HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 07/14/1980 • 0 AGENDA - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL • Regular Meeting July 14 , 1980 7 : 30 p.m. Atascadero Administration Building Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Invocation Roll Call Public Comment NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC All matters listed under Item A, Consent Calendar, are con- sidered to be routine and will be enacted by one motion in the form listed below. There will be no separate discussion of these items . If discussion is required, that item will be removed from the Consent Calendar and will be considered separately. Vote may be by roll call. A. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Minutes of the special meeting of May 31, 1980 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 2. Minutes of the regular meeting of June 23 , 1980 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 3. Claim of Ronald and Arthur McElroy in the amount of . $36 , 445 . 90 (RECOMMEND DENIAL) 4. Time extension request for proposed lot division (AT 78-164) 8920 San Gabriel - Davis (Hilliard) (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) 5 . Time extension request for proposed lot division (AT 78-212) 8300 Curbaril - Froning (Stewart) (PECO.MMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) B. HEARINGS, APPEARANCES AND REPORTS 1. Public hearing on request of Jesse Bentley for change in zone from A-1 to M-1, 4455 Traffic Way 2 . Public hearing on appeal from Planning Commission denial of a division of a 4 . 02 acre site to create two parcels of 2 . 01 acres , 2130 Monterey Road - Kurt Freiler 3. Public hearing on appeal of conditions established by Planning Commission in approving Motel 6 ' s reauest to construct a 118 unit motel , 9400 E1 Camino Real 4. Report by Councilman Nelson on Recreation Committee 5. Report by City Manager regarding the Regional Transportation Plan C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Transfer of County property to City - Resolution No. 14-80 • authorizing transfer of real property to the City of Atascadero and Resolution No. 15-80 accepting negotiated property tax revenue base from Atascadero Fire Protection District • • AGENDA - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting July 14, 1980 Page Two • C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS (cont. ) 2 . Resolution No. 11-80 approving the budget for the 1980-81 fiscal year and appropriating funds therefor 3. Resolution No. 13-80 advising of intention to approve an amendment to the contract between the Public Employees ' Retirement System and the City to include local fire members 4. Ordinance No. 24 adopting a Personnel System - second reading 5. Resolution No. 12-80 establishing personnel rules and regulations D. NEW BUSINESS 1. Award of bid for engineering vehicle , Bid 80-4 2. Selection of auditor for fiscal year 1979-80 audit 3. Discussion of necessity for election to desianate the offices of City Clerk and City Treasurer r 4. Ordinance No. 25 relating to the creation of a Special Gas Tax Improvement Fund - first reading E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION 1. City Council • 2 . City Attorney 3. City Manager • AGENDA - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL 4 • Regular Meeting June 23 , 1980 7 : 30 p.m. Atascadero Administration Building The meeting was called to order at 7: 35 p.m. by Mayor Wilkins with the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Wilkins also gave the invo- cation. ROLL CALL PRESENT : Councilmen Highland, Mackey , Nelson, Stover and Mayor Wilkins ABSENT: None PUBLIC COMMENT None A. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Minutes of the regular meeting of June 9 , 1980 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 2 . Treasurer' s Report, 5-21-80 to 6-13-80 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 3. Correspondence (RECOMMEND ITEM BE RECEIVED AND FILED) • 4 . Parcel Map AT 79-116 - Gosselin (Hilliard) (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS) 5 . Amicus participation with City of Chino vs. State Compen- sation Insurance Fund re: Labor Code Section 4850 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 6 . Amicus participation with Taxpayers ' Assn. vs . San Joaquin Local Health District re : fees (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 7. City Attorney Report No. 5 (RECOMMEND ACCEPTANCE AND FILE) MOTION: Councilman Stover moved for the approval of the Consent Calendar. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey and unanimously carried by roll call vote. B. HEARINGS, APPEARANCES AND REPORTS 1. Report regarding Administration Building renovation; Children ' s Library relocation Charlotte Byrne reviewed the alternatives as proposed by Staff for the location of City offices and the Children ' s Library. She stated that her group favored Alternative #4 as presented in the Staff memorandum to Council. Larry McPherson, Public Works Director , reviewed his alternatives which included (1) using the present Children' s Library space for City offices , (2) the alter- native presented by the citizens group for locatinu City offices at the Palma Avenue entrance, (3) a modification by Mr. McPherson of the citizens group' s proposal, (4) an alternative using the • 0 MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting June 23, 1980 • Page Two Palma Avenue frontage on both the first and second floors for the public counter, and (5) an alternative placing the one-stop counter on the West Mall side of the second floor which would eliminate the proposed Council chambers on that side of the building. Mr. McPherson reviewed the various advantages and disadvantages to the alternatives and stated that Staff still preferred Alterna- tive #1 which is the location of City Offices in the area where the Children ' s Library is now located. Failing approval of that, Staff recommended Alternative #4. Comments in support of retaining the Children' s Library in its present location were heard from Leslie Cannon, Skip Carr, Dave Cannon, Libbey Kessler, Joe Kann, Donna Porter, and Mike Cox. Mayor Wilkins stated that there was a misconception regarding the library that had been perpetuated throughout this issue and was evidenced in the letters received from the citizens group; that is that the Children' s Library would be done away with. He stated that there has been and is no consideration to eliminate the library; the consideration is only its location. MOTION: Councilman Mackey moved that Council approve Alernative #4 of Mr. McPherson' s memo. The motion was seconded by • Councilman Nelson and unanimously carried by roll call vote_. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Staff be authorized to proceed with the bid documents and that when the bids are received, that they come back to the Council for approval. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and unanimously carried. 2. Public hearing and adoption of 1980/81 Final Budget including Revenue Sharing allocations Mr. Warden reviewed the proposed allocations for use of Revenue Sharing monies and explained the guidelines for use of these funds. Comments were heard from Doug Lewis suggesting building a public sanitary facility on the City acquired parking lot property; Ken Metram representing the Explorers Scouts requesting funding to help attendance at the 1980 National Explorer Olympics held in Colorado; Betty Hill , Executive Director of Hotline, requesting funding for Hotline; Priscilla White representing Family Services Center' s request for $150 ; Anthony Avina representing the San Luis Obispo County Symphony Association' s requested $500 ; and Ethal Hagan representing the Senior Citizen' s requested funding of a • full-time employee to run their office. May Simonlau suggested MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL • Regular Meeting June 23 , 1980 Page Three allocating money for ping-pong tables , badminton equipment, etc. , for activities for the youth. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Council adopt the proposed revenue sharing expenditures as presented. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey and unanimously carried by roll call vote. Mr. Warden reviewed all revisions to the preliminary budget contained in Mr. Dowell ' s memo. There is an additional request for $1 , 600 to pav the Senior Citizens ' vehicle insurance and $1 , 200 for vehicle operating expenses during 1980/81. Mr. Warden felt that these two expenditures should be approved in order to keep the Seniors operating until the Dial-A-Ride situation is relieved. As concerns funding various organizations , Council would have to make a policy determination if they wished to fund these types of pro- grams . He reminded Council that they had received a memo from the City Attorney regarding the legality of expending public funds . A total of an additional $102 , 000 is involved in funding these various requests . MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Council adopt the . insurance and operating expenses for the Senior Citizens ' vehicles. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey and unanimously carried. Mr. Warden advised that he still did not have a definitive figure on the Health Department services , however, he requested that Council approve a $1,200 amount for this so that it can be included in the Final Budget. Council agreed. With regard to funding of the various individual organizations , Mayor Wilkins felt that in view of Proposition 13, the City should deny these type of requests . The people had voiced their opinion that taxes be cut and he felt that the people who use the services should be the ones to pay for them. There was considerable discussion on this matter with Councilmen Mackey and Nelson disagreeing with Mayor Wilkins; they felt that the City should help support these organizations, but not necessarily to the degree requested. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Council deny these requests. The motion was seconded by Mayor Wilkins and failed with Councilman Mackey, Nelson and Stover voting no. MOTION: Councilman Mackey moved that Council fund the San Luis Obispo County Symphony in the amount of $250. The . motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and carried with Councilmen Highland and Mayor Wilkins voting no. MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting June 23, 1980 Page Four • MOTION: Councilman Nelson moved that Council fund the Family Services Center in the amount of $100 , Hotline in the amount of $250 and the Boy Scouts in the amount of $100 . The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and carried with Councilman Highland and Mayor Wilkins voting no. With regard to funding a position for the Senior Citizens , Allen Grimes advised that it was not legal for the City to fund a full-time position; however, they could legally give the Seniors $10 , 000 to do with as they wish. He emphasized that in making these determinations, Council should decide if granting the funds is in the interest of the citizens of Atascadero. MOTION: Councilman Mackey moved that Council approve allocating $10 ,248 to the Senior Citizens . Councilman Stover advised that he would abstain from voting on this matter since he is a member of the Senior Citizens ' Board of Directors. There was further discussion regarding this matter. Councilman Mackey withdrew her motion. MOTION: Councilman Nelson moved that this matter be tabled. • The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey and unanimously carried. The use of a recreation clerical person to help the Seniors was discussed. It was decided, however, that a commitment to this pro- gram should be held off until a recreation department is established. RECESS 9: 32 p.m. RECONVENED: 9 : 43 p.m. Mr. Warden stated that Council should correct their budgets on page 6 , changing the $3, 378, 805 figure for the proposed budget to read $3, 410, 740 with the estimated balance to read $454 , 221 and the appropriation to reserves to read $390 , 754. On page 61 , the Communi- cations Lease Purchase Reserve should be reduced to show $48 , 281. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Council approve the 1980/81 preliminary budget as reviewed. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and unanimously carried by roll call vote. 3. Report by City Manager on County/City property transfer Mr. Warden reviewed discussions he has had with Kent Taylor of the County Administrative Office. A proposed agreement transferring County property to the City will be before the Council in the near • 9 • MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL • Regular Meeting June 23 , 1980 Page Five future. It will include matters such as transferring the total property tax revenue base for the Atascadero Fire District effective July 1, 1980 ; all properties listed in the incorporation resolution except the Sanitary District; all equipment and furniture currently used by County departments will be returned to them; there will probably be a provision for rent for the County' s use of building facilities; Social Services will occupy the building up to December of this year, but in a different location; acceptance by the City of those roads currently accepted into the County road system by Resolution or Ordinance. There appears to be no major objections to the proposed agreement at this point. 4 . Report by City Manager on Paso Robles/Atascadero joint recreation programs Mr. Warden advised that he had met with the Paso Robles Recreation Director for further discussion regarding joint recreation programs . It was noted that recreation programs could be broken into three groups ; athletics , special events and classes . Both cities may realize savings in purchasing supplies and by using the same contract people for classes. Atascadero would have the expense of sharing a • portion of the administration costs for Atascadero' s share of the program and all of the costs for hiring one full-time recreation supervisor and one full time clerical assistant. The cities could have a joint program brochure. A member of the audience spoke in favor of Atascadero having its own separate department. David Cannon spoke on this matter. It is hoped that programs can be offered in Atascadero beginning September, 1980. Council advised Mr. Warden to keep working on the program. 5. Report by City Manager regarding Fire District Memoranda of Understanding Mr. Warden reviewed his memo which basically compared the Fire District employees ' salaries and benefits with those offered by the City to the current City employees. He also outlined several options for Council to consider including adopting the Firefighters ' Asso- ciation Memoranda of Understanding; adopting the Firefighters ' current salaries but freezing them until the City ' s salary classi- fication plan catches up with their salaries; as well as other alter- natives . Councilman Mackey was in favor of agreeing to the Firefighters ' MOU for the first year, 1980/51; but, after that, the fire employees . would be under the same rules as other City employees. MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting June 23, 1980 . Page Six MOTION: Councilman Mackey moved that Council acknowledge the Firefighters ' MOU for the first year, 1980/81; after that, fire employees to have the same coverage as other City employees. The motion was seconded by Councilman Nelson. There was considerable discussion regarding this matter. Mr. Grimes stated that it was his opinion that the incorporation resolution did not mean that the City was bound to the three-year MOU adopted by the Fire District Board. He also stated that fairness and equity should be a consideration for all current employees as well as the firefighters. Councilman Hiqhland stated that the District Board had adopted the MOU after the incorporation election knowing that the Fire Board could not fund these and that it would be up to the City to pay for them; he also felt that there were no benefits that had not been included in the MOU. Roland Snow, representing the Firefighters Association, stated that he had objected to the City' s classification plan when it was adopted by the Council : after July 1st when other cities adopt their annual increase , Atascadero will have the third highest paid employee of the cities in the County, instead of between the first and third. Councilman Stover asked what it would cost the City if the Council brought all City employees up to the provisions of the Firefighters ' MOU. An estimate of $200 , 000 was given. Councilman Mackey amended her motion to include that PERS benefits would be the same for Firefighters as for other City employees. The amendment was accepted by Councilman Nelson. Councilman Mackey noted that it was her intent that Firefighters receive the benefits in their MOU for fiscal year 1980/81; but after that their salaries would freeze until the City' s classification plan caught up with it; also no salaries would drop at the end of the year and all fire employees would begin receiving the same benefits as other City employees. The motion failed on the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen Mackey and Nelson NOES: Councilmen Highland, Stover and Mayor Wilkins MOTION: Councilman Stover moved that Council adopt alternatives 2 , 3, and 4 outlined in the City Manager' s memo dated • June 19 , 1980 . The motion was seconded by Councilman Highland and carried on the following roll call vote: MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL • Regular Meeting June 23 , 1980 Page Seven AYES : Councilmen Highland, Stover and Mayor Wilkins NOES: Councilmen Mackey and Nelson Roland Snow advised the Council that the firefighters had received legal advice that the MOU' s were binding contracts upon the City and that the City would face litigation for breach of contract by not adopting them. C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Consideration of establishing a Recreation Committee - Councilman Nelson Councilman Nelson reviewed the names submitted by various Citi- zens in the City who wished to be included on the Recreation Committee. He would also like to have some people from AYA and the School Dis- trict. Dave Cannon said he had been instructed at the last meeting to get other names , which he had, and he requested that they be considered for the committee also. Council members felt that the committee should be of a manageable number. Councilman Nelson • stated that he wanted the committee to meet before the next Council meeting and so they could become involved in the Paso Robles/ Atascadero joint program planning. Tuesday, July 1st at 7 : 00 p.m. was set for a meeting. The meeting would be held in the Administra- tion Building and participants would be notified of the room at a later date. 2 . Consideration of Police Communications Lease Agreement Mr. Warden reviewed the provisions of the Agreement. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved for approval of the Lease Agreement and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the necessary documents. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and unanimously carried by roll call vote. 3. Co 79-91, proposed lot division of Lot 27 , Block 47 , Atascadero Colony, San Fernando Road - Aggson/Vreeken Mr. Warden stated that this matter had been withdrawn from the Consent Calendar at the last meeting so that Staff could clarify some of the provisions of the approval. He reviewed the matter for Council. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved for approval of the Planning • Commission' s recommendation. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and unanimously carried. MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting June 23, 1980 • Page Eight D. NEW BUSINESS 1. Council election of Mayor and Mayor Pro Tem MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Bob Wilkins be selected as Mayor and Bill Stover as Mayor Pro Tem for a term to continue until after the results of the 1982 muni- cipal election. The motion was seconded by Councilman Nelson and carried with Councilman Mackey voting no. Councilman Mackey stated that she was voting no because she felt the term should be for another year rather than until the 1982 elections ; she was not voting against the selections. 2 . Ordinance No. 24 , Personnel Ordinance - first reading MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Ordinance No. 24 be read by title only. The motion was seconded by Council- man Stover and unanimously carried. Mayor Wilkins read Ordinance No. 24 by title only. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that this constitute the first • reading of Ordinance No. 24. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and unanimously carried by roll call vote. 3. Health Officer Services Contract with County Health Department It was decided to hold off approval of the agreement until a dollar amount is known. 4. Continuing Fire Department Mutual Aid Agreements Mr. Warden reviewed the agreements recommending that Council approve continuing them until the City has completed a review of all agreements. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved for approval to continue the mutual aid agreements . The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and unanimously carried by roll call vote. 5 . Resolution No. 10-80 adopting a Conflict of Interest Code for Designated Employees Mr. Warden reviewed the proposed code which was required for certain designated employees under the Fair Political Practices Act. • Allen Grimes objected to the City Attorney being included in Category MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL • Regular Meeting June 23, 1980 Page Nine 3 which meant he would have to disclose the source of income other than investments and would have to disclose the names of his clients and the amount they paid him for services. He felt he was a contract employee and should have to report under contract employee require- ments. Council discussed this matter and decided to eliminate Category 3 from all designated employees ' requirements . Por. Warden noted that the State law may not clearly make the distinction being raised, but that the Council could, by its code, designate those employees it considers subject to disclosure requirements . MOTION: Councilman Nelson moved for adoption of Resolution No. 10-80 and that Category 3 be eliminated from the desig- nated employees ' list of reportable categories. The motion was seconded by Councilman Highland and unanimously carried by roll call vote. 6 . Consideration of Dial-A-Ride Service Contract Mr. Warden reviewed the contract provisions. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Council approve the contract and direct the Mayor and City Clerk to • execute it. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and unanimously carried by roll call vote. E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION 1. City Council (a) Councilman Mackey stated that she was in favor of funding the school crossing guards. (b) Councilman Mackey felt that a letter should be written to the people who worked on the handicapped ramp thanking them for that work. (c) Councilman Mackey felt that it was time to start a street committee; she had received several requests from people who had needs in this area. (d) Councilman Mackey stated she had had a complaint about motorcycles disturbing some residents in a resthome. It was noted that the City Police Department would not be in operation until July 1st. (e) Councilman Stover suggested that the Planning Depart- ment, Planning Commission, City Attorney and City • Manager have a joint meeting to work out some problems ; he felt that some Planning Commissioners were expressing concerns about issues that had no place in their deliberations . 0 0 MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting July 23, 1980 • Page Ten (f) Mayor Wilkins requested a status report on police vehicles. Chief McHale stated that the City had received one unmarked car and hoped to receive two or three more before the first of July. 2. City Attorney Mr. Grimes had nothing to report. 3. City Manager (a) Mr. Warden advised that the bill the City had helped develop regarding Proposition 4 and newly incorpor- ated cities was scheduled for the Governor' s signature. He would advise the Council as to the date and place if they wished to attend the bill signing ceremony. (b) Mr. Warden advised that the claim of Dorothy Robinson, the lady allegedly injured on a Dial-A-Ride vehicle , had been settled. (c) Mr. Warden stated that there would be an Ugly Dog • Show in the Sunken Gardens on July 18th. The meeting adjourned at 11:50 p.m. Recorded by: MURRAY L. WARDEN, City Clerk By: Ardith Davis Deputy City Clerk • MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Special Meeting • May 31, 1980 9 : 00 a.m. Atascadero Administration Building The meeting was called to order at 9: 30 p.m. All members of the Council were present except Rolfe Nelson who arrived at 9 : 30 a.m. Mr. Warden reviewed his budget message to Council and Council went through the budget page by page discussing various items . Council deleted the athletic equipment from the Fire Department budget as well as the annual dinner for firefighter reserves. RECESS 1: 00 P.M. RECONVENED 1: 30 p.m. Council continued reviewing the budget. The meeting adjourned at 2:50 p.m. Recorded by: MURRAY L. WARDEN, City Clerk • • M EMO R A N D U M TO: City Council FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: McElroy Claim Attached is a claim by Ronald and Arthur McElroy against the City of Atascadero alleging that the accidental death of Edgar McElroy resulted from the City' s failure to provide markings , control devices , etc. , at a pedestrian crossing of E1 Camino Real, The matter has been looked into and our Joint Powers Authority Claims Administrator recommends denial. This has been concurred in by the City Attorney. • By your approval on the Consent Calendar, you will have denied the claim. This determination will be provided to the claimant for whatever further action they wish to pursue. awk��R�-AY D25EN L. F�ARDEN MLW:ad 7-10-80 • I CUNNINGHAM & STEWART RECEIV"D MAR 2 6 1980 Attorneys at Law 41 2 4401 El Camino Real Post Office Box 637 3 Atascadero , CA 93422 Telephone: (805) 466-6577 4 5 Claim Against Public Entity [Gov C §§ 905 , 905 . 2 , 910 910 . 2] --General Form 6 City of Atascadero 7 8 TO THE CITY OF ATASCADERO : 9 RONALD McELROY and ARTHUR McELROY hereby make a claim against the 10 City of Atascadero for the sum of $36 . 445 . 90 and make the 11 following statements in support of the claim: 12 1. Claimant 's post office address is 5750 Valentina 13 Avenue , Atascadero, California 93422. 14 2. Notices concerning the claim should be sent to 41 15 Sylvia Dorsey Stewart , Attorney at Law, P.O. Box 637 , 16 Atascadero, California 93422 . 17 3 . The date and place of the occurance giving rise to 18 this claim are December 20 , 1979 , E1 Camino Real , 19 Atascadero, California 93422 . 20 4. The circumstances giving rise to this claim are as 21 follows : 22 At approximately 5 : 20 p.m. on December 20 , 1979, 23 decedent , Edgar McElroy, was attempting to cross 24 E1 Camino Real , a public street , in the City of 25 Atascadero. The City of Atascadero has failed to 26 provide and maintain such markings , control devices , 27 regulatory signs , and traffic enforcement as to 40 28 provide for the safety of motorist and pedestrians in -1- 0 V • 1 light of the flow of traffic on E1 Camino Real within 2 the City limits of Atascadero, California. Due to 3 the dangerous traffic conditions that exist on E1 4 Camino Real in the City of Atascadero , Edgar McElroy 5 was struck and injured by an automobile while 6 crossing said street. The injuries thus received by 7 Edgar McElroy resulted in his death. 8 5 . Claimants ' damages are for the personal injuries and 9 wrongful death of their parent , Edgar McElroy. 10 6. The names of the public employees causing the 11 claimants ' injuries are unknown at this time. 12 7. My claim as of the date of this claim is $ 36 , 445. 90. 13 8. The basis of computation of the above amount is as . 14 follows : 15 Medical Expenses 16 Incurred to Date: $ 2,693 . 90 17 Expenses : 2, 500 . 00 18 General Damages : 31 , 252. 00 19 TOTAL: $ 36, 445 . 90 20 21 DATED : c —CP-6 ' 1980 . 22 23 . � a��� � 24 Ronald is troy Arthur McElroy 25 26 • 27 28 -2- • MEMORANDUM TO: CITY MANAGER FROM: PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: AT 78-164 - TIME EXTENSION LOCATION: 8920 San Gabriel Rd. APPLICANT : Elizabeth Davis (Hilliard) REQUEST: An extension of time to allow completion of requirements for an approved lot division On July 7 , 1980 the Planning Commission reviewed the subject request and recommends granting a one year extension to June 18 , 1981 subject to the original conditions of approval with the addition of a con- dition stating: "That an approved street name be shown on the final map. " The Commission noted that the zoning and general plan remain un- changed as they relate to this lot division. • 12OL41Z I / LAWRENCE UTEVENS MU RAY RDEN Planning Director City Ma ager • • REPORT OF THE SUBDIVISION REVIEW BOARD MEETING JUNE 4, 1980 RE: AT 78-164, PROPOSED LOT DIVISION OF LOT 9, BLOCK 53, ATASCADERO • COLONY; LOCATED ALONG SAN GABRIEL ROAD, CITY OF ATASCADERO. (A-1-11z: LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL) (DAVIS - HILLIARD) RECOMMENDATION FOR APPROVAL OF TIME EXTENSION SRB Members in Attendance: Acting Chairman, Larry Red, Jim Granflaten, Jerry Erickson, John Hofschroer, Bill MacDonald Planning Commissioner in Attendance: None Legal Counsel Present: None PROJECT DESCRIPTION This application involves a request for extension of time to allow a subdivision of a 10 acre site into 4 parcels of approximately 2.5 acres each. The site is located on the south side of San Gabriel, west of Atascadero Avenue in the City of Atascadero. Zoning: A-1-12: "Light Agricultural' (111 acre minimum) General Plan: 1978 Atascadero Area General Plan: "Low Density Single Family Residential" (21z-10 acres without sewer service) COMMENTS • The subject tentative map was to expire on June 18, 1980. On May 2, 1980, the applicant's engineer requested an extension of time. Status of property division: A field survey has been completed along with improvement plans. A review of this request shows that the Zoning District and General Plan remain unchanged at this time. The Real Property Division Ordinance allows 12 month time extensions to be granted to a maximum of 2 years. RECOMMENDATION After review and discussion of Tentative Parcel Map CO 78-164, the Subdivision Review Board recommends to the City of Atascadero that a one year extension be granted to June 18, 1981, subject to the original conditions of approval as set forth in the minutes of the Subdivision Review Board meeting dated May 9, 1979, subject to the following condition: "That an approved street name be shozm on the final map." DISCUSSION Applicant's engineer attended the meeting. The Subdivision Review Board unanimously adopted the preliminary report . as amended. �k� ••"`�-�� . 4.,�, -_ � �-�- �l%fir R�y /;�\Sy,.� "\\( ,p�2 Y� i� -y*-�• ,F \ . �-{ �L � {� -r•� . SUR �/F •.. � ;.��• .y'��\yh/�1..Y �/Y_ i • i `_ XT 'ti �Ii i� xi [�- -�\' \ �—^ Vis\ /� 9�6 / S� �,. T �`��. EA ,^C '0�• ` ��� �- \ j`�?u j�,PeVl2 x- ru �Ol, . ,o -X 36/ cuoo f �t 1259 - 66 y RD � � 64 _ n OR Gl _ �;J a o1203 41444 VICIOVIT - co r7 Y. l( i Lu� ;Q pW IN> V v1 S Q y I 4 Vw ON zo 4 a q QJY o°yo m J o n 14 Q ti0s q4J $� r W>oaoo 9Q � U � d � ysQ a> _ J _ Q w w >�Q8 c _ 21 . ese� 6 s _ �Q 4 N O COs., 1 >��D z X60- yd J ec 020 co ri. o /9. o� p cYd ciy� ly IN 0 . r � • ?dEM0RANDLJM TO : CITY MANAGER If FROM: PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: CO 78-212 - TIME EXTENSION LOCATION: 8300 Curbaril APPLICANT: Duane Froning (Stuart) REQUEST : An extension of time to allow completion of re- quirements for an approved lot division. On July 7, 1980 the Planning Commission reviewed the subject re- quest and recommends granting a one year extension to May 14, 1981 subject to the original conditions of approval. The commission noted that the zoning and general plan remain unchanged as they relate to this lot division. LAWRENCE ST VENS M RRA ' WARDEN • Planning Director City Manager • ��/ • PRELIM NARY REPORT REPORT OF THE SUBDIVISION REVIEW BOARD MEETING JUNE 4, 1980 RE: CO 78-212, PROPOSED LOT DIVISION OF A PORTION OF LOT 16, BLOCK 7, • ATASCADERO COLONY; CRISTOBAL EXTENSION, CITY OF ATASCADERO. (R-A: SUBURBAN RESIDENTIAL) (FRONING - STEWART) RECONAIENDATION FOR APPROVAL OF TIME EXTENSION SRB Members in Attendance: Planning Commissioner in Attendance: Legal Counsel Present: PROJECT DESCRIPTION This application involves a request for extension of time to allow a subdivision of a 2. 24 acre site into two parcels of 1.0 and 1.24 acres each. The site is located on the northerly side of Cristobal Extension just south of Curbaril in the City of Atascadero. Zoning: R-A: "Suburban Residential" (20,000 sq. ft. minimum) General Plan: 1978 Atascadero Area General Plan: "Moderate Density Single Family Residential" (1 acre minimum) COMMENTS The subject tentative map was to expire on May 14, 1980. On • May 14, 1980, the applicant' s engineer requested an extension of time. Status of property division: Check prints and plans have not yet been reviewed by County Engineering; the applicant's engineer indicates more time is needed for design work. A review of this request shows that the Zoning District and General Plan remain unchanged at this time. The Real Property Division Ordinance allows 12 month time extensions to be granted to a maximum of 2 years. RECOMMENDATION After review and discussion of Tentative Parcel Map CO 78-212, the Subdivision Review Board recommends to the Atascadero Planning Commission and Council that a one year extension be granted to May 14, 1981, subject to the original conditions of approval as set forth in the minutes of the Subdivision Review Board meeting dated April 4, 1979. • e t i •ATA CAD = . --4 ✓+�� ERO �,..._ 3,_-Rpmo. �♦ Q CO >�4W0 -: . � J I �"--V r_ .'�� F. -9q'--S moi• �'�i� �� .1� i F NNS-';� �, 4 r j" /�/E�,� �ad , F`�� t•� ` ; ,',`<y� \' t�� �:Y� r �♦ �„e ..' ' �T' r\ \�. '���/.� �. - �O �'` -gip.�_� ., 'f •i�•Y�x coS.k DO Y 777 _ pax k) \/2 ` h VIS A OLO . ff MAP y 1 _ 7 w 4 ? w oC � iz�{c`. ppF FoZ �f y Q � ^ CO �YW� O U nmW C<i - �. °zJono $ F � LL 3r� 'jl� � ��07 <Wggo Vr Lul Fyj 3 �Q. �VJ Qn`i4y LL 4 O CC 111111cw L-1 Q • (12LL aCliy Ll Gr � o - h p 07 - �_ s - sz z 0. V Y o v t I t M a � i y • M_E M_O_R A_N_D U_M_ / • TO: City Manager FROM: Planning Director SUBJECT: Z800325 : 1 LOCATION: 4455 Traffic Way APPLICANT: JESSE BENTLEY REQUEST: A change of zone from A-1 to M-1 On June 16 , 1980, the Planning Commission considered the sub- ject request and unanimously recommends approval of a chance of zone from A-1 to M-1 with the "D" to mean: 1. Departmental Review is required for all uses with particu- lar attention to site design and environmental concerns . In recommending approval of the rezoning, the Commission adopted the following findings : 1. The proposed rezoning would be consistent with the neigh- boring industrial uses to the south. • 2 . With the recommended "D" , the proposed rezoning will pro- vide an opportunity to ensure that the resulting develop- ment will be an attractive neighbor to adjacent properties and public roads . 3. The recommended rezoning is consistent with the industrial designation of the site by the 1980 City-adopted Atascadero General Plan. The applicants were present at the hearing and indicated that they were in agreement with the recommendation. No one else appeared on the matter. In the event that the Council concurs with the Planning Commission recommendation, they should direct Staff to prepare an ordinance and ordinance map for consideration at the next meeting. 41W'4_1V lLo-.,X�� LAW-AgNCE STE NS .AY WARDEN Planning Dir for Ci y Maiager LS:ad 7-10-80 • • • STAFF REPORT TO: Atascadero Planning Commission DATE: June 16 , 1980 • FROM: Development Review Section County Planning Department SUBJECT: Z800325: 1 - JESSE BENTLEY AND RICHARD TEAGUE - REZONING FROM A-1 to M-1, CITY OF ATASCADERO (Accepted March 25, 1980) SPECIFIC REQUEST The applicant is requesting rezoning from A-1 (Light Agriculture with a one acre minimum parcel size) to M-1 (Light Industrial) . The one-half acre site is located on the northeast side of Traffic Way at the intersection with San Jacinto Avenue. The applicant' s intent in submitting this request is to bring the zoning of the site into conformity with the Citv-adopted 1980 Atascadero General Plan and to enable subsequent use of the site for an 8, 700 square foot mini-storage facility. A Negative Declaration for this request ' s Environmental Determination was issued by the Environmental Coordinator on April 25, 1980, with the following condition: A "D" designation should be placed on the requested M-1 zone to allow further design and environmental review of uses to • be associated with the site. ZONING AND GENERAL PLAN INFORMATION Existing Zoning: A-1, the Light Agricultural District General Plan: City-adopted 1980 Atascadero General Plan: Industrial; at the perimeter of , but inside, the Urban Services Line. The following principles addressing Light Industrial Uses in the text of the General Plan are pertinent to this request (p. 51) : " l. Light Industry shall be located in physically suited areas that will not create incompatible land use mixtures ; 2 . Designated industrial areas shall be developed first. As these properties become filled, industrial reserve areas can progressively be withdrawn from exist- ing uses and offered for new industrial park development; and . . . 5. Landscape setbacks and development stand- ards shall be approved by the appropriate • governing agency and strictly enforced before development occurs . " z800325 : 1 • • June 16 , 1980. Page Two • SITE CONDITIONS Size and Shape: 21, 780 square feet (0. 5 acre) and nearly rectangular. Topography: Gentle slope towards the railroad tracks to the east; a drainage Swale bisects the site and drains toward the railroad tracks to a culvert which is partially filled with sediment from storm water runoff; fill material deposited on the south portion of the site. Vegetation: Two large Valley Oak trees approximately six feet and three feet in diameter on the west side along Traffic Way. Soils : Moderate erosion hazard and severe limitations for the percolation of sewage effluent. Improvements : None Service Within Atascadero County Sanitation District Considerations: and Atascadero Mutual Water District • Access: Traffic Way, a paved 50-foot right-of-way with no curb, gutter and sidewalk in site vicinity. AREA CONSIDERATIONS Surrounding Land North: Vacant with a single family residence Uses: beyond East: Railroad tracks with dry farming and residential uses bevond South: Auto body shop and other industrial uses West: Single family residence across Traffic Way STAFF COMMENTS While the applicant' s intent in requesting this rezoning is to allow construction of a mini-storage facility on the site, evaluation of this request should focus primarily on the consistency of this rezoning with the General Plan. Rezoninq the subject site to M-1 would bring the zoning into conformity with the City-adopted 1980 Atascadero General Plan, which designates the site as Industrial. In addition, the project appears to be a logical extension of other industrial uses existing south of the site along the same side of Traffic Way. The principles for Liqht Industrial development outlined in the General Plan provide for approval and enforcement of development standards before new development occurs . This principle can be implemented by the addition of a "D" designation to the requested M-1 zone, which • would require Departmental Review approval for all uses , in order to assure that development standards and environmental concerns are addressed at the time a specific development project is proposed. Z800325: 1 • • June 16 , 198Q Page Three The conceptual site plan for the mini-storage yard is included with • this report to allow some preliminary review of this proposal . However, consideration of the details of this use is best deferred until the subsequent Departmental Review is submitted rather than addressing them now as part of the current rezoning request. RECOMMENDATION It is the Staff recommendation that this application for rezoning from A-1 to M-1 be approved together with the following "D" combining designation: 1. Departmental Review is required for all uses with parti- cular attention to site design and environmental concerns . Approval of the proposed -M-1 zoning together with the recommended "D" would enable the following: Findings: 1. The Proposed rezoning would be consistent with the neighboring industrial uses to the south. 2. With the recommended "D" , the proposed rezoning will provide an opportunity to ensure that the resulting development will be an attractive and compatible neighbor to adjacent propertie-* and public roads. 3. The recommended rezoning is consistent with the Industrial designation of the site by the 1980 City-adopted Atascadero General Plan. Report prepared by Barbara J. Heinrich and approved by Warren Hoag, Supervisor Development Review Section County Planning Department • • E— • r \ \ 3 4 9 !- S _l L\.f • R 11 N q 9 �� J u J 3! 9 \ L.f s 6 ASun CAA L\ 4 � M1 Rf(�•� J o L 9 ear . A S U N C 10 N c SIT 94 L • �"L rosy ��..' a4r I � � •^..f �! � ' _ � r. J �J' 'W•g �D O 9 5i ATA 5 C A 0 E CpF' 1��c .11 !< <4 eo, �J PINE M T N /!16 It 61 ' VICINITY MAF h 9 o „ , a o� P � ,i �- i1 3 2� m v � � a � �a 23 H o h M a 6 L S I T ,, gory - „- C5 Q3 \10A eye so a@ 4j 20 19 22 �6 \0 9 21 _3 p s! s g g qZ 45 0 � \ Sq 43 - 9 55 4 24 �_•. P-21 SiQOM to 46 47 ` @ 39 a 25 -,` N 6 s 3@ /! 46 3?. 49 26 QIDR.;. 323 13 Sp 43 28 °w 9 14 09... 9 — 15 3 3/ 4 30 .. \ ; J 2 0 3/ 52 •' ,�9 S •;ra�3 6 32\ 55 54 53 38 RAb 37 � ' 2 is _ I ZONING � T _ SAUNAS ; SUSUF�8d�1d SINI>LE �A_ MtL`t E�SIDEhI'CIPeL. .r � � ' r , (MODE Vtiusifif 3_i_ AM►�Y mom" .. r aiod� _ �. •Z �iJDtkS[ th�- , LAW DENS1t`C M�I��{{LT?1PL� FAM�1�—`fir • l (j ? ^ • s 1110007 � "�...,.... :meq..✓ � �. A`sF R r tA Nr ""� �.J .�`< i k "t.. • \ r`�. �' a � Y lip wM y` X. 777777 IS f R - ` GENERAL , = t I 3 z - g I � o { i j'y Q ' ills of ( I T I � iyyie N. �j _ 1ul } Fgljj I ` 4 ` ' � CONCEPTUAL -ywa 1aS ,GS � I S�T E P�A.N M_E M_O_R A_N_D_U M_ • TO: City Manager FROM: Planning Director SUBJECT: Appeal of Planning Commission Denial of AT 78-283 LOCATION: 2130 Monterey Rd. APPLICANT: KURT FREILER (Garing, Taylor & Associates) REOUEST: A division of a 4 . 02 acre site to create two parcels of 2 . 01 acres . On June 13th and June 16th, letters of appeal were received from the applicant ' s engineer and attorney, respectively. Neither letter states the basis for the appeal. On June 2 , 1980 , the Planning Commission considered the subject request and unanimously recommends denial of the lot division. In recommending denial of the lot division, the Commission adopted the following findings: 1. The proposed lot size is not consistent with the General Plan designation for the property. • 2 . The density of the project will not conform to the General Plan designation for the area. In discussing this matter, it was the consensus of the Commission that the inconsistency of the request with the minimum lot size standards of the General Plan was the primary basis for the recom- mendation. The applicant and his engineer were present at the hearing and requested approval on the basis that the 2-acre lot size was in compliance with the slope related standards established by zoning and that the County Staff initially advised that the request con- formed with the General Plan. No one else appeared on the matter. In the event that the Council deems approval to be appropriate , that decision should specify supportive findings. L� LAitiRENCEJDi ENS M RAY L. WARDEN PlanningctorCity h4anager LS:ad 7-10-80 • »-ya MARTIN WOLFF A PROFESSIONAL LAW CORPORATION • 91 MAIN STREET TEMFLETON, CALIFORNIA D3466 TELEPHONE (805) 431-1191 R.ECEIIiED JUN a 6 198© June 14 , 1980 City Council The City of Atascadero Administration Building 6501 Lewis Avenue P.O. Box 747 Atascadero, CA 93422 Re: Formal Appeal from Planning Commission Denial of Proposed Lot Division (A.T. 79-283) of Lot 2 , Block 47 , Atascadero Colony, Monterey and San Fernando Roads • Dear Councilpersons: Please accept this letter as formal appeal from the Atascadero Planning Commission denial of the above- referenced request. Would you please set this matter for hearing in accordance with the appeal process. Would you also be so kind as to provide me with a copy of the officially adopted rules for the appeal process from a Planning Commission decision? Your cooperation in this regard will be greatly appreciated. Additionally, prior to the formal appeal hearing, I would like to propose a resolution conference between the applicant, a designated member of the Planning Commission, a designated member of the City Council and the Planning • 0 . City Council The City of Atascadero Page Two June 14, 1980 Director. This may vitiate the need for a formal appeal hearing and may result in reconsideration by the Planning Commission, which would be the preferable avenue. Thank you for your consideration of this request. Sincerely, MARTIN WOLF MW/mc • cc: Mr. & Mrs. Freiler CC: Garing, Taylor & Associates • GARING , TAYLOR & ASSOCIATES , INC. CIVIL ENGINEERS SURVEYORS PLANNERS • R C ICEIVE'D"' 1980 June 9 , 1980 City of Atascadero P.O. Box 747 Atascadero, CA 93422 Attention: Lawrence Stevens Planning Director Dear Larry; On behalf of our client, Kurt Freiler, we wish to appeal the action of the Planning Commission in regard to his proposed Lot Division (AT-79-283) of lot 2 , Block 47 , Atascadero Colony. Very truly yours, • GARING TAYLOR & ASSOCIATES, INC. ROBERT S. GARING, JR. , P.E. cc: t,eurtis Freiler RSG:dbr 79-128 Encl: $100. 00 check for Appeal Fee • 141 SOUTH ELM STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CA 93420 (805) 489-1321 M E M G R A N D U M TO: Atascadero Planning Commission DATE: June 2 , 1980 FROM: Planning Director SUBJECT: AT 79-283, PROPOSED LOT DIVISION OF LOT 2, BLOCK 47, ATASCADERO COLONY, MONTEREY AND SAN FERNANDO ROADS - Freiler (Garing, Taylor & Assoc. ) This application was submitted to the County Planning Department on January 4 , 1980, and accepted for preliminary processing on January 21 , 1980. At that time, the subject property was desig- nated as Low Density Single Family Residential according to the 1978 Atascadero General Plan. Since the property is located outside the Urban Services Line , the lot size was to be evaluated based on the Suburban Single Family Residential range of 212 to 10 acres until sewers became available. In March 1980, the subject property was changed to the Suburban Single Family Residential (as were all Properties designated Low Density Single Family Residential) but this did not change the standards affecting the • minimum lot size. LAWRENCESTE NS Planning Di for kp Attach. • ✓ o s . , Planning Department County Luis Obis Co y fan o S L p May 12, 1980 Honorable Atascadero Planning Commission and City Council City of Atascadero, California Dear Ladies and Gentlemen: SUBJECT: AT 79-283, PROPOSED LOT DIVISION OF LOT 2, BLOCK 47, ATASCADERO COLONY, MONTEREY AND SAN FERNANDO ROADS, CITY OF ATASC:kDERO. (FREILER - GARING, TAYLOR $ ASSOCIATES) • (A-1-BV-3-D(508) : LOW DENSITY SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL) SUPERVISORIAL DISTRICT #1 (884: 1/2/80) RECOMMENDATION AGAINST CONSISTENCY AND FOR DENIAL RECOMMENDATION ON ROAD IMPROVEMENTS At a regular meeting of the County Subdivision Review Board, the attached subdivision was considered and is being referred to you for required action and findings regarding consistency with applicable general plans. Respectfully submitted, LARRY J. RED, Supervisor Subdivision Review Section ca Attachment cc: County Engineer County Health Department • ROOM 102,COURTHOUSE ANNEX•SAN LUIS OBISPO,CALIFORNIA 93408•TELEPHONE(805)549-5600 • REPORT OF THE SUBDIVISION REVIEW BOARD MEETING MAY 7, 1980 RE: AT 79-283, PROPOSED LOT DIVISION OF LOT 2, BLOCK 47, ATASCADERO COLONY, MONTEREY .AND SAN FERNANDO ROADS, CITY OF ATASCADERO. (A-1-BV-3-D(508) : LOW DENSITY SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL) (FREILER - GARING, TAYLOR & ASSOCIATES) (884: 1/2/80) RECOb]N9ENDATION AGAINST CONSISTENCY AND FOR DENIAL CONDITIONAL NEGATIVE DECLARATION SRB Members in Attendance: Chairman, Colonel Sorenson, John Hofschroer, Larry Red, Bill MacDonald, John Wallace, Jerry Erickson Planning Commissioner in Attendance: Blair Shurtleff Legal Counsel Present: None PROJECT DESCRIPTION This application proposes a subdivision of a 4. 02 acre site into two parcels of 2.01 acres each. The site is located between Monterey and San Fernando Roads in northern Atascadero. Zoning: A-1-BV-3-D(508) : "Light Agricultural" Slope Related Density (2 acre minimum) • General Plan: 1978 Atascadero Area General Plan: "Low Density Single Family Residential" (2'z-10 without sewer service) COMMENTS Environmental Determination A Conditional Negative Declaration was issued by the Environmental Coordinator on March 14, 1980, stating that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment and therefore does not require the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report, subject to the following conditions: 1. Access be reviewed by County Engineering and Planning Departments. 2. Storm water drainage be reviewed by County Engineering. 3. That the project be found consistent with the appropriate General Plan(s) . Site and Area Considerations The site is gently sloping with a swale running east-west through the center of the property. Vegetation consists primarily of annual grasses with scattered oak trees. • AT 79-283 • Page 2 The site is served by community water, but septic tanks will be utilized • for sewage disposal. The Soil Conservation Service indicates that the soils are subject to severe septic tank suitability limitations. Soil tests will be required prior to the filing of the final map as per Health Department criteria. The site is located in an area which is generally called Las Encinas. Its character is basically suburban residential, with parcel sizes ranging from 1.5 to 3 acres and larger. Zoning and General Plan Considerations The site and adjacent properties are zoned A-1-BV-3-D(508) , a Light Agriculture zoning district with slope related densities and a 2 acre minimum. The slopes on the site fall within the range specified by the ordinance for lots of 2 acres. The 1978 Atascadero General Plan designates the area as Low Density Single Family Residential . The site is outside the Urban Services boundary, and San Fernando Road is designated as a Local Street. The General Plan contains the following comments pertinent to this project. "Land Use Policy Proposals 2. The type and extent of services provided within the Urban • Reserve area will depend on whether land is in the Urban or the Suburban Services area. Properties outside the Urban Services Line should be evaluated for lot size based on the Suburban Residential range (21-2 to 10 acres) until sewers are available. (p. 42) Low Density Minimum lot sizes within the Urban Services area should range from lz to 2'z acres. Determination of appropriate lots sizes should be based upon such factors as the availability of services, especially sewers; slope of access road to building site; distance from the center of the community; general character of neighboring lands; soil percolation; and the area needed for access roads to the building sites. (p. 44) Residential Policy Proposals S. Residential density should decrease as one moves outward from the core, in order to maintain the rural atmosphere of the community. This can be accomplished by a graded increase in lot size and a graded decrease in the permitted density of population. 10. Lot splits should be thoroughly evaluated and be in accordance with community plans and principles. Strict adherence to the lot sizes defined in this Plan is essential in order to retain • AT 79-283 • • Page 3 • the desired character of the community. Creation of lots smaller than those recommended must not be permitted if the maximum population of approximately 30,000 is to be maintained. 11. Attention should be paid to the aesthetic result of land division. Building sites should be encouraged on natural slopes, with minimal disruption of native vegetation and watersheds, and efficient layout of access and utilities. 12. A program should be developed to encourage the preservation of trees, watersheds and natural slopes and other natural amenities from abuse and destruction resulting from poor design and development practices. (p. 45 $ 46) The Suburban Residential Section also contains the following guidance: Lot sizes should be 21-� acres or more. Determination of appro- priate lot sizes should be based upon such factors as slope of the access road to the building site, availability of services, distance from the center of the community, general character of neighboring lands, percolation and the area need for access road to building site." (p. 44) Monterey Road is designated as an Undivided or Secondary Arterial by the . Plan and the following is noted: 113. Secondary Arterials Secondary Arterials should be developed to a 60-foot right-of- way. These roads serve as major access routes between residential areas, shopping centers, employment centers and primary recreation areas. Roads in this classification must have shoulders wide enough to accommodate multi-use paths and emergency parking." (p. 88) RECOMMENDATION Although the City Planning Commission and the City Council will take final action on this project, the Subdivision Review Board may still take action on this matter. Any action taken will likely constitute an informal recommendation to the City Council . It should be noted this staff report and the recommendations are based on County policy, procedure, ordinances, and plans . After review of applicable General Plans and other available information, the Subdivision Review Board recommends denial to the City Council and that the proposed subdivision be found not consistent with the General Plan in accordance with Sections 66473 and 66474 of the Subdivision Map Act. This is based on the following findings: • AT 79-283 . • Page 4 1. The proposed lot size is not consistent with the General Plan • designation for the property. 2. The density of the project will not conform to the General Plan designation for the area. Provided that a finding of consistency is made and the application ultimately approved, the following conditions are hereby established regarding the design and improvements of the proposed subdivision; which conditions when satisfied will mitigate the environmental concerns expressed by the Environmental Coordinator in the Environmental Deter- mination of March 14, 1980. And, provided that the City Council finds that your Tentative Parcel Map is consistent and approved, the Subdivision Review Board also recommends that it be found in the interest of the public health and safety, and as a necessary pre-requisite to the orderly development of the surrounding area, to require the construction of road improvements within a period of one year after recordation of the Parcel Map. 1. That the following "NOTES" shall be placed on the final map: A. No sewage disposal system installations are to be placed closer than 100 feet from the top of the existing creek bank, drainage swales or areas subject to inundation. B. Sewage disposal systems installed on slopes in excess of 20% • shall be designed and certified by a registered civil engineer or geologist and submitted to the Planning and Health Department for review and approvalrp ion to the issuance of a building permit. Consultants shall determine geologically stable building sites and sewage disposal for each parcel, including evaluations of hillside stability under the most adverse conditions including rock saturation and seismic forces. Slopes in excess of 30% are not considered suitable or practical for subsurface sewage disposal. D. Septic tanks will be an acceptable method of sewage disposal, if soil tests and plans are acceptable, until public sewers may become available. E. Water is to be obtained from the Atascadero Mutual Water Company. 2. Prior to the filing of theap rcel mom, the applicant shall submit to and be jointly approved by the Planning Department and Health Department, results of percolation tests and the log or logs of soil borings performed by a registered civil engineer. For this purpose, the applicant shall perform one or more soil borings to be a minimum depth of ten (10) feet in the area of the proposed sewage disposal system to determine the: (a) subsurface soil AT 79-283 • • Page 5 • conditions, (example: impermeable stratas which act as barriers to the effective percolation of sewage) ; (b) and the presence of groundwater. And the applicant must perform a minimum of three (3) percolation test holes per lot, to be spaced uniformly in the area of the proposed sewage disposal system. Percolation tests shall conform to the methods and guidelines prescribed by the Manual of Septic Tank Practice as adopted by the County Building and Construction Ordinance Title 19, Chapter 10. 24. 3. That operable facilities exist prior to the filing of the Final Map. A letter shall be obtained from the Mutual Water Company and submitted to the Health and Planning Departments for review and approval stating there are operable facilities immediately available and ready for connection to the parcels created. 4. That the applicant offer for dedication to the public for future road widening purposes 5 feet along San Fernando and 10 feet along Monterey; said offer to be made by certificate on the Parcel Map. 5. That the applicant submit a preliminary Title Report at the time the parcel map is submitted for checking. 6. That San Fernando fronting said property and extending to Monterey be improved in the following manner: • 2/3's of an A-5 Suburban Standard Section 7. That the grade and alignment of the road easements as shown on the Tentative Parcel Map meet San Luis Obispo County standards. Also, improvement plans shall be prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer and submitted to the County Engineer's Office for approval. 8. That the applicant enter into an Inspection Agreement with the County for inspection of said improvements. 9. The Engineer, upon completion of the improvements, must certify to the County Engineer that the improvements are made in accordance with Subdivision Review Board requirements and the approved plans. 10. That an Encroachment Permit be obtained from the County Engineer's Office for work to be done on the County road. 11. That any private easement as shown on the Title Report be shown on the Parcel Map with recording data. 12. That the drainage swale and any area subject to inundation on the property be delineated on the Parcel Map. j AT 79-283 • Page 6 13. That a drainage plan, prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer, be • submitted to the County Engineer for approval. 14. FIRE PROTECTION STANDARDS: The applicant must comply with state, county and district laws/ ordinances applicable to fire protection and consider increased fire risk to area by the subdivision of land proposed. 1S. All conditions of approval herein specified are to be complied with prior to the submittal of the Parcel Map Original to the County Engineer for approval. i 16. That a Final Parcel Map shall be filed in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act, prior to sale, lease or financing of the subject property within a period of one year from approval date of the Tentative Map. 17. After approval by the Board of Supervisors, compliance with the preceeding conditions will bring the proposed subdivision in conformance with the Subdivision Map Act and local ordinances. 18. The Tentative Parcel Map will expire one year (12 months) from the date of Board of Supervisors approval. The Tentative Parcel Map may be extended one year by the Subdivision Review Board. Written requests with appropriate fees must be submitted to the Planning . Department prior to the expiration date. DISCUSSION Applicant's engineer attended the meeting and questioned consistency recommendation. Staff advised that the City has recently amended the General Plan. The Subdivision Review Board unanimously adopted the preliminary report as written. Qy 1F J Z 1 OO Q V ^ V 1 a { � �14 � : oil C -4 Q � h tiV' Q a ;�;• j JL\ dr � � MON TER£ s c 1 Ip so O �n^ r �\ e / t � 46 I t •n e° _V ti "V °n I 0 l rl (Sy Wv43 c�i V qzaq� j a /MONTEREY :-. .POAO _ _ ___ -•9� v. i .. '�` -) I r083 //) v �/. (,C L� p I lv� It 1p ap o j c ter.. •..\\ � ` - � r n m l� � —� 1116 to Lis k J f �:iii�::.:::'.:(.: •[ ::t7:1::`'�':•�:, ' Win., •_. Y . i r •�a 1!r -: t� _ b f f �.. [- y :. { J 1 .�C3� a ' g" Y O J 1 . ] :r-�:•.: O O O 4'•- '.: O p p r••\,] I�t_ �.. 1; '::�. :.1•:r:. r)F f'.\�y// S .ti:'.. ' � 00000 � ') L'":'••••: tl � �.\ ,{... -_ O A I HIGH DENSITY LOW DENSITY .: MULTIPLE SINGLE Lftna FAMILY LOW DENSITYFAMILY SUEURBAN t r HIGH DENSITY PUBLIC SINGLE FAMILY -4f r _ FAMILYp���^^^9-�=a��� '4 t-'+ MOO. DENSITY 6°aa" AGRICULTURE Vv 54 ' q `5 94SXc / / O • MA1G �I' `I \ 2^ 0 0 • 86 ` / 1 00 IA P L �b TE vL � R -• J7 - \ 5DO GARING , TAYLOR & ASSOCIATES , INC. CIVIL ENGINEERS SURVEYORS PLANNERS May 21, 1980 City of Atascadero Planning Commission P.O. Box 747 Atascadero, Ca. 93422 Re: Parcel Map No. AT-79-283 Gentlemen: In December of 1979 we prepared and filed an appli- cation for a lot split for our client, Kurt Freiler. At that time we carefully checked with the County Planning Department to determine that the proposed lot split would conform with zoning and the General Plan. We were ad- vised that the General Plan indicated low density single family residential with a 1; to 2; acre lot size. The zoning permitted lots 1 acre or larger depending upon slope. It was determined at that time that 2 acre lots were in conformance with the zoning ordinance and the . General Plan. Because of the slow procedure that the County follows, the map was accepted for processing on January 21, 1980, received a "conditional negative declaration" effective April 4 , 1980, and a recommendation from the Subdivision Review Board on May 12, 1980. The Subdivision Review Board now recommends that the application be denied because it does not conform with the General Plan. Questioning of the County staff confirms that the application did conform with the plan at the time that it was accepted for processing, and that the change in the plan must have occurred when the City incorporated and amended the plan. It seems strange that a person can have the rules changed during the time that his application is being pro- cessed. Shouldn' t the fact that the application was in conformance at the time that it was made have some bearing on the City' s obligation to approve or deny this lot split application? • 141 SOUTH ELM STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CA 93420 (805) 489-1321 City of Atascadero Planning Commission May 21, 1980 -2- • We hereby request that this application be approved inasmuch as the application was in conformance with zoning and the General Plan at the time that it was made. Very truly yours, GARING, TAYLOR & ASSOCIATES, INC. ROBERT S. GARING, JR. , P.E. RSG:og • W.O. #79-128 M_EMO_RAND U M_ • TO: City Manager FROM: Planning Director SUBJECT: Appeal of conditions established by Planning Commission in approving R 790719 : 4 LOCATION: 9400 E1 Camino Real APPLICANT: Motel 6 REOUEST: To construct a 118 unit motel On June 23rd, a letter of appeal was received from Motel 6 . The letter indicates that the applicant objects to conditions la, lb, and lc, on the basis that the conditions will result in a further reduction of the number of guest rooms and will add construc- tion cost to the project. The applicant points out that the project had already been reduced from 122 to 118 rooms when plans were re- vised to accommodate the existing oak trees. The conditions which are the subject of objections would require revised plans in compliance with the following: "a. Reduce wino 'B' in length to 108. 5 feet to save a • greater portion of the root system and limbs of #3. b. Shift the northern portion of wing ' C ' five feet to the west to save additional roots and branches tree #3; make an accompanying reduction in the width of the planting strip along the western site boundary. c. Shift the southern portion of wind 'C ' five feet to the east to allow location of the proposed retaining wall next to tree #6 five feet further away from the trunk of that tree. " On April 7 , 1980 , the Planning Commission considered the initial 122 unit proposal and directed Staff to meet with the applicant to consider certain revisions including retention of as many oak trees as feasible, provisions for adequate irrigation for landscaping, and minor upgrading of the building exterior. After several continuances , revised plans were submitted May 30th and considered by the Commission at their meeting of June 16th. The Planning Commission, on a vote of 4-2 , recommends approval of the subject application subject to conditions 1-20 listed in the Draft Notice of Approval dated April 7 , 1980 , and subject to revised conditions 1, 6 , 7 , 9 , and 11 listed in the Staff Report dated June 16 , 1980 . In recommending approval, the Commission adopted Findings A-D listed in the Draft Notice of Approval. • There was considerable discussion on this matter at the meeting. Subjects brought up during the hearing focused on the minimum number Memorandum - Motel 6 appeal (R 790719 : 4) Page Two • of units necessary for an economically viable development, the factors used in selecting a site and in determining its economic potential, the number of employees that would be needed, and the importance of oak trees in Atascadero. while the Commission supported a motel in the subject location, there were differences regarding the degree of protection necessary to enhance the opportunity for the existing oak trees to survive. The Commission majority supported maximum protection as represented by conditions la, lb , and lc while the minority felt that the economic advantages for four more units out- weighed the additional protection. The applicant was present at the meeting and indicated that they agreed with the recommendation with the exception of Conditions la, lb, and lc. Their objections to these conditions are those raised in the appeal letter. The applicant further indicated that 118 units was the minimum number necessary for a viable project. Several other persons in attendance at the meeting spoke in support of the 118 unit project as requested by Motel 6 . A letter from the Chamber of Commerce took a similar position. Subsequent to the Planning Commission meeting , several telephone calls have been received from members of the Chamber of Commerce supporting Mote 6 , while a telephone call has been received supporting preservation of the trees. In addition, several local motel owners • have expressed objections to the project. LAWRENCE STE .NS ' RAY 1Y. WARDEN Planning Di e for Cty Onager LS:ad 7-10-80 • • 0 ��E L 51 HITCHCOCK WAY .SANTA BARBARA, CALIFORNIA 93105 .(805) 682-6666 • June 20, 1980 r�r�11C(l N' 7 110300City of Atascadero - Post Office Box 747 Atascadero, CA 93422 ATTN: Lawrence Stevens RE: Motel 6 - Atascadero, CA. Dear Mr. Stevens, We wish to appeal the finding of the Departmental Review (R790719:4) public hearing of June 16, 1980 regarding our proposed motel project on El Camino Real. The Staff Report dated June 16, 1980, reviewed our revised site plan which changed the location and size of the building. This Staff Report was voted upon and passed by the Planning Commission at their regular meeting of June 16, 1980. • Our revised plan reflected a reduction in the number of guestrooms frau 122 to 118 along with the saving of a total of four of the five oak trees on the site. The Staff Report recommended an additional reduction in the number of guestrooms and a modification to the building resulting in a ten foot off-set in the center of one wing. These recom)endations (under 1. A-6 insert: a,b,c) are objectionable to us because they will result in a smaller number of guestrooms and will add construction cost to the project. We will comply with all provisions of the Staff Report dated June 16, 1980, except those which recommend further reduction in the number of guestrooms or the off-setting of building wings. Enclosed is our check No. 148189 in the amunt of $100.00 for the appeal. Sincerely yours, M= 6,� DTC.� � Rhihp w. HL-ealey, C.B.Ic.( Construction & Engineer PWH:mg • Encl. i 0 STAFF REPORT TO: Atascadero Planning Commission DATE : June 16 , 1980 • FROM: Development Review Section County Planning Department SUBJECT: R790719 : 4 - MOTEL 6 , INC. - DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF A 118-UNIT MOTEL IN A CH ZONE, ATASCADERO (Accepted 7/19/79) PROJECT STATUS This project was first considered by the Atascadero Planning Commission on April 7 , 1980. At that meeting, the Commission continued the matter to May 19 , 1980 and directed the Staff to meet with the applicants in the interim to explore opportunities for: 1. retaining as many of the existing oak trees as feasible , 2 . providing irrigation for the proposed landscaping, and 3. revising_ exterior building elevations in minor ways to upgrade the appearance of the structures . This matter has since been continued twice; first to June 2 , 1980 and then to today' s meeting, to allow more time for the applicant to revise the proposed site plan. • The Staff met with the applicant on-site and made preliminary suggestions for revising the project to maximize retention of the oak trees . A licensed landscape architect was retained on a consulting basis by the Staff to provide professional assistance in evaluating the present condition of the trees and suggesting initial measures for their retention (see attached letter from SEDES , dated April 30, 1980) . The applicant submitted a revised site plan with preliminary landscaping proposals on May 30 , 1980 . The Staff 's consulting landscape architect reviewed the revised plan and has made specific recommendations for improving protection and long-term viability of the existing trees to be retained (see attached SEDES letter of June 9 , 1980) . The consultant also provided an initial review of the preliminary landscaping proposals . REVISED PROJECT The original site plan for the project provided for a total of 122 units in four buildings and 126 parking spaces . That plan proposed the removal of four of the five existing oak trees on the site and required grading which would have endangered another oak tree located immediately off-site on the freeway right-of-way. The revised plan reduces the number of units and parking spaces to 118 and 123 , respectively. The project would still consist of four two-story buildings clustered around the center of the site but the location and size of the buildings have been adjusted. These adjustments would allow retention of four of the five oak trees (trees #2 through 5 as labeled in SEDES ' letter of April 30 , 1980) and would reduce the impact of grading on the off-site 8790719: 4 - Motel 6., Inc, • June 16 , 1980 Page Two • tree (tree #6) . No details on irrigation methods have been shown on the preliminary landscaping plan. Also, the applicant has not submitted any proposed revisions in the exterior building elevations but it should be noted that a representative of the applicant did indicate agreement with the recommended change in roofing materials to wood shake shingles at the meeting of April 7 , 1980 . STAFF COMMENTS The revised project represents a substantial improvement over the original proposal in terms of retaining the existing oak trees . The most significant trees would be retained while only one oak (tree 41, the youngest and smallest) would be removed. However, more modifica- tions to the site plan are needed to further protect the two most significant trees (tree #3 and off-site tree #6) and ensure their long-term viability. The Staff' s consultant has identified detailed measures to accomplish that purpose and the Staff agrees with the recommended modifications. The major changes would be : 1. Reducing wing "B" in length from about 120 to 108. 5 feet to save a greater portion of the root system and limbs of tree U. This change would appear to result in the loss of four more motel units. • 2. Shifting the northern portion of wing "C" five feet to the west to save additional branches and roots of tree #3. This change will reduce the width of the planting strip along the western site boundary by five feet but sufficient space will still be available for the proposed planting. 3. Shifting the southern portion of wing "C" five feet to the east to allow the retaining wall to be located five feet further from the trunk of tree #6 . This change would signi- ficantly increase the survival chances of that tree. 4. Eliminating two parking spaces each near trees #2 and 4 to increase the root zones of that tree. This change would eliminate a total of four spaces which would be off-set by the loss of four motel units required b_v the recommended reduction in wing "B" . The Staff feels that approval of the revised project should incorporate the recommended site plan changes as conditions of approval. The over- all loss of eight motel units from the original total of 122 is justi- fiable because the site ' s most significant trees would be retained with greater chances for survival. An additional concern is the lack of a precise irrigation proposal for the landscaping. The Staff agrees with the consultant that a comprehensive irrigation system is preferable to hose bibs for ensuring satisfactory long-term maintenance of landscaping • for a project of this magnitude. Such a system should be required as a condition of approval. The alternative planting choices suggested by the consultant can best be achieved administratively by the Staff as part of the post-approval review of the project. R790719 : 4 - Motel *Inc. • June 16, 1980 Page Three RECOMMENDATION • The Staff recommends that this Departmental Review application be approved based on the revised project plans submitted by the appli- cant on May 30 , 1980 with further modifications. The attached draft Notice of Approval for this Departmental Review should be adopted by the Planning Commission with appropriate adjustments to the factual information contained in it and with the following revised conditions (all other conditions should remain as written) : 1. A-6 , insert: ar Reduce wing "B" in length to 108. 5 feet to save a greater _portion of the root system (and limbs of tree #3. b. Shift the northern portion of wing "C" five feet to the west to save additional roots and branches of tree #3 ; make an accompanying reduction in the width of the planting strip along the western site boundary. c. Shift the southern portion of wino "C" five feet to the i east to allow location of the proposed retaining wall next to tree #6 five feet further away from the trunk of that tree. d. Eliminate the two parking spaces directly south of • tree #2 and the two spaces south of tree #4 to increase the root zones of those trees. e. Except for the changes noted above in subsections a through d, site development to be consistent with the revised site plan submitted May 30 , 1980 . f. An overall total of not more than 118 units; further reduction in the number of units shall be provided for as required by compliance with subsection a above. 6 . Submit detailed landscaping and irrigation plans in accordance with the Planning Department landscaping plan review policy for Planning Staff review and approval prior to issuance of a building permit. Said plans to include screening vegetation along Highway 101 and softening vegetation around the perimeter of the site including trees capable of exceeding the height of the building upon maturity. The retention of the four existing oak trees labeled #2 through 5 in SEDES ' letter of April 30 , 1980 shall be provided for. The retaining wall around tree #3 shall be constructed of materials that do not require a continuous footing. Paving materials that allow air and water movement to occur (such as brick or concrete paver units on sand base) shall be used for walkways within the driplines of trees #2 through 5. No herbicide which may be harmful to oak trees shall be used intensively within the driplines of trees #2 through 5. No black 6 mil. plastic shall be used within • the driplines of trees #2 through 5. Proposed grading shall be shown on the landscaping plans and shall be designed to R790719 : 4 Motel 6,Rnc, • June 16 , 1980 Page Four • minimize disturbance of trees #2 through 5. The plans shall provide for a minimum of a drip irrigation system to be installed in areas where rock is used for ground cover and a spray irrigation system to be installed in the perimeter planting strips . All plant materials shall be sized to achieve a mature appearance within three years of installation. 7. The four Live Oak trees labeled #2 through 5 in SEDES ' letter of April 30 , 1980 shall be retained. Mp construction shall occur within the driplines of these trees without protective measures. 9. A-14 , add at end: No underground utility lines shall be installed within the driplines of trees #2 through 5 as labeled in SEDES ' letter of April 30, 1980. 11. Provide a minimum of 119 off-street parking spaces. Locate at least two of the parking spaces , designated for use by registering quests only, in close proximity of the motel office. vehicle parking and access areas shall be paved with a minimum of two inches of A.C. over rock base; individual parking spaces shall be paint-striped or otherwise indicated, • and provided with concrete wheel stops or approved functional equivalent. Paved areas shall be permanently maintained. Report prepared by Warren Hoag, Supervisor Development Review Section County Planning Department • S ANDSCAPE ARCHITECTUIE • LAND PLANNING site and environmental design services • 1041 chorro street san Luis obispo (805) 544.8406 California 93401 • April 30, 1980 RECEIVED Mr. Warren Hoag Development Review MAY 1 1980 planning Department - Courthouse Annex San Luis Obispo, CA 93408 S.L.Q. COUNTY PLANNING DEPT. RE: Motel 6 Atascadero Existing Trees Dear Mr. Hoag; This letter is to report on the quality of the existing trees on -the site and to make recommendations regarding their preservation or distruction. The species of tree discussed in this report is California Live Oak, Quercus agrifolia. There are also two small "Black Locust, Robinia pseudoacacia on the property which are of insig- nificant value. • The site appears nearly flat, but actually has over 10 feet of elevation change from the low point on the northeast corner and the high point on the southwest corner of the site. There is a prominent drainage swale which has apparently been constructed through the site to carry runoff from the freeway to E1 Camino Real . The surface soils -"---.`-are -sandy loam and appear to be productive. The following is a description of the oak trees indicated on the attached plan: 1. A young tree with a trunk diameter of approximately 9". It is 12 feet tall and in excellent condition. It branches near the ground taking the form of a multi trunk tree . 2. This is a large mature oak with a trunk diameter of 50". It is approximately 40 feet tall and generally in good condition. However, one major branch has been damaged, appar- ently by fire. There is , however, no sign of fire damage to the lower portion of the trunk nor indication of fire on the ground below. The stems at the end of the branch are dying back. This branch should either be cut back severely or removed entirely. Both actions will reduce the aesthetic quality of the tree but not eliminate its significance to the site. The tree is located on a slope with good drainage . • Dale A. Sutliff ASLA Jerry D. Emery , ASLA 3. This 60" diameter healthy mature oak tree is certainly the most significant tree on the site or in the local area. Its • huge crown has a diameter of 55 feet. It is located on a slight knoll with good surface drainage . There is no indication of die- back on any branches. 4. This healthy 14" diameter oak is located near the pro- perty line. It is low branched and has a 24 foot diameter crown. S. This 36" diameter oak is in poorer condition than the other trees studied. The crown is less dense and many branches show dieback. This tree is located at the edge of the drainage- way constructed through the site. The wet condition created by the drainageway could have caused the decline of this oak. Stumps of other oak trees even closer to the drainage indicate that these trees may have died from excessive soil moisture. 6. This large mature oak is not on the property, but is an important assest of the site. Much of its root system is likely to be on the site. It is in good health and is the second most important tree on the site. Recommendations A drive through Atascadero and other California cities where oak trees occur naturally reveals that oak trees react differenctly to development. While many oaks survive the development of homes , offices , • streets and sidewalks next to them, others show signs of poor health or die. Oak trees are sensitive , particularly to cut and fill , soil compaction, and excessive soil moisture within their root zone which often roughly corresponds to the crown diameter to drip line. The precise grade at the trunk and the area within the drip line are necessary to determine the appropriateness of the proposed grades . The present plan does not allow for the preservation of three of the trees discussed previously, including Tree #3 which is an excellent specimen. Major site plan changes will be necessary to preserve this tree . I recommend that these modifications be carried out. The tree is a very valuable resource that could be an important focal point of the development. . If a portion of the crown of Tree #2 is removed, as suggested, it will become more adaptable to the structures adjacent the tree. Tree #4 is scheduled to be retained and the plan includes a plant- ing area in the parking area adjacent to the tree. However, the plant- ing area is separated from the tree by a paved drainage channel . This channel, along with the two curbs , should be eliminated and the plant- ing areas connected together (See Section Tree #4) . Tree 95 may recover from its present condition if the drainage ditch is eliminated and soil moisture in its root zone decreases. It • would, however, be better to save health trees. Tree #6, occuring on Cal Trans property is also scheduled to be retained. However, the proposed grading plans show cutting a shallow • drainage swale 10 ' wide and making nearly a five foot cut with a 2 : 1 slope within the dripline of the tree. (See section Tree #6) . These grading and drainage improvements are almost certain to destroy this tree . The possibility of requesting Cal Trans to reroute their drainage channel southward along the west boundary of the site would be even more damaging to the tree since it would require a much deeper (approx- imately 6 feet) ditch within the dripline of the tree. The grading and drainage solutions around the trees to be re- tained should be reconsidered. Particular attention should be focused on the grades around Tree #3 in any revised plans . The grades at the back of the site should be held at there present level rather than the proposed cuts into the slope, especially around trees. '' Lastly, while it is possible to pave around existing trees the best type of hard surface would be one of several forms of permeable paving units which allow air and coater movement but do not cause compaction of the surface soils in the root zone . These paving units can be used for either parking or pedestrian areas . -Sincerely, • y mery CATIO ON OF EXISTIiIG TREESr'o xOP fMtlOVNO Oxxl xl 1.yU ;i 1 • � A f�l� I L--- dj.1 o JL I -..' TRUNK LOCATION CROWN OF TREE APPROXI • site and environmental design services . 1041 chorro street • s, .o I.J. ohlxtw •c�liforal� 87401 (805) 544'8408 LANDSCAPE AR(_9irrE47TDRE• LAND PLANNING TREES TO BE RE41JED - GRADIl9G -AND DRA0AGE PROBL' UIS I EXISTING GRADE - PLANTING AREA DRAINAGE CHANNEL PARKING SECTION TREE # 4 V i DRAINAGE I EXISTING GRADE DITCH^ IIC� 2: 1 SLOPE lob �� lob Io' PARKING SURFACING AND BASE SECTION TREE # 6 • sus site and environmental design services 1041 eh o e(re •can {aie ohxe •Ca ifo ka 83401 (805) 544'8408 LANDSCAPE AA(R;I' E)MVRE• LAND PLANNING sedes LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE • LAND PLANNING site and environmental design services • 1041 chorro street san luis obispo • (805) 544.8406 California 93401 June 9 , 1980 Mr. Warren Hoag Ji ;pc n I9$ . Development Review Planning Department Courthouse Annex S.L.O. r„(AUNTY San Luis Obispo , CA _ 93408 PI INNING DE . RE : Motel 6 , Atascadero Existing Trees Landscape Review Dear Mr. Hoag: EXISTIING TREES : This is our second letter regarding the preservation of existing . oak trees on the Motel 6 property. The first letter included a • survey and initial recommendations . It included statements regarding the probable effect of the proposed project on each oak tree. The revised scheme is a considerable improvement to the previous scheme . Efforts have been made to relocate the ibuildings to preserve five trees (including one off-site tree) . Unfortunately the two most _________important trees are still in jeopardy. The undeveloped space below oak tree #3 (see LOCATION OF EXISTING TREE) is too small . Two-thirds of the space within the dripline is either building or paving. The building locations will require the removal of many large limbs. An effort is proposed to preserve oak tree #6 which is just off the property. However , the proposed retaining wall is too close to the trunk of this large tree. Many roots are likely to be removed. Therefore, I highly recommend the following modifications to greatly increase their chances of survival (see attached drawings) . 1. Shorten Wing 'B' to 108 :5 feet in length to save a -much greater portion of root system and limbs of tree #3. 4 units will be lost by this recommendation. 2 . Shift northern portion of Wing 'C' 5 feet to the west to save additional roots and branches of tree #3. The planting strip along the west boundary will be decreased by 5 feet to make it just under 7 feet wide. This is • still wide enough for the proposed planting, 3. Shift the southern portion of Wing ' ' C ' S feet to the east to make it possible to locate the retaining wall five feet farther from the trunk of tree #6 . The revised wall location will be approximately at the drip line of Dale A. Sutliff , ASLA Jerry D. Emery, ASLA 6 the tree, greatly increasing its survival chances . 4. The retaining wall around tree #3 should be constructed • of materials that do not require a continuous footing, i.e. timber wall with posts and horizontal planking. This will help preserve lateral roots that may extend under paving. 5. The following two parking lot 'reductions should be pos- sible with the elimination of four units . These changes would considerably increase the root zone of the trees affected: a. eliminate two spaces directly south of tree #2 . b. eliminate two spaces south of tree #4. 6. Use paving materials for walkways within the dripline of all trees that allow air and water movement to occur, - i.e . brick or concrete unit pavers on sand base . 7. No underground utility lines within dripline of trees . 8 . The intensive use of herbicides in the root zone of existing trees may be a potential hazard. 9. Eliminate the use of black 6 mil, plastic within the dripline of all existing trees to be preserved. The plastic will reduce the free movement of air and water. LANDSCAPE REVIEW: This letter is the first review of the proposed planting and • irrigation for the project . Generally sufficient quantity of planting is being proposed to create an attractive setting for the motel complex. The plant- ing is divided into two major componenets - boundary planting and courtyard planting. _ _ _._ Since the motel complex is surrounded with parking, screening is very important. The screen planting provided is comprised of too many plant varieties with various shapes , sizes , forms , textures , and colors. The planting should be simplified by substituting the proposed pine for the decideous Moraine locust . tree. The decid- eous tree will not provide much screening during winter months . Toyon, a common shrub/tree occurring with California live oaks and also along the freeway, should be used for the Hop Bush and Buck- thorn to further simplify the scheme and provide better screening. In regard to the courtyardplanting , again the overall composi- tion could be simplified, but the primary problem is the use of Leyland Cypress. This tree is fast growing and tends to become misshappen and floppy. It also has canker problems in high summer heat. A smaller decideous shade tree such as Cercis canadensis , Eastern Redbud would provide the needed summer shade and winter sun. For ground cover the applicant intends to use rock with black • 6 mil . plastic sheets below the rock, The depth of the .rock has not been specified, but according to the drawing appears to be 2-3" PRESERVATION I$ EXISTING OAK TREES ' 1 APPRO-jMATE DRIPLINE 1 \ 1 RETAjNING WALL I HEAlC1,T AS NEEDEq \ ASNEEDED TO 1 SHIFT BUILDIN \ MA'iNTkIN EXISTIVG LIMINATE \5 FEET TO THE GI'%AOE WITHIN ENO UNITS b1EST DRIPLINE \ i OF OAK � DECREASE I BUILDING LENGTH 12 FT 1 s \ , i SHIFT BL,'.'iLOiNG'1 P 5 FEET 10 THE RETAINING WAL 1 EAST ! ` ' HEIGHT AS N DED \ 1 11 TO MAINTAI S NG GRADE W IN DRIP L E OF OA TREE . 1 �'s t I 1 � APPROXIMATE DRIPLINE �1 Secles 1 site and a .t . n'inorlh—wal d 1041 cbor e<re.ea •ewu 1o1a obi eSlg{] SQrv1Ce5 (805) 649.8408 ePo •cW iforni• 83401 x LANDSCAPE ARCf{ITECT[JRE�, f.AND in depth. The main 'roblem with this solution is on areas where • the ground slopes. �'he rocks become dislodged and the plastic is exposed. This i most likely to occur along the boundary plant- ing. Therefore , it �s recommended that the boundary area be planted with ground cover such as Baccharis pilularis 'Twin Peaks ' . No irrigation 4,ystem design has been submitted. The use of hose bib watering h?s not proven successful on most projects. Therefore , it is ret-ommended that the minimum of a drip irrigation system be it i'; areas where rock is used for ground cover and a spray irrigat,ioli system be installed in the boundary area to support the trees , sh.:^ubs , and ground cover. _ 'n erel ti J rry D. Emery { ---r.— — -— f I 1 i y / _ 11 PLANNING DI?PARTMENT STAFF REPORT • TO: Atascadero Planning Commission DATE: April 7 , 1980 FROM: Development Review Section SUBJECT: R790719 : 4 - MOTEL 6, INC. - DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF A 122-UNIT MOTEL IN A CH ZONE, ATASCADERO (Accepted 7/19/79) SPECIFIC REQUEST AND PROJECT BACKGROUND The applicants are requesting a Deoartmental Review to allow the construction of a 122-unit motel. The 2 . 46 acre site is on the northwest corner of E1 Camino Real and Santa Rosa Road. The project would consist of four two-story buildings clustered in the center of the site. Exterior materials would be light beige plaster walls with dark red-orange doors, dark brown metal railing, and brown asphalt composition shingles. A 2 , 200 square foot patio area with a swimming pool would be located near the center of the motel units. The project as proposed would require the removal of five Live Oak trees. A landscaped area of approximately 19 , 220 square feet (rep- resenting 17 . 9% of the total site area) is proposed internally and along the perimeter of the site. The proposed project would cover 82. 10 of the site with impermeable surfacing, including buildings, • parking areas, walks and the pool area. The parking area, which surrounds the proposed units, would provide a total of 126 spaces. Access will be provided onto E1 Camino Real by means of a single driveway at the center of the site on the east side. The overall density of the project would be 50 units per acre , including the manager ' s unit. A concurrent application for a Conditional Use Permit (0791108 : 2) to allow excess signing for the project is being con- sidered concurrently as a separate request. While Departmental Reviews are normally a Staff-issued entitlement, Section 22 . 93 . 020 of the County Zoning Ordinance enables the Staff to refer Departmental Reviews to the Planning Commission and City Council for consideration per the same procedures established for Conditional Use Permits. The Staff has elected to do so for this Departmental Review because of the large scale and prominent location of the site. A Conditional Negative Declaration for this Departmental Review was issued by the Environmental Coordinator on December 14 , 1979, with the following conditions: 1. That "will serve" letters be obtained from Atascadero County Sanitation District prior to issuance of Departmental Review. • 2. That a landscaping plan be submitted to and approved by the Planning Department prior to issuance of the Departmental Review. Motel 6, Inc. April 7 , 1980 Page Two • 3. That road improvements be made as required by the County Engineering Department. STAFF COMMENTS The primary concerns of this proposal are the intensive site coverage, the visibility of the site from Highway 101 and El Camino Real, and the compatibility of the architecture with surrounding architectural themes. While the proposed motel would seem to be a proper land use for the property, the site design and scale of the project raises some concerns, including the high amount of heat generated by the extensive paving proposed and the questionable need to remove several Live Oak trees. Appropriate landscaping can be used to mitigate any negative visual or heat generation effects resulting from both the intensive site coverage and the high visibility of the site from El Camino Real and Highway 101 (especially for southbound traffic) . Screening vegetation along the perimeter of the site, including a number of specimen shade trees capable of exceeding the height of the building, will function as a visual screen and noise buffer from Highway 101, provide a softening effect from E1 Camino Real , and lessen the heat generation potential of the parking areas . Five significant Live Oak trees are proposed for removal, as necessitated by the placement of the proposed structures. A sixth tree along the north property line may be incorporated into the landscaping scheme • provided severe grading is not required. The General Plan states that commercial development should be designed to utilize existing trees in the landscape, and further stipulates that any trees removed should be replaced. Thus, the oak trees proposed for removal should be replaced with specimen trees of equivalent value, as determined by a licensed landscape architect. Architectural compatibility with other neighborhood uses is the final area of concern. Surrounding architectural themes include Spanish stucco and tile roofs on the shopping center to the east, and rustic wood siding and shingles on the commercial use to the north. Though not in harmonv architecturally with either of those themes the pro- posed earth-cone color scheme will help the motel blend in better with its surroundings. However, the appearance of the motel would be further enhanced by the use of wood shingle roofing materials in place of the proposed asphalt shingles . The attached Notice of Approval for this Departmental Review contains the detailed Planning Staff analysis, findings and recommendations for this project. RECONu%1ENDATION The Staff recommends that the Departmental Review to allow the 122- unit motel be approved based on the findings and conditions indicated• in the attached Notice of Approval for this Departmental Review. R790719 : 4 April 7 , 1980 DRAFT NOTICE OF APPROVAL OF AN APPLICATION FOR USE OF LAND • REQUIRING DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW AND APPROVAL An application has been filed by Motel 6 , Inc. requesting a Depart- mental Review to allow construction of a 122-unit motel in a CH zone located at the northwest corner of El Camino Real and Santa Rosa Road, Atascadero; being a portion of Lot 3 , Block 10 , Atascadero Colony; Assessor ' s Parcel Number 56-071-06. Planning Staff review of the subject site and proposed use has revealed the following existing characteristics of the site and use: A. The 2. 46 acre nearly rectangular site is presently vacant and unimproved. The site slopes up gently to the rear. Existing vegetation includes five significant Live Oak trees. Access is provided from El Camino Real, which is a paved four-lane arterial with no street frontage improvements at the site. A large billboard is on the southeast corner of the site and is proposed for relocation. A six-foot high solid wood fence is along the north property line, with a six-foot high chain link fence along the west property line. B. The applicant proposes to construct a 122-unit motel with 126 parking spaces and a 2 , 200 square foot patio with a swimming pool . The units will be constructed in four separate two- • story structures. No food or beverage service will be provided. The project proposes to remove five significant Live Oak trees. Landscaping will be provided internally and along the perimeter of the site and would represent about 17 . 9% of the total site area. Site coverage by buildings , paving, walkways, and other impermeable surfacing would represent 82 . 1% of the total site area. A six-foot chain link fence is proposed along the south property line. C. Land uses adjacent to the site include commercial uses to the northwest, vacant property to the north, a small shopping center to the east with a medical office and residential uses beyond, vacant property to the south with a gas station and residential uses beyond, and Highway 101 to the west with resi- dential uses beyond. The site is adjacent to the Santa Rosa Road overpass . The surrounding commercial uses have curb, gutter and sidewalk improvements . D. The site is zoned CH, the Highway Commercial district, which requires that not less than fifteen percent of the site be landscaped and permanently maintained. The adopted 1978 Atascadero General Plan designates the site as Retail Commercial. The General Plan further states that "Permits for both residential and commercial development should take into consideration the trees existing on the property. Buildings should be designed to utilize existing trees in the landscaping pattern. Any trees • removed should be replaced. " (Page 117) R790719 : 4 Draft Notice of W oval Page Two i Based on the aforementioned characteristics of the site and use, • the Planning Director will approve this application subject to the following conditions: 1. Site development to be consistent with the approved site plan. 2. Building architecture to be consistent with approved elevations, except that roofing materials shall be changed to wood shake shingles. 3 . Any roof-mounted mechanical equipment shall be architecturally screened from view. If such units are proposed, submit revised architectural elevations indicating method of screening for Planning Department review and approval prior to issuance of a building permit. 4 . Remove the existing billboard on the southeast corner of the site prior to final building inspection. 5. Security lighting fixtures shall not project above the fascia or parapet of the building and are to be shielded. Parking lot and other pole mounted light fixtures shall not exceed 16 feet in height and shall be shielded from direct off-site viewing. 6. Submit detailed landscaping and irrigation plans in accordance with the Planning Department landscaping plan review policy for• Planning Staff review and approval prior to issuance of a building permit. Said plans to include screening vegetation along Highway 101 and softening vegetation around the perimeter of the site including trees capable of exceeding the height of the building upon maturity. The landscape plans shall incor- porate 24" box specimen trees equivalent to the value of the existing oak trees to be removed. The replacement value shall be determined by a licensed landscape architect, using the standard specimen tree evaluation formula (I . S.A. ) . All proposed plant materials shall be sized to achieve a mature appearance within three years of installation. 7 . The Live Oak tree along the north property line is to be retained; no construction shall occur within the dripline of this tree without protective measures. 8 . Landscaping in accordance with the approved landscaping plan shall be installed or bonded for prior to final building inspec- tion. If bonded for, landscaping shall be installed within 60 days of final building inspection and thereafter maintained in a viable condition on a continuing basis. 9. All on-site utilities and utility connections to any proposed buildings shall be underground. • 8790719 : 4 Draft Notice of AOoval Page Three i • 10. Submit two sets of site grading and drainage plans for review and approval by the County Engineering Department prior to issuance of a building or grading permit. If so required by the County Engineering Department, said plans to be prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer. 11. Provide a minimum of 126 off-street parking spaces . Locate at least two of the parking spaces, designated for use by regist- ering guests only, in close proximity of the motel office. Vehicle parking and access areas shall be paved with a minimum of two inches of A. C. over rock base; individual parking spaces shall be paint-striped or otherwise indicated, and provided with concrete wheel stops or approved functional equivalent. Paved areas shall be permanently maintained. 12 . The project shall be connected to the community water and sewer systems. 13. Submit evidence from the Atascadero County Sanitation District and the Atascadero Mutual Water Company indicating that the agencies are willing and able to provide water and/or sewer service to the project prior to issuance of a building or grading permit or establishment of the use. 14 . Install concrete curb, gutter , and sidewalk on all street • frontages, both El Camino Real and Santa Rosa Road, of the subject site as required by Title 19 of the County Code. 15 . Site and building plans shall be reviewed by the following agencies . Provide the Planning Department with letters or other documentation verifying review and any requirements from these agencies prior to issuance of a building permit or establishment of the use: a. Atascadero Fire Department 16 . All trash disposal areas shall be screened from view with a solid wall or solid fencing. Submit drawings of screening structures prior to issuance of a building permit and install said approved screening prior to final building inspection. 17 . No outdoor storage, or any accumulation of trash, debris , or packing materials shall be permitted. 18. on-site signing shall be limited to that allowed under Condi- tional Use Permit U791108 : 2 . 19 . In the event that archeological resources (e. g. , artifacts , human remains) are discovered on the subject site during con- struction of this project, said resources are to remain undisturbed after discovery, construction activities shall • R790719 : 4 • Draft Notice of Approval Page Four cease immediately, and the Planning Department or County • Environmental Coordinator are to be notified so that proper disposition of the archeological resources may be accomplished. Construction may resume only upon authorization by the Plan- ning Department. 20 . If the use authorized by any Departmental Review approval is or has been unused, abandoned, discontinued and use has not been established or has ceased for a period of twelve (12) months, or the conditions have not been complied with, said Departmental Review approval shall become null and void and of no effect. The Planning Director may continue the Depart- mental Review approval for additional periods of six (6) months if, for reasons beyond the control of the applicant, the use has not been established. A written request to extend the date and sufficient evidence showing the applicant' s inability to comply must be filed with the Planning Department ten (10) days prior to the expiration date of approval. Compliance with the conditions listed above will enable the following required findings to be made. a. The subject site is adequate in terms of size, shape, yard spaces, screening, parking and loading areas, landscaping • and other features required by this Ordinance to ad;ust said use with the land uses in the neighborhood. b. The site is served by public roads of a standard adequate to carry any traffic generated by the proposed use. C. The proposed use will have no adverse affect on abutting property or the permitted use thereof. d. That the establishment and continuance of this proposed use will not be detrimental to the health, safety, morals or welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of such use, and will not be detrimental to public welfare, injurious to property, inconsistent with the character of the neighborhood or contrary to its orderly development, nor shall conditions created by the use be inordinant to the normal traffic volume. This land use entitlement does .not relieve the applicant from the responsibility of obtaining a building or grading permit from the Planning Department prior to any construction. If an appeal to the above decision has not been filed prior to said application shall be deemed approved. Prepared by . Barbara J. Heinrich and approved by Warren Hoag , Supervisor Development Review Section n PIN ON • n ' ? 7'.r Atascodero / 16 al 41 • , r y k ys 1 -� r �. Arte- ` -" . ---- -- 101 \ h ey: Atascodero R - eu• �c®q p�.w. •.r I ■ Lie i ,. 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AFFI I NALL 1OOR LF15Holt of SCT 1A ALL 111SPLICCI R IIA1 1H LRE ON \ /4 • �� 11 11-1 CA PI"WA1EA 6NOLWO COVER YJE OF 11 ERIC * �� 'LOW/N ILL iCOW aI Es Wuy Blortft AT S-0"OF O Al ICL £NOS R _ — L 1p FLµyA R Au6tE ID1111 N/6N WATER BALK 2 REDWOOD HEADER N.T.S. 3 VINE TYING 1 PGE1-� MINAR`( ��NDSc APS - DETAI LJ -- � ,Jy r ----Ute.`.__-�, C •1 1� I�`� ,- v � 41 p Y � w I }_ i /nom ' b ` ,`,.•i t� e i � Z Z_ F .. U, --m� - --mR[' exa✓ax RRCi ✓x I✓xa axno • .. ... ORI C-r1N A�L SITE PLAN M_E M_O_R A_N_D_U_M_ l • TO: City Council FROM: City Manager SUBJECT : Transfer of County property Attached are documents relating to the transfer of County properties to the City of Atascadero as approved by the Board of Supervisors on Monday, July 7 , 1980. The terms are as expressed in the agreement signed by the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors and attested to by the County Clerk. The other documents describe the pro- perties or provide an inventory of the parks and zoo equipment transferred to the City. The agreement appears to satisfy our needs . • Recommend your approval. T R12AY'' WARDEN i MLW:ad 7-10-80 • RESOLUTION NO. 15-80 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING NEGOTIATED EXCHANGE OF PROPERTY • TAX REVENUE BASE FROM ATASCADERO FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT TO THE CITY OF ATASCADERO WHEREAS, pursuant to Revenue and Taxation Code Section 99 (b) (as added by AB 8 and AB 1019) , in case of jurisdictional changes (other than city incorporations or district formations) it is required that the amount of Property tax revenue base (hereinafter referred to as "PTRB" ) to be exchanged among affected agencies shall be determined by negotiations ; and WHEREAS, when a city is involved, the negotiation is between the city and the Board of Supervisors for the County; and WHEREAS , when a district but no city is involved, the Board of Supervisors of the County negotiates on behalf of both the districts and the County; and WHERAS, said Section 99 (b) requires that negotiating parties by resolution agree to accept the negotiated exchange of PTRB between affected agencies and requires that a copy of each such resolution be transmitted to the County Auditor; and WHEREAS, upon receipt of the necessary resolution and a copy of the recorded certificate of completion from LAFCo, the County • Auditor is required by Revenue and Taxation Code Section 99 (b) to make appropriate adjustments ; and WHEREAS, such negotiation has taken place concerning the transfer of PTRB between the Atascadero Fire Protection District and the City of Atascadero pursuant to said Section 99 (b) for the jurisdictional change designated as Dissolution of Atascadero Fire Protection District; and WHEREAS, the negotiating/consulting parties , to-wit: Kent Taylor, Deputy County Administrator on behalf of San Luis Obispo County and Murray Warden, City Manager on behalf of the City of Atascadero have agreed to accept the negotiated exchange of PTRB between such entities as set forth hereinafter; and WHEREAS , it is in the public interest that such negotiated PTRB exchange be consummated; and WHEREAS, by Resolution No." 80-218 the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Luis Obispo agrees to accept the negotiated ex- change of PTRB under the conditions as expressed in Resolution No. 80-218 . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED by the Council of the City of Atascadero as follows : • Resolution No. 15-80 . Page Two 1. That the recitals set forth hereinabove are true, correct and valid. 2. That the City of Atascadero herein agrees to accept the following negotiated exchange of PTRB: a. The entire PTRB of the Atascadero Fire Protection District shall be transferred from the Atascadero Fire Protection District to the City of Atascadero in the fiscal year 1980-81. 3. The transfer of the tax base from the Atascadero Fire District to the City of Atascadero and the dissolution of the fire district are both complete and effective July 1, 1980 , in accord with the will of the Atascadero electorate expressed at the Atascadero reorganization election. 4 . Upon receipt of a certified copy of this Resolution and a copy of said recorded certificate of completion, the County Auditor shall , pursuant to said Section 99 (b) , make the adjustments (negotiated exchange of PTRB) as set forth in Paragraph #2 hereinabove. • 5 . The City Clerk be and hereby is authorized and directed to forward a certified copy of this Resolution to the San Luis Obispo County Local Agency Formation Commission, Executive Officer, who shall then disseminate copies thereof as required by law. On motion by Councilman and seconded by Councilman , the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call vote : AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ADOPTED: ROBERT J. WILKINS, JR. , Mayor ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO F RM: n MURRAY L. WARDEN, City Clerk • ALLEN GRIMES, City Attorney IN THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ': COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO,STATE OF CALIFORNIA -----Mon da3--------July- --------,1980-- PRESENT:Supervisors Hans Heilmann, Steve Mac Elvaine, Howard D. Mankins, Jeff Jorgensen, and Chairman Kurt P. Kupper ABSENT: None - i RESOLUTION 140. gQ-21.8 i RESOLUTION ACCEPTING NEGOTIATED EXCHANGE OF PROPERTY TAX REVENUE BASE FROM ATASCADERO FIRE PRQTECLIQTi_2ISTRiC1 TO CITY OFFATASCADEBO _ The following resolution is hereby offered and read: - . WHEREAS, pursuant to Revenue and Taxation Code Section 99(b) (as added by AB 8 and AB 1019), in case of jurisdictional changes (other than city incorporations or district formations), it is required that the amount of property tax revenue base (hereinafter referred to as "PTRB") to be exchanged among affected agencies shall be determined by negotiation; and WHEREAS, when a city is involved, the negotiation is between the • city and the Board of Supervisors for the County; and WHEREAS, when a district but no city is involved, the Board of Supervisors of the County negotiates on behalf of both the districts and the County; and 14HEREAS, said Section 99(b) requires that negotiating parties by resolution agree to accept the negotiated exchange of PTRB between affected agencies and requires that a copy of each such resolution be transmitted to the County Auditor; and WHEREAS, upon receipt of the necessary resolutions and a copy of the recorded certificate of completion from LAFCo, the County Auditor is required by Revenue and Taxation Code Section 99(b) to make appropriate adjustments; and WHEREAS, such negotiation has taken place concerning transfer of PTRB between ATASCADERO FIRE PROTECTIQN DI.SIRICT __ _ and CITY OF ATASCADERO pursuant to said Section 99(b) for the jurisdictional change designated r ..as; DISSOLUTID_1_OF ATASCADEROFIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT-_'_ and._-_._ .. __. _WHEREAS, the negotiating/consulting parties, to-wit: _ KENT TAYLOR, DEPUTY COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR vn'oehalf of SAN LUIS %ISPO-COUNTY= - _and MURRAY=RARDEN,-CITY MANAGER . on. De nalji of -LIIr_OF, ATA_S_CAUEFQ _ pave agreed to accept the neootia d exchange of P16between suet �'ntitie as set forth hereinafter; and i 1 • -WHEREAS, it is in the public interest that such negotiated PTRB - • - exchange be consummated. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, as follows: 1. That the recitals set forth hereinabove are true, correct and valid. 2. That the County of San Luis Obispo herein agrees to accept the - following negotiated exchange of PTRB: a. The entire PTRB of the Atascadero Fire Protection District shall be transferred from the Atascadero Fire Protection District to the City of Atascadero in the fiscal year 1980-81. 3. The transfer of the tax base from the Atascadero Fire District to the City of Atascadero and the dissolution of the fire district are both complete and effective July 1, 1980, in accord with the will of the Atascadero electorate - expressed at the Atascadero reorganization electorate. q. Upon receipt of a certified copy of this Resolution and a copy of said recorded certificate of completion, the County Auditor shall, pursuant to said Section 99(b), make the adjustments (negotiated exchange • of PTRB) as set forth in Paragraph #2 hereinabove. 5. The County Clerk be and hereby is authorized and directed to forward a certified copy of this Resolution to the San Luis Obispo County Local Agency Formation Commission, Executive Officer, who shall then disseminate copies thereof as required by law. . Upon motion of Supervisor Hoilmann , seconded by Supervisor Mankins , and on the following roll call vote, to-wit: AYES: Supervisors Heilmann, Mankins, Mac Elvaine, Jorgensen, Chairman Kupper NOES: None ABSENT: None _. ABSTAINING: None the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted. /s/ Kurt P. Kupper - Chairman of the Board of Supervisors ATTEST: /s/ Misbeth Wollam Clerk of the Board of Supervisors ' • APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL EFFECT:, JAMES B. LINDHOLM, JR. County Counsel By: Deputy County Counsel RESOLUTION NO. 14-80 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING TRANSFER OF REAL • PROPERTY TO THE CITY OF ATASCADERO WHEREAS, the County of San Luis Obispo, by Resolution No. 79-12 directed certain real property be transferred to the incorporated City of Atascadero; and WHEREAS, the County currently owns certain real property in the City of Atascadero not required for County use; and WHEREAS, the public interest will be best served by transferring this said property to the City of Atascadero; and WHEREAS, Government Code Section 25365 provides that the Board of Supervisors may by a four-fifths vote quitclaim or otherwise transfer to any city within the County any real property or interest therein belonging to the County upon such terms and conditions as are agreed upon and without complying with any other provisions of • the Code if the property being quitclaimed is not required by County use ; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Luis Obispo has passed Resolution No. 80-138 thereby giving notice of intention to transfer said property to the City of Atascadero; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Luis Obispo has passed Resolution No. 80-217 thereby giving notice of the transfer to the City of Atascadero of real property belonging to the County of San Luis Obispo as described and shown on Exhibit A attached hereto. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED by the Council of the City of Atascadero that the City of Atascadero does hereby • Resolution No. 14-80 Page Two • accept the transfer of property as ordered by the San Luis Obispo County Resolution No. 80-217 ; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Mayor and the Clerk of the City of Atascadero are hereby authorized and directed to execute the appropriate documents effecting the conveyance of the referenced real property. On motion by Councilman and seconded by Councilman , the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call vote: AYES : NOES: ABSENT: • ADOPTED: ROBERT J. WILKINS, JR. , Mayor ATTEST: MURRAY L. WARDEN, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: ALLEN GRIMES, City Attorney i AGREEMENT TRANSFERRING COUNTY PROPERTY TO SCA CITY OF ATADERO A14D ESTABLISHING OTHER MATTERS • WHEREAS , the City of Atascadero was formed within the County of San Luis Obispo on July 2 , 1979 ; and WHEREAS , the County of San Luis Obispo and the City of Atascadero desire to come to an agreement regarding the transfer of certain County property , the establishment of the transfer of Atascadero Fire District property tax revenue base and the transfer of certain personal property from the County to the City, as well as agreeing to terms and conditions for occupancy of space within certain properties transferred from the County to the City , and other matters . NOW , THEREFORE , the parties to this Agreement do hereby mutually agree as follows : • 1 . The total property tax revenue base of the Atascadero Fire District shall be transferred to the City of Atascadero effective for fiscal year 1980-81 and thereafter . 2 . Real properties listed on Exhibit "A" attached hereto shall be transferred from the County of San Luis Obispo to the City of Atascadero via quitclaim deed , with the reservations expressed in said Exhibit . 3. The maintenance and personal property related to Atascadero Lake Park as listed on Exhibit "B" is hereby trans - ferred to the City of Atascadero along with zoo animals , exist- ing supplies and equipment , effective July 1 , 1980. • • 4 . This Agreement is entered into with reference to a • "Resolution Amending Resolution No. 78-17 Which Approved Re- organization of the Atascadero Community" of the San Luis Obispo County Local Agency Formation Commission , Resolution No. 79-1 , dated January 4 , 1979 , and the parties hereto expressly agree that this Agreement is subordinate to all the terms and con- ditions contained in said Resolution of the LAFCO , which is incorporated herein by this reference except conditions number five and twelve regarding the Atascadero Sanitation District which will have a postponed effective date for the transfer and dissolution . 5 . All office furniture and office supplies awned by County of San Luis Obispo and used by various County departments • and which are currently housed in the Atascadero Veterans ' Building are retained by the County . 6 . The County Library is hereby provided the space identified on Exhibit "C" attached hereto for a period of five years commencing July 1 , 1980. During that period , the Library shall pay the City for the Library ' s pro-rata share of the costs of janitorial and utility costs . , -At the end of the five-year period , the County and City may agree to continue the Library ' s occupancy of said space at a rental rate to be negotiated between the City and the County . City shall have the right to approve County plans for alterations to said Library space before work commences . 7 . The City intends to expend substantial funds to re- habilitate heating , electrical , plumbing and structural components -2- of the Veterans ' Memorial Building . Because said work will directly or indirectly benefit the Library space , County agrees • to provide a one-time contribution to the City of $12 , 500 . 8 . The County Social Services Department will be provided work space in the Veterans ' Memorial Building until the Department can be relocated by the County into the County Atascadero Hospital Building , or some other facility . This relocation is intended to be accomplished not later than December 31 , 1980 . The County and the City agree to work together to minimize the disruption to the Social Services Department during the remaining period the Social Services Department will remain in the building . IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the date indicated below for each entity , the effective date being July 11 , 1980 . • CITY OF ATASCADERO By: Mayor AUTHORIZED BY CITY COUNCIL ACTION ON , 1980 COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO By : airman he Board o Supervi or A OR ZED BY BOARD ACTION ON 1980 -3- • ATTEST: • CLERK OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO By • ATTEST: CLERK OF THE COUN OF SAN LUIS OBISPO By i � APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL EFFECT ATASCADERO CITY ATTORNEY By : JAMES B . LINDHOLM , JR. County Counsel • �/ « � By : Deputy County Counse • -4 0 EXHIBIT "A" QUITCLAIM DEED • The County of San Luis Obispo, a body corporate and politic, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby ac- knowledged, does hereby remise and release to the City of Atascadero that real property located in the City of Atascadero, San Luis Obispo County, as described on Exhibit "I", consisting of six pages, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO By: Chairman of the Board of Supervisors Authorized by Board Resolution # on ,1980 State of California ) )ss County of San Luis Obispo ) • On this day of in the year 1980, be- fore me MISBETH WOLLAM, County Clerk and Ex-Officio Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, person- ally appeared Kurt P. Kupper, know to me to the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, and known to me to be the person who executed the within instrument on behalf of said public corporation, agency or political subdivision, and acknowledged to me that such County of San Luis Obispo, State of Calif- ornia, exectued the same. MISBETH WOLLAM, County Clerk and Ex-Officio Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California (SEAL) By: Deputy Clerk QUIT/DEED#5 ' MISC#1 • u • VETERANS BUILDING EXHIBIT "I" PARCEL 1 Lot 2 of Administration Park, according to Amendment "D" to Map of Atascadero, recorded April 15, 1918 in Book 4 of Maps, at Page 76A, re- cords of said County. Lot 4 of Administration Park, according to Amendment "D" of Map of Atascadero, recorded April 15, 1918, in Book 4 of Maps, Page 67A, re- cords of said County. - Subject to the restriction that said property and improvements thereon shall be held for use by Veterans Organizations as required by the Military and Veterans Cade. Also known as APN 29-341-01 , 29-346-01 ATASCADERO PARK 2 Lots 10, 11, 39, 12, fraction of 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39A, 39B, 40, 40A, 41, 42, 42A, 42B, 43, 44, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50 in Block J-C of Atascadero in the County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, as per amended map thereof filed July 6, 1915, in the office of the Recorder of said County. All that portion of Lot 47 Block J-C of Atascadero in the County of San Luis Obispo, State of California as per amended map thereof filed July 6, 1915, in the office of the recorder of said County, excepting that portion of Lot 47 in Block J-C of Atascadero deeded to the Atascadero • Association of Retired People, Inc. on October 11, 1963 in Volume 1265, Page 29 of official records in the County Recorders office. Together with that portion of Amapoa Avenue, 40 feet wide, Atascadero subdivision, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, according to the map thereof recorded in Book 4 of maps at page 56A in the Re- corder's Office of said County lying between the following described termini: (1) Bounded on the north by the westerly prolongation across said Amapoa Avenue of the southerly line of lake spillway, 15 feet wide, as delineated on said map, and (2) Bounded on the south by the westerly prolongation across said Amapoa Avenue of the northerly line of Pismo Avenue, 40 feet wide, as delineated on said map. RESERVING AND EXCEPTING from said abandonment that portion, 50 feet in length, of said Amapoa Avenue lying within the intersection of Lago Avenue, 50 feet wide, and Amapoa Avenue as delineated on said map, also RESERVING AND EXCEPTING from said abandonment the easement and right, at any time, or from time to time, to construct, maintain, operate, re- place, remove and renew sanitary sewers and storm drains and appurten- ant structures in, upon, over and across the above described portions of road and pursuant to any existing franchise or renewal thereof, or otherwise, to construct, maintain, operate, replace, remove, renew and enlarge public utility facilities and appurtenant structures and for incidental purposes, including access to protect the property from all hazards in, upon and over the above described portions of road, toget- her with . All that portion of Lago Avenue as shown on the Map of Atascadero filed in Book 4 of Maps at Page 56A, in the Office of the County Recorder of the County of San Luis Obispo, lying easterly of the northerly prolong- ation of the easterly line of Lot 23 of Block J-C, as shown on said map; said easterly line being also the westerly line of Amapoa Avenue (abandoned) as shown on said map, together with 1 r All that portion of Lago Avenue as shown on the Map of Atascadero filed • in Book 4 of Maps at Page 56A, in the Office of the County Recorder of the County of San Luis Obispo, lyinq easterly of the northerly prolongation of the easterly line of Lot 23 of Block J-C, as shown on said map; said easterly line being also the westerly line of Amapoa Avenue (abandoned) as shown on said map, together with All that portion of Marchant Avenue, as shown on the map of Atascadero filed in Book 4 of Maps at Page 56A, in the Office of the County Re- corder of the County of San Luis Obispo, lying between the easterly prolongation of the southerly line of Lot 46 of Block J-C, as shown on said map, being also the northerly line of Pismo Avenue, as shown on said nap, and the easterly prolongation of the northerly line of Lot 38 of Block J-C, as shown on said map, being also the southerly line of Portola Avenue, as shown on said map. EXCEPTING AND RESERVING ANY existing easement and/or franchise right at any time or from time to time to maintain, operate, replace, remove, renew and enlarge the existing public utility facilities, namely: (1) gas mains of Southern Counties Gas Company; (2) power poles of Pacific Gas and Electric Company; (3) aerial cables of Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company, and facilities incidental thereto, including access to protect the property from all hazards in, upon and over the roads herewith abandoned. Subject to condition 8 in Resolution No. 1 "Resolution Amending Resolution No. 78-17 which approved reorganization of the Atascadero Community" adopted by the San Luis Obispo County Local Agency Formation Commission January 4, 1979. Also known as APN 31-362-03 31-361-07 31-373-01 31-372-24 PARCEL ATASCADERO CREEK RESERVATIONS • 3 Atascadero Creek Reservations numbers 7, 8, 9, 10 in the County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, as per map of Atascadero and Atas- cadero Colony on file in the Office of Recorder of said County. Atascadero Creek reservation Number 4 excepting therefrom that portion lying within the boundaries of Assessment District #16. Also known as APN 30-201-10 30-201-14 31-222-11 31-282-01 31-291-12 31-351-02 54-152-01 54-221-02 57-101-01 57-121-02 ATASCADERO LAKE _ 4 Lot 8 in Block 12 of amended map of Atascadero Colony, in the County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, as per map thereof filed September 16, , 1925, in the office of the Recorder of said County. Subject to condition 8 in Resolution �I, "Resolution Amending Resolution No. 78-17 which approved Reorganization of the Atascadero Community" adopted by the San Luis Obispo County Local Agency Formation Commission on January 4, 1979. Also known as APN 56-331-01 56-341-01 GRAVES CREEK • 5 In Atascadero Colony as per map and survey thereof, Graves Creek Reser- vation #1 in Block 50. In Atascadero Colony as per map and survey thereof, Graves Creek Reser- vation #2 in Block 48. Also known as APN 49-082-04 2 PARCEL 6 Lot 8 in Block EB, of Map of Atascadero as designated, numbered and • delineated, upon a map thereof recorded in the Recorder's Office of said County, in Book 4 o Maps, at Page 1. Subject to restriction that that portion of said property lying northeasterly of Hiqhway 101 shall continue to be leased to the Chamber of Commerce or used for a community oriented use. If the property is not so used by City for a period of one (1) year or more, title shall revert to County and County may re-enter and occupy said premises. Also known as APN 30-193-01 30-193-02 30-343-02 7 In Atascadero as per amended map and survey thereof, Park Reserve B in Block F. Also known as APN 28-213-01 8 In Atascadero as per amended map and survey thereof, Park Reserve A in Block IB. Also known as APN 31-012-13 9 In Atascadero as per map and survey thereof, that portion of Block IB bounded on the North by Santa Lucia Avenue, West and South by San Andres Ave. and Easterly by Nacimiento Ave. Also known as APN 31-026-01 10 In Atascadero as per map and survey thereof that portion of Block IB lying in the intersection of San Marcos Ave. and Curbaril Ave. • Also known as APN 31-212-01 11 Park Reserve A of Block JC of Atascadero in the County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, according to the map thereof and amendments thereto recorded in Book 4 of Maps, page 1 et seq., records of said county, excepting therefrom that portion described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the westerly line of the above men- tioned Park A with the northerly line of Santa Rosa Avenue, as shown on said map; thence, along said westerly line, N. 24° 31' E., 17.93 feet _ - to a point on the southerly line of Marchant .Avenue; thence, along said westerly line of Marchant Avenue, tangent to a line that bears S. 36° 10' 35" E., along a curve to the left, with a radius of 134.80 'feet, through an angle of 28° 50' 25", for a distance of 67.85 feet; thence, continuing along said southerly line, S. 65° 01' E., 23.56 feet; thence, S. 27' 03' W.,7.18 feet to a point on the aforementioned north- erly line of Santa Rosa Avenue; thence along said northerly line, tan- gent to a line that bears N. 62° 57' W., along a curve to the right, with a radius of 1412.50 feet, through an angle of 3° 35 09" for a distance of 88.40 feet to the point of beginning. Also known as APN 31-381-23 12 Lot 22 M in Block L-A according to Amendment- "C" to Map of Atascadero, recorded in the Office of the County Recorder of San Luis Obispo County, California on the 10th day of August, 1917. Also known as APN 29-324-01 13 In Atascadero as per amended map and survey thereof Park Reserve, Block • M-C. Also known as APN 30-072-01 3 PARCEL 14 In Atascadero as per amended map and survey thereof Lot A, Block N-C. Also known as APN 29-234-01 • _ 15 In Atascadero as per amended map and survey thereof, Park Reserve, Lot B, Block N-C. Also known as APN 29-224-01 16 In Atascadero as per amended map and survey thereof, Park Reserves A, B and C in Block V-B Also known as APN 31-044-01 31-143-01 31-203-01 17 In Atascadero as per amended map and survey thereof, Park Reservation A in Block YS. Also known as APN 31-126-01 18 In Atascadero as per amended map and survey thereof, Park Reservation "A" Block Z. Also known as APN 28-152-01 19 In Atascadero Colony as per map and survey thereof, Park Reserve A in • Block 14 containing 0.25 acres. Also known as APN 54-133-01 20 In Atascadero Colony as per map and survey thereof, Park Reservation A, Block 22. Also known as APN 49-112-10 21 In Atascadero Colony as per map and survey thereof the Westerly 40/100 acres of Lot 18 in Block 23. Also known as APN 49-191-04 22 In Atascadero Colony as per map and survey thereof, Park Reserve A in Block 25, containing 0.21 acres. Also known as APN 50-131-07 23 In Atascadero Colony as per map and survey thereof, Park Reserve A in Block 31, containing 0.28 acres. Also known as APN 54-211-01 i 4 �i . PARCEL 24 In Atascadero Colony as per map and survey thereof, Park Reserve A in Block 38, containing, containing 0.34 acres. Also known as APN 57-082-11 25 Park Reserve A in Block 55 according to the map of Atascadero Colony, recorded in the Office of the County Recorder of said County. Also known as APN 50-325-01 26 A portion of Lot 1 in Block 60 of Atascadero Colony in the County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, according to a map filed in Book 3, at Page 85 of Maps and as shown on Parcel Map CO-70-84. A one foot (1.001) strip of land lying southerly and westerly of and adjacent to the southerly right-of-way line of the California State Highway 41 between Station 630 more or less and Station 656 more or less as shown on said parcel map. Also known as APN 55-321-06 27 In Atascadero Colony as per map and survey thereof, Park Reserve A in Block 23, containing 0.22 acres. Also known as APN 49-191-09 . 28 All of Lot 10 of Atascadero Park in the County of San Luis Obispo, State of California as shown on Sheet 74 of the Official Map of Atas- cadero on file in the Office of the County Recorder of said County and filed for record in Book 4 of Maps of Page 1 et seq records of said County. Also known as APN 28-341-09 29 Atascadero Colony, that portion of Lot 3 Block 13 described as follows: That portion beginninq at the Northwest corner of said Lot 3; thence S 33° 49' E, 205 feet to a point on the Westerly line of said Lot 3; thence leaving said Westerly line N 56° ll'E, 25 feet to a point; thence N 33° 49' W, 203.22 feet to a point; thence S 59° 29' feet to the point of beginning. Excepting therefrom that portion lying within the lines of Santa Rosa Rd. Also known as APN 56-262-11 •. >;y:$a.�vb+! "f.�A -dSCmefi£^���r..'-sem ., • PARCEL 30 That portion of Lot 5 of the Life Residence Park of Atascadero in the County of San Luis Obispo, State of California according to the map thereof recorded in Book 4 at pages 71 and 72 of Maps described as follows: Commencing at the northwest corner of the land conveyed to the County of San Luis Obispo by the deed recorded in Book 344 at page 290 of Of- ficial Records said paint beino on the centerline of Capistrano Avenue (formerly Magnolia Avenue); thence S64°32'E along the northerly line of said county property 30.58 feet to the westerly line of Capistrano Avenue, 50 feet wide and the paint of beginning; thence S64'32'E continuing along the northerly line of said County property, 114.68 feet to a point on a curve, from which the radius point bears SO°41'47"W, 185.00 feet; thence westerly along the arc of said curve and through a central angle of 16'07'58" a distance of 52.09 feet; thence S74°33'49"W, tangent to last curve 36.82 feet to a point on a curve concave easterly having a radius of 548.10 feet, said point being on the easterly line of said Capistrano Avenue; thence northerly along the arc of last said curve and through a cen- tral angle of 7°05'39" a distance of 67.86 feet to the point of beginn- ing containing 0.065 acres more or less. Subject to the reservation that said property shall be used for a sewage lift station only. Also known as a portion of APN 29-102-12 31 That portion of Lot 8, Block 39, according to the Maps of Atascadero Colony filed October 21, 1914 in Map Book 3, Page 1 et seq, as describ- ed in those deeds recorded on February 10, 1971 in the office of the • County Recorder, County of San Luis Obispo at Volume 1604, Official Re- cords, Page 616 et seq., subject to the restricitons contained there- in. Also known as APN 55-161-03 55-161-04 AMc K/ms LEG/DES/5/20#2 6 EXHIBIT "B" PARKS AND BEACHES r ATASCADERO LAKE PARK Equipment Inventory Federal and/or Local Stock Number Formal Description Heater. Space. Gas, 20,300 BTU, Westwood, model 28SD. Residence 2 Installed Equipment. Heater. Space. Natural gas, thermostat controlled, "Day S Night" I Lennox model. Residence. Installed Equipment. 4520-HEA-0009 Heater. Space, gas fired, 65,000 BTU. Day S Night Panel Ray'. 1 4520-HEA-0008 Heater. Space. „ _Gas fired, "Resner Electric Co.", 100,000 BTU. 2 Heater. Hot water, gas, 33,000 BTU. General Duroglas, model C-30 1 Installed equipment. Heater. Hot water, gas, 44,000 BTU. Ruud, model RT1308-37 1 Installed equipment. Heater, Hot water, gas, Rheem Fury. 35-30. Installed Equipment. 1 . 4320-HEA-0003 Heater, Hot water, gas fired, 30,000 BTU, 17" diam. 58" high I tank, Mission Diamond Glass Standard Model 56-40, commercial type. 7310-RAN-0001 Range. Household type, gas, 4 burner w/oven, thermostatically 1 controlled. Diam: 36•x 27"x 36" to 48" high. -7310-RAN-0001 Range, household type, gas, 4 burner w/oven. Thermostatically 1 controlled, Dia" 36" w x 27" d x 36" to 48 Ret. Hall. 7110-FIL-0078 Filing Cabinet, metal, 2 drawer, legal, w/lock. 18"x 26i"x 30" 1 high, Steelmaster 172702CL. 5830-MEG-0002 :egapbone, sound human voice, battery powered. Albra Fire Equip. 1 Mfg., "Hailer Sr." model" +",.•u„i .+u.:zt.�:�, :lira--a"..'^�'.::a,y _ 4240-STR-0001 Stretcher. First Aid. Wire Mesh 1 4240-LIF-0001 - Life Guard Stand. Wood and metal, homemade w/1 seat and 1 lower 1 co.part.ent. 4240-TOR-0001 Torpedo. Lifesaving. 1 4320-PUM-0005 - Pump. Sewer, "Sterling Motor Co"", 115hp motor. Installed equipment 2 • 4320-PUM-0004 Pump" Water, submersible, 3hp, 3 phase. Franklin Electric Co. 1 Installed Equipment. 7830-BAP.-0002 Barbeque Hoist, set, metal, w/2 turning handle, 2 axle, w/accom- 2 pan5'ing chain and grill grid. PARRS AND BEACHES ATASCADERO LAKE PARK Eyi.;;^n¢ Inventory Federal and/or Local Stock Number Formal Desc_=tion Table. Pica w/attached seats, wood bolted to steel tubular 22 legs. 5'x S' Rack. Bicyc'e metal, 10' long x 18" high. 2 7830-SWI-0001 Swing. Children's outdoor playground device. Metal, w/4 - 2" 1 diam. tubular supports, w/2 swing seat units for infants. 7830-SLI-0001 ' Slide. Children's outdoor playground device. Metal, w/16" wide 1 polished metal slide, w/1 assent ladder, 2 - 2" diam. tubular supports 112" long (visible above ground) o/a diam. - 18' long x 19" wide x 13' high. 7830-SWI-0003 Swing. Children's outdoor playground device, metal w/6 3" diam. 1 subular supports, w/3 swing seat units. 7830-JDN-0002 Jungle Jim. Childrens outdoor playground device. Metal 1 octagonal, w/6 connecting, supporting and climbing rings, 14' diam. Approximate height 13', w/4 3" diam. upright supports adaptable as slide poles. Burke & Co. manufacture. 7830-P1EA-0002 • Merry-Go-Found. Children's outdoor playground device.- Metal 1 10'max imam diam. w/8 radial supports, also serving as grip rails w/1 72" diameter hand safety rail linking all radial supports. 7830-MON-0002 Monkey Bar. Children's outdoor playground device. Metal, w/donkey head, 4 solo rings, o/a diam 20' L x 3Y w x 6'to 8' high. 5120-VIS-0007 Vise, w/3z' jaw. Prewtis "Bull Dog". 1 5130-DRI-0009 Drilling machine. Portable, '&"Black & Decker. Catalog No. 361 1 SN 2600649. 5440-LAD-0023 Ladder. Step, wood, w/10 steps. 120" high. I 1 - Chain Saw. McCulloch Power Mac 6. 14" bar, automatic oiling, 1 . :Frs9 complete w/CA Div. of Forestry approved spark arrester muffler & Oregon chain. P.O. 3159, 74-75. Roto-Tiller, Terra Model 100292, Briggs & Stratton 4hp, 2 speed 1 engine, SN 58100-1--652. P.O. 125132, 70-71, Mower, Rotary, Pre Nadel 0243202, 24" cut, self propelled 20" 1 rear wheels, 5hp Briggs & Stratton engine. P.O. 6058. P8-75 Mower, Deines !tarty J model 1860T 1 Edger. S&H Code 213537-5880, Briggs & Stratton engine, Shp, 1 model 80332. P.O. 125133, 70-71. • 3920-NNE-0001 - Wheel Barrow. Pneumatic tired, metal and wood, about 2 cu.ft. cap. 1 0 • PARKS "D BEACHES . ATASCADERO L70.E PARR Equipment Inventory Federal and/or Local Stock Number Formal Description 7830-RAC-0001 Pack, Bicycle. *fetal, 104" long x 30" high. At Zoo. 3 4110-REF-0031 Refrigerator. Walk in, with 1 door, latch and inside safety 1 release. 245 cu.ft. Freezer, walk-in, 1 door, w/latch and inside safety release. 1 960 cu.ft. PB-17A Trailer, two wheel w/wood deck bolted to steel frame. Lic. E305658. 1 PB-32 Truck, 1973 Dodge 3/4T P/D, model D200, V8, S1 D24BF3S. Elec. 1 Winch, 8" drum SR 0841. Lic. E614702. Extinguisher. Fire Fighting, general, CP5-SA, complete with 1 vehicle brackets. P.O. 153411 73-74 PB-32 • j ,i - EXHIBIT "C" O O O O n ,r� o _ L J===j O O O LEW1S _ \\\ — Library AreO (First Floor) • 4 4 . IN THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO,SPATE OF CALIFORNIA pion ,iu1_1, 7 30 _____ day______ _____________,19_ __ PRESENT: Supervisors haa3 l"eileaun, Steve aac Llvaine, iiosard D. Eaakias, Jeff Jorvertsen, and Chairman :,.art P. Kuyper ABSENT: none In the hatter of Agreement with City of Atascadero transferring county property to the City and establishing other related Watters: This being the time set for further hearing on the matter of transfer c. certain taal property to the City of Atascadero. Rent Taylor, Administrative Office, speaks on the matter. Thereafter, on motion of Supervisor -'eil�ann, seconded by Supervisor Jorgensen, and on the following roll call vote, to wi AYES: Supervisors tieilmann, Jorgensen, t'Iac Elvaine,. hiankins, Chairman ;:upper ROES: None ABSENT: None Agreement between the County and the City of Atascadero tra-asf�rring county property to the City of I,tascadero and esta�lishing other matcers relating t incorporation of said city, approved and Chairman instructed to sign the saa cc: City of Atascadero Administrative Office Auditor 7-7-60 ace STATE OF CALIFORNIA, County of San Luis Obispo, } ss. I, ----- --__ ___.115:4..J--WQLLA1i--------------- ------County Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, in and for the County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do - hereby certify the foregoing to be a full, true and correct copy of an order made by the Board - of Supervisors, as the same appears spread upon their minute book. WITNESS my hand and the seat of said Board of Supervisors,affixed this..------- day ____day of----------July---- 19-613— ------------ 9_613_. ___ ___ .2SB_L_Td_ [70_L7 til _ County Clerk and Ex-0£ficio C rk of the Board (SEAL) X of SS.p�eer�vise By x cnaa Deputy Clerk. 3 EXHIBIT "A" i QUITCLAIM DEED The County of San Luis Obispo, a body corporate and politic, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby ac- knowledged, does hereby remise and release to the City of Atascadero that real property located in the Citvof Atascadero, San Luis Obispo County, as described on Exhibit "I", consisting of six pages, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. COUNTY OF AN LUIS OBISPO By. airman of he rd of upery isors Aut orized by Board Resolution on ,1980 State of California ) )ss County of San 'Luis Obispo ) ,�') a On thisday of in the year 1980, be- fore me 14I SBET WOLLAM, Countyi,Cler no Ex-Officio Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, Countv of San✓Y his ispo, State of California, person- • ally appeared Kurt P. Kupper, know to me to the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, and known to me to be the person who executed the within instrument on behalf of said public corporation, agency or political subdivision, and acknowledged to me that such County of San Luis Obispo, State of Calif- ornia, exectued the same. _. MISBETH WOLLAM, County Clerk and Ex-Officio Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, County of San Lui Ob* o, State of lifornia _. i .(SEAL). By: Deputy e k QUIT/DEED95 MISC#1 a . - VETERANS BUILDING EXHIBIT "I" PARCEL 1 Lot 2 of Administration Park, according to Amendment "D" to Map of Atascadero, recorded April 15, 1918 in Book 4 of Maps, at Page 76A, re- cords of said County. Lot 4 of Administration Park, according to Amendment "0" of Map of Atascadero, recorded April 15, 1918, in Book 4 of Maps, Page 67A, re- cords of said County. Subject to the restriction that said property and improvements thereon shall be held for use by Veterans Organizations as required by the Military and Veterans Code. Also known as APN 29-341-01 29-346-01 ATASCADERO PARK 2 Lots-10, 11, 39, 12, fraction of 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39A, 39B, 40, 40A, 41, 42, 42A, 42B, 43, 44, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50 in Block J-C of Atascadero in the County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, as per amended map thereof filed July 6, 1915, in the office of the Recorder of said County. All that portion of Lot 47 Block J-C of Atascadero in the County of San Luis Obispo, State of California as per amended map thereof filed July 6, 1915, in the office of the recorder of said County, excepting that portion of Lot 47 in Block J-C of Atascadero deeded to the Atascadero Association of Retired People, Inc. on October 11, 1963 in Volume 1265, Page 29 of official records in the County Recorders office. Together with that portion of Amapoa Avenue, 40 feet wide, Atascadero subdivision,County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, according to the map thereof recorded in Boo< 4 of maps at page 56A in the Re- corder's -Office of said County lying between the fallowing described termini: (1) Bounded on the north by the westerly prolongation across said Amapoa Avenue of the southerly line of lake spillway, 15 feet wide, as delineated on said map, and (2) Bounded on the south by the westerly prolongation across said Amapoa Avenue of the northerly line of Pismo Avenue, 40 feet wide, as delineated on said map. RESERVING AND EXCEPTING from said abandonment that portion, 50 feet in . length, of said Amapoa Avenue lyina within the intersection of Lago Avenue, 50 feet wide, and Amapoa Avenue as delineated on said map, also RESERVING AND EXCEPTING from said abandonment the easement and right, at any time, or from time to time, to construct, maintain, operate, re- place, remove and renew sanitary sewers and storm drains and appurten- ant structures in, upon, over and across the above described portions of road and pursuant to any existing franchise or renewal thereof, or otherwise, to construct, maintain, operate, replace, remove, renew and enlarge public utility facilities and appurtenant structures and for incidental purposes, including access to protect the property from all hazards in, upon and over the above described portions of road, tooet- her with All that portion of Lago Avenue as shown on the Map of Atascadero filed • in Book 4 of Maps at Page 56A, in the Office of the County Recorder of the County of San Luis Obispo, lying easterly of the northerly prolong- ation of the easterly line of Lot 23 of Block J-C, as shown on said map; said easterly line being also the westerly line of Amapoa Avenue (abandoned) as shown on said map, together with 1 All that portion of Lago Avenue as shown on the Map of Atascadero filed • in Book 4 of Maps at Pace 56A, in the Office of the County Recorder of the County of San Luis Obispo, lying easterly of the northerly prolongation of the easterly line of Lot 23 of Block J-C, as shown on said map;. said easterly line being also the westerly line of Amapoa Avenue (abandoned) as shown on said map, together with All that portion of Marchant Avenue, as shown on the map of Atascadero filed in Book 4 of Maps at Page 56A, in the Office of the County Re- corder of the County of San Luis Obispo, lying between the easterly prolongation of the southerly line of Lot 46 of Block J-C, as shown on said map, being also the northerly line of Pismo Avenue, as shown on said map, and the easterly prolongation of the northerly line of Lot 38 of Block J-C, as shown on said map, being also the southerly line of Portola Avenue, as shown on said map. EXCEPTING AND RESERVING ANY existing easement and/or franchise right at any time or from time to time to maintain, operate, replace, remove, renew and enlarge the existing public utility facilities, namely: (1) gas mains of Southern Counties Gas Company; (2) power poles of Pacific Gas and Electric Company; (3) aerial cables of Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company, and facilities incidental thereto, including access to protect the property from all hazards in, upon and over the roads herewith abandoned. Subject to condition 8 in Resolution No, 1 "Resolution Amending Resolution No. 78-17 which approved reorganization of the Atascadero Community" adopted by the San Luis Obispo County Local Agency Formation Commission January 4, 1979. Also known as APN 31-362-03 31-361-07 31-373-01 31-372-24 ATASCADERO CREEK RESERVATIONS PARCEL 3 Atascadero Creek Reservations numbers 7, 8, 9, 10 in the County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, as per map of Atascadero and Atas- cadero Colony on file in the Office of Recorder of said County. _ Atascadero Creek reservation Number 4 excepting therefrom that' portion lying within the boundaries of Assessment District #16. Also known as APN 30-201-10 30-201-14 31-222-11 31-282-01 31-291-12 31-351-02 54-152-01 54-221-02 _ 57-101-01 57-121-02 ATASCADERO LAKE 4 Lot 8 in Block 12 of amended map of Atascadero Colony, in the County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, as per map thereof filed September 16, 1925, in the office of the Recorder of said County. Subject to condition 8 in Resolution Al, "Resolution Amending Resolution No. 78-17 which approved Reorganization of the Atascadero Community" adooted by the San Luis Obispo County Local Agency Formation Commission on January 4, 1979. Also known as APN 56-331-01 56-341-01 GRAVES CREEK 5 In Atascadero Colony as per map and survey thereof, Graves Creek Reser- • vation #1 in Block 50. In Atascadero Colony as per map and survey thereof, Graves Creek Reser- vation #2 in Block 48. Also known as APN 49-082-04 2 PARCEL • 6 Lot 8 in Block EB, of Map of Atascadero as designated, numbered and delineated, upon a map thereof recorded in the Recorder's Office Of said County, in Book 4 of Maps, at Page 1. Subject to restriction that that portion of said property lying northeasterly of Highway 101 shall continue to be leased to the Chamber of Commerce or used for a community oriented use. If the property is not so used by City for a period of one (1) ,year or more, title shall revert to County and County may re-enter and occupy said premises. Also known as APN 30-193-01 30-193-02 30-343-02 7 In Atascadero as per amended map and surVey thereof, Park Reserve B in Block F. Also known as APN 28-213-01 8 In Atascadero as per amended map and survey thereof, Park Reserve A in Block IB. Also known as APN 31-012-13 9 In Atascadero as per map and survey thereof, that portion of Block IB bounded on the North by Santa Lucia Avenue, West and South by San Andres Ave. and Easterly by Nacimiento Ave. Also known as APN 31-026-01 10 In Atascadero as per map and survey thereof that portion of Block IB lying in the intersection of San Marcos Ave. and Curbaril Ave. Also known as APN 31-212-01 11 Park Reserve A of Block JC of Atascadero in the County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, according to the map thereof and amendments thereto recorded in Book 4 of Maps, page I et seq., records of said county, excepting therefrom that portion described as follows: _. Beginning at the intersection of the westerly line of the above men- tioned Park A with the northerly line of Santa Rosa Avenue, as shown on said map; thence, along said westerly line, N. 24° 31' E., 17.93 feet to a point on the southerly line of Marchant Avenue; thence, along said westerly line of Marchant Avenue, tangent to a line that bears S. 36° 10' 35" E., along a curve to the left, with a radius of 134.80 'feet, through an angle of 28° 50' 25", for a distance of 67.85 feet; thence, continuing along said southerly line, S. 65° 01' E., 23.56 feet; thence, S. 27* 03' W.,7.18 feet to a point on the aforementioned north- erly line of Santa Rosa Avenue; thence along said northerly line, tan- gent to a line that bears N. 62' 57' W., along a curve to the right, with a radius of 1412.50 feet, through an angle of 3° 35' 09" for a distance of 88.40 feet to the point of beginning. Also known as APN 31-381-23 12 Lot 22 M in Block L-A according to Amendment "C" to Map of Atascadero, recnrded in the Office of the County Recorder of San Luis Obispo County, California on the 10th day of Auqust, 1917. Also known as APN 29-324-01 . 13 In Atascadero as per amended map and survey thereof Park Reserve, Block M-C. Also known as APN 30-072-01 3 PARCEL 14 In Atascadero as per amended map and survey thereof tot A, Block N-C. Also known as APN 29-234-01 15 In Atascadero as per amended map and survey thereof, Park Reserve, Lot B, Block N-C. Also known as APN 29-224-01 16 In Atascadero as per amended map and survey thereof, Park Reserves A, 8 and C in Block V-B ' Also known as APN 31-044-01 31-143-01 31-203-01 17 In Atascadero as per amended map and survey thereof, Park Reservation A in Block YB. Also known as APN 31-126-01 18 In Atascadero as per amended map and survey thereof, Park Reservation "A" Block Z. Also known as APN 28-152-01 19 In Atascadero Colony as per map and survey thereof, Park Reserve A in • Block 14 containing 0.25 acres. Also known as APN 54-133-01 20 In Atascadero Colony as per map and survey thereof, Park Reservation A, Block 22. Also known as APN 49-112-10 P1 In Atascadero Colony as per map and survey thereof the Westerly 40/100 acres of Lot 18 in Block 23. Also known as APN 49-191-04 22 In Atascadero Colony as per map and survey thereof, Park Reserve A in Block 25, containing 0.21 acres. Also known as. APN 50-131-07 23 In Atascadero Colony as per map and survey thereof, Park Reserve A in Block 31, containing 0.28 acres. Also known as APN 54-211-01 • 4 PARCEL . 24 In Atascadero Colony as per map and survey thereof, Park Reserve A in Block 38, containing, containing 0.34 acres. - Also known as APN 57-082-11 25 Park Reserve A in Block 55 according to the map of Atascadero Colony, recorded in the Office of the County Recorder of said County. Also known as APN 50-325-01 - 26 A portion" of Lot I in Block 60 of Atascadero Colony in the County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, according to a ma❑ filed in Book 3, at Page 85 of Maps and as shown on Parcel Map CO-70-84. A one foot (1.00') strip of land lying southerly and westerly of and adjacent to the southerly right-of-way line of the California State Highway 41 between Station 630 more or less and Station 656 more or less as shown on said parcel map. Also known as APN 55-321-06 27 In Atascadero Colony as per map and survey thereof, Park Reserve A in Block 23, containing 0.22 acres. J Also known as APN 49-191-09 28 All of Lot 10 of Atascadero Park in the County of San Luis Obispo, State of California as shown on Sheet 74 of the Official Map of Atas- cadero on file in the Office of the County Recorder of said County and filed for record in Book 4 of Maps of Page 1 et seq records of said County. Also known as APN 28-341-09 P9 Atascadero Colony, that portion of Lot 3 Block 13 described as follows: That portion beginning at the Northwest corner of said Lot 3; thence S 33- 49' E, 205 feet to a point on the Westerly line of said Lot 3; thence leaving said Westerly line N 56° 111E, 25 feet to a point; thence N 33° 49' W, 203.22 feet to a point; thence S 59° 29' feet to the point of beginning. Excepting therefrom that portion lying within thelinesof Santa Rosa Rd. Also known as APN 56-262-11 _ _ 5 PARCEL • 30 That portion of Lot 5 of the L�fe Residence Park of At ascadero in the County of San Luis Obispo, stz'e of California according to the map thereof recorded in Book 4 at pages 71 and 72 of Maps described as follows; Commencing at the northwest comer of the land conveyed to the County of San Luis Obispo by the deed -ecorded in Book 344 at page 290 of Of- ficial Records said point beinc on the centerline of Capistrano Avenue (formerly Magnolia Avenue); thence S64°32'E along the no-herly .line of said county property 30.58 feet to the westerly line of Capistrano Avenue, 50 feet wide and the point of beginning; thence S64'32'E continuing alo^q the northerly line of said County property, 114.68 feet to a pent on a curve, from which the radius point bears SO°41'47"W, 185.00 'get; thence westerly along the arc c- said curve and through a central angle of 16°07'58" a distance of 52.Cf feet; thence S74°33'49"W, tangent to last curve 36.82 feet to a point on a curve concave easterly having a radius of 548.10 feet, said point being on the easterly line of said Ca'istrano Avenue; thence northerly along the arc of last said curve and through a cen- tral angle of 7°05'39" a distar:e of 67.86 feet to the point of beginn- inq containing 0.065 acres more or less. Subject to the reservation tha said property shall be used for a sewage lift station only. Also known as a portionofAPP 29-102-12 c according to the Maps of Atascadero 31 That portion of Lot 8, Block Colony filed October 21, 1914 Map Book 3, Page 1 et sea. as describ- • ed in those deeds recorded on -ebruary 10, 1971 in the office of the County Recorder, County of San _uis Obispo at Volume 1604, Official Re- cords, Page 616 et seq., subje:t to the restricitons contained there- in. Also known as APN 55-161-03 55-161-04 AMcK/ms LEG/DES/5/20#2 — 6 • IN THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO,STATE OF CALIFORNIA ----= 11 day-------tk 31 -1----------,19 PRESENT:Supervisors '-Tans lieiina:n, Steve :fac 31vai::e, I:oward D dSar.:ans, Jeff JorSensen, and Chairman Y.urt P. Kuyper ABSENT: :done _ RESOUITI04: NO. 22-2.17 RESCUiTION A1jTHORI7T" T7Ai:SF-[R IT REAL PROP-77770 T!F CITY OF ATASCAS}F,RO The followinn Resolution is hereby offered and read: WHEREAS, the County of San Luis Obispo by Resolution 79-12 directed certain real prooert� be trans Ferred to the incoruorat=.d City ofAtascadero, and WHEREAS, the County currently owns certain real property in the City of Atascadero not required for County use, and WHEREAS, the public interest will be best served by transferring this said property to the City of Atascadero, and WHEREAS, Government Code Section 25365 provides that the 3oard of Super- visors may, by a four-fifths vote, quitclaim or otherwise transfer to aay City within the County any real property or interest therein belonging to the County • upon such terns end conditions as are agreed upon and without campiyin9 with any other provisions of the Code, if the property to be quStslained is not renuired j for County use. WHEREAS, this Board has passed Resolution No, 80-138, thereby giving notice of intention to transfer said property to the City; said property shall be transferred hereunder exceptino therefrom three parcels noticed therein are not located within the City limits. NOW, TWEREFORE, BE 1T RESOLVED AND ORD-BRED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, as follows: 1. That the County does hereby transfer to the City of Atascadero that real property situated in the County of San Luis Obispo, City of Atascadero, State of California, those parcels shown on Exhibit ".A" attached hereto. 2. That the Chairman and Clerk of this Board are hereby authorized and dir- ected to execute the appropriate documents effecting a conveyance of the above referenced real property, u• 1 CD 94 Upon motion of Supervisor 1[ ilrr� —, seconded by Supervisor Jorgensen and on the following roll call vote, to-wit: AYES: Supervisors lieilmann, Jorgensen, Mac Llvaine, Manldns, Chairman !:upper NOES: None ABSENT: (done ABSTAINING: !lone the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted. /s/ hurt P. !:upper hajrman o t e Board ot Supervisors ATTEST: - /s/ tlisbeth Wollari Clerk of the Board of Supervisors AM/jlb 2/RES/ATAS • STATE OF CALIFOR\IA' ss. County of San Luis Obispo, } I, _—_ --�IIS17Lu: WOL>_.All- --. , County Clerk and i coo C .rlr . of the Board of `,open r=ors, in 2nd for the Count?' of San I,vis OblsTo, St o-` C it c da 16 hereby certify the foregoing to be a full, true and correct cop) of an order n.^de by P I r. of Supervisors, as the same appear' spread noon their minute book. 7th ANTITh PSS my hand and the seal of slid Board of Supervisors,affixed this ----------------- 30 day of--------Jul- -------- 19_ - -------- _BETFI Count•Cle:k and £--0`iirio Ckr of _L`� of Sup r-is,rs (SEAL) --- pear. _M_E_M G R A N D U M C2,• T0: City Council — _ - - _ - - - FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: Final Budget, FY 80-81 Attached is Resolution No. 11-80 which will formalize the adoption of the final budget for FY 80-81. Also attached is a memo from the Finance Director summarizing the changes that have occurred in the preliminary budget as a result of Council consideration during the budget hearings. Recommend your approval of Resolution No. 11-80. MURRAY/L. V7ARDE ,� • MLW:ad 7-10-80 • i • RESOLUTION NO. 11-80 A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO • APPROVING THE BUDGET FOR THE 1980-1981 FISCAL YEAR AND APPROPRIATING FUNDS THEREFOR BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Atascadero as follows : Section 1. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 37208 of the Government Code, that certain document entitled "Final Budget for the City of Atascadero for the Fiscal Year 1980-81, " on file in the office of the City Clerk, is hereby approved as the budget for the City of Atascadero for the fiscal year 1980-1981 to the extent of the totals set forth for each function in the General Fund, Special Revenue Funds , Enterprise Fund, Reserves and totals set forth for each capital project. Section 2 . The City Manager, upon recommendation of the Finance Director, may transfer funds within, but not between, each of the functional appropriations of the General Funds as required to achieve the purpose of this function. Section 3. The Council, from time to time, by motion, may approve and authorize the payment of non-budgeted demands from appropriated funds ; and may appropriate funds for budgeted or non- • budgeted items , and any such appropriation for a non-budgeted item shall constitute an approval to issue a warrant in payment of a proper demand or demands therefor. Section 4 . This resolution shall become effective and in full force immediately upon its passage. Adopted 1980 . ATTEST: ROBERT J. WILKINS, JR. , Mayor MURRAY L. WARDEN, City Clerk APPROVED AS O FORM: ALLEN GRIMES , City Attorney • MEMO RAN D U M TO: City Manager FROM: Finance Director i SUBJECT: Final Budget, FY 80-81 Attached is the Final Budget for FY 80-81 and the Reso- lution of Adoption for Council action on July 14 , 1980 . Several changes have occurred since Council' s approval on June 23 , 1980 , which have been included in the Final Budget and have an affect on the final totals. The following is a resume of these changes: a. The Estimated Revenue (carryover) Balance ending FY 79-80 (page 6) has been reduced from $921, 901 to $845 , 675 . This $76 , 226 reduction in estimated revenue was primarily due to receipt of $64 , 417 less than anticipated in Sales Tax revenue for FY 79-80. b. Receipt of finalized workers ' Compensation rates rates for FY 80-81 reduced our original estimated rates by $21 ,647. C. A PERS rate change for safety employees caused an increase of $9 ,595 for Police and a reduction of $2 , 984 for Fire resulting in a total increase of $6, 611. d. The final determination of Firefighters ' salaries is now contained on page 37. The difference between the Proposed Budget and Adopted Budget has been set aside in reserve (page 61) . e. An adjustment has been made in the reserve pertaining to matching funds for Dial-A-Ride grants . The matching funds for two additional buses has been reduced due to receipt of SB 620 Grant Fund notifica- tion. Matching funds for Land Acquisition has been eliminated due to future status of the Grant. There is a very slight possibility of approval under Section 18 funding only after all County-wide requests for moving equipment have been met. f. All expenditures approved by Council on June 23, 1980 for Revenue Sharing Funds have been identified by adding (RS) . • Memorandum - Final Budget, FY 80-81 Page Two The Final Budget results of these additions and dele- tions are compared below against those figures approved on June 23 , 1980 . The final figures are listed in the Final Budget Document, FY 80-81 which is recommended for Council ' s approval. June 23, 1980 Final Budget Revenue (est. ) $3 , 864 , 861 $3 , 788 , 735 Operating Budget 3 , 410 ,740 3 , 361 , 809 Balance $ 454 ,221 $ 426 , 926 Appropriated to Reserves $ (390 ,757) $ (363,462) Appropriated to Waste- water Fund ( 63 , 464) ( 63 ,464) Total RALPH H. DOWELL, JR. RHD: ad 7-8-80 • • T0: City Manager M_E M_O_R_A_N_D_U M_ C 3 • FROM: Finance Director SUBJECT: Resolution of Intention to Amend PERS Contract Attached is the Resolution of Intention "to provide a merger between the contracts of the City of Atascadero and Atascadero Fire Protection District, and to provide 20 @ 55 Full for local fire members" . The Government Code requires Council to make public the cost implication of the proposed amendment at least two weeks prior to - the authorization of increased retirement benefits . The facts that must be made public are: for local safety members (Fire and Police) . The rate for the City will be 17 . 680% . Cost for the next twelve months (FY 80-81 budget) is esti- mated at $62 , 905 for Police and $34 , 582 for Fire. This percentage increase will apply to all mem- ber payrolls covered by these benefits until the • year 2000 . This merger provides identical PERS coverage for all safety members , both Police and Fire. Upon passage of this Resolution, PERS will provide final documents which cannot be acted upon for at least twenty days after adoption of the Resolution. The earliest this would be possible is the Council meeting of August 11 , 1980. Effective date of the amendment would normally be the beginning of the pay period following final action of Council, or pay period starting August 23, 1980 . However, the PERS contract office has assured the City that as this is a merger, such date will be retro- active to July 2 , 1980 . Recommend Council give favorable cor�Aderation to approving the Resolution of Intention at the next scheduled meeting, July 14 , 1980 . RALPH H. DOWELL, JR. RHD:ad 7-8-88x0/ p 7D; C./� SCJQM� lC / 9fdoAlA4Cl9 yours ►o-0­00T`01Y OF 2C-aca fkoti IVO. /3 bv. /lc��nOCES oR vet ou +uMe oa W,t Fme hq #Trry 1/w3trr7 rJF eii/ Gyrt'P/t /tiy�,p yti,�9 . wz Nero 'rV 5C-r pfr,s von? ro A7 r. ,1�'4411--e • RESOLUTION NO. 13-80 • RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO APPROVE AN AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT BETWEEN THE • BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION OF THE PUBLIC LXPLOYEES ' RETIREMENT SYSTEM AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO WHEREAS, the Public Employees' Retirement Law permits the participation of public agencies and their employees in the Public Employees' Retirement System by the execution of a contract, and sets forth the procedure by which said public agencies may elect to subject them- selves and their employees to amendments to said Law; and WHEREAS, one of the steps in the procedure to amend this contract is the adoption by the legislative body of the public agency of a resolu- tion giving notice of its intention to approve an amendment to said contract, which resolution shall contain a summary of the change proposed in said contract; and WHEREAS, the following is a statement of the proposed change: To provide a merger between the contracts of the City of Atascadero and Atascadero Fire Protection District, • and to provide 2% @ 55 Full for local fire members. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the governing body of the above agency gives, and it does hereby give notice of intention to approve an amendment to the contract between the said governing body and the Board of Administration of the Public Employees' Retirement System, a copy of said amendment being attached hereto, as an "Exhibit" and by this reference made a part hereof. BY NAME ATTEST: ROBERT J. WILKINS, JR. , Mayor TITLE MURRAY L. WARDEN, City Clerk Date adopted and approved Ret. Form 122 APPROVED AS TO FO ^1: • A ALLEN GRIMES, City Attorney STATE OF CALIFORNIA EDMUND G. BROWN JR., Governer PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM 616 NINTH STREET, P.O. BOX 1953 n IWCRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA 95809 Telephone (916)445-6570 Reply to Contracts Division July 2, 1980 Employer Code #1248 Mr. Murray L. Warden City Manager City of Atascadero RECEIVED JUL 7 0 Post Office Box 747 Atascadero, CA 93422 Dear Mr. Warden: We are enclosing two copies of Resolution of Intention (Form 122) to amend your agency's contract as follows: To provide a merger between the contracts of the City of Atascadero and Atascadero Fire Protection District, and to provide 25 @ 55 Full for local fire members. Form CON-12, Certification of Governing Body' s Action, Form CON-12A, Certification of Compliance With Government Code Section 7507, and Form CON-11 , • Sample Ordinance are also enclosed. Chapter 941 , Statutes of 1977 (Section 7507, Government Code), requires your governing body to make public the cost implications of the proposed contract amendment at least two weeks prior to the authorization of increased retirement benefits. When forwarding the executed Resolution of Intention documents, please include the enclosed Form CON-12A, Certification of Compliance With Government Code Section 7507. This must be completed to verify that the requirements for publication of costs have been met. The facts that you must make public are: for local safety members The rate for your agency will be 17.680%. Apply these percentages to the most current payroll figures for the next 12 months to compute the dollar amount. This percentage increase will apply to all member payrolls covered by these benefits, until the year 2000. These are the cost figures which can be made public at the time the Resolution of Intention is adopted. Please note that the employer contribution rate in all PERS contracts is subject to change in the future with any changes in actuarial data or actuarial assumptions. In addition, the employer safety contribution rate of 17.6805 which is shown in your contracts subject to adjustment when more complete data is available on your safety employees. Please note the member contribution rate will be 75 of member earnings exclusive of overtime. • I .�f As soon as we receive one executed copy of the Resolution of Intention (with attached exhibits) , Certification of Governing Body's Action (Form CON-12), Certification of Compliance With Government Code Section 7507 (Form CON-12A), and any other required forms, we will forward additional copies of the amend- ment and the documents necessary to complete your governing body' s final action. That final action will require an affirmative vote of the majority of your governing body and must be deferred for at least twenty days after the adoption of the Resolution of Intention. In summary, the following documents must be returned to this office before we can forward final documents to you: (original signatures are required on all of these documents) 1 . One executed copy of the Resolution of Intention (with attached Exhibits), original or certified copy. 2. Certification of Governing Body's Action (Form CON-12), original or certified copy. 3. Certification of Compliance With Government Code Section 7507 (Form CON-12A), original or certified copy. Effective date of the amendment cannot be earlier than the beginning of a payroll period following the effective date of the final action of your governing body. If you have any questions regarding this letter or the enclosed material, • please do not hesitate to contact us. Yours truly, /c 'n Ellen H. Baltezore, Chief /C s Contracts Division EHB:JDM:jf Enclosure cc: Los Angeles Area Office • • r M EMO RAN D U M D / • TO: City Council FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: Bid for Engineering Vehicle, Bid No. 80-4 We have received three bids , in response to our request, for purchase of a Public Works Engineering vehicle. The three bids were as follows: 1. Chevrolet LUV -- $7 , 950. 2 . Chevrolet Standard Pickup 8 , 780. 57 3. Toyota 8,848. 19 The low bid was #1 from Pete Johnston Chevrolet in Paso Robles. The bid has been reviewed by the Public Works Director and the Finance Director and meets with • their approval. Recommend your approval of Vehicle Bid 80-4 in the amount of $7 , 950 with award to Pete Johnston Chevrolet for a 4-wheel drive Chevrolet LUV pick-up with camper shell. URRAY L. WARDEN MLW:ad 7-10-80 • i • M_E M_O_R A_N_D_U M_ TO: City Manager FROM: Finance Director SUBJECT: Selection of Audit Proposal, FY 79-80 The City Has received five positive responses to our Letter of Invitation for the accomplishment of the FY 79-80 Audit. Of these five, I would consider three qualified for municipal audits based on background, experience and reputation. I have attached a copy of each of these proposals for your information. Accountant Firm Bid Robert M. Moss Accounting Corp. $1,750 .00 Arroyo Grande , Ca. • Glenn, Burdette, Schuetze & Booker Not to exceed $2 ,400 . 00 San Luis Obispo, Ca. Knight Towle Sage & Johnson No bid - hourly rate only San Luis Obispo, Ca. It is recommended that the audit for FY 79-80 be awarded to Robert M. Moss Accounting Corp. , based on low bid, qualification and extensive experience in municipal independent audits. RALPH H. DOWELL, JR. RHD:ad 7-,r7-80 e,4 40,vvex fikw" 0'v "01,1w46CA xx /�&co,yM�+'o 2oaen'I— Moss (baP• °�� /hw,r Nov pca'r?�'r • l�� S7ReCr /YNO fe2F. � GxTtn� lj°� W i`11n Ou A OLD Ley Ate r" MUN « PA-( . ROBE* M. MOSS ACCOUNTANCY COARATION CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT 1406 EAST MAIN STREET SANTA MARIA. CALIFORNIA 93454 naa wi�a nine aov�evwno (805) 925-2579 fie.C/.ST 9TNL •enc em (FORMERLY DIEH L, EVANS AND COMPANY) weaovo cnwnoE,e, CALIFORNIA iw e• •wenv HILLS, cw uronnu 110212 .aa.nv ❑u, ua-ssu June 11, 1980 RECEIVE-D "A 1 3 19W City Administrator City of Atascadero Atascadero, California Dear Sir: The end of the fiscal year is rapidly approaching and we would appreciate it if you would consider our firm for your audit of books and records for the year ended June 30, 1980 . We would like to submit a bid of $1,750 for the City • audit . We are looking forward to working with you should you • select our firm for the 1980 audit. Enclosed is a Resume of Qualifications which includes a listing of some audits we perform. Yours truly, ROnE;T M. Mws ACCOuIvTANC-f CORPORAT101i Robert M. Moss, CPA RMM/bh • • RESUME OF QUALIFICATIONS . (1} Current and/or recently completed municipal auditing assignments: CITY OF SANTA MARL% - yearly audit of books and records of account from 1960. The audit includes General Fund, Special Revenue Funds, Capital Project Funds, Internal Service Funds, Trust and Agency Funds, Debt Service Funds, Enterprise Funds , Special Assessment Funds, the General Fixed Asset Group of Accounts and the Long-Term Debt Group of Accounts . In the eighteen years additional audit reports have been added for the Parking Authority, Solid Waste Disposal, General Revenue Sharing, Anti-Recession Fiscal Assistance Program including Certificates of Compliance, Community Development Block Grant Program and the audit for S .M.O .O.T.H. transporation (senior citizens bus service) . For a number of years an audit was also prepared for the ,Tanta Maria Redevelopment Agency which has since been disbanded. We also audited the City of Santa Maria Library. CITY OF CARPINTERIA - yearly audit of books and records of account. The audit included the General Fund, ten Special Restricted Funds, Assessment Districts, Revenue Sharing Fund, and a Trust and Agency Fund. The audit report also included the required statements for Fixed Assets and Bonds Payable. CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO - yearly audit of books and records of account from 1974. The audit included General Fund, Special Revenue Funds, • Capital Project Funds , Internal Service Funds, Trust and Agency Funds, Debt Service Funds, Enterprise Funds , Special Assessment Funds, the General Fixed Asset Group of Accounts and the Long-Term Debt Group of Accounts. We also prepared audit reports for General Revenue Sharing, Anti- Recession Fiscal Assistance Program, including Certificates of Compliance. CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE - yearly audit of books and records of account since 1964. The audit includes General Fund, Special Assessment Funds; Special Restricted Funds, Water Furd, Payroll Fund and Revenue Sharing Fund. CITY OF PISMO BEACH - yearly audit of books and records of account since 1972. The audit includes General and Special Restricted Funds, Water Fund, Motor Vehicle Fund, New Sewer Project Fund, Capital Outlay, Statement of Changes in General Fixed Assets and Statement of Changes in Long-Term Debt. CITY OF GROVER CITY - yearly audit of books and records of account since 1967 . The audit includes General Fund, Revenue Sharing Fund, Bond Construction Fund, Water Fund, Special Assessment District Fund, Trust Agency Fund, General Fixed Assets, Bond Interest and Redemntion • Fund, Statement of Changes in Bonded Indebtedness and Statement of Legal Debt Margin. -2- CITY OF GUADALUPE - we commenced quarterly accounting for the City of Guadalupe in 1977 and performed our first audit starting with the fiscal year ended June 30, 1978. Our audit report consists of the following . funds : General Fund, Special Gas Tax Fund, Sewer Bend Fund, Water Bond Fund, Revenue Sharing Fund, C. E. T. A. Fund, Recreation Fund, Water Capital Fund, Public Facilities and Park Development. BUELLTON COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT - yearly audit of books and records of account since 1964. The audit includes Budgetary Procedures, General Fund, District Funds, Statement of Changes in Unappropriated Fund balance, Statement of Changes in Financial Position, Bond Interest and Redemption Fund, Sinking Funds, Statement of Fund Requirements, Statement of Investment in Property and Equipment, Capital Fund Annual Contributions - Plant Expansion Fund. We also prepare the quarterly financial statements, including the budget, and provide other services such as management advisory services and assistance with loan applications . BUELLT.ON STREET LIGHTING DISTRICT - yearly audit of books and records of account since 1964. The audit includes Budgetary Procedures, Results of Operations, General Fund and Statement of Changes in General Fund Balance. LOS .ALAMOS COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT - yearly audit of books and records of account since 1964. The audit includes Balance Sheet of Combined Funds, Sta ement of Changes in Unappropriated Fund Balance, Statement of Income, Sta :ement of Changes in Financial Position, Statement of Changes in Debt Service Fund Balance, Statement of Fund Requirements - General Obligation Bonds. NIPOMO WATER DISTRICT - yearly audit of books and records of account since 1975. The audit includes District Funds , Statement of Changes in Unappro- priated Fund Balance, General Fund, General and Administrative Expenses, Statement of Changes in Financial Position, Bond Interest and Redemption Fund, Statement of Fund Requirements - General Obligation Water Bonds, and Statement of Investment in Property and Equipment. We are presently assisting the District with a loan application. Previously we have made feasibility studies regarding sewer bonds . We provide management services throughout the year. NORTHERN SANTA BARBARA COUNTY SCHOOLS - Since the early 1960's we have audited the County Schools consisting of: Allan Hancock Joint Community College District Blochman Union School District Bonita School District Casmalia School District Cuyama Joint Union School District Guadalupe Union School District Lompoc Unified School District Los Alamos School District Santa Maria School District • Santa Maria Joint Union High School -3- The audit includes General Fund, Bond Interest and Redemption Fund, County School Building Aid Fund, Long-Term Liabilities, Cafeteria Account, Statement . of Changes in General Fixed Assets, Student Body Funds and Schedule of Federal Programs. LUCIA MAR SCHOOL DISTRICT IN SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY - we have audited the District since 1970 and the audit includes General Fund, Bond Interest and Redemption Fund, Schedule of Long-Term Liabilities, Schedule of Changes in Fixed Assets, Cafeteria Account, Student Body Accounts for High School and Elementary Schools and Schedule of Federal Programs. Our work with the management and staff of both the Northern Santa Barbara County Schools and Lucia Mar School District has resulted in a much more efficient handling of Student Body Funds and Cafeteria accounts and has resulted in a more effective internal control system. PASO ROBLES UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT PASO ROBLES JOINT UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT SHANDON UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT We have been awarded the audit contracts for the two Paso Robles Districts and Shandon District commencing with the audit of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1979. 1 (2) Specific experience in auditing cities with one or more municipal utilities • The City of Santa Maria, City of San Luis Obispo, City of Arroyo Grande, City of Pismo Beach, City of Grover City, City of Guadalupe and the Nipomo Water District all have Water Funds. The City of Santa Maria, City of Pismo Beach, Nipomo Water District and City of Guadalupe all have Refuse Collection Operations and Sewerage Collection Funds. (3) Audit staff - The audit staff available consists of Robert M. Moss, C. P. A. for 29 years who is the head of the firm and supervisor on all audits; additionally, there are four C. P. A. 's, five senior accountants, five junior accountants, as well as data processing and clerical staff. (4) Firm qualifications- Robert M. Moss Accountancy Corporation is a licensed certified public accounting firm by the State of California and a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, and the California Society of Certified Public Accountants. Listed below is information I feel to be pertinent to my firm and should be taken into consideration when evaluating our auditing capabilities: (1) Experience of partners, managers and kev staff members Certified Public Accountants and audit staff are fully conversant with • municipal accounting. We also have at our disposal an extensive library of various governmental -4- . accounting text and publications. We make it standard practice to order publications from our various tax services dealing with municipal accounting, revenue sharing, anti-recession programs and all other • related data. (2) Level of expertise in dealing with full financial disclosure Every City audit and the numerous private industry audits we perform require full financial disclosure in accordance with F. A. S. B., A. I. C. P. A. and A. P. B. pronouncements. (3) Educational Programs In order for Certified Public Accountants to retain their license to practice it is required that forty hours of continuing education, approved by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, be taken each year. In addition, our Certified Public Accountants, auditors and managers regularly attend professional development courses relative to all aspects of municipal accounting. Our library is always available and management and staff are encouraged to use its facilities. The library was set up on our own in house computer and publications are listed by subject, ie. Municipal Accounting and Auditing; Taxes; Management and Management Services, etc., to provide easy access to all publications. We also have in our library City and County audits from Northern, Southern and Central California, as well as a sampling of out of State • audits. (4) Data Processing auditing The majority of the Cities and Counties for which we perform audits have their accounting records on computers and the management and staff are very much at ease in working with computer print-outs . Prior to the City of Arroyo Grande purchasing its own computer, our company performed data processing services, including quarterly financial statements, on our in house computer. Our programmers implemented a number of innovative changes to provide the City with the special information it wished to have. In the past we have provided data processing services for other municipalities just prior to and during the annual audit. Since that time the municipalities have acquired their own data processing systems. (5) Availability on a day to day basis for consultation and auditing needs during the year We have always made it a practice to be available for consultation, management services and advice. One of our Certified Public Accountants recently worked with a City at a day-long presentation to assist the City in becoming self-insured . for Workmen's Compensation purposes. • -5- We have been asked by a number of Municipal clients to attend meetings and recommend our choice for Finance Officer, Chief Accountant and . other top management staff. We are presently engaged in assistance to two Districts in obtaining loans. We consult with Cities, Counties and Districts regarding budgets, tax assessments, internal control, insurance coverage, record retention, purchase pooling and, in fact, any area requiring assistance. (6) Ability to apply innovative management concepts in financial reporting We have done financial reporting for Cities and Counties in various ways and with various different types of information included, such as comparing revenues and expenditures with the prior year, comparison of tax rates, fixed assets and with population of prior five to ten years. As an additional audit tool and management advisory service as well, we have analyzed and compared per capita costs and expenses by municipal department and in total. (7) Ability to assist and implement operating systems procedures and controls At the time Lopez Lake and State Recreation Park was formed we were requested by the City of Arroyo Grande to prepare a feasibility study and determine what the assessed tax rate should be. Income and • expenditure projections were made for a five-year period and the tax rate set. The City was very pleased and in the years that followed the projections were exactly right and the subsequent planning by the City, based on these projections and assumptions, proved correct. (8) Internal and external integration Our firm has always worked with the internal auditors when they were available and cooperated with them to properly delineate areas of responsibility and work, such as preparation of schedules and assistance in audit work papers and utilizing their knowledge in our audit procedures and the adherence to internal control methods. (9) Identify how management of resources could possibly be improved Our firm has worked on the efficient reinvestment of time deposits. We have instituted a bid system for time deposits so that the bank quoting the highest interest rate receives the deposits. A revolving payroll account has been adopted by some of our Municipal clients . Additional revenue was produced by analyzing and performing spot audits of bed tax returns and collections. Inventory control systems have been set up. • A representative of the firm has been present when insurance programs have been presented, in order to assist in obtaining the best coverage for the lowest cash outlay. -6- • (10) We are presently expanding our activity in San Luis Obispo County and Inyo County and are taking over the auditing of many of the Independent Special Purpose Districts and many of the Board governed Districts. At the present time we are auditing the County of Inyo. • In San Luis Obispo County we have recently completed the audit of the Pension Trust Fund, including statements of revenue and expenditure and changes in reserves and surplus, together with the L.G.F.A, financial report. Additional San Luis Obispo County audits include Special Districts -- for example, sixteen Flood Control and Waterworks, eleven Lighting Districts, twenty-five County Service Areas and a Sanitation and Garbage District. We also audit independent special purpose districts including seven Cemetery Districts, Five Fire Protection Districts, three Resource Conservation Districts, four Sanitary and Sanitation Districts, two Water Districts and Port San Luis Harbor District. This will be our first year to audit the California Valley Community Service District and Garden Farm Water District, both located in San Luis Obispo County. In Santa Barbara County we have just recently added the audits for the Sucmnerland Water District and the Santa Maria Valley Resource Conservation District. • (11) Robert M. Moss Accountancy Corporation is an equal opportunity employer. • • i GLENN, BURDETTE. SCHUETZE & BOOKER ACCOUNTANTS INCORPORATED . CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS FRED L.GLENN.C.P.A SUITE S-PREMONT PLAZA STEPHEN A.BURDETTE,C, P A, 1250 PEACH STREET JEROME N. SCHUETZE.C. F A. SAN LUIS OBISPO,CALIFORNIA 93401 DAVID R.BOOKER,O.P. A. (805) S44-1441 DAVID W. PHILLIPS.C P.A. June 13, 1980 Mr. Ralph H. Dowell, Jr. City Treasurer Finance Director Administration Building 6501 Lewis Avenue Post Office Box 747 Atascadero, CA 93422 Dear Mr. Dowell: We are pleased to be considered in the selection of a firm of independent certified public accountants as auditors for the City of Atascadero for the fiscal year 1979-80. Our examination will be made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards for California municipalities and will include • such tests of the accounting records and other auditing procedures as we consider necessary under the circumstances. Qualifications of our Firm Our office has a professional staff of nine certified public accountants (who have a total of 83 years of public accounting experience) and seven other accountants. In addition, we have a key punch operator, computer operator and three secretary-typists. Our firm was established in 1966 by Mr. Fred L. Glenn and has continuously served the residents of the County since that date. On July 1, 1980 we are opening a branch office located at 7360 E1 Camino Real, Atascadero, California. We currently serve as auditors or have audited in the past the following governmental entities: San Luis Obispo County Grand Jury, San Luis Obispo Community College District, San Luis Coastal Unified School District, Templeton Unified School District, Shandon Unified School District, Atascadero Unified School District, Fairview School District, Phillips School District, Pleasant Valley School District, San Luis Obispo County Office of Education, and Templeton Community Services District. In addition we have performed professional services for the City of San Luis Obispo and Port San Luis Harbor District. A summary of the backgrounds of the principals in the firm who will work on your audit are: Mr. David W. Phillips, Certified Public Accountant: After graduating from • the University of California at Los Angeles, Mr. Phillips was employed by - Ernst & Ernst from 1961 to 1969, and as an audit manager at Peat, Marwick Mitchell & Co. , for four years. Before joining our firm he worked on the audits of Mr. Ralph H. Dowell, -2- • June 13, 1980 municipalities (i.e. , City of Los Angeles and Metropolitan Water District) , manufacturing companies, real estate companies, newspapers, financial institu- • tions, and investment companies. Since joining our firm he has worked with the governmental entities mentioned above. Mr. Phillips left a position as the internal audit manager of a Los Angeles conglomerate to join our staff in January, 1976. He lives in Atascadero. Mr. Gary K. Shelton, Certified Public Accountant: Mr. Shelton graduated from California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo in 1975. He joined the audit staff of Mr. Fred W. Cusick, San Luis Obispo County Auditor-Controller in October, 1975. His duties included financial compliance and operational audit- ing of entities under the control of the County Board of Supervisors, including County departments and special districts. Since joining our firm in February, 1977, he has worked on audits for the 1976-77 Grand Jury, and school districts and special districts audits. Mr. Shelton became a principal in our firm on June 1, 1980. He lives in Atascadero. The Examination Our examination of the financial statements of the City of Atascadero will be made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and include such tests of the accounting records and such other auditing procedures as we consider necessary under the circumstances. It is the practice of our firm as a regular part of every audit engagement, to submit specific recommendations designed to strengthen internal controls and to improve the efficiency of accounting procedures. Such recommendations are • developed during the course of our examination from our study and evaluation of the existing system, as well as from our audit tests. We will not make a detailed examination of all transactions, such as would be necessary to disclose any defalcations or irregularities that may have occurred. However, our engagement will include tests of the City's system of internal control to the extent we consider necessary to make an evaluation of the system as required by generally accepted auditing standards. The examination shall begin before July 31, 1980 and should be completed before September 30, 1980. Should this timing be inconvenient for City staff, acceptable timing will be established. Fees and Hourly Rates Our fees for services will not exceed $2,400 for services rendered in con- nection with work relative to the 1979-80 fiscal year. The hourly rates for all charges to be made to the City of Atascadero for 1979-80 fiscal year are as follows: Professional Shareholders (More than 10 years experience) (CPA) $35 Professional Shareholders • (Less than 10 years experience) (CPA) 30 Senior Accountant (CPA) 25 Mr. Ralph H. Dowell, -3- • June 13, 1980 Staff Accountant 20 • Clerical and Typing 10 The rates above are significantly less than our standard rates because we are eager to have the opportunity to show you what we can do for the City of Atascadero. By engaging a local firm of certified public accountants, the City will not incur travel and lodging expenses. A firm outside our county must build such costs into their rates. By hiring a local firm, the City's audit fees are being earned by local residents. As local taxpayers, we are concerned about efficient operation of City govern- ment. We assure you that we will be independent in our audit approach and perform the work in a conscientious manner. i We want to express our appreciation for the opportunity to submit this pro- posal and we look forward to establishing a lasting professional relationship with the City of Atascadero. Yours very truly, • David W. Phillips for Glenn, Burdette, Schuetze & Booker Accountants Incorporated KNIGHT, TOWLE, SAGE b. JOHNSON jv! >OBC a' /. wvrG nr CEOTiPIED PUB, C ACCOUNTANTS Dfp` AREA 8 05_11.-en... e N9ENCE 6. SAGE CODE 860 PACIFIC STREET • A..oPEw R °DmE SAN LUIS OBISPO, CALIFORNIA 93401 evR�E�• rowE June 9, 1980 Mr. Murray L. warden RECEIVED JUN 1 1 1980 City Manager City of Atascadero 6501 Lewis Avenue P.O. Box 747 Atascadero, CA 93422 Dear Mr. Warden: Thank you for considering our firm as pertains to the selection of in- dependent auditors for the City' s fiscal year ending June 30, 1980. As you requested, we present the following information about our Firm and our proposed approach to your audit requirements. Our Firm traces its origin in San Luis Obispo to 1949 when our senior partner, Robert Knight, became the first resident C.P.A. Since that time, the Firm has grown to include four additional active partners and eleven professional and para-professional staff. • Some of the agencies for whom we have recently performed audits are: California Polytechnic State University Foundation Associated Students, Inc. , California Polytechnic State University Cambria Community Services District City of Morro Bay San Luis Obispo Child Development Center Cal Poly Children' s Center; Associated Students, Inc. Heritage Ranch Home Owners' Association If we are selected as auditor, our examination of the City' s financial statements for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1980, will be made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and will include such tests of the accounting records and such other auditing procedures as we consider necessary in the circumstances. The purpose of this audit is to formulate an opinion that the aforementioned financial statements present fairly the financial position of the City at June 30, 1980, and the results of its operations for the year then ended in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles for governmental units. • i Mr. Murray L. Warden June 9, 1980 Page Two In addition to the examination of the statements , it is our policy to issue a management letter discussing our recommendations as pertain to the improvement of the City' s financial reporting and controls. We will prepare the Controller's Report required by the State of California. Our Audit Report and Controller' s Report will be completed by September 20th, 1980, to meet filing requirements of the State of California. Fees for our services are based on time required to complete our assign- ment, plus Out-of-pocket expenses. Every effort will be made to keep our costs to the minimum, consistent with the requirements of the en- gagement. Cost per hour shall be as follows : Certified Public Accountants $30.00 to $50.00 per hour Staff Assistants $20.00 to $25.00 per hour Clerical and other personnel - $10.00 per hour Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to submit this proposal . Very truly yours, KNIGHT, TOWLE, SAGE & JOHNSON MCH:br • KNIGHT.TO W LE.SAGE &JOHNSON-CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS SAN LUIS OBISPO. CALIFORNIA - 93401 M E M O RAN D U M • TO: City Council FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: Offices of City Clerk and City Treasurer I have been advised by the City Attorney that the incor- poration election did not provide for the offices of City Clerk and City Treasurer or for the method of filling them. The City Attorney advises that the ballot measure for the incorporation election should have posed the questions of whether the City Clerk and City Treasurer should be appointed by the Council or filled by election. Since this question was not asked, it is his opinion that we must remedy that situation by placing a measure on the November ballot asking whether the positions should be elective or appointive. This issue could be consolidated with the General Election in November. If the voters respond by selecting the election of a City Clerk and City Treasurer, then that election would be held at the April , 1982 , General Election. In the meantime, • Council could make an interim appointment to these positions . In the event that the electorate choose to empower the Council to appoint these positions , then the Council would be free to do so and no changes to your present determination would be necessary. This matter is brought to you in order to notify you of this matter and to receive approval for preparing the necessary resolution to bring about a consolidated election. We must have the resolution for consolidation to the County Clerk ' s Office by the first week in August; therefore , if you approve, I shall return to you with the necessary documentation at the July 29th meeting. RRAYWARDEN LW.-ad 7-10-80 • ORDINANCE NO. 25 • AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO ADDING CHAPTER 1 OF TITLE 3 TO THE ATASCADERO MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE CREATION OF A SPECIAL GAS TAX IMPROVEMENT FUND. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO ORDAINS as follows : Section 1. Chapter 1 of Title 3 is added to the Atascadero Municipal Code to read as follows: TITLE 3. FINANCE Chapter 1. Special Gas Tax Improvement Fund Section 3-1. 01. Creation of fund. To comply with the provisions of Section 2113 of Chapter 3 of Division 3 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State, there is hereby created in the City Treasury a special fund to be known as the "Special Gas Tax Improvement Fund" . Section 3-1. 02 . Deposits. • All moneys received by the City from the State pursuant to the provisions of the Streets and Highways Code of the State for the acquisition of real property or interests therein, or for the con- struction , maintenance , or improvement of streets or highways, other than State highways, shall be paid into the Special Gas Tax Improve- ment Fund. Section 3-1. 03 . Expenditures. All moneys in the Special Gas Tax Improvement Fund shall be expended exclusively for the purposes authorized by, and subject to, the applicable provisions of the Streets and Highways Code of the State. Section 2 . The provisions of this ordinance are intended to supersede any provision of Ordinance No. 2 which is in conflict therewith. Section 3. The City Clerk shall cause this ordinance to be published once within fifteen (15) days after its passage in the Atascadero News, a newspaper of general circulation , printed, pub- J*f r lished and circulated in this City in accordance with Section 36933 6/12/80 -1- 7/3/80 7/5/80 7/9/80 ORDINANCE NO. 25 of the Government Code; shall certify the adoption and posting of • this ordinance; and shall cause this ordinance and its certifica- tion, together with proof of posting, to be entered in the Book of Ordinances of this City. Section 4. This ordinance shall go into effect and be in full force and effect at 12 : 01 a.m. on the thirty-first (31st) day after passage. The foregoing ordinance was introduced, adopted, and ordered published at a meeting of the Council held on 1980 , by the following vote: Ayes: Noes: Absent: • Robert J. Wilkins, Jr. , Mayor ATTEST: Murray L. Warden, City Clerk Approved as to rm: Approved as to content: 1 Allen Grimes , City Attorney Murray L. Warden, City Manager -2- ORDINANCE No. 25 I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full , true, and correct: copy of Ordinance No. passed by the City Council of Atascadero at its regular Council meeting held on 1960. Murray L. Warden, City Clerk • -3-