HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 03/24/1980 o� fi H p P. F' w � `F m c: 0 N 0 v NP. �c 6 �' (D F'. 0 O F+ • (D p1 P. FO c+ O O E3 N cw 0' F N 0 (DD K O co co fA U1 c- W ``- W (D O CO O FJ P P Q' W c•+_ O O c- P (D �_i �r (D ri F' 0y 10 O C4 ch I C� p) C O c+ W F• P w F Fj FJ N c+ Fj CD C m N( D If �i �3_ a 1-1 & y O (D W c+ UQ ct N P, 0 F,. F.' Ill K (D p1 1 Fo ' F' `.' O c+ c+ fi (~ p U N Il PD O s td p (A Fi �- ti c+- :4 (D CS W (D F,. � O (D O O W O m o (D O (D (D Sn (D O Fes, ¢ ¢ y Iz c+ ►b OSq O O c+ (D b (D O :4 ID 0 y° p ci- P, n o 0 F, . ~ 0 (D cf N CD AGENDA - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting March 24, 1980 7 : 30 p .m. Atascadero Administration Building Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Invocation Roll Call Public Comment NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC All matters listed under Item A, Consent Calendar, are con- sidered to be routine and will be enacted by one motion in the form listed below. There will be no separate discussion of these items . If discussion is required, that item will be removed from the Con- sent Calendar and will be considered separately. Vote may be by roll call . A. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Minutes of the regular meeting of March 10, 1980 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 2. Treasurer' s Report, 2-21-80 to 3-19-80 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 3 . Acceptance of Parcel Map AT 79-33 Molina/Rudd (RECOMMEND ACCEPTANCE) 4. Acceptance of Parcel Map At 78-065 - Meeks/Gouff (RECOMMEND ACCEPTANCE) 5. Application for Certificate of Compliance on a portion of Lot 42 , Block 20 , Atascadero Colony, near the intersection of Traffic Way and San Benito - Roselip (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 6. Lot line adjustment of Lots 1-6, Block 43 , Llano Road, AL 79-84 - Drake/Wilmore (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 7 . Environmental determination - Wakefield (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) B. HEARINGS, APPEARANCES AND REPORTS 1 . Public hearing on Tract No. 866 , proposed condominium sub- division of Lot 4, Block 18 , Atascadero Colony, located on the west side of El Camino Real , just north of San Anselmo - Lenzi (Maddalena) 2. Public hearing on CO 79-81 , proposed lot division of Lots 12 and 13 , Block 33, Atascadero Colony, San Gabriel Road, west of Atascadero Avenue - Slote (Hilliard) 3 . Consideration of AT 79-077 , proposed lot division of Lot 13, Block 49 , Atascadero Colony, Santa Cruz Road - Hurdle (Hilliard) 4. Report No. 3 from the City Attorney C . UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1 . Consideration of Resolution No. 6-80 adopting the Atascadero General Plan AGENDA - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting March 24, 1980 Page Two C . UNFINISHED BUSINESS (cont . ) 2 . Ordinance No. 20 amending the zoning map - first reading 3. Ordinance No. 18 accepting the requirements of Section 13522 of the State Penal Code relating to the training of law enforcement officers - second reading and adoption 4. Resolution No . 5-80 approving the lease-purchase agreement for the parking lot property 5 . , Consideration of department head salary classification plan D. NEW BUSINESS 1. Ordinance No. 19 relating to Council procedures - first reading 2 . Award of bid for police department vehicles 3. Consideration of lease-purchase of cony machine D. INDIVIDUAL DETEKIINATION AND/OR ACTION 1 . City Council 2. City Attorney 3. City Manager MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting March 10 , 1980 7 : 30 p .m. Atascadero Administration Building The meeting was called to order at 7 : 40 p .m. by Mayor Wilkins with the Pledge of Allegiance . Reverend Wesley Buchanan from the Atascadero Gospel Chapel gave the invocation. ROLL CALL PRESENT : Councilmen Highland, Mackey, Nelson, Stover and Mayor Wilkins ABSENT : None PUBLIC COMMENT 1 . Mike Lucas presented the City Council with the final drawing of the City emblem and motto. Each Council mem- ber was furnished with a copy, Mayor Wilkins thanked the contest committee for their many hours of work. 2 . Mike Cox of the Atascadero Fire District Board of Directors thanked Murray Warden for his help during the recent rains and flooding in Atascadero . A. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Minutes of the regular meeting of February 25 , 1980 (RECO11T4END APPROVAL) Councilman highland requested a correction on uage three of the minutes , the first motion on the page, on line four after the word "residential" should read "be shown as suburban" instead of, "as low density, single family suburban" . MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that the minutes be approved as corrected. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey and unanimously carried. B. HEARINGS, APPEARANCES AND REPORTS 1 . Public hearing on Atascadero General Plan (continued) Howard Marohn asked if the City Manager had determined the status of the Caltrans project to extend Highway 41 east of El Camino . Council noted that the City Manager had provided the requeste-d infor- mation at the last meeting. Councilman Highland read the Caltrans response to the City' s inquiry. They stated that , at present, there is no funding for this project and its priority is very low. Mr . Marohn then suggested that the current route was totally inadequate and that MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting March 10 , 1980 Page Two the Council should abandon any General Plan statement supporting this extension. Mr. Marohn also suggested that the Council appoint a traffic safety and road committee to address problems such as this . Councilman Highland pointed out that page 92 of the General Plan, number 3 , suggests that Curbaril be designated as a temporary alternate route for Highway 41 . The Planning Director noted that the Council had referred the request of.. Ron Nelson for a Multiple Family Residential land use designation, either high or low density, for property located along the south side of Hermosilla near San Jacinto to the Planning Com- mission for their recommendations . The Planning Commission was recommending that the request be denied on the basis that multiple family residential development would be inconsistent with the neigh- borhood and changing the General Plan designation for the entire block was not appropriate. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Council approve the Planning Commission' s recommendation. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey and unanimously carried. Mr . Stevens reviewed a map change as approved by the Planning Commission in the area of Santa Ysabel and Capistrano with an access off Valle. The Planning Commission had recommended that the Low Density Single Family Residential section be changed to Moderate Density Single Family Residential to be consistent with the neigh- borhood. Councilman Mackey felt that the Low Density designation was appropriate because of the slope of the area. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that this parcel be changed from Low Density Single Family Residential to Moderate Density Single Family Residential to be con- sistent with the rest of the neighborhood. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and carried with Councilmen Mackey and Nelson voting no . The Council continued reviewing the General Plan and made the following changes : On page 76 , with regard to the Planning Commission recommendation, Council decided to delete, "In the establishment of those services , consideration is being given to a public safety function combining some police and fire services . " On page 77 , with regard to the Planning Commission recommendation, Council agreed to delete, "A Dial-A-Ride program operates as a ser- vice of the Senior Citizens United. " and insert, "A Dial-A-Ride pro- gram is in operation. " MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting March 10 , 1980 Page Three Mr . Doug Lewis asked if there was an appropriate place in the General Plan to identify high hazard areas such as mud slides , poor run-off, etc. , so that people contemplating purchasing property in Atascadero could be aware of problem properties . Mr. Warden stated that this information could be the subject of a more detailed study and normally would be contained in an element of the General Plan called a seismic safety element. He suggested that Mr . Lewis contact the Planning Director and outline his basic concerns . Such an element could be considered by the Planning Commission and Council at a later date . MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that the General Plan be accepted and that an adopting resolution be brought back at the next meeting. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey and unanimously carried. 2 . Public hearing on request of Atascadero Door Company and Colony Associates for rezoning a 13. 6 acre site on the west side of Frontage Road, between Santa Rosa Road and Portola Road from C-H and R-A to C-1 Larry Stevens stated that the Planning Commission had recommended approval of the change of zoning from C-H and R_-A to C-1-D, the "D" meaning Departmental Review; this is consistent with the General Plan. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that staff be directed to prepare an ordinance and map change for first reading on March 24, 1980, to effect this zoning change. The motion was seconded by Councilman Nelson and unanimously carried. 3 . Public hearing on the request for Conditional Use Permit to convert an existing single-family residence to a pre- school in an R-A zone, located at 8660 Portola Road Larry Stevens stated that the Planning Commission had approved this application subject to the conditions recommended by the County Planning Department including a condition that the play area in the rear yard be totally enclosed within a solid six-foot fence of masonry or wood construction. Planning Commission approval was by a 4-2 vote . John Sykes spoke to the proposal stating that he would shortly receive his teaching credential and that the school would be a Montessori school . He felt that the school would provide a needed service to the community. Several residents in the neighborhood spoke in opposition to the project noting that the school would MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting March 10, 1980 Page Four create a commercial use in a residential area with attendant noise and traffic problems . Elaine Oglesby spoke in favor of the use . MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that the Conditional Use Permit be denied based on the neighborhood opposition. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and carried with Councilman_ Nelson voting no. 4. Public hearing, on the request for Conditional Use Permit to allow the construction of a 6-unit apartment project in an R-2-E-2-D zone, located on the east side of Tunitas Mr . Stevens stated that the Planning Commission had recommended denial of this request based on the findings presented by the County Planning Department. Additionally, the Commission felt that the development would create traffic and circulation problems in the neighborhood. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Council approve the recommendations of the Planning Commission. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey and unanimously carried. 5. Public hearing and consideration of Ordinance No . 17 extending the moratorium on the approval of permits for condominium uses , condominium subdivisions, and condo- minium conversions with the City for un eight month period - emergency ordinance Mr . Stevens explained that an ordinance has not yet been pre- pared regulating condominium conversions due to lack of agreement as to exact content and lack of time to get it prepared. The Planning Commission was , therefore, recommending that Council adopt an ordin- ance extending the moratorium for eight months and directing Staff to bring back an ordinance within 60 days ; the moratorium would cease upon adoption of an ordinance. Councilman Highland was concerned that the ordinance included new condominiums as well as conversions . Mr . Stevens stated that the Commission felt that an ordinance would probably treat condominium construction differently from apartments and felt that this provision should be left in the moratorium ordinance. MOTION: Councilman Nelson moved that Ordinance No . 17 be read by title only. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey and unanimously carried. Mayor Wilkins read Ordinance No. 17 by title only. MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITE' COUNCIL Regular Meeting March 10, 1980 Page Five MOTION: Councilman Nelson moved that Ordinance No. 17 be adopted as an urgency measure. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey and unanimously carried by roll call vote. RECESS 9 : 40 p.m. RECONVENED 9 :47 p.m. C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1 . Ordinance No . 16 authorizing a contract between the City and Public Employees ' Retirement System - second reading MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that this constitute the second and final reading of Ordinance No . 16 and that it be adopted. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stever and unanimously carried by roll call vote. 2. Resolution No. 3-80 with the County of San Luis Obispo concerning non-agreement of exchange of tax base - Atascadero County Sanitation District Mr. Warden explained that this resolution formalizes the Council ' s approval to enter into an "agreement to disagree" with the Count;7 so that the grant, EPA approval and sale of bonds for the sewer plant expansion project not be jeopardized. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved for the adoption of Resolu- tion No. 3-80 . The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey and unanimously carried. 3 . Recommendations from the Automobile Club of Southern California regarding pedestrian .safety on El Camino Real Mr. Warden reviewed the recommendations from the Automobile Club which included eliminating the first and third crosswalks north of Traffic Way, installation of medians and pedestrian safety educa- tion as well as changes in lighting . Mr. Warden recommended imple- menting construction of a median strip be held off until the Public Works Director/City Engineer has time to study the problem and make recommendations . Some of the lighting and painting recommendations have already been implemented. MOTION: Councilman Nelson moved for approval of the City Manager 's recommendations with regard to the letter from the Automobile Club. The motion was seconded by Councilman Highland and unanimously carried. I i 0 • MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting March 10, 1980 Page Six 4. Architect ' s Administration Building alternative floor plans Mr . Stephenson, Architect, reviewed alternate plans for City offices . The major change was the relocation of the Children' s Library to the present Adult Library site, and the Adult Library to the front of the building where Social Services now have some of their offices . This would allow location of a one-stop City services counter for City business on the East Mall side of the building rear the recently acquired parking lot property. There was considerable discussion regarding the plans and the priorities for use of the building. Councilman Highland felt that the City Offices were a high priority, with space to be provided for the Library; Social Services was a low priority. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that the plans be approved in concept . The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey and unanimously carried. It was noted that detailed plans would be drawn and cost esti- mates obtained by the Architect and they would be brought back to Council for final approval . D. NEW BUSINESS 1 . Consideration of acceptance of Parcel Map AT 78-041 - Heinemann Mr . Stevens reviewed the map and requested adoption of Resolu- tion No. 4-80 accepting a five foot widening of a road into the City road system. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved for adoption of Resolution No . 4-80 and acceptance of the map . The motion was seconded by Councilman Nelson and unanimously carried. 2 . Consideration of Ordinance No. 18 accepting the require- ments of Section 13522 of the State Penal Code relating to the training of Taw enforcement officers - first reading Mr. Warden reviewed this ordinance stating that the type of training included basic police academy, dispatcher training, special investigations training. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Ordinance No. 18 be read by title only. The motion was seconded by ,Councilman Mackey and unanimously carried. Mayor Wilkins read Ordinance No. 18 by title only. MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting March 10, 1980 Page Seven MOTION : Councilman Highland moved that this constitute the introduction of Ordinance No . 18 . The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey and unanimously carried. Mr . Warden asked that Council clarify the vote concerning the motion for Item D-3 approving the concept of the architect ' s plans for remodeling. The detailed drawings will involve an expenditure of funds , so he requested a roll call vote on the motion. The motion for acceptance of the architect 's plans in concept was unanimously carried by roll call vote. 3 . Salary survey and consideration of adoption of a salary plan Mr. Warden reviewed a salary survey and Salary Classification Plan as prepared by Staff. He stated that the plan had been pre- pared to reflect a general Council philosophy that City employee salaries should be consistent with the relative size and population of the City compared to other cities in San Luis Obispo County. This would reflect a salary scale less than the largest city, but somewhat more than the next highest paid of the small cities . The salary plan, as presented, deviates from the traditional five-step civil service-type pay schedule . The Plan proposes a two-step pay schedule consisting of two steps - "qualified" and "fully qualified" . Advancement from qualified to fully qualified would depend upon indi- vidual employee performance and could vary in terms of time, depending upon their performance on the job . Mr. Warden emphasized that this plan did not affect existing salaries of County or Fire District employees coming into City employment on July lst . Under the terms of the incorporation resolution, these employees must be offered the opportunity to become City employees at least at their current rates of pay. Mr. Warden stated that he had not completed the depart- ment head position recommendations and that he would have them for the next. meeting. Councilman Mackey did not feel it was necessary to pay City employees more than the next highest paid of the small cities ' employees ; she felt it was enough if they were equal to the second highest paid employees . Councilman Highland felt that Atascadero had to be competitive in order to attract qualified employees and to keep them. Roland Snow of the Atascadero Fire District objected to the adoption of the plan because of the fire classification salaries . He felt that the salaries were less than the employees of the Fire District make and did not take into consideration the Memoranda of Understanding that the firefighters now have. Mr. Warden stated MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting March 10, 1980 Page Eight that this classification plan does not include the current Fire District employees and the MOU' s ?could be addressed at a later date; it was another subject entirely. MOTION: Councilman Nelson moved for the approval of the Salary Classification Plan. The motion was seconded by Council- man Stover and carried with Councilman Mackey voting no. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Council adopt the concept of a two-step salary scale and a general concept that City employees be hired at a salary generally less than that of the City of San Luis Obispo and generally a bit higher than the third largest city within the County. The motion was seconded by Councilman Nelson and carried with Councilman Mackey voting no. E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION 1 . City Council Council members had nothing. 2 . City Attorney Mr. Grimes had nothing 3 . City Manager Mr . Warden requested an executive session to discuss a personnel matter and noted that no decisions or action would be taken after the executive session; Council would adjourn directly after the executive session. The meeting adjourned at 11 : 22 p.m. Recorded by : MURRAY L. WARDEN, City Clerk By: Ardith Davis Deputy City Clerk } CITY OF ATASCADERO TREASURER' S REPORT February 21, 1980 through March 19 , 1980 Balance as of 2/20/80 $ 11, 838. 30 Receivables: Per attached deposit listing 299 , 060. 89 Payroll: 2/27 $4 , 620. 91 3/12 $4, 795. 30 ( 9 , 416 . 21) Payables: Per attached Expenditure List ( 293, 107. 44) Balance as of 3/19/80 $ 8 , 375. 54 Other Funds• Petty Cash $ 34 . 65 Local Agency Investment Fund, State of California 185 , 000 . 00 Time Deposit, Mid-State Bank 13. 9% interest, matures 4/25/80 100 , 000. 00 Time Deposit, Mid-State Bank 14. 0% interest, matures 8/20/80 100 , 000. 00 Time Deposit, Mid-State Bank 15. 875% interest, matures 9/9/80 100, 000 . 00 Total $ 493, 410 . 19 DEPOSIT LISTING February 21, 1980 through March 19 , 1980 Date Source Amount 2/21 State - Sales Tax (1/80) $ 57, 500. 00 2/25 State - Highway Carrier 618. 53 2/28 Transfer from L.A. I. F. 100 ,000. 00 3/7 County - Revenue (2/80) 4, 890 . 52 3/7 Collection - Publications 31. 80 3/13 Transfer from L.A. I .F. 105, 000. 00 3/14 State - Motor Vehicle "In Lieu" (2/80) 28 , 040 . 85 3/17 State - Cigarette Tax (2/80) 2 ,979 . 19 Total $ 299 , 060. 89 y . • EXPENDITURE LIST February 21 , 1980 through March 19 , 1980 Payroll: 2/27 Checks 1303, 1304 , 1305, 1306, 1307 , 1308, 1309 , 1310 $ 4 , 620 .91 3/12 Checks 1317, 1318, 1319 , 1320, 1321, 1322, 132.3, 1324 $ 4 , 795. 30 Total $ 9 , 416 . 21 Payables : Dated Check No. Vendor Amount 2/21 1283 Local Agency Investment Fund $ 55, 000. 00 2/22 1284 Mid-State - Time Deposit 100 , 000. 00 2/22 1285 U S Post Office - Postage 60. 00 2/27 1286 Robert Moss Acct. - Audit-Light. Dist. 140. 00 2/27 1287 Atascadero News - ads 249 . 48 2/27 1288 Void --- 2/27 1289 Legal Book Stores, Pubs. 80. 56 2/27 1290 Calif. Peace Officers Assoc. 30 . 00 2/27 1291 IBM - Typewriter lease 122. 43 2/27 1292 IBM - Supplies 59. 36 2/27 1293 R. McHale - Travel , Conf. 181. 67 2/27 1294 F. Metzger - Legal Svcs. 500. 00 2/27 1295 O. D. Smith - Conf. 9 . 06 2/27 1296 Eimicke Assoc. - Personnel Supplies 74. 06 2/27 1297 Western Office Prod. -Furniture, 1, 266. 78 Bid 80-1 2/27 1298 Western Office Prod. - Supplies 116 . 03 2/27 1299 Arrowhead Water 16. 68 2/27 1300 PG&E, light standard 496. 00 2/27 1301 M. Warden, Travel Prop. 4 175. 05 2/27 1302 M. Warden, Travel, Mgrs. Meeting 352. 12 2/27 1311 EDD SIT 1/26 - 2/22 356 . 00 2/27 1312 IRS FWH 2/9 - 2/22 1, 018 . 20 2/29 1313 U S Post Office - Postage 75. 00 2/29 1314 City Treasurer - Petty Cash 41. 73 2/29 1315 City SLO - JPA .Medical ( 3/80) 527. 17 2/29 1316 City SLO - JPA Medical (2/80) 418. 78 3/12 1325 IRS FWH 2/23 - 3/7 1, 124. 50 3/12 1326 M. Warden - Car Allow. (2/80) 150 . 00 3/12 1327 U S Post Office - Postage 19. 00 3/12 1328 Radio Shack - Tapes 40. 58 3/12 1329 Paper Works -Copy (2/80) 438 . 74 3/12 1330 PG&E, street lights (2/80) 1, 736 . 37 3/12 1331 IBM - Typewriter lease 114. 48 3/12 1332 Pacific Telephone - Svc. 322 . 57 3/12 1333 Atascadero News - ads 66. 74 3/12 1334 K & F Leasing - Dictaphone 105. 80 3/12 1335 A. Grimes, Legal contract & svcs. 2 , 036. 75 3/12 1336 LOCC, Salary survey 75. 53 3/12 1337 Daily Press - ad 32 . 40 Expenditure List j 2/21 - 3/19/80 Page Two Payables: (Continued) Dated Check No. Vendor Amount 3/12 1338 NIMLO - Publications & Membership $ 218. 00 3/12 1339 American Public Works Assoc. 30. 00 3/12 1340 L. McPherson - Mileage 29. 58 3/12 1341 Western Office Prod. - Supplies 88. 23 3/12 1342 B &- B Blueprinting 47 . 51 3/13 1343 Mid-State - Time Deposit 100 ,000 . 00 3/13 1344 U S Post Office - Box rental 22. 00 3/13 1345 Unit Masonry Assoc. - Pub. 17 . 50 3/17 1346 Local Agency Investment Fund 25 , 000. 00 3/18 1347 American Trucking Assn. --DAR Freq. 25. 00 Total $ 293, 107. 44 0 • M E M O R A N D U M TO: Atascadero City Council DATE : March 19 , 1980 FROM: Planning Consultant/Director SUBJECT: ACCEPTANCE OF PARCEL MAPS A. Parcel Map AT 79-33, NZolina/Rudd The Planning Commission recommends acceptance of this parcel map. B. Parcel Map AT 78-065, Meeks/Gouff The Planning Commission recommends acceptance of this parcel map. LAWRENCE ST ENS moRgAY L. ARDEN Planning Consultant/Director Cily Man er LS: kp Attach. I z COUNTY SH LUIS OBISP 0 COUHTY DEPARTMENT ROOM A101 . COURTHOUSE ANNEX SAN LUIS OBISPO CALIFORNIA 93408 , (805) 549-5252 GEORGE C. PROTOPAPAS ROADS County Engineer TRANSPORTATION FLOOD CONTROL CLINTON MILNE WATER CONSERVATION DEPUTY COUNTY ENGINEER SURVEYOR GUY PREWITT DECEIVE® [_ `/ 4 ossa SPECIAL DISTRICTS SPECIAL DISTRICTS ADMINISTRATOR R' January 23 , 1980 City of Atascadero Veterans Memorial Building, Room 106 P. 0. Box 747 Atascadero, CA 93422 Attention Mr. Murray Warden, City Administrator Subject: Acceptance of Parcel Map AT 79-33 Gentlemen: Your consideration of the approval of Parcel Map AT 79-33 , a proposed subdivision by G. & G. Molina and R. M. & T. Rudd, is requested. It is our RECOMMENDATION that your Honorable Council approve and authorize the Clerk to sign the map. Discussion: A finding of consistency with the General Plan in accordance with Section 66473 . 5 of the Subdivision Map Act was made by the City Council of the City of Atascadero on December 10 , 1979 . The total area of this development is 1. 58 acres with minimum lot areas of 0 . 75 acres. The area is zoned M-1. Water service will be from Atascadero Mutual Water Company; sewage facilities will be maintained by community sewers. Respectfully, -tC t IJ GEOE C. ^PROTOPAPAS County Engineer GCP/JRE/ald cYl m kjn to in W ra wcj ZZp ? V ¢lo�33Qz`� Wr K } Q`+•,4tj J 41 d yO/141 Y4 Ud 6 0/4- IL /4a f 19 ^V v o i f' w U .• J N z Z O o t e' O 'fA EOI"5 t'�C,Zf: eel?O 's n'jO���. R-a�-�' W Y ro. FP. Na 411.4 �J 7Rp b YOO79 I t 'I • A4 .830 COUNTY SH �I COURTY ENGINEERING LUIS OBISP ODEPARTMENT ROOM A101 + COURTHOUSE ANNEX SAN LUIS OBISPO + CALIFORNIA 93408 + (805) 549-5252 GEORGE C. PROTOPAPAS ROADS County Engineer TRANSPORTATION FLOOD CONTROL CLINTON MILNE WATER CONSERVATION DEPUTY COUNTY ENGINEER SURVEYOR GUY PREWITT SPECIAL DISTRICTS SPECIAL DISTRICTS ADMINISTRATOR March 10 , 1980 City of Atascadero Veterans Memorial Building, Room 106 P. O. Box 747 Atascadero, CA 93422 Attention Mr. Murray Warden, City Administrator Subject: Acceptance of Parcel Map AT 78-65 , Portola Road (4012) Gentlemen: Your consideration of the approval of Parcel Map AT 78-65 , a proposed subdivision by J. G. & F. D. Meeks and T. G. & A. E. Gouff , is requested. It is our RECOMMENDATION that your Honorable Council act upon the attached resolution, and authorize the Clerk to sign the map. Discussion: A finding of consistency with the General Plan in accordance with Section 66473. 5 of the Subdivision Map Act was made by the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Luis Obispo on March 26, 1979. Attached is a vicinity map and layout of Parcel Map AT 78- 65. The total area of this development is 2. 03 with minimum lot areas of 1. 01. The area is zoned R-A. The road will be maintained by the City; water service will be from Atascadero Mutual Water Company; sewage facilities will be community sewers. Respectfully, GEORbE C. PROTOPAYAS County Engineer GCP/JH I w \ /•� //�Al 6�7-Z6%'�Z5*4-d5o.574C.,J) I^� / m .BAsis of B�azivys mQ � W At JI Op � w a I Aq0 o0 I N 37Zo6 o *- Q H � � p � aro •yN �' � o _ 6 �r��r�yJ �r-�,►j 1 tA, • • f � M E M O R A N D U M TO: Atascadero City Council DATE: March 19 , 1980 FROM: Planning Consultant/Director SUBJECT: CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (CC 49-023-02) ON A PORTION OF LOT 42, BLOCK 20 , ATASCADERO COLONY NEAR THE INTERSECTION OF TRAFFIC WAY AND SAN BENITO - ROSELIP The Planning Commission recommends approval of one Certificate of Compliance as indicated in the attached Staff Report. LAWRENCE EVENS MUR Y VWARDEN Planning onsultant/Director Cit Maer LS:kp Attach. ` Telephone(805)549-5600 1980 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Courthouse Annex SAN LUIS 0131SPO, CALIFORNIA - 93408 February 26, 1980 Honorable City Council and Planning Commission City of Atascadero, California RE: APPLICATION FOR ONE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE ON A PORTION OF LOT 42, BLOCK 20; (CC 49-023-02/ROSELIP) PLANNING DEPARTMENT RECOMMENDATION FOR APPROVAL OF ONE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE. Dear Ladies and Gentlemen: This application is requesting approval of a Certificate of Compliance for property located in the northern portion of the City of Atascadero near the intersection of San Benito Road and Traffic Way. The property is approximately 1.8 acres in size and the site is zoned A-1-22, Light Agriculture zoning with a 2z, acre minimum. The area in which the property is located is designated as Industrial by the 1978 Atascadero Area General Plan. The Subdivision Map Act in Section 66499.35 gives a local agency authority to issue Certificates of Compliance for property divided in conformance with applicable laws and ordinances. The parcel for which a certificate is requested was established in 1947 by separate grant deed. The division of original Lot 42 at that time was accomplished in compliance with applicable requirements. Based on the foregoing information and documents submitted, the Planning Department recommends approval of one Certificate of Compliance as indicated in the attached material. Respectfully submitted, LARRY J. RED, Supervisor Subdivision Review Section ca Attachment ._�� ,�� • ° 50 • 51 �� l 52 �. . •: o.Windli - oc n 66p 53 4, \ - • •��_ L Pact -- - ' _ 55 REKA a r; s A M A P Yy A 9 ITE / � 1 Far 17 (300 � RANCHO LA ASUNCION' • A MAPS '4 `a Q. • • nC1On Qf •, r 7 --L - I •`• ,i' -.,/ \ i '�' •�1 �p�►vc V lGIi.11Ty M)SP 0 �. oNcv 1 a F- O F- / r°m W Q O Q U fSOg ,X��N I o l Q] o ) RSP r Z a ° a a A 4 a o Im 7 m z 4 Il ° � O C� Ill N N� N f1t, 0619 16 Z 96691 ( \ Q � U rci� Q I c iD o '/ a v c M O c Q` W� u co ( N C _ La y - ch OJ J t t` f`YY co N a 2 N C�L _ --3_ 5£ C O _ - 0 > 9 .obi >£b PI£ h 0 n Ctn Ct N a �• _ _ _ _ N Go tu r N _ cr�// O Q 1- �- O � C @a Iris ■ N ^ 7 ^.. Z -1 9 Ocr- O o M 4 �- cli V' 1 v aG M ° N - _ in o �D / cli " }.. �--_fib-0T O .i n a RECORDING REQUESTED BY SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY WHEN RECORDED, RETURN TO: Planning Director Room 102, Courthouse Annex San Luis Obispo, California 93401 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE The following real property and the division thereof into parcels as of the date of recordation of this document, has een etermined to be in compliance with applicable provisions of the Subdivision Map Act of the State of California and Local Ordinances enacted pursuant thereto. Said Real Property being described as: That portion of Lot 42 in Block 20 of Amended Map of Atascadero Colony, according to the map recorded October 21, 1914, in Book 3 of Maps, at page 1 et seq., records of said County, described as follows: Beginning at the most Southerly corner of said Lot 42; thence North 3So 34' East along the Southeasterly line of said Lot, 421 feet; thence North 54o 26' West and parallel with the Southwesterly line of said Lot, 206.24 feet to the Northwesterly line of said Lot; thence South 350 34' Nest along said Northwesterly line 421 feet to the most Westerly corner of said Lot; thence South 540 26' East along the Southwesterly line of said Lot, 206.24 feet to the point of beginning. OWNER: BERNARD ROSELIP, a widower, also known as BERNARD ROSELIP, an unmarried man, who acquired title by Deeds dated May 8, 195 - 192 Official Records. By: Larry J. Red, Supervisor Subdivision Review Section i STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) On 19 before COUNTY OF SAP! LUIS OBISPO) SS' me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State, personally appeared Larry J. Red known to me to be the person whose name is sub- scribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same. (SEAL) NOTARY PUBLIC co 871 M E M O R A N D U M TO: Atascadero City Council DATE: March 19 , 1980 FROM: Planning Consultant/Director SUBJECT: AL 79-84 , PROPOSED LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT OF LOTS 1-6 , BLOCK 43 , LLANO ROAD - DRAKE/WILMORE Subsequent to typing the attached report, the map was revised to reflect the proposed parcels properly. Parcel A will now consist of Lots 1, 2 , 3 and a portion of 4 and Parcel B will consist of Lots 5, 6 and the remaining portion of Lot 4 . This, in effect, reduces the property from six potential building sites to two potential building sites, but it does seem necessary based upon the configura- tion of Lot 4 for the combinations effected. This would not neces- sitate modifying the conditions and is reflected in the revised map. PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Commission recommends approval of AL 79-84 subject to Conditions 1-4 as recommended by the Subdivision Review Board and subject to the revised lot line adjustment map which is included in the attached materials. lavv,x ,Gt�l LAWRENCE TEVENS MUR. Y L. WARDEN Planning onsultant/Director Ci y Manager LS:kp Attach. REPORT OF THE SUBDIVISION REVIEW BOARD MEETING FEBRUARY 6, 1980 RE: Al., 79-84, PROPOSED LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT OF LOTS 1-6, BLOCK -13, ATASCADERO CITY, LLANO ROAD. (A-1-BV-5: SUBURBAN) (DRAKE - HILL) RECOMTIENDATION FOR APPROVAL SUPERVISORIAL DISTRICT #5 (884 : 12/7/79) SRB Members in Attendance: Chairman, Colonel Sorenson, Bill MacDonald, Larry Red, John Hofschroer, John Wallace, Michael Doherty Planning Commissioner in Attendance: Evelyn Delany Legal Counsel Present: None PROJECT DESCRIPTION This application proposes an adjustment of property line between 2 parcels. The site is located on Llano and Tecolote Roads in the Paradise Valley District of Atascadero. Zoning: A-1-BV-5: "Light Agriculture" (minimum lot size range 3-10 acres depending on slope) General Plan: 1978 Atascadero General Plan: "Suburban" (lot size range 2z-10 acres) SPECIFIC REQUEST The applicant indicates the adjustment will correct the existing encroach- ment of a large shed on the northerly parcel. COMMENTS The adjustment involves exchanging equal sized parcels of land in order to keep all structures belonging to the chicken ranch on the same parcel . The exchange will maintain a position equal to the one that currently exists. RECOMMENDATION After review of applicable General Plans and other available information, the Subdivision Review Board recommends to the Atascadero City Council that the proposed Lot Line Adjustment be found to comply with Section 21.48.017 of the Real Property Division Ordinance and that it be approved. One last consideration is the matter of the Atascadero incorporation. Although it appears the new City Council will take action on this project, the Subdivision Review Board may still take action on this matter. Any action taken will likely constitute an informal recommendation to the City Council. It should be noted this staff report and the recommendations are based on County policy, procedure, and ordinances. AL 79-84 Page 2 Provided that the adjustment is approved, the following; conditions erre hereby established: 1. All conditions of approval herein specified are to be complied with prior to the recording of Certificates of Compliance which effectuates the adjustment. Said Certificates of Compliance must be signed by all record ow-ners and holders of interest, and notarized as required by Section 21.48.017(e) of the Real Property Ordinance. 2. The Certificates of Compliance must be filed in accordance with Section 21.48.017(e) prior to any conveyance of the adjusted portions of the property. 3. After approval by the Board of Supervisors, compliance with the preceeding conditions will bring the proposed adjustment in conformance with the Subdivision Map Act and Section 21.48.017 of the Real Property Division Ordinance. 4. The Lot Line Adjustment will expire one year (12 months) from the date of Board of Supervisors approval, unless the Certificates of Compliance effectuating the adjustment are recorded. DISCUSSION Applicant's engineer attended the meeting. The Subdivision Review Board unanimously adopted the preliminary report as written. r _ 200 •yam , -� � ,\ -�o o ,fi02 2 4� 1254 ..- i -_ � �'f . ~ � ATA SCA OERO _ M P BOOK q< 0 R AL l8 4 V I G N ITY M&P �= ,y Ley \ � -N p. f c. S p•tyOc'' �1070�3.� v,�� N nrj CSN fq Oo Q2v Z I �o hC' h � •o N Q� � � � � `O'y1 o n e ou LP � 2 i C � � Z � PARCEL A Lots 1 , 2 , 3 , and Lot 4 , except the Northwesterly 87 .00 feet of Lot 4 , measured at right angles to the line common to Lots 4 and 5 , in Block 43 of Atascadero Colony , in the City of Atascadero , County of San Luis Obispo , State of California , according to Amendment "D" to map of Atascadero Colony , recorded may 8 , 1920 in Book 3 , at Page 58-A of maps . PARCEL 8 The Northwesterly 87.00 feet of Lot 4 , measured at right angles to the line common to Lots 4 and 5 , and all of Lots 5 and 6 in Block 43 of Atascadero Colony , in the City of Atascadero , County of San Luis Obispo , State of California , according to Amendment "D" to map of Atascadero Colony , recorded may 8 , 1920 in .Book 3 , at Page 58-A of maps . t` 0 0 A � M E M O R A N D U M TO: Atascadero City Council DATE: March 19 , 1980 FROM.: Planning Consultant/Director SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION ON WAKEFIELD DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW - ED 79-177 (R790815 : 1) As noted in the attached materials, the Office of the Environmental Coordinator has recommended that a focused EIR be prepared on this project based on drainage and the introduction of commercial use in a residential area. The City Council should be aware that this Environmental Determination has been held in abeyance pending reso- lution of the General Plan consistency issue which could have become an additional focus. As part of the General Plan hearings, the City Council has agreed with the Planning Commission recommendation to change the land use designation for the subject property to Retail Commercial. County environmental procedures require authorization from the legislative body (i.e. , City Council) when the Environmental Deter- mination requires an EIR. The following alternatives should be considered: Finding A-- (The project may have a significant effect on the environment and requires the submission of an Environmental Impact Report) Alternative No. 1: Acceptance of the Environmental Coordinator' s recommendation for an EIR and the two focuses identified above. Alternative No. 2 : Require an EIR with provision for additional focuses (i.e. , traffic) . Alternative No. 3: Require an EIR with elimination of one of the recommended focuses. Finding B-- (The project will not have a significant impact on the environment) Alternative No. 4 : Negative Declaration Finding C-- (Project will not have a significant effect on the environment because of conditions imposed as part of the Environmental Review) Alternative No. 5: Conditional Negative Declaration Memorandum to City Ouncil • March 19, 1980 Page Two Relative to Alternative No. 5, the following conditions are suggested based on the focuses identified for the EIR: Condition No. 1: Comprehensive drainage and erosion control plan to be reviewed and approved by County/City Engineering Department as per standard County/City procedures. Condition No. 2 : Design of the proposed project including building orientation and design, parking, access points, lighting, and similar design features which consider the effect on nearby and adjacent residential development and appropriate conditions may be imposed to mitigate these environmental effects as part of the plan approval process. PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Commission, with two dissenting votes, recommends that an EIR not be required and further recommends adoption of Finding C and Alternative No. 5. The Conditional Negative Declaration is recommended to include Condition No. 1 and 2 as outlined in the Staff memo. LAWRANCE ST VENS MUR LZWARDEN LWARDEN Planning C sultant/Director Cit Man er LS:kp Attach. FORM B2-1 Part 3 COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO "TAI I R1 PORT Project Number P.N. ED 79-177 (R790815:1) Date Decernher 11, 1919 Project Title P.T._Wakefield Departmental Review THE FOLLOl1ING STAFF REPORT 1,AS PREPARED BY THE OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL CODRDI- NATOR AND INCLUDES BASIS OF DECISION'S FOR YES AND RAYBE RESPONSES ON THE E,;11Ik0;0' GTA[ CHIEKLISI (Form B?-], Part 7). 11P0,H(.1 DI_SCR11111ON: The applicant is requesting a Departmental Review to allow a 112 unit motel and two commercial buildings (restaurant and shops) on 3.74 acres in a C-Il zone. The site is located adjacent to the west side of U.S. Highway 101 at the northwest corner of the intersection of Portola Road and Coromar Road in the City of Atascad(—o. STATEMENT OF FINDINGS: The project site is generally level. However, a drainage swale traverses the property and this area is lower than the rest of the site. Vegetation consits of grasses and a few scattered trees. Information from the Soil Conservation Service indicates that the soil in this area is well-drained. However, because the site appears to be a drainage area, development of the proposed density could cause problems with run-off in the surrounding neighborhood. The Atascadero Area General Plan designates the site as "Moderate Density Single Family". Surrounding land use is predominantly residential. The introducti-_n of a commercial use into a residential area could cause problems relating to noise. lighting and traffic. The policy set down in the General Plan tends to discourage non-conforming uses in residential areas. This project may constitute a non-confor•-- ing use. COORDINATOR'S RECOMMENDATIONS: It is recommended that the Atascadero City Council require the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report with the following focuses: 1. Drainage 2. Introduction of a commercial use into a residential area. APPLICANT: R.D. Wakefield K.L. Switzer Box 95 609 W. Ojai Avenue Carpenteria, CA Ojai, CA (805) 684-5267 (805) 646-1276 RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: Office of the Environmental Coordinator, San Luis Obispo County REVISED 7/79 -3- FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY FORM 132-1 Part 1 COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBIPSO ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION and NOTICE OF DETERMINATION Project Number t_D79- _ _ Date Project Title/Description 1_L'�k�_ Gn}�_� Project Location/Address/Legal Description L.¢.AatJDtkjL�St 15 p� ' rrt¢,r o� _�i_�G _} COY�YYIGY _- c+� $ C _G. Property Sizeu Primary Entitlement: �,19a8�5 �Q/�I 5L9-I--,R5 Supv. District RECOMMENDATION 5W-111- 2-7) THE ENVIRONMENTAL COORDINATOR RECOMMENDS THAT THE ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL TAKE THE FOLLOWING ACTION: OFINDING NO. 1: NEGATIVE DECLARATION Atascadero City Council after examination of the preliminary environmental des- cription of this project and review of the Environmental Coordinator's recommendation and the attached statement of reasons supporting this finding, finds that this pro- ject will not have a significant effect of the environment and that this Board issue Oits Negative Declaration. FINDING NO. 2: ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT Atascadero City, Council after examination of the preliminary environmental des- cription of this project and review of the Environmental Coordinator's recommendation and the attached statement of reasons supporting this finding, finds that this pro- ject may have a significant effect on the environment and requires the submission of an environmental impact report prepared in accordance with the Environmental Impact Report Guidelines, l x ) FINDING NO. 3: FOCUSED ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT Atascadero City. Council after examination of the preliminary environmental des- cription of this project and review of the Environmental Coordinator's recorLiendation and the attached stater;ent of reasons supporting this findinq, finds tha-, this pro- may have a significant effect on the environment and requires the submission of a focused environmental impact report prepared in accordance with the Environmental Impact Report Guidelines and including the topics as listed in the attached Staff OReport prepared by the Office of Environmental Coordinator. FINDING NO. 4 CONDITIONAL NEGATIVE DECLARATION Atascadero City C.nuncil after examination of the preliminary environmental des- cription of this project and review of the Environmental Coordinator's recomnendatien and the attached statement of reasons supporting this finding, finds that this pro- ject will not have a significant effect on the environment and that this Board issue its Negative Declaration subject to the conditions contained in the Environmental Coordinator's staff report. ACTION BY ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL On _ _ _ the Atascadero City Council took the followinq action on the above referenced Proiect. Adopted the Environmental Coordinator's Recomendation No. _ as stated above. Adopted finding No. _ as stated above based on the following: REVISED 7/79 -1- 0 FORM B2-1 Part 2 COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO INITIAL STUDY - ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST Project Number L`-X79 - 1-7 7 Date JQrI. 7, 19 F0 Yes Maybe No* POTENTIAL SIGNIFICANT POLLUTION ( ) ( ) (Y) Water pollution (ground or surface) ( ) ( ) (X) Air pollution, including odors Soil erosion and sedimentation Noise ( ) ( ) (X) Other POTENTIAL SIGNIFICANT LOSS OF RESOURCES ( ) ( ) (X) Wildlife habitat ( ) ( ) W Vegetation Mineral resources ( ) ( ) (x) Agricultural land ( ) ( ) OQ Other POTENTIAL SIGNIFICANT EFFECT ON CULTURAL RESOURCES Historical or archaeological sites ( ) ( ) (nl Loss of scenic values ( ) ( ) (X) Other significant adverse effect on human beings Overload or major impact on community services (fire ( ), police ( ), schools ( ), other S�_— _) POTENTIAL SIGNIFICANT EFFECT ON PHYSICAL FEATURES Contribution to traffic congestion ( ), or traffic circulation concerns Limited or unsafe access Overload or major impact on community facilities (sewer ( ), water supply ( ), solid waste disposal( ) other L Major topographic alteration SENSITIVE LOCATION ( ) ( ) (xl State area of critical ecologic concern ( ) ( ) (7c) Scenic and sensitive land (Open Space Plan) Endangered species habitat Area Subject to seismic faulting or other e_eologic instability (sliding ( ), soil expansion( ) , other ( ) _) Area subject to drainage problems, floodinq odation ( ) ( ) Area subject to high fire hazard: Rating a 1 MISCELLANEOUS SIGNIFICANT IMPACT ( ) OC) ( ) Potential for beginning a new land use trend ( ) ( ) QC) Significant due to cumulative impact ( ) ( ) (X) Growth inducing impact A "Yes" answer indicates that there is sufficient documented evidence to indicate sub- stantial environmental impact in this category. A "maybe" answer indicates that there appears to be substantial environ^iental impact and requires further investigation in this category. A "no" answer indicates that there is sufficient evidence either documented or obvious, that there will be no environmental impact in this category. Yes and maybe answers to the above environmental concerns are explained in the attached sheet, together with other information as needed to assist the Board with their determination. -2- REVISED 7/79 i ov B6 — -- Fl l 11 �Ej r x 6, � . ► _ .._ . � 1 . TOPOGRAPHY ,eld Oeec:(rh-►��c, 51^7Q•( a m o � o z b D g + --------- - ---------- 0 F L o W On V (n n m l I ti Ozm O a in I O. of � Ia li o U a Y(Iu�I v a �W 0 n + o IU y - 615 p.9S5 �RTOLJ+ OW ITE. SITS M:) �� ��- «7 15-8 I F3 15-c ,'Aj 25 �i \ Goz � ��3 g /i 7 3 \� 38 'Jog 0, ��� al - / �Y ca7 J - n P4D2 3 uis,1 P-257 ,53" � s - 34 3 y 2 8 3 1'/,K P G R�� R _ I�rajec# Side 315 � 30 ' .P-zR \v F7..- 12 _ /ja 1 31 \ \P-34\ i P-178 ,P 5 P-1�4 \ 10 c 2 14 PAPC.�I 'y 16- 10 6-10 % 1-A I 4. `o 1 o. 1 1 ' 17 1 P i--J �3z3� !a-7�-lz 4 4 _ 8 RQ.I.'I•Q(� 0 � I M E M O R A N D U .M TO: Atascadero City Council DATE: March 19 , 1980 FROM: Planning Consultant/Director SUBJECT: PUBLIC HEARING ON TRACT NO. 866 , PROPOSED CONDOMINIUM SUBDIVISION OF LOT 4 , BLOCK 18 , ATASCADERO COLONY, LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE OF EL CAMINO REAL JUST NORTH OF SAN ANSELMO - LENZI (MADDALENA) The Planning Commission recommends for consistency based on Findings 1-9 listed in the Staff Report and recommends for approval subject to Conditions 1-26 as recommended by the Subdivision Review Board with the following revisions : A. Compliance with Conditions 20 and 21 shall be prior to recordation of the final map or prior to obtaining a Certificate of Occupancy, whichever occurs last. B. Condition 27 on fire protection standards should be added as follows: "The applicant must comply with state, county and district laws/ordinances applicable to fire protection and consider increased fire risk to the area by the land proposed. " There was discussion of the timing of these events (CC&R review, final map recording and construction) . The applicant is in agree- ment with the Planning Commission recommendation. It was the consensus of the Planning Commission that the project complies with all current zoning and subdivision regulations and is consistent with the Atascadero General Plan. LAW NCE S EVENS M Y L. ARDEN Planning nsultant/Director Cit Man ger LS: kp Attach. Telephone(805)549-5600 i - 1 i PLANNING DEPARTMENT Courthouse Annex SAN LUIS OBISPO, CALIFORNIA - 91408 February 13, 1980 Honorable Atascadero Planning Commission and City Council City of Atascadero, California Dear Ladies and Gentlemen: SUBJECT: TRACT NO. 866, PROPOSED CONDOMINIUM SUBDIVISION OF LOT 4, BLOCK 18, ATASCADERO COLONY; EL CAMINO REAL, CITY OF ATASCADERO. (R-4-B-2-D(506) : HIGH DENSITY MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL) SUPERVISORIAL DISTRICT #1 (LENZI - MADDALENA) (884: 12/28/79) RECOMMENDATION FOR CONSISTENCY AND FOR APPROVAL RECOMMENDATION ON ROAD IMPROVEMENTS At a regular meeting of the County Subdivision Review Board, the attached subdivision was considered and is being referred to you for required action and findings regarding consistency with applicable general plans. Respectfully submitted, LARRY J. RED, Supervisor Subdivision Review Section ca Attachment cc: County Engineer County Health Department REPORT OF THE SUBDIVISION REVIEW BOARD MEETING FEBRUARY 6, 1980 RE: TRACT NO. 866, PROPOSED CONDOMINIUM SUBDIVISION OF LOT 4, BLOCK 18, ATASCADERO COLONY; EL CAMINO REAL, CITY OF ATASCADERO. (R-4-B-2-D(506) : HIGH DENSITY MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL) SUPERVISORIAL DISTRICT #1 (LENZI - MADDALENA) (884: 12/28/79) RECOMMENDATION FOR CONSISTENCY AND FOR APPROVAL NEGATIVE DECLARATION SRB Members in Attendance: Chairman, Colonel Sorenson, Larry Red, Bill MacDonald, John Hofschroer, John Wallace, Michael Doherty Planning Commissioner in Attendance: Evelyn Delany Legal Counsel Present: None PROJECT DESCRIPTION This application proposes a condominium subdivision of approximately two acres into 25 two bedroom townhouse type units. The site is located on the west side of E1 Camino Real, just north of San Anselmo in the City of Atascadero. Zoning: R-4-B-2-D(506) : "Multiple Family & Professional" (10,000 square foot minimum) General Plan: 1978 Atascadero Area General Plan: "High Density !Multi-Family Residential" (z acre minimum) STAFF CON24ENTS Environmental Determination A Negative Declaration was issued by the Environmental Coordinator on January 9, 1980, stating that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment and therefore does not require the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report, based on a previous Negative Declaration issued March 7, 1977. Specific Request The applicant proposes 25 townhouse apartment units, a laundry and recreation building, swimming pool, and off-street parking for 44 vehicles. Site coverage by structures and paving will be approximately 430. Project density will be approximately 12.5 units per acre. Project History The proposed project was granted a Negative Declaration as an Environmental Determination by the County Board of Supervisors on March 7, 1977. The apartment units were originally approved March 9, 1977, by Departmental Review 8770106: 1 for Gary Nichols. That approval lapsed and a subsequent TRACT 866 • Page 2 Departmental Review, R780629: 1, for Mr. Nichols was approved July 3, 1978. On November 6, 1979, a subdivision application was submitted for Clifford Lenzi by Central Coast Engineering. The Atascadero City Council granted an exception to their condominium moratorium for the project on December 26, 1979, and the application was accepted for processing by the County Planning Department on December 28, 1979. Site and Area Considerations The subject site is approximately two acres in area, located between E1 Camino Real and Highway 101, north of San Anselmo, and is presently vacant and unimproved, with-numerous oak trees . The site slopes toward the south. Land uses adjacent to the site include three single family homes on the parcel immediately north of the site, single family residences to the east and south and Highway 101 to the west. Chapcl of the Roses is located a short distance to the north. Zoning and General Plan Considerations The site and adjacent properties are zoned R-4-B-2-D(506) , Multiple Family and Professional with a 10,000 square foot minimum building site requirement and setbacks pursuant to the R-4 District. Property across El Camino Real is zoned A-1, Light Agriculture. The existing zoning for the site would allow a potential density of 33 units per acre. The present project proposes approximately 12 units per acre. The 1978 Atascadero General Plan designates the site "High Density Multiple Family." The Plan has two sets of formulas to calculate maximum allowable density. The one formula based on the number of one, two, three or four bedroom apartment per acre. "The following maxima shall apply: 18 one bedroom apartments per acre 12 two bedroom apartments per acre 9 three bedroom apartments per acre 7 four bedroom apartments per acre." (p. 44) The other formula is established by Residential Policy #6. 116. Multi-family residential use areas should have a minimum building site of one-half acre with the number of allowable units corresponding to the following table: TRACT 866 Page 3 No. of Bedrooms Required Land Area Per Unit 1 2400 sq. ft. 2 3600 sq. ft. 3 4800 sq. ft. 4 5900 sq. ft." (p. 45) Since this formula is a policy as opposed to the other formula given in the discussion section of the plan, it should be considered the controling density formula. The Atascadero General Plan also requires consistency with the General Plan, Residential Policy #15 requires: "15. Condominium projects, both new development or conversion should be reviewed on an individual basis as community housing needs, neighborhood character, and site improvements. It is the intention of the plan that conversion of existing buildings shall be subject to the provision of Government Code Section 66473. 5 and 66474." (p. 46) The project site contains a net area of approximately 2. 1 acres. Using either formula contained in the General Plan, the existing project satisfies the density regulations. The project also satisfies the general restriction against 5 or more units per structure, and it is also located on an arterial as required by the plan. E1 Camino Real is designated by the General Plan as a Principal Arterial . The plan contains the following comments: 112. Arterials Divided The two Arterials are El Camino Real and Morro Road. They serve as major highways linking Atascadero with other communities, and they channel traffic to different parts of town. Arterials divided should be developed in two lengths: On El Camino Real from Rosario to San Diego Road and on Morro Road from E1 Camino to San Gabriel Road. The divided arterials should also have a paving width that will accommodate four traffic lanes, parallel parking strips, bicycle lanes, curbs and sidewalks." (p. 88) RECOMMENDATION Although the City Planning Commission and the City Council will take final action on this project, the Subdivision Review Board may still take action on this matter. Any action taken will likely constitute an informal recommendation to the City Council. It should be noted this staff report and the recommendations are based on County policy, procedure and ordinances. TRACT 866 • Page 4 After review of applicable General Plans and other available information. the Subdivision Review Baord recommends approval to the City Council and that the proposed subdivision be found consistent with the General Plan in accordance with Section 65302. 5(a) (4) of the Government Code. This is based on the following findings: 1. That the proposed map is consistent with applicable County General and Specific plans; 2. That the design and improvement of the proposed subdivision are consistent with applicable County General and Specific plans; 3. That the site is physically suitable for the type of development proposed; 4. That the site is physically suitable for the proposed density of development proposed; 5. That the design of the subdivision or the proposed improvements will not cause substantial environmental damage or substantially and avoidable injure fish or wildlife or their habitat; 6. That the design of the subdivision or the type of improvements is not likely to cause serious public health problems; 7. That the design of the subdivision or the type of improvements will not conflict with easements, acquired by the public at large, for access through or use of, property within the proposed subdivision; or that substantially equivalent alternate easements are provided; 8. That the proposed subdivision complys with Section 66474.6 of the State Subdivision Map Act, as to methods of handling and discharge of waste; 9. That the proposed subdivision be found in compliance with the County zoning and the Real Property Division Ordinance. Provided that a finding of consistency is made and the application ulti- mately approved, the following conditions are hereby established regarding the design and improvements of the proposed subdivision: And, provided that the Atascadero City Council finds that your Tentative Map is consistent and approved, the Subdivision Review Board also recommends to the Atascadero City Council that it be found in the interest of the public health and safety, and as a necessary pre-requisite construction of road improvements within a period of one year after recordation of the Map. The following conditions regarding its design and improvements are recommended by the Subdivision Review Board should the application be approved. • _ TRACT 866 • • Page 5 STREETS 1. E1 Camino Real fronting the tract be improved with 1/2 of the previously designed 84 foot section with 8 foot sidewalk section. 2. Street surfacing to be a minimum of 3" A.C. along El Camino Real . 3. An encroachment permit be obtained for the County Engineering Department for work to be done on the County right-of-way. DRAINAGE 4. Complete drainage calculation submitted to the County Engineering office for approval. S. Water is to be obtained from the Atascadero Mutual Water Company. 6. That a letter be obtained from the Atascadero Mutual Water Company and submitted to the Health and Planning Departments stating that operable facilities are immediately available and ready for connection to the units created. SEWERS AND SOLID WASTE 7. Sewage disposal shall be by connection to the community sewers. 8. That evidence be obtained from the Atascadero Sanitation District and submitted to the Health and Planning Departments indicating the Community Sewage Sustem is willing and able to serve additional connections, and that operable facilities are immediately available and ready for connection to the units created. 9. That the required separation between water mains and sanitary sewers be achieved during construction. 10. That provisions for handling of solid waste within the Tract be satisfactory to the County Health Department. 11. No outdoor storage, or any accumulation of trash, debris, or packing materials shall be permitted. 12. Applicant shall file with the County Engineer an application requesting apportionment of any unpaid assessments under the Improvement Bond Act of 1915, in compliance with Section 8740. 1 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California. Said apportionment must be completed prior to filing the Final Map. TRACT 866 • • Page 6 PUBLIC UTILITIES 13. Public utility easements be shown on the Final Map. 14. Cable T.V. lines be installed in the street and on-site at this time. 15. Gas lines are to be installed at this time. PLANS 16. Improvement plans be prepared in accordance with San Luis Obispo County Improvement Standards and Specs by a R.C.E. and submitted to the County Engineers office for approval. The plan to include: (a) Street plan and profile (b) Drainage ditches, culverts, structures with grades (c) Grading and erosional control plan (d) Public utility location 17. The engineer, upon completion of the improvements, must certify to the County Engineer that the improvements are made in accordance with Subdivision Review Board requirements and the approved plans. CONVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS 18. The developer shall establish Convenants, Conditions, and Restrictions for the regulation of land use, control of nuisances and architectural control of all buildings and facilities. These CC4s shall be administered by a Condominium Homeowners' Associatio . These CC&Rs shall be submitted to the County Planning Departmen and County Counsel's off' e for review and approval prior- to t e filing of the final map. 19. The developer shall form a Property Owners' Association (Homeowner's Association) for the area within Tract 866, so as to administer the CC & Rs as noted above, and it shall conform to the requirements of the State Division of Real Estate. 20. The CC$R and condominium management documents must be approved by the State Department of Real Estate, as required by the State Business and Professions Code. Evidence of that approval shall be submitted prior to recording of the Final Map if deemed appropriate by the Atascadero City Attorney. DESIGN 21. All conditions of the Departmental Review Approval (R780629: 1) shall be made conditions of this map and be complied with prior to the recording of the Final Map. • TRACT 866 Page 7 MISCELLANEOUS 22. The developer submit a preliminary subdivision guarantee to the County Engineer's office for approval prior to the filing of the Final Map. 23. A preliminary soils report by a Registered Civil Engineer be submitted and approved prior to the filing of the Final Map. 24. A final soils report by a Registered Civil Engineer be submitted and approved prior to the final acceptance of the improvements by by the Board. 25. That all conditions of approval herein specified are to be complied with prior to the filing of the Final Map. 26. That a Final Map shall be filed in accordance with Subdivision Map Act prior to sale, lease, or financing of the subject property within a period of 18 months from approval date of the Tentative Map. DISCUSSION Applicant and engineer attended the meeting and discussed road improvements and required real estate documents under conditon Nos. 20 and 21. The Subdivision Review Board unanimously adopted the preliminary report as amended. e _ V -. S Ivo I Al Dc o 1 R,9 96.04.70�TE �/4, \• ' '�f - rrl 1 - • ,� *J •�1"� � • �f a. -71 oF r 46> - , / {g� IATA. CAGER01 - "Ap / ° ' - ®/1 co t� 1'1' po+ 7. 12 95 - 1h 242 � 98 � � P- P-3hb 77 10 � � 1.00 ' o Z 101 9 � O 4 ,' 2 102 8 _ ' 103 17-B 104 7 . -1- �sa�� 17-A 105 • �. R s,��� o O 'v611207 6/ 17-B a 17 •'L / b / G v ,mac ?' 19-E / ; 5 17-D 2O - -� (sob 107 v / ' 19_D 3 p ,A 20-A J I 19 19 18 19-A, M- -D V.�0 19-F \ ,1 19-B 22 23 �. PAR A 24 Age -r-12La cr 866 �wa����is o- �nD�� �)��J� ��✓'�`I1 J'\r,� xi{�'; - ` • {{S;.�f_ III � '. '; . � LOtp Y9 " 959 S9l 'l3+led 3J;1 �p'N' I ;•i# t + 3`JsNfJYry OM►' siaaors r9N3i �a�++�r.? yY/1/!Y•4°..3�'Y✓,��Y r tib" 9^i1Cln9! j;;�1`£;: � ��1 � t p��.t 9 �x ►E� fE � e} �• � yy9 ��tt �r•s p` {2, Ah w � r' � ,•vim (:__ ��/ � ,� .� z �I 71P dim ow ow , --1 - / I � - 1 I` � •� �-s` �? 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I I � � � '..� � - •-. +...::ems :� =-"+�r lam:'-.-'. �- fi� 978 ares. Gnu , � f 1 141 t . M E M O R A N D U M TO: Atascadero City Council DATE: March 19 , 1980 FROM: Planning Consultant/Director SUBJECT: PUBLIC HEARING ON CO 79-81, PROPOSED LOT DIVISION OF LOTS 12 AND 13, BLOCK 33 , ATASCADERO COLONY, SAN GABRIEL ROAD WEST OF ATASCADERO AVENUE - SLOTE (HILLIARD) The Planning Commission recommends for consistency and recommends for approval subject to Conditions 1-15 as recommended by the Subdivision Review Board with the addition of Condition 6a to read as follows: "Provision shall be made for improvement of the private driveways to include use of appropriate materials which shall provide for reasonable access during poor weather conditions and for adequate dust control during usage. The design and materials shall be subject to review and approval by the Planning Director and the Public Works Director. It shall be the responsibility of the subdivider to improve the driveway prior to recordation of the final map or make adequate provision for bonding such improvements subject to review of the Planning Department. " There was considerable discussion concerning private driveway standards and while most of the Planning Commissioners thought standards to be desirable, there was disagreement over the wording prior to settling on the above. The Planning Commission feels that any improvement standards should be in ordinance form or otherwise provided as a written standard and should be uniformly applied. It was the consensus of the Planning Commission that the parcel map meets current zoning and subdivision regulations and is consistent with the General Plan, that the requirement for an offer of dedication along the rear of the property was desirable in order to provide potential for interior block circulation and that private driveways should be approved as outlined in the revised condition. �., e.�, y Fus,►vcM/P,W. 1),aWe�n w.�I �3� �� -Uj L),ny SIM-P40 0 b00V%-N/" SfrirZT-S 0 SAO LAWRENCE 91EVENS MURRAY L. Planning nsultant/Director City Manager LS:kp Attach. Telephone(805)549-5600 j PLANNING DEPARTMENT Courthouse Annex SAN LUIS OBISPO, CALIFORNIA - 93408 February 13, 1980 Honorable Atascadero Planning Commission and City Council City of Atascadero, California Dear Ladies and Gentlemen: SUBJECT: CO 79-81, PROPOSED LOT DIVISION OF LOTS 12 AND 13, BLOCK 33, ATASCADERO COLONY; SAN GABRIEL ROAD, CITY OF ATASCADERO. (A-1-1z: LOW DENSITY SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL) (SLOTE - HILLIARD) SUPERVISORIAL DISTRICT #1 (884: 7/23/79) RECOMMENDATION FOR CONSISTENCY AND FOR APPROVAL At a regular meeting of the County Subdivision Review Board, the attached subdivision was considered and is being referred to you for required action and findings regarding consistency with applicable general plans. Respectfully submitted, LARRY J. RED, Supervisor Subdivision Review Section ca Attachment cc: County Engineer County Health Department REPORT OF THE SUBDIVISION REVIEW BOARD MEETING FEBRUARY 6, 1980 RE: CO 79-081, PROPOSED LOT DIVISION OF LOTS 12 AND 13, BLOCK 33, ATASCADERO COLONY; SAN GABRIEL ROAD, CITY OF ATASCADERO. (A-1-1'-�: LOP+ DENSITY SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL) (SLOTS - HILLIARD) SUPERVISORIAL DISTRICT 91 (884: 7/23/79) RECOMMENDATION FOR CONSISTENCY AND FOR APPROVAL SRB Members in Attendance: Chairman, Colonel Sorenson, John Hofschroer, Bill MacDonald, Larry Red, John Wallace, Michael Doherty Planning Commissioner in Attendance: Evelyn Delany Legal Counsel Present: None PROJECT DESCRIPTION This application proposes a re-subdivision of two lots totalling 10 acres into 4 parcels of 2. 5 acres each. The site is located on the south side of San Gabriel Road, west of .Atascadero Avenue in the City of Atascadero. Zoning: A-1-11z: "Light Agriculture" (11—, acre minimum) General Plan: 1978 Atascadero Area General Plan: "Low Density Single Family Residential" (21-, - 10 acres without sewer service) COMMENTS Environmental Determination A Conditional Negative Declaration was issued by the Environmental Coordinator on December 7, 1979, stating that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment and therefore does not require the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report, subject to the following conditions: 1. Drainage plans will be required at the request of the County Engineer's Office with mitigation measures to be prepared by the County Engineer's Office as deemed necessary; and 2. The need for, and feasibility of interior block access will be reviewed by the County Planning Department with the County Engineer's Office and an "Offer of Dedication" is to be made if deemed necessary. Site and Area Considerations The terrain of the project site consists of gently rolling hills that slope downward in a southwest to northeast direction. The vegetation on the site consists of grasses and scattered oaks. No structures or improvements are presently located on the property. CO 79-081 • Page 2 Nater for the parcels will be provided by the Atascadero Mutual hater Company. Sewage disposal will be by individual septic system. A natural drainage area exists on proposed Parcels B, C, and D. Septic system design should take into account that the soil of the low lying portions of the above mentioned parcels may be saturated during the rainy season. Although there is no apparent flood hazard, development should include design modifications to mitigate potential drainage and septic system problems. Proposed Parcels A and B will have direct access onto San Gabriel Road. Parcels C and D will have access onto San Gabriel Road via a 20 foot access easement running the length of the border between proposed Parcels A and B. There is, at present, no interior block access between San Gabriel Road and San Rafael Road. It would appear desirable to establish an easement for interior block access to this area. If further subdivision activity occurs among the surrounding parcels with subseauent development of these parcels, interior block access would facilitate the delivery of emergency services. The area surrounding the project site is characterized by mixed single family residences interspersed with vacant parcels . The parcels adja- cent to the project site are 4z to 5+ acres. Smaller parcels, 2 acres to 4 acres, exist in the immediate vicinity. The area is one that is undergoing land division activity, and an EIR was recently approved by the Board of Supervisors for similar Parcel Map divisions located on the south side of San Gabriel Road. Both of the above mentioned Parcel Map divisions were approved (CO 78-164, CO 78-121 and CO 78-107) on June of 1979. Zoning and General Plan Considerations The site and adjacent properties are zoned A-1-11-2, Light Agriculture, with a lz acre minimum. The 1978 Atascadero Area General Plan designates the area as Low Density Single Family Residential. The site is outside the Urban Services boundary, and San Gabriel Road is designated as a Collector Street. The General Plan contains the following comments pertinent to this project: "Land Use Policy Proposals 2. The type and extent of services provided within the Urban Reserve Area will depend on whether land is in the Urban or the Suburban Services Area. Properties outside the Urban Services Line should be evaluated for lot size based on the Suburban Residential range (21z to 10 acres) until sewers are available." (P. 42) LU J-U61 "Low Density Minimum lot sizes within the Urban Services Area should range from 1'z to 2'j acres. Determination of appropriate lot sizes should be based upon such factors as the availability of services, especially sewers; slope of access road to building site; distance from the center of the community; general character of neighbor- ing lands; soil percolation; and the area needed for access roads to the building sites." (P. 44) "Residential Policy Proposals 5. Residential density should decrease as one moves outward from the core, in order to maintain the rural atmosphere of the community. This can be accomplished by a graded increase in lot size and a graded decrease in the permitted density of population. 10. Lot splits should be thoroughly evaluated and be in accordance with community plans and principles. Strict adherence to the lot sizes defined in this plan is essential in order to retain the desired character of the community. Creation of lots smaller than those recommended must not be permitted if the maximum population of approximately 30,000 is to be maintained. 11. Attention should be paid to the aesthetic result of land division. Building sites should be encouraged on natural slopes, with minimal disruption of native vegetation and water- sheds, and efficient layout of access and utilities. 12. A program should be developed to encourage the preservation of trees, watersheds and natural slopes and other natural amenities from abuse and destruction resulting from poor design and development practices." (P. 45 $ 46) The Suburban Residential Section also contains the following guidance: "Lot sizes should be 2z acres or more. Determination of appro- priate lot sizes should be based upon such factors as slope of the access road to the building site, availability of services, distance from the center of the community, general character of neighboring lands, percolation and the area needed for access road to building site." (P. 44) The County' s Peal Property Division Ordinance contains the following provisions pertinent to this application: ' Page 4 � • "21.45.080 Factors to be considered. The subdivision review board report shall consider and make recommendations as to whether the following conditions are met: (c) Access and circulation. The following standards shall be applicable to property proposed for division to promote adequate access and circulation. (2) The division should provide for the opening or extension of streets for traffic circulation for the convenience, safety and welfare of the lot owners within the division and the local neighborhood;" This application was reviewed in detail by both County Engineering and Planning relative to the access and circulation requirements of the area. Based on the uncoordinated nature of Parcel Map divisions, it is difficult to establish and implement neighborhood circulation systems. Without a community design element and based on approvals of previous applications where interior access was considered, it is recommended that only a 25 foot offer-of-dedication be required along the southerly boundary of the property. This will correspond to dedications required on previous parcel maps and establish a potential alignment for a public road parallel and between San Gabriel and San Rafael. RECOt 14ENDAT ION .Although the City Planning Commission and the City Council will take final action on this project, the Subdivision Review Board may still take action on this matter. Any action taken will likely constitute an informal recommendation to the City Council. It should be noted this staff report and the recommendations are based on County policy, procedure and ordinances. After review of applicable General Plans and other available information, the Subdivision Review Board recommends approval to the City Council and that the proposed subdivision be found consistent with the General Plan in accordance with Section 65302.5(a) (4) of the Government Code. Provided that a finding of consistency is made and the application ultimately approved, the following conditions are hereby established regarding the design and improvements of the proposed subdivision; which conditions when satisfied will mitigate the environmental concerns expressed by the Environmental Coordinator in his Conditional Negative Declaration of December 7, 1979. 1. That the following "NOTES" shall be placed on the final map: CO 79-031 • Page 5 A. No sewage disposal system installations are to be placed closer than 100 feet from the top of the existing creek bank, drainage swales or areas subject to inundation. B. Septic tanks will be an acceptable method of sewage disposal, if soil tests and plans are acceptable, until public sewers may become available. C. Water is to be obtained from the Atascadero Mutual Water Company. 2. Prior to the filing of theaP rcel map, the applicant shall submit to and be jointly approved by the Planning Department and Health Department, results of percolation tests and the log or logs of soil borings performed by a registered civil engineer. For this purpose, the applicant shall perform one or more soil borings to be a minimum depth of ten (10) feet in the area of the proposed sewage disposal system to determine the: (a) subsurface soil conditions, (example: impermeable stratas which act as barriers to the effective percolation of sewage) ; (b) and the presence of groundwater. And the applicant must perform a minimum of three (3) percolation test holes per lot, to be spaced uniformly in the area of the proposed sewage disposal system. Percolation tests shall conform to the methods and guidelines prescribed by the Manual of Septic Tank Practice as adopted by the County Building and Construction Ordinance Title 19, Chapter 10. 24. That water operable facilities exist prior to the filing of the al parcel map. Evidence of adequate and potable water, satisfactory to t ealth Department shall be submitted pli2r to the filing of the Final including the following: a. (Potability) A lete on-site chemical analysis shall be submitted for evalua ' for each of the parcels created or as required. b. (Adequacy) On individual parcel wel r test holes a minimum four (4) hour pump test performed by a lic ed and bonded well driller or pump testing business shall be mitted for review and approval for each of the new parcels crea 3. That eater operable facilities exist prior to the filing of the Final Map. A letter shall be obtained from the Atascadero Mutual Water Company and submitted to the Health and Planning Departments for review and approval stating there are operable facilities immediately available and ready for connection to the parcels created. I Page 6 4. That the applicant offer for dedication to the public for future road widening purposes 5 feet along San Gabriel Road; said offer to be made by Certificate on the Parcel Map. S. That the applicant offer for dedication to the public 25 foot road easement along the southerly boundary as shown on the Tentative Parcel Map; said offer to be made by certificate on the Parcel Flap. 6. That a private easement be reserved on the Parcel PAap for access to parcel(s) C and D. 7. That the applicant submit a preliminary Title Report at the time the parcel map is submitted for checking. 8. That a practical plan and profile for access be submitted to the County Engineering and Planning Departments for approval. 9. That any private easement as shown on the Title Report be shown on the Parcel Map with recording data. 10. That the drainage swale and area subject to inundation on the property be delineated on the Parcel Map. 11 . FIRE PROTECTION STANDARDS The applicant must comply with state, county and district laws/ ordinances applicable to fire protection and consider increased fire risk to area by the land proposed. The applicant, where water supply is provided by electric pump, should install electrical service drop from service pole, to pump, to structures in order to prevent a possible structure fire from disrupting access to water. 12. All conditions of approval herein specified are to be complied with prior to the submittal of the Parcel Map Original to the County Engineer for approval. 13. That a Final Parcel Map shall be filed in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act, prior to sale, lease or financing of the subject property within a period of one year from approval date of the Tentative Map. 14. After approval by the Board of Supervisors, compliance with the preceeding conditions will bring the proposed subdivision in conformance with the Subdivision "lap Act and local ordinances. PaPai 77 Page i 15. The Tentative Parcel "gap will expire one year (12 months) from the date of Board of Supervisors approval. The Tentative Parcel Map may be extended one year by the Subdivision Review Board. Written requests with appropriate fees must be submitted to the Planning Department prior to the expiration date. DISCUSSION Applicant's engineer attended the meeting. The Subdivision Review Board unanimously adopted the preliminary report as written. Ir t _ s rrrrr--"^"ddd tel_. � /�.� .- r ,� 1� • / • ��• • �,i CjV • - ;�_ � Z,P �•• •• �� ti � S E •� 'fit • i _ ,I �� -%- .� .:• � �= ' • .� �_ �_'—-- / _. l •• Q'ant �� 4 - <<` 734,,of %,. • •:• \ �j1 � � � \ \\\ i ,• —_—r�i." • `• �••• + �1 try --1 34 RqA 7 `7 \ / °° F Qn �r r u' �s \ y -9 • 36 v C ?00 1250 � C �I64 - AT 09/ ro-V \j 14 Ir v) f1b O 01 �1�jr� '�4 �'-r���p q / qty. ,� /K ry ly (2? M E M O R A N D U M TO: Atascadero City Council DATE: March 19 , 1980 FROM: Planning Consultant/Director SUBJECT: AT 79-077 , PROPOSED LOT DIVISION OF LOT 13, BLOCK 49 , ATASCADERO COLONY, SANTA CRUZ ROAD - HURDLE (HILLIARD) At the meeting of February 11, the City Council considered the Planning Commission recommendation to deny the subject parcel map. Concern was expressed that it may be desirable to withhold decision on this application pending resolution of the proposal to allow 12 acre lots with engineered septic systems. There was also some concern as to whether the matter should be referred back to the Planning Commission if the Council decision was for approval. The consensus of the Commission in denying the application was primarily based upon the gradation of lot sizes from the center of the community; i. e. , larger lots at the perimeter, smaller lots at the interior. The Commission also discussed road improve- ments for Santa Cruz Road and private driveway improvement standards. It was the desire of the Council to have the Planning Commission reaffirm its recommendation with specific findings of fact supporting that recommendation prior to Council making a decision on the parcel map. PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Commission, with two dissenting votes, recommends for consistency and for approval subject to Conditions 1-16 as recommended by the Subdivision Review Board with the following revisions: A. Addition of Condition 5a to read as follows: "Provision shall be made for improvement of the private driveways to include use of appropriate materials which shall provide for reasonable access during poor weather conditions and for adequate dust control during usage. The design and materials shall be subject to review and approval by the Planning Director and the Public Works Director. It shall be the responsibility of the subdivider to improve the driveway prior to recordation of the final map or make adequate provision for bonding such improvements subject to review of the Planning Department. " B. Modification of Condition 7 to require road improvements along the property frontage only. There was considerable discussion on private driveway improvement standards, on road improvements and on the General Plan policy relating to gradation of lots from the center of the community. It was the consensus of the Planning Commission that private drive- way standards should be uniformly applied, , that road improvements should only be required along the property rk n age and s ould not Memorandum to Ci f Council March .19 , 1980 Page Two I be extended to the nearest County standard road, and that the parcel map complies with current zoning and subdivision regulations and is consistent with the General Plan. The dissenting Planning Commis- sioners felt that the lot size was too small based on the General Plan policy of larger lot sizes on the perimeter of the community. The City Council should note that this changes the prior recommenda- tion of the Planning Commission for the reasons outlined above. LAWRENCE TEVENSr Y L. ARDEN Planning onsultant/Director CMa ger LS: kp �, � /�w Attach. Q(err'e M Tr stIIV e T , A-0 S o nIL o s w ✓IiP 3 P jU e i,,o p VO 3/_ n 37 t'Pi - / PN r3 L i C lnJO /VYZ-r' X2.1 NED A. ROGOWAY, Director Telephone(805)549-5600 r. PLANNING DEPARTMENT Courthouse Annex SAN LUIS OBISPO, CALIFORNIA - 93408 December 6, 1979 Honorable Atascadero Planning Commission and City Council City of Atascadero, California Dear Ladies and Gentlemen: SUBJECT: AT 79-077, PROPOSED LOT DIVISION OF LOT 13, BLOCK 49, ATASCADERO COLONY; SANTA CRUZ ROAD, CITY OF ATASCADERO. (A-1-22: LOW DENSITY SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL) (HURDLE - HILLIARD) SUPERVISORIAL DISTRICT #1 (884: 7/3/79) RECOMMENDATION FOR CONSISTENCY AND FOR APPROVAL RECOMMENDATION ON ROAD IMPROVMENTS At a regular meeting of the County Subdivision Review Board, the attached subdivision was considered and is being referred to you for required action and findings regarding consistency with applicable general plans. Respectfully submitted, LARRY J. RED, S e isor Subdivision Review Section ca Attachment cc: County Engineer County Health Department REPORT OF THE SUBDIVISION REVIEW BOARD MEETING DECEMBER 5, 1979 RE: AT 79-077, PROPOSED LOT DIVISION OF LOT 13, BLOCK 49, ATASCADERO COLONY; SANTA CRUZ ROAD, CITY OF ATASCADERO. (A-1-22: LOW DENSITY SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL) (HURDLE - HILLIARD) SUPERVISORIAL DISTRICT #1 (884: 7/3/79) RECOMMENDATION FOR CONSISTENCY AND FOR APPROVAL SRB Members in Attendance: Acting Chairman, Larry Red, John Hofschroer, Bill MacDonald, Jerry Erickson, John Wallace Planning Commissioner in Attendance: George Rathmell Legal Counsel Present: None PROJECT DESCRIPTION This application proposes a subdivision of a five acre site into two parcels of approximately 2.5 acres each. The site is located on the south side of Santa Cruz Road, near Carrizzo Road in northern Atascadero. Zoning: A-1-22: "Light Agriculture" (21-z acre minimum) General Plan: 1978 Atascadero Area General Plan: "Low Desnity Single Family Residential" COMMENTS Environmental Determination: A Conditional Negative Declaration was issued by the Environmental Coordinator on November 2, 1979, stating that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment and therefore does not require the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report, subject to the following condition: Septic system design to be reviewed and approved by the County Engineering Department as per standard County procedure. Site and Area Considerations: The project site is undeveloped and consists of gently sloping terrain that slopes upward toward the south. Vegetation on the site consists of annual grasses with several large oaks along the southern boundary of the site. Data from the Soil Conservation District indicates that the site may be subject to a moderate erosion hazard and is designated for severe limitation on the use of septic systems. The County Fire Hazards Map indicates that the site is subject to a high fire hazard rating. Water for the site is to be supplied by the Atascadero Mutual Water Company. The County Department of Public Health has received a letter of intent to serve the proposed parcels. Sewage disposal is proposed to be by septic system. AT 79-077 11. Attention should be paid to the aesthetic result of land division. Building sites should be encouraged on natural slopes, with minimal disruption of native vegetation and watersheds, and efficient layout of access and utilities. 12. A program should be developed to encourage the preservation of trees, watersheds and natural slopes and other natural amenities from abuse and destruction resulting from poor design and develop- ment practices. (P. 45 & 46) The Suburban Residential Section also contains the following guidance: 1 Lot sizes should be 22 acres or more. Determination of appro- priate lot sizes should be based upon such factors as slope of the access road to the building site, availability of services, distance from the center of the community, general character of neighboring lands, percolation and the area needed for access road to building site. (P. 44) Santa Cruz Road is designated by the Plan as a secondary arterial, and the following comments are offered: 3. Secondary Arterials Secondary arterials should be developed to a 60 foot right-of-way. These roads serve as major access routes between residential areas, shopping centers, employment centers and primary recreation areas. Road in this classi- fication must have shoulders wide enough to accommodate multi-use paths and emergency parking. There are 14 segments of undivided arterials: b. Traffic Way from El Camino Real to Potrero Road and future extension of Traffic Way beyond Potrero Road to E1 Camino Real as a truck route. The portion of Traffic Way between El Camino Real and Olmeda Avenue is also designated to have 40 feet of paving to allow for two 8 foot parking strips on both sides of the arterial. (P. 88)" RECONMNDATION Although it appears the City Planning Commission and City Council will take final action on this project, the Subdivision Review Board may still take action on this matter. Any action taken will likely constitute an informal recommendation to the City Council. It should be noted this staff report and the recommendations are based on County policy, procedure, and ordinances. After review of applicable General Plans and other available information the Subdivision Review Board recommends approval and that the proposed subdivision be found consistent with the General Plan in accordance with Section 65302.5(a) (4) of the Government Code. AT 79-077 Provided that a finding of consistency is made and the application ultimately approved, the following conditions are hereby established regarding the design and improvements of the proposed subdivision, which conditions when satisfied will mitigate the environmental concerns expressed by the Environmental Coordinator in his Conditional Negative Declaration of November 2, 1979. And, provided that the Tentative Parcel Map is approved, the Subdivision Review Board also recommends that it be found in the interest of the public health and safety, and as a necessary pre-requisite to the orderly development of the surrounding area, to require the construction of road improvements within a period of one year after recordation of the Parcel Map. 1. That the following "NOTES" shall be placed on the final map: A. No sewage disposal system installations are to be placed closer than 100 feet from the top of the existing creek bank, drainage swales or areas subject to inundation. B. Sewage disposal systems shall be separated from any individual domestic well and/or agricultural well, as follows: (1) leach fields, one hundred feet (1001) , and (2) bored pits, one hundred fifty feet (1501) . Wells intended for two or more parcels shall be separated by two hundred feet (2001) from any subsurface sewage disposal system. C. Sewage disposal systems installed on slopes in excess of 200 shall be designed and certified by a registered civil engineer or geologist and submitted to the Planning and Health Department for review and approvalrp for to the issuance of a building permit. Consultants shall determine geologically stable building sites and sewage disposal for each parcel, including evaluations of hillside stability under the most adverse conditions including rock saturation and seismic forces. Slopes in excess of 30% are not considered suitable or practical for subsurface sewage disposal. D. Septic tanks will be an acceptable method of sewage disposal, if soil tests and plans are acceptable, until public sewers may become available. E. Water is to be obtained from the Atascadero Mutual Water Company. 2. Prior to the filing of theap rcel map, the applicant shall submit to and be jointly approved by the Planning Department and Health Department, results of percolation tests and the log or logs of soil borings performed by a registered civil engineer. For this purpose, the applicant shall perform one or more soil borings to be a minimum depth of ten (10) feet in the area of the proposed sewage disposal system to determine the: (a) subsurface soil conditions, (example: impermeable stratas which act as barriers to the effective percolation of sewage) ; (b) and the presence of AT 79-077 • Surrounding parcel sizes are mixed. There is a tract to the east of the site with lot sizes in the 1/4 - 1/2 acre range. The majority of parcels are in the 22 to 5 acre range. The division of this parcel would not appear to constitute a new land use trend. Zoning and General Plan Considerations: The site and adjacent properties are zoned A-1-2'-Z, Light Agriculture, with a 22 acre minimum building site requirement. The ownership includes area to the centerline of Santa Cruz Road and under present zoning requirements may be utilized in calculating lot area. The result will allow the front parcel to be a net area of 2.36 acres. The 1978 Atascadero Area General Plan designates the area as Low Density Single Family Residential. The site is outside the Urban Services boundary, and Santa Cruz Road is designated as an arterial street. The General Plan contains the following comments pertinent to this project. "Land Use Policy Proposals 2. The type and extent of services provided within the Urban Reserve Area will depend on whether land is in the Urban or the Suburban Services Area. Properties outside the Urban Services Line should be evaluated for lot size based on the Suburban Residential range (22 to 10 acres) until sewers are available. (P. 42) Low Density Minimum lot sizes within the Urban Services Area should range from 12 to 22 acres. Determination of appropriate lot sizes should be based upon such factors as the availability of services, especially sewers; slope of access road to building site; distance from the center of the community; general character of neighboring lands; soil percolation; and the area needed for access roads to the building sites. (P. 44) Residential Policy Proposals S. Residential density should decrease as one moves outward from the core, in order to maintain the rural atmosphere of the community. This can be accomplished by a graded increase in lot size and a graded decrease in the permitted density of population. 10. Lot splits should be thoroughly evaluated and be in accordance with community plans and principles. Strict adherence to the lot sizes defined in this Plan is essential in order to retain the desired character of the community. Creation of lots smaller than those recommended must not be permitted if the maximum population of approximately 30,000 is to be maintained. AT 79-0 • groundwater. And the applicant must perform a minimum of three (3) percolation test holes per lot, to be spaced uniformly in the area of the proposed sewage disposal system. Percolation tests shall conform to the methods and guidelines prescribed by the Manual of Septic Tank Practice as adopted by the County Building and Construction Ordinance Title 19, Chapter 10.24. 3. That operable facilities exist prior to the filing of the Final Map. A letter shall be obtained from the Atascadero Mutual Water Company and submitted to the Health and Planning Departments for review and approval stating there are operable facilities immedi- ately available and ready for connection to the parcels created. 4. That the applicant offer for dedication to the public for future road widening purposes 10 feet along Santa Cruz Road; said offer to be made by Certificate on the Parcel Map. 5. That a private easement be reserved on the Parcel Map for access to Parcel B. 6. That the applicant submit a preliminary Title Report at the time the Parcel Map is submitted for checking. 7. That Santa Cruz Road fronting said property and continuing to Traffic Way or El Camino be improved in the following manner: 2/3 an A-4 suburban section 8. That the grade and' alignment of the road easements as shown on the Tentative Parcel Map meet San Luis Obispo County standards. Also, improvement plans shall be prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer and submitted to the County Engineer's Office for approval. 9. That the applicant enter into an Inspection Agreement with the County for inspection of said improvements. 10. The Engineer, upon completion of the improvements, must certify to the County Engineer that the improvements are made in accordance with Subdivision Review Board requirements and the approved plans. 11. That any private easement as shown on the Title Report be shown on the Parcel Map with recording data. 12. FIRE PROTECTION STANDARDS The applicant must comply with state, county and district laws/ ordinances applicable to fire protection and consider increased fire risk to area by the land proposed. AT 79-077 , • 13. All conditions of approval herein specified are to be complied with prior to the submittal of the Parcel Map Original to the County Engineer for approval. 14. That a Final Parcel Map shall be filed in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act, prior to sale, lease or financing of the subject property within a period of one year from approval date of the Tentative Map. 15. After approval by the Board of Supervisors, compliance with the preceeding conditions will bring the proposed subdivision in conformance with the Subdivision Map Act and local ordinances. 16. The Tentative Parcel Map will expire one year (12 months) from the date of Board of Supervisors approval. The Tentative Parcel DIap may be extended one year by the Subdivision Review Board. Written requests with appropriate fees must be submitted to the Planning Department prior to the expiration date. DISCUSSION Applicant's engineer attended the meeting and discussed road improvements. The Subdivision Review Board unanimously adopted the preliminary report as ,wren x L� BOi IDGE ORCHARDS APS � T — -- —— -- — f 5' 0 00 VQ,— ' 53 –945 afri 5 • G �° �� 7 / oC Fa r r. qu- 7,/ - - s .009 s rtM-310 2 i ,• ;, r� 960 wo 13 1262 0,90 / oC C gyp. . i \���• �� -� ry ^402 �/�/\, �, o� � ��► . 077 e \ Q� v N ti ! o 1 00 64 alien grimes attorney at law 7360 EL CAMINO REAL. SUITE B • P. 0. BOX 749 • ATASCADERO. CALIFORNIA 93422 PHONES (8051 466-5678 OR 466.1408 ell REPORT FROM THE CITY ATTORNEY For the Council Meeting of March 24, 1980 No. 3 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1. , REPORT OF THE LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES LEGAL ADVOCACY COMMITTEE Attached is a copy of the February 25, 1980 Legal Advocacy Committee Report and Recommendations. The Council's attention is particularly drawn to the eight cases first reported in the report in which individual city partici- pation by amicus appearance is approved. I recommend that the Council approve by motion the amicus appearance by the City of Atascadero in the following cases for the reasons set forth in the committee report: Bownds v. City of Glendale (legal sufficiency of the housing element of the City's general plan) Chula Vista Police Officers' Association v. Cole (validity of civil service rule re sickness) Music Plus Four v. City of Westminster (validity of narcotics paraphernalia ordinance) Trent Meredith, Inc. v. City of Oxnard (validity of post- Proposition 13 school impact fee ordinance) I do not favor participation in Arnel Development Co. v. City of Costa Mesa because I think it's a wrong decision. 2. LITIGATION International Business Machines Corp. v. County of San Luis Obispo, City of Morro Bay, City of San Luis Obispo, City of Paso Robles, City of Arroyo Grande, Grover City, City of Atascadero, et al. , Superior Court, San Luis Obispo County, Case No. 52185. This is a complaint to recover property taxes under Revenue and Tax Code Section 5140, et seq. by the IBM Corporation. Plaintiff claims that the AG:fr 1 3/18/80 REPORT FROM THE CITY ATTORNEY No. 3 - Page 2 tax rates on the tax bill for unsecured property tax for 1978-79 exceeded the permissible tax rate under Proposition 13 . Prayer is for $2.3,961.69 plus interest. Inasmuch as property taxes are administered under contract by the County of San Luis Obispo, this complaint was forwarded to the County Counsel for representation. County Counsel filed an answer to the complaint on March 6 1980 denying the allegations in the complaint. Respectfull submitted, ALLEN GRIMES City Attorney AG:fr Attachment Sacramento, CA 95814 February 25, 1980 To: ALL City Attorneys Re: Legal Advocacy Committee Report and Recommendations At its regular meeting on January 18, the Legal Advocacy Committee reviewed over 40 cases of significance to cities now pending in both the federal and state courts. In nice of these, the Committee and the Board of Directors have taken action approv- ing cnnicus participation by consenting cities. Perhaps most significant of the cases in which all City Attorneys are invited to join as amici is Agins v. City of Tiburon, now pending before the U. S. Supreme Court. We again commend for your attention the special release concerning this case which was distributed to all under (late of February 5. In addition, all City Attorneys are urged to make special note of the eight cases first reported below in which consenting cities may join as amici at no cost. AMICUS APPEARANCE BY CONSENTING CITIES APPROVED ISownds v_._CLt_of Glendale, in which an appeal by plaintiff is pending in the Dis- trLct Court of Appeal following a decision favorable to the City. The action represents a challenge to the legal sufficiency of the housing element of the City's general plan in a factual context involving condominium conversion approvals. Directly at issue in the case is whether the State Housing Element Guidelines are advLsory or mandatory, the trial court having directly found that they are advisory only. Recognizing that this case presents the opportunity to have the now long- tit;rnding dispute respecting the status of these State Guidelines settled, the ComniiLtee and Board of Directors took action recommending that consenting cities I):rrticipate as amici curiae in support of the City of Glendale in the appeal. The City Council of the City of Irvine has taken formal action to sponsor the amicus effort and members of the firm of Rutan & Tucker which represents that city will prelmre the brief . The firm and the City of Irvine are both anxious to afford all Cities an opportunity to lend their endorsement to this amicus effort in the belief that evidence of the widespread concern for this point of law among California ciLies will enhance the weight given by the court to the amicus effort. Those City Attorneys wishing to join as amicus in the Bownds case may do so by directing a simple letter of authorization to: Mr. William H. Keiser Rutan & Tucker 401 Civic Center Drive West P. O. Box 1976 Santa Ana, CA 92701 Telephone: (714) 835-2200 Giii tcr v. Collins, in which the County of Santa Barbara as plaintiff in intervention hrrs filed a petition for hearing in the Supreme Court following a decision of the appellate court absolving defendant from liability. The action was brought by a deputy sheriff who was injured by the defendant-motorist when the latter collided wiLh cl«, deputy 's parked vehicle. The deputy was on duty observing motorists for Possible traffic violations but had parked his car some 40 feet -off the road. The County intervened in the action as employer of the plaintiff and thus suhro�,aled to his rights to the extent of the County's obligation to pay workers ' Comp, nsaLion benefits to the plaintiff. The District Court of Appeal denied rcu"vory by applv inn the so-called "f irannn's rule. " As commented in the dis- NvIlI KV "pinion of Lhe aPOO KLe court , "Such a strained noolication of the lire- man 's rule to the facts of the instant case renders all patrol officers, who are on duty but sLonPed well off of the highwav in their patrol cars. 'fair game' for speeders and drunk drivers since by application of the rule they can escape per- sonal civil liability for their tortious acts and merely pass the buck for the injuries and damage which they cause on to the taxpaying public." Because the appellate decision, if not reversed, could considerably expand cities' workers' compensation liability, the Committee and Board of Directors recommends that con- senting cities participate as amici curiae in the case. The City Attorney of Los Angeles will file an amicus brief in support of the County's petition for hearing. City Attorneys wishing to join therein should contact : John Neville Assistant City Attorney City Hall East - 17th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90012 Telephone: (213) 485-3644 Chula Visln i'olice Officers' Association v. Cole, in which plaintiff has filed an appeal following a trial court ruling for the City. The case arose after a siege of "blue flu" among the City police officers. Before approving sick leave, the City Manager required the officers to sign, under penalty of perjury, a statement Lhat they were ill. When the officers refused, the City Manager docked their pay until they complied. The City civil service rules provide that a doctor's certi- 11cace may be required for absences of four days or more. The plaintiffs contend Lhat this rule precludes requiring any evidence to support use of sick leave for absences of less than four days. The City asserts that the City Manager has an obligation to prevent the abuse of sick leave and that under the circumstances his actions were reasonable and within management 's prerogative. Since the issue is of significance to cities statewide and at least two other cities are known to be presently litigating the same issue, it is recommended that cities appear as amici in support of the City of Chula Vista in the appeal. The City Attorney of Santa Monica has volunteered to prepare an amicus curiae brief in which other cities could join at no cost. City Attorneys wishing to do so should contact: Richard L. Knickerbocker City Hall 1685 Main Street Santa Monica, CA 90401 Telephone: (213) 451-4704 Duarte V. City of San Jose, in which the City intends to petition the Supreme Court Or a hearing following an adverse ruling of the state appellate court. By the letter, the City has been held liable for injuries to plaintiff when he was struck by a stolen police car driven by an intoxicated driver who had been arrested, placed in the locked police car and left unattended by the police. The City contended that it was immune from liability by reason of the express provisions of the Torr Claims Act which immunizes both public entities and employees from liability for injury caused by an escaping prisoner (Gov.C. §845.8) . The appellate court held, however, Lhat the City was liable by reason of Vehicle Code section 17001 which imposes -2- liul,iLity for injuries caused by a public employee's negligent operation of a mo Lor vehicle, reasoning that the Tort Claims Act immunity does noL apply when c n:;i ler i nF; liability imposed by a statute outside of that act where the purpose elf thy: Ik1bi1.ity statute would be frustrated by applying such an immunity. While the decision :is consistent with trend in the law to impose liability on cities on the same basis as private persons, iL appears to present a different situation Lllall lho"ic dec Lded ill the more recent Sacramento County and Pasadena cases and to ruprC:ienL such a broadening of the liability for escaping prisoners as to merit amicus participation of cities. The Committee and League Board of Directors took action accordingly. The City Attorney of San Diego has volunteered to file an amicus curiae brief in which other cities may join in support of San Jose. For purposes of doing so City Attorneys should contact: Ronald L. Johnson Chief Deputy City Attorney City Administration Building 202 C Street San Diego, CA 92101 Telephone: (714) 236-7221 ;lLis_ic_ Plus Four v. City of Westminster, in which an appeal by the City is pending following; a judgment that the City's narcotics paraphernalia ordinance was void fur vrlg;Lleness under due process requirements and invalid on the basis of implied precnlpLioll. A substantial number of cities have adopted similar ordinances, in- cluding; the City of Lakewood which in a different procedural context was success- ful ill the trial court and is now defending its ordinance in the appellate court. 1•:1fores to defer the appeal in the Westminster case pending the appeal in the Lakewood case have been unsuccessful and thus the former will apparently be the "lead" case and the first to be decided upon appeal. In light of the growing interest in the subject matter of the litigation and the number of city ordinances which have similarly been invalidated at the trial court level, the Committee and the Board of Directors recommends that consenting cities join as amici in the brief which the City Attorney of Lakewood will be filing in the Westminster case. City Attorneys interested in joining in this amicus curiae brief should contact: John S. Todd City Attorney 4909 Lakewood Blvd. , Suite 300 Lakewood, CA 90712 Telephone: (213) 531-1805 Ti-c-n L_ Meredith, Inc. v. City of Oxnard, in which plaintiff has noticed an appeal following; a ruling of the trial court that the City's post-Proposition 13 school impacL fee ordinance adopted pursuant to Government Code ,section 65970 et seq. was not invalid as a "special tax" but was a properly adopted police power measure. The Lriail court ruling is contrary to that rendered in Winberry Development Co. 111c.-v.-County of Shasta, as well as to the widely publicized opinion of the ALLorney General. Pursuant to previous Committee and Board action, cities have Joined as amici in support of the County of Shasta in a brief cooperatively pre- paired by Walnut Creek City Attorney Dan Curtin and Anderson City Attorney Leonard Wingate. Since the issues in both cases are the same, amicus participation by cities in a brief adapted for filing in the Oxnard case has been recommended. City Attorneys interested in joining in such an amicus curiae brief are urged to contact ; -3- Daniel. J. Curtin, ,Jr. Ci Ly ALLorney Ci Ly Ila Ll 1445 Civic Drive Walnut Creek, CA 94596 Telephone: (415) 935-3300 IiIc:;un v. City of San ll_ieL',o, in which the City has noticed an appeal following ;i Lrial court judgment holding it liable in damages for false imprisonment. The action was brought after plaintiff's arrest by City police officers on a murder ch;ir,;e, his Lncarceration in the County jail, Grand Jury indictment, "rearrest" and holding in that jail pursuant to the indictment, successful prosecution and conviction, and sentencing to State prison where he remained some 8 months until being released following another man's confession of guilt for the murder. l.n Lhe action for false imprisonment which was brought only against the City and its personnel, the City, while conceding the possibility of liability for false arrest, contended that any damages flowing from the prosecution were not recover- due to the statutory immunity for malicious prosecution (Gov.C. §821.6) . The trial court nonetheless held the City liable for the entire period of: pl;iintiff 's incarceration, reasoning his conviction and sentencing were a reason- ably foreseeable consequence of his arrest. Since an affirming appellate decision would significantly broaden the city's liability following arrests by city police rind despite a successful criminal prosecution, the Committee and Board of Directors Look action recommending that consenting cities join as amici in support of the City of San Diego on appeal. While no volunteer writer of an amicus curiae brief has vet been identified, any City Attorney interested in doing so as well as those who may wish to join should such a brief be filed are urged to contact: Ronald L. Johnson Chief Deputy City Attorney City Administration Building 202 C Street San Diego, CA 92101 Telephone: (714) 236-7221 Clemente v- State of California, in which the state intends to petition for a hear- ing by the Supreme Court following the adverse opinion of the District Court of Appe;il. Lhe full text of which appeared in the January 31 issue of the Los Angeles D;iLIy_ Journal. The appellate court reversed a judgment of dismissal of an action Lor damuiges against the state and a highway patrol officer based on the negligence of Lhe .Latter in failing to obtain the name of the tortfeasor while investigating ;in accident in which plaintiff was injured. The trial court had sustained the gen- cral demurrer on the basis of the immunity for failure to enforce a statute (Gov.C. §§818.a and 821) , which conclusion, according to the appellate court, was "premised on the assumption that an investigation of a traffic accident by a highway patrol olficer, pursuant to Vehicle Code section 2414, constitutes law enforcement within the meaning of the Government Tort Liability Act." On the theory that "an investi- gaLion, without a detention of significant duration, is a non-coersive activity and therefore is not. . .itself law enforcement, " and consistent with the restricted scope of the discretionary immunity, the appellate court determined that the alle- gations of the complaint simply involved the officer's negligence in his conduct Of tho discretionary investigation, an activity not immunized. Since the opi,iion if allowed to stand could significantly expand a city's liability exposure in the law enforcement field, the Committee and Board of Directors have taken action recowr;elid:inl,, ;imicus participation by consenting cities in support of the state 11 IWAV111 .. ii t;rahted by the Supreme Court. The City Attorney of Long Beach -4- wi.i L fi.ie a brief in that event. Those i.IILerU'iLe(i III ]01illa6 as ail/�.l..i .-•..'u.. �:t! , LacL : Robert 1'. Sluuuuln Sen Lor Deputy City Attorney City Hall, 333 West Ocean Blvd. Long Beach, CA 90802 Telephone: (213) 590-6061 IL i !; relevant here to_ .11so note the more recent developments concerning .Like case of PCI-Cr V. Ci Ly of Sail_Brunu, now pending before Like Supreme Court. IliforuulLiou coucernillk Lhis case was disLribuLed to all City Attorneys under date of February 5. IL was Lhere noted that the issue in the case is generally whether a city may wiLhikold one city-supplied utility service in order to enforce payment for another city service and furLller that the Supreme Court had requested additional briefing by Like parties on two issues, namely, whether the constitutional requirements of sobstarit.ive due process of law preclude as an enforcement remedy cessation of water services for non-payment of garbage collection charges and what, if any, are the alternative remedies available to a city for enforcement and collection of unpaid charges for city services. While the timing of the appeal in the case did not per- miL the processing of it through the Committee and the League Board of Directors, iL should be noted that, pursuant to the suggestion of the City 's special counsel, LLc "10deSLo City Attorney's office has volunteered to prepare an amicus curiae brief in support of San Bruno in the case and all cities are invited to join therein at no cost. All City Attorneys, particularly those representing cities which use a composite city service billing procedure, are urged to review the prevLous memorandum on the case and consider joining in the Modesto amicus curiae brief. In order to join as amicus in the case, contact should be made as soon as possible with: George Eiser Deputy City Attorney City Hall P. 0. Box 642, 801 - 11th St. Modesto, CA 95353 Telephone: (209) 577-5284 I LLLNG OI' INllfVIDUAL AMICUS BRIEFS INVITED All CiLy Attorneys are familiar with the appellate decision in Arnel Development Co. v. City of Costa Mesa, 98 Cal.App.3d 567, and are no doubt aware of the fact Lh;iL the Supreme Court has assumed jurisdiction in the case on its own motion lollowing the filing of sua sponte pleadings by the City Attorneys of San Jose ;Ind San iPrancisco. The essence of the District Court of Appeal decision in the CA"c [s that the rezoning of a "relatively small" parcel of property is an adjud- ic.]Lory rather than a legislative act and therefore is not subject to the initia- Live ;process. This conclusion was consistent not only with the position argued by Lhc devCloper, but also by the City. In view of this fact, the Committee took ,IcLion inviting the filing of individual amicus curiae briefs in the case in order LllaL beth sides of the issue might be presented to the Supreme Court. We have since. been advised that the San Francisco City Attorney's office will be filing an amicus curiae brief in the Arnei case arguing the invalidity of the District COUrL of Appeal decision. Those City Attorneys who wish to join in this brief should contact as soon as possible: Alice Barkley Deputy City Attorney 206 City Hall San Francisco, CA 94102 Telephone: (415)' 558-3486 -5- Similar action was taken by the Committee with respect to the case of National Businc_s-s Aircraft Assn. v. City of Santa Monica, an action pending in the Led- eraL district court seeking an injunction against the City's aircraft noise regulaCLons. The principal issue is whether a local proprietor may reduce its noise Level to that which will produce a CNEL noise level to that determined by the EPA as requisite for the protection of the public health with an adequate Wnrgln of safety. City Attorneys, particularly those representing airport own- ing cities, who are interested in further details concerning this case and who might consider filing an amicus curiae brief in support of the City are urged to contact City Attorney Richard Knickerbocker, City Hall, 1685 Main Street, Santa Monica, CA 90401, telephone: (213) 451-4704. The Committee also took action inviting the filing of an individual amicus curiae brief by any interested city in the case of City of Torrance v. Transitional Liv- ing Centers for Los Angeles, Inc. In this case, the City has filed an appeal following the denial by the trial court of an injunction sought to prevent the use of property without obtaining a conditional use permit for a facility for mentally ill persons. Without complying with the City's CUP requirements for the establishment of such a facility in an R-2 zone, the defendant established the facility on the theory that Welfare and Institutions Code section 5120 would provide them an exemption from local zoning regulations so long as the City allows any other kind of residential facility in the same zone. Since the facility would house between 15 and 25 people, the defendant also claimed that it was not controlled by the restrictions of the California Community Care Facil- ities Act (Health & S.C. §1500 et seq.) . Anyone interested in filing an amicus curiae brief in the case should make contact with City Attorney Stan Remelmeyer, City hall , 3031 Torrance Blvd. , Torrance, CA 90503, telephone: (213) 328-5310. IN-FORMATION ONLY Since the case is still at the trial level, the Committee took information action only with respect to Union Oil Co. et al. v. City of Corona, an action pending in the trial court challenging Senate Bill 55 and the City's implementation thereof. It is contended by the plaintiffs that the SB 55 legislation authorizing the estab- lishment of special assessment districts to raise funds to insure that sufficient revenues would be available to make the annual payments on tax allocation bond issues is unconstitutional in that it is not a true benefit assessment but only a disguised ad valorem real property tax levied without voter approval. It is also contended that the SB 55 assessment is a "special tax" requiring two-thirds vote of the qualified electors within the assessment area in accordance with Proposition 13. Similar action was taken with respect to Taxpayers Association, Inc. of San Joaquin County v. San Joaquin Local District, et al. , in which the Superior Court ruled on October 25 that the District fees imposed pursuant to County granted authority to cover the costs of all types of state mandated health inspection services performed by the District for the County and all cities within the County were not invalid "special taxes" under Proposition 13. In its memorandum opinion the court concluded that the fees imposed by the District are a valid exercise of the police power being generally limited to the reasonable expense of enforcing the laws of the state which is a duty imposed upon the District and historically having been recognized as not coming within the category of a tax, and continuing to be so recognized by the con- temporary acts of the Legislature, namely, Chapters 397 and 902 of the Statutes of 1979. An appeal is expected in the case. -6- OTHER CASH'S CONS iDERED The Committee received status and initial reports on the following cases: Soledad Police Officers ' Associaiton v. City of Soledad, a "briefing time" case in which plaintiffs sought $10,000 alleged to be due officers of the City Police DepartmenL because of their having been required, for a period of about two and one-half years, to report for duty 15 minutes before their shifts for briefing purposes, without additional compensation. Following denial of their claim by the trlai court, plaintiffs filed an appeal but subsequent to a settlement con- Terence filed a request for dismissal of the appeal pursuant to Rule 19(b) . Ci_t,y of San Bernardino v. Clark, a friendly validation action brought by the City against the City Clerk seeking a writ of mandate ordering the Clerk to publish an ordinance of the City setting out procedures for the issuance of industrial revenue bonds. The Superior Court found that the ordinance was properly adopted under the municipal affairs authority of the charter City and issued Lhe writ sought. To date no bonds have been sold although steps are beink, taken to sell some for low and moderate income housing. Being a valida- L.LUI.1 action, the case will not be appealed and, according to bond counsel, is oT no value outside of San Bernardino County. }iid_6cs v. Brown, an action for declaratory and injunctive relieve challenging Lhe validity of the Governor's proclamation of an emergency and declaration pur- suanL LhereLo ordering odd-even gas rationing throughout the state. It was noted that the proclamation was amended after the complaint was filed to attempt Lo clear up the facial ambiguity stated in the allegations, that the Attorney General bas given the plaintiff an extension of time to amend rather than file a deiliUrrer, and that plaintiff 's attorneys are biding their time in pursuing tiie litigation pending any action which the Legislature may take with respect Lo the matter. ViI lri�;e L_ urui of Laguna Beach, Inc. et al. v. Board of Supervisors of Oranl e CuunLy, CL al. , an action pending in the trial court challenging by way of writ of m,indrite amendments to the County land use, noise and circulation elements of its general_ plan which, among other things, permitted development on approxi- mately 6,000 acres of up to 20,000 dwelling units together with associated com- merrial_ and industrial uses. The action alleges non-compliance with CEQA and I.Wk oT .1 Tair hearing under the Woodland }lilts case. Aliso Viejo Company as Uie property owner is named in the action as the real party in interest and is L,11Ung an active part in the case. The issue of exhaustion of administrative remedies as a prerequisite to challenging an environmental impact report is also raised, the focus being on whether petitioners can challenge the EIR on grounds LiiaL were not raised during the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisor hearings or otherwise during the preparation and review period for the EIR. CiLy of_Chu1a Vista v. Pagard, 97 Ca1.App.3d 627, in which a petition for hearing by Lhe Supreme Court was filed following the decision of the appellate court vali(lating the City's R-1 zoning limitation on "family" of unrelated persons as aP171ied to a religious commune. Since the Committee meeting, the Supreme Court has granted a hearing noting that the principal question "is related to that ,ilready before this court in City of Santa Barbara v. Adamson." Winn v. City of Coronado, an action brought to prevent the City from expanding a senior center located adjacent to a City library in the principal City park. Plaintiff argued that in so doing the City would be violating its own open space -7- irl;rn a:; wel I ;is the general plan inasmuch as the property is zoned open space. Since denial by Lire trial court of the request for preliminary injunction, the action h:rs been dismissed. Il i.l.,l,cc cL a l . v. Times-Advocate, Inc. _et al. , a civi rights action brought under Section 1983 and a cause of action for the LorL of invasion of privacy based upon invest igaLiuns by the City of Escondido and County of San Diego into bookmaking ;1CLivities which led to surveillance and arrest of plaintiff. Following filing by Lire plaintiff of a first amended complaint and a hearing on the City's motion for dismissal, a ruling favorable to the City is expected because plaintiff 's efforts to plead sufficient facts showing the customary usage necessary to estab- lish liability under the Monell case appear to have been unsuccessful. Atchison-Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Corp. v. City of Del Mar, an action seeking damages alleging trespass, inverse condemnation and federal civil rights viola- tions for interference with plaintiff's right-of-way in the City. A fundamental issue in the case is the authority of the City to regulate developments within the railroad right-of-way. It was reported that the City anticipated filing a demurrer primarily on the basis of the failure of the railroad to challenge the City's permit actions in a timely fashion. Co,rlitioil fur Fair Rent v. Abdelnour, in which the lower court has granted a writ of mandate to compel the City Clerk to accept for filing supplemental initiative petiLions respecting a proposed charter amendment. The Clerk had refused to do so on the advice of the City Attorney that state law governing charter amendment procedures (Gov.C. 934450 et seq.) does not expressly provide for the filing of supplemental petitions. It was indicated that a notice of appeal has been filed in the case but that it may be mooted if the Clerk's present count indicates insufficient signatures on the supplemental petitions. Livesay V. Citi of Chula vista, an action pending in the trial court seeking a writ of mandate to recover alleged accumulated sick leave due under Government Code section 21025.2 where an MOU provision abolished sick leave reimbursement rights. C_rdy v_.-_City_of Concord, an action for declaratory relief pending in Superior Court by which plaintiff seeks to require the City to provide certain documents related to the operation of the Concord Pavilion, an entertainment facility con- structed under a joint powers agreement. While the City provided plaintiff with most ot: the financial data and various contracts requested, it withheld disclosure of Lhe specific individual contracts with entertainers on the theory that disclo- sure of these would constitute an invasion of privacy and the disclosure of a trade secret. It is the City's contention that the amount of money that it pays any entertainer and split on proceeds if disclosed would provide to other indi- vidual.s, firms, corporations and entities a competitive advantage in securing enterLainment talent. Ken Scheidig, Assistant City Attorney of Concord, is NB anxious to hear from other jurisdictions which may operate facilities similar to the Concord Pavilion or entertainment facilities where they contract for performers in order to obtain some information as to the position other cities take with respect to the release of such performance contracts. City Attorneys representing cities which operate similar facilities are requested to conLact Mr. Scheidig at Civic Center, 1950 Parkside Avenue, Concord, CA 94520. telephone (415) 671-3160. -8- Ilo_rn v. CLtof Concord, an action pending in the Superior Court seeking a writ of mandate and declaratory relief attacking the validity of the City's award of a fr;iiichise to a competing company for performance of police towing services in Lhe City. The plaintiff contends that the City abused its discretion in not ;iw,irdiiig the franchise to the lowest responsible bidder, but also contends LhaL Llicre has been an abuse of discretion in that three members of the City Council who voted for the award had received campaign contributions from the successful fr;inchisee. In addition, it is contended that one of the Council Members voting For the award of the franchise had received gifts from one of the members of the successful bidder, that said member had been the campaign treasurer of the same Council Member and that he had provided his residence for campaign functions to such a degree that all of these items together constituted a conflict of\ interest which required the Council Member's disqualification in accordance with the Wood- l;ind 11i l is LII case. CiL_izens Against Kent Control v. City of Berkeley, 99 Cal.App.3d 736, in which the appellate court has affirmed trial court judgment for plaintiffs declaring Le City campaign ordinance unconstitutional as violative of. plaintiff 's rights of free speech and association. The ordinance provided that no person could make, ;,rid no campaign treasurer could solicit or accept, any contribution which would cause the total amount contributed by such person with respect to a single election Ln support of or in opposition to a measure to exceed $250. It should he noted Lhat Santa Monica City Attorney Richard Knickerbocker has indicated Lhat he wiiL file an amicus curiae brief in support of Berkeley in its petition for hearinf; following this decision of the District Court of Appeal. l:u0-1;1_I L_nLerprises, Inc. v. City of Berkeley et al. , in which by a memorandum of decision filed December 28 the Superior Court of Alameda County has validated al;;1i11sL challenges based on impairment of contract, preemption, due process and oqual protection, the initiated renter property tax relief ordinance as applied Lu preexisting leases on commercial property. Under the initiative, plaintiff was required to "pass through" 80% of its Proposition 13 savings by reducing the monthly rental by $199 per month from the time of the adoption of the initiative on November 7, 1978 to its expiration on December 31, 1979. Cypress o _ 1' inL Investments V. City of Mountain View, three cases involving a chai- lenge Lo the recently passed Condominium Conversion Limitation Act, an initLiaLive ordinance which requires that proposed condominium conversions, before they may be acceI)LCd by the City for filing, must first obtain the signatures of triose tun;ints who legally represent a majority of the units, and those tenants must also indicate a desire to purchase one of the units. The initiative specified Lli;iL iL is applicable to subdivisions which receive tentative map approval some c Ly;hL monLlis prior to tide date upon which it was actually voted. Based upon L hese retrol-;ctive provisions, after the initiative was passed the City rescinded F ilial map approvals within that period of time and the litigation followed. The Superior Court upheld the ordinance as well as its retroactive application in Lhe preliminary injunction portion of the three cases, but the declaratory relief action is still pending. I'ul;li v__City of Sacramento, a class action seeking declaratory relief in regard Lo the City's real estate transfer tax which was enacted on June 29, 1978. The Proposition L3 challenge to the tax is based upon the plaintiff 's argument that Lhe constitutional amendment took effect on June 7 rather than July 1, 1978. The- parties heparties have agreed to a stipulation that the case will be held in abeyance pend- ing, the outcome of Kehrlein v. City of Oakland now pending on appeal and in which the same issue with respect to the effective date of Proposition 13 is raised. -9- Nil Since the same effective date issue is before the court in the Oakland case, the Sacramento City Attorney has urged that interested cities consider joining in the amicus curiae brief addressing that issue which is being prepared by ,Jeffrey G. Hollows of Gibson, Dunn S Crutcher as Special Counsel for Lilt! laity of Arcadia for filing in support of Oakland in the Kehrlein case. National Independent Business Alliance v. City of Beverly Hills, an action orig- inally filed as a class action but in which an amended complaint to dismiss all the class was filed following ruling sustaining the City's demurrer. The action challenges the June 29, 1978 amendment to the City business license tax ordinance. Cross-motions for summary judgment were heard on February 14 and no ruling of the trial court has yet been made. Al;new v. Citi of Beaumont, a Proposition 13 challenge to ordinances increasing sewer service and trash collection fees by ordinances adopted after July 1, 1978. I'lraintiff has dismissed the action subsequent to the appellate decision in the Fresno County case validating special. improvement assessments as not being "speciril taxes" under Proposition 13. Berl; v_ City of Dixon, a Proposition 13 challenge to regulatory permit fee and hedroom tax increases passed as urgency measures on June 26, 1978. Following successive changes in trial dates and failure of the parties to negotiate a settlement, it is indicated that they will probably agree to drop the case from the trial calendar pending the decision in the Kehrlein case. The next meeting of the Committee will be held on April 11. Information concern- ing any case submitted for consideration by the Committee should be conveyed to the appropriate member and the Sacramento office of the League at least one week in advance of that meeting. Carlyn F. Galway Senior Staff Attorney -10- M E M O R A N D U M TO: Atascadero City Council DATE: March 19 , 1980 FROM: Planning Consultant/Director SUBJECT: ATASCADERO GENERAL PLAN Over the past several months, the City Council has conducted a number of public hearings on the Atascadero General Plan for the purpose of obtaining public input. As part of that review, the City Council has conducted a page-by-page review of the General Plan, has considered the recommendation of the Atascadero Planning Commission and has made certain revisions to the General Plan. Government Code Section 65357 requires that a General Plan or amendment thereto be formally adopted by resolution. The attached resolution contains a specific listing of both text and map changes that have been approved and states findings supporting adoption. LAWR NCE SVENS MURW L. RDEN Planning C nsultant/Director City Mana r LS:kp Attach. RESOLUTION NO. 6-80 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO ADOPTING THE ATASCADERO GENERAL PLAN WHEREAS, California Government Code Sections 65300 through 65307 established the scope and authority for a general plan which shall consist of a statement of development policies including diagrams and text setting forth objectives, principles, standards, and plan proposals through a series of required elements; and WHEREAS, an integrated Environmental Impact Report, includ- ing a supplemental letter of September 14, 1978 , with suggested mitigation measures to certain portions of the plan, has been prepared and reviewed by the Office of the Environmental Coordinator; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has conducted several public hearings culminating in the adoption of Planning Commission Resolution 1-80 on January 7, 1980 , recommending adoption of the Atascadero General Plan as outlined therein; and WHEREAS, the City Council has conducted several public hearings on the matter of the Atascadero General Plan and in con- junction therewith provided adequate notice as specified in California Government Code Section 65355; and WHEREAS, the City Council has referred any modifications not previously considered by the Planning Commission to the Planning Commission for their report and recommendation on such modifications as specified by California Government Code Section 65356 and has duly considered these reports and recommendations as part of the public hearing process; and WHEREAS, the City Council has carefully considered the proposed Atascadero General Plan and finds and determines that said General Plan constitutes a suitable, logical and timely guide for the development of the City of Atascadero. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Council, after review and consideration of the Environmental Impact Report and supplemental letter dated September 14 , 1978, suggesting mitigation measures to certain portions of the General Plan, finds said Environ- mental Impact Report and supplement thereto to be adequate; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Council hereby adopts the Atascadero General Plan consisting of: 1. Textual material which is made a part hereof by reference and which includes the 1978 Atascadero General Plan marked as Exhibit "A" and dated March 24, 1980 , which further includes: RESOLUTION No. 6-80 Page Two (a) Amendments and corrections approved by the San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors by Resolu- tion No. 78-674 adopted December 18, 1978; (b) Mitigation measures supplementary to the Envir- onmental Impact Report as recommended by the Environ- mental Coordinator by letter dated September 14, 1978; and (c) Amendments and corrections to the text approved by the Atascadero City Council at their meetings of January, February and March, 1980 , and as specified in the attached supplement which is marked as Exhibit "B" and made a part hereof by reference. 2. The General Plan Land Use Map, which is on file in the City Planning Department and which is made a part hereof by reference, and which is marked Exhibit "C" which includes the attached supplement, which is marked as Exhibit "D" and made a part hereof by reference, specifying amendments to the Land Use Map approved by the Atascadero City Council as reflected in the minutes of their meetings of January, February and March, 1980. On motion by and seconded by the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ADOPTED: ROBERT J. WILKINS, JR. , Mayor ATTEST: MURRAY L. 64ARDrN , City Clerk Approved as -o Form: ALLEN GRIMES, City Attorney • EXHIBIT "B" .A S U P P L E M E N T TEXT CHANGES APPROVED BY THE ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Page Col. Par. Line - 1 L 1 2 change "more than a half century" to "nearly three-quarters of a century" - 1 L 2 3 delete "amends the County Land Use Element and" 1 L .2 4-7 delete third sentence referring to County General Plan 1 L 2 8 delete "County" and replace with "City" 1 L 4 delete second sentence 1 R 1 4 change "still stand" to "stood until recently" 2 L 2 2 delete " , now a County landmark, " 9 L 1 5 change "2311" to "1711" 41 R 1 8+ change third sentence to read, "In this Plan the Urban Reserve Line generally coincides with the Atascadero Colony boundary, except for two Agricultural Preserves and a portion of a third (The Eagle Ranch Agriculture Pre- serve has a total of 5,978 acres, of which 2 , 786 acres are within the Colony boundaries) that are located on the periphery of the Colony and except for areas south of Santa Barbara Road and west of the summit of Frog Pond Mountain. 42 L 1 2, 3 change first sentence to read, "The Suburban Services Area consists of the remainder of the City and the portion of the Eaglet Tract within the City boundaries. " 42 R 1-3 delete the three paragraphs explaining the method of calculation -- 43 L delete entire left column 43 R #8 the following wording is suggested, "8. In the calculation of lot area for the purposes of considering land divisions and in deter- mining permitted numbers and types of animals allowed, gross acreage shall be used. However, in determining permitted densities for multiple • -2- • Page Col. Par. Line r 43 R #8 (Continued) family residential developments, net acreage (excluding land area needed for streets rights-of-way) shall be used. " 43 R 4-6 delete "The rate of residential construction. . . problems are discussed in Chapter IX, HOUSING. " 44 L 4 3 amend to read " . . . schools, libraries and board and care facilities. " �. 44 L 7 the wording of the section under "Low Density" shall read "Minimum lot sizes within the Urban Services Area shall range from 12 to 22 acres while the minimum lot sizes outside the Urban Services Area shall be 22 acres. Determination of appropriate lot sizes shall be based upon such factors as slope of access road to the building site; availability of services, especially sewers; distance from center of the community; general character of neighboring lands; percolation and the area needed for access roads to the building site. The keeping of poultry. . . " 44 R 2 11-13 delete last sentence "Because this plan. . . formerly designated Rural are increased. " - 44 R 4 3 delete first point "The use density. . .does not exceed 36 individual residents per acre. " - 45 L 1 add under High Density "The use density. . . does not exceed 36 individual residents per acre. " - 45 L 1 amend second sentence under Low Density to read " . . . and fourplexes, but generally no more than 5 dwelling units per building. " 45 L 1 add third sentence under Low Density "New projects with more than four units per structure shall require specific design approval. " 45 L 1 add the following under "Low Density" : "The use density shall be based upon the criterion of approximately 22 individual residents per acre. The following maxima shall apply: 11 one-bedroom apartments per acre 7 two--bedroom apartments per acre 5 three-bedroom apartments per acre 4 four-bedroom apartments per acre -3- • Page Col. Par. . Line - 45 L 1 (Continued) or, any combination of the above which, multi- plied by standard occupancy factors, does not exceed 22 residents per acre. " 45 L 4 add paragraph to read "Mobile home parks may be permitted in Single Family Residential areas at the same densities as if they were stick-built structures and may be permitted in Multiple Family Residential areas as a maximum of 11 dwellings per acre. " 45 R #6 delete " . ..with the number. . . the following table: including the table 46 L #15 renumber "15" to "16" and amend to read, "New condominium projects, planned mobile home developments and stock cooperatives shall be reviewed on an individual basis as community housing needs, neighborhood character, and site improvements will dictate. " oo46 L #15 add "15. Where all factors are favorable, board and care facilities could satisfactorily be developed in designated neighborhood areas. The use density shall not be permitted to exceed that of High Density Multiple Family use. " 46 L #17 add "17 . To alleviate the problems arising from the conversion of existing rental units, the City may regulate condominium conversions. The City shall revise its zoning ordinance and sub- division ordinance regarding condominium con- versions in order to: (a) Establish criteria for the conversion of existing multiple rental housing to con- dominiums, community apartments, stock cooperatives, and new or limited equity stock cooperatives. (b) Reduce the impact of such conversions on residents in rental housing who may be required to relocate due to conversion of apartments to condominiums , community apartments, stock cooperatives, and new or limited equity stock cooperatives by providing procedures for notification and adequate time and assistance for such relocation. (c) Insure that the purchasers of converted housing have been properly informed as to the physical condition of the structure which is offered for purchase. -4- • Page Col. Par. Line 46 L #1.7 (Continued) (d) Insure that converted housing achieves high quality appearance and safety and is consistent with the goals of the City' s General Plan. (e) Encourage opportunities for housing owner- ship of all types, for all levels of income and in a variety of locations. (f) Encourage a continuing supply of rental housing for low and moderate income persons and families. 46 R 1 delete the first paragraph including the table 47 L 2 10-12 delete last sentence referring to Countywide Land Use Element r 47 L 3 5-8 amend to read " . . . Santa Rosa Road. There are many— for the immediate future. " deleting " . . . it is recommended. . . 4. 4 acres in this category. " 47 R #1 delete "completely" 47 R #4 delete "and dangerous" - 48 R 3 under Neighborhood Commercial #2 reading, "On the two northern corners of Morro Road and Curbaril Avenue. " shall be deleted ' 52 L #2 amend #2 to read "2. The area along the west side of E1 Camino Real from Curbaril Avenue south to the Commercial use at the Santa Rosa overpass shall also be upgraded to the status of Industrial Park. " 64 R 3 under the section entitled, "Areas of Open Space that should be considered for acquisition by a public agency and/or preserved for recreation" , add "County-owned lots fronting on Lakeview adjacent to Atascadero Lake. " 66 L 3 8 change "County" to "City" 66 R 1 1, 2 the words "now in the initial stages of devel- opment" should be changed to "which is nearly completed" -- 68 L 3 4 change "County" to "City" 76 R 2 delete the last two sentences and insert the following-: "The City of Atascadero is in the process of establishing its own police services. " -5- • Page Col. Par. Line 76 R 3 delete the entire paragraph b. 77 L 1 2, 3 should be changed to read " . . .Fire Department has made several recommendations to the Fire Board. Among the. . . " 77 L 2 d. change "County-granted" to "City-granted" 77 R 2 4 add the following sentence, "The French Medical Clinic, located on the south end of E1 Camino Real, also provides medical services to the community. " 77 R 3 6 delete sentence beginning, "It may be possi- ble. . . " and insert the following, "A Dial-A- Ride program is in operation. " - 80 R #10 delete reference to Sheriff ' s Substation and renumber -; 87 R 4 add sentence to read "Proposed plans to realign and improve Highway 41 from Freeway 101 shall be dropped in order to prevent further bisecting of the community. " 87 R 5 1 delete "temporary" — 88 L C. delete "until the eastern portion of Highway 41 is rerouted. " 88 R 1 delete paragraph "To relieve congestion. . . back to El Camino Real. " 90 R 1 b. delete "b. Designation of another. . . is of high priority. " 91 L c rewrite this sentence to read, "The lot on Entrada Avenue between 5975 Entrada Avenue and the Post Office building. " 92 R #3 delete "temporary" and change "a" to "an" -- 92 R #3 add a new " 3 and renumber 3-18 to 4-19 with the new wording "3. Highway 41 shall not be realigned and improved eastward of Freeway 101. " 97 R 4 delete last sentence "A proposal. . .has been presented. " 97 R 5 delete references to County in sentence: "Although a local Housing Authority. . .under the current County Administration. " 134 L 9 3 change "County" to "City" -6- Page Col. Par. Line Various places in text Use the word "shall" in place of "should" and "will" in those instances where binding standards are intended (i.e. , regulations, principles) and retain the word "should" in those instances where flexibility is desired (i.e. , policy proposals, property acquisitions, capital improvement) . • • EXHIBIT "D" S U P P L E M E N T MAP CHANGES APPROVED BY THE ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL v 1. The CEMETERY shall be shown as a public facility on Map VII-3. y" 2. Lots fronting on the southerly side of Palomar Avenue, adjacent to the Atascadero Regional Park, shall be shown as Moderate Density Single Family Residential. 3. Lots on the westerly side of Santa Ysabel from the Thrifty complex to Pueblo and on the westerly side of Sinaloa between Pueblo and Curbaril shall be shown as Low Density Multiple Family Residential. �. 4. The west side of E1 Camino Real from Curbaril Avenue south to the commercial use at the Santa Rosa overpass shall be shown as Industrial Park. ! 5. The northwest corner of Coromar and Portola shall be shown as Retail Commercial. 6. Certain property located on Ferro-Carril near Chico shall be shown as Suburban Single Family Residential (see attached sketch #1) . 7. The westerly side of Sombrilla between Pueblo and the Quail Ridge development shall be shown as Low Density Multiple Family Residential. 8. All land outside the Urban Services Line now designated as Low Density Single Family Residential shall be shown as Suburban Single Family Residential. 9. The easterly side of Capistrano extending from Santa Ysabel to Country Club Drive and the north side of Santa Ysabel bounded on the east side by the Quail Ridge development shall be shown as High Density Multiple Family Residential; and, the lot with frontage on Valle adjacent to this High Density Multiple area shall be shown on Moderate Density Single Family Residential (see attached sketch #2) . 5ALIHQ6 ltlV.-P- ..L L'y �Ao v� A v' •S kj ati f �TAIE. GamM. � a r 0 � L M E M O R A N D U M TO: Atascadero City Council DATE: March 19 , 1980 FROM: Planning Consultant/Director SUBJECT: REQUEST OF ATASCADERO DOOR COMPANY, INC. AND COLONY ASSOCIATES FOR REZONING OF A 13. 6 ACRE SITE ON THE WEST SIDE OF FRONTAGE ROAD BETWEEN SANTA ROSA ROAD AND PORTOLA ROAD FROM C-H AND R-A TO C-1 On March 10, the City Council conducted a public hearing and moved to approve a change in zoning for the subject property to C-1-D with the "D" to mean: "Departmental Review, with particular attention to insuring attractive appearance from public roads by means of appropriate landscaping and screening and with a Planned Development allowing discretionary approval of the proposed uses to be submitted prior to commencement of development activities. " The attached ordinance and ordinance map are presented to the City Council for first reading. lam,- LAWRENCE EVENSRRAY WARDEN Planning onsultant/Director ity anagen LS:kp Attach. ORDINANCE NO. 20 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO AMENDING SECTION MAP 12-0-34 OF THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAPS OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO BY PLACING CERTAIN PROPERTIES IN THE C-1-D ZONE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO ORDAINS as follows: Section 1. Council Findings. After conducting a public hearing, the City Council finds and determines that: (a) The change of zone from R-A and C-H to C-1-D is consistent with the Retail Commercial land use designation of the Atascadero General Plan. (b) Adoption of the "D" designation will reduce the visual impact of the future commercial development and will encourage a planned development of the property. Based upon these findings, a change of zone from R-A and C-H to C-1-D with the "D" to mean "Departmental Review, with particular attention to insuring attractive appearance from public roads by means of appropriate landscaping and screening and with a Planned Development, allowing discretionary approval of proposed uses, to be submitted prior to commencement of development activities. " Section 2 . Zoning Change. Map 12-0-34 of the Official Zoning Maps of the City of Atascadero on file in the City Planning Department is hereby amended to reclas- sify the following described property from R-A and C-H to C-1-D: (a) Lots 8, 9 , 17 and 18 of Block 10 of Atascadero Colony. Section 3 . Zoning Map. Map 12-0-34 of the Official Zoning Maps of the City of Atascadero on file in the City Planning Department is hereby amended as shown on attached Exhibit "A" which is hereby made a part of this ordinance by reference. Section 4 . Publication. The City Clerk shall cause this ordinance to be published once within fifteen (15) days after its passage in the Atascadero News, a newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circulated in the City in accordance with Section 36933 of the Government Code; shall certify the adoption and posting of this ordinance and shall cause this ordinance and this certification together with proof of posting to be entered into the Book of Ordinances of this City. ORDINANCE NO. 20 Page Two Section 5. Effective Date. This ordinance shall go into effect and be in full force and effect at 12 : 01 a.m. on the 31st day after its passage. The foregoing ordinance was introduced on and adopted at a regular meeting of the Council held on AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ROBERT J. WILKINS , Mayor ATTEST: MURRAY L. WARDEN, City Clerk Approved as to Form: ALLEN GRIMES, City Attorney •4 b � r Z�b " Q��•�O zz- SCALE —NJ",= 2150' 3 a, (CaENFr-AL SHOPPIN — PLSlraNEU DE LOPME►JT) t 0 44' 1s�� ��V I C'Vtlj W l�f h � ,y,—�•f.�.s, �G(. �ron,t� yAl r_ trtieA bJ� rY<° n5 U$ �P�►vPr�� �F . ''y IPnclSic�:v,c. �' � _CYCY�iI`,Jc Gi.Y�lf wi� 1 Ch �GnrtP:` 7bcr'Vc i(II) v C4, CAI loo-,r.c c��sCrt.f�oru+Y bPc:: prior-�o Cornn�r�<[�men� cx�- de✓ef�pm��-,� a�•�v��ir-�, ORDINANCE ITO. 18 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO ACCEPTING THE REQUIREMENTS OF SECTION 13522 OF THE STATE PENAL CODE RELATING TO TRA-INING OF LAW ENFORCEMEINT OFFICERS Section 1 . The City of Atascadero declares that it desires to qualify to receive aid from the State of California under the provisions of Chapter 1 of Title 4, of Part 4 of the State Penal Code. Section 2 . The City of Atascadero will adhere to the standards for recruitment and training established by the Cali- fornia Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training pur- suant to the provisions of Section 13522 of the State Penal Code. Section 3 . The City Clerk shall cause this ordinance to be published once within fifteen (15) days after its passage in the Atascadero News , a newspaper of general circulation, printed, published, and circulated in this City; shall certify to the adop- tion and publication of this ordinance; and shall cause this ordinance and its certification, together with proof of publica- tion, to be entered in the Book of Ordinance of this City. Section 4. Effective date. This ordinance shall go into effect and shall be in full force and effect at 12 : 01 a.m. on the thirty-first day after its passage. The foregoing ordinance was adopted at a regular meeting of the Council held on March 1980. Ordinance No. 18 Page Two AYES : NOES : ABSENT: ROBERT J. WILKINS, JR. , Mayor ATTEST : MURRAY L. WARDEN, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: MURRAY L. WARDEN, City Manager RICHARD M. McHALE , Chief of Police APPROVED AS TO F t ALLEN GRIPES , City Attorney • • p.;)L MEMO RANDUM TO: City Manager FROM: Police Consultant SUBJECT: Police vehicle bids On February 15 , 1980, requests for bid quotations of police cars were mailed to eleven potential area vendors . Our City received and opened (March 5, 1980) three sealed bids from: 1. Jerry Reneau Ford - Paso Robles 2 . Gayle Sharp Ford - Atascadero 3 . Roger Algee (private rancher) - Paso Robles Attached is a synopsis of the proposed bids . Each of the Ford dealers list some equipment exceptions and questions relative to required options . I believe this may be due in part to unfamil- iarity with "police package" type vehicles . The bid proposal as submitted by Gayle Sharp Ford indicates one exception in the maintenance "service schedule" which states , "All required maintenance other than brakes . . . " I am told that the annual 'cost to the City per car should not exceed $100. 00 per unit or a total of $600. 00 per year. With this amount added to Sharp ' s bid, they still remain the low bidder ($1, 582. 56 less than Reneau) . I am recommending award of the bid lease package to Gayle Sharp Ford on the following bases : 1. Cost difference between lowest (Sharp) and next lowest (Reneau) is $2 , 182 . 56 per year. 2 . Location of maintenance facilities . Sharp Ford is a couple of minutes from City Offices , while Reneau Ford is approximately twenty minutes driving time one-way. 3. The vehicles offered by Sharp Ford seem to exceed those proposed by Reneau. (Reneau proposed two Fairmonts of the six vehicles while Sharp proposed all LTD' s . ) I would not recommend further consideration of Algee' s proposal as there are too many unanswered questions and he failed to develop a package reflecting a product as specified. Following award of the bid for vehicle lease, I would suggest color selection as follows : 1 . Four "marked" patrol cars to be all white with a wide blue hand on the sides . 2 . Two unmarked cars (to be used for patrol back-up, investi- gation, youth services and administration) to be selected from standard, solid factory colors available. Memorandum - Police vehicle bids Page Two The front doors of the marked cars shall be all white so that appropriate decals may be affixed thereto. I have proposed white patrol cars because they are generally easier to keep clean and they will be easily distinguished from the Sheriff' s Department and CHP vehicles in the area. In considering vehicle color selection, I learned that the City of San Luis Obispo has adopted a policy whereby most city vehicles are purchased all white at which time the city attaches decal stripes to the sides of the cars . Each department within thecity is desig- nated by a different colored stripe; police - blue, planning - green, engineering - yellow, etc. I feel this to be a good system and suggest we give it consideration as we begin to acquire a fleet. RICHARD H. McHALE RHM: ad 3-20-80 APPROVED: 7RRAY777VARDEN •� • to u m u w ca a) P •r•I4-I O U) = P4 ca 0)) o ° a ca N P. u aui u a. •� p u a04 P 10 � ro 4 a) 0 copa :J CO14 Cr U P -ri :J9 �� U O a) ,0 4-)r-4O LLO' O > x� I I � a ;j p u P. O a) cd-d o o +� •r1 •r1 4.J u a) u o o cd r-4 P O +W r'4 O b o o +� O u w u {.J •r1 % c -vo�- Oo o � "d ° a °r4 t4-4-� > 4 , � I "— a) Et - v u •r4vPa.,ru ai U) 4-1 r•4 ,0 O U co b • r4 r4 rO C U cif 44 44 � r r-I 4 J a) {.J O O +-) O (1) •r1 P. M cd }� ,C •r•I CO U) N P. cd .0 O v b H cn r•I •r1 - CO cd • CO -It u r-4 r-4 b Ra C.) u. � �t O r-1 I to .I_I 4.J O -C� N �•I Ca •H (3) U) a.J m •rl co Lr) u E� 4-J G �>, r40 .� - m a r-1 CO 0 4.J •1-4 0 Lr, cd r-•I {.J •rl •r1 CO•rl O H cn .I•J ls7 Qi M 4J U ;•J •LJ �4 v}• cd u u m U) .n Cd 0 o > rl •r1 cd 3 0 'N0' -0 cd o 00 Lr) a) - O (L) (1) •r1 Ir)-It r-I r- u rn r4 U) cd >~ 0) u1 11 3 I a-J r-I •• O r-4 Lr) O a) S-I I G r4 +J •rl a) U) 00 r-I a fs+ W 44 U) •rl I- (n O +J r4 •r•I H cd ch Cd moi•N r-I U) •r-I r-1 P-1 cn ww H z Z E40 Ww H w rx Oz w � � raw �' .. � w � HHS A HU w E-+ E-I z Q xU) HU U) H zdSC vH H W W O9C Oz :E� wH O U �D � acn a c7 • - s • • 03 _M_E M_O_R_A_N_D_U M_ TO: City Manager FROM: Finance Director SUBJECT: Copy machine requirements A Staff review of our copy machine needs has been completed based on both past and future requirements . This analysis included not only our present and future demands by numbers , but the cost of maintenance support and supplies . It is anticipated that our copy volumes will reach between 24, 000 and 30,000 copies per month after July 1, 1980. This figure is substantiated by both Staff estimates and present loads being experienced by other cities in the area. The following criteria is recommended in our review of available machines on the market and our anticipated needs : Automatic back-to-back copy capability insures a definite savings in paper, mailing and filing costs . Reduction capability which insures a standard letter size filing structure throughout the City. It also saves the cost of paper, mailing , filing costs and allows flexibility in format design. Collation insures speed and accuracy in formating documents such as agenda, handouts , pamphlets, etc. Centralized location within the building will insure availability to all offices . The "key" method of control be used so that each department can budget and be charged for their usage. The IBM Series III Copier, Model 20 (with reduction) plus a 20 bin Collator Module is the only single unit on the market that meets the above criteria. This unit can be purchased on a lease- purchase program which will allow monthly accruals toward purchase accumulating to 50% of total purchase price. This program is as follows : Model 20 (with reduction) Monthly minimum (incl. 15, 000 copies) $ 661.00 10 , 000 add. copies @ $ . 0183 183 . 00 Monthly accrual toward purchase 485 . 00 Purchase price 25 , 254. 00 Memorandum Copy machine Page Two COLLATOR MODULES 20 bin $ 107 .07 Monthly accruals toward purchase 60. 50 Purchase price 4,405 . 70 METER CONTROL Monthly rate 13 . 65 Monthly accruals toward purchase 7 . 50 Purchase price 295 . 00 Total monthly lease-purchase cost, including service contract @ 25 ,000 copies per month $ 964. 72 The City is presently doing all reproduction locally at 5�_ per copy. This cost would equate to $1, 250 per month for 25,000 copies plus man-hours for delivery and pick-up. I have discussed our analysis with the owner of The Paper Works , and he concurs that our volume of activity, both now and future, warrants obtaining our own unit. The cost of paper is a very important factor both in back-to- back and reduction capability. Present cost of paper on the com- mercial market for 5, 000 sheets is $23 . 30. If 15, 000 sheets of the 25 , 000 monthly estimate is accomplished back-to-back, it would save 7 , 500 sheets or $34. 95 each month. Reducing from legal size to standard also saves approximately 20% per ream plus it reduces size (cost) of filing cabinets , floor space and total filing volume. In addition, computer records can be reduced for ease of handling and filing. It is recommended that consideration be given to authorizing the lease-purchase of an IBM Series III Copier Model 20 (with reduc- tion) , 20 bin Collator Module and Meter Control . Service Contract is included as part of the lease-purchase agreement which is known as the Extended Term Fiscal Agreement . Cost per month will vary from the 15, 000 copy minimum at $781. 72 to approximately 25 ,000 copies per month at $964. 72 . It is further recommended that this lease-purchase agreement be re-evaluated once the maximum (50%) accrual towards purchase is achieved with consideration being given to pay-off or refinancing the existing contract. This consideration would also include the cost of a Service Contract once a machine is purchased. There is $3 , 600 remaining in the Reproduction Account for the April-June quarter of Fiscal Year 1979-80 which is more than sufficient for this budget year. �� '�/,V Ise RALPH H. DOWELL, JR. RHD:ad ' 3-18-80