HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 05/11/1981 AGENDA - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting • May 11, 1981 7:30 p.m. Atascadero Administration Building Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Invocation I Roll Call Public Comment A. CONSENT CALENDAR NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC All matters listed under Item, A, Consent Calendar, are considered to be routine and will be enacted by one motion in the form listed below. There will be no separate discussion of these items. If discussion is required, that item will be removed from the Consent Calendar and will be considered separately. Vote may be by roll call . 1. Minutes of the regular meeting of April 27, . 1981 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 2. Treasurer' s Report, 4-1-81 to 4-30-81 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 3. Departmental Review R810323:1, 3950 El Camino Real, Bruce Eisengart dba: Hometown Nursery, to allow establishment of a retail plant nursery (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) 4 . Tentative Parcel Map AT 810329 ::1, 7475 Balboa Road, Gordon : T. Davis (Twin Cities Engineering) to allow division of 10 .42 acres into three parcels (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) 5. Tentative Parcel Map AT 810305:1, Palo 'Verde Road, William Fortington, to divide 12.24 acresintotwo parcels (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) 6 . -Tentative Tract Map AT 810224:1, 5425 Olmeda, Burton Williams - LaLande, to allow a six unit air space condo- minium subdivision (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) B. HEARINGS, APPEARANCES AND REPORTS 1. Appeal of Planning Director' s decision concerning Building Code requirements, 6195 El Camino Real, Stanford Clinton (John Scholz) 2 . General Plan Amendment GP 810325: 2 , 7565 Sombrilla, Helen Walley, to allow a change in land use designation from Moderate Density Single Family Residential to High Density Single Family Residential Public Hearing 3. General Plan Amendment GP 810108: 1, Capistrano and South Mall Extension, Don Messer, to allow a change in land use designation from High Density Multiple Family Residential . to Retail Commercial Public Hearing 4 . General Plan Amendment GP 810325: 1 , 11505-905 E1 Camino Real and 11550-11950 Viejo Camino, Michael Frederick, et a1 , to allow a change in land use designation from Suburban Single Family Residential to Moderate Density Single Family _ Residential or a land use that would allow a one acre mini- mum lot size Public Hearing AGENDA - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting May 11, 1981 Page Two 5. General Plan Amendment GP 801101: 1, initiated by City Council, to consider amending the Circulation Element concerning the future location of Highway 41 northerly of Freeway 101 - Public Hearing 6. General Plan Amendment GP 810316:1, initiated by Planning Commission, to consider a policy within the Land Use and Housing Elements concerning density bonuses for low and moderate income housing - Public Hearing 7. General Plan Amendment GP 810316 : 2 , initiated by Planning Commission, to review and establish minimum lot sizes applicable to Planned Unit Developments and mobile home subdivisions - Public Hearing 8 . General Plan Amendment GP 810316 : 3 , initiated by Planning Commission, to consider amending the Land Use Element con- cerning densities allowed in Multiple Family Residential Land use designations - Public Hearing 9 . General Plan Amendment GP 810316: 4 , initiated by Planning Commission, to consider policies in the Land Use Element relating to future industrial development - Public Hearing C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS None ' D. NEW BUSINESS 1. Recognition of Atascadero Police Officers Association 2. Request of Atascadero Jaycees for use of Atascadero Lake Park for 4th of July celebration 3 . Request of Atascadero School District for street closure on Palma Avenue for community concert, June 5, 1981 4 . Chamber of Commerce request for carnival E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION 1. City Council 2. City Attorney 3. City Manager MINUTES ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL i Regular Meeting April 27 , 1981 7 :30 p.m. Atascadero Administration Building The meeting was called to order at 7 : 30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Reverend E. B. Claud from the Atascadero -Bible Church gave the invocation. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Councilmen Highland, Mackey, Nelson, Stover and Mayor Wilkins ABSENT: None PUBLIC COMMENT None A. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Minutes of the regular meeting of April 13 , 1981 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 2 . Minutes of the special meeting of April 14 , 1981 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 3 . Lot Line Adjustment LA 810225 :1, 5260 Maleza, Michael B. Craig (Bray) to adjust the existing north-south lot line con- figuration to an east-west direction to solve a property line encroachment through an existing residence (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) 4 . Lot Line Adjustment LA 810209 :1, 2100 Traffic Way, Levi Barrett (Stewart) to adjust existing lot line to increase Parcel A approximately 0 .60 acres in order toprovidea more suitable building site (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) 5 . Lot Line Adjustment LA 810320 :1, 5560 Nogales Street, Kendall B. Gallanger to adjust the existing lot line and create more conventionally shaped lots (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) 6 . Tentative Parcel Map AT 79-081 , 8830 San Gabriel , Floyd Slote (Hilliard) approval of a one year time extension to enable completion of road requirements (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) 7. Business License Renewal , U-Win Card Room, 5950 El Camino Real (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) Mayor Wilkins reviewed all items on the Consent Calendar. MOTION: Councilman Stover moved for the approval of the Consent Calendar. The motion was seconded by Councilman Highland and unanimously carried by roll call vote. • MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting April 27 , 1981 Page Two B. HEARINGS, APPEARANCES AND REPORTS 1. Report on Amapoa-Tecorida Drainage Moratorium Mr. Warden reviewed the memo which discussed the moratorium problem and provided several alternate solutions. The Staff recom- mended including the entire drainage area in an assessment district and preparation of a drainage study with cost estimates to establish drainage solutions with costs to be borne by property owners of the assessment district. It was also recommended that the moratorium be retained in its present form until completion, of the recommended items. Comments were heard from John Defumo, Roger Algee, Mel Biging, 3 Ed Chidlaw, Frank Balshun, Jack Stinchfield, Shirley Summers, Bert Vangorse, Gary Daniel, and Dave `Holton. Many of the speakers were property owners in the area and all favored lifting the moratorium with the City, State or County rectifying the drainage problem. Council members discussed the matter with Mayor Wilkins favoring Alternate #2 of the memo which would rescind the moratorium and simul- taneously adopt development standards to cope with run-off conditions . Councilman Highland felt that the drainage problem still needed to be resolved. Councilman Nelson suggested contacting the State and County to see if they would help correct the drainage problem since they allegedly had created it. MOTION: Councilman Nelson moved that Council adopt an ordinance which rescinds the moratorium, but simultaneously replace it with certain development standards intended to minimize the impacts to individual structures; and to initiate a par- ticipation program to contribute to an area wide solution to the problem; the program to include property owners, adjacent property owners, the State, County and City. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey. There was further discussion on the motion with an agreement reached that the motion should be simplified by breaking this motion into separate parts. Councilman Nelson withdrew his motion and Councilman Mackey her second. MOTION:- Councilman Nelson moved that Staff be directed to draft an ordinance which rescinds the moratorium .and simultaneously replace it with certain development standards intended to minimize the impacts to individual structures. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey and unanimously carried. MOTION; Councilman Nelson moved that Staff be instructed to initiate a participation program to seek an area-wide solution to the problem; the program to include property owners, adjacent MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting April 27, 1981 Page Three property owners, the State, the County and the City. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey and unanimously carried. i There was further discussion with some property owners in the area feeling that they should not have to bear the costs simply because they have property in the affected area; they felt that the City as a whole should take part in correcting the situation. Mr. Warden explained briefly about assessment district proceedings and that any assessment can only be applied against benefited pro- perties. RECESS 9 : 05 p.m. RECONVENED 9 :10 P.M. 2. Report on Chevron pipeline on El Camino Real Mr. Warden reviewed a suggestion by Larry McPherson to secure Chevron' s cooperation in covering the Chevron pipeline located in front of the Security Pacific Bank along El Camino Real near Carl ' s Jr. In essence, Chevron has agreed to lower the pipes; the City to do the necessary street work; and adjacent property owners to work toward installation of the sidewalk. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Council approve this project and authorize the City Manager to sign the documents subject to approval of the City Attorney. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey and unanimously carried. C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS None D. NEW BUSINESS 1. Consideration of request for additional custodian and extending lawn maintenance agreement Mr. Warden explained the manning and work levels required for maintenance of the Zoo and Atascadero Lake Park area. In order to allow the three Parks and Zoo maintenance people more time to accom- plish landscaping and preventative maintenance, he suggested extending the lawn maintenance and watering contract to include all City areas. Presently budgeted funds are sufficient to extend this contract for the rest of the fiscal year. An additional full-time custodian is also being requested. This person will work some weekends and nights and be present to monitor Rotunda Room parties to assure proper clean-up and protection of • facilities. Damage to the building facilities and thefts of equipment have occurred during weekends or after normal working hours. Exces- sive damage, spillage of food and liquor and general disregard for protecting the facility has occurred during periods of rental for MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting April 27 , 1981 Page Four private parties. It is hoped that an on-duty custodian will eliminate some of these difficulties. MOTION: Councilman Stover moved that $2500 be transferred from Contingency Reserve to cover the hiring of an additional custodian in the Public Works Department. The motion was seconded by Councilman Nelson and unanimously carried by roll call vote. E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION 1. City Council (a) Councilman Mackey requested that General Plan amendment hearings not be held on May 11th as she and Mayor Wilkins will be out of town. Other Councilmen had conflicts on other meeting dates, so it was decided to go ahead with the May 11th hearings. Mayor Wilkins asked if Council would agree to changing the budget hearing from June 6th to June 13th, however, Councilman Nelson had a problem with that date. The budget hearing date was left for June 6th. 2. City Attorney Mr. Grimes had nothing to report. 3. City Manager (a) Mr. Warden reviewed the meeting he and Skip Joannes had with the personnel from Atascadero State Hospital and the AYA regarding use of 20 acres of hospital property. The Hospital representative indicated their favorable consideration, as well as that of personnel from the Sacramento office, for converting the five year AYA lease to a twenty year lease with the City. The, short-term lease held by the AYA would not allow time for recovery of capital improvement costs on the property. The Council will be pro- vided with more information in the future. (b) Mr. Warden advised that the terms of four Planning Commissioners were expiring on July 31st. He asked Council as to how they wished to proceed. Council wanted to advertise for anyone having interest to apply and to ask the present Commis- sioners their desires for reappointment. (c) Mr. Warden stated that he was working ori the Capital Improvement Program and hoped to have it to the Council within the next two weeks. (d) Mr. Warden reviewed the road improvements which are expected to be completed before the end of this fiscal • year. The meeting adjourned at 9 : 35 p.m. Recorded by: MURRAY L. WARDEN, City Clerk BY: Ardith Davis, Deputy Clerk CITY OF ATASCADERO TREASURER'S REPORT RIL 1, 1981 TO APRIL 30, R81 BALANCE AS OF MARCH 31, ` 1981 $ 1, 364 . 74 RECEIVED (PER ATTACHED) 447,438. 53 TOTAL $ 448,803.27 WARRANT REGISTER NUMBER 81-101 8 31,402. 74I . if To it if I7 81-102 _ 160,177.59 it It 17* It if If It 11 81-103 90,403 88 (Includes payroll 4/8 & 4/22/81) PAID LISTING 155 ,339 .20 TOTAL $ 437 ,323.41 BALANCE AS OF APRIL 30, 1981 $ 11,479 . 86 PETTY CASH ON HAND 37. 67 LOCAL AGENCY INVESTMENT FUND $ 295 , 000.00 '3 TIME DEPOSIT, SECURITY PACIFIC BANK 14. 25% Interest, Matures 05/15/81 $ 100,000. 00 TIME DEPOSIT, MID-STATE BANK 14. 25% Interest, Matures 05/17/81 $ 200 , 000. 00 TIME DEPOSIT, MID-STATE BANK 14 . 90% Interest, Matures 06/23/81 $ 100,000. 00 TIME DEPOSIT, MID-STATE BANK 14. 90% Interest, Matures 06/23/81 $ 100,000. 00 TIME DEPOSIT, MID-STATE BANK 14 . 75% Interest, Matures 07/23/81 $ 100,000. 00 TIME DEPOSIT, FIDELITY SAVINGS 15. 250% Interest, Matures 08/24/81 $ 100,000. 00 TIME DEPOSIT, SECURITY PACIFIC BANK 13. 875% Interest, Matures 09/14/81 $ 100,000. 00 TIME DEPOSIT, MID-STATE BANK 13. 0% Interest, Matures 09/15/81 $ 100, 000. 00 TOTAL $1, 206 ,517 .53 CERTIFICATION I, RALPH H. DOWELL, JR. , do hereby certify declare that the demands enumerated and referred to in the foregoing register are accurate and just claims against the City and that there are funds available for payment thereof in the City Treasury. _,_,� RALPH H. DOWELL, JR. • Finance Director I�1 MT i Y L NTARDEN City Ma ager 0 RECEIVED LISTING • APRIL 1, 1981 TO APRIL 30 , 1981 TAXES Sales Tax $ 32 ,252 . 12 Occupancy Tax 3,933. 54 Franchises 119, 119 . 89 F.A.L.A. 13 ,627. 34 Property Transfer Tax 742. 19 Property Tax 5,178.59 Miscellaneous 71. 72 LICENSES/PERMITS $ 8 , 024 . 88 FINES/PENALTIES 431. 83 REVENUE/RENTS Investments 26 ,637 . 51 Rents & Concessions 1, 320. 11 Rebates 235 . 00 REVENUE/AGENCIES Alcoholic Beverage 3, 197 . 87 Vehicle "In Lieu 20 ,706 . 82 Cigarette Tax 4 , 307 .14 • Dial-A-Ride Farebox 1,706 . 50 Donations 10. 00 Grants 2 , 935. 84 CHARGES FOR CURRENT SERVICES 8,911. 04 GAS TAX 10,227 .13 TRAFFIC SAFETY Vehicle Code Fines 3 ,515.38 REVENUE SHARING 39,661. 00 RECREATION 2 , 319.90 MISCELLANEOUS 3 ,365.19 FROM LP_IF 135 ,000. 00 TOTAL $ 447 ,438 .53 -2 ATA SCAPrril PAGE NO. 1 4LMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. DATE PAYEE WARRANT CHECK N0.. UC DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN DESCRIPTION ACCOUNTCHG'D INV.NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT A T A 5 C r)c ,i? 1S ;5t? NII I_Ir 4;7 RT;!r. - nen 13P, "-3P3 s 3.P" 5l pll:si Tr. FIFnt,. T:;r - rr-,r, n3° r! 1-tilt?-2ti7 -3?4 937P(I �5n P!I ;I. 1C PF tT ;., - F;j'iAPPT 01-4110-?u7F -7P6.. 141 .89 50 PI_I Lir HEtgT r_ _ CP6LFKSrn1-4111-X47 F-7jt5 ;,n ±=!Ii;LIC !+t+ ?If,�= - n(1i1P 01-41. 1' -247 F-73zt; 1!z,siF ;5n p1! ;I. IC HF 1.1_F-y r'11-411 ;-P47 F-7A3 1 ,n ;c0 P11;,i_IC PT„!P - "ESSFP n1 . 4t10 7 F-781 17 .(1_4 ;i;0 r!ir_,I_IC AT; fZ - F R P 0 F RT[-(1, t -411,)..2tt7 F-7 ? ;50 P!I>iL.IC Pt= AzT PL%11-4110-247 F-7A0 3�z .t40 465E 236.40 ATr S i%JJTIIAL_ !":ATF'? rn ;5t kFPAI° PP' _ N” D,,V'IT L1-4202-21, 5 350 39.22 190 FTt�F HYr"'A",:T Thi.^; T M.. 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DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN DESCRIPTION ACCOUNTCHG'D INV.NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT i i f_F?TT( Tc,") j;TLllril: Intc°crTT'�� 52 Cn,\,TK ^_CT RIITL^I\'- T-,,ISiPT 3/31 P75.{10 4666 ?75 .00 i CItAST TO C04ST =51. H A, n TPI IC:e '111 -42c"216 5T''!`T A11 .40 5? CqAT.0 377n0-20 It�1 -42i�2-211 I ?.25 .5 `'nl;r'ITT;,\7'= TjaPF 377 P4_ lr1 ni-42(IP-2IF 1 .04 ;5;3 SI. Ir "ASHFR nl-uP02-016 8T-Ni T . 31 =5? OTL. 33009- 1 c 01_4202-?2t! 2. 10 ;51 3!IL?S n1-4ci0c-P17 1.1771 45.28 ;51 CnROIFSc ni-gTLI_ n1 -u4g5-221. 4371 4?.39 4667 174.77 L P"; rUPTTS S0 5, I FaLT;14T TAX 195126 27 .67 ;5P HAT 380rF . 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DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN DESCRIPTION ACCOUNTCHG'D INV.NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT FTQFSTn,- F STnkP,5 ;53 PQ TIQFS 01 -4P01-223 01172-1 143; . Ro i53 P TTP17S 1 'l-1b. 5 01-uPr)a_Pa3 p118 � 11 �±, '3C 8673 1150,62 hLLEN rRT;AcS i57 TRAVEL R: h"ILc`(-F 78.00 53 NtJ:31_IrATIr)N "FED CIVIL cTn1 .4103_?nQ 5709 21 .P0 '5? LcusL SF ?VICE CQ`4lT:R ,lCT 01-4103-P21! 3/81. I.A00.00 i5_z LTTTi�ATTO^'-cr.,n :; 4S[4;03n n1.-41013-225 3161 770 .00 4678 2669.P0 t rRIS � vTT is^izn;�t4KF ;53 r CA,:Jlz [I_4n ni-421)2 ?10 061 A9 6.56 i5? F_LrCT='TC r0NNPCT(;g8 p. PLTel-UBtjf?-a17 06325 9.5`� i58 r.)PATi PTPi►'3 k UN—CLOC,, nl-440,8—?16 06207 15.56 i57 FF--T ILT7EP gaRCADFR ni-400a—?17 0593 28. 06 i IvVSF �11.1TS h EICCT T1PF 01-4805-._217 0(-149 6.92 i FI_UT;:) NAIASTFD PECEPT 01-48n5-217 061a1 4.5=5 :5U -)VEN rl. 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DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN DESCRIPTION ACCOUNTCHG'D INV.NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT ;55 P^UCEgST '•,r, nRT�•<TVIG FTI E)1-4?('t-P10 1676 4. 35 55 P?uCFS8TI,:, ?� ??I`. tlr.G FZI �1-�+? )1-210 170 11 .35 5S P0'rr ST r 9, c,I;,,TI-Ni G FTI 01-Z►P01-210 1840 P. a7 ;55 Pn0C!-SST% . v_ PRT NTT.,iG rTl. 0 1053 4. 13 46,Q 53.A5 MTSST,-)rl LTN`F',' SUPPLY 55 P;03T �AOP 01-4?Oa-?1. Z 1119A 1. .75 ')55 r?.+15T 01-ar"2-211 1191A 1 .75 3= '55 SHGP Tn+=r'LS r1-Ua()�-215 �1115A 4.541 155 CnVFPGLLS n1-420?-?412 1115A 4 .03 :55 COVFPALLS 01-4?•j?-?U;) 11a14 4.71 55 I�T M FR 3.53 'S5 )j5u Tr!,;il_C 1191;: 3.94 4680 25. 11 THE nUTLrT Cl 31 AIIG;:P '?TT O1-GUiIP-?21 3T( T 14.7_z st Sr,�F InRTiI'I RF `T '.T 4� r^iri jai L_FVFI_ , HAUMFR , STAPI_r`_S 01 -44165-221. 5ThlT 56. 16 4691 111 .74 n i ' S rl}TF TTT.F?S ; 31 „'" 'rl 01-4?01 -304 (10j17tf ?5V .4f) ;31, A14,1 ) 01-4201 -30d o 0 4 7 3n 41 .05 -131 An'NO !? 1-4?J1 -?ntl 0047 t81 .05 31 ;1nIG5 rNa %G!- Ii!VOICE, 01-4?r} 1 -700 01)4650 ?. 12 31 rll i C4 rA .;T;;(7:7 01-4POt -r�?ta i:�47itq 61 .53 4682 540, 15 r P e;. o, Hct,c- 9-Q-0, -31 C,6-TF Vr,l_VFP r S1r":S 01-41101-41105-?17_ 5-717 3r,3A3 ?6.95 31 PR`SSI.�RE ?rriJl_.ATo ,? 7. VALOI-UA05-+o1. 303541 P014.76 4693 ?.31 .71 PACTI`17 TF Lf Cr�fi:,;c •3? PHO "P 0t _Ul./j..P()( 0-cl3rl-, rt1..,�1 i;?-?2� (,32n,v1' 013. 11 '3? PL4of tF ;,n7_stc, ;_H000-F3u_ 01-4111'-?2A 0 7 p A 1 412. 11 3a I- +f 5-;1F 6_KF;)n_nf,a-;•r 0j_4+Pcjt -?2f 07,10 i1 75f, .6,4 {2 PJ(-,t \)Ztfir 1 12`"`.40 3? ►ii.;;,)r't_ 0 0_S311_ ,I 01-41,01-a2� ,�32nrii 91 .90 [169a 1401 .66 PIC'MC r'4PLijyEf7 ' S P =TTF'F Sy,,, gFTTI- F'-i-JIT CCf,;TPIo 931 .63 416` 5 9318.63 -7 ATASCAnEr-;) PAGE NO. 6 DEMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. ;,1 DATE 04/10/9_ PAYEE WARRANT CHECK ;HER 0. DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN DESCRIPTION ACCOUNTCHG'D INV.NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT P,�przp %ff)p `S ['; STiT P ,[ / 46?,` 25.44 pC TF''SnP: ' S . ;v�Llllp „ Stir? ;t FYP6+V)Fn "aFTAL 01-4202—P16 5313 17 .89 =1 c, ' P-P, r1-4ana—X17 5iT45 16. n3 4697 3?.92 : p�;ItLT?YtFi•, S CfJftraSSnC 12 Sn L3S HI—PRO 01-4006-210 ' 21612 37.01 �? SALT 9LnCKS 01-4v0a—Pj0 21690 t,5o i2 T4011.1T CHG''I, HF .J Cr,,,ATCH i 01-114011—Ply, 21520 81 .20 S2 USBER FFF9 T116c; 01-11.404—?10 21586 46.59 469E 165.39 FACTFIC I0PP()VE"Et,,'T CINT 2 STUCCO ',Ix X ti�ACHT ,,41 ?CtiLT0t1-440P-216 249576 7.q3 01 -4409—P17 ?_09hu7 10.34 a699 1$� PHOTO 17C,sTFQ 3 SI_IrE TRAYS i311L? 01-420,?-22? 9PP! 49. R3 4700 45.83 * KATI,I F PRFQ^Y zP rills JA SHES 05..4401-2211 7720 20 .00 4701 20.00 * STUAPT 3159 33 ti;ILFnr� 1 /t. / ,1 -?/?t}/_�1 07-41O —?03 ST;,4T 50.00 4790?. 50.00 * FrGl.l t_n(!TPr,il:r,f Cn Fr �1_t1PES nl ..r$n0a—?17 455 22.53 4703 22.53 F4!; LUTS r i 1"Tq iZ I 0"11"T TIMI^",TP ?16 a1n1G2 10 .32 ;z PAPIT IIHPi�TFY 3 !. 11 ;z Pr?LI_cr. CnVF>..5, PATI_, Te n1 - I�UW;-p17 01)P7A 4P,7ft ti —8— . • 1 • AT A SC A f`-EPi) PAGE NO. 7 MAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. 1_ {;1 DATE 0 4/1 0/81 PAYEE WARRANT CHECK HER DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN 0. DESCRIPTION ACCOUNTCHG'D INV.NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT ;z opIF,T n1-4405-?17 01028e 94.54 ;3 L 201 01 -adO5-?17 00302 73.21 ;3 SFALE? R OPr�6y SLITELD n1-4405-?17 <,02.42 31 .99 4704 286.96 � nFPT i'F TFr�+ S �rlrrS =Z kG_� r, c 36274 23.64 )f'T n 1-4ilL 2-221 3;,274 ?.89 4705 26.53 .`z DO ALD J Svl_V'IA i3 4OV41.-CE'. C^FA r0N!l:i FF r,F 70.98 4706 79.98 SAnl LUTS 'i° ISP f % Er [;T !F `rc :z 1 /4 " iii)Ai_ P±." E)TCAPOED 05-4aG!-?24 6n-81 1960400 :? TOAFF'Tf' LTGI-+T vlA TNrT Ch 14T n5-44va-?24 2/31 75q.50 4707 2743.50 SF'IIOIR CTTT-!F,'0 'S f,r,;TTED , Trite TGA.^tSP[)'?TATTC, AG'tEFk,f=NT 01-4301 -a57 :3PiT 100. 00 417(18 100.00 � 4AN. LUTS ORISPn r OIIi,,'TY APE ;3 A0I; TI\iT�ir ATTVr r;-lir; STT 141. .00 4709 141 .00 SAN LU15 FUWER��ousr ;6 p011;T 5 �> [ �.,I;� ,,�E:z 01-440"P15 211110 15. 42 4710 15.42 TF'I_ FG=<,9tit-Tr' j+:ll_Ir''F ;F. 1O rIc2P,Tr;-tFR 2/2 — /2P-01-410?-?4A 4P•.f)0 -6 AD - nT",PATCk,FR 3/h-3/7 01-41O?-24A 48. 90 4711 9F.00 TF PLCT `r ;,r.'AT l :.r, ( f),-;PLFTF L'rjr5� 0it-PlnF94?Gt1 1a1. .{?t) 1712 141 .00 FSTF t. rFr7Tf7F- PQ,pf;i_ rTS Ti,iC 7 STLCK :.r;(;,si SI;nal_ TFS �}1-41 i's�-?12 1?3R6 15.97 s+ 3T;., K firj' � ilrui. IrS n1 -u1 C?-212 19387 2:1. 1,5 -9- ATASC AnFcn PAGE NO. DEMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. c;1 ,.1 )1 DATE PAYEE WARRANT CHECK AER DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN DESCRIPTION ACCOUNTCHGO INV.NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT i STOCK ROOM SUPPLIES 01-41J?-212 4930.3 SAA 6 FTLTnQ CAP a r4twCS i01 -411'?-300 119300 210.51 7 STUCK POUm SUPPLTFS p-alp o-21< 19316 9.99 A ST&K ROOM SUPPLIrS nl-4100-212 �103A7 0.32 & STOCK, 790" SuPPUIFS qOW .3o 7 STOCK Pno" Gl1FPl_I73 01-ullo-0? 403R6 13.97 4 STI:'CK Rnn`` SUPPI_ TFS 01-4110-PIT 10357 10.41 A STOCK r1QOV QUPPI IFS 01-4110-212 !1g308 X71 AN0174SOK STFvn CH61P 01-411 ^-303 10201 O.Ot} h AhOPRSON STFOO CH41P 01-4110-70D 0201 a.P3 A ANDERSON STFw0 CHQP 01 -4110--305 i1a201 125.00 7 CLIP CADDY , LPGAL YARDS 01-4201 -PI ? i090 17 .31 7 SCISSnpS, STfPLPP , FTC 01-4po -? 1 ,a 1100: 18 40.62 7 LFTTEP WAS , 906WFS , T001 -4201 ..21 ? I1?119 AM 7 BLUE COPIPP PAPPIR 01- ?o1-?1,2 00240 6.311 7 STOCK Rnom SI;PpVIFS 01-4?o1 -?1? 193:86 37 .`?2 8 STOCK YOUP SUPPLIPS & I-Apol -?1. ? I19M7 SP.68 0 STOCK Poo" SUgFI._IFS 01"pol-?l ? 113x8 1 .92 7 MFVO DAD, IWX PDX & GUT01-M?-21 ? 1A96! 10.40 7 CuATP j T 6LE PARTS 01"p '2-21.4 15112 00.92 STVA POOm SUPPI IrS 103P6 3.99 a STOCK PnCv RUPPLIFS 01-opo?-pip IIQ387 ( 5.55 9 STOCK RnOY SODOCITS 01-4?tJ?-P1 ? ;93,!S .?0 6 T`ISPECTnPF OFFICE EQUIP 01-4401 -PIC ilglq8 72.00 7 CONSTRUCTION PAPEP , SCALF01 -4401-00 I1920a 0 .47 7 TPAYS, STfpU=P A POCK 11-4601-Pip 000 25.33 7 RFP09T Pot DFRS 01-4AOt-?ln IA5?9 6. 13 7 PUMP STA&P 01-44101-?10 19176 15.2.1 A TOSPECTORS OFFT7E KPUTP 01-4001-?12 10199 18.6.8 n STirK onom SUPPLITS 01-1401 -01P 193A6 15.97 R STUCK{ Rnov vupp _IFS 01-44101 -?12 19387 22. 18 A STOCK Roov SU^PLIrS oln4aol-412 10318 Al. A STOCK `060 SUPPI IF5 01 -441,01-x12 10316 1 .00 Mr;< f=t1VY SuPP IFS oi-4005-?1P 19387 1 .7c4 0 STOCK knOP SUPPLT' S 01 -gnin-pl ? 19358 .06 A SFT-UP PUP nEcK jr^7-�1 �ir-?1 ? ;0395 21 . n9 7 STOCK RPOY SUPPLIF $7-010A-PIP 493.6 [x.99 a STor:w poom sUo3l IFS 07-41 c?-al ? 1Q3S7 6 .93 x STUCK Ml StiPPLIFS DC7-4101-alp jg3nl ?5 U713 880 .24 "ALSH SECUPITY Mw SHnF 6 RF..K Y OP I_qr ( f 1- «?C�1 -P_[t2 x~976, 4.51 I i I -10- • 0 ATASCA+IE<O PAGE NO. 9 MAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. ;1 .1 C 1 DATE 04/10/81 PAYEE WARRANT CHECK JCHER DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN V0. DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT CHG'D INV.NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT 5F 6 L)I-!PtTCATE KFvc 01-41l0?—P17 6 P3c; G. 13 5E 3 OI OLICATE KEYS of"404—?17 ib a9z p. 14 56 2 C'IIPI_TC.,TE KEYS 4 65 1 . q9 1471u 14.37 c_ .=-iITH T!7,gfIcP�^2TATIn' 33 FPE:I„HT r1 .; PlIJ0 MA,�±KP S t't01 -'�4tiP..?17 28. UU /471528 ,40 R AW/TSO?Y PIJcL LSI�TM :5 r,, SUPER GUInE E,'r✓I_ [?ISCp 01 -4106-234 10(-) 105 6 „ 14 a 7 i 6 6 . 10 5n 9E4''W) FI=c vI_p.PM Q1-41105—,?17 STMT 100.np 4717 100 .40 r-OREQT KPL.I..Y 50 PARTIAL FIFFU f) PE:) ,tTT 46c11-3P00-1)4n 10,n0 4718 10.00 54 RFFI! 0 CI�FA� T*',; QF F' ,, LF'�'01-34Ct�',-��20 5513 200 .00 4719 240,00 —11— ATASC;a0EP0 PAGE NO. 10 DEMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. 1 .1 if 1 DATE 011/10* PAYEE WARRANT CHECK JCHER DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN UQ DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT CHG'D INV.NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT I ,'41PITTFN 31402.74 PPEPAT+J 00 ACCRUED .00 T9TAL 31402.74 -- CAP 9Y F!1'Jn PRE-PAIS? WRITTEN FHNr. 01 . 00 27949.95 .00 2768.42 n n7 .00 hB3.F6 I —12— • ATASCADERO PAGE NO. 1 DEMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. 81-102 DATE 04/24/81 PAYEE WARRANT CHECK CHER `r 0. DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN DESCRIPTION ACCOUNTCHG'D INV.NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT ATASCADERO 1-JEWS 565 NOTICE SPECIAL MEETING 01-4102-247 F-79i) 9.36 -365 PI_13 HEARING—MC k7ILLAAJ 01-4110-247 F-787 15.84 565 PUB HEARINIG — MUSCIO 01-4110-247 F-789 15.£ 4 565 PUB HEARING — EISENGART ! 01-4110-247 F-786 14.88 565 NOTICE FOR CARPET BIDS 01-4401-247 W-329 6.24 479 62. 16 iATASCADERO FORD =fig 5631 FORD PATCH TRUCK 01-4462-306 4801 29575. 13 P193 29575. 13 IATI SUPPLY 565 1 SPRINKLER HEAD 01-4202-216 10310 13.47 479* 13 .47 RTAS FEDERAL CREDIT UNION 5631 CREDIT UNION DEPOSIT 01-2160-005 U40381 678.50 P194 878,50 30 CREDIT UNION DEPOSIT 01-2160-005 0/42281 878.50 P196 878.50 - ATASCADERO POLICE ASSOCIATI • 163 POLICE ASSOC DUES 01-2160-004- 040P,81 90. 00 P194e 90. 00 i 160 ' POLICE ASSOCIATION DUES 01-2160-004 042281 90.00 P1961 90.00 f. ARDOR TREE SURGERY 565 REMOVE 1 LARD-E OAK LI;Mg 02-4402-224 1351.3 126.00 4791 126.00 ATASCADERO SANITATION! 565 ! SE'dER 001-0003A-00 3/1-5, 01-4202-251 20 ,00 165SE'AER 001-006?4-00 3/1-5 '01-4405-231 5.50 4791 25.50 JILL AUSHERGER 165 CO,4TRACT I`!STRUCTOR - AUS07-4108-221A 4/ 31 501.86 479501 .88 ;ATASCADF_RO SAV.: SHOP SH,ARPE;v 2 MAN0SA :S X01-4004-215 4522 9.00 479 9.00 I i -13— � s ATASCADERO PAGE NO. 2 DEMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. 81-102 DATE 0 4/2410 PAYEE WARRANT CHECK CHER DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN 10. " DESCRIPTION ACCOUNTCHG'D INV.NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT CARL ,4 BUTLER 65 PLAN CHECKING 01-4110-224 4/81 80.00 479 80 .00 � sl4ke t`rir4erY .65 PERSONAL ACTIVITY CARDS 01-4201-212 074961 308.74 165 DISPATCH CARDS 01-4201-212 07485 308.83 479c 617 .62 -4 RICHARD BLU!IBERG 63 ADVANCE FINGERPRIINT CLASS01-4201-236 260.00 P1934 260.00 * JOH"i S 8ARL0'` 63 �"ILEAGE-TRAINING CLASS 3/01-4201.236 27 .60 81969 27 .60 * COAST TO COAST 66 1 6014 01-4202-215 SThT 4. 17 66 12 200 NT 31JILBS 01-4202-216 STMT 19.06 66 1 SLIP JOINT HASHER 01-4202-216 STHT .31 4800 23.56 CHEVRON 66 GASOLINE 792-060-065-2 01-4201-219 041781 66.94 66 GASOLINE 792-060-064-5 01-4202-219 ( 41781 42.65 66 GASOLINE 792-060-065-2 C5-4401-224 041781 502. 13 4801 611 .72 * CA FIRE CHIEFS ASSOC 60 REGISTRATION 25TH CONF 5/01-4202-206 100.50 P1961 100,50 * jCoi',livl TRA�,ISIT SERVS, I"dC 66 )IJ8 SERV.T.CE 2/23-2/27 05-4401-224 2197 1810 .27 66 3US SERVICE 3/2-3/6 05-4401-224 2196 1s6C1 . 19 66 BUS SERVICE 3/9-3/13 05-4401-224 2199 1379.55 66 BUS SERVIC': 3/16-3/20 05-4401-224 2249 1336.54 56 3US SERVICE 3/23-3/27 05-4401-224 2250 1397 . 99 4802 6888.54 * ;CITY-CO FED COEDIT UNION 63CRcDIT U1\1IOPl DEPOSIT 01 -2160-005 040861 62.50 P1942 62.50 * i -14- A TASC.ADERO PAGE NO. 3 WAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. 81-102 DATE 04/24/81 PAYEE WARRANT CHECK HER DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN DESCRIPTION ACCOUNTCHG'D INV.NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT 0 CREDIT UNION DEPOSIT 01-2160-005 002281 62.50 P1965 62.50 CALIF DEPT OF JUSTICE i0 FINGERPRINTS & BACKGROUND01-4201-224 J HART 6. 10 P1959 6. 10 CALIFORNIA SPRAY SERVICE 16 APPLY NEED KILLER 02-4402-224 212.00 4803 212 .00 * DAY-TIMERS x6 WEEKLY REMINDER GOOK 108201-4202-212 3. 15 480 3. 15 * RALPH H DOINELL JR ? REIMBURSE EXPENSE PROP 4 01-41Q6-203 040281 6.80 REIMBURSE EXPENSE PROP 4 01-4106-206 040281 4.00 P1945 10.80 * DE COU LUARER CO .7 HOOD, SHELF BRACKETS, D0M-4201-242 J11124 25.59 4805 25.59 * DATAPRINT CORP 6 STICK-ON LETTERS FOR OOOR01-4401-210 79635 19.81 4806 19.81 * D.R. I . INDUSTRIES 7 PARTS SHOP 01-4405-221 960854 33.85 4807 33.85 � DOWNS AUTOMOTIVE 6 fJINCH TRACTOR OUT OF MUD 02-4402-224 97578 40.00 4808 40 .00 I EL CAMINO CAR AASH 7 6 CAR KA59ES - JANUARY 01-4201-215 STAT 24.00 7 7 CAR HASHES - MARCH 01-4201-215 STMT 21 .00 7 1 CAR WASH - MARCH 01-4402-221 STAT .3.00 7 1 CAR "ASH - JANUARY 05-4401-224 5TOT 3.00 4809 51 ,00 I I -15 ATASCADERO PAGENO. 4 DEMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. 81-102 DATE 04/24 PAYEE WARRANT CHECK BARPAYEE OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT CHGD INV.NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT ALEXANDER GRANT & CO 67 COMPUTER SERVICE 4/81 01-4301-239 05079 568. 10 4810 568. 10 GENERAL TELCO"t 47 TELEPHONE SYSTEM PROG PMT'01-4405-301 45152 1726.20 4811 1726.20 .* 3' MICHAEL G HICKS 361 ADVANCE FRESNO 4/14-4/1701-4202-236 154.00 P195Z 154. 00 * THE IRON MAN i67 UNIFORMS, 2 PANTS, I TIE 01-4201-205 4156 103.35 4812 103,35 JOEL & ARONOFF INC i67 POLICE ARM PATCHES 01-0201-242 146260 493.36 367 POLICE ARA PATCHES 01-4201-303 146260 300.00 4813 7931 f jirne5 Sones do. 3671 PLASTIC HYDRANT CAPS 01-4202-222 3284 147.70 a814 147 .70 i KAISER SAND AND GRAVEL i67 � ASPHALT & 6% DISCtOIUNT 01-4402-217 183011. 244.26 4815 244.26 * LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES 360 VOID CK 4531 NRONG VENDOPOI -4110-234 33.25-4531 33.25 i61 REG LOCC ^MAYOR/COUNCIL 5/01-4101.206 70 .00 P1957 70.00 i jLUCAS PRINTING ;671 RECREATION SURVEY 107-4108-208 12570 53.00 4816 53.00 AMID-STATE RANK W POLICE CUMM LOAN 4/81 01-4201-224 b4816 1490.84 i I -16- ATASCADERO PAGE NO. 5 WAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. 81-102 DATE 04/24/31 PAYEE WARRANT CHECK :HER 0. DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN DESCRIPTION ACCOUNTCHG'D INV.NO, AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT :8 TRACTOR LOAN 6/81 01-4402-312 ,63239 768.03 4817 2258,87* MID-STATE BANK ,�3 FEDERAL ?WITHHOLDING TAX 01-2160-001 040881 6785.31 P19u0 6785.31 )0 FEDEPAL V,1ITHHOLDING TAX 01-2160-001 0422.31 6889. 18 P1961- 6839. 18 INA09IL OIL CREDIT CORP �7 GASOLINE 883-930-756-1 01 -4110-219 4/81 45.67 )8 GASOLI \iE 883-1430-756-1 01-4201-219 4/61 86.51 ;8 GASOLIINE 883-930-756-1 01-4401-219 4/81 77 .91 . i8 GASOLINE 883-930-756-1 05-4401-224 4/81 981 .45 461 ' 1191 .54 ,NORTH COUNTY FIRE PROTECTIOP. ,8 RECHARGE FIRE EXTI`dG 01-4?02-224 1200 119,65 461 . 119.65 '* OLIVER & +ILLIAMS >>3 tELEVATOR SERVICE 4/81 01-4405-224 041 61 .25 4820 61 .25 PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC 39 ELEC JbR 47-25202-83/11-101-4201-229 16.56 )9 ELEC HSR 38-10601-4 3/10-01-4202-227 123.94 i9. ELEC T5RP 2-00301-4 01-4402-227 033181 184`3.21 ,9ELEC Tr RP 4-00701-1 01-4402-227 033161 54.64 )9 ELEC GBR 69-18351-2 3/9-401-4402-227 172.55 i9 ELEC H6R 37-55401-1 2/6-401-4402-227 45`8.55 ;9 ELEC HBR 38-08406-9 3/10-01-4404-227 1 .75 )9 ELEC FBR 51-00302-0 3/6-4101-4404-227 1 .75 )9 ELEC F4R 8,3-2u?03-8 3/6-4;01-4404-227 211 .78 '9 ELEC FE4R 63-P3402-0 3/6-a01-4404-227 1 .82 >9 ELEC H6R 36-00202-7 3/10-`01-4405-227 637 .49 4821 3524.04 I I PACIFIC TE LEPHOivE 14 PrIONE 23;?-451 -3031-877-N 01-4201-228 iO14o7611 17.00 {4 I PHOrgE 236-451-6032-141-' 101-4201-228 i040781i 15. 00 i4 i PHONE 238-451-6033-201-N 01-4201-228 OW81 15.00 I i I � I ATASCADERO PAGENO. 6 DEMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. 81 -102 DATE 04/24,* PAYEE WARRANT CHECK 'J ER DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN DESCRIPTION ACCOUNTCHG'D INV.NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT s4 PHONE 235-451-3034-176-iV 01-4201-228 040781 15.00 �9 PHONE 220-154-4963-554-N 01-4202-228 041181 13.50 ',9 PHONE 220-154-5220-333-N 01-4202-226 041181 13.50 19 PHONE 220-154-5659-300-N 01-4404-228 041151 13.50 34 PHONE 238-451-8138-830-`t 05-4401-224 040781 15.00 4822 115.50 PUBLIC EMPLOYEE 'S RETIRE SYS 39 RETIRE CONTRIBUTION FIR 301-2160-006 9296.65 4823 9296.65 �z PETTY CASH CITY TREASURER .)1 PETTY CASH - SB90 -,p4nRK5Hr;01-4102-206 366 25.00 31 PETTY CASH "MANAGERS MTG01-4102-206 356 7 .96 "�)1 PETTY CASH - GREYHOUND 01-4106-204 367 3.55 �1 PETTY CASH - GREYHOUND 01-4106-204 355 3.55 A PETTY CASH- 'GREYHOUND 01-4106-204 361 3.55 -)1 PETTY CASH - POSTAGE DUE 01-4106-204 360 .03 ;1 PETTY CASH MANAGERS iATG01-4106-206 356 7 .95 -)2 PETTY CASH - COFFEE. ROOM 01-4106-210 399 2.74 A PETTY CASH - COFFEE ROON'l 01-4106-210 353 3.87 it PETTY CASH - MAP REPRODUC01-4110-2023 354 18.90 )1 PETTY CASH - MAP REPRODUC-01-4110-203 357 7 .20 Z2 PETTY CA8i1 - UPS 01-4201-204 362 2.48 i2 PETTY CASH IIPS 01-4202-204 362 2.74 11 PETTY CASH RADIO REPAIR01-4202.210 365 11 .91 �2 PETTY CASH - GREYHOUND 01-4402.204 353 3.30 S2 PETTY CASH - REPAIR SUPPG_01-4402-2101 364 .38 51 PETTY CASH - GASOLINE 01-4402-219 352 7 .00 52 PETTY CASH - CONFERENCE 07-4108-208 363 3.50 P1952 115.61 MICHAEL R PLATE 52 ADVANCE FIRE SERV ACAD 01-4202-236 252.25 P194e 252.25 ;4 REIMBURSE EXP CLASS 4/12-'G1-4202-205 116.110 a4 t2EIM,31JRSE EXP CLASS 4/12 X01 -4202-236 16.24 P1971 134.64 POULTRYMENS COOP ASSOC 58 TROUT CHOLA HI PRO 01-4404-210 21709 52.81 4824 52.81 -* _I 18 ., ATASCADERO PAGE NO. 7 OMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. 81-102 DATE 04/24/81 PAYEE WARRANT CHECK HER DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN ;0. DESCRIPTION ACCOUNTCHG'D INV.NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT PHOTO CENTER 68 i FILM PROCESSING 01-4202-209 9212 31 .91 4625 31 .91 PITNEY SONES 58 POSTAGE !METER TAPE 01-4106-303 086436 19.64 4826 19.64 H D PETERSON a 40 GALS BITUMULS 01-4"02-217 5301 69.96 4827 69.96 I ANN PRIEST b8 � CONTRACT INSTRUCTOR - PRT0I-41087224 4/81 1359.32. 4828 1359.32 KATHI E PREDDY 081 2 allS WASHES 4/ 13 & 4/16 05-4401-224 7717 20.00 4829 20.00 � I ACTFIC COMMUNICATIONS 58 REPLACE SWITCH 01-4202-215 45522 42. 00 4830 42.00 rED STAR IND SERV 70 UNIFORMS 01-4402-205 277875 16.83 701 UNIFORMS 01-4402-205 862482 16. 83 70 UNIFORMS 01-4402-205 765146 16.83 38 UNIFORMS 01-4402-205 108601 16.83 38 UNIFORMS 01-4402-205 053251 16.83 38 UNIFORMS 01-4402-205 165613 16.83 38 UNIFORMS 01-4442-205 335845 16.�i3 88 UNIFORMS 01-4402-205 449139 16.83 34 UNIFORKS 01-4402-205 994391 16.83 34 j UN1FORPS 01-4402-205 222537 16.83 70 UNIFORMS 01-4404-205 449139 12.62 70 U'NIFOR'MS 01 -4401-205 277875 12.62 70 UNIFORM'S X01-4404-205 862482 12.62 70I UNIFORMS 01-4404-205 765146 12.62 381 UNIFOP S 01-4404-205 222537 12.62 38 UNIFORMS 01-4404-205 108601 12.62 38 UNIFORMS 01-4404-205 U53151 12.62 a ! ulIFORMS 01-4404-205 155613 12.62 -19- ATASCADERO PAGE NO. 8 DEMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. 81-102 DATE 04/24 PAYEE WARRANT CHECK CHER DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT CHG'D INV.NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT 88 UNIFORM",S 01-4404-205 335845 12.62 84I UNIFORIMS X01-4404-205 994391 12.62 70 UNIF-,Rh;S 01-4405-205 449139 8.80 70 UNIFOR',?S 01-4405-205 2778751 8.80 70 UNIFOR,%'S 01-4405-205 862462 8.80 70 UNIFORMS 01-4405-205 765146 8.80 88 UNIFOQi15 01-4405-205 222537 6.80 88 UNIFORNiS 01-4405-205 108601 8.80 88 UNIFOR ,4S 01-4405-2.05 053251 8.80 88 I UNIFORMiS 01-4405-205 165613 8.80 88 1 UNIFORiMS 01-4405-205 335845 8.80 64 UNIFORMS 01-4405-205 994391 8.80 84 MOPS, TO'wELS, ETC 01-4405-211 4491.38 21.30 84 MOPS, TOVI;ELS, ETC 01-4405-211 053250 20.30 84 MOPS, TOV-'ELS, ETC 01-4405-211 277874 21 . 10 84 MOPS, TO'AJELS, ETC 01-4405-211 919112 16.70 4631 460.90 * 'ROTO-ROOTER SERVICE 84 CLEANII ZOO DRAIN 01-4404-216 181 33.00 4832 336 * RICH.ARDS SERVICE & SUPPLY CO' 84 REPAIR CL+AIN SAN 01-4404-215 13201 65.52 4833 65.52 * �INALTER OHLIG 63 COMPUTER RESEARCH VTSALIA01-4301-301 425.00 P1939 425.00 * 63 CO^1PUTER PROGRAMMING SVC 01-4301-301 1600.00 P1967 1600.00 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY 63PROPERTY TAX PARCEL 29-31j01-4301-254 2ND IN 87 . 11 63 PROPERTY TAX PARCEL 29-3401-4301-254 2ND IN 87 . 11 63PROPERTY TAX P9RCFL 29-3401-4301-254 2NO IN 141 .54 P194_ 315.76 ;CITY OF SAN LUIS OSISPO 60 HEDICAL PAYNENT - APRIL 01-2160-003 APRIL 5141 .62 6Q VOID CK P193o SEE P1954 01-2160-003 51 +1 .62 x1936 .00 i i -20- ATASCADERO PAGE NO. 9 &MAND/WAR RANT REGISTER NO. 81-102 DATE 04/24/81 PAYEE WARRANT CHECK CHER 0. DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT CHG'D INV.NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT 60 ,,+EDICAL INSURANCE — AFRILOI-2160-003 APRIL 5101 .22 P1954 5101 .22 .* ELLIOTT 0 ST_PHENSO"! 70 PLAN CHECKIiG 01-4110-224 3/81 491 .68 483 . 491 .68 SO CA GAS CO 71 GAS 07-4978-976-3201-5 3/01-4202-230 109. 16 71 GAS 09-4982-235-0153-4 3/01-4404-230 25.21 71 GAS 07-4978-972-7502-1 3/01-4405-230 871 .83 4835 1006.20 DEPT OF TECH SERVICES 71 COil", tUNICATI AS SERVICES 01-4201-229 STMT 54.63 71 1 DC TELEP.-#OidE 01.-4401-229 STMT 267 .30 4836 321 .93 ADEPT OF TECH SERVICES 6 VOID CK 4705 AiRONG VENDO O1-4402-2220 23.64 VOID CK 4705 1NIRONG VEINDO 01-4402-221 2.89-4705 26.53 .* E L SAURET I�jC 70 XD-3 SAE 30 & CAN SPOUTS 01-4402.220 36274 26.53 4837 26.53 * DONALD J SYLVIA 60 TRAVEL ADVANCE 25TH CONF 01-4202-206 191 .24 P1962 191 .24 * SAPTA MARIA TIRE CO 71 REPAIR TIRE ON TRACTOR 01-4402-217 58197 49.90 71 MOUNT TIRES & BALANCE 05-4401-224 58170 12.00 4838 61 .90 * SIIPLEX TIME RECORDER CCl 71 REPAIR TI"-lE RECORDER 01-4201-224 693091 34.53 4839 84.53 * ISAN LUIS 09ISPO CC ENGINEER 71 ELECTRIC BILLS — TRAFFIC 01-4402-227 STPIT 3087 .63 4840 3087,68 * —21— ATASCADERO PAGE NO. 10 DEMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. 81-102 DATE 04/24 PAYEE WARRANT CHECK CHER DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN DESCRIPTION ACCOUNTCHG'D INV.NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT SUPER SEVEN GASOLINE 68 GASOLINE 901-914-1270 3/1!01-4201-219 20 . 00 4541 20.00 RODGER SNYDER TRUCKING 70 HAULING TOP SOIL 01-4404-217 STMT 135.00 70 iAULING TOP SOIL 01-4405-217 STmT 90.00 4842 225.00 MICHAEL SHUPIN 63 ADV SUPERVISORY COURSE 4/01-4201-236 700 .00 P1968 700 .00 * WILLIAM SHIFT 64 MILEAGE TPAI,JINIG CLASS 3/01-4201-236 13.40 P1970 13.40 * TRANSCONTINENTAL SALES CO 71YELLOV: NOtiEX SUIT 01-4202-205 11473 85.56 4843 85.56 * TARA CONSTRUCTION 0 63 PROGRESS PAYHENT i�2 01-4405-301 81-02 64370.00 P1939 64370000 * U S POST OFFICE 52 POSTAGE FOR POSTAGE METER01-4102-204 120.00 62 POSTAGE FOR POSTAGE NIETEROI-4110-204 80.00 P1951 200.00 * UNION OIL CO OF CA 71 GASOLIINE 1-0623-6920 01-4201-219 033181 1184. 17 71 GASOLIIIE 1-0623-6920 01-4402-218 033181 29.30 4844, 1213.47 * IVJESTERIN OFFICE PPJDUCTS INC 72 I (DESK LEFT HAP,!D RETI RE; 01-4192-301 19131 150 .00 72 FILINIG CAHIN T 01-411U-302 19131 129 .00 72 SECRETARY DESX 01-4110-303 19131 327 .29 72 AUTO ATTC NUMIBERING t4ACHI01-4201-242 1?722 38 . 11 4841 644.40 MURRAY L V4AROEN! 62 REI113 LOCC-SB90 CONF-4/8-01-4102-203 100.00 I -22- AT.ASCADERO PAGE NO. 1 1 *EMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. 81-102 DATE 04/24/81 PAYEEJCHWARRANT CHECK W. DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN 'r 0. DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT CHG'D INV.NO. AMOUNT V0. AMOUNT 162 REIM13 LOCC—S990 CONF-4/8 01-4102-206 80. 80 P1950 180.80 ROBERT J :iILKINSr JR 62 LOCC CONFERENCE REIMBURS..01-4101-206 040381 60.00 P1946 60.00 NIL—MAR DISPOSAL CO INC 71 GARBAGE NICK—!JP 01-4404-231 4/81 149.00 `3 )71 GARBAGE PICK—UP 01-4405-231 4/81 48.50 4846 197 .50 * iNARSCO EQUIPIM-ENT CO 71 KNIFE PINS & MOTT KNIVES 01-440 -217 11441 413.40 4847 413.40 * A D C RESINS 65 RAPID SET ADHESIVE ROAD X01-4202-301 03085 136.95 4848 136.95 * ..AN FRANCISCO GIANTS 60 43 TICKETS FOR SFG GAt-,E 07-4108-224 072681 216.00 P1960 216.00 * SACRAIMEiNTO CIONVENTION ARID 60" LOCC MAYOP,/COUNCIL CONE 501-4101-206 30.00 P1958 30.00 L. A . DODGERS TICKET OFFICE 61 43 TICKETS FOP L. A. DODGE07-4108-224 062181 173.00 1953 173.00 SCOTT EDELSTEIN 62 I REFUiNO TOi,;ING APO 81-211 01-4201-224 43.00 P1947 43.00 (PASO ROBLES MUNICIPAL COURT 63 6AIL-1^,AR ANT r=138597 — GRb (11-3400-030 65.00 P1937 65.00 ATASCADERO C4RPET � INTERIOR, 72 FLC,ORI ;G x. CEIMENT 01-4405-301 4598 384.72 4849! 384 .72 I —23— ATASCADERil PAGE NO. 12 DEMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. 81-102 DATE_ 04/24 PAYEE WARRANT CHECK :CHER DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT CHG'D INV.NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT 'ARITTE til 40104.83 PREPAID 120072.76 ACCRUED .00 TOTAL 160177 .59 RECAP BY FUIND PRS-PAID WRITTEN FUND 01 119660.26 29390.51 FUNID 02 .00 378.00 FUND 05 .00 8422. 12 FUND 07 392.50 1914.20 i l � i -24- ATASCADERO PAGE NO. 1 *DEMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. 81-103 DATE 04/30/81 PAYEE WARRANT CHECK /OUCHER DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN NO. DESCRIPTION ACCOUNTCHG'D INV.NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT ATASCADERO NEWS 1583 AD-CLERICAL PRX 4/17-4/2r 01-4102-248 40.40 49.21, 40 .40! i ATASCADERO FORD 3583 POLICE CAR LEASE 01-4202-224 5/ 31 2989.62 4922 2989.621 ATAS MUTUAL WATER CO 3583 LIA TER 16-1000 01-4202-232 041481 40.00 ! :583 lgATER 19-7000 01-4202.232 041481 29,94 ,583 WATER 17-45000 01-4404-232 041581 25.00 3583 WATER 18-422000 01-4404-232 041581 36.42 1-583 WATER 2-353000 01-4404-232 040381 25. 00 :`583 MATER 9-340000 01-4ap4-?32 040681 136.73 3583 WATER 2-345000 01-4405-232 040381 4.00 ,583 REPAIR SERVICE ARENA AVE 02-4402-217 361 91 . 12 492 388.21 , o ATASCADERO TRAVEL REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT - AL.A, 07-4108-224 3420.00 P1981 3420.0011 i ROCK PUBLISHING COMPANY 3583 2ND PART PAYIMENT CODIFIC01-4102-224 43314 1060.00 4924 1060.00! RICHARD BLHIMBERG ;582 REI148 EXP TRAVEL INVESTIG01 -4201 -203 042381 16.60 P1979 16.601 COMM TRANSIT SERVS, INC 3583 BUS SERVICE 4/6-4/10 05-4401-224 2295 1.397 .99 5583 BUS SERVICE 3/30 - 4/3 05-4401-224 2294 1318. 10 4925 2716.09 STEVEN J DOUGLASS , M.D. '583 PHYSICALJOA�I�IES 01-4101-210 033181 36. 00 1585 PHYSICAL - HART 01 -4201-224 0420814a_. n0 492 78.00 ! i I K J DAVID CO-PUBLISHING DEPT ,583 NOOK "BUDGETING FOR RESU 01-410?-P34 14 .95 4927 14 .95' I i i I -25- i • ATASCADERO PAGE NO. 2 DEMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. 81-103 DATE 04/391 PAYEE WARRANT CHECK OUCHER DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN N4 DESCRIPTION ACCOUNTCHG'D INV.NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT 1 Ei1PLOYMENT DEVELOPMENT DEPT 585 STATE INITHHOLDING 01-2160-002 4/81 2234,97 4928 2234,9711 EXXON CO USA 585 GASOLINE 1c2-805-940-0 01-4202-219 041881 841 .72 ;585 GASOLINE 132-805-940-0 01-4402-219 041881 116.25 ' X585 GASOLINE 182-805-q40-0 01-4404-219 041881 137 ,39 492 , 1095,36 INT 'L CITY MANAGEt,IENT ASSOC 71585 TRAINING COURSE "PERSONNE01-4102-234 109 . 00 'S$5 BOOK "-'AANAGEi-1ENT POLICIE,901-4102.234 27 .25 4930 136.25' i iKAISER SAID AND GRAVEL 1 585 ASPHALT & 6% DISCOUNT 02-4402-217 185191 169.91 4931 169.911 DONALD L LEI° 582 REIMS EXP CONE PIS�10 01-4402-206 041681 17 .50 P1975 17 .50 ' I H L LA PRADE ;585 PARKING LOT RENT MAY 01-4301-254 5/81 500.00 493 500 .00 ( JON LOVGREr,! i :582 REIt18 EXP CAPTO MTG SOLV 01-4201-206 21 .50 P197E 21 .50` MID-STATE RAKIK :586 VAN PAYMENT 05-4401-224 5/81 350.97 ;586 BUS PAYMENTS 05-4401-224 5/81 1107 .32 4933 1458.29' MISSION LINEN SUPPLY ;585 DUST I`Y+OPS 01-4202-211 1198A 1 .75 -586 DUST MOP 01-4202-211 1212A 1 .75 :5861 OUST MOO 01-4202-211 1205A 1 .75 585 SHOP TO'NJELS 101-4202-215 1199A 4.50 I � I I i -26- ATASCADERO PAGE NO. 3 *DEMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. 81-103 DATE 04/30/81 PAYEE WARRANT CHECK TOUCHER NO. DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT CHG'D INV.NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT 5586 SHOP TO',�IELS 01-4202-215 1212A 4.50 5585 COVERALLS 01-4202-242 1198A 4.93 3586 COVERALLS 01-4202-242 121PA 4.93 5586 COVERALLS 01-4202-242 1205A 4.71 )'586 DISH TO;:IELS 01-4202-250 11988 3.53 3586 DISH TGNELS 01-4202-250 1212B 3.53 3586 DISH TQ! ELS 01-4?Oa-250 12058 3.53 4934 39.41 #,I MOTOROLA C & E INC 3585 PAGERS 01-4201-242 46154 561 .80 3585 PAGERS 01-4402-307 46154 561 .80 4935 1123.60;` NOBLE SAS! SERVICE 3586 RESCUE SAW 01-4202-302 11511LI 944.41 4936 944.41 '', p E. 0,01R*06. NIPPL_S, BUSHINGS, ETC 01-4202-214 66960 5.78 5 SLOAN 110 & BRASS NIPP 01-4405-301 67402 146.30 4937 154.08 : i PACIFIC TELEPHONE 3587 PHONE 805-466-2141-136-N 01-4202-228 042081 189.09 I 5587 PHONE 408-096-5028-213-N 01-4202-228 041981 27 . 10 3586 PHONE 805-466-0749-302-N 01-4405-228 042081 36.88 j 5G87 PHONE 805•-466-7433-599-N 05-4401-22u 042081 11¢.67 493 371 .74 KATHI E PREDDY I )586 ? BUS IVIASHES 4/25 R 4/26 05-4401-224 7718 24.00 4939 20.00 : RAYNE WATER SYSTEMS ;587 EXCHANGF SERV 4/22-6/ 17 01-4405-232 STMT 18.00 4940 18 .00 i WALTER OHLIG ;582 BAL PROGRAMMING CONSULT 601-4301 -301 800. 10 P1982 800 .00 ; DEPT OF TECH SERVICES )587 INSTALL ANTENNIAS 01-4402-307 STMT 167 . 10 4941 167. 10 i i -27- ATASCADERO PAGENO. 4 DEMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. 81-10 3 DATE 04/3 0 PAYEE WARRANT CHECK CUCHER DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN N0. DESCRIPTION ACCOUNTCHG'D INV.NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT I SAN JOAQUIN SUPPLY _ CO. 587 MOP PRO-SEAL, CAN LIN._ERS,I O1-4405-221 86681 97.77 4942 97 .77 I SAN LUIS OBISPO Co ENGINEER 587 STREET NAME SIGNS 05-4402-224 STMT 289.49 4943 289.49 SAN DIEGO FIFE EQUIP CO INC 587 SAFETY EQUIP FOR ELLIOTT 01-4202-205 27454 263.31 491114 263.31 SMEE 'S INC 587 PROGRESS PAYMENT RESTROO�,01-4405-301 STMT 3918.63 4945 3918.631 MICHAEL SHUSIN 582 REIMB EXP CSTI 01-4201-236 3/2-6 48.00 P1980 4ff0l 'NESTERN OFFICE PRODUCTS INC 587 BINDERS R INDEXES 01-4102-212 19796 15.31 587 OFFICE SUPPLIES - STOCK 01-4102-212 19797 14.20 589 OFFICE SUPPLIES - STOCK 01-4102-212 20038 2. 17 587 OFFICE SUPPLIES STOCK 01-4106-212 19797 5.32 589 OFFICE SUPPLIES STOCK 01-4106-212 20038 .82 587 OFFICE SUPPLIES - STOCK 01-4108-212 19797 4.43 589 OFFICE SUPPLIES - STOCK 01-4108-212 20038 .68 587 OFFICE SUPPLIE'S - STOCK 01-4110-212 19797 12.42 .589 OFFICE SUPPLIES - STOCK 01-4110-212 20038 1 .90 15A9 OFFICE SUPPLIES - STOCK 01-4201-212 19797 33.73 589 OFFICE SUPPLIES - STOCK 01-4201-212 20038 5. 16 589 OFFICE SUPPLIES - STOCK 01-4202-212 19797 3.55 589 OFFICE SUPPLIES - STOCK 01-4202-?12 20038 .54 589 OFFICE SUPPLIES - STUCK 01-4401 -212 19797 14.20 589 OFFICE SUPPLIES - STOCK 01-44x1-21? ,20038 2. 1.7 589 OFFICE SUPPLIES - STOCK 101 -4404-212 19797 .92 589 OFFICE GUPPLIFS - STOCK 01-4404-212 20038 . 15 494 117 .67 ' MURRAY L VIARDEfJ 587 CAR ALLO •;ANCE - SAY ,01-4102-201 5/81 150.00 49471 150 .00 i -28- ATASCADERO PAGE NO. 5 DEMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. 81-103 DATE 04/30/81 PAYEE WARRANT CHECK TOUCHER NO. DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT CHG'D INV,NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT i i FIL,\4 COMIMUNICATO?S ;585 ( BABYSTTTING FILES 01-4202-307 24628 1F8. 40 4946 188.40 I COLFAX JUDICIAL DISTRICT 1582 PAIL FOR NARRQNT-SEYMOUR 01-3400-030 64728 155.00 P197LI 155,00 ; .s l CLARENCE GAEDE 5582 PARTIAL REFUND CLEANING 01-3400-020 143.53 P1976 143.53 ; r (CHUCK MC CAA JANITORIAL -1582 JANITORIAL SERV ROTUNDA GOI-3400-020 50. 00 P1977 50.00 ' 9999 NET PAYROLL 4563 4563- 4658 32982 . 76 4658 32982 . 76 ' 910 NET PAYROLL 4720— 4720- 4791 32003.33 4791 32003. 33 ' i i • —29— ATASCAOERO PAGENO. 6 DEMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. 81-103 DATE 04/3101 PAYEE WARRANT CHECK N0.. CUC DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN DESCRIPTION ACCOUNTCHG'D INV.NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT fNRITTEN 20745.66 PREPAID 69658. 22L ACCRUED .00 TOTAL. 90403. 88' s RECAP BY FUND PRE—PAID WRITTEN ; FUND 01 66238 . 22 15882. 05 FUND 02 .00 '261 .031 FUND 05 .00 4602.54 FUND 07 3420.00 . .00 • • —30— { PAID LISTING APRIL 1, 1981 TO APRIL 30, 1981 Ken Spann Advance Check P1949 $ 339 .20 Mid.-State Bank LAIF deposit P1955 55 ,000.00 Mid-State Bank LAIF deposit P1956 100, 000 .00 TOTAL $155 , 339 . 20 • • -31- 0 � M E M O RAN D U M _ TO: CITY MANAGER May 5, 1981 FROM: PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW R810323 :1 LOCATION: 3950 E1 Camino Real (Ptn. Lot 2 , Block 18) APPLICANT: Bruce Eisengart dba: Hometown Nursery REQUEST: To allow establishment of a retail plant nursery '3 On April 20 , 1981 the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing, unanimously adopting Findings 1-5 , authorizing a Negative Declaration, and approving the Departmental Review subject to Conditions 1-18, as listed in the attached ,Staff Report, with Condition 15 (fire hydrant) to be reviewed with the Fire Chief. Subsequent review indicated that Condition 15 could be deleted. There was considerable discussion among the Commission concerning • certain aspects of the project, including possibleeffects on the master plan for the whole shopping center, the impact of the recommended environmental determinationonfuture development on the site, the fire hydrant and parking requirements, and signing and architectural consistency within the Center . It was their consensus that the recommended conditions assured compliance with zoning regulations and would discourage piecemeal development of the entire site. Bruce Eisengart spoke on the matter and objected to Conditions 4 , 6,8a,14 , and 15 . In so doing he indicated that the ten (10) parking spaces proposed would be more than adequate and that a freestanding sign was necessary to identify the business . He further indicated that the Fire Chief had advised him that a hydrant was not needed. Mr. Eisengart requested clarification of the drainage plan and parcel map requirements. No one else appeared on the matter. The applicant has not filed an appeal concerning any of the con- ditions of approval. • LAWRENCE STEVEN MUR Y L. WARDEN Planning Director City Manager I CITY OF ATASCADERO Planning Department April 20, 1981 ]9lfi 1 an,Cr 1978 \ SCADOj STAFF REPORT SUBJECT: Departmental Review R810323 :1 LOCATION: 3950 El Camino Real (Portions of Lot 2, Block 18) APPLICANT: Bruce Eisengart, Hometown Nursery REQUEST: To allow establishment of a retail plant nursery `3 facility BACKGROUND 1. Existing Zoning: C-1-D (518) with the "D(518) " to mean as follows A. Departmental Review, with particular attention to insuring attractive appearance from public roads by means of set- back area for buildings and uses . • B Adequate screening of outdoor storage area C. Landscaping, signing and lighting. 2. General Plan: Retail Commercial 3. Environmental Determination An initial study environmental description form has been completed. The Planning Director has prepared a Draft Negative Declaration indicating that the project will not have a significant adverse effect upon the environment if the project is implemented as proposed. 4. Site Conditions : Thesite is generally flat with a slight slope to -the west towards Highway 101. Vegetation consists primarily of scrub brush which was partially cleared recently. A drainage channel traverses the property from the northeast corner along and near the El Camino Real frontage and then runs generally parallel to the westerly property line towards Highway 101. The site has been graded and there may be some fill on the site. To the nortwest is a single-family dwelling; to the southeast is San Luis Butane. 5. Project Description: The applicant is proposing to relocate his existing nursery business which is presently on the Lucky 's • site. The subject project consists of a 1 ,125 sq. ft. sales office and a sales yard, a soils yard, and a shade area. Ten parking spaces are proposed along the southeast side of the property. The actual site area to be occupied by the nursery Page Two Staff Report: Departmental Review R810323 :1 (Eisengart) April 20 , 1981 is 20,250 square feet. This area and the remaining portion of the Lot 2 together with the area adjacent to the east all the way to San Anselmo between El Camino Real and Highway 101 is the site of a proposed retail shopping center. A pre- liminary site plan for the shopping center indicates the nursery is to be a part of the overall development plan, (which has not been submitted to date) leasing only a small portion of the total site. Exterior finishes are proposed to be wood siding and wood ; shake roofing. Building design utilizes a gable roof behind a parapet or false front facade along the southeast elevation with a covered boardwalk along the entire width of the build- ing, giving the building a somewhat western appearance. A 5 '-6" fence is proposed to enclose the outdoor sales areas . STAFF COMMENTS The primary concern deals with discouraging a piecemeal approach to development of a major site such as this one where a master plan approach seems warranted. Preliminary plans for the total shopping center do seem to include an area set aside for a land- scape nursery facility generally in the area of the proposed nursery. So while staff does not have any major problem with the subject proposal, it does suggest caution in making approvals for small developments on large pieces of property without due regard for logical parking and circulation patterns as they may (or may not) relate to the overall site development. There would be other elements of site development where coordinated efforts should be encouraged such as grading, utilities, off-site improvements, signing, architectural treatment and similar. FINDINGS 1. The site of the proposed use can be adequate in size and shape to accommodate said use and all yards, fencing, parking, landscaping and other features required by the Atascadero Municipal Code. 2. Streets in the vicinity of the proposed use are adequate to carry the quantity and kind of traffic generated. 3 . The proposed use will have no adverse effect on abutting prop- erty or the permitted use thereof provided conditions are established to ensure coordination with a Master Plan for the entire site area. Page Three Staff Report: Departmental Review R810323 :1 (Eisengart) April 20, 1981 4. The establishment and conduct of the commercial use for which the Departmental Review is sought will not be detrimental to the public welfare or be injurious to property or improvements in said neighborhood. 5 . The project will not have a significant adverse effect upon the environment. RECOMMENDATION Based upon the above findings, the Planning Department recommends issuance of a Negative Declaration and approval of Departmental Review R810323 :1 subject to the following conditions : 1. Site development including buildings, aisles, parking, land- scaping, and other features shall be consistent with site plans submitted. 2. Submit two copies of detailed landscaping and irrigation plans indicating size, type and spacing of plant materials proposed for review and approval by the Planning Department prior to issuance of a building permit. a. Landscaping shall be provided along the exterior of all fencing to improve the site appearance from E1 Camino Real and adjacent properties. b. Landscaping shall be provided on the El Camino Real side of the drainage ditch along the front of the property and along the northwest property line to minimize the visual effect of the ditch from El Camino Real and adjacent property. C. Effort shall be directed towards maintaining landscaping effect which minimizes the visual appearance of the park- ing and access areas. d. New plant materials shall be sized to achieve a mature appearance in three years. e. The type of irrigation system used shall depend upon the plant materials used and their watering needs. 3. Fence elevations and details shall be submitted for review and approval by the Planning Department prior to issuance of building permit. Drawings shall indicate colors and materials proposed. Page Four Staff Report: Departmental Review R810323 :1 (Eisengart) April 20 , 1981 4 . Provide a minimum of twenty-one (21) off-street parking spaces. a. One of the twenty-one standard spaces shall be designated a handicapped space and shall have minimum dimensions of 12 ' X 20. ' b. Submit revised plans indicating provision for the twenty-one spaces for review and approval by the Planning Department prior to issuanee of building -permit. Revised parking layout shall indicate asphalt curbing or other approved functional equivalent which would prevent use of any adja- cent undeveloped portion of property. C. Vehicle parking and access areas shall be paved with a mini- mum of two inches A.C. over rock base; individual parking spaces shall be paint-striped or otherwise indicated and - provided with concrete wheel stops or approved functional equivalent. Paved areas shall be permanently maintained. d. Two-way driveway entries shall be a minimum of 24 feet in width. e. Documentation shall be submitted which guarantees continuous access is available to the project across any adjacent property which is not a part of the subject lease. 5. Building architecture shall be consistent with elevations submitted. a. Any roof-mounted mechanical equipment shall be screened from view from adjacent streets and properties in a manner approved by the Planning Department. 6 . Submit two sets of grading and drainage plans indicating grade of building pads, pavement elevations, - flow lines at top of curb, etc. for review and approval -by the City Public Works _ Department prior to issuance of any permits. a. Drainage from the site shall not be allowed to flow directly across public sidewalks and driveways . b. Any grading necessary for site development shall be sub- ject to first obtaining proper permit and approval from the Planning Department. . 7 . Install concrete curb, gutter, and sidewalk along the E1 Camino Real frontage of the subject property as required by Title 19 of the Atascadero Municipal Code. Said improvements shall be installed under inspection agreement and encroachment permit issued by the Public Works Department. • Page Five Staff Report: Departmental Review R810323 :1 (Eisengart) April 20, 1981 8 . on-site signing shall be limited to an aggregate area of 60 square feet for the project site, not to exceed the height of the building unless a Conditional Use Permit is secured. a. No freestanding sign shall be established on the site without approval of a master sign plan for the entire property. 9 . Site plans shall indicate the location of all existing trees on the site and effort shall be made to retain any mature ; trees if possible. No trees shall be removed without prior Planning Department approval. 10 . All new utilities and utility connections shall be placed underground. 11. The project shall be connected to the community sewer and water service. Submit evidence from the Atascadero County Sanitation District and Atascadero Mutual Water Company, indicating that the agencies are willing and able to provide service to the project prior to issuance of any permits. 12 . Provision shall be made for a paved and enclosed trash storage area(s) . The design and materials shall be consistent with the remainder of the development and shall be approved by the Planning Department. a. No outside storage, or any accumulation of trash or debris shall be permitted, 13 , Any lighting standards or fixtures shall not project above the roof of the building and shall be designed to minimize on-site and off-site glare and shall be subject to review and approval by the Planning Department, 14 , Applicant shall file and obtain approval for a Tentative Parcel Map in accordance with provisions of the Subdivision Map Act pertaining to land leases or shall submit evidence that this project is not subject to such provisions, prior to issuance of a building permit. a. Any Final Map required shall be recorded prior to occupancy of the building. 15. Install a fire hydrant (s) of a type and size as specified by the City Fire Department. Exact location(s) and manner of placement shall be subject to the approval of the Fire De- partment. A letter from the Fire Department certifying instal- lation of the hydrant shall be received by the Planning Depart- ment prior to occupancy of the office use. Page Six Staff Report: Departmental Review R810323 :1 (Eisengart) April 20, 1981 16. This departmental Review R810323 :1 is granted for a maximum period of one year from the date of final approval unless an extension of time is granted by the Planning Director pursuant to a written request filed a minimum of ten days prior to the expiration date. 17. No further development approval shall be granted on the shopping center site until a master plan has been submitted to and ap- proved by the City. Any parking, driveway, landscaping, or similar improvements allowed in conjunction with this approval may be required to be modified as necessary in conjunction with said master plan approval. 18 . All conditions of approval established herein shall be com- plied with prior to occupancy of the building of the proposed use. ACTION The Planning Commission should direct Staff as deemed appropriate. TO APPROVE: Motion to adopt findings and set conditions. TO DENY: Motion setting findings for denial. REPORT PREPARED BY: t �� MARY E. 4AT IE Associate Planner REPORT APPROVED BY: Vlalwv�� X e�� LAWRENCE STEVENS Planning Director /Ps 104 A `bbd �< / i o •~ 3 �\\ . 105 PAR1,VAR �. Ppt ol / add /1. �✓ Q0 \t" Cil w t, �^ � `rL 15�- � h a O o 4 76- f� P p �e� h P 03 R— -4— 107ro n; h .VL3o32`] Q1 0 h� 624. 63 a. vVa�ors 1 •. s. �P 6 S?.�, �o 63 8 22 CC C� � 6r 24 b.; w' � ro 25 q p 5 / P-2 -L-2 26 P'I l 4-A PAR R / f] / 4 'Ob5olt7 CO-7l-l3g A 'v !� Q;� 3 2 °�.► _ c e �� 13 j VD1U1A)6 MAP 17 j� 3 `u' i \� Rg1C 32 3� l z __________ ______ 10, ;bIulcoj Oi fZ-62 SH \ A BI-dE W H b rn N Quo w ca p o Cn r C4 � ..�- t••- � I � � N U O y r � epos T �� ♦ 7 11 1� � 7)d 02 `1 � • -- QS.'S-4q N ter- �/W�J M 3A-l8 ciL k.0 c N n CD w b CL CD DO 2 0 \�VIJ it OD _ O F V� r n N 'j" y Com ; SAN D Nds ANSELMO RD. d s74t X50 A y,OVq wb w 4 o �Q a��� ; O O � U-b•1 V O � w'1 d �y N n m �wO z - t N ~ � O' h N a S Cp = nl n- {rv— o rra I o n • yid� -; �� � v a ° � a ?aJ. 1sy + " i--r.• rt +e {''� t •a. � '. 3 •i.,J _ _ i � ,ss� � .+,'`vr� k�7,x-, v�r�'j. �- \ ¢ �'?r. ,�3*r•''•• � k,; �� t "t' ' at,fi. •`�'bt;rrt�*t.sfru",."�a,'A'�ir t'NL12 '",y-aa�' ,.E. �S r t .:t>r _ •.E.Z i Y.z 3 s ',3� `z:e•Es �-i. f ..rf IF '.�a -x S � i'£ I .. 3 � x ,-a I (an3n ' �• e9„ efi i jz- f � I _ i I I 1 _ 77 , �� ,` i M E M O RAN D U M - TO: CITY MA14AGER May 5, 1981 FROM: PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP AT 810329 :1 LOCATION: 7475 Balboa Road (Lot 12, Block 25) APPLICANT: Gordon T. Davis (Twin Cities Engineering) REQUEST: To allow division of 10 .42 acres into three parcels of 3 . 2 , 3 .9 and 3 .3 acres s On May 4, 1981 the Planning Commission conducted a''' public hearing unanimously adopting Findings 1-2, authorizing a Conditional Negative Declaration, and approving the Tentative Parcel Map subject to Conditions 1-14 , as listed in the attached Staff Report. There was brief discussion among the Commission with the consensus being that the project complied with zoning regulations and General Plan policies. Allen Campbell of Twin Cities Engineering appears on behalf of the applicant and indicated that the recommended conditions were acceptable. No one else appeared on the matter. LAWRENCE STEVENS MU RAY L. WARDEN Planning Director City Manager /Ps CITY OF ATASCADERO I aIC r. �. „.. Planning Department May 4 , 1981 1918 �, r r1 .A7 c 1 79 STAFF REPORT SUBJECT: Tentative Parcel Map AT 810329 : 1 LOCATION: 7475 Balboa Road (Lot 12, Block 25) APPLICANT: Gordon Davis (Twin Cities Engineering) REQUEST: To allow division of 10. 42 acres into three parcels of 3. 2, 3. 9 and 3. 3 acres each BACKGROUND 1. Existing Zoning: A-1-B-V-3 2. General Plan: Suburban Single Family Residential 3. Environmental Determination: An initial study environmental description form has been completed. The Planning Director has prepared a Conditional Negative Declaration indicating the project will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment if certain mitigating measures are incorporated into the project. 4. Site Conditions The site topography varies across the lot, but the average slope is approximately 15-20%. A natural drainage "swale traverses the central area of the site, gen- erally in an east-west direction. The site is heavily vegetated by a mixture ofoaksand low brush. The site is surrounded by property of similar character, several lots in the vicinity are developed with single family dwellings. Adjacent Lots 10 and 11 have approvals for two-way parcel divisions; Lot 10 being a division into two 52 acre parcels and Lot 11 being a division into one 42 and one 52 acre parcels. 5. Project. Description: The applicant is proposing to divide the subject 10. 4 acre lot into three parcels; Parcel A being 3.2 acres, Parcel B being 3.9 acres, and Parcel being 3. 3 acres. Access to Parcels A and C is assumed to be off their frontages on Balboa Road; access to Parcel B is proposed via a 25 ' wide "flag" portion fronting on Balboa and separating Parcels A and C. Page Two Staff Report: Tentative Parcel Map AT 810329 :1 (Davis) May 4, 1981 STAFF COMMENTS On Thursday, April 2 , 1981 the Subdivision Review Board met with Allen Campbell, the applicant' s engineer, to discuss the applica- tion. Also in attendance at the meeting were: Larry Stevens , Planning Director; Mary Beatie, Associate Planner; John Kennaly, Assistant Civil Engineer; Don Sylvia, Fire Chief; and Elaine Oglesby, Planning Commissioner. The following items of concern were discussed: `3 1) Participation in improvement of Balboa Road. 2) Installation of a fire hydrant. 3) Access by all three lots from a common driveway (flag portion of Parcel B) should not be precluded. Approval of alternate driveways will be contingent on quality of site distance, plan and profiles, etc. 4) Pave flag easement in Parcel B to mitigate drainage concerns. i FINDINGS 1. The application as presented will not have a significant effect upon the environment and the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report is not necessary. 2. The application as submitted conforms to the applicable zoning regulations and is consistent with the 1980 Atascadero General Plan. RECOMMENDATION Based on the above findings, the Planning Department recommends: A) Issuance of a Conditional Negative Declaration as follows : 1. That provision shall be made to reduce fire hazard at the site. 2 . Adequate provisions shall be made for drainage and erosion control and protection in conjunction with site development. • 3. That provision be made for adequate access including pro- vision for improvements and slope protection; and, Page Three Staff Report: Tentative Parcel Map AT 810329 : 1 (Davis) i May 4, 1981 B) Approval of Tentative Parcel Map AT 810329 :1 subject to the following conditions: 1. Private sewage disposal systems will be an acceptable method of sewage disposal, if reports, tests, and design are acceptable. All tests, reports and designs shall conform to methods and guidelines prescribed by the Manual of Septic Tank Practice and other applicable City ordinances. The following shall appear as a Note on the Final Map: � "Appropriate soils reports including a percolation test, a test to determine the presence of ground water, and a log of a soil boring to a minimum depth of ten (10) feet shall be submitted to the Atascadero Planning Department prior to the issuance of a building permit on each lot. Where soils reports indicate that conventional soil ab- sorption systems are not acceptable, City approval of plans for an alternative private sewage disposal system, designed by a registered civil engineer, shall be re- quired. Depending upon the system, more restrictive requirements may be imposed. " 2. Water shall be obtained from the Atascadero Mutual Water Company and water operable facilities shall exist at the property frontage prior to filing of the Final Map. 3. Proposed Parcels A, B, and C shall each obtain access via a private driveway easement across the flag portion of Parcel B unless alternative driveways to Parcels A and C are found acceptable to the Planning and Public Works Departments at time of building permit application. A note to this effect shall appear on the Final Map. Said driveway easement across flag portion of Parcel B shall be indicated on the Final Map and shall be generally as shown on the Tentative Map. a. Plan and profile drawings of any proposed alternate driveways to Parcels A and C shall be submitted for approval by the Public Works and Planning Departments in order to determine average grade and appropriate improvement requirements . If average slope exceeds 12% , paved improvements shall be required. Otherwise, an all-weather surface will be required. In the event any portion of the driveway shall be shared, improve- ment of that shared portion shall be a requirement made in conjunction with the first building permit. Notes to these effects shall appear on the Final Map, Page Four Staff Report: Tentative Parcel Map AT 810329 :1 (Davis) May 4, 1981 b. The acceptability of driveways to Parcels A and C would be governed by lack of excessive slope, ade- quate sight distance, location of building site, distance from other driveways and similar standards . 4 . Drainage and erosion shall be controlled by paving the private driveway easement across flag portion (swale) of Parcel B prior to recordation of Final Map. a. Improvement drawings shall be submitted for review and approval by the Public Works Departments . E 5 . With regard to improvement standards for driveways, the following note shall appear on the Final Map: "The private driveway shall be improved to a minimum width of twelve (12) feet with an unobstructed vertical clearance of fourteen (14) feet. " 6 . Effort shall be made to minimize grading that would be disruptive to the natural topography and removal of existing, mature trees. The following shall appear as a Note on the Final Map: "No trees shall be removed without compliance with appli- cable City ordinances . No grading shall commence without an appropriate permit and compliance with applicable City ordinances. " 7 . Drainage swale (s) to be shown on Final Map. 8 . That the applicant offer for dedication to the public for future road widening purposes five (5) feet along Balboa Road for the full width of Lot 12 . Said offer to be shown on the Final Map and be made by certificate on the Final Map. 9 . Prior to recordation of the Final Map, the applicant shall , in a form acceptable to the City, agree to provide funds to assist in a City Capital Improvement Project to recon- struct Balboa Road. Said agreement shall be noted on the Final Map and/or otherwise recorded with waid agreement to remain in effect for a period not to exceed two years. Said funding participation to be equivalent to one-half of a road width for the applicant 's frontage using the following formula: Applicant ' s share - (project cost) X (0 . 5 X Lot 12 frontage - in feet.) Length of project in feet Page Five Staff Report: Tentative Parcel Map AT 810329 :1 (Davis) May 4 , 1981 a. A bond, certificate of deposit, or similar based on engineer' s estimate for the project, shall be provided in conjunction therewith. 10 . All pipeline and other easements of record shall be shown on the Final Map. A letter shall be submitted from each utility company indicating the nature and extent of any building restrictions. A note so stating such restrictions shall appear on the Final Map. 11 . The applicant shall install one fire hydrant generally in the vicinity of Lot 12 of Block 25 in Balboa Road, of a size and type and in a specific location and manner acceptable to the Fire Department. Said fire hydrant shall be installed prior to recordation of the Final Map. 12. Roof materials for all structures shall be Class C rating or better and a Note to that effect shall appear on the Final Map. 13. A Final Parcel Map compliance liance with all conditions set P forth herein shall be submitted for review and approval in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act and the City Lot Division OrdinanceP rior to recordation. a. Monuments shall be set at all new property corners Engineer or licensed created and a Registered Civil En � g g land surveyor shall submit a letter certifying that the monuments have been set prior to recordation. b. A final titlepolicy (CTLA or .ATLA) shall be submitted for review in' eonjunction with the-processing of the Final Map. 14 . Approval of this Tentative Parcel Map shall expire one year from the date of final approval unless an extension of time is granted pursuant to a written request prior to the expiration date. ACTION The Planning Commission should by motion direct Staff as deemed appropriate. TO APPROVE: Motion to adopt findings and set conditions. TO DENY: Motion setting findings for denial. REPORT PREPARED BY: . MARY E. B ATIE, Associate Planner REPORT APPROVED BY: G�L� LAWRENCE STEVENS , Planning Director y �.3 18 A 17 / 13 25 �� I co 9 19 16 } 6,133 1` 15 A - 15 ., 27 14 V-S 13 28 14 _ r -21 = 13 16 A-1 ' B"�j . ., 6� z 22 t . 15 23 f, 10. 106 b IS ' 24 25 If 14 ♦ ,{� 26 '• 27 _u , 13 '` =; t 9 .2.7 A .y 0 12 27 U-S t 30 21 1w. ;. 26 _ _- ` .•e _ -. 'y .3 l _.. 10 i 4 9 24 8 3� 2 5 23 - z0,411Al ar_..._. .4 C77 1.2 , ,Q.�� 2.5— W Gw-v I I F_ <LJwp �. W .1 =.I I I Q � p¢ Q JGF¢ UtQ ¢ LLr � t7 2 =w paZ ¢ ^ (L �Z rwOr 3 =w YO Z UW N Z QQ u -iWL - /—y a n�r=Q°Z W �-z��p ;f Qw� G O W Q - LL¢Q QmcrOWZY U _ WJO WZ 1 W r J w mO�Q�3¢E N rWL, <F- W v Z o¢ ..-aura Jxo z (r �fUiFO LA W .ln a0 >GaZr w Q cr Q ¢ m0 - ¢a `aW3w Z } wm=;N� c V) O pm p W uo --• - -- - - -- W a¢ __:_ - - Z C2 w,nw oLL, w ¢ mWQrOWz W — w O 0. V w Wma:ZOL.O — --- - - -O¢OOrr -a�v0 - -- - ?r - - CL W OW- 7 t _ _. cv.... .... J - < O _ . S ja -77 41 - / r i r r ;y `: rp l� co _ J � h -05 ARDILLA RD Z p0'�' .. - r �, M_E M_O_R A N_D U M_; TO: CITY MANAGER May 5, 1981 FROM: PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP AT 810305 :1 LOCATION: Palo Verde Road (Ptn. Lot 7 , Block 95) APPLICANT: William Fortington REQUEST: To divide 12.24 acres into two parcels of 6 .12 acres each On May 4, 1981 the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing unanimously adopting Findings 1-2 , authorizing a Conditional Nega- tive Declaration and approving the Tentative Parcel Map subject to Conditions 1-19 , as listed in the attached Staff Report. The Commission discussed the effect on the existing mobilehome as a result of reducing the lot size and the firefighting standards listed in Conditions 9 and 10 . It was their consensus that the land division met zoning and General Plan standards. William Fortington appeared and requested clarification of Condi- tion 3 concerning testing for adequacy and potability of the future well. He concurred with all other recommended conditions. Ethan Winston stated that there was adequate well water in the area. lei r,�11/LAWRENCE STEVENS MURRAYL. WARDEN Planning Director City Manager /Ps CITY OF ATASCADERO ! R ,_pr�lr r.' Planning Department May 4 , 1981 • 1913 r4 C 1979, STAFF REPORT SUBJECT: Tentative Parcel Map AT810305 :1 LOCATION: Palo Verde Road (Portion Lot 7 , Block 95) APPLICANT: William Fortington REQUEST: To divide 12. 24 gross acres into two parcels of 3 6. 12 acres each. BACKGROUND 1. Existing Zoning: A-1-B-V-5 2. General; Plan Suburban Single-Family Residential. 3. Environmental Determination: An initial environmental des- cription form has been completed. The Planning Director has prepared a Draft Conditional Negative Declaration indicating • the project will not have a significant adverse environmental effect if certain mitigating measures are incorporated. 4 . Site Conditions: The topography varies across the site with slopes ranging from 10% and less near Palo Verde Road to 30% and greater near the south-westerly edge of the property. Most of the site is heavily wooded. The upper third of the site is generally covered by chaparral. An 8 'x40' house trailer, a 10 'x10 ' shed and a- 50 gallon per minute well exist on the pro- posed Parcel A. Proposed Parcel B is undeveloped. Access to the house trailer is via a dirt driveway off Palo Verde Road. The site is remote but is surrounded by several similarly developed properties; some of the parcels are developed with standard single-family dwellings. City sewer and water are not available. 5. Project Description: The applicant is proposing to divide 12. 24 acres into two parcels of equal size, that being 6 .12 acres. The existing driveway would be retained, at least for a short term as access to Parcel A. Access to Parcel B is not specified but is assumed to be off its frontage on Palo Verde Road. 4 Page Two Staff Report: Tentative Parcel Map AT810305 :1 (William Fortington) • May 4 , 1981 STAFF COMMENTS On Thursday, April 2 , 1981, the Subdivision Review Board met with Mr. Fortington to discuss his application. In attendance at the meeting were: Larry Steven, Planning Director; Mary E. Beatie, Associate Planner; John Kennaly, Assistant Civil Engineer; Don Sylvia, Fire Chief; and Elaine Oglesby, Planning Commissioner. The following items of concern were discussed: 1. Property owner may be required to remove mobile home as a condition of final unless ordinances are modified to allow it to exist. '3 2. Discussed participation in future assessment district should one be formed, to improve Palo Verde Road. 3. Fire Chief requires an on-site water supplies (2000 gallon) for fire protection prior to issuance of building permits. 4 . Plan and profile plans for driveway access to Parcel B will be required at time of building permit. 5. Drainage and erosion control plan will be required at time of • building permit. FINDINGS 1 . The application as presented will not have a significant effect upon the environment and the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report is not necessary. 2. The application as submitted conforms to the applicable zoning regulations and is consistent with the 1980 Atascadero General Plan. RECOMMENDATION Based upon the above findings, the Planning Department recommends A. Issuance of a Conditional Negative Declaration as follows : 1. That provision shall be made to reduce fire hazard at the site. 2 . Adequate provisions shall be made for drainage and erosion control and protection in conjunction with site development. 3. That provision be made for adequate access; and, Page Three Staff Report: Tentative Parcel Map AT810305 :1 (William Fortington) May 4 , 1981 . B. Approval of Tentative Parcel Map AT810305 :1 subject to the following conditions: 1. Private sewage disposal systems will be an acceptable method of sewage disposal , if reports, tests, and design are acceptable. All tests, reports, and designs shall conform to methods and guidelines prescribed by the Manual of Septic Tank Practice and other applicable City ordinances. The following shall appear as a Note on the Final Map "Appropriate soils reports including a percolation test, a test to determine the presence of ground water, and a log of a soil boring to a minimum depthoften (10) feet shall ; be submitted to the Atascadero Planning Department prior to the issuance of a building permit on each lot. Where soils reports indicate that conventional soil absorption systems are not acceptable, City approval of plans for an alterna- tive private sewage disposal system, designed by a registered civil engineer, shall be required. Depending upon the system, more restrictive requirements may be imposed. " 2. Each parcel shall have its own private well or wells for domestic water supply approved by County Health Department. 3. Evidence of adequate and potable water, satisfactory to the County Health Departmentshallbe submitted to the City prior to the filing of the Final Map including the following: (a) (Potability) A complete on-site chemical analysis shall be submitted for evaluation for the undeveloped parcel prior to filing the Final Map. (b) (Adequacy) On individual parcel wells or test holes a minimum four (4) hour pump test performed by a li- censed and bonded well driller or pump testing business shall be submitted for review and approval for the undeveloped parcel prior to the filing of the Final Map. (c) A letter from the Health Department certifying the adequacy of the existing well shall be submitted to the City. 4 . Individual domestic wells and/or agricultural wells shall be separated from any sewage disposal systems, as follows: (1) leach fields, one hundred feet (100 ' ) , and (2) bored pits, one hundred and fifty feet (1501 ) . Wells intended for two or more parcels shall be separated by two hundred feet (200 ' ) from any subsurface sewage disposal system. A note so stating shall appear on the Final Map. Page Four Staff Report: Tentative Parcel Map AT810305 :1 (William Fortington) May 4 , 1981 5. Access to Parcel A shall remain from the existing driveway unless prior approval is obtained for an alternate drive- way location at the time of building permit application. Plans & profiles of alternate driveway location may be necessary at the request of the Planning and Public Works Departments. A Note so stating shall appear on the Final Map. Location of access to Parcel B shall be determined at the time of building permit application for that parcel . (a) A practical plan and profile for access shall be sub- mitted to the Public Works and Planning Departments for approval . In the event plans and profiles for access from Palo Verde Road to Parcel B do not meet acceptable standards, access through Parcel A shall be reserved for use by and to Parcel B. Plans and profiles may be required for alternate accesses. A Note to this effect shall appear on the Final Map. 6. Determination of acceptable grade and appropriate improve- ment requirements of proposed driveway (s) shall be made in • conjunction with plans and profiles. If average slope ex- ceeds 12%, paved improvement would be required in conjunction with building permits. In no event shall driveway slopes exceed 20%, otherwise, an all-weather surface would be re- quired similarly. In the event any portion of the driveway shall be shared, improvement of that shared portion shall be a requirement made in conjunction with the first building permit. Notes to these effects shall appear on the Final Map. 7 . A drainage and erosion control plan shall be submitted for approval by the Planning and Public Works Departments at the time of building permit for each parcel . A Note so stating, shall appear on the Final Map. 8 . With regard to improvement standards for the driveway, the following Note shall appear on the Final Map: "The private driveway shall be improved to a minimum width of twelve (12) feet with an unobstructed vertical clearance of fourteen (14) feet. " 9. On-site water supply facilities for firefighting, for each lot, shall be provided as follows : (a) A minimum flow of 200 gallons per minute for 20 min- utes, or 2 , 000 gallons of water in storage. Page Five Staff Report: Tentative Parcel Map AT810305 :1 (William Fortington) May 4 , 1981 10. Firefighting water systems are to be provided with any of the following devices to enable connection to fire agency pumping trucks, provided that such devices are to be lo- cated within a maximum of 200 feet from any structure served, in a manner accessible to a fire vehicle. Where water supply is provided by electric pump, an electric service drop shall be installed from service pole, to pump, to the structure, to prevent a structural fire from dis- rupting access to water. Water connections are to be provided as follows: (a) A 22-inch National Standard fire thread fitting from a water distribution system or storage facility; or § (b) A wharfhead hydrant with 22-inch PVC piping from a storage facility; or (c) Any other means approved in writing by the City Fire Chief. A letter shall be submitted to the Planning Department from the Fire Chief certifying that the firefighting water sys- tems have been installed in accordance with provisions set forth herein. Notes to these effects shall appear on the Final Map. 11 . Said firefighting facilities shall be installed on the developed lot prior to filing the Final Map and on the un- developed lot prior to issuance of a building permit to develop it. 12. Roof materials for all new structures shall be Class C rating or better and a Note to that effect shall appear on the Final Map. 13 . In conjunction with each parcel development, ,a-review of access , drainage, and erosion control plans, prepared by a registered civil engineer, shall be submitted for review and approval by the Public Works Department prior to issuance of any building permits. Said plans shall be implemented prior to occupancy of the residences. A Note so stating shall appear on the Final Map. 14 . The property owner shall remove the existing mobile home prior to the recordation of the Final Map unless City ordinances have been modified to allow it to exist. (a) In the event the existing mobile home is required to be removed, conditions requiring improvements, because of the developed state of that lot, shall be changed in time to coincide with future development. Page Six Staff Report: Tentative Parcel Map AT810305 :1 (William Fortington) May 4 , 1981 15. Effort shall be made to minimize grading that would be disruptive to the natural topography and removal of ex- isting, mature trees. The following shall appear as a Note on the Final Map: "No trees shall be removed without compliance with applic- able City ordinances. No grading shall commence without an appropriate permit and compliance with applicable City ordinances. " 16 . All pipeline and other easements of record shall be shown on the Final Map. A letter shall be submitted from each utility company indicating the nature and extent of any ; building restrictions. A Note so stating such restrictions shall appear on the Final Map. 17 . In conjunction with the issuance of a building permit on any of the lots, provision shall be made for adequate access from the nearest paved road. Adequate access shall include grading in the road right-of-way to the closest point already so improved on Palo Verde or Old Morro Road and on the site (s) and shall include all-weather surfac- ing with the design and materials subject to prior review and approval by the City Planning and Public Works Depart- ments. Maintenance of said adequate access shall be the responsibility of the property owners. A Note to this effect shall appear on the Final Map. 18 . A Final Parcel Map in compliance with all conditions set forth herein shall be submitted for review and approval in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act and the City Lot Division Ordinance prior to recordation. (a) Monuments shall be set at all new property corners created and a registered civil engineer or licensed land surveyor shall submit a letter certifying that the monuments have been set prior to recordation. (b) A Final title policy (CLIA or ALTA) shall be sub- mitted for review in conjunction with the processing of the Final Map. 19. Approval of this Tentative Parcel Map shall expire one year from the date of final approval unless an extension of time is granted pursuant to a written request prior to the expiration date. Page Seven Staff Report: Tentative Parcel Map AT810305 :1 (Wlliam Fortington) May 4 , 1981 ACTION The Planning Commission should by motion direct Staff as deemed appropriate. TO APPROVE: Motion to adopt findings and set conditions. TO DENY: Motion setting findings for denial. REPORT PREPARED BY: MARY E. MEATIE AssociatV Planner REPORT APPROVED BY: ✓Ln�� LAWRENCE STEVENS Planning Director 29A e 23 • 18 6� 5 4 3 Is, is g66, 19 14 22 i / 20 i 19 1 6 21 v 15 20 5 21 16 4 M0 ; R�'0 1 17 / 3 60 2 18 l 19 5 20 A-1 - BV- 5 6 21 3 7 { 95 2 95 mom., -To P*:Fz_ 36 _fes t t 1 ( � t`% i 6 `,tip k ,! -MAIL $UXE.S dor 4 TRuDA M`G rtotis£Q OPEN kEc CwATE o GMANDY ADR�tK t ti' W�S ti GN 'fSZ�cS�<155 Fv RT I N6Tc�N ms �4Nt✓J-DTRs '� -.�`� `' Sfi Lot-KED ac F�� p � N 35 50, b i o I <o I O � I I NI M -_- my 538••-3. ?Q� - x W to - - - `\'• `! r4 m O 0 N A 0 cp r � W � ' I m _ 1 O ~38.25 SS'6. Im I a to I A 21 I ky Oti �. CA D 91 .82 T W m Gtt j N 35 50 E - V Z Q � c CCD ) O A Z 2 O voQ C AOOr - I � ,b°" �• 111 19 �., ul \ a ` 4 CA vA C � J � Y l• , 3 S a :t! 4y cv n o Vtz >? OlISI Ln r n M E M O RAN D U M : TO: CITY MANAGER May 5, 1981 FROM: PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: TENTATIVE TRACT MAP AT 810224 :1 LOCATION: 5425 Olmeda (Lot 4, Block NA) APPLICANT: Burton - Williams - LaLande REQUEST: To allow a six unit air space condominium subdivision On May 4 , 1981 the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing unanimously adopting Findings 1-2, authorizing a Conditional Negative Declaration and approving the Tentative Tract Map subject to Conditions 1-10 as listed 'in the attached Staff', Report, with the addition of the following: 11 . The applicants shall install one fire hydrant of a size and type and in a location and manner acceptable • to the Fire Department. Said fire hydrant shall be installed prior to recordation of the Final Map. There was brief discussion among the Commission with the consensus being that the project complied with zoning regulations and General Plan policies. Jim Williams appeared for the applicants and indicated their con- currence with the recommended conditions. Two adjacent property owners appeared inquiring about density and setback requirements that would apply to the project. z4m�� 4e�iGY A4 LAWRENCE STEVENS MURRAY L. WARDEN Planning Director City Manager /Ps r-i,cIr,�W--uric ; CITY OF ATASCADERO r. r rn 1979 Planning Department May 4 , 1981 -STAFF REPORT SUBJECT: Tentative Tract Map AT 810224 :1 LOCATION; 5425 Olmeda Avenue (Lot 4, Block NA) APPLICANT: Burton-Williams-LaLande REQUEST: To allow a six unit air space condominium subdivision ; BACKGROUND 1. Existing Zoning: R-2-B-27D 2. General Plan: Low Density Multiple Family 3. Environmental Determination: An initial environmental descrip- tion form has been completed. The Planning Director has prepared a Conditional Negative Declaration indicating that the project • will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment if certain mitigation measures are incorporated into the project. 4 . Site Conditions : The site is presently developed with a single family residence and a detached garage. There are four large mature oak trees and three mature pine trees on the site. The site is gently rolling (0-10%) and slopes down from the rear of the lot towards Olmeda. Surrounding properties are charac- terized by mixed residential uses. City sewer and water are available to the site. 5. ProjectDescription: The applicant is proposing to create six air-space condominium units on the 0 .61 acre site. All existing structures are proposed to be removed with the existing trees to remain. Each air space unit includes a garage; and the resi- dential units are detached from each other. Access to the site is provided via a 16-foot wide driveway off Olmeda, which then branches off to the garages . STAFF COMMENTS On Thursday, April 2, 1981 the Subdivision Review Board met with Mssrs . Burton, Wi-lliams and LaLande to discuss their application. In attendance at the meeting were: Larry Stevens, Planning Director; Mary Beatie, Associate Planner; John Kennaly, Assistant Civil En- gineer; Don Sylvia, Fire Chief; and Elaine Oglesby Planning Commis- sioner. The following concerns were discussed: Page Two Staff Report: Tentative Tract Map AT 810224 :1. (Burton, et al) May 4, 1981 1) Install fire hydrant near driveway. 2) No tree removal is approved. 3) Possible installation of asphalt berming along Olmeda to control drainage. 4) Minimize grading. 5) Condominium units shall be air space units. 6) Floor plans shall be revised to eliminate possible use of "studios" as bedrooms. 7) Applicant shall obtain Tract number from the County. 8) Consideration of Conditional Negative Declaration covering provisions for limiting tree removal and drainage control. 9) Zoning approval will entail a Departmental Review. Applicant should contact the Planning Department for procedures required therewith. • FINDINGS 1. The application as presented will not have a significant effect upon the environment and the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report is not necessary. 2 . The application as submitted conforms to the applicable zoning regulations and is consistent with the 1980 Atascadero General Plan. RECOMMENDATION Based upon the above findings, the Planning Department recommends : A) Issuance of a Conditional Negative Declaration as follows : 1. That provision shall be made to preserve and protect signi- ficant mature trees on the site. 2 . Adequate provisions shall be made for drainage and erosion control and protection in conjunction with site development; and, B) Approval of Tentative Tract Map AT 810224 :1 subject to the • following conditions: 1 . Sewage disposal shall be by connection to the community sewer and a Note so stating shall appear on the Final Map. Page Three Staff Report: Tentative Tract Map AT 810224 :1 (Burton, . et al) May 4 , 1981 2. Evidence shall be provided to the Planning Department by the Atascadero Sanitation District indicating that they are willing and able to serve additional connections, and that operable facilities are available and ready for connection to the units being created. 3 . Water shall be obtained from the Atascadero Mutual Water Company; will serve letter shall be submitted prior to filing of Final Map and water operable facilities shall exist at the property frontage prior to filing of the Final Map. 4 . Drainage shall be controlled by installing a 6" a.c. berm along the property frontage on Olmeda. An encroachment permit shall be obtained from the Public Works Department for work to be done in the City right-of-way. Said drain- age improvements shall be .installed prior to the recordation of the Final Map. 5. The developer shall establish Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (C,C,&Rs) for the regulation of land use, • control of nuisances and architectural control of all buildings and facilities . a) These CC&Rs shall be submitted for review and approval by the City Attorney and the Planning Department prior to approval of the Final Map. b) These CC&Rs shall be administered by a Condominium Homeowners Association. 6 . A preliminary soils report by a Registered Civil Engineer to be submitted and approved prior to the filing of the Final Map. A final soils report by a a Registered Civil Engineer to be submitted and approved prior to the final acceptance of the improvements . 7 . The applicant shall secure Departmental Review approval prior to construction of units and prior to recordation of the Final Map. 8 . That all conditions of approval herein specified are to be complied with prior to the filing of the Final Map. 9. Approval of this Tentative Tract Map shall expire 18 months from the date of this approval unless an extension of time is granted pursuant to a written request prior to the . expiration date. Page Four Staff Report: Tentative Tract Map AT 810224 :1 (Burton, et al) May 4 , 1981 10. A Final Map in compliance with all conditions set forth herein shall be submitted for review and approval in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act and the City Lot Division Ordinance prior to recordation. a. Monuments shall be set at all property corners and a Registered Civil Engineer or licensed land surveyor shall submit a letter certifying that the monuments have been set prior to recordation, unless certifica- tion is received that corners are already monumented. `1 b. A Final title policy (CTLA or ATLA) shall be submitted for review in conjunction with the processing of the Final Map. ACTION The Planning Commission should by motion direct Staff as deemed appropriate. • TO APPROVE: Motion to adopt findings and set conditions. TO DENY: Motion setting findings for denial. REPORT PREPARED BY: fy� MARY E. EATIE Associa Planner REPORT APPROVED BY: au - LAWRENCE STEVENS Planning Director • /Ps l S d 20.��.� 39 r v ern a 15 37 27 s f�47/ / 173 le 3 �/. / 14 27-A 3 0 172 176-' 12 Par + 39 40 41 5 a 1 13 8 5-14 6 49 o'i\ � P-362 p i 15 39 7 s �2 �� i \ 6 4 6 7 36 �s I •� 'eO 40 ~ 1 2 to , 9 _ 31 32 43 �� ��` C� 23 e6 ip .. O 3/ _- EB3f (�-519 2 L Q 44 30 A L'�'(( 20 f I r 45 29 .13 � z it•. �^ 9 ri7 6 _ r 211 22 23 24 14 al 28 - 4 1,3 46 49 2 r a prc 3 2 1 1 t 50 12 (�\ 17 (� 4) h� T r4 rb 9 /A •L1 I2 _lam --- �` /tom• a ti /s;; 1 N � __ � _. V '� '7 S M 1 0 �3 `t'i Js �•.. ��•' �� h h i J:57 3 12 / I / t9 50 6� 61tq O,� lb . d c°0 r, /0 u�O22C 4` V �q�C V 49 Y/�'P`�` 'Y 1,' / 2*i� s• ..�q o\ 29 / 30 \ r �P G�� L 7 _c` ;o z tL-J i e° O,? 7255 C86) / ;1 i I rs A 2880 9 1800 5 c. 68 S.F. ., Iva �� C -K II K P LQ) �•- - S FEnU J: t � ' ry �J 3 4`` + IoAFIM 11, ' l ,- I Y _ �°-^ dJ a^Cc5 y u� o K-tee D L � �I � ..,r ,x• i � I I3 G _ �•m_ p a._`,t.,_ S�y k�;.s����(`/E7 F '' � K IO OII z ' S' CA.i?E � �'\�uwi i '_`�: �w'� � � GU85t°/�.0 nG;••; M_E M_O_R_A_N_D_U M TO: City Council FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: Stanford Clinton appeal The attached memo from the Planning Director covers the major issues involved in the remodeling of Milt' s to accom- modate the new bar and restaurant, McCarthy's. Attached are the Fire Chief ' s comments which address the problem of fire safety in publicly occupied buildings. The Fire Chief 's observation that the Fire Code does not allow the Council the option of waiving standards for fire safety conditions is appropriate. However, the Council does have the authority ' to interpret the meaning of Code requirements. You cannot, however, waive the conditions applicable to a ,particular use or factual circumstances. The underlying issue is one of public safety and I need only point out some of the recent Las Vegas incidents to underline the necessity for fire safety in public areas and to be certain that the City is properly discharging its responsibility. Mr. ,Scholz is appealing on the basis of a past continuous use which, unfortunately, does not permit ignoring fire and safety requirements. If the applicant can suggest alternate modifi • cations which can still meet the Fire Code, then these should be considered by the Council in judging the appeal . It appears, at least from the Staff's view point, that the Code requirements are clear in requiring a solution to the fire and safety problems in the building. To knowingly ignore those requirements is to subject the City and the public to possible damage. M Y WARDEN MLW:ad 5-7-81 M E M O R A N D U M TO: CITY MANAGER May 5, 1981 FROM: PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: APPEAL OF PLANNING DIRECTOR'S DECISION CONCERNING BUILDING CODE REQUIREMENTS LOCATION: 6195 El Camino Real APPLICANT: Stanford Clinton (John Scholz) REQUEST: To allow use of side door and second floor meeting , room which use was restricted by conditions' placed on building permit BACKGROUND The applicant has been altering an existing bar/restaurant formerly known as Milt' s Lounge and intends to reopen the facility as McCarthy' s To that end the following permits have been issued: 1. Permit No. 277 - to install new air conditioning unit (issued_November 10 , -1980) • 2. Permit No. 481 - to install new 400 amp, three phase electrical service, new circuit breakers and circuits and to relocate existing receptacles (issued March 26 , 1981) 3. Permit No. 482 - to install 33 sq. ft. wall sign on building front (issued April 9 , 1981) 4. Permit No. 483 - to construct new awning over front entrance (issued April 9 , 1981) 5. Permit No. 492 - to alter existing plumbing in conjunction with kitchen remodel (issued April 2 , 1981) 6. Permit No. 493 - to remodel existing building including .repair of parapet wall, new front facade, changes in doors and windows (issued April 9, 1981) In conjunction with Permit No. 493 the following conditions were imposed: 1. Per 3303 (j) all 'additional doors to comply with Code minimum (exit signs, 3 ' minimum width, complying risers, panic hard- ware) OR modify doors so no public use. This can be done by sealing doors off completely or by keeping doors locked during business hours and signing them as service entrance only. (This note applied to the two side doors. ) . Page Two Memorandum: Appeal of Planning Director' s Decision May 5, 1981 2. Provide written statement that second floor area not to be used (except for storage) until exiting complies or provide complying exits (widen second floor door to 3 ` , provide non- combustible stairway per 3305 (n) , provide additional exit signs, provide 44 corridor to sidewalk) . It should be noted that two second floor exits conforming to Code are required per 3302 and 3303 (j) . (This note applied to rear stairway from second floor. ) Per the attached letter the applicant/business owner is appealing ; these conditions. According to Atascadero Municipal Code Section 19 . 04. 120, the City Council acts as the Board of Appeals "to deter- mine the suitability of alternate materials and types of construction and to provide for reasonable interpretations. " STAFF COMMENTS The remodeling of any older building presents a difficult problem for a building official in determining how far to go in complying • with new or changed requirements. In this case, the plans were reviewed by the Chief Building Inspector, the Fire Chief, and the Planning Director. Effort was made to determine to what extent Building Code requirements should be satisfied based upon the extent of the remodeling. It was determined that certain Building Code requirements including provision for handicapped restrooms, provision for full compliance with handicapped access , and up- grading of all electrical and plumbing systems to current Codes and that certain zoning ordinance regulations applicable to nonconforming uses including provision for off-street parking need not be complied with based upon review of regulations . However, with concern for public safety as the underlying consid- eration, it was determined that the exiting system should comply with current Codes. The following factors support that decision: 1. Section 203 of the Uniform Building Code states that "all buildings or structures which are structurally unsafe or not provided with adequate egress (emphasis added) , or which constitute a fire hazard, or are otherwise dangerous to human life. . .are. . .unsafe buildings. All such unsafe buildings are hereby declared to be public nuisances and shall be abated by repair, rehabilitation, . . . . . " while the City does not have an active abatement program, it seems clear that permits for any extensive remodeling of buildings not provided with ade- quate egress should include corrective measures. Adequate • egress must be defined as compliance with current exiting requirements for the particular type of use. Page Three • Memorandum: Appeal of Planning Director' s Decision May 5, 1981 2. The proposed remodeling undertook revisions to the exiting system by altering exit corridors by installing booths and tables and by altering doors by installing new ones including panic hardware and changing the direction of swing. Accord- ing to Uniform Building Code Section 103 , alterations and repairs shall comply with provisions for new buildings (i .e. current Code requirements) . Certain exceptions are made based on the percentage of the value of the_alteration but new construction is generally required to comply with current standards. 3. Title 19 of the State Fire Marshall 's regulations reinforces the Uniform Building Code exiting standards by reference. It further states that they "shall govern the use and maintenance of any building or structure used or intended for use as a . . . .place of public assemblage where 50 or more persons may gather. . . .for the purpose of. . . .drinking or dining. . . . and shall apply to both new and existing occupancies. " This and related sections clearly provide for compliance with accepted standards for exiting by existing buildings with certain occupancies to promote fire and panic safety. Furthermore, • such compliance can be required whether remodeling or not. The Fire Chief (see attached memo) also .points out that these regulations cannot be waived, although alternate means of compliance are possible if consistent with the intent of the Code. It might also be pointed out that two complying exits are provided and, since that is the minimum number required based on the occu- pant load, the side doors need not comply. However, Uniform Building Code Section 3303 (j) provides that additional egress doors conform to all exiting standards. In noting the conditions placed on the permit, it should be under- stood that the primary concern was public safety but, rather than require the building to be modified now, an alternative restricting public use was also provided as an option. These restrictions (i.e. side door for deliveries, second floor for storage) minimized hazardous conditions for the general public while not requiring expenditures necessary to correct the problems at this time. There is no disagreement concerning the standards which constitute an exiting system, but rather whether those standards should be applied in this case. There is no question that other work proposed will make the building safer (upgrading electrical service, pro- viding panic hardware, changing direction of door swing, fire • extinguishers, etc. ) but safety must be measured in terms of Code standards. Selective compliance with some but not all standards, while possibly being safer, is not sufficient. A safe exiting system must be defined as compliance with all applicable Code • Page Four Memorandum: Appeal of Planning Director' s Decision May 5, 1981 standards . In addition, it must be remembered that the Code standards are minimums and are based on both testing and practi- cal experience. It should also be made clear that the Building Code and State Fire Marshall regulations cannot simply be waived, only interpreted. The appeal consideration should be limited to whether or not the regulations apply as a permit condition in this situation, since no alternate means of compliance, other than an upgraded status quo, is proposed. However, it should also be recognized that the 3 Fire Chief and/or Chief Building Inspector could have enforced exiting regulations without the remodeling if the building was determined to be unsafe or hazardous . Taking such corrective measures in conjunction with a permit is a logical and reasonable extension of those authorities , especially in light of the amount of work performed in this situation. RECOMMENDATION • The Planning Director recommends that the appeal be denied. It should be noted that both the Fire Chief and the Chief Building Inspector support this recommendation. LAWRENCE STEVENS Planning Director • f� NOME OFFICE 438.1 DS TOWER Consolidatcd 1Dropert1C,5 Corporation M,NNEA.OLIS.EMINNESOTA 55402 a ���....••• P.O.BOX 1.188 • SAN LUIS OBISPO.CALIFORNIA 93406 ." k''"nFt'"w'•�.+ PHONE (805) 541-4000 April 17, 1981 Mr. Lawrence L. Stevens, Planning Director City of Atascadero P. 0. Box 747 Atascadero, CA 93422 Dear Mr. Stevens: The purpose of this letter is to officially request K r a variance from two of your department's requirements in connection with the remodel of McCarthy's, =� 6195 El Camino Real, Atascadero. ti •I use the word "remodel"; but, as you know, the work being done is predominently non-structural and is actually more accurately described as a re-decoration, <T involving cosmetic changes only. In all cases it has been our purpose to upgrade existing conditions and make it a more safe and efficient facility for both --.--- ��; customers and employees. The specific decisions which we wish to appeal are: 1) Prohibition of use of side door. This entrance has been used for many years by our customers; and, in fact, it is the only � « entrance used by many of our regular customers. While it is not a required exit for the building, the work we have done only improves the safety of an existing, regularly used exit. Specifically, prior to now this was a windowless door with a standard, domestic type latch and knob and which opened into the building. We replaced it with a door of the same size and substituted code complying panic hardware for the original as well as changing it to open to the outside. This door now also has a large window so that the approach or proximity of someone can be viewed from either side. This exit has always been in regular use; we have only made it safer. -- We respectfully request that we be allowed to } t� continue using it. L 5 Mr. Lawrence L. Stevens, -2- April 17, 1981 Planning Director City of Atascadero P. 0. Box 747 Atascadero, CA 93422 2) Prohibition of use of the second floor meeting room. This room has been also in regular use as a { meeting room for various local and civic groups for many, many years. We have done nothing to change the room -- not even to re- wx « » decorate. We have only improved both the existing exits from the room. The interior stairway was previously open to the first floor dining room. In compliance with code requirements we have erected a one-hour fire rated partition to seal off the stairway. The exterior stairway safety has been improved also. We have bricked shut the first floor window which faced the stairway with concrete blocks to prevent a first floor fire from breaking out the window and engulfing the outside stairs. The probability of both a fire blocking the inside stairway and the out- side one at the same time is, in fact, extremely remote. The present exit door and the exterior stairway are not 36"wide, but have been used for years in t their present condition and do not present a R hazard. As previously stated, these prior existing conditions have been a normal part of the building for many years. They existed when we purchased it in September, 1979. We have done nothing to diminish the safety of the exits and have, in fact Y P vastly improved their safety. There- _ fore, we respectfully request that we be allowed to continue using the side door and the upstairs meeting room. We will appreciate a hearing on ,the above appeal before the Atascadero City Council at the earliest possible date. Sincerely, • John R. Scholz, General Manager p JRS:mak Y .:lK _M_E_M_O_R_A_N_D_U_M_ TO: Planning Directory FROM: Fire Chief Cl SUBJECT: McCarthy' s The authority to require this facility to comply with exit requirements is contained in the State Fire Marshal' s Regulations (Title 19 C .A.C . , copies of pertinent pages attached) . , Section 1 .03 Scope specifically lists "night clubs. . . " or similiar place of assemblage where 50 or more persons may gather " . .for the purpose, of. amusement, entertainment, . . . drinking or dining. . . Section 1 .04 Basis, describes the basis for these regulations. It says requirements are made . .by the inspection authority, shall be provided to afford a degree of safety to occupants of the building. . ." . Section 1 .09 Standard Fire Prevention Practices lists • the specific nationally recognized codes to be used as " . . .guides in determening recognized fire prevention prac- tics." . This also adopts, by reference, the 1979 edition of the Uniform Building Code . .for the purpose of estab- lishing minimum requirements relative to the . . . and to control conditions hazardous to life or property in the use or occupancy of buildings or premises." Section 1 .12 Enforcement Agency lists the agencies responsible for enforcement of these regulations. It says "The provisions of these regulations shall be enforced by the State Fire Marshal, the chief or any city or county fire department . . . and their authorized representatives, in their respective areas of jurisdiction." Article 2 starting with Section 2 .01 governs the method of appeals. I interpret this Article to say that the enforcing agency may approve an alternate means of complying with these regulations if the alternate satisfactorily complies with the intent of these regulations. I read this to mean we do not have the authority to waive any regulation required by this code . I believe our application of these regulations to the above named occupancy is consistant with nationally recog- nized ecog nized fire prevention codes and the 1979 edition of the Uniform Building Code. • MEMORANDUM: McCarthy' s Page Two May 5, 1981 I also interpret Article 2 to exclude appeal to the City Council. Appeal must be made to the enforcing agency and then to the State Fire Marshal only. DS :sv x • M E M 0_R A N_D U M : TO: CITY MANAGER May 5, 1981 FROM: PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT GP 810108 :1 LOCATION: Capistrano and South Mall Extension (Lot 1 of Hotel Park) APPLICANT: Don Messer REQUEST: To allow a change in land use designation from High Density Multiple Family ResidentialtoRetail Commercial ; On April 6 , 1981 the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing unanimously authorizing a Conditional Negative Declaration and directing preparation of a resolution approving the requested change to a Retail Commercial. On April 20 , 1981 the Planning Commission unanimously adopted Resolution No. 1-81setting forth findings and approving the General Plan Amendment. The Staff Report and Resolution are attached. There was extensive discussion among the Planning Commission on this application and it focused on the recommended environmental determination with consideration towards a focused E.I .R., on the need for multiple family residential property in the City, on the possible improvement to area-wide circulation if the projected resulted in construction of the Lewis Avenue Bridge and on the potential revitalization to the downtown business :area that could result. Concern was expressed if a shopping center-type use resulted and if the bridge did not become a reality. Don Messer, applicant, spoke regarding his intended development of the site (offices, bank, restaurant, accessory commercial) , and indicated his support for the recommendation. ; Dennis Bethel, engineer for the project, indicated a willingness to participate in the bridge project. Joseph Grisanti spoke in opposition to the change indicating that the project would destroy the downtown and that there were already too many shopping center areas in town. John Wright and Norm Norton spoke in favor of the project. LAWRENCE STEVENS MURRAY L. WARDEN Planning Director City Manager /ps x a, �r;�„v�F r ' '� CITY OF ATASCADERO • I91 d; G rr `i79 Planning Department April 6 , 1981 STAFF REPORT SUBJECT: GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT GP 810108 :1 LOCATION: Lot 1 of Hotel Park near Capistrano and the South Mall extension REQUEST: To allow change in land use designation from High Density Multiple Family Residential to Retail Commercial APPLICANT: Donald Messer BACKGROUND 1. Existing Zoning C-1-C-D 2. General Plan: High Density Multiple Family 3 . Environmental Determination: An initial study environmental description form has been completed. The Planning Director has prepared a Conditional Negative Declaration indicating that no significant adverse environmental effects are likely to occur if certain mitigation measures are incorporated into the project. 4. Site Conditions: The site is presently undeveloped and is sloping with vegetation consisting of grasses and many oaks . Other land uses in the vicinity include a multi-unit condo- minium project, a local shopping center, some mixed residential and a bank. 5 . Project Description: The applicant is requesting a change in the 1980 General Plan land use designation from High Density Multiple Family Residential to Retail Commercial. It has been indicated that the primary purpose of the request is to allow development of the approximately ten acre site with financial/ professional uses, including a bank, savings and loan, and professional offices and with compatible, accessory commercial uses (i .e restaurant) . STAFF COMMENTS In reviewing this request, it seems that there are a number of major issues which have to be considered. These include traffic and circulation, the need for multi-family residential land, the need for commercial land, the impact on the downtown- business area, and the land use pa-tern for the area. In these comments emphasis will be directed primarily towards multiple family residential use and commercial/office use in general with regard to the specific land use designations.