HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 09/08/1980 AGENDA - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting September 8, 1980 7: 30 p.m. Atascadero Administration Building Call to Order Pledge .of Allegiance Invocation Roll Call Public Comment NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC All matters listed under Item A, Consent Calendar, are con- sidered to be routine and will be enacted by one motion in the form listed below. There will be no separate discussion of these items. If discussion is required, that item will be removed from the Consent Calendar and will be considered separately. Vote may be by roll call. A. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Minutes of the regular meeting of August 25, 1980 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 2. Treasurer' s Report, 7-19-80 to 8-31-80 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) B. HEARINGS, APPEARANCES AND REPORTS • None C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. School crossing guard contract of employment i D. NEW BUSINESS 1. Consideration of voting delegate - League of California Cities Annual Convention 2. Ordinance No. 29, Purchasing System - first reading 3. Resolution No. 20-80 establishing rules, regulations and fees for the use of City buildings and park facilities 4. Consideration of Agreement with the County of San Luis Obispo for maintenance of traffic control devices 5. Consideration of elevator maintenance contract E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION 1. City Council 2. City Attorney 3. City Manager 0 MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting August 25, 1980 7: 30 p.m. Atascadero Administration Building The meeting was called to order at 7 :37 p.m. by Mayor Wilkins with the Pledge of Allegiance; he also gave the invocation. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Councilmen Mackey, Stover and Mayor Wilkins ABSENT: Councilmen Highland and Nelson PUBLIC COMMENT None A. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Minutes of the adjourned regular meeting of August 2 , 1980 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 2. Minutes of the adjourned regular meeting of August 11, 1980- (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 3. Minutes of the regular meeting of August 11, 1980 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 4. Treasurer' s Report, 7-19-80 to 8-21-80 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 5. Correspondence - Letter from Heinz Drexler (RECOMMEND ITEM BE RECEIVED AND FILED) 6. Claim of Employee Benefits Insurance Co. (RECOMMEND DENIAL) ' 7. Claim of Garcia (RECOMMEND DENIAL) 8. Claim of Powell (RECOMMEND DENIAL) 9. Acceptance of Final Map, Parcel Map AT 79-91, Vreeken/ Aggson (Lenger) (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS) 10. Acceptance of Final Map, Parcel Map AT 79-128, Wilhoite (Stewart) (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS) 11. Acceptance of Final. Map, Parcel Map AT 79-110, Hvolboll, Johnson, Faught (Landers) (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS) 12 Acceptance of Final Map, Tract No. 726 , Grinnell (Central Coast Engineering) (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMIS- SION RECOMENDATIONS) Mr. Warden requested that Item A-4 be withdrawn from the Consent Calendar. Future Treasurer' s Reports will be prepared for the first meeting of the month to coincide with bank reconciliation statements. Councilman Mackey requested that Item A-12 be withdrawn from the agenda as she had some questions. MOTION: Councilman Stover moved for the approval of the Consent Calendar except for Items A-4 and A-12. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey and unanimously carried by roll call vote. r MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting August 25, 1980 Page Two A-12 Acceptance of Final Map, Tract No. 726 , Grinnell (Central Coast Engineering) (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS) Councilman Mackey was not in favor of the developer of this project being able to convert the units to condominiums in view of the present conversion moratorium. Larry Stevens reviewed prior Council and Planning Commission action which had approved condo- miniums for this area and had approved compliance with all Tentative Map conditions. Mr. Warden advised that since the developer had complied with all the requirements of the Tentative Map and had received prior approval for the conversion, Council action in approving the Final Map was acknowledgement of the applicant having satisfied all conditions imposed on him. MOTION: Councilman Stover moved for approval of the Final Map. The motion was seconded by Mayor Wilkins and carried with Councilman Mackey voting no. B. HEARINGS, APPEARANCES AND REPORTS J 1. Report No. 6 from City Attorney Allen Grimes reviewed his report to the Council and requested amicas participation in the matter of City and County of San Francisco v. Farrel concerning post-Proposition 13 tax measures dealing with city business license fees. MOTION: Councilman Mackey moved that the City participate on behalf of the City and County of San Francisco in this matter. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and unanimously carried. C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Ordinance No. 27 amending the contract with Public Employees ' Retirement System - second reading and adoption MOTION: Councilman Stover moved that Ordinance No. 27 be read by title only. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey and unanimously carried. Mayor Wilkins read Ordinance No. 27 by title only. MOTION: Councilman Mackey moved for the adoption of Ordinance No. 27. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and unanimously carried by roll call vote. 7.. Ordinance No. 28 creating a Parks and Recreation Advisory Board - second reading and adoption • 0 MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL • Regular Meeting August 25 , 1980 Page Three MOTION: Councilman Stover moved that Ordinance No. 28 be read by title only. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and unanimously carried. Mayor Wilkins read Ordinance No. 28 by title only. MOTION: Councilman Stover moved for the adoption of Ordinance No. 28 . The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey and unanimously carried by roll call vote. 3. Resolution No. 19-80 setting blanket position bond coverages for City employees MOTION: Councilman Stover moved that Resolution No. 19-80 be read by title only. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey and unanimously carried. Mayor Wilkins read Resolution No. 19-80 by title only. MOTION: Councilman Stover moved for the adoption of Resolution No. 19-80. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey and unanimously carried by roll call vote. • 4 . School crossing guard problem Mr. Warden advised that he had sent a complete package of infor- mation to the School District Superintendent and School Board members concerning Council action on the school crossing guard matter. The information was the same as provided to the Council at their last meeting. He has not heard from the District to date , but did not feel that there hasbeen time for them to respond. However, since school starts next week , he suggested that the Council agree to fund up to one-half of the school year for school crossing guards; this would be the amount agreed to at the last Council meeting. MOTION: Councilman Mackey moved that Staff be authorized to transfer approximately $8,500 from contingency reserve into the Police Department budget to fund the first half year of the school crossing guard program and that the City Manager look into the school crossing guard program within the perimeters outlined in Mr. Warden' s memo. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and unani- mously carried by roll call vote. D. NEW BUSINESS 1. Assessment for joining the Central Coast Cities Self- Insurance Joint Powers Agreement Mr. Warden reviewed this matter for Council. He stated that the JPA cities were initially going to charge the City of Atascadero • i MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting August 25 , 1980 Page Four • a $6 ,000 buy-in fee to join the JPA self-insurance program for workers compensation and liability insurance. He had requested their reconsideration of this fee because he felt that the $6 ,000 did not relate to the costs of starting the program. After further consi- deration, the Board of Directors agreed to charge $1,400 as a buy-in fee. Mr. Warden requested Council authorization to transfer this amount from contingency reserves to pay this fee. MOTION: Councilman Stover moved that Council approve the expendi- ture of $1,400 to participate in the Central Coast Cities Self-Insurance Joint Powers Agreement for Workers Compen- sation and Liability programs. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey and unanimously carried by roll call vote. MOTION: Councilman Mackey moved that Council authorize transfer of $1 ,400 from Contingency Reserve to line #259 under the Non-Departmental portion of the 1980-81 budget. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and unani- mously carried by roll call vote. E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION 1. City Council i (a) Councilman Mackey asked about census figures and Mr. Warden stated that the Census Bureau still has not provided figures. (b) Councilman Mackey asked about the Standard Oil pipe- line matter which was brought up at the last meeting. Mr. Warden stated that he has received some information on the issue, however, Standard has not yet filed application with any agencies for this project. Standard has approached some of the agencies to find out what may be required, but no actual applications have been filed. He advised Council that, if they wished to, they could ask Standard Oil to make a presentation at a public hearing before Council took a position on the matter. Mr. Grimes agreed with this advise. 2 . City Attorney Mr. Grimes had nothing to report. 3. City Manger (a) Mr. Warden advised that, after the Area Planning Council staff had originally set the City's share of the handicapped system at $14,039 and then after had raised it to $17,298, it has now reduced the amount to $7,936 . There has been a redefinition by the Area Planning Council as to the use of the system. • r MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL • Regular Meeting August 25 , 1980 Page Five Hours of operation have been reduced and a third vehicle has been designated as a backup vehicle. (b) Mr. Warden advised that there will be a vacancy in the Fire Department as a result of the retire- ment of Captain Goodwin. He felt that this was a necessary posi- tion and, unless Council had objections , he planned to proceed with filling it. The meeting adjourned at 8: 15 p.m. Recorded by: MURRAY L. WARDEN, City Clerk By: Ardith Davis Deputy City Clerk • • CITY OF ATASCADERO TREASURER'S REPORT t JULY 19, 1980 TO AUGUST 31, 1980 - Balance as of 7/19/80 $ 2,633,64 Receivables (per attached listing) 465,519.23 Payables 7/30/80 Payroll (24,178.24) 8/13/80 Warrants 81-021 (68,734.14) 8/21/80 Warrants 81-022 (54, 571. 85)' 8/29/80 Warrants 81-023 (157 ,020.90) P Check Lust (107,100.75) Balance as of August 31, 1980 $ 55,946. 99 Petty Cash 78.94 LAIF 650,000.00 Time Deposit#13487 Mid-State Bank 15.15% Interest Matures 4/24/81 100,000.00 Time Deposit #13402 Mid-State Bank 15.875$, Interest Matures 9/13/80 100.,000.00 $ 906,025.93 i DEPOSIT LISTING JULY 19, 1980 TO AUGUST 31, 1980 7/18/80 State of California Sales & Use Tax (7/80) $ 28 , 750. 00 7/22/80 " " " Gas Tax (7/80) 16 ,447 . 34 7/22/80 IF " " Cigarette Tax (7/80) 4 ,188 . 36 7/25/80 County of San Luis Obispo Fire District 105 , 318 . 81 7/31/80 Mid State Bank Interest Received 3 , 829 . 58 8/6/80 County of San Luis Obispo Current Secured Tax 1,154 . 17 " IF " IF " " " " " " IF " to " It " IF Property Transfer" 1,573 . 47 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 Occupancy 11 1, 2 8 9 . 92 H 11 11 11 11 11 11 I1 I, 11 " 11 1 11 11 11 I1 Other 1,431. 0 0 " " " " " " " " " " " " It " ". " IF Homeowner Relief 635 . 95 8/13/80 State of California "In Lieu Tax" (8/80) 37 ,489 . 24 8/19/80 " " " " " it " " " " Highway Carriers (8/80) 1,225 . 91 " " " " " IF Cigarette Tax (8/80) 5 , 103 . 15 " " " " " IF Gas Tax (8/80) 15 , 948 . 04 8/24/80 IF IF IF IF IF IF Fin. Aid Local Agny 12 ,040 . 21 " " " " " " " " " " " ". " " Sales Tax (8/80) 57 ,500. 00 Planning Department Business Licenses 1 , 113 . 00 Planning Department Permits 24, 992. 43 Dial-A-Ride 377 . 15 Police Reports 26. 50 Public Works Reservations 85. 00 LAIF 145, 000. 00 $465, 519 . 23 • • EXPENDITURE LIST • JULY 19 , 1980 TO AUGUST 31, 1980 DATE CHECK # VENDOR AMOUNT 7/21/80 P 1533 Golden State Decals $ 35. 88 7/22/80 P 1534 Employment Dev. Department 550. 55 7/25/80 P 1535 Mid-State Bank LAIF 100 , 000 . 00 7/25/80 P 1536 Depart of Tech. Services 29 . 77 7/25/80 P 1537 City Treasurer Petty Cash 73. 44 7/25/80 P 1538 R. McHale Training Fees 50 . 00 7/30/80 P 1539 P. Gary Mileage 49. 60 7/30/80 P 1601 Mid-State Bank Federal Withholding 5,234 . 51 7/30/80 P 1602 Atascadero Federal Credit Union 877 . 00 7/30/80 P 1603 City-County Federal Credit Union 125. 00 7/31/80 P 1604 United States Post Office 75. 00 $ 107 , 100. 75 • • • PAGE NO. 1 cl -' cl Or/�Pr DEMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. DATE PAYEE WARRANTCHECK VOUCHER DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN i NO. i i DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT CHG'D INV,NO, AMOUNT NO, AMOUNT AK4u';:HCAO i,rI,,KI^: AI ER 3Q11 nIt;':cI ,G : aTFr 01-4102-2110 33.3u 2393 33 .31 ATASC<D �u tSrS 3905 LEGAL ADS F6L'i, 633 01-4102-247 13.86 13905 Lc -AL ) :011, , t, 12 01-4142-247 LASS 240 . 17 2394 254 .0: ATA.SCAnEc)0 Er•S *,054 --Eci) r11I4 :•iUTICE 01-4202-258 1062 19.80 P1546 19.9( J055 11:EE0 NUTICE 101-4202-258 1075 21 .78 P1557 21 .71 ATASCAUERJ STATInr4F9S '3905 :'F` I%' SUPPLIi=S U1 -4202-212 55U0 22.45 2395 22 .4`_ ATNSCA0ERtf STATIC ,FF%S x.056 oEN4ICE/,it'FrLTr.3 C.1-4202-258 1095 35. 41 P1572 5 . 4; I PTASCC'r'Ki; FCiRD i3905 LOChII`'i; I'i 45 CAP5 01-4201-215 15063 47 .7U 2396 47 .71 I I IAT:j "!UTi'.',L v:1TF^ CO 43905 I ` ST}iFl,-,EL FIE 4YO�AoTS 01-421)2-232 ul 2035.94 ;3911 A7 R SE V - F .G. 01 -4202-P32 147000 84.51 3911 AT SEtV - F .P . 01-42ii2-232161000 40 . 00 33905 if-3T� [.L Fli,E HYD�A;,TS 01-42x,2-32; 1 237 2060 .94 1490- ATOS PtkFx STKIP 1-4404-232 715000 30 .79 2397 4252. 1' i I ;ATAt i'JTIUiL ATEk Ci) �U54 FI -E: YD}<6.,rT5 Ai -4202-L?59 1G56 3134.54 P1544 3134 .5< k�056 JG,.E Crtn<.,r_S 01-42ii2-278 Io93 154.03 P1571 154 .0- i aTrs suP=!! . Av�w.r_T t056 ;Ijllpl ILS . 1 -4202-25r 1119 103.7' F157u 108 .7: I j i • ATASCAOERO PAGE NO. 2 .DEMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. E1-021 DATE Od/13/80 PAYEE YOIICHEF DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WARRANT CHECK N0. WRITTEN OESCFIPTION ACCOUNT CHG'0 INV.NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT Tjhi C Akf, i4pT 056 VOLCINTEEK PAY /JUt;F 1 -42(12-25b 1161 23.00 P1551 23 , 07 i TODD A AYTCi! 3901 VGLW:TEEP PAY/JLI:E 9i-4202-258 1107 93,00 P1520 93 .00 OF,1ALu D .ATTEEEEPY 3901 VOLWiTFEP PAY /JU^:E O1-4202-258 1116 56.00 P1598 58 .00 AIsE iICAfi 3RISTi;L I ' LI!STRIFS I 3 ATASCADEP;i oLa55 3905 r;AIr,T Jt1✓PLIE5 01-4405-216 33,27 39 HLL,C lrT 01-4405-217 18 , 34 39 SUrFi_7.-_S 01 -4405-217 19573 1 ^ .34 239P 69 ,95 ATI SUPPLY 5905 SFJ,-PLIES 01-4202-216 957 12.58 2399 12 .5E ATAS APPLIA;r'CE SERV 4906 FAN nOTOR ill-4404-215 1144 94,45 5909 FAN b'OTOP 01-4405-216 1157 32 .36 2400 127 . 31 & li HLiIEPRINTT•..G - 904 PLAN14C 1659, 1614 01 -4110-208 909 UFFICi: 8'JPPLIFI 01-4110-208 27 . 15 ,qOU PLA.r27d 1059, 1610 11-4117?- 1596 7 . 212 3 . 4411 904 P .D. 1887 , 13?3, 1067 01-4201 -212 12. 09 909 OFFICE SI'PPLIFS ill-440 (-208 1610 64 . 30 909 OFFICE SUPPLIES 01-4401 -208 1ob9 49, 14 21101 156 . 17 ONALD 0 FYi:ATE;: 901 VCLLin;Tt�4 PAY/JUi,E 01-4202-256 1102 22. 00 P1584 22 . 00 ATASCAnEkO PAGE NO. 3 DEMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. 81 —021 DATE 08/ 1 .0 PAYEE WARRANT CHECK :000NER I DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN N0. DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT CHG'D INV,NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT 'O ACf.I:k • 5 PPAR,•1ACY ;905 aSPInIr! — FIRE DEPT 01-4202-210 8. 17 2402 8. 17 5IG JOt+r; :905 SUPPLIES 01-4202-222 7 .62 2403 7 .62 'CCOPEKATIVE PERSONNEL SERVIC ;911 TEST I•iATERIALS 01-4102-210 5059 215.00 2404 215 .00 1 IC:-IAEL P . CUR9A !, i .D. 904 J L11'•E �KUCEL Y-k/kY5 01-4201-101 44.00 904 .4 Y—PAYS 01 -4201-101 44.00 90l j J -':0KrFltLu x- 4i.YS 01-4201-101 44. O1r 904 K SPG,';: x--:AY.) d1-4201-101 44.00 904 T VENAL k— +;oYS 01-42x1-101 44.00 2405 2200 A STATE T9t,%5IIRER 54 ACCRLIEi) •!l;EasFLOY INS 01-4202-2511 1055 12.03 1540 12 .03 FRAi;K. A CLY'.:UR1c 901 VJLU :TEEI: PAY/JU„E 01-4202-258 1111 32.00 P1593 32 .00 I SPECIALISTS 902 SIJI'PLIcS 01-4202-258 1061 69.70 P1605 69 .70 I [APIT�L FI'�E F.LiUIP`?F"T CO 902 FI-F H L''IETS 01-4202-258 1129 411 .28 P1610 411 .281 I L r;,1RT13 SOI',`, 9C'6 StjPPL1 S 01-42'J2-210 46 . 16 2406 48 . 16 I I I L CLRTIS 4 3O`:5 902 �406tS c P4kTS U1 — 2u2-253 1076 5417 . 97 P1612 5417 .87 ATASC;;,tRu PAGE NO. 4 WEMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. 81-U21 DATE 08/13/80 PAYEE - WARRANT CHECK VOUCHER NO, DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN DESCRIPTION ACCOUNTCHG'D INV,NO, AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT 3902 bELTs ,i HUUKS 01 -420.2-258 1072 375.86 P1613 375.86 HEVR0N 3905 JULY STt7T :1-4202-215 0738 139.08 2407 139.0E CA FIkE CHIEFS ASSOC 3906 80-61 r?FMRERSHIP 01-4202-202 60.00 2408 60 .00 COMM TPANSIT :SERVS, INC 3906 JULY SERVICES 01-4401-224 15b8 1490 .83 2409 1490 .83 �aILY PRESS 3906 ADS 01-4102-247 40 .50 2410 40 .50 E CCiU Ll,',Rt4 CC, 5906 22rOur 231.9, 24126 01-4201-210 _4790 63. 18 3906 S',JI-PLIES 01-4202-215 26303 2. 01 3906 5L'!'PLIES 01-4464-217 5990 5.09 3906 Sti 'PLIES of -4405-217 25158 2. 41 3906 SUr'PLIr_S. 23416 01 -4405-221 23421 142. 42 2411 215 . 11 STEVEN 4000 LASS, t:.p, 3904 n S:..[FT - PHYSICAL 01-4201-101 104.00 2412 104.00 Gv f UAHLF:N 155 JUE OVr.kT1: 01 -4202-258 1087 36. 71 P1565 36.71 ' CIFL E -3ESJ4Pul ';S 156 VULU:aTLF-K 'P:- YlJU�JE 01-4202-253 1100 5. 00 P15182 5.00 )IETENIC -Pu'ST CC X906 ,FFTC= SuI-PLIES w1 -1110-212 15 ? 65.21 ATASCAGE40 PAGE NO. 5 DEMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. 81 -1021 DATE G8/Jon 0 PAYEE VOUCHER WARRANT CHECK i NO. DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT CHG'DIN V.NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT 3906 OFFICE SUPPLIES 01^4401-210 159 521 . 89 2413 587 . 10 DATgPhJ ,T C: irp 3906 :FFICI SUPPLIESi tl -41001^212 5274b f .65 2414 8.65 "IPLGY'IENT -)EVELGPt,,EtaT DEPT 054 aCCRJED ,,H TAX 41-4202-258 112:3 84 . 66 P1542 84 .68 STEVE,� S ENGELKIP-G 056 VGLUIJEEH PAY /JUNE 01-4202-258 1097 11 .00 P1579 11 .00 SAP.OEL C ENGrLKING 3902 VGLIJr!TcFn PAY/JtheE (11-4202-25e 1118 75. 00 P1600 75.00 rXUi`! 3907 FI`:E 0FPT - GAS 01-4202-219 5.66 2415 •66 hARLES E FLETCHER )55 JLI14F 'VE T1"r 41 -4202-258 1084 72.82 .P1562 72.82 ALF;SEC J FG tZI 5901 VGLUi\tTrE:.q PAY/Jvi\aE 01-4202-258 1110 16.00 P1592 16.001 ALEXA; GER ]RAi:T n CG S911 JULY SFhVB 01 -4301 -239 08073 907.87 2416 807 .87 ;907UPPLIES 01-42U1-?102 ?3.75 ,907 SUPPLTcS 1-10405-? 17 cb.24 1909 ;iIIrPLI S U1-'i4i1J-217 04U:37 a . 14 2417 114 . 13 �LF '� 'ti F:EPAiP 54 UPPLT.E5/:EPVTCF LI -4202^258 106%3 10b1 .27 P1551 1061 .27 • ATASCADE40 PAGE NO. b �EMAND/WAR RANT REGISTER NO. 81 -021 DATE 08/ 13/80 PAYEE WARRANT CHECK NU., VOUC DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT CHG'D INV.NO, AMOUNT NO. j AMOUNT GEN AUTO PVnTS :907 MAUI T SUPPLIES 01-4201-221 1202 29 ,27 I 1904 PCLICF DEPT/F4RT5 01 -4201-242 266.36 2418 31`_ .631 GEM AUTJ PAkTS j 155 SUPPLIES 01 -4?02-252 1069 32 .2(1 P 15 6 711 32 .20 I ! A°Iv'ETT 'S LOCK.So-1ITH �! 154 DUPLICATE KEYS Gi-4202-258 1059 7 . 12 P1544I 7 . 121 ACK GUODP Iw JR )55 JUKE GvckTl "F v1-4202-258 1060 53.62 ` 1558', 53.62 GLENN A CAULT�.EY ;9 VOLJ'ITEER PAY/JUPdF 01-4202-258 1108 52. 00 P1590I 52 .00 , i F GJCD?ICH s x902 2 GETS TIRES 01-4202-259 1063 750. 14 P1610 750. 14 VICHAEL G HIC'<S 55 JUKE GVE;2TIME 01-4202-256 1081 26 . 37 P1559 26 .37 IGHLAhdU LA;3CRAT014Y INC 56 M nICKS/PHYSICAL i1-4202-258 1092 32. 00 F1570ii 322 . 00 I ENS S tiOFF 56 VOLW'TEER PAY/JWiF 01-4202-258 1099 32.00 P1581 32.001 k%Y SI'6 h SUPPLY CO 907 SIGir 01 -4402-222 3776 142 .57 24191 142 .571 I II.T 'L BUSINESS F+ACHINES COPP 903 COPIER CHANGES 61-4102—?08 A3U941 772.02 AT48CACE90 PAGE NO. 7 DEMAND WARRANT REGISTER NO. ' 1-021 DATE OE 0 PAYEE WARRANTCHECK NO. VOUCHER DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN N0. DESCRIPTION ACCOUNTCHG'D INV.NO, AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT - 3903 TYPFnk1ThP LcaSE 01-4106-306 316043 51 .69 5904 TYPEXPITEq LE46E 01-4106-306 4e6335 105 . 75 1903 TYPEARITtR REVTAL Q-4110-301 b4P391 63 ,60 5904 TYPEAPITiN Q l& 01 -4110-301 4'46335 122.43 1403 TY'FE;.RITER aEnT:L 01 -4201 -313 C78493 63.60 5904 TYPEARITFR LEASE 01 -4401-224 466335 122.43 2420 1301 .52 INT 'L CITY KANAQEy&iT ASSOC 5911 -EMBER DUE_8 - : ARDEN 01-4102-202 073564 225.00 2421 225. 00 THE IRON N1AIv 5907 UNIFORMS - P .D . 01-4201-205 .659 276.08 i910 UNIFOPIS - P.n. 01-4201-205 68.95 2422 345.03 ! IvTEKwAL NEVENHE_ SERV )54 ACCRUED I^:WwE TAx 01-4202-258 1124 323.60 21541 323 ,60 , I J78 AUTO SE<VICF_ • ;907 TI*t REP? Ik 01-4401-224 124 26. 00 909 U" WEPAIN<) 01 -4401 -204 45 400 . 11 2423 426 . 11 OE ; ALT,ON ' 5 4 001 L ;909 DAA ;.EPAIkS 1414, 1419 01 -4401 -224 38,43 +911 OAK REPAIRS 01 -4401 -224 1395 11 .00 2424 49.43 3 F LEASInC 010 : ICTAPMOvE/FINAL PYMT 01-4102-224 105.30 2425 105.80 901 VOLHOTEER PAY /JUN? 01 -4202-258 1109 70.50 P1591 70 .50 EA ' S "UvfL. SERVICE 907 l"LY C"4ROES - , F ,U , 01-4202-219 33. 06 2426 33.08 60i':ALO L LEI':; 908 !ILEAG& - U LEIH i) 1-4102-203 2.7 . 19 2427 27 . 19 • ATASCADERO PAGE NO. 8 0AND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. 81 -021 DATE 08/ 13/80 PAYEE - WARRANT CHECK IER DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT CHG'D INV.NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT L Lh601-: :i 7^ATFf, ' L 41-4202-256 1074 685. 04 P155E 686 .00 KENNETh J t_I:t-!VI 2 VOLO ,:TFcrt PAY/JUi":F 01 -42v2-258 1117 101 . 00 P1599 101 . 00 LUCAS PRTAiTING 3 CITY STATIOiiERY 01-4102-210 1898 396.44 2428 396.44 ICnAHO H i-:C HAr_P a +ILEAUF - R -!C HALE 01-4201-203 23.31 8 Cb-jF EAPEP,- ES Ol-x201-206 6.01 POLICE CARS 61-4201-219 lu.00 2429 39.32 * �E;dCF n` �-C Pn'rr'Sui T i- IL=aGc - L - C PiEfiSC'i L1-44QJ -203 77 .70 2430 77 .70 * 'C kA"^APA ELECTrIC 9 SUPPLIES - F .o. 01-4202-216 18755 9.72 2431 9.72 * 3 PHol"jr..:;APHY fHUTU SEgV5 01-4202-258 lOb7 9. 01 P155C 9 . 01 * 1'.?ICHAEL ' S CLEA-JUR CLEA;:/TI.;T GLASS 01-4202-258 1073 160.40 P1554 1bC . 00 * ICHP,EL P MC C41' 1 Jr-I +E Jv .�TI:'E 01-4202-258 1062 39.95 P156C 39 .95 * 1 GLLI, iEtr""< ?AY/Jr1:;F 01-4202-258 1103 93.40 P1585 93.00 ATASG,Ur^ PAGE NO. 9 DEMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. 81 —U21 DATE 08/ I40C PAYEE WARRANT CHECK VOUCHER DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN NO. DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT CHG'D INV.NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT KE!`' vETH L "FY=P 5901 V0LL: iTEEa 04Y/JW) F 01-4202-258 1104 50 .50 P1586 50 .50 JIJSEP,t E .�Y .LL 3901 V[ L '-JTEEz PAY/JU? E 01-4202-259 1115 ` 75.50 P1597 75 .501 ISST.OPI LI :Elv SUPPLY 3908 JULY ST"T 01-4202-250 59.69 2432 59 .69 'FISSION LI*,IE?) SUPPLY 3902 J'I;+E SERVICE 01 -4202-258 1078 47 .21 P1606 47 .211 A F tiISECKER P.E . i•?11 "IEC'au'iICAL Ei;:G 5ERVS 01-4405-301 5295.00 2433 5295.001 OFFICE OF C?I 'I'\aL JUSTICE • ;9061 iEoI P RE:uFST 01-4201-202 772.00 2434 772 .00 LIVE' a; LLIA`'S s°11 ELEVaTuP 5cRVICE 01-4405-224 070 61 .25 2435 61 .251 aCIFIC GAS � ELECTRIC 3905 JULY t1TILITI=S 01-420P-227 02027 63.95 5906 JULY CLEC 6T^ 7 01 -4292-227 11J1-4 119 .65 390E CITY IIG H T3 01 -441)2-227 008014 1"95. 33 5911 RTAS LAK= LIGHTS 01-4404-227 01-1 17.01 1909 J0LY ELEC ST% T GI-4LU5-227 502-3 5.29 2436 2113. 13 PATROLI,�F FLTGHT CF;jTER 5910 C 0 N F YXPc�.SES 01-411)h-206 121 .60 2437 121 .80 ; + ACIFIC TEL.-- F,,-() �F ;910 05 ar—f1i)iip-5'1) 01 —u1UP-2?8 1N9.4i 1911; oG. 1n9.9t5 ATASCAOERO PAGE NO. 10 *EMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. 81-021 DATE 08/13/80 PAYEE WARRANTCHECK 100CHEF I DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN 10. DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT CHG'0 INV.NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT ;9Ua d0i 466-56u0- 169- a 01 -4201-226 525.24 1908 220 151;-4903-554-41 01 -4202-219 13 .50 1909 2U2 150-322f-i33-.a 01 -42u2-229 58 .50 19.09 0,)D X66-2141- 1s6-id u1 -4202-228 168. 15 ;911 40e 01 -4202-228 134 .44 ,910 dt,ti 466-a000-534-w 01-44ul-2228 42.22 2438 1342.01 ' PACIFIC TELEPHOI';F 155 465-1515 u1-4202-256 1077 275.43 P1556 275.43 ,56 154-@220 , 154-4963 01-4202-253 1121 27 .00 P1575 27 .00 UcLIC t:taPLOYEE 'S RETIRE SYS ,54 Ft- PL3YEE CONTRI8 01-4202-258 1071 2.03 '54 ENFL+"JvFR C ItJT Ia 01-4;162-256 1071 5. 56 P1541 7 .59 a.FFP - DRAS '90 JhLY CtiAKCES 01-4110-208 43.72 2439 43.72 gPEQ :rORKS 56 JIj' E COPIES 01-4202-258 1091 65. 12 P1569 65. 12 F'ETEPSC;: ' S -:FLOINGO SHOP >911 nrr512 ZIJ^_. G-` Tc U1-4404-216 4680 33.00 2440 33.00 PERRY 6 i•'Ir0;, I''11C :911 ELtCT <ICAL E,*6 5ERVS 01-4405-301 1779.00 2441 1779.00 ETiwo JGIi ;Sri!c CHEV;iOLET 907 ;tri C'HrV LI. V 01-4110-311 51 821'2. 42 .907 n0 Cn_V LUV 01-4402-365 167 55u0 . 00 9U7 t; Ci-.E'v 1/2 T0:4 P/tJ 01-4Qu2-305 ?5 55010 . 00 :907 r,f. C-;rV LUV Ji-4402-310 67 1301 .51 ,907 6l, I,nr_V 1/2 T'i F/11 01 -4402-310 425 2161 .09 2442 22745 . 02 ATASCAD,ERO PAGE NO. 11 DEMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. d1- ;21 DATE PAYEE WARRANT CHECK N0.. IUC DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT CHG'D INV.NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT �ICHAcL R PLATZ i5 J!;�vE OVE.iTI•'-E 01 -4202-255 1083 54.64 P1561 54 .60 > ETE,, 6()I,; ' S e+ELD1:' 35 mAIERI.AL3 01 -4202-255 1090 11 .66 0156P 11 .66 + JHJ A PORTck 401 VOLWITEEri PAY/JL'hE 1 -4202-258, 1105 47 .00 P1597 47 .00 AVID N PAYTON 401 VOLUNTEER PAY/JUNE 111-4202-258 1113 31 .01) P1595 31 .00 DULTi:Y IE:�5 GOOF A550C 308 ZOL) SIIPPLIcS 01-4404-210 212.96 2443 212 .98 ACIFIC HuME I!PkOVEP/E;NT CNT • X09 �AIl T UPPLIc9 01-4404-?_ 17 4. I 309 1-i4l.',T 6UPPLIF3 01-4405-217 50 .73 2444 54 .922 4LLA EQUIP:,_;-T IAC . 111 FOEL HOSE 1-4202-216 00370 44.95 2445 44 .85 R .C .S . , INC . 36 JUtc 4 NI"•:T 01-4202-258 1096 120 .00 P1573 120 .00 `085 F R(1UGEOT - )O1 VOLU;:Trr.a PAY /JU,JE 01-4202-25d 1114 43.00 P1596, 43. 00 * ICA .ELS,^T al't'� CY )07 CI1"Y i. Jr, U 01 -4?01-?33 563 .54 2446 563 .54 * EU STA J; I`:I) iE4,v 409 r;Al ! T SUPFLIr_5 01-4465-211 _ 12450 16. 70 2447 16 .70 * • ATASCAOEkiJ PAGE NO. 12 DEMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. r1-021 DATE 08/ 13/80 PAYEE WARRANT CHECK OUN0.CHEA DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN OESCftIPTION ACCOUNT CHGO INV.NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT SA�l LU !FPRltlT 910 3L,: ,-PINT �)F,tVS 01-4110-208 11838 23 . 16 2448 23. 16 0aVILLE n S 'TT-i , JR 910 %;ISE=GF - ti G +>!ITH 01 -4110-203 67 . 34 2449 67.34 'ELLIOTT 0 STF_PPEF!S(1``+ 905 PLAN CHECK, SEWS 01 -4110-224 450 . 45 2450 450 . 45 AN LJIS PAID S 910 PAINT - FIEF DEPT 01-42v2-216 43.72 2451 43.72 SAN LUIS PAlr,T5 56 PA l,' T/r!vi ,„,NTS 01-4x02-258 1122 35.93 P1576 35.93 50 CA GAS CO 910 UTILITIES — FIRE DEPT 01-4202-230 2ul-5 36. 02 2452 36.02 L. SAi)I FT I':C 907 L'ULK GaS - FIRE OEPT 01-4202-219 28288 371 .02 2453 371 .02 L SAL;mET If:C 54 3ULK Ga SOLI?,F 01 -4202-258 1064 319 . 42 P1547 319.42 GO -ALU J SYLVIA 54 POSTAL= 101-4202-258 1069 45.00 P1552 45.00 i " ULArvJ r S�:L:' 55 JIJuE O'J� <TI'-'E I'' 1 -4202-258 1085 104. 56 P1563 104 .56 I xTYJuK J 31 . ONEAU 55 j!1:=c vEnTI'IE I111 -42C2-258 1066 411 .50 1564 411 .84 i 4T 4SCAIJERO PAGE NO. 13 DEMAND/WARRANTREGISTERNO. 61-021 DATE 08/10 PAYEE WARRANT CHECK WCHEH DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN N0. DESCRIPTION ACCOUNTCHG'D INV.NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT TE�HEr! G SCi:UTI;P' 56 VOLUJTEE:+ P6Y /JC::F Of-4202-258 1098 11 .00 P158U 11 . 00 401 VOLUNTEE'i PAY/JIJ '+E U1-4202-258 1112 57 .00 P15qa 57 .00 SANTA MARIA TIRE CO 906 TIRE REPAIR 01-440L1-215 38407 5. 00 2454 5 .00 SAN JOA;7tJIti SUPPLY C.O. 311 %JAINT 3UPPLItS 01 -"202-211 053284 4 ?. 14 2455 48. 14 TtL' 6�A6'-TRIHt11"t yi0 ApS 01-4102-247 135.60 2456 13:60 T:yIIJ CITIES CO,,-•0j,-;ITY POSPIT T04 r, S '1FT X-•JAYS 011-4201-101 95.00 104 J rlt-kLO'N X-SAYS D1-4201-101 43.80 2457 138.80 TEMPLET0*N FEED & GRAB, 910 ZOU SUPPLIES 01-4404-210 61831 123.20 2458 123.20 NALT �7k A USSERY 901 VOLWJEER PAY /JtJNF 01-4202-258 1106 133 .50 P1588 133 .50 Uhl IIS: OIt. C0 OF CA 306 GAS - POLICE CARS 01-"201-219 305.52 2459 305 .52 r,ESTFrKr; OFFICE PPUDUCTS INC 303 OFFICE SUPPLIES (11-4102-212 369.02 ?03 OFFICE_ F.;;i 'I i!.lrtc 01-4102-3U4 71 .23 403 OFFICE QJFPLI S :1-41uc-212 50 .94 i ATASCADEPJ PAGE NO. 14 •EMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. E1-021 DATE 08/ 13/80 PAYEE WARRANT CHECK ON0.CHER DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT CHG'O INV.NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT 903 OFFICE SUPPLIES 01-4110-212 75. 12 903 FU I+ITURc 61 -4110-302 172 .94 903 rUhi,+ IT1FE: 01-41IC-304 754 . 07 903 OFFICE SjrPLIES 01-4201 -2212 129.26 903 OFFICE SuPPLIE-3 01-420P-221 13 . 24 903 OFFICE Si_P-LIES 01-4461 -212 70 . 09 903 OFFICE FUi<';ITHkE 01 -=402-301 293. 05 903 OFFICE FuR.IITLI, E 01 -4a02-302 139.70 2460 2127 .68 AALSH SECURITY LOCK SHOP 905 PADLOCK - P .J . 01-4201-221 6772 3.21 2461 3.21 PHIL-f-•AR DISPOSAL CO Ir.0 54 JU.':E SERvICE u1-4202-258 1066 12.50 P1549 12.50 { r,ESTE•iN, FIRE- ENUIPMEN''T CO 90' HObE CLAi -PS 01-4202-258 1060 113.7b P1607 113 .76 V'ILLTAt- S EROS. I tRKETS 910 5 01-4202-215 20604 2. 07 2462 2.07 42OBERT P• JW,E5 54 Lt ;AL c:xPErSE8 01-42G2-258 1065 335.00 P1548 335.00 LLOYD 50?SI : 54 SECRETARIAL 5ERVS G1-4202-258 1070 80 .00 P1553 80.00 CHKIST� eA Ci;CrF'O'•i 55 9ALAPY n1-4202-259 1008 2.93. 17 ' 1556 293. 17 BASKET 56 FELT/ T4CPHY CASE I01-4202-258 1126 13.64 ' 1577 13.64 ATAS FI .E DISTRICT 56 IllrREST CASH u1-4202-258 1127 132. 18 1578 132. 18 ' ATASCADERO PAGE NO. 15 DEMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. 81-021 DATE OA/ 1IV_ PAYEE WARRANT CHECK No.;LDETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN V0 DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT CHG'D INV.NO AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT STATE eOARO OF EPUALIZ�TIuw 9u2 SALES TAX O1-4202-258 1056 8 .83 ,P1609 8 . 83 r ZEE ';1cDICAL SERVICE 302 5U2PLJES 01-4202-258 1057 74.05 P1608 74.05 ZIELLER6ACii PAPEk CC ?10 "'Al,,T SUPPLIES 01-4405-211 19442 104. 17 2463 104 . 17 I i ATASCAi EPu PAGE NO. 16 �EMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. 81 -Ce1 DATE 08/13/60 PAYEE WARRANTCHECK VOUCHER DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN NO. DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT CHG'O INV.NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT cRITTEiN 51785 ,84 REPAID 16948 . 30 CCRUED .00 68 , 734. 14 RECAP nY FlI':D RE—PAID V-.RITTEN FUND 01 1 51785 .84 16734. 14 I I ATASCADFRO I PAGE NO. DEMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. 81-022 DATE 08/2 1 PAYEE WARRANTCHECK UCHE DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN NO. DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT CHG'D INV.NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT TASCADER0 NEtNS )21 ADS F637 , 6411 638 01-4102-247 55.65 2464 55.65 * TASCADERO FORD 318 AUTO PARTS F.D. 1-4202-215 45. 39 2465 45. 39 * TASCAGERO FORD a23 POLICE CAR LEASE PYIT 1 -4201-224 AUG 2969.62 D1618 2989.62 * I TAS SUPER MARKET 321 SUPPLIES 1-4202-210 40 .76 321 SUPPLIES 1 -4202-235 43 10 .06 2466 10.82 * TAS APPLIANCE SERV 321 COr+TROL S'.rITCH 1 -4405-216 1162 34.07 2467 34.07 * TASCADERO FEU . CREDIT UNIO"i • 326 EMPLOYEES PYMTJ 1-4201 -101 30 .30 326 EMPLOYEES PYMTS 1-4202-101 487 .00 11b3o, 517 .30 * ITY OF ARROYO GRANDE 323 CO!NF EXPENSES 1 -4101-206 33.00 323 CONF EXPENSE) 1 -4106-206 11 .00 �23 CONF ExP=;:SES 1 -4401 -206 11 . 00 1b22 55. 00 * 8 8 9LUEPRINTIi•IG 322 BLUEPRINT SERVS 1-4110-208 506 42.07 2468 42.07 * CERTIFIED BUILDING INSPECTIO 323 JULY SEW S 1-4110-224 1100.00 1615 1100 . 00 * +31CHAEL P. CURRANT P!.D. 421 J LANE X-RAYS 1-4405-101 44.00 321 J gODGERS X-RAYS 1 -4405-101 44 . 00 2469 68 . 00 * • ATASCADERO PAGE NO. 2 WEMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. 81-022 DATE 08/21/80 PAYEE WARRANTCHECK VOUCHER DETAIL OF DEM NO. AN PRESENTED WRITTEN DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT CHG'D INV.NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT OAST TO COAST 3918 MAINT SUPPLIES i -4202-215 24,25 3918 MAINT SUPPLIES 01-4202-216 4.01 3918 MAINT SUPPLIES 1-4405-217 6.25 2470 36 .51 OMM TRANSIT SERVSr INC 3921 JULY SERVS 1-4401-224 587 .1444 . 12 3922 JULY SERVS 1-4401-224 1586 906.95 2471 2351 .07 ITY—COUNTY FED . CREDIT UNIO - i 3926 C FLETCHER PYMT 1-4202-101 62 .50 P1631 62 .50 AILY PRESS 5921 AU 1-4102-248 42.00 2472 42 .00 al IETERICP-POST CO 5920 GENERAL SUPPLIES - 6930PI 1-4110-212 65.59 5920 GENERAL SUPPLIES - 6930P101-4401-212 65.59 2473 131 . 18 ATAPRIiJT CORP 5920 GENdERAL SUPPLIES 1 -4110-210 52745 37 .63 ;920 GENERAL SUPPLIES 1 -4401-210 52745 37 .62 2474 75.25 LLEN GRIMES 5920 LEGAL SERVS 1 -4103-224 1800 . 00 ;920 LEGAL SERVS 1-4103-225 7 .00 2475 1807 .001 -RISANTI HARD1JARE IJ +920 OFFICE FANS 1-4106-210 4149 34.82 ;920 OFFICE FADS 1-4110-210 4149 34 .62 1922 OFFICE FANS 1-4110-212 )4152 69. 64 ;919 MAINT SUPPLIES 1 -4202-215 14 . 91 1919 MAINT SUPPLIES 1-47202-216 40 .78 2476 194 .97 i as ATASCAUERO PAGE NO. 3 DEMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. 81 -022 DATE 08/2 PAYEE WARRANTCHECK 'OUCHEF DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN N0. DESCRIPTION ACCOUNTCHG'D INV.NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT EM AUTO PARTS 920 SEAT BELTS P.D. 1-4201-242 690 75.91 918 GENERAL SUPPLIES 1-4202-210 120 .95 Voir DALE VAN SHUN INS 919 INSURANCE/FIRE TRUCKS 1 -4301-253 327683 770. 00 2478 770 .00 ASCH PRODUCTS 920 CAR MOUNTS P.D . 1-4201-242 280 .00 920 CAR MOUNTS P.D . 1 -4201 -313 130.00 2479 410 .00 NT 'L BUSINESS MACHINES CORP 920 COPIER TONER 1-4102-208 F030 6.36 2480 6 . 36 ESPERSEN 'S TIRE SERVICE 920 MAINT SERVS DAR 1-4401-224 186, 15 2481 1F,•51. I UCAS PRINTIvG 922 PURCHASE REQUISITIONS 1-4102-210 953 90. 10 2482 90 .10 i. L. LA PRADE 923 AUG PARKING LOT PYMT 1 -4301-254 500.06 1616 500.00 ICHARD H MC HALE 923 TRAINING FEE 1-4201-206 50.00 1621 50 .00 ID-STATE BANK 923 AUG INTEREST PYMT I-4201-224 62968 533 .43 11620 533 .43 925 FWH 7/26-8/08 1-4102-101 411 . 19 925 FWH 7/26-8/08 1 -4106-101 260 .86 925 FWH 7/26-6/08 1-4110-101 610 .97 925 FV4H 7/26-8/08 1-4201-101 2011 .0E I • ATASCAOERD PAGE NO. 4 *EMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. 81-022 DATE 08/21/80 FPAYEEJOUCHER WARRANTCHECK N0. ANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN DESCRIPTION ACCOUNTCHG'D INV.NO. AMOUNT NOAMOUNT 9258/08 01-4202-101 1229 .95 :9268/08 01-4401-101 487 ,00 9268/08 � 1-4404-101 180.72 926 FWH 7/26-6/08 01-4405-101 94. 55 1629. 5286 .32 +R B PHOTOGRAPHY 920 PHOTO SERVS 1 -4201 -224 27 ,89 2483 27 .89 VERLAND STAGE CO 923 FIRE DISTRICT DINNER 1 -4202-258 499. 00 1625 499.00 ACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC 919 AUG ELECTRIC SERV 1-4202-227 02-7 444,90 918 JULY ELECTRIC SERV 1-4202-227 06014 117 .9u 920 JULY ELECTRIC SERV 1-44174-227 02-0 2. 07 919 JULY ELECTRIC SERV 1 -4404-227 03-8 200 . 40 919,mL JULY ELECTRIC SERV 1-4404-22'1 02-0 5. 19 91 JULY ELECTRIC. SERV 1-4464-227 06-9 2, 19 919 JULY ELECTRIC SERV 1 -4405-227 02-3 28 . 76 2484 601 . 45 : ACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC 923 TRANSMITTER SITE 1-4201-238 52028 21 .50 31623 21 .50 + ACIFIC TELEPHONE 921 220 154-5659-300-N 1 -4202-219 13.50 921 805 466-7433-594-N ) 1-4401 -224 105.69 921 805 466-9037-360-N 1-4uO4-228 17 ,40 921 805 466-0749-302-N 1-4405-226 24 ,84 2485 161 .43 + UBLIC EMPLOYEE 'S RETIRE SYS 923 PERS 6/28-7/11 /80 1-4102-103 373,69 923 PERS 6/28-7/ 11 /80 1-4106-103 285.87 324 PERS 6/23-7/11 /80 1-4110-103 517 .87 924 PERS 6/28-7/11 /60 1 -4201 -103 421 .71 924 PERS 6/28-7/ 11 /80 1-4201 -103 ?_785.3 924 PERS 6/28-7/11/80, 1 -4202-103 1634 ,50 924 PERS 6/26-7/11 /80 1 -4401 -103 506 ,96 ATASCADERO PAGE NO. 5 DEMAND/WAR RANT REGISTER NO. 81 -022 DATE 08/24P0 PAYEE WARRANT CHECK JOUCHEB DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED - WRITTEN N0. DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT CHGD INV NO AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT 924 PERS 6/28-7/11 /80 1-4404-103 153.89 ;924 PERS 6/28-7/11 /60 1-4405-103 75. 74 D1626 6755.56 ROFE55IONAL MUFFLER ;918 INSTALL MUFFLERS F .D.-48q )1 -4202-215 245.55 24861 245 .55 R.C .S. , INC. ;918 JULY MAINT 11-4202-215 449 19.08 ;918 JULY MAINT 1-4202-229 449 200 , 00 2437 219 . 08 pN LUIS BLUEPRINT ;919 BLUEPRINT SERVS i-4401-208 23. 16 I ;919 BLL'EFRINT SERVS 1-4401-210 2.23 2488; 25 , 39 ITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO ;924 AUG MEDICAL PYMT 1-4102-101 b7 ,99 ;924 AUG MEDICAL PYMT 1-4102-105 80 ,80 • ;924 AUG MEDICAL PYMT - 1-4706-105 60 ,80 ;924 AUG MEDICAL PY14T t1-4110-101 b7 . 99 ;924 AUG MEDICAL PYMT 1 -4110-105 161 .60 ;924 AUG MEDICAL PYN!T p1 -4201 -101 951 .86 1924 AUG MEDICAL PYMT 1-4201-105 929.20 ;925 AUG "EDICAL PYMT )1-4202-101 611 .91 ;925 AUG MEDICAL PYMT 1 -4202-105 404 .00 ;925 AUG MEDICAL PYMT 1-4401 -101 135.98 1925 AUG MEDICAL PYMT 1-4401-105 161 .60 ;925 AUG MEDICAL PYMT 1-4402-101 67 .99 ,925 AUG MEDICAL PYMT i -4402-105 40 .40 ;925 AUG MEDICAL PYMT 1 -4404-101 67 .99 ;925 AUG MEDICAL PYMT 1-4404-105 80 .80 1925 AUG MEDICAL PYMT 1-4405-101 135.98 ;925 AUG MEDICAL PYMT 1-4405-105 80 .80 D162F 4127 .691 0 CA GAS CO 1921 JULY GAS CHARGES 1-4102-224 , 502-1 45.65 %918 JULY GAS CHARGES 1-4202-230 X5201-5 16 ,77 2469 62.42 i L SAURET INC '919 BULK GASOLINE F.D . 1-4202-219 9027 240 .79 2490 240 .791 • ATASCADERO PAGE NO. E &EMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. 81-022 DATE 08/21/80 PAYEE WARRANT CHECK VOUCHER DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN N0. DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT CHG'D INV,NO. AMOUNTNO. AMOUNT 1 DONALD J SYLVIA 3923 REFUND-LOS PADRES INS 01-4202-101 104.00_ P1619, 104 .00 ` i WIN CITIES COMMUNITY HOSPIT 3919 G rHITE X-RAYS 01-4201-101 31 .00 3919 E SCHLERF X-RAYS 1-4201-101 95.00 3921 J KENNALY X-RAYS 1-4401-101 95.00 3921 J RODGERS X-RAYS 1-4405-101 95. 00 3919 J LANE X-RAYS 1-4405-101 95. 00 2491 411 .00 { 5 POST OFFICE 3923 POSTAGE - MAIL VACHINE 1-4102-204 100 . 00 1624 100.001 +ESTERN OFFICE PRODUCTS INC 591 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1-4102-212 48.74 l 39 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1-4116-212 2.30 391 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1 -4201-212 76 . 21 3918 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1 -4202-210 13 .24 2492 140 . 49 ' I AURRAY L N,'APDEN 3923 AUG CAR ALLO,vANCE 1 -4102-201 150.00 D1617 150.00 ': NALSH SECURITY LOCK SHOP 3919 GENERAL SUPPLIES - 6967p6 I-4201-221 4 .36 2493 4.36 ! E HET EOSCH I ;--7 n c i AYROLL 5926 NET PAYROLL PE 6/08 1-4102-101 1255 .46 f 3926 NET PAYROLL PE 8/08 1-4106-161 914 . 08 3926 NET PAYROLL PE 9/08 1-4110-101 1885.49 f 5926 NET PAYROLL PE 8/08 1 -42ol-101 10114 . 17 ! 3926 NET PAYROLL PE 8/08 1 -4202-101 4827 .89 1 I ATASCADERO PAGE NO. 7 DEMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. 81-022 DATE 08/2) PAYEE WARRANTCHECK N0.. OUCDETAILOFDEM ANDSPRESENTED WRITTEN DESCHIPTION ACCOUNT CHG'D INV.NO. AMOUNT NO, AMOUNT 926 NET PAYROLL PE 8/08 01 -4401-101 2486.67 926 NET PAYROLL PE 8/0A i -4404-101 969 .67 23 , 003. 491 926 NET PAYROLL PE 8/08 1-4405-101 571 .59 000C] arc-% ATASCADERO PAGE NO. 8 DEMAND/WARRANT REG ISTERNO. 81-022 DATE 08/21 /80 PAYEE WARRANT CHECK VOUCHER DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN NO. DESCRIPTION ACCOUNTCHG'D INV.NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT , PITTEN I REPAID 45 855 i �4� i �CCRUED .00 54, 571. 85. OTAL 5 RECAP BY FUND RE—PAID iRITTEN F U td G 01 4. 'n�ri�! ';; 94 vs rd j 45, 855. 41 81716.441 1 I I ATASCADERO PAGE NO. 1 DEMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. 81-023 DATE OA/ 0 PAYEE WARRANTCHECK VOUCHER DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN NO, DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT CHG'D INV.NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT ATASCAUERO NESS 3936 ORDIDANCE PU5LICATIGN 01 -4102-247 -826 40 .95 2554x0 ,95 , ATASCADERO FORD 3939 REPAIRS 01-4201 -215 STET ' 179. 08 2555 179.08 ' I ATAS MUTUAL �,ATEk CO 3936 SERVICE TU 8/5/80 01-4404-232 333000 270 . 11 3936 SERVICE TO 8/7/80 U1-4404-232 340000 723.09 3936 SERVICE TO 6/5/00 01 -4405-232 345000 '1 .00 3936 SERVICE TO 8/5/80 01 -4405-232 344000 188.91 2-556 1192 . 111 ATASCADERO GLASS 3936 NINDOW GLASS 01-4405-216 19715 33.27 2557 33 .27 ' ATASCADERO FED CREDIT UNIOii • 3927 PAYROLL DEUUCTIUN 01-4201-101 30 . 30 3927 PAYROLL ")EDUCTION U1-4202-101 837 . 00 P164_ 867 .30 Atascadero Police Association 3927 PAYROLL DEDUCTION: U1-4201-101 42.50 P164 42.50 ARBOR TREE SUkGERY 3936 TREE REMOVAL 01-4404-216 12875 125.00 3936 TREE RE01-OVAL 02-4402-224 12845 608 . 0 ; 3936 THEE TRI1-1i4I1QG US-4402-224 12875 185.00 255E 916 .00 ' AMERICAN PLANNING ASSN 3936 SU35CRIPTION 80GKS 01-4110-234 422NFi' 258 .00 255 Z7)t .UU1, ATASCADERO nIOBILE REPAIR 3936 BUFFER REPAIR 01-4405-211 2468 29 .24 2560 29 .24 ATASCADERO SAi,11TATIGN 3936 SEv.ER 7-1 -EO TO 9-1-80 01-4202-251 10003A 20 .00 2561 20 .00 • ATASCADERO PAGE NO. 2 WEMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. 81 -023 DATE 08/29/60 PAYEE WARRANTCHECK VOUCHERDETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED Vr'R ITTEN No. DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT CHG'D INV.NO, AMOUNT NO. AM170UNT B ty B BLUEPRINTING 3936 MAP COPY U1 -4110-209 1508 3.05 3936 MAP COPIES U1-4201 -212 11h64 . 29 .69 25b2 32 .74 ; BELL PRODUCTS CORP 3936 CLEANING PRODUCTS 01-4202-210 12496 31 .80 256_ 31 .86 CHANNEL PAPER CO ` 3937 XEROX PAPER 01-4102-222 117872 181 .79 25b[ 181 .79, MICHAEL P. CURRAN, M.D. 3937 J "JAKEFIFLD X-RAY 01-4201-224 016612 44.00 3937 F CARDINALE X-RAY 01-4201-224 016726 44 .00 3937 T JARAMILLO X-RAY 01-4201-224 016993 44 . 00 256 132 .00 L N CURTIS K SONS 3941 SAFETY EINulPmEroT 01-4202-258 068723 54.91 25be 54 .91 CHEVRON 3937 JULY SERVICES 01-4202-219 0455 95. 14 2567 95 . 14 COMM TRANSIT SEP.VSi INC 3937 JULY SERVICES 05-4401-224 1597 1502.51 25be 1502 .51 CITY-CO FEDERAL CREDIT UiNIW 3927 PAYROLL DEDUCTION 01-4202-101 62.50 P1644 62 .50 CUESTA EbUIPhtENT CO 3937 INDUSTRI41L HAROv+ARE 01-4402-221 16592 144. 11 2565 144 . 11 DIETERICH-POST CO 3937 OFFICE FURNITURE 01 -4401-221 096441 95.21 ATA.SCADERO PAGE NO. 3 DEMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. rl-023 DATE Uµ/200 PAYEE WARRANT CHECK 10UNER DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN N0. DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT CHGD INV.NO. AMOUNT NO, AMOUNT 3937 OFFICE FUkNITURE OS-4401 -302 707771 100. 12 3937 OFFICE FURNITURE 01 -4401 -306 727097 225.07 3937 OFFICE FURNITURE 01 -4401 -306 096441 1404.81 5937 OFFICE FUR%ITURE 01 -4401-306 096441 55. 17 3937 OFFICE FURNITURE U1 -4401-306 095441 256 . 07 257C 2136 .45 EMPLOYMENT DEVELOPMENT DEPT 3931 STATE SNITHHOLDING - JULY 01 -4102-101 215.37 3931 STATE WITHHOLDING - JULY 51 -4106-101 112.08 3931 STATE KITHHOLDING - JULY 01-4110-101 344.86 5931 STATE WITHHOLDING - JULY 01 -4201-101 956.37 3931 STATE 'AITHHOLDING - JULY 01 -4202-101 452. 34 5931 STATE NITHHOLOING - JULY 01-4401 -101 170 .85 ;931 STATE 61THHOLDING - JULY u1 -4404-101 53. 04 5931 STATE AITHHOLDING - JULY 01-4405-101 12. 16 5931 STATE WITHHOLDING - JULY 02-44C2-101 51 .57 P1636 2368 .64 EXXON • 3941 GASOLINE 01 -4201 -219 400-06 849. 15 5937 FUEL 01-4202-219 869906 9.20 3941 GASOLINE 01 -4404-219 aco-06 75.85 2571 934 .21 FOLKINS 8 FOLKINS INC 3937 FUEL 01-4202-220 6071 48.44 2572 48 .44 ALEXANDER GRANT 8 CO 3938 SERVICES - AUGUST 1980 Ui-4301-239 09078 611 .94 2571 811 .94 GLEN 'S REPAIR 5938 REPAIR WORK - 01-4202-215 13708 6.41 2574 6 .41 GEM AUTO PARTS 3938 AUTO SUPPLIES u1-4201-221 lea 29 .27 5938 AUTO SUPPLIES 01-4201-242 2690 75 .91 5938 AUTO SUPPLIES 01-4202-215 1512 50 .38 5935 AUTO SUPPLIES 01-42K-215 1574 1b .34 5938 AUTO SUPPLIES 01 -4202-215 1732 18 .34 2575 192 .24 ATASCAOERO PAGE NO. 4 DEMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. 81-023 DATE 08/29/60 N PAYEE WARRANTCHECK ;OUCNEft DETAIL OF NO. DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT CHG'D IN V.NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT HRY SIGN S SUPPLY CO 3938 SIGivS 01-4402-222 80-696 274. 10 257 278 . 10 INT 'L BUSINESS MACHIINES COR '3938 EQUIPHENT RE^'TAL 61-4102-208 H2H40 63.60 1938 TYPEWRITER LEASE 01-4110-301 316653 128 .06 2577 191 .66 INT'L COLIFERENCE OF BUILOIN 5927 PUBLICATION - 0 D SMITH 01-4110-209 6.75 P163 E .75 JOE v141—TUIN 'S A06IL 1940 VEHICLE REPAIR 05-4401 -224 1476 95 . 00 1940 VEHICLE REPAIR 05-4401-224 1457 32 .69 1940 VEHICLE. REPAIR 05-4401-224 1469 30 .21 257a 156. 10 THOMAS JARAMILLO 1927 POLICE CUwFERENCE 01-4201-206 21 .36 P1641 21 .36 C R JAESCHKE INC :938 REPAIR SUPPLIES 01-4404-215 024542 47 .46 257 . 47 .46 J/0 PET FOOD 5938 RED "EAT 01-4404-210 6519 400 .00 2580 400.00 H L LA PRAOE 1:938 PARKING LOT RENT 01-4301-254 500 .00 2581 500 .00 L.A . I .F. 5927 L. 4 . 1 .F. DEPOSIT 01-1010-010 100000.00 P164B 100000 .00 YIL—STATE BA;dK 3927 FAH PE 8/22/&0 01-4102-101 411 . 19 ATASCADERO PAGENO. 5 DEMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. 61-023 DATE 08 /2.0 PAYEE WARRANTCHECK .'000HER DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN N0. DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT CHG'D INV.NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT 1927 FwH PE 8/22/FU 01 -4106-101 223.82 ;930 F':VH PE 6/22/80 01-4110-101 618 .92 ;930 FtvH PE 8/22/80 01-4201-101 2029 ,69 5930 FNH PE b/2P/60 U1 -4202-11/1 1186 , 09 5930 FwH PE 6/22/60 01 -4401-101 377 .50 1930 FWH PE 8/22/p0 01-4404-101 181 . 03 3930 Fi4'H PE 6/22/p0 U1-4405-101 99.45 3930 FNH PE 8/22/H0 U2-440e-101 184 . 17 P164 5313 .86 M06IL OIL CREDIT CORP 1938 FUEL 05-4401-224 307561 33.40 256 33 .40 OLIVER R LNILLIANiS ;939 SERVICES - AUGUST 1980 01-4405-22.4 080 61 .25 25d3 61 .25 THE OUTLET CO ;939 HAND TOOLS 01-4402-221 203.84 258 2 d4 PACIFIC TELEPHONE 1939 SERVICE - JULY 1980 01-4201-228 33201,415,00 )939 SERVICE - JULY 1980 01-4201-228 31176 15.00 ;939 SERVICE - JULY 1980 01-4201 -228 32141P' 15 .00 ;939 SEkVICE - JULY 01 -4291-228 31677N 15.00 5939 SERVICE - JULY 01 -4202-228 544963 27 .00 1939 SERVICE - JULY 01-4202-228 203330 72.00 2585 159 .00 PACIFIC TELEPHONE 3927 805 4b6-7433-594-N 01-4401 -224 105 .69- '1927 505 466-7433-594-N U5-4401 -224 105.69 2485 .00 PUBLIC EhiPLC1YEE 'S RETIRE SY._ )931 SERVICE Pt9IOD 7/ 12 TO 7 01 -4102-103 373.56 1931 SERVICE PERIOD 7/12 TO 7/UI -4106-103 29': .97 ;931 SERVICE PERIOD 7/12 TO 7 /U1 -4110-103 478 .85 ;931 SERVICE PERIOD 7 /12 TO 7 /01-4201-103 421 .71 )933 SERVICE. PERIOD 7/ 12 TU 7/01-4201-103 2634 .22 ?933 SERVICE PERIOD 7/ 12 TU 7/U1 -420e-103 11616 . 14 • ATASCADERO PAGE NO. 6 •EMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. R1-U23 DATE 08/29/80 PAYEE WARRANTCHECK 'OUCHER DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN N0. DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT CHG'D INV.NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT ;933 SERVICE PERIOD 7/12 TO 7 U1-4401-101 545. 171 ;931 SERVICE PERIOD 7/ 12 TO 7 /01 -4404-103 203 . 46 '933 StRVICE PERIOD 7/12 TO 7 /01 -4405-103 172.63 :933 SEkVICE PERIOD 7/ 12 TU 7 /02-4402-101 151 . U1 'P1634 72292.72 ;927 ADJUST SP 5/80/4 01-4110-103 15 .97 P163- 15.97 I PETTY CASH - CITY TREASURER 933 POSTAGE/FREIGHT 01-4102-204 3.07 933 PUSTAGE/FREIGHT U1-4102-204 . 13 ;933 POSTAGE/FREIGHT 01 -4102-204 6. 00 ;933 POSTAGE/FREIGHT 01 -4102-204 2.70 3933 CONFERENCE Oi-4102-20b 11 . 15 -933 GE74ERAL SUPPLIES 01 -4102-210 2 .64 1933 GENERAL SUPPLIES 01-4102-210 4 .77 ;933 GE,vERAL SUPPLIES 01 -4102-210 3. 08 ;933 POSTAGE/FkEIGHT 01 -4106-204 3.07 ;93 POSTAGE/FREIGHT 01-4110-204 5.00 93 POSTAGE/FREIGHT 01-4202-204 2. 07 ,932 GENERAL SUPPLIES 01-4202-210 b . 18 :932 GENERAL SUPPLIES 01-4402-210 10 .00 ;932 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 01 -0405-211 1 .97 P163F 62.03 PHOTO CENTER ;939 PROCESSING 01-4202-222 8240 3.60 25a6 3.60 RADIO SHACK 939 TAPES 01-4102-210 F12285 4 .74 2587 4 . 74 REU STAR IND SEPV ;939 UNIFORM RENITAL 01-4405-211 035064 16 .70 2538 16 .70 SAN LUIS BLUEPRINT ;939 COPYING 01-4401-208 17501 6.48 2589 8 . 48 SO CA GAS CO ;940 SERVICE - JULY 01-4404-230 500536 24.56 259C 24 .56 I ATASCADERO PAGENO. 7 DEMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. 61-U23 DATE ub/0c V00CHEA PAYEE WARRANTCHECK N0. DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT CHG'D INV.NO, AMOUNT N0. AMOUNT I I I SANTA N:AkIA TIRE CO 3939 TIRES 05-4401-224 38614 153. 19 2591 153 . 19 ', STATE LUFPER CU 3940 BUILCING MATERIALS 01-4402-222 15633 12 . 11 259_ 122 . 111 SIMPLEX TIME RECORDER CO 3940 TIS-1E CARDS 01-4201-208 596575 301 .92 2591 301 .92 ; I SAN LUIS OBISPO CO E`,GINEER 3940 ENGINEERING PRINTS 01-4401-206 2.23 2594 2 .231 I SAID DIEGO FIRE EQUIP CO INC 3941 SAFETY ECU'IPk'ENT 01-4202-258 74772 2035 .77 259 2C*771 i Holly Jo Travers 3927 PAYROLL ChECK SHORTAGE 01-4404-102 58.00 P1632 58 .00 ' TRANSCONTINENTAL SALES CID 3940 BOOTSr SAFETY 01-4202-205 6957 159.94 2596 159 .94 ' U S POST OFFICE 3927 POSTAGE STAMPS 01-4102-204 75.00 P1637 75 . 00 I I V v! EIhIICKE ASSOCIATES INC- 3940 PRINTED FORMS 01-4102-209 5489611 38 .61 2597 38 . 61 ' WESTERN OFFICE PRODUCTS INC 3941 OFFICE SuFPLIES 01 -4102-212 15112 13 .66 3941 OFFICE bUFFLIES 01-4102-212 15110 79 .68' 3941 OFFICE 5I. PPLIES 01 -4102-212 15099 14 .21 3942 OFFICE SUPPLIES 01 -4102-212 15098 309 . 75 • i ATASCADERO PAGE NO. F, SEMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO, 81 -423 DATE 48/29/80 PAYEE - WARRANT CHECK VOUCHER WRITTEN NO. DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT CHG'D INV.NO, AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT ?942 OFFICE SUPPLIES 01-4102-212 14903 56 .86 3941 OFFICE SUPPLIES U1-410o-212 15121 22 .95 3942 OFFICE FURNITURE 01-4106-SO4 1150b5 306 .67 3941 OFFICE FUR,."JITUPE 01 -4106-305 15111 125 .07 3942 OFFICE FURIITURE O1-4106-305 15055 121 .00 3941 OFFICE SUPPLIES 01-41101-210 14422 b.53 3942 OFFICE Fllk'iITURE U1-4110-303 14632 402.61' 3942 OFFICE F!iR,,!ITUPE U1-4110-3U4 14632 121 .00 3941 OFFICE SUPPLIES O1-4201-212 149U2 6 .34 3941 OFFICE SUPPLIES 01 -4201 -212 15043 5 .63 3941 OFFICE SUPPLIES 01 -4261-212 14428 11 .54 3941 OFFICE SUPPLIES 01-4201-212 15112 44. 40 3942 OFFICE SUPPLIES 01 -4401-212 15098 4 .30 3942 OFFICE 3I.IPPLIE5 01-4401-212 14903 6 .39 2598 1o63.061 MUkRAY L 'NARDEN 3940 CAR ALLU,�'APCE 9-PO 01-4102-201 150 .00 259 , 150 .00 '. i ,811 SECukITY LOCK SHOP 3940 SECURITY DEVICES 01-4401-210 6642 1 .89 3940 SECURITY DEVICES 01-4402-210 6805 7 . 07 3940 SECURITY DEVICES 01-4465-216 61139 1 .b9 2600 10.85 +IL-MAR DISPOSAL CO INC 3940 GARBAGE PICK-UP 01-4202-231 12.511 3940 GARI;AGE PICK-UP 01-4405-231 26 .00 2601 40.50 l FRANK BRAINARD 3927 REFUND CLEANING DEPOSIT 01 -3400-020 45.00 P163 45 .00 SAI, [;0 'S RESTAURANT 3939 CONFERENCES 01-4202-2206 3362 16.73 2602 16 .73 EPIJHPj ' 3 3941 jlrJDOi% COVERIiNGS 01-4202-259 3464 412.98 2603 412.98 PAYROLL 393 PET PAYkULL P/E x/22/80 01 -4102-101 1255.46 0 ATASCADEPO PAGE NO. 9 DEMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. 81 -023 DATE 06/4&0 PAYEE VOUCHER DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WAR BRIT EN NO. DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT CHG'D INV.NO. AMOUNT NO. A 0' NT 3930 NET PAYROLL P/E 8/22/80 01 -4166-101 106969 ; 3930 NET PAYROLL P/E x'/22/60 01 -4110-101 1902..25 3930 NET PAYROLL P/E n/22/5u 01-4201 -101 1052566 3930 NET PAYROLL P/E 6/22/+lit 01-420e-191 4576 ..63 3930 NET PAYROLL P/E i/22/80 01-4401 -191 1995,59 3930 NET PAYROLL P/4 A/22/x0 US -4co2-101 1323.43 3930 NET PAYROLL P/E 8/22/80 01-4404-101 129D55 3931 .JET PAYROLL P/E 8/22/80 u1 -4405-101 776 ..69 010000 24721 . 151 i i i I I • • I , I I I I I I • I I ATASCAGERO PAGE NO. 10 •EMAND,,WARRANT REGISTER NO. 81-023 DATE OE/29/80 PAYEE WARRANTCHECK ,'OUN0. CH EH DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED - WRITTEN DESGRI RTICN ACCOUNT GHG'D INV.NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT , RITTEN 16066. 12 PREPAID 140954 .7F'' ACCItUEU .OP TOTAL 157020 .90 RECAP BY FUieD PRE—PAID ARITTEN FU'JD UI 140462.34 13425 .92 FUND 02 386.75 608 .00 FUND U5 105.69 22032.20 M_E_M_O_R A N D_U_M_ / TO: City Council FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: Crossing Guard Employment Contract At a previous meeting, Council authorized hiring of crossing guards for one-half of the new school year. This was to give time for the City and the School District to work out a cooperative program. I have talked to each of the crossing guards and they are willing to work at q,� ` 4,S the same pay and with somewhat reduced hours as they did last year. I neglected, however, to get your approval authorizing the City Manager to sign the employment contract with the guards. • Request your motion authorizing the City Manager to sign employment contracts with the school crossing guards. MURRAY WARDEN MLW:ad 9-4-80 1 • CONTRACT OF EMPLOYMENT THIS CONTRACT is entered into this day of , 1980 , by and between the CITY OF ATASCADERO, State of California (hereinafter referred to as "City") , and , a contract employee (hereinafter referred to as "Employee") ; WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the City of Atascadero has need for School Crossing Guard Services for a special project and for a limited period of time; and WHEREAS, Employee is qualified to perform such services for City. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties do mutually agree as follows : 1. Employment. City hereby engages Employee and Employee hereby agrees to perform for City the services hereinafter set forth for the compensation hereinafter set forth, all pursuant to • the terms and conditions herein. 2 . Scope of Services . Pursuant to this Contract, Employee shall provide to City the following services : act as a school crossing guard during the time periods as directed. Employee shall perform said services under the direct supervi- sion and control of the Chief of Police or his (her) representative. 3. Employment Status. Employee understands and agrees that (s) he is not, and will not be eligible for membership in or any benefits from any City group plan for hospital, surgical or medical insurance , or for membership in any City retirement program, or for paid holidays, vacation, sick leave , or other leave, with or without pay, or any other job benefits accruable to an employee in the service of the City. i • • Employee understands and agrees that his (her) term of employ- ment is governed only by this Contract, that no right of tenure is created hereby, that (s) he does not hold a position in any department or office of the City, and that his (her) service to the City under this Contract is governed Soley and in all respects by the terms of this Contract. 4. Warranty of Employee. Employee warrants that (s) he is properly certified and licensed under the laws and regulations of the State of California to provide the services herein agreed to. 5. Compensation. City shall pay to Employee as compensation in full for all services performed by Employee pursuant to this Contract; the sum of $ per hour, said compensation to be paid on a bi-weekly basis . During the effective term of this Contract, the maximum number • of billable hours which Employee shall devote to the performance of the services enumerated herein, shall not exceed hours per week. 6 . Term of Contract. This Contract shall commence on September 8, 1980 (which shall be the date on which Employee commences work under this Contract) , and shall terminate onDecember 31, 1980, Y 3 ' unless terminated earlier as provided herein. 7. Termination of Contract for Convenience. Either party may terminate this Contract at any time by giving to the other party fifteen (15) days written notice of such termination, specifying the effective date of such termination. Termination shall have no affect upon the rights and obligations of the parties arising out of any transaction occurring prior to the effective date of such • termination. Employee shall be paid for all work satisfactorily 2 _ • • completed prior to the effective date of such termination. 8. Termination of Contract for Cause. If Employee fails to • fulfill in a timely and professional manner his obligations under this Contract, or if Employee shall violate any of the terms or provisions of this Contract, City shall have the right to terminate this Contract effective immediately upon the City' s giving written notice thereof to Employee. Termination shall have no effect upon the rights and obligations of the parties arising out of any trans- action occurring prior to the effective date of such termination. Employee shall be paid for all work satisfactorily completed prior to the effective date of such termination. 9. Modification. This Contract constitutes the entire under- standing of the parties hereto and no changes, amendment, or altera- tions shall be effective unless in writing and signed by both parties . 10 . Non-Assignment of Contract. This Contract is intended to . secure the individual services of the Employee and thus Employee shall not assign, transfer, delegate, or sublet this Contract or any interest therein without the City' s prior written consent shall be considered null and void. 11. Covenant. The validity, enforceability and interpretation of any of the clauses of this Contract shall be determined and governed by the laws of the State of California. 12. Enforceability. The invalidity and unenforceability of any terms or provisions hereof shall in no way affect the validity or enforceability of any other terms or provisions . 13. Actions. In the event of any action or suit upon this Contract, the City, if it shall prevail, shall be entitled to receive• - 3 - reasonable attorney' s fees and costs. It is agreed that any breach • of this Contract by the Employee shall entitle the City to apply to any Court of competent jurisdiction to enjoin any violation, threatened or actual, of this Contract. 14 . Nondiscrimination. There shall be no discrimination against any person employed pursuant to this Contract in any manner for- bidden by law. 15 . Conflicts of Interest. No office, employee, director or agent of the City shall participate in any decision relating to this Contract which affects his personal interest or the interest of any corporation, partnership, or association in which he is directly or indirectly interested, nor shall any such person have any interest, direct or indirect, in this Contract or the provisions thereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, City and Employee have executed this Contract on the day and year first hereinabove set forth. CITY OF ATASCADERO By. MURRAY L. WARDEN, City Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: K ALLEN GRIMES, City Attorney EMPLOYEE • 4 _ M_E_M_O_R A N_D_U M_ • TO: City Council FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: Voting Delegate - League of California Cities Annual Convention Attached is a letter from the League of California Cities requesting the name of a voting delegate and alternate for the Annual League Convention. If two or more Council- members are going, then it will be necessary to select two from that group. If only one is going, then that person should be selected with the City Manager as an alter- nate. If no Councilmembers are attending, then the City Manager should be designated. • motion appointing delegates is appropriate. bRRAX L. WARDEN SAMLW:ad 9-4-80 • League of California Cities Caidornia Cities Sacramento, California Work Together August 26, 1980 TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL '.cL twO 2 R`Cci9 9980 Dear City Official: Without question the most important aspect of the Annual Conference is the General Business Session at which time the membership takes action on conference resolutions. As you can appreciate, it is especially important during these times of uncertainty for California cities to take the initiative in developing positive programs for the future. Annual Conference resolutions will guide cities and the League in our efforts to improve the quality, responsiveness and vitality of local government within this state. All cities should be represented at the Business Session on Wednesday morning, October 22 at 10:00 a.m. in the Bonaventure Hotel, Los Angeles. To expedite this important policy-making meeting, each City Council should designate a voting representative and an alternate who will be present at the Business Session. The League Constitution provides that each city is entitled to one vote in matters affecting municipal or League policy. A voting card will be given to the city official designated by the City Council on the enclosed "voting delegate form." If the Mayor or a member of the City Council is in attendance at the Conference, it is expected that one of these officials will be designated as the voting delegate. However, if the City Council will not have a registered delegate at the Conference but will be represented by other city officials, one of these officials should be designated the voting delegate or alternate. Please forward the enclosed "voting delegate form" to the Sacramento office of the League at the earliest possible time, so that the proper records may be established for the Conference. The voting delegate may pick up the city's voting card in the League Registration Area, Bonaventure Hotel. If it becomes necessary for the voting delegate and the designated alternate to leave the Conference, the card may be transferred to another official from the same city, providing the transfer has been cleared with the Credentials Committee, which will be responsible for distributing voting cards. It is suggested that the Mayor and all Council Members from a given city try to sit together at the Business Session so that, if amendments are considered, there may be an exchange of points of view and a consensus arrived at before the city's vote is cast. Your cooperation in returning the attached "voting delegate form" as soon as possible will be appreciated. Don Benninghoven • DB:nl Executive Director Attachment 140OKSTREET SACRAMENT095814 HOTELCLAREMONT BERKELEY94705 900 WILSHIRE BLVD.SUITE 702 LOSANGELES90017 (916)444-5790 (415)843-3083 (213)624.4934 Important Dates for Annual Conference Resolutions Aug. 26 - Oct. 3 — Cities designate Voting Delegate and Alternate, return form to League Oct. 1 — Annual Conference Resolutions distributed to all cities Oct. 1 - Oct. 19 — City officials consider resolutions and, where needed, city councils take action on resolutions Oct. 19-22 — Voting Delegates pick up voting card (Bonaventure Hotel) Oct. 19 — Policy Committees hold Hearings on resolutions (Bonaventure Hotel) Oct. 21 — General Resolutions Committee Hearing (Bonaventure Hotel) Oct. 22 — General Assembly (Bonaventure Hotel) • • 1 M E M O RAN D U M • TO: City Council FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: Resolution adopting rules , regulations and fees for the use of City buildings and park facilities Attached is Resolution No. 20-80 with attachments estab- lishing rules , regulations and fees for the use of City buildings and facilities. This resolution will get us started in terms of providing some guidance for use of the facilities . I suspect that we will have to modify these rules from time to time as we find inadequacies. You will note that Exhibit A, paragraph 20 deals with certain exceptions in application of fees such as no charge • for Veterans ' organizations with sub-paragraph (f) dealing with certain youth organizations. There are other organizations which, from time to time, will undoubtedly request exception from fees . As a general rule, however, it would seem that the cost to the City for janitorial, maintenance and other services is just as great for private groups as it is for non- priate groups and, therefore, some fee should be charged in order to compensate the City for its costs. In addition, the clean-up deposit should be required for all users. The fees that have been developed relate to the costs to the City for maintenance. Suggest that you adopt Resolution No. 20-80 . • R L. WARDEN ML : ad 9-4-80 ! • RESOLUTION NO. 20-80 A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO • ESTABLISHING RULES, REGULATIONS, AND FEES FOR THE USE OF CITY BUILDINGS AND PARK FACILITIES EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 8 , 1980 WHEREAS, the San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors has , in the past, adopted various Resolutions regulating the use of the Admin- istration Building, Atascadero Lake Park, and the Sunken Gardens ; and WHEREAS, the Board also set use fees, by Resolution, for the above mentioned facilities; and WHEREAS, the City of Atascadero, as of July 1, 1930 has assumed the ownership and responsibility for public facilities within the City; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interests of the City of Atascadero to assure that use of public facilities is subject to reasonable regulations _ and that costs of accommodating exclusive use of Citv facilities by organizations , groups, and private interest are recovered;and WHEREAS , permits, rental agreements and other documents must be signed and executed by users of City facilities and by City representatives in order to implement, enforce and administer these Rules and Regulations ; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Atascadero, after review and consideration of the attached exhibits , fin that said exhibits are herewith adopted as follows : Exhibit A - Rules Governing the Lease of Administration Building Facilities Exhibit B - Atascadero Administration Building Fire and Life Safety Regulations to Users Exhibit C - Fee Schedule - Atascadero Administration Building Exhibit D - Atascadero Lake Park Use Application and Fee Schedule Exhibit E - Atascadero Sunken Gardens Use Agreement Exhibit F - Agreement - Use of Atascadero Administration Building Exhibit G - Hold Harmless Agreement NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Manager or Public Works Director is hereby authorized on behalf of the City to sign , execute and administer all rental agreements , permits and other documents necessary to implement and comply with the provisions of these Rules and Regulations. • Resolution 20-0 • Page 2 • The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution and shall cause this Resolution and his certif- ication to be entered in the Book of Resolutions of the Council of this City. Adopted 1980 ROBERT J. WILKINS, JR. , Mayor ATTEST: MURRAY L. WARDEN, City Clerk AP ED AS T • k ALLEN GRIMES, City ttorney • RULES GOVERNING THE LEASE OF THE ADMINISTRATION BUILDING FACILITIES NOTE: All references in these Rules to the term "Lessee" • shall be deemed to mean any person , firm, corporation or organization who has obtained permission to use the Atascadero Administration Building facilities. 1) Lessee agrees to save the City of Atascadero, its officers agents and employees harmless from any and all liability arising from the use by said Lessee of Administration Building facilities. 2) Lessee shall make arrangements and pay for adequate security protection at all dances. The lessee shall only hire security personnel who have been approved by the City. 3) Lessee must pay for all breakage or damage to the building or furnishings , and any loss of equipment or utensils occurring during such use. 4) Moving of furniture is prohibited except by permission and under the direction of the custodian. 5) No kitchen utensils , equipment or any furnishings shall be removed from the building, except by express permission from the Director of Public Works. Lessee shall replace those items either damaged or lost. • 6) Garbage must be placed in containers provided and left where required by the custodian. 7) The use of nails , staples, tacks , tape other than masking tape , or anything that will damage any part of the equipment, building,or furnishings is prohibited. 8) Decorations used within the hall shall not create a fire hazard, and must have the prior approval of the Fire Chief. The right to limit the size and amount of decorations is reserved to the building custodian. 9) Safe building and/or room capacity, as posted, shall not be exceeded. 10) Thermostats and fuses shall not be touched. In the event of any difficulties with thermostats or fuses , the custodian should be contacted immediately. 11) Lessee is required to clean and leave in a sanitary condition the entire premises and equipment used, which may include tables , chairs , kitchen, parking area, and rest rooms . All equipment must be re- turned to the proper place. Cleanup must be accomplished within the time established in the rental agreement. . Resolution 20-80 EXHIBIT A 12) The number of advance reservations by any particular individual, group , corporation or organization may be limited when such is • necessary in the public interest which is at the discretion of the Director of Public Works . The decision of the Director of Public Works regarding advance reservation shall be final. 13) The sale of alcoholic beverages is hereby prohibited unless per- mission has been granted by the Director of Public Works. Any sale and/or consumption of alcoholic beverages on the premises shall be subject to the rules and regulations of the Alcoholic Beverage Control. The lessee is required to provide adequate personnel to dispense alcoholic beverages and to control the consumption of these beverages in compliance with the rules . 14) All functions taking place within the Administration Building shall cease by 1 : 00 A.M. except by prior approval from the Director of Public Works. 15) Minors in the building must be under the direct and immediate supervision and control of the lessee. 16) A sponsor of teenage dances shall insure that teenagers who have entered the building shall not be permitted to leave and reenter except for emergencies . 17) The lessee may use only those portions of the building as de- signated under the lease terms and must provide adequate control to keep guests in those designated areas . Under no circumstances are guests to be allowed on the roof area adjacent to the Rotunda Room. 18) Violation of any of the rules contained herein by Lessee shall be , at the option of the City of Atascadero, sufficient grounds for revoking existing reservations and/or denying future use by such Lessee of the Administration Building facilities. 19) Nothing contained in these rules shall be deemed or construed in any way to limit the City' s authority or right to exercise any or all powers for the utilization of the Administration Building. Use of the Administration Building facilities shall be subordinate to the City use during times of elections , national or local emergency, or at any other time when, pursuant to law, such use of the building is required for official City business. 20) FEES a) Fees for the use of the Administration Building shall be paid in full not less than two weeks in advance or at the time of making the reservation. Failure to pay the fees in the time provided herein shall , at the option of the City, eliminates the City' s obligation to honor the reservation. • _ 2 _ Resolution 20-80 EXHIBIT A b) Cleaning and damage deposit in an amount not to exceed $200 . 00 shall be required; such deposit shall be payable at the same time as the fees provided herein, and appropriate refund shall • be made after inspection and corrective action, if required has been taken by the Director of Public Works or his authorized representative. c) All fees shall be applicable to the 24 hour period or any part thereof. No proration of fees are permissible , provided however, fees for time in excess of the 24 hour period which is needed for preparation, decoration and/or cleanup may be reduced to one half of the established rate. The hours of permitted use shall be shown on the permit application. d) There will be no refund of fees for cancellation which takes place less than one week prior to the date of reservation; provided, however, a refund may be made by the City of the building or part thereof reserved is rented to another party for the reserved time. e) No charge shall be made to veterans ' organizations for regular meetings , not to exceed two (2) per calendar month , or for areas in the Administration Building held exclusively for their use. f) Fees for use (other than for fund raising activities) of the Administration Building by recognized youth organizations for their sole benefit are hereby waived. Such youth groups shall include , but not be limited to, the following:* 1. Campfire 5. Boy Scouts • 2 . Girl Scouts 6. Cub Scouts 3. Bluebirds 7 . FFA 4. Brownies 8 . 4-H g) When the building is used for commercial activities for profit the rental fee will be increased by one half ('k) of the regular rate for each given area, or fifteen percent of the gross re- ceipts , whichever is greater. h) Fees may be reduced and cleaning deposits waived for the use of the building for Community Service organizations when such use is in compliance with these regulations. * Such free use shall be by advance reservation only subject to • Rule 12 thereof. - 3 _ Resolution 20-80 EXHIBIT A ATASCADERO ADMINISTRATION BUILDING FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY REGULATIONS TO USERS • 1. EXITS a) All exits shall be unlocked during use of building and no obstruction shall be placed in the required width of an exit. b) All exit signs shall be lighted during use of the building. 2. AISLES a) Every portion of the building in which are installed seats , tables , or equipment, shall be provided with aisles leading to an exit. b) Aisles shall not be less than three feet (3 ' ) wide if having seats on only one side and not less than three feet six inches (3 ' 6") wide if having seats on both sides. Such minimum width shall be measured at the end farthest from the foyer and shall be increased by one and one-half inches (1;" ) at each five feet (5 ' ) in length toward the foyer. c) Aisles shall be located so that there will be no` more than six (6) intervening seats between any seat and the nearest aisle. d) Cross aisles shall be not less than four feet (4 ' ) in clear width. Where aisles terminate in a cross aisle instead of a foyer, the . width of the cross aisle shall be not less than the sum of widths of all contributory aisles. 3. SEATS a) The spacing of rows of seats from back to back shall be not less than thirty-three inches (33") . b) The width of any seat shall not be less than eighteen inches (18") . 4 . FIRE EXTINGUISHERS a) An access aisle not less than three feet (3' ) in width shall be maintained in front of every fire hose cabinet or fire extinguisher. b) No obstruction shall be placed in front of any fire hose cabinet or fire extinguisher. 5. DECORATIONS a) All drapes , hangings , curtains , drops , and all similar decorative material shall be made from a non-flamable material , or shall be treated in a flame-retardant condition by means of a flame retardant solution or process approved by the State Fire Marshal . • 6. OPEN FLAMES No fireworks , open flames , or any device emitting flame or fire shall be within the building, except upon special permission of the Fire Chief. Resolution 20-80 EXHIBIT B 7. HAZARDOUS CHEMICALS, LIQUIDS AND GASES Storage, handling, and use of hazardous chemicals or flamable liquids is not permitted. Storage of liquified petroleum gas is not permitte� within the building. No balloons shall be inflated or used within the building except when inflated with an approved non-flamable and non- explosive gas. 8. PARKING No cars shall be parked within fifteen feet (15 ' ) of any fire hydrant or within fifteen feet (15 ' ) of any entrance to the building. No cars shall be parked so as to obstruct the access of emergency vehicles to the grounds of the Administration Building. • • 2 _ Resolution 20-80 EXHIBIT B ATASCADERO ADMINISTRATION BUILDING FEE SCHEDULE 4th Floor Rotunda $40. 00 4th Floor Rotunda Dances 55. 00 Dinner Dance (Hall ,Lounge ,Kitchen) 75. 00 Kitchen Only 4th Floor 10. 00 Kitchen Only 4th Floor (Coffee) 3. 00 Room 304 or 306 - 3rd Floor 10. 00 Lounge - 4th Floor 10. 00 • Fee is due no later than two (2) weeks prior to reservation date. A cleaning deposit of $200. 00 is applicable to the 4th Floor. Return of the deposit is at the discretion of the Director of Public Works. NOTE: When the building is used for commercial activities for profit, the rental fee will be in- creased by one half (,) the regular fee for each given area, or fifteen percent of the gross re- ceipts, whichever is greater. • Resolution 20-80 EXHIBIT C ATASCADERO LAKE-PARK USE APPLICATION & FEE SCHEDULE • Group Barbecue and Picnic Areas Amount Collected Small Area 8. 00 Large Area 16 . 00 Recreation Areas Ballfield 10 . 00 Bandstand 10 . 00 AGREEMENT " We/I agree to the following conditions : 1. To be responsible to the City of Atascadero for any damages to the equipment or facilities beyond reasonable wear and tear, and that the group will abide by the rules and regulations for the use of Atascadero Lake Park. 2. To defend and save harmless the City of Atascadero, its officer agents and employees from any liability arising out of the use of Atascadero Lake Park, by members of the group its leaders or guests. 3. The use fee may be refunded only if reservation is cancelled at least five (5) days prior to day of use. 4 . The Director of Public Works or his designated employee will re- view each request for Park Use and, when appropriate , impose a cleaning deposit. The user, under this agreement, is responsible for cleanup of the area designated by this permit. 5. Payment of the Use Fee is required at least two weeks (14 days) prior to use of the park. 6. The use of sound amplification systems is prohibited without the written consent of the Director of Public Works. 7. If Alcoholic Beverages are to be sold, it is necessary to obtain approval from the Director of Public Works and a license from the Alcoholic Beverage Control Department. Name of Organization Applicant lop Phone# Date of Use Time of Arrival Area Reserved Number in Group Receipt # Signature of Applicant Resolution 20-80 EXHIBIT D ATASCADERO SUNKEN GARDENS USE AGREEMENT 1. Any damage to the facilities , beyond reasonable wear and tear, shall be the responsibility of the use permit holder. 2. The permittee shall be required to execute the Hold Harmless Agreement which agreement is the basis for granting the permit. The Director of Public Works may require a certificate of insurance covering the City against liability brought about by the use under the permit. Amount of insurance coverage will be de- termined on a case by case basis. 3. The Director of Public Works or his designated rep- resentative will review each permit request, and, when appropriate, may impose a cleaning deposit. The per- mittee will be responsible to return the facility to its original condition or to pay the cost to have this • accomplished. 4 . The use of sound amplification systems is prohibited without the written consent of the Director of Public Works. 5. If alcoholic beverages are to be sold, it is necessary to obtain approval from the Director of Public Works and a license from the Alcoholic Beverage Control Department. • Resolution 20-80 EXHIBIT E AGREEMENT USE OF ATASCADERO ADMINISTRATION BUILDING ,hereinafter referred to as "Lessee" hereby agrees as follows : 1. Lessee' s address is Phone is Representative ' s address is Phone is 2. Lessee has received a copy of the Fee Schedule and Rules Governing the Lease of the Administration Building Facilities and has read and fully understands said documents, which documents , are incorporated herein by this reference as though fully set • forth herein , and Lessee agrees to fully abide by the same. 3. That the Atascadero Administration Building is hereby requested by Lessee to be re- served for the day of 1981 from to for the purpose of 4 . Lessee agrees that the rental for said building or portion thereof shall be in the amoint of $ 5. Lessee agrees that the cleaning and damage deposit of, $ is required to be paid and may be refunded as provided in the aforementioned rules. SIGNATURE : DATED: • Resolution 20-80 EXHIBIT F HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT In consideration of the granting by the City of Atascadero of a permit to dated , No. the undersigned hereby agrees to defend, indemnify, and save harmless the City of Atascadero, their officers , agents, and employees, in any and every way from any and all manner of damages , charges , suits and expenses, which • they may sustain or be put to by reason of the occupancy or use of the premises granted by this permit, if any, or by any activity carried on in connection with the use of said permit. This permit is subject to the attached conditions. Indemnitor Title Date • Resolution 20-80 EXHIBIT G _M_E M_O_R A N_D_U M_ J • TO: City Council FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: Maintenance of traffic facilities The attached maintenance agreement provides a method for maintaining traffic signals and other traffic control devices. The County already has the equipment and personnel trained for maintenance of these facilities . Use of existing County personnel appears to be a cost-effective alternative. Our other options are to contract with a private firm or contract with the State. Both of these are more costly than working with the County. Recommend adoption of the agreement noting that if we • are dissatisfied at any time, it can bv-, terminated after 30 days' notification. MURRAYWARDEN MLW:ad 9-4-80 • 1 • M E M O R A N D U M • TO: Murray Warden FROM: Larry McPherson • SUBJECT: Agreement for Maintenance of Traffic Facilities Recommendation: It is requested that City Council execute this agreement with the County of San Luis Obispo for the maintenance of City traffic signals , roadway signs , and pavement markings by County forces . The City Attorney has reviewed the proposed agreement. Background: This agreement is the result of negotiations and conversations with the County Engineer, County Traffic Engineer, and Assistant County Council. The intent is to have County forces perform routine and emergency maintenance of City traffic signals as well as perform sign maintenance . and replacement and periodic pavement marking restoration. The agreement provides the City with on-call maintenance capability at the lowest possible cost and with no materials inventory requirement. The County will provide personnel familiar with our existing traffic signal systems as well as the signing and paving markings. Response time should be minimal. The City will pay existing labor, equipment and materials costs plus an administrative overhead rate as is in effect at the time the work is performed. The City will receive an itemized statement of the work performed by the County under this agreement and the City will pay for such work on a monthly basis. Funds were allocated for this contract work in the PubliCO Works,> Streets Budget. LAWRENCE McPAERSON 8-26-80 MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF • ATASCADERO AND THE COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO RELATING TO TRAFFIC SIGNALS , TRAFFIC MARKINGS , AND ROAD SIGNS THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this day of , 1980 , by and between the CITY OF ATASCADERO , a municipal corporation , hereinafter referred to as "CITY , " and COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO , a political subdivision of the State of California , hereinafter referred to as "COUNTY . " WITNESSETH : WHEREAS , until July 1 , 1980 , COUNTY performed all traffic signal , traffic marking , and roadway sign maintenance within the present city limits of Atascadero ; and WHEREAS , COUNTY is doing similar work in the unincorporated areas and has the equipment , sign inventory , and experience to • continue to perform the above-mentioned functions ; and WHEREAS , CITY does not presently have the manpower , equip- ment , and supply resources to perform traffic signal and road sign maintenance or traffic markings ; and WHEREAS , COUNTY and CITY are willing to enter into an agreement to have the COUNTY continue such traffic signal , road sign and traffic marking maintenance on as needed basis ; and WHEREAS , this arrangement would be for the benefit of the citizens and taxpayers of the CITY and COUNTY . NOW, THEREFORE , it is mutually agreed by the parties hereto as follows : 1 . COUNTY agrees to perform traffic signal maintenance , . pavement marking , and road sign maintenance and placement and accounting related to these services . 2 . CITY agrees to reimburse COUNTY for the cost of labor, • equipment , materials , and accounting related to the services performed hereunder , plus overhead apportionment rates , in effect at the time the service is performed . Upon request (but no more frequently than quarterly ) , COUNTY will furnish CITY with a listing of these costs for CITY ' s .informational purposes ; CITY understands and agrees that such costs may change from day to day because of employee step increases , promotions , demotions , materials price increases , labor contracts , increasing fuel prices , and other reasons . 3. CITY will make payments to COUNTY monthly for expendi - tures that COUNTY incurs plus current overhead rates . 4. COUNTY agrees to submit a copy of their monthly com- • puterized cost detail report showing the accounts being billed for all work performed under CITY direction . 5. The CITY ' s Public Works Director will notify , in writing , the COUNTY Traffic Engineer of routine work to be performed under this Agreement. On emergency traffic signal maintenance or repair, notification shall be by telephone call by the Director or his authorized representative . COUNTY shall furnish a list of on-call traffic signal maintenance personnel that may be contacted when emergency repairs are necessary . 6. Time is of the essence for the performance of emergency traffic signal repair. COUNTY shall perform such repairs within a reasonable time . Reasonableness shall be determined by con- sideration of the complexity of the repairs , availability of • parts , weather conditions , and the availability of temporary traffic control measures . -2- 7 . CITY shall defend , indemnify , and save harmless COUNTY • and its officers , agents , and employees from and against any and all claims , demands , liability , costs , expenses , damages , causes of action , including , but not limited to , judgments arising out of the joint or sole negligence of COUNTY , its officers , agents , employees , or independent contractors in performing or attempting to perform the functions under this Agree.ment . 8 . CITY hereby waives claims against COUNTY , its officers , agents or employees , for any damages or loss caused by any suit or proceedings directly or indirectly contesting the validity of this Agreement or any part thereof or any judgment or award in any suit or proceeding declaring this Agreement null and void or voidable or delaying the same or any part thereof before being carried out. • 9 . This Agreement may be terminated by either party in writing by providing thirty (30 ) days notification of said intent . COUNTY shall be paid for all work completed prior to the effective date of said termination . Any notices herein provided to be given or which be given by either party to the other shall be deemed to have been fully given when made in writing , deposited in the United States mail , postage prepaid , addressed as follows : COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO : Engineering Department Courthouse Annex San Luis Obispo , CA 93408 CITY OF ATASCADERO : City Manager P . O . Box 747 Atascadero , CA 93422 • -3- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the day and year first above written . • • CITY OF ATASCADERO By : Mayor ATTEST : COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO By : Chairman , Board of Supervisors ATTEST: Clerk of the Board of Supervisors APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL EFFECT : • JAMES B . LINDHOLM , JR. County Counsel Assistant County Counsel V Dated : August 18 , 1980 • -4- _M_E M_O_R A_N_D_U_M_ • TO: City Council v FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: Elevator maintenance contract The attached porposed contract with Oliver & Williams is for the maintenance and repair of the Administration Building elevator. This company has been maintaining the elevator for the County and the contract is essentially as previously agreed to by the County. The content of the contract and the price seem reasonable and provide us with a guaranteed maintenance and repair program. The matter has been reviewed by the Public Works Director and the City Attorney. Recommend your approval with authorization for the City yManager to sign the contract. f RA L. WARDEN MLW:ad 9-4-80 • #4289-00 OWN RcEiVED AUG04 1980 OUVER & WILLAS E L E V A T O R C O R P. • 1411 WILSON STREET • LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90021 TELEPHONE: 746-1101 _ • TO City of Atascadero DATED AT August 19, 1980 P. 0. Box 747 Los Angeles, CA. Atascadero, CA. 93422 We propose to furnish FULL MAINTENANCE on the following described elevators in your building ■ located at 6500 Palma Avenue Atascadero, CA. One (1) Electric Passenger Elevator Under this contract we will maintain elevator equipment herein described, on the following terms and ■ conditions: We will use trained men directly employed and supervised by us. They will be qualified to keep your ■ equipment properly adjusted, and they will use all reasonable care to maintain the elevator equipment in proper and safe operating condition. We will regularly and systematically examine, adjust, lubricate as required, and if, in our judgment, ■ conditions warrant, repair or replace: ( MACHINE, MOTOR, GENERATOR, AND CONTROLLER PARTS • including Worms, Gears, Thrusts, Bearings, Brake Magnet Coils, Brake Shoes, Brushes, Windings, Commutators, Rotating Elements, Contacts, Coils, Resistance for Operating and Motor Circuits, Magnet Frames, and other mechanical parts - using only genu- ine parts for this purpose. We also agree: To renew guide shoe gibs or guide rollers when in our judgment this is necessary to insure smooth and ■ quiet operation and, except where roller guides are used, to keep the guide rails prop- erly lubricated. To renew all wiring as often as in our judgment is necessary to maintain an adequate factor of safety; ■ and repair or replace conductor cables. To furnish lubricants compounded to rigid specifications. ■ To examine, lubricate, adjust, and if, in our judgment, conditions warrant, repair or replace all accessory ■ equipment with exceptions as stated hereinafter. • To examine periodically all safety devices and make our customary safety tests. ■ OW-6003 1 0 • We shall not be required to make other safety tests nor to install new attachments on the elevators M whether or not recommended or directed by insurance companies or by governmental authorities, nor to make any replacements with parts of a different design. It is agreed that we are not required to make renewals or repairs necessitated by reason of negli- gence or misuse of the equipment or by reason of any other cause beyond our control except ordinary wear and tear. We assume no responsibility for the following items of elevator equipment which are not included in this contract: Refinishing, repairing or replacement of car enclosure, hoistway enclosure, hoistway door panels, frames and sills, replacement of plungers, cylinders, underground pipes & casing on hydraulic elevators, and replacement of fluorescent lighting. The items listed on the schedule below show considerable wear and will have to be replaced in the near future. To provide you with the maximum of service from these items, we are accepting them in their present condition with the understanding that you are to pay, in addition to the base amount of this contract, an extra at the time the items listed are first replaced. The charge for this replacement will be determined by pro-rating the total cost of replacing the individual items. You are to pay for that portion of the life of the items used prior to the date of this contract and we are to pay for that portion used since the date of this contract: SCHEDULE OF PARTS TO BE PRO-RATED Name of Part Installed • None All work is to be performed during our regular working hours of our regular working days unless other- M wise specified below. This contract includes emergency minor adjustment call-back service during regular working hours. If overtime examinations, repairs or emergency minor adjustment call-back service are not included in this agreement and are later requested by you, we will charge you extra at our regular hourly rates as follows: X-0GX7f1("X*NhKXXkF` Xft)0i)X we will absorb the worked hours at single time rates and you will be charged extra for the overtime bonus hours only; X9GX3f1EKXA#H9Sifd6XXafD(Xsfdlt3S1( 1(KX%)f1QtX3eXXX#vI1X lsatkl4flYa`kXJbX£GIf XK�(76�KYvXilEA�`FKKdf4Yd4Y�XA25Yd(x,�r1GY�4�(�dlv�iYr,X}Yc�4A. It is agreed that we assume no liability for injuries or damage to persons or property except those directly due to our acts or omissions; and that your responsibility for injuries or damage to persons or property while on or about the elevators referred to is in no way affected by this agreement. It is agreed that we do not assume possession or management of any part of the equipment but such remains yours exclusively as the owner (or lessee) • thereof. We shall not be liable for any loss, damage or delay caused by acts of govern- ment, strikes, lockouts, fire, explosion, theft, floods, riot, civil commotion, war, malicious mischief, act of God, or by any cause beyond our reasonable control, and in any event we shall not be liable for consequential damages. on_soo5 2 PRICE ADJUSTMENT PROVISION The price set forth in this contract shall be adjusted yearly in the manner provided below for changes in • the cost of labor and material. Such adjustments shall be made as soon as possible after the end of each year of the term hereof and the price as adjusted shall be effective for the next year. Each such adjustment shall be made as follows: 1. Twenty-five percent of the contract price shall be increased or decreased by the per- centage of increase or decrease shown by the index of "Wholesale Commodity Prices for Metals and Metal Products" published by the U. S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Statistics, for the week within which the yearly adjustment date falls as compared with the index for the week within which the service is to commence. 2. Seventy-five percent of the contract price shall be increased or decreased by the per- centage of increase or decrease in the straight time hourly rate paid to elevator construe- tors, in the locality where the equipment is to be maintained on the yearly adjustment date as compared with the rate paid on the date on which the service is to commence. This service shall commence on the first day of July 1980 , shall continue for a period of five years. Either Party may terminate this agreement at the end of the first five years by giving the other party Ninety (90) days prior written notice. If this Contract is not terminated at the end of five years, it shall continue in effect for another five years. CONTRACT PRICE Sixty-one dollars & 25/100---------------($ 61.25 ) DOLLARS, per month,payable monthly, to, 1411 Wilson Street, Los Angeles, CA. 90021 • You agree to pay, as an addition to the price herein quoted, the amount of any tax based upon the transfer, use, ownership or possession of the equipment to which this proposal relates, imposed upon us by any law enacted after the date of this proposal or imposed upon you by any existing law. The price shall be subject to adjustment at the end of each year in the manner set forth on Page 3 of this contract This proposal, when accepted by you below and approved by us in writing below, shall constitute the contract between us, and all prior representations or agreements not incorporated herein are superseded. MACHINE No. PLEASE SIGN AND RETURN BOTH COPIES TO THIS OFFICE. UPON EXECl1TION, WE WILL RETURN ONE SIGNED COPY FOR YOUR FILE$. OLIVER & WILLIAMS ELEVATOR CORPORATION By...--- - W — - -hi- - te-/bjs_ -----------------------------_....... - John ACCEPTEDIN DUPLICATE:-------------------------........................_.._.........____...._..................._......__.. 19........ Nameof Company--......................... .._........................ ........._....... --------------------------------- ----------......_- By....------------------------- -------------_----------------------.___---- Title.--- -----------------_..................... ..--......--- - APPROV=D AS TO 1=O R;,1: • OW-6006 CITY /,rTi:_ZNzi Vale............. ......- AGENDA - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting • August 25 , 1980 7 :30 p.m. Atascadero Administration Building Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Invocation Roll Call Public Comment NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC All matters listed under Item A, Consent Calendar, are con- sidered to be routine and will be enacted by one motion in the form listed below. There will be no separate discussion of these items. If discussion is required, that item will be removed from the Consent Calendar and will be considered separately. Vote may be by roll call. A. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Minutes of the adjourned regular meeting of August 2 , 1980 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 2 . Minutes of the adjourned regular meeting of August 11, 1980 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 3. Minutes of the regular meeting of August 11, 1980 • (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 4 . Treasurer' s Report, 7-19-80 to 8-21-80 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 5. Correspondence - Letter from Heinz Drexler (RECOMMEND ITEM BE RECEIVED AND FILED) 6 . Claim of Employee Benefits Insurance Co. (RECOMMEND DENIAL) 7. Claim of Garcia (RECOMMEND DENIAL) 8. Claim of Powell (RECOMMEND DENIAL) 9. Acceptance of Final Map, Parcel Map AT 79-91, Vreeken/ Aggson (Lenger) (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS) 10. Acceptance of Final Map, Parcel Map AT 79-128, Wilhoite (Stewart) (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS) 11. Acceptance of Final Map, Parcel Map AT 79-110 , Hvolboll, Johnson, Faught (Landers) (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS) 12. Acceptance of Final Map, Tract No. 726 , Grinnell (Central Coast Engineering) (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COPM4IS- SION RECOMMENDATIONS) B. HEARINGS, APPEARANCES AND REPORTS 1. Report No. 6 from City Attorney C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS • 1. Ordinance No. 27 amending the contract with Public Employees ' Retirement System - second reading and adoption • • AGENDA - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting August 25 , 1980 Page Two • C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS (cont. ) 2 . Ordinance No. 28 creating a Parks and Recreation Advisory Board - second reading and adoption 3. Resolution No. 19-80 setting blanket position bond coverage sums for City employees 4 . School crossing guard problem D. NEW BUSINESS 1. Assessment for joining the Central Coast Cities Self- Insurance Joint Powers Agreement E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION 1. City Council 2 . City Attorney— 3. City Manager -� 7 • MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Adjourned Regular Meeting • August 2 , 1980 9 : 00 a.m. Atascadero Administration Building The meeting was called to order at 9 : 00 a.m. by Mayor Wilkins . PRESENT: Councilmen Highland, Mackey, Nelson, Stover and Mayor Wilkins ABSENT: None It was noted that the meeting was called to interview applicants for the positions on the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board. The following were interviewed: Richard Ivie Dave Cannon Earl Pearson Donn Clickard John Harris Ruth Doser Don Wieseman Katheryne Evans Scott Morlan Ethan Hansen Dave Hamilton Peggy Robertson Jim Porter Elliott Stephenson Jan Baum Richard Brown Council decided to adjourn to Monday, August 11, 1980 , at • 7 : 00 p.m. to interview those applicants unable to make this meeting. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that the meeting be adjourned to Monday, August 11, 1980 , at 7 : 00 p.m. in the Rotunda Room to complete the interviews for Parks and Recreation Advisory Board. The motion was seconded by Councilman Nelson and unanimously carried. The meeting adjourned at 12 : 15 p.m. Recorded by: MURRAY L. WARDEN City Clerk • 0 MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL • Adjourned Regular Meeting August 11 , 1980 7: 00 p.m. Atascadero Administration Building The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Wilkins. PRESENT: Councilmen Highland, Mackey, Nelson, Stover and Mayor Wilkins ABSENT: None It was noted that the meeting was called to continue interviewing applicants for the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board. Council interviewed Thea Calhoun, Mark Jensen and Ken Meyer. The Council then voted on all applicants and selected the fol- lowing for appointment to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board: Jan Baum Mark Jensen Dave Cannon Ken Meyer Donn Clickard Elliott Stephenson Ruth Doser Mr. Warden stated that he would send letters to each appointee to suggest an initial organizational meeting date. • The meeting adjourned at 7 : 25 p.m. Recorded by : MURRAY L. WARDEN City Clerk • 0 MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL 3 Regular Meeting • August 11 , 1980 7: 30 p.m. Atascadero Administration Building The meeting was called to order by Mayor Wilkins with the Pledge of Allegiance. John Cole of the Atascadero Bible Church gave the invocation. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Councilmen Highland, Mackey, Nelson, Stover and Mayor Wilkins ABSENT: None PUBLIC COMMENT 1. Mr. V. .A. . Kelley advised that Chevron Oil Company was planning to utilize some of their oil transfer lines now crossing his property and going through the City for disposal of toxic waste. He expressed his concern about the dangers involved and asked that the City do something about this program. Mr. Warden was directed to look into the matter. A. CONSENT CALENDAR • 1. Minutes of the regular meeting of July 28 , 1980 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 2 . Correspondence (RECOMMEND ITEMS BE RECEIVED AND FILED) MOTION: Councilman Nelson moved for the adoption of the Consent Calendar. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and unanimously carried by roll call vote. B. HEARINGS, APPEARANCES AND REPORTS 1. Report by City Manager on school crossing guard funding and responsibilities Mr. Warden reviewed the content of his memo and attached extracts from the State Code. He stated that School District personnel had expressed an unwillingness to fund the program because of a belief that it was not their responsibility, rather the City' s , and they were fearful of establishing a precedent. Mr. Warden noted that the code sections did not impose a legal obligation on either the School District or the City unlike code provisions pertaining to unincor- porated areas. He also noted that some of the documents cited by District employees were outdated and code sections had changed. Even so, these documents made the point that the problem was a mutual one and needed to be addressed cooperatively. • Mr. Warden, therefore, recommended that the Council adopt a policy which would permit a sharing between the City and the School District • 0 MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting August 11 , 1980 Page Two • of the costs and operation of this program. Council members discussed the issue and expressed concern as to whether there was a necessity for three crossing guards; whether the guard at the West Mall crossing was truly for to and from school traffic or was there to assist inter-campus crossings. The need for a guard at the Santa Rosa School crossing was questioned. The Council , during discussion, felt that alternatives should be explored such as student safety patrols as permitted by the State Code , or other arrangements. In any event, they felt that, if anything, the matter was a shared School District and City problem. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Council adopt a policy that the City explore all avenues of cooperation with the School District up to and including an equal share of the funding of such a program. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey. There was further discussion on the motion with Councilman Highland stating that the intent of his motion was that the City look at the whole program cooperatively and jointly with the School District and that the City offer to fund the program up to one-half. The motion was unanimously carried by roll call vote. • C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Ordinance No. 26 amending the zoning map - second reading MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Ordinance No. 26 be read by title only. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and unanimously carried. Mayor Wilkins read Ordinance No. 26 by title only. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved for the adoption of Ordinance No. 26 and that this constitute the final reading of the ordinance. The motion was seconded by Councilman Nelson and unanimously carried by roll call vote. 2 . Revised 1980-81 Handicapped Transit Budget MOTION: Councilman Nelson moved that Staff be authorized to trans- fer $3 , 259 from contingency reserves to make up the difference in costs for the Handicapped Transit Budget. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and unani- mously carried by roll call vote. Mr. Warden discussed census figures indicating that they would . probably be less than anticipated in which case the City' s share would be adjusted accordingly. • 9 MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL • Regular Meeting August 11, 1980 Page Three 3. Fire District liabilities and assets, fiscal year 1979-80 - continued Mayor Wilkins stated that he was in favor of paying the overland Stage bill except for the cost of the wine. MOTION: Councilman Mackey moved for approval of payment of warrant 1079 in the amount of $499 . The motion was seconded by Councilman Nelson and carried on the following roll call vote : AYES: Councilmen Mackey, Nelson and Mayor Wilkins NOES: Councilmen Highland and Stover 4 . Ordinance No. 27 amending the contract between the City and Public Employees ' Retirement System - first reading Mr. Warden reviewed the amendment which is to include the fire employees in the City' s PERS contract. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Ordinance No. 27 be read • by title only and that this constitute the first reading of the ordinance . The motion was seconded by Councilman Nelson. Mayor Wilkins read Ordinance No. 27 by title only. The motion was unanimously carried by roll call vote. D. NEW BUSINESS 1. Resolution No. 18-80 authorizing the State Department of General Services to purchase certain items MOTION: Councilman Nelson moved for the aodption of Resolution No. 18-80. The motion was seconded by Councilman Highland. Mayor Wilkins read Resolution No. 18-80 by title only. The motion was unanimously carried by roll call vote. 2 . Consideration of bids for street maintenance , Bid No. 80-9 Mr. Warden reviewed the bids for the street patching and main- tenance program. Some Council members were concerned about the differences between bids and wondered if the low bidder could actually • perform the work for the amount of money he was charging. Mr. Warden • MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting August 11, 1980 • Page Four stated that he either lived up to contract specifications or the City could terminate the contract and that the Public Works Director would be responsible for assuring compliance. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Bid NO. 80-9 be awarded to Jerry Lueck Paving Co. at the rate of $115 per hour and $21. 50 per ton. The motion was seconded by Council- man Mackey and unanimously carried by roll call vote . 3. Ordinance No. 28 establishing a Parks and Recreation Advisory Board - first reading MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Ordinance No. 28 be read by title only and that this constitute the first reading of the ordinance. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover. Mayor Wilkins read Ordinance No. 28 by title only. The motion was unanimously carried by roll call vote. 4. Consideration of bids for backup van for Dial-A-Ride , Bid No. 80-11 • MOTION: Councilman Stover moved that Council approve the bid by Atascadero Ford in the amount of $11 ,154. 38 and authorize the City Manager to sign the necessary docu- ments for the purchase. The motion was seconded by Councilman Highland and unanimously carried by roll call vote. E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OP. ACTION 1. City Council (a) Councilman Nelson asked how the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board members ' terms would be determined. Mr. Warden suggested that it be done by lot as determined by the Advisory Board. (b) Councilman Mackey asked about a report that other cities were receiving sirens for emergency notifica- tion. Mr. Warden stated that P.G. &E. had contacted the City asking if we would like sirens if available from the Company. Chief McHale had indicated that we would like to receive them. (c) Mayor Wilkins suggested getting a citizens ' committee together to support the November election measure • to determine appointment of the City Clerk and City Treasurer. MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL • Regular Meeting August 11, 1980 Page Five 2. City Attorney (a) Mr. Grimes requested an executive session to discuss possible litigation. 3. City Manager (a) Mr. Warden stated that he also had a personnel matter for executive session. (b) Mr. Warden advised that the Vandenberg Limousine Service, Inc. , has an application before the Public Utilities Commission to do business in San Luis Obispo County as a limousine service. Mr. Warden advised that there may be an announcement after the executive session. The meeting adjourned at 8 : 35 p.m. to exeuctive session and returned to regular session at 9: 15 p.m. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that the agreement that has • been reached between the Firefighters ' Association and the City Manager be accepted by the Council and that the Staff be directed to draw up a Memorandum of Under- standing covering those items . The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and unanimously carried by roll call vote. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that the City join in an amicus brief with the City of Orange concerning con- trolling drug paraphernalia and head shops. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and unani- mously carried. The meeting adjourned at 9 :20 p.m. Recorded by: MURRAY L. WARDEN, City Clerk By: Ardith Davis Deputy City Clerk M_E M_O_R A N D U_M_ • TO: City Council FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: Letter from Heinz Drexler Attached is a letter received from Mr. Drexler regarding a problem he feels he has had with the Planning Department. Also attached is a memo from the Planning Director outlining the sequence of events and facts as he understands them con- nected with Mr. Drexler' s letter. The basic issue seems to be the contention of Mr. Drexler that he had all the necessary permits for the placement and use of storage buildings on his property. The only document we can find relating to this issue is a document called a "Building Relocation Correction List" dated December 1, 1972. This document is not a permit; rather it is used to identify problems that need to be corrected in the buildings which are proposed for relocation. It does not constitute a building permit. In any event, building permits are generally only valid for one year after issuance. • As best as I have been able to determine, the Planning Department had responded to Mr. Drexler' s application which was filed on July 29th as expeditiously as permitted by their work load. As to his other observations, building permits are processed in the order received on a first come, first served basis. Mr. Drexler's inference that the size of the fee indi- cates a priority in processing is simply not correct. It should be noted that during this period, the Planning Department lost Kathi Peterson and was in the process of hiring a new clerk. Mr. Drexler apparently tried to call me. I was momentarily out of the office at the time of his call and when I nicked upon the telephone, he was not on the line. My first knowledge of the problem, therefore, came with his letter of August 12th. I have been unable to determine any reason to suggest that Mr. Drexler' s permit was not processed in the same manner as any other permit. It would appear that the basic problem lies with his reliance on a 1972 document as constituting a building permit. This matter is for your information and, of course, for whatever action you wish to take. No recommendation. • RRPyY L. WARDEN MLW:ad 8-21-80 i 7einz Drexler RECEj, .mi, D i;; P.0• l`7J: l ;';G l i(7 f 3 1980 Atascaaero, Ca. 93422 T"LE:PHO`_;'-E 466-0357 • August 12, 1930 To The Honorcble City Council City of Atcsc,>.dero City 'T^ll t_acadero, Ca. 9'_22 Gentle:aen: In 1972 the County of Sa: n1,uis Obispo issued. to :ae a relocation permit for :roving 2 Stora;e buildinZs fro::. Cauycos to rtasc< dero. The County orderer, the bnijflinrs to be placed on concrete foundations, ane, all necessary permits ;sere obtained.. Due to v-et soil conditions, it was not -jo=_sible to install the found- ations c.t the time of ovinE-, canel the bailc:in[:s 'xe.re placed on temmorary bloc'_. foundations. Due to one thin; and another, and :.ostly the f-.ct that the biilcin-s :;ere not in use, inst<.ilaiion of the foundation ;elcyed , and fin=lly iate in July this year the ,cork to be co,a- nleted . ? rot an seer-)table bid fro::i a licensed contractor, , ho in t askec that I let the City of etc:sc, dero kno. of the ,;ork being co:aol c The bid ..< s ;,00d for �?J days fro:a 7-2'-2-3J. To date the City of Atascadero has not issued to me a penait to in tall the foandations, :rhich the vountl' of :;an Luis Obispo :,sscssorl s :af.p sho:;s at alre;;dy in place and assessed. An apalication was file;' r,ith. the Cite about July 23th. The 1 ,sC I heard fro::. the City was about the 1st creek of Au;;ust , .,;hen I was told that the Cit; Planning Dept. was too over•:rori;ed to issue the permit. Prior to that I had been told that the City Insbector ,ould be co:sing to inspect the site, but I should not be, rble to bf, nreaent duri-,7. the ine;Jection, unless the City made a sneci:-1 concession to let me _know r.",en the inspector ;;ere co:ainj.. How the inspector of;,nned to locate the buildinr.-s is beyond :ae, as the prooert consi^ts of several acres, ane there are .:ltogether cbout 3 out-buildin;-s. The inspector ;mule have had to do considercble snoopin_, and hopefully that is not p :r't of his =unction. I have in-luired of other City ?le.nnin.- Dents. :and ^n told that o,'ners are notified in cadv- nce .:hen a site in- soection such .e this is to be concucted. Is tris nor. the City of , t-seccero -)lens to eerve its citizens? :ay .rife : o her ; .iP_ C', I ernl!- inc'C'. t0 ��.is Py'' in f.'YlE', 1:_:nninr, ;eo* �:n(, to about the ti::-,e beim of the else nce. It ;aa oro-iisea t at I .,ould be notified .,hen thfi ner:iit ,,ere is:uec, I left Phone nuif.bers where- I could be reached -.t ho :-- ^nd. ::y ,rife et ,Tor s;ife and _ day up all avail :cle County records from Vw ti .ie of oer: .it issue . Con3iderir ; the floor-filing ,-r +c a in the Cit, 'lemming ::ent. it is < oubt_'ul that r w- hove• been •=isle to fine much of - nyttin herself. _'urt of my es,crience brine. ex,)o-er to s11 _-;etions that the builcin.-s h<.d been :novel ..ithout a permit from the ';:aunty. . . .A • � • Your mayor 7ilkins had publicly invite& citizens to bring their proti as to him for his o :r: o wl attention. I di d, but still dirt not receive . ner:mit when it was needed. ?inelly, I must say that it is a pleasure to be allowed to call friary by her first name, but it could be nice to know a persons full name, if a none is to be known at all. ihA r ::.ztters no':, stand?, the 20 days that I had to accept the bid - have exoire.d. I have been voc_+1 about : y Dppoeition to cityhood, but even those in favor of cit7hood have hod their share of problems, per T article of 7-26-30 e>: city' s inn >ector displeases builders) . It hers come to a point where I am curious how the City Planning Dept. vAll go about issuing, permits. : re there guic.elines or a code that the Loot. :rra::t co;.p y with? is it first come first served? or highest fee best served? Very truly yours, Heinz Drex r • • • • TO: CITY MANAGER DATE: August 19, 1980 • FROM: PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: Drexler Letter - Permit No. 166 9060 San Rafael Rd. Prior contacts with the applicant and actions taken relative to his permit application are listed below in chronological order: July 24 - Initial contact with applicant. Applicant claims permit but records do not confirm any permit. Applicant advised Staff will check further with County Planning Department since some records are still in San Luis Obispo. Applicant goes to County Planning and they indicate no record of permits but City has all the records . Applicant returns to City Planning Department and is advised that County still has records but that Staff will contact County and obtain any available information. Appli- cant is advised that to check his records and provide copies of any permits since that could expedite Staff review. July 25 - Staff contacts County Planning Department and learns • that records indicate several permits . Copies are requested but none relate to the relocated buildings . Applicant contacts Staff and provides copy of "Building Relocation Correction List" dated December 1, 1972 . Applicant advised that list is not a permit. County Staff indicates that a field permit might have been issued based upon practices in effect at the time . Applicant advised to obtain permit from City and explanation provided regarding procedure and timing. Applicant states work will be done without permit. July 29 - Applicant files permit application and is advised of steps necessary prior to issuance. July 30 - Staff makes site check of property and determines no major problems with permit. • Page 2 • August 1 - Applicant calls and requests that no site inspection be made without his presence. Planning Director explains that any further inspections will be those requested by applicant in conjunction with permits and departmental policy indicating that appointments cannot be made for site or building inspections. Applicant also advised that fees will be calculated and permit typed and ready for plan check by first of week. August 5 - Permit review (i .e. fee, conditions) complete and given to clerk for typing. August 7 - Permit typed and reviewed for accuracy by Planning Director (Note: new clerk started August 4) . August 11, 12, 13 - Phone calls made to the applicant' s home and wife ' s work to advise applicant to pay fees, provide more accurate site plan and a foundation plan but no answer to any calls. August 13 - Post card mailed to applicant advising him to contact City Planning Department concerning his permit • application. As of August 18 , there has been no contact with the applicant since August 1. GENERAL COMMENT: An applicant would not be told that Staff is "too j overworked to issue a permit. " Procedures do provide that applications are processed on a "first come, first served" basis. Building permit activity has been increasing and Staff is kept busy on permit processing. 'J / LAWRENCE STEVENS Planning Lirector LS/dc • 0 • M_E M_O_R A_N_D U M_ TO: City Council FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: Claims - Employee Benefits Insurance Company, Garcia, and Powell These claims have been processed through our Joint Powers Administrator and the City Attorney has received copies . The accident occurred on or about April 25 , 1980 , near the intersection of Del Rio and Alturas Road. The streets appear to be privately owned by Gordon Davis Development Company. It would appear that the City' s liability is non-existent. • Recommenddenialof the claims. *� RA . [4ARDEN MLW:ad 8-21-80 • i TO: CITY COUNCIL RECEIVED AP012 �l(/ • CITY OF ATASCADERO P. 0. Box 747 Atascadero, CA 93422 Attn: City Clerk Re: Claim Against City YOU, AND EACH OF YOU, WILL PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the undersigned hereby serves and makes demand upon you for the cause and amounts set forth in the following claim: CLAIMANT ' S NAME AND ADDRESS: Employee Benefits Insurance Company, 234 F. Gish Road, San Jose, California 95112 . CLAIMANT 'S MAILING ADDRESS to which notices are to be sent: c/o Hoge, Fenton, Jones & Appel, Inc. , 1043 Pacific, San Luis Obispo, California 93401 . AMOUNT OF CLAIM: The Claimant herein makes claim for: • Worker' s Compensation Benefits paid to the families of Jose Manuel Garcia and Christopher Stacey Powell, both deceased, in the combined amount of $4, 004. 00; Burial expenses paid to the decedent' s families in the combined amount of $3, 000. 00 ; Advances, in the amount of $3, 080. 00; made to the family of Christopher Powell; Further expenses and/or henefits paid to each family after the date of this claim, not to exceed the maximum death benefit of $55, 000 . 00 for each family. DATE AND PLACE OF OCCURRENCE giving rise to the claim asserted: On or about the 24th day of January, 1980 at the intersection of Alturas and Del Rio Roads in • Atascadero, California, in the County of San Luis Obispo. -1- OESCRTPTION OF OCCUkRF:;v('E: On or about the aforemrntioned , .and fur :.ome t irre prior thereto, pr_ibl is entiLy, by .end through its agents, servants and employees, nkgligently and carelessly controlled, supervised, designed, constricted, repaired, owned, maintained, operated and entrusted t'.,e .3fcrrmentioned roadway so as to proximately cause .and parmi_t said roadway, to be in a dangerous, defective and unsafe condition in that they so negligently and carelessly failed to provide adequate and sufficient striping and signing to warn motorists of sharp and dangerous curves in said roadway. By such negligent and careless maintenance and construction , the above-named public entity created a reasonably foreseeable and substantial risk of injury to persons using said roadway, which subsequently caused the deaths of Jose Manuel Garcia • and Christopher Stacey Powell. Said public entity was further negligent and careless in that its agents, servants , and employees knew, or in the exercise of ordinary care, should have known, of the dangerous condition of said roadway , and failed to remedy said condition, having a reasonable opportunity to do so. As a direct and proximate result of the negligence and carelessness of said public entity, and as a further direct and proximate result of the dangerous and defective condition of public property, as aforesaid, the vehicle in which the claimant ' s insureds herein were driving, was caused to leave the roadway. As a result, claimant was damaged in the amount of Workman' s Compensation benefits paid to the families of -2- • each decedent end in the amount of future payments to he paid to each family. DATED: April 24 , 1980 . :? GE, F NTON, JONES & APPEL, INC . By ___,6 t orneys for C1 i nt On Be alf of Cla t • • -3- 1 RICHARD C. BENNETT PISOR, VADNEY, GEORGE & BENNETT +� P�E�E��SO 2 One Kaiser Plaza, Ste. 1585 Oakland, CA 94612 3 (415) 763-4800 4 ESTEBAN L. VALENZUELA RAMIREZ & VALENZUELA 5 930 So. Broadway, Suite 204 Santa Maria, CA 93454 6 (805) 922-6674 7 Attorneys for Claimants 8 9 CLAIM FOR DA14AGES 10 TO: CITY OF ATASCADERO 11 City Hall 6500 Palma P. 0. Box 747 12 Atascadero, CA 93422 13 CLAIMANTS ' NAMES : DEBORAH L. GARCIA, individually and as Guardian ad Litem for 14 TERESA ANITRA GARCIA, a minor, • 15 and ANTHONY MANUEL GARCIA, a minor. 16 CLAIMANTS' ADDRESS : 520 W. Taft Street 17 Santa Maria, CA 93454 18 CLAIMANTS' TELEPHONE NUMBER: ( 805) 925-2885 19 ADDRESS TO WHICH NOTICES ARE TO BE SENT: RICHARD C. BENNETT 20 PISOR, VADNEY, GEORGE & BENNETT One Kaiser Plaza , Ste. 1585 21 Oakland, CA 94612 22 AMOUNT OF CLAIM: $5 ,000,000. 00 23 DATE CLAIM ACCRUED: January 24, 1980 24 PLACE CLAIM ACCRUED: Del Rio Road at or near the intersection of Alturas Road, in 25 the City of Atascadero, County of San Luis Obispo, State of 26 California. • -1- 1 CIRCUMSTANCES OF CLAIM: On or about January 24 , 1980 , claimants ' decedent JOSE MANUEL141 2 GARCIA was operating a 1964 Ford 2-ton Van northbound on 3 Alturas Road at or near the intersection of Del Rio Road in 4 the City of Atascadero, County of San Luis Obispo, State of 5 California. At said time and place the said 1964 Ford 2-ton 6 Van was caused to and did leave the paved roadway, go out of 7 control and collide head-on with a tree, thereby causing 6 JOSE MANUEL GARCIA to suffer severe injuries from which he 9 expired on January 24 , 1980 . 10 That portion of Alturas Road and Del Rio Road where the accident 11 occurred is , and at all times mentioned herein was owned, 12 designed, constructed, maintained and controlled by the CITY OF 13 ATASCADERO and constituted a dangerous and hazardous conditi n 14 of public property which condit ' existed at the time of this 41 15 accident and for a sufficient period of time prior thereto 16 so that this condition was known or should have been known 17 to the CITY OF ATASCADERO to have created a substantial risk 18 of the type of accident involving JOSE MANUEL GARCIA in that 19 Alturas Road exhibits an excessiv and hazardous downgrade; that 20 Alturas Road and the intersection of Alturas Road and Del Rio 21 Road lacks adequate or any 22 signs, delineators or other warning or control devices to 23 alert motorists of the dangerous and deceptive condition of said 24 roadway and the intersection thereof, which condition amounts 25 to a trap to motorists traveling northbound on Alturas Road at 26 or near the intersection of Del Rio Road and was a proximate cause • -2- • 1 of the injuries and ultimate death of claimants ' decedent. 2 Notwithstanding prior accidents on and/or inspections of said 3 roadway, the CITY OF ATASCADERO, failed to take any action 4 prior to this accident to correct this dangerous and 5 deceptive condition and further failed to provide adequate warnin 6 of same. 7 ITEMIZATION OF DAMAGE: Loss of comfort, society, love, support, companionship and 8 affection, as well as costs of medical treatment and burial 9 expenses for the deceased. 10 DATED: April 25, 1980 PISOR, VADNEY, GEORGE & BENNETT 11 12 By 13 RIC ARD C. BENNETT Attorneys for Claimants • 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 • -3- 1 RICHARD C. BENNETT V . PISOR, VADNEY, GEORGE & BENNETT 2 One Kaiser Plaza, Ste. 1585 Oakland, CA 94612 RECENEI 3 (415) 763-4800 4 EST 'BAN L. VALENZUELA RAMIREZ & VALE14ZUELA 5 930 So. Broadway, Suite 204 Santa Maria, CA 93454 6 (805) 922-6674 7 Attorneys for Claimants 8 9 CLAIM FOR DAMAGES 10 TO: CITY OF ATASCADERO City Hall 11 6500 Palma, P. 0. Box 747 Atascadero, CA 93422 12 CLAIMANTS' NAMES : NORMA POWELL, individually and 13 as Guardian ad Litem for JESSIE CHRISTOPHER POWELL, a minor. • 14 CLAIMANTS' ADDRESS : 931 - 35th Street 15 Santa Cruz, CA 95062 16 CLAIMANTS' TELEPHONE NUMBER: (408) 462-0793 17 ADDRESS TO WHICH NOTICES ARE TO BE SENT: RICHARD C. BENNETT 18 PISOR, VADNEY, GEORGE & BENNETT One Kaiser Plaza, Ste. 1585 19 Oakland, CA 94612 20 AMOUNT OF CLAIM: $5 , 000 , 000 . 00 21 DATE CLAIM ACCRUED: January 24, 1980 22 PLACE CLAIM ACCRUED: Del Rio Road at or near the intersection of Alturas Road, 23 in the City of Atascadero, County of San Luis Obispo, State of 24 California. 25 CIRCUMSTANCES OF CLAIM: On or about January 24 , 1980, claimants ' decedent CHRISTOPHER 26 STACY POWELL was riding as a passenger in a 1964 Ford 2-ton • -1- 1 Van, operated by one JOSE MANUEL GARCIA, northbound on Alturas 41 2 Road at or near the intersection of Del Rio Road in the City of 3 Atascadero , County of San Luis Obispo, State of California. 4 At said time and Dlace the said 1964 Ford 2-ton Van was caused 5 to and did leave the paved roadway, go out of control and 6 collide head-on with a tree, thereby causing CHRISTOPHER 7 STACY POWELL to suffer severe injuries from which he expired 8 on January 24 , 1980 . 9 That portion of Alturas Road and Del Rio Road where the accident 10 occurred is , and at all times mentioned herein was owned, 11 designed, constructed, maintained 12 and controlled by the CITY OF ATASCADERO and constituted a 13 dangerous and hazardous condition of public property which conditio existed at the time of this acci- 14 dent and for a sufficient perio 15 of time prior thereto so that this condition was known or 16 should have been known to the CITY OF ATASCADERO to have create 17 a substantial risk of the type of accident involving CHRISTOPHER STACY POWELL in that Alturas 16 Road exhibits an excessive and 19 hazardous downgrade; that Alturas Road and the intersection of 20 Alturas Road and Del Rio Road lacks adequate or any sians , 2� delineators or other warning or control devices to alert motorist 22 of the dangerous and deceptive condition of said roadway and 23 the intersection thereof, which condition amounts to a trap to 24 motorists traveling northbound on Alturas Road at or near th- 25 intersection of Del Rio Road and was a proximate cause of the 26 injuries and ultimate death of claimants' decedent. Notwithstand ng • -2- s � 1 prior accidents on and/or • inspections of said roadway, the 2 CITY OF ATASCADERO failed to take any action prior to this 3 accident to correct this dangerou and deceptive condition and 4 further failed to provide adequate warning of same. 5 ITEMIZATION OF DAMAGE: Loss of comfort, society, love, 6 support, companionship and affection, as well as costs 7 of medical treatment and burial expenses for the deceased. 8 DATED: April 25, 1980 PISOR, VADNEY, GEORGE & BENNETT 9 10 11 RICHARD . BENNETT 12 Attorney for Claimants 13 • 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 • -3- MEMORANDUM: • TO: CITY MANAGER DATE: August 20, 1980 FROM: PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: Parcel Map AT 79-91 - Acceptance of Final Map LOCATION: 2100 San Fernando APPLICANT: Vreeken/Aggson (Lenger) The City Council approved a proposed lot division to create two 2; acre lots in the A-1-B-V-3-D (508) zone on December 10, 1979 subject to certain conditions and in concurrence with the recommendation of the Planning Commission. The City Council amended certain of those conditions pertaining to road im- provements on June 2 , 1980. Staff review has determined that the applicants have complied with the conditions that have been established. On August 18 , 1980 the Planning Commission re- viewed the subject matter and recommends acceptance of the Final Map. ,C 2 LAWRENCE STENS M RAY ARDEN • Planning Di ctor ity anager • L, V V y fh `m I V y� kx hW R//Ja ggGQ ON ��i�� ad ��h Qwy Q • , z O p �4 a � Q,y Z�oQv Qyb2 h4° @Q ri) k) sO° QtLF� ` A � tLQyeZ Off? oc'so� 'r ,y/.oie6EN ._.,� ;...:. .;c1 Z •F 1 2i 9 oa y pyv �?2L �22hOV��� z t♦y p ,, V R.4 . V O ti 1 h t144�WCZ n ° r tv 2tub eti t� �2VS 17 12Qe0 V c mN•F .. yVt kf�ttiQQaV�VQ�� 2Y� Q p o.,�p Q: K^`, � F 2 � \ e� 2tFt�n .�.F°o.�. ow 5 v°' �°° j•m'°Nnm 2RQ 'w.�2 Y42 � � yAmmm e'i w,u'LBa M..BO,ais-es6'n' In �W Qhu �a • / MEMORANDUM: L D . TO: CITY MANAGER DATE: August 20, 1980 FROM: PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: Parcel Map AT 79-128 —Acceptance of Final Map LOCATION: 8200-50 Santa Rosa APPLICANT: Wilhoite (Stewart) The City Council approved a proposed lot division to create three lots of 2 . 5, 3. 1 and 2. 8 acres in the R-A zone on February 11, 1980 subject to certain conditions and in con- currence with the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Staff review has determined that the applicants have complied with the conditions that have been established. On August 18 , 1980 the Planning Commission reviewed the subject matter and recommends acceptance of the Final Map. LAWRENCE STEVENS AURRAWARDEN Planning Director anager • i I • WQ '�•. ° 2 � � Zv � .124 o V o i`ia Y a �' oxo a o yW � ti1� opsF oktic 9G� Oz. 2 < 2 y� hoci'i �Q`.ie is 2 , - \ a ceti ti Q32 � W m y� �� Z3yvo J y 2 W W V O y W ry Q O ti V ¢ y 2 y N W �.¢ �- Wx � n ..�Wcc� o " WpWa'r W oWSW yo yak - y �\J¢ (ZL �:L. .� 22 � 22 Q� 62lu kq e1 a0 it Lu W ¢ 8tl �� y0 WSW W V/ 10 y Vp`1 R W m N9°S0£-f9391 C �` �0 M„62,35°0/s/j \ N9.03'4 "£- 49323 2 ¢ 3 3 ¢ '3 Nl.a!TZ M/N 1°lp°N.11<a,/F•0/s S _ \---� r � N3d F/>,f'F/3NlXlN FO a Y 11 10 "gs FBF M1 F 3C pku � 3 N z 5 to f N41 /rope rl,,i,°ylOh a p Q N N 0 CS U 2 °"/a ti _J'12�b ° W 4 ry �s�•�as 2 1 � ;c;.,. i(� � d 1, /E W J ¢ '4•ars � � U a f vi i /iu / l /tom? b ieo Q o g'N d'�L•ep• a � ( /��!f OL gesF y � �, Q L ~ o " �s � 9pF� mss • a\ e o JeQ,3 w� b2/ �9°ps'.�Q�a2� ts2\ati �roa� r.�i 20 ZZ < �C� W � \Iti o W o W MEMORANDUM: • TO: CITY MANAGER DATE: August 20 , 1980 FROM: PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: Parcel Map AT 79-110 � Acceptance of Final Map LOCATION: 5610-24 West Mall APPLICANT: Hvolboll, Johnson, Faught (Landers) The City Council approved a proposed lot division to create four half-acre lots in the R-2-B-2-D (508) zone on February 11, 1980 subject to certain conditions and in concurrence with the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Staff review has determined that the applicants have complied with the conditions that have been established. On August 18, 1980 the Planning Commission reviewed the subject matter and recom- mends acceptance of the Final Map. LAWRENCE S7JE�lENS AWARDEN 4 Planning Djrector anager • • d� � n.�h Ay0j3w � yJi N1 1 GLL 0 rOJ � J = 4 ry SLLNw ;� FQza � � � � OO2 w r F FZ -� L 3 Ji � On �I� ZF30 � F Q 10Q 5 a V FOJ9 YLLQQ l y� D ° uZ10a oZv0 0 UD 7) LL UQnwmN ���J � tt a � � LLFQ 0Owyaa U W a0w60 j 0 YOza :1 z 0 a0 LU � � 000z0 x3F ¢ i �iumalyu 0 Y LL � DO ¢ J 0 F = n � � a U BOLL 0 Ib� l.b/`nn7iM 31b1S I / J U J y� 3 D Q • OIL di Qa b / v0 , D 0w0a 1 �- 0 Y > FOL J aQf3 wa\ �c o�s� �F, M o` �: � o�g '/ OYkfI Q 0 3 z b\\ ) b'3�Sb �(// {J I - - - p - (Ib AbMH1 IH 31b15) v Z Iq ` CC rc o mso \�6j2 :� Z I 11VW 1SM v tr Inji �.So'cH - - u N zJ /tea Oto OL � � NO Jl Q yy / I 3N N IU d� N Q /� °'. 41 ct a 0 (Y W � 0 NN - ° Qn m a V N 3 u o w < s n n iJ Z � LL N I W u � f �IN up n a py0 � d � � L) W � Ld E ° ar 2 0 Foy aF 'ttop i e sI sII 0 0 _ _ in 0 0 _ «-._- .�_. v1 Lu - d aR_1N q,,,. �, -� `.b2'£sl N 3.00.LE.B21v IW 41 N F D a OO.Lr eBZN f IL J P N ,. ! � o _ � I ° w oaf • di 9 0SO w 0 J d N m V n - i in LLJ S a 0 r V S S 4 OL OL 0 S 0 Ntp I w w Q QO N a ^� \ 1 0 X = � � •O Y O FF. J4 Z d 02:J.0 LU N w Z 3 J 0 Q L 92 .1 1 } w2D W p > a 0 }wD OL - Lo O N Z I1 aj 0 � &� 0 = wpm _. r \ dr CL Q J } 0 1 3� O f a � LL � Z � ACL Z D s1 w ea �j m0 nwpm L 130w pa 0 o $ 4d rya 1 Z >m '� a di a )lJo of gym\ 1 1 c 0 � i8 ° wf � n �— ev � \ 1 In ? $ F95 0 V) paa MEMORANDUM} • TO: CITY MANAGER DATE: August 20 , 1980 FROM: PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: Tract No. 726 - Acceptance of Final Map LOCATION: 5580 Traffic Way . APPLICANT: Grinnell (Central Coast Engineering) The Board of Supervisors approved a tentative tract map to create a one-lot subdivision for condominium purposes to allow conversion of existing apartments in the R-4-B-2-D zone subject to certain conditions and in concurrence with the recommendation of the County Planning Commission. The City Council granted an exception to the condominium con- version ordinance on July 28, 1980 in concurrence with the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Staff review has determined that the applicants have complied with the conditions that have been established. On August 18 , 1980 the Planning Commission reviewed the subject matter and recommends accept- ance of the Final Map. RDENLAWRENCE STEVENS RAY Planning Director Chy I nager T,CAfFIG lN�IY n o - --- --- - t_ 3N/7 ; J Q c7 M anv sysv � ' • c�) o a ti zQ cq AA 7 0 ROBERT J. WILKINS.JR. • • M,.YOR WILLIAM H. TONER MAYOR PRO-TEMPORE ts�.seadee® GEORGE P.. HIGHLAND • MARJORIE B. MACKEv 1%kh.,NCORPORATED JULY 2. 1979 ROLFE NELSON ADMINISTRATION BUILDING MURRAY L. WARDEN A CITY MANAGER/CLERK POST OFFICE BOX 747 ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA 93422 FIRE DEPARTMENT PHONE (805) 466-8000 6005 LEWIS AVENUE ATASCADERO, CA 93422 (805) 466.2141 REPORT FROM THE CITY ATTORNEY For the Council Meeting of August 25, 1980 No. 6 1. RECENT DECISIONS OF INTEREST • a. Diverters Proper to Close Off Through Traffic The Court of Appeal has held that it is proper for a city to install diverters closing off through traffic on some local streets and diverting the traffic to main streets. The trial court ordered the removal of the diverters based on its finding that they were traffic control devices regulated under the Vehicle Code and did not conform with the Department of Transportation uniformity requirements. The Appellate Court agreed that the diverters were traffic control devices subject to regulation under the Vehicle Code; however, the court then determined that the diverters did not violate any statutory standards in effect at the time of their installation and that the DOT regulations did not specifically cover diverters. The court then pointed out that under statute a city could close off traffic through a street when no longer needed for vehicular traffic. (Rumford v. City of Berkeley, C.A. 1st, July 21, 1980) b. County Redistricting Rule Subject to Referendum Right The Court of Appeal has held that an ordinance adopted by county redis- tricting supervisorial districts cannot be made effective immediately so as to preclude the exercise of the right of referendum. The 30-day period must be allowed after adoption before the ordinance can become effective in order to permit circulation of petitions for referendum. (Ortiz v. Madera County, C.A. 5th, June 30, 1980) • 1 REPORT FROM THE CITY ATTORNEY No. 6 - Page 2 • c. Rule Forbidding Fire Fighters to Wash Cars on Duty Held Void The Vernon City Council passed a resolution prohibiting any city employee from using city facilities to wash his personal automobile. The Fire Fighers Union challenged the regulation. The Court of Appeal declared the regulation void for the reason that the city did not process the adoption of the regulation in accordance with the mandatory requirements of the Meyer-Milias-Brown Act by giving the union the opportunity to consult on the matter. (Vernon Fire Fighters v. City of Vernon, C.A. 2d, June 30, 1980) d. Ordinance Revoking Business License Held Invalid as Prior Speech Restraint The Court of Appeal has held that shutting down an adult book store for violating a city business license ordinance amounted to an unconstitu- tional prior restraint on free speech. (Barry v. City of Oceanside, C.A. 4th, June 25, 1980) e. EEOC Time Limitations on Discrimination Charge Upheld The U.S. Supreme Court has held that a literal reading of the Civil Rights Act that employment discrimination suits must be filed with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) within 300 days of the occurrence and may not be filed with EEOC until a state fair employment practices agency has had an opportunity to consider it, gives full • effect to the statute's policies. (Mohasco Corp. v. Silver, U.S.Sp.Ct. , 79-616, June 23, 1980) f. Mandamus is Proper to Enforce Contract Between Public Employees and City Mandamus lies to enforce a public employee's memorandum of understanding (MOU) . Such a contract was involved in this case and mandamus was the appropriate remedy to enforce it. (Chula Vista Police Officers' Asso- ciation v. Cole, C.A. 4th, June 23, 1980) g. State Court Suit for Violation of Any Federal Law OK Under Civil Rights Act The U.S. Supreme Court has held that Section 1983 of the 1871 Civil Rights Act provides a remedy for claims based on violations of federal law as well as the Constitution, and that attorney's fees may be awarded to the prevailing party in such suits. (Maine v. Thiboutot, U.S.Sp.Ct. , 79-838, June 25, 1980) h. Limitations on Contributions to Political Committees From Associations are Valid The U.S. Court of Appeal has held that the Federal Election Campaign Act - may limit contributions to political committees, and that administrative aid furnished by associations to such political committees must be counted as part of the dollar limit. (California Medical Association v. Federal Election Commission, U.S.C.A. 9th, 79-4426, May 23, 1980) REPORT FROM THE CITY ATTORNEY • No. 6 - Page 3 !4 i. Expenses Allowed Where County Made Unreasonable Offer for Condemned Land The Court of Appeal has held that the owner of property which is subject to an eminent domain suit is entitled to litigation expenses when the condemnor has conducted negotiations in an unreasonable manner. (Los Angeles County Flood Control Dist. v. Mindlin, C.A. 2nd, June 9, 1980) j. Homeowners on Leased Land Entitled to Relocation Benefits as "Owner" The Court of Appeal has held that the state was required to provide replacement benefits as "owners of real property" under Government Code Section 7263 to lessees of oceanfront land taken by eminent domain, where the lessees owned the dwellings which they occupied, where the lessees held the land under long-term leases, and where the lessees had exercised rights and duties consistent with those of owners in fee. (Albright v. State of California (1979) 101 C.A.3d 14) k. Affirmative Action Minority Quota Hiring System Valid and Constitutional The California Supreme Court has held that an affirmative action program adopted by the County of Los Angeles did not violate the antidiscrimina- tory provisions of the federal Civil Rights Act of 1964, 42 U.S.C. Sec- tions 2000e-2 (a) and 2000e-2 (d) , or the Fair Employment Practice Act, Labor Code Section 1410, et seq. , or either federal or state constitu- tional equal protection clauses. (Price v. Civil Service Com. (1980) 26 C.3d 257) 1. Use of Assessment Roll to Determine "Owners" for CEQA Notice Improper and Voids Permit A negative declaration of environmental impact was adopted by a city re- lating to a shopping center with which the notice was made on the basis of assessment roll information. The Court of Appeal held it invalid. (Plaggmier v. City of San Jose, (1980) 101 C.A.3d 842) M. Ordinance Requiring Information Card and Financial Disclosure by Charitable Solicitors Held Constitutional The validity of an ordinance licensing charitable solicitors depends solely on the content of the ordinance, its definiteness, and whether civil and constitutional rights are protected. This ordinance required that an information card be obtained before a person may solicit chari- table contributions, and further provided certain financial disclosure requirements. Upon challenge by defendant Hare Krishna members, the Court of Appeal held it valid. (Perlman v. Municipal Court (1979) 99 C.A.3d 568) n. Minority Preference Program for School Admission Held Violative of State Equal Protection In this case, the University of California's minority preference program for law school admissions was held invalid in that it granted certain • ethnic groups privileges and immunities which were not granted on the REPORT FROM THE CITY ATTORNEY No. 6 - Page 4 • same terms to all citizens. (DeRonde v. Regents of University of Cali- fornia (1980) 101 C.A.3d 191) o. City Liable for Injuries Caused by Stolen Police Vehicle Driven by Arrested Person The Court of Appeal held that a city was liable under Vehicle Code Sec- tion 17001, providing that a public entity is liable for injury to a person caused by the negligence of its employees in the operation of a motor vehicle, for injuries caused when a police vehicle stolen by an arrested person and pursued at high speeds by police officers struck a man in his front yard. The court held that the city was not immune from liability under Government Code Section 845.8 (b) , providing that neither a public entity nor a public employee is liable for an injury caused by an escaping arrested person. (Duarte v. City of San Jose (1980) 100 C.A.3d 648) p. Subsequently Elected Council Member Has Prohibited Interest Precluding Rate Adjustments and Renewal of Contract Prior to his election, a councilman had obtained a concession from the city on a municipal pier. After his election to the council, the council- man desired to negotiate with the city to change the rates of the use. The Court of Appeal held that the exercise of an option to renew the concession contract with the city was the making of a contract prohibited • by Government Code Section 1090, providing that city officers shall not be financially interested in any contract made by them in their official capacity. The court ruled that the city could not make a contract with the operators of the pier so long as one of the operators was a member of the city council. (City of Imperial Beach v. Bailey (1980) 103 C.A.3d 191) q. No Rights to Administrative Mandamus Review of Short-Term Suspension or Under Skelly Case The Court of Appeal has held that administrative mandamus (review of the record) was not available to review the decision of the State Personnel Board affirming the suspension without pay for 10 days of two highway patrol officers merely because the officers were provided a hearing prior to the imposition of disciplinary measures. The due process requirements of the Skelly case are not applicable to short-term suspensions, and thus administrative mandamus is not available for review. (Taylor v. State Personnel Bd. (1980) 101 C.A.3d 498) 2. REPORT OF THE LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES LEGAL ADVOCACY COMMITTEE The League Legal Advocacy Committee Report of August 4, 1980 indicates that the Committee reviewed. approximately 40 cases of significance to cities now pending in both the federal and state courts, at the trial and appellate levels. In eight of these, the Committee and the Leavue Board of Directors have taken action approving amicus participation by consenting cities. • REPORT FROM THE CITY ATTORNEY • No. 6 - Page 5 - a. San Diego Gas & Electric Co. v. City of San Diego involves a property owner's constitutional right to damages in inverse condemnation due to a city' s down-zoning actions. The state appellate courts having ultimately decided the issue in favor of the city in accordance with the prior case of Agins v. Tiburon. The utility seeks to have the U.S. Supreme Court // decide the "taking" issue. The City Attorney of San Jose has volunteered to prepare an amicus curiae brief in which other cities may join at no ,..- --� cost. The Advocacy Committee urges all city attorneys to urge their cities to join as amici in the case. lb.`s City and County of San Francisco v. Farrell is an action by which the '• city seeks to have validated a post-Proposition 13 increase in tax 1v measures which are comparable to city business license taxes. The San V Francisco tax is levied on the gross receipts or gross payroll of all but small businesses and was increased effective April 1 for a period of three months. As with all other cases involving the interpretatioJ �p the "special taxes" limitation of Proposition 13, the Committee an Board deem this litigation of major significance to cities and rec amicus participation. I join in recommending to you participation this amicus curiae brief. c. La Sierra Little League, et al. v. City of Riverside is a case which is expected to go to the Appellate Court on the substantive issue of the • k� authority of a city to prohibit the sale of fireworks. The City Attorney of San Jose has volunteered to prepare an amicus brief in which other ., cities may join at no cost. I recommend that we participate. Jam_u-- d. Friends of "B" Street, et al. v. City of Hayward, et al. involves several issues of significance to cities. One is whether attorney's fees may be awarded on the substantial benefit theory. The court has held that a public works project must be consistent with a city's general plan, and if not it may be enjoined, and it held that the city's adoption of a negative may on a proposed street improvement project was an abuse of discretion despite substantial evidence supporting the negative declaration. The City of Hayward has petitioned for a hearing in the [ Supreme Court and the Los Angeles City Attorney's office has filed an amicus curiae brief. e. Wells Fargo Bank v. Town of Woodside is on appeal by the city following a trial court ruling that the probate court in exercising its power to create a probate homestead was not required to consider local subdivision ordinances as the latter are preempted by state law granting this power to the probate court. In this case, the probate court had set aside a homestead consisting of a small portion of an original parcel, and the remaining 33 acres were the subject of a contract of sale in which the buyer's obligation to purchase was expressly conditioned upon the trustees-sellers obtaining all necessary governmental approvals. Upon being advised by Woodside officials that the filing of a parcel map was _ . required, the declaratory relief action was filed. Since the same pre- emption argument and technique could be used in other situations to REPORT FROM THE CITY ATTORNEY No. 6 - Page 6 • avoid compliance with local subdivision ordinances and the case presents an issue of first impression relative to the applicability of subdivision /7 regulations where property is divided in accordance with a court order creating a probate homestead, the Committee and Board recommend partici- pation in an amicus curiae brief. f. Stone, et al. v. State of California will bring to the State Supreme Court, if a hearing is granted, the issue of public entity liability for failure to provide adequate police protection. The appellete court ruling in 106 C.A.3d 924 held that the state is immune from liability for personal injuries of visitors at the Cal Expo, which allegedly resulted from the decision to use private security forces who negli- gently failed to provide adequate police protection. ^ g. County of Los Angeles v. City of Alhambra, 27 C.3d 184, recently held that a city may not process its own parking tickets. h. City of Atascadero v. Daly, et al. The Committee will consider the City of Atascadero's amicus assistance request with respect to this case at its next meeting. For the Council's information, both the Clerk's and Reporter' Transcripts on appeal have now been completed, and the 60-day period fo the appellant to prepare his opening brief has commenced. z ully submit ed, k • ALLEN GRIMES City Attorney AG:fr ORDINANCE NO. 27 AN ORDINANCE OF THE Council of the- (Name of Governing Body) City of Atascadero authorizing an (Name of Public Agency) AMENDMENT TO THE CONTRACT BETWEEN THE Council of the City of Atascadero (Governing Body) AND THE BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION OF THE CALIFORNIA PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM, The Council of the City of Atascadero (Name of Governing Body) (Name of Public Agency) does ordain as follows: SECTION 1 , That an amendment to the Contract between the Council of the City of Atascadero (Name of and the Board of Governing Body) (Name of Public Agency) Administration, California Public Emoloyees ' Retirement System is hereby authorized, a copy of said amendment being attached hereto, marked "Exhibit A", and by' such refer- ence made a part hereof as though herein set out in full . SECTION 2, The Mayor of the • (Title of Presiding Officer) Council is hereby authorized, empowered, and directed to (Name of Governing Body) execute said amendment for and on behalf of said Agency. SECTION 3, This Ordinance shall take effect 30 days after the date of its adoption, and prior to the expiration of 15 days from the passage thereof shall be published at least once in the Atascadero News (Name of Newspaper) a newspaper of general circulation, published and circulated in the _ City of (Name of Atascadero and thenceforth and thereafter the same Public Agency) shall be in full force and effect. Adopted and approved this day of 19_, (Presiding Officer) Attest: ROBERT J. WILKINS, JR. , Mayor Approved as to f rm: Clerk MURRAY L. WARDEN • ALLEN GRIMES, City Attorney PERS-COV-Il (Amendment) (3/78) OPPY COIU1101T 1 - 0J' 11,1117 The Board of Administration, Public Em-lcyee.s' Sctir--,-,,,t. Syc'sea., herein- after referred to as Board, and the governing body of above public a;,(-ncy, hereinafter referred to as Public Acency, having entercd into a contract under date of :.arch 19, 1980, effective April 19, 191^10, :77)ich prc✓ides for participa- tion of Public Agency in said System, Fo.ard ai,d Public Aga:;cy hereby agree as follows: A. Paragraphs 1 through 10 are hereby stricken fror.: said c_ntract aae executed effective April 19, 1980, and hereon replaced by the followin para— graphs numbered 1 through 12 inclusive: 1 . All words and terms used herein which are defined in "he Public Employees' Retirement Law shall have the meaning a defined therein unless otherwise specifically provided. "N'ormal retirement, age" shall mean age 60 for local miscellaneous and age 55 for local safety members. 2. Public Agency shall participate in the Public Erployees' Retirement • System from and sifter April 19, 1920 raking its eaployce>v as hereinafter provided, members of said System subject to all provisions of the Public Employees' Retirement Lai; except such as apply only on election of a contracting agency and are not provided for herein and to all amendments to said Law hereafter enacted except such as by express provisions thereof apply only on the eleci:ion of contracting agencies. 3. Employees of Public Agency in the following classes shall become members of said Retirement System except such in each such class as are excluded by law or this agreement: a. Local Firemen (herein referred to as local safety members); b. Local Policemen (herein referred to as local safety members); C. Employees other than local safety members (herein referred to as local miscellaneous members). In addition to the classes of employees excluded from membership by said Retirement Law, the following classes of employees shall not become members of said Retirement System: TIO ADDITIONAL EXCLUSIO.•IS • 4. This contract shall be the co::-„_nu,�. on of ,he co=itraci of the Atsscadero Fire Protect .on =,istr ct, herc:inaf.... _refers? to • Fc raer A.en l - , ru uant to Sc o J en 2056 /.� os t2 Gov ^Iae.nt�Code, .oi.::..r .. _� vi..., ceq.,ec to rx ._t an_, been succeed d by Pao_ic Agency on July i , 1 'i 0. Public Anency, by `.his contract, assures the accumulated contributions and assets derived therefrom and liability fo. eri.or and current service under the Former Agency' s contract with resl,ect to the ?Former Agency' s employees. 5. Service performed for the former agency prior to the effective date of this contract shall be subject to the terms and conditions of the former agency's contract as it was in effect at that time. Service performed after the effective date of this contract shall be subject to the terms and conditions of this contract. For purposes of computing retirement allowances, separate calculations shall be made for service perforated under each contract. 6. The fraction of final compensation to be provided for each year of credited prior and current service as a local miscellaneous nember shall be determined in accordance with Section 21251 .13 of said Retirement Law (2 at age 60). 7. The fraction of final compensation to be provided for each year of credited prior and current service as a local safety mer.:ber shall be determined in accordance with Section 21252.6 of said Retirement Law (2p at age 55)• • S. The following additional provisions of the Public Employees' Retire- ment Law which apply only upon election of a contracting agency shall apply to the Public Agency and its employees: a. Section 20952.5 (Age 50 voluntary retirement) for local safety. members only. b. Section 20953.6 (Waiver of age 70 retirement) for local miscel- laneous members only. 9. Public Agency, in accordance with Section 20759. 1 Government Code, shall not be considered an "employer” for purposes of Chapter o of the Public Employees' Retirement Law. Contributions of the Public Agency shall be fixed and determined as provided in Section 20759, Government Code, and such contributions hereafter made shall be held by the Board as provided in Section 20759, Government Code. 10. Public Agency shall contribute to said Retirement System as follows: a. With respect to miscellaneous members, the agency shall con- tribute the following percentages of monthly salaries earned as miscellaneous members of said Retirement System: (1 ) 0.364 percent until June 30, 1999 on account of the liability for prior service benefits. t • 12-405 en (2) perp . on -account of the liability for current service benefits. b. With respect to local safety members, the agency shall, contribute the following Dercenta ;es of ronthly salaries earned as local. safety me-:b�,,_s of said Re`ir-caent System: (1 ) 2.396 percent until dune 30, 2005 on account of the liability 'o- orior service benefits. (2) 14.781, percent on account of the liability for current service benefits. C. A reasonable amount per annum, as fixed by the Board to cover the costs of administering said System as it affects the employees of Public Agency, not including the costs of special valuations or of the periodic investigation and valuations required by law. d. A reasonable amount as fixed by the Board, payable in one install- ment as the occasions arise, to cover the costs of special valua- tions on account of enplcyees of Public Agency, and costs of the periodic investigation and valuations required by law. 11 . Contributions required of Public Agency and its employees shall be subject to adjustment by Board on account of amendments to the Public Employees' Retirement Law, and on account of the experience under the Retirement System as determined by the periodic investigation and valuation required by said Retirement Law. 12. Contributions required of Public Agency and its employees shall be paid by Public Agency to the Retirement System within thirty days . after the end of the period to which said contributions refer or as may be prescribed by Board regulation. If more or less than the correct amount of contributions is paid for any period, proper adjust:rent shall be made in connection with subsequent remittances; or adjustments on account of errors in contributions required of any employee may be made by direct cash payments between the employee and the Board. Payments by Public Agency to Board may be made in the form of warrants, bank checks, bank drafts, certified checks, money orders or cash. B. This amendment shall be attached to said contract and shall be effective on the day of ")utiy 19—f. Witness our hands the day of 19_ BOARD OF ADTIIAISTRATIO^I CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RE^_IREUNT SYSTEI'1 OF THE CITY OF ATASCADF.RO BY BY Cari J. Biechinger, xecutive nicer Presiding. icer ADproved as to foXm: Attest: P L: -1014-702 AGREEMENT AUTHORIZING THE MERGER OF • - THE CONTRACTS OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO AND THE ATASCADERO FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT WITH THE BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION, PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Atascadero and the Board of Directors of the Atascadero Fire Protection District entered into contracts with the Board of Administration, Public Employees' Retirement System, effective April 19, 1950 and January 1, 1975 respectively, providing for participation of their employees in said system; and - WHEREAS, the Atascadero Fire Protection District has ceased to exist; and WHEREAS, the City of Atascadero has employed all of the employees of the Atascadero Fire Protection District; WHEREAS, Section 20567.2 of the Government Code authorizes a merger of contracts for participation in the Public Employees' Retirement System where one contracting agency is required by law to assume the contract of another agency; and . WHEREAS, the Public Employees' Retirement System has proposed an Agreement to be accepted and executed by the governing body of the aforementioned public agency to provide for merger of the contract between the Atascadero Fire Protection District, and the Board of Administration, Public Employees' Retirement System, into the Contract between the City of Atascadero and said Board; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the governing body of the aforementioned public agency authorizes, and do hereby authorize, an Agreement between the City of Atascadero and the Board of Administration of the Public Employees' Retirement System to merge the contract between said Board and the Atascadero Fire Protection District into the contract between said Board and the City of Atascadero as authorized by Section 20567.2 of the Government Code; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the presiding officer of the governing body of the aforementioned contracting agency is hereby authorized, empowered, and directed to execute said Agreement for and on behalf of the respec- tive agency. j 1 Witness our hands this day of 1980. BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION CITY COUNCIL • PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO BY BY Carl J. Blechinger, Executive Officer Robert J. Wilkins, Jr. , Mayor Approved as to form: Attest: Legal Office, PERS Murray L. Warden, City Clerk Approvedas to form: Allen Grimes, City Attorney 0 0 ORDINANCE NO. 28 G • AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO ADDING CHAPTER 1 ENTITLED PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD TO TITLE 10 OF THE ATASCADERO MUNICIPAL CODE Section 1. Chapter 1 of Title 10 is added to the Atascadero Municipal Code to read as follows : TITLE 10 . PARKS AND RECREATION Chapter 1. Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Section 10-1. 01. Established. There is created a Parks and Recreation Advisory Board composed of seven (7) members. Section 10-1. 02,. Oualifications. The regular members of the Advisory Board shall be qualified electors of the City and shall serve without compensation. The . membership of the Advisory Board shall include seven (7) members of the public who shall hold no other public office in the City. Section 10-1. 03 . Ex officio members . There shall be two (2) ex officio members on the Advisory Board consisting of one (1) member of the City Council and one (1) member representing the school district. Ex officio members shall be appointed by the Mayor and shall serve without compensation. Section 10-1.04. Terms of office and vacancies. Regular members of the Advisory Board shall serve for a period of four (4) years beginning on July lst. The terms of three (3) of the regular members shall expire on June 30 , 1982 , and every four (4) years thereafter; and the terms of the four (4) other regular members shall expire on June 30, 1984 , and every four (4) years thereafter. • The term of the ex officio member representing the City Council shall terminate upon expiration of the Council term of office. The ex officio member representing the school district shall serve for a • period of four (4) years. The term of the ex officio member repre- senting the school district shall expire on June 30 , 1982 , and every four (4) years thereafter. Vacancies in the Advisory Board occurring otherwise than by expiration of term shall be filled in the manner hereinafter set forth for appointments . All members shall serve at the pleasure of the City Council_ Section 10-1.05. Appointments . Appointments for the Advisory Board and the filling of vacancies shall be made by the City Council. Vacancies shall be filled for the unexpired term only. Section 10-1. 06. Organization. At its first regular meeting following July 1st of each year, the members of the Advisory Board shall elect a Chairman and a Vice • Chairman, who shall hold office for one (1) year. The Chairman shall preside over meetings, appoint appropriate committees, sign resolutions and direct the affairs of the Advisory Board. In the absence of the Chairman, the duties of this office shall be performed by the Vice Chairman. Section 10-1. 07 . Procedure. The Advisory Board shall adopt rules and regulations to govern its procedures and shall set a time and place for regular meetings which will be held at least once a month. Section 10-1. 08 . Quorum. A majority of the members shall constitute a quorum. 2 - • Section 10-1. 09. Absence from meetings. . Absence of a member from three (3) consecutive meetings, without formal consent of the Advisory Board noted in its official minutes , constitutes the voluntary resignation of such absent member and the position shall be declared vacant. Section 10-1. 10. Secretary, minutes. The Advisory Board Chairman shall appoint a secretary from among the Board members who shall maintain accurate minutes of the activities and official actions of the Advisory Board. Section 10-1. 11. Duties and responsibilities. The duties and responsibilities of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board shall be to: (a) Act in an advisory capacity to the City Council in all matters pertaining to parks and public recreation and to • cooperate with other governmental agencies and civic groups in the advancement of sound park and recreation planning and programming; (b) Formulate policies and parks and recreation services for consideration by the City Council; (c) Meet with the City Council at least once each year to dis- cuss policies , programs , future needs or other matters requiring joint deliberations. More frequent meetings may be held if deemed necessary by a determination of a majority of members of the City Council and Parks and Recrea- tion Advisory Board. All such meetings shall be held in accordance with statutory requirements governing public • meetings. 3 - (d) Recommend to the City Council the development and improve- ment of parks , recreational areas , facilities, programs , • and recreation services ; (e) Make periodic surveys of parks and recreation services that exist or may be needed and ascertain the needs of the public for such services; (f) Assist in coordinating parks and recreation services with the programs of governmental agencies and voluntary organi- zations ; (g) Disseminate to the public information concerning the policies and functions of the Parks and Recreation Department; (h) Advise the Recreation Director in the development and opera- tion of the parks and recreation programs and facilities ; J (i) Suggest rules and regulations governing the use of parks and recreation areas and facilities. • Section 10-1. 12. Recreation Director - Meeting attendance , reports . The Recreation Director shall attend the meetings of the Advisory Board and shall make such reports to the Board, the City Manager, or to the City Council as may be required. Section 2 . Publication. The City Clerk shall cause this ordin- ance to be published once within fifteen (15) days after its passage in the Atascadero News , a newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circulated in the City in accordance with Section 36933 of the Government Code- shall certify the adoption and posting of this ordinance and shall cause this ordinance and this certification together with proof of posting to be entered into the Book of Ordin- ances of this City. • 4 - Section 5. Effective Date. This ordinance shall go into effect • and be in full force and effect at 12 :01 a.m, on the 31st day after its passage. The foregoing ordinance was introduced on and adopted at a regular meeting of the Council held on AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ROBERT J. WILKINS , JR. , Mayor ATTEST: MURRAY L. WARDEN, City Clerk • APPROVED AS TO FORM: 1 ALLEN GRIMES, City Attorney • M_E_M_O_R A N_D_U M_ 3 • TO: City Council FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: Resolution setting blanket position bond coverage sums for City employees The attached resolution formalizes surety bond coverage. The bonds have been purchased for some weeks, but we were unable to get the resolution prepared prior to now. This will formalize /your previous action. v� UR Y L WARDEN MLW:ad 8-21-80 • • RESOLUTION NO. 19-80 RESOLUTION SETTING BLANKET POSITION BOND COVERAGE SUMS • FOR CITY EMPLOYEES BE IT RESOLVED that the Atascadero City Council , in accordance with Section 36518 of the Government Code, does hereby set the Honesty Blanket Position Bond Coverage and Faithful Performance Blanket Position Bond Coverage sums as follows : Employees $ 5 ,000 per employee City Clerk 25 , 000 City Treasurer 50 ,000 On motion by Councilman and seconded by Councilman the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call vote: . AYES: NOES : ABSENT: ADOPTED: ROBERT J. WILKINS, JR. , Mayor ATTEST : MURRAY L. WARDEN, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FO 1: ALLEN GRIMES , City Attorney • M_E M_O_R A_N_D M lJ • TO: City Council FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: School crossing guard problem After the Council' s decision to pay half of the school crossing guard costs , I sent a full packet of the information as presented to you to each member of the School Board and to the School District Superintendent. I requested their reaction at the earliest possible time. Hopefully, they would agree to sharing the cost of the school crossing guard program. Understandably, it is too early to have received a reply from them. I have, however, received a call from one School Board member which indicated that that individual did not agree with the City' s position. I hope , after our discussion that this person will give further consideration to the issue. I under- stand that the Superintendent of Schools has been quoted as saying that the School District will not participate in the program, but I have not received any notice of such a determination. Notwithstanding the differences of opinion, school will start the first part of September and, if both the District and the City stone-wall their respective postions , no guards will be present . • I am reluctant to suggest that the City undertake the program on a temporary basis , but think that it would be irresponsible to drop the program without having first determined the District' s position. Of course , the School Distirct could do as I am suggesting for the City; but, at this moment, I don' t have much hope of their taking the initiative in the matter. Accordingly, I recommend that the Council fund one-half of the costs of the annual program, but only for a limited time and only to provide time to resolve the issue and only for those positions directly related to "to and from" school traffic crossing designated streets ; i .e. , eliminating the mid-day activities of the guard devoted to the inter-campus traffic and possibly adjusting the Santa Rosa School guard' s activities . The City should only contract with the required number of guards for a half-year with the understanding that we will , during that period, try to reach an agreement with the District. In the event that we are unable to reach an agreement, then other options should be examined, including consideration of changing or not paying for the program. If you approve this procedure , I will need a transfer of approxi- mately $8 ,500 from Contingency Reserve into the Police Department budget to fund the first half year. I will contact the existing guards and offer them a contract reflecting this decision and will cont. ue to�tr fooyr� agreement with the District. AY I. W' ARDEN 9LW:ad/8-21-80 M_E M_O_R_A_N_D_U M_ l • TO: City Council FROM: City Manager SUBJECT! Assessment for joining the CCCJPA Last year I notified you that the Joint Powers Authority consisting of the cities in the County area were asking a $6 ,000 buy-in fee for the City of Atascadero to participate in the program. You agreed to pay that fee based on a $3, 000 payment in December and another payment in July of this year. Having been one of the founding participants in that program, I did not feel that the $6 ,000 buy-in fee was justified and have consequently been discussing the matter with other city managers in the JPA at manager meetings . Initially, the managers were firm in their opinion that the $6 , 000 was justi- fied, but in the course of the discussions , changed their minds and acknowledged that the amount assessed was not appro- priate. As a consequence, they recently established the buy- in figure at $700 for the Workers Compensation program and $700 for the Liability program for a total of $1 ,400 . No chancres were made for the benefits program since we were one • of the original participants . Theoretically, this amount covers the cost of the formation of the two programs. I am not convinced that this amount is totally justified, but it has a more reasonable relationship to the cost than the original $6 ,000 . Accordingly, I recommend your approval. Since the matter was not resolved at the time of budget approval, we will now need two actions, (1) a motion by the Council approving the expenditure of $1, 400 to participate in the Central Coast Cities Self-Insurance Joint Powers Agreement for workers Compen- sation and Liability program, and (2) Council authority to transfer $1 , 400 from Contingency Reserve to line #259 under the Non-Departmental portion of the 1980-81 adopted budget. RRAY WARDEN MLW:ad 8-21-80 •