HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 10/13/1980 AGENDA - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting October 13,' 1980 7:30 p.m. Atascadero Administration Building Call to Order Pledge of- Allegiance Invocation Roll Call Public Comment NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC All matters listed under Item A, Consent Calendar, are considered to be routine and will be enacted by one motion in the form listed be- 1, low. There will be no separate discussion of these items. If discus- ' sion- is required, that item will be removed from the Consent Calendar and will be considered separately. Vote may be by roll call. A. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Minutes of the regular meeting of September 22, 1980 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 2. Treasurer's Report, 9-1-80 to 9-30-80 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) B. HEARINGS, APPEARANCESAND REPORTS 1. Report regarding building renovation bids 2. Report on narcotics paraphernalia ordinance/legislation t C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS t " l. '" Review of traffic problem at Rancho del Bordo Mobile Home Park ` 2. Ordinance No. 30, Transient Occupancy Tax - second reading 3. Ordinance No. 31, amending Zoning Map - first reading 4. Fire Captains ' salary adjustments D. NEW BUSINESS 1. Resolution No. 23-80 commending Supervisor Hans Heilmann .on his retirement : 2. Consideration of bids for repair of Pavilion roof 3. Consideration of bids for chip sealing program 4. Consideration ,of rental agreement with. County Community Mental' Health Services for use of Aiascadero LakePark Ranger's Residence D. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION 1. City Council 2. City Attorney 3. City Manager l I %. MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting September 22, 1980 7: 30 p.m. Atascadero Administration Building The meeting was called to order at 7: 30 p.m. by Mayor Wilkins with the Pledge of Allegiance. Reverend Glenn Layton of the Atascadero Gospel Chapel gave the invocation. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Councilmen Highland, Nelson, Stover and Mayor Wilkins ABSENT: Councilman Mackey PUBLIC COMMENT None A. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Minutes of the regular meeting of September 8, 1980 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 2. Waiver of curb and gutter requirements established in con- junction with construction of a maintenance yard - Atascadero Mutual Water Company (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) 3. Acceptance of Final Map, Tract No. 770 , 8600 Atascadero Ave. , Watson/Hilliard (RECOMMEND ACCEPTANCE) MOTION: Councilman Highland moved for the approval of the Consent Calendar. The motion was seconded by Councilman Nelson. Mayor Wilkins reviewed the items on the Consent Calendar. The motion was unanimously carried by roll call vote. B. HEARINGS, APPEARANCES AND REPORTS 1. Public hearing on request for a change of zoning from A-1-2;5 to C-2-D, 2450 E1 Camino Real - Wentzel/Gaskell Larry Stevens , Planning Director, noted that this application had been approved by the Planning Commission with conditions; Commissioner Wentzel had abstained from the discussion and voting. Mayor Wilkins declared the hearing open to the public and called for comments. As there were no comments , the public hearing was closed. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Staff be directed to file a Notice of Determination concerning the Condi- tional Negative Declaration and to prepare an ordinance and ordinance map for consideration at the next meeting, The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and unani- mously carried. MINUTES ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting September 22, 1980 Page Two 2. Update on 'school crossing guard` situation - .report by City Manager Mr. Warden stated that he had received correspondence from the District Superintendent advising that the School Board will consider this matter at their meeting of October 6 , 1980, which will be- held in the Instructional Media Center at the- High School. Mr. Warden also advised that the School' s Legal Service had informed the School District that they had no obligation to provide school crossing guards and maintained that it was the City'sresponsibility to do so. He reviewed an opinion from,the City Attorney which disagreed with the School's Legal Service. Mr. Grimes stated that he dial not feel that this was a legal issue; rather a political one which; the two agencies should work together to; resolve. Council discussed this matter and several members stated that they would attend the School 'Board meeting and ,felt that the City Manager should attend also. C. UNFINISHED' BUSINESS 1. Appointment of ex officio Councilmember and School District member to Parks and" Recreation Advisory Board Mr. Warden stated that although he realized the Council's inten- tion was to appoint Councilman Nelson as the Council' s ex officio member to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board, they had not officially done so. Also, the School District Superintendent has recommended that Dan Ross be appointed to the Board as the representa- tive from the School District. ` MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Council appoint Council- man Nelson as the ex officio representative from the Council and Dan Ross as the ex officio representative from the School District to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and unanimously carried. Mr. Warden advised that the next Board meeting would be held in Room 304 on October 9, 1980, at 7:30 p.m. 2. Ordinance No. 29, Purchasing System '- second reading MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Ordinance No. 29 be read by title only. The motion was seconded by Council- man Stover and unanimously carried. Mayor Wilkins read Ordinance No. 29 by. title only. • • MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting September 22 , 1980 • Page Three MOTION: Councilman Highland moved for the adoption of Ordinance No. 29. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and unanimously carried by roll call vote. D. NEW BUSINESS 1. Resolution No. 22-80 - Retirement of Senator Robert P. Nimmo Mayor Wilkins read Resolution No. 22-80 by title. MOTION: Councilman Nelson moved for the adoption of Resolution No. 22-80. The motion was seconded by Councilman Highland and unanimously carried by roll call vote. 2 . Ordinance No. 30 - Transient Occupancy Tax - first reading MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Ordinance No. 30 be read by title only. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and unanimously carried. Mayor Wilkins read Ordinance No. 30 by title only. • MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that this constitute the first reading of Ordinance No. 30. The motion was seconded by Councilman Nelson and unanimously carried. 3. Resolution No. 21-80 - Claim for Local Transportation Funds Mr. Warden explained that this claim was filed annually in order to receive the City' s share of SB 325 monies. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that the City Manager be author- ized to sign the claim. The motion was seconded by Councilman Nelson and unanimously carried. 4. Consideration of street closure for Colony Days Parade MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that the Council authorize the closure of streets as specified in the memo provided to Council. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and unanimously carried. 5. Consideration of bids for telephone service Mr. Warden reviewed the bids received and the advantages to purchasing communications equipment vs. renting. MOTION: Councilman Nelson moved that the bid from Telephone West • in the amount of $37 , 466 be accepted. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and unanimously carried by roll call vote. • • MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting September 22 , 1980 Page Four MOTION: Councilman Nelson moved for authorization to transfer $2 , 466 from Contingency Reserves to the Building Reno- vation fund. The motion was seconded by Councilman Highland and unanimously carried by roll call vote. MOTION: Councilman Stover moved that the City Manager be authorized to execute the contract between Telephone West and the City. The motion was seconded by Council- man Highland and unanimously carried. 6. Consideration of transfer of funds for fire insurance premium MOTION: Councilman Highland moved for acceptance of the coverage from Gordon Hunt Brokerage in the amount of $6 , 570; and that Council authorize the transfer of $3, 330 from Con- tingency Reserves to Account 01-4301-255 . The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and unanimously- carried by roll call vote. E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION 1. City Council • (a) Councilman Nelson asked if there were plans to have anyone live in the Ranger' s house next to the zoo. Mr. Warden advised that, at present, there were none. 2. City Attorney Mr. Grimes had nothing to report. 3. City Manager (a) Mr. Warden advised that the City would receive _ approxi- mately $111,000 more than anticipated for 1980-81 property taxes. (b) Mr. Warden stated that there would be a retirement party for Hans Heilmann on November 22nd. He stated that Staff would prepare a resolution of commendation for considera- tion at the next meeting. (c) Mr. Warden requested an executive session to discuss personnel matters and stated that there may or may not be an announcement by Council after the meeting. The meeting adjourned to executive session at 8 : 30 p.m. and returned to regular session at 9 : 35 p.m. The following motions were • • 0 MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting September 22 , 1980 • Page Five made with regard to the firefighters: MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Council make a deter- mination that the City has not been able to reach an agreement with the firefighters . The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and unanimously carried. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that the City unilaterally implement the draft agreement dated 9-22-80; which essentially provides for everything that the firefighters and the City did agree upon with the exception of the Class II personal qualification provision; this includes firefighters at the Class II salary rate , but bringing them in at a Class I qualification classification. The motion was seconded by Councilman Nelson and unanimously carried. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Council authorize trans- fer of funds from Contingency Reserve to retroactively pick up the firefighters' dependents ' health care pre- mium, retroactive to July 1, 1980. The motion was seconded by Councilman Nelson and unanimously carried by roll call vote. The meeting adjourned at 9 : 40 p.m. Recorded by: MURRAY L. WARDEN, City Clerk By: Ardith Davis Deputy City Clerk • CITY OF ATASCADERO TREASURER'S REPORT SEPTEMBER 1, 1980 TO SEPTEMBER 30, 1980 BALANCE AS OF AUGUST 31, 1980 $ 55,946 .99 RECEIVABLES (per attached items) 343,911.28 Deposit in transit 9/30-10/1 60,000. 00 PAYABLES Warrant Registar 81-031 (48,784. 95) O U II 11 11 11 11 11 81-032 (24,369.37) n n n n n " " " 81-033 (60,1.87..08) n a u u u ° ° ° 81-034 (72,325.12) Prepaid Check List (250,743.01) Balance as of 9/30/80 $3,448.74 PETTY CASH ON HAND 33.71 LOCAL AGENCY INVESTMENT FUND 790,000.00 TIME DEPOSIT, MID STATE BANK, 15. 15% interest, Matures 4/24/80 100, 000. 00 TOTAL $893,482.45 CERTIFICATION I, RALPH H. -DOWELL, JR. , do hereby certify and declare that the demands enumerated and referred to in the foregoing register are accurate and just claims against the City and that there are funds available for payment thereof in the City Treasury. RALPH H. DOWELL, JR. Finance Director COUNTERSIGNED: ARAAVt. WARDEN City Manager DEPOSIT LISTING SEPTEMBER 1, 1980 TO SEPTEMBER 30, 1980 PERMITS $ 25,2$4.79 BUSINESS LICENSES 285.00 POLICE REPORTS 169.00 DIAL-A-RIDE 'FAREBOX 1,000.95 INTEREST FROM INVESTMENTS 7,582.66 -' "IN LIEU OF TAX (9/80) 32,051.47 CIGARETTE TAX (9/80) 7,838. 03 GAS TAX (9/80)` 14,557.63 USE TAX (9/80) 97,204.25 FROM LAIF 50,000.00' TIME DEPOSIT MATURED 107,937 .50 $343, 911.28 DEPOSIT IN TRANSIT FROM LAIF 9/30-10/1 60,000.00 $403,911.28 EXPENDITURE LIST • SEPTEMBER 1, 1980 TO SEPTEMBER 30, 1980 DATE CHECK # VENDOR AMOUNT 9/04/80 P1649A U.S. Post Office $ 40. 00 9/12/80 P1660 LAIF Deposit 100, 000 00 9/16/80 P1666 LAIF Deposit 50 ,000.00 9/17/80 P1668A Gary White 50. 00 9-23-80 P1669 LAIF Deposit 100, 000. 00 9/26/80 P1679 Florence Girlando 168 . 99 9/30/80 P1680 U. S. Post Office 200. 00 9/01/80 00000 Adjustment from August 284 . 02 TOTAL $250,743. 01 • • LIVE FILE Convert I Access I StorO THIS SHEET INDICATES THIS SECTION CONTAINS POOR QUALITY IMAGES ATASCADERO PAGE NO. 1 DEMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. 81-031 DATE 09/oar 0 PAYEE WARRANT CHECK 'OUCHER DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN NO. DESCRIPTION ACCOUNTCHG'D INV.NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT ATASCADERO NjFvvS ,944 LEGAL PIJB ORD #27 01-4102-247 VI-82-7 52.08 ;944 LEGAL PUB ORD #27 01-4102-247 Vti-833 111 .93 ;950 PUBLICATION 01 -4102-247 V4827 24. 15 261 . 188. 16 ATAS h1l.1TUAL tkATER CO ;944 FIRE DEPT 16-1000 01-4402-232 40.00 ;944 FIRE DEPT 19-7000 01-4402-232 137 .79 ;944 PARK STRI" 17-45000 01-4404-232 59.39 261E 237 . 16 ATASCADERO SANT.T.ATTOIN ;944 SERER VET 'S BLDG 001-006 01-4405-231 . 5.50 2617 5.50 RAY TYPEVIRITFR ,944 OFFICE EOUIPNiF_NT 01-4106-301 1366 189.74 261f 189.74 I & H. BLUEPRINIT 11,IG • X944 SUPPLIES, OFFICE 01-4201 -212 1954 4.09 1944 SUPPLIES, OFFICE 01-4401-205 1938 6. 07 261 10. 16 CERTIFIED 9UILOINIG I"ISPECTI ,950 BLDG INSPECTOR CONTPACT 01-4110-224 0000100 869.00 262 869,00 COAST TO COAST ;944 KEYS 01-4405-?17 368747 6.66 262.1 6.66 COLONY BIJSINFSS SYSTEMS ;9411 PRINTING PURCHASE ORDERS (11-4106-210 867 476.66 262 . 476 .68 DAILY PRESS 1945 LEGAL #7063 01-4201-248 7863 60. 38 2945 PUbLICATIOf,1 SUBSCRIPTTOfv 01-4202-209 9.00 2623 69.38 DARCY PRINTING CO. ;Q45 OFFICE SUPPLIFS 01-4301-210 6111 1217 .52 2624 1217,52 ATASCADERO PAGE NO. 2 �EMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. $1-0S1 DATE 09/05/80 PAYEE WARRANT CHECK VOUCHER DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN N4 DESCRIPTION ACCOUNTCHG'D INV.NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT I I STEVEN J DOUGLASS, M.D . 3444 PHYSICAL J KENNALY 7/24/e,01-0101-101 9n .00 3944 PHYSICAL P WEST 7/28/80 01 -4401 -101 91.00 3945 PHYSICAL D ELTSARRARAS 8 01-4402-101 90 .00 3945 PHYSICAL J IRVING 8/21 /,001-4402-101 90.00 3945 PHYSICAL F L.OPE7. 8/22/80 01-4402-101 90 .00 3944 PHYSICAL C LANE 7 /25/80 01-4405-101 90.00 3945 PHYSICAL J ROnGERS 7/29/801-4405-101 262 630.00' DIETERICH-POST CO 3945 OFFICE SUPPLIES 01 -4401-210 03802 8. 43 3945 OFFICE SUPPLIES 01 _4401-210 647192 225.76 2626 234. 19; EL CAMINO RUILDING SUPPLY 3945 MAINT SUPPLIES 01-4405-217 14346 50.29 3945 MAINT SUPPLIES 01-4405-221 14361 23.32 2627 73.61 , i ALLEN GRIMES 3946 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 8/ 101-4103-224 1800.00 262P 1800 .00 GRISANTI HApnwARE 3945 MAINT SUPPLIES 01-4110-210 4060 9.35 3945 MAINT SUPPLIES 01-4402-210 4:-)0R 13.44 3945 MAINT SUPPLIES 01-4405-217 4061 24.46 1 3945 MAINIT SUPPLIES 01-4405-217 4114 14.89 3946 MAINT SUPPLIES 01-4405-217 4209 74 .76 3946 MAINT SUPPLIES 01-4405-217 4270 19.86 3946 MAINT SUPPLIES 01-4405-217 4706 13.57 2629 170.35 GORDON HUNT PROKFRAGF 3946 IIS FIRE HOIISF AF123-365 01-4301-255 260 . 00 ?630 260.00 i HOPPFR, INC ! 3946 GENERAL SUPFLTES 01-4402-210 330886 41 . 19 3946 GENERAL SUPPLIES 01-4402-210 29f,779 21. 14 I ATASCADERO PAGE NO. 3 DEMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. 81 -031 DATE 09/000 PAYEE WARRANT CHECK VOUCHER DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN NO. DESCRIPTION ACCOUNTCHG'D INV.NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT 3946 SMALL TOOLS 01-4402-221 29677 . 51 .86 3Q46 SMALL TOOLS 01-4402-22t 296571 13.49 2631 127 .67 LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES 3946 CONFERENCE 01-4101-206 000000 300 .00 3946 CONFERENCE 01-4102-206 000000 75.00 263 375.00 LANRENCE R MC PHEPSON 3950 MILEAGE 01-4401-203 000000 34 .04 2632 34 .04 MR 5 PHOTOGRAPHY 3944 FILM DEV 9 PRINT 01-4201-210 1182 6.52 2630 6.52 ROBERT MOORS 3946 LAON CARE CONTRACT 01-4404-301 4539 738 .00 263c- 738.00 A F NISECK.ER P.E . 0 3946 CONTRACT 01-4405-301 125-MS 640 .00 2636 640.00 PAPER WORKS 3950 PRINTING 01-4401-208 STMT 347 .68 2637 347 .68 POULTRYMENS COOP ASSOC 3947 FOOD/7.00 01-4404-210 18385 52.79 263E 52.79 PACIFIC HOME IMPROVEYENT CN 3947 MAINT MATFRIALS 01-4404-217 207291 1 .79 3847 SMALL TOOLS 01-4404-221 207291 28 .40 3946 MAINT SUPPLIES 01-4405-217 207652 66.P8 3947 MAINT SUPPLIES 01-4605-217 207251 44.68 5947 MAINT SUPPLTES 01-4405-217 207603 35.20 3947 MAINT SUPPLIES 01-4405-217 20762F 37 .45 5947 ,SAINT SUPPLIES 01-4405-217 207297 29 .92 3947 ELEVATOR MAIINT CONTRACT -kf 2631 254 . 16 0 ATASCADERp PAGE NO. 4 EMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. 81-031 DATE 09/05/80 PAYEE WARRANT CHECK OUCHER DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN NO. DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT CHG'D INV.NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT PASO ROBLES NEWSPAPERS, INC 947 CENSUS ADD 01 -4102-248 8/80 32.80 2640 32.80 RADIO SHACK 947 TAPES 01-4201-210 F12504 5.91 2641 51.91 RED STAR INN SERV 947 UNIFORM RENTAL 01 -4405-211 338175 16.70 2642 16.70 CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO 947 4ORKERS COQ?P 01-4110-106 2471 193.20 947 l%ORKERS COMP 01-4201-106 21171 2287 .00 946 LIABILITY INS FY—E0-81 01 -4301-237 000000 34328.00 948 8UY IN 01-4301-259 2511 1400.00 947 WORKERS COMP 01-44101-106 2471 265.00 2643 38.493.20 L SAURET INC -44BULK FUEL 01-4202-219 29959 442.27 2.644 442.27 TAYLOR RENTAL CENTER 1419 SAFETY EQUIP RENTAL 01-4402-22LI 009568 14. 11 2645 14 . 11 WESTERN OFFICE PRODUCTS INC a48 OFFICE SUPPLIES 01-4102-212 15166 12.00 14A OFFICE SUPPLIES 01-4102-212 15166 25. 10 ?49 OFFICE SUPPLIES 01-41022-212 15221 15.92 149 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1-41.02-212 15224 11. . 18 %49 OFFICF SUPPLIES 1-4106-212 15225 13.96 )49 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1 -4106-212 15166 3.45 )49 OFFICE SUPPLIES 01-4106-212 15166 13.541 449 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1 -4106- 212 15166 10.07 )49 OFFICE SGPPLIFS 1 -4106-212 15224 2.98 )49 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1 -4106-212 15224 .70 )49 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1-4106-212 15224 .60 149 OFFICE SUPPI_ IF..S 1-4106-212 15224 4.98 '50 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1-4106-212 15224 1 .57 150 OFFICF SUPPLIES 1-4106-212 19166 2.00 A TASCADERO PAGE NO. 5 DEMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. 81-031 DATE 09/0180 PAYEE WARRANT CHECK N0.. !OUC DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED' WRITTEN DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT CHG'D INV.NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT :948 OFFICE SUPPLIES 01-4110-212 15166 11 .94 94P OFFICE SUPPLIES 101-4110-212 15166 2.50 948 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1-4110-212 15166 15.56 94Q OFFICE SUPPLIES 1-4110-212 15224 3.50 Q49 OFFICE SUPPLIES X01-4110-212 15224 2.95 1941 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1-4201-212 15256 51 .52 1948 OFFICE_ SUPPLIES 1-4201 -212 15269 50 .32 ,04? OFFICE SUPPLIES 1-4201-212 15304 38.64 9u8 OFFICE SUPPLIFS I01-4201-212 15303 23.09 949 OFFICE SUPPLIES �C1-4201-212 15224 .79 ,948 OFFICE SUPPLIES 01 -4401-212 15225 4.92 ;Q49 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1-4401-212 15166 3.60 :949 OFFICE SUPPLIES 01-4402-212 15166 4 .55 .949 OFFICE SUPPLIES . 1-4402-?.12 15224 4.95 2646, 259.56 ' ALSH SECURITY LOCK SHOP -948 KEYS 01-4405-217 9340 2.75 2647 2.75 -A'RY WHITE 943 INVESTIGATIVE EXPENSES 1-4201-P36 5n. OU 1646, 500 EE MEDICAL SERVICF •948 FIRST-AID SIIPPLIES 1-4202-210 433117 26.55 264$ 26055 ATRICIA M. GRAY 943 FINAL CHECK PAYROLL . 1-4106-101 412. 11 P1647 412. 11 .ALLY LA FRENIERE CONSTR CO .943 PERMIT OVFRPAYN'ENT REFUND' 1-3200-150 15.00 P1648 15000 i ATASCADERO PAGE NO. 6 EMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. 81-031 DATE 09/05/80 PAYEE WARRANT CHECK TOUCHER DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN NO. DESCRIPTION ACCOUNTCHG'D INV.NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT ;RITTF_�� 48307.84 REPAID 477 . 11 CCPUED .00 rOTAL 48784.95 RECAP FRY FUND RE—PAID NRITTEN FUND DI 477 . 11 48297 .40 FUND n5 .00 10.44 i ATASCADERO PAGE NO. 1 DEMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. 31 -032 DATE 09/11w PAYEE WARRANT CHECK TOUCHER DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN NO. DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT CHG'D INV.NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT TASCADERO INE;,.iS 957 PUB ORD #25 9/3/80 1-4102-247 -834 78.33 957 PUB CENCUS 6/8 1-4102-247 U000 36.00 957 PUB USE PERMIT 9/5/80 1-4110-247 -654 10.06 957 PUB PU3 HEARING 9/5/80 1-4110-247 -653 11 .97 2649 136.38 TAS HUTUAL PlATER CO 957 COMPLETE 2 FIRE HYDRANTS 1-4202-301 258 69.88 ?650 69.88 LERT-O-LITE 957 SAFETY EOUIPIJENT 1-4402-210 31676 826.38 2651 826.38 3 BLUEPRINTING 957 HAPS 01-4201-212 1842 12.02 2652 12.02 OMM TRANSIT SERVS, INC 957 DIAL-A-RIDE 7/23 - 8/1 5-4401-224 1647 1506.40 957 DIAL'-A-RIDE 8/4 - 8/8 5-4401-224 1648 1475.26 957 DIAL-A-RIDE 8/11 - 8/15 5-4401-224 1649 1490.33 2653 4472.49 MPLOYHENT DEVELOPMENT DEPT 955 SIT 8/ 13 +& 8/27 1-4102-101 00000 160.'48 955 SIT 8/13 & 8/27 1-4106-101 00000 387.65 955 SIT 8/13 R 8/27 1-411u-101 )00000 273.08 955 SIT 8/13 & 8/27 1-4201-101 3100000 689.64 955 SIT 8/13 & 8/27 1-4202-101- ) 00000 478.27 955 SIT 8/13 8/27 1-4401-101 00000 135.88 955 SIT 8/ 13 8/27 1-4404-101 00000 57.70 955 SIT 8/ 13 6 8/27 1-4405-101 _00000 20.54 955 SIT 8/ 13 9. 8/27 2-4402-101 00000 42.34 P1649, 2245.58 ,RISA:NTI HAilDppARE 957 HAINT SUPPLY 1-4202-216 3956 12. 13 957 HAINT SUPPLY 1-4202-216 4242 13.60 2654 25.73 EH AUTO PARTS 957 mAINT SUPPLY 01-4201-212 2977 5.30 ATASCADERO PAGE NO. 2 DEMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. 81 -032 DATE 09/17/80 PAYEE WARRANT CHECK N0. JOUC DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN DESCRIPTION ACCOUNTCHG'D INV-NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT 957 HAINT SUPPLY 1-4201-242 306752 958 MAINT SUPPLY 1-4202-215 050 3.08 26551. 8.90 (;-_Z yY\ A lJ 958 AUTO SUPPLY 1-4202-215 2526 18.57 2656 18.57 ID-STAT_ BANK 955 DIAL6A-RIDE BUS PMT 9/50 5-4401-224 D64121 1107.32 P1650 1107.32 U3LIC EMPLOYEE ' S RETIRE SYS 956 PERS 7/26 - 8/8 & B/9 - B )1-4102-101 0000 268.08 955 PERS 7/26 - 8/8 & 8/9 — 01-4102-103 1-4102-103 " 0000 488.66 956 PERS 7/26 - 8/8 & 8/9 - 01-4106-101 0000 212.26 955 PERS 7/26 - 8/8 & 5/9 - 8 )1-4106-103 0000 387 .22 956 PERS 7%26 - 8/8 & 6/9 - 8 )1-4110-101 ()000 403.35 955 PERS 7/26 - 8/8 & 8/9 — 1-4110-103 0000 735.76 956 PERS 7/26 - 8/8 & 6/9 - AOI-4201-101 0000 1964. 12 9 PERS 7/26 - 8/8 & 8/9 - 801-4201 -103 0000 4753,30 95 PERS 7/26 - 8/8 & 8/9 801-4202-101 0000 1030.24 956 PERS 7/26 - 8/8 & 8/9 - 801-4202-103 310000 2602.05 956 PERS 7/26 - 8/8 i& 8/9 --8 1-4401-101 0000 375.87 956 PERS 7/26 8/8 & 8/9 — 801-4401-101 " 0000 159.62 956 PERS 7/26 - 8/8 & 8/9 - 801-4401-103 J0000 685.61 956 PERS 7/26 - 8/8 & 8/9 - 901-4404-103 0000 291 . 19 956 PERS 7/26 - 8/6 & 8/9 - 801-4405-101 )0000 122.26 956 PERS 7/26 - 8/8 R 6/9 8 1-4405-lU3 U0000 223.00 956 PERS 7/26 - 8/9 & 8/9 - 902-4402-101 00000 176.51 ,956 PERS 7/26 - 8/6 & 8/9 - 802-4402-1031 00000 321 .99 P165 15201 , 12 FVIOR CITIZEN 'S UNITED, INC 955 JULY & AUG VEHICLE EXPEVS01-4301-257 00000 200.00 P1651 200.00 ICKI BACKMAN 957 REFUi4D CLEANING DEanSIT 1-3400-020 2AO3 45.00 2657 45.00 ATASCADERO PAGE NO. 3 DEMAND/WARRANT REG ISTERNO. 51 -032 DATE 09/10 PAYEE WARRANT CHECK N0. /OUC DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN DESCRIPTION ACCOUNTCHG'D INV.NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT WRITTEN 5615.35 REPAID 18754.02 CCRUED .00 TOTAL 24369.37 RECAP 9Y FUND RE-PAID NRITTEN FUND 01 17105.86 1142.86 FU'VD 02 540.84 .00 FUND 05 1107.32 4472.49 • • 4TAAADE0-) PAGE NO. N-033 09/24/80 41OPEMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. DATE PAYEE WARRANT CHECK VOUCHER NO. DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN DESCRIPTION ACCOUNTCHG'D INV.NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT ATUCAUERJ Films 3966 POLICE CAR LEASE & INA10T 01-4201-224 STIT 3G34.03` Pl(o0 39bb VALAIC_ POLICE CAR MAINT 01-4201-224 STMT 481 .07 P1664 3515. 10 ATA.3 nUTUAL XATE4 CO 3969 FIRE HYOti' AT I%STALL 01 -4202-301 4413 69.81; 3969 FNE HYBRAOT I48TALL 01-4202-301 4416 -34.94 3969 FIRE HYDIA"T IASTALL 01-4202-301 4417 139.76 3969 F IkE OYORANT IAS T ALL 01-4202-301 4416 6006 2722 314.46 RTAS FE_EPAL CRECIT UPIMi 3964 KruSIT 01-4201- 101 000u0 30 . 30 3964 )EPOolT 01-4202-101 09000 437 . 00 P1651 517 .30 AT43CADEPO TgAVEI_ 3966 lg4VEL-11ICKS-NAT FIRE A001 -l202-236 x0000 426.42 P1663 426.42 *TmE ART 3TORE 3967 OFFICE SUPPLIES 01-4110-212 5203 33. 86 2723 33.36 CAL- NEST PFIC, ioGgAPHy r AR'EHQ, 39bu Ci"ERA & QQUIF PER 6Iu 01-4201-303 4921 557 . 13 2724 ._ 537 . 13 3969 FUEL 01-4202-219 0500 99. 74 2725 99.74 CITY-Ca FED OPEi.IT UNI01,4 g 3969 DEPOSIT 01-4202-101 00000 62.50 P1654 62.50 CAYST.AL SPHUGS 4ATr R CJ 3910 ni ,•.Kin ouor 01 -4102-210 ST&T 92. 35 2726 92.35 _3J .TnY-C :AF=T 61A; Co)P Ny 3969 "POLICE" LAVK COVERS 01-4201-224 u683 35. 09 2.727 35.00 • il T 4 5 0 A I)E I'll,fl 2 PAGE NO. DEMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. 61-033 DATE 09/260 PAYEE WARRANT CHECK 'OUCHER DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN NO. DESCRIPTION ACCOUNTCHG'D INV.NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT 7Ay- fl.%;Eka q6i JFFICE SuPPLic3 01-4102-212 7623J4 10. 41 2728 18.41 OIETP_RIC~I—Pt.'ST CU 969 OFFICc E .ULP 01-4111-309 58497T 96. 16 969 C cuIT 9Ci:(i 01-4101-210 243 111 .30- 9b9 C;�EOIT ;t;IU 01-4401-210 254 18.40- 9b9 L'FFIC- t:,UIP 01-4401-210 30589T 9.22 919 0FFICE tJUIP 01-4401-210 94134T 816.97 2729 794.65 973 FINE DEPT 5ADGE5 01-4202-2J5 U6984 425.39 2730 425.39 kICK ELI8A,�K.ARAS EKCAVATIu+`d °68 SE,`:ER Pt PE. pll iK 01-4404-216 60-170 881 .85 2731 881 .85 • :Ir: AEL F-lE'jE kltrK r �;E', L CC),-,,T 96� 'ARKII"G L0T GPai;71;1; 01-4402-3109 STr•,T 1992.50 2732 1992.50 La ;G,�aTCRY I' C N 9b�i I-�VI �G PSE- PLal T TESTS 01-4402—lU1 0000 15.00 966 ,HIT;—LL's •:Ur.K 01-4404-101 0000 13. 00 2733 29.00 I ;T 'L 'IACHIIIES CL)nP 962 TYPE:,.RITcR F�ENTAL 01 -4110-301 H3tu13 65.60 96 ' C`?r'1Ek :� 0-$46LE 6/'30r7/ {Gr01-4301 -303 659115 1004. 35 2734 1067 .95 I.,T ' L ASSN, OF FI =.c ChI=FS I, '00 PUJLTCLTIC'I;5 01 -4202-209 1770 6.50 2735 8.50 ' IL 9bL) ,<Vlr't 05-4401-224 1022 63. 35 2736 63.35 • ATASOADERG 3 PAGE NO. EMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. 5- 1-033DATE 09/24/n-0 PAYEE WARRANT CHECK TUCHER DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN N0. DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT CHG'D INV.NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT JESPEPSE JI 'S Tike SERVICk 969 TInE REPAIR 01-4402-215 UOb45 5.00 2737 5.Ou KaISEP Sr;h;c A ,L) (:':RAVEL 969 PARKIiNG LOT SURFACI!` G 02-4402-224 136523 941 .60 2736 941 .60 JLkRY LUECK - t�ULLDOZIAG P69 PAkKIi,:G LOT bLjLLu97_i?\!G 01-4402-309 1516 100 .00 2739 100.00 - iID-STATE 3al•:K 964 FEG' ,•dITrinuL l lG 9/ 10/80 01-4102-131 389063 411 . 11) 964 FEu v 1Tt-.HUL1)1-NG 9/ 10/60 01-4106-101 369063 315.81 964 FEU tiIT'HHULOI�aC 9/ 10,/60 01-41110-101 359063 6J9. 35 9b4 FEJ s, IItimJLOI9/ 11)/80 01-4201-lul 369053 2011 .62 964 FE0 iiITH"0LI1I,-gG 9/10/80 01-4202-101 389063 1161 .52 9h4 FE'j % ITtl;IUL01!,Ia 9/10/oU 01-4401-1 '� 1 369063 375.02 9r,4 FEi �,41Tril0L1)1iVG, 9/10/1�O 01-44n4-1v1 369063 201..04 90 F.ii ,41T`HOLO1:,iG 9/ i -J/ t0 ill-44L,5-101 369063 150 .79 9 F w-C �,;I Tnti0LUI i!;; 9/ 1 t) 60 02-4402-1 j 1 369063 320.52 P 1655 5564. 16 ISSIJ,, LliiEii SuPPLt 919 JA;�ITOt�I L SUPF 01-4211?-211 1519A 1 .75 959 JA!'-IT1DnIAL 51-IPP 01-4202'-211 1596A 1 .75 `)5`' JAi%IT0-RIAL SUPP u1-4202-211 IbU3A 1 .75 959 Ja' I f0rl:14,L SUPP 01-4202-211 1610.A 1 .7bi 960 JA;*.ITC'RIaL SUPP 01-4202-211 1686A 1 .75 959 AUTO IAiaT 01 -4202-215 1559A 4.50 959 ,a IIT(I MA1%T til-' 202-215 1603A 4.01 959 AUT 1) ,:AI.,'f ul -4202-215 1666A 4. 05 959 PcCIAL. E G U I P 01-4202-242 1569A 4.40 959 SPECIAL r_CUIP 01-4202-242 1596A 4.40 959 8rkCiAL E,_4 1,1 P J1 -3202-242 14303A 4.40 959 JPECI4L ;-UIP 01-42v2.-242 lylOA 4 .40 960 SPtC1=+L `i"UIF 01-42'x2-242 1666A 4.40 959 HoL:3EKr.Fr' .I ;;1 -4202-250 15693 6. 15 959 '710LI5E EkP1 ,:G 01-42;12- 2250 15966 6. 115 959 rr0USEKrt:?Ii- G u1-<<202-250 1 b 0 3 8 4.65 9 15 9 -'OL,Sr:KELNi+;L; 01-4202-250 16 10 3 4.80 960 H9USt�Kk.L.PI`.G 01 -4202-250 16365 3.56 2740 68.72 ATASCADER6 PAGE NO. 5 DEMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. al-033 DATE 09/26 9/2 80 PAYEE WARRANT CHECK ;VOUCHER DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN NO. DESCRIPTION ACCOUNTCHG'D INV.NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT '3965 L)FFICE SHF-PLIC-5 01-4110-210 232 8.27 3965 t;F5 01-4201-204 226 3.95 3965 UPS 01-4202-204 234 2.43 3965 Lips 01-44G1-204 236 5.32 3965 (;EVER L SUPPLIES 01-4401-210 231 1 .79 :3965 hEi�t;;AL 801PPLIES 01-4402-210 229 2.74 P1659V 65.90 PH,UT0 GEr TE i 3951 FIL,,! 01-4202-222 5333 10.07 2745 10 .07 PITT C0 3061 SAFtTY El�i�ir 01-4201-302 b6486 317 .63 3.961 EVIDE,,!CE KIT 01-4201-303 b8487 205. 51 2746 523. 19 YAY%E '4AT R SYSTE%15 3961 ;.IA I r_K 50FTtNr K 9/ 1 t+ -.. 11/U 1-ucs0S-224 8Tt?T 18.00 2747 18.00 a .C . S. r I'';C . • 3973 �41)I0 r,.k)VTHLY r'AIAT 01-4202-229 60002 20U.00 2746 200.00 PE) STAP IV-) SERV 39118 U-4IFCR'IS 01-4405-211 266358 35.70 2749: 35.70 CITY OF SAN LUIS 06ISP:; 13963 HEALTh ISS - SEPT 01-4102-101 00000 67 .99 3963 HEALTH I.:S SEPT 01 -4102-105 U0000 80.80 '3963 yEALTy I:\,S - SEPT Ul-4106-105 00000 161 .60 3903 dE.tLT''i IF, S - SEPT 01-' 110-101 o000 67 .99 3965 hE.ALT;, I.`15 - SEPT 01-4110-105 u0001 161 .60 3963 HEHLT:, Il,;S - 5L:P-i 01-4201-101 U0000 951 .86 3963 1-IEALTH I!aS - 5 PT Oi�-4201-105 v0001 923.20 3963 .4EALTh I:,.5 - Sr PT 01-4802-101 u0000 b11 . 91 396 5 HEALTH Il'-S - SEPT 01-4202-105 00000 404. 01) 3403 HEALTi-i l ;,! 5 - SEPT Ul-4401-IUI 0OU00 135.9%' 3963 HEALT -I I,.5 - SEPT 01-4401-105 00000 161 .60 3965 r.EALTn I'16 - SEPT 01-X1404-101 U0000 135.9, 3965 HEALTH LAS - SGPT Ul-4404-lU5 00001) 1 ?1 .20 i I ATA CADERO PAGENO. 4 *DEMAND/WARRANT 81 -G33 REGISTER NO. DATE 09/24l6G PAYEE WARRANT CHECK VOUCHER DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN NO. DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT CHG'D INV.NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT OLIVER & nILLIAwS 3967 ELEV4T )R 5`dC 9/60 1-4269-01-4405-224 61 .25 2741 61 .25 0 J ' S GUTFITTEkS 5973 61ADCULAR6 01-4202-311 004055 127 .20 2742 127 .20 P4CIFIC GAS 3 ELECTRIC 3967 CITY hALL 3/ 7-9/9 HQ36-601-4202-227 627 .45 3973 FIriE DEPT ELEC 6/7-9/9 HQI-402-227 127 . 07 3967 LIGHTS AT LAME 6/60 TBRP401-4404-227 56.31 5967 763S LOGO AVE 6/5-9/5 F001-4404-20 3967 LAKE RrSTWOO"S 6/5-9/5 FROi-4444-227 6.56 5967 FOUNTAIN PUVP 8/7-9/9 H6?01-4404-227 1 .75 067 LAXE 6/5-9/5 FU51-0030 01-4404-227 1 .75 )967 CITY HALL 6/7 -9/9 HBR38-COI-4405-227 40.23 ! i967 5TWEFT LIGHTS 0/60 ToRP2-05-x402-227 1395. 33 2743 2938.76 ; 0 KCIFIC T`LE4:F;GNE 5960 � O MTHLY SVC 6/00 231 .64 39bu HaTIiLY SVL 6/80 466-800001-4110-228 231 .64 5960 nONTHLY Sm 6/SO 466-00001-4201-228 504.55 5960 236-451 -0124-376-h 01-401-226 SEPT 15. 00 5966 234-451 -6u33-201 -4 01-4201-228 SEPT 15.00 39b6 236-451 -6032-141 -N 01-4201-228 SEPT 15.00 1966 2?A-451 -6u31 -b77 01-4201-223 SEPT 15.00 060 i'hOvt INST/SVC 8/60 466-001-4202-228 316.84 5960 Y'3NTnLY SVC e/50 09i-502301-4202-228 21 .56 30u VI:KT"LY SVC 4/00 466-800001-4401-226 51 .46 2744 1417.65 PETTY CASK - CITY TW ASURLR ;955 CONFERENCE 01-4102-206 135 13.22 ;965 CONFERENCE u1-4102-2Gb 233 13.05 405 GE 'aFRAL SUHPLICS 01 -4102-210 22o 6.65 3965 Ui=S 01-4106-204 230 3.07 ;9b5 UPS 01-4106-2G4 e34 2. 07 46s GE--RAL SUPPLILS 01-4100-303 237 . 48 :905 UP13 0 1"l l u-200 227 2.86 ATaSCH�E�tG PAGE NO. 6 81-U3S DEMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. DATE 09/20 PAYEE WARRANT CHECK ]UGHER N0: DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN DESCRIPTION ACCOUNTCHG'D INV.NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT 964 HEALTH IAS - SEPT 01-4405-101 00000 135.9? ?60 KEALTH InS - &EpT 01-4405-105 006ou bo .80 963 HEALTH No - SEPT 02-4402-101 UOuuu 135.98 903 HEALTH I.3 - SEPT 02-4402-105 00000 202. 00 F165f 4546. 47 370 EALANCE oORKEP 'S CovP ENk01-4110-106 STMT 38.63 ;66 oALANCE CIRnER ' b CORP ENP01-4201-106 STMT 457 .99 J56 BALANCE ' ORKER 'S UUP ENPOI-4441-105 STMT 55. 18 P1665- ' 551 .80 A m s rEPHENSo i 373 6LOG RENOVATION PLANS 01-405-301 00uou 2526. 40 2750 2526.00 2.0 CA ;AS C ) 167 SERVICE 6/10-9/00 927-75001-4102-224 35.63 ;73 PIKE DEPT GAS u/8-9/9 07-01-4202-230 3201-5 17 .82 16e 09-4952-235-0053-b 8/12 -01-4404-230 17 . 11 06 8112 u1-4404-23U 18.89 2751 895 F L SAURET I' C 05 u1-4202-220 30262 99.69 2752 99.69 f JANAL0 J 5YLVI4 44 CvU: LE IJEOuCTIOA C? U vIUNOI -4202-101 00000 350.060 P1654, 350.00 +� SoVTA 'ARIA TKE CO •61 <EPAlw FLAT 01-4404-223 38697 18.90 161 TIQ 05-4401-224 33736 74 . 09 2753 92.89 Bid ,J::H,:; A UPPL) CO. .nl WAiNT SUPPLIE6 01-4405-211 058361 526.56 2754 526.56 STNTE LU '•SLY Qi 31 REPAIR SuPFLIN 01-4002-217 157.31 46. 30 66 AIAT "ArE'.I l- 01-4402-222 15633 12.30 61 SIGN FuST6 til-440?-222 15731 3o .89 2755 95.49 • PAGE NO. 7 DEMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. 81-033 DATE 09/24/80 PAYEE WARRANT CHECK VOUCHER NO. DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN DESCRIPTION ACCOUNTCHG'D INV.NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT TEL:- RAM- T 3IFLINL 396 ;EXsus AUD 01-4110-247 JTiv+T 62.83 2756 62.63 1 T.;i'. CITIE6 C9i-4f-,Ull ITY H05PIT 3561. 'A;-KHYS - F LOPEZ u1-41402-101 032281) = 95. 00 3961 X-h'AYS - ;- J IRVING 01-4402-101 082180 95.00 3961 X- i.AYS - 0 EL15AR,"'ARES 01-4402-i01 062US0 95. 00 3975 �'- 1AY3 - 5C.7TT, x 01-4404-101 ST,, `IT 95.00 2757 360.00 TF�"PLLTIJN: FEED & CrAlf- 39n0 Z(?C FOOD 01-4404. 210 F87090 100.00 2758 - 100.00 lI 5 POST OFFICE 3965 E ,T P 0 80X 7147 01-410E-204 0000 22.15) P1658 22.00 39• 0x �?EiJT41- SOX T 9/<O - 9IJ1-4102-2014 ST °iT 43.00 P1667 48.00 ur' frj v GIL C0 OF CA 3961 rt.icL 7/7 T(-'I ;/7 01-4201-219 STtiiT 446. 04 2759 446.04 r5Tt:1 _ uFFICE PRODUCTS IMC 3962 OFFICE SuI,-PLIES 01-4102-212 15479 7 .26 3961_ OFFICE S'.jPPLIES 01-4102-212 15475 140.63 3962 OFFICE SUFPLIF_5 01-4102-222 15479 6.93 3962 OFFICE SUPPLIES Ul-4102-222 15475 61 . 00 3962 UFFICE SUFPLI`S 01-41 16-212 15476 37 . 12 3962 OFFICE S+JPPLItS 01 -4110-210 15279 3. 93 3962 6 F F FCC S,JP?LIE 0l -aI 10-2 10 1528() 8.52 9bE 'FF1 ,E SL;PPLJE, 01 -411V-212 1`-478 2.93 3 9 6 c'-, F F I C 5UPPLI-S til-4110-212 15276 41 .63 396c JFF ICE SUPPLIES C1-l+ 110-212 15279 10 .05 39o2 OFFICE 5Ui:'YLIc3 01-4110-212 15280 29.69 3962 JFr- I C c- 6(1PPLItS ul-4c01-212 15173 6. G1 397 .5 t_`CI F ILE r4tINE=T 01 -0201 -308 1559t) 179. 14 59oc 0 F F I C E S•_;PPLI- 01-4401-212 15477 1 . 07 27bO 536. 16 i I A 1 AaC�DEk�1 t3 PAGE NO. DEMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. 31-033 DATE 09/180 PAYEE WARRANT CHECK VOUCHER NO. DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN DESCRIPTION ACCOUNTCHG'D INV.NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT 3970, I!',VE5TI:;hTIVE St'^II',AR C1-4201-206 0000 501 .00 P1668 50 .00 PATIE!';CL J :aEST 39x,1 AIL'EAGE JULY 01-4401-203 .5TAlT 6.51 2761 8.51 L ZEE '•'EDIC,,L SERVICE I' 961 E.UIGAL SL,PPLIE--S 01-4202-210 433161 15.cs2 2762 15.82 1r_LLE!<?.ACll PAPt7;2 SERV 3961 --:AI!,+T SUPPLIES 01-4405-211 Iv;19yL14 487 .60 3962 -°A.I'•,T ziuPPLIES pl-4403-cll Iv-19754 302.25 27h3 789.85 Aq; IDTT CO>;'? ?1)65 SICC -; ;:T FIRE ACAJ - F k,Ul- 1202-236 000ou 1210. 00 P1b6- 1.00 rAYr(.ILL 31?6tT PH`!';;U.L i`ATE0 9/10/nI)01-4102-101 00000 1255.46 596E ET P01Y 1LL I)ATEu 9/ 10/3001 -0106-191 00000 1170 .132 3966 ur f PAYR;iLL G4TE.,) 9/ 10/6001-4110-101 u 0 0 0 u 2069,54 3961: F PAYi<UL1_ uATE0 9/ lu/8001-14201-101 00000 1039(2.27 39t)n 4 E T PAY-?0LL i)AIE0 9/10/6(i01-4202-101 00u00 4437 .25 5966 .44 .T PAY.lGLL 0ATED 9/t0/ i(?01-4401-101 00000 1 59.24 3906 .ET PAYrR(?LL I)ATE 0/ 10/8001-4401-1C, 1 00000 1392.91 3866 ;cT PAY'<<1I_L 0" TEI 9 /P,()01-4140✓-101 00000 969.64 3966 �� T PAY1CILL CATER 9/ 10/6=102-4402-101 00u00 1997 .73 00000 25684.851 i i r i , ,;Ti,5C r" Cr'�U c PAGE NO. DEMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. 81-033 DATE 09/24/6( PAYEE WARRANT CHECK VOUCHER NO. DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN DESCRIPTION ACCOUNTCHG'D INV.NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT ,iRITTEN 18662.57 REPAID 41524.51 CCRUED .0i 10TAL 60187. 0E RECAP 7Y FL*40 IRE-PAID WRITTEN FU;0 01 3A,367 . 98 15688.20 Fij'iD 0c 2656.53 941 .60 FUi,iC 05 .00 2032.77 i i ATASCADERID PAGE NO. 1 DEMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. 81-034 DATE 09/30 PAYEE WARRANT CHECK TOUCHER NO. DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN DESCRIPTION ACCOUNTCHG'D INV.NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT ATASCADERO NE',vS 986 CR FOR ADD ORD 926 01-4102-247 ?'826 40.95- '1986 BLDG INSPTOR ADD 01-4102-247 9/26 29.90 986 REC SUPERV ADD 01-4102-247 9/lb 25.20 -986 REC SUPERV ADD 01-4102-247 /25 25.20 986 DUMP TRUCK ADD 01-4402-306 F-655 8. 19 986 CHIP SEAL BID 05-4402-224 -658 22.26 2764 69.801 ATAS FEDERAL CREDIT UNION :997 CR UNION PAYMENT 9/5-9/1901-2160-005 867 .30 P1673 867.30 ATASCADERO POLICE ASSOCIATIO 990 DUES PAYRULL 9/10 & 9/24 U1-4201-101 UOOU00 85.00 P167t 85.00 ILL BLAiNKE dSHIP 986 FLASHLIGHTS 01-4201-210 5730 40.28 2765 40.28 ICHAEL P. CURRANt M.D. • 992 HAZELTON X-RAYS 01-4201-224 16458 44..00 2766 44.00 CHEVRON 983 FUEL 01-4201-215 00652 150.99 y. 992 FUEL 1-4201-219 "-940U 1499.71 992 FUEL 1-4402-219 -9400 47.40 . 992 FUEL 1-4404-219 5-9400 94.95 992 FUEL 05-4401-224 -9400 27 .00 983 FUEL 5-4401-224 00652 502. 16 2767 2322.21 ITY-CO FED CREDIT UNION 997 CR UNION PAYMENT 9/5-9/1901-2160-005 62.50 P1672 62.50 ALIF STATE FIREMEW5 ASSOC 982 DUES - VOLUNTEERS U1-4202-256 OOOOG 90. 00 2768 90.00 DAILY PRESS 983 "CHIP SEAL 6ID" ADD 01-4102-247 /891 59. 07 2769 59. 07 ATASCADERO PAGE NO. 2 WEMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. 81-034 DATE 09/30/60 PAYEE WARRANT CHECK VOUCHER NO. DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN DESCRIPTION ACCOUNTCHG'D INV.NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT i STEVEN J DOUGLASS, M.D. 3984 R SCHOEPF PHYSICAL 01-4404-101 02837 90.00 3954 K SCOTT PHYSICAL 01-4404-101 U2691 90.00 3984 B NHITE PHYSICAL 01-4404-101 02942 90.00 3984 L CRO-50N PHYSICAL U1-4405-101 02990 90.00 2770 360 . 00 I IETERICH-POST CO ° 3983 VEMCO SCALES 01-4401-21U 4949 11 .70 2771 11 .701 r WYER INSTRUMENTS INC 3984 MANOMETER & FLOVJNIETER U1-4202-215 A68209 37 .67 2772 -37 .67 MORTON PITT CO 3985 FINGERPRINT LIFTING SUPP 01-4201-210 68645 106.09 2773 108.09 SGORDON HUNT BROKERAGE 3990 FIRE INS ADMIN & VETS 01-4301-255 OUOGOU 6570 .00 P1670 6570.00 ILA ANN HURU 3997 WITHHOLDING ERROR 01-4201-101 000000 . 10.25-P1674 - 10.25- H. L. LA PRADE 3984 PARKING LOT RENT U1-4301-254 000000 500.00 2774 500.001 f i JERRY LUECK - BULLDOZIING 3984 BLACKTOP PATCHING 02-4402-224 1519 4952.25 3984 BLACKTOP PATCHIi,iG 02-4402-224 151b 5903. 11 5934 STkEET S�:titEPIiNG 02-4402-224 1515 600 .00 2775 11455.36 JON LOVGREIN 3986 MOUSE POISON 01-4201-210 000000 1 .25 ATASCADERO PAGE NO. 3 DEMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. 81-034 DATE 09/060 PAYEE WARRANT CHECK VOUCHER DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN NO. DESCRIPTION ACCOUNTCHG'D INV.NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT 3986 C.A,P.T.O. MTG 01-4201-236 000000 7 .00 2776 8.25 IIID-STATE BANK 3982 DIAL-A-RIDE BUSES 05-4401-224 064121 1107 .32 3982 DIAL-A-RIDE VAN 05-4401-224 064394 350.97 2777 1458.29 ' ID-STATE t3ANK 3990 POLICE COMM EQUIP INTERt301-4201-224 062966 . 666.36 P16ii8" 666.361 3997 FAH PAID 9/24/80 9/5-9/1901-2160-001 5528.47 P1677ii 5528.47 ; 03IL OIL CREDIT CORP 3982 FUEL 01 -4110-224 000000 29.33 _ l 3982 FUEL 05-4401-224 u0Ou00 44'x.70 277x3 475.08 ONROE' EQUIPMENT INC ;985 BRAKE POT ENG 99 U1-4202-215 829138 189,72 2779 19072 LILLIAN JUNE MURDOCK - +997 tJITHHOLUING ERROR 01-4201-101 0000100 10 .25-P1675 10.25 0 J 'S OUTFITTERS 1983 4 PAIR BINOCULARS u1-4202-311 U0411S 146.40 2760 148.40 Poc!-�ic 1 F\evvo rC- !982 DIAL-A-RICE PHONE 05-4401-224 33594N 114.47 2761 114.47 UBLIC EMPLOYEE 'S RETIRE SYS 990 PERS PERIOD COVERED 8/23 U1-4101-101 u000ou 134.04 990 PERS PERIOD COVERED 8/23 01-4101-103 000000 148.38 990 PERS PERIOD COVERED 8/23 .01-4106-101 OOOOOG 145.25 990 PERS PERIOD COVERED 8/23 u1-4106-103 400000 297 .24 990 PERS PERIOD COVERED 8/23 01-4110-111 000000 215. 10 990 PERS PERIOD COVERED 8/23 1-4110-103 oQuo0o 371 .55 • ATASCADERO PAGE NO. 4 OEMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. 81-034 DATE 09/30/80 PAYEE WARRANT CHECK 'OUCHER DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN NO. DESCRIPTION ACCOUNTCHG'D INV.NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT 990 PERS PERIOD COVERED 8/23 01-4201-101 U00000 149.32 990 PERS PERIOD COVERED 8/23 0,1-4201-101 000000 833.85 990 PERS PERIOD COVERED 8/23 01-4201-103 C00000 371 ,55 990 PERS PERIOD COVERED 8/23 01-4201-103 000000 2077 .12 990 PERS PERIOD COVERED 8/23 01-4202-101 - 000000 515. 12 993 PERS PERIOD COVERED 8/23-'01-4202-103 000000 1221 .8U ' 993 PERS PERIOD COVERED 8/23-01-4401-101 000000 186.42 993 PERS PERIOD COVERED 8/23-01-4401-103 007000 297.24 993 PERS PERIOD COVERED 8/23-01-4404-101 000000 103.12 993 PERS PERIOD COVERED 8/23-1U1-4404-103 000000 222.93 :993 PERS PERIOD COVERED 8/23-01-4405-101 000000 61 . 13 993 PERS PERIOD COVERED 8/23-01-4405-103 U00000 148,62 993 PERS PERI00 COVERED 8/23-U2-4402-101 000000 183.01 993 PERS PERIOD COVERED 8/23-02-4402-103 000000 371 .55 P1678 8056.84 CITY OF PASO) ROBLES '962 STUART ROSS TIME 01-4108-lul 000000 83.37 982 STUART ROSS TI,,iE 01-4103-103 000000 5. 11 982 STUART FLOSS TIME 01-4108-103 000000 13. 13 2782 101 .61 ASO R03LES DIESEL SERVICE 983 VALVE AND PARTS 01-4202-215 3196 17.74 2763 17 .74 PALLA EQUIPMENT INC ;992 REPAIR MATERIALS 01-4202-215 02505 97 .85 2784 . 97 .85 PITNEY $ONES .992 POSTAGE MACHINE 01-4106-303 027752 1300,62 2785 1300.62 .C .S, , INC . .985 MOVE F D RAOIU LINES 01-4202-229 5582 704.41 2786 704.41 ED STAR INO SERV 985 UNIFORMS 1-4402-205 712326 4,25 985 UNIFORNS Ul-4402-205 712328 4.25 985 UNIFORAS U1-4402-205 112328 4.25 986 UNIFORMS 01-4404-205 112328 11 .85 ATASCADERO PAGE NO. S DEMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. 81-034 DATE 09/200 PAYEE WARRANT CHECK N0.. 70UC DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT CHG'D INV.NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT ;985 UNIFORMS 01-4404-205 712328 4.25 ;985 UNIFORMS 01-4404-205 712326 4.25 :985 UNIFORMS 01-4404-205 712328 4.25 i 1985 UNIFORMS U1-4405 -205 712326 4.25 :985 UNIFORMS 01-4405-205 712328 4.25 2787 45.65 RUSSELL INDUSTRIES INC 986 "RUBBER DUCKIE" ANTENNAS 01-4201-210 P1256 46. 10 .2788 46. 10 A M STEPHENSON 982 PLAN CHECKING U1-4110- 224 000000 64. 00 2739 64.00 ELLIOTT 0 STEPHENSON 982 PLAN CHECKIING 01-4110-224 UOu000 639.65 2790 639.65 SAN LUIS PAINTS 992 PAINT 01-4405-217 AU4477 115.61 992 PAINT u1-4405-221 AU4295 11 .67 2791 12 .28 SAN JOAQUIN SUPPLY CO. 985 CLEANING SUPPLIES 01-4405-211 06U650 81 .21 2792 81 .21 SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO 985 8 MATTRESS COVERS 01-4202-250 5241H 74.70 2793 74.70 TELEGRAM-TRIBUNE 985 "CHIP SEAL BID" ADD 02-4402-224 60-15 27 .99 2794 27 .99 THIN CITIES COriMUNITY HOSPIT 986 L CROSON X-RAYS 01-4402-101 U00000 95.00 2795 95.00 TRANSCONTINENTAL SALES CO x'66 BOOTS B ZIPPERS 01-4202-205 9058 68.28 3,96 UNIFOR;AS 01-4202-205 3942 31 .57 2796 119.65 • ATASCADERO PAGE NO. 6 �EMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. 81-034 DATE 09/30/60 PAYEE WARRANT CHECK !OUCHER DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN NO. DESCRIPTION ACCOUNTCHG'D INV.NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT VAN PELT FMC CORP ;982 HALE INLINE VALVES 01-4202-258 001970 312.70 2797 - 312.70 , ViESTERN OFFICE PRODUCTS INC ;983 OFFICE SUPPLIES 01-4102-212 15723 64.72 ;983 POSTAGE SCALE 01-4102-212 15717 30.48 '983 ANDERSON DESK U1-4102-301 15629 302.80 ;983 TYPE6•lRITER TABLE 01-4102-301 15629 85.57 X983 CHAIR 01-4102-303 15629 125.07 ,983 CREDENZA 01-4102-304 15629 176.27 ;983 OFFICE SUPPLIES 01-4106-212 15726 18.36 1983 OFFICE SUPPLIES 01-4110-21U 15727 11 .20 2798 814.47 MURRAY L WARDEN +952 CAR ALLO:NANCE - OCT 01-4102-201 000000 15U. 00 2799 150.00 ,IL-MAR DISPOSAL CO INC ;982 GARBAGE PICK-UP - SEPT 01-4202-231 000000 25.00 ,982 GARBAGE PICK-JP - SEPT U1-4405-231 000000 28.00 2800 53.00 JUDY 3 WILSON ;997 VITHHOLDING ERROR U1-4201-101 000000 13.33-P167 13.,33- CENTRAL DIAGNOSTIC LABURATOR ;983 LEIn LAB WORK 01-4402-101 609193 10.75 2801 10.751 CALIF PARK 8 REC SOCIETY +984 REC SUPERVISOR ADD 01-4102-246 2458 20 .00 2802 20.00 DUIvN 1iNC 1984 PERMIT i;iITHORA.vV REFU;vD 01-3200-020 115 135.00 ;984 PERMIT wITHDRA,0; REFUND U1-3c0U-030 115 53.00 X984 PERMIT vITHORArN REFUND U1-32OU-040 115 23.30 1984 PERMIT 4vITHORAA:N REFUhiO 01-32U0-150 115 15.00 ATASCADERO PAGE NO. 7 DEMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. 81-034 DATE 09/00 PAYEE WARRANT CHECK VOUCHER NO. DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT CHG'D INV.NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT ;984 PERMIT VITHDRANN REFUND 01-3600-100 115 1 .99 2803 226.29 R03ERT M MUSS ACCOUNTANCY CO ;985 AUDIT FY 79-80 01-4501-240 282 1750.00 2804 1750 . 00 MRS. BROWN ;986 DEPOSIT REFUND 01-3400-020 4325 45.00 2805: 40.00 _ iII 9990 9/24. Payroll 9/05-9/19 CK# 2628-2721 24036 . 34 0000 2403&. 34 I • I II i • f iCADERO PAGE NO. VRRANT REGISTER NO. 81-034 DATE 09/30/80 EE WARRANT CHECK DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN DESCRIPTION ACCOUNTCHG'D INV.NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT 4RITTEIN 24 , 420 .46 REPAID 47 , 904 .66- - CCRUED .00 TOTAL, 72 , 325 .12 � RE-PAID WRITTEN 47 , 904 . 66 24, 420. 46 • IL C C, f i Ke HSV a O O j J IW JO Z la `_' J W I� I 3�ddW � o ) ) 0 M CL J Ln 1 ) w li o a I1 J w l ' it 00608 -13 Vo ii ` jg) ( 1 II �5 O0808 X30 OHONb'6 0000 o 0000 0 Ln Un oo Ln cn M co c� z 0 a ee c� J U V. Z a � w e. ee EY (n J e. W CLHSVcr FFZ J � zF— o U Q U cn F- M_E M_0_R AND U_M TO: City Council FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: Administration Building Renovation - Bid No. 80-12 Following is a listing of the bids received on the subject project; , 1. Wally LaFreniere $722 ,000 2. Don Greene 773,000 3. Bunnell Construction 783,000 4. Sawyer Construction 841,427 The amount budgeted and estimated for this project was $405,000. In addition to the $405,000, $100,000 was put into reserve for Phase II, for a total of $505,000. Because of . the difference between the low bid amount and the available $505,000, we have been looking at options to obtain additional funds. Among these considerations has beentotemporarily use some reserve funds and pay them back in future years. Another was to look. at some of the reserve funds for which we might not have an immediate need. By following that kind of strategy, we could come very close to meeting this low bid. However, other considerations enter into it; such as, the revenue losses which we will experience with the cut-back in population, and additional costs which we may accumulate as a consequence of salary adjustments; mid- year as well as through normal negotiations. In considering these factors, it is my opinion, that to attempt to meet the $722 ,000 bid would create, at best, an extremely light financial position for us in the next few fiscal years. There are other options which we think should be considered. These are as follows: 1. Award the contract to the low bidder and reallocate funds from other activities and projects within the budget as well as use reserve funds. This option does not appear to be feasiblerdue to possible over- commitment of reserves to cover salary adjustments or loss of revenue due to the drop in official population. In addition to this, a large part of the Public Works budget consists of restricted funds, such: as gas tax and transportation funds that can. only be used for those asso- ciated activities. This leaves only reserve funds and the Sunken' Gardens irrigation system that, while they just cover the bid total, do - not leave reserves to account for the items mentioned above. rasing reserve funds would also require future budgets to make up the difference in projects that. are proposed to be funded by reserve allocations. Memorandum - Administration Building Renovation Page Two 2. Reject the bids and do nothing. This option would result in further decreasing the utility ,and 'livability of the building due to the advanced degree of deteriora - r tion of the building -and systems. mater damage from the leakiAO roof has been present fear many years and appears to be getting •.Worse while the heating and plumbing systems are marginally ;operable. The . electrical panel 'was installed in the early 19,201s and is inadequaten . for serving this building under the present use. The building` is of historic value and certainly could not be replaced today at any expense. Structurally it is sound and is well worth upgrading -to meet current needs. ' 3 Build new offices to meet City needs and leave the existing Administration Building for community uses only. A 15,000 square foot office building could be constructed, using modular steel construction, for approximately $500,000, exclusive of; site costs. This building could certainly accommodate City functions' for the foreseeable future, and likely providea more -eff'i;clent .6f ice layout than that proposed by, the renovation of the Administxat oh' . Building. The major disadvantage of this proposal is that building repairs" as well as plumbing. electrical, ;and heating renovati,"dns 'wculd still have to be done in the near future to the existing •building i.f' the Administration Building is--to be brought into a good operational state of use. 4. Sdale back the project to the budgeted amount � Because the major cost factors in the renovation' come "frM ups grading basic -systems, ;such ,as replacing the main electrical panel. or convertingthe heating system from steam radiators to' forcid,, 4ir heat 'ccails, it is extremely difficult to ,`scale back the project with-' out deleting essent al elements' of the project. As an exami4e some areas of the building, such as the basement, are not ha.bi/table` unta,l all the '-heating, plumbing, and electrical work has been completed. < In other° areas, walls cannot be moved until the other systems,vhave` been modified. In short, unless all existing partition`s and inter or walls are to- remain, the electrical, plumbing and; heating changes , cannot be, made. 5. &phase the construction into discrete units- of wprk on a priority basis., Breaking the project into discrete units of work would" allow correctivework to take place immediately with the funds new ava.i ,"10 but would postpone some of` the office renovation and reconstruction of thebuilding heating 'system.. Under this proposal, the reroofing, --�' essential, electrical renovation, and some structural would } completed- at once, Ieaving the .basem ri and par = e-first` ahr i 1 iJ Memorandum - Administration Building Renovation Page Three second floors unmodified at this time. The final phase of the pro- ject would be to complete the structural work not done in the first phase and to modify the heating system and complete replumbing the third and fourth floors. Under this proposal, various units of work could be contracted individually, such as the reroofing, electrical and structural work. Breaking the work into smaller units has the advantage of making the jobs available to smaller contractors. The disadvantage of this type of operation is that it takes more time to administer the larger number of contracts and makes coordination more difficult. Spreading the construction over an extended period of time is bound to raise the cost of the complete building renovation due to inflationary trends. We estimate this process to extend over three years with com- pletion of the full renovation to be by December, 1982. This first year, we would need $305,000; at the end of the second year, we would need $220 ,000 ; and at the final year we would need $275,000 , assuming contract dollars. During the first phase, we would immediately repair the roof , complete new electrical panels and sub-panels , re-do second floor restrooms, renovate a portion of the second floor (south and east wing office) , complete the dispatch center, install the downstairs • public counter and reception area, attempt to place as many offices as possible (subject to plumbing and heating constraints) into their final configuration. The second phase would concentrate on renovation of basement plumbing and heating with no changes in occupied office space. The third phase would complete the project as presently planned by completing office space on the first and second floor and include completion of all plumbing, electrical and heating on the third and fourth floors. The basement would be completed and occupied by the Police Department. The proposed bids we received were valid and I am confident that it would serve no useful purpose to rebid the project without making substantial changes in the project scope. Once subcontractor and contractor bids have been made, one cannot expect to see any lessening of the low bid and usually, the low bidders will increase their prices to take up any difference between their bid and the next lowest bid. I cannot justify cutting back on the building renovation pro- ject simply because I feel everything was done in the project planning to keep costs down. The renovation project only provided what was determined to be the minimum effort necessary to meet current and near future needs for City offices and functions. • In considering this problem, we even considered the possibility of constructing a modular building at the lake next to the pavilion. • • Memorandum - Administration Building Renovation Page Four This would provide a center for all City activities including enhanced recreational and parking facilities , We would then use the- Administration Building as a community building with minimum renova- tion. Although an appealing idea, this, too, suffers from some of the problems discussed above. In order to provide immediate relief to our office problems, my first choice would be to award the contract to the low bidder and proceed immediately with the renovation; however, realizing that funding will be tight, I recommend that all bids be rejected and that we be authroized to implement a phased plan of construction over the next several years as funds are budgeted. It is further proposed that Council authorize this office to solicite bids and award a contract for reroofing the building immediately. This is a priority in pro- tecPtz�' e�bi"I rom r er deterioration. The next step would be to take bids for replacing the electrical service , main panel, and sub-panels and reconnecting existing circuits to the new sub-panels. Another contract would be to complete the renovation of the east wing of the second floor, the public counter and reception area on the first floor, the dispatch center, and the second floor restrooms. The rest would be scheduled as outlined in Alternative #5. We have developed a plan for space utilization by the City organization based on the above phasing plan, and I feel it would be g P g P , workable for the near-term, but would present some inconveniences to staff and the public. I do feel those inconveniences could be tolerated in the short-term, but I would certainly recommend con- tinuing with all phases of the building renovation through completion as planned. ORRAY WARDEN MLW:ad 10-9-80 • x 0 M E M O R A N D U M TO: CITY MANAGER FROM: CHIEF OF POLICE SUBJECT: NARCOTICS PARAPHERNALIA ORDINANCE/LEGISLATION DATE: OCTOBER 1, 1980 As you know, the California Congress of Parents and Teachers, Incorporated forwarded a letter to you and to our City Council urging the "regulation of the display and sales of drug-use information and paraphernalia to minors" . Since the receipt of that letter (dated 1-22-80) , other groups and associations have expressed concerns also and have encouraged legislative action in this area. In answer to this public concern, many City Councils • enacted ordinances designed to deal with the drug paraphernalia problem. Some ordinances had been implemented prematurely, and as such, were deemed unconstitutional. On the advice of our City Attorney, the City of Atascadero awaited action by the State Legislature which did enact Senate Bill 1660 (chaptered as No. 505 of the 1980 laws) . This bill, in my opinion, is of sufficient breadth and detail that there is no need for the development of City legislation to deal with the drug paraphernalia problem. While the bill does not provide that violations of the section constitute a criminal offense, the City does have the right to refuse issuance or to cause revocation of a city business license. • On this basis, I do not feel there is a need for any further action on this matter. The Police Department is: prepared to respond to any complaints relative to drug paraphernalia sales. Note: I spoke with City Attorney Allen Grimes regarding this issue and found that he concurs with my views. RICHARD H. McHALE CHIEF OF POLICE RHM sb ME M O R A N D U M TO: Murray Warden FROM: Larry McPherson SUBJECT: Review of Traffic at Rancho Del Bordo Mobile Home Park Recommendation: It is recommended that you request City Council to approve the channelization and road widening shown on the attached sketch in order to improve the safety of left turn movements from E1- Camino Real into Rancho Del Bordo Mobile Home Park. The cost of this project is estimated to be $6, 300 and it is proposed. that budgeted road maintenance funds be used for this work. Background: This recommendation is the result of an investigation by this office of a reported traffic related problem at the mobile - home park entrance on E1 Camino Real. This condition was re ported to Council in the form of a petition and Council directed staff to bring back a report. This office had previously indicated to a resident of the park that the present width of the street prevented placement of a left turn pocket into the park frorw El Camino Real. The problem is compounded by the fact that southbound traffic trans- itions from two to one lane and northbound traffic transitions from one to two lanes at the mobile home park frontage. I have checked accident reports for this year and have found no reported accidents at this location. No recent traffic counts of this area are available, however site investigation indicate a substantial amount of traffic ,in both. directions along E1 Camino Real, as well as a high incidence of left turning traffic into the park. The exposure of left turning traffic on E1 Camino Real to south-bound through traffic is significant and in my opinion presents a serious traffic hazard at this location. Speeds are fairly high, in the 45 MPH range, and limited pavement width in the southbound lane does not allow southbound traffic to pass vehicles making the left turn into the mobile home park. Southbound vehicles 'were observed going off the right hand edge of the pavement in order to avoid vehicles standing in the southbound lane waiting to make the turn into the park. Turning vehicles were also observed encroaching into the northbound lane in order to reduce their risk of a rear-end collision. ' Page 2 The mobile home park is a relatively recent development with more residents moving i therefore, an evaluation of _ previous accidents is not a olid criterion to establis1v the., question of vehicular ``safety. It is my opinion that the pre— sent condition ,cons.itiutes a traffic hazardthat-can be 're-- ctified ' by the addition of some shoulder widening and F ing to the northbound lane, allowing traffic to be tranitid. away from >the proposed two-way left ,turn lane adjacent to thobile home park entrance. it is proposed the corrective work be,phased, into our current road maintenance contracts. L RENCE McPHERSOM m LM c vh att 9-29-8© fAAoj ., , 14 eP46ii, ORDINANCE NO. 30 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO CREATING CHAPTER 1 TO TITLE 3 OF THE ATASCADERO MUNICIPAL CODE, ENTITLED TRANSIENT OCCUPANCY TAX The Council of the City of Atascadero ordains as follows: Section 1. Chapter 1 of Title 3 is added to the Atascadero Municipal Code to read as follows: TITLE 3. FINANCE Chapter 1. Transient Occupancy Tax 3-1. 01. Title. This Chapter shall be known as the "Uniform Transient Occupancy Tax Law of the City of Atascadero" . 3-1. 02. Definitions. Except where the context otherwise requires, the definitions given in this Section govern the construction of this Chapter: (a) "Hotel" means any structure, or any portion of any structure, which is occupied or intended or designed for occupancy by transients for dwelling, lodging or sleeping purposes , and includes any hotel, inn, tourist home or house, motel, studio hotel, bachelor hotel, lodging house, rooming house, apartment house, dormitory, public or private club, mobile- home or house trailer at a fixed location, or other similar structure or portion thereof. (b) "Occupancy" means the use or possession, or the right to the use or possession of any room or rooms or portion thereof, in any hotel for dwelling, lodging or sleeping purposes. (c) "Operator" means the person who is proprietor of the hotel, whether in the capacity of owner, lessee, sub-lessee, mortgagee in possession, licensee, or any other capacity. Where the operator performs his functions through a managing agent of any type or character other than an employee, the managing agent shall also be deemed an operator for the purposes of this Chapter and shall have the -same duties and liabilities as his principal. Compliance with the provi- sions of this Chapter by either the principal or the managing agent shall, however, be considered to be compliance by both. (d) "Rent" means the consideration charged, whether or not received, for the occupancy or space in a hotel valued in money, whether to be received in money, goods, labor or otherwise, including all receipts, cash, credits and pro- perty and services of any kind or nature, without any deduc- tion therefrom whatsoever. (e) "Tax administrator' means the City Finance Director. (g) "Transient" means any person who exercises occupancy or is entitled to occupancy by reason of concession, 'permit, right of access, license or other agreement for "a period of thirty (30) consecutive calendar, days or less, counting portions of calendar days as full days. Any such person so occupying space in a hotel shall, be deemed to be a transient until the period of thirty (30) days his expired unless there is an agreement in writing between the opera- tor and the occupant providing ,for a longer period of occupancy. 3-1.03. Tax imposed. For the privilege of occupancy in -any hotel, each transient is subject to and shall pay a tax in the amount of six percent (6%) of the rent charged by the operator. Said tax constitutes a debt owed by the 'transient to the City which -is extinguished only by payment, to the operator or to the City. The transient shall pay the tax to the operator of the hotel at the time the rent is paid. If the rent is paidin '-installments, a proportionate share of the tax shall be paid with each installment. The unpaid tax 'shall be 'due upon the transient's ceasing to occupy space in the hotel If for any reason the tax due is not paid to the operator of the hotel, the Tax Adminis trator may require that such tax shall be paid directly to the Tax Administrator. 3-1.04. Exemptions. No: tax shall be imposed upon: (a) Any person as to whom, or any occupancy ,as to which,, --it is beyond the power of the City to impose the tax herei.n� provided; (b) Any officer or employee of a foreign government who :is exempt by reason of express provision of federal law or International treaty. No exemption shall be granted except upon a claim therefor made at the time rent is collected and under penalty of perjury upon a form prescribed by the Tax Administrator. 3-1.05. Operator's duties. Each operator shall collect the tax imposed by this Chapter to the same extent; and at the same time as the rent is -collected `from every transient. The amount of tax shall be separately stated from the amount of the rent charged., and each transient shall receive a _ 2 _ • receipt for payment from the operator. No operator of a hotel shall • advertise or state in any manner, whether directly or indirectly, that the tax or any part thereof will be assumed or absorbed b_v the operator, or that it will not be added to the rent, or that, if added, any part will be refunded except in the manner hereinafter provided. 3-1. 06 . Registration. Prior to commencing business, each operator of any hotel renting occupancy to transients shall register the hotel with the Tax Adminis- trator through the means of obtaining a business license. The tax administrator will insure that the operator then receives all neces- sary forms for collection and reporting of occupancy taxes. 3-1.07. Reporting and remitting. Each operator shall file a Tax Return quarterly starting with the first calendar quarter during which the hotel commenced business. On a quarterly basis , each operator shall make a return to the Tax Administrator on forms provided by the Tax Administrator of the total rents charged and received and the amount of tax collected for transient occupancies. At the time the return is filed, the full amount of the tax collected shall be remitted to the Tax Administrator. Any addi- tional information which the Tax Administrator may deem necessary in order to insure collections shall be included with the return. Returns and payments are due immediately upon cessation of business for any reason. All taxes collected by operators pursuant to this Chapter shall be held in trust for the account of the City until pay- ment thereof is made to the Tax Administrator. 3-1. 08. Penalities and interest. (a) ORIGINAL DELINQUENCY. Any operator who fails to remit any tax imposed by this Chapter within the time required shall pay a penalty of ten percent (10%) of the amount of the tax in addition to the amount of the tax. (b) CONTINUED DELINQUENCY. Any operator who fails to remit any delinquent remittance on or before a period of thirty (30) days following the date on which the remittance first became delinquent shall pay a second delinquency penalty of ten percent (10%) of the amount of the tax in addition to the amount of the tax and the ten percent (10%) penalty first imposed. (c) FRAUD. If the Tax Administrator determines that the non- payment of any remittance due under this Chapter is due to fraud, a penalty of twenty-five percent (25%) of the amount of the tax shall be added thereto in addition to the penalties stated in subsections (a) and (b) . • (d) INTEREST. In addition to the penalties imposed, any 3 - 0 • operator who fails to remit any tax imposed by this Chapter shall pay interest at the rate of one-half (1/2) of one percent (1%) per month or fraction thereof on the amount of the tax, exclusive of penalties, from the date on which the remittance first became delinquent until paid. (e) PENALTIES MERGED WITH TAX. Every penalty imposed and such interest as accrues under the provisions of this section shall become a part of the tax herein required to be paid. 3-1. 09 . Failure to collect and report tax. If any operator fails or refuses to collect said tax and to make, within the time provided in this Chapter, any report and re- mittance of the tax or any portion thereof required by this Chapter, the Tax Administrator shall proceed in such manner ashe may deem best to obtain facts and information on which to base his estimate of the tax due. As soon as the Tax Administrator procures such facts and information as he is able to obtain upon which to base the assessment of any tax imposed by this Chapter and payable by any operator who has failed or refused to collect the same and to make such report and remittance, he shall proceed to determine and assess against such operator the tax, interest and penalties provided for by this Chapter. In case such determination is made, the Tax Administrator shall give a notice of the amount so assessed by serving it personally or by depositing it in the United States mail, postage • prepaid, addressed to the operator so assessed at his last known place of address. The operator may, within ten (10) days after serving or mailing of such notice, make application in writing to the Tax Administrator for a hearing before the City Manager on the amount assessed. If application by the operator for a hearing is not made within the time prescribed, the tax, interest and penalties, if any, determined by the Tax Administrator shall become final and conclusive and immediately due and payable. If such application is made , the City Manager shall give not less than five (5) days written notice in the manner prescribed herein to the operator to show cause at a time and place fixed in the notice why the amount specified therein should not be fixed for the tax, interest and penalties. At such hearing, the operator may appear and offer evidence why the specified tax, interest and penalties should not be so fixed. After the hearing, the City Manager shall determine the proper tax to be remitted and shall thereafter give written notice to the person in the manner prescribed herein of such determination and the amount of such tax, interest and penalties. The amount determined to be due shall be payable after fifteen (15) days unless an appeal is taken as provided in Section 3-1. 10. 3-1. 10 . Appeal. Any operator aggrieved by any decision of the City Manager with respect to the amount of the tax, interest and penalties , if any, _ 4 _ • may appeal to the City Council by filing a notice of appeal with the City Clerk within fifteen (15) days of the serving or mailing of the determination of tax due. The City Council shall fix a time and place for hearing the appeal, and the City Clerk shall give notice in writing to such operator at his last known place of ad- dress. The findings of the City Council shall be final and conclusive and shall be served upon the appellant in the manner prescribed above for service of notice of hearing. Any amount found to be due shall be immediately due and payable upon the service of notice. 3-1. 11. Records. It shall be the duty of every operator liable for the collection and payment to the City of any tax imposed by this Chapter to keep and preserve, for a period of three (3) years , all records as may be necessary to determine the amount of such tax as he may have been liablE for the collection of and payment to the City, which records the Tax Administrator shall have the right to inspect at all reasonable times . 3-1. 12. Refunds. (a) Whenever the amount of any tax, interest or penalty has been overpaid or paid more than once or has been erroneously or illegally collected or received by the City under this Chapter, it may be refunded as provided in subsections (b) and (c) provided a claim in writing therefor, stating under • penalty of perjury the specific grounds upon which the claim is founded, is filed with the Tax Administrator with- in three (3) years of the date of payment. The claim shall be on forms furnished by the Tax Administrator. (b) An operator may claim a refund or take as credit against taxes collected and remitted the amount overpaid, paid more than once or erroneously or illegally collected or received when it is established in a manner prescribed by the Tax Administrator that the person from whom the tax has been collected was not a transient; provided, however, that neither a refund nor a credit shall be allowed unless the amount of the tax so collected has either been refunded to the transient or credited to rent subsequently payable by the transient to the operator. (c) A transient may obtain a refund of taxes overpaid or paid more than once or erroneously or illegally collected or received by the City by filing a claim in the manner pro- vided in subsection (2) , but only when the tax was paid by the transient directly to the Tax Administrator, or when the transient, having paid the tax to the operator, establishes to the satisfaction of the Tax Administrator that the transient has been unable to obtain a refund from the operator who collected the tax. • (d) No refund shall be paid under the provisions of this sec- tion unless the claimant establishes his right thereto by - 5 - • written records showing entitlement thereto. ' 3-1. 13. Actions to collect. • Any tax required to be paid by any transient under the provisions of this Chapter shall be deemed a debt owed by the transient to the City. Any such tax collected by an operator which has not been paid to the City shall be deemed a debt owed by the operator to the City. Any person owing money to the City under the provisions of this Chapter shall be liable to an action brought in the name of the City for the recovery of such amount. 3-1. 14. Violations - Misdemeanor. In addition to any other penalty provided by law, any operator or other person who fails or refuses to register as required herein, or to furnish any return required to be made, or who fails or re- fuses to furnish a supplemental return or other data required by the Tax Administrator, or who renders a false or fraudulent return or claim, is guilty of a misdemeanor, and is punishable as aforesaid. Any person required to make, render, sign or verify any report or claim who makes any false or fraudulent report or claim with intent to defeat or evade the determination of any amount due required by this Chapter to be made , is guilty of a misdemeanor and is punishable as provided by law. Section 2 . The provisions of this ordinance are intended to supersede any provision of Ordinance No. 2 which is in conflict • therewith. Section 3. The City Clerk shall cause this ordinance to be published once within fifteen (15) days after its passage in the Atascadero News, a newspaper of general circulation, printed, pub- lished and circulated in this City in accordance with Section 36933 of the Government Code; shall certify the adoption of this ordinance and shall cause this ordinance and its certification to be entered into the Book of Ordinances of this City. Section 5. This ordinance shall go into effect and be in full force and effect at 12 : 01 a.m. on the thirty-first (31st) day after passage. The foregoing ordinance was introduced on September 22 , 1980 and adopted at a regular meeting of the Council held on - 6 - AYES: S NOES: ABSENT: ROBERT J. WILKINS, JR. , Mayor ATTEST: MURRAY L. WARDEN, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: /s/ Allen Grimes ALLEN GRIMES, City Attorney • 7 _ i ORDINANCE NO. 31 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATASCADER0 _ AMENDING SECTION MAP 12-N-32 OF -THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAPS OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO BY PLACING CERTAIN PROPERTY IN THE C-2-D ZONE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO ORDAINS as follows: Section 1. Council Findings: After conducting a public hearing, the City Council finds and determines that: (a) The project will not have a significant effect on the environment and the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report is not necessary. However, it is necessary to introduce certain mitigation, measures into the project to minimize certain adverse effects. ' (b) The recommended "D" with. the proposed rezoning will provide an opportunity to ensure that the resulting development will be an attractive and compatible neighbor to adjacent properties and public roads. (c) The recommended rezoning is consistent with the ' Commercial Park designation of the site by the 1980 Atascadero General Plan. Based upon these Findings, a change of zone from A-1-2h to C=2-D with the "D" to mean: "Departmental Review is required for all,uses to evaluate the following: A. Consistency of the proposed uses with the Commercial Park designation of the General Plan. B. Scope of the proposed use and building site area required. C. Design review of development proposals with particular attention given to insuring an attractive appearance from both Highway 101 and El Camino Real by means of architectural design, landscaping, screening of out- door storage and large paved areas, building and use , setbacks, and signing limitations. " Section 2. Zoning Change. Map 12-N-32 of the Official Zoning Maps of the City of Atascadero on file in the City Planning Department is hereby amended to reclassify the following described property from A-1-23 to C-2-D: Lot 7 in Brock 23 of Atascadero Colonyi, as shown can attached Exhibit "A. " Section 3. % ng Map. Map '12-N-32 of the official; Zoning Maps of the City of Ata.scadero on file in the -City Planning Deparpt is hereby, amended as shown on attachedExhibit "A" which is hereby made a part of this ordinance, by reference. t Section 4. Publication The City Clerk shall cause this ordinance tobe published once within fifteen (15) days after its, passage in the Atasda-1.News, a newspaper of general circulation,- printed, pub- lished and circulated in the City in accordance with Sectibri 36933 ofthe Government Code; °shall certify the adoption and posting of -,this ordinance shall cause this ordinance and . this certification together with'proof of posting to be entered into the Book of Ordinances of this City. Section 5. Effective Date. This, ordinance shall go into effect and be in full farce and effect at 12: 01 'a.t. on the 31st day after its passage, J i J The foregoing ordinance was introduced on and adapted at a regular meeting o the CounF11 Held on AYES: NOES: ABSENT: R©BM J. WILKINS; J FE . .Mayo I ATTEST- ARURRAY Ly WARDEN , ityC,]Ce_rrt Appr ed a to fo > ALLEN GORES,! City Attorney j e s sEkvl ::�; COMMERCIAL-- --A E)( H t DI N,6\ NCE- mac . 3t Z 00®5 1 1 A-1-22 to C-Z-D with the "D" to mean: "Departmental Review is required for all uses to evaluate the following: A. Consistency of the proposed uses with the Commercial Park designation of the General Plan. B. Scope of the proposed use and the building site area required. C. Design review of development proposals with particular at- fen.tion given to insuring an attractive appearance from both fi ghway 101 and El Camino Real by means of architectural design, landscapingv screening of outdoor storage and large paved areas, building and use setbacks, and signing limitations." M EMO RAN D U M TO: City Council FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: Fire Captains` salary adjustments At your last meeting, you approved implementation of the draft agreement dated September 22 , 1980, which was sub- mitted to the Firefighters. As you remember, you decided to implement the agreement despite the fact that the Fire- fighters had not agreed to it. I neglected to make certain that your motion include authorization for transfer of ,funds to cover the 5% increase for Fire Captains as specified in the draft agreement. This increase was to be applied to the Fire Captain salaries as received by them on July 1, 1979. A motion authorizing transfer of funds from Contingency Reserves to cover this increase would be appropriate. M Y WARDEN MLW:ad 10-9-80 r RESOLUTION NO. 23-80 ' RESOLUTION COMMENDINd SUPERVISOR HANS HEILMANN ' ON HIS RETIREMENT WHEREAS, Supervisor Hans Heilmann has .been the North County Supervisor since 1965; and i WHEREAS, during his terms in office, Supervisor Heilmann has actively and forthrightly represented his constituents; and WHEREAS, Supervisor Heilmann has initiated, encouraged, developed and implemented numerous projects benefiting the citizens of Atascadero; and WHEREAS, among these have been the Atascadero Regional Park, the Atascadero wastewater treatment plant, major road projects, as well as the incorporation of the City of Atascadero; and WHEREAS, it is appropriate that on the retirement of Supervisor Heilmann, the City of Atascadero acknowledge, commend and thank him ( for his long and distinguished service to the people of this community. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Atascadero hereby expresses its acknowledgement and appreciation of Supervisor Heilmann' s dedicated sixteen years of service as First District Supervisor of San Luis Obispo County; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Atascadero takes this opportunity to say, "Congratulations, Hans, well done, best wishes and enjoy your retirement." on motion by Councilman and seconded by Councilman the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted' in its entirety on the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ADOPTED: ROBERT J. WILKINS, JR. , Mayor ATTEST: MURRAY L. WA EN, City Clerk • t r M E M O R A N D U M TO: Murray Warden U FROM: Larry McPherson SUBJECT: Repair of Pavilion Roof Recommendation This office recommends that the bid for re-roofing the Atascadero Lake Pavilion and pump building, in the amount of $3,430 , submitted by Pyramid Roofing Co. of Atascadero, be accepted, and a purchase order for the work issued. Background It is evident the extensive roof leaks that have occurred at least over the past year are causing serious damage to the interior of the Pavilion. The proposed re-roof would contribute substantially to increasing the useful life of the building and protect the interior from further water damage. We have received two bids from local roofing companies as well as pricing materials from local suppliers. The bids re- ceived were: 1. Pyramid Roofing Co. $3,430 2. Fred Ball Roofing Co. 4, 880 Materials only would cost approximately $2,200 if City forces were to do the installation. This Department has budgeted $3,000 in account 216- Building Repairs for the Parks Division. $10 ,000 has been budgeted in the same account in the Building Division. It is proposed that $3, 430 be allocated from Account 01-4405-216, Building Repairs, in the Building Maintenance Budget, for the roof repairs. It may be possible to make temporary repairs to the roof to solve the immediate problem, however, the present condition of the roof w ld dictate that replacement is necessary and imminent. AWRENCE MCPHERSON f�; � 444-n� i J LM:vh 9-23-80 cc: Finance Director M E M O RAN D' U M TO: Murray Warden FROM: Larry McPherson SUBJECT: Chip Sealing Program - 19800 Bid No. 80-15 Recommendation It is requested that City Council accept the bid for Chip Sealing by Harold D. Peterson, P.O. Box 366 , Atascadero, in the amount of $46 ,125. 00. Background This project is a part of the first phase of contracted street maintenance for this year. This bid represents about 10 miles of street chip sealing for those streets which can benefit - from such a program. It is proposed that the balance of contracted street maintenance be completed in the spring of 1981 with a major portion of the work to be asphalt overlays. A breakdown of the bids received are as follows : r ` 1. Harold D. Peterson $46,125,00 2. Pacific Western Const. 56,205.00 3. Jerry Frederick Paving 65,776.50 4. Jerry Lueck Paving 69 ,440.00 The Engineer' s Estimate for this project was $75 ,000. 00 Funds for this project are budgeted in account 02-4402-224, Contracted Services, Streets Division. WRENCE McPHERSON �f�/Ty/ LM:vh 10-7-80 0114 � y� ryst�tLt; BID PROPOSAL FORM CHIP SEALING PROGRAM 1980 CITY OF ATASCADER0 BID NO. 80-15 Unit Tot item, Description Est. 'Qty Units Pric - Pri 1` Asphaltic emulsion Binder, CRS--2 @ 0.. 3 gal./sq.yd. 180 TONS 2 Screening, 1/4' ' X #10 16 lbs./sq.Y"d. ' ` 990 T©NS'-**7 TOTAL BID X i - i r p ++ f 1 .w P-2 BID PROPOSAL FORM CHIP SEALING PROGRAM 1980 CITY OF ATASCADERO BID NO. 80-15 Unit To Item Description Est. Qty. Units Price Pr 1 Asphaltic emulsion Binder, CRS-2 @ 0. 35 gal./sq.yd. 180 TONS 2 Screening, 1/4" X #10 @ 16 lbs./sq.yd. 990 TONS 2a5 TOTAL BID P-2 BID PROPOSAL FORM CHIP SEALING PROGRAM 1980 • CITY OF ATASCADERO BID NO. 80-15 Unit Total Item Description Est. nty. Units Price price 1 Asphaltic emulsion Binder, CRS-2 @ 0. 35 gal./sq.yd. 180 TONS $168.866 $30,395.88 2 Screening, 1/4" X #10 @ 16 lbs./sq.yd. 990 TONS $ 35.738 $35,380.62 TOTAL BID $65,776.50 Jerry Frederick Paving, �. 1 Con Ctor No. 368337 • P-2 1 BID PROPOSAL FORM . CHIP SEALING PROGRAM 1980 " CITY OF ATASCADERO BID NO. 80-15 Unit Total Item Description Est. nty. Units Price price 1 Asphaltic emulsion Binder, CRS-2 @ 0. 35 gal./sq.yd. 180 TONS $138.89 25.0 0.00 Mat.& Cartage Only Mat. 2 Screening, 1/4° X #10 @ 16 lbs./sq.yd. 990 TONS $6.46 $ 6,L00.00 Material Only Mat. TOTAL BID t69,1+1,.0.00 JERRY LUECK PAVING & GRADING. P.O. BOX 1475 . • ATASCADERO. CALIF 93422 1,66-123 4- Lic. #278623 A • P-2 i M E M O R A N D U M TO: Murray Warden ) FROM: Larry McPherson SUBJECT: Rental Agreement with County of San Luis Obispo ,Recommendation It is recommended that you request City Council at its meeting of October 13, 1980 to approve a month to month lease with the County of San Luis Obispo for use of the Atascadero Lake Park Ranger' s Residence. The residence , is to be used by the Community Mental Health Services. Background This agreement formalizes lease conditions for the Ranger's Residence at Atascadero Lake Park. Community Mental Health Services has been using the building for some months now and their use seems computable with the Park and they have maintained the building in good condition. It is proposed that the month to month lease would provide the City with added flexability to utilize the building on re- latively short notice. The lease generates $250. 00 per month with the tenant being responsible for utilities, custodial, and fire insurance. This agreement is approved by this office as to content and th�City Attorney has approved the legal form. DJWRENCE MCPHERSON LM:vh 10-6-80 att. R.ECENED SEP 2 50 �S6Q _ '"sum COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO bepapnment of f Acitity seRviccs I 977 SANTA ROSA * SAN LUIS OBISPO, CALIFORNIA 93408 r (805) 549-52 R. GEORGE ROSENBERGER, Director September 23, 1980 Mr'. Lawrence 'McPherson ` Director of Public Work's City of Atascadero P.O. Box 747 Atascadero, California 93422 Dear Mr. McPherson: The enclosed :lease between the City of Atascadero and the County for the use of the Ranger's residence at Atascadero Lake Park by the County's Mental Health Program includes the changes requested by your office. If this agreement is acceptable, please have it approved by your City Council and return two (2) copies to this office for execution by the Board of Supervisors. Thank you in 'advance for your cooperation in this matter. Sincerely, R GEORGE ROSENBERGER [director of Facility Services i By: ALLAN McKIBBEN Property Agent Enclosure AMcK/ms r AIRPORTS ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES • CAPITAL PROGRAM CUSTODIAL SERVICES FACILITY MAINTENANCE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT RECEIVED SEP 2 "v • t. V MONTH TO MONTH RENTAL AGREEMENT This month to month rental agreement is entered into between City of Atas- cadero hereinafter referred to as "Landlord" and the County of San Luis Obispo hereinafter referred to as "Tenant". NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements herein contained, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. PREMISES: Landlord hereby leases to Tenant, and Tenant hereby hires and takes from Landlord, for the term, at the rental and upon the conditions hereinafter set forth, those certain premises, hereinafter referred to as the "Premises", described as follows: That certain space located at Atascadero Lake Park in the "ranger's residence" Said space is outlined on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorpor- ated by ncorpor-ated' by reference herein. 2. QUIET ENJOYMENT: Landlord agrees to and shall on the commencement date of the term of this agreement as hereinafter set forth place Tenant in quiet pos- session of the leased premises and shall secure him in the quiet possession • - thereof against all persons lawfully claiming the same during the entire lease term and any renewals or extensions thereof. 3. TERM: The term of this agreement shall be from month to month commenc- ing on July 1, x980. This agreement may be terminated by either party, without cause, by giving thirty (30) days written notice to the other party. 4. RENTAL: Tenant agrees to pay Landlord as rent for the leased premises Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($250.00) per month, payable in advance on the first day of each month. All payments of rent shall be paid to Landlord at P.O. Box 747, Atascadero, Ca. 93422, or at such other place as Landlord may designate. 5. USE OF LEASED PREMISES: The premises shall be used for the purpose of - conducting and operating therein the business of the Community Mental Health Ser- vices. The premises shall not be used for any other purpose without the prior - written consent of the Landlord. 6. UTILITIES: Tenant will pay during the term hereof all charges for gas, water, heat, and electricity used by Tenant on the leased premises. • 7. FIRE INSURANCE: Tenant shall provide fire and extended coverage in- surance on the leased premises and on the building of which the leased premise is a part, such insurance to be primary. In that connection, Tenant shall pro- cure an appropriate clause in, or an endorsement on, the policy for said insurance, pursuant to which the insurance company waives subrogation or consents to a waiver of right of recovery against Landlord, and Tenant does hereby agree that it shall not make any claim against or seek to recover from Landlord any loss or damage resulting from fire or other hazards covered by such insurance. 8. JANITORIAL SERVICES: Tenant shall provide janitorial service for the leased premises. 9. INDEMNITY: Tenant shall defend, indemnify, and hold Landlord and its officers, agents and employees harmless from any and all liability for injury or -- -- damage to persons or property in or on the leased premises, including but not limited to judgements arising out of the joint or sole negligence of Tenant, its officers, agents, employees, or independent contractors in performing the func- tions under this agreement. 10. REPAIRS: Landlord shall put the premises, the building, and all common areas under the control of Landlord, into condition fit for occupation by the commencement of this Agreement, and shall thereafter repair all subsequent dille idations thereof which may render them untenantable. 11. PARKING: Tenant shall have the non-exclusive right to utilize the existing parking areas. Landlord shall clean and maintain said areas. 12. ASSIGNMENT AND DEFAULT: Tenant shall not assign this agreement nor sublet the whole or any part of the premises, without the prior written consent of Landlord. Any attempt to do so shall be void, shall confer no rights on any third party, and shall be good cause for cancellation of this agreement by Land- - - - lord at its option. This agreement shall not be assignable by operation of the law. 13. NOTICES: Any notices, demands, or communication, under, or in connec- tion with this Lease may be served upon Landlord by personal service, or by mail- ing the same by certified mail in the United States Post Office, postage prepaid, and directed to Landlord at P.O. Box 747, Atascadero, CA. 93422, and may likewise be served on Tenant by personal service or by so mailing the same addressed to Tenant at Department of Mental Health, 2180 Johnson Avenue, San Luis Obispo, CA. Either Landlord or Tenant may change such address by notifying the other party in writino as to such new address as Tenant or Landlord may desire used and We address shall continue as the address until further written notice. • 14. SUCCESSOR: The agreements herein made shall apply to, bind, and inure to the benefit of the succesors and assigns of Landlord, and the successors and permitted assigns of Tenant. 15. TIME OF ESSENCE: Time is of the essence in this lease. 16. PROVISIONS DEEMED COVENANTS AND CONDITIONS: The parties hereto agree that all of the provisions hereof are to be construed as covenants and conditions as though the words importing such covenants and conditions were used in each instance, and that all of the provisions hereof shall bind and inure to the bene- fit of the parties hereto and their respective heirs, legal representatives, suc- cessors and assigns. ' IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Lease this day of 19 (SEAL) LANDLORD: BY: TENANT: San Luis Obispo County BY: • Chairman of the Board of Supervisors ATTEST: Clerk of the Board of Supervisors APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL EFFECT: APPROVED AS TO FORM; JAMES B. LINDHOLM, JR. County Counsel ALLEN GRIMES City Attorney BY: Deputy County Counsel DATE: M-M/RENTAL/AGR 'm •>� ={* ;_ AGREEMENTS11 DFS/ms • td O \ b a O O .........to — i Cd a \ to O � O a n C37 • n O 1 t=] 7C x H H om'' H ty O > a y aro ra