HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 04/28/1980 AGENDA ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting April 28, 1980 7 :30 p.m. Atascadero Administration Building Call. to Order Pledge of Allegiance Invocation Roll Call Public Comment NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC All matters listed under Item A, Consent Calendar, are con- sidered to be routine and will be enacted by one motion in the form listed below. There will be no separate discussion of these items. If discussion is required, that item will be removed from the Con- sent Calendar and will be considered separately. Votemaybe by roll call. A. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Minutes of the regular meeting of April 14 , 1980 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 2. Treasurer's Report, 3-20-80 through 4-22-80 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 3. Claim of Robert L. Bartels and Emily Ware for personal injuries (RECOMMEND DENIAL) B. HEARINGS, APPEARANCES AND REPORTS 1. Presentation by Public Works Director regarding Adminis- tration Building renovation C UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Ordinance No. 21 relating to business licenses and regula- tions second reading and adoption D. NEW BUSINESS 1. Jaycees ' use of Atascadero Lake Park facilities for July 4th celebration E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION 1. City Council 2 . City Attorney 3. City Manager I • v 4 MINUTES ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting , April 14, 1980 7 : 30 p.m. Atascadero Administration Building The meeting was called to order at 7: 30 p.m. by Mayor Wilkins with the Pledge of Allegiance. Reverend Rollin Dexter from the Methodist Church gave the invocation. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Councilmen Highland, Mackey, Nelson, Stover and Mayor Wilkins ABSENT None PUBLIC COMMENT 1. One gentleman was concerned about the possible operation of a skating rink in the Carlton Hotel building. Mr. Warden stated that the City is aware of it and has asked: the County to look into the matter since the operation does not have a business license for a skating rink. A. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Minutes of the regular meeting of March 2.4, 1980 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 2. Claim of Dorothy Robinson for injuries and damages (RECOMMEND DENIAL) 3. Library/museum joint usage (RECOMMEND COUNTY LIBRARY LETTER BE REFERRED TO HISTORICAL SOCIETY FOR COORDINATION) 4. Request by Historical ,Society for custodianship' of light ` fixtures, Administration Building (RECOMMEND REQUEST BE GRANTED) 5. Request of San Luis Obispo County Symphony Association for funds (RECOMMEND LETTER BE DEFERRED FOR CONSIDERATION DURING BUDGET HEARINGS) 6 Request for Conditional Use Permit to allow excess signing for a proposed 122-unit motel (Motel 6) in a CH zone , - Young one -Young Electric Sign Company (RECOMMEND ADOPTION OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) 7. Lot Division (AT 79-239) of Parcel A of CO 77-32, -West Atascadero, Northeast side of Los Osos Road - Marrow (Stewart) (RECOMMEND ADOPTION OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOM- MENDATION FOR DENIAL) 8. Acceptance of Parcel Map AT 77-241 - Finch (Stewart) (RECOM- MEND ACCEPTANCE) Mr. Warden called Council's attention to an error in the minutes on page 6, under 2, City Attorney. The City Attorney would be out of town from April 30 through May 2 rather than April 20 through May 2. MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting April 14, 1980 Page Two Councilman Mackey requested that Items A-3 and A-4 be with- drawn .from the Consent Calendar and considered separately. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved for the approval of the Consent Calendar with the exception of Items A-3 and A-4. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and unanimously carried by roll call vote. A-3 Library/museum joint usage (RECOMMEND COUNTY LIBRARY LETTER BE REFERRED TO HISTORICAL SOCIETY FOR COORDINATION) Councilman Mackey stated that some members of the audience had comments regarding this matter. Mr. Highland explained that the recommendation on this matter was for it to be referred to the Library and Historical Society people for consideration of joint usage. Comments were heard from Jayne Sacks, Howard Marohn and Kent Kenney. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved thatStaffbe directed to set up a meeting between the Historical Society and the County Library to explore Mr. Perkins ' proposal. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and unani- mously carried. A-4 Request by Historical Society for custodianship of light fixtures, Administration Building (RECOMMEND REQUEST BE GRANTED) Kent Kenney read a letter to Mr. McPherson, Public Works Director, regarding preservation of the sconces outside the Administration Building. The proposal by the Historical Society was to remove the sconces and place them in the museum for restoration and safekeeping. MOTION Councilman Stover moved that, as soon as the City has clearance from the County, the sconces be taken down and turned over to the Historical Society for preserva- tion and restoration. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey and unanimously carried. B. HEARINGS, APPEARANCES AND REPORTS None C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Ordinance No. 19 regarding Council procedures — second reading MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Ordinance No. 19 be read by title only. The motion was seconded by Council- man Nelson and unanimously carried by roll call vote. MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting April 14, 1980 Page Three Mayor Wilkins 'read Ordinance No. 19 by title only. Mayor Wilkins stated that he had been challenged regarding the legal necessity to tape or take minutes of executive meetings. Mr. Grimes stated that it was not necessary to either tape or to take minutes of executive meetings. Mr. Doug Lewis was concerned about the section that states that silence by a councilmember indicates affirmative vote. He felt that this provision violated democratic principles. There was discussion of the matter with the observation made that the provi- sion was intended to assure that a Councilman voted or made a posi- tive. statement as to abstention on any issue MOTION: Councilman Highland moved for the adoption of Ordinance No. 19. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey and unanimously carried by roll call vote. 2. Ordinance No. 20 amending the zoning map - second reading MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Ordinance No. 20 be read by title only. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and unanimously carried. Mayor Wilkins read Ordinance No. 20 by title only. MOTION: Councilman Nelson moved for the adoption of Ordinance No. 20. The motion was seconded by Councilman High- land and unanimously carried by roll call .vote. 3 Amending salary classification plan Mr. Warden explained that information received subsequent to Council adoption of the salary classification plan indicated some discrepancies. The proposal before Council would preserve the salary relationships between classifications. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that the amendment to the salary classification plan be adopted. The motion was seconded by Councilman Nelson and carried on the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen Highland, Nelson, Stover and Mayor Wilkins NOES: Councilman Mackey 4. Consideration of revisions to City Manager's employment agreement regarding salary Mayor Wilkins explained that adjustments had previously been ■ MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting April 14, 1980 Page Five Mr. Warden suggested that Council put a time limit on how long the reward would be offered; perhaps the vandals would never be caught and he wondered about the disposition of the funds in that case. Councilman Highland amended his motion to include that the reward be offered through fiscal year 1980-81. The amendment was accepted by Councilman Nelson. The City Attorney suggested that the Council also make a finding that .this contribution would benefit the citizens of Atascadero. Councilman Highland further amended the motion to include that the allocation would be of benefit to all of the citizens of Atascadero and a matter for their general welfare and protection. The amendment was accepted by Councilman Nelson and the motion carried ' on the following roll call vote: AYES: 1, Councilmen Highland, Nelson and Stover NOES: Councilmen Mackey and Mayor Wilkins 3. Consideration of grant request for Dial-A-Ride Mr. Warden explained that these grant requests were for obtaining two handicapped lift equipped buses and for a share of the purchase of the parking lot property which will be used for turn-around and passenger loading and parking. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that the City Manager be authorized to go ahead with this project and sign the Fund Request Assurances. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey and unanimously carried by roll call vote. 4. Consideration of Ordinance No. 21 amending the business license ordinance - first reading ; Mr. Warden explained that this amended the currently adopted County business license ordinance to establish grounds for denial of a 'business license for certain types of businesses; such as adult book stores, adult movie theaters, arcade operations, etc. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Ordinance No. 21be read by title only. The motion was seconded by Council- man Nelson and unanimously carried. MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting April 14 , 1980 Page Six Mayor Wilkins read Ordinance No. -21 by title only. MOTION: Councilman Nelson moved that this constitute the first reading of Ordinance No. 21. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey and unanimously carried by roll call vote. E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION 1. City Council (a) Councilman Mackey stated that the Beautification Committee along with the 4-H Club had planted two of the flower beds on the Administration Building grounds and will plant two more in the near future. (b) Councilman Highland asked for a status report on the handicapped ramp to be constructed adjacent to the Administration Building. Mr. Warden stated that the project was presently under construction. (c) Mayor Wilkins thanked the people who had made Clean- Up Week in Atascadero such a success. 2. City Attorney (a) Mr. Grimes stated that Council was in receipt of an amicus curiae brief in the matter of Music Plus Four regarding the sale of drug paraphernalia to minors. 3. City Manager (a) Mr. Warden stated that there would be a foot-race sponsored by the Merchants Association on April 16th beginning at 8: 30 a.m. at El Camino Real and Santa Rosa Road. (b) Mr. Warden reminded the Council to get their regis- tration and motel reservations in for the New Mayor and City Councilmen'sInstitute to be held May 8-10. (c) Mr. Warden advised that the Channel Counties Division meeting which was to be held in Lompoc on May 2nd has been changed to June 13 (d) Mr. Warden advised that the City Planning Department would begin building inspection and building permit operations during the week of April 21st. i MINUTES -- ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting April 14, 1980 Page Seven The meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m. Recorded by: MURRAY L. WARDEN, City Clerk By: Ardith Davis Deputy City Clerk v CITY OF ATASCADERO TREASURER'S REPORT March 20, 1980 through April 22 , 1980 Balance as of 3/19/80 $ 8 , 375.54 r Receivables: Per attached deposit listing 254 ,669. 51 Payroll: 3/26 $4 , 777.02 4/9 $5,010. 83 ( 9 ,787 . 85) Payables: Per attached Expenditure List ( 237,895. 45) Balance as of 4/22/80 $ 15,361. 75 Other Funds: Petty Cash $ 39. 79 Local Agency Investment Fund, State of California 405 ,000. 00 Time Deposit, Mid-State Bank 13. 9% interest, matures 4/25/80 100,000. 00 Time Deposit, Mid-State Bank 14. 0% interest, matures 8/20/80 100 ,000 .00 Time Deposit, Mid-State Bank 15. 875% interest, matures 9/9/80 100 ,000. 00 Total 720,401. 59 DEPOSIT LISTING March 20, 1980 through April 22 , 1980 Date Source Amount 3/20 State Sales Tax (2/80) $ 114,913. 34 3/20 State Gas Tax (2/80) 14 ,631.60 4/1 So Cal Gas Co - Franchise 27,440.04 4/1 -CA Police Officers Assn - Refund (Dues) 30.00 4/2 P G & E - Franchise 13,568.07 4/7 SLO' Co - Revenue (3/80) 4,422.90 4/10 State - LAIF Interest (3rd Qtr) 6,805.00 4/14 State Motor Vehicle "In Lieu" (3/80) 28,891.14 4/18 State - Cigarette Tax (3/80) 3,504 .61 4/18 State Gas Tax (3/80) 12,962. 81 4/18 State - Sales Tax (3/80) 27,500. 00 Total $ 254,669. 51 EXPENDITURE LIST March 20, 1980 through April 22 , 1980 Payrolls 3/26 Checks 1349, 1350, 1351, 1352 , 1353, 1354, 1355, 1356 $ 4 ,777. 02 4/9 Checks 1383, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 $ 5,010. 83 Total $ 9,787 . 85 Payables- Dated Check No. Vendor Amount 3/20 1348 Mid-State - LAIF Deposit $ 125,000 . 00 3/26 1357 Mid-State FWH 3/8 - 3/21 1,124. 50 3/26 1358 EDD SIT 2/23-3/7 , 3/8-3/21 421. 70 3/26 1359 U S Post Office - Postage 75. 00 .3/26 1360 R.J. Wilkins,Jr. - Mayors Meeting 15. 00 3/26 1361 L. McPherson LOCC Conf. 302 . 52 3/26 1362 Atascadero News - Ads 262. 43 3/26 1363 Bay Typewriter Co. Calculator 136. 74 3/26 1364 Audio-Stats - Cassettes 18 . 00 3/26 1365 Citizens for Law & Order - Dues 10 . 00 3/26 1366 B & B Blueprinting 20. 03 3/26 1367 IAPMO` - Bldg. Publication 23.50 3/26 1368 Building News, Inc. - Bldg. Publ. 39. 71 3/26 1369 Western Wood Products Assn. Publ. 20 .00 3/26 1370 U S Treasurer - Sandbags 612 . 00 3/26 1371 Arrowhead Water 23. 38 3/26 1372 Western Office Prod. Furniture 523. 68 3/26 1373 Western Office Prod. Filing Cab. 184 . 63 3/26 1374 Shirley Moore, Travel, Conf. 285. 68 3/26 1375 Leslie Cannon, Travel, Conf. 130. 24 3/26 1376 Shirley Summers, Travel, Conf. 233. 12 3/26> 1377 Robert Lilley, Travel, Conf. 74 . 58 3/26 1378 Elaine Oglesby, Travel, Conf. 100 . 54 3/26 1379 James Wentzel, Travel, Conf. 121. 83 4/3 1380 City Treasurer - Petty Cash 60. 36 4/3 1381 U S Post Office - Postage 25. 00 4/7 1382 Mid-State - LAIF Deposit 30,000. 00 4/9 1384 Atascadero News - Ads 135. 01 4/9 1385 Amer. Public Works Assn. Dues 15. 00 4/9 1386 B & B Blueprinting 123.09 4/9 1387 Coop. Personnel Services - Tests 167. 75 4/9 1388 Day-Timers - Office Calendar 19. 21 , 4/9 1389 Fresno Bee - Ad 94 . 92 4/9 1390 A. Grimes Contract Legal Servs. 1,488. 40 4/9 1391 A. Grimes - LOCC Meeting 300. 00 4/9 1392 Jobs Available Ads 95. 70 4/9 1393 Lewis & Lewis - Abney Level 42. 93 4/9 1394 K & F Leasing - Dictaphone 105. 80 4/9 1395 L. McPherson - Mileage _ 49 . 98 4/9 1396 R. McHale Mileage 58 .32 Expenditure List 3/20 - 4/22/80 Page Two Payables: (Continued) Dated Check No. Vendor Amount 4/9 1397 R. McHale Lock $ 9.92 4/9 1398 Pacific Telephone 521.20 4/9 1399 Daily Press - Ads 188.8.0 4/9 1400 PG&E, Street Lights (3/80) 1,777.67 4/9 1401 Patroline, Inc. - Conf. Airfare 126. 00 4/9 1402 Patroline, Inc. Airfare Prop. 4 179.805 g� 4/9 1403 The Paper Works - Copies 399. 38 4/9 1404 Santa Maria Times - Ad 35. 14 4/9 1405 Santa Barbara News-Press - Ad 49. 20 4/9 1406 Telegram-Tribune - Ads 298. 80 4/9 1407 Super. of Documents - Fed. Catalog 20.00 4/9 1408 Western Office Prod. Furniture 327.67 4/9 1409 Western Office Prod. Supplies 317.10 4/9 .1410 Tri-Ex Tower Corp.-Tower Antenna 3,422. 00 4/9 1411 VOID ---- 4/9 1412 City of SLO JPA Medical (4/80) 567.57 4/9 1413 Mid-State FWH 3/22 4/4 1.120.06 4/9 1414 Darcy Printing Co. - Computer Vouchers & Payroll Checks 769. 86 4/11 1415 M. Warden Car Allowance (3/80) 150.00 4/15 1416 U S Post Office - Postage 75.00 4/17 1417 Mid-State - LAIF Deposit 25,`000.00 4/21 1418 Mid-State LAIF Deposit40,000.00 Total $ 237,895.45 M E-M G R A N D U M ✓ TO: City Council FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: Claim of Robert L. Bartels and Emily Ware Attached is a claim by Robert L. Bartels and Emily Ware involving the death of Cassie Bartels on December 16, 1979. At the time of the accident, the roads were the County's responsibility. The claim has been referred to the County as well as to our Joint Powers Authority Claims Manager. It is recommended that you deny the claim. AURRA7L4. WARDEN� MLW:ad 4-24-80 1 HER RERAS AND SPATAFORF. Attorneys at Law 2 390 Hicruera. Street Suite C P.O. Box 769 3 San Luis Obispo, California 93406 (805) 541-0804 4 5 Attorneys for Claimant RECEIVEO FEB Z 7 10 6 CLAIM OF ) 7 ) Robert L Bartels and ) 8 Emily Ware ) CLAIM FOR PERSONAL INJURIES (Section 910 of the Government 9 Claimant, ) Code) 10 VS. ) 11 City of Atascadero ) 12 ) 13 14 To the City Council, City of Atascadero: 15 16 You are hereby notified that Robert L. Bartels and Emily 17 -dare, whose address is 10964 Casitas, Atascadero, California, 18 claim damages from the City of Atascadero in the amount, commuted 19 as of the date of presentation of this claim, of $60 ,000.00. 20 This claim is based on the wrongful death of Cassie T. Aarte s, 21 Oecedent, on or about 12-.16-79 , in the vicinity of E1. Camino Real 22 and Entrada Avenue under thefollowing circumstances : 23 24. (sPP .t+-achpd prO ce reportl 25 26 27 28 1 The amount claimed, as of the date of presentation of this 2 claim is computed as follows - 3 Damages incurred to date 4 Funeral expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1. ,896 . 13 5 General damages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 ,103.87 6 Total damages incurred to date L �'g $60,000.00 7 8 All notices and other communications with regard to this clai 9 should be sent to claimant at Herreras and Snatafore, 390 Hiduera 10 Street P.O. Box 769, San Luis Obispo, California 93406. 11 Dated: c", 12 U William A. Herreras 14 HERRERAS AND SPATAFORE 15 16 17: 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 (VERIFICATION — 446. 2013.5 C.C.P.) �. STATE OF CALIFORNIA,COUNTY OF 2 lam the attnrnev For r-laimant. -- 4 itt the above entitled action or proceeding: I haw read the foregoing ('I.a i m for P t?r s o n a l I n l i 1 r i e s 5 6 and know the contents thereof•and I certify that the same is true of my own knowledge.except as to those matters which ore themin 7 stared upon un•information or belief.and as to those matters I believe it to be true. 8 9 2-25-20 San Luis Obis--)o 10 ` Executed on to at (place) Californ& 11 1 declare, under penalty of perjury, that the foregoing is true and correct. 12 13 i Signature 14 PROOF OF SERVICE BY MAIL (1013m. 2013.3 C. C. P.) 15 STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO 16 1 am a resident of the county aforesaid. I am over the age of eighteen years and not a party to the within entitled action:my bucine." address is: 17 390 Higuera Street, Suite C, San Luis Obispo CA 93401 2-25-100 ' CL,AIM FOR PFRSOTTAL 18 On , 19 , 1 served the within 19 TN.TITTZLFS (SRrTTON 910 OF THE G(DV.FT?_W1FNT COTW) 20 otrthe City of Atascadero In said anion,by placing a true copy thereof enclosed in a sealed envelope with postage thereon fully prepaid,in the United States neo!! 21 at San Luis Obispo, California 93401 addrened of follows: 22 23 City of Atascaaero P .O. Pox 747 A.tasradero, Ca. 93422 Pohert T,, B-irt.els and T'mi1.v Ware 1096A r.aGitas , Atascarlero' 24 ral_ifornia 03422 25 26 San Tmis Ohisno 27 Executed on ( ate) at ace California 28 1 declare. under penalty of perjury, that the foregoing is true and correct. 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U N r.. rr rr,rn aoauo mr , A ,.a �I a.1.11 r Ovaria• .1. - _ _.. _... _.. _. _ - _.._..._..-__ _....-_. 11 ar•.'. «Ala w a P wa:wow Ata h OTwaw, E ViHOH Drat VRl Ml:Nta: rn rT N..I C ona,•u,.r1uN cN wc.Auwwrl - Hr N.•A1r•MT.N.r l) {T u-rcu«Rte.. roN• rcoC{TwrAN'f ACTION F .NATTl NT10N u wr. 1 111 b,ufa0 wOAOr AT rIOTw A Nl1►!Ol atwlAN 1Nr OLVlY t1 at0r 4 40♦..IIIc — __ E un w VwV- 1Nr lUn HCrT 1 .:uao• cwOai TNu IN cwo�aww►w - - N r1a(w Nu/al wvrrao w F rT-INva1c AL• t ar _ 1 wMr w -1• - _ - _.. _ _.....—_._ '� AT tNTff R1a CT10N a1e.o. r• - H.rf Irl rl Nrr. CwOaalNra IN Cw095«Raw -NOT J VNrA w T r wUe N r r.I a: !Lf 11 •...•n •NAl r t Vltl,Ova AT INTr as fT C« Is ! rV• 11r of ta�r.r- '1 fn r D cwoas h MOI 1N CwOaaal.a ML NT IE aN n w rnr,.ua.*•Houaoaw L uNr avao r .r u. V wolr .nwn MorrLN• _ - T -.� .._.�_ - ♦ Nr.r,.1. wrrAnr..r 1 . ,11•.•111 •• r.D. NarrwrKw IN•.alrV allU•T --- . r —_ . ,r .. . • ' i SUPPLEMENTAL/NARRATIVE Owq/wAl/wC/Of»• •,Mf 'NMI »�(� »uY gir,Cfw,.O. »uM..w ..4a yy� NARRATIVE CONTINUATION TRAIfIC LOCwT/OwfwO+Wra. C/,IVATIow»VYSff COLLMON REPORT ICw-.p Of aaa-at) 1-2 l.UPrLVWACMTAL TRAT/lC COLLISION - ..1 Rl:rp RT (C...060.so"$) OTN[RZ�'�ln/U4�A!,e - C,I•/f..fwaR wa•nwr�.(o Ola twit• •� r.—x '2 ___ .27--- !�?i____�!�'�L��l '. 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ANAwwATIVC CONTINUATION TRAFFIC aeCAT.owlwwr�t-- c,t — — -- -- -----. - — -- ----- — - - -- wnuw nYn.aw COLLISION-REPOWF Ic.,r*1611 an see-eel ' y^� SV►FL[M<NTAL TRAFFIC COLLISION /� f.+ /!� _� �.wCPORT lc«v..r ow all+l) raw,t/ chr/`wrwr --- vnnrlro�u.r.IJet � . _. ---- ----- _li ��_�a/LZ�4[�" � _�_S�• 1j1=___��>F�..�. __l,�/_n__�I�'�'/'_n_x: /3 'K �1r� 7-7 Vlr/L1rG,'�1>�_occS�ts 1�_L2s�' ��L/b/ PNEPAHEO fly IICV ILWEU UV r. 1.Y.MYM.aw MO Ywt vn. r.rMa r.ry ... _-_.r •A 0 11A _ FACT V.L DIAGRAM - NARRATIVE CONTi�TION :oIf W COL\Ia10ti reMf (f.M(. «CIC MVMwfw O►Iltfw i.0. wVMwnA •wGf _.,. /.--' .w. /(, ... 735 ALL MRASUACM[NT.l A"K APPROMYMATE ANO NOT TO•CALt. UNLCi1 STATED(SC ALI' . r7tIIIII-Till ,1 r I Irl%// - x 1 T fin . r --// > '� 70 VA rz� / *4.jes V. 4. a9' ��. i✓112r _ dy i- 1 I I Lu I I I I I I I I l 1 I f i l l i I I I I I I I I 1�- 1 c ORDINANCE NO. 21 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO AMENDING TITLE 6 OF THE ATASCADERO MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO BUSINESS LICENSES AND REGULATIONS . THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO ORDAINS as follows : Section 1. . Section 6 .08 .080 of the-Atascadero Municipal.-Code is amended to read as follows: Section 6.08 .080.. Grounds for denial of license: Ineligibility for city licenses and permits. A license may be denied if the applicant has knowingly made a false statement in a material matter either in his application or in his testimony before the Council or other body hearing such testimony, or before a referee appointed by the Council. A license shall be denied unless the premises of the proposed business and the operation thereof comply with current building, fire, and health code requirements of the City. In addition, except as otherwise provided herein, conviction (including pleas of guilty and nolo contendere) of a felony or misdemeanor shall be prima facie disqualification of an applicant for the following city licenses or permits : (a) Adult book store (b) Adult movie theaters (c) Arcade operations (d) Billiard rooms (e) Bingo operations (f), Card rooms (g) Fortune telling (h) Head shops (i) Massage parlors (j) Mechanical amusement devices (k) Pawn shops (1) Taxi cabs The City licensing authority, however, may disregard such con- viction if it is found and determined by such licensing authority that mitigating circumstances exist. In making such determination, the City licensing authority shall considerthefollowing factors : (a) The type of business license or Permit for which the person is applying; (b) The nature and seriousness of the offense; (c) The circumstances surrounding the conviction; AG:fr -1- . 2/16/80 4/5/80 0 ORDINANCE NO. (d) The length of time elapsed since the conviction; (e) The age of the person at the time of the conviction; (f) The presence or absence of rehabilitation or efforts at rehabilitation; (g) Contributing social or environmental conditions . The City licensing authority shall give notice of disquali- fication to an applicant disqualified under this provision. Such notice shall be in writing and delivered personally or mailed to the applicant at the address shown on the application. An applicant who is disqualified_ for a city business license or permit under, this provision may appeal such determination of disqualification. Such appeal shall be in writing and filed with the Finance Director within ten (10) days of the date of the notice of disqualification. The appeal shall be referred to the City Manager who shall hear and determine the appeal within ninety (90) days after it is filed. The determination of the City Manager on the appeal shall be final Section 2 . Section 6 .08 .161 is added to the Atascadero Municipal Code to read as follows : Section 6 .08 .161 . Access to information for licensing or permit purposes Pursuant to Section 11105 of the Penal Code of the State of California, the following officers of the City are hereby author- ized to have access to and to utilize State Summary Criminal His- tory Information when it is needed to assist them in fulfilling licensing duties as set forth in this chapter: (a) City Councilmembers (b) City Manager (c) City Attorney (d) Finance Director (e) Chief of Police Section 3. The provisions of this ordinance are intended to supersede any provision of Ordinance No. 2 which is in conflict therewith. Section 4 . The City Clerk shall cause this ordinance to be published once within fifteen (15) days after its passage in the Atascadero News, a newspaper of general circulation, printed, -2- ORDINANCE NO. published and circulated in this City in accordance with Section 36933 of the Government Code; shall certify the adoption and post- ing of this ordinance; and shall cause this ordinance and its certification, together with proof of posting, to be entered in the Book of Ordinances of this City. Section '5. This ordinance shall go into effect and be in full force and effect at 12 :01 a.m. on the thirty-first (31st)' day after passage. The foregoing ordinance was introduced, adopted, and ordered published at a meeting of the Council held on 1980, by the following vote : Ayes : Noes: Absent: Robert J. Wilkins, Jr. , Mayor ATTEST: Murray L. War en, City C er Approved as to orm: Approved as to content: Allen Grimes, City Attorney Mur y L. ar en, City Manager -3- ORDINANCE NO. I- hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true, and cor- rect copy of Ordinance No. passed by the City Council of Atascadero at its regular Council meeting held on 1980. Murray L. Warden, City Clerk -4 _ 6. 3-1 M E M O R A N D U M TO: Atascadero City Council DATE: February 6, 1980 FROM: Planning Consultant/Director SUBJECT: PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF FEBRUARY 4 , 1980 The following items have been reviewed by the Planning Commission. and are forwarded to the City Council for final action: B-3 Proposed lot division, AT 79-077, Hurdle (Hilliard) The Planning Commission, with two dissenting votes, recommends denial, of the proposed lot division. While there was some discus- sion about road improvements and private driveway standards, the primary reason for the recommendation for denial was based upon the standard in the General Plan which provides for a gradation of lot sizes based upon distance from the center of the community. The consensus indicated that it would not be desirable to allow creation of minimum lot sizes in the perimenter of the community. B-4 Proposed street name change -` Montura Lane The Planning Commission recommends approval of Montura Lane for this unnamed private road. The street name request was initially reviewed by the Planning Commission at its meeting of December 17, 1979 , when the original request for Charlotte Lane was referred back to the County Planning Department .with the indicated preference for the use of Spanish names and names of non-living historic per- sons. The residents of the street have selected the name Montura Lane. Montura is a Spanish word meaning a horse, a mule or a mount. B-5 Proposed lot division, AT 79-128, Wilhoite (Stewart) The Planning Commission recommends approval subject to Conditions 1-17 as set forth by the Subdivision Review Board, with the excep- tion that Condition No. 11 be modified to provide for the Prelimin- ary Soils Report as a condition of issuance of building permits rather than as a condition of filing the final map. Said provision is required to be noted on the final map. The establishment of lot sizes in conformance with the General Plan is the primary reason for the Planning Commission recommendation. B-6 Proposed lot division, AT 79-110, Hvolbol et al (Schott) The Planning Commission recommends approval subject to Conditions 1-15 as set forth by the Subdivision Review Board. The applicant is in agreement with these conditions. The primary reason for the Planning Commission recommendation is compliance with existing zoning and General Plan requirements relative to lot size. There Memorandum to City*uncil February 6, 1980 Page Two was some discussion concerning the flood hazard relative to Atascadero Creek which abuts the property. B-7 Proposed lot line adjustment, AL 79-68, Van Saun (Hilliard) The Planning Commission recommends approval subject to Conditions ` 1-4 as set forth by the Subdivision Review Board. The applicant is in agreement with these conditions. The primary reason for the Planning Commission recommendation is that the adjusted lot lines would provide better building sites related to topography. There was some discussion about the existing driveway access that crosses Lot 15. B-8 Proposed lot line adjustment, AL 79-46 , Garza The Planning Commission recommends approval subject to Conditions 1-5 as set forth by the Subdivision Review Board. The applicant is in in agreement with these conditions. The primary reasons for the Planning Commission recommendation are the equalization of lot size and correction of the existing condition in which the house is located on the property line. B-9 Continued public hearing to consider amendment of Title 22 concerning regulations to govern condominiums, community apartments, stock cooperatives and conversions to these uses The Planning Commission continued this public hearing to their meeting of February 19 to allow Staff additional time to prepare a draft ordinance. Since this was a noticed public hearing, it would be appropriate for City Council to continue the public hearing to the meeting of February 25, 1980. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval of Planning Commission recommendations with the exception of Item B-9, which must be continued. r Submitted by: l V LA ENCEEVENS Planning nsultant/Director LS:kp • -6- Pg. Col. Par. Line 48 R 3 under Neighborhood Commercial #2 reading, "On the two northern corners of Morro Road and Curbaril Avenue." shall be deleted 66 R 1 1,2 the words "now in the initial stages of development" should be changed to "whish is nearly completed" 77 L 1 2 , 3 should be changed to read " . . .Fire Department has made several recom- mendations to the Fire Board. Among the. 80 R #10 delete reference to Sheriff' s Substation and renumber 90 R 1 b. delete "b. Designation of another. . . is of high priority. 97 R 4 delete last sentence "A proposal. . has been presented. " 43 R #8 the following wording is suggested "8 In the calculation of lot area for the purposes of considering land divisionsandin determining per- mitted numbers and types of animals allowed, gross acreage shall be used. However, in determining permitted densities for multiple family resi- dential developments, net acreage (excluding land area needed for street rights-of-way) shall be used. various places in text Use the word "shall" in place of "should" and "will" in .those instances where binding standards are intended (i.e. , regulations, principles) and retain the word "should" in those instances where flexibility is desired (i.e. , policy proposals, property acquisitions, capital improvements) 77 R 2 4 add the following sentence,. "The French Medical Clinic, located on the south end of El Camino Real, also provides medical services to the community. 77 R ' 3 6 delete sentence beginning, "It may be possible. . . " and insert the following, "A Dial-a-Ride program operates as a service of _the,_ enior Citizens United. ,o • -7- • Pg. Col. Par. Line 76 R 2 delete the last two sentences and insert the following: "The City of Atascadero is in the process of establishing its own police services. In the establishment of those ser- vices, consideration is being given to a public safety function combin- ing some police and fire services. " 76 R 3 delete the entire paragraph 91 L c rewrite this sentence to read, "The lot on Entrada Avenue between 5975 Entrada Avenue and the Post Office building. SUPPLEMENT MAP CHANGES APPROVED BY THE ATASCADERO PLANNING COMMISSION 1. The CEMETERY shall be shown as a public facility on Map VII-3. 2. Lots fronting on, the southerly side of Palomar Avenue, adjacent to the Atascadero Regional Park, shall be shown as Moderate Density Single Family Residential. 3. Santa Ysabel Extension to the County Clinic property. (see attached sketch) 4. Lots on the westerly side of Santa Ysabel from the Thrifty complex to Pueblo and on the westerly side of Sinaloa between Pueblo and Curbaril shall be shown as Low Density Multiple Family Residential. 5.. The west side of E1 Camino Real from Curbaril Avenue south to the commercial use at the Santa Rosa overpass shall be shown as Industrial Park. a 1 Q W1 F Q L /"toflFtzT� DEN51T� IiAL tcs�k �t:N jY 51,y��c ,,nvt t t VL.E FAA!-uy asst. J i l c ME M O R A N D U M gr',L rr .. f_ �'t - ,•►y`^C ��"o L - - - - - TO: City Council •- _ r .z >�.v �.� t�� FROM: Planning Consultant/Direc SUBJECT WAKEFIELD DEPARTMENTAL RE RESTAURANT AND SHOPS IN T ,c,i���t WEST SIDE OF FREEWAY 101 PORTOLA AND COROMAR An application has been filed -e�- ��� in the review process. The Envircr a focused EIR due to the establishr u' being asked to comment, I became ;ai the zoning, which is C-H, and the c '.' L- Density Single Family Residential. City Council indicated that the Ge: 4 (" for inconsistencies of this sort. been processed without the Plannin reviewing the request since some i However, since the General Plan is still be possible to initiate a ma Staff has spoken with the app they intend to pursue whatever prc to obtain approval of the project. the hearing on the General Plan in suYN%ay _ _ The following reasons may be favorable to a map change at this time: - 1. Adjacent property to the south between Portola and Santa Rosa is zoned C-H. 2. Freeway ramp access is available at Portola and via a frontage road to Santa Rosa. 3 . The Conditional Use Permit procedure would allow for the developmentof design standards to assure compatibility with the area. 4. The City may consider" a policy of contiguity when its procedures are developed and that could be applied to this parti- cular site. 5. Large motel complexes can be major revenue generators. The applicant also indicated that meeting rooms and similar facilities would be provided. The following reasons may not be favorable to a map change: 1. The availability of other commercially zoned land. in the area and in the city. Memorandum to the City Council January 24, 1980 Page Two 2. Potential traffic lighting and similar problems which could adversely; affect the residential area. 3 The adjacent C-H property is not yet developed and exten- sion of the C-H zoning may adversely affect future development of that property. 4 Portola Road may be a logical boundary between the commercial and residential uses. The available alternatives -appear to be: 1. Resolution of the inconsistency by recommending_a General Plan map change to an appropriate land use designation. The adjacent property is designated for Retail-Commercial land use, but this may be inconsistent with C-H zoning and, the uses permitted therein As a result, consideration might be given to a Tourist-Commercial or some similar designation. If this is done, it may be desirable to use the same land use designation on the property to the south instead of the current Retail-Commercial designation. If this alternative were followed, the applicant could proceed with his departmental review after adoption by City Council of the General Plan. It should also be noted that this matter would have to be referred back to the Planning Commission for a report and recommendation. 2. No change. This would result in denial of the project due to inconsistency , since the intention would be to initiate a resulting program for General Plan consistency within the near future. Submitted by: LAWRENCE PPEVENS Planning onsultant/Director ,. do GoC ?/off 01 ,P yJ a "•\..,. qo a Gr r ,1p ► 38 o P J 36 0 OF .J 34 �• rd F f, coV u , Shw6 L r 51 ry F+`i�l���,/1/f'�q•�,n -u ill i P--1.78. 51r.. • 63 N&D A. ROcowAY, Director Telephone(805)549-5600 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Courthouse Annex L SAN LUIS OBISPO, CALIFORNIA- 93408 c ( f W December 6, 1979 Honorable Atascadero Planning Commission and City Council City of Atascadero, California Dear Ladies and Gentlemen: SUBJECT AT 79-077, PROPOSED LOT DIVISION OF LOT 13, BLOCK 49, ATASCADERO COLONY; SANTA CRUZ ROAD, CITY OF ATASCADERO. (A-1-22 LOW DENSITY SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL) (HURDLE - HILLIARD) SUPERVISORIAL DISTRICT #1 (884: 7/3/79) RECOMMENDATION FOR CONSISTENCY AND FOR APPROVAL RECOMMENDATION ON ROAD IMPROVMENTS At a regular meeting of the County Subdivision Review Board, the attached subdivision was considered and is being referred to you for required action and findings regarding consistency with applicable general plans. Respectfully submitted, LARRY J. RED, e isor Subdivision Review Section ca Attachment cc: County Engineer County Health Department REPORT OF THE SUBDIVISION REVIEW BOARD MEETING DECEMBER 5,1979 RE: AT 79-077, PROPOSED LOT DIVISION OF LOT 13, BLOCK 49, ATASCADERO COLONY; SANTA CRUZ ROAD, CITY OF ATASCADERO. (A-1-2z: LOW DENSITY SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL) (HURDLE - HILLIARD) , SUPERVISORIAL DISTRICT #1 (884: 7/3/79) RECOMMENDATION FOR CONSISTENCY AND FOR APPROVAL SRB Members in Attendance: Acting Chairman, Larry Red, John Hofschroer, Bill MacDonald, Jerry Erickson, John Wallace Planning Commissioner in Attendance: George Rathmell Legal Counsel Present: None PROJECT DESCRIPTION This application proposes a subdivision of a five acre site into two parcels of approximately 2.5 acres each. The site is located on the south side of Santa Cruz Road, near Carrizzo Road in northern Atascadero. Zoning: A-1-22: "Light Agriculture" (22 acre minimum) General Plan: 1978 Atascadero Area General Plan: "Low Desnity Single Family Residential" COMMENTS Environmental Determination: A Conditional Negative Declaration was issued by the Environmental Coordinator on November 2, 1979, stating that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment and therefore does not require the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report, subject to the following condition: Septic system design to be reviewed and approved by the County Engineering Department as per standard County procedure. Site and Area Considerations: The project site is undeveloped and consists of gently sloping terrain that slopes upward toward the south. Vegetation on the site consists of annual grasses with several large oaks along the southern boundary of the site. Data from the Soil Conservation District indicates that the site may be subject to a moderate erosion hazard and is designated for severe limitation on the use of septic systems. The County Fire Hazards Map indicates that the site is subject to a high fire hazard rating. Water for the site is to be supplied by the Atascadero Mutual Water Company. The County Department of Public Health has received a letter of intent to serve the proposed parcels. Sewage disposal is proposed to be by septic system. rAT 79-077 • Surrounding parcel sizes are mixed. There is a tract to the east of the site with lot sizes in the 1/4 - 1/2 acre range. The majority of parcels are in the 22 to 5 acre range. The division of this parcel would not appear to constitute a new land use trend. Zoning and General Plan Considerations: The site and adjacent properties are zoned A-1-22, Light Agriculture, with a 22 acre minimum building site requirement. The ownership includes area to the centerline of Santa Cruz Road and under present zoning requirements may be utilized in calculating lot area. The result will allow the front parcel to be a net area of 2.36 acres. The 1978 Atascadero Area General Plan designates the area as Low Density Single Family Residential. The site is outside the Urban Services boundary, and Santa Cruz Road is designated as an arterial street. The General Plan contains the following comments pertinent to this project. "Land Use Policy Proposals 2. The type and extent of services provided within the Urban Reserve Area will depend on whether land is in the Urban or the Suburban Services Area. Properties outside the Urban Services Line should be evaluated for lot size based on the Suburban Residential range (22 to 10 acres) until sewers are available. (P. 42) Low Density Minimum lot sizes within the Urban Services Area should range from 12 to 22 acres. Determination of appropriate lot sizes should be based upon such factors as the availability of services, especially sewers; slope of access road to building site; distance from the center of the community; general character of neighboring lands; soil percolation; and the area needed for access roads to the building sites. (P. 44) Residential Policy Proposals 5. Residential density should decrease as one moves outward from the core, in order to maintain the rural atmosphere of the community. This can be accomplished by a graded increase in lot size and a graded decrease in the permitted density of population. 10. Lot splits should be thoroughly evaluated and be in accordance with community plans and principles. Strict adherence to the lot sizes defined in this Plan is essential in order to retain the desired character of the community. Creation of lots smaller than those recommended must not be permitted if the maximum population of approximately 30,000 is to be maintained. AT 79-077 • 11. Attention should be paid to the aesthetic result of land division. Building sites should be encouraged on natural slopes, with minimal disruption of native vegetation and watersheds, and efficient layout of access and utilities. 12. A program should be developed to encourage the preservation of trees, watersheds and natural slopes and other natural amenities from abuse and destruction resulting from poor design and develop- ment practices. (P 45 $ 46) The Suburban Residential Section also contains the following guidance: Lot sizes should be 21-2 acres or more. Determination of appro- priate lot sizes should be based upon such factors as slope of the access road to the building site, availability of services, distance from the center of the community, general character of neighboring lands, percolation and the area needed for access road, to building site. (P. 44) Santa Cruz Road is designated by the Plan as a secondary arterial, and the following comments are offered: 3. Secondary Arterials Secondary arterials should be developed to a 60 foot right-of-way. These roads serve as major access routes between residential areas, shopping centers, employment centers and primary recreation areas. Road in this classi- fication must have shoulders wide enough, to accommodate multi-use paths and emergency parking. There are 14 segments of undivided arterials: b. Traffic Way from E1 Camino Real to Potrero Road and future extension of Traffic Way beyond Potrero Road to E1 Camino Real as a truck route. The portion of Traffic Way between E1 Camino Real and Olmeda Avenue is also designated to have 40 feet of paving to allow for' two. 8 foot parking strips on both sides of the arterial. (P. 88)" RECOMMENDATION Although it appears the City Planning Commission and City Council will take final action on this project, the Subdivision Review Board may still take action on this matter. Any action taken will likely constitute an informal recommendation to the City Council. It should be noted this staff report and the recommendations are based on County policy, procedure, and ordinances. After review of applicable General Plans and other available information the Subdivision Review Board recommends approval and that the proposed subdivision be found consistent with the General Plan in accordance with Section 65302.5(a) (4) of the Government Code. AT 79-077 • Provided that a finding of consistency is made and the application ultimately approved, the following conditions are hereby established regarding the design and improvements of the proposed subdivision, which conditions when satisfied will mitigate the environmental concerns expressed by the Environmental Coordinator. in his Conditional Negative Declaration of November 2, 1979. And, provided that the Tentative Parcel Map is approved, the Subdivision Review Board also recommends that it be found in the interest of the public health and safety, and as a necessary- pre-requisite to the orderly development of the surrounding area, to require the construction of road improvements within a period of one year after recordation of the Parcel Map. 1. That the following "NOTES" shall be placed on the final map: A. No sewage disposal system installations are to be placed closer than 100 feet from the top of the existing creek bank, drainage swales or areas subject to inundation. B. Sewage disposal systems shall be separated from any individual domestic well and/or agricultural well, as follows: (1) leach fields, one hundred feet (1001) , and (2) bored pits, one hundred fifty feet (1501) . Wells intended for two or more parcels shall be separated by two hundred feet (2001) from any subsurface sewage disposal system. C. Sewage disposal systems installed on slopes in excess of 200 shall be designed and certified by a registered civil engineer or geologist and submitted to the Planning and Health Department for review and approvalrp for to the issuance of a building permit. Consultants shall determine geologically stable building sites and sewage disposal for each parcel, including evaluations of hillside stability under the most adverse conditions including rock saturation and seismic forces. Slopes in excess of 30% are not considered suitable or practical for subsurface sewage disposal. D. Septic tanks will be an acceptable method of sewage disposal, if soil tests and plans are acceptable, until public sewers may become available. E. Water is to be obtained from the Atascadero Mutual Water Company. 2. Prior to the filing of theap rcel map, the applicant shall submit to and be jointly approved by the Planning Department and Health Department, results of percolation tests and the log or logs of soil borings performed by a registered civil engineer. For this purpose, the applicant shall perform one or more soil borings to be a minimum depth of ten (10) feet in the area of the proposed sewage disposal system to determine the: (a) subsurface soil conditions, (example: impermeable stratas which act as barriers to the effective percolation of sewage) ; (b) and the presence of AT 79-0 • groundwater. And the applicant must perform a minimum of three (3) percolation test holes per lot, to be spaced uniformly in the area of the proposed sewage disposal system. Percolation tests shall conform to the methods and guidelines prescribed by the Manual of Septic Tank Practice as adopted by the County Building and Construction Ordinance Title 19, Chapter 10.24. 3. That operable facilities exist prior to the filing of the Final Map. A letter shall be obtained from the Atascadero Mutual Water Company and submitted to the Health and Planning Departments for review and approval stating there are operable facilities immedi- ately available and ready for connection to the parcels created. 4. That the applicant offer for dedication to the public for future road widening purposes 10 feet along Santa Cruz Road; said offer to be made by Certificate on the Parcel Map. 5. That a private easement be reserved on the Parcel Map for access to Parcel B. 6. That the applicant submit a preliminary Title Report at the time the Parcel Map is submitted for checking. 7. That Santa Cruz Road fronting said property and continuing to Traffic Way or E1 Camino be improved in the following manner: 2/3 an A-4 suburban section 8. That the grade and alignment of the road easements as shown on the Tentative Parcel Map meet San Luis Obispo County standards. Also, improvement plans shall be prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer and submitted to the County Engineer's Office for approval. 9. That the applicant enter into an Inspection Agreement with the County for inspection of said improvements. 10. The Engineer, upon completion of the improvements, must certify to the County Engineer that the improvements are made in accordance with Subdivision Review Board requirements and the approved plans. 11. That any private easement as shown on the Title Report be shown on the Parcel Map with recording data. 12. FIRE PROTECTION STANDARDS The applicant must comply with state, county and district laws/ ordinances applicable to fire protection and consider increased fire risk to area by the land proposed. AT 79-077 • 13. All conditions of approval herein specified are to be complied with prior to the submittal of the Parcel Map Original to the County Engineer for approval. 14. That a Final Parcel Map shall be filed in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act, prior to sale, lease or financing of the subject property within a period of one year from approval date of the Tentative Map. 15. After approval by the Board of Supervisors, compliance with the preceeding conditions will bring the proposed subdivision in conformance with the Subdivision Map Act and local ordinances. 16. The Tentative Parcel Map will expire one year (12 months) from the date of Board of Supervisors approval. The Tentative Parcel Map may be extended one year by the Subdivision Review Board. Written requests with appropriate fees must be submitted to the Planning Department prior to the expiration date. DISCUSSION Applicant's engineer attended the meeting and discussed road improvements. The Subdivision Review Board unanimously adopted the preliminary report as written. All . �► �� '� .,,IIS . �, �-�, ... RC1- - MA .� . ►epi. •� ; IN , Al r • r e 2117 `j' a WQo d z Dnp Wti �°� n�� o�t •�`� 'Jv� • � 0� MOV^ � U 3 �V� C� �� �'� � � 1 44 1 'E f h - - � � � �� �7.1 t. 'wry r r. ir�_ .•c. /� _ ' -- P i / e. �� i';* r Ki r t •�• . - � � CS� ��� \ - ,�`Q �� ` �. � � . � •' � � sem`.. ti ''II PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT TO: ATASCADERO PLANNING COMMISSION DATE: JANUARY 28, 1980 FROM: GENERAL PLAN ADMINISTRATION, COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: ROAD NAME, MONTURA LANE, CITY OF ATASCADERO Specific Request This is a request of the residents of the area to name an unnamed private road located within the newly formed City of Atascadero, Background The road to be named is a cul-de-sac approximately 490-feet long and runs south-west from Coromar Road between Curbaril Avenue and Portola Road. The parcel map CO 77-398 which divided lot 26, Block 7, Atascadero Colony and created the road, was recorded without a road name. The applicant has recently finished construction of the road. The need for a road name was first brought to the attention of the County Planning Department by the Southern California Gas Company . The initially proposed name was Charlotte Lane The Atascadero Planning Commission, at its meeting on December 17, 1979, referred the original request back to the County Planning Department indicating that they preferred the use of Spanish road names or of historic persons of Atascadero . We have now received the attached petition indicating support of "MONTURA LANE" (Montura is a Spanish word meaning a horse, a mule, or a mount . ) . Recommendation The proposed road name meets all of the County ' s road-naming criteria. Thus, we recommend its approval by your Commission. ` BAL/LWK/dkr Report prepared by Ms . Betty A . Lacey and reviewed by Mr. Larry W. Kelly, Supervisor, General Plan Administration. 2ra H d Mtn.k Nn .POCK I v p ....L ='R..+a. 3 '7t `, o F �•.._-.r•^,h.1 R+ .4': a ` ('p Mon D1 k S -r •sfE GAK .M•a..SHORES _. . d„-,.. .. cam. '.� 1'Sn M.Pud J.. o_ 3p, NACINIENTO ... ( : N9cTar r°� s - M len °c. s ° 4 a 1 r`co 1 IR A •LANE 09,11 n'r0 1.... 1 �{ Cany .r. 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MARGARITA M.ro ,,..� 'E u s Htc�w Ars IOI Rork CABRILLO i �°L C R, } Sa 06 po\"_• ' r : r::.>H'' o,F.... J. V R {� c • Camp G/ an L I a •s .., )r,tE ss16ewArL. MORRO B f �C a Pn�. r+wwrr. p I y r 'r ROAD All OT.ER ROADS 3 ate Park SA:h T,A .w ..'. „'„. TAsP+'/oAwROK o(�r it Ilo�luc{r I ka t LC?OL1LEGE+�/y,'�.�s;-.a%. � Ch�R•n:pJ O°,..,,.❑- a/ `)��y1 P �.._- \7. +o.w.Ea` c r� \ ^9�z+dvvOtaI{ A._ RO\RITA LJr M.—eaT h0RRoqCOumv uNs .Pek BAY '6,our cuesr \4 ■A CUESTA-tY.TH&SEA PACES Of m❑ERESI (/` ood y l.ak Ereke: �r N Id° 775 0.11,16 t - _ \\' ---- ) ~� RLdef} q}� w A— S 5./ t snr�. a �H h rp l k p..AE Pot r �0 I ry z M uQ ...3 l4 , P N f 4 Oso a c C \ ra Tn 4 a n ' oll. ^r� / 1 9 rn11 ' 5 .J L”'_t Y°\\y C11❑ L t • h'l InSOLPNUP T 1'. p O ft Pe C H_lfldaNs ' 1rkP,(W.11 AN LUIS OBISPO 4 8 P-,rnr 11:,h sn Mon Dr. PefY On .ti d�_,� sumo on ` V ~St.•,.. ,� n- t a v r',. rA \1' NI °1"^ — Tork F°rmR ',P /oma \tPj, .._Hr II V1 n y c 41 r n Ir / 1 .. '- IRISH HILLS ° ,n � N Pk l r 111111 9OOo `av '°o 05; ,!t i' tDNA C : G Xa c❑wR,.c 'LOPEZ41. `Bud Annb ay i� o rS/ \R!'SER VOIRf; / 9 -� lei L 6tC q,34 2 z ti. Q NBn A. ROcowAY, Director Telephone(805)549=5600 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Courthouse Annex SAN LUIS OBISPo, CALIFORNIA - 93908 January 11, 1980 Honorable Atascadero Planning Commission and City Council City of Atascadero, California Dear Ladies and Gentlemen: SUBJECT: AT 79-128, PROPOSED LOT DIVISION OF LOTS 11 AND 12, BLOCK 13, ATASCADERO COLONY, SANTA ROSA ROAD NEAR ATASCADERO LAKE., CITY OF ATASCADERO. (R-A: LOW DENSITY SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL) (WILHOITE - STEWART) SUPERVISORIAL DISTRICT #5 (884 7/16/79) RECOMMENDATION FOR CONSISTENCY AND FOR APPROVAL At a regular meeting of the County Subdivision Review Board, the attached subdivision was considered and is being referred to you for required action and findings regarding consistency with applicable general plans. Respectfully submitted, LARRY J. RED, Supervisor Subdivision Review Section ca Attachment cc: County Engineer County Health Department REPORT OF THE SUBDIVISION REVIEW BOARD MEETING JANUARY 9, 1980 RE: AT 79-128, PROPOSED LOT DIVISION OF LOTS 11 AND 12, BLOCK 13, ATASCADERO COLONY, SANTA ROSA ROAD NEAR ATASCADERO LAKE, CITY OF ATASCADERO. (R-A: LOW DENSITY SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL) (WILHOITE - STEWART) SUPERVISORIAL DISTRICT #S (884: 7/16/79) RECOAff,9ENDATION FOR CONSISTENCY AND FOR APPROVAL SRB Members in Attendance: Chairman, Colonel Sorenson, Larry Red, John Hofschroer, Bill MacDonald, Jerry Erickson, John Wallace Planning Commissioner in Attendance: None Legal Counsel Present: None PROJECT DESCRIPTION This application proposes a subdivision of 2 lots consisting of 8.66 acres into 3 lots of two 3.0 acre lots and one 2.4 acre lot. The site is located on the south side of Santa Rosa Road near the southern end of Atascadero Lake. Zoning: R-A: "Suburban Residential" (minimum parcel size is 20,000 sq. ft.) General Plan: 1978 Atascadero General Plan: "Low Density Single Family Residential" (range is 11-2 - 21-2 acres) COMMENTS Environmental Determination: A Condition Negative Declaration was issued by the Environmental Coordinator on November 7, 1979, stating that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment and therefore does not require the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report, subject to the following conditions: 1. A report, to be prepared by a registered civil engineer experienced in soils engineering, focusing on erosion and landslide potential complete with means to mitigate the hazard from potential slide and erosion problems must be approved by the County Engineering Department prior to the issuance of any building permits. This requirement should be noted on the deeds of title. 2. The location and design of new septic systems to be used on the created parcels must be reviewed and approved by the California Water Quality Board, Central Coast Region Office. AT 79-128 • • Site and Area Considerations: The terrain at the project site consists of gentle to moderately sloping hillside. Vegetation at the project site consists of grasses and scattered oak trees. A single-family residence presently exists on the project site located on the west side of proposed Parcel 1. The south end of Atascadero Lake is directly across Santa Rosa Road and all the proposed parcels will have a view of the lake. The soils in the area may be subject to high erosion potential and are listed as having a severe limitation classification for septic system uses. The County Seismic Safety Element identified the area as having a moderately high potential for landslide. Surrounding land use is single family residential with parcel sizes ranging from z to 5 acres. A driveway to the existing single family residence can be utilized to provide access to the proposed parcels. Prospective development of the proposed parcels should incorporate the best design and engineering practices to mitigate the potential environmental problems identified within this report. Water service will be provided by Atascadero Mutual Water Company and sewage disposal will be by individual septic systems. Zoning and General Plan Consideration: The site and adjacent properties fronting on Santa Rosa Road are zoned R-A, Suburban Residential. The minimum parcel size is 20,000 sq. ft. to the south. Properties fronting on San Gabriel Road are zoned A-1-11-2, Light Agriculture with a minimum parcel size of 1z acres. The 1978 Atascadero Area General Plan designates the area as Low Density Single Family Residential. The site is outside the Urban Services boundary, and Santa Rosa Road is designated as a Secondary Arterial. The General Plan contains the following comments pertinent to this project: Land Use Policy Proposals 2 The type and extent of services provided within the Urban Reserve Area will depend on whether land is in the Urban or the Suburban Services Area. Properties outside the Urban Services Line should be evaluated for lot size based on the Suburban Residential range (2z to 10 acres) until sewers are available. (P. 42) Low Density Minimum lot sizes within the Urban Services Area should range from lz to 2z acres. Determination of appropriate lot sizes should be based AT 79-128 upon such factors as the availability of services, especially sewers; slope of access road to building site; distance from the center of the community; general character of neighboring lands; soil percolation; and the area needed for access roads to the building sites. (P. 44) Residential Policy Proposals: S. Residential density should decrease as one moves outward from the core, in order to maintain the rural atmosphere of the community. This can be accomplished by a graded increase in lot size and a graded decrease in the permitted density of population. 10. Lot splits should be thoroughly evaluated and be in accordance with community plans and principles. Strict adherence to the lot sizes defined in this plan is essential in order to retain the desired character of the community. Creation of lots smaller than those recommended must not be permitted if the maximum population of . approximately 30,000 is to be maintained. 11. Attention should be paid to the aesthetic result of land division. Building sites should be encouraged on natural slopes, with minimal disruption of native vegetation and watersheds, and efficient layout of access and utilities. 12. A program should be developed to encourage the preservation. of trees, watersheds and natural slopes and other natural amenities from abuse and destruction resulting from poor design and development practices. (P. 45 & 46) The Suburban Residential Section also contains the following guidance: Lot sizes should be 22 acres or more. Determination of appropriate lot sizes should be based upon such factors as slope of the access road to the building site, availability of services, distance from the center of the community, general character of neighboring lands, percolation and the area needed for access road to building site. (P. 44) Santa Rosa Road is designated by the plan as a Secondary Arterial, and the following comments are offered: 3. Secondary Arterials: Secondary Arterials should be developed to a 60 foot right-of-way. These roads serve as major access routes between residential areas, shopping centers, employment centers and primary recreation areas. Roads in this classification must have shoulders wide enough to accommodate multi-use paths and emergency parking. There are 14 segments of undivided Arterials: i. Santa Rosa Road from Morro Road to E1 Camino Real AT 79-128 • i RECOMMENDATION Although the City Planning Commission and the City Council will take final action on this project, the Subdivision Review Board may still take action on this matter. Any action taken will likely constitute an informal recommendation to the City Council. It should be noted this staff report and the recommendations are based on County policy, procedure and ordinances. After review of applicable General Plans and other available information, the.Subdivision Review Board recommends approval to the City Council and that the proposed subdivision be found consistent with the General Plan in accordance with Section 65302.5(a) (4) of the Government Code. Provided that a finding of consistency is made and the application ultimately approved, the following conditions are hereby established regarding the design and improvements of the proposed subdivision; which conditions when satisfied will mitigate the environment concerns expressed by the Environmental Coordinator in his Conditional Negative Declaration of November 7, 1979. . 1. That the following "NOTES" shall be placed on the final map: A. No sewage disposal system installations are to be placed closer than 100 feet from the top of the existing creek bank, drainage swales or areas subject to inundation. B. Sewage disposal systems shall be separated from any individual domestic well and/or agricultural well, as follows: (1) leach fields, one hundred feet (1001) , and (2) bored pits, one hundred fifty feet (1501) . Wells intended for two or more parcels shall be separated by two hundred feet (2001) from any subsurface sewage disposal system. C. Water is to be obtained from the Atascadero Mutual Water Company. 2. Prior to the filing of theap rcel map, the applicant shall submit to and be jointly approved by the Planning Department and Health Department, results of percolation tests and the log or logs of soil borings performed by a registered civil engineer. For this purpose, the applicant shall perform one or more soil borings to be a minimum depth of ten (10) feet in the area of the proposed sewage disposal system to determine the: (a) subsurface soil conditions, (example: impermeable stratas which act as barriers to the effective percolation of sewage); (b) and the presence of groundwater. And the applicant must perform a minimum of three (3) percolation test holes per lot, to be spaced uniformly in the area of the proposed sewage disposal system. Percolation tests shall conform to the methods and guidelines prescribed by the Manual of Septic Tank Practice as adopted by the County Building and Construction Ordinance Title 19, Chapter 10.24 for Parcels 2 and 3. Also, septic tank use to be reviewed by the Water Control Board. AT .79-128 • • 3. That operable facilities exist prior to the filing of the Final Map. A letter shall be obtained from the Atascadero Mutual Water Company and submitted to the Health and Planning Departments for review and approval stating there are operable facilities immedi- ately available and ready for connection to the parcels created. 4. That the applicant offer for dedication to the public for future road widening purposes 10 feet along Santa Rosa Road; said offer to be made by Certificate on the Parcel Map. S. That a private easement be reserved on the Parcel Map for access to Parcel 2. 6. That the applicant submit a preliminary title report at the time the Parcel Map is submitted for checking. 7. That a practical plan and profile for access to a suitable building site on Parcel 2 be submitted to the County Engineering and Planning Departments for approval. 8. That any private easement as shown on the Title Report be shown on the Parcel Map with recording data. 9. That the drainage swale on the property be delineated on the Parcel Map. 10. That a drainage plan, prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer, be submitted to the County Engineer for approval. 11. That three (3) copies of a Preliminary Soils Report prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer in accordance with Sections 17953, 17954, 17955 of the California Health and Safety Code be submitted to the Planning Department and Health Department prior to the filing of the parcel map by the County Engineer's Office. The date and person who prepared the report are to be noted on the Parcel Map. 12. That the layout be redesigned as per Subdivision Review Board Exhibit "A, dated December 4, 1979, on file in the Office of the County Planning Department. 13. All .conditions of approval herein specified are to be complied with prior to the submittal of the Parcel Map Original to the County Engineer for approval. 14. That a Final Parcel Map shall be filed in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act, prior to sale, lease or financing of the subject property within a period of one year from approval date of the Tentative Map. AT 79-128 • • 15 FIRE PROTECTION STANDARDS The applicant must comply with state, county and district laws/ ordinances applicable to fire protection and consider increased fire risk to area by the land proposed. 16. After approval by the Board of Supervisors, compliance with the preceeding conditions will bring the proposed subdivision in conformance with the Subdivision Map Act and local ordinances. 17. The Tentative Parcel Map will expire one year (12 months) from the date of Board of Supervisors approval. The Tentative Parcel Map may be extended one year by the Subdivision Review Board. Written requests with appropriate fees must be submitted to the Planning Department prior to the expiration date. DISCUSSION Applicant's engineer attended the meeting. The Subdivision Review Board unanimously adopted the preliminary report as amended. P —1,11,- 6 •/ _ �`� :- 4 Q. _ '4• r ..>r �l•N[� 4i _ ` ,.1C•�~r � �.- ,gU�/��I�v��i• �I ��•� . f v la/► •� TT��{ }gyp •• /• 1 . �, '• _� • - _ �a ki ��ri�4.• .0 �� (' ••�•_'lam J• ,: . �1�� / '- { o ',-� - -'$- '� � - 7�*-• .g >;. .�`� _ ��� _ �i1 � ` � ,�. �-�� - ` � ,\ rob. �' l i' `, � .. ,�• '1 .� _ _ •, ,�`�'. a `" - �J,,'i. �/ ;fit D ' :�� `� Cys'. l `� y �- • 'f j •� z;.���'' �,� `i ice- Oi X10 . IL4 01-7 _ -7 .j,• r A -- vis Sot / o �PpR \ q O POA ql-�o 32 yi�0� J OLO 130 000 ��f� I0"Ji r i "36 .14 ` ' _ S 1200 ^:9 ?N t' l A LVA RA D 0 to Fco f_--- _ ; , 6497 C41v" 0 Ti 47 It dp f _ 24- 8 c' '\ rn N. + 4 liz Kd h 970 ` w - 960 00 . . '4 Q 0. 44. I .w �- .4 % DANIEL J. STEWART & ASSAC. ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS POST OFFICE BOX 6 8 7 PHONE (805) 46 6-5717 4401 El Camino Real Atascadero, CA 93422 9 l� January 28, 1980 ����� 1V S.L.O. County y Planning Department S Courthouse Annex. San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 £ RE: AT 79-128 Dear Mr. Red: This letter is to request that you reconsider item No. 11 of the conditions of approval for the subject Parcel Map. The costs to meet this condition of approval would be from $400. 00 . up to $800 . 00 . I have reviewed the site and cannot fully understand why this condition appears. There is an existing residence on one parcel and we are in the process of creating only 2 additional parcels. I realize that this condition is required for all subdivisions but it is normally exempted from parcel maps. Thank you very much. Very truly yours, DANIEL J TELr1ART, R.C.E. Di S j1'> pc: W. Wilhoite Dan Vossler JArl 2 9 1980 S.L.O. COUNTY PLANNING DEPT. n eJ ? .. c-� JJ -, t� 0000 , > n �N o "We appreciate your business" 2121 SANTA BARBARA ST., SAN LUIS OBISPo 543-6844 NBD A. RocOWAY, Director Telephone(805)549-5600 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Courthouse Annex SAN LuIS OBISPO, CALIFORNIA - 93408 January 11, 1980 Honorable Atascadero Planning Commission and City Council City of Atascadero, California Dear Ladies and Gentlemen: SUBJECT: AT 79-110, PROPOSED LOT DIVISION OF PARCELS 1 AND 2 OF CO 67-61, ON THE WEST SIDE OF WEST MALL ADJACENT TO ATASCADERO CREEK, ATASCADERO. (R-2-B-2-D(506) : LOW DENSITY MULTIPLE FAMILY) (HVOLBOL, ETAL - SCHOTT) SUPERVISORIAL DISTRICT#1 (884: 7/18/79) RECOMMENDATION FOR CONSISTENCY AND FOR APPROVAL At a regular meeting of the County Subdivision Review Board, the attached subdivision was considered and is being referred to you for required action and findings regarding consistency with applicable general plans. Respectfully submitted, i LARRY J. RED, Supervisor ' Subdivision Review Section ca Attachment cc: County Engineer County Health Department REPORT OF THE SUBDIVISION REVIEW BOARD MEETING JANUARY 9, 1980 RE: AT 79-110, PROPOSED LOT DIVISION OF PARCELS 1 AND 2 OF CO 67-61, ON THE WEST SIDE OF WEST MALL ADJACENT TO ATASCADERO CREEK, ATASCADERO. (R-2-B-2-D(506) : LOW DENSITY MULTIPLE FAMILY) (HVOLBOL, ETAL. - SCHOTT) SUPERVISORIAL DISTRICT#1 (884: 7/18/79) RECOM14ENDATION FOR CONSISTENCY AND FOR APPROVAL SRB Members in Attendance: Acting Chairman, Larry Red, John Hofschroer, Bill MacDonald, John Wallace, Mike Doherty Planning Commissioner in Attendance: None Legal Counsel Present: None PROJECT DESCRIPTION This application proposes a subdivision of two parcels totalling 2.05 acres into 4 parcels each, in excess of 22,000 square feet. The site is located on the west side of West Mall adjacent to Atascadero Creek, Atascadero. "Zoning: R-2-B-2-D(506) : "Low Density Multiple Residential" (10,000 square feet minimum lot size) General Plan: 1978 Atascadero General Plan: "Low Density Multiple Family" (z acre) COMMENTS Environmental Determination A Conditional Negative Declaration was issued by the Environmental Coordinator on November 27, 1979, stating that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment and therefore does not require the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report, subject to the following conditions: 1. That drainage and erosion control plans be submitted to and approved by the County Engineering Department prior to issuance of any building permits. 2. That disturbance of the riparian vegetation along Atascadero Creek be avoided. Site and Area Considerations Terrain of the project site is relatively level. Vegetation consists of grasses and some brush. Atascadero Creek runs along the northern boundary of the site. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development 1977 Flood Hazard Boundary Map designates the site as being in a special flood hazard area. However, this is a general map. A more detailed study by Fred H. Schott 9 ' AT 79-110 Associates - Civil & Structural Engineers shows the creek to stay within its banks for a 100 year storm. Physical evidence on the site as well as flooding history of the area indicate that there is not any flood hazard on the property. Information from the Soil Conservation Service indicates that the potential for soil erosion and sedimentation is moderate and that the site is well drained. An erosion control and drainage plan should be submitted to the County Engineering Department. Water is to be obtained from the Atascadero Mutual Water Company. Sewer service is to be provided by the Atascadero Sanitary District. A 10 foot . sewer trunk line extends diagonally across Parcels B, D and the corner._ -ofd ` 1T}e Dine, w is extends from-tne sewage treatment plant immediately to the north of the property could be a limiting factor for fuTi�rP construction. A conditional use permit 1001: 1) was granted by the Board of Supervisors on December 27, 1976, for a 34 unit apartment complex. An extension of time was also approved by the County Planning Commission on January 12, 1978. The extension was good until June 27, 1978. The use permit was apparently never exercised. The 1978 Atascadero General Plan designates this property as Low Density Multiple Family Residential with a minimum parcel size of 2 acre required for new parcels. Access is from West Mall. West Mali is designated a local street in the Circulation Element of the Atascadero General Plan. The following excerpts from this Plan are pertinent to this property. Multiple-Family Residential shall be further divided into: Low Density Should be permitted in areas not adjacent to arterials and may be permitted adjacent to Single-Family Residential. May include duplexes, triplexes and fourplexes, but not apartments of S or more dwelling units. (P. 44) Residential Policy Proposals 6. Multi-family residential use areas should have a minimum building site of one-half acre with the number of allowable units corresponding to the following table: No. of Bedrooms Required Land Acre Per Unit 1 2400 sq. ft. 2 3600 sq. ft. 3 4800 sq. ft. 4 5900 sq. ft. 7. Multi-residential density areas should be considered in light of such specific factors as topography, traffic circulation, drainage, fire protection and general level of use intensity at that location. (P. 44) AT 79-110 • 11. Attention should be paid to the aesthetic result of land division. Building sites should be encouraged on natural slopes, with minimal disruption of native vegetation and watersheds and efficient layout of access and utilities. 12. A program should be developed to encourage, the preservation of trees, watersheds and natural slopes and other natural amenities from abuse and destruction resulting from poor design and development practices. (P. 45 and P. 46) RECOMMENDATION Although the City Planning Commission and the City Council will take final action on this project, the Subdivision Review Board may still take action on this matter. Any action taken will likely constitute an informal recommendation to the City Council. It should be noted this staff report and the recommendations are based on County policy, procedure and ordinances. After review of applicable General Plans and other available information, the Subdivision Review Board recommends approval to the City Council and that the proposed subdivision be found consistent with the General Plan in accordance with Section 65302.5(a) (4) of the Government Code. Provided that a finding of consistency is made and the application ultimately approved, the following conditions are hereby established regarding the design and improvements of the proposed subdivision; which conditions when satisfied will mitigate the environmental concerns expressed by the Environmental Coordinator in his Conditional Negative Declaration of November 27, 1979. And, provided that the Atascadero City Council finds that your Tentative Parcel Map is consistent and approved, the Subdivision Review Board also recommends to the Atascadero City Council that it be found in the interest of the public health and safety, and as a necessary prerequisite to the orderly development of the surroudning area, to require the construction of road improvements within a period of one year after recordation of the Parcel Map. 1. That the following "NOTES" shall be placed on the final map: A. Sewage disposal shall be by connection to the community sewers. B. Water is to be obtained from the Atascadero Mutual Water Company. 2. That operable water facilities exist prior to the filing of the Final Map. A letter shall be obtained from the Atascadero Mutual Water Company and submitted to the Health and Planning Departments for review and approval stating there are operable facilities immediately available and ready for connection to the parcels created. AT 79-110 • • 3. Thatrp for to the filing of the final map a "will serve" letter be obtained from the Atascadero Sanitary District and submitted to the Health and Planning Departments for review and approval stating that the community sewage system is willing and able to serve the newly created parcels. 4. That adequate provisions shall be made to prevent standing water in order to prevent mosquito breeding and other associated nuisances and safety hazards. 4A. That a 5' offer of dedication be required long West Mall Street. 5. That a private easement be reserved on the/Parcel Map for access to parcel(s) A and C. 6. That the applicant submit a preliminary Title Report at the time the parcel map is submitted for checking. 7. That any private easement as shown on the Title Report be shown on the Parcel Map with recording data. 8. That the area inundated by Atascadero Creek on the property be delineated on the Parcel Map. 9. NOTE for map: That a drainage and erosion control plan, prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer, be submitted to the County Engineer for approval prior to issuance of building permits. 10. FIRE PROTECTION STANDARDS The applicant must comply with state, county and district laws/ ordinances applicable to fire protection and consider increased fire risk to area by the land proposed. 11. All conditions of approval herein specified are to be complied with prior to the submittal of the Parcel Map Original to the County Engineer for approval. 12. That a Final Parcel Map shall be filed in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act, prior to sale, lease or financing of the subjectproperty within a period of one year from approval date of the Tentative Map. 13. NOTE to be placed on Parcel Map indicating riparian vegetation along Atascadero Creek not be disturbed. 14. After approval by the Board of Supervisors, compliance with the preceeding conditions will bring the proposed subdivision in conformance with the Subdivision Map Act and local ordinances. AT 79-110 15. The Tentative Parcel Map will expire one year (12 months) from the date of Board of Supervisors approval. The Tentative Parcel Map may be extended one year by the Subdivision Review Board. Written requests with appropriate fees must be submitted to the Planning Department prior to the expiration date. DISCUSSION Applicant and engineer attended the meeting. The Subdivision Review Board unanimously adopted the preliminary report as amended. • ++..ice.' 1 \ 'y 4i, y �J �.• 9 9 r fi++r. p� y 3p 4`. gyp\ \ •� C i 0 • \ /.� / ' �.- ti- d ,/J•M, '..� 836 D�21 gyp / C ;: \• / 4 4 ,• /•f••;� �1► rQ�� � • k 9•y� ,Q--4 �., y2 : goo \\V 1.Fi�'F, cr nk ine�� .•,� Z, .�., � '� S` / v�. £- � /tel '�� Ile AT CADERO 00 l • � _ It �j`�4 -, � � p��lv. .• • J I / •I• JOL 41 AI H As ig • �• -��1� Vii` �,,. .���� �. � '� �p /•'`:�,• ��.4 1iC. 7,y`b •'`•J� `'• \.- .r * ANDS �vs �- _�, ' '�-.'�yy- 1 1•\\\� ��•'+,�., �,'�> �� -,, �A V _ Al �. ��. —� �9 \.�,� ✓ _ ];,. •v a \�� Fvy �':�•i ' �-� p ` , 4 � �^ •N�1•�_,�,% `V, 1 •V? -� _ • • �� ' ��. ,{tea. it//, ` • '.� , / F:j� W ••+���Y•• �U 0 IV '.y `y. '�•�1•`• •/ ,�� C� � '' ••'`••� �r� - _� �` rte' �. - R' o �° \`~` ``i �`�`��� • yea, y ♦ a °i- It� a aa Y k 3` Ol V i 4 ♦ r A � ran.w• s i 3 o rOJ'7rr 'r M.r .Il M .y+•s _i��`I�Q , �' 002 14 74 r a a hlY W o � y a te_ I14 n _ _ .tr�orr �.fr.nti � • ° i� ' Oif-YO-f6R b NED A. RocowAY, Director Telephone(805)549-5600 ce PLANNING DEPARTMENT Courthouse Annex SAN LUIS OBISPO, CALIFORNIA- 93408 January 10, 1980 Honorable Atascadero Planning Commission and City Council City of Atascadero, California Dear Ladies and Gentlemen: The following Lot Line Adjustments were reviewed by the Subdivision Review Board on January 9, 1980, and were found to comply with Section 21.48.017 of the Lot Division Ordinance. These Lot Line Adjustments, recommended by the Subdivision Review Board for conditional approval, are as follows: 1. AL 79-68 (Van Saun - Hilliard) 2. AL 79-46 (Garza - None) It is recommended that the above referenced adjustments be conditionally approved with the conditions as recommended by the Subdivision Review Board and set down in their attached report. Respectfully submitted, LARRY J. RED, Supervisor Subdivision Review Section ca Attachments cc: County Engineer County Health Department REPORT OF THE SUBDIVISION REVIEW BOARD MEETING JANUARY 9, 1880 RE: AL 79-46, PROPOSED LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT OF LOTS 13 AND 58, BLOCK Q, ATASCADERO; PARCELS FRONT ON ROSARIO AND ALAMO ROADS. (R-1-B-3-D(506) : MODERATE DENSITY SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE); (GARZA - NONE) SUPERVISORIAL DISTRICT #1 (884 7/19/79) SRB Members in Attendance: Chairman, Colonel Sorenson, Larry Red, Bill MacDonald, John Hofschroer, John Wallace, Mike Doherty Planning Commissioner in Attendance: None Legal Counsel Present: None PROJECT DESCRIPTION This application proposes an adjustment of the property line between 2 lots. Lot 58 is 17,093 sq. ft. and Lot 13 is 25,088 sq. ft. The site is located between Alamo and Rosario Roads. Zoning: R-1-B-3-D(508) : "Single Family Residential" (20,000 minimum parcel size) General Plan: 1978 Atascadero General Plan: "Moderate Density Single Family Residential (an acre minimum with sewers and 131 acre minimum without sewers) REASON FOR THE ADJUSTMENT The existing house is located on the property line. COMMENTS A Conditional Negative Declaration was issued by the Environmental Coordinator on November 6, 1979, stating that the project will not have a significant effect on the environmental and therefore does not require the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report, subject to the follow- ing condition• A report to be prepared by an engineering geologist examining the slope stability of Lot 13 (Parcel A) will be necessary prior to the issuance of any builing permits; this should be noted on the deed of titles. The Environmental Coordinator states the "County Seismic Safety Element identifies the area as having moderately high potential from landslide" and therefore requires the report by an engineering geologist. The adjustment, which involves shifting a property line to accommodate an existing house, reduces the size of one parcel and increases the other. The resultant parcels will be nearly equal in size. Parcel "A" is 20,040 sq. ft. and Parcel "B" is 22,142 sq. ft. The existing house will conform to ordinance requirements on setbacks and the creation of two building sites will eliminate the problem of double street frontage that now exists. AL 79-46 • RECOMMENDATION After review of applicable General Plans and other available infor- mation, the Subdivision Review Board recommends to the Atascadero City Council that the proposed Lot Line Adjustment be found to comply with Section 21.48.017 of the Lot Division Ordinance and that it be approved. Provided that the adjustment is approved, the following conditions are hereby established: 1. All conditions of approval herein specified are to be complied with prior to the recording of Certificates of Compliance which effectuates the adjustment. Said Certificates of Compliance must be signed by all record owners and holders of interest as defined in Section 21.48.017(e) of the Lot Division and notarized. 2. The Certificates of Compliance must be filed in accordance with. Section. 21.48.017(e) prior to transfer of the adjusted portions of the property. 3. After approval by the Board of Supervisors, compliance with the preceding conditions will bring the proposed adjustment in conformance with the Subdivision Map Act and Section 21.48.017 of the: Lot Division Ordinance. 4. The Lot Line Adjustment will expire one year (12 months) from the date of Board of Supervisors' approval, unless the Certificates of Compliance effectuating the Adjustment are recorded. S. A report be prepared by an engineering geologist examining the slope stablility of Parcel "A" will be necessary prior to issuance of any building permit. This should be noted on the deed of titles. DISCUSSION Applicants did not attend the meeting. The Subdivision Review Board unanimously adoptedthepreliminary report as written. •��.,. •� E }. 9Tv- 00 p�l 6�0 59 29 Ft .� a ., O ♦ _S 0 _� 900Ft` L p •� RANCHO LA ASUNCION a • Q ncion as• I 33 + d'M ♦ I i. AO ` 3 y _ �• ss \ 4t > x „ / �',�— •?sem ' �, �.•%FT,23G. 83 •//SIO}� � �O �` .\ . •', ./ --,`�Q r, •.�r'1� ., � - /•f••,•� ��\J (/• .. • 'c:,. 412 :^• .,v O '� ;Q -UA Ir u i7 LLwaterI 4 , � i � �: ,� .. �:,.ry Tangy Ijt 1 a I _cn �.;,�� ' 4...y `i ,;Armo II �/ a�l ine 44 • �.>� � 1 YF \ '�►-•'-�* � t re 404 • c .�4�2 • �. `4WN r 00 ^/48z�p0 C✓F •�® � �;� � LB/ G i • ♦ I � /a' 1,107 }, L •''� .�� 40 , 3 •y �` `RO ,_� ®'♦• �J�PI`Ou ~ r e� P7A CADERO {1 'LQ t 4.'% .!• �.',h �. O- p�, �' ' a a ,L �o i \ Da O z � IL ,\ NY 16C OP IL r N v Sl L16)r N � � � 1�N � J ` -•-� a Q `� N o Z. 1- ^ tq ' r� N_ `4 O S{ �� .6 r M E M O R A N D U M TO: Atascadero City Council DATE: February 6, 1980 FROM: Planning Consultant/Director SUBJECT: ATASCADERO GENERAL PLAN B-10 Continued public hearing on Atascadero General Plan and referral of reports and recommendations by the Planning Commission on items referred for their review by the City Council on January 28 , 1980 After several months of work, the Planning Commission has concluded its review of the General Plan and adopted Resolution 1-80 recommending adoption. The Planning Commission recommendation consists of the following: a. The text marked "Exhibit A" which includes: 1) Amendments and corrections approved by the San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors specified in Reso- lution No. 78-674, adopted December 18, 1978 ; 2) Mitigation measures as a supplement to Environmental Impact Report as recommended by the Environmental Coordinator in a letter dated September 14 , 1978; and 3) Amendments approved by the Atascadero Planning Commission as recorded in November and December, 1979 minutes and as delineated in the attached supplement. b. The General Plan of Land Use Map marked "Exhibit B" including the supplement approved with amendments to the map. It should be pointed out that Government Code Section 65356 pro- vides that " . . . any modification of the proposed plan by the legis- lative body (City Council) not previously considered by the Planning Commission during its hearing, shall first be referred to the Plan- ning Commission for report and recommendation, but the Planning Commission shall not be required to hold a public hearing thereon. " Included as part of this material are reports and recommendations from the Planning Commission on items referred back for their review. Submitted by: LAWRENCE S EVENS Planning nsultant/Director LS:kp RESOLUTION 1-80 CITY PLANNING COMMISSION CITY OF ATASCADERO SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA JANUARY 7 , 1980 PRESENT: Commissioners Cannon, Lilley, Moore, Oglesby, Summers, Wentzel and Chairman Norton ABSENT: Commissioner IN THE .MATTER OF ADOPTION OF THE ATASCADERO CITY GENERAL PLAN BEING A COMPREHENSIVE LONG TERM GENERAL PLAN OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO The following resolution is now offered and read: WHEREAS, Section 65300 through Section 65307 of the California Government Code provides for the authority and scope of General Plans consisting of a statement of development policies and diagrams and text setting forth objective principles and standards and plan proposals among others; and WHEREAS, Section 65302 of the California Government Code requires a Land Use Element and WHEREAS, An integrated Environmental Impact Report and supplemental letter to the County Planning Commission of September 14, 1978, with suggested mitigation measures to certain portions of the plan have been prepared and reviewed by the County Environmental Coordinator; and WHEREAS, Several public hearings have been conducted by the Atascadero City Planning Commission, including the con- sideration of the Atascadero City General Plan adopted by the County of San Luis Obispo in December, 1978 , as amended; and WHEREAS, Additional amendments to the Draft Plan have been proposed and incorporated herein as if made part of the draft copy of the Atascadero City General Plan; and WHEREAS, Adequate notice has been given of the Planning Commission' s consideration of this General Plan including notice as required by Section 65351 of the Government Code; and WHEREAS, The staff of the Commission has reviewed and made recommendations regarding the Draft General Plan prepared as amended by the Commission herein and made part of this draft copy; and WHEREAS, This Commission has carefully considered the proposed Atascadero City General Plan and finds that said Plan constitutes a suitable, logical and timely Plan for the City of Atascadero; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED by the Atascadero City Planning Commission: 1. That the Planning Commission after review and consideration of the Environmental Impact Report and supplemental letter of September 14, 1978, with suggested mitigation measures to certain portions of the Plan find said Environmental Impact Report is adequate 2. Resolve further that the Atascadero City General Plan, including the Environmental Impact Report, be recommended to the Atascadero City Council and replaces the Atascadero General Plan adopted by the County of San Luis Obispo and consisting of: A. The attached text marked Exhibit "A" , which includes: (1) Amendments and corrections approved by the San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors specified in Resolution No. 78-674 adopted December 18, 1978; (2) Mitigation measures as a supplement to the Environ- mental Impact Report as recommended by the Environ- mental Coordinator in a letter dated September 14, 1978; and, (3) Amendments approved by the Atascadero City Planning Commission as reflected in the minutes of their meetings in November and December, 1979 and as delineated in the attached supplement. B. The General Plan of Land Use Map marked Exhibit "B" including supplement approved as amendments to the map. On motion by Commissioner Oglesby , seconded by Commissioner Summers and upon the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners Cannon, Lilley, .Moore, Oglesby, Summers, Wentzel and Chairman Norton NOES: None ABSENT: None I hereby certify the foregoing as a full, true and correct copy of a resolution adopted by the City Planning Commission of the City of Atascadero, State of California, at a meeting thereof held on 7th day of January, 1980. G2u�w S cretary, Planning Commission City of Atascadero State of California S U P P L E M E N T TEXT CHANGES APPROVED BY THE ATASCADERO PLANNING COMMISSION Pg. Col. Par. Line 1 L 2 3 delete "amends the County Land Use Element and" 1 L 2 4-.7 delete 3rd sentence referring to County General Plan 1 L 2 8 delete "County" and replace with "City" 1 L 4 delete second sentence 43 L delete entire left column 43 R 4-6 delete "The rate of residential construction—problems are dis- cussed in Chapter IX, HOUSING. " 44 L 4 3 amend to read " . . . schools, libraries and board and care facilities. " 44 L 7 amend first sentence to read "Minimum lot sizes within the Urban Services Area shall range from 13� to two and one-half acres while the minimum lot size outside the Urban Services Area shall be two and one-half acres. " 44 R 2 11-13 delete last sentence "Because this plan— formerly designated Rural are increased. " 44 R 4 3 delete first point "The use density . . .does not exceed 36 individual residents per acre. " 45 L 1 add under High Density "The use density. . .does not exceed 36 indivi- dual residents per acre." 45 L 1 amend second sentence under Low Density to read " . . .and fourplexes, but generally no more than 5 dwelling units per building. " -2- Pg. Col. Par. Line 45 L 1 add third sentence under Low Density "New projects with more than four units per structure shall require specific design approval. " 45 R" #6 delete " . . .with the number. the following table: " including the table 46 L #15 renumber "15" to "16" and amend to read "New condominium projects, planned mobile home developments and stock cooperatives shall be reviewed on an individual basis as community housing needs, neighborhood character, and site improvements will dictate. 46 L #15 add "15. Where all factors are favorable, board and care facilities could satisfactorily be developed in designated neighborhood areas. The use density shall not be permitted to exceed that of . High Density Multiple Family use. " 46 L #17 add "17. To alleviate the problems arising from the conversion of existing rental units, the City may regulate condominium conversions. The City shall revise its zoning ordinance and subdivision ordinance regarding condominium conversions in order to: (a) Establish criteria for the con- version of existing multiple rental housing to condominiums, community apartments, stock cooperatives, and new or limited equity stock cooperatives. (b) Reduce the impact of such con- versions on residents in rental housing who may be required to relocate due to conversion of apartments to condominiums, community apartments, stock cooperatives, and new or limited equity stock cooperatives by providing procedures for notifi- cation and adequate time and assistance for such relocation. (c) Insure that the purchasers of converted housing have been properly informed as to the physi- cal condition of the structure which -3- Pg. Col. Par. Line is offered for purchase. (d) Insure that converted housing achieves high quality appearance and safety and is consistent with the goals of the City' s General Plan. (e) Encourage opportunities for hous- ing ownership of all types, for all levels of income and in a variety of locations. (f) Encourage a continuing supply of rental housing for low and moderate income persons and families. 47 L 2 10-12 delete last sentence referring to Countywide Land Use Element 47 L 3 5-8 amend to read " . . .Santa Rosa Road. There are many. . . for the immediate future. " deleting " . . . it is recommended . . . 4 .4 acres in this category. " 47 R #1 delete "completely" 47 R #4 delete "and dangerous" 52 L .#2 amend #2 to read "2 . The area along the west side of El Camino Real from Curbaril Avenue south to the Commer- cial use at the Santa Rosa overpass shall also be upgraded to the status of Industrial Park. " 66 L 3 8 change "County" to "City" 68 L 3 4 change "County to "City" 77 L 2 d. change "County-granted" to "City granted" 88 R 1 delete paragraph "To relieve con- gestion. . .back to El Camino Real. " 134 L 9 3 change "County" to "City" -4- Pg. Col. Par. Line 45 L 1 add the following under "Low Density" : "The use density shall be based upon the criterion of approximately 22 individual residents per acre. The following maxima shall apply: 11 one bedroom apartments per acre 7 two bedroom apartments per acre 5 three bedroom apartments per acre 4 four bedroom apartments per acre or, any combination of the above which, multiplied by standard occu- pancy factors, does not exceed 22 residents per acre. " 45 L 4 add paragraph to read "Mobile home parks may be permitted in Single Family Residential areas at the same densities as if they were stick-built structures and may be permitted in Multiple Family Residential areas at a maximum of 11 dwellings per acre. " 97 R 5 delete references to County in sen- tence: "Although a local Housing Authority. . .under the current County Administration. " 87 R 4 add sentence to read "Proposed plans to realign and .improve Highway 41 from Freeway 101 shall be dropped in order to prevent further bisecting of the community. " 87 R 5 1 delete "temporary 88 L C. delete "until the eastern portion of Highway 41 is rerouted. " 92 R #3 delete "temporary" and change "a" to "an" 92 R #3 add a new #3 and renumber 3-18 to 4-19 with the new wording "3. Highway 41 shall not be realigned and improved eastward of Freeway 101. " -5- Pg. Col. Para Line 1 L 1 2 change "more than a half century" to "nearly three-quarters of a century" 1 R 1 4 change "still stand" to "stood until recently" 2 L 2 2 delete " ,now a County landmark," 9 L 1 5 change "2311" to "1711" 41 R 1 8+ change third sentence to read "In this Plan the Urban Reserve Line generally coincides with the Atas- cadero Colony boundary, except for two Agricultural Preserves and a portion of a third (The Eagle Ranch Agriculture Preserve has a total of 5,978 acres of which 2,786 acres are within the Colony boundaries) that are located on the periphery of the Colony and except for areas south of Santa Barbara Road and west of the summit of Frog Pond Mountain. 42 L 1 2, 3 change first sentence to read, "The Suburban Services Area consists of. the remainder of the City and the portion of the Eaglet Tract within the City boundaries. " 42 R 1-3 delete the three paragraphs explaining a method of calculation 44 L 7 the wording of the section under "Low Density" shall read "Minimum lot sizes within the Urban Services Area shall range from 12 to 22 acres while the minimum lot sizes outside the Urban Services Area shall be 22 acres Determination of approp- riate lot ` sizes shall be based upon such factors as slope of access road to the building site; availability of services, especially sewers; distance from center of the community; general character of neighboring lands; percolation and the area needed for access roads to the building site. The keeping of poultry. . .." 46 R 1 delete the first paragraph including the table -6- Pg. Col. Par. Line 48 R 3 under Neighborhood Commercial #2 reading, "On the two northern corners of Morro Road and Curbaril Avenue. " shall be deleted 66 R 1 1,2 the words "now in the initial stages of development" should be changed to "which is nearly completed" 77 L 1 2 , 3 should be changed to read " . ..Fire Department has made several recom- mendations to the Fire Board. It Among the. . 80 R #10 delete reference to Sheriff ' s Substation and renumber 90 R 1 b. delete "b. Designation of another. . . is of high priority. " 97 R 4 delete last sentence "A proposal. . . has been presented. " 43 R #8 the following wording is suggested "8. In the calculation of lot area for the purposes of considering land divisions and in determining per- mitted numbers and types of animals allowed, gross acreage shall be used. However, in determining permitted densities for multiple family resi- dential developments, net acreage (excluding land area needed for street rights-of-way) shall be used. various places in text Use the word "shall in place of "should" and "will" in those instances where binding standards are intended (i.e. , regulations, principles) and retain the word "should" in those instances where flexibility is desired (i.e. , policy proposals, property acquisitions, capital improvements) 77. R 2 4 add the following sentence, "The French medical Clinic, located on the south end of E1 Camino Real, also provides medical services to the community. " 77 R 3 6 delete sentence beginning, "It may be possible. . . " and insert the ( following, "A Dial-a-Ride program operates as a service of the Senior Citizens United. Pg. Col. Para Line 76 R 2 delete the last two sentences and insert the following: "The City of Atascadero is in the process of establishing its own police services. In the establishment of those ser- vices, consideration is being given to a public safety function combin- ing some police and fire services. " 76 R 3 delete the entire paragraph 91 L c rewrite this sentence to read, "The lot on Entrada Avenue between 5975 Entrada Avenue and the Post Office building. SUPPLEMENT MAP CHANGES APPROVED BY THE ATASCADERO PLANNING COMMISSION 1. The CEMETERY shall be shown as a public facility on Map VII-3. 2. Lots fronting on the southerly side of Palomar Avenue, adjacent to the Atascadero Regional Park, shall be shown as Moderate Density Single Family Residential. 3. Santa Ysabel Extension to she County Clinic property. (see attached sketch) . 4. Lots on the westerly side of Santa Ysabel from the Thrifty complex to Pueblo and on the westerly side of Sinaloa between Pueblo and Curbaril shall be shown as Low Density Multiple Family Residential. 5. The west side of E1 Camino Real from Curbaril Avenue south to the commercial use at the Santa Rosa overpass shall be shown as Industrial Park. 0 N � 1j 4 �, 2 /n 00E 2ArE KA)51'r{ 4 SINGLE FAMi 9V DEN O �Pe P CN" Y QE�15►ry p ��LTI t t.EFAAy tyEy�. � �LES� �EN'�l�l• ! rI °o i /Qo o T,c� �!C I� �'C ! HANE Vin. 3 S � � /"1 f�P s • REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION ON REVISIONS TO ATASCADERO GENERAL PLAN 1. Request by Floyd Cornell for a higher land use designation such as Multiple Familv Residential or Commercial for property loc- ated along the easterly side of San Diego Way near E1 Camino Real The present zoning is A-1 (one acre minimum) and the recommended General Plan designation is Suburban Single Family Residential (2� acre minimum) . . The lots along San Diego Way are approximately one acre in size. The proponent feels that the General Plan map change would be appropriate for the following reasons: - San Diego Way is heavily travelled since it is an off-ramp from Freeway 101` - El Camino Real is also heavily travelled traffic noise is excessive for single family/agricultural use - nearby properties are designated for High Density Multiple Family Residential use - sewers being extended to serve a proposed mobile home park can probably be extended to include his property In reviewing this request, the following should be pointed out: - there is no development proposal at this time the extension of sewers to serve the area has not been verified -. streets serve as good "dividing lines" between General Plan land use designations - the proposed General Plan designation is consistent with the existing zoning - the nearby High Density Multiple Family Residential parcels are larger ranging from two to four acres in size - the area is served by one off-ramp rather than an interchange of ramps - the property is adjacent to but outside of the Urban Services Line PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Commission recommends the subject request not be considered favorably. It was the consensus of the Commission that the primary reasons for this recommendation are: -2- - there is no development proposal , at this time - a high density use outside the Urban Services Area would require new services - that streets serve as good dividing lines between land use designations - the proposed General Plan designation is consistent with existing zoning as well as other points noted in the preceding paragraph. 2. Request by Capistrano Gardens (Kamm - Orton/Strong) for a-High Density Multiple Family Residential designation for property located on the east side of Capistrano north of Santa Ysabel The present zoning is R-2-B-2-D (506) and the recommended General Plan designation is Low Density Multiple Family Residential. The 1. 07 acre site is developed with 12 two-bedroom and 4 one-bedroom apartment units and was the subject of Tentative Tract No. 777. That request for _a condominium subdivision was temporarily withdrawn by the applicant due to the moratorium. The proponents contend that the Planning Commission did not give specific consideration for their request due to later, more controversial issues and point out the following merits of their proposal: - a recommended map change to High Density Multiple Family Residential for property to the south should be extended along Capistrano to include their project since this would create a logical boundary line and transition between com- mercial and lower density residential designations in the area - the request would reflect the existing use and avoid unneces- sary "non-conforming" and "inconsistency" problems - the existing development appears consistent with all policies outlined in the text (Note: Even though the development is not located on an arterial, the proponents point out that other high density properties are not so situated. ) In reviewing this request, the following should be pointed out: — even with the High Density designation, the existing develop- ment exceeds density guidelines in the General Plan attempts to meet the density guidelines have apparently been unsuccessful 3 4 - the site is not located on an arterial - parking would be inadequate based on County standards for condominium projects • -3- PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS: The Planning Commission recommends that the subject request for High Density Multiple Family Residential be favorably considered. In addition, the Commission recommends that the High Density Multiple Family Residential designation be extended northerly along Capistrano to Country Club Drive. It should be noted that the vote on this - request was 4-3. The primary reasons for the Planning Commission majority supporting the request were because of the present state of development on parcels owned by the proponent and the need to estab- list an appropriate dividing line between land use designations. 3. Request by Wakefield/Switzer for Retail or Tourist Commerical for property located at the northwesterly corner of Coromar and Portola The present zoning is C-H and the recommended General Plan designation is Moderate Density Single Family Residential. The 3+ acre site is proposed for 112-unit motel with restaurant and shops. A `departmental review application is being processed and is currently being evaluated by the Environmental Coordinator' s Office. It was at this point that the General Plan/zoning inconsistency was identified. The following reasons may favorable to a map change at this time: - adjacent property to the south between Portola and Santa Rosa is zoned C-H freeway ramp access is available at Portola and via a frontage road to Santa Rosa - the Conditional Use Permit procedure would allow for the dev- elopment of design standards to assure compatibility with the area - the City may consider a policy of contiguity when its procedures are developed and that could be applied to this particular site - large motel complexes can be major revenue generators. The applicant also indicated that meeting rooms and similar facili- ties would acilities -would be provided The following reasons may not be favorable to a map change the availability of other commercially zoned land in the area and in the City - potential traffic lighting and similar problems which could adversely affect the residential area - 'the adjacent C-H property is not yet developed and extension of the C-H zoning may adversely affect future development of that property -4 - Portola Road may be a logical boundary between the commercial and residential uses The available alternatives appear to be: A. Resolution of the inconsistency by recommending a General Plan map change to an appropriate land use designation. The adjacent property is designated for Retail-Commercial land use, but this may be inconsistent with C-H zoning and the uses permitted therein. As a result, consideration might be given to a Tourist Commercial or some similar designation. If. this is done, it may be desirable to use the same land use designation on the property to the south instead of the current Retail-Commercial designation. If this alternative were followed, the applicant could proceed with his departmental review after adoption by City Council of the General Plan. It should also be noted that this matter would have to be referred back to the Planning Commission for a report and recommendation. B. No change. This would result in denial of the project due to inconsistency, since the intention would be to initiate a resulting program for General Plan consistency within the near future. PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Commission that the subject request for Retail- Commercial be favorably considered. The primary reasons are those noted in the preceding paragraphs including the existing zoning, the length of time that the property has been so zoned and the availability of freeway access. 4. Request from Palmer-Merriam for a Retail-Commercial designation for the property located on the southerly side of El Camino Real and the westerly side of Pueblo The existing zoning is C-2-D13 and the recommended General Plan designation is Heavy Commercial. The proponent owns the 4+ acre vacant portion of the block and is putting together a development package for the site which includes a major financial institution. It is their desire to obtain a more restrictive commercial designation to "protect" this pending development from heavier, less desirable commercial uses such as auto repair shops. The proponents also point out that properties across El Camino Real (Adobe Plaza) and Pueblo (Atascadero Federal Credit Union) are designated Retail-Commercial. In reviewing this request, the following should be considered: - a General Map change for the entire block eventually resulting in a C-1 (or similar) rezoning would make several existing uses in the block non-conforming - changing only the proponent' s property will create a small island of Heavy Commercial surrounded by Retail-Commercial - the financial institution would be a permitted use under the current zoning and General Plan designation • -5- PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission recommends that this request not be favorably considered. After considerable discussion, the Planning Commission determined that the following were the primary reasons for their recommendation: - the existing zoning and proposed General Plan designation are currently consisten - there is a limited amount of Heavy Commercial property located within the community - the financial institution would be permitted under the current zoning and proposed land use designation It should be noted that Chairman Norton and Commissioner Lilley disqualified themselves from participating on this request. 5. Councilman Highland proposes to add the following on page 46 , left-hand column, under #17 concerning condominium conversions: " (g) Prohibit application for conversion for a minimum of four years subsequent to occupancy as rental housing. The intent of the proposal seems both explicit and obvious, but it could preempt some alternatives being considered in the current study of the condominium/condominium conversion issue. The proposal is specific and may be more of a zoning than a General Plan proposal. If this approach is favorable, any ordinance on conversions must include it. PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Commission recommends that this proposal not be favorably considered. The primary reason for this recommendation is that such a provision is too specific and seems more properly placed in an ordinance rather than in the General Plan 6. Councilman Highland proposes to amend the first sentence on page 44 , left-hand column, paragraph 7 under Low Density Single Family Residential to read: "Minimum lot sizes within the Urban Services Area shall range from one and .one-half acres to two and one-half acres. The minimum lot size outside the Urban Services Area shall be two and one-half acres until sewered. Creation of smaller parcels, which shall be no less than one and one-half acres, outside of the Urban Services Area, prior to sewering, may be considered if development includes the use of interim approved engineered package systems for sewage disposal. Use of such systems shall require periodic inspections or • _6_ evidence of a valid maintenance contract. Determination of appropriate lot sizes. . . " The Planning Commission' s previous recommendation stated that "Minimum lot sizes within the Urban Services Area shall range from one and one-half to two and one-half acres while the minimum lot sizes outside the Urban Services Area shall be two and one-half acres. Determination of appropriate lot sizes. . . " The primary difference is the allowance for smaller parcel sizes outside of Urban Services with the engineered systems. Consid- eration of these engineered systems should evaluate their adequacy and potential problems in order to allow for adequate provisions to control these factors if such systems are deemed acceptable. Another consideration should be the likelihood of sewers ever being extended to these areas since the lot divisions are "permanent" while the engineered systems are "interim" . An additional alternative might be to change the General Plan designation for the Low Density Single Family areas outside the Urban Services to Suburban Single Family since this more accurately reflects the permissible lot size; but, it should be pointed out that a large portion of the community falls within this category. PLANNING CO"U4ISSION RECOPIIMENDATION: The Planning Commission requests additional time to consider this proposal and has instructed Staff to obtain additional informa- tion on the use of engineered package systems for sewage disposal. It would be intended to report back to the City Council at their meeting of February 25. Submitted by: LAWRENCE ST ENS Planning Co ultant/Director LS:kp A- 1 • • q-l_ 5 - �- S � ro Q ST 14& R ti ELL, REOEST 4 RWeq��! Pub/iL / i9 Di SV�rh S r i Co h Dt lee M10 Des; 5`.`l` SERv��ES PROP0 5Co GEMERR[. PLAnl E /Sr 20 e�B W v� e J Q � F. C,9P/sr2,41v o R- �1 GA•RD�/v S vE � T v; Q` ko t Per PC. recomMundolion V O� Ai5 LOMARarea wo✓/d v cl,anye y6 y;y S Qes.'Iy ti1�l�pie. Emily Rc5,-Av �.l o��r.k 0..►:;ly f 'l � Pco,e�,lrien o�, � •d 1 4aui 2ewea{yoA ate, M�dk Mil�rPla . Dani 1r 2 IQcsi v7 FUN lu N,9b L E ' M✓��� x��6�l L Lf� 5,;��C MPOSED "Mcme4L PLAN r1 r% r erGial f • EXIST/NG ZONING `<;" i W�10E Flt \11 34" > s 10 IL lb . _ L PC. Hco f �o �;on Elie corner of .46 W M M Q}rG/ _e (oMMERi 1.4� ` f\ �bi&4TE D .'S Iryz� PR o PO s C'D l4ENERRL !�L/4•N � 4` R 4-�,� v 17 -vR-T a ER E�P 57 7- •Q i � a r u,� e rknw �C< r°vas y�'L — h�`�+5;• y Q � lol�l 71, PROPoSED GENERAL 044f4 � 6 M E M O RAN D .0 M TO: City Council FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: Purchase of parking facilities Las`f"Council meeting you directed that the City Manager and City Attorney explore options for the acquisition of the parking lot properties across the street from the Administration Building. The Attorney and I have met and, subsequently, met with one of the property owners. It appears that we can acquire the property on the basis of a parcel by parcel purchase with an option to buy the remaining parcels and, until that option is exercised, to pay rent for the use of the entire area. In examining the problem, we considered three options. One would be to acquire the entire 26,000 square feet at the original price of $210,000 which, as you will recall, is considerably below the appraised value. In order to do this, the property owner would have to create four parcels which could be done through a lot line adjustment. The City could then buy each parcel in turn with a rental paid for the remaining parcels. The first parcel to be acquired would be the one bordering Lewis Avenue. The price would be $50,000 with the remaining parcels being rented at $500 per month for twelve months. YFor purposes of illustration, assume that this was accomplished on July 1, 1980. On that date, we would pay $50, 000 for the first parcel with the rental for the remainder at $500 per month for a total of $56, 000 for the first year. Then, on July 1, 1981, we would pick up the second parcel at a cost of $60,000 with the rental for the remainder at $400 per month for a total of $64 , 800 the second year. The third year, July 1, 1982, we would acquire the third parcel at a cost of $57 , 250 and pay rent on the remainder at $200 per month for twelve months at a cost of $59,650 for that year. The following year, July 1, 1983 , the fourth parcel would be acquired at a cost of $63 ,600. The total cost of acquisition would, therefore, be $244 , 050. The net effect of this option would be use of the entire 26, 000 square feet on which we could construct a parking lot with, in effect, the rental being considered the same as if we were. carry a mortgage at 10% interest. Option 2 would be to acquire approximately 18,000 square feet, which is the larger parcel bordering on East Mall and Lewis Avenue, for a price of $150, 000. In order to exercise a rental option, that parcel would have to be subdivided into three equal parcels. Then, again assuming July 1, 1980, as the start date, we could purchase the first parcel at a price of $50, 000 with a rental of $500 per month for the first vear. This would give a total price Memorandum Purchase of parking facilities Page Two of $56, 000. Then, on July 1, 1981, the second parcel could be purchased at a price of $54 , 000 with the rental on the remaining parcels of. $240 per month to give a second year cost of $57 , 000. Then, on July 1, 1982, the final parcel could be acquired at a price of $54 , 000. Total purchase price would 'be $167, 000, again with the difference between the $150, 000 and $167 ,000 representing rental or the equivalent to a mortgage contract at 10% . interest. Option 3 could possibly be a variation of Option 2 starting with four parcels as opposed to three thereby cutting the price per lot to approximately $37, 000, which would reduce the required cash flow but extend the final acquisition until the fourth year. In each case we could have an agreement with the seller that in the event the City was unable to exercise its option to purchase the additional parcels, the properties would be bought back from the City. The buy—back price would be the amount which the City had paid minus the rental payments already made. Bascially, then, a judgment needs to be made as to (1) whether the property should be acquired, and (2) if that judgment is yes, then as to the method of acquisition. The major difference between the large parcel acquisition and a portion of it is a difference of $7, 000. Under any of the options illustrated above, the City . would be able to develop the property as a parking facility. It should be noted that our application for a grant ($65, 000 to $70, 000) to acquire parking facilities for Dial-A-Ride is still under active consideration by the State grants people. I cannot say that we will get the grant; but, at this point, it looks hope- ful. This, then, would help offset the purchase price. MURRAY L. WARDEN MLW:ad 2-6-80 j�IQCPO °00 ° nD 0 0 U ' CD = o "We appreciate your business" 2121 SANTA BARBARA ST., SAN LUIS OBISPA 543-6844 r ` • S � 1 M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Council FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: Residence of Planning Commissioners in the City An issue was raised at the Planning Commission meeting of February 4th concerning the future status of a member of the Commission who may move outside the City limits, although just barely. Ordinance No. 9, which established the Planning Commission, establishes residency: "Section l. There is hereby created a Planning Commission of the City .which shall consist of seven (7) members which shall not be officials or employees of the City, but who shall be residents of the City. " (Emphasis mine. ) The State laws governing general law cities are silent as to the residency requirement. The Council technically could remove the residency requirement by ordinance if it so desired. It should be noted that this would be rather` unusual since most cities require Planning Commissioners to be residents because of their acting on matters within City limits. The question posed is does the Council wish to change the provisions of Ordinance No. 9? I would like to note that application of Ordinance No. 9 does not in any way reflect upon the interest or dedication of any commission to the affairs of this City. Residency plays a role in qualifying individuals for participation in governmental affairs. In this regard, one merely need look to voter residency requirements. XR�Y WARDEN MLW:ad 2-5-80 I • • 0a M E M_O_R_A N D U_M TO: City Council FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: County/City service contract Attached is a proposed amendment to our agreement with the County for provision of services for the balance of this year. The Centeno business license problem illustrated a weakness in our contract as originally drafted with reference to the appeal procedure when the Council acts in lieu of the Board of Supervisors. The proposed amend- ment will correct that omission. As you can see, the City Attorney has reviewed the matter and concurs with the change. 2 share his recommenda- tion. Suggest Council, by motion approve the amendment . as drafted. �1 MURRAY L WARDEN MLW:ad 2-6-80 allen grimes attorney at law 7360 EL CAMINO REAL, SUITE B • P.0.BOX 749 • ATASCADERO.CALIFORNIA 93422 - PHONES (805) 466.3678 OR 466.1408 MEMORANDUM February 5, 1980 To: Murray Warden, City Manager From: Allen Grimes, City Attorney Subject: Amendment of County and City Service Contract Reference Jac Crawford's letter of January 3:1, 1980 and proposed contract amendment No. 1 of which you received a copy. Subparagraph a. is for property taxes, and b. is for business licenses. Looks ok to me. If you concur, process to Council. _ OFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT CRAWFORD COUNTY COUNSEL JACA.DEPUTIES COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO SCOVIL F.HUBBARD COURTHOUSE ANNEX ROOM 103 BRUCE M.COOK SAN LUIS OBISPO. CA 93408 JOHN P.DALY TELEPHONE 549.5400 or 549.5401 DAVID K.HUGHES JAMES B.LINDHOLM,JR. (AREA CODE 805) THOMAS P.CONROY COUNTY COUNSEL J a n e a r 9 ROGER C.LYON,JR. y 31 , 18 0 JON M.JENKINS PI CMVEp FEB B 2 1984 Mr . Allen Grimes City Attorney P . O . Box 749 Atascadero , CA 93422 Re : Amendment to Contrast Between County and City Dear Allen : Pursuant to our discussion last Friday , I have enclosed a' pro- posed Amendment to our Contract which would , hopefully , clarify our relationship concerning the handling of business licenses for the City during the 1979-80 fiscal year. If this meets with your approval , please see that the Amendment is approved by your City Council , and then return the executed document to thisofficefor placement on the Board of Supervisors ' Agenda . Thank you for your assistance . Very truly yours , JAMES B . LINDHOLM, JR. County Counsel By : L ac A . Crawford ' Assistant County Counsel JAC :ar cc : Murray Warden City Administrator 80-191 IRECEIVEI) FEB 0 2 1980 AMENDMENT NO . 1 TO CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF ATASCADERO AND THE COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO FOR PERFORMANCE BY COUNTY OF SERVICES THIS FIRST AMENDMENT to the Contract entered into on the / I day of 1980 , by and between the City of Atascadero ( Located within the County of San Luis Obispo , State of California , and hereinafter referred tows "City" ) , and the County of San Luis Obispo (a political subdivision of the State of California , a'nd hereinafter referred to as "County" ) WITNESSETH : WHEREAS , the City and County have agreed that certain services will be provided by County to City in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Contract dated October 22 , 1979 , and WHEREAS , it was the intention of the parties for the County to provide business licensing services to the City during the 1979-80 fiscal year; and WHEREAS , the language of the Contract of October 22 , 1979 , does not clearly specify the procedure to be followed for pro cessing business licenses . NOW, THEREFORE , in consideration of ; the mutual covenants , conditions , promises , and agreements herein set forth , and those mutual covenants , conditions , promises and agreements set forth in the Contract between the parties dated October 22 , 1979 , City and County hereby mutually agree to amend their Contract dated October 22 , 1979 , as follows: 1 . Paragraph 8 will be amended to read as follows : "Tax collection and business licensing function . a . County shall perform such services for City pursuant to Government Code Sections 51514 and 51520 at no cost to City for the entire 1979-80 fiscal year and continuously thereafter . b . County , through its tax collector , and various County departments , shall process business licenses in accordance with their customary County procedures , provided , however , that where an applicant desires to appeal the decision of the tax collector ,- the appeal shall be to the City Council rather than the Board of Supervisors . City agrees that County shall retain all licenses fees in accordance with Paragraph 9 of this Contract . " IN WITNESS WHEREOF, City and County have executed this Amendment and intend for it to have effect through the entirety of the 1979-80 fiscal year. CITY OF ATASCADERO By Robert J Wilkins , Mayor ATTEST : Murray Warden , City Clerk APPROVED AS TO CONTENT : APPROVED AS TO ORM : Murray Warden , City Manager Allen Grimes , City -Attorney -2- Y COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO By : Chairman , Board of Supervisors ATTEST : Clerk , Board of Supervisors APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL EFFECT : JAMES B . LINDHOLM , JR. County Counsel By : c A. Crawford Assistant County Counsel Dated : -3- M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Council FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: Financial Management System Attached is a memo from the Finance Director recommending retention of the firm of Alexander Grant to provide the City with computer support for our budgetary accounting, payroll, receivables and payable functions. The firm does work for other cities in the County and is thoroughly familiar with requirements of municipal accounting and budgetary procedures. If approved, this arrangement will be an interim one until our own system is fully established. There are several reasons for establishing the service now: (1) By the time the service is operational , the volume will be beyond our manual capability; (2) we will utilize_ the entire first year's operations so as to be in a good position for the required year-end independent audit; and (3) we will be in a position to start the new fiscal year smoothly utilizing this service. When the issue of our own computer support is resolved, then this service could be terminated. Recommend your approval . M RRA L. WARDEN LW:-.ad 2-5-80 _M_E M O RAN D U M TO: City Manager FROM: Finance Director SUBJECT: Financial Management System Attached is a Financial Management System Plan for Service for the remainder of this fiscal year and fiscal year 1980-81 as presented by Alexander Grant and Company per our request. This plan will provide a general accounting service as listed within the Accounting System section of the attached proposal. There is no requirement for specially trained personnel within our structure with the exception of processing input data by clear text. The Payroll Prepara- tion Services are as listed under the Payroll Systems sec- tion. Both the Accounting and Payroll Systems provide a documentation and double entry ledger record from entry through the issuance of warrants and payroll checks The additional services are for Utility (sewer charge) billing and business licenses, both of which become our responsibility on July 1, 1980. Your attention is invited to the section Fees and Costs which outlines the professional costs for this proposal. You will note a one time charge of $1,250 for start-up with a fee of $250 per month for the remainder of the fiscal year. This includes all transactions for fiscal year 1979-80 since incorporation and will provide a complete set of General Accounting and payroll document for the entire fiscal year. Fiscal year 1980-81 monthly fee will be $795 for com- plete requested service. The approved budget for fiscal year 1979-80 contains $3, 600 for data processing. The estimated cost, including start-up and three month service, is $2 , 000. It is recommended that Council accept this proposal with an effective date of April 1, 1980. l` RALPH H. DOWELL, JR. RHD:ad 2-5-80 M E M-0 R A N D U T'! TO: City Manager FROM: Finance Director SUBJECT: Account Clerk II Attached is the proposed advertisement for the Account Clerk II assigned to the Finance Department. This position is the most experienced of the two positions recommended within Finance. The salary for this comparable position in the other cities within the County ranges from $1087 per month for Paso Robles, $1065 for Morro Bay, $1042 for San Luis Obispo and $950 for Arroyo Grande. It is recommended that our salary be established at $950 per month recognizing that this amount may discourage some highly qualified appli- cants from participating in the recruitment process. The reason for this rate is to preclude an imbalance between our existing salary structure for City Manager, Planning and Police secretaries. Start date for this position would be April 7, 1980. Sufficient funds are in the fiscal year 1979-80 budget for this hire. I will provide you a recommended salary structure for all positions within each department within the immediate future. I feel we need to study our total balance and capa- bility prior to police and public works hires and certainly before next year ' s budget process. RALPH H. DOWELL, JR. RHD:ad 2-5-80 yo/.rz) C. Lia KC, L a&eu2, *#r .s�ac�r eoM� ���r• �7 P" rM . G,/£ w �t A overs y, d ACCOUNT CLERK II - City of Atascadero. Salary $950 monthly. Reports to Finance Director. Duties Under 'general supervision to perform clerical work in the keeping, maintaining, posting, and verification of accounting, financial and statistical records. Performs general utility billing and collection, payroll and purchase, pro- cedures. Required: Use of general office accounting machines, typing 40 wpm, and knowledge of or capability of training as computer operator. At least two years experience comparable to an Account Clerk I in a municipality. Applications available at City of Atascadero, 6500 Lewis Ave. , Room 201, Atascadero, Ca. , 93422. Final filing date