HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 06/09/1980 AGENDA - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting June 9 , 1980 7 : 30 p.m. Atascadero Administration Building Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Invocation Roll Call Public Comment NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC All matters listed under Item A, Consent Calendar, are con- sidered to be routine and will be enacted by one motion in the form listed below. There will be no separate discussion of these items . If discussion is required, that item will be removed from the Con- sent Calendar and will be considered separately. Vote may be by roll call. A. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Minutes of the regular meeting of May 27 , 1980 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 2. Approval of paying invoice from Danial J. Stewart & Assoc. for pre-incorporation mapping and descriptions in the amount of $4 ,526 . 94 (RECOhLMEND APPROVAL) 3. Request of Douglas R. Lewis to include public comfort facility expenditure in 1980-81 budget (RECOMMEND ITEM BE DEFERRED TO JUNE 23 , 1980 BUDGET HEARING) 4. AL 80-13, proposed lot line adjustment of portions of Lot 9 , Block 4 , Atascadero Colony, Portola Road - Miller (Hilliard) (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) 5. AL 80-16 , proposed lot line adjustment of Lot 1 , Block 45 , Atascadero Colony and Parcel B of CO 67-33 , Balboa and San Fernando Roads - Hope (Stewart) (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION REC=NIENDATION) 6 . AL 80-14, proposed lot line adjustment of Lots 221 and 223 , Block NC, Atascadero Colony, E1 Verano and Curvado - Atascadero Mutual Water Company (Stewart) (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) 7. CO 79-91, proposed lot division of Lot 27, Block 47, Atascadero Colony, San Fernando Road - Aggson/Vreeken (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) 8. CO 78-121, proposed lot division of Lot 10 , Block 33 , Atascadero Colony, San Gabriel Road - Lewis (Hilliard) (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) 9. AT 78-107 , proposed lot division of Lot 18 , Block 33 , Atascadero Colony, San Gabriel Road - Davis (Hilliard) (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) 10. AT 79-265 , proposed lot division of a portion of Lot 1 , Block JB and Lot 5 , Block GB , Atascadero Colony, Vega Avenue - Heath/Rehbock (Hilliard) (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) AGENDA - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting June 9 , 1980 Page Two A. CONSENT CALENDAR (cont. ) 11. Acceptance of Parcel Map AT 79-139 - Hartman (Bray) (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) B. HEARINGS, APPEARANCES AND REPORTS 1. Appearance of representatives of citizens ' committee to retain present location of the Children' s Library C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Ordinance No. 22 amending the zoning map by placing certain properties in the C-2-D zone - second reading 2 . Ordinance No. 23 establishing a Police Department and creating the office of Chief of Police - second reading D. NEW BUSINESS 1. Consideration of Handicapped Transportation Joint Powers Agreement 2 . Resolution No. 9-80 establishing business license fees E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION 1. City Council 2. City Attorney 3. City Manager MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting May 27 , 1980 7 : 30 p.m. Atascadero Administration Building The meeting was called to order at 7 : 30 p.m. by Mayor Wilkins with the Pledge of Allegiance. Reverend Bill Haw of the Covenant Church gave the invocation. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Councilmen Highland, Mackey, Nelson, Stover and Mayor Wilkins ABSENT: None PUBLIC COMMENT 1. Bob Wertz of the Atascadero Chamber of Commerce advised of Chamber activities and noted that the Chamber was willing to assist the City in any way possible. 2 . Charlotte Bryne stated that she wished to speak to the Administration Building renovation. She was advised that she would be given an opportunity when that item came up on the agenda. A. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Minutes of the regular meeting of May 12 , 1980 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 2 . Treasurer' s Report, 4-23-80 to 5-20-80 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 3. Request for funds from Santa Lucia Area Council, Inc. , Boy Scouts of America (RECOPMIEND ITEM BE DEFERRED FOR CON- SIDERATION DURING BUDGET HEARINGS) 4. Parcel Map AT 79-43 - Pahler (RECOMMEND ACCEPTANCE) MOTION: Councilman Mackey moved for approval of the Consent Calendar. The motion was seconded by Councilman Nelson and unanimously carried by roll call vote. B. HEARINGS, APPEARANCES AND REPORTS 1. Report by Public Works Director concerning Administration Building renovation Larry McPherson reviewed the estimated costs for the building renovation based on working drawings. These are the final estimates prior to preparation of the final plans and specifications which will be brought back to Council prior to requesting bids . The previously reported preliminary estimate was $334 , 500 but it did not include MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting May 27 , 1980 Page Two Architect' s fees or the telephone system. The Architect's and Engineer ' s fees are estimated to be $42 ,000 and the telephone system to be $35 , 500. Based on preliminary construction drawings, the renovation estimate is $362 , 500 which includes plumbing, heating, restrooms , electrical and structural work for the basement, first and second floors. Mr. McPherson reviewed the time-table for completion of the final drawings and bids . It was noted that the major costs were for bringing the building into conformance with safety and building use standards. There were objections from Charlotte Bryne and Donna Porter with regard to relocating the Children ' s Library. They felt it would be less costly to leave the library in its present location. 2. City Clerk' s certification of sufficiency for "Voters ' Fee Approval Ordinance" petition and City Attorney' s report concerning same Mr. Warden and Mr. Grimes reviewed their respective memos regarding this matter. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Council direct the City Clerk to file the Petition and that the Council take no action to call an election at this time pending the de- cision on the appeal in the case of the City of Atascadero vs. Daly for the reasons set forth in the City Attorney ' s report to the Council of May 20 , 1980; and also that the reports of the City Clerk and City Attorney each be approved and attached to the minutes of this meeting as a part of the official record. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and unanimously carried by roll call vote. 3. City Attorney ' s review of significant pending Federal and State court actions Mr. Grimes reviewed his Report and recommended the City partici- pate in an amicus brief in the case of City of Barstow, et al. , v. Superior Court. This case involved a decision which asserted that awarding of a contract constitutes a legislative act, and, hence, is subject to the referendum process. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that the City participate as recommended by the City Attorney. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and unanimously carried. C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Ordinance No. 22 amending the Zoning Map by placing certain properties in the C-2-D zone - first reading It was noted that this matter had been considered at the last Council meeting and Staff had been directed to prepare the implementing ordinance. MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting May 27 , 1980 Page Three MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Ordinance No. 22 be read by title only. The motion was seconded by Councilman Nelson and unanimously carried. Mayor Wilkins read Ordinance No. 22 by title only. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that this constitute the first reading of Ordinance No. 22 . The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey and unanimously carried by roll call vote. D. NEW BUSINESS 1. Ordinance No. 23 establishing a Police Department and creating the office of Chief of Police - First reading MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Ordinance No. 23 be read by title only. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey and unanimously carried. Mayor Wilkins read Ordinance No. 23 by title only. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that this constitute the first reading of Ordinance No. 23 . The motion was seconded by Councilman Nelson and unanimously carried by roll call vote. 2. Possible Atascadero/Paso Robles combined recreation programs Mr. Warden reviewed his memo regarding this matter and noted that there may be benefits for both cities both financially and in utilization of departmental staff. The City of Atascadero would maintain a recreation supervisor in the City to act as a focal point for local contact and to coordinate use of local resources. Council members discussed the concept and agreed that the matter should be explored further. 3 . Consideration of Agreement for Animal Control Services Mr. Warden reviewed the agreement and its cost to the City. 140TION: Councilman Highland moved for the approval of the Agreement for Animal Control Services. The motion was seconded by Councilman Nelson and unanimously carried by roll call vote. E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION 1. City Council (a) Councilman Stover asked about getting a surety bond for the City employees. Mr. Warden advised that the Staff was presently in the process of securing such a bond. MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting May 27 , 1980 Page Four (b) Councilman Highland stated that he would like to see a parking ordinance developed for E1 Camino Real and some other key areas in the City. (c) Mayor Wilkins appointed Councilman Highland to the County Water Advisory Committee. 2 . City Attorney Mr. Grimes had nothing to report 3. City Manager (a) Mr. Warden reviewed the progress of hiring of Police Department personnel and the status of them assuming police responsibilities on July 1st. (b) Mr. Warden advised that he would have to bring a transfer voucher to Council for approval in order to pay for the maps and boundary descriptions provided by Daniel J. Stewart & Assoc. prior to incorporation. The total amount of the bill is $4 , 526 . 94 . (c) Mr. Warden reviewed a proposed agreement between the City and the County for the use of effluent from the Wastewater Treatment Plant for irrigating the golf course. The only point of possible disagreement was the provision that the City not charge the County for the water at any time in the future. It was suggested that the provision would be acceptable as required by the grant through 1995 but that charges after that date should be negotiated. Council agreed with their suggestion. (d) Mr. Warden advised the Council that he had received a petition from property owners along E1 Camino Real who were upset about the County street widening project. They feel that the County is not using proper base material and that they had not properly consulted property owners prior to starting work as well as other complaints. There was discussion regarding this matter. Mr. Warden noted that the County was required to meet state and federal standards in this project since it was funded by federal and state money. (e) Mr. Warden reminded the Council that budget study session will begin at 9 : 00 a.m. on Saturday, May 31 , 1980 in the Rotunda Room. (f) Mr. Warden reminded the Council that the League of California Cities Channel Counties Division Meeting is to be held on June 13th. MINUTES - ATASCADOO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting May 27 , 1980 Page Five The meeting adjourned at 9: 20 p.m. Recorded by: MURRAY L. WARDEN, City Clerk By: Ardith Davis Deputy City Clerk M_E M_O_R_A_N_D_U M_ TO: City Manager FROM: Finance Director SUBJECT: Payment for Services, Daniel J. Stewart & Assoc . Attached is the pertinent correspondence and state- ments pertaining to services provided by Daniel J. Stewart and Associates for preparing mapping and descrip- tions in the incorporation of the City. As you briefed the Council on May 27, 1980 , this is a legitimate expenditure chargeable to a new city upon incorporation. It is recommended that the Council approve, by motion, the expenditure of $4 , 526. 94 which includes $4 , 376. 00 for services rendered and $150 . 94 for repro- duction costs. (��, ��.-- RALPH H. DOWELL, JR. RHD:ad 6-3-80 STATEMENT DAN I EL J. STEWART & ASSOC. ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS POST OFFICE BOX 2038 y PHONE (805) 238-0700 531 TWELFTH STREET, PASO ROBLES, CALIFORNIA 93446 City of Atascadero Veterans Memorial Building Atascadero, Cal 93422 L Date .................................... Amount S.........._......... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - June 29 , 1979 Job #BP Blueprinting Invoice #2568 $150. 94 Tentative Map Preliminary Title Report Final Map Survey Plan & Profile Outside Fees Material & Mileage Reproduction TERMS: Payment is due and payable upon receipt of this statement. If we receive payment of the felt amount shown on this statement within 25 days of the billing date you will avold a FINANCE CHARGE The FINANCE CHARGE, if any, is computed by a "periodic rate' of 154,7, per month which is an ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE of 18% applied to the previous balance atter &ducting wrrent payments appearing an this statement. DAIEL J. STEWART & ASSIC. ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS Post Office Box 2038 Post Office Box 687 531 Twelfth Street 4401 EI Camino Real Paso Robles, CA 93446 Atascadero, CA 93422 (805) 238-0700 (805) 466-5717 May 21, 1980 Harris Hesketh Dear Harris: Enclosed please find: 1. My statement for $4376. 00 2 . A letter explaining the changes and revisions that took place prior to final approval of the City boundaries . The statement for $4376 . 00 does not include the reproduction cost of $150 . 94 which has been submitted to the City but not paid as of yet. I have in my possession at the Atascadero Office the original maps and description which have received approval of all required agencies. I also have milars of the map which appear to look better than the originals . Upon receipt of payment I will be most happy to provide the City with the originals or the milars . Thank you for your attention in all aspects of this project. Very truly yours, DANIEL J. TEWART, R.C.E. DJS/lh D04IEL J. STEWART & ASAC. - ENGINEERS t7 SURVEYORS Post Office Box 2038 Post Office Box 687 531 Twelfth Street 4401 EI Camino Real Paso Robles, CA 93446 Atascadero, CA 93422 (805) 238-0700 (805) 466-5717 May 21, 1980 Incorporation Committee C/O Harris Hesketh Atascadero, CA. 93422 Job #78181 Statement for services rendered to prepare mapping and description on the Incorporation of the City of Atascadero, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California. Services rendered to Atascadero Advisory Committee 11-25-78 - 51-3/4 hours @ $40/hour $2070. 00 Reproduction 44.40 1-25-78 - 38 hours @ $40/hour $1520 . 00 Reproduction 41. 60 3-13-79 - 17 1/2 hours @ $40/hour $ 700.00 Total $4376. 00 DAIEL J. STEWART & ASSOC. ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS Post Office Box 2038 Post Office Box 687 531 Twelfth Street 4401 EI Camino Real Paso Robles, CA 93446 Atascadero, CA 93422 (805) 238-0700 (805) 466-5717 May 21, 1980 Incorporation Committee C/O Harris Hesketh Atascadero, CA. 93422 RE: Atascadero Incorporation; Mapping and Description Dear Gentlemen: We started the project for the latest incorporation in July, 1978. My estimate to submit to L.A.F.C.O, was $600 . 00 plus reproduction. The method of map preparation and legal description was to be the same as I had pursued during the previous incorporation attempt in 1973. The first boundaries submitted included portions of Blocks 89 , 78 , 79 , 92 , 93, and 94 and all below Santa Barbara Road except the Eagle Ranch. Description and Map went to the centerline of roads where applicable. This map was submitted in August for checking. On August 29, we received the package back. The main concern at this time, according to the county Surveyor, was that defining calls must be made for each course along the boundary of Atascadero. This was entirely different from the 1973 project. I revised the map and description and resubmitted on August 31, 1978. This excluded the area in Blocks 89 , 78, 79, 92 , 93 , and 94 . On September 26 , 1978 , I received a letter from L.A.F .C.O. with several changes and modifications and the main recommendation was that the description follow the sides of the road ways. Also at this time and prior to next submittal, the boundaries were more clearly defined such as omitting below Santa Barbara Road, clarifying the intersection of Santa Barbara and Atascadero Roads , including and excluding portions of Block 74 , including and excluding portions in Block 68 , and omitting the County and State held properties at the golf course. In October and November, calculations and revisions were made and was submitted to L.A.F.C.O. on November 8 . r DANIEL J. STEWART &&SOC., ENGINEERS & SUR*ORS Incorporation Committee Page two May 21, 1980 On November 17, project was returned for minor corrections. Final input from the advisory committee was made to clarify omissions and exclusions to incorporation boundary including Block 67 , 68 , 64, and. 65. Because of the detailing in these area, additional sheets had to be prepared along with calculations justifying the courses. This was submitted on about January 22 , 1979 . On January 25, we received final corrections sheet from L.A.F.C .O. Because of numerous changes to sheets 2 and 3, we went through and redrafted these sheets to coordinate courses shown thereon with Sheet 1. We resubmitted on or about January 31. On February 9 , we received notification that map and descriptions were accepted. In June , we submitted prints of the City Boundaries and copies of the legal description. Very truly yours, DANIEL J. EWART, R.C.E. DJS/lh '� SSOCI �4T�S th POST OFFICE BOX 1017 ATASCADERO. CALIFORNIA 93422 .Tune 3, 1980 The Right Honorable Council of the City of Atascadero Administration Building Lewis Avenue Atascadero , California Your Honor ; Members of the Council: Directly addressing the budgetary priorities of the City of Atascadero now before you , and seeking to secure a visible , necessary , prudent, timely, and conscionable first service loi:g overdue to the people of Atascadero IT IS URGENTLY AP.D PURPOSEFULLY REQUESTED that the Council taae immeciiate and forthright action to instruct the inclusion of ablic comfort faci14t -- particularly restrooms ( and cor:veniecut drir,xcing foun .ains attached) -- in a structure extert:al and proximate to the City ?drninistration Building is a high priority item of capital Out- lay and construction in the first budget :.o:v in preparation ; and apnropriate suitable and adequate moneys for the early erection and maintenance of this facility, The planned puolic parki g lot construction opposite tae '.dmiuis- tration Buildiag is generally considered to be a very suitable location and timing for placing a public restroom external to ti.e Ad Building and easily accessible at ground level oy all persons . There are alread;;* full service utility lines se%•:er , water , electricity) avail- able on the property intended for acquisition. : o scarcity of argumerts in justification of this requested facil- ity, nor brevity of lists in support of this request , should deter the Council from immediate and unhesitating approval of this vit. l edifice. Your performance of this responsible public service is earnestly requested . Respectfully,� J�� � V* �— _ Douglas R. Lewis Planning Department County of San Luis Obispo May 12, 1980 Honorable Atascadero Planning Commission and City Council City of Atascadero, California Dear Ladies and Gentlemen: The following Lot Line Adjustments were reviewed by the Subdivision Review Board on May 7, 1980, and were found to comply with Section 21 .48.017 of the Lot Division Ordinance. These Lot Line Adjustments, recommended by the Subdivision Review Board for conditional approval, are as follows: 1. AL 80-13 - (Miller - Hilliard) 2. AL 80-16 - (Hope - Stewart) 3. AL 80-14 - (Atascadero Mutual Water Company - Stewart) It is recommended that the above referenced adjustments be conditionally approved with the conditions as recommended by the Subdivision Review Board and set down in their attached report. Respectfully submitted, BILL MAC DONALD Subdivision Review Section ca Attachments cc: County Engineer County Health Department ROOM 102,COURTHOUSE ANNEX•SAN LUIS OBISPO,CALIFORNIA 93408•TELEPHONE(805)549-5600 ' • 0 � M E M O R. A N D U M TO: City Manager DATE: June 4 , 1980 FROM: Planning Director SUBJECT: AL 80-13 , PROPOSED LOT LINE ADJUS 121ENT OF PORTIONS OF OF LOT 9 , BLOCK 4, ATASCADERO COLONY, PORTOLA ROAD - Miller (Hilliard) At their meeting of June 2, 1980 , the Atascadero Planning Commission reviewed this request and recommended approval subject to Conditions 1-5 as recommended by the County Subdivision Review Board. In reviewing the matter, the Planning Commission determined that the adjustment would result in a better situation than currently exists since the resulting lots would be consistent with both the zoning ordinance and the 1980 Atascadero General Plan. The appli- cants are in agreement with the recommendation of the Planning Commission. 4 GtC� LAWRENCE STENS b RAY L. ARDEN Planning Di ector Ci y Man ger kp Attach. 0 ` 3 REPORT OF THE SUBDIVISION REVIEW BOARD MEETING MAY 7, 1980 RE: AL 80-13, PROPOSED LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT OF PORTIONS OF LOT 9, BLOCK 4, ATASCADERO COLONY, PORTOLA ROAD, CITY OF ATASCADERO. (R-A-BD-1-D(506) : SINGLE FAMILY LOW DENSITY) (MILLER - HILLIARD) RECOMNIENDATION FOR APPROVAL SUPERVISORIAL DISTRICT #1 (884: 3/28/80) SRB Members in Attendance: Chairman, Colonel Sorenson, Larry Red, John Wallace, Bill MacDonald, John Hofschroer, Jerry Erickson Planning Commissioner in Attendance: Blair Shurtleff Legal Counsel Present: None PROJECT DESCRIPTION This application proposes an adjustment of the property lines of two parcels. The resulting parcels will have 1.59 acres each. The site is located on the east side of Portola Road, between Morro Road and Santa Lucia Avenue in Atascadero City. Zoning: R-A-BD-1-D(506) : "Suburban Residential' (minimum parcel size of one acre) General Plan: 1978 Atascadero General Plan: "Single Family Low Density" SPECIFIC REQUEST The applicant desires to abolish the property lines of one parcel and create two parcels of equal size. CONIMENTS The adjustment concerns the relocation of lot lines and the creation of two lots each containing 1.59 acres. A third lot, defined as Parcel "A" is not involved in the adjustment of property lines but is involved in respect to the 20 foot easement that runs along the south side of the parcel to serve Parcels "B" and "C." A small structure located on Parcel "A" encroaches into the easement and should be relocated prior to recordation. The adjustment as proposed would establish a position that is better than the existing one since the resulting lots meet the minimum require- ments of both the 1978 Atascadero General Plan and the current Zoning Ordinance. RECOMMENDATION After review of applicable General Plans and other available information, the Subdivision Review Board recommends to the Atascadero City Council that the proposed Lot Line Adjustment be found to comply with Section 21.48.017 of the Real Property Division Ordinance and that it be approved. AL 80-13 • Page 2 Although the City Planning Commission and the City Council will take final action on this project, the Subdivision Review Board may still take action on this matter. Any action taken will likely constitute an informal recommendation to the City Council. It should be noted, this staff report and the recommendations are based on County policy, procedure and ordinances. Provided that the adjustment is approved, the following conditions are hereby established: 1. All conditions of approval herein specified are to be complied with prior to the recording of Certificates of Compliance which effectuates the adjustment. Said Certificates of Compliance must be signed by all record owners and holders of interest as defined in Section 21.48.017(e) of the Lot Division and notarized. 2. The Certificates of Compliance must be filed in accordance with Section 21.48.017(e) prior to transfer of the adjusted portions of the property. 3. After approval by the Board of Supervisors, compliance with the preceding conditions will bring the proposed adjustment in conformance with the Subdivision Map Act and Section 21.48.017 of the Lot Division Ordinance. 4. The Lot Line Adjustment will expire one year (12 months) from the date of Board of Supervisors' approval, unless the Certificates of Compliance effectuating the Adjustment are recorded. S. That the existing structure that encroaches on the proposed easement be removed. DISCUSSION Mr. Hilliard attended the meeting. The Subdivision Review Board unanimously adopted the preliminary report as written. •� � e; � � 4.. s..;�- yAr 00 oc •P.TA CADERO tvv i - vo V -a �� • � /' �. • /� • .makI OFl�µ I L- V 1 r �Al, t 'w !° ..•-eY c � ' a 0 ok t ,. }P Q 14 4 p 14 C. 0NI 041 .35 _ c \ Iy •34 fit.i I \ 7.1 0 lV to V O T `J.- tc Q � 't, M Cn1 \ Z� yr bcQY e w _� a M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Manager DATE: June 4 , 1980 FROM: Planning Director SUBJECT: AL 80-16, PROPOSED LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT OF LOT 1, BLOCK 45, ATASCADERO COLONY AND PARCEL B OF CO 67-33, BALBOA AND SAN FERNANDO ROADS - Hope (Stewart) At their meeting of June 2 , 1980, the Atascadero Planning Commission reviewed this reauest and recommended approval subject to Conditions 1-4 contained in the report of the County Subdivision Review Board which had recommended denial. In reviewing the matter, it was the consensus of the Planning Commission that the change in parcel size was minimal and that the undeveloped parcel would not be adversely affected by a reduction in size due to its topography. The applicants are in agreement with the recommendation of the Plannin❑ Commission. LAWRENCE STEV NS P PRAY L. WARDEN Planning Dir for ity anager kp Attach. REPORT OF THE SUBDIVISION REVIEW BOARD MEETING MAY 7, 1980 RE: AL 80-16, PROPOSED LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT OF LOT 1, BLOCK 45 AND PARCEL "B" OF CO 67-33, AT INTERSECTION OF BALBOA AND SAN FERNANDO ROADS, CITY OF ATASCADERO. (A-1-BV-5: SUBURBAN (HOPE-STEWART) RECOMMENDATION FOR DENIAL (884: 4/21/80) SRB Members in Attendance: Acting Chairman, Larry Red, John Hofschroer, Bill MacDonald, John Wallace, Mike Doherty Planning Commissioner in Attendance: Blair Shurtleff Legal Counsel Present: None PROJECT DESCRIPTION This application proposes an adjustment of the property line between two parcels. The resulting lots will be 5. 33 and 4.13 acres respectively. The site is located at the southwest corner of the intersection of Balboa and San Fernando Roads, in the City of Atascadero. Zoning: A-1-BV-5: (Slope-related zoning) General Plan: 1978 Atascadero General Plan - Suburban (211 to 10 acre parcel size range) . SPECIFIC REQUEST The applicant wishes to shift the east property line 50 feet further east away from the existing residence. CON51ENTS In moving the property line eastward, Parcel 1 will gain .42 acres, increasing its size from 4.91 acres to 5.33 acres exclusive of road area and Parcel 2 will lose the same amount reducing its size from 4.55 acres to 4.13 acres. Based on the topography map submitted for review the average slope is between 20 and 25$. According to Section 22. 70.030 of the County Zoning Ordinance, the B-V District, the minimum allowable lot size is 6 acres. The adjustment, therefore, represents a change that would result in a less desirable situation than currently exists in respect to minimum lot area. RECOMMENDATION Although the City Planning Commission and the City Council will take final action on this project, the Subdivision Review Board may still AL 80-16 Page 2 take action on this matter. Any action taken will likely constitute an informal recommendation to the City Council. It should be noted this staff report and the recommendations are based on County policy, pro- cedure and ordinances. After review of applicable General Plans and other available infor- mation, the Subdivision Review Board recommends to the Atascadero City Council that the proposed Lot Line Adjustment be found to not comply with Section 21.48.017 of the Real Property Division Ordinance and that it be denied. Provided that the adjustment is approved, the following conditions are hereby established: 1. All conditions of approval herein specified are to be complied with prior to the recording of Certificates of Compliance which effect- uates the adjustment. Said Certificates of Compliance must be signed by all record owners and holders of interest as defined in Section 21.48.017(e) of the Lot Division and notarized. 2. The Certificates of Compliance must be filed in accordance with Section 21.48.017(e) prior to transfer of the adjusted portions of the property. 3. After approval by the Board of Supervisors, compliance with the preceding conditions will bring the proposed adjustment in con- formance with the Subdivision Map Act and Section 21.48.017 of the Lot Division Ordinance. 4. The Lot Line Adjustment will expire one year (12 months) from the date of Board of Supervisors' approval, unless the Certificates of Compliance effectuating the Adjustment are recorded. DISCUSSION Applicant's engineer attended the meeting. The Subdivision Review Board unanimously adopted the preliminary report as written. iy z _ woo E F J O O(Q V a N N N [o< Q ry T � � u U w: iow r ,p w ,• n J Jur-w G h d z '.5 1 i �I � - - - - ------- 1A \, � x � moi.�•ib,- _ �\ ✓ i - - `X _ 0 (G 11�i 1Ty N��' � 47 Jr- • M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Manager DATE: June 4 , 1980 FROM: Planning Director SUBJECT: AL 80-14, PROPOSED LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT OF LOTS 221 AND 223, BLOCK NC, ATASCADERO COLONY, EL VERANO AND CURVADO - Atascadero Mutual Water Company (Stewart) At their meeting of June 2, 1980 , the Atascadero Planning Commission reviewed this request and recommended approval subject to Conditions 1-4 as recommended by the County Subdivision Review Board. In reviewing the matter, it was the consensus of the Planning Com- mission that the change in parcel size was minimal. The applicants are in agreement with the recommendation of the Planning Commission. LAWRENCE ST TENS M R Y L. ARDEN Planning D ector Citt Man ger kp Attach. REPORT OF THE SUBDIVISION REVIEW BOARD MEETING MAY 7, 1980 RE: AL 80-14, PROPOSED LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT OF LOTS 221 AND 223, BLOCK NC, ATASCADERO CITY. (R-1-B3-D(506) : SINGLE FAMILY MODERATE DENSITY) (ATASCADERO MUTUAL WATER COMPANY - STEWART) RECOMMENDATION FOR APPROVAL (884: 4/11/80) SUPERVISORIAL DISTRICT ##1 SRB Members in Attendance: Acting Chairman, Larry Red, John Hofschroer, John Wallace, Bill MacDonald, Jerry Erickson Planning Commissioner in Attendance: Blair Shurtleff Legal Counsel Present: None PROJECT DESCRIPTION This application proposes an adjustment of the property line between two parcels. The resultant parcel will be 1. 17 acres and 0.94 acres respec- tively. The site is located on El Verano Avenue, near intersection with Dolores Avenue in Atascadero City. Zoning: R-1-B3-D(SU6) : "Single Family Residential" (minimum parcel size is 20,000 square feet) General Plan: 1978 Atascadero General Plan: "Single Family Moderate Density" Cl acre minimum parcel size if served by sewers or 13�2 acres if no sewers available) SPECIFIC REQUEST The applicant intends to relocate the property line outside the existing fence line. COMMENTS The property is located within the Urban Services Area as defined in the 1978 Atascadero General Plan. New parcels created in the Low Density Single Family category in the Urban Services Area are subject to a minimum parcel size of one acre. However, a fence enclosing the existing reservoir is partially located on the adjoining lot (Lot 221) . Based on this established use of the property, the adjust- ment will not be more non-conforming than the present situation, therefore, the adjustment is recommended for approval. RECOMMENDATION After review of applicable General Plans and other available information, the Subdivision Review Board recommends to the Atascadero City Council that the proposed Lot Line Adjustment be found to comply with Section 21.48.017 of the Real Property Division Ordinance and that it be approved. �- AL 80-14 • • Page 2 Although the City Planning Commission and the City Council will take final action on this project, the Subdivision Review Board may still take action on this matter. Any action taken will likely constitute an informal recommendation to the City Council . It should be noted this staff report and the recommendations are based on County policy, procedure and ordinances. Provided that the adjustment is approved the following conditions are recommended: 1. All conditions of approval herein specified are to be complied with prior to the recording of Certificates of Compliance which effectuates the adjustment. Said Certificates of Compliance must be signed by all record owners and holders of interest as defined in Section 21.48.017(e) of the Lot Division and notarized. 2. The Certificates of Compliance must be filed in accordance with Section 21.48.017(e) prior to transfer of the adjusted portions of the property. 3. After approval by the Board of Supervisors, compliance with the preceding conditions will bring the proposed adjustment in conformance with the Subdivision Map Act and Section 21.48.017 of the Lot Division Ordinance. 4. The Lot Line Adjustment will expire one year (12 months) from the date of Board of Supervisors' approval, unless the Certificates of Compliance effectuating the Adjustment are recorded. DISCUSSION Applicant's engineer attended the meeting. The Subdivision Review Board unanimously adopted the preliminary report as written. r J _ \♦ / r\,C � n XN , � 7 o l ' fi 4 836 1 - • 9 . K 04 � %�_ � v- -/' _- �� 1, � Y,, >, .'��e• c b '� ••- �� Li 't ij rte. bu rmo NN YP ,��•�` A��; 'o (� . .�• ' �. Ftl off_ �. . .. '`400 ' /" X �� d✓� ��1 /�' S fE,gi� .���c��- � r -. o � i¢ ��•P.TA CA DERO lik /� �. •' //�cP ;• o , A� ,0-14 181 175i9 / 180 9 ?O B 164 177 172 173 174 !2 P /p/ 2j 165 PAQ, P.t 7 P•Z$4 6 --x'72-roq G�'r5� S 169 163 171 PAR/ \\ \\%YCARI /0 PAQ`♦ x-72-i0, 91 - 166 170 /7/> 9 A per/ *F- 168\� //PAR 2 - rA�9 s� 118 167 R- 1 - F06)Al2 I 64 ros 114 (01 113 \�\yP-I 2 h/681126r1 , /s goy 379 - y 224 4 68 226 4 >3 a P 310 �� �6 ie P 158 / 222 2323 , 10 — 23/ eco.�y87 lre, a P�! N. l iy s9 19 2 �Z 1�9 cc-�S-;q3 2,3 l2o Bg e` e° 00a X60 1 1 228 229 'r - 2f3 / 05 211 // !/ 220 2/>5 / / /6 219 216 21q - / P-4 21 Al �� 2!p Og 208 207 y 'b 217 t \\ \0 8 _ 218..- 205 �\ ^ \ \0 \02 a \ 163` P-142 206 \ \ 204 ®J ° 20 B� 100 g3• C,, 1A !•.`� �� 94 / \ ryb ^ 99 9 d 202 pti \ 123 `gp 95 P_11J 16 21 / /go �B 124 yr 5 / /90 It 1490 do v v _ 155 0 Co-1'x-35 &f 192 /1 AREA ^ t I� p 5 0 ❑ m 1 156 OZ Y+K /-� MA T`A`G9 4 N Y �,/ .. ! n. ��'. /y/Yrs 1t ,• D`I. 33-5 F atiRl.0 ~aY Qmy > i p Y9:V. 88 p' /a t21, 123 a) sl".4 1 1' } 0) .41 �0 � O S JO i 2 -•r �.`ko,Sjle r�. . ! n. •i i M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Manager DATE: June 4, 1980 FROM: Planning Director SUBJECT: CO 78-121, PROPOSED LOT DIVISION OF LOT 10 , BLOCK 33 , ATASCADERO COLONY, SAN CABRIEL ROAD - Lewis (Hilliard) At their meeting of June 2, 1980 , the Atascadero Planning Commission reviewed this request and recommended that a one-year time extension be granted, as is also recommended by the County Subdivision Review Board. In reviewing this matter, the Planning Commission determined that substantial progress had been made. The applicants are in agree- ment with the recommendation of the Planning Commission. /Ia",� k"� LAWRENCE EVENS MDF( Y L. ARDEN Plannin4 irector Citr MMana er kiD Attach. REPORT OF THE SUBDIVISION REVIEW BOARD MEETING MAY 7, 1980 RE: CO 78-121, PROPOSED LOT DIVISION OF LOT 10, BLOCK 33, ATASCADERO COLONY; SAN GABRIEL ROAD, CITY OF ATASCADERO. (A-1-1'z: LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL) (LE{VIS - HILLIARD) RECOMMENDATION FOR APPROVAL OF TIME EXTENSION SRB Members in Attendance: Chairman, Colonel Sorenson, John Hofschroer, Larry Red, Bill MacDonald, John Wallace, Jerry Erickson Planning Commissioner in Attendance: Blair Shurtleff Legal Counsel Present: None PROJECT DESCRIPTION This application involves a request for extension of time to allow a subdivision of 9.7 acre site into three parcels, two at 2.5 acres and one at 4 .7 acres. The site is located on the southerly side of San Gabriel Road, west of Atascadero Avenue in the City of Atascadero. Zoning: A-1-1,: "Light Agriculture" (1=1 acre minimum) General Plan: 1978 Atascadero Area General Plan: "Low Density Residential" (2� acre minimum without sewers) COPMIENTS The subject tentative map was to expire on June 18, 1980. On April 15, 1980, the applicant's surveyor requested an extension of time. Status of property division: Check prints, surveys, and improvement plans have been completed. Construction is scheduled with improved weather according to the applicant's surveyor. A review of this request shows that the Zoning District and General Plan remain unchanged at this time. The Real Property Division Ordinance allows 12 month time extensions to be granted to a maximum of 2 years. RECOMMENDATION After review and discussion of Tentative Parcel Map CO 78-121, the Subdivision Review Board recommends to the City Council that a one year extension be granted to June 18, 1981, subject to the original conditions of approval as set forth in the minutes of the Subdivision Review Board meeting dated May 9, 1979. i DISCUSSION Mr. Hilliard attended the meeting. The Subdivision Review Board unanimously adopted the preliminary report as written. r • • I � �'\�/�J, y\ \ _p` �1� v`�'� orf+ cYy` ` i/t ~ ria. y.'•`� /I •� _ ` / �� �� - r ✓: - Sant, Pa�Fk} i<l: ,1 c I UO ,o \ a • RQA D rr 0 \� � . of 0,00 �f 00��� Ir9 l 0 36/ r"t ;✓ v N -' �, vi� �1'�j AA, , -1 zoo -� r- �� ra �.�, ¢ )Fo; �Q3 t F'W NWWGG � N P Q )• >2 W u Y N �ei 3`�� � a1, 31 W W ` < U :•Y ZV � °<^wZ> FO Q p J O�TOJOZ ��G ?� - � �a`� p w •C n 7,Oqp QU¢'o Kyy �I 1y � 2 w nd� �ywh� $ z� lvl3 WV�OFOU xN S �wQ9z �'I `vQ � �.' ;�w Z pIl oM 4r w c z.,�4__.:, ___.:.•.l _ ._. �. � y� .� ,. J S f 0 C, Ip n „ y I v Qo 0 \ � _ • . Jb of � 1; 1 1= P� I J � l o /,� doh, 0 -9 M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Manager DATE: June 4 , 1980 FROM: Planning Director SUBJECT : AT 78-107 , PROPOSED LOT DIVISION OF LOT 18, BLOCK 33 , ATASCADERO COLONY, SAN GABRIEL ROAD - Davis (Hilliard) At their meeting of June 2 , 1980 , the Atascadero Planning Commission reviewed this request and recommended that a one-year time extension be granted as is also recommended by the Countv Subdivision Review Board. In reviewing this matter, the Planning Commission determined that substantial progress had been made. The apnlicants are in agree- ment with the recommendation of the Planning Commission. ��a.4� llbtgA.�4 AIS� LAVWRENCE S VENS M Y L. ,WARDEN ' Planning rector Ci Man ger kn Attach. REPORT OF THE SUBDIVISION REVIEW BOARD MEETING MAY 7, 1980 RE: AT 78-107, PROPOSED LOT DIVISION OF LOT 18, BLOCK 33, ATASCADERO COLONY; SAN GABRIEL ROAD, CITY OF ATASCADERO. (A-1-1'-,: LOW DENSITY SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL) (DAVIS - HILLIARD) RECOMMENDATI0N FOR APPROVAL OF TIME EXTENSION SRB Members in Attendance: Colonel Sorenson, Larry Red, John Hofschroer, Bill MacDonald, John Wallace, Jerry- Erickson Planning Commissioner in Attendance: Blair Shurtleff Legal Counsel Present: None PROJECT DESCRIPTION This application involves a request for extension of time to allow a subdivision of a 5.84 acre site into 2 parcels of 3.3 and 2.5 acres each. The site is located on the south side of San Gabriel Road. Zoning: A-1-1�: "Light Agriculture" (111 acre minimum) General Plan: 1978 Atascadero Area General Plan: "Low Density Single Family Residential" (21-z acre minimum without sewer service) COMMENTS The subject tentative map was to expire on June 18, 1980. On April 10, 1980, the applicant's engineer requested an extension of time. Status of property division: The applicant indicates a field survey has been completed along with the improvement plans. A review of this request shows that the Zoning District and General Plan remain unchanged at this time. The Real Property Division Ordinance allows 12 month time extensions to be granted to a maximum of 2 years. RECOMMENDATION After review and discussion of Tentative Parcel Map AT 78-107, the Subdivision Review Board recommends to the City Council that a one year extension be granted to June 18, 1981, subject to the original conditions of approval as set forth in the minutes of the Subdivision Review Board meeting dated May 9, 1979. DISCUSSION Mr. Hilliard attended the meeting. The Subdivision Review Board unanimously adopted the preliminary report as written. j' '� F �., �`` � /� oil '�• �,� � i C+ / .� � �/y �� �V�•� � � ���, �,�' qp a ,off ��-�k` `!'� 14 Ao IZ 140 IN 0 00 f — 100 �/ V Ln 120064 COC: Co7S 01 f.lylU�Q azr 1 c\ ,� JI C.JL �J oN q/ �n Q Oho W p0' oe= ;�ay1 w v LL��aa a.Qo � � J via om W m m� �tiw - - ZZ F- O - V� �ct2 'pLu ' O o°u° cLil Qo CNK- 7 �'3✓ nTSa� ' 2 z C O OLN i�Znr. 11! 21 o Eve 6 � 1 a j V� f � 4 y^�\y O-03C VJCYIY 1^ f r" r fi v bL 6SL 36LLM y � 'It z w -- -� M j qla O p M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Manager DATE : June 4 , 1980 FROM: Planning Director SUBJECT: AT 79-265 , PROPOSED LOT DIVISION OF A PORTION OF LOT 1 , BLOCK JB AND LOT 5, BLOCK GB, ATASCADERO COLONY, VEGA AVENUE - Heath/Rehbock (Hilliard) At their meeting of June 2, 1980 , the Atascadero Planning Commission reviewed this matter and recommended that the lot division be found consistent with the General Plan and be approved subject to Conditions 1-4 as recommended by the County Subdivision Review Board. In discussing the matter, the Planning Commission expressed concern as to how the house could have been constructed within the right-of- way but concluded that the proposed road realignment would correct the error without any adverse effects . The applicants are in agreement with the recommendation of the Planning Commission. LAWRENCE S EVENS UR Y L. WARDEN Planning D rector Ci y manager kp Attach. 0 _ Planning Department County of San Luis Obispo 'J*y' May 12, 1980 Honorable Atascadero Planning Commission and City Council City of Atascadero, California Dear Ladies and Gentlemen: SUBJECT: AT 79-26S, PROPOSED LOT DIVISION OF A PORTION OF LOT 1, BLOCK J-B AND LOT 5, BLOCK G-B, CITY OF ATASCADERO. (R-A: LOW DENSITY SINGLE FMILY) (HEATH/REHBOCK - HILLIARD) SUPERVISORIAL DISTRICT #1 (884: 3/6/80) RECOMMENDATION FOR CONSISTENCY AND FOR APPROVAL At a regular meeting of the County Subdivision Review Board, the attached subdivision was considered and is being referred to you for required action and findings regarding consistency with applicable general plans. Respectfully submitted, LARRY J. RED, Supervisor Subdivision Review Section ca Attachment cc: County Engineer County Health Department I ROOM 102,COURTHOUSE ANNEX•SAN LUIS OBISPO,CALIFORNIA 93408•TELEPHONE(805)549.5600 REPORT OF THE SUBDIVISION REVIEW BOARD MEETING MAY 7, 1980 RE: AT 79-265, PROPOSED LOT DIVISION OF A PORTION OF LOT 1, BLOCK J-B AND LOT 5, BLOCK G-B, CITY OF ATASCADERO. (R-A: LOW DENSITY SINGLE FAMILY) (HEATH/REHBOCK - HILLIARD) SUPERVISORIAL DISTRICT H1 (884: 3/6/80) RECONDIENDATION FOR CONSISTENCY AND FOR APPROVAL SRB Members in Attendance: Chairman, Colonel Sorenson, Larry Red, John Wallace, Bill MacDonald, John Hofschroer, Jerry Erickson Planning Commissioner in Attendance: Blair Shurtleff Legal Counsel Present: None PROJECT DESCRIPTION This application proposes an adjustment of the lot lines of two lots due to realignment of Vega Avenue. The applicant desires to record a parcel map. The site is located at the intersection of Vega Avenue and Ardilla Avenue, in Atascadero. Zoning: R-A: "Suburban Residential' (20,000 sq. ft. minimum parcel size) General Plan: 1978 Atascadero General Plan: "Low Density-Single Family" COMMENTS Environmental Determination Categorically exempt. Site and Area Considerations There are presently two residences on the subject property: one each on Parcel "A" and "B." The property is located in a residential neighbor- hood. The property is divided by Vega Avenue with Parcel "B" backing upon U.S. Highway 101. The parcels are well to moderately well-drained with severe septic tank limitations and high erosion hazard. They are also classified as having moderately high landslide risk and high fire hazard. Parcel "A" has an average slope of 15% and Parcel "B" has a 7% slope. Zoning and General Plan Considerations The property is located by an R-A, Suburban Residential District which has a 20,000 sq. ft. minimum parcel size requirement. Parcel "B" has only 12,581 sq. ft . which makes it a non-conforming undersized lot so far as zoning is concerned. AT 79-265 . Page 2 The 1978 Atascadero General Plan designation is Low Density Single Family Residential which has a parcel size range of 11a to 21-, acres. The parcel map proposes to shift a portion of Vega Avenue right-of-way to intersect Ardilla Road more nearly at right angles and thereby change the present configuration of the two lots. The procedure is technically a lot line adjustment, however, because the applicant desires to record a parcel map, the parcel map procedure will be followed rather than recording a Certificate of Compliance as required in the lot line adjustment procedure. Criteria considered in the approval of a lot line adjustment is used to evaluate this project. The adjustment maintains a position that is essentially equal to the position prior to action on it. The adjustment compensates for the error made in constructing the residence on Parcel "B" within the right-of-way of Vega Avenue. The residence will have to conform to all ordinance requirements and in particular building setbacks. RECODMIENDATION Although it appears the new City Council will take final action on this project, the Subdivision Review Board may still take action on this matter. Any action taken will likely constitute an informal recommenda- tion to the City Council. It should be noted this staff report and the recommendations are based on County policy, procedure and ordinances. After review of applicable General Plans and other available information, the Subdivision Review Board recommends approval and proposes that the subdivision be found consistent with the General Plan in accordance with Section 65302.5(a) (4) of the Government Code. 1. It will be necessary to relocate the existing water meter on Lot 1, Block J-B. The meter relocation to be accomplished with evidence of same submitted to the County Health Department prior to filing the final map. 2. The new right-of-way as shown on the tentative map at the road intersections be offered for dedication. 3. That a Final Parcel Map shall be filed in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act, prior to sale, lease or financing of the subject property within a period of one year from approval date of the Tentative Map. AT 79-265 • • Page 3 4. The Tentative Parcel Map will expire one year (12 months) from the date of Board of Supervisors approval. The Tentative Parcel Map may be extended one year by the Subdivision Review Board. Written requests with appropriate fees must be submitted to the Planning Department prior to the expiration date. DISCUSSION Mr. Hilliard attended the meeting. The Subdivision Review Board unanimously adopted the preliminary report as amended. 1 � 1v V n � .r ,v r• ,... i 1 , i C C � i' �\ T ~ A I n'*"\ •, i � 1 .r we �iP/ 4/ ♦v -•• � ! �'i• 4I ZJr:� � •�< �"7 � •�\ 'l\�ifs � • .\`� • ...r+f � ' H 1♦• \•► Sa •i•:. 'r �1}L,t't • s �.��1/ (7{-ar �p•�x �`� t ti o .. VJa er.S Tank41 l F_.. rsJ1 3 tti I ' ��s � r , .,• �..'• to / C IS x%071 CAG R o 171 � �' H1� 75 Cl'I] • C g ��� y y — f Abp o Fn r + r� ✓ `/ . . - �. � � �r � ;WJE '`9 � �d � .�, •i� . �.�_ �s'� �/ :. •'� r s l � t: 79 -265 20 o� 8 l e I k 2 \� tib a\ ati g r17 6 213 2 2 23 1 0 Oa Q �_T \ P Si t, O �.,a rQ 9 1 c0-74�350 6UM`NSh ZAI- 43 �c yob , ;.436 r Sob t; ati CO - PAR.4 I PAz..3 i g 21 7 - 6 22 22-ti . Z 4 r 23 ern. 13 : 3 , a5 ,•( 24 PA B /�3 .4! 3 -5 10 25 .3 26 e 10 9 29 8 30 3! 32 R-A 12 13 6 5 rr L a 3 3q 5 4 AREA MLP f,.T79-Z65 /a-5 �e`:`vii: i � �^ E` : � ^ \LZ1sa • //1 �cllF K * .7 i HCS <wi�`.". mow, �: a ; i; i' • � � e \�� �° opt , � J .< 71 \W` \a•� .ice. �' '� 1 ){�tI{ Y r m i:` r 87799 � O o' � �1• y i \ Ai k• ?w` �dAl � � : a Zig+ `f. A4 • << �. . .ww .. e C _ M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Manager DATE: June 4, 1980 FROM: Planning Director SUBJECT : ACCEPTANCE OF PARCEL MAP AT 79-139 - Hartman (Bray) At their meeting of June 2, 1980, the Atascadero Planning Commission reviewed this matter and recommended acceptance of Parcel Map AT 79-139 as submitted. LAWRENCE EVENSRRAY WARDEN Planning Director ity M nager kp Attach. SHR LUIS 00ISPO CODUTY COUNTY ENGINEERNG �� � DEPARTMEINT ROOM A101 , COURTHOUSE ANNEX . SAN LUIS 081SPO ♦ CALIFORNIA j 93408 . (805) 549.5252 GEORGE C. PROTOPAPAS ROADS COUIIIY Engineer TRANSPORTATION FLOOD CONTROL CLINTON MILNE WATER CONSERVATION DEPUTY COUNTY ENGINEER SURVEYOR GUY PREWITT SPECIAL DISTRICTS SPECIAL DISTRICTS ADMINISTRATOR May 14, 1980 City of Atascadero Veterans Memorial Building, Room 106 P . O. Box 747 Atascadero, CA 93422 Attention Mr. Murray Warden, City Administrator Subject: Acceptance of Parcel Map AT 79-139 Gentlemen: Your consideration of the approval of Parcel Map AT 79-139, a proposed subdivision by Fred and Martha Hartman, is re- quested. It is our RECOMMENDATION that your Honorable Council act upon the attached resolu- tion, and authorize the Clerk to sign the map . Discussion: A finding of consistency with the General Plan in accordance with Section 66473 . 5 of the Subdivision Map Act was made by the City Council of the City of Atascadero. I Atascadero road will be maintained by the City; water ser- vice will be from Atascadero Mutual Water Company; sewage facilities will be maintained by the City. Res ectfu11 , GEOR E C . PROTOPA AS County Engineer GCP/JAG/nt 0 0 IN THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA ------ day ------------------------, 19----- PRESENT: Supervisors ABSENT: RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION ACCEPTING A FIVE FOOT WIDENING OF A CERTAIN ROAD INTO THE CITY ROAD SYSTEM CITY ROAD NO. 4016 The following resolution is hereby offered and read: WHEREAS, the City of Atascadero, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, has been duly requested to accept a certain offer to dedicate for additional widening of a road presently in the maintained system in said City; and WHEREAS, the County Engineer by letter dated May 14, 1980, has duly recommended that the City Council: Accept the offer of dedication for public use of a five foot strip as shown on Parcel Map AT 79-139 . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED by the City Council of the City of Atascadero: 1. That the offer to dedicate for the five foot widening of City Road No. 4016 as shown on Parcel Map AT 79-139 is hereby accepted into and made a - —- ---- -- nart of the City Road System, to be maintained in STATE OF CALIFORNIA, County of San Luis Obispo, } ss. of the Board of Supervisors, in and for the County of San Luis Obispo, St tenof California, do hereby certify the foregoing to be a full, true and correct copy of an order made by the Board of Supervisors, as the same appears spread upon their minute book. WITNESS my hand and the seal of said Board of Supervisors, affixed this dayof------------------------ 19 -------- --------------------------------(SEAL) County Cle-rk and Ex-Officio Clerk of the Board of Supervisors I� AYFNU� h N41apl'�pp� 0 a� .Sa!Men.Yndi h � � AT/15CAO�/2o a fvd l'�oKNM antes.✓"drr L` .l l Ce✓cip�NYFY/B. I /75.28 �1 � � N , ` .P=2BG4.60 .Yo./zM_ � P n%..xq•C�in' °b� 6.6h N•Pef INI Fd 4'xa-eAom. w o 'Jfiee! didi?vfcn S' psr a.e/a �epri� f mF s' �• eanrn 2•ze b¢a M. � ams ze•r.• ,c=/mss.sv h any M ti �I RQ O p �.. �� . o :o• � `�` ay .\ .cam W h ,'• \� V� Q� U 14 tt go tq V1 l VVV /$ O S{Q a ��' (�• � 'e V.ep Q� �� 0 ai Y, a �+y\ :° � vsa^sioo•w i�ssaM. .• u �Z, ° '� $�. M - M_E M_O_R A_N_D U_M_ TO: City Council FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: Appearance of representatives of citizens committee to retain present location of the Children' s Library A presentation is to be made to you by the citizens interested in retaining the Children' s Library in its pre- sent location. It is my understanding that the presentation will address this suggestion as to alternative locations or configurations for the City' s operation. I would suggest that the Council receive all information and instruct staff to delay any further design work on the Children' s Library conversion, but to provide an analysis of the options and alternatives on the 23rd of June. Then, on the 23rd, the decision could be made as to what provision is to be made for City offices on the first floor so that the request for bids can be solicited. MURRAY L. WARDEN MLW: ad 6-4-80 � i ORDINANCE NO. 22 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO AMENDING SECTION MAP 12-N-32 OF THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAPS OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO BY PLACING CERTAIN PROPERTIES IN THE C-2-D ZONE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO ORDAIN as follows : Section 1. Council Findings After conducting a public hearing, the City Council finds and determines that: (a) With the recommended "D" overlay, the proposed rezoning from A-1-2z to C-2-D would be consistent with the Com- mercial Park designation of. the 1980 Atascadero General Plan. (b) Approval of the recommended "D" overlay will insure that resulting development will be consistent with the General Plan and be an attractive and compatible visual neighbor from neighboring properties and public roads. (c) The rezoning would be consistent with the C-2-D zoning on the adjacent parcel to the north. Based upon these findings , a change of zone from A-1-2� to C-2-D with the "D" to mean "Department Review" is required for all uses to evaluate the following: A. Consistency of the proposed uses with the Commercial Park designation of the General Plan. B. Scope of the proposed use and the building site area required. C. Design review of development proposals with particular attention given to insuring an attractive appearance from both Highwav 101 and El Camino Real by means of architectural design, landscaping, screening of outdoor storage and large paved areas , building and use setbacks , and signing limitations . " Section 2. Zoning Change Map 12-N-32 of the Official Zoning Maps of the City of Atascadero on file in the Citv Planning Department is hereby amended to reclass- ify the following described property from A-1-2k to C-2-D: A portion of Lots 2 and 3 in Block 23 of Atascadero Colonv as shown on attached Exhibit "A" . Section 3. Zoning Map Map 12-N-32 of the Official Zoning .Mans of the City of Atascadero on file in the City Planning Department is hereby amended as shown on attached Exhibit "A" which is hereby made a part of this ordinance by reference. Section 4. Publication The City Clerk shall cause this ordinance to be published once within fifteen (15) days after its passage in the Atascadero News , a newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circulated in the City in accordance with Section 36933 of the Government Code; shall certifv the adoption and posting of this ordinance and shall cause this ordinance and this certification together with proof of posting to be entered into the Book of Ordinances of this City. Section 5. Effective Date This ordinance shall go into effect and be in full force and effect at 12 : 01 a.m. on the 31st day after its passage. The foregoing ordinance was introduced on and adopted at a regular meeting of the Council held on AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ROBERT J. WILKINS, Mayor ATTEST: MURRAY L. WARDEN, C tv Clerk Approved as to form " ALLEN GRIMES , Citv Attorney 0 00 ti 'y RO o 4— 0 C-2 . D k� SERVICE COMMERCIAL— c> o DESIGNED DEVELOPMENT 89, 0 / qo v� c 4. r4 F 5 �� m Ah 2C vM A-1-22 to C-2-D with the "D" to mean: "Departmental Review is required for all uses to evaluate the following: +I A. Consistency of the proposed uses with the Commercial Park designation of the General Plan. B. Scope of the proposed use and the building site area required. C. Design review of E/V141aIT development pro- ORDINANCE' A/40. 2z posals with parti- cular attention given Z 79 11 09 1 to insuring an attrac- tive appearance from both Highway 101 and E1 Camino Real by means of architectural design, landscaping, screening of outdoor storage and large paved areas, building use set- backs, and signing limitations. " CA ORDINANCE NO. 23 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A POLICE DEPARTMENT AND CREATING THE OFFICE OF CHIEF OF POLICE T H E C I T Y C O U N C I L City of Atascadero, California The Council of the City of Atascadero does ordain as follows : Section 1. office created. The Police Department and the office of Chief of Police is hereby created and established. The Chief of Police shall be appointed or removed by the City Manager with the concurrence and confirmation of the City Council. Section 2. Powers and duties of the Chief of Police. The Chief of Police shall be responsible for enforcing appli- cable state and local laws and ordinances and shall direct the administration and operations of the Police Department. Section 3. Supervision of the Chief of Police. The City Manager shall be the immediate supervisor of the Chief of Police and all policies , directives , and orders to the Chief of Police shall be made by or transmitted through the City Manager. Section 4 . Publication. The City Clerk shall cause this ordinance to be published once within fifteen (15) days after its passage in the Atascadero News , a newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circulated in the City in accordance wtih Section 36933 of the Government Code; shall certify the adoption and posting of this ordinance and shall cause this ordinance and this certification together with proof of posting to be entered into the Book of Ordinances of this City. Ordinance No. 23 Page Two Section 5. Effective date. This ordinace shall go into effect and be in full force and effect at 12 : 01 a.m. on the 31st day after its passage. The foregoing ordinance was introduced on and adopted at a regular meeting of the Council held on AYES : NOES: ABSENT: ROBERT J. WILKINS, JR. , Mayor ATTEST: MURRAY L. WARDEN, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FO ALLEN GRIMES, City Attorney • • oI M_E M_O_R A_N_D_U M_ TO: City Council FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: Handicapped Transportation Joint Powers Agreement Attached is a letter and JPA concerning the County-wide handicapped bus system. Other cities in the County and the County have entered into this JPA which is designed to pro- vide, on a reservation basis , for handicapped transportation to secure medical treatment or to meet other needs requiring transportation within the County. This program is a part of the overall Regional Transportation Plan to which we have become a party as a consequence of incorporation. The Council of Governments will be considering expansion of the handicapped system at their June 10th meeting and, if you generally concur with the concept, it would be appro- priate to instruct our delegate, Councilman Stover, to agree to the expansion. Please note that North County participation has been relatively small, perhaps because of the limited size of the system as presently constituted or because of the lack of information as to its availability. The costs are not known at this time except for a range somewhere between $8 ,000 and $14 ,000. I would suggest that the Council consider adopting the JPA as written at this meeting but that the decision to allocate monies be deferred until the June 23rd final budget hearing or until we get an exact figure from the COG. Z�41cl - MURRAYWARDEN MLW:ad 6-4-80 4 COUNTYSfln LUIS ORIcpU COVnTu DEPARTMENT ROOM A101 . COURTHOUSE ANNEX + SAN LUIS OBISPO . CALIFORNIA \��- / 93408 , (805) 549-5252 GEORGE C. PROTOPAPAS ROADS County Engineer TRANSPORTATION FLOOD CONTROL CLINTON MILNE WATER CONSERVATION DEPUTY COUNTY ENGINEER SURVEYOR GUY PREWITT SPECIAL DISTRICTS SPECIAL DISTRICTS ADMINISTRATOR June 2 , 1980 RECEIVED .iuw 3 1986 Mr. Murray Warden City Administrator City of Atascadero P. 0. Box 747 Atascadero, CA 93422 Subject: Handicapped Transit System Dear Mr..—Warden: Reference is made to my letter dated February 14, 1980 and a subsequent conversation John Wallo had with Ralph Dowell regarding additional information. The Regional Transit Plan calls for a County-wide elderly handicapped transit system. The Regional Transportation Planning Authority has established a Joint Powers Agency responsible for implementing a Regional Handicapped System. The County and the Cities of San Luis Obispo, Arroyo Grande, Grover City, Pismo Beach, Paso Robles and Morro Bay are presently members . The system provides Regional Dial-a-ride transit service for prequalified users . The member agencies financially support the system through a formula based on their population as it relates to the total regional popu- lation. All agencies have been wanting to support these services since it relieves them from providing their own individual handicapped service . Presently, the system is operating at capacity, therefore, we have not actively advertised the service. Therefore, ridership has been low in many areas. We are requesting that the system be ex- panded to two full-time vehicles and the standby vehicle being used on an as-need basis . The Council of Governments will consider the expanded system at their June 10th meet- ing. It is my opinion that the Council of Governments will require all local agencies to support the Regional Handi- capped System until an individual local agency can provide regional handicapped transit service for their own handi- capped residents . The following is a table regarding handi- capped usage for this calendar year: Mr. Murray W&en - 2 - �une 2, 1980 Handicapped Ridership by trip origin March February January Agency Population # Pass . % # Pass . % # Pass . AG 7 .24 17 8 .02 15 7. 01 19 6 . 93 PR 5 .81 -0- -0- -0- -0- 1 0.37 GC 5 .72 12 5 . 66 13 6. 07 3 1.09 MB 6.21 8 3 .77 9 4.21 11 4. 01 PB 3 . 57 6 2 .83 7 3 .27 11 4.01 Co. 31 .87 3 1 .42 1 0.47 1 0 .37 ATAS 15 .40 1 0 .47 -0- -0- 1 0 .37 SLO 24.18 165 77 .83 169 78.97 227 82 .85 212 213 274 We are requesting that Atascadero execute the Joint Powers Agreement mailed to you on February 14, 1980 and return it to this office by July 1 , 1980. Sincerely, GEORGE C. PROTOPAPAS Transit Manager GCP/JW/nt cc: Norma Dengler SLOCCOG COUNTY SH LUIS OBISP0 COUOTY ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT�� ROOM A101 . COURTHOUSE ANNEX SAN LUIS OBISPO . CALIFORNIA �� 93408 . (805) 549-5252 GEORGE C. PROTOPAPAS ROADS County Engineer TRANSPORTATION FLOOD CONTROL CLINTON M I LN E WATER CONSERVATION DEPUTY COUNTY ENGINEER - SURVEYOR GUY PREWITT SPECIAL DISTRICTS SPECIAL DISTRICTS ADMINISTRATOR RECEIVED FEB 1 9 1980 February 14, 1980 Mr. Murray Warden City Administrator City of Atascadero Veterans Memorial Building Room 106 P. 0. Box 747 Atascadero, CA 93422 Subject: Ratification of Handicapped Joint Powers Agreement and Budget Dear Murray: Enclosed is a copy of subject Joint Powers Agreement for ratification by your City Council . The system is a part of the transit section of the Regional Transportation Plan. In addition, also included is the operating budget for the 1980-81 fiscal year. The Joint Powers Agreement requires that each member agency ratify the budget annually. Due to the system being implemented late, sufficient funds are available to fund the system for the 1980-81 fiscal year. Therefore, no funds will be requested from local agencies this fiscal year. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions . Sinc , GEORGE PROTOPAPAS Regional Transit Manager GCP/JW/nt Encl. JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT FOR HANDICAPPED TRANSPORTATION This -Freement is made and entered into this day of (�_ -:(t ,t_ i� I '. 1978 , by and among such of the incor- porated cities of Arroyo Grande, E1 Paso de Robles , Grover J City, Morro Bay,- Pismo Beach and San Luis Obispo, all being municipal corporations of the County of. San Luis Obispo, California; as may execute this Agreement, hereinafter , called "Cities" , and the County of San Luis Obispo, a body politic and corporate and a subdivision of the State of California, hereinafter called "County" as follows : WHEREAS, Section 6500 et seq of the California Govern- ment Code (Title 1 , Div. 7 , Chapter 5, Article 1) pro- vides for agreements between two or more public agencies to jointly exercise any power common to the contracting parties, subject to certain mandatory provisions con- tained therein; and NOW, THEREFORE, it is agreed as follows : ARTICLE I General Provisions Section 1. Purpose: The purpose of this Agreement is to exercise the common powers of the member agencies for the formation of a Joint Powers Agreement with full power and authority to own, operate and administer a county-wide public transportation system for the handicapped with the boundaries and over the territory over which the Joint Powers Agency has jurisdiction; until formation of a County Transit District, which will assume operation of a system when duly created. Should plans for the transit district fail; members may, at their option, adopt a new Joint Powers Agreement. Section 2. Name: The official name of the entity shall be San Luis Obispo Regional Transit Authority and hereafter referred to as the Transit Authority. r ARTICLE II Organization Section 1. Board of Directors: The San Luis Obispo ` Area Council of Governments is the same organization as the Transit Authority and the powers are herein vested. The Board of Directors wi.1.1 consist of the same delegates as serves the Area Council. Section 2. Meeting=Voting - Quorum. Meetings shall be part of the Ares Council ' s regular meeting with special agenda provisions to conduct business of the Authority. j Section 3. Officers : The officers of the Area Council shall serve as officers of the Transit Authority while this Agreement is in effect. Section 4. Manager : The Area Council shall designate a Transit Manager to operate the Authority until a Transit District or new Joint Powers Agreement is created. :The Manager shall serve at the pleasure of the Council , with delegated powers to 'certify documents of the Authority as required by the Board and Law. Section 5. Members: 1. Membership shall be the same as the San Luis Obispo County Area Council of Governments. 2. Membership shall be contingent upon the execution of this Joint Powers Agreement. 120 days prior to the beginning of a fiscal. year, any member may ask that this Joint Powers Agreement be re-ratified. Section 6. Boundaries : All of the area within the boundaries of Sas Luis Obispo County. The service area boundaries will be as designated by the Transit Authority. ARTICLE III Financial Provisions Section 1. Budget - Limitation of Financial Commitment : The approval of the Annual Budget shall. e in accordance with procedures prescribed by the Joint Powers Agreement of the Area Council . The Annual Budget of. the Authority shall be adopted sixty (60) days prior to the beginning of the new fiscal year. 2 - The Authority shall not obligate itself to expenditures in excess of funds from revenues, State and Federal funding; including, but not limited to, the Local Transportation Fund. Section 2 . Expenditures- The Transit Authority may establish procedures and policies to ensure competitive prices for purchase of goods and services. The County pur- chasing facilities should be utilitied when possible for the purchase of equipment including leases. Section 3. Commitment of Funds to .the Transit Authority: The County and each City member of the Transit Authority agrees to give the Transit Authority its pro-rata share, based upon the ratios of population within the servicerarea, of such funds required to implement the adopted budget. Section 4 . Treasurer : Pursuant to Government Code Section 6505. 5 , the Treasurer of the County is hereby ap- pointed as Treasurer of the Transit Authority. Said Treas- urer shall have the power and duties as set forth in Section 6505. 5 and the County shall be compensated for said services as provided in the Annual Budget, but not to exceed line item amounts. Section 5. Annual- Audit: The Transit Authority shall cause an Annual Audit to be prepared and filed in accordance with Government Code Section 6505. The County Auditor is hereby appointed as Auditor of the Transit Authority and compensation will be provided for said services in the Annual Budget. Section 6 . Periodic Reports : The Transit Manager I;I shall be responsible for supplying the Transit Authority or its member agencies with periodic reports pertaining to ridership, finances or other pertinent information as required. ARTICLE IV Authority Section 1 . Powers : The Transit Authority shall have all powers necessary to carry out the purpose of this Agree- ment, except the power to tax. Its power to expend funds shall be limited only by the availability of funds as set forth in ARTICLE Ili : Finances , Section 1 . The Powers of the Transit Agency specifically include , but are not limited to, the following : 3 - a. To solicit bids from private enterprise for services and/or operation. b. To sue or be sued. C. To employ agents, employees and contract for professional services . d. To make and enter contracts including labor and employment contracts. e. To acquire, convey, construct , manage, maintain and operate necessary equipment , building and improvements. f. To acquire and convey real and personal propdrty. g. To incur debts , liabilities and obligations of financial assistance from State and Federal agencies and to obligate the Transit Authority to operate the improvements, equipment or trans- portation system of the Handicapped in accordance with the terms and conditions of said financial assistances. Section 2 . Transit Authority is a Public , Legal Entity: The Transit Authority is a public entity duly formed and existing under the laws of the State of Califonia. It is a separate and distinct legal entity from its member agencies. The debts, duties and obligations created pursuant to this Agreement, shall be solely the obligations of the Transit Authority and not those of its officers, employees, members of the Board of Directors or the member agencies. ARTICLE V Miscellaneous Provisions Section 1. Withdrawal of Mrmbers : Any member of this Transit Authority may withdraw at any time after written notice to the Board of Directors. If the Transit Authority has contractual obligations to continue operation of a public transit system at the time of withdrawal of any member, the remaining members may impose such conditions upon the withdrawing member as may be reasonable, including future financial support to meet the contractual obligations of the Transit Authority at the time of withdrawal. How- ever, the obligations of a withdrawing member under this section is limited the special transportation funds to which the withdrawing member would be entitled , such as Transporta- tion Development Act funds , and this section shall not impose any obligation on the general funds of the with- drawing member . - 4 _ Section 2. Amendment of Agreement: No amendment to this Agreement shall be nmade without the consent of all member agencies at the time of the amendment. Section 3 . Ratification - Effective Date: This Agree'• ment shall become effective upon rati.fi-cation by all member agencies. For convenience, this Agreement shall be dated upon the last date ratified by a member agency. Section 4. Assiqnabilitv: In the event it is deemed in the best public interest to have the public Handicapped Transit System operated by another individual or entity , whether public or private, and provided that the assignment complies with State and Federal laws; the agency on affirma- tive vote of six (G) (Majority) members may sell, leasd or assign all of its real and personal property and cease operations upon such terms and conditions as the Board determines to be reasonable. Section S. Termination : This Agreement shall continue in full force and effect until cancelled by a majority of the member agencies or the formation of a Transit District to assume operation of the Regional Public handicapped Transit System. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the day and year first hereinabove ;written. C TY OF A, O O G[ lUE 7 ��/J BI``----Zi'" `T �� f1 - DATE>_� Minute Motion of RESOLUTION N0. October 24, 1978 Clerk CITY OF GROVER CTTY 0 By:tx � � ) �r10,?-� DATE: N,>vemhr r F 1974 J RESOLUTION N0. 7 8_8 9 Clerk CITY OF ATASCADERO By: DATE: RESOLUTION NO. Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM _ 5 - - CiIY AT-,CkN_Y i _1T:��OF�10RRO BAY By: � / L� lif E't;�/- �' DATE: 1-12-79 rIr _ at,-i- V1�,�u.L. � �jC RESOLUTION NO. : Minute Order Clerk CITY OF PASO ROBLES BY: 'A. DATE:_OQE. o7S 71778 78 Clerk I RESOLUTION NO. CITY OF PISMO BEACH By: ALL DATE: Nu tuber 27 1978 / L —� � v RESOLUTIUN NO. Minute Order lerk CIT F SAN T YSP By: $ DATE: ' SOLUTION NO. j'Z" j lerY COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO B DATE: `,lam �lt-u MINUTE ORDER: Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL EFFECT \ - Cc- - JAMES B. LINDHOLM, JR. C�) HT1WUNSfL ^^�� SACi LIJI, OHI SFOFLI;j[ UY 6 PII YfChUfi lY Cl)lNl.[I Ib CITY OF ARROYO GRAND By: DATE: RESOLUTION NO. Clerk CITY OF ATASCADERO By: DATE: RESOLUTION NO. Clerk CITY OF GROVER CITY BY: DATE: RESOLUTION NO. Clerk CITY OF MORRO BAY By: DATE: RESOLUTION NO. Clerk CITY OF PASO ROBLES By: DATE: RESOLUTION NO. Clerk CITY OF PISMO BEACH By: DATE: RESOLUTION NO. Clerk CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO By: DATE : j RESOLUTION NO. 9 Clerk COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO By: DATE: RESOLUTION NO. Clerk APPROVAL RECOMMENDED: By: Transit Manager 3 of 3 SAN LUIS OBISPO REGIONAL TRANSIT AUTHORITY STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES FOR FISCAL YEARS 1979-80 and 1980-81 " 1979-80 Cash on Hand 6-30-79 $53 , 712 Revenues - Estimated: Member Agencies - Contributions SLO County $11, 538 Other Members 13 , 462 $25 , 000 Interest 5, 200 Fares 2 , 000 Total Revenues $32 , 200 $85 , 912 Expenditures - Estimated: Operating Expense - Contractor $18 , 450 General Expense Administration $2 , 600 Audit 500 3 , 100 Total Expenditures $21 , 550 Estimated Balance 6-30-80 $64 , 362 1980-81 Revenues - Estimated: Interest 5 , 000 Fares 3 , 000 Total Revenues $ 81000 $72 , 362 Expenditures - Estimated: Operating Expense - Contract $48, 204 General Expense Administration $ 3, 526 Audit 500 4 , 026 Total Expenditures $52 , 230 Estimated Cash Available 6-30-81 $20 , 132 1 of 3 Funding 1980-81 Agency Percent Amount Arroyo Grande 7 . 24 -0- Atascadero 15. 40 -0- Grover City 5. 72 -0- Morro Bay 6 . 21 -0- Paso Robles 5. 81 -0- Pismo Beach 3 . 57 -0- San Luis Obispo 24 . 18 -0- County 31. 87 -0- Total 100 . 00 -0- 2 of 3 _M_E M_O_R A_N_D_U M_ TO: City Council FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: Business Licenses Attached is a resolution to adopt the current business license fees as established by the County. It is suggested that the Council adopt the fees in order to continue the business licensing program until such time as we have been able to make recommendation for changes. As of the middle of this month, we will be sending out 400 plus business license renewals for the next fiscal year and will be handling all business license matters as of the first of July. The precise date for handling new business license requests is proposed for June 9th. MURRAY L. CWARDEN c14 MLW:ad 6-4-80 RESOLUTION NO. 9-80 RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO ESTABLISHING BUSINESS LICENSE FEES FOR GENERAL AND SPECIFIC LICENSES TO BE IDENTICAL WITH THOSE TO BE CHARGED BY THE COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO EFFECTIVE JUNE 30 , 1980 WHEREAS, Section 6. 12. 060 of. the Atascadero Municipal Code provides that changes in rates of license fees can be made by the City Council through the adoption of a resolution; and WHEREAS, the San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors adopted Resolution No. 80-63 on February 26 , 1980 , adjusting busi- ness license fees for FY 1980-81 to become effective June 30, 1980 ; and WHEREAS, the Cit_v of Atascadero will take over the issuance of business licenses on June 9 , 1980 , and intends to charge those same fees for business licenses as established in said Resolution No. 80-63 . NOW, THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Atascadero establishes business license fees for general licenses and specific licenses to be identical with those set forth in San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors Resolution No. 80-63 adopted on February 26 , 1980 , to be effective June 30 , 1980 . The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this reso- lution and shall cause this resolution and his certification to be entered in the Book of Resolutions of the Council of this City. Adopted 1980 . ROBERT J. WILKINS , Mayor Attest: MURRAY L. WARDEN, City Clerk Approved as to .f rm: ALLEN GRIMES , City Attorney { IN THE BOARD OF WERVISORS COITNTT OF SATs LUIS OBISPO,STATEOF CAT TF�O/RNIA n0 _ j/L7_vday------ ---� ti'_.1L1-t�'_•�_— 19x PRESENT:Supervisora v ABSENT: / RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION APPROVING RATES OF COST RECOVERY AND FEES FOR SPECIFIC COUNTY SERVICES c The following resolution is offered and read: • _� C � ( s WHEREAS, the San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors may ✓C I establish rates of cost recovery for new services and amend previously r. n established rates for cost recovery based on cost information; and WHEREAS, Resolution No.75-396 reauires the County Administrative r7 Office and the County Auditor-Controller to annually review the fees and !y charges for specific County services with the departments making those icharges and make recommendation to this Board as to whether said charges j should remain the same, be increased or decreased; and j WHEREAS, the County Auditor-Controller certifies that the overhead rates shorn or. Schedule A, attached and incorporated by reference herein, i are calculated in accordance with the accounting standards set by the • - Federal Government's Office of Management and Budget in accordance with 1 Document A-37; and ! - WHEREAS, this Board hereby finds that the recommended fees for all departments, except the fees charged by the Tax Collector, do not exceed 1 1 the actual costs of providino the services listed in Schedule A, attached 1 ' and incorporated herein by reference; and } i1 WHEREAS, the Tax Collector and Administrative Office have recom- mended that certain charges for specific business licenses exceed the Idirect cost plus overhead, and this Board finds that those charnes, as they are shown in Schedule A attached and incorporated by reference herein, are for a valid regulatory puroose in accordance with Business and Professions.Code .Section 1610D; and WHEREAS, all other charges for business licenses made by the Tax - . Collector as recorrnended by the County Administrative Office are found i \ �„ not to exceed the direct cost Plus overhead of the Tax Collector; Y NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED by this Board of Super- visors: 1. The "recommended fee" for each of the services shown in Schedule A attached and incorporated by reference herein is hereby • approved. 2. All department managers and organizational managers whose - services are listed in said Schedule A are hereby directed to adjust their fees for services to the rates shown in Schedule A as "recommended fee". On motion of Supervisor seconded by Supervisor and on the following roll call vote, to-wit: AYES: NOES: - ABSENT: the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted to be effectivi :ei7—i 1980. i 1 Chairman of the Board of Supervisors ATTEST: Clerk of the Board of Supervisors t 3 ADMIN./mr t I 1 STATE OF CALIFORNIA, Countv of San Luis Obispo, } as I, _____________________________________________________,County Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, in and for the Counts of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify the foregoing to be a full, true and correct copy of an order made by the Board of Supervisors, as the same appears spread upon their minute book. NNITI.`ESS my hand and the seal of said Board of Supervisors,alined this__--y-----_--_-- day of------------------- 19------ . 1 (SE 4T 1 Countr Clerk mod Fs O:ticie Clvt of the BaW of Supernaon IBy ----------------------------------------- mm Deputy Clem i NNNN�N JNr r r r r r r-+—-+ � m V O1(Il li W N Obm V D\{J'IA W N•�O b W VrC\{TA• N N r ry n n O.O OOOOTTTTOCnnUnmPPP��➢Db-➢➢ -q 2T N c O m O O C O �.S G - o S T�G J S !O � Z O r- y u7 N F G n lD N 0 -R N 2i V2 .� -o-o G J nn - x-�o �z acN G J o -• .o avc -c \aTJ n n n' � < SL _'nF J � JNn GNCyI ➢ (p Rrj N G d F 0 S (p «r C n n N �O O r0 R N n � o vS RG ad N Jc O OO T LL N (p (p N G y ei S S c C ry S .m N G m m n m - j 3 M d A N Z d d 0 b NNN�-.NN�NNrNNrNOrNN--+-+�ryrrrNr S mm.,,r—omrmm �mm .�mo�mmr._�_v,rrror "'r o r m H o0oc000000000000000000000000 00 � � O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O R d Z G Z G N N r +r r r N N r N N r N N r r N r r r r r n On aa-..��...rraArAA-.AAr.rArrr rr�j� �� ( '+ m y O� C K o a r rn n i 00 v a ro � c _ N S O n < R j - WWrrr�+r�.W WrWW_.WWrrW r....rrr.....JWr rr ry ( V V r r V V V N N mmr�rrr�pyrOO�mq��m.J rrr_.....�W.r rr dry 1 a I 3 b � n o ( OOtn Ntn O(T tnO OcnO OCnOOV�tT�OUr[n_N tli VrN VSO t+1 OUt o0000000000�0000000000000000 0o J G \p O O N G7 O J J c i J y c d 0 W WNrrcn-. 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B a a a a -. a -• o z 000 00 o00 0 0 000 0 o Inn a ooa oo. o00 0 . 0 000 0 0 .e x n c P r • r c m • n y i O N A O O n O z �r r � W� �-• J-'W O W W �W P W � On -..- <•R � N 1 n 10 !p N b R o. j P ONN OWN tT00 O O OOO O tT O_a � 000 00 000 O O OOO O O r0 .-� 3 00 6tp L d O p n_ R J O N m W A_ A _ T f1 N ONN�� NtJI NOO O O 000-'00 N N A - 00000 00 000 O O 0000 -�0 O O � n m i o o n b ^v IN THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO,STATE OF CALIFORNIA i ------day --------C 19----- PRESENT:Superrison ABSENT: I q�,,, RESOLUTION NO. 7F-76 l 7 0 RESOLUTION APPROVING RATES OF COST RECOVERY _ II AND FEES FOR SPECIFIC COUNTY SERVICES The following resolution is offered and read: ddd 111 fry �'t WHEREAS, the San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors may establish rates of cost recovery for new services and amend previously fdd �. {r established rates for cost recovery based on cost information; and NHER"EAS, Resolution No. 75-356 requires the County Administrative 1 Office and the County Auditor-Controller to annually review the fees and charges for specific county services with the departments Raking those charges and make recommendation to this Board as Co whether said charges should remain the same, be increased or decreased; and -- WHEREAS, the County Auditor-Controller certifies that the overhead rates shown on Schedule A, attached and incorporated by reference herein, are calculated in accordance with the accounting standards set by the Federal Government's Office of Management and Budget in accordance with Document A-87; and WHEREAS, this Board hereby finds that the recommended fees for all departments, except the fees charged by the Tax Collector, do not exceed 1 the actual costs of providing the services listed in Schedule A. attached and incorporated herein by reference; and I WHEREAS, the Tax Collector and Administrative Office have recom- mended that certain charges for specific business licenses exceed the direct cost plus overhead, and this Board finds that those charges, as they are shown in Schedule A attached and incorporated by reference - herein, are for a valid regulatory purpose in accordance with, Business and Professions Code Section 1610G; and - '.iHEREAS, all other charges for business licenses rade ty the Tax 1 Collector as reccnarended by the County Administrative Office are frond 1 not to exceed the direct cost plus overhead of the Tax Collector; . cam � I 1 r W . 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N N 1 1 • 0 Mayor-Robert H. Newdoll Mayor pro tem Juanita Qualls O^4° Grover City Councilman Jack K n Dutra City y O frover C Ily HUB Councilman Jock Kean G V G 1 L Councilman Woody Lynn South fisc City Administrator-Arnold Dowdyr South County JUNE 5, 1980 RECEIVED JUN 6 1980 TO: LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES CHANNEL COUNTIES DIVISION MEMBERS Enclosed is a copy of a resolution adopted by our City Council relating to general law elections and their consolidation with the statewide elections. This is proposed as a cost saving tool . It would allow cities to choose for themselves whether they wish to hold their elections in April and pay the total expense or consolidate with the June election which occurs every two years also. Not only would this proposal save money but it would also provide for a greater turnout of voters. The Grover City Council would request that you inform your Councilmembers attending that this will be presented at the Channel Counties Division meeting in Lompoc on June 13th. Our City would request your support in this proposed legislation . Very truly yours, ARNOLD DOf1DY /` RECL1vtlj iu;ii _ 6 1980 City Administrator AD/aag Enclosure 154 S. 8th Street 0 -Grover City, California 93433 0 P.O. Box 365 9 Phone 805-489-4040 ORAL RESOLUTION NO. 80-59 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GROVER CITY RECOMMENDING THAT CITIES HAVE THE OPTION OF CONSOLIDATING THEIR GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION WITH THE JUNE STATEWIDE ELECTION WHEREAS, municipal elections are held every two years in general law cities on the first Tuesday in April ; and WHEREAS, every two years statewide elections are held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in June ; and WHEREAS , municipal elections are becoming more and more expensive because of the necessary services plus mandated federal and state require- ments ; and WHEREAS , present state law allows cities in certain sparsely populated counties to hold municipal elections in conjunction with statewide elec- tions at their option ; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Grover City does hereby recommend that the Channel Counties Division of the League of California Cities recommend to the League of California Cities that legislation be introduced that would accomplish the follow- ing : The proposed legislation would authorize general law cities to consolidate their municipal elec- tions with the statewide election held in June at each city ' s option . PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 21st day of April , 1980. /y MAYOR ATTEST: CITY CLERK ,