HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 11/10/1980 AGENDA - ATASCADERSCITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting November 10, 1980 7: 30 p.m. Atascadero Administration Building Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Invocation Public Comment 1. Kathleen Daly - City Clerk/City Treasurer 2. J. D. McDougall Amapoa" moratorium A. CONSENT CALENDAR NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC All matters listed under Item A, Consent Calendar, are considered to be routine and will be enacted by one motion in the form listed ` below. There will be no separate discussion of these items. If discussion is required, that item will beremovedfrom the Consent Calendar and will be considered separately. Vote may be by roll call. 1. Minutes of the regular meeting of October 27, 1980 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 2. Treasurer's Report, 10-1-80 to 10-31-80 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 3. Acceptance of Final Map, Parcel Map AT 78-100 , Cristobal Road, Douglas Moore (Hilliard) (RECOMMENDAPPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) 4. Lot division, Parcel Map AT 80-95, Vista Road, Glen Lewis, • et al (Stewart) (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) 5. Conditional Use Permit to construct 22 unit apartment pro- ject, 9905 E1 Camino Real, Atascadero Village/Hoff (Nash Brown & Associates) (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMIS- SION RECOMMENDATION) B. HEARINGS, APPEARANCES AND REPORTS 1. Public hearing on Highway 41 alignment C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS` 1. Ordinance No. 32, Fire Department second reading 2. Mayor' s action in appointing a representative to the Citizens' Transportation Advisory Committee 3. Transfer of funds for communications equipment labor D. NEW BUSINESS 1. Consideration of contract with Book Publishing Company for codification of the municipal code 2. Ordinance No. 33, Animals - firstreading 3. Ordinance No. 34, Traffic Regulation first reading E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION • 1. City Council _ P 2. City Attorney 3. City Manager MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting October 27, 1980 7: 30 p.m. Atascadero Administration Building The meeting was called to order at 7: 30 p.m, by Mayor Wilkins with the Pledge of'Allegiance. Reverend Bill Hawk of the Covenant Church gave the invocation. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Councilmen Highland, Mackey, Nelson, Stover and Mayor Wilkins ABSENT: None A. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Minutes of the regular meeting of October 13, 1980 (RECOM14END APPROVAL) 2. Lot line adjustment, San Gregoria Road, Ernest Chalekson (Daniel Stewart) (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) 3. Acceptance of Final _Man, Tract No 866, 3750 El Camino Real; Lenzi, Gannage, Morris (CentralCoast Engineering) (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS) _4. Parcel Map CO 79-046 request for exception of road improve- ment requirements, N/W corner of San Dimas & San Diego Roads, Mike Bewsey (Westland Engineering) (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS) 5. Acceptance of Final Map, Parcel Map AT 78-107, 8600 San Gabriel Road, Elizabeth Davis (Hilliard) (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) 6. Conditional Use Permit, 6955 E1 Camino Real, Q.R.S. Corpora- tion, to construct signs for Century Federal Savings & Loan (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) Councilman Mackey requested that Item A-6 be withdrawn from the Consent Calendar for separate discussion. MOTION: Councilman Nelson moved for the approval of the Consent Calendar with the exception of Item A-6 The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and unanimously carried by roll call vote. A-6 Conditional Use Permit, 6955 El Camino Real, Q.R.S. Corpora- tion, to construct signs for Century Federal Savings & Loan (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) Councilman Mackey felt that the set-backs on the project were . not what they should be; she realized that the item under discussion was signing, however, she felt that other aspects oftheproject should be considered. There was some discussion on the matter. • 0 6 MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting October 27 , 1980 Page Two MOTION: Councilman Highland moved for approval of the Planning Commission's recommendation. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and carried on the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen Highland, Nelson, Stover and Mayor Wilkins NOES: Councilman Mackey B HEARINGS, APPEARANCES AND REPORTS 1. Appearance of Harold M. Poland regarding road access to 3-F Meadows, Atascadero Mr. Poland reviewed a map which showed the various access points into the 3-F Meadows area. He emphasized the danger to the residents, some 100 families , in this area in case of emergency and the extra response time required to reach some areas of 3-F Meadows due to only one access point. He requested that the City remove the alleged illegal blockage of San Marcos Road and re-build approximately 600 yards of Carmelita. Howard Marohn also spoke in favor of Mr. Poland's proposal. Harold Mitchell, Ed Gabowski, Dr. Ellison, Mary Alexander, Mrs. Cummings, Steve Ward, and Henry Dudley were not in favor of the Homeowners ' Association proposals. Some did not feel that San Marco is a proper access point; others were concerned about the costs and whowouldpay for the road improvements. John Cole spoke to the comments made by Mr. Mitchell. Mr. Warden advised that the City is aware of the situation in 3-F Meadows, but there are no easy answers. The fastest solution would be for the property owners to form an assessment district to improve their .roads and access with the City helping to the extent possible. Council stated that the City would not make the improvements in 3-F Meadows , but that perhaps Staff could investigate the matter and come back with recommendations. Councilman Mackey felt that this was a priority matter and should be dealt with now. No action was taken by Council. C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Ordinance No. 31 amending Zoning Map second reading MOTION: Councilman Nelson moved that Ordinance No. 31 be read by title only. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey and unanimously carried. Mayor Wilkins read Ordinance No. 31 by title only. • 0 w MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting October 27, 1980 • Page Three MOTION: Councilman Highland moved for the adoption of Ordinance No. 31. The motion was seconded by Councilman Nelson and unanimously carried by roll call vote. RECESS 8: 40 p.m. RECONVENED8: 46 p.m. D. NEW BUSINESS 1. Energy conservation and alternative sources of energy Councilman Mackey stated that she had some recommendations in this regard from information she had gathered at the League's Annual Convention, however, they weren't in written form yet. It was noted that the statement proposed by the Planning Commission mainly indicates that the City is favorably disposed toward energy conservation and the use of solar energy as an alternate energy resource and that this statement establishes a desired goal rather than a detailed way to implement that goal. MOTION: Councilman Nelson moved that the policy statement as recommended by the Planning Commission be approved. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey and unani- • mously carried. Doug Lewis spoke in favor of Council adopting some sort of energy policy. 2. Resignation of Norman J. Norton from Planning Commission Mavor Wilkins stated that Council was in receipt of a letter of resignation from Norman J. Norton from the Planning Commission effective January 1, 1981. Mr. Warden advised that Council could not decide on a replacement until after January lst. The replacement will be for the unexpired term which is until July 31, 1981, and will be for the Commission seat only, not chairman, since the Planning Commission selects the chairman. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Council accept the resig- nation of Mr. Norton with regret and commendation. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and unanimously carried. Council agreed that applicants should be sought to fill this position and decided that November 28 , 1980, would be the cut-off date for accepting applications. 3. Jaycees request for funds for Sunken Gardens ' repairs • Mr. Warden advised that the Jaycees were requesting a donation towards the repairs in the Sunken Gardens for the Christmas Light MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting October 27 , 1980 Page Four project. Since the City had budgeted $600 to upgrade the electrical facilities in the Sunken Gardens, it is recommended that Council approve allocating an additional $400 or a total of $1,000 as the City' s share of this project. If needed, Staff will come back at a later date for authorization to transfer funds for the difference between the amount budgeted and the actual costs. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Council approve the request. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey and unanimously carried by roll call vote. 4. Solid Waste Management Grant Funds, Resolution No. 24-80 approving the application for grant funds under the Solid Waste Management Act of 1980 Mr. Warden reviewed the provisions of this application MOTION: Councilman Stover moved for the approval of Resolution No. 24-80. The motion was seconded by Councilman Nelson and unanimously carried. Mayor Wilkins read Resolution No. 24-80 by title only. 5. Ordinance No. 32 entitled Fire Department - first reading • MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Ordinance No. 32 be read by title only. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey and unanimously carried. Mayor Wilkins read Ordinance No. 32 by title only. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that this constitute the first reading of Ordinance No. 32. The motion was seconded by Councilman Nelson and unanimously carried by roll call vote. 6. Bid for asphalt patch truck, Bid #80-4 Mr. Warden reviewed the bid it was recommended that Council award the bid to Atascadero Ford in the amount of $29 ,575. 13 for a diesel powered asphalt patch truck. Although this is higher than the budgeted amount and there is a lower bid for a gasoline powered vehicle, the Public Works Director was recommending this purchase because of the diesel powered vehicle' s longer service life, lower fuel and maintenance costs. MOTION: Councilman Mackey moved that Council award the bid to Atascadero Ford in the amount of $29,575. 13 for an asphalt patch truck with a diesel engine. The motion was seconded . MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting October 27, 1980 • Page Five by Councilman Highland and unanimously carried by roll call vote. 7. Bids for reroofing of Administration Building Mr. Warden advised that the low bid for this project was sub- mitted by James Quaglino Roofing in the amount of $39,308. The Engineer's Estimate was $45 ,000. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that the bid for the Adminis- tration Building reroofing be awarded to James Quaglino Roofing in the amount of $39 ,308. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey and unanimously carried. 8. Contract with County of San Luis Obispo for ambulance services Mr. Warden advised that this contract was mainly for County inspection of the ambulance services to insure compliance with State requirements. There are no costs to the City. MOTION: Councilman Nelson moved for approval of the contract. The motion was seconded by Councilman Highland and • unanimously carried. 9. Quarterly Review, Fiscal Year 1980-81 Budget Mr. Warden stated that the update presented to Council was to comply with Proposition 4 requirements for the City's budget during the first full year of operation in establishing our base year for appropriation limits. He reviewed the items that required Council approval. The major change was the addition of the funds required to support the Recreation Department during this fiscal year. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that the changes outlined in Mr. Warden' s memo dated 10-23-_80 entitled "Quarterly Review, Fiscal Year1 1980-81 Budget" be approved and the transfer of funds be authorized. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and unanimously carried by roll call vote. E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION 1. City Council (a) Councilman Mackey advised that EOC elections would take place on October 28th at the Senior Citizens_ Center. • r 0 MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting October 27, 1980 Page Six • 2 . City Attorney (a) Mr. Grimes advised that the City was in .receipt of a Petition for Peremptory Writ of Mandate from the Atascadero Firefighters Association. The petition has not yet been filed with the Superior Court. 3. City Manager (a)" -Mr. Warden stated that he has authorized an additional 250 of chip seal to be accomplished on City roads since the bid was below the budgeted amount on this project. This is the amount allowed by law to increase a project without going out for new bids. (b) Mr. Warden stated that it appears that the census will be for a population of from 16 ,700 to 17, 400, but the Bureau of Census still hasn't made a final determination. (c) Mr. Warden reminded Council that the Channel Counties Division of the League of California Cities meeting would be held November 14th in Oxnard. - He asked that those Council members who plan to attend to submit their reservations soon. (d) Mr. Warden stated that the San Luis Obispo County • Area Council of Governments was requesting a repre- sentative from the City of Atascadero be appointed to the Citizens Transportation Advisory Committee. Council suggested Shirley Moore, however, Mr. Warden stated that the preference was for a citizen at large rather than someone currently a part of the governmental process. (e) Mr. Warden stated that he was in receipt of a letter from an anonymous person telling the Planning Director to "get out of town" . He stated that ordinarily he would throw away such a letter, however, he wanted to emphasize that any citi- zen dissatisfied with City staff should contact him if they had any complaints. The only way such dissatisfactions can be resolved is by providing specific examples, not by castigating individuals through anonymous letters. Mayor Wilkins complimented the Planning Department on their work and noted that at times , employees have to take quite a bit of abuse from the public. The meeting adjourned at 9 : 30 p.m. Recorded by: MURRAY L. WARDEN, City Clerk • By: Ardith .Davis Deputy City Clerk CITY OF ATASCADERO TREASURER'S REPORT OCTOBER 1, 1980 TO OCTOBER 31, 1980 BALANCE AS OF SEPTEMBER 30, 1980 $ 3,448.74 RECEIVABLES (Per attached items) 330,799 .94 Deposit in Transit 75 ,000.00 PAYABLES Warrant Registar 81-041 17 ,068.98 11 11 it It it to is 11 81-042 10,275.25 if if it 11 If if 11 11 81-043 25,417.63 of if it of if if 11 81-044 36 ,959.23 If n if to it it if 81-045 47,251.17 Payroll dated 10/08-80 29,766. 32 Payroll dated 10/22/80 28 ,417 .78 P Check List (See attached) 155,418 . 07 Balance as of 10/31/80 $ 58 ,674.25 PETTY CASH ON NAND 100. 00 LOCAL AGENCY INVESTMENT FUND 825,000.00 • TIME DEPOSIT, MID STATE BANK, 15. 15% interest, matures 4/24/80 100 , 000. 00 TOTAL $983,774. 25 CERTIFICATION I, RALPH H. DOWELL, JR. , do hereby certify declare that the demands enumerated and referred to in the foregoing register are accurate and just claims against the City and that there are funds available for payment thereof in the City Treasury. c RALP H. DOWELL, JR. Finance Director COUNTERSIGNED • RRA WARDEN ity Manager DEPOSIT LISTING OCTOBER 1, 1980 TO OCTOBER 31, 1980 TAXES Property Tax $ 12,721. 66 Sales Tax 30, 000. 00 Occupancy Tax 5,766. 49 LICENSES/PERMITS 8 ,766.26 FINES/PENALTIES 496. 95 REVENUE/RENTS 20,823. 37 REVENUE/AGENCIES AlcoholicBeverage Tax 3,535 .53 Motor Vehicle "In Leiu`° 36 300.82 Cigarette Tax 2, 179. 66 Dial-A-Ride Farebox 1,391. 50 Miscellaneous Funds 25,281.02 CHARGES FOR CURRENT SERVICES 3,942 . 99 GAS TAX 15 ,219.21 VEHICLE CODE FINES 1,638 . 00 • REVENUE SHARING 112 ,611. 00 From LAIF 50 ,000.00 Miscellaneous 127 . 48 $330 ,799. 94 Deposit in Transit from LAIF 75,000. 00 TOTAL ' $405 ,799. 94 • EXPENDITURE LIST OCTOBER 1, 1980 TO OCTOBER 31, 1980 DATE CHECK # VENDOR AMOUNT 10/13/80 P1690 LAIF $1001000. 00 10/16/80 P1696 LAIF 60, 000. 00 10/01/80 00000 Year end vouchers payable (976 . 43) 10/13/80 00000 Voided Checks (3 ,405.50) TOTAL $155 ,418 . 07 • • ATASCADERO PAGE NO. 1 DEMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. 81-041 DATE 10/0 00 PAYEE WARRANT CHECK N0: OUC DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT CHG'D INV.NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT ATASCADERO FORD 703 LEASE POLICE CARS 41-4201-224 0000 2989.62 703 CREDITS FGR OVERCHARGE 01-4201-224 0000 175.61- 2895 2814.01 701 2 dUS HASHES 05-4401-224 7707 20. 00 2596 20.00 Omm TRANSIT SEkVSr INC 702 SERVICE 8/ 18 - 6/22 EUS 05-4401-220 1672 1451 .90 702 SERVICE 6/25 - 8/29 EUS 05-4401-224 1748 1393.52 702 SERVICE 9/1 - 9/5 BUS 05-44U1-224 1749 1268.96 "702 SERVICE 9/8 - 9/12 BUS 03-4401-224 1750 1662. 10 702 SUPPLIES BUS 05-4401-224 1704 9.93 2697 5786.41 701 DU;lP 2 TRIPS 574 R 609 01-4402-21U 749609 6.00 2698 6.00 )EFT OF CONSERVATION • 703 STROi,IG "LOTION FEES 7/ 1 - 01-3600-100 211 .56 2899 211 .56 ALLEN GKINES 701 CITY ATTORNEY SERV 01-4103-224 9/80 1800 .00 2900 1800.00 JERRY LUECK BULLDOZING 70,1 STREET PATCHING 2-4402-224 1521 4275.98 2901 4275.98 0.3ERT -MOORt 702 SUNKEN GARDEN LAv,,h COi,lT 1-44U4-301. 4546 738.00 2902 738.40 gARENCE R INIC PHFRSON 702 MILEAGE 9/ 1 TO 9/30 01-4401-203 OOU 84.73 2503 64.73 R 8 PHLTCJGr<APtiY 7U2 GEVELOPlmG R PRINTING 01-4201-210 1297 3.66 0 ATASCAOERQ PAGE NO. 2 DEMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. 61-041 DATE 10/08/30 PAYEE WARRANT CHECK VOUCHER NO. DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN DESCRIPTION ACCOUNTCHG'D INV.NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT 3702 DEVELOPIvG & PRINTING 01-4201-210 1429 15.37 3702 DEVELOPING & PRIt,4TI" G 01-4201-210 1197 17 . 97 3702 DEVELOPING & PRINTINIG 01-4201-214 1205 4.61 2904 41 .61 PACIFIC GAS 9 ELECTRIC 3701 805-466-6000-534N 01-4102-228 09/80 225.80 3701 805-466-0000-534-N 01-4110-228 09/80 225.80 3701 805-466-8600-669-1v 01-4201-228 09/80 290. 12 3701 805-466-3600-969-N 01-4202-228 09/80 120.00 3701 406-u96-5028-213-N 01-4202-228 U9/80 21 .50 3701 805-466-2141-136-N 01-4202-228 09/80 139. 14 3701 605-466-8000-534-N 01-4401-228 9/80 50. 16 2905 1072.54 3702 6 BUS v+ASHES 05-4401-224 7706 60.00 2906 �' 60.00 SAN LUIS OBISPO CO ENGINEER 370 TOAINSHIP il'APS 01-4401-20A 0000 9.90 2907 9.90 TAYLOR RENTAL CENTER 3701 RESCUE SAN RENTAL 01-4402-217 U10022 f12. 19 3701 BLADE PURCHASE 01-4402-217 010022 2908 37 .63 VIALSH SECURITY LOCK SHOP 3702 PADLOCKS 01-4405-216 9350 53.95 3702 KEYS 01-4405-216 6266 16. 17 3701 PADLOCKS 01-4405-216 6260 36.71 3701 KEYS 01-4445-216 6261 3.78 2909 110.61 • I I 0 0 ATASCADERG PAGE NO. 3 DEMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. 81-041 DATE 10/0100 PAYEE WARRANT CHECK N0.. OUC DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN DESCRIPTION _ACCOUNTCHG'D INV.NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT +R1TT170b8.98 REPAID .00 ACCRUED .00 TOTAL 17068.98 RECAP 5Y FUND RE-PAIN RITTEN) FUND 01 . 00 6926.59 FUND 02 .00 4275.98 FUND 05 .00 5666.41 • • ATASCADERO PAGE NO. 1 WEMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. 81-042 DATE 10/15/80 PAYEE WARRANT CHECK Y VOUCHER NO. DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT CHG'D INV.NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT ATAS MUTUAL NATER CO 3705 6005 LEWIS AVE 9/18 16-1001-4202-232 40.00 5705 6005 LEWIS AVE 9/18 19-7001-4202-232 83.79 3705 ATAS LAKE 9/03 9-340000 01-4404-232 600.69 3705 ATAS PARK STRIP 9/19 17-4101-4404-232 55.07 5705 SUNKEN GARDEN 9/02 2-353001-4404-232 328.67 3705 VET BLDG FIPELINE 9/02 2-01-4405-226 4. 00 3705 6500 PALMA 9/02 2-344000 01-4405-2.32 200.43 2910 1312.65 CHEVRON 3705 FUEL 01-4201-219 00000 135. 19 3705 FUEL 05-4401-224 00000 517 .96 2911 653. 15 DE COU LUMBER CO 3707 PIPE, FITTINGS GLUE 01-4202-216 327€32 36.51 5706 PLYN"OOD 01-4402-210 30493 13.29 5707 MORTAR MIX 01-4402-210 32343 8.27 370 PIPE 01-44U4-217 30975 6.83 57 CABLE 01-4404-217 32639 2.86 2912 67.76 EXXON 3705 FUEL 01-4201-219 00000 1499.71 5705 FUEL 01-4402-.219 00000 47.40 5705 FUEL 01-4404-219 00000 94.95 5705 FUEL 05-4401-224 00000 27.00 2913 1669,06 r,RISANTI HARDv!ARE 3707 MISC REPAIRS 01-4202-216 04385 10.92 2914 10 .92 MID-STATE BANK 5706 COMMUN LOAN-POLICE 01-4201-224 64816 1490.84 2915 11190,841, PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC 5705 STREET LIGHTS TBR°2 01-4402-227 0801-4 1881 .33 5705 ATAS LAKE TBKP2 01-4404-227 0701-1 55.97 2916 1937 .30 , PACIFIC TELEPHONE 57 PHONE 805-466-8000-534-N 01-4102-228 092060 225.80 ATASCADERO PAGE NO. 2 DEMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. 81-042 DATE l O f*0 PAYEE WARRANT CHECK VOUCHER NO. DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT CHG'D INV.NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT 3706 PHONE 805-466-8000-534-N 01-4110-228 092080 225,80 3706 PHONE 805-466-8600-869-N 01-4201-228 092080 290, 12 5706 PHONE 805-466-8600-869-N 01-4202-228 092080 120.00 3706 PHONE 403-096-5028-213-N 01-4202-228 091980 21 .50 5706 PHONE 805-466-2141 -136-N) 01-4202-228 092080 139, 14 3706 PHONE 805-466-8000-534-N 01-4401-228 092080 50, 18 3706 PHONE 805-466-7433-594-N 05-4401-224 092060 226,76 2917 1299.30 ' PACIFIC HOME IMPROVEMENT CNN 3707 MISC SUPPLIES 01-4404-217 207924 15.50 3707 hiISC SUPPLIES 01-.4404-221 207961 b5.08 3707 MISC SUPPLIES 01-4405-217 E08026 29.27 2918 129.85 PFLUMS EXXON 3707 oiATER PUMP-TRUCK 01-4404-215 426280 80,93 2919 80.93 ROBERT M MOSS ACCOUNTING COR 3704 F .O. AUDIT FY 1979-80 01-4202-258 330 633,00 2920 6000 . TELEGRAM-TRIBUNE 3706 REC SUP ADD 01-4102-247 0000 38,40 3706 BIO #80--12 ADD 01-4102-247 0000 63.00 3706 FIRE CAPT ADD 01-4102-247 0000 79.20 2921 180 .60 WESTERN OFFICE PRODUCTS INC 3704 OFFICE SUPPLIES 01-4102-212 15949 13.56 3704 OFFICE SUPPLIES 01-4102-212 15724 164.78 3704 OFFICE SUPPLIES 01-4102-212 15723 43,50 3704 OFFICE SUPPLIES 01-4102-212 15722 74.47 3704 OFFICE SUPPLIES 01-4110-210 15280 38.41 5704 OFFICE SUPPLIES 01-4110-212 15279 14.03 3704 OFFICE SUPPLIES 01-4110-212 15278 41 .63 3704 OFFICE SUPPLIES 01-4110-212 15721 29.82 3704 OFFICE SUPPLIES , 01-4201-212 15268 23.37 3704 OFFICE SUPPLIES 01-4401-210 15453 14.31 3704 OFFICE SUPPLIES 01-4401-210 157?5 5.96 3704 OFFICE SUPPLIES 01-4401-210 15023 15.45 5704 OFFICE SUPPLIES 01-4401-210 15b25 13.59' • ATASCADERU PAGE NO. 3 • DEMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. 81-042 DATE 10/15/80 PAYEE WARRANT CHECK VOUCHER NO. DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT CHG'D INV.NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT 3704 OFFICE SUPPLIES 01-4402-210 15453 14. 17 2922 507.05 INALSH SECURITY LOCK SHOP 3706 KEYS 01-4201-210 b201 2.84 2923 2.84 DON MEDLEY CONSTP,UCTION 3707 REFU0 ENCROACti,4ENT BOARD01-3200-150 5067 250.00 2924 250.00 BEVERLY STEIN6ECK 3707 REFUND ROOM MENTAL K DEPOOI-3400-020 2826 50.00 2925 50 .00 • • ATASCADERO PAGE NO. 4 DEMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. 81-042 DATE 10 0 PAYEE WARRANT CHECK VOUCHER NO. DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT CHG'D INV.NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT YRITTEN 10275.25 REPAID _ .00 ACCRUED .00 TOTAL 10275.25 RECAP BY Fthl D RE-PAID BITTEN FUND 01 .00 9503.53 FUND 05 .00 - 771 .72 • i k , II l l ATASCADERO PAGE NO. 1 0MAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. 81-043 DATE 10/22/80 PAYEE WARRANT CHECK ]OCHER NO. DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN DESCRIPTION ACCOUNTCHG'D INV.NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT ATASCADERO NEoJS 710 ORD #29 LEGAL AD 01-4102-247 F-671 134. 19 710 FIRE CAPTAIN AD 01-4102-248 SEPT 50.40 720 LEGAL AD OF679 IEWSEY 01-4110-247 F-679 11 . 13 2992 195.72 ATASCADERO STATIONERS 710 OFFICE SUPPLIES 01-4202-212 5684 5051 2993 5.51 710 RENTAL COMPRESSOR 01-4402-311 3962 103.26 2994 103.26 9 & B NrZ 709 PRINTING BLUELINE 01-4110-20a 2081 20.03 704 PRINTING BLUELINE 01-4110-208 1975 2—.65 709 PRINTING P.ATTERN5 01-4110-210 1949 31 .38 709 PRINTING BLUELIKiE 01-4401-208 2107 24.03 709 PRINTING CHART 01-4901-212 2068 1 .48 70 PRINTING PLIJELINE 01-4402-210 2113 5.57 2995 86.04 B & H AUTO PARTS, TNC 710 VEHICLE MAINT 01-4202-215 039214 6.90 2996 6.90 CAL—;rJEST PHOTOGRAPHY WAREHO 710 CAMERA FILTERS 01-4201-303 4963 23.32 2997 23.32 CERTIFIED BUILDING INGPECTIO 710 11LDG INSET SEPT SERV 01-4110-224 9/80 1177 .00 2998 1177 .00 !MICHAEL P. CIIRRAN, 1A.D. 720 J KENNALY X-RAYS 01-4401-101 017620 44.00 7?_0 L CROSEN X—RAYS 01-4402-1.01 018494 44.00 720 D ELISARRARE.S X—RAYS 01-4402-101 018078 44.00 720 K SCOTT X-PAYS 01 -4404-101 OIP298 44.00 720 R SCHOEPH X—PAYS 01-4409-101 018153 44,00 29`?9 220 .00 COAST TO COAST 715 BOLTS 01 -4402-217 370129 1 .27 0 ATASCADERO PAGE NO. 2 DEMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. 81-043 DATE 10/4080 PAYEE WARRANT CHECK VOUCHER NO. DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN j DESCRIPTION ACCOUNTCHG'D INV.NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT 3715 INSECT SPRAY 01 -4402-220 370129 10.47 3715 CHAIN SAtN' & ACCESS 33701-.01-4402-221 202.24 3715 VISC EQUIP 01-4402-221 37012-9 151 .85 3000 365.83 DAILY PRESS 3720 FIRE CAPTIAN AD 01-4102-248 9-5-80 42.00 3720 BLDG INSPECTOR AD 9/25-2601-4102-248 38.40 3710 REC SUPERVISOR AD 9/18 - 01-4102-248 21 .60 3001 102.00 i i 3710 CULVERT PIPE & CON'NECTORS01 -4402-217 4168 233.37 3002 233.37 EL CAh1INO BUILDING SUPPLY 3715 TANPIN'G BAR 01-4402-210 14428 32.81 3716 FLOAT, WOOD R TROIEL 01-4402-217 14507 22.55 3716 LEVEL 01-4402-221 14507 22.45 3716 PLASTER 01-4405-217 14410 15.74 3003 9-4.55 EL CAIATNO CAR WASH 3710 wASH POLICE VEHICLES 9/1801-4201-2.15 30.00 3004 30. 00 MICHAEL FREDERICK, GENL CONT 3720 GRADER, TRACTOR, TRUCK RE01-4402-224 2859.00 3005 2859.00 i GRISANTI HARDWARE ;3720 REPAIR SUPPLIES 01-4402-210 04430 35.96 3720 REPAIR SUPPLIFS 01-4402-221 04430 34.64 X3720 REPAIR SUPPLIES 01-44,04-217 011498 65.06 3720 REPAIR SUPPLIES 01-4405-211 04535 12.79 3719 PFPAIR SUPPL IE.S 01 -4405-217 04499 4.20 3719 REPAIR SUPPLIES 01-4409-217 04331 21.81 3719 REPAIR SUPPLIES 01-4405-?17 04535 2.20 3719 REPAIR SUPPLIES 01-4405-221 04499 q .61 3719 REPAIR SUPPLIES 01-4405-221 04331 5.00 3719 REPAIR SUPPLIES 01-4405-221 04535 9. 19 3006 201 .36 GLEP, 'S REPAIa 3710 WEED TRI'°1+'1ER 01 -4402-221 13857 271. .84 3007 271 .84; • ATASCADERO 3 PAGE NO. op EMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. 81-043 DATE 10/22/80 PAYEE WARRANT CHECK VOUCHER NO. DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT CHG'D INV.NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT GEM AUTO PARTS ; 3709 GENERAL SUPPLIES 01-4201-210 6154 2.63 3709 VEHICLE MAINT 01-4202-215 5145 8.91 3709 VEHICLE MAINT 01-4202-215 5625 8.91 3709 VEhICLE MAINT 01-4404-215 5367 10.54 3709 VEHICLE MAINT 01-44Ou-215 5816 4.62 3008 3561 GOLDEN STATE EPUIPMENT CO 3719 VIBRA-PLATE 01-4402-308 5198 1077 .82 3009 1077.82 G. I . TRUCKING 3719 FREIGHTON RECTIFIER 01-4201-204 707462 31 .32 3010 31 .32 HWY SIGN & SUPPLY CO 3711 TRAFFIC SIGNS 01-4402-222 80-853 214.85 3011 214.85 i HOPPER, INC 3711 TOOL R EQUIPMENT 01-4402-210 331811 94.98 3711 TOOL x EQUIPMENT 01-4402-221 331811 31 . 10 3711 MELDING EQUTPMENT 01-4402-221 331839 262.3 3711 TOOL & EQUIPMENT 01-4405-221 331840 13.48 3012 401 .91 HALPRIN SUPPLY CO 3719 SAFETY BOOTS 01-4202-242 H93817 185.24 3013 185.?u i INT'L BUSINESS 'MACHINES CGRP 3715 FONT CA91NET 01-4102-210 RR9545 7 .95 3715 RIBBONS & LIFT OFF 01-4102-212 RON660 40.37 3715 RIF3PONS & LIFT OFF 01-4102-212 RR9544 80.03 1715 RI68ONS R LIFT OFF 01-4106-212 9.62 3715 RIBBONS R LIFT CFF 0i -4110-212 25.h7 3715 PIBBONS & LIFT nFF 01-4201-212 36. 37 3715 COPIER g, COPIES 01 -4301-303 C80563 874.03 3715 RIBBONS & LIFT OFF 01-4401-212 21 . 66 3014 1095.70 ATASCADERO PAGE NO. 4 DEMAND/WARRANT REGISTER N 81-043.O. DATE 10/080 PAYEE WARRANT CHECK VOUCHER DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN NO. DESCRIPTION ACCOUNTCHG'D INV.NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT JOBS AVAILABLE 3711 REC SUPR FIRE CAPT BLDG I01-4102-248 1OA-53 99, 10 3015 89. 10 JOE WALTON'S MOBIL 3710 30 , 000 MI BUS CHECK 05-4401-224 1093 117. 15 3016 117 . 15 J/D PET FOOD 3719 RED NEAT 01 -4404-210 6530 440.96 3017 440.96 LUCAS PRIPITING 3716 CD RUN REPORTS 01-42.02-208 2106 31 .80 3018 31 .60 MC NAMARA ELECTRIC 3709 MOTOR 144INT 01-4202-216 A20366 18.35 3019 18,35 MISSION LINEN SUPPLY • 3714 DUST HOP 01-4202-211 1693A 1 .75 3714 DUST WOo 01-4202-211 1700A 1 .75 3714 DUST MOP 01 -4202-211 1707A 1 .75 3714 DUST MOP 01-4202-211 1714A 1 .75 3714 SHUP TOWELS 01-4202-215 1700A 4,32 3714 SHOP TOINELS 01-4202-215 1714A 2.70 3714 COVERALLS 01-4202-242 1693A 4.40 3714 COVERALLS 01-4202-242 1700A 4,40 3714 COVERALLS 01-4202-242 1707A 4.40 3715 COVERALLS 01-4202-242 1714A 4,40 3714 DISH TO°NELS 01-4202-250 16933 3.36 !3714 DISH TO',�!EI_S 01-420?-250 17008 3. 36 13714 DISH TOihELS 01-4202-250 17079 3.36 3715 DISH TOUIEI_S 01-4202-250 1714B 3.36 3020 45.06 MONROE EOUIPMENT INC 3711 ECUIPMENT PARTS 01-4202-215 029133 3.25 3021 3.25 MID-STATE SOUND 3719 LABOR-REPAIR-DICTAPHONE 01-4201-224 3010 60 .00 3022 60.00 I I ATASCADERO PAGE NO. 5 DEMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. 81-043 DATE 10/2280 PAYEE WARRANT CHECK VOUCHER NO. DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN DESCRIPTION ACCOUNTCHG'D INV.NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT NO CO FIRE_ PROTECTION 3710 REFILL FIRE EXTINGUISHERSOI-4201-224 10491 22.90 3023 22.90 ' OLIVER R WILLIAMS 5719 ELEVATOR. MATNT CONTR 01-4405-224 100 61 .25 3024 61 .25 THE OUTLET Cn 5711 DRILL & LEVEL 01-4402-221 117. 13 3025 117. 13 PACIFIC GAS R ELECTRIC -5718 ELECTRI JRR47-25202-8 01-4201-239 100980 96.53 5718 ELEC HBP35-00202-7 01 -4202-P27 100880 591 .48 5718 ELEC FSR88-24203-8 01-4404-227 100680 251 .97 5718 FRR88-23402-0 01-4404-227 100680 5.65 1718 ELEC F8R51-00302-0 01-4404-?27 100680 2.02 5719 ELEC HBR38-00602-3 01 -4405-227 100880 51 .85 3026 999.50 PACIFIC TELEPHONE 3718 PHONE 238-451-8034-176-N 01-4201-228 100760 15.00 5718 PHONE 238-451-8033-201 -N 01-4201-228 100780 15.00 3718 PHONJE 238-451-8032-141-N 01-4201-228 100780 15.00 1718 PHONE 238-451-8031.-877-N 01 -4201-22S 100780 15.00 3718 PHONE 805-466-7433-594-N 05-4401-224 100380 136. 03 3027 196.03 ` PAPER WORKS 3717 PRINTING; 01-4110-208 9/18 45.58 3717 PRINTIivG 01-4202-208 9/5 11 .55 3028 57. 13 PETERSON'S AELDING SHOP i711 WELDIING ON PLAYGROUND 01-4404-215 D3251 24.00 3029 24.00 PETE Jni—ImsoN CHEVROLET 5711 PARK TRUCK BID 80-8 01-4404-302 8912. 32 3030 6912.325 ATASCADERO PAGE NO. 6 DEMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. 81-043 DATE 10/20 PAYEE WARRANT CHECK ]OCHER DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN NO. DESCRIPTION ACCOUNTCHG'D INV.NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT CITY OF PASO ROBLES 719 STUART ROSS TIME 01-4108-101 100380 83.37 719 STUART ROSS TIME 01-4108-103 100380 5, 11 719 STUART ROSS TIMF 01-4108-103 100380 13. 13 3031 101 .61 POULTRY%IENS COOP ASSOC 711 ZOO FOOD 01-4404-210 18634 93.43 711 ZOO FOOD 01-40OU-210 18504 141 .63 3032 240.06 PACIFIC HOME IMPROVEMENT CNT 717 REPAIR SUPPLIES 01-4402-210 207723 10.53 717 4EPAI4 SUPPLIES 01-4404-210 207718 14.82 718 REPAIR SUPPLIES 01-4404-210 207787 .63 717 REPAIR SUPPLIES 01-4404-217 207718 3.32 718 REPAIR SUPPLIES 01-4404-217 207787 7 .38 718 REPAIR SUPPLIES 01-4404-221 207718 8.64 718 REPAIR SUPPLIES 01-4404-221 207787 4.22 717 REPAIR SUPPLIES 01-4405-211 207732 7 .39 717 REPAIR SU°PLIFS 01-4405-221 207732 23.57 3033 8�0 PAOIO SHACK 717 TAPES 01-4102-210 F13937 17 .06 3034 17 . 06 SNAP-ON-TOOL CORP 717 FIJNCEiS 01-4202-221 255544 66.78 3035 66.78 SAN LUIS BLUEPRINT 709 MAPS 01-4401-208 3292 3.63 3036 3.63 SO CA GAS CO 717 GAS 07-4978-976-3201-5 9/01-4202-230 16 . 01 717 GAS O4-4982-235-0153-4 9/01-4404-230 A.55 717 GAS 09-4982-235-0053-6 9/01-4404-230 16. n1 3037 40.57 F L SAURET INC 711 BULK FUEL 01-4202-219 30979 330.82 3038 330.82 • ATASCADEPO PAGE NO. 7 dw EMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. 81-043 DATE 10/22/80 PAYEE WARRANT CHECK VOUCHER DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN NO. DESCRIPTION ACCOUNTCHG'D INV.NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT v 9 9 a SANTA MARIA TIRE CO 5716 REPAIR FLAT TLRE 04-4401-224 38955 5.00 1720 TOE IN REPAIR 05-4401-224 39065 12.00 5716 TIRES 05-4401-224 38832 153. 19 5716 TIRE AND ALIGNMENT 05-4401-224 39031 76.59 3039 246.73 SAN JOAQUIN SUPPLY CO. ;717PRO SEAL 01-4405-211 063335 30.78 5717 DRIVE ASSN R, CLUTCH PLAT_OI -4405. 211 061628 235.69 3040 266. 47 T4tiTN CITIES COMMIUNITY HOSPI 3717 RECORDING TAPE RESCUE ANh01-4202-210 11 .95 1714 R SCHOEPH X-RAYS 01 -4404-101 082280 95. 00 3041 106.95 TRANSCONTINENTAL SALES CO ,7 UNI F0RMS 01-4?02-258 8612 1413.74 57op U�!IFOoh'S 01-4202-25R 9571 91 .88 3042 1105.62 UNION OIL CO OF CA 37 16707 .50 1-0623-6920 01 -4201-219 707 .50 4716 GASOLTNE 1-0623-6420 01-4402-219 77 .81 3043 785.31x: ViESTERN OFFICE. PRODUCTS INC )709 OFFICE SUPPLIES 01-4102-212 15921 47 .55 3709 OFFICE SUPPLIES 01-4102-212 15922 36.54 5716 FLOOR SAFE 01 -4106-309 15770 215. 39 3716 FILE CA9INETS 01 -4801-308 13882 507 .OP 3044 807.46 V+IL-M4P DISPOSAL CO INC 3716 GARBAGE PICKUP 01-4202-231 OCT 12.50 3716 GARBAGE PjCKUP 01-4405-231 OCT 28.00 3045 40 .50E I NESTERN FIRE EQUIPMENT CO 3714 RED SUSPENDERS 01 -4202-242 55728A 62.40 3046 62.40 ' ATASCADF_RO PAGE NO. DEMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. 81-043 DATE 10, 0 PAYEE WARRANT CHECK VOUCHER DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN NO. DESCRIPTION ACCOUNTCHG'D INV.NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT GARY WHITE 3710 TRAINING EXPENSE ADVANCE 01-4201-236 410040 700.94 3047 700.94 ; i i I 3714 WELDING SUPPLIES 01-4402-217 0270 89.04 3046 89.04 LEE tyILSON ELECTRIC CO 3716 LABOR R BUCKET TRUCK 01-4402-224 02171 86. 00 3716 LAMPS FAIR TRAFFIC SIGNAL '01 -4402-224 18389 9.20 3049 95.20 : I CENTRAL DIAGNOSTIC LARORATOR 3710 R SCHOEPF LAE �NORK 01-4404-101 664765 16.85 3050 16.85 • I i i ATASCADERU 9 PAGE NO. EMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. 81-043 DATE 10/22/80 PAYEE WARRANT CHECK N0.. /OUC DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT CHG'D INV.NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT WRITTEN 25417 .63 PREPAID .001 ACCRUED .00 TOTAL 25417 .63 RECAP BY FUND PRE-PAID WRITTEN FUND 01 .00 24917.67 FUND 04 _ .00 5.00 FUND 05 .00 494.96 ATASCADERO PAGE NO. 1 DEMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. 81-044 DATE 10/•✓`0 PAYEE WARRANT CHECK VOUCHER NO. DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN DESCRIPTION ACCOUNTCHG'D INV.NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT ATAS MUTUAL '+ATED CO 3725 ,NATER 15-00=422001 8/80 322.5 + 3051 322.54 ATAS FEDERAL CREDIT UNIUv 3723 CREDIT U,,`TON DEPOSIT 01-2160-005 100880 867.30 P1693 867.30 3723 CREDIT UNION DEPOSIT 01-2160-005 517 .30 P1707 517 .30 , ATASCADERO POLICE ASSOCIATIr✓ 3722 POLICE ASSOC DUES 01-2160-004 42.50 P1691 42.50 3724 POLICE ASSUC DUES 01-2160-004 102280 42.50 P1709 42.50 4TA5CADERO ^!08ILE REPAIR 3725 REPAIR BUFFER 01-4405-217 2593 52.26 3052 it26 ,hEvRCIN 3725 FUEL 792-060-065-2 01-4201-219 10/80 329.99 3725 FLIEL 01-4202-219 600645 84.76 3725 FUEL 792-060-065-2 05-4401-224 10/80 987 .59 3053 1402.36 CITY-CO FED CREDIT UNION 3722 CREDIT UOTON' DEPOSIT 01-2160-005 100880 62.50 P1692 62.50 3724 CREDIT UNION DEPOSIT 01-2160-005 62.50 P1708 62.50 EN! F DALE 3723 REFUrX DEP IIS DAHLErq I01-4202-1. 05 271 .96 P1698 271 .94 ChARLrS E FLFTCHFR 3723 REFU;vD DEP I!,,S FLETCHER 01-4202-105 271 .98 P1699 271 .96 ACK G00n�vIrq JR 3722 FINAL CK Gi)G�'. 1�! ;01-4202-101 1501 .45 • I . ATASCADERG PAGE NO. .2 op EMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. 81-044 DATE 10/30/£0 PAYEE WARRANT CHECK' VOUCHER DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN N0. DESCRIPTION ACCOUNTCHG'D INV.NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT 3722 VOID CK P1b87 01-4202-101 1601 .45-F1687 .00 3722 REFUND GOOONIN! 01-4202-105 217 ,98 F1688 217 .981 PETER GAN 3723 REFUND DEP INS GAA 01-4202-105 271 .86 P1700 271 .913 ,EORGt P HIGHLAND 3725 COI�FEREP'CE 1(,- 18 TO 10-2201-4101-2,36 ?_15. 40 3054 285.40 l 3 MICHAEL G HICKS 3723 1;;EFUi1d DI=P IIVS HICKS 01-4202-105 271 .98 P1701 271 .98 ; i MARJORIE E MACKEY 5725 CONFERENCE 10-19 TO 10-2201 -4101-206 371 .62 3055 371 .822 mlD-STATE BANK 3722 FED A/h 10/8/8u 9-20/10-301-2160-001 5548 .39 P1636 5548,39 _ )724 FED 4j/H 10/22/60 10-03/1001-2160-OQ1 6615.87 P1710 6615,87 i MICHAEL P MC CAIry 5723 REFUND IMS DEP MC CAIN 01-4202-105 271 .98 P1702 271 .96 ' PAORIL OIL. CREDIT CORP 1725 FUEL 363-930-756-1 01-4201-219 10/80 175.06 ;725 FUtL 863-930-756-1 01-441;2-219 10/30 15.75 1725 FUEL 883-930-756-1 05-41101-22u 10/50 909.80 3056 1100.614 ACIFIC GAS & ELECTKTC :725 Ha'138-10601-4 tLtCTRIC 41-4202-227 100980 130 .4 , ,725 HBtri38-080405-9 ELFCTRIC 01-44j4-227 lOUbbo 50 .67 3057 181 . 13 a d; 1 1 ATASCADERO PAGE NO. 3 DEMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. 81-044 DATE 10/*0 PAYEE WARRANT CHECK N0. TOUCHER DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN DESCRIPTION ACCOUNTCHG'D INV.NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT PACIFIC TELEPHONE .725 PHONE 22U-154-4963-544-N 01-4202-225 1411b0 13.50 30S8 13.50 PURLTC OPLOYEE ',S RETIRE SYS .723 PERS 9/6/80 - 9/19/8U 01 -2160-006 8109.50 1723 PERS OVERPAYi'IENT 01-2160-006 556. 06- ;723 VOID CK 41693A 01-2160-006 7553.44 P1693 .00 ;723 PERS 9/6/80-9/19/40 01-2100-006 81U9.50 P1694 8109.50 PETTY CASH CITY TREASURER ,721 PETTY CASH POSTAGE 01-4102-204 . 13 ,721 PETTY CASH POSTAGE 01-4102-204 . 13 ,721 PETTY CASH POSTAGE 01-4102-2U4 . 13 722 PETTY CASH CONFE,�E,XE 01-41u2-206 7 . 17 .722 PETTY CASH GEN SUPP 01-4102-210 15.4b -721 PETTY CASH POSTAGE_ 01-4106-204 3. 1b .721 PETTY CASH POSTAGE 01-4106-204 3.07 • 721 PETTY CASH POSTAGE 01-4106-204 1 .07 722 PETTY CASH PUSTAGE 01-4106-204 1 .07 ,72? PETT'f CASH CONFERENCE 01-4t06-206 7. 17 ,721 PETTY CASH POSTAGF 01-4202-204 3.43 •721 PETTY CASH PCSTAGE 01-4u01-204 2.8u .721 PETTY CASH POSTAGE 01-4401-204 10.55 ,721 PETTY CASH POSTAGE 01-4401-204 10.95 P1661 66.?9 P•,ICHAEL R PLATZ ,723 REFUND DEP INS QLATZ 01-4202-105 271 .98 P1703 271 .95 ROGER SCHuEPF ,724 REFUIND IijS OVERDUCTION 01-2160-003 102260 33.99 P1713 33.99 CITY OF SAN LUIS ORIGPD 723 HEOICAL F✓AYf4ENT 01-2160-003 5005.65 P1697 5005.65 ONALO J SYLVIA 723 KEFU;vD Zr45 DEP SYLVIA 01-4202-1U5 237 .90 P1705 237 .98 3 ATASCADERU PAGE NO. 4 EMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. 81-044 DATE 10/30/80 PAYEE WARRANT CHECK N0.. OUC DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN DESCRIPTION ACCOUNTCHG'D INV.NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT PATRILK J SIMONEAU -723 REFUND DEP INS SIMUrJEAU 01-4202-105 271 .96 P1704 271 .98 SENIOR CITIZE,v 'S UNITED INC -722 TRANSPORTATION AGREE ENT 01-4301-257 100.00 P1684 100 .00 U S POST OFFICE_ ,721 POSTAGE FOR PnSTAGE OETER01-4110-204 29 200.00 P1680 200.00 MARK VIEIR.A ,724 v+EED CLEAN UP 01-4202-249 2563.00 P1711 2563.00 EWUN !,".'ILLIS :724 ;NEED CLEAN UP 01-42u2-249 882.50 P1712 882.50 41 ASPHALT INSTITUT 722 REGISTkATIUNI FOR AURKSHOP41-4401-206 D LE1325.00 P1682 25.00 USC COLLEGE OF COINTINUING .722 R UO,,,ELL REGISTRATION 01-4601-206 125.00 -722 VOID CK Plb83 01-4601-206 125.00-P1683 .00 ,722 f•i -yARDEN REGISTPATION 01 -4102-206 125.00 P1685 125.00 ATASCADERO PAGE NO. 5 DEMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. 81-040 DATE 10/311p U- PAYEE WARRANT CHECK 4UNER WRITTEN NO. DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED DESCRIPTION ACCOUNTCHG'D INV.NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT RITTEN 3729.62 , REPAID 33229.61 CC90ED .00 TOTAL 36959.23 RECAP BY FILA _ RE-PAID WRITTEN FUND 01 33229.61 1832.23 FUND 05 .00 1897 .39 • i I i i I i ATASCADERU PAGE NO. 1 DEMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. 81-045 DATE 1U/31/80 PAYEE WARRANT CHECK TOUCHER NO. DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT CHG'D INV.NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT ATASCA!DERO NEwS 731 AG LEGAL 4F-ted-680 01-4102-247 1017bO 5. 116 730 AD LEGAL n F-685 1-4110-247 102460 10.08 730 AD LEG4L d F-634 1-4110-247 In24d0 10 .0 730 AD LEGAL 4 1^I-853 1-4401-209 101560 6.51 3122 32. 13 TASCADERO FORD 731 4 TIRFS UNIT 4 1-4201-223 16587 3335. 17 730 POLICE VENICLF LEASE 01-4201-224 11/80 2969.62 3123 3324 .79 ATASC4DEPO SA;vITATIUN 727 SE:tER 001-0003A-00 9-1 Tool-4202-251 20. 00 728 SE +ER 001-0068A-00 9-1 T(� 1-4405-231 5.50 3124 25.50 CCUFASE SYSTEMS INC 730 F0.0,15 N HANGEQS 01-4108-101 1566 590 .63 3125 590.63 41 ERORAH RENTLEY 735 MILEAGE 10-6 TU 10-24 7-4108-203 69.38 P1722 � . 69.38 h.ANNE-L PAPER CO 730 COPIER PAPER 01-4102-222 105501 858 .60 3126 858 .60 o TPpnISIT SERVS, I1aC 730 BUS SEIV Q-15 TD 9-19 5-4401-224 1760 1525.86 730 BUS SERV 9-2c TO 9-26 5-4401 -224 1774 1638.71; .730 MA1NT SUPPLIM'S 9/90 15-4401-224 180.3 2.96 3127 3167 .56 .R. I . IKIDIJSTkIES 730 NETS & BGLTS 1-4uv5-221 591194 23.85 3128 23 .85 ;,iPLOYMENT DEVFLOPMENT DEPT 735 OUART`RLY kPT SEPT SIT 1-2160-002 2271 . 61 P1719 2271 .61 Xx01' CO USA 730 Fl,'El. PE 1-13-5409005 01-4201-219 102060 ln40.2b ATASCADEPO PAGENO. 2 DEMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. 81-045 DATE 10/00 Q PAYEE WARRANT CHECK N /OUC. DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN DESCRIPTION ACCOUNTCHG'D INV.NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT .730 FUEL FE, 1-13-5409005 01-4402-219 10206n 73.72 ,730 FUEL FE 1-13-5409005 01-44x4-219 102030 150 . 06 3129 1264 .04 ' ALExAINDER GRANT R; CO ;729 CO3`,PUTER SERVICE 01-4301-239 10/60 47t .75 3130 471 .75 ,E!" AUTO PARTS ,730 C.A13LES 01-4404-210 6306 9.77 ;730 6ATTERY 01-4404-215 o3V6 49.59 3131 59.36 ACK G0GD.vIw JR 735 BALANCE OF I;vS REFLifSCI 1-4202-105 54.00 P1717 54 .00 Hwy SIGN is 5UPPLY CU 729 HIUH;,;AY 4038 1-4402-222 0-718 650 .04 729 HIGHV%A.Y SIGNS 4037 1-4402-222 0-756 109.39 3132 71&43 (4T'L BUSINESS NIACHI`!F_S CGRP ,729 TYiNFvyRITER RENTAL 1-4102-`302 101680 74.56 .729 TYrEwRjTER RENTAL 7-4108-303 101680 63.60 3133 138. 16 L LA PHADE ;729 PARKING LOT RF1'�T 1-4301-254 500.00 3134 500.00 JERRY t_UECK BULLDOZIING 729 OTVFRT I0R4I'4AGr Y BACKFIL ; 1-4402. 310 1520 940 .00 ;729 6LACKTUP PATCHItIG 02-4412-224 1534 4921 . Ro ,729 REPAIR CULVERTS 02-4402-224 1522 557 .50 ;724 BLACKTOP PATCyIN'G i12-4402-224 1531 5542.35 ,729 SHUt!LntR oJORK 2-4402-224 1523 645. OU 72° F3LACKTOP PATCHJn , 02-4402-224 1521 4325.00 ,729 0PAINAtz-F Ii• PKOVE?.iFt,,T 2-4402-224 1533 4611 .50 3135 17396 .21 01D-STATF RAf-IK ,729 btJ5F.5 42-2-00-064121 •5-4401.-224 11U.id-0 11U7 . 32 • ATASCADERp PAGE NO. 3 �EMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. 81-045 DATE 10/31/80 0. PAYEE WARRANT CHECK N JOUC DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN DESCRIPTION ACCOUNTCHG'D INV.NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT :729 VbiJ 42-2-00-064394 05-4401-224 110160 350.97 3136 1458.29 HE OUTLET CO 728 NIISC SMALL TOOLS 1 -4405-221 667 .80 3137 667 .80 ACIFIC TELEPHONE ;7211 PHONE 605-466-2141 —t36—r! 1-4202-228 11320130 128.40 ,728 PHO"'E 403-096-5023-213—NJ 1-4202-228 101980 90 .52 1728 PHU1\!t 605-466-9037-360—N 01-4404-228 ' 920tio 36.04 ;728 PHONE 220-154-5659-300—N 01-4404-228 101180 40.50 ;728 PHO%,E 605-466-0749-3U2—Ni 01-4405-228 U92080 65.61 ;728 PHONIE 605-466-7433-599—tiN 05-4401-224 102080 231 .21 3138 592.28 UiLTC EMPLOYEE 'S RETIRE SYS ;735 FEkS PAYkOLL 10-3-80 01-2160-006 8165.07 P1718 8165.071 pULTRYI�iEt�JS CCOF ASSOC 172 4 GAL SPR!IYEie 01-4402-217 18793 29.03 3139 29.03 C S IwC ;728 MONTHLY RADIO PAINT 9-1 T01-4202-215 71 .75 5728 MONTHLY RADIO NtIN'T 9-1 T01-4202-229 200 .00 3140 271 .75 : ED STAR IND SERV 5728 INIOPS X CLEANI"'G CLOTHS 01-4405-211 , 25800 16.70 5728 SERVICE CHARGE SEPT 01-4405-211 ?5801 34.00 5728 MOPS & CLEANING CLOTHS 01-44U5-211 599051 16.70 1728, UVIFORmS Oi-4405-211 599052 29.75 3141 97. 151 STUART kOSS 1735 MILEAGE is-14 TU 10—e 1-41 US-203 50.88 '1721 50.88 5735 21 MYLAP tlAPS 1-4110-2U8 52.50 1735 21 HYLA? (MAPS 01-4401-208 52.50 P1716 105.00 • AT43CADERO PAGE NO. 4 DEMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. 31 -045 DATE 10/34110 PAYEE WARRANT CHECK MCKR DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN NO. DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT CHG'D INV.NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT RAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY 731 TAXES PARCEL 29-347-26-0001-4301-254 u69328 141 .54 731 T=AXES PARCEL 29-347-27-0001-4301-254 U69329 67. 11 731 TAXES PAKCEL 29-347-26-0001-4301-254 069330 57.11 3142 315.76 LAWRENCE L STEVENS 727 MILEAGE 10-13/10-15 01-4110-2o3 92 .50 727 REIM6 TRAVEL EXP 10-13/1001-4110-206 E4.90 3143 177 .40 VILLIAM H STOVER 735 CONFEREKCE EXPENSES 01-4101-206 196. 1.5 P1720 196. 15 U CA GAS CO 127 645 07-4978-972-7502-1 9-01-4405-230 353.74 3144 353.74 • AN MURIA SUPPLY CO. 727 FLUOR .VAX 1-4405-221 06440 61 .57 3145 61 .57 ,AN LUIS 05ISPO CO ENGINEER 727 BALANCE ON MAPS 01-4401-205 3.26 3146 3.26 E dPL.ETON FEED 6 GRAK 727 HOUSE PELLETS ZOO 01-4404-210 -90144 132. 16 3147 132. 18 WANSCOwTINENTAL S.ALFS CO 727JACKETS b PANTS 01-4202-242 F12568 919.91 3148 919.91 IWITEC STATES DEPT AGRICULTU 735 ZOO LTCE"sE FPE 01-4401-22a 50 .00 ' 1723 50 .00 QSTEkN OFFICE PPOnUCTS INC 727 OFrTCE FURNTTURE -1-4402-304 151 .39 3144 151 . 39 • ATASCADERO PAGE NO. 5 41OPEMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. 81-045 DATE 10/31/80 PAYEE WARRANT CHECK VOUCHER NO. DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN DESCRIPTION ACCOUNTCHG'D INV.NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT { 1 i 40PRAY L &ARDEN 5727 CAN ALLONANCE' 1-4102-201 vOV 150.00 3150 150 .00 MURRAY L mAHDEN 5735 CONFERENCE EXPENSES : 1-4102-203 83.80 1735 COWFERENCE EXPENSES 1-4102-206 337.44 P1715 426.24 03ERT J ALKINS, JR 3735 CO"FERENCE EXPE"IBES 01-4101-206 327 . 16 P1714 327 . 16 UALSH SECURITY LOCK SHOP 3727 KEY 6OX AND KEYS 01-4201-242 35.82 3151 35.82 AMES DEL CAMINO 37111 REFUND DEPOSIT 01-3400-020 200.00 3152 200.00 .vIN CITIES CHRISTIAN OOMEN ' 3727 nEFUND DEPOSIT 01-3400-020 35.00 3153 35.06 ERi Y 'S PLUMPING 3727 UNSTOP MATNLINE PARK 01-4404-216 35.00 3154 35.00 ENELL 'S UPHOLSTERY 3727 BREATHING APR COVERS 1-4202-215 151 .50 3155 151 .50 ARRY CLARK 3731 REFuwn PEPAT 65-7129 1-3200-020 212.80 5731 REFUND PEPMI T 65-7129 1-3200-030 59. 00 3731 kF'FOND PtRmI T 65-7129 01-3200-040 34. 27 3731 REFUND PERIRIT 65-7129 1-3600-100 3.77 3156 309.84 ONS. 60NESO 3731 REFUND CLEANING DEPOSIT • 1-3400-020 10/20 45. 00 3157 45.00 0 ATASCADERU PAGE NO. 6 DEMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. 81-045 DATE 10/3.0 PAYEE WARRANT CHECK N0.. OUC DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT CHG'D INV.NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT _UY SCOUTS OF AiAERICA 731 DOvATION BOY SCOUTS 01-4301 -257 100.00 3158 100.00 FAMILY SERVICES CENTER 731 DOi'lATION FAMILY SERVICES 01-4301-257 100.00 3159 100.00 'A,) LUIS 03ISP0 CMU TY 731 CONATION <SYMPHONIY ASSOC 01-4301-257 250. 00 3160 250 .00 N LUIS ORI5PO COUNTY 731 U014ATION HOTLINE _ 1-4301-257 250.00 3161 250.00 • • ATASCADERJ PAGE NO. 7 DEMAND/WARRANT REGISTER NO. 61..045 DATE- 10/31/80 PAYEE WARRANT CHECK VOUCHER NO. DETAIL OF DEMANDS PRESENTED WRITTEN DESCRIPTION ACCOUNTCHG'D INV.NO. AMOUNT NO. AMOUNT s 3 iRITTEN 35535.66 4EPAIu 11715.49 CCRUED .00 TOTAL 47251 . 1V I s RcC.aP 8Y FUtiD RE—PAID 4RITTEN FUI�D . 1 11545.23 14158.81 FIJIVt1 0 E .00 16456.21 RmD 05 .00 4857.06 FU;0 07 120.26 63.60 ' f 3 3 9 M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Manager November 4, 1980 FROM: Planning Director SUBJECT: Parcel Map AT 78-100 - Acceptance of Final Map LOCATION: Cristobal Road Ptn. Lot 17, Block 17 APPLICANT: Douglas Moore (Hilliard) The County Board of Supervisors approved Parcel Map At 78-1O0 allowing creation of two parcels (0. 8 acres and 1. 0 acres) on September 25, 1978 subject to certain conditions and in concur- rence with the recommendation of the County Subdivision Review Board. The Atascadero City Council granted an extension of time on November 14 , 1979 . The zoning is R-A and the General Plan designation is Moderate Density Single Family Residential. Staff review has determined that all conditions of approval have been complied with, including the extension of Cristobal • Road. On November 3, 1980 the Planning Commission reviewed the subject matter and recommends acceptance of the Final Parcel Map. LAWRENCE S , ENS Planning D ctor- rRRArnWARDEN tyager /Ps 'o P/Al2C L. M Af -7 0 v P fo. S�.rEfTire�t/a 7� � Cv1/'71 No rf'ECo Po v� , .9f�EPTEO 'File(L' /ii/TE•P..SECT/O�" � 3 Z ��."/` s� ssa o.,P. .247� �► • P - _ /Nfi/F1L f1QN.. a .4.v/.P.PE✓�� ANO/�E.PPOUi9L OFi No 7,%,:-- To Ciso.�arE A,v EgSF,•rE.vr.tie Pc -7-- No RF aPO,.SYfEPrEO .PaRo P�..erbs REcaQ/.v / e role r/ Ap\\\ Z /4/O P.v .3s� OF OFF/UeL rPErc /376 0. Z 6 s o.,P. 433 G.?No T G No PECG�o� ArFs1=O.BctsAc. wESLSErYENT A/S'P/6.YTOfG cay r`oe G AccE.�-EoFdeF.EnA A,eE,v=a 71 Ac.Yv�.Rs�H�rv' fPoSESAsI �T . ca P: tq 6,as Civs>nvvf-.4s Pia • .�``G� 62 OF�i9�,C'i.AGr�Kd4 A -e Q// /f/'1/ A 58 y Ilk E.1J To Argsc _ :. ..e' ._ '" \a l�1' -,..ew+.;r+.i•� •aa"k �! tn Z. .GGA/ST.P.CTr4.3 rt ,Z /.v ZOO</sem � o Z .¢pEA=�.00 fLi.. �EA.SfJ1E✓'VT �v� 3� 4 ql oo••� �\ G� \ Fol '/z CF.B 4e \ Fo ii.e��A,e � /a5�•5� ,PCEsoz3 � No r6.Na.PKaeo s9 G 3 /s'o.etrn .4rs�rEo _ /1�ro7�oFoe P,xw. // /✓�•l Ffse�oP Cve• nr C.0 66-Bry M E M O RAN D U M TO: City Manager November 4, 1980 FROM: Planning Director SUBJECT: PARCEL MAP AT 80-95 LOCATION: Lot 40, Block 40 on Vista Road APPLICANT: Glen Lewis, et al (Stewart) REQUEST: To divide a 10. 039 acre site into two parcels of 5.020 acres and 5 . 019 acres On November 3, 1980, the Planning Commission reviewed the subject matter unanimously adopting Findings 1-2 and approving Parcel Map AT 80-95 subject to Conditions 1-7 listed in the attached Staff Report with the modification of Condition 6 (b) to read as follows : "A Final Title Report shall be submitted for review in conjunction with the processing of the Final Parcel Map. " • In making this recommendation, it was the consensus of the Plan- ning Commission that the proposed lot division conformed with zoning ordinance and was consistent with the General Plan. There was some discussion relative to a litigation title guarantee vs. a final title report and the Commission opted towards the latter primarily due to the higher cost with limited additional protec- tion of the former. The applicant was present and indicated concurrence with the recommendation. No one else appeared on the matter. e 00 ,/el"s LAWRENCEEVENS M RAY ARDEN Planning irector it Manager • /Ps CITY OF ATASCADERO • 1979 Planning Department November 3, 1980 \�S�EiiO/ STAFF REPORT SUBJECT: Parcel Map AT 80-95 LOCATION: Lot 40, Block 40 on Vista Road APPLICANT: Glen R. Lewis, et al (Daniel J. Stewart, Representative) REQUEST: To divide 10. 039 acre site into 2parcels of 5 . 020 acres and 5 . 019 acres each. BACKGROUND 1._ Existing Zoning A-1-B-V-5 (Light Agricultural, with a slope combining district overlay which specifies an average building site area of five acres) 2. General Plan: Suburban Single-Family Residential 3. Environmental Determination: An environmental description form has been completed. The Planning Director has prepared a Draft Negative Declaration for the project indicating that no adverse environmental effects are likely to occur if the project is implemented as proposed. 4 . Site Conditions: The 10. 039 acre site is presently undeveloped and heavily covered with oak tress and low brush. The subject property is presently traversed by an existing trail which generally runs the length of the property. The site ranges in elevation from roughly 7.486 feet at a knoll near Vista Road down to 1280 feet at the rear (southeast) corner of the property. Topography of the site varies from level and gently rolling near Vista Road and along the southern edge of the property to quite steep over approximately the southeasterly third oftheproperty. Vista Road, a private, paved street serves the property. Water, gas, and telephone are all known to be available at the site and "will-serve" letters have been received from Atascadero Mutual water Company and Southern California Gas Company. 5. Project Description: The applicant.proposes to divide the subject property into two parcels, Parcel 1 at 5. 019 acres and Parcel 2 at 5 . 02 acres . Proposed access to the rear parcel, Parcel 2, is by a 25 foot private access easement • along the southerly property line of proposed Parcel 1. Access to Parcel 1 will be from Vista Road. Page Two Staff Report - Parcel Map AT 80-95 (Lewis) STAFF COMMENTS On Tuesday, October 21, 1980 the Subdivision Review Board met to review this request with the applicant' s representative. In attendance at that meeting were: Dan Stewart, applicant' s repre- sentative; Larry Stevens , Planning Director; Mary Beatie , Associate Planner; Larry McPherson, Director of Public Works; John Kennaly, Assistant Civil Engineer; Mike Shubin, Police Sergeant; and Shirley Summers, Planning Commissioner. The items discussed at that meeting included the following areas of concern: 1) Provide percolation tests for each lot. 2) Minimum driveway width to be 12 feet, preferred improvement is paving, minimum acceptable is all-weather surface . 3) Relocation of access easement to reduce grading and tree removal. 4) Setting monuments at new property corners. 5) Tree removal and grading subject to Planning Department approval at time of building permit. 6) Negative Declaration. FINDINGS 1. The application as presented will not have a significant effect upon the environment and the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report is not necessary. 2. The application as submitted conforms to the applicable zoning regulations and is consistent with the 1980 Atascadero General Plan. RECOMMENDATION Based on the above findings , the City Planning Department recommends issuance of a Negative Declaration and approval of the Tentative Map subject to the following conditions: 1. Private sewage disposal systems will be an acceptable method of sewage disposal , if reports, tests and design are accept- able. All tests, reports, and designs shall conform to methods and guidelines prescribed by the Manual of Septic Tank Practice and other applicable City ordinances. The following shall appear as a Note on the Final Map: 10 Page Three Staff Report - Parcel Map AT 80-95 (Lewis)- "Appropriate soils reports including a percolation test, a test to determine the presence of ground water, and a log of a soil boring to a minimum depth of ten (10)- feet shall be submitted to the Atascadero Planning Department prior to the issu- ance of a building permit on each lot. Where soils reports indicatethatconventional soil absorption systems are not acceptable , City approval of plans for an alternative private sewage disposal system, designed by a regis teered civil engineer, shall be required Depending upon the system, more restrictive requirements may be imposed. " 2. Water shall be obtained from the Atascadero Mutual Water Company and water operable facilities shall exist at the property frontage prior to filing of the Final Map. 3. The access easement to Parcel 2 shall be relocated in a manner to be more closely aligned with existing topography in order to minimize grading and tree removal. Said relocation shall be subject to approval by the Planning Department and shall be indicated on the Final Map. 4 . Provisionshall be made for improvement of the private drive- way easement. The following shall appear as a Note on the Final Map : "The private driveway easement shall be improved with an acceptable all-weather surface to a minimum width of twelve (12) feet with an unobstructed vertical clearance of fourteen (14) feet. Said improvement to be satisfied in conjunction with the issuance of the first building permit applied for. " 5 . Effort shall be made to minimize grading that would be dis- ruptive to the natural topography and removal of existing, mature trees. The following shall appear as a note on the Final Map: "No trees shall be removed without compliance with applicable City ordinances . No grading shall com- mence without an appropriate permit and compliance with applicable City ordinances. 6 . A Final Parcel Map in compliance with all conditions set forth herein shall be submitted for review and approval in accordance with the Subdivision 'I-lap Act and- the City Lot Division Ordi- nance prior to recordation. 0( 40( Page Four • Staff Report - Parcel Map AT 80-95 (Lewis) a. Monuments shall be set at all new property corners created and a registered civil engineer or licensed land surveyor shall submit a letter certifying that the monuments have been set prior to recordation of the Final Parcel Map. b. P_ litigation title guarantee shall be submitted for review in conjunction with the ,processing of the Final Parcel Map. 7. Approval of this Tentative Parcel Map shall expire one year from the date of final approval unless an extension of time is granted pursuant to a written request prior to the expi- ration date. ACTION The Planning Commission should by motion direct Staff as deemed appropriate. TO APPROVE: Motion to adopt findings and set conditions. TO DENY: Motion setting findings for denial. REPORT PREPARED BY: MARYJ E. BEATIE Associate Planner REPORT APPROVED BY: 1[:AWRENCf I STEVENS Plannin Director /PS 17 34 I 7 / 31 14 16 � I 15 15A 35 ` A 1 30 6 44 \ 38A 29 43 38 37 36 / 41 5 A_ _ O 1 ` 39 T 26 45 42A ..� PA \ . 4 45 a g 42 40 PA CO7(�S i 41 i PB 3 A-1 - BV-5 i z i i� PARCEL 2 PARCEL 1 �i 1 40 i 46 I 47 2 i i . I / so 0 VIC IN I `( MAP 1 z!0KNO MAP Alk- JAY /Y-50 03' monk 'L: Mus r � f. 'W/STA ROW r� � w P € t 71 1^\ y r rn g � • M_E M_O_R A_N_D_U M_. TO: City Manager November 4, 1980 FROM: Planning Director SUBJECT: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT U800326 : 1 LOCATION: 9905 E1 Camino Real, Lot 35, Block 7, A.D.S. Addition #1 APPLICANT: Atascadero Village/Hoff (Nash Brown & Associates) REQUEST: To construct a 22 unit apartment project, On November 3, 1980 the Planning Commission reviewed the subject matter unanimously adopting Findings 1-5 with the addition of Finding 6 as follows : "6. The allowance of an additional unit in excess of ,the density allowed by the Land Use Element of the General Plan is appropriate in this case only if the proposed H.U.D. financing assures • the provision of affordable housing units as supported by the Housing Element of the General Plan. " The Commission approved Conditional Use Permit U800326 : 1 subject to Conditions 1-20 listed in the attached Staff Report with the modification of Condition 14 to read as follows : "14 . A site density of 75 persons allowing the 22 unit project as proposed is approved provided that, prior to the issuance of building per- mits, documentation is provided to the Planning Department which guarantees that the development will be financed by the Department of Housing and Urban Development and operated in compli- ance with their guidelines for affordable, family, rental projects. a. If the development is not financed and operated as specified herein, the site density shall be reduced to 72 persons and revisions to the plans shall be re- viewed and approved by the Planning Department. • Page Two Memorandum - Conditional Use Permit U800326 : 1 • In making this recommendation, it was the consensus of the Plan- ning Commission that there was a need for apartment projects that were affordable to and designed for families. There was considerable discussion concerning the additional unit and the impact on the General Plan, and this resulted in the modifica- tions listed above. The applicants and their representatives were present and spoke in support of the additional unit noting that a change in the number of unit or their bedroom composition would necessitate reapplying with H.U.D. and losing the opportunity to obtain financing from upcoming November and January funding releases. The applicants concurred with the remaining conditions . No one else appeared on the matter. LAWRENCE S EVENS R Planning Eqrector ciVy Ma ager /Ps • �.. CITY OF ATASCADERO 07P r Planning Department November 3 , 1980 1915 r 1979 A' �ERO/ STAFF REPORT SUBJECT: Conditional Use Permit U800326 : 1 LOCATION: 9905 E1 Camino Real, Lot 35, Block 7 , A.D.S. Addition #1 APPLICANT: Ben Hoff, Jr. (Representative, Nash Brown & Assoc. ) REQUEST: To construct a 22 unit apartment project BACKGROUND 1. Existing Zoning: R-4-B-2-D (Multiple family and professional district) . 2. General Plan: High Density Multiple Family. 3. Environmental Determination: On May 29 , 1980 the County • Environmental Coordinator issued a Conditional Negative Declaration for the subject project as originally submitted requesting construction of a 40 unit apartment project sub- ject to the following conditions and/or mitigation measures: "A. A drainage plan complete with storm water calcu- lations, to be prepared by a registered civil engineer, should be prepared for this project. Storm water run-off should be prevented from accumulating on El Camino Real. The plan should be reviewed and approved by the County or City Engineering Department. B. Mature oak trees should be retained on site . This may involve modification to the design of the site plan. C. Emergency vehicle access should be reviewed by the Atascadero Fire Department. D. Densities associated with this project will be reviewed by the City Staff for consistency with policies of the Atascadero General Plan. E. A detailed landscape and landscape maintenance plan should be prepared for this project and approved by the City Staff prior to issuance • of building permits. " Page Two Staff Report Conditional Use Permit U800326: 1 (Hoff) • 4 . Site Conditions The 2 acre site is presentlyvacant and is level to gently sloping and vegetated with grasses , forbs and mature oak trees . Water and sewer service are available for this project. "Will serve" letters have been received from the Atascadero *,Mutual Water Company and the Atascadero County Sanitation District. 5 . Project Description: The project as revised consists of four buildings containing a total of 22 units; nine three bedroom units and thirteen two bedroom units with one unit designated as quarters for handicapped people . This results in a site density of 75 persons using standards set forth in the General Plan. All units are proposed to be two story with exception of the one handicapped unit which will be one story. Access to the site is proposed to be by four ingress/egress drives with three on El Bordo and one on Las Lomas . A total of three separate parking lots and 44 parking spaces are proposed, including one handicapped space. Additional amenities pro- vided include trash enclosures, laundry rooms , landscaping and a large lawn area for barbequeing, tot lot and similar uses . The narrow areas between parking lots and street frontages are proposed to be landscaped in a bermed fashion. Five existing oak trees are proposed to remain. There are • presently eight mature oaks on the site along with one elm tree. STAFF COM14ENTS This project was originally submitted to the County as a 40 unit development but has been reduced to 22 units in order to conform with density standards set forth in the General Plan. However, an additional reduction is necessary to bring the site density of 75 persons to the maximum allowable of 72 persons . The appli- cant has made a number of other design revisions based on meetings and discussions with staff and the project seems acceptable. Some additional minor revisions are recommended in the conditions . In general, reasonable efforts have been made to minimize traffic impacts, provide street and fire improvements, orient building to the interior of the development and upgrade the visual charac- teristics of the site with landscaping and building fascia improve- ments. Two existing mature oaks and one elm can be retained if additionalsiteplan revisions are made and effort should be made in that direction. FINDINGS 1. The plans submitted for this project, as revised, conform to • the applicable zoning regulations and are consistent with Page Three • Staff Report - Conditional Use Permit U800326 : 1 (Hoff) the 1980 Atascadero General Plan. 2. The "D" designation set forth in the zoning provides adequate opportunity to ensure the development of the site will result in an attractive and compatible use to adjacent properties and public roads. 3. The proposed project should not have an adverse effect on abutting property or the permitted use thereof. 4 . The conditions established are necessary to assure that the proposed project will be reasonably compatible with existing and future uses in the area. 5. Implementation of the project as proposed should not result in an adverse environmental impact although inclusion of rec- ommended mitigation measures will minimize any potential adverse impacts. RECOMMENDATION Based on the above findings , the City Planning Department recom- mends approval subject to the following conditions: 1. Site development including buildings, parking, landscaping and other features shall be consistent with site plans submitted. 2. Submit two copies of detailed landscaping and irrigation plans indicating size, type and spacing of plant materials proposed for review and approval by the Planning Department prior to issuance of building permits. a. Plant materials shall be sized to achieve a mature appearance within three years. b. Landscaped areas located between parking areas and adjacent street shall be provided with earth beams to minimize visibility of the parking areas from adjacent streets. C. The type of irrigation system shall depend upon the plant materials used and the watering needs. d. Provision shall be made for 6" raised concrete curb, asphalt beams or similar to border planter areas which abut parking areas. • 46 46 Page Four Staff Report - Conditional Use Permit U800326 :1 (Hoff) • 3. Lighting fixtures shallbedesigned to minimize on-site and off-site glare. 4 . All new utilities and utility connections shall be placed underground. 5 . Submit two sets of grading and drainage plans indicating grade of building pads, pavement elevations, flow lines at top of curb, etc. for review and approval by the City Public Works Department prior to issuance of building permits. a. Drainage from the site shall not be allowed to flow directly across public sidewalks and driveways . 6 . Parking areas shall be provided as shown on site plans . Park- ing and access areas shall be paved with a minimum 2" AC on adequate base and spaces shall be striped. Wheel stops or approved functional equivalent shall be provided. a. One of the driveways leading into the El Bordo parking area shall be eliminated. 7. The project shall be connected to community water and sewer • systems. Submit evidence from the Atascadero County Sanita- tion District and Atascadero Mutual Water District indicating that the agencies are willing and able to provide service to the project prior to issuance of any permits. 8. Provide 6 ' high wood fencing along the northerly property line. 9. Install concrete curb, gutter and sidewalk along the El Camino Real, E1 Bordo and Las Lomas frontage as required by Title 19 of the Atascadero Municipal Code. Said improvements to be constructed under an inspection agreement and encroachment permit issued by the Public Works Department. 10 . Building architecture shall be consistent with elevations submitted. 11. Any roof-mounted mechanical equipment shall be screened from view from adjacent streets and properties in a manner approved by the Planning Department. 12. Provision shall be made for paved and enclosed trash storage areas as shown on plans submitted. 13. The existing fire hydrant on E1 Bordo shall be upgraded to a standard hydrant in a manner acceptable to the Fire Department. A fire hydrant shall be installed along E1 Camino Real subject • to the approval of the Fire Department. • Page Five Staff Report - Conditional Use Permit U800326 :1 (Hoff) 14. One two bedroom unit shall be eliminated, or a similar reduc- tion made subject to the approval of the Planning Department, in order to achieve the maximum site density of 72 persons as provided in the 1980 Atascadero General Plan. 15 . In the event that archeological resources are discovered on the subject site during construction of this project, said resources are to remain undisturbed after discovery and construction activity shall cease immediately. - The Planning Department is to be notified so that proper disposition of the resources may be accomplished. Construction may resume only upon authorization by the Planning Department. 16 . This Conditional Use Permit approval is granted for a maximum period of one year from the. date of final approval unless an extension is granted pursuant to a written request filed prior to the expiration date. 17. All conditions of approval established herein shall be complied with prior to occupancy. • 18 . On-site signing shall be limited to an aggregate area of 20 square feet for the entire project site and shall not exceed the height of the building unless a Departmental Review is approved. 19. A tree removal permit is hereby authorized to remove the 14" oak tree located within the Las Lomas right-of-way. All other trees including the 12" elm and the 22" and 32" oaks shall be retained and the site plan revised accordingly unless the Planning Director issues a tree removal permit after further site plan review. 20 . Street improvement drawings providing for 100' width on E1 Camino Real and 50 ' widths on E1 Bordo (urban collector) and Las Lomas (local street) shall be submitted for Public Works Department approval. Any dedications necessary to achieve the widths shall be accomplished. ACTION The Planning Commission should by motion direct Staff as deemed appropriate. TO APPROVE: Motion to adopt findings and set conditions . • TO DENY: Motion setting findings for denial. REPORT PREPARED BY: MARY EB TIE, Associate Planner REPORT APPROVED BY: 6;1,1, LAWRENCE ST 91ENS , Planning Director , / vT• 1'r1�3 � 9•'K t ———--1 Io 21 cc ��� ¢-CR — P i 20 J 16 -- �,' 1 3 r:A 32�r,. a L gO R D O 4 Zt25 . A 1812_. 12 � Q13 14 - Z = -D(sz4-) 'AVE 15 -- , 28 16 co73-oq 17 2 \ 0 tri v _ \ �\ •. co ?2 �ak:ZPAZ 2 'f7 % 30 31 • G�� x�� o.. 5 �/ �= \ 3 2,� \., \\ \� Pte• \ \Q . / � R�lold1: 1 vV ". A o100, / -14 ,A� o P-385 \ CU-72- 34 •%/60103 I G PAi-Z. 1 NAR 2 � ubiC R - PAFVIGiNIT`( MAP �, ZoN I N o MAP CL �-f+•^INO M1CI�I.. rn v D 4 1� i - l�. s/...i. �\�q.,, li l+�i,._���,✓' n.. t slic:; `':I�.II r rr• S Y t * .mss. :a•. � � r r, -r i I u 1 b N :, c - r ` - . . I^ I , N -• .- O 1.A9. L'.J�^5 Ave m _ '°O42, -vwu ww%m r Z ..r ,.-C p...... l � CE j I r i i M w ' - A- s. - . feaao r: M E M O R A N D U M • TO: City Council FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: Highway 41 alignment The attached memos from the Planning Director and the ; Public Works Director summarize the Highway 41 alignment issue and its apparent inconsistencies with the General Plan. Under consideration is the designation of either the Curbaril or Mercedes Avenue alignment as alternate routes to State Highway 41. Monday night there will be some charts which will show the status of the acquisition program as completed by the State for the Mercedes Avenue alignment. Also a map will be displayed showing the potential acquisitions required for Curbaril to meet highway standards. The dis- played map indicates the extensive potential acquisition of rights-of-ways which might be required with the major impacts on existing properties. The probability of the State funding the Mercedes extension is rather remote at this time, although the project is still on the project list. The probability of having the State switch its designation to Curbaril is most • unlikely, should that be desired. Although the likelihood of either project occurring is quite remote, as long as the General Plan carries Curbaril as a potential Highway 41 designation, then all of our zoning and planning activities should be con- sistent with that General Plan policy. As you know, there are no existing actual plans, other than the general policy statements in the General Plan, which are likely to result in a construction project. Even if, for some unknown reason, money became available for construction, a whole series of hearings would have to be conducted to con- sider Environmental Impact Reports, submission of designs and bid documents and other procedural matters. All of these are, of course, subject to public comment and, hence, modification. The issue really is not one of something occurring in the foreseeable future, but rather of eliminating or clearly de- fining the policy statement of the City as expressed through the General Plan. In view of these considerations, it would seem appropriate for the Council to clarify this matter either through revision of the General Plan to bring it into accord with reality or to try to strive for its implementation and to assure consistency in City zoning and planning policies. As it now stands, the Curbaril alternative is the policy .of the City. • 0 0 Memorandum - Highway 41 alignment Page Two • As for your actions tonight, the major concern is to hear any public comment as to the objectives of the General Plan If, in the Council's judgment, a change is warranted, then such change must be defined and accomplished through the normal General Plan change process. _ This can only occur three times in a given calendar year. and only after appropriate public hearings In the meantime, no one is initiating contracts or expend- ing money in efforts to start road construction involving either _Mercedes or Curbaril Avenues. j Lam✓ 4MR RAY `L. ��ARDEN MLW:ad 11-6-80 • • M E M O R A N D U M : TO: City Manager November 5, 1980 FROM: Planning Director SUBJECT: Highway 41 and the General Plan The text of the Circulation Element of the General Plan reads as follows concerning Highway 41: "Highway 41 bisects the Colony at right angles to Freeway 101. The eastern half runs through part of the CBD, di- rectly between two schools and through a densely populated residential area. Proposed plans to realign and improve Highway 41 from Freeway 101 shall be dropped in order to prevent further bisecting ofthecommunity. A clearly designated alternative route is needed for High- way 41 eastbound, via the Freeway and Curbaril Avenue', to the river crossing. Rerouting east-west traffic there would: a. Eliminate the truck traffic hazard on West Mall in the area of the Atascadero Junior High and • Lewis Avenue Elementary School campuses. b. Eliminate truck traffic at the very narrow bridge and dogleg over Atascadero Creek. C. Prevent trucks reaching the Southern Pacific un- derpass on Capistrano Avenue with its impaired verticle clearance of 13 ' -6" . When rerouting of Highway 41 does take place, adequate pedestrian and bicycle pathways shall be provided. " (P. 87 , Freeways and Highways) "c. Curbaril Avenue from Morro Road to the Salinas River crossing which should become the main connecting route between Highway 41 and the river crossing. It is al- ready a major local traffic route and is also charac- terized by lack of adequate shoulders for non-automobile traffic. " (P. 88 , Undivided Arterials) "3 . Highway 41 shall not be realigned and improved eastward of Freeway 101 . 4 . Curbaril Avenue shall be designated an alternative route for Highway 41 eastbound from U.S. 101 to the Salinas River. • 5 . In the rerouting of Highway 41, adequate pedestrian and bicycle paths shall be provided. " (P. 91, Circulation Policy Proposals) Memorandum - Hight 41 and the General Plan Page Two. A number of changes were made resulting in the above during the • February-March, 1980 hearings on the General Plan. There are certain concerns associated with each of the routes under discussion. These include : Existing Highway 41: - passes between two schools - crosses narrow bridge over Creek - has limited vertical clearance at railroad - passes through residential area - further road improvements (i.e. widening, shoulder work) unlikely - established and familiar route Mercedes alignment: - approved State Highway route right-of-way already acquired construction funding uncertain but unlikely in forseeable future land use problems (i.e. small, unusual shaped lots) with disposition of surplus property if route is abandoned most direct route across river passes through residential area • Curbaril Route : passes through residential area - further road improvements (i.e. widening, shoulder work) unlikely - land acquisition necessary if improvement sought - more direct route than existing Highway 41 - process to change route time-consuming and costly - route considered at time Mercedes alignment adopted At present, the Circulation Element makes a clear choice for the Curbaril route over the other two and any reconsideration of this would necessitate an amendment to the General Plan. I am uncertain that a need exists to change Highway 41 from its existing route, especially in light of the funding possibilities. It seems that the perceived problems could be handled in some other manner satisfactorily without a major road-building program, at least in the interim. There may be some advantages to retain- ing the Mercedes alignment for the present, especially with its more direct route and the potential for an improved railroad/river crossing. /avt/-y • LAWRENCE ST ENS Planning Di ctor M E M O R A-N D U M TO: Murray Warden FROM: Larry McPherson SUBJECT: Routing for Route 41 This memo is in response to findings I have made related to the current status of the planned location of Highway 41 through Atascadero. Mr. Henry Case of Caltrans has been in- volved with the route selection from the start and he is the source for much of the background information I have obtained. Mr. Case indicated that the alignment proposed by the State is the result of various studies made by Caltrans and input from the Citizens Advisory Committee from Atascadero. The route along Mercedes was seen to be the least costly and least disruptive to private property, taking into consideration the physical restraints that existed at that time. The primary restraints were a funeral home and a golf course. These facilities were left in place and the proposed route was planned to go around them. Neither of these facilities now exist. • The improvement through Atascadero was proposed in re- sponse to local traffic problems and not in consideration of any long term plans to improve the highway east of Atascadero. Considerations were made at the time the route was selected to use the present alignment along Capistrano or to switch it over to Curbaril , however, both of these routes were rejected due tothe large number of residential units that would be disrupted and the excessive right of way costs associated with these proposals. I have display maps showing the parcels along Curbaril that would be affected by the right of way acquisitions necessary to construct the new route. I also have maps showing the status of right-of-way acquisitions along the Mercedes alignment. Almost all right-of-way has been acquired along the Mercedes alignment and has been under State ownership since around 1973. The only parcels the State did not acquire were these owned by the Atascadero Mutual Water Company and two private dwellings where the owners threatened litigation. Since the City Council has taken action to revise the General Plan to designate Curbaril east of El Camino Real as the route for future Highway 41, I feel it is my obligation to point out • several concerns I have about that route : Hwy 41 ` page 2 1. The State has considerable investment in right-or-way • and relocation expenses along the Mercedes alignment. 2 . If the Mercedes route is abandoned, surplus property would be disposed of, normally by bid process. 3. Approximately 25 feet of right-of-way would be required of each side of Curbaril to provide proper roadway width for improvement to State Standards. 4. If Curbaril is improved as a State Highway, it is likely that speed limits will be increased upon the completion of road improvements. 5. Residents along the Mercedes frontage have been long aware of the impending highway construction, while the Curbaril residents have not been faced with that possibility until only recently. We are beginning to see only the start of an adverse reaction by the re- sidents along Curbaril to the possible construction of a State Highway. 6. Construction costs for improvement of the Mercedes alignment were projected to be lower than that of the Curbaril alignment. It is estimated that the Mercedes alignment would cost in the neighborhood of $5 million • dollars if constructed now. Right-of-way costs would have to be added to construction costs for the Curbaril alignment. A final consideration is that according to Mr. Case , the likelihood of State funds being available for construction of either alignment gnment within the next 10-20 years is extremely slight. ,__,IsAWRENCE McPHERSON LM:vh 10-7-80 ORDINANCE NO. 32 / AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO CREATING CHAPTER 2 TO TITLE 4 O THE ATASCADERO MUNICIPAL CODE, ENTITLED FIRE DEPARTMENT The Council of the City of Atascadero ordains as follows; Section 1. Chapter 2 of Title 4 is added to the Atascadero Municipal Code to read as follows: TITLE 4. PUBLIC SAFETY Chapter 2_. Fire Department 4-2. 01. Established. The Fire Department and the office of Fire Chief is hereby created and established. 4-2 . 02 . Fire Chief - Ap2ointment, Supervision. The Fire Chief shall be appointed or removed by the City Manager with the concurrence and confirmation of the City Council. The City Manager shall be the immediate supervisor of the Fire Chief and all policies , directives and orders to the Fire Chief shall be • made by or transmitted through the City Manager. 4-2. 03. Powers and Duties of Fire Chief. The Fire Chief shall be responsible for enforcing applicable State and local laws and ordinances and shall direct the administra- tion and operation of the Fire Department. Section 2 . The City Clerk shall cause this ordinance to be pub- lished once within fifteen (15) days after its passage in the Atas- cadero News, a newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circulated in the City in accordance with Section 36933 of the Government Code; shall certify the adoption and posting of this ordinance and shall cause this ordinance and this certification to be entered into the Book of Ordinances of this City. Section 3. This ordinance shall go into effect and be in full force and effect at 12 :01 a.m. on the 31st day after its passage. The foregoing ordinance was introduced on and adopted at a regular meeting of the Council held on Ordinance No. 32 AYES: • NOES: ABSENT: ROBERT J. WILKINS, JR. , Mayor ATTEST: MURRAY L. WARDEN, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: w ALLEN GRIMES, City Attorney _ 2 i • S10 SAN LUIS OBISPO C -Z OUNTY AREA 9 COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS 979 Osos Street Suite B' San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 _206.1r.4,24660 =Xj 396. (805) 549-5710 October 22, 1980 1Fp`'11.E OJ L t 4 1....'..� `d •� . Mr. Murray Warden City Administrator P. 0. Box 747 Atascadero, CA 93422 SUBJECT: APPOINTMENT TO THE CITIZENS TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE Your cooperation and assistance is appreciated for writtenconfirmation of an interested individual to be appointed by your agency to serve on the Citizen's Transportation Advisory Committee. • The Citizen's Transportation Advisory Committee is a subcommittee of the San Luis Obispo County Area Council of Governments. Its membership is comprised of appointments from each supervisoral district and incorporated cities represented by the Council of Governments; the committee also includes five appointments made by the council which cover any special-interest group not already represented by the other members of the committee. The duties of the committee are of an advisory nature to the Council of Governments and are exceptionally valuable during the Unmet Transit Needs Hearing process held yearly by the Council of Governments as mandated by the state of California. The committee's regular meeting date falls on the last Monday of each month from 10 a.m. until approximately noon and is held in the County Personnel Department conference room, San Luis Obispo. Please advise our office in writing of your decision prior to the committee's next regular meeting on November 24, 1980. If you should require additional assistance in this matter, please feel free to contact our office at, your convenience. prrllt�v Ron DeCarli Staff Planner • RD/dkr 3 • MEMORANDUM _ _ I TO: CITY MANAGER �.! FROM: CHIEF OF POLICE SUBJECT: TRANSFER OF FUNDS - COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT LABOR DATE: OCTOBER 22, 1980 The attached statement was received on October 20, 1980 from S.L.O. County Technical Services Department for work performed prior to July 1, 1980 on our new City Communications System. While my original agreement with Technical Services called for monthly billing `while the work was in process, the statement is valid and the services have been performed as agreed. • The budget for fiscal year 1979-80 reflected a remaining amount of $4 ,102 . 95 in account number 01-4201-303 (miscellaneous communications equipment)' . It is recommended (Finance Director concurs) that $3 ,040.00 be transferred from the reserves to Radio Services, account number 01-4201-229, for payment to the County of San Luis Obispo. 1 RICH RD H. McHALE CHIEF OF POLICE RHM:h7 Attach: 414 • . COMMUNICATIONS u DATA PROCESSING DEPARTMENT OF Tech "cal ser"c!pi County of San Luis Obispo October 20, 1980 City of Atascadero P. 0. Box 747RECEIVED OCT 2 1 io Atascadero, Ca 93422 STATEMENT Charges for installation of the City of Atascadero's Communications System performed by the County of San Luis Obispo Communications' staff. A detail listing of the work performed follows. PINE MOUNTAIN RADIO SITE Install all antennas, transmission lines, and R.F. equipment and test all for proper performance. 72 Hours COUNTY RADIO SHOP BENCH CHECK - Bench check all • R-F equipment and modify Fire 2 and Police 2 per requirements. -20 Hours CITY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING ---Install antennas, transmission lines and testa 24 Hours EMERGENCY COMMAND CENTER, PINE MOUNTAIN System interconnection and test entire system 24 Hours MOBILE RADIO INSTALLATIONS -- Install 6 mobile radios.@ $40.00. $ 240000 Labor per above listing @ $ 20.00/hour 140 hours $ 2,800.00 Radio Installs @ $ 40.00 _ 240.00 TOTAL DUE: $ 3,040.00 Please remit to: Department of Technical Services ROOM 400, COURTHOUSE 0 SAN LUIS OBISPO, CALIFORNIA 93408 • TELEPHONE(805) 549-5050 M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Council FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: Codification of Municipal Code This year's budget includes an allocation for the codifica- tion of our City ordinances into a Municipal Code. The City Attorney and -I are recommending retaining Book Publishing Company to perform this service. I am familiar with their work and have found it to be satisfactory, We have budgeted $2,500 for this initial effort which will only include codification of the City' s own ordinances, but not those of the County which we have adopted by reference. We estimate a cost of approximately $3,800 plus tax with binders and dividers, • depending upon the number, on top of that. This service# will result in the annual conversion of our ordinances into the municipal code format, thereby making it easier for reference and for main- taining consistency and currency of content. Recommend your approving the City entering into a contract with Book Publishing Company for codification of our municipal code and authorizing the City Manager to execute that contract. _ RRA L. WARDEN MLLE:ad 11-6-80 • • CODIFICATION OF ORDINANCES FOR THE MUNICIPALITY OF- ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA. PUBLICATION OF FIFTY (50') COPIES OF THE CODE PLUS SUPPLEMENTATION SERVICE This contract covers complete editorial work of codification and the publication of fifty- (50) copies of the code. A sample page showing the style is attached in this contract following the signature page . The code may be printed on one side of the sheet (gX) , or on both sides of the sheet ( ) . Choice is usually based on the probable size of the code to result in a single volume of con- venient size. CHARGE FOR EDITORIAL AND PRINTING SERVICES Per printed page. . . .$ 19 .00 No charge for blank pages . BINDERS The City reserves the option to purchase for itself, at its own cost, binders and/or dividers for the Atascadero Municipal Code. (25) Twenty-five mechanical loose-leaf binders - Each .$ 15.00 (These binders will be the ring type California Code • service binders .) MAP, DIAGRAM OR TABULAR PAGES Extra charge per page. . . . . . . . . .$ 10 .00 This charge applies to the basic code and future supplements . TABBED DIVIDER PAGES Twenty-five sets of tabbed divider pages . . . . .$210.00 (Additional title tabbed divider pages are available.) FREIGHT CHARGES F.O.B . - Seattle. SALES TAX If a state sales tax is applicable to this work, the amount of such tax will be added to the costs quoted in this Quotation and Agreement. • PAYMENT SCHEDULE On signing of the contract, one thousand ($1 , 000 . 00) dollars is due for payment . An additional one thousand ($1 , 000 . 00) dollars is due when the Ordinance Analysis and Report is submitted to the municipal attorney. The balance of the total cost of the code is due on delivery of the code books to the municipality. By written agreement signed by the company and the municipality, the payment schedule may be extended over a longer period . Balances due later than sixty (60) days after delivery of the code books are subject to a late charge . A late charge of 1% per month may be imposed on all past due amounts . WORKING COPIES OF ORDINANCES The Municipality will supply to the Company two legible working copies of each ordinance which is printed on one side of the paper or three legible working copies of each ordinance which is printed on both sides of the paper. If working copies are not available, the Municipality will make theordinancebooks available for dupli- cating. The Company will make duplicates of the ordinances neces- sary to the code and will charge the Municipality the Company ' s cost of having the ordinances duplicated. • TIME FOR COMPLETION Time is of the essence. It is the intention of the Company with the cooperation of the Municipality to deliver the completed code volumes to the Municipality within one year of the receipt of codification material from the Municipality. Should delivery be delayed because of the Municipality ' s delay in performing its duties according to this contract, the Company shall have the right to in- crease the final cost of the code to compensate for any increase in labor, materials or overhead costs . PRODUCTION SCHEDULE FOR CODE THE COMPANY WILL, UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF THE MUNICIPAL ATTORNEY: Prepare an Ordinance Analysis and Report upon receipt from the Municipality of the material to be included in the codification. In preparing this report, the Company will : 1 . The Company will compile and edit the charter by inserting into their proper places all amendments . The ordinances will be checked against the charter and any apparent conflicts or inconsis- tencies will be called to the attention of the municipal attorney. • 2 2 . Examine all existing ordinances of a general and public nature or imposing a fine, penalty or forefeiture . The Company will separate and arrange such ordinances logically according to subject in numbered titles (first division) and _chapters (second division) . Each division will contain provisions similarly related and complete within themselves . 3 . Examine the municipal provisions for apparent improprieties and conflicts . Such examination shall be performed with the approval of, and in cooperation with, the municipal attorney. 4 Formulate, draft and recommend a title and chapter outline of a proposed code structure and furnish to the municipal represen- tative a copy of the outlined proposed code structure and classifi- cation of existing ordinances (Ordinance Analysis and Report) . Such proposed structure and classification of ordinances will not be adopted until it has been approved by the municipal representative . Municipal Action: Upon receipt of the Ordinance Analysis and Report, the municipal attorney will review the Report and recommend appropriate action to the municipal council on all items contained within the Ordinance Analysis and Report. The municipal attorney shall review the Ordinance Analysis and Report and shall make all legal decisions . Editorial Conference. Immediately after receipt of the Ordi- nance Analysis and Report, an editorial conference will be scheduleP Y P with the municipal attorney or authorized municipal representative and the Company representative. The conference will be held at a time mutually satisfactory to both the Company and the Municipality after the municipal attorney has had an opportunity to review the Ordinance Analysis and Report. During this conference, the Company representative and the Municipality will review the code structure analysis prepared by the Company in order to determine necessary changes in the Municipality's laws . Upon completion of the editorial conference, the municipal attorney will draft and enact all amendments , repeals and new ordi- nances . Code Editing: It will be the responsibility of the Company to prepare the code manuscript for typesetting and printing by: 3 . 1 . Dividing each ordinance to be included in the code into short sections, so that each section will contain only one provision of law pertaining to only one subject, to the extent reasonably possible . 2 . Technical codes which have been adopted by reference -- e .g . , building, plumbing, electrical , and similar technical codes -- will be excluded from the municipal code unless the municipal repre- sentative directs the Company to include such technical codes. Ordinances adopting such technical codes by reference shall be in- cluded and classified in appropriate sections of the municipal code . 3 . A table showing the disposition of each municipal ordinance will be prepared and included in the code volume. 4 . Catchlines for each individual section of the code will be inserted at the beginning of each section. 5 . A table of contents for each chapter will be prepared con- sisting of numerical listings of the catchlines of the individual sections in each particular chapter. A table of contents for each title will be prepared consisting of numerical listings of the chap- ters in each particular title. 6 . An historical citation showing its legislative history and derivation will be prepared for each section of the code. • 7 . Cross references to related parts of the code will be prepared with proper and appropriate references in footnotes under the appropriate sections of the code. 8 . Only the substantive provisions of each ordinance will be codified; provisions such as the title , ordaining clause and attestation clause of each ordinance being omitted to the extent permitted by law. 9 . Where necessary, the language of existing ordinances will be edited, by revising into concise, modern and proper language to delete apparent conflicts , ambiguities and repetitious provisions . All substantive changes will be submitted to the municipal attorney for approval . 10 . A complete and comprehensive index covering each section of the code will be prepared and included in the code volume. 11 . Only experienced and qualified personnel will be employed in all editorial and codification work. The supervising editor will consult the Municipality, when necessary, and will keep the Municipality informed of the progress of all codification work. 12 . The Municipality has the exclusive right to sell copies • of the completed code and the loose-leaf supplement material. 4 WARRANTY AND DISCLAIMER • Where conflicts , inconsistencies or ambiguities are apparent to the Company, they will be brought to the attention of the munic- ipal attorney for his consideration. The Company warrants only that the code will contain all of the currently effective ordinances provided to the Company by the Municipality as revised and amended according to instructions from the municipal attorney. MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS 1 . Upon completion of the editorial and codification work, the code will be reproduced according to the samples submitted and the style selected by the Municipality. 2 . Binders shall be a loose-leaf style selected by the Municipality -- either the binder submitted as a sample, or a binder ordered at an additional cost, as specified by the Municipality. An appropriate title approved by the Municipality shall be imprinted on each binder . 3 . All labor and materials for the completed code will be furnished by the Company. 4. Form and style of the code shall be in accordance with that utilized in the Woodside Municipal Code, attached as an exhibit to this contract. • 5 E • SUPPLEMENT SERVICE Per Printed Page . . . . . $17.00 1 . Supplements will be published as often as requested by the Municipality. Supplement intervals may be changed at any time at the request of the Municipality. 2 . Ordinances adopted by the Municipality are to be forwarded as they are enacted. The Company will edit such ordinances, append- ing appropriate headnotes , catchlines , cross references and explana- tory notes , and reprint the page or pages of the code amended, re- moving the provisions superseded by the amendment and inserting the new provisions . The pages in the comprehensive index which are affected by the amendment will also be revised to take account of changes and new provisions , and will be reprinted. • 3 . Copies of the supplement pages for each code book together with insertion guides containing full instructions for insertion of all supplemental material and revised index pages, will be supplied to the Municipality. 4 . Supplements will be in the style and format of the original codification. 5 . Payment for the supplement service will be at the rate established in this agreement. Payment for supplement material is due on delivery to the Municipality of the supplement material . 6 . The supplement service may be terminated by written notice of cancellation received not less than sixty (60) days prior to the editorial cutoff date for any one supplement. i 6 ASSIGNATION, INTEGRATION AND MODIFICATION • When executed by both the Company and the Municipality , this agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties . There are no other agreements or representations not set forth in this agreement. This agreement incorporates all prior negotiations , agreements and representations. This agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties and their respective successors and assigns . This agreement may not be modified except in writing, signed by the Company and the Municipality. CALIFORNIA LAW OF NR9HXN9%0N TO GOVERN This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of NXXXXK4XNXX California. WAIVER The waiver by any party of a breach of any provision of this agreement or the failure by any party to claim a breach of any provi- sion of this agreement shall not constitute a waiver of any subsequent breach, or change the effect of or make that provision thereafter un- enforceable in any way. Time is of the essence of this agreement. • • 7 THIS CONTRACT IS A VALID PROPOSAL FOR A PERIOD OF NINETY DAYS FROM THE DATE OF ITS SUBMISSION TO THE MUNICIPALITY. Bid submitted April 21, 1980 BOOK PUBLISHING COMPANY A Corporation By President and Secretary Accepted - Date MUNICIPALITY OF ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA i By • §6.1.04 WOODSIDE MUNICIPAL CODE §6-1.06 are sold shall keep a permanent record of the name, address, and phone number of the purchaser of any canine along with the breed, color, sex, and age of each canine sold or given away. In addition, the owner or operator shall forward such information to the Chief of Animal Control within thirty (30) days after any sale or transaction. The Chief of Animal Control shall have the right to inspect the records during normal business hours related to sales or transactions under the provisions of this section. (§ 2,Ord. 1978-285,eff. February 8, 1979) Sec. 6-1.05. Prohibited conduct. No owner or possessor of any animal shall cause, permit, or allow the animal to do any of the following: (a) To be upon any public street, sidewalk,park,school ground, any public property, or upon any unenclosed premises in the Town unless the animal is properly licensed and saddled,harnessed,haltered,or leashed by a substantial chain, lead rope, or leash, which chain, lead rope, or leash shall be continuously held by some competent person capable of controlling such animal. All cats shall be exempted from the provisions of this section; • (b) To trespass upon any private property without the consent of the owner thereof, and it shall further be unlawful for the owner or keeper of any animal, after receiving written notice by registered mail from any owner or tenant of private property, to allow or permit the animal to remain upon the property or to habitually continue to trespass thereon; (c) To suffer or permit such animal to habitually bark or act in such a manner as to continuously disturb the peace of any citizen or other- wise be a public nuisance;and (d) To be without proper and adequate food, water, shelter, care, and attention pursuant to Section 597f of the Penal Code of the State. (§2,Ord. 1978-285,eff. February 8, 1979) Sec. 6-1.06. Animals to be impounded. Every animal kept or found in violation of the provisions of this chapter may be taken up and impounded by the Chief of Animal Control. Such animal may be redeemed by the owner or person entitled to its pos- session within ninety-six (96) hours thereafter on the payment of such fees and charges as are provided in Section 6-1.19 of this chapter, but, if Reprint No.4-December 31, 1979 155 • 0 0 M E M O RAN D U M TO: City Council FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: Ordinance No. 33, Animals' The attached ordinance has been adopted County-wide by all the cities participating in the County administered control program. Some six or seven years ago, the County cities got together and, along with the County, agreed to jointly support and fund an animal control program with the County as the lead agency. The reason for doingsois that con- struction of pounds and holding and disposing of animals is a very tightly regulated process and totally uneconomical • from an individual City' s standpoint. By pooling our resources, we were able to achieve a more effective program than might have been otherwise possible. In order to, simplify the enforcement procedures, the pool approach required adoption of a substantially standardized animal control ordinance. The proposed ordinance presented to you for its first reading reflects that approach. Recommend your adoption of first reading, recognizing that changes can be made at or prior to the second reading. I would point out that any changes which are not adopted by all participants will result in different costs for the City having the special provisions. • 4MR7Y RAWARDEN MLW:ad 11-6-80 ORDINANCE NO. 33 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO ADDING CHAPTER 1 TO TITLE 4 OF THE ATASCADERO MUNICIPAL CODE, ENTITLED ANIMALS The Council of the City of Atascadero ordains as follows: Section 1 . Chapter of Title 4 is added to the Ataseadero Municipal Code to read as follows: TITLE 4 . PUBLIC SAFETY Chapter 1. Animals Article 1 . General Provisions 4-1. 101. Establishment of public pound. A public pound is authorized and established, and it and any of its branches shall be located at such place as shall be fixed from time to time by the _City Council. The public pound, and any of its branches, shall be provided with suitable buildings and enclosures to adequately keep and safely hold all dogs, cats, or household pets subject to be impounded by the provisions of this Chapter. • 4-1. 102 . Contract for animal control services. The City Council may contract with the County of San Luis Obispo for the performance of such animal control services as may be desired to implement, enforce or execute the provisions of this Chapter. In the event such contract is entered into, then the authority, duties , obligations and responsibilities assigned herein to the Animal Con- trol Officer, as defined or limited by such contract, shall become the authority, duties, obligations and responsibilities of the Di- rector, Department of Animal Regulation, County of San Luis Obispo. 4-1. 103 . Authority of Chief of Police. The provisions of Section 4-1 . 101, above, notwithstanding, the Chief of Police shall be responsible for and shall have ,authority to exercise the duties, obligations and responsibility for all pro- visions of this Chapter not otherwise provided for by contract executed under Section 4-1.102 above. 4-1.104. Animal Control Officer Duties. There shall be in this City a Chief Animal Control Officer responsible for the administration of animal control regulations. It shall be the duty of the Chief Animal Control Officer and his duly authorized deputies and employees to carry out and enforce the • provisions of this title and all applicable statutes of the State and to be in charge of the public pound _It shall be the duty of ORDINANCE NO. 33 • the Chief Animal Control Officer to provide patrols of the City from time to time and without public notice for the purpose of en- forcing the provisions of this Chapter. 4-1. 105. Animal Control Officer - Citation authority - Authority_ to carry weapons (a) The Chief Animal Control Officer and his duly authorized deputies shall have the power to issue citations pursuant to Chapter 4 , Ordinance No. 10 , dated August 13 , 1979 , establishing City of Atascadero Municipal Code. (b) Animal Control Officers, when acting in the course and scope of their employment, shall be and are authorized to carry on their person, or in official vehicles, loaded firearms or weapons of the type approved by the Chief-An- mal Control Officer for the limited purpose of use with respect to rabid or injured animals. Each officer shall qualify under California Penal Code Section 832 in the use of firearms. 4-1. 106. Badges The Chief Animal Control Officer and his duly authorized and appointed deputies, while engaged in the execution of their duties , shall each wear in plain view a badge having, in the case of the • Chief Animal Control Officer, the words "Chief Animal Control Officer" and in the case of the Deputy Animal Control Officers, the words "Deputy Animal Control Officer" engraved thereon. Any person who has not been appointed as an Animal Control Officer, or whose appointment has been revoked, who shall represent himself to be or shall attempt to act as an Animal Control Officer shall be guilty of a misdeameanor. 4-1. 107. Record of poundmaster. The poundmaster shall keep a written record of the number, des- cription and disposition of all dogs, cats and household pets impounded, showing in detail in the case of each, the date of receipt, the date and manner of disposal, the name of the person reclaiming , redeeming or receiving such dogs, cats or household pets, the reason for destruction and such additional records as from time to time may be necessary. 4-1. 108. Reports The Chief Animal Control Officer shall make a monthly report to the City Manager, or as often as may be required, of the actions , transactions and operations of the public pound. 4-1. 109. Unnecessary noise. • It is unlawful for any person to keep, maintain, or permit on any lot or parcel of land, any dogs, cats , or household pets , poultry or other animal, which by any sound or cry shall disturb the peace - 2 - ORDINANCE NO. 33 and comfort of the neighborhood. • 4-1. 110. Abatement of noise or nuisance. Whenever it shall be affirmed in writing by three (3) or more persons living in separate dwelling units in the neighborhood that any dog, cat, animal, poultry or household pet is a nuisance by reason of howling, barking, or other noise , or is in any other manner causing undue annoyance, that shall constitute a public nuisance, the Animal Control Officer, if he ' finds such public nuisance to exist, shall serve notice upon the owner or custodian that the public nui- sance shall be abated or the animal shall be impounded in a legal manner. If the nuisance and annoyance cannotbesuccessfully abated and the Animal Control Officer determines it necessary to impound such dog, cat; animal , poultry or household pet, he shall not permit the reclaiming or redemption of the animal to the owner or custodian unless adequate arrangements have been made by the owner or custod- ian to ensure abatement of the annoyance or public nuisance. 4-1.111 . Unlawful disposal of dead animals, dogs , cats, poultry and household pets. It is unlawful for any owner or person who, having had the posses- sion or control of any animal, dog, cat or household pet while alive, to place the body of such animal, dog, cat or household pet, after its death, or cause to permit it to be place or to knowingly allow or permit it to remain, in or upon any public road, highway, street, • alley, square, park, school ground or other public place, or in or upon any lot, premises, or property of another. 4-1 .112 . Disposition of dead animals, dogs, cats, poultry and house- hold pets upon request. It shall be the duty of the Animal Control Officer upon request of any owner of any dead animal, dog, cat, poultry, or household pet which was kept or maintained in the City immediately prior to its death, or upon the request of any person or persons discovering a dead animal, dog, cat, poultry or household pet upon his premises or upon any public road, highway, street, alley, square, park, school ground or other public place, or in or upon any lot or premises, to forthwith bury or dispose of such animal, dog, cat, poultry, or house- hold pet in such a manner as may be preseribed by law. The Animal Control Officer may charge and collect fees for the transportation and disposal of the animal, dog, cat, poultry or household pet from the owner or person having had the possession or control of the ani mal, dog, cat, poultry or household pet if such owner or person can be ascertained. 4-1.113 . Definitions. (a) "Animals" shall mean and include horses, ponies, mules , jacks, jennies, cows, bulls , calves, heifers, sheep, goats ,• swine, rabbits, and 'all other domestic or domesticated 3 ORDINANCE NO. 33 • animals other than household pets. (b) "Poultry" shall mean and include pigeons, ducks, geese, turkeys, chickens, and all other domestic or domestica- ted fowl other than household pets. (c) "Household pets" shall mean and include cats, dogs , canar- ies, parrots and other kindred animals and birds usually and ordinarily kept as household pets. (d) "Dog kennel" shall mean any lot, building, structure, enclosure or premises whereon or wherein four (4) or more dogs four (4) months of age or older, are kept or main- tained for any purpose whatsoever except dogs kept for the owners use in herding livestock or hunting; provided, however, that if other animals or birds or fowl are bought, sold or bartered, the classification to apply shall be that of a pet shop; and provided, further, that this definition of "dog kennel" shall not be construed as applying to a duly licensed veterinary hospital or any public pound. (e) "Boarding kennel" shall mean any dog kennel in which dogs not owned by the kennel, or the owner or owners of the kennel, are kept and cared for, and a fee is charged for such lodging and care. • (f) "Commercial kennel" shall mean any dog kennel in which dogs are kept for commercial reasons, for sale or for commer- cial breeding. (g) "Non-commercial kennel" shall mean any dog kennel in which four (4) or more dogs are kept for non-commercial reasons , including hunting and herding livestock. The sale of animals from such a kennel shall be limited to one litter per year, and shall be considered an accessory residential use and will be construed as a commercial use or activity. Each dog in such kennel shall be individually licensed as provided for in Section 4-1 .224 . (h) "Pet shop" shall mean any lot, building, structure, en- closure or premises whereon or wherein a business of buying and selling or bartering birds, animals or fowl is carried on; but this definition shall not be construed as applying to the buying or selling of livestock, nor to the business or activities of a duly licensed veterinary hospital , nor to the business or activities of any public pound. (i) "Poundmaster" shall mean the Chief Animal Control Officer of the City. 4-1. 114 . Dog Kennels, Pet Shops, Regulations. It shall be unlawful for any person to erect, establish or - 4 - ORDINANCE NO. 33 maintain any boarding kennel, commercial kennel , noncommercial • kennel , or pet shop as herein defined, without first obtaining the permit from the Chief Animal Control Officer. The granting of such permit shall be in the discretion of the Chief Animal Control Officer, who shall take into consideration the type of construction to be employed as it relates to sanitation, and the manner in which the animals, birds or fowl are to be housed. Priortoissuing such permit, the Chief Animal Control Officer shall receive the approval of the Planning Director so as to assure compliance with such zoning regu- lations as may be in effect. The permit shall be for a calendar year, with a permit fee due and payable on January 1st of each year . The amount of said fee shall be set by Resolution of the City Council . 4-1. 115 . Requirement of Business License - Posting of emergency notices It is unlawful for any person to erect, establish or maintain any boarding kennel , commercial kennel , or pet shop, as defined in this Title, without first obtaining a license from the City Tax Administrator. After approval by the Chief Animal Control Officer of the permit that is required by this Chapter, the Tax Administrator, upon the payment of the required annual license fee for the privil- ege of maintaining such dog kennels or pet shops, shall issue to the applicant a license in such form as he may prescribe . Such license shall be for the calendar year or any part thereof during which the dog kennel or pet shop shall be maintained, and shall be due and pav- able in advance on January 1st of each year, and shall expire on 0 December 31st of such year, provided the above mentioned permit has not been revoked. Every person, firm, or corporation maintaining a boarding kennel, commercial kennel, or pet shop shall post a notice in a conspicuous place where it may be seen outside the locked prem- ises, listing names, addresses and telephone numbers of persons who may be contacted in the event of an emergency. 4-1. 116 . Kennel and Pet Shop Permits Refusal, Suspension or Revocation Thereof. (a) The permit for the maintenance and operation of a boarding kennel , commercial kennel, non-commercial kennel or pet shop shall be refused by the Chief Animal Control Officer upon a finding that any of the applicable provisions. of this Chapter have not beencompliedwith. (b) A permit may be immediately suspended by the Chief Animal Control Officer for violation of any provision of this Chapter when, in his opinion, the danger to public health is so imminent, immediate and threatening as not to admit of delay. In the event of such suspension, the holder shall be given an opportunity for an office hearing before an im- partial hearing officer within forty-eight (48) hours of - the time of suspension. Upon conclusion of the office 10 5 _ ORDINANCE NO. 33 hearing, the hearing officer may decide to: (1) Dismiss the changes and reinstate the permit; or (2) Reinstate the permit conditioned upon correction of the violation; or (3) Revoke the permit. (c) If, in the opinion of the Chief Animal Control Officer, the danger to public health isnot so imminent, immediate and threatening as to admit of delay, he shall send a notice of violation to the permittee and seek to achieve compliance informally by means of a correction schedule and reasonable inspections. If, as a result of subsequent in- spection, it is determined that the permittee has failed to comply with the schedule and correct the noticed deficien- cies, the Chief Animal Control Officer shall send a notice to the permittee advising the permittee oftheremaining deficiencies and the convening of an office hearing to determine whether or not the permit should be revoked. Upon conclusion of the office hearing ; the hearing officer may decide to (1) Dismiss the charges; or • (2) Establish a correction schedule; or (3) Revoke the permit. (d) All office hearingsreferred to, herein shall be conducted in accordance with procedures adopted by the Animal Regu- lation Department. The Chief Animal Control Officer shall insure that an informal record of the proceedings is maintained. (e) Whenever the issuance of a permit is refused, or a permit is revoked and the required office hearing has been held, the applicant or permittee may appeal the action of the Chief Animal Control Officer to the City Manager_ , within ten (10) days of the action by the Chief Animal Control Officer. The City Manager shall hear the matter at the earliest possible date and shall give reasonable notice of the time and place thereof to the applicant or permittee and to the Chief Animal Control Officer and shall render a decision in writing within ten (10) days of the hearing . In the event that the applicant or permittee wishes to appeal such decision, he shall do so in accordance with the provisions of Ordinance No. 10 , Chapter 2 , Sections 22 through 25 . 4-1. 117 . Interference with performance of duties. 6 - ORDINANCE NO. 33 It is unlawful for any person to resist, hinder, or obstruct the Chief Animal Control Officer or any of his deputies or employees in the exercise of their duties. Any person who violates.. this sec- tion is quilty of a misdmeanor. 4-1.118. Violation of Order. Any person who, after notice, violates,_ or who upon the demand of any Animal Contror Officer or Deputy, refuses or neglects to conform to any rules, order, or regulation prescribed by the Animal Regulation Department, is guilty of an infraction. 4-1. 119. Keeping Animals - Limitations. It is unlawful for any person, or persons,, to own, harbor or maintain, at any single-family dwelling, more than three (3) dogs or cats four (4) months of age or older, 4-1. 120 . Violation. No person shall ties stake, or pasture , or permit the tying, staking, or pasturing of any animal or poultry upon any public or private property without the consent of the owner or occupant of such property or in such a way as to permit any such animal to trespass upon any street or public place or upon such private property. All such animals shall be provided with adequate food, water, and shelter or protection from the weather. • All fences or enclosuresed for the purpose set forth in this section shall be of such material and maintained in such manner as humane for the safety and protection of such animals.. ARTICLE 2 . Dogs 4-1.201. Stray dogs defined. A stray dog" is any dog licensed or unlicensed,. which is in or on any public road, highway, street, alley, square, park, school ground or other public place , or in or upon any lot, premises or property of another when not accompanied in the near vicinity by the person owning, having interest in, harboring, or having charge, care, control, custody or possession of such dog . Any stray dog shall be immediately seized and impounded by the Poundmaster. 4-1. 202 . Leash law. It is unlawful for any person to permit any dog owned, harbored , or controlled by him to be on any public street, alley, lane , park or place of whatever nature open to and used by the public in the incorporated areas of the City unless such dog is securely leashed and the leash is held continuously in the hand of a responsible per.- son capable of controlling such dog, or unless the dog is securely confined in a vehicle, or unless the dog is at "heel" beside a com petent person and obedient to that person' s command. 7 - • ORDINANCE NO. 33 Dogs used on farms and ranches for the primary purpose of herding livestock are not required to be leashed or at "heel" beside their owner or person controlling the use of these dogs while on a public street, alley, lane, or place of whatever nature open to and used by the public while herding such livestock and as long as these dogs are obedient to the commands of the person controlling their use for this purpose. Dogs used for the primary purpose of hunting are not required to be leashed or a "heel" while used in hunting as long as these dogs are obedient to the commands of the person controlling their use for this purpose. 4-1. 203. Duty of Poundmaster to seize and impound stray dogs. It shall be the duty of the Poundmaster to seize and impound, in a lawful manner, and subject to the provisions of this Chapter, all stray or unlicensed dogs found within the City. 4-1. 204 . Dogs running at large. Any dog found trespassing on any private property in the City may be taken up by the owner or possessor of the property and de- livered to the Poundmaster or detained on the property until picked up by the Poundmaster. 4-1. 205 . Delivery to Poundmaster by private persons. • Every person taking up any dog under the provisions of this Chapter and every person finding any lost, strayed or stolen dog, shall within twenty-four (24) hours thereafter, give notice thereof to the Poundmaster and every such person in whose custody such dog may, in the meantime, be placed shall surrender such animal to the Poundmaster without fee or charge and the Poundmaster shall there- upon hold and dispose of such dog in the same manner as though such dog had been found running at large and impounded by him. 4-1. 206 . Notice of impounding dog. As soon as possible, but not later than twenty-four (24) hours after impounding any dog properly registered under the provisions of this Chapter, the Poundmaster shall notify the registered owner or person having control of the dog by telephone, mail or personally that such dog is impounded and that it can be redeemed within three (3) days from the date of such impounding and unless redeemed the dog will be disposed of in any manner as provided by this Chapter. 4-1. 207 . Redemption of impounded dogs. The Poundmaster shall securely keep any dog impounded for a period of three (3) days unless the dog be sooner reclaimed or re- deemed by the owner or person having control thereof . Except as may • be provided in Section 4-1 . 208 , the owner or person entitled to the custody of the dog so impounded may, at any time before the sale or 8 - ORDINANCE NO. 33 other disposition thereof, during the office hours of the pound, reclaim or redeem the dog by exhibiting to the Poundmaster the license certificate or license tag showing that the license for the dog for the then current year has been paid and by paying the Pound- master any charges provided for. No fees whatsoever shall be charged or collected for or on account of any dog which has been unlawfully taken up or impounded. If the owner or person entitled to the custody of the dog believes that the dog has been unlawfully taken up or impounded, that owner or person may, within the seventy-two (72) hour redemption period, request that an impartial hearing be conducted to determine the sole issue of whether the dog was lawfully seized and impounded. If a dog has been unlawfully taken up or impounded, it shall be returned to its owner or the person entitled to the custody thereof. 4-1. 208. Redemption fees. The owner or person entitled to the custody of a dog impounded shall pay the following fees to the Poundmaster before such dog is released: (a) Registration or license fee for the then current year unless such fee has been previously paid and evidence of paid fee adequately exhibited; (b) Impound fee of ten ($10) dollars for the first occasion • of any dog impounded within a calendar year; (c) Impound fee of twenty-five ($25) dollars for the second occasion of any dog impounded within a calendar year; (d) Impound fee of fifty ($50) dollars for the third and each such subsequent occasion of any dog impounded within a calendar year. 4-1 . 209 . Sale, gift, or destruction of dogs. At any time after the expiration of the period of three (V) days, the Poundmaster may, without further notice, and without advertising in any manner, sell, give away or dispose of in a humane way, any dog not reclaimed or redeemed as aforesaid. Provided, how- ever, the Poundmaster may not sell, give away or transfer title to any dog or any other animal to any institution engaged in the diag- nosis or treatment of human or animal disease, or in research for theadvancementof veterinary, dental , medical , or biologic sci- ences, or in the testing or diagnosis, improvement or standardization of laboratory specimens, biologic products, pharmaceuticals, or drugs. 4-1. 210. Injured and diseased dogs. Every dog taken into custody by the Poundmaster which by reason` _ 9 ORDINANCE NO. 33 of injury, disease or other good cause as determined by a licensed veterinarian as dangerous or inhumane to keep impounded, shall be forthwith destroyed by the Poundmaster in a humane manner unless the owner or person entitled to the custody of the dog can be notified by the Poundmaster within a reasonable period of time to arrange and provide for medical care. The Poundmaster shall release such dog to its owner or person having control thereof upon payment of the redemption fees and other charges as provided in this Chap- ter. However, if the licensed veterinarian determines that the dog is diseased and by reason of such disease is dangerous to persons or to other animals, or to the general health and welfare of the City, the Poundmaster shall destroy the dog. 4-1. 211 . Care of dog while impounded. The Poundmaster shall provide all dogs in his custody with proper food and water, and shall give them all necessary care and attention. The Poundmaster may charge a fee for recovery of actual costs for food and care at the time an impounded dog is redeemed by its owner or person having custody or may charge these fees at such time an unclaimed dog is sold. 4-1. 212 . Vicious and dangerous dogs. If any dog within the City is known to have bitten any person or persons on at least two separate occasions , the Chief Animal • Control Officer shall notify the owner or person having control of such dog to so keep or surrender the dog in such manner as the Chief Animal Control Officer shall direct. If it is determined by the Chief Animal Control Officer that the dog cannot be properly con- trolled in order to ensure public safety, then the Chief Animal Control Officer shall destroy the dog in a humane manner. If any dog within the City is determined by the Chief Animal Control Officer to be vicious and dangerous to the safety of any person or persons, the Chief Animal Control Officer shall notify the owner or person having control of such dog to keep or surren- der the dog in such manner as the Chief Animal Control Officer shall direct. If it is determined by the Chief Animal Control Offi- cer that the dog cannot be properly controlled in order to ensure public safety, the Chief Animal Control Officer shall destroy the dog in a humane manner. It shall be the duty of the owner or person having control of a vicious and dangerous dog, or a dog which has bitten human being, to surrender the dog as may be ordered by the Chief Animal Control Officer. 4-1. 213 . Biting dogs It is unlawful for any person to suffer or permit any dog • owned, harbored, or controlled by him to inflict upon any human being a bite, that penetrates the skin, while the person bitten is - 10 ORDINANCE NO. 33 on any public place, or legally upon any private property. The person bitten may request the Animal Control Officer to initiate criminal proceedings against such other person by submitting a signed, written complaint. 4-1. 214 . Impounding of biting dogs. Upon written notice by the Health Officer, the owner or person having the control of any dog which has, within the preceding ten (10) days, bitten any person or animal shall, upon demand, and in the discretion of the Health Officer, follow one of the following procedures : (a) Confine the dog to his own premises; or (b) Surrender the dog to the Poundmaster who shall impound and keep the dog at the public pound in a separate kennel for a period of not less than ten (10) days; or (c) Surrender the dog to a licensed veterinarian as designated by the Health Officer; or (d) Surrender the dog to the Poundmaster for quarantine at any other location or facility designated and approved by the Health Officer. If the dog is quarantined on the premises of the owner, the • Poundmaster may post a quarantine sign onsuchpremises, and it is unlawful for any person to remove the sign during the term of such quarantine without the consent of the Health. Officer., Any quaran- tine provided in this section shall be for a term of not less than ten (10) days unless otherwise specified by the Health Officer. During the period, it shall be the duty of the Health Officer , upon being notified by the Poundmaster that the dog has been impounded, to determine whether or not such dog is suffering from any disease. If a duly licensed veterinarian designated by the Health Officer shall determine dog is diseased and, by reason of such disease, is dangerous to persons or to other animals, he shall so notify the Poundmaster in writing, to destroy the dog. A copy of the notice may also be served upon the owner or person having control of the dog. If the veterinarian, shall determine that the dog is not so diseased, the Poundmaster shall notify the person owning or having control of the dog at the address from which the dog was surrendered to the Poundmaster and shall, upon demand, release the dog to the owner or person lawfully entitled thereto, upon payment of any charges provided therefor, including expenses of quarantine and veterinary care; provided, however, that if no person lawfully entitled to such dog shall within three (3) days after the date of giving the last mentioned notice, appear at the public pound and request the release of the dog, and pay the charges, the dog may be sold or destroyed by the Poundmaster in the same manner there- inbefore provided. 0 When a dog is ordered to be quarantined on the premises of the _ 11 - ORDINANCE NO. 33 owner, an administrative fee to cover the expense of monitoring the quarantine will be charged. 4-1. 215. Violation of quarantine. It is unlawful for any person to suffer or permit any dog or cat owned, harbored, or controlled by him to violate any written quarantine notice. 4-1. 216. Symptoms of rabies. Whenever the owner or person having the custody or possession of an animal shall observe or learn that such animal shows symp- toms of rabies, or acts in a manner which would lead to a reasonable suspicion that it may have rabies, the owner or person having the custody or possession of such animal shall immediately notify the Health Officer. The Health Officer shall make or cause an in- spection or examination of such animal to be made by a licensed veterinarian until the existence or nonexistence of rabies in such animal is established by the veterinarian. Such animal shall be kept isolated in a pound, veterinary hospital , or other adequate facility in a manner approved by the Health Officer and shall not be killed or released for at least ten (10) days after the onset of symptoms suggestive of rabies, after which time the animal may be released by the Health Officer, provided the Health Officer has • first determined that the animal does not have rabies. If the Health Officer determines that the animal does have rabies, the Poundmaster shall destroy the animal at the direction of the Health Officer. The Health Officer, or his duly authorized representative, is authorized and empowered to enter in a manner authorized by law, upon private property where any dog or other animal is kept, or believed by him to be kept, for the purpose of ascertaining whether the dog or other animal is afflicted or infected with rabies or other contagious disease. 4-1. 217 . Dog registration and licenses. Except as provided in Section 4-1. 226 , it is unlawful to own, keep or control any dog unless and except a license has been pro- cured therefor as herein provided. This section shall have no application to dogs under the age of four (4) months fastened se- curely by a rope, chain, or leash, or confined within the private property of the owner or person having control of the dog. 4-1. 218 . Dog - Vaccination required. It is unlawful for any person owning, harboring, or having the care, custody, or possession of any dog to keep or maintain • such dog in any place in the City, or except as provided in Section 4-1. 219. , unless such dog has been vaccinated as provided herein. This section shall have no application to dogs under the age of - 12 - • ORDINANCE NO. 33 four (4) months, who are fastened securely by a rope , chain or leash,0 or confined within the private property of the owner or person hav- ing control of the dog. 4-1 . 219. No licensing without vaccination. The Department of Animal Regulation shall not license any dog until it has been vaccinated with canine rabies vaccine by injec- tion or other method approved by the Health Officer during the time prescribed by State law or the rules and regulations of the State Department of Public Health, unless the owner or person in posses- sion of the same submits a certificate from a licensed veterinarian issued within the preceding sixty days, stating that, in his opinion, the rabies vaccination would be likely to seriously injure the dog. Any dog so excepted from rabies vaccination shall be restricted to the enclosed yard of the owner or person in possession of the same - except when held upon a rope, chain, or leash. 4-1. 220. Vaccination performance The vaccination shall be performed by a duly qualified and licensed veterinarian. The veterinarian vaccinating the dog shall issue to the owner or person in possession of the dog a rabies vaccination tag and a certificate of vaccination, which certificate shall include: (a) The type of vaccine used; • (b) The date of vaccination; (c) Description of dog, including age, breed and color; (d) Serial number of rabies vaccination tag issued to dog; (e) Name and address of dog; (f) Statement that the dog is male, neutered male, female, , or spayed female. A copy of this certificate shall be sent to San Luis Obispo County Department of Animal Regulation. 4-1. 221 . Registration record. The San_ Luis Obispo County Department of Animal Regulation shall maintain a record in which it shall , upon the application of any person owning or having the custody of any dog in the City, and the payment to it of the License fee hereby prescribed, regis- ter the dog by entering in the record its name (if any) , its sex and general description, whether it has been spayed or neutered, the name of its owner or custodian, the number of the tag issued there- for, the date of expiration of the rabies vaccine, the date of issuance and the amount received for the license fee. - 13 - ORDINANCE NO. 33 4-1.222 . Dog tags Upon exhibition of the proper evidence of vaccination and payment of the license fee, there shall be deliveredtothe person making such payment a metal tag with the number and year stamped or cut thereon, and the words "DOG TAG - County of San Luis Obispo" stamped thereon, which dog tag shall be securely fastened to a collar or harness which must be worn at all times by the dog for which the tag was issued. If the dog is exempted from vaccination, the dog tag shall have a distinguishing mark as evidence of such fact. This tag, while attached to a dog' s collar or harness, shall be prima facie evidence that the dog for which the tag was issued has been licensed during the calendar year for which the tag was issued, and has been vaccinated. 4-1. 223 . Annual registration of dogs. On January 1st of each year, all prior licensing made under the provisions of this Chapter shall be cancelled and all tags there- tofore issued shall become null and void and of no effect and all dogs kept or permitted to remain in the City must be again licensed. The new license fee shall become due and payable on January lst of each year. 4-1. 224 . License fees. • All license fees shall be set by Resolution of the City Council; provided, however, that the fees previously set forth by adoption of the Atascadero Municipal Code shall be applicable until superseded by such Resolution. (a) For licensing each altered dog, male or female, the Poundmaster shall collect and receive a fee , and for licensing each unaltered dog, male or female, he shall collect and receive a fee, unless the owner or custodian of the dog chooses to place a deposit for the spaying or neutering of said dog, with the Poundmaster. This de- posit shall be forfeited to the Poundmaster if said operation is not performed by the expiration date of the license issued. (b) The license fee shall be paid by march 8th of each year. After this date a late penalty shall apply and the late license fee shall be twice the pre-penalty fee. (c) Puppies must be licensed upon reaching the age of four (4) months. A spay-neuter deposit may be placed with the Poundmaster, at which time the lesser fee shall be charged. (d) Any dog brought within the City after March 15th of each year shall be registered within thirty (30) days or these penalties shall attach from date of entry into the City; 14 - ORDINANCE NO. 33 provided that any dog which has a valid license from any other county or city within the State of California shall be so registered upon a fee of one-half the established fee. (e) Proration of license fee. Any person acquiring ownership, care or custody of a dog, or having a dog reaching the age of four (4) months between June 1 - December 31 , shall pay a license fee of one-half the established fee. 4-1. 225. Lost tag. If the tag issued for any duly registered dog is lost or acci- dentally destroYed during the year it is issued, the owner or custodian of such dog, upon making proof to the satisfaction of the Chief Animal Control Officer of its loss or destruction, shall, upon payment of a fee of two ($2) dollars, receive for such dog another tag; whereupon the Chief Animal Control Officer shall enter the number of the tag so issued on the register and cancel the tag prev- iously issued for such dog. 4-1. 226 . License exceptions. The provisions of this Chapter requiring the licensing of dogs shall: not apply to: (a) Dogs under the age of four (4) months if fastened securely by a rope, chain, or leash, or confined within the private property of the owner or person having control of the dog; (b) Dogs owned by or in custody or under the control of per- sons who are nonresidents of the City of Atascadero travel- ing through the City or temporarily sojourning therein for a period not exceeding thirty (30) days; (c) Dogs brought into the City exclusively for the purpose of entering the dogs in any dog show or exhibition, and which are actually entered in a kept at such show or exhibi- tion (d) Dogs on sale in duly licensed pet shops, or dog kennels; (e) Dogs under the ownership, custody and control of the owner of a dog kennel duly licensed under the provisions of Section -4-1. 114 , or his duly authorized employee or agent when such dogs are removed from such kennel in the bona fide operation thereof for the purpose of exercise or training, provided that any such dog bear an identifi- cation tag attached to its collar, which tag shall set forth the name of the licensed kennel . A dog bearing such identification tag shall be treated in all respects • as any other dog in the event of its escape and subse- quent impoundment. - 15 - ORDINANCE NO. 33 4-1. 227 . License fee exemptions. (a) All seeing eye dogs and all dogs which have served with the armed forces of the United States of America during any period of actual hostilities must be licensed and vaccinated under the provisions of this Chapter but their owner shall be exempt from the license fee as therein imposed, providing adequate evidence can be furnished at such time the license is issued; (b) Dogs used by any governmental agency for the purpose of law enforcement must be licensed and vaccinated under the provisions of this Chapter but their owners shall be exempt from the license fee as herein imposed, providing adequate evidence can be furnished at such time the li- cense is issued; (c) All dogs being raised and trained specifically to perform as a seeing-eye dog must be licensed and vaccinated under the provisions of this Chapter, but their owners shall be exempt from the license fee as therein imposed, providing adequate evidence can be furnished at such time the li cense is issued. 4-1 . 228 . Failure to pay license fee or provide information. It is unlawful for any person owning or having the care, custody or control of any dog in the City, to refuse, fail or neglect to pay the license fee at the time and in the manner herein provided, or to refuse, fail or neglect to furnish to the Chief Animal Control Officer, the Health Officer, or any of their duly qualified and authorized deputies or employees, the information necessary to prop- erly license the dog. 4-1. 229. Counterfeiting. No person shall imitate or counterfeit such registration tags or rabies vaccination tags. It is unlawful for any person to re- move any tag from any dog not owned by him or not lawfully in his possession or under his control or to place on any dog any such license tag not issued as provided for above for that particular dog for the then current year or to make or to have in his posses- sion or to place on a dog any counterfeit or imitation of any li- cense tag or vaccination tag. ARTICLE 3 . Cats 4-1. 301. Impounding and disposition of stray or abandoned cats. It shall be the duty of the Poundmaster to receive and impound • all cats believed to have been abandoned by their owners. The Poundmaster shall provide proper care and attention, food and water, for all cats impounded and shall keep such cats for a period of 16 - ORDINANCE NO. 33 three (3) days unless the cats be sooner reclaimed or redeemed by the owner or person having control thereof. Such redemption shall be made by paying the Poundmaster charges imposed to recover actual costs of feeding and caring for the impounded cat. No fees whatsoever shall be charged or collected for or on account of any cat which has been unlawfully taken up or impounded. The owner of a cat who believes the cat has been unlawfully seized may request a hearing in accordance with the procedure set forth in Section 4-1. 207 . At any time after the expiration of the period of three (3) days, the Poundmaster may, without notice and without advertising in any manner, sell , give away, or dispose of the cats; provided, however, the Poundmaster may not sell, give away, or transfer title to any cats for any purposes as set forth in Section 4-1. 209 . ; pro- vided further, however, the Poundmaster may not sell or give away any female cat that has not been spayed, or any male cat that has not been neutered, unless the cost of spaying or neutering such cat, ` as determined and promulgated by the Department of Animal Regula- tion, has been deposited with the pound. ARTICLE 4 . Animals, Poultry and Household Pets 4-1. 401. Animals and poultry at large. No person shall allow or permit animals or poultry, other than household pets, to run at large uponanypublic street or place, or to trespass upon the property of another. This provision shall not be construed as permitting the running at large of any household pets who are restricted by the provisions of this Chapter, or by any law applicable thereto. 4-1. 402 . Unsanitary conditions. No person shall keep upon any premises, any animals , poultry or household pets in a foul , offensive, obnoxious , filthy or un- sanitary condition. Section 2 . The City Clerk shall cause this ordinance to be pub- lished once within fifteen (15) days after its passage in the Atas- cadero News, a newspaper of general circulation printed, published and circulated in the City in accordance with Section 36933 of the Government Code; shall certify the adoption of this ordinance and shall cause this ordinance and this certification to be entered into the Book of Ordinances of this City. Section 3. This ordinance shall go into effect and be in full force and effect at 12 : 01 a.m. on the 31st day after its passage. - 171 - ORDINANCE NO. 33 • The foregoing ordinance was introduced on November 10, 1980 and adopted at a regular meeting of the Council held on AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ROBERT J. WILKINS, JR. , Mayor ATTEST: MURRAY L. WARDEN, City Clerk APPROVED AS FORM: • ALLEN GRIMES, City Attorney • 18 - _I N_D-E_X- Ordinance No. 33 - Animals Page ARTICLE 1. General Provisions 4-1.101 Establishment of public pound . . . 1 4-1.102 Contract for animal control services . . . . 1 4-1.103 Authority of Chief of Police . . 1 4-1.104 Animal Control Officer - Duties . . 1 4-1.105 Animal Control Officer - Citation authority - Authority to carry weapons . . . . . . 2 _ 4-1. 106 Badges . . . . . 2 4-1.107Record of poundmaster . . . . 2 4-1.108 Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 4-1.109 Unnecessary noise . . . . .. . . . 2 4-1.110 Abatement of noise or nuisance . . . 3 4-1. 111 Unlawful disposal of dead animals, dogs, cats, poultry and household pets . . . . 3 4-1. 112 Disposition of dead animals, dogs, cats, poul- try and household pets . . . . . 3 4-1. 113 Definitions . 3 4-1. 114 Dog Kennels, Pet Shops, Regulations . . . . 4 4-1.115 Requirement of Business License - Posting of emergency notices . . 5 4-1.116 Kennel and Pet Shop Permits - Refusal, Sus- • pension or Revocation. Thereof . . 5 4-1.117 Interference with performance of duties 6 4-1.118 Violation of Order . . . . . . . . 7 4-1.119 Keeping Animals - Limitations . . . . . . 7 4-1.120 Violation . . . . . . . . . 7 ARTICLE 2. Dogs . . . . . . 7 4-1.201 Stray dogs defined . . . . . . . . 7 4-1. 202 Leash law . . . . . . . • 7 4-1. 203 Duty of Poundmaster to seize and impound� stray dogs . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 4-1.204 Dogs running at large . . . . . . . . 8 4-1.205 Delivery to Poundmaster by private persons 8 4-1.206 Notice of impounding dog . . . 8 4-1.207 Redemption of impounded dogs . . 8 4-1.208 Redemption fees . . 9 4-1.209 Sale, gift, or destruction of dogs 9 4-1.210 Injured and diseased dogs . . . . . 9 4-1.211 Care of dog while impounded . . . 10 4-1.212 Vicious and dangerous dogs . . . 10' 4-1.213 Biting dogs . . . . . . . . . . 10 4-1.214 Impounding of biting dogs . . . . 11 4-1.215 Violation of quarantine . . . . . . 12 4-1.216 Symptoms of rabies . . . . . . . . . . . 12 • 4-1. 217 Dog registration and licenses . . . . o 12 4-1.218 Dog - Vaccination required 12 i INDEX Ordinance No. 33 - Animals • Page ARTICLE 2. Dogs (cont. ) , , ; < < < , < < < 4-1. 219 No licensing without vaccination . . . 13 4-1. 220 Vaccination performance . . . . . . 13 4-1.221 Registration record . . . . . . . . . . 13 4-1. 222 Dog tags . . . . . . . . 14 4-1.223 Annual registration of.dogs . . . . . . 14 4-1.224 License fees . . . . . . . . . . 14 4-1. 225 Lost tag . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 4-1.226 License exceptions . . . . . 15 4-1. 227 License fee exemptions . . . . . . . . . . . 16 4-1. 228 Failure to pay license fee or provide information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 4-1.229 Counterfeiting . . . . . . . . 16 ARTICLE 3. Cats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 4-1. 301 Impounding and disposition of stray or abandoned cats . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 ARTICLE 4 .. Animals, Poultry and Household Pets . . . . 17 4-1.401 Animals and poultry at large . . . . . . . . 17 4-1. 402 Unsanitary conditions . . . . . . . . 17 • ii M E M O R A N D U M _ jD TO: City Council FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: Ordinance No. 34 , Traffic Regulation Attached is a suggested Traffic Regulation ordinance which will be introduced Mondaynight. It is rather exten- sive and may require more time for consideration than other ordinances. Please be aware that, although this may be the first reading, you can have as much time as you need for its consideration prior to adoption'; you are not pre- cluded from recluded ` from suggesting changes whether suggested Monday night or at a subsequent meeting. Suggest you approve, by motion, the first reading • of Ordinance No. 34 . 4 RL7 . WARDEN MLW:ad 11-6-80 • ORDINANCE NO. 34 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO CREATING CHAPTER 3 TO TITLE 4 OF THE ATASCADERO MUNICIPAL CODE, ENTITLED TRAFFIC REGULATION The Council of the City of Atascadero ordains as follows Section 1. Chapter 3 of Title 4 is added to the Atascadero Municipal Code to read as follows : TITLE 4. PUBLIC SAFETY Chapter 3. Traffic Regulation Article 1. Words and Phrases Defined 4-3. 101. Definition of words and phrases. The following words and phrases when used in this ordinance shall, for the purpose of this ordinance,; have the meanings respectively ascribed to them in this Article. Whenever any words and phrases used herein are not defined herein, but are defined in the Vehicle Code of the State of California and amendments thereto, such definitions shall apply. (a) "Coach" - Any motor bus, motor coach, trackless trolly or • passenger stage used as a common carrier of passengers. (b) "Council" The Council of the City of Atascadero (c) "Curb The lateral boundary of the roadway whether such curb be marked by curbing construction, or not so marked; the word "curb" as herein used shall not include the line dividing the roadway of a' street from parking strips in the center of a street, nor from tracks or rights of way of public utility companies. (d) "Divisional island" - A raised island located in the road- way and separating opposing or conflicting streams of traffic. (e) "Gross weight" The weight of a vehicle without load plus the weight of any load thereon. (f) "Holidays" - Within the meaning of this ordinance, holidays are the first day of January, known as "New Year's Day" ; the twelfth day of February, known as "Lincoln' s Birthday" ; the third Monday in February, known as "Washington' s Holi- day" ; the last Monday in May, known as "Memorial Day" the fourth day of July, known as "Independence Day" ; the first Monday in September, known as "Labor Day" ; the fourth Mond* in October, known as "Veteran' s Day" the last Thursday in Ordinance No. 34 • November, known as " -Davinc"Thanksgiving g .� y the day after "Thanksgiving Day" ; and the twenty-fifth day of December, known as "Christmas. " (g) "Loading Zone The space reserved for the exclusive use of vehicles during the loading or unloading of passengers or freight. (h) "Official time standard" — Whenever certain hours are named herein, they shall mean standard time or daylight-saving time as may be in current use in this City. (i) "Ordinance" - The ordinance, rule or regulation adopted by the Council relating to the movement of traffic and enforce- ment thereof. (j ) "Parkway" - That portion of street right of way other than a roadway or a sidewalk. (k) "Passenger loading zone" - The space reserve for the exclu- sive use of vehicles while receiving or discharging passengers. (1) "Police Officer" - Every officer of the Police Department of this City or any officer authorized to direct or regulate • traffic or to make arrests for violations of traffic regu- lations. (m) "Railroad train" - A steam engine, electric or other motor, with or without cars coupled thereto, operated upon rails, except streetcars. (n) "Traffic Engineer - The Public Works Director of the City is designated the Traffic Engineer and charged with the duties thereof, as hereinafter provided. (o) "Traffic Enforcement Unit" - A unit within the Police Depart- ment. (p) "Traffic Engineering Division - A division within the Public Works Department. (q) "Vehicle Code" - The Vehicle Code of the State of California. Article 2. Traffic Administration 4-3.201. Police Administration - Traffic Enforcement Unit. There is hereby established in the Police Department a Traffic Enforcement Unit to be under the control of a police officer appointed • by and directly responsible to the Chief of Police. 2 - • • Ordinance No. 34 4-3.202. Duty of Traffic Enforcement Unit. It shall be the duty of the Traffic Enforcement Unit with such aid as may be rendered by other members of the Police Department to enforce the street traffic regulations of this City and all of the State vehicle laws applicable to street traffic in this City, to make arrests for traffic violations, to investigate traffic accidents and to cooperate with the Traffic Engineer and other officers of the City in the administration of the traffic laws and in developing ways and means to improve traffic conditions, and to carry out those duties specially imposed upon said division by this Ordinance. 4-3. 203. Traffic Engineer. The Traffic Engineer shall exercise the powers and duties as provided in this Chapter. He shall be responsible for all traffic engineering divisionfunctionsin the Public Works Department. 4-3. 204. Powers and duties of Traffic Engineer - Delegation. It shall be the general duty of the Traffic Engineer to determine the installation and proper timing and maintenance of traffic control devices and signals , to conduct engineering analysis of traffic acci- dents and to devise remedial measures, to conduct engineering and traffic surveys of traffic conditions and to cooperate with other City officials in the development of ways and means to improve traffi� conditions , and to carry out the powers and duties imposed by the laws of this City. Whenever the Traffic Engineer is required or authorized to place or maintain official traffic control devices or signals, he may cause such devices or signals to be placed or maintained. Whenever, by the provisions of this Chapter, a power is granted to the Traffic Engineer or a duty imposed upon him, the power may be exercised or the duty performed by a person authorized by him. 4-3. 205. Traffic accident studies. Whenever the accidents at any particular location become numerous , the Traffic Enforcement Unit shall cooperate with the Traffic Engineer in conducting studies of such accidents and determining remedial measures. 4-3. 206. Traffic accident reports. The traffic enforcement unit and/or the traffic engineering divi- sion shall maintain a suitable system of filing traffic accident reports. ' Such reoorts shall be available for the use and information of the supervising officer of the Traffic Enforcement Unit and the Traffic • Engineer. _ 3 Ordinance No. 34 4-3.207. Annual traffic safety report. The Traffic Enforcement Unit and Traffic Engineering Division shall jointly submit an annual traffic report to the City Manager. Such a report shall contain information on traffic matters as follows: " (a) The number of traffic accidents, the number of persons killed, the number of persons injured, and other per- tinent traffic accident data. (b) The number of traffic accidents investigated and other per- tinent data of the safety activities of the police. (c) The plans and recommendations of the Traffic Enforcement Unit and the Traffic Engineering Division of future traffic safety activities. 4-3. 208. Emergency and experimental regulations. (a) The Traffic Engineer may test traffic control devices under actual conditions of traffic. (b) The Chief of Police may authorize the temporary placing of official traffic control devices when required by an • emergency. The Chief of Police shall notify the Traffic Engineer of his action as soon thereafter as is practicable. 4-3.209. Traffic committee. The City Manager may establish an advisory traffic committee to serve without compensation, consisting of the Chief of Police or his representative, the supervising officer of the Traffic Enforcement Unit, the Traffic Engineer, the Planning Director or his representative, and other such technical representation as may be required. The chair- man of the committee shall be the Traffic Engineer. 4-3.210 . Duties of traffic committee. It shall be the duty of the traffic committee to suggest the most practicable means for coordinating the activities of all officers and agencies of this City having authority with respect to the admin- istration and enforcement of traffic regulations; to stimulate and assist in the preparation and publication of traffic reports; and to recommend to the City Manager means for improving traffic conditions and the administration and enforcement of traffic regulations. Article 3. Enforcement and Obedience to Traffic Regulations 4-3. 301. Authority of Police and Fire Department officials. Officers of the Police Department and such officers as are assigned by the Chief of Police are hereby authorized to direct all 4 - • • Ordinance No. 34 traffic by voice, hand, audible or other signal in conformance with traffic laws , except that in the event of a fire or other emergency or to expedite traffic or to safeguard pedestrians, officers of the Police Department or members of the Fire Department may direct traffic as conditions may require, notwithstanding the provisions to the con- trary contained in this Chapter or the Vehicle, Code. 4-3. 302. Obstruction or interference with police or authorized officers. No person shall interfere with or obstruct in any way any police officer or other officer or employee of this City in their enforce- ment of the provisions of this Chapter. The removal, obliteration or concealment of any chalk mark or other distinguishing mark used by any police officer or other employee or officer of this City in connection with the enforcement of the parking regulations of this Ordinance shall, if done for the purpose of evading the provisions of this Chapter, constitute such interference or obstruction. 4-3. 303. Exception of certain vehicles. (a) The provisions of this section regulating the parking or standing of vehicles shall not apply to any vehicle of a City department or of a public utility while necessarily in use in construction or repair work, or any vehicle owned or operated by the United States Postal Service while• in use for the collection, transportation, or delivery of United States mail. (b) The foregoing exception shall not, however, relieve the operator of any such vehicle from the obligation to exer- cise due care for the safety of others, or the consequences of his willful disregard for the safety of others. 4-3. 304. Removal of vehicles from streets. Any regular sworn police officer of the Police Department may remove or cause to be removed any vehicle: (a) That has been parked or left standing upon a street for seventy-two (72) consecutive hours . (b) Which is parked or left standing upon a street between any specified hours when such parking or standing is prohibited by the Municipal Code or by authorization of the Traffic Engineer and signs are posted giving notice of such prohi- bition and removal. (c) Which is parked or left standing upon a street where access to such street or a portion thereof is necessary for cleanin , repair, or construction thereof or therein, or when the use of the street or portion thereof is authorized for a purl clean* other than for the normal flow of traffic, or when the use - 5 - Ordinance No. 34 • of the street or portion thereof is necessary for the movement of equipment, articles, or structures of such size that such movement would be impeded by parked vehicles , provided that signs giving notice of prohibition of parking and removal of vehicles are posted at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the beginning of the period of prohibition. Article 4. Traffic Control Devices 4-3. 401. Authority to install traffic control devices. The Traffic Engineer, as authorized by the Council, shall place and maintain or cause to be placed and maintained official traffic control devices upon streets and highways as required under the Vehicle Code or the traffic laws of this City to make effective the provisions of the Code or the laws and may place and maintain or cause to be placed and maintained, such appropriate official traffic control devices as may be deemed necessary to properly indicate and to carry out the provisions of the Vehicle Code or the Municipal Code or to warn or guide traffic. 4-3. 402 . Official traffic control devices required for enforcement purposes. No provision of the Vehicle Code (unless expressly stated therein) • or of the Municipal Code which require official control devices shall be enforced against an alleged violator unless appropriate official traffic control devices are in place giving notice of such provisions of the traffic laws. 4-3. 403. Installation of traffic signals. (a) The Traffic Engineer, as authorized by the Council, shall install and maintain official traffic signals. (b) The Traffic Engineer shall ascertain and determine the locations where such signals are required by an engineering and traffic survey .and his determinations therefrom shall be made in accordance with those traffic engineering and safety standards and instructions set forth in the California State Department of Transportation Traffic Manual. 4-3. 404. Traffic Engineer to establish crosswalks. (a) The Traffic Engineer as authorized by the Council shall establish, designate and maintain crosswalks at intersec- tions and other places by appropriate devices , marks or lines upon the surface of the roadway where, in his opinion, it is essential to the effective and safe flow of vehicular and pedestrian traffic. (b) The Traffic Engineer is authorized to install signs at or adjacent to an intersection in respect to any crosswalk - 6 Ordinance No. 34 directing that pedestrians shall not cross in the cross- walk ross walk so indicated. 4-3. 405. Traffic lanes. The Traffic Engineer shall have authority to mark traffic lanes upon the roadway of any street or highway where a regular alignment of traffic is necessary. 4-3. 406 . Distinctive roadway markings. The Traffic Engineer is authorized to place and maintain upon highways distinctive roadway markings as described in the Vehicle Code. 4-3. 407 . Authority to remove, relocate and discontinue traffic con- trol devices. The Traffic Engineer, as authorized by the Council, may remove, relocate or discontinue the operation of any traffic control device not specifically required by the Vehicle Code or this Chapter when- ever he shall determine in any particular case that the conditions which warranted or required the installation no longer exist or apply. 4-3. 408. Traffic control devices: Hours of operation. The Traffic Engineer, as authorized by the Council, shall deter- mine the hours and days during which any traffic control device shall be in operation or be in effect, except in those cases where such hours or days are specified in this Chapter. 4-3.409. Unauthorized painting of curbs. No person or agency, other than the City, unless authorized by the Traffic Engineer, shall paint any street or curb surface. 4-3. 410. Construction of traffic control devices. Any person or agency performing construction or maintenance work within a roadway shall provide and maintain temporary traffic control devices as set forth in the California State Department of Transpor- tation Traffic Manual. The traffic control devices are to be main- tained during such time that construction or maintenance work creates a hazardous or unsafe condition in the vehicle or pedestrian travelway. Article 5. Speed Regulations 4-3. 501. State speed laws applicable. The State traffic laws regulating the speed of vehicles shall be applicable upon all streets within this City except where the Traffic 7 - Ordinance No. 34 • Engineer, as authorized by the Council, upon the basis of an engi- neering and traffic survey, determines that other speed limits shall be applicable on specified streets or in certain areas. 4-3. 502 . Authority of Traffic Engineer. (a) Whenever the Traffic Engineer, as authorized by the Council, determines, based upon engineering and traffic survey, that a speed greater than twenty-five (25) miles per hour would facilitate the orderly movement of vehicular traffic and would be reasonable and safe upon any street other than a State highway otherwise subject to a prima facie limit of twenty-five (25) miles per hour, the Council may declare a prima facie speed limit of thirty (30) , thirty-five (35) forty (40) , forty-five (45) , fifty (50) , or fifty-five (55) miles per hour or a maximum speed limit of fifty-five (55) miles per hour, whichever is found most appropriate to facilitate the orderly movement of traffic and is rea- sonable and safe. (b) Whenever the Traffic Engineer, as authorized by the Council, determines, upon the basis of an engineering and traffic survey, that the limit of fifty-five (55) miles per hour is more than is reasonable or safe upon any portion of any street other than a State highway where the limit of • fifty-five (55) miles per hour is applicable, the Council may declare a prima facie speed limit of fifty (50) , forty-five (45) , thirty-five (35) , thirty (30) , or twenty- five (25) miles per hour whichever is found most appro- priate to facilitate the orderly movement of traffic and is reasonable and safe. c) Whenever the Traffic Engineer, as authorized by the Council, determines , upon the basis of an engineering and traffic survey, that the limit of fifty-five (55) miles per hour is more than is reasonable or safe upon any portion of a highway other than a State highway for a distance of not exceeding two thousand (2 ,000) feet in lenath between dis- tricts, either business or residence, the Council may de- a� clare a reasonable and safe prima facie limit thereon lower than fifty-five (55) miles per hour, but no less than twenty-five (25) miles per hour, which is the declared prima facie speed limit. (d) Speed limits established pursuant to this section shall be effective when appropriate signs giving notice thereof are erected upon said street or highway. 4-3. 503. Speed contests and exhibition of speed. • (a) No person shall engage in any motor vehicle speed contest on any public or private property within the City except - 8 - Ordinance No. 34 as otherwise authorized by zoning regulations. • (b) No person shall aid or abet in any motor vehicle speed contest on any public or private property within the City except as otherwise authorized by zoning regulations. (c) No person shall engage in any motor vehicle exhibition of speed on any public or private property within the City. (d) No person shall aid or abet in any motor vehicle exhibi- tion of speed on any public or private property within the City. Article 6. Turning Movements 4-3.601. Authority to place devices altering normal course for turns. The Traffic Engineer is authorized to place official traffic control devices within or adjacent tointersectionsindicating the course to be travelled by vehicles turning at ,such intersections , and such course to be travelled as so indicated may conform to or be other than as prescribed by law. 4-3.602. Authority to place restricted turn signs. The Traffic Engineer is authorized to determine those inter- • sections at which drivers of vehicles shall not make a right, left or U-turn, and shall place proper signs at such intersections. The making of such turns may be prohibited between certain hours of any day and permitted at other hours , in which event the same shall be plainly indicated on the signs or they may be removed when such turns are permitted. 4-3. 603. Signal controlled intersections - Right turns. The Traffic Engineer is authorized to erect appropriate signs prohibiting right turns against a red or "stop" signal at any inter- section. Article 7. One-way Streets and Alleys 4-3. 701. Authority to sign one-way streets and alleys. The Traffic Engineer, as authorized by the Council, shall deter- mine and designate one-way streets or alleys and shall place and maintain official traffic control devices giving notice thereof. No such designation shall be effective unless such devices are in place. 4-3. 702. Authority to restrict direction of movement on streets during certain periods. The Traffic Engineer, as authorized by the Council, shall deter-• 9 - Ordinance No. 34 • mine and designate streets , parts° of streets or specific lanes thereon upon which vehicular traffic shall proceed in one direction during one period and the opposite direction during another period of the day and shall place and maintain appropriate markings, signs, barriers or other devices to give notice thereof. The Traffic Engineer may erect signs temporarily designating lanes to be used by traffic moving in a particular direction, regardless of the centerline of the roadway. Article 8. Stop and Yield Intersections 4-3. 801. Authority for stop signs and yield signs. The Traffic Engineer, as authorized may erect and maintain stop signs, yield signs, or other official traffic control devices to designate through streets or to designate intersections or other roadway junctions at which vehicular traffic on one or more of the roadways should yield or stop and yield before entering the inter- section or junction. Article 9. Miscellaneous Driving Rules 4-3. 901. Stop when traffic obstructed. (\ No driver shall enter an intersection or a marked crosswalk • unless there is sufficient space on the other side of the intersection or crosswalk to accommodate the vehicle he is operating without obstructing the passage of other vehicles or pedestrians , notwith- standing any traffic control signal indication to proceed. 4-3. 902. Driving through funeral or other procession. No driver of a vehicle shall drive between the vehicles comprising a funeral or other authorized procession while they are in motion and when such vehicles are conspicuously designated as required in this ordinance. This provision shall not apply at intersections where traffic is controlled by traffic control signals or police officers. 4-3.903. Driver in a procession.. Each driver in a funeral or other procession shall drive as near to the right-hand edge of the roadway as practicable and shall follow the vehicle ahead as close as is practicable and safe. 4-3. 904 . When permits required for parades and processions. No procession or parade shall occupy, march or proceed along any street except in accordance with a permit properly issued by the City. 4-3.905. Obedience to barriers and signs. No person, public utility, or City employee shall erect or place any barrier or sign on any street unless of a type approved by the - 10 - • i Ordinance No. 34 ,f Traffic Engineer o disobey the instruction, or remove, tamper with, • or destroy any barrier or sign lawfully placed on any street. 4-3.906 . Shrubbery obstructing visibility of intersections. Whenever the Traffic Engineer finds that any hedge, shrubbery, or tree growing in a parkway obstructs the view of any intersection or any traffic upon the streets approaching such intersection, he shall give written notice to the owner of the property to remove or trim such obstruction together with an appropriate time limit for such actions and, if not properly performed in the time limit, he i shall cause the hedge, shrubbery, or tree to be immediately removed 1 or reduced in height and the cost of such removal or trimming­_ TY^norms-- - shall be collectable in the manner provided by law. Article 10. Regulations for Bicycles 4-3. 1001. Effect of regulation. (a) The parent of any child or guardian of any ward shall not authorize or knowingly permit any such child or ward to violate any of the provisions of this Chapter. (b) Regulations applicable to bicycles shall apply whenever a bicycle is operated upon any street within the City or • upon any path therein set aside for the exclusive use of bicycles , subject to the exceptions stated therein. 4-3. 1002. Bicycle license optional. The licensing of bicycles shall be at the option of bicycle owners within the City. 4-3. 1003. License application. Application for a bicycle license shall be made upon a form provided by the City and shall be made with the Fire Department. A license fee as prescribed by the City Council shall be paid before each license or renewal thereof is granted. 4-3. 1004 . Issuance of license. (a) Upon receiving an application, the Fire Department is auth- orized to issue a bicycle license. (b) Licenses shall be effective for one (1) calendar year from date of issuance. (c) A license shall not be issued when reasonable grounds exist to believe that the applicant is not the owner of or entitle to the possession of such bicycle. - 11 - Ordinance No. 34 • (d) A record shall be kept of the number of each license, the date issued, the name and address of the person to whom issued, and a record of all bicycle license fees collected. 4-3. 1005. Attachment of license. (a) Licenses shall be affixed to the front of the seat tube of the bicycle frame. (b) No person shall remove a current license from a bicycle except upon a transfer of ownership or in the event the bicycle is dismantled and no longer operated upon any street or bicycle path in the City. 4-3. 1006 . Riding on sidewalks prohibited. No person shall ride a bicycle upon and along a sidewalk, or in violation of any of the provisions of the Vehicle Code. 4-3. 1007. Bicycle parking. A person shall not park a bicycle on a roadway or on a public sidewalk in such a manner as to obstruct the movement of a legally parked motor vehicle. • Article 11. Stopping, Standing or Parking Prohibited in Specified Places 4-3. 1101. Traffic Engineer to designate no stopping zones and no parking areas. (a) The Traffic Engineer, as authorized to determine the loca- tion of no stopping zones and no parking areas, shall place and maintain appropriate signs or markings indicating the same and stating the hours during which the provisions of this Article are applicable. (b) No stopping zones and no parking areas shall be indicated by red paint upon the top of all curbs in said zones and areas 4-3. 1102. Prohibited stopping, standing or parking. No person shall stop, park, or leave standing any vehicle whether attended or unattended, except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic or in compliance with the directions of a peace officer or offical traffic control device, in any of the following places: (a) Within any division island unless authorized and clearly indicated with appropriate signs or markings. • (b) In any area established as a no parking area, when such - 12 - Ordinance No. 34 area is indicated by appropriate signs or by red paint upon, the curb surface. (c) Within any parkway. (d) On any street or highway where the use of such street or highway or a portion thereof is necessary for the cleaning, repair or construction of the street or highway or the installation of underground utilities or where the use of the street or highway or any portion thereof is authorized for a purpose other than the normal flow of traffic or where the use of the street or any portion thereof is necessary for the movement of equipment, articles , or struc- tures of unusual size, and the parking of such vehicle would prohibit or interfere with such use or movement; provided that signs giving notice of such no parking are erected or placed at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the effective time of such no parking. (e) At any place within twenty (20) feet of a crosswalk at an intersection when such place is indicated by appropriate signs or by red paint upon the curb surface except that a bus may stop at a designated bus stop. (f) Within twenty (20) feet of the approach to any traffic signal, boulevard stop sign, or official electric flashing • device. (g) Within any appropriately designated fire lane and access roads as established by the City Fire Code when appropriate signs or markings are posted. 4-3. 1103. Parking in alleys. No person shall stop, stand, or park any vehicle for any purpose other than the loading or unloading of passengers or freight in any alley. No person shall position any vehicle in any alley in such a manner or under such conditions as to leave available less than ten (10) feet of the width of the roadway for the free movement of vehi- cular traffic, while that vehicle is being loaded or unloaded. No person shall position any vehicle in any alley in such a manner as to block or restrict access to any driveway entrance. 4-3. 1104. Parking adjacent to schools. The Traffic Engineer is authorized to place signs or markings indicating no parking upon either or both sides of any street adjacent to any school property when such parking would, in his opinion, inter- fere with traffic or create a hazardous situation. 4-3. 1105. Parking prohibited on narrow streets. • The Traffic Engineer is authorized to place signs or markings - 13 a • Ordinance No. 34 • indicating no parking upon any street when the width of the roadway does not exceed twenty (20) feet, or upon one side of a street as indicated by such signs or markings when the width of the roadway does not exceed thirty (30) feet. 4-3.1106 Standing or narking on one-way streets. - The Traffic Engineer is authorized to erect signs upon the left- hand side of any one-way street to prohibit the standing or parking of vehicles. 4-3. 1107. Standing or parking, on one-way roadways. In the event a highway includes two or more separate roadways and traffic is restricted to one direction upon any such roadway, no person shall stand or park a vehicle upon the left-hand side of such one-way roadway unless signs are erected to permit such standing or parking. The Traffic Engineer is authorized to determine when standing or parking may be permitted upon the left-hand side of any such one- way roadway and to erect signs giving notice thereof. 4-3.1108. Parking on grades. No person driving, or in control of, or in charge of, a motor • vehicle shall permit it to stand on any highway unattended when upon any grade exceeding three percent (3%) within any business or resi- dence district without blocking the wheels of the vehicle by turning them against the curb or by other approrpiate means. 4-3. 1109. Unlawful parking - Peddlers, vendors. Except as otherwise provided in this section, no person shall stand or park any vehicle, wagon, or pushcart from which goods, wares, merchandise or foods are sold, displayed, solicited or offered for sale or bartered or exchanged, or any lunch wagon or eating car or vehicle, on any portion of any street except that such vehicles, wagons, or pushcarts may stand or park only at the request for a bona fide purchaser for a period not to exceed fifteen (15) minutes at one place. The provisions of this subsection shall not apply to persons delivering such articles upon order of, or by agreement with a customer from a store or other fixed place of business or distribution. 4-3. 1110. Emergency parking signs. Whenever the Traffic Engineer determines that an emergency traffic congestion is likely to result from the holding of public or private processions or assemblages, he shall place temporary signs indicating that the operation, parking or standing of vehicles is prohibited on such streets and alleys. Such signs shall remain in place only during • the existence of such emergency and the Traffic Engineer shall remove such signs thereafter. - 14 - Ordinance No. 34 Article 12. Stopping for Loading or Unloading Only • 4-3. 1201. Traffic Engineer to designate loading zones and passenger loading zones. (a) The Traffic Engineer is authorized to determine the loca- tion of loading zones and passenger loading zones and shall place and maintain, appropriate signs or markings indicating the same and stating the hours during which the provisions of this Article and the Vehicle Code are applicable. (b) Loading zones shall be indicated by yellow paint upon the top of all curbs in said zones. Yellow shall mean no stopping, standing or parking at any time between 7 : 00 a.m. and 6 : 00 p.m. of any day except Sundays and holidays for any purpose other than the loading or unloading of passengers or freight, provided that the loading or unloading of passen- gers shall not consume more than thirty (30) minutes and the loading or unloading of freight more than twenty (20) minutes. ('c) Passenger loading zones shall be indicated by white paint upon the top of all curbs in said zones. White shall mean no stopping, standing or parking for any purpose other than loading or unloading of passengers, or for the purpose of depositing mail in an adjacent mail box, which shall not • exceed three (3) minutes and such restrictions shall apply between 7: 00 a.m. and 6: 00 p.m., on any day except Sundays and holidays and except as follows When such zone is in front of a hotel or in front of a mailbox, the restrictions shall apply at all times. When such zone is in front of a theater, the restrictions shall apply at all times except when such theater is closed. 4-3.1202. Effect of permission to load or unload. (a) Permission herein granted to stop or stand a vehicle for purposes of loading or unloading of freight shall not extend beyond the time necessary therefor, and in no event for more than twenty (20) minutes. (b) Permission herein granted to stop or park for purposes of loading or unloading of passengers shall include the loading or unloading of personal baggage, but shall not extend beyond the time necessary therefor and in no event for more than three (3) minutes. (c) Within the total time limits above specified, the provi- sions of this section shall be enforced so as to accommo- date necessary and reasonable loading or unloading but without permitting abuse of privileges hereby granted.. 15 - Ordinance No. 34 4-3.1203. Standing in any alley. No person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle for any purpose other than the loading or unloading of passengers or freight in any alley. 4-3. 1204. Traffic Engineer to designate public carrier stops and stands. The Traffic Engineer is authorized to establish bus stops, bus stands , taxicab stands and stand for other passenger common-carrier motor vehicles on such streets in such places and in such number as he shall determine to be of the greatest benefit and convenience to the public, and every such bus stop, bus stand, taxicab stand or other stand shall be designated by appropriate official traffic con- trol devices. 4-3. 1205. Restricted use of bus and taxicab stands. No person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle other than a bus in a bus stop, or other than a taxicab in a taxicab stand when any such stop or stand has been officially designated and appropriately signed, except that the driver of a passenger vehicle may temporarily stop therein for the purpose of and while actually engaged in loading or unloading passengers when such stopping does not interfere with • any bus or taxicab waiting to enter or about to enter such zone. Article 13. Stopping, Standing or Parking Restrictions 4-3.1301. Time limit parking. (a) The Traffic Engineer is authorized to designate by appro- priate signs or curb marking, locations where it shall be unlawful for the operator of any vehicle to stop, stand, or park said vehicle adjacent to any such legible curb marking or signs for a period of time in violation thereof. (b) Time limit parking zones shall be indicated by green paint upon the top of all curbs in said zones . Green shall mean no standing or parking for a period longer than indicated at any time between 9 : 00 a.m. and 6 :00 p.m. for any day except Sundays and holidays. 4-3. 1302. Handicapped parking. (a) The Traffic Engineer is authorized by the Council to deter- mine and mark, with blue curb and appropriate signing, loca- tions on public streets and in publicly owned, leased, or controlled off-street parking facilities for the exclusive use of physically handicapped persons. • (b) The privately owned and operated parking facilities in the City may reserve parking stalls for exclusive use by - 16 - Ordinance No. 34 -, ... #. physically handicapped persons. (c) No person shall stop, stand, or park any vehicle in any parking space marked by blue curb and appropriate signing unless said vehicle bears a special license or displays a specialplacard issued under the provisions of the Vehicle Code. 4-3. 1303. Commercial vehicles street parking prohibited. (a) No person shall stop, stand or park a commercial vehicle on any street except a designated truck route except when such vehicle is parked temporarily in connection with the performance of a service or for loading and unloading. (b) When the Traffic Engineer determines that the parking of commercial vehicles constitutes a public nuisance or safety hazard in any street, the Traffic Engineer shall install appropriate signing or markings prohibiting the stopping, standing or parking of commercial vehicles in the areas so designated. 4-3.1304 . Parking of non-motorized vehicles. /7 c No person shall park or leave standing a non-motorized vehicle- • \ or camper, regardless of width or length, when it has been detached from its motor vehicle on any street or highway in the City. Article 14 . Regulating Classes and Kinds of Traffic on Certain Highways 4-3. 1401. Gross weight limits. The Traffic Engineer is authorized, on the basis of an engi- neering and traffic survey, to erect and maintain official traffic control devices on any streets or parts of streets to impose gross weight limits as prescribed by the Vehicle Code. 4-3. 1402. Size restrictions. The Traffic Engineer is authorized, on the basis of an engi- neering and traffic survey, to erect and maintain official traffic control devices on any streets or parts of streets to impose vehicle size restrictions as prescribed by the Vehicle Code. Section 2. The City Clerk shall cause this ordinance to be pub- lished once within fifteen (15) days after its passage in the Atas- cadero News, a newspaper of general circulation printed, published and circulated in the City in accordance with Section 36933 of the Government Code; shall certify the adoption of this ordinance and shall cause this ordinance and this certification to be entered into - 17 Ordinance No. 34 • the Book of Ordinances of this City. Section 3. This ordinance shall go into effect and be in full force and effect at 12 : 01 a.m, on the 31st day after its passage. The foregoing ordinance was introduced on November 10, 1980 and adopted at a regular meeting of the Council held on AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ROBERT J. WILKINS, JR. , Mayor ATTEST: MURRAY L. WARDEN, City Clerk • APPROVED AS TO FORM: ALLEN GRIMES, City Attorney • 18 - • _I—N—D_E—X,' Ordinance No. 34 - Traffic Regulation • Page ARTICLE 1. Words and Phrases Defined . . 1 4-3.101 Definition of words and phrases . . . . . l ARTICLE 2 Traffic Administration . . . . . . 2 4-3.201 Police Administration Traffic Enforcement Unit . Traffic Enforcement Unit 3 4-3.203 Traffic Engineer . . . 3 4-3.204 Powers and duties of Traffic Engineer - Delegation . . . . . . . . . . 3 4-3.205 Traffic accident studies . . . . . 3 4-3. 206 Traffic accident reports . . . . . . . . 3 4-3.207 Annual traffic safety report . . . 4 4-3.208 Emergency and experimental regulations . 4 4-3. 209 Traffic committee . . . . . . . . . . 4 4-3.210 Duties of traffic committee . . . . 4 ARTICLE 3. Enforcement and Obedience to Traffic Regulations . . . . . . . . . . 4 4-3. 301 Authority of Police and Fire Department • officials . . . . . 4 4-3. 302 Obstruction or interference with police or authorized officers . . . . . . 5 4-3. 303 Exception of certain vehicles. . . . . . 5 4-3. 304 Removal of vehicles from streets . . . . 5 ARTICLE 4. Traffic Control Devices 4-3.401 Authority to install traffic control devices . . . 6 4-3.402 Official traffic control devices required for enforcement purposes . . . . . . 6 4-3. 403 Installation of traffic signals . . 6 4-3.404 Traffic Engineer to establish crosswalks 6 4-3.405 Traffic lanes . . . . . . . . . 7 4-3.406 Distinctive roadway markings . . . . 7 4-3.407 Authority to remove, relocate and discontinue traffic control devices . • . . . . . . 7 4-3. 408 Traffic control devices: Hours of operation • . . . . . . . 7 4-3. 409 Unauthorized painting of curbs . . . 7 4-3.410 Construction of traffic control devices . . . 7 ARTICLE 5. Speed Regulations . . . . . 7 4-3. 501 State speed laws applicable . . . . . . 7 • 4-3. 502 Authority of Traffic Engineer . . . . . . 8 i INDEX Ordinance No. 34 - Traffic Regulation • Page ARTICLE 5. Speed Regulations (cont. ) . . . . . . . . . 8 4-3.503 Speed contests and exhibition of speed 8 ARTICLE 6 . Turning Movements . . . . . . . . . . 9 4-3.601 Authority to place devices altering normal course for turns . . . . . . . . . . 9 4-3.602 Authority to place restricted turn signs 9 4-3.603 Signal controlled intersections - Right turns . . . . . . . . . . . 9 ARTICLE 7 . One-way Streets and Alleys . . . . . . 9 4-3. 701 Authority to sign one-way streets and alleys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 4-3.702 Authority to restrict direction of movement on streets during certain periods 9 ARTICLE 8. Stop and Yield Intersections . . . 10 4-3. 801 Authority for stop signs and yield signs . 10 • ARTICLE 9 . Miscellaneous Driving Rules . . . . . . . . . 10 4-3. 901 Stop when traffic obstructed . . . 10 4-3. 902 Driving through funeral or other procession 10 4-3. 903 Driver in a procession . . . . 10 4-3. 904 When permits required for parades and processions . . 10 4-3. 905 Obedience to barriers and signs 10 4-3. 906 Shrubbery obstructing visibility of intersections . . . . . . . . 11 ARTICLE 10. Regulations for Bicycles . . . . . . . 11 4-3.1001 Effect of regulation 11 4-3.1002 Bicycle license optional . . . . . 11 4-3. 1003 License application . . . . . . 11 4-3. 1004 Issuance of license . . . . . . 11 4-3. 1005 Attachment of license . . . . . . 12 4-3.1006 Riding on sidewalks prohibited . . . 12 4-3.1007 Bicycle parking . . . . . . . . . . . 12 ARTICLE 11. Stopping, Standing or Parking Prohibited in Specified Places . . . . . . . . . . . 12 4-3.1101 Traffic Engineer to designate no stopping • zones and no parking areas . . . . . . . . 12 4-3. 1102 Prohibited stopping, standing or parking 12 ii INDEX Ordinance No. 34 - Traffic Regulation Page • ARTICLE 11. Stopping, Standing or Parking Prohibited in Specified Places (cont. ) . . . . . . . . . . 12 4-3. 1103 Parking in alleys . . . . . . . . . 13 4-3.1104 Parking adjacent to schools . . . . . 13 4-3.1105 Parking prohibited on narrow streets . . . . . 13 4-3. 1106 Standing or parking on one-way streets . 14 4-3. 1107 Standing or parking on one-way roadways . . 14 4-3. 1108 Parking on grades . . . . . 14 4-3. 1109 Unlawful parking - Peddlers, vendors . . . . . 14 4-3. 1110 Emergency parking signs . . . . . 14 ARTICLE 12. Stopping for Loading or Unloading Only . . 15 4-3. 1201 Traffic Engineer to designate loading, zones and passenger loading zones . . . 15 4-3. 1202 Effect of permission to load or unload . . 15 4-3. 1203 Standing in any alley . . . . . . 16 4-3.1204 Traffic Engineer to designate public carrier stops and stands . . . . . . . . . 16 4-3.1205 Restricted use of bus and.taxicab stands . . . 16 ARTICLE 13. Stopping, Standing or Parking Restrictions . . . 16 4-3.1301 Time limit parking . . . . . . 16 4-3.1302 Handicapped parking . . . . . . . . 16 4-3.1303 Commercial vehicles street parking prohibited . . . . . . . . . 17 4-3. 1304 Parking of non-motorized vehicles . . . 17 ARTICLE 14 . Regulating Classes and Kinds of Traffic on Certain Highways . . . . . . . 17 4-3.1401 Gross weight limits . . . . . 17 4-3.1402 Size restrictions . . . . . . . . . . . 17 • iii