the issuance of a building permit. Where soils reports indicate that conventional soil absorption systems are not acceptable, City approval of plans for an alternative private sewage disposal system, designed by a Registered Civil Engineer, shall be required. Depending upon the system, more restrictive requirements may be imposed. 2 . Water shall be obtained from the Atascadero Mutual Water Company and water operable facilities shall exist at each parcel frontage prior to recordation of the Final Map. A letter from the water company indicating they are willing and able to serve the property shall be sub- mitted to the Planning Department prior to recordation of the Final Map. • • Page Four Re: Tentative Parcel Map AT810910 : 1 November 2, 1981 3. All other available utilities not already in place shall be extended underground to each parcel frontage at the time of building permit a note to this effect shall appear on the Final Map. 4 . One fire hydrant of a type and size specified by the City Fire Department shall be installed near parcel 2 of AT 78-121 and parcel 3 of AT 81-195 in San Guillermo Lane. Exact location and manner of placement shall be subject to the approval of the Fire Department. A letter from the Fire Department certifying the installa- tion of the hydrant shall be received by the Planning Department prior to the recordation of the Final Map. 5 . Roofing Materials shall ;be Class C or better.. A note to this effect shall appear on the Final Map. 6 . Effort shall be made to minimize grading that would be disruptive to- the natural topography and removal of existing mature trees. The following shall appear as • a note on the Final Map: "No trees shall be removed without compliance with appli- cable City ordinances. No grading shall commence without an appropriate permit and compliance with applicable City ordinances. " 7 . Individual driveways providing access to building sites may be subject to Planning Department review and approval at the time of building permit application for each par- cel. If average slope exceeds 12%, paved improvement would be required, otherwise, an . all-weather surface would be required similarly. In no event will driveways be allowed which exceed 20% in slope. In the event any portion of a driveway is shared, improvement of the shared portion shall be a requirement made in conjunction with the first building permit. Notes to these effects shall appear on the Final Map. 8 . Drainage swales shall be indicated on the Final Map and a Note shall appear on the Final Map which states : "Any modification of the ground during site development within fifty (50) feet of the drainage swales shall be subject to approval by the Planning and Public Works De • partments. " Page Five Re: Tentative Parcel Map AT810910 : 1 November 2 , 1981 9 . Final grading and drainage plans prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer for development on each parcel may be re- quired to be submitted for review and approval by the Planning and Public Works Departments prior to issuance of building permits. A note to this effect shall appear on the Final Map. 10 . All pipeline and other easements of record shall be shown on the Final Map. A letter shall be submitted from each utility company indicating the nature and extent of any building restrictions. A Note so stating such restric- tions shall appear on the Final Map. 11 . Parcel Map At 78-121 shall be recorded prior to recorda- tion of this MaD. 12. The existing street sign at the corner of San Gabriel and San Guillermo shall be replaced prior to the recorda- tion of the Final Map to reflect the correct spelling of "San Guillermo" as provided in this condition. 13 . A Final Map in compliance with all conditons set forth • herein shall be submitted for review and approval in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act and the City Lot Division ordinance prior to recordation. a. Monuments shall be set at all new property corners created and a Registered Civil Engineer or licensed land surveyor shall submit a letter certifying that the monuments have been set prior to recordation of the Final Map. b. A final title policy (CLIA or ALTA) shall be submitted for review in conjunction with the processing of the Final Parcel Map. 14 , Approval of this Tentative Parcel Map shall expire one year from the date of final approval unless an extension of time is granted pursuant to a written request prior to the expiration date. • • i Page Six Re: Tentative Parcel Map AT810910 : 1 November 2 , 1981 ACTION The Planning Commission should by motion direct Staff as deemed appropriate. TO APPROVE: Motion to adopt findings and set conditions. TO DENY: Motion setting findings for denial . REPORT PREPARED BY: MARY E. FATIE ASSOCIATE PLANNER • REPORT APPROVED BY: LAWRENCE STEVENS PLANNING DIRECTOR • h� — I'ry } ti a c: c OL O V: CC cc tn O O 2 041 J N U cD Q J Ftp N W J @ U F1 fO SAN / W X o Z - W i aLqj � 4 LU a 0 0 o_ W_ Q N Q O I N O * 3 LLcc• _a u KmI Q U ' o W z OJ ~ W at Q 0 Z , Z U. 1 W 'o �6y I U I- ILi a u In OE3 OE E M df 8L N 9'00 p \ m efa sca —T aeoea — --eee o i O R �, ? W O w � J. h CL a a m - LL IL N D 0 O [L (P (71 A Q !r ha d W(yyI InLr mh Q N� 'Q♦ 'O " m - Q Am N W ' HIAm . z^ Ma Mo mi wi. Z 41 41 00 N M NVS �O Y M • \ m M 5 / t� G�(/�flV/V A4� A fool O9I0 :/ 00870 SA,) GFfi /E`L Z)AUi s) r �z� n 7®7 x; P QN r — t r r f a r s zoly/TUU MAP A-T8'/0'7, 0 1 8870 5 C6P�)EZ •�O h � $o W oq� �g vaa �v� a mac°, ode eC o @ v 3 ,� ) RZ .9s mss -�ZFisso�r _ .sem o a � .SZr96 f Q � .rte sgs �ti y s _M_E_M_O_R A_N_D U M November 3, 1981 TO: City Manager FROM: Finance' Director SUBJECT: Transfer of Funds The attached invoices were recently received from the Atascadero Mutual Water Company for hydrant work accomplished during Fiscal Year 1980-81. These invoices have been confirmed by the Fire Chief as valid and would have been paid from last year' s budget allocation had they been processed during June or July, 1981. As no funding has been allocated within the current budget for this sype project, it is necessary '-to request a transfer from Contingency Reserve. Staff is in the process of finalizing recommendations for a method of funding these type projects jointly between the City and the Water Company. Request $1 ,411. 00 be transferred from Contingency Reserve to an appropriate expenditure account within the Fire Department Budget. Ralph H. Dowell, Jr. Finance Director RHD:ms Attachments • M eager® Mutual Wa r Co. POST OFFICE BOX 790 ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA 93422 PHONE: (805) 466-2428 INVOICEy • C, �l ro r_ Deapa.rtineTit JOB NO. 43:12 c it-v off tasc:.dcro 0. ,o=: 74", DATE ' .adc-., oy C,.i 93413 DESCRIPTION AMOUNT L to .> .'!. one ��.,�. a._�,: ox riu.-. .,uE-�.. r.+ 11_ ,trir? y 611 Tee (S" Valve ' ^• .'::P�7�� ,1 >>r F' YP VdY.c�n` d concrc C.'ap G" Boll up set Total Amount Due: $ atcacr® Mutual 'Wat* Co. POST OFFICE BOX 790 ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA 93422 PHONE: (805) 466-2428 INVOICE ' ? y • :i.' '.* . � ; ^:i�.,::7 JOB NO. t`0 Lxc, �-12.y DATE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT i ' ��.%�nil✓ f < - `Z - Total Amount Due: $ • Ataer® Mutual a Co. POST OFFICE BOX 790 ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA 93422 PHONE: (805) 466-2428 INVOICE N? City of Atascadero JOB NO. ?-51.5 ''-- .. J DATE '-ln1':;,=°' � tg, . P. C. -a-)}_ 74-1 91423 DESCRIPTION AMOUNT • Z , �y_.�, j' iia i nqi 21.X1-�: %7:x'1.. �fZ l::).�.� .._..ill r:rC� Ia:.:�i:.�.t.°a.. 11�_I.t:c .�... . _ 1.t) :..1q _. `."h; �"1`, I:� - at 6" (,04,qxanion '�. 4,1 41,01.1 %(fit Hol r S La`-,or Total Amount Due: $ '?~ t • • M E M O R A N D U M TO: CITY MANAGER November 3, 1981 FROM: PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: Tentative Parcel Map AT 810922:1 LOCATION: 3280 San Fernando Road (Lot 4 , Block 26) APPLICANT: Clayton Sanchez (Twin Cities engineering) REQUEST: To allow subdivision of 31.1 acres into four parcels of 5. 0, 5. 0, 5. 0 and 16.1 acres each. • On November 2, 1981 the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the proposed four lot parcel map unanimously adopting a Conditional Negative Declaration and approving the request subject to Conditions 1-13 as listed in the attached Staff Report. There was only brief discussion among the Commission on this matter . Allen Campbell, applicant' s engineer , appeared and indicated his con- currence with Staff' s recommendation. (11 xy- LAWRENCE STEVENSR Y L. EN Planning Director City Manag r /Ps r el�lr% 7 F I r; u�', .,. fi L r. 1918 r, r r i e; 1979 . '\ ® CITY OF ATASCADERO Planning Department November 2, 1981 STAFF REPORT SUBJECT: Tentative Parcel Map AT 810922:1 LOCATION: 3280 San Fernando Road (Lot 4, Block 26) APPLICANT: Clayton Sanchez (Twin Cities Engineering) REQUEST: To allow subdivision of 31..1 acres into four parcels of 5. 0, 5.0, 5.0, and 16 . 1 acres each BACKGROUND 1. Existing Zoning: A-1-B-V-5 2. General Plan: Suburban Single Family Residential • 3. Environmental Determination: An initial study environmental de- scription form has been completed. The Planning Director has pre- pared a Draft Conditional Negative Declaration indicating the pro- ject will not have a significant adverse effect upon the environment if certain mitigating measures are incorporated into the project. 4. Site Conditions: The site is characterized by varying topography ranging from gently sloping along San Fernando Road to steeply sloping towards the rear of the site. The site is vegetated with moderately dense oak trees and natural grass cover . There are several drainage swales which traverse the site as well as several ponding areas; one in Parcel D and one area between Parcels B and C. 5. Project Description: The applicant is proposing to subdivide the 31,1 acres into four parcels. Parcels A, B, and C are shown on the tentative map to be 5.O acres each. Parcel D is shown as 16 .1 acres. Each parcel has frontage on San Fernando from where it is assumed access will be taken. • • 0 Tentative Parcel Map AT 810922:1 (Sanchez) • STAFF COMMENTS On Thursday, October 8, 1981 the Subdivision Review Board met with Allen Campbell, the applicant' s engineer, and Bill Barnes, the appli- cant' s representative, to discuss the project. Also attending the meeting were: Larry Stevens, Planning Director ; Larry McPherson, Public Works Director ; Mary Beatie, Associate Planner ; Joel Moses, Associate Planner; Mike Hicks, Fire Captain; and Mike Sherer , Planning Commissioner . The following items were discussed: 1. Access to proposed Parcel B appears limited; where would proposed building site be? 2. Development may be limited within 50 feet of drainage swales. 3. Drainage plans with slope and erosion control for driveways and other construction, if necessary, may be required at building permit stage on each parcel. 4. No fire hydrant necessary at this time. If Parcel D subdivides, further additional hydrant (s) may be required. 5. Require Class C or better roofing. • 6. Concern expressed for future lot split potential for Parcel D and road access therein. 7. Recommend Conditional Negative Declaration to address: fire haz- ard, drainage and erosion control with site development, slope protection, septic suitability. FINDINGS 1. The application as submitted together with recommendations which follow complies to the applicable zoning and subdivision regula- tions and conforms to the 1980 Atascadero General Plan. 2. The application as submitted together with conditions of approval, will not have a significant adverse effect upon the environment and therefore the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report is not necessary. 2 Tentative Parcel Map AT 810922: 1 (Sanchez) RECOMMENDATION Based upon the above findings, the Planning Department recommends: A. Issuance of a Conditional Negative Declaration as follows: 1. Adequate provision shall be made to ensure proper septic suitability on all parcels created. 2. Adequate provision shall be made to minimize grading and tree removal on the site. 3. Adequate provision shall be made to reduce and minimize drainage and erosion control in conjunction with site development. 4. Adequate provision shall be made to minimize fire hazards in conjunction with site development; and B. Approval of Tentative Parcel Map AT 810922: 1 subject to the following: 1. Private sewage disposal systems will be an acceptable method of sewage disposal, if reports and design are acceptable. All tests, reports, and designs shall conform to methods and guidelines prescribed by the Manual of Septic Tank Practice and other applicable City ordinances. The following shall appear on the Final Map: "Appropriate soils reports including a percolation test, a test to determine the presence of ground water , and a log of a soil boring to a minimum depth of ten (10) feet shall be submitted to the Planning Department prior to the issuance of a building permit. Where soils reports indicate that con- ventional soil absorption systems are not acceptable, City approval of plans for an alternative private sewage disposal system,' designed by a Registered Civil Engineer , shall be re- quired. Depending upon the system, more restrictive require- ments may be imposed. " 2. Water shall be obtained from the Atascadero Mutual Water Company and water operable facilities shall exist at each parcel frontage prior to filing of the Final Map. A letter from the water company indicating they are willing and able to serve the property shall be submitted to the Planning De- partment prior to recordation of the Final Map. 3. All other available utilities not already in place shall be extended underground to each parcel frontage prior to filing of the Final Map. • 4. Effort shall be made to minimize grading that would be dis- ruptive to the natural topography and removal of existing 3 • Tentative Parcel Map AT 810922: 1 (Sanchez) • mature trees. The following shall appear as a Note on the Final Map: "No trees shall be removed without compliance with applicable City ordinances. No grading shall commence without an appro- priate permit and compliance with applicable City ordinances. " 5. Individual driveways providing access to building sites may be subject to Planning Department review and approval at the time of building permit application for each parcel. If average slope exceeds 12%, paved improvement would be re- quired, otherwise, an all-weather surface would be required similarly. In no event will driveways be allowed which ex- ceed 20% in slope. In the event any portion of a driveway is shared, improvement of the shared portion shall be a re- quirement made in conjunction with the first building permit. Notes to these effects shall appear on the Final Map. 6. The driveway access shall be improved to at least the follow- ing minimum standards: - an improved width of 12 feet - unobstructed vertical clearance of fourteen (14) feet These standards shall appear as notes on the Final Map. • 7. Roof materials for all structures shall be Class C rating or better and a Note to that effect shall appear on the Final Map. 8. Drainage swales shall be indicated on the Final Map and a Note shall appear on the Final Map which states: "Any modification of the ground during site development with- in fifty (50) feet of the drainage swales shall be subject to approval by the Planning and Public Works Departments. " 9 . Final grading, drainage and erosion control plans prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer for development on each parcel may be required to be submitted for review and approval by the Planning and Public Works Departments prior to issuance of building permits. A Note to this effect shall appear on the Final Map. 10 . All pipeline and other easements of record shall be shown on the Final Map. A letter shall be submitted from each utility company indicating the nature and extent of any building re- strictions. A Note so stating such restrictions shall appear on the Final Map. i 4 0 Tentative Parcel Map AT 810922: 1 (Sanchez) • 11. Recordation of the Final Map shall be contingentupon the completion of the full improvements of San Fernando Road along the frotage of Lot 4. The Public Works Director shall indicate in writing his satisfaction with and acceptance of said road improvements as required in the written agreement with Gordon Davis. 12 . A Final Map in compliance with all conditions set forth herein shall be submitted for review and approval in accord- ance with the Subdivision Map Act and the City _ Lot Division Ordinance prior to recordation. a. Monuments shall be set at all new property corners created and a Registered Civil Engineer or licensed land surveyor shall submit a letter certifying that the monuments have been set prior to recordation of the Final Map. b. A final title policy (CLIA or ALTA) shall- be submitted for review in conjunction with the processing of the Final Parcel Map. 13 . Approval of this Tentative Parcel Map shall expire one year from the date of final approval unless an extension of time • is granted pursuant to a written request prior to the expi- ration date. ACTION The Planning Commission should by motion direct Staff as deemed appropriate. TO APPROVE: Motion to adopt findings and set conditions. TO DENY: Motion setting findings for denial. REPORT PREPARED BY: -`I- &a MARY U BEATIE Associate Planner REPORT APPROVED BY: LAWRENCE STEVENS Planning Director 5 r s yo h N to m 138750 mU) z b rd O U) D a I z (1) c e -1 00 n m T rm � r `� M y ;rj0 z -o c C III -In - i i : o D ZmU ipNj C f �J � Z xy v w O r I CD x `� z ? O i H mN v 0 � 0z W v c xX v R U y r = O O (� -zt z O Dp r-Oi u N z s i R o MM m Zm r ;u m O D O i D n �- oo O rn � rn A m nos D • �J � c nr O 00 N W f-A-5-0-1-D z: -1-z�z 4 P 2 i2 -B-v-5 V-5 _A-1-g-✓-rj j VQ. p,4 s w t t Y - A-i a-v-5 Ar8iogaa..l t . 280 LSU) ��5-RIU A)DO i U3`�?b'2Y W J292� N ct r 0 O CP C. U4POC 939.63' � J J V U V 0228 E 300.28 CP P 8 Q J � O , 50 s� �lJ - n �e D c� i 11 '' OV C Lfi tl4.PA' c,w lv V d S 4C of 0p W 932,tS' 0 c a o u 0 $4L' 2.24' v S o 7 S D � s amC- r fi.CP f ti�oo w t4 J v ` g s , 0 "®r R v S 95 2'i CQ"W 619.1"S �01 3 4v OV4 'es uq 91 cp s99 �i \a�o��Pwr Q e vP T M E M O R A N D U M TO: CITY MANAGER November 3, 1981 FROM: PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: Acceptance of Tract Map 1004 (AT 810811: 1) LOCATION: 8400 Morro Road (Lots 1,2,3,4,17,18, in Block FC) APPLICANT: Paul Washburn On October 12, 1981 the City Council approved Tentative Tract Map 1004 (AT 810811:1) allowing the creation of a 15 air-space condo- minium subject to the Conditions 1 through 4 as listed in the Staff Report to the Planning Commission. The zoning is R-4-D(532) and the General Plan designation is Special Commercial. Staff review has determined that all conditions of approval have been met. On November 2, 1981 the Planning Commission reviewed this matter and recommended acceptance of the Final Map. ' L LAWRENCE STEVENS MURRAY L4 WARDEN Planning Director City Manager /Ps {, foul -cbvt 6 Cua fou17srebvr G coo a i s [5,ma X/ LS 397G pec 10 p9pt E dpp s��sZ'9Z �papB pp.E m 'Co' o ' �pp,gt'E o u o�� pp 00 d 1 Aid o ca t is o c {;PARCEL A is oo, moo i o h 1 €: _ 4 NOTES consists of o lam-nc✓r arca and 's � '` ` '-' �-.s fi/een units os detled herei-r 8 P. The bouldo-y/rocs ofeMh aic /ic lnlinished slr�oces lerdls/ae of111 00,/x1 raor,-tiff,e-ame/o- o zi gnuohsn4! 10 5,scfii�s uei/covss and 111101/homes, dais otrd r/cerfmmcs r and t-i-n r4, .u 3 Tfx tcmo/oder aI tfx -njecf/S commas oceo �yh/ch means of/lend end o// ovrJioas aifhin >hc piapctly/1111 net/ac✓/cd�ifhii anq unit N � �'' -� o i; � - and a/so /11/1111,44'11701 by cavy,of i miroriba, \w o z oii cel/co/heoriny,ccfiigccofi0�r,aic evlditialiny { o o �+ eQuipnrlll dons tools f,'ov-s, fauldafion5,pipes chutes,ducts,flues ea�duiYs, unites end oft ruts/iJ f /nslellations /olfif 011�IS, ZlfZ nquo//s cd/1115 3 '+ G O old i-ae-5, to the ,1171117151;1,-eso/laces 1/frcof,/e90rd�ss' i e ;m\ 25p0 a!/�otial /9cicss ro a/ 0171/io/q[marcs ate fie n 117E 4 T/x o 11711 014-611/unit sfei/vum otr a-reaiGcd//tsih i1/eicsf -� $ ' /n Jhe Camn7717 ace¢ S f!/1 AXIVI,7y Y1911s 6111117115 arc oftigbt vng/cs 114-111sfivivn cap o i a.AW/1716-/0c dncnsians sfM117ondecuofivns no edatr 14-11111/,2 e 3 \J } ort measured fo lex 014-11/Shed/nJeti[r`sutfalas Cl/A'110!!1,4-4-00-sOnq' {• eei/cgs -� 65 00 A/1117156 cei/17y e/lavtions ore B,aa'ferf aLbrr 4-1/317 AW dn/ess 14-101/-- E , a/17111131 - & /17 infeip-11119 feeds at olhet data-rfnfs uri/h this mop, the errsfii-rq p jsita/ NTp O9 Da/ndories a/1171 un/t or ala snit /n S_1, fanfial alfa-10-111 r with 4-171 d/mc.�sia-rs os shoum on 7/ris mgv f,4enco/1604-1 de car/cfvsipef presumed/a De cannc fes -cg61l a/mita,e✓aria-rcc-Letke n sold ys co/ boutrdat/cs as 1170 utr an this n7ep BAS/S Of BEAR/NGS i BENCH MASK N�`'3Bee"u 58.76" N T/,p los/ci/ Dhe aJ/cys/,7,3 6 d os - � Farno tan-ice nvd Faurv't66oi 610,E 31ow17 on ci/[S/14. r. - � rr/po�cmclL .. � flssumcde/ctofian a/lLs/2a M E M O R A N D U M — — — — — — — — — — — TO: CITY MANAGER November 9 , 1981 FROM: PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: Appeal of Fire Sprinkler Requirements LOCATION: Southeast corner of Traffic Way and Via APPLICANT: Atascadero Industrial Center (V. Lavorgna) The memoranda prepared by Mike Hicks, Acting Fire Chief, and Vern Elliot, Fire Captain, present the matter as it relates to the application of Uniform Fire Code Sections 13. 301a and 13. 301b, but there are several additional points of information that should be raised. This project involves the repair And remodeling of an existing 32, 500 square foot industrial building. Much of the work involves electrical, plumbing, and mechanical systems with the structural work limited to repair and upgrading of existing interior walls and repair and/or replacement of the roof (including a portion previously damaged by fire) . The estimated cost of these improve- ments, which was provided by the applicant, is $127,000 . Other site improvements are also being done including road improvements (curb, gutter, sidewalk, landscaping) and parking improvements. Permits have been issued for some of this work. Building plan checks have been made by our contract structural engineer, the Chief Building Inspector, and the Fire Department (Captain Elliot) . Plans initially submitted were incomplete and this had made the plan check process more difficult and time-con- suming. The plan check performed by the Planning Department is based on the construction types and building occupancies indicated on the attached floor plan. Based upon this information and a minor change to one existing interior wall, Section 3802 of the Uniform Building Code does not require an automatic sprinkler system since the design uses two-hour and four-hour area separation walls and adjacent yard areas to increase the allowable floor area while avoiding the sprinkler requirement therein. Changes to these occupancy designations in the future could alter the applicability of Section 3802 to this building. It should be pointed out that the design architect selected these occupancies with that purpose in mind and that the occupancy classification places certain limits on the type of tenants that will be allowed to occupy various portions of the building. Since the property is zoned M-1, it can be expected that the uses will include auto repair, auto painting, warehousing, cabinet shops , machine shops , and similar light manufacturing and assembly uses. Page Two Memo: Appeal of Fire Sprinkler Requirements November 9, 1981 It should, however, also be clearly understood that Chapter 13 of the Uniform Fire Code may still impose a sprinkler requirement even though Chapter 38 of the Uniform Building Code does not since the two are equally applicable and one does not supercede the other. The Fire Code has been previously used to require fire sprinkler systems for smaller buildings. with generally less hazardous occupancies. The Adobe Plaza shopping center is sprinklered and the shop buildings in the Lucky' s project will also be sprink.lered. It is estimated that a fire sprinkler system will cost $1. 50-2. 00 per square foot of building area to install . Furthermore, these costs can be recovered by the owner in approximately seven years based on insurance and other savings . The Fire Chief and myself had also worked out an arrangement with the architect to phase the sprinkler installation with final tenant improvements prior to occupancy. LAWRENCE STEVENS Planning Director - f r 7.17 - t4Wh }, IrF YCr�sS, at t t; (ti �Y} yx� �.� �d1• 4 d`c'�17-71 �i'- ut ^+ .?.;z> �• '� 'Lal N° k} "a''4145':"C''r�7 - -�9�r"�fi't+ .__�".. .-...- _. k ✓/ M S�.y„�r z r.�n+...� ,T G YhzK� r 1',�i 4. .1' �r .! 4t .r.,Y. 7 � —"K>?.."_k's�_.+a�`�'1�-^a:�<' X •. k tl 1 s � .yJ .a t �F�'�., < 4,_ `,b,. _ _ _- �� a7 •`� v*r . � `�� °`o.,.i���"e..,l c," �,f;�s'+t•��f1 y��{4` f F�b--I _ _ _•� .. `Lf �G,� f ..t• :ir+. - iii i n E `� �-�� -�4�^t.. �'�^ _ K - .. AY"�.�~i''h1`?s� - ��i p.z'•z� � �- ; ra t 7��t a`,�" �art�` � �i�.F_rs4'�° _.� �� �����. Ar kj `tea, s LA i F�r; -., ... 1 i....I _ � d:,14 � d �' �4F5 tgtlJl•S � .. Yr - Q .6i.Nf,�.yS.y �1 r 4 NJ X� pF �" Z O 1r4 (y2yK �` X it h U' nE . V' Da O j O It `/ N; C W y..N^-�^GO.,a J '.. �O•^ � - O� � � >. N '".•- O C.L O n N N ^ � P+ �cG y vi•-- CZ 7,J � �_ �_ � ,fl li - U :n U X :, cN., �.'O w ^.+ C t-`.r r. .^. '� `' .� n n N N :. C . N ' >cl U in CZ ° ^ ' �aoaO t ° r M 40 O'-•j.:. c5 "^-.✓]ct `r•'-� N U w ti �. n �+ C U F" -)-p w. >' N N S3�N >' .°. �'•^a L n •�.O U r % N r p• A.�'. >. _ + Nov � cr a� � C3 O w N t, N N >, "O ^ N '✓ ^.^ U U O N N ° 'y+JrUe��4� a� r.ccs ' cd Na o � ° o ai - ° N- ;; N CG rw4 orJ CLm n r ti o CV. n•.:. U k n > U.., vTi U"a w 0 O 0 .N ^.b'.0 N '.' sN..a^'' O in O N ¢+>, 01 ;. ct cA tD p N u O i.. ; sU.. O.O O s-• y.� N vOi �� O,,c.c'.+. N': s. N _ N ++ �,'_ ^, > T,^.^^., ,~-' >� N' h cd C3 "O00 Cw N N Cfl i. °' _ N G' y O .-. m o i.� N N ,,., r ° o ° v �> � U � �a ° e°• �'° Eno ° .��c� o a>.�' r-,. [+ti >.Q�j .� y E �"� fU U C4 n ^. to O C) y. ^; O a app O.G�.Ci vNi r �� G cs Q' ;.x ov^•+`,� U U rJ'O J C n O w N s. N N ..N.. C^1 ° O 4^,• Y T�v�i 3 C O cTJ O N a oC0.) �7 O c.N•0 N.GFU t�^. C4(1) '�''N co � d G> � ° � � � N 'dam .� Q E �, r, • n r > � �.° . 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CC (D— C) y O"d c;'O ,•*+ cs r .'"0.1 r •�•� '-O O O .� r-' G CO++ N .-. �'>]•N CO••,7 `" n0 U'•� K c� rC.r V Q ,ED. w O l N O O ¢ N O O °'� v^�i n C .^, O, N O ,t].= O^7. N J U •y = .� n E,: N h ~^-� CA k cct o C, 0 duo Lsm n0 > um N i C n fl n C Tj w —75 A C) w > +U H •C �w c! � .�.+ r >.^ ,,.,,.L. ^s ° N > �" n a"-' w Z O G.O > C`-rN y O n O.^ ✓, Na O C.J ^ MS Cn ^"'O' ?� E'p > { n 't3 r d T.^. d r n ..c +� . ,O n > O v n�i C-3 �' c'o n n ^x ' 'G i LJ -3 ^a fir. u.n b U o N > G > N v'p N COQ v M Q t-, C n N rLLJ CD 0 r LL- ZN .. >`CJ ti 0p ,'U n.0 N W a., N y U N ct E N ° U CL J O Q > U C �.: s. 7..in .�... ON. .-. U .\Uj J co� : :J U ^^.. i U C:+ 3 GV G-. .-^. w Y.-� C� E v ^ U c; is J C E ON ° N ,� �^� ^r'.' wN c vN 0 cz 0 r- H N..fl i _E a0 Q Atascadero IndusWal Center Meeting October 20 , 1981 Page 2 made no comment , but that , -to me , is a pretty accurate state- ment . In reality, our lack of manpower resources on initial attack to effectively deal with a fire in this building is our basis for this requirement . For the most part, the meeting was congenial and no concessions were made by him or me . I feel. that I made it clear to him that this was an arbitrary decision of the Fire Chief based on a legal code and was subject to appeal which was his prerogative . Vern Elliott Fire Captain VE:ms City Manager November 2 , 1981 Page 3 • At present , the City of Atascadero has no specific ordinance other than the Uniform Building Code and Uniform Fire Code relating to where sprinkler systems are required. Therefore, the Fire Depart- ment relies heavily on these codes for guidance on this subject as we endeavor to provide optimum, cost effective fire protection to the community. The private sector can and should be called upon to help in this endeavor by installing automatic fire extinghishing systems whenever possible . Neighboring cities are currently addressing the same problem. Paso Robles has added a requirement onto the 1979 Uniform Building Code which says that any building constructed over 12 ,000 square feet will have a sprinkler system unless that building is divided into areas under 12 ,000 square feet by area separation walls. The City of San Luis Obispo currently uses the Uniform Fire Code and Uniform Building Code for their requirements . They are planning an ordinance which would require buildings over 5,000 square feet to have a full fire detection system and those over 10 ,000 square feet to have a sprinkler system, irregardless of the provision for two-hour area separation walls. Morro Bay has an ordinance which requires any building over 10 ,000 square feet to be sprinklered, irregardless of separation walls. iIn conclusion, I feel that the Fire Department requirement in this case is justified and not unreasonable . As the city grows, fire department responsibility increases. Resources must increase accordingly and utilization of automatic extinguishing systems can be most valuable . Sincerely, MIKE HICKS Acting Fire Chief MH:ms _M_E M_0_R_A_N_D_U_M_ October 21, 1981 TO : Acting Chief Hicks FROM: Captain Elliott SUBJECT : Meeting with Vince Lavorgna of Rex Hendrix, Inc . Concerning Atascadero Industrial Center, 10/20/81 The meeting concerned our requirement for a sprinkler system in this planned facility. I told him that we based our requirement on the Uniform Fire Code , Section 13 .301(b) , of which he was given a photocopy. He was told that , in our opinion, this build- ing ( due to size and construction) presented a special hazard, irregardless of type of occupancy, that this department could not deal with effectively without the aid of an automatic extinguish- ing system. This was because of our inadequate manning level, the consequences of which were explained to him should a fire occur in this building. I explained to him also ' that, ' without this requirement being met , it was just one example of increased responsibility for the fire department without a corresponding increase in resources- to effectively deal with that responsi- bility. His reasoning for not wanting to install a sprinkler system was that it was too costly and was not required by the Uniform Build- ing Code . I told him that cost to the owner has no bearing on any of our fire safety requirements , and that we were making this a requirement under the Uniform Fire Code , which Section 13 .301(b) allows us to do . He asked what recourse he had on - the nthe matter, and I informed him of the appeal process as also stated in the Uniform Fire Code . He said that he already had an appeal in with the Planning Department . He was also under the mistaken opinion that it was up to us (the Fire Department) to appeal the fact that they didn' t wish to comply with our requirement . He was politely told that the fire department would not sign off anything without our requirements for fire safety being met , and it was up to him to appeal our decision if he so desired. He was also told that this department would be in full agreement with any decision the City Council might make in the appeal process . His parting comment was to the effect that the City Council will be surprised to know that their fire department is under- staffed, and that is the reasoning for this requirement . I M E ti Q R A N D U M November 2 , 1981 TO : City Manager FROM: Mike Hicks , Acting Fire Chief SUBJECT : Sprinkler Appeal for the Atascadero Industrial Center Plans for remodeling of the Atascadero Industrial Center, Via Avenue and Traffic Way, were submitted to the Atascadero Fire Department for review. One of the Fire Department requirements made was the installation of an automatic fire sprinkler system throughout the facility. This was done after due consideration was given to such factors as size and construction features of the building, previous fire history, projected magnitude of a fire , and department resources to effectively deal with a fire in this building. Uniform Fire Code Sections 13.3O1a and 13.301b give the Fire Chief the authority to designate the type and number of fire appliances to be installed and maintained in and upon all build- ings and premises in the jurisdiction other than private dwellings. It is the feeling of the Fire Chief that this building presents a special hazard, irregardless of type of occupancy, that can best be protected by an automatic sprinkler system. If this building were to be constructed new today, it would call for the same re- quirement. Present fire department manning levels provide for a normal response of two full-time firefighters and one fire apparatus , augmented by a non-specific number of reserve firefighters, rang- ing anywhere from zero to eight, on the scene for initial fire attack. The required fire flow for this building is 7,500 gallons of water per minute applied on the fire from hand-held hose lines and large monitor nozzles mounted on the fire apparatus. The first few minutes are the most crucial and the time when the fire must be brought under control by applying the required fire flow. The current manpower resources on initial fire attack are insufficient to supply the required fire flow, therefore , the automatic sprinkler system provides the ideal solution to this problem. The value of automatic fire sprinkler protection can best be shown by quoting the National Fire Protection Association. "Automatic sprinkler protection helped develop modern in- dustrial, commercial, and mercantile practices . Large areas , high buildings, hazardous occupancies , large values, or many people on one fire area all tend to develop conditions which • cannot be tolerated without automatic fixed fire protection. City Manager November 2 , 1981 Page 2 "Automatic sprinklers are particularly effective for life safety because they give warning of the existence of fire and at the same time apply water to the burning area. With sprinklers there are seldom problems of access to the seat of the fire or of interference with visibility for fire- fighting due to smoke . Automatic sprinklers, properly in- stalled and maintained, provide a highly effective safeguard against the loss of life and property from fire . In fact , sprinkler systems have an admirable record of efficiency: in 96 percent of the fires involving sprinklers , the sprinkler system has extinguished or controlled the fire . Most failures of sprinkler protection are due to human failure rather than system failure . "In addition to the saving in direct fire losses due to sprinkler protection, there is a saving represented by the freedom from business interruption. There also is an un- determined but possibly even greater reduction in conflagra- tion and exposure losses, which reasonably may be attributed to automatic sprinkler protection. The destruction of property and its adverse association and sometimes permanent effect upon business often is a great hardship not only to the owner, tenants , and employees but also to the community as a whole . Safeguarding a business from serious interrup- tion by fire is often a determining factor in a decision to install sprinkler protection. "Standard sprinkler systems have devices which automatically give an alarm in case of sprinkler operation; thus, they not only apply water at the point most needed, but also give an audible signal. This permits an immediate check of fire con- ditions and minimizes water damage . In addition to the protection against destruction of property values and inter- ruption to business, the savings in insurance costs often make the expenditure for automatic sprinkler protection a sound business investment. Many buildings do not have auto- matic sprinkler protection because the per dollar cost of the protection has appeared unjustifyably high to the building owners in relation to the value of the building. "Savings in insurance premiums alone could in numerous cases be adequate to finance , over a few years time , the installa- tion of automatic sprinkler protection. No value can be placed on the life safety aspects of total sprinkler pro- tection or the security occupants feel when such systems are installed. " Other buildings in Atascadero have had sprinkler protection .in- stalled under the same requirement cited in the present case , thereby setting a precedent. Two examples are the City Adminis- tration Building and the Outpatient Clinic at the old hospital. /5 - M E M O R A N D U M TO: Murray FROM: Larry McPherson SUBJECT: Report and Study of Amapoa-Tecorida Drainage Basin On April 27, 1981, Council directed staff to draft an ord- inance rescinding the Amapoa-Tecorida Drainage Moritorium and replacing it with building development standards. The staff was also instructed to seek County and State assistance in constructing any improvements to mitigate the current drainage problems. Staff has completed a comprensive technical report as the first step in developing flood protection standards for new con- struction in the study area. It is proposed that the following standards be applied to any grading or building development in the areas of ponding or flowing water as designated on Figure 2 in the report. This Figure represents the ponding and flowing water associated with an 100-year event within the drainage basin. It should be noted that the effected areas shown on Figure 2 do not totally correspond with the lots shown in the Drainage Mori- torium, since the flow map covers more lots than the Moritorium. Following is a summary of some of the technical report findings presented as background to the staff recommendations: 1) During a 100 year flood occurrence , 360 cubic feet per second spill from Atascadero Lake. This condition is compounded by the fact that the energy level of Atas- cadero Creek peaks at the same time as the maximum out- flow from the Lake. The two simultaneous occurrences not only prevent the lake outflow from reaching the creek , it also causes 120 cubic feet per second to discharge through the existing culvert under Morro Road from Atascadero Creek back into the Amapoa-Tecorida drainage basin. 2) In the 100 year flood condition, 480 cubic feet per second flow into. the drainage basin from Atascadero Creek and the Atascadero Lake overflow. 3) Elimination of the flows into the drainage basin from Atascadero Lake and Creek is the key element in pro- tecting the basin from the catastrophic low frequency storms. 4) Once Item 3 has occurred, drainage improvements within the basin can be constructed to minimize inundation and damage from the higher frequency storms under such as the 10 year design storm. 5) Estimated cost for a 6' X 6' box culvert from the outlet of Atascadero Lake to its outlet in Atascadero Creek is $362 , 880. The estimated cost of drainage improvements within the Amapoa-Tecorida basin necessary to convey a 10 year storm is $481, 301 , including $109 , 377 to fully improve Amapoa Avenue between Portola and Curbaril. The reason for improving Amapoa is to convey runoff within the street section. 6) A significant part of the drainage improvements being recommended in the technical report will be in or near the right of way of Morro Road, a State Highway. The outlet of the lake is also drastically affected by the existing structure under Morro Road and a solution to that problem would also involve the State. It is sug- gested that the Statebe requested to financially par- ticipate in a project to solve the area' s drainage problems. 7) The tributary area to Atascadero Lake is 683 acres while the tributary area to the Amapoa-Tecorida drainage basin is 341 acres. During the 100 year storm, both the above tributary areas combine to total an area of 1024 acres at the outlet of the basins on Marchant and Alcantara. 8) The following table shows calculated drainage flows at various locations within the Amapoa-Tecorida basin for both 10 year and 100 year storms. DRAINAGE AREA PEAK DISCHARGE LOCATION (Acres) (Cubic fee per Second) 10 YEAR 100 YEAR 1. Atascadero Lake Spillway 683 82* 480** 2. Portola to Azucena 702 1 484 3. Curbaril at Morro 874 28 588 4. Atascadero E/O Morro 901 7 586 5. Tecorida-at San Andres 951 43 365 6. Marchant at Alcantara 1024 69 700 *Note : All flow over spillway is carried through existing structure under Morro Road **Note : No discharge into Atascadero Creek from the lake spillway due to 120 cfs backflow from the creek into the drainage basin i • aThe above table graphically demonstrates the effect of the high water level in Atascadero Creek during a 100 year storm. Drainage flows in the amount of 480 cubic feet per second are imposed on the Amapoa-Tecorida basin from the Atascadero Lake basin outlet simply because of a lack of a conveyance system between the lake outlet and the creek that is not negated by high water levels in Atascadero Creek. It is believed that the original pipe structures under Morro Road had flap gates on the outlets to prevent backflows from the creek, however, these were removed and replaced with a single pipe structure with no flap gate at the time the road was reconstructed. The following recommendations are presented in a phased format for implementation over a reasonable period of time. The ultimate solution to the drainage problems experienced in the current moritorium area is dependent on all the recommendations being implemented. The building standards proposed do nothing to solve the problem, only mitigate the effect of flooding on any new structures. Phase I - Enact an Ordinance replacing the current Amapoa- Tecorida Drainage Moratorium with development standards It is recommended the following requirements be incorporated in the Zoning Ordinance in the form of a Flood Hazard Overlay Zone. These requirements would also be applicable to any floodways i.den- tified in the most recent Federal Insurance Administration Flood Hazard Maps : 1) Applicability of Flood Hazard Standards : All uses proposed within a Flood Hazard Overlay Zone are subject to the following standards , except : a. Temporary Uses : With the approval of the City Engineer, the Planning Department may authorize construction or placement of a temporary structure or use within a Flood Hazard Overlay Zone pursuant to the required land use permit without meeting these standards, provided that the structure or use will not be in place from October 15 to April 15. b. Emergency Work: Emergency work may be undertaken where neces- sary to preserve life or property. Within 48 hours after commencement of such work, the City Engineer is to be notified and an application filed with the Planning Department in com- pliance with the provisions of Paragraph 2. c. Existing Uses : The continuance , operation, repair, or mainte- nance of any lawful use of land existing on the effective date of this Ordinance is permitted. Any expansion or alteration of an existing structure or use, or grading of a site , shall be conducted in accordance with all applicable provisions of this Ordinance. i 2) Flood Hazard Overlay Zone Permit and Processing Requirements : Drainage plan approval is required where any portion of the proposed development of the site is located within a Flood Hazard combining designation. The plan is to include: a. A normal depth analysisorother equivalent engineering analysis that demonstrates to the satisfaction of the City Engineer that proposed structures will not be located within the floodway. The following information is required to determine the location of the floodway, except where waived or modified by the City Engineer: (1) Plans drawn to scale showing the location , dimensions , and elevation of the lot, existing or proposed structures , fill, storage of materials , flood-proofing measures , and the relationship of the above to the location of the floodway. (2) Typical valley cross-sections showing the normal channel of the stream, elevation of the land areas adjoining each side of the channel , cross-sections of areas to be occu- pied by the proposed development, and high-water informa- tion sufficient to define the 100-year storm flood pro- file level. (3) A profile showing the slope of the bottom of the channel or flow line of the stream b.. Where data required by the previous subsection indicate pro- posed structures are located outside the floodway but within the flood fringe, a structural plan is to be provided for review and approval by the City Engineer. The plan is to demonstrate that proposed structures are designed to be flood free or be able to withstand partial inundation, and that pro- posed used will not subject occupants to undue risk of flooding. Such structural plans are to include , where applicable , speci- fications for building construction , dredging, grading, channel improvement, storage of materials , water supply, and sanitary facilities. 3) Construction Standards: Any structures or construction activities within a Flood Hazard Overlay Zone are subject to the following: _ a. Construction, General: (:1) No construction or grading is to limit the capacity of the floodway or increase flood heights above that allowed under the Federal Flood Insurance Program. (2) Structures are to be anchored to prevent flotation that could result in damage to other structures , or restriction of bridge openings and narrow sections of the stream or river. (3) Service facilities such as electrical and heating equipment are to be flood-proofed or constructed at a minimum of one-foot above the 100 year storm profile level for the site. b. Structures for Human Occupancy: All structures intended for human occupancy are subject to the following standards , in addition to the provisions of Subsection a, of this section : (1) A structure intended for human occupancy is to be approved only where the City Engineer certifies that all portions of the structure are located outside the floodway as shown on the latest FIA Flood Hazard Maps , on the basis of the depth analysis submitted in accor- dance with Paragraph (2) . (2) On the basis of structural plans and the depth analysis the ground floor of all structures is to be constructed at a minimum of one-foot above the 100-year storm flood profile level. c. Storage and Processing: The storage or processing of materials that in time of flooding are buoyant, flammable , or explosive ; that could be injurious to human, animal or plant life ; or that may unduly affect the capacity of the floodway or unduly increase flood heights is not permitted. Storage of other • materials or equipment may be allowed if not subject to major damage by floods and if firmly anchored to prevent flotation, or if readily removable from the area within the time available after flood warning. It is further suggested that any new development or alternation within the existing moritorium area subject to the above conditions also be required to agree to participate in a future assessment dis- trict to correct the drainage problems. Phase II Design flood control facilities to allow safe conveyance of flood waters through the present moratorium area. This would be a preliminary step in the formation of an assess- ment district to provide drainage improvements to solve existing problems within the study area. It is suggested that funds be budgeted in the 1982-83 fiscal year to accomplish a project design and detailed cost estimates necessary to plan and accommodate the ultimate construction. The technical report recommends the construction of a closed conduit from the Atascadero Lake spillway directly to Atascadero Creek. This feature is necessary to prevent flows from the Lake and "Creek from entering the Amapoa-Tecorida area during the 100-year storm occurrence. Other construction would improve Amapoa from Portola to • Curbaril to accommodate surface flows within the roadway. The balance of construction as recommended in the technical report would include improving the roadside drainage channels along Morro Road, constructing various culverts , and improving the drainage basin outlet at Marchant and Alcantara. The report shows a total project cost estimate of $844 ,181 , however, this estimate could change substantially depending on the final design construction features. Phase III - Enact an assessment district to implement the recommended drainage improvements. It is recommended that an assessment district consider all areas contributing to the drainage problem and benefiting from any improvements made under the assessment district. There are two distinct drainage basins as shown in Figures 3 and 4 of this report. Atascadero.`Lake drainage basin covers 683 acres and is sparsely developed. The Amapoa-Tecorida drainage basin encompases 341 acres , a good portion of which is already developed. It can be seen that the Atascadero Lake basin is entirely contributory to the drainage problem only during a 100-year storm occurrance, while the Amapoa-Tecorida drainage basin is contributoryl to the problem with any storm. It is also apparent that while there is a total of 1024 acres tributary to the existing drainage problems within this basin, re- latively few lots will benefit from the proposed improvements. While the technical report recommends inclusion of all the tributary areas into the assessment district, it should be recognized that those properties directly benefiting from any newly constructed drainage facilities should bear a proportionately higher percentage of the costs than from those who do not benefit. A full analysis of the assessment cost spread is beyond the scope of this report and should be properly addressed as a part of any assessment district hearings. State and County agencies have been contacted at the staff level concerning financial participation in drainage improvements to the study area. At this time, no committments were made by these agencies, however, it appears unlikely that such funds would be made available in the short term. Most of the drainage improvements in the area are the result of the reconstruction of Morro Road by the State. Since some of the existing drainage facilities need to be reconstructed and would be within State }rights-of-way, it is recommended that the City persue participation by Caltrans in those areas where modifications are proposed. 7 Any participation by other agencies would, of course , lower the assessment costs to the effected property owners, If Council agrees is proceed with the implementation of Phase I, staff will prepare an Ordinance for public hearing and consideration at the earliest opportunity. WRENCE McPHERSON LM:vh 11-3-81 RESOLUTION NO. 35-81 RESOLUTION ADOPTING PROCEDURES FOR THE SELECTION OF COMMITTEE, COMMISSION AND BOARD MEMBERS The Council of the City of Atascadero hereby resolves as follows: Section 1. Purpose. The purpose of this resolution is to establish procedures for the City Council to follow in recruiting, selecting and appointing members to the standing committees, commissions or boards created pursuant to statute or by action of the City Council. Section 2. Recruitment and Eligibility. Announcements of openings for any committees, commissions or boards to which members are appointed by the City Council will be through the local news media. All electors of the City of Atascadero, over the age of 18, and meeting any announced additional criteria as established by the City Council shall, be eligible to apply. Section 3. Interviews. All candidates meeting the criteria established in Section 2 will be interviewed by the City Council during a properly noticed meeting. Section 4. Selection. a. Council members will vote for the candidate (s) of their choice by placing their name and circling the name of their selection (s) on a ballot form provided by the City Clerk. Candidates ' names will be placed in alphabetical order on the ballot form. b. After the City Council has had an opportunity to make its individual determination, the City Clerk will col- lect the ballots and will announce first the Council member ' s name and second the name (s) of the candidate (s) of that Council member ' s choice (s) . C. The candidate or candidates receiving a majority of the votes of the Council members present shall be appointed. In the event that no candidate or candidates receive a majority vote or in the event of a tie vote, then a run- off ballot or ballots will be cast, following the -proce- dure of sub-paragraph a. above, until a majority is reached. The run-off candidates will consist of all candidates receiving at least -two (2) votes and if no candidates have received at least two (2) votes, then those receiving at least one (1) vote will participate ® in the run-off balloting. This procedure shall be con- tinued until a majority vote is cast. Resolution No. , C ission Selection Procedu On motion by Councilman , and seconded by Councilman the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT• ADOPTED: ROBERT J. WILKINS, JR. , Mayor ATTEST: MURRAY L. WARDEN, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: /s/ Allen Grimes ALLEN GRIMES, City Attorney 2 it ORDINANCE NO. 45 AN ORDINANCE ADDING CHAPTER 4 TO TITLE 2 OF THE ATASCADERO MUNCIPAL CODE ENTITLED, ELECTIONS The A n tascadero City Council does ordain as follows: Section 1. Chapter 4 of Title 4 is added to the Atascadero Muncipal Code to read as follows: TITLE 2. ADMINISTRATION Chapter 4. Elections 2-4 . 101. Elections . Pursuant to the authority granted by the State of California, the City of Atascadero shall hold its general muncipal election on the same day as the statewide direct primary election. The date for said election -is the first Tuesday after the first Mon- day in June of even numbered years , unless otherwise designated by the State. Section 2. The City Clerk sha11 cause this ordinance to be published once within fifteen (15) days after its passage in the Atascadero News, a newspaper of general circulation printed, pub- lished and circulated in the City in accordance with Section 36933 of the Government Code; shall certify the adoption of this ordinance and shall cause this ordinance and this certification to be entered into the Book of Ordinances of this City. Section 3. This ordinance shall go into effect and be in full force and effect at 12: 01 a.m. on the 31st day after its passage. The foregoing ordinance was introduced on November 9 , 1981, and adopted at a regular meeting of the Council held on 1981. AYES: NOES ABSENT: ROBERT J. WILKINS, JR. , Mayor ATTEST: MURRAY L. WARDEN, City Clerk . APPROVED AS TO FORM: /s/ Allen Grimes ALLEN GRIMES, City Attorney Ordinance No. 44 - L Yd of Appeals ATTEST: MURRAY L. WARDEN, 17 Clerk APPROVED AS TO FC"y. - /s/ Allen Grimes ALLEN GRIMES , City -ney .tor. APPROVED AS TO CON ,T r MURRAY L. WARDEN, 3nager ty M. 3 13 LIVE L Convert I Access I THIS SHEET INDICATES THIS SECTION CONTAINS POOR QUALITY IMAGES D`7'I I E Circ c r1, r" P c c)r r o 13 a c p a r in rl Paso Rcll,-, 110, �ea c h 1)c D, t 1� L:: !-I P-, i1;1 T 1 c Cal PROBLEM STA=,ir MT During the past 12 months , the existing San Luis Obispo County Narcoti Task Force has seized approximately two pounds of cocaine. This equates to a street-value of approximately $200, 00 to $250, 000. During this same time , we witnessed the shotgun slaying of Edwin Nystrom in San Luis Obispo who apparently failed to pay $1 , 400 for a quantity of marijuana . During this same period , a juvenile was shot to death on a Los Osos street because a male suspect (who was under the influence of narcotics) thought he had stolen some of his marijuana plants . He hadn ' t . During the past year , major marijuana anti opium cultivation sites were eradicated on the Hearst Ranch, Morro Fla• , San Antonio Lake Area, and San Luis Obispo . The average value , f a site is in the area of approximately $150, 000 to $200, 000. When the original Task Force started wor ing a year ago , the very first arrest led to the breakup of a i,ur lacy ring . It has long been common knowledge that property trim s and narcotics go hand-in- hand . It is also common kno%;,71edge that arr_otics knows no boundaries . There is no way to estimate the amount c , narcotics currently available in Sari Luis Obispo County . Tl" re is no way of estimating the amount of overdoses and injuries cal",f.d by narcotics or its cost to society . San Luis Obispo County finds itself in. an ideal climate to grow sinsemilla and opium poppies . The rain Fall and water supply is more than ample . The valleys and terrain made ct,ltivation sites extrer y difficult to find or enforce. Those sites 'hat were taken down during the past year were the direct result cf_ aerial surveillance. Narcotics have been entering, and will continue to enter this County by private plane, boats , and cars . The, hundr-ds of coves up and down the coast and the many private air fields in this county make it a mecca for large scale drops of narcotics . NEED STATEMENT No single police agency within San Luis, Obi_ ;nn Ccunty has the manpower , money or vehicles necessary to combat ,-h - narco i:s problem. Professional narcotic dealers are aware of this and take advantage of it . Two weeks ago , $75 , 000 in cash rr rcauired as a "flash roll" on a cocaine buy. The necessary mono: was obtainei through the California Bureau of Narcotics in Los i, igeles . F rE'.quently, the existing rasa: Force allo,,.?s a $1 , 000 to " walk" in order to get a larger quantity . These amounts of ;Honey would he. enough to annihilate a small depar.tment ' s entire narcotics hudget . Frequently, we f"in4"the Narcotics Task Force following a narcotics buy throughout the county and occasionally into adjoining counties . To do so requires adequate personnel and access to additional unmarked vehicles . There are many knowledgeable law enforcement personnel in this county who feel that the narcotics problem is already out of hand. The problem is of such magnitude that there are several dealers in and around San Luis Obispo County that even a task force of 4 or 5 people will be unable to work without additional outside law enforcement assistance . RECO-%IMENDATION San Luis Obispo law enforcement agencies in conjunction with the California Bureau of Narcotic Enforcement should develop a special drug enforcement unit to combat the drug and related crime problems within San Luis Obispo County. The drug laws will be enforced' by a coordinated team effort rather than by individual agencies . The Task Force would target investigations on dealers as well as cultivation sites within the County. In so doing , it realistic to anticipate that the Task Force will necessarily find itself involved in other criminal investigations . In instances where Task Force investigations leads to other crimes it will be the responsibility of the Police/Sheriff in the agency in whose jurisdiction the offense occurs to provide appropriate investi- gative resources to the Task Force. When this does occur the Task Force Supervisor (SA III) will have authority to spend a maximum of eight (8) hours in that investigation. Any additional , hours will require authorization from the Task Force Governing Board. Section 1 The aforementioned agencies enter into this agreement to create the San Luis Obispo County Drug Task Force for the purpose of combining investigative resources in the enforcement of narcotics and controlled substances laws of the State of California, and the investigation of other drug-related criminal activity, pursuant to California Penal Code Section 830. 1 and its provisions . The specific goals and objectives of the Task Force will be determined by the San Luis Obispo County Task Force Governing Board . Section 2 The Police Chiefs of Atascadero, San Luis Obispo , Pismo Beach, the Sheriff , and Bureau of Narcotics Enforcement Supervising Special Agent will comprise the Governing Board . The District Attorney will serve in an ex-officio r_apacit;✓ as legal advisor to the Governing Board . Section 3 The San Luis Obispo Narcotics Task Force Governing Board shall meet on a regular basis for the purpose of reviewing the activities of the Narcotics Task Force. Additionally, the Governing Board will evaluate and redirect the goals and objectives of the Task Force whenever necessary. Section 4 Each Department Head member of the Task Force Governing Board will have an equal vote in the conduct of Task Force activities . Section 5 One member of the Task Force Governing Board will be elected as Chairman. Section 6 A Special Agent III from the California Bureau of r?arcotic Enforcement shall be responsible for supervision of the Narcotics Task Force and will report directly to the Governing Board through the Chairman of the Board. The Task Force Supervisor (SA III) takes direction and supervision directly from the Governing Board through the Chairman . The Task Force Supervisor (SA III) will be required to periodically contact, the Chief/ Sheriff in each jurisdiction of the County for the purposes of identifying potential targets for investigations as well as specific drug related problems . An investigative supervisor assigned by the Board shall act as a liasion Aide between the Governing Board and the Task Force. Refer to the following diagram. l Governing Board Aide Chairman f Task Force Supervisor ' (SA III ) Narcotics Task --- - Force------ • Section 7 . Personnel will be assigned to the Task Force as follows: San Luis Obispo Sheriff ' s Department - Two full-time Deputies San Luis Obispo Police Department - One full-time Police Office- - One full-time Clerk Typist = Atascadero Police Department - One full-time Police Office-- California ffice:California Bureau of Narcotic One full-time Special Enforcement . - Agent III Any person so assigned shall work under the immediate supervision and direction of the Task Force Supervisor (SA III ) and shall adhere to the Rules and Regulations of the Narcotics Task Force. Section 8 Each participating agency shall be responsible for the full payment of its personnel assigned to the Task Force and such salary shall be deemed to be full salary due and payable to such assigned personnel while on duty with the Task Force . Overtime compensation will also be the responsibility of each member agency for its participating personnel. The Police Officer employed by the Atascadero Police Department and the Clerk Typist employed by the San Luis Obispo Police Department will be paid by funds supplied by the below listed agencies . Each agency will initially supply $7 , 000 . 00 to the City of San Luis Obispo Finance Department , who will dispense funds at the discretion of the Governing Board . Any additional sum may be supplied by the below listed agencies annually based on cost of living increases granted by the employing agencies . Arroyo Grande Police Department Atascadero Police Department California Polytechnic University Police Grover City Police Department Morro Bay Police Department Paso Robles Police Department Pismo Beach Police Department Section 9 The San Luis Obispo Police Department, San Luis Obispo Sheriff's Department and the California Bureau of Narcotic Enforcement shall each be responsible . for providing one vehicle to be utilized by personnel assigned to the unit. Additionally, the Atascadero Police Department will rent a vehicle through use of funds supplied by the seven agencies listed in Section 8 of this agreement. This responsibility shall include insurance, gas and oil , upkeep and maintenance, radio installation and any other expenses associated with the vehicle. The California Bureau of N aroctic Enforcement will provide Task Force office space, telephone service, two (2) desks and chairs , two (2) SK9 transmitters, a portable base station, four (4) HT-220 hand held radios and $4,000.00 in undercover buy money. Additionally, they will provide a burglar alarm system for said office. San Luis Obispo Police Department will provide $1 ,200.00 in undercover funds for the purchase of drugs and narcotics in the City of San Luis Obispo. The San Luis Obispo Sheriff's Office will provide $ in the purchase of drugs and narcotics in the County of San Luis Obispo. Office supplies and office expenses should be provided from excess funds paid by the seven agencies listed in Section 8. Section 10 Each participating agency of the San Luis Obispo County Drug Task Force shall be responsible for the acts of its participating agent and shall be responsible for any losses, damages or liabilities arising out of services and activities while participating on the Task Force. Personnel assigned to the Task Force shall be deemed to be continuing under the employment of that jurisdiction. Section 11 Any duly sworn peace officer, while assigned to duty with the Task Force as herein provided and working at the direction of the Governing Board, its Director, and the Task Force Supervisor, shall have the same powers, duties , privileges , responsibilities and immunities as are conferred upon him as a peace officer in his own jurisdiction. Section 12 The San Luis Obispo County Drug Task Force Governing Board shall develop the policies , operating procedures, and investigation and enforcement activities of the Task Force prior to the Task Force becoming operational , in conformance with sound police practices . Section 13 This Agreement shall remain in effect for the duration of 1981 , and through June 30, 1984 . Section 14 Any jurisdiction desiring to terminate its participation in this Agreement shall indicate such intent in writing by its Chief Fxecutive Officer to the San Luis Obispo County Drug Task Force stating its reasons for termination of this Agreement . Termination of participating in the Agreement by such jurisdiction shall be deemed to take effect not less than ninety (90) days upon receipt of the written communication of the intent by the Governing Board. Section 15 The number of San Luis Obispo County sworn law enforcement personnel assigned to the Narcotics Task Force shall be maintained at four or more persons at all times . ' The reduction of the number of sworn San Luis Obispo :County law enforcement personnel below four will constitute grounds for the California Bureau of Narcotic Enforcement to withdraw .from' the Task Force upon ninety (90) days notice to the Governing Board . • I , hereby, certify this formal cooperative Agreement for the period and purpose as stated above. Executed this day of 19 � \ , ,rte Name � `�'M�v�._ Title / /�._ Department _ ��JIS Vb IJ�J ��1tce, M E M 0 R A N D U ME i i TO: City Manager FROM: Finance Director SUBJECT: Request for additional funding The installation and operation of our computer has progressed very smoothly in comparison with the normal expectation of new hard- ware and designed software. The Accounting Program is operational with the exception of minor clean-up items and refinement of reports to be completed in conjunction with the City of Santa Cruz. Payroll is fully operational with only a need of clean-up items and interac- tivity between that program and the Accounting Program. We terminated our contract with our Service Bureau on schedule and are now self- sufficient. The word processor is in full use by both the City Mana- ger ' s office and the Planning Department. In short, we have pro- gressed as anticipated in some areas and are ready to move ahead faster than planned in others. Interest in our programs has been expressed by the Cities of Santa Maria, Morro Bay, Carlsbad and Hermosa Beach. In fact, we plan to meet with' the City of Santa Cruz within the next week to finalize the exact figures for program cost sharing with other 'cities. This cost • sharing with other participating cities will allow us to recover cer- tain expenditures which we have made in the transitioning of the fis- cal program from a school district to a municipality. In addition, it will allow us to evaluate for use or possible refinement certain Santa Cruz programs, i .e. , utilities, business license, planning, fire and police. The following is a listing of additional needs in both equipment and programming. Several of these items were originally planned for the next fiscal year , however , it is recommended that we progress now as several of these programs are of high priority to both us_ and in- terested cities: EQUIPMENT: Display Terminal, Reception Counter . This was originally planned for next year , but the need is now for an additional input position located at the reception counter . This location also pro- vides dual utilization of an account clerk between computer input and the telephone system. In addition, once we assume utility billing for the Sanitation District, all collections and billings will be handled at this position. $ 2, 300 00 • Memorandum - Request for Additional Funding Power Load Conditions. The entire building is experiencing "spiking of source power provided by P.G.&E. This problem apparently • is experienced by many P.G.&E. customers who possess sophisticated electronic gear . We must provide Power Load Conditioner/Suppressor devices for the computer , telephone and fire alarm systems. `7 $ 2,000 .00 Telephone Modum. This will allow access by our programmer be- tween our system and another via a standard telephone call. Conse- quently, he can accomplish programming functions by telephone rather than traveling to our location. This is; a definite savings in pro- gramming costs. $ 270.00 PROGRAMS: Completion of Finance Programming. This provides the final clean-up of the accounting and payroll programs including interac- tivity between both. This refines -the nine (9) necessary quarterly and annual reports for mandatory Federal and State requirements. This also completes certain accounting refinements in conjunction with the City of Santa Cruz. We will perform all program documentation in- house. $ 5,100 .00 • Business License Program. The next priority of programming is business licenses. This program is required by, January 1, 1982, to fold into our City Business License Ordinance. This program has the interest of other cities. $ 2, 000 .00 Planning Programs. The initial Planning program would be a com- plete land use inventory by refining the Santa Cruz base program and using County inventory data. $ 2,000 .00 Fixed Asset. This program is complete, but requires certain documentation changes in order to operate on our hardware. This was the Santa Cruz program which was modified for the Tulare County School District and, in turn, generated receipt of our total program package from the Tulare County School District. $ 920 .00 TRAINING: Additional Training. We need five two-hour sessions to train management in Query. This allows staff to call fo•r certain reports• and information either on the display unit or in print. In addition, we need additional operator training for two account clerks to insure V V Memorandum - Request for Additional Funding indepth capability of equipment operation procedures. We should have a capability of limited in-house programming. This can be accom- plished by a self-training cassette program available through the man- ufacturer . $ 1,220 .00 Total Requested $15,810 . 00 Note: We anticipate making use of Santa Cruz' s Fire program with- in the near future. It is understood that this, program can be util- ized to satisfy all State reporting requirements and should be usable with no programming costs. We must still evaluate the two Santa Cruz Police programs for depth and total applicability. The utility pro- gram will be developed either in conjunction with Santa Cruz or on our own once a determination is made concerning operational responsibility of the Sanitation Plant. These programs also have the interest of other cities. It is recommended that this request for additional funding be for- warded to Council for consideration. - The total amount of $15,810, if approved, would be transferred to applicable expenditure accounts from Contingency Reserve. • RALPH H. DOWELL JR. RHD:ad 10-29-81 3 m