HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 10/27/1980 AGENDA - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting October 27, 1980 ". 7:30 p.m. Atascadero Administration Building Call to Order Pledge 'of Allegiance Invocation Roll Call Public Comment NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC All matters listed under Item A, Consent Calendar, are, considered to be routine' and will be enacted by one motion in the form listed; be- low. There will be no separate discussion of. thetse items. If discus- si,on is required, that item will be removed from the Consent Calendar, and` will be considered separately. Vote,may be by roll call. A. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Minutes of the regular meeting of October 13, 1980 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 2. Lot line adjustment, San Gregoria Road, Ernest Chalekson (Daniel Stewart) (RECOMMEND-APPROVAL. OF PLANNING `COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION') 3. Acceptance of Final Map, Tract No. 866, 3750 El Camino Real, Lenzi, Gannage, Morris (Central Coast Fngineering) (RECOMMXND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS) A. Parcel Map 0079-046 request for exception of road improv@,- ment requirements, N/W corner of San Dimas & San Diego Roads, Mike Bewsey (Westland Engineering) (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) 5. Acceptance of Final Map, Parcel Map AT78-107, 8600 San Gabriel ; Road, Elizabeth Davis (Hilliard (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) x6. Conditional Use Permit, 6955 E1 Camino Real, Q.R.B. Corpora* tion, to construct signs for Century Federal Savings & Loan ' (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONR B. HEARINGS, APPEARANCES AND REPORTS 1. Appearance of Harold M. Poland regarding road access to 3-F Meadows, Atascadero C* UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Ordinance No. 31 amending Zoning Map - second reading D. NEW BUSINESS r 1. Energy conservation and alternative sources of energy 2. Resignation of Norman J. Norton from Planning Commission 3. Jaycees request for funds for Sunken Gardens' repairs 4. Solid Waste Management Grant F-bnds t AGENDA ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting October 27, 1980 Page Two D. NEW BUSINESS (cont, ) 5,. Ordinance No. 32 entitled Fire Department '- first``teadi 6. Bid for asphalt patch. truck, Bid. #80-4 7. 'Bids for reroofing of Admin stration Building 8. Contract with County of San Luis Obispo for ambulance services 9. Quarterly Review, Fiscal Year 1980-81 Budget E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION 1. City Council 2. City Attorney 3. City Manager i � is MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting October 13, 1980 7: 30 p.m. Atascadero Administration Building The meeting was called to order at 7 : 30 p.m. by Mayor Wilkins with the Pledge of Allegiance. Reverend Russ Cahhal of the Church_ of Christ gave the invocation. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Councilmen Highland, Mackey, Nelson, Stover and Mayor Wilkins ABSENT: None PUBLIC COMMENT (1) Councilman Highland noted that today was Mayor Wilkins , birthday and invited everyone to stay after the meeting to share a birthday cake. A. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Minutes of the regular meeting of September 22, 1980 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 2. Treasurer 's Report, 9-1-80 to 9-30-80 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) MOTION: Councilman Nelson moved for the acceptance of the Consent Calendar. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and unanimously carried. B. HEARINGS, APPEARANCES AND REPORTS 1. Report regarding building renovation bids Mr. Warden reviewed the bids noting that the lowest was from Wally LaFreniere in the amount of $722, 000. The budgeted amount was $405, 000. Mr. Warden reviewed various alternatives for accomplishing the renovation in view of the fact that the bids were so much higher than the amount budgeted. He recommended that Council reject all bids and approve phasing the construction into discrete units of work on a priority basis; the first of which would be to reroof the building to prevent further deterioration. Other phases of the project would pro- ceed over the next 2 - 2h years as funds became available. There was some discussion on this matter with Councilman Highland wondering why the architect' s estimate was so much lower than the actu- al bids . • MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting October 13, 1980 Page Two MOTION: Councilman Nelson moved that Council reject all bids. The motion was seconded by `Councilman Highland and unanimously carried. MOTION: Councilman Nelson moved that Council approve alternate #;5, as presented in the City Manager's memorandum, phase the construction into discrete units of"work on a priority basis. The motion was seconded by Councilman Highland and unanimously carried by roll call vote. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Council authorize the City Manager to solicit bids' for the reroofing of the Adminis- tration Building. The motion was seconded by 'Councilman Mackey and unanimously carried. Mr. Warden advised that the estimated cost of the reroofing is $40, 000: 2. Report on narcotics paraphernalia ordinance/legislation Mr. Warden advised that several local and state-wide organiza- tions had been urging localgovernment to pass ordinances controlling, the display; and sales of narcotics paraphernalia to minors. The State Legislature recently enacted SB 1660 which deals with this subject. Both the City Attorney and Police Chief feel that local ordinances are unnecessary since this legislation adequately deals with the sub- ject by allowing local government to control sale 'and display ,of narcotics paraphernalia through the business licensing procedure. No action necessary. C. UNFINISHED 'BUSINESS 1. Review of traffic problem at Rancho :del ,Bordo Mobile Home ` Park Mr. Warden advised that Staff had reviewed the situation as pre- - at a previous' meeting by 'residents of the Rancho del Bordo Mobile Home Parc. It is recommended that Council' approve the channel- ization and road_ widening as shown on the drawing prepared by the City Engineer and as presented to Council. Funds to do this work will be taken from ,the 'normal maintenance and chip seal programs. Mr. Warden noted that there were no records of traffic accidents at this location, which is the normal criteria for remedial road- work.' He also noted that approval of this project -could set a precedent for others with similar problems to point to in order to get work 'done on their streets. He, neverthel.ess, recommended approval of - the City Engineer's proposal. MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting October 13, 1980 • Page Three MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that the project be approved as outlined in the memo. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and unanimously carried by roll call vote. 2. Ordinance No. 30, Transient Occupancy Tax —second reading MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Ordinance No. 30 be read by title only. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and unanimously carried. Mayor Wilkins read Ordinance No. 30 by title only. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved for the adoption of Ordinance No. 30. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and unanimously carried by roll call vote. 3. Ordinance No. 31, amending Zoning Map - first reading MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Ordinance No. 31 be read by title only. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and unanimously carried. • Mayor Wilkins read Ordinance 31 by title only. He asked if there were any comments from the public regarding this zoning change; there were no comments. MOTION: Councilman Nelson moved that this constitute the first reading of Ordinance No. 31. The motion was seconded by Councilman Highland and unanimously carried. 4 . Fire Captains ' salary adjustments Mayor Wilkins stated that during the last meeting the Council had not formally authorized transfer of funds to pay for the 5% salary increase for Fire Captains and it was necessary to correct that over- sight. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Council authorize the transfer of the necessary funds. The motion was seconded by Council- man Nelson and unanimously carried by roll call vote. D. NEW BUSINESS 1. Resolution No. 23-80 commending Supervisor Hans Heilmann on his retirement MOTION: Councilman Highland moved for the adoption of Resolution • No. 23-80. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and unanimously carried by roll call vote. • • MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting October 13, 1980 • Page Four 2. Consideration of bids for repair of Pavilion roof Mr. Warden advised that two bids were received for this project; with the low bid submitted by Pyramid Roofing Co. in the amount of $3, 430. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that the bid for repair of the Pavilion roof be awarded to Pyramid Roofing Co. in the amount of $3,430. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey and unanimously carried by roll call vote. 3. Consideration of bids for chip sealing program Mr. Warden stated that the low bid for this project was from Harold D. Peterson in the amount of $46 ,125; the estimate budgeted amount for this project was $75, 000. MOTION: Councilman Nelson moved that Council award the low bid to Harold D. Peterson in the amount of $46, 125. The motion was seconded by Councilman Highland and unanimously carried by roll call vote. 4. Consideration of rental agreement with County Community • Mental Health Services for use of Atascadero Lake Park Ranger' s Residence. Mr. Warden reviewed the rental agreement. Councilman Mackey asked if consideration had been given to using this building to house a zoo ranger. Mr. Warden stated that Staff did not feel that this would help the security of the zoo; however, the rental agreement is month-to-month which will enable the City to reclaim use of the build- ing, if and when it is decided to put the building to City use. He noted that consideration to recreation needs should be given as well as any sharing of the facility. A full live in use would preclude these options. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Council authorize the City Manager to sign the agreement. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and unanimously carried. E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION 1. City Council (a) Councilman Mackey stated that she would like to see an energy Committee formed to investigate the various avenues available for energy conservation. No action was taken on the suggestion. MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting October 13, 1980 Page Five (b) Councilman Highland asked when fire equipment would display the City seal. Mr. Warden noted that costs were being determined for removal of the old seals. Some door re- painting may be required. (c) Mayor Wilkins advised that some of the Council members as well as Staff would be attending the .League of California Cities annual convention next week. 2. City Attorney (a) Mr. Grimes reviewed City Attorney' s Report No. 7 for Council. 3. City Manager (a) Mr. Warden suggested holding a hearing on the Highway 41 extension in view of the number of concerns that have been recently expressed. It was noted that this hearing would probably be held during the first meeting in November. (b) Mr. Warden stated that he had received a letter from Don Stilwell, County Administrator, advising him that the County has no plans to transfer the Lakeview Drive properties to the City. The County feels that the agreement entered into by the City and the County regarding transferring property represents the complete transaction regarding transfer of County properties. Mr. Grimes noted that the City did not contract away its rights to these properties. The meeting adjourned at 8: 25 p.m. Recorded by: MURRAY L. WARDEN, City Clerk By: Ardith Davis Deputy City Clerk • CITY OF ATASCADERO eon in rl i 1=970Planning Department October 20, 1980 C&D STAFF REPORT SUBJECT: Lot Line Adjustment LA800728 :1 LOCATION: Lot 39, Block 51, Atascadero Colony, San Gregorio Road APPLICANT: Ernest Chalekson (Daniel J. Stewart, Representative) REQUEST: To adjust the property line between parcels 1 and 2 of Parcel Map 27/93 to achieve a better relationship between site topography and available building sites. BACKGROUND 1. Existing Zoning: A-1-B-V-2-D (Light Agricultural, with a slope combining district overlay which specifies an average building site area of two acres. ) • 2. General Plan: Suburban Single-Family Residential 3. Environmental Determination: The Planning Director has deter- mined the application to be Categorically Exempt, Class 5 (a) . 4 . Site Conditions : The 9 . 56 acre site is presently divided by a north-south trending line into two 4 . 78 acre parcels. The buildability of Parcel 1 is presently encumbered by a very wide and steep ravine running parallel to the existing division line and encompassing a majority of the parcel. Additionally, this parcel is heavily wooded and nearly impassible by foot. The northerly portion of Parcel 2 is partially wooded while the southern portion is generally more open. This parcel appears to have several possible building sites. Parcel 2 is traversed by a 50 foot P.G. & E. underground gas easement and a 25 foot proposed private easement for access purposes to each parcel. 5. Project Description: The applicant is proposing to adjust the division line in order to acquire a reasonable building site that is presently located in Parcel 2 for Parcel 1. The pro- posed resulting parcels would remain at 4..78 acres each. The proposed 25 foot private easement would also remain to provide access to both parcels. i Staff Report Page Two Lot Line Adjustment LAS00728:1 STAFF COMMENTS On Tues ay : October 7, 1980 the Subdivision Review Board met to review t is request with the applicant' s representative. In atten- dance at that meeting were: Dan Stewart, applicant's representative; Larry Ste ens, Planning Director; Mary Beatie, Associate Planner; John Kenna 'y, Assistant Civil Engineer; .Jerry, Linenkugel, Police Sergeant; a d Shirley Summers, Planning Commissioner. The items di ussed at that meeting included the following areas of, concern 1. Location of xisting worn trail for use as access easement. 2. Will both Parc is be served by this easement? 3. Driveway should all-weather surfaced or paved. 4. ` Width of driveway t be -15 feet wide with 14 feet of unobstruc- ted vertical clearan e above full width. 5. Is P.G. & E. easement derground or overhead easement? What type of utility line is 't? 6. Building site in Parcel 1 s` proposed will ultimately in- volve some tree removal. • 7. Monuments should be set at al property corners of adjusted lot line. 8. would Pike map submitted with Cer ificate of Compliance to be in a Final Parcel Map form for rec rding purposes. 9. Easement documentation which verifie access rights to Parcels 1 and 2. FINDINGS 1. The application as presented has been determ'ned to be - Categori-cally-Exempt from the requirements of CEQA as efined by Class` 5 (a) . 2. The application as presented conforms to the appl able zoning regulations and 1980 General Plan guidelines RECOMMENDATION Based upon the above findings, the City Planning Department r com- mends approval subject to the following: Staff Report 0 Page Two Lot Line Adjustment LA800728 : 1 • STAFF COMMENTS On Tuesday, October 7, 1980 the Subdivision Review Board met to review this request with the applicant' s representative. In atten- dance at that meeting were: Dan Stewart, applicant' s representative; Larry Stevens, Planning Director; Mary Beatie, Associate Planner; John Kennaly, Assistant Civil Engineer; Jerry Linenkugel, Police Sergeant; and Shirley Summers, Planning Commissioner. The items discussed at that meeting included the following areas of concern: 1. Location of existing worn trail for use as access easement. 2. Will both parcels be served by this easement? 3. Driveway should be all-weather surfaced or paved. 4 . Width of driveway to be 15 feet wide with 14 feet of unobstruc- ted vertical clearance above full width. 5. Is P.G. & E. easement underground or overhead easement? What type of utility line is it? 6 . Building site in Parcel 1 as proposed will ultimately in- volve some tree removal. 7. Monuments should be set at all property corners of adjusted lot line. 8 . Would like map submitted with Certificate of Compliance to be in a Final Parcel Map form for recording purposes. 9. Easement documentation which verifies access rights to Parcels 1 and 2. FINDINGS 1. The application as presented has been determined to be Categori- cally Exempt from the requirements of CEQA as defined by Class 5 (a) . 2 . The application as presented conforms to the applicable zoning regulations and 1980 General Plan guidelines. RECOMMENDATION Based upon the above findings, the City Planning Department, recom- mends approval subject to the following: Staff Report • Page Three Lot Line Adjustment LA800728 : 1 1. The approval of this lot dine adjustment as shown on the attachment provided here shall be submitted in a Final Map format to be approved by the Planning Department prior to Recordation by the County Recorder' s Office 2. Monuments_ shall be set at all new property corners created by this lot line adjustment and a registered engineer shall sub- mit a letter to the Planning Department certifying that the monuments have been set prior to recording of the Final Map and Certificate of Compliance. 3 . Driveway easement shall be paved to a minimum width of 15 feet and shall provide a minimum of 14 feet of unobstructed clearance above the entire paved surface of the driveway. This shall be a requirement made in conjunction with the first building per- mit applied for and said requirement shall appear as a note on the Final Map. 4 . Any tree removal or site grading necessary for the development of the lot shall be subject to Planning Department approval prior to issuance of a building permit. This requirement shall appear as a note on the Final Map. 5. A copy of recorded easement documentation which verifies access rights to both Parcels l and 2 shall be submitted for inspection by the Planning Department prior to recording of Final Map and • Certificate of Compliance. ACTION The Planning Commission should by motion direct Staff as deemed appropriate'. APPROVE: Motion to adopt findings and set conditions. DENY: Motion setting findings for denial . REPORT PREPARED BY: ' Y E. BEATIE Associate Planner REPORT APPROVED BY: LAW NCE STEVENS Pla ing Director • /Ps 40 � a • Ra J ti i O s a Y!CIMIrY MAR _ .z � ¢sI$ �- No .SCALE g — `s a ti N r 23 b Iil. .4. 73 gCR65 ► 3r.<� CL PA . . /1� .: �P IyW �• N 1t LV 'c N6ev ✓j V,.. -, ..- ��1''i=mer n o 'n �� �li ri 3i, •_=���2 1 ' t - N9(•25 r5"w g6 9/, x �y •y r` l� W�co 2, G So 0 �uRVErA_ , c• I s2o9�� R= 975.o7. � =/Op' } [' 975.07' - 1 •L, L• 59 _ 54 - E f _ `9 S _ v CD Pa1 — W Ilk N714 p\ ` t• ]off LA � is o J , / A ro D ' 1 ID 01 01 61 .00 NP co ra to - �° • A Dom : t D - A V �• `ice 9 i � n � i g w � x 50 51 II 5249 " a'.Jo'S1 24'252621 .3134LL 363r 53 B'O -ji �5!� :5146 2J 2 15302 2J II-a 2 4 2 4}'4 4 a3 19 3 - - 39�V d aBl 1 � Q _-•-- i_-I_-4. 99 025_ i IT"'<�SL,�,� 9V 40 4P v�. s 3 0 4t �_ o W Y" 116_ 41 / 5 IIH a SCh 026 IS 14 \ �� \♦ J 42�3 16 10 i _ i_ 35 4C SI {T \\ 7 3 1]T 34 39 g i2 X r 19 ' -T:.� B - QO `, �1o29`2B� („ �� 7 17 20 21 "Oi�15- „3�2 ° e sa 2z �I z5 /,r 0 e 27 \ '` v �. 7'i O ,/ Aq /6 M :J 'I.a P- B [829 IT ,30 / l 5 11;1C 19 22 /'z� x< r 2� �4 1 2 26 7 3 5 to /23 I1fi 5 91N 7 ] 91192-93,I 9 j�•�_I t 1<t.z9xB X991.100101'102 l -c x1 I a 2 i • . 6 14 [; I ImOWj ]4 '?�� II110. 4 3 r I "'i9 , 619r If I ny%< 15 fi �iFQ 4� 1 10 32 I r 49 I x !a/ xn / 16 � / 5 4 RNA'! 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MEMO RAND UM October. 22, 1980 \ TO: City Manager FROM: Planning Director SUBJECT:; Tract No. 866 - Acceptance of Final Map LOCATION: 3750 E1 Camino Real APPLICANT: Lenzi, Gannage, Morris (Central Coast Engineering) The Atascadero City Council granted an exception to the condo minimum moratorium ordinance on December 26, 1979 to allow processing of Tract No. 866 . The City Council approved Tract No. 866 allowing creation of 'a one lot subdivision for condo- minimum purposes on March 24 , 1980 subject to certain conditions and in concurrence with the recommendation of the Planning Commission. The zoning is R-4-B-2-D and the General 'Plan designation is Sigh Density Multiple Family Residential. Staff review has determined that the applicants have complied With all the conditions that were established. On October 120, 1980 the Planning Commission reviewed the Final Map and recommends its acceptance. LAWRENCE STEMENS MUJMAY FARDEN Planning DirVctor C)&Y M nager llama " i t 1 --.c.;.F.+ ,i!,nr' 'k w,=.c�Tr L°.�ri.!a�it�.?.S.s`rt 4 �:ti y$' $�d`:.ePr���L�'r�#���:. h:�,+'L-i�+i :5.:+,c+;�;F ;r GYt �:t s"'�t•4. .:�. v h qq q � WOZ"i 64r, cb��zr { 103 55yy--dDi 45l--4-7 _ x ' �*y-j++/�'� -.3+-i ,Pra+xA` 1��..}� � �� ��. � r�+s r:��-•, r.,.-:5 �w4 - .,u .c':,fi�;R�...-f�:... «� a ON LCAT _ •a f � �q �t p � ZSi - :r a � ZfA - -77 .e. Hfyh�Way CITY OF ATASCADERO 1 %1i F)Ir P F.0 • Planning Department October 20, 1980 1818E t� aw 1 9 CAD STAFF REPORT SUBJECT: Parcel Map CO 79-046 LOCATION: Division of Lot 15, Block 38, Atascadero Colony,, (Northwest Corner of San Dimas and San Diego Roads) APPLICANT: Mike Bewsey ' (Westland Engineering, Representative) REQUEST: Request',for Exception of Road Improvement require— ments established as a Condition of approval BACKGROUND 1. Existing Zoning: A-1-B-V-5 (Rural Agriculture with a slope combining district overlay specifying an average lot size of five acres.) 2. General Plan: Suburban Single-Family Residential 3. < Environmental Determination A Conditional Negative Declaration was issued by the County Environmental Coordinator on October 12, 1979, stating that the project will not have a significant effect: on the environment and therefore, does not require the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report, subject to the following conditions : a. Drainage, erosion control and access plans be reviewed by the County Engineer's office as per standard County procedure. b. An engineering geologist survey the site and delineate all potential landslide areas on a map to be reviewed by the County Engineer' s office. 4. Site and Area Conditions : the site has moderately sloping topography with average slopes ranging from 15-25% . The 'site is vegetated with oaks and chaparral. The character of the surrounding area is rural with parcels ranging from 4 to 20 acres in size. However, most parcels are in the 5 to 1.0 acre category, being part of the old Atascadero Colony. The site is on the fringe of a developing suburban residential area. Existing roads in the area are paved but not to City standards. Staff Report (Parcel Map CO 79-046) • October 20, 1980 Page Two 5. Project Description: The applicant is requesting exception to the following road improvement requirement (only that portion underlined) as set forth in the conditions of approval : "8 . That San Dimas and San Diego Roads fronting said property be improved in the following manner: 2/3 of an A-5 rural section fronting the property and extending to Los Osos Road. 6 . On January 14 , 1980 the City Council concurred with the recom- mendation of the Planning Commission and approved Parcel Map CO 79-046 subject to Conditions 1-20 . The applicant requested approval to establish three lots of approximately 6 acres each. Minutes of the meeting indicate that there was considerable discussion concerning road improvements not fronting the prop-- erty, but Condition No. 8 was retained until and unless the road exception procedure was followed. STAFF COMMENTS • The request to modify the road improvement requirements extending from the property along Los Osos Road was reviewed with the Direc- tor of Public Works, Larry McPherson. Mr. McPherson stated in a memo to the Planning Department that subsequent to his on-site inspection of the existing roadways in the vicinity of the subject site, he could not find any justification in requiring the applicant to upgrade the existing roads that provide offsite access to the subdivision. He had no doubt, however, that frontage improvements for this parcel map be accomplished as specified. The Planning Department Staff concurs with those observations. FINDINGS: 1. Modification of the road improvements as previously approved would not be detrimental to the traffic circulation, public utility and storm drainage systems in the vicinity of the project. 2. Adequate access can be provided to the subject lots by improv- ing the property frontage to City Standards. 3. Even though intervening roads are not improved to City standards and cannot be accepted into the road maintenance system, they are sufficiently improved to allow reasonable access to the subject property. 0 Staff Report (Parcel Map CO 79-046) • October 20, 1980 Page Three RECOMMENDATION Based upon the above findings , the Planning Department recommends that the road exception request be granted and that Condition No. 8 as set forth in the approval granted January 14 , 1980 be revised to read as follows: "8 . That San Dimas and San Diego Roads fronting said property be improved in the following manner: 2/3 an A-5 rural section fronting the property, with a minimum pavement width of twenty (20) feet. " ACTION The Planning Commission should by motion direct Staff as deemed appropriate APPROVE: Motion to adopt findings and set conditions as recommended. • DENY: Motion setting findings for denial. REPORT PREPARED BY: rh4�� : 4 MARY E. EATIE Associa e Planner REPORT APPROVED BY: LAG NCE SILEVENS Planning D ector /Ps 4� `: : e • Y`:°, L o . c o vim, " L L.°.s 5 � ■ �' r s All 9 c� o �� H 5 ta1 amu. •� ti,�.� ;sn. �_ _. .�- ._ _ '� (}�' �'_j�{_ - � � — �.,. —- _ -_ c q.�Fi���"s�i�'""`'W4s �41-ex'Yt,tr-,-b � � r� _"` ;�� � �•Y�5'��.. _ 4"`'r i � z ( 1r• ,� ' Iva r i� r%1 1 � tir ' �n-M,r.."; �-yyr��.4•'�i+�w�.A„�,t :.y 'y�y�.'JF,�" a4a��x" - �,.�,.�`F.�". �... r-_ �+3��*c'a�°�� a'. 'S :- .k.a�z .. �t.,, ,� �' .` •_ kpc OSA. \'� � :ate, �•�®�� T/S` �- `�v r . 14 r IA , wis i J/ '1 a _ e v, Iry _ _\F � •v3. Qom*-, � � !l}� :•1 an Pf RLEL /� l / Ile 6 1200 1 s t , l ` LGA A - G Cop W .% ' q y ON►T 77 M E M 0 A N D U M -- TO! City Manager October 2?, 198A FROM: Planning Director SUBJECT: Parcel Map AT 78-107 - Acceptance of Final Map , LOCATION: 8600 San Gabriel Road APPLICANT: Elizabeth Davis (Hilliard) The County Board of Supervisors approved Parcel Map AT 78-107 allowing creation of two parcels (3. 3 acres and 2. 5 acres) on June 18, 1979 subject to certain conditions and in concurrence with the recommendation of the County Subdivision Review Board. 'The Atascadero City Council granted an extension of time to June 18 , 1981 The zoning is A-1-1h, and the General Plan designation is .Suburban Single Family Residential. Staff review has determined that the applicants have complied with all conditions that were established. On October 20, 1980, the Planning Commission reviewed the Final Parcel Mapand recommends its acceptance. LAWR NCE S VENS MU RAYT RDEN Planning ector C ty Manager /ps a � .&;LMoira. II7@F'st IMF e--4 _ f /tai Qf <.►IC�Q�'//�/�i,$' �GZr$' �.`su/S v.lG'iQ6r�y. . • 47 /Y /?p 3e1-0,0 f B h df/�SS �4Y G✓�v. G7� Jnr / �4S Q.s. 2 e-v., f y 31 . s P M »-+!lrY.....- +'•.++-..._ ^Nr;: ,,��`•R�*''/}`-^�`:' V�,.q",y� _J_ tr'ue'r a?��s ]�I+ !� � �t - r..y-'�+.-.....-.•r.+.-... $66���� G � '�%"'� I. �' 4 ,."��.�+�`+ti-a� Y�°".J+4a:f ��y3�.°•¢�4e�v„S� ]� �i�IAs�' B; . 1 T d'•' /.+ 2. .� �r� � Ca --.vas 4�('"' ALT -. VK''L' 4• I .STir as. ltj,,r 44 45 .kms Aip AA 32 Art. s1� r _ .: '�l.� ..tomislegarw ... �> •� ,�!,r fQ 0 ! f I ' M E M O R A N D U M — - - - - - _ - - _ — _ October 22, 1984 TO: City Manager FROM: Planning Director i SUBJECT: Conditional Use Permit U800813 :1 LOCATION: 6955 E1 Camino Real APPLICANT: Q.R.S. Corporation r REQUEST: To construct signs for Century Federal Savings and Loan. Aggregate square footage of signs exceeds 60 square feet, which is the minimum allowed in the C-1-C-D zone without a Conditional Use Permit. On October 6, 1980, the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing unanimously adopting Findings 1-2 and approving Condi- tional Use Permit U800813:1 subject to Conditions 1-8, as listed in the attached Staff Report. In making this recommendation, it was the consensus of the Planning Commission that the requested signing was excessive and that the revisions listed in the con- ditions would allow adequate signing compatible with and similar - to the surrounding area. A representative of the sign company and of the savings and loan appeared and, after some discussion, indicated that the recom- mended conditions were acceptable. No one else appeared on the matter. LAWRENCE VENS M RAY YARDEN Planning ector Cdty nager fps RAW I ® �l toll " 1 g CITY OF ATASCADERO Planning Department September 15, 1980 STAFF REPORT Subject: Conditional Use Permit U800813:1 Location: 6955 E1 Camino Real (Northwest Corner of El Camino ' Real and Santa Ysabel) Applicant: Q.R.S. Corporation Request: To construct signs for Century Federal Savings and Loan. Aggregate square footage of signs exceeds 60 square feet,' the minimum allowed in the C-1-C-D without;a conditional use permit. BACKGROUND 1. Existing Zoning: C-1-C-D(516) (Community Shopping District) . 2. General Plan: Retail Commercial. 3. Environmental Determination: The Planning Director has de- termined the application to be Categorically Exempt, Class 11(a) 4. Site Conditions: The site is presently under construction. Century Federal Savings and Loan obtained a Development Plan Approval 1790611: 1 by the Atascadero Planning Commission "on September 17, 1979. The following are conditions pertaining to signs: "13. uniess and until 'Cond.itional`' Use Permit approval is 'Qranted for increased signing; on-site signing shall be limited to an aggregate area of 60 square feet for the entire project site, with� a maximum height for freestanding signs of 6 feet. All sign- ing to be reviewed and approved by the Departmental Review"Section of the Planning Department prior to issuance of` a building permit or sign permit. Flashing or rotating signs and wind-activated de- vices are prohibited. Signs on buildings shall be mounted flush with the building face.'" 5. Project Description The applicant is proposing a total of ten signs with an aggregate area of approximately 336.25 square feet. The signs proposed are generally as follows: September 15, 1980 • Page Two APPROX. SIGNS SQ. FT. HEIGHT TYPE TEXT A 1.2Q. 00 4 Concrete wall "Century Federal monument Savings" q B 124 . 75 29 '-6" Plastic, elec. "Century Federal pole Savings"/Time /Temp C 57. 75 5 '-6 Plastic, elec. ."Century Federal wall Savings" D 9. 25 41-611 Plastic, elec. "C.F.S. . .Drive-up directional Teller " E 4. 50 3 ' -2" Plastic, elec. "Drive-up Teller`' ( directional F (1-4) 10 .00 3 '-4" Plastic, elec. "Exit" or "Exit directional Only" G 10. 00 1'-2" Plastic, elec. "Walk-up Window" wall TOTAL: 336. 25 • STAFF C014MENTS The proposed four ft. height of Sign A may create sight-distance problems for vehicles on Santa Ysabel attempting a right-hand turn onto El Camino Real. The driveways off Santa Ysabel are likely to be potentially confusing and hazardous if provided with directional signs limiting entrances and exits. Drivers often ignore en- trance or exit-.only restrictions, thus creating potentially dan- gerous situations . It appears that signs A and C are equally visible to motorists and pedestrians for both the northbound El Camino Real and eastbound Highway 41 traffic. Sign A' s visibility may even be reduced by the fact of its being on the ground and being curved in design. The location of Sign B indicating "Drive up Teller" may be confusing as it is adjacent to an exit only driveway. FINDINGS 1. Signs as recommended will more than adequately identify the building and use and will be compatible with signs existing on other commercial properties in the vicinity. 2. Signs as proposed exceed in square footage, and in number and • type the amount of signage necessary to adequately identify the building in a manner compatible with surrounding business establishments . September 15 , 1980 Page Three • RECOMMENDATION Based upon the above findings, the Planning Department recommends approval subject to the following conditions : 1. "Exit" and "Exit-Only" signs (Signs F (3) and F (4) ) shall be eliminated. The painting of directional arrows on the pavement in the driveway approach area would be considered sufficient. 2. Sign E may be rotated slightly in its present location or re- located in the island to the northwest to provide better visi- bility to vehicles entering from both driveways off Santa Ysabel. 3. Sign A shall be eliminated. (If the Planning Commission approves the present location of Sign A, it should be reduced to a maximum height of 30 inches . ) 4 An additional sign D should be located at the northeasterly (more remote) driveway entrance off Santa Ysabel. 5 Sign F shall be reduced to one in number and shall be located • on the easterly side of driveway. 6. "Drive-up Teller" message should be eliminated from Sign B as its proximity to an "Exit Only driveway may create confusion and result in a hazardous traffic situation . 7. Sign B shall be reduced to a maximum height of 25 feet. 8. Total aggregate sign area should be reduced to a maximum of 200 square feet. ACTION The Planning Commission should by motion direct Staff as deemed appropriate. APPROVE: Motion to adopt findings and set conditions . DENY: Motion setting findings for denial . REPORT PREPARED BY: 01 MARY BEAT AsjNCE " to lanner 0 REPORT APPROVED BY: LA S YENS Planning Ifi ector \ ��rri�•/ r7 , � ,•1 � / 4}may `�� /iY� Z e 'P - ;�y - ��-,�\��.J-d� •�e ,�!,` - . �+• �� _ �'-r=te-,o 30 31 AB rz ^ �.i X30 r• FN \\ �� i,•� = r�, 7/a"/• -�� -'�' -SITE P.4 3:r .sem- ,. g\� lF •`p{ y` / •v ♦ ° Y��Z'• ° roti. ��. l 'Fper y _ J i�d.�,'L - _� .� 1! -�\ �.•_�.(��`- .e��.`• •t•..r>,.I ori. �l� �__'�� �� l� .a.' may r� 11'.'J� ��. R�1 - •o ��}a-61r� � _/..III-/1II__L� � �'f `'��` T,, •I -�"� 1 i�•! �v-' 1` L 'y f2rlID l � U ,– it T1':` F � �I`- �4 v- x-33 - � .• �' �_'*,+��. 6, :—. r�•i -_s - C 'a 3' 3 t .. `` z _ •,:[[r[ BB � za -.^ .�O _ � �.r �F •} P-x371- Y � d��* _ dJ_� ,s1_,��� -�'\a - - t :•�.: �:�� F� -� - - _ ---'_r heir ��e s••��.' I fr'9 `N No\ t- -} --_ _ • 11 ^t"?_j.•.r_ rPld93 m. VICINITY AL ZONING MA'P • �, 4-1 C- • �tb et � .o' �� lb . a� i•_ ��/ti/. 4 � 2�``�� 'l- ., y a .. t I \ Eby\ i P 1 ' ` v SMEMORANDUM TO: City Council FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: Appearance of Harold M. Poland for 3F Meadows; i Homeowners Association I do not know the content of Mr. Poland's presentation , to you, consequently, have been unable to do any staffing on the matter. I think he is concerned about the restricted access to 3F 'Meadows through essentiallyone point. The problem is not new to you. I believe it involves private streets which, had the subdivision of 3F Meadows occurred now, would not occur since the City would require the developer to construct all roads and streets prior to sale of the lots. As you are aware, how- ever, the originally constructed roads did not meet then present-day requirements. This problem stems from the orig- inal subdivision o€ . Atascadero and lay-out of streets. Solutions to this, and similar problems, may be found with the property owners themselves in forming an assessment dis- trict, other procedures :or working with the developer to , resolvetheproblem. At this time there is no staff recom- mendation since I do not know the content of the presentation. 4 RAY WARDEN LW:pj 10-23-80 _ %3 M 6R Ao u�_ICANC S Atascro, Ca. Opt ob er 7. :1980 RECEIVED Pay City of Atasoadero, City,, Hall, Atascadero;t Calif. � Attention. Murray Warden, City Manager Dear Mr. Warden, In accordance with our,teleon of yesterday I write 'this- on behalf the 3F Meadows Homeowners Aszsoelat on_ _ As chairman of the Roam Committe.,e I am requesting"a place on the City Council meeting agenda for October 2'T. We want to brim; to th:e attention of the Council the problem of ,road access to our area. The present cul-de-sac ,situation is a threat to the health, s`afrety; and welfare of an entire- community. Kindly advise .as soon as possible. J Thank you, , Ha"3d Poland Chairman, Roads Committee 3F Meadows Romeowners Asvociation.' 9860 Carmelita. Avenue Atasc,adero, Ca 93422 466-5527 A ORDINANCE NO. 31 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO AMENDING SECTION MAP 12-N-32 OF THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAPS OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO BY PLACING CERTAIN PROPERTY IN THE C-2-D ZONE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO ORDAINS as , follows: Section 1. Council Findings. After conducting a public hearing, the City Council finds and determines, that: (a) The project will not have a significant effect on the environment and the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report is not necessary. However, it is necessary to introduce certain mitigation measures into the project to minimize certain adverse effects.' (b) The recommended "D" with the proposed rezoning will provide an opportunity to ensure that the resulting development will be an attractive and compatible neighbor to adjacent properties and public roads. (c) The recommended rezoning is consistent with the Commercial Park- designation of the site by the 1980. Atascadero General Plan. Based upon these Findings, a change of zone from A-1-2'h to C-2-D with the "D to mean: "Departmental Review is required for all uses to evaluate the following: A. Consistency of the proposed uses with the Commercial Park designation of the General Plan. B. Scope of the proposed use and building site area required. C. Design review of development proposals with particular attention given to insuring an attractive appearance from both Highway 101 and E1 Camino Real by means of architectural design, landscaping, screening of out- door storage and large paved areas, building and use setbacks, and signing limitations. " i Section 2. Zoning Change. Map 12-N-32 of the Official Zoning Maps of the City of Atascadero on file in the City Planning Department is hereby amended to reclassify the following described property from A-1-2)1 to C-2-D: . Lot 7 in Block 23 of Atascadero Colony as shown on attached Exhibit "A, " AW11 Sectio . Zoning Map: Mag 12-N-32 of the Of ficia :Zoning Maps of the City of Atascadero on file in the City Planning Department -is hereby amended as shown on attached Exhibit "A" which is-hereby made a part of this ordinance by reference. 1 - Section 4. Publication. F The City Clerk shall cause this ordinance to be published;` once. wthin' fifteen (15) days after its passage in the Ataca- dero News, a newspaper of, general circulation, printed, pub- lished, and circulated in the City in accordance with Section., , 36933 of the Government Code; shall certify the adoption and posting; of ;this ordinance and shall cause this ordinance and this certification together with proof of posting to b.e entereqx . into the Book of ordinances of this City. Section 5. Effective Date. This ordinance shall go into effect and be in full force and effect at l :Ol a.m. on the 31st 'day after its passage.., The foregoing ordinance was introduced on . . . . and adopted at a regu ar meet o the Counci held on ` AYES: NOES: ABSENT r ROBERT J. wtt f JR. , ayor ATTEST: MUMMY- L. GARDEN, _ lty Clerk Appr ed a to fo Y ALLEN GRIMES, ZHty Attorney Ai �p O' � t,� SE<VICE COMMERCIAL— t)EYELOPMF,M T-) U~1� EXHIE,IT ORD I NiNNCE >: z 6005 1 , . i A-1-22 to C-2-D -;pith the "D" to means "Departmental Review is required for all uses to evaluate the following: A. Consistency of the proposed uses with the Commercial Park • designation of the General Plan, B. Scope of the proposed use and the building site area required. Co Design review of development proposals with particular at- t�ention given to insuring an attractive appearance from both Highway 101 and E1 Camino Real by means of architectural design, landscapingg screening of outdoor storage and large paved areas-2 building and use setbacks,, and signing limitations." M EMO RAND U M TO: City Council FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: Energy conservation and alternative sources of energy The attached memo addresses an overall commitment to a policy favoring conservation and development of energy resources. As you are well aware, there are many cities throughout the State that are attempting, at least, to encourage possible alternate energy uses as well as conser- vation. Some have rather elaborate programs which have been codified and formalized, such as the City of Davis. Others have not gone to the same extent, but incorporate conser- vation and energy utilizing procedures in their site planning or zoning requirements. If the Council wishes to become committed to such a program, it will undoubtedly take some time to develop and it would be appropriate to establish a policy statement along the lines suggested by the five-point Planning Commission memo. This could be done by motion or, if you wish to be somewhat more formalized, by resolution. Recommend your adoption of such policy statement. U RAY WARDEN LW:ad 10-23-80 M_E M -0 R_A N D U M : October 22, 1980 TO: CityManager FROM: Planning Director SUBJECT: ENERGY CONSERVATION AND ALTERNATIVE SOURCES OF ENERGY APPLICANT: Initiated by Planning Commission On October 20, 1980 the Planning Commission reviewed the subject matter and, by motion, unanimously adopted Findings 1-5 as follows: 1) Conservation of Energy and the development of alternate sources of energy are important to the economy and well- being of both this country and the City of Atascadero. 2) Other governmental entities have initiated actions with re- gards to solar energy, energy efficiency, and tax and other incentives oriented; towards increased conservation. 3) Many residences in the City already employ solar collectors for portions of their energy needs and there are more oppor- tunities available in the City to continue this trend. 4) The City of Atascadero should initiate steps to be in the forefront of cities. in San Luis Obispo County and the Central Coast region in the area of energy conservation and develop- ment of alternative` sources of energy. 5)', The City of Atascadero should declare its commitment in favor of conservation of energy and of development of alternative sources of energy . The Planning Commission requests that Council consider adoption of these Findings in order to establish the City' s position on the matter. LAWRENCE ST VENS MU Y RDEN Planning D ' actor C•ty M ager /ps s I P: .irFor yr r r. CITY OF ATASCADERO Planning Department October 20 1980 1918'i6 C F ""!G, 1979 g P STAFF REPORT SUBJECT: ENERGY CONSERVATION AND ALTERNATIVE SOURCES OF ENERGY APPLICANT: Initiated by Planning Commission BACKGROUND On August 18, 1980 Commissioner Oglesby submitted a statement on energy conservation and alternative sources of energy for consideration by the Planning Commission. Staff was directed to prepare a resolution based on the statement for considera- tion by the Commission in the near future. FINDINGS : 1. Conservation of energy and the development of alternate sources of energy are important to the economy and well-being of both this country and the City of Atascadero. 2. Other governmental entities have initiated actions with re- gards to solar energy, energy efficiency, and tax and other incentives oriented towards increased conservation. 3. Many residences in the City already employ solar collectors for portions of their energy needs and there are more oppor- tunities available in the City to continue this trend. 4 . The City of Atascadero should initiate steps to be in the forefront of cities in San Luis Obispo County and the Central Coast region in the area of energy conservation and development of alternative sources of energy. 5 . The City of Atascadero should declare its commitment in favor of conservation of energy and of development of alternative sources of energy. RECOMMENDATION The Planning Department recommends that the above Findings be adopted and transmitted to the City Council. • Staff Report (Energy Conservation and Alternative Sources of Energy) October 20 , 1980 Page Two ACTION To approve : Adopt findings by motion and direct Staff to transmit to City Council. To deny: Receive and file. REPORT PREPARED/APPROVED BY: LAWRENCE STE ENS Planning Dir ctor /Ps • 0 Because we believe that conservation of energy and the development of alternati-Iources of energy are vital to our economy and to the sell-being of our country, we also believe it is important that the new city of Atasca- dero, concern itself wit", these matters. The cities of San Dieco and Davis and the County of Santa Barbara have lead the way in the use of solar energy and in conservation practices which have resulted in energy savings of un to 40%. rneray-efficient city cars, elimination of wasted hours of public lightino;`t emperature limits in public buildings are beginnings, small in themselves tut adding to ti-;e total ener- gy savings. An anureciable number of new houses in Atascadero are already using solar collectors for at least part of their energy needs. There are Federal and State guidelines and tax incentives to be considered. Methane from city garbage and combustion of other types of 3ioriass are aopropriate and fea3ihle in our rural surroundings. Wind power is also .north exploring. Alll these, and others will take time to explore and develop, but a cern- .yj mittment to a noiiCY of energy- conservation and the develo-ment of alterr_at��e sources of energy could ba an irzaediate step which would put Atascadero in the forefront of cities in the County and tine Central Coast, an example of vision., cor^.mon sense and resourcefulness. Jith two colleges in the County, many of whose faculty members, both ac- tive and retired, -k±yx are residents of Atascadero, the 8ity has a wealth of talent ava_lable for consultation. Scme of these people, with other knowledge- able citizens, might be asked to form a volunteer advisory co�nittee to study the feasibility of various City efforts in conservation. Mayor *iane Feinstein of San Francisco has recently appointed ,just such a committee to help guide that city's develonment of energy policies. ie therefore urge the City Council to declare its intentions and�commi.tt- ment to a policy of energy conservation. and the development of altarnat20energy sources and, as soon as is practicable, initiate studies with respect to leg- • illation for the City. • M E_M—O_R_A N_D 0 M_ TO: City Council FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: Planning •Commission resignation, Commissioner Norman Norton , With the January 1, 1981, effective date of Mr. Norton's resignation from the Planning Commission, it will be necessary for the Council to select a replacement Commissioner for the remainder of his unfilled term which expires July 31, 1981. Although no formalized procedure exists for filling vacated seats,. the same procedures as used for appointment can be used for replacement. This procedure would be to solicit applicants who are interested in the Commission. The replacement would be for Mr. Norton as a Commissioner, ;not as Chairman, since the Planning Commission itself selects the Chairman. If you wish to accept Mr. Norton' s resignation and proceed with filling the vacated position, it would be appropriate to direct Staff to place an ad in the newspaper to solicit names of those who are interested in serving on the Planning Commis- sion. once that is done, the names would be turned over to you and you would make your selection in the same manner as the original appointments. It should be noted that the selection process has to be done in a public meeting in accorance with State law. 47YWARDE� r .. MLW:pj 10-23-80. o to-n/dam RECEIVED CWT 2 1 1980 Enterprises,Inc. 1 cicawst& ao. aaaAaa ' 0300 6L CAMINO REAL • POST OFFICE 00X 1107 ♦ ATASCAOERO. CALIFORNIA 93488 • PrHONiti laos 466.4776 . '1 October 20` 1980 Mayor Bob Wilkins and the 'City Council colo City of Atascadero P. 0. Box 747 Atascadero, Ca;. 934422 Dear City Council Members: I would like to express appreciation to the Council .for having . chosen tie as one of the first Planning'Commissioners of the gity of Atascadero.'; I wish to thank the Planning Commission for their confidence in -selecting me as- their' chairman. It has beer ' s.. _privile4e and. pleasure to serve the City the last fifteen months. Due to pressing need's in my business and personal obligations, 1 would like to submit my resignation effective 'January 1, i9€ 1l. Thanks again for all the cooperation and support you'have given• me during these months as the chairman of the Planning Commission.'' Sincerely, y �I�Gorman J o ton Jr,!�� - lh 1 Copies to City Manager--Murray Warden Planning Director'--Larry Stevens 4 4 0 M_E M_O_R A_N D_U_M TO: City Council FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: Jaycees request for funds for Sunken Gardens ' repairs The attached memo from Larry McPherson basically ex- plains the request of the Jaycees. Unfortunately, request for funds never seem to end, and each request appears to be of considerable merit. The requested amount seems to be at least partially satisfied by our adopted budget and our desire to assure that the Sunken Gardens facility is re- paired so as to eventually allow us to use the fountains with their pumps as well as the tree lighting system. If we do intend to upgrade those facilities, then some of the Jaycees' costs would have to be absorbed by the City. I concur with Mr. McPherson' s recommendation that we con- tribute the $1, 000 requested with the understanding that we need only appropriate the difference between the $600 costs and the $1, 000 requested. At this time, we do not need transfer from reserves, since there is sufficient money in the account to meet this project. However, if later on such a transfer is needed, I shall return to you with a request for the difference. Your action would be to approve the commitment of up to $1,000 for electrical repair work in the Sunken Gardens. 1; MVRW41ARDEN LW:pj 10-23-80 Attachment MEMORANDUM ` TO Murray Warden FROM: Larry McPherson SUBJECT: Request for Funds by the Jaycees In response to the request by the Jaycees to have the City contribute $1,040 toward electrical repairs in the Sunken Gardens,_I feel that there is justification for consideration of funding;based on the following information. The work proposed would replace the existing electrical system with weatherproof equipment in the form of a new 100 amp subpanel, new circuit breakers, timers for the tree lights, and a new timer for ,the fountain. It would also include all wiring and connections. About $500-$600 for this work was budgeted in the Building Repairs account and we had planned to upgrade the electrical service in the Sunken Gardens. In my 'opinion, about half of the work proposed by the Jaycees would have to be done by the City to replace the unsafe electrical system that now exists. WRENCE McPHERSON LMvh 10-15-80 _M E M 0 R A N D U M TO: City Manager - - - - - - - - - r FROM: Public Works Director SUBJECT: Solid Waste Management Grant Funds RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that City Council approve the attached reso- lution authorizing the County of San Luis Obispo to act as an agent for the City in applying for and administering grant funds available under the Solid Waste Management Act of 1980. BACKGROUND: Approximately $33 ,000 are available in fiscal year 1980-81 to the cities and County in San Luis Obispo County under the Solid Waste Management Act of 1980. These funds are made available for cleanup or abatement of litter in public places, for public infor- mation and education activities to prevent and control littering, , and for the purchase and maintenance of litter receptacles, Since the total funds available are rather limited, the County isproposingto pool all funds within the County to provide programs that are of area-wide benefit; such as roadside cleanup, educational programs, and purchase of waste receptacles. In the past, this City has benefited from the same type of program managed by the County Health Department. The exact amount of our City's share is not known since the State included it along with the County's; however, it would be on' the order of $3,000 to $4,000 for the fiscal year 1980-81. AN—CE MC PHERSON LM:ad 10-23-80 RECOMMEND CONCURRENCE *M � WARDfi i` RESOLUTION.NO. 24-80 RESOLUTION OF THE ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL APPROVING THE APPLICATION FOR GRANT FUNDS UNDER THE SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT ACT OF 1980 WHEREAS, the Legislature of the State of California has enacted the State Solid Waste Management Act of ,1.980 which provided funds to certain entities for litter cleanup, litter law enforcement, public awareness and education, and purchase of litter receptacles;' and WHEREAS, the State Solid Waste Management Board has been fele- ) gated the responsibility for. the; administration of the program; setting up necessary procedures governing application by local : agencies under the program; and WHEREAS, said procedures established by the State Solite W ste Management .Board require the applicant to certify ;the approval of applications prior to submission' o£ said applications ;to.the Statei. 4 NOW, THERFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the. Council of the City of Atascadero: 1. Approves the filing of an. application for funding under the State Solid Waste Management Act; and - 2. Certifies that "said agency understands the general pro- visions Y visions of the grant agreement; And 3. Authorizes the County of San Luis Obispo as agent of the:' City of Atasca4ero< to conduct all negot ations, execute and submit all documents- including but not limited to, applications, grant agreements, amen.cments and payment requests, 'which may be necessary for the completion,. of the aforementioned prcigram until July 1, 1983. On motion by Councilman and seconded by Councilraa:n the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in it-s entirely on; the following roll call vote-.- AYES; ote:AYES; NOES: ABSENT: ROBERT J. WIL INS, JR. , 197ayor ATTEST: APPROVED AS FORM MURRAY L. WARDEN, My,, ,rjell ALLEN GRIMES, City :Attorney' r / 'C DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH • San JohnsonLuis Obis Avenue 1 ® San Luis Obispo,Calif.93406 \ �; f 2191 Johnson Avenue • P.O. Box 14$9 • San Luis Obispo, California 93406 P.O.Box 1489•,'S x--%9Px 549-5544 COUNTY OF SAN LU IS OB I S P O Veterans Memorial Building - Paso Robles,Calif.93446 P.O.Box 155• 238-1880 • HOWARD W. MITCHELL, M.D., M.P.H. 5575 Capistrano Avenue Health Officer Atascadero,Calif.93422 P.O.Box 813•466.3000 286 So.16th Street P.O. x425Calif.9342 October 17, 1980 REC�d Q P.O.Box 425• 489-4722 ! IVO 200 East Dana Street F1 Nipomo,Calif.93444 P.O.Box 445•929-3277 Home Health Agency 1160 Marsh—Suite Z-2 San Luis Obispo,Calif.93408 549-5754 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Atascadero Post Office Box 747 Atascadero, California 93422 The State Solid Waste Management Board is now accepting applications for litter control grant funds for fiscal year 1980-81. Legislative changes made through SB261 have renamed the program from the Litter Control , Recycling and Resource • Recovery of 1977 to the Solid Waste Management Act of 1980. Upon approval , only one application will be required for the remainder of the grant program which ends July 1, 1983, unless renewed. Additional funds for the following fiscal years will be obtained through the contract amendment process. These funds will be available every twelve (12) months until July 1, 1983. We are requesting that you again authorize the County Health Department to apply for these funds on your behalf. It- is our proposal that all the monies again be pooled in order to continue the present litter control program. The monies will be used to pay for the litter control officer position whose time will continue to be divided between public awareness, clean-up and enforcement activities. Because we have approximately 48% less total funds available, a heavier emphasis will be placed on public awareness in order to make a greater number of people aware of the need for proper storage, transportation, and disposal methods for solid waste. Under the present program, litter on public roads is cleaned up on a regular basis throughout the County. To complete the application, a resolution or minute order must be adopted authorizing the County to apply for and administer the funds for you. A sample resolution is enclosed for you to follow. We will need your resolutions by November 7, 1980, in order to meet the application deadline. HOWARD W. MITCHELL, M.D.,M.P.H. Health Agency Director/Health Officer • ,.J TIM MAllACANO, R ., Director HWM/TM:Iw Division of Environmental Health ` ' ` D �f MEMOR.AN `DUM TO: City Council FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: Ordinance No. 32 -'Fire Department The attached Ordinance confirms and formalizes the establishment of the Atascadero Fire Department and the appointment of the Fire Chief. It is similar to other de- partmental ordinances. Recommend first reading for adoption M RRAY L. WARDEN MLWpj 10-23-80 ORDINANCE NO. 32 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO CREATING ' CHAPTER 2 TO TITLE 4 OF THE ATASCADERO MUNICIPAL CODE, ENTITLED FIRE DEPARTMENT The Council of the City of Atascadero ordains as follows: Section 1. Chapter 2 of Title 4 is added to the Atascadero Municipal Code to read as follows: TITLE 4. PUBLIC SAFETY Chapter 2. Fire Department 4-2.01. Established. The Fire Department and the office of Fire Chief is hereby created and established. 4-2.02. Fire Chief - Appointment, Supervision. The Fire Chief shall be appointed or removed by the City Manager with the concurrence and confirmation of the City Council. The City Manager shall be the immediate supervisor of the FireChief and all policies , directives and orders to the Fire Chief shall be made by or transmitted through the City Manager. ' 4-2.03. Powers and Duties of Fire Chief. The Fire Chief shall be responsible for enforcing applicable State and local laws and ordinances and shall direct the administra- tion and operation of the Fire Department. Section 2. The City Clerk shall cause this ordinance to be pub- lished once within fifteen (15) days after its passage in the Atas- cadero News, a newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circulated in the City in accordance with Section 36933 of the Government Code; shall certify the adoption and posting of this ordinance and shall cause this ordinance and this certification to be entered into the Book of Ordinances of this City. Section 3. This ordinance shall go into effect and be in full force and effect at 12:01 a.m. on the 31st day after its passage. The foregoing ordinance was introduced on and adopted at a regular meeting of the Council held on Ordinance No. 32 • AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ROBERT J. WILKINS, JR. , Mayor ATTEST: MURRAY L. WARDEN, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: w ALLEN GRIMES, City Attorney • • _ 2 M E M O RAN D U M • TO: City 'Council 1 FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: Bid for asphalt patch truck, Bid #80-14 In requesting bids for our asphalt patch truck, we wanted quotes for gas or diesel engines. After receiving the -bids for both and analyzing the 'overall needs of the City, it appears that a diesel engine would be of more benefit because of its longer service life, dower fuel and lower maintenance costs. �Our budget was predicated on a gas powered unit and, as a consequence, this bid was higher than budgeted. On the other hand, our Capital Outlay budget, as noted by Mr ' McPherson, has `two items which will be under- • expended. By utilizing the monies saved for a diesel 'powered asphalt patch truck, we can purchase a better piece of equipment at no increase in our overall budget. I concur with Mr. McPherson`s recommendation. Y . WARDEN MhW•ad' _ 10-23-80 k i _M_E_M_O—R_ArN—D—UM Z) • TO: City Council — _ FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: Bid for asphalt patch truck, Bid #80-14 In requesting bids for our asphalt patch truck, we wanted quotes for gas or diesel engines. After receiving the bids for both and analyzing the overall needs of the City, it appears that a diesel engine would be of more benefit because of its longer service life, lower fuel and lower maintenance costs. Our budget was predicated on a gas powered unit and, as a consequence, this bid was higher than budgeted. On the other hand, our Capital Outlay budget, as noted by Mr. McPherson, has two items which will be under- • expended. By utilizing the monies saved for a diesel powered asphalt patch truck, we can purchase a better piece of equipment at no increase in our overall budget. I concur with Mr. McPherson' s recommendation. Y WARDEN LW:ad 10-23-80 MEMORANDUM T0: Murray Warden FROM: Larry McPherson SUBJECT: Bid for Asphalt Patch Truck, Bid #80-14 Recommendation That the bid from Atascadero Ford for an LN700 truck with a Detroit Diesel engine be accepted. The total delivered price is ,$29,575.12. This unit complies with the bid specifications. Background A total of four bids were received on the asphalt patch truck with alternative bids for gasolineordiesel powered units. The low bid for the gasoline powered unit was €rom 'Palla Equip-, ment, Inca of Paso Robles in the amount of $24,946.04. The diesel powered unit is being recommended due to its increased service life, lower fuel costs, and lower maintenance costs over the term of ownership. Although the low bid for the diesel powered unit is above the budgeted amount, I feel we can stay within our Capital Outlay.- budget by utilizing two other budgeted accounts as follows: - 1. '01-4402-308 - Self Propelled Roller - $2 ,000. We are purchasing a vibro-plate compactor for $1 ,000 in lieu of the budgeted self propelled roller at a saving of $2 ,000 over the original allocation. 2. 01-.4402-211 - Dump Truck (Rent) $2 ,575. 12. Since we are, purchasing a dump body truck with this bid, we will not need to utilize all this rental account for our maintenance activity needs. The total combined savings from thee above �budget 'accounts ` combined with account #0174401-306 , Patch— �' n .the amount of $25,000, adds up to the bid total of 25,975. for the Ford based d;esel unit. ',�WRENCE MCPHERSON LM:vh 10- 10-80 i f • O O a-) •r-I ,-I N 4-) W �4 U �4 4 4 � .[ O 1:: U W C7 H H -u r-I (n O a% 00 cp O !` m 00 O O C9Tf \ O 00 [l l0 •rl 00 ON M Lf) cY' 00 %.0 CO l- . 0 Ln Lf1 Ln c}' z l0 N N N N N •-) r-i fo a v Ea N N M 00 O O H ri �M r-1 [ ct' dl N W Q d' N t!1 Ln r4 Lf \ M 00 r- Ln 00 'w N N m r r-1 N M M M =; N M M M i x h U H z O -14 z H [� a a z a i a w z a a of as x W Of W H W U a a H a a a E M E M O RAN D U M TO: City Council FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: Bids for reroofing of Administration Building Due to the necessity of getting our reroofingproject underway as soon as possible, I am placing the bid matter on the agenda, although bids won't be opened until Friday, October 24th. Consequently, we will give you a verbal re- port on `Monday night and will have a recommendation as to • your acceptance or rejection. M "RRA 'WARDEN MLW:pj 10-23-80 S M E M O R A N D U M TO: Murray Warden FROM: Larry McPherson SUBJECT: Reroof of Administration Building, Bid No. 80-16 Recommendation: It is recommended that City Council accent the low bid for the Administration Building Reroofing submitted by James Quaglino Roofing, 1993 Santa Barbara Street , San Luis Obispo, in the amount of $39 , 308. 00. Background This first phase of the building renovation project was authorized by the City Council at their meeting of October 13, 1980. The Engineer' s Estimate for the reroofing phase was $45 , 000. 00 . The attached bid spread sheet shows the results of the bids received. ZZ LAWRENCE McPHERSON LM:vh 10-24-80 att. 0) L • b r-I ,---, ail a1 Q C, 0 Ci- ro 0 0 0 tp U o o +J -Ii o0 o rn U 44 o o M 0 o v c N °1 M Lf) Ln a x o N U L a. C 2 Lu N ~ (/) C/)' Q b � v A .,i >'a U cn ua >~ (t) o ' o � �a +-P Q 4a 44 C) V O U N N o � N a .-I Q IX cn cn 0 00 r-I N 44 H r O 44 ri 44 oco' a x°o 0 o x L qTI a� z c Cl Q a a A as o cn M E M-'0 A N D `M TO: -City Council FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: Contract for ambulance services The attached contract between the County and the City will not result in any cost to the City. The reason for it is to assure a_County-wide inspection program for compliance with State mandated ambulance equipment and operation laws. Without this contract, we would have to inspect and issue permits for ambulances operating within the City and exercise over all supervision. The other cities within -the County have entered into the same type of arrangement in order to assure uniformity in ambulance standards. The program is a part of the County wide policy of the Emergency Medical Com- mittee made up of representatives of the medical profession, hospitals, private citizens as well as City and County per- sonnel. Recommend approval. RRA Y L. WARDE1 ` MLW:pj \ 10-23-80 Attach. DIVISION VIII CONTRACT THIS CONTRACT entered into this _ day of 1980 , by and between the CITY OF ATASCADERO, a general law city located in the County of. San Luis Obispo, State of California ( hereinafter called "City" ) , and the COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO, a political subdivision and one of the counties of the State , of California ( hereinafter called "County" ) ; WITNESSETH : . 5 WHEREAS , County has duly adopted an Ambulance Ordinance as set forth in Chapter 6 . 60 of the County Code , and -pursuant to ' such Ordinance , County has also duly adopted an Emergency Med- ical Response Manual ( hereinafter called "E;4RM! ) ; and WHEREAS, in order to have uniform ambulance operation " procedures in the entire County of San Luis Obispo , it is necessary that all cities within the County of San Luis Obispo , and the County, enter into contracts pursuant ,to Government Code Section's 51300 through 51303, inclusive, for the per- formance by the appropriate County officers and employees of the' cities ' ambulance functions ; and WHEREAS , Government Code Section 38794 also permits City to contract for ambulance service to serve the residents of City as convenience requires ; and WHEREAS , it is in the interest of the taxpayers- and resi dents of the County and of such cities , and it is in the public interest that such contracts be entered into by County and such _ cities. NOW , THEREFORE , in consideration of the mutual covenants , conditions , promises and agreements herein set forth , City and County hereby mutually covenant and agree as follows: 1 . That the recitals set forth hereinabove are true , correct and valid . 2 . That pursuant to Government Code Sections 51300 through 51303 , inclusive, and to Government Code Section 38794 , County shall by its appropriate officers and employees perform within City all of City' s ambulance functions , including , but not limited to , those referred to in Government Code Section 38794. 3 . That City and County hereby agree that during the term of this Contract , the provisions of the County Ambulance Ordi - nance (namely , Chapter 6. 60 of the County Code) and as hereafter amended , and of the EMRM and as hereafter amended , shall be and are in full force and effect within City; and Chapter 6. 60 of the County Code and as hereafter amended , and the EMRM of County and as hereafter amended , are both hereby expressly incorporated herein by reference as though here fully set forth. 4 . The term of this Contract shall be for five ( 5) years from and after the date set forth hereinabove , and such term shall be automatically renewed for additional periods of five ( 5 ) years each unless the legislative body of either County or City votes not to renew the term at a meeting more than one ( 1 ) year before the expiration of any five-year period and duly notifies the other party hereto within thirty ( 30) days after • such vote . 2 5 . The following County officers and employees shall exercise within City the powers , duties and functions herein- after specified : a . The San Luis Obispo Emergency Medical Care Committee shall exercise within City all of the powers , duties and functions conferred on such Committee by such Chapter 6 . 60 and as hereafter amended , and by the EMRM and as hereafter amended , to be exercised within County. b . The County Sheriff , as the EMRM licensing agency, shall exercise within City all of the powers , duties and functions conferred on such Sheriff by such Chapter 6. 60 and as hereafter amended , and by the EMRM and as hereafter amended, to be exercised within County. C . The County Central Dispatch Center shall exercise • within City all of the powers , duties and functions conferred on such Center by such Chapter 6. 60 and as hereafter amended , and by the EMRM and as hereafter amended , to be exercised within County. d. The Board of Supervisors of County shall exercise within City all of the powers , duties and functions conferred on such Board by such Chapter 6 . 60 and as hereafter amended , and by the EMRM and as hereafter amended , to be exercised within County . e . The County Communication Director shall exercise within City all of the powers , duties and functions conferred on such Director by such Chapter 6 . 60 and as hereafter amended , to be exercised within County. • -3- • 6 . This Contract may only be amended or repealed by the mutual written agreement of both parties hereto. 7 . It is understood and agreed by County and City that City shall have no obligation or duty pursuant to this Contract to pay any money to County for any purpose hereunder. 8 . County shall defend , indemnify and save harmless City and its officers , agents and employees from and against any and all claims , demands , liability , costs , expenses , judgments , causes of action and damages , arising in any manner out of this Contract or out of the performance or attempted performance of the provisions hereof , including , but not limited to , any act or omission to act on the part of County or its agents or employees or independent contractors directly responsible to • County. 9 . Neither party hereto shall assign or transfer this Contract or any interest herein without the prior written con- sent of the other party , except as may be otherwise specifically permitted by such Chapter 6. 60 and as hereafter amended or by such EMRM and as hereafter amended . 10. This Contract shall be binding on the assigns , trans- ferees and successors of the parties hereto . 11 . No waiver by either party hereto of any failure by the other party to comply with any term or condition hereof shall be or shall be deemed to be a waiver by such first party of any similar or other failure by such party to comply with any term or condition hereof. • _4r IN WITNESS WHEREOF, City and County have executed this • Contract on the day and year first hereinabove set forth . CITY OF ATASCADERO ATTEST: By Mayor of City HURRAY L. [GARDEN, City Clerk COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO By : Chairman , Board of Supervisors APPROVED AS TO FLECITY CITY ATTORNEY OF OF ATASCADERO City Attorney APPROVED AS TO FORM: • JAMES B . LINDHOLM , JR. County Counsel t B y w Deputy County Counsel G Dated : • -5- M EMO RAN D U M TO: City Council FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: Quarterly Review, Fiscal Year 1980-81 Budget A quarterly review and approval of changes to our Fiscal Year 1980-81 budget reflecting Council actions is necessary to insure both currency of the document and correct appropriations. Attached as Exhibit "A" is a detailed list of changes through October 27, 1980, which, if posted to your Fiscal Year 1980-81 Final Budget document, will bring it up to date after your action on October 27, 1980. Exhibit "B" is a series of page inserts which should be placed in your budget document which will then reflect the added Recreation Department budget as well as the Revenue Sharing expenditures. Please note that Recreation will require General Fund support since estimated fees will not support the entire program. The following is an explanation of the various changes; all page numbers refer to those in the budget document. Some of the changes have been previously approved by the Council. Those marked by an asterisk (*) require your approval on October 27th. INCREASED REVENUES Page 11 Taxes 3100 010 Current Secured - Change $326 ,604 to $438,210. This includes an additional $111,606 collection for Fiscal -Year-1980-81 as estimated: by the County. 020 Current Unsecured - Change $16,285 to $28,618. This includes an additional $12,333 as estimated by the County. 080 Sales and Use Tax Change •$800,000 to $750,0-00. This $50,000 reduction is based on Sales Tax pattern within the last three (3) quarters which indicatesthat $750,000 is a more realistic; estimate. This estimate can be further refined during future quarterly adjust- ments Add 120 , Financial Aid to Local Agencies (FALA) , with an estimated revenue of $32 ,990. This is a new subvention paid twice yearly based on an increase in business inventory exemptions from 50% to 100% and an increase of the State tax rate on banks and corporations. Page 13 • Revenue/Agencies 3500 090 Miscellaneous Funds - Change $1,000 to $13,500. This accoulvts for $12,500 received from County towards building renovation. Memorandum - Quarterly Review, FY80-81 Budget Page Three Contingency Reserve and approved by prior Council action. Page 37 Fire Department 101 Captains - Change $61,824 to $64 , 134. This $2 , 310 was transferred from Contingency Reserve by prior Council action. 105 Health Ins. - Change $4, 848 to $10 ,797. This $5 ,949 was transferred from Contingency Reserve by prior Council action. Page 39 * Fire Department 229 Radio Services - Change $2 ,400 to $3,110. This $710 was required to relocate Fire Department radios to Central Dispatch and change equipment location on Pine mountain. This was not budgeted in FY80-81 budget. Request transfer of $710 from General Revenues to this account. i"Council approval is required.._) Add new Account 258 Fire District Liabilities , FY79-80 with the allocation of $22 ,798. This amount represents the total Fire District warrants paid by the City subsequent to June 30, 1980. Request trans- fer of these funds , $22 , 798 , from Contingency Reserve to this account as total District assets were placed in reserve. Council approval is required. Page 41 Non-Departmental 255 Fire Insurance - Change $3 ,500 to $6 ,830 . This $3, 330 was approved by Council and transferred from Contingency Reserve for the annual cost of Fire Insurance. Page 42 Non-Departmental Add Account 259 CCCJPA Assessment with an allocation of $1,400. This was approved by Council as our assessment for entry into the CCCJPA and funds were transferred from Contingency Reserve. Page 45 Public Works/Engineering/Administration 224 Contracted Services - Change Fuel/Mnt. from $19 , 380 to $26 , 380 and Handicapped System from $14 ,039 to $10,000. This overall increase ti • M E M O R A N D U M TO: Murray Warden FROM: Larry McPherson SUBJECT: Reroof of Administration Building, Bid No. 80-16 Recommendation: It is recommended that City Council accept the low bid for the Administration Building Reroofing submitted by James Quaglino Roofing, 1993 Santa Barbara Street, San Luis Obispo, in the amount of $39 , 308. 00. Background This first phase of the building renovation project was authorized by the City Council at their meeting of October 13, 1980. The Engineer' s Estimate for the reroofing phase was $45 , 000. 00 . The attached bid spread sheet shows the results of the bids received. L,wRENCE McPHERSON LM:vh 10-24-80 att. b N � Q N CL- ro 1✓ CJ W UO O O O O O .. —4 . 4-J O O (� 44 O O aN 0 M ul 0 �4 D al N Ol O V} vi- N U L 0- a- Z w h j W. Q QQc t G �_ 3 Q v J C� rib Q_ O A �I U UI rn O O C rd -,I N •ri 44 44 O L 0 •ri O O N O 04 cd rli a Q 04 U) co Cl) 0 w , s~ bi r-i N 44 ri 0 44 r4 O o 0 0 44 00 r4 a 0 0 W4 0 o x L A R3 O r-q r Q fd �I r-i N cl 0 >1 O «r Q =3 01 a p pQ O � ' MEM 'ORAND � M TO: -City Council FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: Contract for ambulance services The attached contract between the County ,and the City' 1 will not result in any cast to the City,, The reason for it is to assure a_County-wide inspection program "for compliance with State mandated ambulance equipment and operation laws. Without this contract, we would have to inspect and issue permits for ambulances operating within the City and exercise over all supervision. The other cities within the County have entered into the same type of arrangement in order to assure uniformity in ambulance standards. The program is a part of the County wide policy of the Emergency Medical Com- mittee made up of representatives of the medical profession, hospitals, private citizens as well as City and County per- sonnel. Recommend approval. 44RL. WARDEN MLW:p} 10,--23-80 Attach. t J �1 - ry:: d a t rf rr '~„a' t t + ws.: fir„ rf �+;y 4 x ?,.�f:>-r a ix' . ,.a+� �Z5�4' �,.. 19 W-1-0-0 , r" 4: �' ° K 'btu y, e ~, c a * Y P E AAA g its s,' on s' n imams, R0 wit t -� ,Kw s .R � •�+ � ` cs,; � v`n- , �' ?`a �'. y, 1 k�}'t �'> e +� 2s`5'. tea”,• ;r i !-,fihr'S ✓+1 rE 4�IN :` 44 s s 2_1toy, a f rc G '��r ✓y� 4 ! A�4'Y � � 415 t of a y �,�'+„ �� % ail.'. '�`,'1+ v 1 L' �� �.e, � ���� �;`° �£i:��*'�M� �e �° �C,�¢. c;� #C .l .�•L a�h�..' �. 1' 't aqa w ,, pet�, ?=t ,,r s+fR jo- v a, . Igo- a� d s .�� d �i •`'�, 1 �, 3�f� _ ? �(` _ �'' i � ,��.. ` � 1b W, AP `may r}�� �d P `� ,0. a� � „ '� �' � "'�# ✓S�.�trc. WAS la. Ea "— � G4 " +3� . rs" � �'.. k a 1 � s � 7: er�� j eJr,�.r ,� �� }.l �n•s. c'nY"'' , �-e:� : y. ay,..3c a� +`i��gJ. MW Ago Y ay � rr',ass,:=°�t z,t ` 0�M,;'� Y �ry3}'.�, ���Sr +��r;�„ Ti.". �,;ij e x� .r - t s s � a'x �.;nl��. �.� x�{.: t@ � S � �� ,v)`p�� �€',3=SLt 3��✓. � F ,'� Pt���' �.?�?'.~i� �`4 Ca �' ;�,�' 'T, 3"- k 4 S,p-'s Sad 5a Y h,�" ���.�� fi.�77�.a {° a �f� '�" �z z,.. <,,,• �,„ a. :..'rfi`�NpR� � (� .;4,� g,rk�' ,bdt - fi •w� ,�� k �# i'�' k,�� ', � °1+r?,.,�� i .f �'«` i ) t� .."...i � p rr, •tee^3'y 'N4 �' "�� 3 c,. �a r, k to 3 '�•,:a �.. l er � fur, •S � ��'+�� ra�������{„ ,5�� @ 'ra i f a � ° of7 d r ,� .r;m �� >`'u.. �i,i",D C } V�^A f�..�ic��� r� ,.R � '*�.. .� ^. + 'W Zg ago '� Msr r y `i ^Ri ORN�r� 4 } - N''1 r k i gih`f,�(� -'h � �,. A'k f,.,, py� i,�i h. �y,• �" Y F �'.l�a�i { y�]¢j' � "'G;' ?yy Q- x MCI �y �, Ai Xp4 ',�t "e w sem''' _."a x x a� v #� :Y z .� a � �',� „� car. fir-'.Ya.('� '''�, �.�" Y, ,...z r .,'� �'�y s .✓ � .,,1 ,, a�.�: k .s ,'sE��� x'� h 4e , '4bva it � ' ��p i � low,n - w *€?� � �,a $•dna 5 d,:� �t � irs.�"£i �<i"�,7�'�,r av ,r' �': >� Y �kss {w fir' � t r To� i". , s'J E >.�' sa,'. w '�r,,v•. �i r i w y rizn e k,��.�ysae ,a.., >�'�s t'7� a �t s.�! r l;l� ✓+ ! a t fy,� s � W—J! , s" �og � Ra d 1f '3 llt ��- �,�Y.. � 1 txa, _4 s ��y k �'.: �,R � ,t• t Y,> $ 'S � �", ,: t n a� ,�[K r¢'"� �".�' r. y£. �'i g�y�'�`, _ a�a ,,1,� ib :'a. tI3z� �t � F 4'�` r a�"`xr ' duG "s ,;-�r >e x d t•r � 1y,5 R 4: myna ✓v F,rn}.^�+r y a;" e�4' �+- 4 'pv� r: t o y y t Y.: �` a h a t d F � na1� . `'�,*�%''�'r �� ,t� �. s �,a s�3�_ a` ��_ x �, s°�,a •��c�,�`$p � i, h,' s ' s MAN i VON s5 x f a ,wn gs n Fz 1 c,,. a i> e.,1 J,,,�y vtr a Rs; 4fi,pY." �� vs,�ur g„,', Ya.•'wy ,�kr :x'r ,( ^,,,.as .h{ ,.a., ` ` x Yom'. z W*­- ",. ”` Ea ' 7 $ M r � G �r� .`„'„*n Fx''� • �r `” hrr{ t• 'as- ze'+ �s `Y '' r'`.'.. „I °� ' t "E`, yye,> '�^^wny' - '. � '�' F � •wa, � t a,� ��$"�� ark � ' 4�� NOW, THEREFORE , in consideration of the mutual covenants, conditions , promises and agreements herein set forth , City and County hereby mutually covenant and agree as follows : 1 . That the recitals set forth hereinabove are true , correct and valid . 2 . That pursuant to Government Code Sections 51300 through 51303 , inclusive , and to Government Code Section 38794 , County shall by its appropriate officers and employees perform within City all of City ' s ambulance functions , including , but not limited to , those referred to in Government Code Section 38794 . 3 . That City and County hereby agree that during the term of this Contract , the provisions of the County Ambulance Ordi - nance (namely , Chapter 6 . 60 of the County Code) and as hereafter amended , and of the EMRM and as hereafter amended , shall be and are in full force and effect within City ; and Chapter 6 . 60 of the County Code and as hereafter amended , and the EMRM of County and as hereafter amended, are both hereby expressly incorporated herein by reference as though here fully set forth. 4 . The term of this Contract shall be for five ( 5) years from and after the date set forth hereinabove , and such term shall be automatically renewed for additional periods of five ( 5) years each unless the legislative body of either County or City votes not to renew the term at a meeting more than one ( 1 ) year before the expiration of any five-year period and duly notifies the other party hereto within thirty ( 30) days after • such vote . -2- 5 . The following County officers and employees shall exercise within City the powers , duties and functions herein- after specified : a . The San Luis Obispo Emergency Medical Care Committee shall exercise within City all of the powers , duties and functions conferred on such Committee by such Chapter 6 . 60 and as hereafter amended , and by the EMRM and as hereafter amended , to be exercised within County. b . The County Sheriff , as the EMRM licensing agency, shall exercise within City all of the powers , duties and functions conferred on such Sheriff by such Chapter 6 . 60 and as hereafter amended , and by the EMRM and as hereafter amended, to be exercised within County. C . The County Central Dispatch Center shall exercise • within City all of the powers , duties and functions conferred on such Center by such Chapter 6. 60 and as hereafter amended, and by the EMRM and as hereafter amended , to be exercised within County. d . The Board of Supervisors of County shall exercise within City all of the powers , duties and functions conferred on such Board by such Chapter 6 . 60 and as hereafter amended , and by the EMRM and as hereafter amended, to be exercised within County . e . The County Communication Director shall exercise within City all of the powers , duties and functions conferred on such Director by such Chapter 6 . 60 and as hereafter amended , to be exercised within County. • -3- 6. This Contract may only be amended or repealed by the mutual written agreement of both parties hereto . 7 . It is understood and agreed by County and City that City shall have no obligation or duty pursuant to this Contract to pay any money to County for any purpose hereunder . 8 . County shall defend, indemnify and save harmless City and its officers , agents and employees from and against any and all claims , demands , liability , costs , expenses , judgments , ' causes of action and damages , arising in any manner out of this Contract or out of the performance or attempted performance of the provisions hereof, including, but not limited to , any act or omission to act on the part of County or its agents or employees or independent contractors directly responsible to • County . 9 . Neither party hereto shall assign or transfer this Contract or any interest herein without the prior written con- sent of the other party , except as may be otherwise specifically permitted by such Chapter 6. 60 and as hereafter amended or by; such EMRM and as hereafter amended . 10. This Contract shall be binding on the assigns , trans- ferees and successors of the parties hereto . 11 . No waiver by either party hereto of any failure by the other party to comply with any term or condition hereof shall be or shall be deemed to be a waiver by such first party of any similar or other failure by such party to comply with • any term or condition hereof. -4 � s IN WITNESS WHEREOF , City and County have executed this • Contract on the day and year first hereinabove set forth . CITY OF ATASCADERO ATTEST: By Mayor of City MURRAY L. WARDEN, City Clerk COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO By : Chairman , Board of Supervisors APPROVED AS TO FLECITY CITY ATTORNEY OF OF ATASCADERO City Attorney APPROVED AS TO FORM: • JAMES B . LINDHOLM , JR. County Counsel By: �-7 Deputy County Counsel Dated: • -5 MEMO R=AN D UM TO: City Council FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: -Quarterly Review, Fiscal Year 1980-81 Budget A quarterly review and approval of changes to our Fiscal Year 1980-81 budget reflecting Council actions is necessary to insure both currency of the document and correct appropriations. Attached as Exhibit "A" is a detailed list of changes through Octobjer 27 1980 ,< which, if posted to your Fiscal Year 1980-81 Final Budget document, will bring it up to date after -your< action on October 27, 1980. Exhibit "B" is aiseries of page inserts which should be placed in your budgetdocument which will then reflect the added `Recreation Department budget as well as the Revenue Sharing expenditures. Please note that Recreation will require General Fund support since estimated fees will not support the entire program. The following is an explanation of the various changes; a1 page numbers refer to those in the budget'document. Some of the changes have been previously approved by the Council. Those marked by an asterisk (*) require your approval on October 27th. INCREASED REVENUES • Page 11 Taxes 3100 010 Current Secured - Change $326 ,604 to $438,210. This includes, an additional $111,606 collection for Fiscal Year 1980-81 as estimated' by the County. 020 Current Unsecured Change $16,285 to $28,618. This includes an additional $12,333 as estimated by the County. 080 Sales and Use Tax Change $800,000 to $750,000. This $50,000 reduction is based on Sales Tax pattern within the last three (3) , quarters which indicates' that $750,000 is a more realistic estimate. This estimate can be further refined during future quarterly adjust- ments. Add 120 , Financial Aid to Local 'Agencies' (FALA) , with an 'estimated revenue of $32 ,990. This is a new subvention paid twice yearly based on an increase in business inventory' exemptions from 50% to 100 and an increase of the State tax rate on banks and corporations. Page 13 • Revenue/Agencies 3500 090 Miscellaneous Funds - Change $1,000 to $13,500. This accounts for $12,500 received from County towards building renovation. Memorandum - Quarly Review, FY80-81 Budge Page Two Page 13 (cont. ) Add 100 Fiscal Year 1979-80 Fire District with a revenue of $105,319. This is the cash assets received from the County upon trans* fer of the District to the City. Page 18 Local Trans 3503 010 SB 325 - Change $243,811 to $310,175. Estimate for City' s share of SB 325 funds increased by $66,364 based on increased allo- cation to County by State. Page 19a (new page attached) Recreation 3602 010 Contract Services - Add $20,000. This is the estimate of funds received as payment for Contracted Services within the newly established Recreation program. These funds will primarily be used to pay contract instructors and defray certain costs and expenses of this portion of the program. This is recommended as an Enterprise Fund and will be supported initially by a combination of these reve- nues and General Fund monies. CHANGED EXPENDITURES Page 22 (* indicates Council approval required) * City Manager/City Clerk 206 Conferences —Change $1,500 to $2,500. Request transfer of $1,000 from increased General Revenues due to unanticipated seminar and conference activity during remainder of this fiscal year. Council ' approval is required. Page 28, 29, and 29a * Recreation. This is a proposed budget for the remainder of this fiscal year. Page 28 includes payment of the Paso Robles Recreation Director for part-time work. Pages 29 and 29a reflect the recommended budget for Supplies and Services and Capital Outlay. The total bud- get is $63,019 of which $27,605 has been approved within the current budget and $20 ,000 will be supported by Contracted Services revenue. Therefore, Council approval is requested for the transfer of $15,414 from increased General Revenues to the Recreation Fund. In addition, Council should a rove the establishment of Recreation as an Enterprise Fun Account 07-410 , Page 32 Planning/Building 311 4/Whl Dr Pickup - Change $7,500 to $8,282. This $782 trans- fer from Contingency Reserves was approved by prior Council action. Page 33 Police Department 102 Temp/Part Time - Add Crossing Guards and add $8,500 in last column for a new total of $499,012. The $8,500 was transferred from Memorandum - Quarterly Review, FY80-81 Budget Page Three • Contingency Reserve and approved by prior Council action. Page 37 Fire Department 101 Captains - Change $61,824 to $64 , 134. This $2 , 310 was transferred from Contingency Reserve by prior Council action.- 105 Health Ins . - Change $4 , 848 to $10 ,797. This $5,949 was transferred from Contingency Reserve by prior Council action. Page 39 Fire Department 229 Radio Services - Change $2 ,400 to $3,110. This $710 was required to relocate Fire Department radios to Central Dispatch and change equipment location on Pine mountain. This was not budgeted in FY80-81 budget. Request transfer of $710 from General Revenues a .to this account. Council approval is required Add new Account 258 Fire District Liabilities , FY79-80 with the • allocation of $22 ,798. This amount represents the total Fire District warrants paid by the City subsequent to June 30 , 1980. Request trans- fer of these funds , $22 ,798, from Contingency Reserve to this account as total District assets were placed in reserve. Council approval is required. Page 41 Non-Departmental 255 Fire Insurance - Change $3,500 to $6 ,830 . This $3, 330 was approved by Council and transferred from Contingency Reserve for the annual cost of Fire Insurance. Page 42 Non-Departmental Add Account 259 CCCJPA Assessment with an allocation of $1,400. This was approved by Council as our assessment for entry into the CCCJPA and funds were transferred from Contingency Reserve. Page 45 Public Works/Engineering/Administration • 224 Contracted Services — Change Fuel/Mnt. from $19 , 380 to $26, 380 and Handicapped System from $14,039 to $10,000. This overall increase Memorandum - Quarterly Review, FY80-81 Budget Page Four • of $2,961 is necessary to align the budget with the SB 325 claim filedbythe City for FY80-81. Council has approved this claim. * Prior Council action had approved the transfer of $3,259 from Contingency Reserve to the Handicapped System to meet our share as allocated by the County. This amount has since been changed by the County, so these funds need to be returned to Contingency Reserve. Request Council action to transfer $3 ,259 from Contracted Service, Handicapped System, to Contingency Reserve. Page 48 * ` Public Works , Streets 217 Maint Materials - Change $14,039 to $40 ,000. Request trans- fer of $25 ,961 from General Revenues to Place all Maintenance Materials expenditures in this account. The equivalent amount of funds was J provided by SB 325 monies, but has been removed as part of the total claim process. Note changes on page 50 . Council approval is requested. 4 Page 49 * Public Works, Streets 224 Contracted Services: Street Maint/Repairs- Change $253,588 • to $255 , 809. This increase of $2 ,221 is to insure total allocation of all anticipated Gas Tax Funds. This increase is due to $1,704 interest credited to Gas Tax and final allocationfor FY79-80. . Council r: action is requested to increase allocation to $255 ,809 . Page 50 * Public Works , Streets 217 Maint Materials Change $25 ,961 to 0 . 224 Contracted Services - Change $25, 412 to $85 ,175. 227 P G & E Street Lights - Change $10 , 399 to 0. The purpose of the above changes is to have an agreement between our budget and our SB 325 claim action and, more, important, to place SB 325 expenditures only in Dial-A-Ride and Street Maint/Repair which \ simplifies future accounting and State auditing. Request Council action to change these allocations. Page 51 Public Works, Streets • 227 P G & E Street Lights - Change $17 ,601 to $28 ,000. Request transfer of $10 ,399 from General Revenues to place all Street Light Memorandum - Quarterly Review, FY80-81 Budget Page Five costs in the account. The equivalent amount of funds was provided by SB 325 monies. Council approval is requested. 305 Pickup Truck (2) - Change $11,000 to $14 , 463. 310 Frontend Loader (Rent) - Change $12 ,000 to $8,537. These were internal adjustments within the two accounts for bid acceptance. There is no change to totals. Page 57 Public Works/Park & Zoo 302 Pickup Truck/Winch - Change $7,000 to $8 , 912 . This $1,912 increase was approved by Council and transferred from Contingency Reserve. Page 60 Public Works/Building Maintenance 302 Telephone System - Change $35,000 to $37, 466. This $2 , 466 increase was approved by Council and transferred from Contingency • Reserve. Page 61 Appropriations to Reserve Accounts Add new reserves 05 DAR Equipment Reserve $25,000 and 05 Bus Parking Lot and Turn-Around Development Reserve $15,000. These two new reserves are composed of SB 325 funds. Page 62 Appropriations to Waste Water Enterprise Fund Change total from $64,464 to $63 ,464. This was a typographical error on this page only in original budget. Page 63 Limited and Unlimited Appropriations Summary After making the corrections indicated in Exhibit"A" , your new Appropriations Summary will reflect our adjusted Proposition 4 appropriations. • Nto Memorandum - Quarterly Review, FY80-81 Budget Page Six Page 64 (new page) Approved Revenue Sharing Expenditures , FY1980-81 Please add this page to your budget document. This is a listing of Revenue Sharing Expenditures approved by Council during the bud- get process. This is a consolidated list of all approved items identified by (rs) throughout the budget. You will be provided, at a later date , a new budget document which will bring the budget up to date as required by our appropria- tions limit initial year. This will probably be in January. URRA L. WARDEN MLW:RHD•ad 10-23-80 • ro �o lfl %10 l4 to �.o -10 to w 0O m w m m0 w m w O0 w w w w m 00 O0 00 0 00 00 0o OO 0O co 0o 10z W C]K) • O 0 � � H tri i'] C] H A P p UI N U! iz �r O P W N N FC yCDoOort � Sts HnCf) CortHnoy0oHtooHCf) oF3CnoHUICnoHcno O J w N r+ F'• a �l O W (D Al tU O W L O A) 4�-- O (D to p (D F i O (D N O (D W N O W rt 5 in La rt,I'd n F- H rt b rt"0 rt n rt n rt n rt n rt F-j LTJ A� :OHu) <72) (D wF'• CW wN• roSLN- *dPcrow < rowCzwCWniwwro C F (D Fi Ai (D rt I U) F✓ rt Fes• Fi H rt G F-' rt Z F✓ F-'• GF- P G F' F'• O F� F�- Fi H• F-- n O H 0 Pi m � (D 0 o 1— t3 w v Ai Cr 0 Cr n v 0 �j 0 w Ij F'- F- trJ I-i I-h (D fs :Dl V F- (D (D O H F- H F- (D (D H O I (D (D (D (D F-' $ (D HI H I"i 4l -< U) Ul rt F- Fj• En F• N Fj- En C7 (n cn Ul n � Pi F- 0) W ll Qj O rt 00 00 0 O (D C7 (D rt n x F- r� O G sr sr O G G 21 Z) z ho sr Ql (D 21 ►- A G O rt rt rt ::E: IV 0) b 0 C) F-+ O Cn s 1+ I—' F-' in bd F-j O F- O U) O Cn O U] FS co w Al by (D �r U) w G (D F-j w Fl 0) n G K $ n G rt G (D " (D 1-0 W 0 rn m O �l k< 1-0 :� H. kC X -< x ho x 110 x 110 �l b ::I rt :� a :1 �ro (D w " �:s I'd (D �l (n (n "o co 110 U) 'T (D 'O (D 5 (D K �-Q t' A7 rt H t-h (D F-\ H\ t- :� Fh (D Fh rt (D Q,�C W CrJ P. F'•` Cb ro H.to F-'• L71 Fl- rt F'- F'• t Fes• 5 s-14 sZ �Jzrt (D rt w (Drt N �:l OW (Drtrt, (t (D M n H O U) cn n Ft U) n m 4 (n F J (n U) (n �:s (D M"0 4 x (D N. rt �o U) (D �l rnroft rt (D w x O z cn (D W H N. 00 O (n V N F+- O m O rt O �j i 00 rt O Q co O rt F" O � bd C CJ . LTJ H -ta <n-U�-M 4.n-U�V�-In till-cam -ca-U). to-En -Vt{a -v?-(a 4j)-ca-W tr<-V). 00 F-' Ol W J N W Ul a(. F--' F-' Ln W N F-' F-j H W N 01 A 1 4P H Ol 0\ O1 AP w m H 19N. lfl O H (.n 07 lfl 00 Ul 00 In CO .9h. to Ul O m to F- ,A Ul J O O1 J to 00 00 � IA 00 H J .P w O Fi . % . % . % O O1 OF✓ .A CO LnUlO1 OOO F ' 01 Wm OLl J W l0O1O C) Ln J O0 Ol N O 00 co W O O J O Ol l0 O0 Ln 00 N O N Ln .A F" Ln HOJ lflto00N JO JO OO co l0 .A 00 Jto00 F-' N N W P o\o o\o 0\4 (] N 0 (D W H F 00 F-' Ol r, In J W �A In .P F-' F-' In lA N F-' H N P N 01 ,p O Ol W Fl- N .P Ul H N xP to O OO N to l0 00 Ol 00 %D Ui %D y SCA 1 H 00 .P O W 00 .p O O N 00 to H O H J lfl W W F-' N H l0 10 O� ' % % . . f F- I .A W w W kD F-' NJ N to O Ln W 01 O Ln Ul o J F- W Ul O OO W 00 01 W N-A m J m 00 H P J .P N F-i Ln In W F- A. H 4�b H O0 In l0 O1 O1 J W Cil 110 N .A .P to Q A 00 IA J J N N NW .p • F-' to O oW 6v vW N � b 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 OD OO 00 00 J v J v J Ol Ol Ol M Ol Ol Ol Ol Ol M M Ol Ol (] Q t-Q y (D H O 7. .a A .1�:. H > www > LTJ3 n mm 3t7 H FA H H O Sl Lq Ln Fa R. O O m O W m W O m O H0N �-3nwCoc Fg01) O rt �)j00o Iz K O K rtrt"0 K FJrtrtO K Cn O W o O W (D W 0o O (D N W w o o tl Ri H• W H- C W W H• G �l rt"0 rtK H mm5Hr1- H• KN5 : m W H• ro W H C W X1 W C 0 t l xO H rt W W n H• W (t HrtF- F- rtH• K m F-' H- H• O m W . . rt (D m rt W W W 0 H• 0 O rt O C x O m m m (D O � F- �S I-- (D (D K (D "C W (D (D f h SZ O t-h H m m N m F- t=i O H• O Pi G W bd rf xl W G �$ r sr z rt, m W H (D v W N In W (D t7' rt L rt H• �:s K In O F� W I; (D C O (� F-\ F- Cn w O In W W C W b �:% (D C Pi I< ro � rO ( U) m � " r � H• b (D 1*0 K b (D H- H• (D Q ►� H Fb F- O m rt (D ¢, H• H- H• 0 K m m 11 H• (D rt (D H• rr k 10 �j m (n mrt W C LQ rt H H• Lo � N 03 X N hobi � C F1 1-0 ho Fl t1i oj OO W L ,'d VO -W FK.�. FKj• ((DD (D W W a FI in in {n in{n rt rt -cn-En vt vt cn in trj F-i N N (D (D W h- h- W N :1 x1 Sl tZ 01 (D () 0 N AN w AwNw �1 �,O00H- C OF-A N N %.D Ili M. .P OD l0 rt Ol rI Nm 1Awmw4P .t-. �:% m '=J W JN �l I I -1l W N W Li 110 O � O w -'O 0) F � IA (nOLI) LnLQ �5 O O. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G O L-Q t7j LI) n -_jUl Ln 1 f LH 0 00 L.0 w a x7 ,o 0o Ln Ul m -i o m '-d (D (D %.0 00 t�o �10 o Ln rn F-' 0 00 W of (D N o 00 0o w w m � ,-C m qd N Ul F-' F-' H O O F-' P. 00 m N m m to lO oo N Ul O Ln rt (D F- C) (D K 1�0 W C, --1 K 00 (D K O rt cc) O 00 (D O 4' H K (D K w C C7 7 tri in ON F1"o "4"o —'o w � y N O I✓ 1-0 I:+ 1-0 O 1.0 O Qj o N �:$ K �$ K F-j Fi F•• a 101 -- O rt o b F✓ (D ON Fi LOQ+ -M-En in-rn in 4ja <n to �n o Vr 41).- o H• O H.VI H-4n{n-M{n 4n to to-(n 00 w K H Ln W of W W w F-j F-' 4�b w o W • (D • rt -- rt rt . . . . . 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Q) Q'+ v (d rl ro rz U .-. s:: 00 � M a � M U U \ \+1 .IJ O Z ?r W A4 > z 0 •r I r E's •0 r-4 Ga PQ PQ W PQ U) to a cn ;:$ a 4 O U PZ (n O O w rl m O -G.) -1 c!; U) r-i E H X :� -k4 O o a -r-I r� fc� :� Q H D .1:.' .1J rd N M `-' ro (d C $-1 X �4 Q N aJ Q) Q W -IJ N U -IJ •ri rO �4 M Q) �4 In O U 0 r-I �- r-I rd U) ro rd U) (Z 0 �4 N 0 Z N N r- : : rd N -r-I Z Ln N r� •ri -ri A a N r. 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V p O Lo N C3 z kD co o r- co C ro ❑ o `v o v w u N •rl a o a! ❑ u a a ❑ F -Vo N o o I r w z �o co 1- p ko O V I n p d' co O rn H C a ❑ ox O K m Q ri M a o• F F z W W a ¢ I O 1 1 I 1 I I I O cc O O O O O E I I I I I I 1 J1 E um � Q ..� z Yl• w ad, - co t E o ❑ w W0 m tw r-I 00 W r--I ri N N N N V_ z O E � 0 w ❑ O o > E K W J y a F•' W a. a: O d r-i 1-1 N N N N CL U VUi J K W J 7 O r u l ri rl r-I rl u I a u W } SVG ❑ H 4J 2 74 H H U W Q W a1 E a) D O W z J f-i t/] U t a w cn La a O H U) c ~ Y z < w aa x x o < -1 � a -° U) a x F a w 4� ro 41 a rC o P4 a) -r) H aro) a x 3 O 1 rl U a) N U M 111 to O a) H 0 (1) O O O O _J 00 - U orcui wZ r r 2 O N F o} O r--I F- U b N 0 0o w M z O o r-I cz r--a [Lo Z 00 z J. Iw w 1 O O O N C) Ln O p G O LnOM NONLfl ZE O I O ICT' qt' M Lr) N r-I r F- w w w t o Z F- w w `z w CO X aw O CL X 00 w m 0 �• Z .e' w O Cl w z C9 cn w w O w f- rc IV m U. F- J o r _.. 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