HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 05/12/1980 AGENDA - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting May 12 , 1980 7: 30 p.m. Atascadero Administration Building 0 Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Invocation Roll Call Public Comment NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC All matters listed under Item A, Consent Calendar, are con- sidered to be routine and will be enacted by one motion in the form listed below. There will be no separate discussion of these items. If discussion is required, that item will be removed from the Con- sent Calendar and will be considered separately. Vote may be by roll call. A. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Minutes of the regular meeting of April 28, 1980 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 2 . Correspondence (RECOMMEND ITEM BE RECEIVED AND FILED) 3. Request from Senior Citizens United, Inc. for funding (RECOMMEND LETTER BE DEFERRED FOR CONSIDERATION DURING BUDGET HEARINGS) 4. Parcel Map AT78-46 - Unger (RECOMMEND ACCEPTANCE) 5. Lot line adjustment 80-1 - City of Atascadero (RECOMMEND APPROVAL SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS 1-3) a- 6. C079-031, lot division - Renton (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS) B. HEARINGS, APPEARANCES AND REPORTS 1. Public hearing for proposed rezoning from A-1-12 to C-2 of a 1. 45 acre site on the west side of El Camino Real north of San Benito Road - Hiers/Joseph 2 . Public hearing on appeal of Planning Commission denial of Tract 871, proposed division located along El Dorado, Santa Fe and E1 Corte Roads Peterson C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Consideration of conditions for July 4th celebration and Resolution No. 8-80 closing certain roads D. NEW BUSINESS 1. Resolution No. 7-90 opposing elimination of LEAA 2 . Award of Bid No. 80-4 for miscellaneous police equipment. E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION 1. City Council 2 . City Attorney 3. City .Manager MINUTES ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting April 28, 1980 7 . 30 p.m. Atascadero Administration Building The meeting was called to order at 7: 30 p.m. by Mayor Wilkins with the Pledge of Allegiance. Reverend Russ Cahhal of the Church of Christ gave the invocation. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Councilmen Highland, Mackey, Nelson, Stover and Mayor Wilkins ABSENT: None PUBLIC COMMENT 1. Dr. Avina representing the San Luis Obispo County Symphony urged the Council to grant the $500 donation requested by the Symphony for fiscal year 1980-81. 2. Steve Silverstein stated that he is a resident in an area where the Council had .recently rezoned some property and he was concerned as to whether proper consideration had been given to traffic circulation. A. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Minutes of the regular meeting of April 14 , 1980 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 2. Treasurer's Report, 3-20-80 through 4-22-80 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 3. Claim of Robert L. Bartels and Emily Ware for personal injuries (RECOMMEND DENIAL) Mr. Warden advised that there was a correction to the minutes on page 6; the League of California Cities Channel Counties Division meeting will be held on Friday June 13th instead of June 14th as stated. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved for the approval of the Consent Calendar as amended. The motion was seconded by Council- man Stover and unanimously carried by roll call vote. Mayor Wilkins noted that the City has over $700,000 in cash assets. B. HEARINGS, APPEARANCES AND REPORTS 1. Presentation by Public Works Director regarding Adminis- tration Building renovation Mr. Warden noted that the majority of the costs were for replace- MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting April 28, 1980 Page Two ment and rehabilitation of heating, plumbing and electrical systems due to age as well as to lack of careful and routine maintenance. Mr. McPherson reviewed the estimated structural, mechanical and electrical renovation costs for Phase I ,and Phase II of the proposed remodeling. It is estimated that the total costs for Phase I would be $334 , 500 which includes structural, mechanical, and electrical renovation of the basement, first and second floors, repairs to the roof, and some construction in the yard area to accommodate police vehicles. Phase II would involve the third and fourth floor and installation of air conditioning as well as additional wiring and heating and plumbing systems work for an estimated cost of $145,300. Mr. Warden advised that grant funds were being sought, however, he indicated that such funds were scarce. He also reviewed the Proposition 4 legislation which will establish a new city's first full year of operation as its base year for determining its appro- priations limit for proceeds of taxes. He noted that the base year will have a major impact on the City's entitlement to future State provided funds as well as to retaining increases, for example, in sales tax revenues. If the City's base year is small, any surplus in succeeding years could be returned to the State. He felt that the estimated costs were well within the City' s budgetary capabilities for fiscal year 1980-81; including the $75,000 budgeted during 1979-80. Mr. Warden stated that the Council has approved the schematic plans for the basement and first floor and conceptually approved plans for the second floor. The next step is to secure construction drawings and bid specifications for Council approval. C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Ordinance No. 21 relating to business; licenses and regula- tions second reading and adoption MOTION: Councilman Mackey moved that Ordinance No. 21 be read by title only. The motion was seconded by Councilman Nelson and unanimously carried. Mayor Wilkins read Ordinance No. 21 by title only. MOTION: Councilman Stover moved for the adoption of Ordinance No. 21. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey and unanimously carried by roll call vote. D. NEW BUSINESS 1. Jaycees' use of Atascadero Lake Park facilities for July 4th celebration Mr. Warden advised that the Jaycees have requested use of the Atascadero Lake Park for the July 4th celebration. The City is MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting April 28, 1980 Page Three working with the Jaycees to establish conditions for the permits which will be processed and issued by the County. John Kirkendall, resident on Marchant, requested that various conditions be placed on the Jaycees with regard to Marchant such as additional portable toilets, one-way traffic with double parking prohibited and parking allowed only on one side of the street. Randy Graves, a member of the Jaycees, responded to the sug- gestions. There was discussion regarding the problems encountered in the past. Mr. Warden advised that Staff would meet with the Jaycees to discuss conditions to the use permit and bring those suggestions back to Council at the next meeting. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Council approve the Jay- cees ' use of the Atascadero Lake Park facilities for the 4th of July celebration subject to conditions in County ordinances and such conditions as Staff finds reasonable. The motion was seconded by Councilman Nelson and unani- mously carried. E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION 1. City Council (a) Councilman Mackey asked if the Council was interested in commenting on the City' s sphere of influence with reference to the County' s Land Use Element. Council felt that the City' s General Plan addressed the issue. (b) Councilman Mackey stated that she would like to see a Parks and Recreation Committee formed. Mayor Wilkins stated that the City could start receiving names of interested people. (c) Councilman Stover brought up the matter of the budget study sessions and Council decided to reserve Saturday, May 31st and Saturday, 14th beginning at 9: 00 a.m. for budget hearings. 2. City Attorney Mr. Gimes had nothing to report 3. City Manager (a) Mr. Warden stated that the County was suggesting tying the transfer of property taxes from the Fire District to the City to an agreement for occupancy of the Administration Building by County services at favorable rental rates. Mr. Warden MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting April 28, 1980 Page Four stated that he would resist this effort unless Council felt otherwise. (b) Mr. Warden advised that another claim against the City has been filed which will be brought to the Council in the near future. (c) Mr. Warden discussed police uniforms and asked Council if they had any preferences. Council choose the blue uniforms to distinguish City officers from Sheriff' s and Highway Patrol. The meeting adjourned at 9:02 p.m. Recorded by: MURRAY L. WARDEN, City Clerk By: Ardith Davis Deputy City Clerk �'ECEIVtU AP R� 5 19 Maw lhd Z 106� -cade�o es /i�cvw�oc� lirdl-5r(f c l e M) I)dk sig crl `s d woad , es �r���ar the6e, /w/Ve/75, art �d�ri rcai� S y'ea�700'75 k closes �o�icda� �iowever; tti r� as a ovhd M do, #e Weele a RC�Ll'e{r PUAYccz - M lY1 1 Z l ar4I've s• a copy �s �va��a �1e �o�r ears'- Sa� _�� 2 , ` C�S��C ��h iryieOh can �indh a (j fAeh16 dY'�l �7C�S M 1 lSfh ahc//��/z cr,P71, VryRckdd, The kwevs. 6� f/e '` asv/e `' 5a,7 h,&-,0w a1-Lf -exact c6ins o �hle JJ / i Ya Ted r/®hl �l1ab��s�z l�'J6suE'. �` f':/)Iears-k l�® • an- 10 4xarn>nee3nd ke-101-6doc 8-2el Iver; CDvh /11�3I� qlot ® c /hr 77m M,?zzacaho �s ,?a eY�cd w A ,,O�ll1Pape - de✓PlC n �ohda , Z doh• � 10 Ah .7,5- L s �w�h glnsle/i /,i chi &e- Is &e/S � 3g�boal ohs sib/ h / ylpee a/fes e cmc oes�4 0 5hnlol-e ��� a1ic � e s �� � . o �h 71he s a ohc�a d�/ a/ w 511// ,s J i� Usih�ss loeo yifars 1'Ig e � /� re l a �oh'S1/ . #/s oeW ��Oo )'t11eclLs # e Y601,76' vha' 07 >-9 , W'�//+E�CO d7 G/(J P/.T/ lY ' �a eras a4 /-A 0/2ZJCa 1 /c J a 5d ou oh-ie ahc�i � ral ohY)a die Sa/o' /VOw, r� k�/ou9 yav, GU��e ov ire Aol'oh S�,r ,w ,e45 Cv Sc�iY1 Y6h W/ � lot7� 14 o 5e ;7 o Ac? eeh to 14 a shall Cali qwY/b V Ady SGloa) loo-Y. << h�, r �J SEV0 C ITIZE R T UNITED,ITED C. N OF ATASCADERO, GARDEN FARMS, SANTA MARGARITA & TEMPLETON P.O. Box 239 Atascadero, California 93422 \\7.' CARP", RECEIVEp 4P R 2 198 April 25, 1980 The Tionorable Mayor Robert J. 11vi lkins City Of .Atascadaro F.O. Box 747 Atascadero, California 9A22 Ra: Program Co-ordinator for Senior Citizens Unitad Mayor Wilkins Due to lack of funding for the CETA program, which in the past has provided this office with a Program Co- ordinator, we are now in dire need of such a person to carry on the duties required by this office. Enclosed is an explanation of tho services offered by our organi— zation. V',e have now added Legal Aid, provided by four local attorneys. As we supply supportive services to approximately 700 senior members, we require a paid grogram co--ordinator and would request that you give considerat-ion to funding such a position for fiscal year 1980 1981 . The monthly salary under CETA was X700,00 per rionth plus . 22 o fringe benefits. Your con3id3v tion will be greatly appreciated. ^thol Hagan Pres 'dent CITIZEN!;SEARISU UNITED,, OF ATASCADERO, GARDEN FARMS, SAN I-A MARGARITA &. TEMPLETON P.O. Bo\ ;g` At:i c utero, Calif-if-iiia 93422 1\ I': 1' \I,1�' RIS 1,20IRY Sentol- C,itizans Unirr�d was formed in August. 1973 and incorporated ki March 1971 .. Tile purpoae was to provide needed services to the elderly of Atascadero, Garden Farms, Santa Margarita and Templotun, an area of aproxi.mstaly 60 square miles. Present membership is 550 persons at �p }.�JO per year dues . l FANSPORTATIU11 Started in Januar r -1 )74. usini3 the now Van purchased with comrunity donations and n �1-�, 71)(� Reven'ue Sharing grant from the County Board of pervisors. It was, and still is, a Dial_a-ride system. A second vehicle (usod) was noaded and purcbased with Club funds in April 1974. This was roplaced in June 1976 by a now station wagon obtained through a grant from the Urban Mass Transit Administration. Present number of passengers is approximately 1,000 per month using 10 volunteer drivers oporating on a rotting basis. Office volunteers accept the telephone calls and dispatch than vehicles via a donated C.B. system. O,pers,ttng oxpenses are mot with pas.3engor donations and, at pre:;:snt, a subsidy from fish Luis Obispo County funda. Vehicles are stored and serviced at a local servla. station. NUTRITION This pr. ograen began March 1, 1974 servinf, 25 persons per dray, 5 days per wook at as local restaurant, We now serve 50 persons per day at the Center plus 25 to 4,0 liomh delivered meals to shut-ins . A Site Manager, asilstant $nil 2 cooks are part-time employees paid by the Federal Rutri- tion Prograin. All rather workers are volunteers. SOC 1':AL SSE RV It;i;S fn January 1074 Sopplor ontal Security Ino >me was gnd tr�alned volunteers a0818 to i 1:ri filling out tho neoe. nary forms , Later this assis- tance was 0xp911ritid to 1.nr;lude Rontars Rebate, Property Tax ant: Renters a 9siotancu, Proporty Tux Poatponvment and s tmple tncomo Tax, Fedora.1 and Strata. Training vita) oi,ovidod >;y the Economic Opportunity 00m:nission and the Area Ajoncy On Agrinq. This is ;a continuing :sarvice and will br ex. paanded as now progrtj ,,t bacolne available, •+ � huge G • K Office vollinteers make referrals tu, or act as intermediaries when necessary, the Social Security Admfi.rl.istration, Department of Consumer Affairs, Legal Aid, health and Wel �'­ra Departments , etc . Other volun- teers visit nursing, rind rest homes and participate in programs at Atascadero 'State Hospital . There are 70 very active volunteers and •rye FAC IL[TIES From a table, chair and telephone in a corner of tan office on Traffic Way we moved to an empty, former fast food stand on El Camino Real . ocause the property was needed for other purposes by the owner, pack to our first sit3 . In September 1976 the County Board of Super- visors approved a Revenue Sharing grant of $43, 000 to make a down pay- ment on a 7 room, 21 bath former home then being used as a doctors office. The total. price was 5$70,000. This building, is located in downtown Atasct,dex°o close to shopping, doctors offices , laboratory, County Health and VA'elfare Department, banks and the post office. Escrow was closed March 1977 and occupancy of the new quarters was on October 1, 1977. With Federal grants and much free labor we have added a dining room and kitchen for the Nutrition Program. Many members made ample donations toward the purchase of this Center. Operating expenses are paid by donations, membership fees and fund raising events. COIrMUNITY RELATIONS Senior. Citizen; United is an active member and participant of the Ataacadero Chamber of Commerce and was a member of the Atascadero Advisory Committee before incorporation. Volunteers are frequently invited to speak before local Service Clubs about our program. The Center is a centrally located multi-purpose center for all the elderly in the aroa. The Social Security Administration has personnel availabl-e each Tuo day, except holidays, from 1 :30 to 3:30 pm. Legal Aid is available from 1: 30 to 4:30 pm on Thursdays. At present the locs.1 Dial-a-ride for the public is using our facility as a dispatch office for their van: . Except where restricted by age requirments our services are available to the general public. We like people of all ages. For their donation,.; to time, labor, moral and/or financial support we offer our grateful YIANKS to our volunteers ; other local individuals ; businesses ; pro.fgssions ; clubs and service organizations and all County, State and Poderral ?)Or3onnel who have helped us to .;row. Revised 180 M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Manager DATE: May 6 , 1980 FROM: Planning Director SUBJECT: ACCEPTANCE OF PARCEL, MAP AT 78-46 - Ungar The Planning Commission recommends acceptance of this parcel man. LAWRENCE YENS NUARAY WARDEN Planning rector C ty mztKqer kp COUNTY ENGINEERING NG SRO LUIS OBISPO COURTY DEPARTMENT ROOM A101 s COURTHOUSE ANNEX . SAN LUIS OBISPO ,, CALIFORNIA 93408 + (805) 549-5252 GEORGE C. PROTOPAPAS ROADS County EI191ReeR TRANSPORTATION FLOOD CONTROL CLINTON MILNE WO.TER CONSERVATION. DEPUTY COUNTY ENGINEER SURVEYOR GUY PREWITT SPECIAL DISTRICTS SPECIAL DISTRICTS ADMINISTRATOR April 16, 1980 City of Atascadero Veterans Memorial Building, Room 106 P 0. Box 747 Atascadero, CA 93422 Attention Mr. Murray Warden, City Administrator Subject: Acceptance of Parcel Map AT 78-46 Gentlemen: Your consideration of the approval of Parcel Map AT 78-46, ` a proposed subdivisionbyMadeleine M. Ungar, is requested. It is our RECOMMENDATION that your Honorable Council reject the offer of dedication without prejudice to future acceptance, and authorize the Clerk to sign the map. Discussion: A finding of consistency with the General Plan in accordance with Section 66473 .5 of the Subdivision Map Act was made by the Board of Supervisors on December 19, 1978 . Attached is a vicinity map and layout of Parcel Map AT 78-46. The total area of this development is 13 .692 acres with minimum lot areas of 2 .504 acres The area is zoned A-1-21-x. Del Rio Road is maintained by the City of Atascadero, the road being offered will be maintained by the City of Atasca- dero upon completion; water service will be from Atascadero Mutual Water Company; sewage facilities will be septic tanks. spectfully, GEORGE C. PROTOPAPAS County Engineer GCPJRJH/nt - + t ,•Y1 r - y s 1E(� Y}vY?' j t!r!1 rw�.,+,�>F ,Ire i��•( tty. "t1�5.rr•,1�ytf'1''I`� f/'�r S, ' ' u" ' a u IR• r ga.�°YY,rb ��11<a'4r'tr� 'pn.', •a..'JI � 1�,,. , �r *�:" ; I AO 'flJ!' > !1 A,f.4 kr MS m a1 +f 4 r 4 r7Y Q n {o r.t /ee•' , j"3•"J �i.,.z r,}5 ,. /. R �� \ Oy / TIT At� •`(1 Z � , v1 �P"33,( � n� ,r ?'i o ? n rlq tly!..., t.. t + «riA\ • t , 0 0a y , 11a a} k ra v t too �_/a y,:�C` n\ i i� u'T 1q{ I. a �' I' � i • 3 Thr' �� ISM, i�r,£rf1 y 0�� Q .•, n 0 , - J Br� �4 /1 C ,tl �� , ry 11,•• x. E v Y�t_. � S. 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A1\\VAL ', 'A \ R n InInk ,\ MY t a �,Arr Iw akv i Lot A�rAl''� IP d+ ul��i'$�I�tr 9 r r" rY•'I�'t w ': ���70A �r� �0 � 'A M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Manager DATE: May 6 , 1980 FROM: Planning Director SUBJECT : LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT 80-1, proposed lot line adjustment of Lots 18 , 19 , 20 and 21, of Block OL, Atascadero - Citv of Atascadero The Planning Commission unanimously recommends approval of Lot Line Adjustment 80-1 subject to Conditions 1-3 as recommended by the City Planning Department. LAWRENCE S . .YENS SUP AY L. ARDEN Planning rector Ci y 11an . er kp M E .M O R A N D U M TO: Atascadero Planning Commission DATE: May 5 , 1980 FROM: Planning Director/Consultant SUBJECT: LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT 80-1, PROPOSED LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT OF LOTS 18, 19, 20 AND 21, BLOCK OL, ATASCADERO LOCATION: 5805 Lewis Avenue APPLICANT: City of Atascadero PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This application proposes to adjust the property line among four existing lots, three of which are 2, 500 sq. ft. with the fourth being 18, 500 sq. ft. , in order to create four new lots, two of which are 6 , 000 sq. ft. with the remaining two being 5, 870 and 8, 130 sq. ft. The site is located at the southeast corner of East Mall and Lewis Avenue across from the Atascadero Veterans ' Memorial Buildina. Zoning: C-1-D (517) "General Shopping with a Designed Development Combining District General Plan: "Retail Commercial" REASON FOR THE ADJUSTMENT: To create four lots of nearly equal size to facilitate a multi-year site acquisition program for public parking adjacent to the Veterans' Memorial Building. . BACKGROUND: Environmental Determination: Categorical Exemption (per Section 15105 of the State E. I .R. Guidelines) General Plan: On November 19, 1979 , the Atascadero Planning Commission reviewed the proposed acquisition as required by Government Code Section 65402 and found it to be consistent with the Atascadero General Plan and the Atascadero Creekway Schematic Plan. r Memorandum to Atasca3ero planning Commission • Ma_v 5, 1980 Page Two STAFF ANALYSIS: The proposed lot line adjustment is consistent with the General Plan and is in compliance with standards contained in both the subdivision and zoning ordinances. The proposed lots are more nearly equal in size generally creating better building sites even if not used for the intended purposes. REC014I14ENDATION The Planning Department recommends that Lot Line Adjustment 80-1 be found to comply with Section 21. 48. 017 (d) of the Atascadero Municipal Code anis be approved subject to the following conditions : 1. Certificates of. Compliance in substantial conformance with the attached Lot Line Adjustment Map shall be recorded as provided by Section 21. 48. 017. 2. Certificates of Compliance must be filed with the County Recorder' s Office prior to the transfer or sale of the adjusted properties. 3. Approval of the Lot Line Adjustment shall expire one year from the date of final approval unless an extension is granted pursuant to a written request prior to the expiration date. ACTION: The Planning Commission may by motion approve, conditionally approve, continue or deny Lot Line Adjustment 80-1. LAW ENCS ST NS Planning Di ctor/Consultant kp Attach. P 1 N 00 W w bti o -- - au ---- CX15T/NG LOT LINA ��� s 40� P12OPOSE D LOT L1N� OW N�(z5 F—)</ST/"6 PA1--E LS F-EFF-P-ENC. NUMF3 �e LOT -M,T Ne,- Ass'a' PAPrF I # -F-A fir- FAGS-P P� 1 No. /V�7 At��A /8 MAS-1- 2500 A (0)000 id S0.FT d 19 ATQSG 2 FT 1J 6,000 (� 20 ATA SO FT SO � c 5,870 � ATAS" iC 5io 2� Sc�FT D 8D 19 E M O R A N D U rR TO: City Manager DATE : May 6 , 1980 FROM: Planning Director SUBJECT: CO 79-031 , proposed lot division of Lot 11, Block 25, Atascadero Colony, south side of Balboa Road and west of Ardilla Road - Renton (Twin Cities Engineering) The Planning Commission unanimously recommends that CO 79-031 be found consistent with the Atascadero General Plan and be found in compliance with the Subdivision Map Act (Sections 66473 and 66474) and the zoning and subdivision ordinances of the Atascadero Municipal Code. Based on those findings, the Plan- ning Commission recommends approval subject to Conditions 1-15 with the addition of Condition 7a to read as follows : "Provision shall be made for improvement of the private driveways to include use of appropriate materials which shall provide for reasonable access during poor weather conditions and for adequate dust control during usage. The design and materials shall be subject to review and approval by the Planning Director and the Public Works Director. It shall be the responsibility of the sub- divider to improve the driveway prior to recordation of the final map or make adequate provision for bonding such improvements subject to review of the Planning Department. " Owners of two nearby properties appeared in opposition to the oronosed lot division citing traffic, septic and drainage concerns. This matter is referred to Council as required by Section 21. 48 .105. In the event that Council desires to modify the Planning Commission recommendation, the proposed lot division -should be set for public hearing. LAWRENCE S EVENS MU- RAY WARDEN Planning .erector C `ty Ma ager kp Telephone(805)549-5600 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Courthouse Annex SAN LUIS OBISPO, CALIFORNIA 93405 April 10, 1980 Honorable Atascadero Planning Commission and City Council City of Atascadero, California Dear Ladies and Gentlemen: SUBJECT: CO 79-031, PROPOSED LOT DIVISION OF LOT 11, BLOCK 25, ATASCADERO COLONY, SOUTH SIDE OF BALBOA ROAD AND WEST OF ARDILLA ROAD, CITY OF ATASCADERO. (A-1-BV-3-D 508: SUBURBAN RESIDENTIAL) SUPERVISORIAL DISTRICT #1 (RENTON-TWIN CITIES ENGINEERING) RECOMMENDATION AGAINST CONSISTENCY AND FOR DENIAL (884: 3/5/79) At a regular meeting of the County Subdivision Review Board, the attached subdivision was considered and is being referred to you for required action and findings regarding consistency with applicable general plans. Respectfully submitted, G� LARRY J. RED, upervisor Subdivision Review Section ca Attachment cc: County Engineer County Health Department REPORT OF THE SUBDIVISION REVIEW BOARD MEETING APRIL 2, 1980 RE: CO 79-031, PROPOSED LOT DIVISION OF LOT 11, BLOCK 25, ATASCADERO COLONY, SOUTH SIDE OF BALBOA ROAD AND WEST OF ARDILLA ROAD, CITY OF ATASCADERO A-1-BV-3-D 508 SUBURBAN RESIDENTIAL (RENTON TWIN CITIES ENGINEERING) SUPERVISORIAL DISTRICT #1 (884: 3/5/79) RECOMMENDATION AGAINST CONSISTENCY AND FOR DENIAL NEGATIVE DECLARATION SRB Members in Attendance: Larry Red, Chairman, John Hofschroer, John Wallace, Jerry Erickson Planning Commissioner in Attendance: None Legal Counsel Present: None PROJECT DESCRIPTION This application proposes a subdivision of a 10.1 acre site into two parcels at 4.5 and 5.6 acres each. The site is located on the south side of Balboa Road and west of Ardilla Road in Atascadero. Zoning: A-1-BV-3-D508 Light Agriculture with slope related density and 2 acre minimum lot size. General Plan: 1978 Atascadero General Plan- Suburban Residential (2k 10 acre range) COMMENTS Environmental Determination A Conditional Negative Declaration was issued by the Environmental Coordinator on February 29, 1980, stating that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment and therefore does not require the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report subject to meeting the following conditions: I. On-site waste disposal system be approved by the Health Department as per standard County procedures. 2. All structures should be placed within the cut area of the lot or on pier foundations to reduce grading. No portion of the foundation should be placed on fill, unless the fill is certified to be at least 90% compaction. 3. Storm water drainage plans should be approved by County Engineers prior to issuance of building permits. 4. Finished cut slopes should be a 2': 1 slope or flatter. If steeper slopes are desired, a retaining wall should be used; the wall to be constructed in accordance with the County's design handout for "small retaining walls". 5. The project should be found consistent with the applicable General Plan for the area. CO 79-031 • Page 2 Site and Area Considerations The site has moderate to steep slopes and is heavily vegetated with oaks. The character of the surrounding area is Rural and Agricultural with surrounding parcel sizes in the 3 - 10 acre category. However, the area is sparsely developed and the average parcel size appears in excess of seven acres. This is an area of little lot division activity. The present application is a re-submittal of a previous tentative parcel map (CO 77-471) which was denied by the Board of Supervisors April 24, 1978. Zoning and General Plan Considerations The site is zoned A-1-BV-3-D508, Light Agriculture, with a slope related com- bining designation and a 2 acre minimum lot size requirement. On the basis of the applicants slope information on the tentative map, the slope appears to lie somewhere between 25% and 30°b'. The current zoning requires a minimum of 4� acres , for the 25-30% category as specified under Section 22.70.030 of the Zoning Ordinance. The parcels proposed appear adequate to meet zoning requirements as to size. The 1978 Atascadero General Plan notes "Suburban" (2' -10 acres) for the site. The plan notes the following for that designation: "Suburban Single-Family Residential Land Use should be limited to single- family dwellings, accessory buildings and uses, home occupations, truck gardening, orchards and vineyards, the keeping of poultry and other animals, excepting swine, rest homes, public parks and playgrounds, animal hospitals, large and small animals, and plant nurseries. Lot sizes should be 2k acres or more. Determination of appropriate lot sizes should be based upon such factors as slope, access to the building site, availability of services, distance from the center of the community, general character of neighboring lands, .percolation and the area need for access road to building site. Because this plan extends the Urban Reserve Line to the Colony boundary, the densities of five to ten acres in the area formerly designated Rural are increased." (P. 44) "Lot-splits should thoroughly evaluated and be in accordance with community plans and principles. Strict adherence to the lot sizes defined in this plan is essential in order to retain the desired character of the community. Creation of lots smaller than those recommended must not be permitted if the maximum population of approximately 30,000 is to be maintained. Attention should be paid to the aesthetic result of land division. Build- ing sites should be encouraged on natural slopes, with minimal disruption of native vegetation and watersheds, and efficient layout of access and utilities. A program should be developed to encourage the preservation of trees, watersheds and natural slopes and other natural amenities from abuse and destruction resulting from poor design and development practices." (P. 45) CO 79-031 • Page 3 "Residential Policy Proposals Residential density should decrease as one moves outward from the core, in order to maintain the rural atmosphere of the community. This can be accomplished by a graded increase in lot size and a graded decrease in the permitted density of population." (P. 45) Recommendation Concern is raised with the design of the parcels when considering the steep slopes. The Real Property Division Ordinance states: "21.48.080 Design. The Subdivision Review Board Report shall consider and make recommendations as to whether the following conditions are met: (5) The resulting parcels shall achieve optimal utility as measured by: (i) Efficient utilization of land; (ii) Minimizing site disruption in developing access drives and building pads, with respect to cuts and fills and'vegeta- tion removal; (iii) Maintaining the character and parcel configuration pattern of the surrounding area. The potential site disruption that could occur would be considerable for grading of driveways and building pad, particularly to the proposed rear parcel. Since the size and configuration of the property does not lend itself very well to a different design which might mitigate these impacts and based on the physical characteristics of the site, staff must recommend against approval of the project. RECOMMENDATION Although the City Planning Commission and the City Council will take final action on this project, the Subdivision Review Board may still take action on this matter. Any action taken will likely constitute an informal recommendation to the Atascadero City Council. It should be noted this staff report and the recommendations are based on County policy, procedure and ordinances. After review of applicable General Plans and other available information, the Subdivision Review Board recommends denial to the City Council and that the proposed subdivision be found not consistent with the General Plan in accordance with Sections 66412.2, 66473 and 66474 of the Subdivision Map Act, and Section 21.48.080 of the Real Property Division Ordinance. This is based on the following findings: a. That the proposed map isnot consistent with applicable general and specific plans. CO 79-031 • Page 4 b. That the design or improvement of the proposed subdivision is not con- sistent with applicable general and specific plans. C. That the site is not physically suitable for the type of development. d. That the site is not physically suitable for the proposed density of development. Provided that a finding of consistency is made and the application ultimately approved, the following conditions are hereby established regarding the design and improvements of the proposed subdivision; which conditions when satisfied will mitigate the environmental concerns expressed by the Atascadero City Council/Environmental Coordinator in the Environmental Determination of February 29, 1980. 1. That the following "NOTES" shall be placed on the final map: A. No sewage disposal system installations are to be placed closer than 100 feet from the top of the existing creek bank, drainage swales or areas subject to inundation. (Parcel "A" only). B. Sewage disposal systems installed on slopes in excess of 20% shall be designed and certified by a registered civil engineer or geologist and submitted to the Planning and Health Department for review and approval prior to the issuance of a building permit. Consultants shall determine . geologically stable building sites and sewage disposal for each parcel, including evaluations of hillside stability under the most adverse conditions including rock saturation and seismic forces. Slopes in excess of 30% are not considered suitable or practical for subsurface sewage disposal. C. Septic tanks will be an acceptable method of sewage disposal, if soil tests and plans are acceptable, until public sewers may become available. D. Water is to be obtained from the Atascadero Mutual Water Company. 2. Prior to the filing of theap rcel map, the applicant shall submit to and be jointly approved by the Planning Department and Health Department, results of percolation tests and the log or logs of soil borings performed by a registered civil engineer. For this purpose, the applicant shall perform one or more soil borings to be a minimum depth of ten (10) feet in the area of the proposed sewage disposal system to determine the: (a) subsurface soil conditions, (example: impermeable stratas which act as barriers to the effective percolation of sewage); (b) and the presence of groundwater. And the applicant must perform a minimum of three (3) percolation test holes per lot, to be spaced uniformly in the area of the proposed sewage disposal system. Percolation tests shall conform to the methods and guide- lines prescribed by the Manual of Septic Tank Practice as adopted by the County Building and Construction Ordinance Title 19, Chapter 10.24. CO 79-031 • Page 5 3. That operable facilities exist prior to the filing of the Final Map. A letter shall be obtained from the Atascadero Mutual Water Company and submitted to the Health and Planning Departments for review and approval stating there are operable facilities immediately available and ready for connection to the parcels created. 4. That the applicant offer for dedication to the public for future road widening purposes 5 feet along Balboa Road, said offer to be made by certificate on the Parcel Map. 5. That a private easement be reserved on the Parcel Map for access to parcels) B. 6. That the applicant submit a preliminary Title Report at the time the parcel map is submitted for checking. 7. That a practical plan and profile for access be submitted to the County Engineering and Planning Departments for approval and that at the time of issuance of a building permit, construction of a paved driveway approved by the Fire District as access for fire equipment shall be required. A note of this requirement shall be placed on the Parcel Map. 8. That any private easement as shown on the Title Report be shown on the Parcel Map with recording data. 9. That the drainage swale on the property be delineated on the Parcel Map. 10. NOTE for Parcel Map: That a grading, drainage and erosion control plan, prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer, be submitted to the County Engineer for approval, prior to issuance of building permits. 11. FIRE PROTECTION STANDARDS: The applicant must comply with state, county and district laws/ ordinances applicable to fire protection and consider increased fire risk to area by the subdivision of land proposed. 12. All conditions of approval herein specified are to be complied with prior to the submittal of the Parcel Map Original to the County Engineer for approval. 13. That a Final Parcel Map shall be filed in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act, prior to sale, lease or financing of the subject property within a period of one year from approval date of the Tentative Map. 14. After approval by the Board of Supervisors, compliance with the preceeding conditions will bring the proposed subdivision in conformance with the Subdivision Map Act and local ordinances. 15. The Tentative Parcel Map will expire one year (12 months) from the date of Board of Supervisors approval. The Tentative Parcel Map may be extended one year by the Subdivision Review Board. Written requests with appropriate fees must be submitted to the Planning Department prior to the expiration date. CO 79-031 • . Page 6 DISCUSSION: Allen Campbell attended the meeting and questioned the consistency recommendation and said that the area was suitable for this type of development within the parameters of the General Plan. The Subdivision Review Board unanimously adopted the preliminary report as written. 2H RIME CA , ..• ma �li �gf-- ., �1 00 ?1W a �, gs-ag) _. ►fib r ` i . o � s 1• Ln O Z l ��i Y� ` tio 1 �•� i ao ie~ jcz—<r F, - cc 1� � � Oo4 ' tcc (Q Q Q VI W N V T - .oma CK 1 2i> ia3�w , G u Sa2o�� -001-002a IA < OC �G<�OU 0 - -_ -or ~ � O I /�- I i e* �<► h ' 1 / j1 00 12Z� IZSO y F■ V - e Yt• �•.�lf/ •Y���...�.M.1v..�w.�M"wN+.+`..1�..�w,r�.1u..� hV...wV��7I'I�NITw.T...411.W.M��w.�+►�.� �� LEACH tJivES lop N i I r 0APt �'✓O.vE 'i 2 -1Z rJOB ": ego-io a �2ES/�EniC� f.--'ao N S s.� c,e�PPL.E L✓�LL-S A- A No 55Cl=k 1-E_ 2dr F riniGS `� cC� cE L✓A[LS L No ,SGr+LE=. G, a' TGuiv CiT/ES E.v�in�.�F_.F-'sive. • !/(.:.. may:AA. ;::.;_..:. -- ':\':.. :'..:v. i TT• 'Y' T I 1': r J i \ 1 1 Y i i i .r J :r J i r t - i \ J .✓ is // •:1;. :�7r::f. :�::. :�iY 1 / V I :•'Kf 1 \ X 1 1 lo ..•/�... 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'.I�d ,•:�.•.•'' G •eoeo do �'00 00 °00.0 es'P:,�:°0�-[ ,���: T•� • :•..:;Y.. ��.�.� � I • V✓ I y . °o .v e0 :`y.,-•:r. y7�—,� •::•r:•• •','•� .•-•:• 1 M E .M 0 R A N D U M TO: City Manager DATE: May 7, 1980 FROM: Planning Director SUBJECT: PUBLIC HEARING FOR PROPOSED REZONINr (2791109 :1) from A-1-1-� to C-2 of a 1. 45 acre site located on the west side of El Camino Real north of San Benito Road - Hiers/ Joseph The Planning Commission unanimously recommends adoption of Findings A through C listed in the County Staff Report and recommends approval of a change of zone from A-1-;k-� to C-2-D with the "D" to mean: "Departmental Review is required for all uses to evaluate the following: A. Consistency of proposed uses with the Commercial Park designation of the General Plan. B. Scope of the proposed use and the building site area required. C. Design review of development proposals with particular attention given to insuring an attractive appearance from both Highway 101 and E1 Camino Real by means of architecural design, landscaping, screening of outdoor storage and large paved areas , building and use setbacks , and signing limitations. " There was discussion concerning consistency of the requested zoning with the Commercial Park designation and it was determined that the application of the "D designation was appropriate until Staff developed. a zoning text more suitable for Commercial Park . The Commission further indicated that it did not consider the auto repair facility proposed by one of the applicants to be consistent with the intent of the Commercial Park. The applicants did not object to the Commission recommendation and no one appeared in opposition. In the evot ::hat City Council concurs with the Planning Commission recommendation, it would be appropriate to close the public hearing and direct �� € to epare an ordinance and ordinance_map for firs } \,'reading to be considered on May 7.--r---V� LAWRE19CE STF, ENS MUR A�' WARDEN Planning D r ctor Ci y M ager kn STAFF REPORT Planning Department TO: Atascadero Planning Commission DATE: April 21, 1980 FROM: Development Review Section SUBJECT; 2791109 : 1 - CLIFFORD HIERS/BEVERLY JOSEPH - REZONING FROM A-1-12 to C-2, ATASCADERO (Accepted 11/9/80) SPECIFIC REQUEST The applicants have requested rezoning of a 1. 45 acre site from C-2 (Heavy Commercial) located on the west side of E1 Camino Real just north of San Benito Road, Atascadero. This rezoning is a joint application for two contiguous parcels under separate owner- ship; the Hiers parcel is 0. 41 acres in size and the Joseph parcel is 1. 04 acres. Subject to approval of the requested C-2 zoning, Mr. Hiers proposes the development of an automobile repair shop. A Conditional Negative Declaration for this rezoning was issued by the Environmental Coordinator on January 18, 1980, with the follow- ing conditions: 1. That the project be found consistent with the uses set down by the 1977 Atascadero General Plan. 2. Should the project be found consistent, that a "D" designation be added to the requested C-2 zoning, designation. ZONING AND GENERAL PLAN INFORMATION Existing Zoning: A-1-22, Light Agricultural with a 22 acre minimum parcel size Existing General 1980 City-adopted Atascadero General Plan Plan: designates the site as "Commercial Park" ; site is inside the Urban Services Line SITE CONDITIONS Area and Shape: Total of 1. 45 acres; each individual parcel is rectangular in shape--taken together, an irreg- ular shape is proposed Topography: Generally level Vegetation: No significant vegetation Existing Use and Residential use; two single-family residences, Improvements: one on each parcel Hiers/Joseph - Rez0ng April 21, 1980 Page Two Access: El Camino Real, a two-lane paved street without curb, gutter or sidewalk Services: Water provided by the Atascadero Mutual Water Company. Sewage disposal by existing on-site subsurface septic system AREA CONSIDERATIONS Surrounding Land North: Vacant 2.88 acre site recently rezoned to C-2-D Uses: (2790122:1, Gayle Sharp) with a residence and a commercial nursery beyond South & East: Single-family residences West: Highway 101 with single-family residences beyond STAFF COMMENTS The Staff is somewhat reluctant to support the requested rezoning since Heavy Commercial zoning and its resultant development appear to represent a substantially more intensive use than the existing suburban residential uses. However, the General Plan does designate the site and adjacent areas to the north and south as Commercial Park. The General Plan text contains the following statements regarding that designation: "A commercial area is needed which will be suitable for large lot commercial uses (i.e. , auto agencies, nurseries, etc. ) . It is recommended that the area between El Camino Real and Highway 101, from just north of San Anselmo Road to Del Rio Road, be designated a Commercial Park. Per- mitted uses should be new and used auto agencies , nurseries, van and storage facilities, etc. Minimum lot size should be two acres. Development criteria should be the same as for Industrial Parks. " (Page 51) "Industrial Parks A zoning designation for industrial parks should be estab- lished and the following standards applied: 1. All industrial processes should be conducted solely within a building. 2. Minimum land-to-building ratios should be established. - 3. Minimum building set-backs from roads should be established. 4. Minimum side and rear _yard set-backs should be established. 5. All set-backs should be landscaped with trees, shrubbery, lawns or other ground cover and maintained. 6. Buildina exteriors should exhibit continuity of acceptable materials and design. 7. Joint agreements among adjacent operations should be encouraged to develop common parking areas. Hiers/Joseph - Rez*ng • April 21 , 1980 Page Three 8. Outside storage areas should be appropriately screened with shrubbery. 9. Loading docks should, where possible, be on sides or rear of building. 10. Outside lighting should be directed downward or shielded to eliminate glare on other properties. 11. Signing should conform with standards set forth on page 118. 12. All utilities should be installed underground. 13. All building, signing, and landscaping designs should be subject to review. 14. Minimum off-street parking requirements should be estab- lished for each type and size of operation. 15. Industries which adversely affect the environment by air, noise, physical or chemical pollution should be prohibited. " (Pages 118-119) In review of the General Plan designation and the above statements, the requested C-2 zoning seems the most appropriate existing zoning district for implementing these recommendations of the plan. However, any proposed rezoning should be evaluated for consistency with the detailed requirements of the Commercial Park designation and a "D" overlay should be added which would enable them to be applied to development proposals. There are two aspects of this rezoning request which appear to con- flict with the intent of the Commercial Park designation. The-site does not meet the stated minimum lot size of 2 acres, either as individual parcels or combined into a sin le unit. The Staff con- ducted a survey of existing parcel sizes for al properties in the Commercial Park designation. The total acreage in the designation is 35 acres consisting of 28 individual parcels. Parcel sizes range from 0 . 13 to 4. 32 acres with the average being 1. 25 acres. Because the site consists of existing legal lots with a combined acreage above the area average, it would not seem reasonable to deny this rezoning because the 2 acre minimum is not met. However, considera- tion should be given to treating the two parcels as a single unit for the purpose of evaluating subsequent development proposals. An additional concern is the consistency of the pK4 caed_ au tm�1_g repair shop with the specified Commercial Park uses. The General i Plan appears to suggest that uses in the Commercial Park designation should be comprehensive developments with a high degree of visual amenity which require larger building site areas . New and used auto agencies are specifically mentioned but that terminology seems to exclude related activities of a narrower scope on an individual basis. In other words , automobile repair would be an accessory use while an auto agency would be a primary use. This same issue was raised when the rezoning of the adjacent property to the north was considered. In that case, the approved C-2 zoning included a "D" overlay which required that " . . . some form of the primary use shall be established in the initial phase of site development as determined appropriate under the Departmental Review Consequently, it may be Hiers/Joseph - Rezona April 21, 1980 Page Four acceptable to approve this r zo ing but such action should not necessarily imply that establishment of an auto repair shop by itself is felt to be consistent with the general Plan. Such a decision should be the subject of a subsequent entitlement for a precise development proposal. This rezoning request could be found consistent with the General Plan if a "D" overlay is added which would require design review of subsequent development and a review of proposed uses for con- formity with the requirements of the Commercial Park designation. This approach can be best accomplished by working the "D" to specify that all development shall be subject to Departmental S Review approval with emphasis on evaluating those particular issues. A subsequent Departmental Review for the site can then evaluate whether auto repair is acceptable and if the two parcels should be considered a single unit. RECOMMENDATION It is the Staff recommendation that the requested rezoning from A-1-2h to C-2 be approved together with the following "D" overlay: "Departmental Review is required for all uses to evaluate the following: A. Consistency of the proposed uses with the Commercial Park designation of the General Plan. B. Scope of the proposed use and the building site area reauired. C. Design review of development proposals with particular attention _given to insuring an attractive appearance from both Highway 101 and El Camino Real by means of architectural design, landscaping, screening of outdoor storage and large paved areas , building and use set- backs, and signing limitations. Approval of recommended "D" overlay together with the proposed C-2 zoning will enable the following: Findings: A. With the recommended "D" overlay, the proposed rezoning would , be consistent with the Commercial Park designation of the 1980 City-adopted Atascadero General Plan. B. Approval of the recommended "D" overlay will insure that resulting development will be consistent with the General Plan and be an attractive and compatible visual neighbor from neighboring prop- erties and public roads. C. The rezoning would be consistent with the C-2-D zoning on the adjacent parcel to the north. Hiers/Joseph - Rezong April 21 , 1980 Page Five Report prepared by Rory Anne Walsh and approved by Warren Hoag, Supervisor Development Review Section County Planning Department Dro ` I Fatn •,.,_ -i � ��\ /Cid �- �O •3 900 INC O • �• it I i 'Vi • !Wit✓ • V r X00 ol ``\ j • i V � I .��• j 866 R /262 —t—` ' ,0 ,C �-4,ea( AN cul VICINITY MAP 12 9 '� \� I1 1p 22 22 1p 60 23 t 10 11 21 \�• 9 20 P-506 r. 12 --w+- t 8 j 13 19 \, s,o71 14 142 9 12 t \\. \ � T 13 �.' 20 Q 140 8 14 �� 19 �9P t - 7-A .• � .• ,,,�f 139 13¢ . 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Y.: O poo O �. •• :%-• '.�'� �,,w.• ..• op000°e a�.: GENERAL \1 ' * a" 7 A ."4 13 C, _ 8 12 9 � 11 22 2,2 j�6o' � 10 2 �\ ; 23 11 \ to 2 \\' 9 c' 20 P-5c 13 19 9 14 142 9 - `�,` 7 12 13 � . 20 p 140 8 \ 14 �� 19 pP 21 7-A l�F �` 139 13f 89 7-8 "' \ 6 90 16 r137 r.Si. 5 PAA a \ � 1 > V 1` •,r . .vb . w � A \� \ 86 P►0. 22\ \ A\\� AR z 3 i 91 �o 2PP ►AR PARCEL I ' 1 7. rf eO` > \ < 138 s-9a\ 4 ` �- 2 P° i' �. p tilb p. 47t Ae _ _ .. .�<: •\ r- 1 �_1,- , -- -SN_ _ ��16/,_F5 \ _ 239 PARCEL 96 24 `2 i �.q240 P.n \ � ` 2• 25 27 13 244 28 S 243 5 \�\ 12-a 34 � \ P-1y 242 \ 95 36 — r 33 1 32 30 Vj� . 97 8 38 - 1 2%2 10 7 �< 39 31 23 6 ✓ 9 �� O 14 rA z 5L �, � e f 1 14-A 17.8 7' i 15 IT-A 24 3 42 , 16 i7 OWNERSHIP 33-A 2 ',��1 PATTERN 1 4 1 .. �.. a ±; ,. ,. _ d� ,. � xt,t. � < is � �,� j: `` £'4{ 4 ,z �< ,�. .- e � irk:, l r'-B � � `«.F L i`� ��'�., � $s' M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Manager DATE: May 7, 1980 FRO14: Planning Director SUBJECT: PUBLIC HEARING FOR AN APPEAL OF A PLANNING COMMISSION DENIAL OF TRACT 871, a proposed division of Lots 3-A, 3-B, 3-C, 3-D, and 3-E, of Block 5 , Eaglet No. F, and Block 2 of Eaglet #2, of Mitchell ' s Resubdivision No. 2, located along El Dorado, Santa Fe and El Corte Roads - Peterson (caring, Taylor) As provided by Section 21. 12. 010 of the Atascadero Municipal Code, _ the Planning Commission may act as the advisory agency and their decision can become final unless appealed. A copy of the letter of appeal is attached indicating that the applicant has appealed on the following grounds: 1. Circumstances which allowed the prior approval to expire were beyond the applicant' s control. 2. The Atascadero General Plan was adopted after the 1977 approval which expired. 3. Water and sewer assessments were based on a higher density. The Planning Commission recommends denial of Tract 871 based upon Findings 1-4 listed the the report of the Subdivision Reviewer /Board. The primary reason for denial is that the project is incon�_ sistent with the General Plan which specifies a one acre minimum ,,,_ slot size (where sewer is available) while the request is forte- half-acre lots. Several persons spoke in opposition to the project favoring the general Plan density. If the City Council concurs with the Planning Commission decision, a motion referencing the Findings would be appropriate. If the City Council deems approval of Tract 871 to be appropriate, Findings in support of that decision should be made and Conditions 1-29 should be considered. LAWRENCE S LENS lU AY L. .,AnDEN Planning Mrector City Man ger kp Attach. • R41EIVED APR L � 198d �-- � GARING , TAYLOR & ASSOCIATES , INC. -- _. CIVIL ENGINEERS SURVEYORS PLANNERS April 18, 1980 City of Atascadero P.O. Box 747 Atascadero, Ca 93422 Attention: Lawrence Stevens Planning Director Dear Larry, Please refer to Mr. H.D. Peterson's proposal to re subdivide his and Mrs. Peterson' s property in Atascadero, namely lots 3A, 3B, 3C, 3D, 3E and 4 of Block 5 of Eaglet No. 2 of Mitchell' s Resubdivision No. 2 (Tract 871) located along E1 Dorado, Santa Fe and El Corte Roads, and the planning commission' s denial at its meeting of April 7, 1980. We wish to appeal that denial. This project was originally approved by the county. The engineer at the time of approval was Mr. Lowell Kraatz who died. His employees carried on his uncompleted projects but were apparently unaware of the time element of this approved tentative map and did not request an extention. All conditions of the approved tentative map were being reviewed by the county engineering staff when it was discovered by them that time had run out. During the period that the map was approved the general plan was revised but not the zoning. Mr. Peterson asked me to re-submit the tentative map complying with all of the conditions previously imposed. It is that map before you. Some additional data regarding the neighborhood should be brought to your attention: There are water and sewer lines surrounding the property. Mr. Peterson had some heavy assessments against the property when the sewer district was formed. Small lots a short distance away were assessed $912- 18. Mr Peterson was assessed between $1758. 14 per lot to $3968. 57 per lot depending on number of front units. The sewer district 141 SOUTH ELM STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CA 93420 (805) 489-1321 and the county apparently planned on breakdown of these lots and appropriately assessed Mr. Peterson' s properties as follows: Lot 3A was assigned 1. 88 units -- $1758.14 Lot 3B was assigned 2.22 units -- $2049. 44 Lot 3C was assigned 2.22 units -- $2049. 44 Lot 3D was assigned 4.17 units -- $3260.92 Lot 3E was assigned 2.63 units -- $2108. 82 Lot 4 was assigned 4.62 units -- $3968.57 For a total of 17.74 units and a total of $15 ,195.33 Mr. Peterson's proposed subdivision is for a total of 12 units for which he is paying for 17.74 units. Inasmuch as the Planning Law (65860) states that the County or City Zoning Ordinances shall be consistent with the general plan, it appears that changing the general plan without hearings to change the zoning at the same time is not within the spirit of the Planning Law. Thank you for listening. I am enclosing a copy of the assessments of the area surrounding Mr. Peterson's property for your information. Mr. Peterson will deliver the $100.00 check to the city. Very truly yours, DARING, TAYLOR & ASSOCIATES, INC. ROBERTS. GARING, JR. RSG:dr cc: H.D. Peterson rc 4: Jk 411 -� •�a s ,,�, •. IQ sC'ri■ 1�a-�[n � 1 � rs-s� /SS6 6"y c� z �✓off- � �. z �► •�g oY W or 8 0 c W i ' a�Sa J • o ^ o vo o �b lu In OVOIA ,a o / a v o } • r ® r V O I� ® O � O O o U • © b � • 'J e.•n••.•-.•+..••� w r.�r.-v •� /+•r..' r r►� .- •-••-• r-.- r•-H•-+r •-r r •�•�v►- r o•-• 2 L V•V U'V L lT lP N C^V tr lT tf U tr V-tT UI V U't^ t: U is U U' U t/'. l•'UI L. '.f V•111 U' V t!t C. x V vJ C W a C CC• ? C C• C V U• U'l U'C� U tr W V U'. r d -r <` t t r r r a. t. L,'W t_'I t..W'W:t. W In .-O aG Q ti V V a C. fu o•O p d v C UI d 4'lU O Z :r v C• U r C.,N• r C vC Q' N a- V n,•- r ^'''V cC It :Z Y CO eC C>COC. 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Q' 1, -.r t l 7 • Telephone(805)549-5600 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Courthouse Annex SAN Luis OBISPO, CALIFORNIA - 93408 March 10, 1980 ` Honorable Atascadero Planning Commission and City Council City of Atascadero, California Dear Ladies and Gentlemen: SUBJECT: TRACT 871, PROPOSED LOT DIVISION OF LOTS 3-A, 3-B, 3-C, 3-D AND 3-E, OF BLOCK 5, EAGLET NO. F, AND BLOCK 2 OF EAGLET #2, OF MITCHELL'S RESUBDIVISION NO. 2, ATASCADERO, LOCATED ALONG EL DORADO, SANTA FE AND EL CORTE ROADS, CITY OF ATASCADERO. (R-1: MODERATE DENSITY RESIDENTIAL) (PETERSON - GARING, TAYLOR) SUPERVISORIAL DISTRICT #5 (884 11/9/79) RECOMMENDATION AGAINST CONSISTENCY AND FOR DENIAL RECOMMENDATION ON ROAD IMPROVEMENTS At a regular meeting of the County Subdivision Review Board, the attached subdivision was considered and is being referred to you for required action and findings regarding consistency with applicable, general plans. Respectfully submitted, LARRY J. RED, Supervisor Subdivision Review Section ca Attachment cc: County Engineer County Health Department • REPORT OF THE SUBDIVISION REVIEW BOARD MEETING MARCH 5, 1980 RE: TRACT 871, PROPOSED LOT DIVISION OF LOTS 3-A, 3-B, 3-C, 3-D AND 3-E, OF BLOCK S, EAGLET NO. F, AND BLOCK 2 OF EAGLET #2, OF MITCHELL'S RESUBDIVISION -N0. 2, ATASCADERO, LOCATED ALONG EL DORADO, SANTA FE AND EL CORTE ROADS, CITY OF ATASCADERO. (R-A: MODERATE DENSITY RESIDENTIAL) (PETERSON - GARING & TAYLOR) SUPERVISORIAL DISTRICT #5 (884: 11/9/79) RECOMMENDATION AGAINST CONSISTENCY AND FOR DENIAL EIR CONDITIONAL NEGATIVE DECLARATION SRB Members in Attendance: Chairman, Colonel Sorenson, John Hofschroer, Jerry Erickson, John Wallace Planning Commissioner in Attendance: None Legal Counsel Present: None PROJECT DESCRIPTION This application proposes a re-subdivision of a 6. 1 acre site comprised of 6 lots of record into 12 lots at approximately 20,000 square feet each. The site is located along E1 Dorado, Santa Fe and El Corte Roads, City of Atascadero. Zoning: R-A: "Suburban Residential" (20,000 sq. ft. minimum lot size) General Plan: 1978 Atascadero General Plan: "Moderate Density Residential" (one acre minimum lot size) COMMENTS Environmental Determination A Conditional Negative Declaration was issued by the Environmental Coordinator on February 8, 1980, stating that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment and therefore does not require the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report, subject to the follow- ing conditions: 1. That erosion control and drainage plans be submitted to the County Engineering Department prior to issuance of building permits. 2. That a landscaping plan be submitted to the County Planning Department prior to issuance of building permits. 3. That the project be found consistent with the 1978 Atascadero General Plan. Specific Request The applicants are requesting approval of a resubdivision of 6 existing lots of record into a total of 12 lots at approximately 20,000 sq. ft. each. The lots are intended for residential uses and are served by community water and sewer. The project also proposes to re-align the existing drainage swale that runs through the property. TRACT 871 Page 2 Project History The subject tentative, tract map is a re-submittal of a previously approved tentative Tract #647. The County Board of Supervisors tenta- tively approved the map on October 3, 1977. Under provisions of the Subdivision Map Act, the applicant has 18 months to meet conditions and record the final map, unless the Board approves a time extension. Records indicate that no time extension request was submitted and the map expired March 3, 1979. Several of the conditions of approval had still not been met at the time the map expired. The tentative map was resubmitted and accepted for processing on November 9, 1979. It should be noted that the new Atascadero General Plan was adopted in December, 1978, and designated the site as "Moderate Density Residential" which would recommend a one acre minimum lot size. While the new application did not meet the General Plan, it was accepted for processing. The County Planning Department notified the applicant on November 15, 1979, advising them of the apparent conflict of the request with the General Plan. To date, the applicant has made no effort to bring the map into compliance. In reviewing the request for the Environmental Determination, the Environmental Coordinator granted a Conditional Negative Declaration on February 8,. 1980. One condition was to bring the map into compliance with the General Plan prior to any approval. Site and Area Characteristics The site is gently rolling and is traversed by a drainage Swale. Vegetation consists of grass and several oak trees. There are 5 exist- ing residential structures on site with one used as a duplex. The site consists of 6 lots of record being part of the first subdivision of Atascadero. The character of the surrounding area is residential. Lot sizes are varied ranging from 6,000 sq. ft. to 7.5 acres. Northeast of the site is a mushroom farm. All of the small lots in the neighborhood were created as part of the first subdivision of Atascadero while seven lots in the k acre range were created by parcel map under the previous General Plan. The area is served with all urban services and both community water and sewer. Ordinance Considerations It would appear that the structure on Lot 7 i now used as a duplex. This is not permitted under the R-A zoning district. The tentative map is in violation of Section 22.24 of the Zoning Ordinance and this situation will have to be corrected prior to any approval of the final map. Zoning and General Plan Considerations The site is zoned R-A, "Suburban Residential" which requires a 20,000 sq. ft. minimum lot size. TRACT 871 Page 3 The 1978 Atascadero General Plan notes "Moderate Density Residential" and requires a 1 acre minimum where community water and sewer is avail- able. The tentative map, proposing lots at approximately ' acre in size, would not appear in keeping with the plan. The plan notes the following pertinent to this application: "Minimum lot size for the creation of new lots within the Urban Services Area should be one acre if served by sewers and 1' acre if not served by sewers. The keeping of poultry and other animals, excepting swine, may be a permitted use. The keeping of hoofed animals should require a minimum lot size of l acre for the first animal and an additional � acre for each additional animal." (p. 44) "Lot-splits should be thoroughly evaluated and be in accordance with community plans and principles. Strict adherence to the lot sizes defined in this plan is essential in order to retain the desired character of the community. Creation of lots smaller than those recommended must not be permitted if the maximum population of approximately 30,000 is to be maintained." (p. 46, Atascadero General Plan text) The proposed tentative subdivision would not appear to be consistent with the General Plan. RECOMMENDATION After review of applicable General Plans and other available infor- mation, the Subdivision Review Board recommends to the Atascadero Planning Commission and City Council that the following findings be made for the proposed subdivision: 1. That the proposed map is not consistent with applicable General Plan. The 1978 Atascadero General Plan indicates "Moderate Density Residential" which requires a (1-1�) acre lot size. 2. That the design and improvement of the proposedsubdivisionare not consistent with applicable County General and Specific Plans. 3. That the site is not physically suitable for the proposed density of development proposed, given the long range General Plan which established the goals and policies set by the community of Atascadero. 4. That the proposed subdivision does not comply with section 22.24 "Suburban," of the Zoning Ordinance. Based on the above findings the Subdivision Review Board recommends to the City of Atascadero that the Subdivision be found not consistent with the General Plan and that it be denied. If the project is ultimately approved, the following conditions regarding the design and improvements of the proposed subdivision are required: TRACT 871 • • Page 4 1. An additional widening of 5 feet along the fronting streets with 20 foot returns to be dedicated on the final map. 2. That a private easement be reserved on the final map for access to Lots 11 and 12. 3. Drainage must be retained in a drainage basin on the property. 4. Drainage swales and retention basins to be contained in drainage easements on the final map. 5. The developer submit a preliminary subdivision guarantee to the County Engineer's office for approval prior to the filing of the final map. 6. The developer submit a preliminary title report to the Engineer's Department for approval when the Final Map is submitted for checking. 7. Community water is to be obtained from the Atascadero Mutual Water Company. 8. That operable facilities from a community water source exist prior to the filing of the final map. A letter shall be obtained from Atascadero Mutual Water Company and submitted to the Health and Planning Departments for review and approval stating there are operable facilities immediately available and ready for connection to the parcels created. These ma4 be bonded for if done in conjunc- tion with other improvements. 9. That in order to protect the public safety and prevent possible ground water pollution, any abandoned wells on the property shall be destroyed in accordance with the San Luis Obispo County Well Ordinance Chapter 8.40, and Health Division destruction standards. (permit required) 10. That when a potentially operational or operational existing well(s) is located on the parcels created and approved community water is proposed to serve the parcels, the community water supply shall be protected from real or potential cross-contamination by means of an approved cross-connection control device installed at the meter or property line service connectionrp for to occupancy. (Chapter 8.30, San. Luis Obispo County Ordinance) 11. That RKjor to the filing of the final map a "will serve" letter be obtained from the Atascadero Sanitation District and submitted to the Health and Planning Departments for review and approval stating that operable sewer facilities are immediately available and ready for connection to the parcels created. 12. That adequate provisions shall be made to prevent standing water in order to prevent mosquito breeding and other associated nisances and safety hazards. TRACT 871 Page 5 13. That provisions for handling of solid waste within the tract be satisfactory to the County Health Department. 14. Applicant shall file with the County Engineer an application requesting apportionment of any unpaid assessments under the Improvement Bond Act of 1915, in compliance with Section 8740. 1 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California. taid apportionment must be completed prior to filing the Final Map. 15. Public utility easements be shown on the final map. 16. A six foot public utility easement be shown on the perimeter of all streets. Also, the 25' access easement be designated as a public` utility easement. 17. The engineer, upon completion of the improvements, must certify to the County Engineer that the improvements are made in accordance with Subdivision Review Board requirements and the approved plans. 18. That the lot area of shall the parcels shall contain a minimum area of 20,000 exclusive of area shown for road dedication. 19. . That a landscaping plan must be submitted and approved by the Planning Department prior to the filing of the final map. The plan should specify lot tree planting on Lots 1, 2, 3 and 5 as to type, size and location. Special attention should be given to the land- scaping of the drainage retention basin and reseeding the lots after grading. 20. That the old shed (accessory building) on the back lot line of Lot 10 be removed. 21. Relocate the existing fire hydrant at the Northeast corner of the access drive to Lots 11 and 12 to the East to adequately clear the access drive. 22. All approved landscaping shall be installed or bonded for prior to filing of the final map and thereafter maintained in a viable condition on a continuing basis. If bonded for, landscaping shall be installed within 60 days of final acceptance of the improvements. 23. The applicant must comply with state and county laws/ordinances applicable to fire protection and consider increased fire risk to area by the subdivision of land proposed. 24. Relocate the fire hydrant in the access easement between lots 11 and 12 to the satisfaction of the Atascadero Fire Department. 25. That the duplex on Lot 7 be brought into zoning compliance. This may require a redesign of the project to one acre minimum parcel size or converting the unit back to a single family residence. Check with the County Planning Department for exact requirements. TRACT 871 • • Page 6 26. That all conditions of approval herein specified are to be complied with prior to the filing of the final map. 27. That a final map shall be filed in accordance with Subdivision Map Act prior to sale, lease, or financing of the subject property within a period of 18 months from approval date of the tentative map. 28. After approval by the Board of Supervisors, compliance with the preceeding conditions will bring the proposed subdivision in confor- mance with the Subdivision Map Act and local ordinances. 29. The tentative tract map will expire one year (18 months) from the date of Board of Supervisors approval. The tentative tract amp may be extended one year by the Subdivision Review Board. Written requests with appropriate fees must be submitted to the Planning Department prior to the expiration date. DISCUSSION Applicants and engineer attended the meeting. They noted that the overall area (including the roadways) may enlarge the total area of the site to as large as 7k acres. . Staff advised that the zoning ordinance will not allow counting areas within roadways on subdivisions of less than 1 acre parcels. Staff also mentioned that the duplex is not permitted by the R-A zoning. The Subdivision Review Board unanimously adopted the preliminary report as amended. v/07 1 AI I i ash i \ ,, �• {� T 1 102 . a `._ 10 er AV •� • 1 `F / IT it' X1, V 1 ' . / • 'in So ,�'• p 8 r P ` •. •add. ,�T• 14. Seyagl r) -q� / z Ponds C' " ®• 1 Von / EA G 1032Op • S E BO 3 • �O 9 •• Se,vag DiSPOS dkk) llt �i \ p•� 00 0 871 'fit r •:. ��;C�' Ob N =3 ?s /05. o /19 1v cv- /04 9 — =' Q m N N w _ vdR 2` 77 . /Jo. ,- - w N Q ,' t'AR. 1 `lm��.�L P3Z F 130 , P-161 f •�)���� _498 `jaQ- 13 f >- �.._. N N a N N N1,31 - csac) 7911 . 49 = P •• t32 9 80 00 99 133 8 33.E 1 d f 1, 133-0 133-E �,W _ s8 134 134•a St 6�' 933A 83.E 134-C r3q /S. • A Ail 96. ,394._ Ss �39W /39. 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I,+ '�'t � . 1°A•Aee••••••oi•i°0A•°i°e j°A°AiRRAAi AY•00'i°i°r �; ;•., • •••• 0• o A o00 S ''SS L•t SS L r Z. St�� •'t`i S}t�3�Y�S 4'•,�L St S.S ••1 �{'1'A • s -c Z.• '.t •.S�"r'l.S '155 ,Shy ,�.• •�e c .ttt-�S�SS. :S�S,S• rI1 IS •e Oe � � C M E M 0 R A N D U M � TO: CITY MANAGER FROM: POLICE CONSULTANT SUBJECT: JULY FOURTH CELEBRATION PLANNING DATE: MAY 7 , 1930 As you know, Jaycees members Tom Grey, Brad Golding and Tom. Morlan met with city staff (Public [corks Director , City Manager and Police Chief) on May 6th to discuss preliminary plans for the July 4th celebration at Atascadero Lake Park. During this meeting, Jaycees representatives agreed to provide the following equipment and services : 1. Posting of sufficient no-parking/traffic control signs for affected areas. (Posting to be accomplished by Jaycees on July 3rd. ) 2 . Acquire and place all required barricades by 6 :OO a.m. July 4th. 3. Acquire and place fifteen chemical toilets prior to the celebration. 4 . Acquire and place eight dempster-type dumpsters for refuse. 5 . Be responsible for clean-up of all litter generated by 3 this activity. 6. The assignment of eight Jaycee members who will be responsible for parking control in affected areas during the event. City agrees to provide and coordinate law= enforcement services within existing means. It is recommended that with your concurrence, Council, by minute action, require of the Jaycees conditions 1 through 6 and further, that a resolution (see proposal attached) be adopted authorizing the closure of indicated streets on July 4 , 1980. RICHARD H. McHALE POLICE CONSULTANT RHM: sb RESOLUTION NO. 8-80 RESOLUTION CLOSING CERTAIN CITY ROADS DURING JULY 4TH CELEBRATION T H E C I T Y C O U N C I L City of Atascadero, California WHEREAS, the Atascadero Junior Chamber of Commerce wishes to sponsor a 4th of July celebration, including a fireworks display at Atascadero Lake Park; and WHEREAS, in past years the large number of participants in this celebration have caused serious traffic and access problems in the vicinity of Atascadero Lake Park; and WHEREAS, in order to provide emergency access to private and public property inthevicinity of Atascadero Lake Park as well as provide safe pedestrian walkways around the lake, it is desirable to close certain roads around the lake area to through vehicular traffic; and WHEREAS, Section 22651 oftheCalifornia Vehicle Code permits local authorities to enforce parking prohibitions , upon adoption of an ordinance or resolution; and WHEREAS, Section 21101 of the California Vehicle Code permits temporarily closing a portion of any street for celebrations, parades, local special events, and other purposes when in the opinion of local authorities having jurisdiction such a closing is necessary for the safety and protection of persons who are to use that portion of the street during the temporary closing. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Atascadero that the following streets be closed to through traffic and parking of vehicles prohibited during the entire day of July 4 , 1980: I 1. Marchant tetween Santa Rosa and Pismo 2 . Lake View between Santa Rosa and Portola 3. Mountain View between Santa Rosa and Portola BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, as required by the California Vehicle Code, these streets will be clearly posted twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the closures . On motion by Councilman and seconded by Councilman , the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call vote: Resolution No. 8-80 Page Two AYES: NOES : ABSENT: ROBERT J. WILKINS, JR. , Mayor ATTEST: MURRAY L. WARDEN, City Clerk { �-�/ �� ,'�.� (° �' ��iC"���a R'1.. �'�J /� !� �i�' W ,� a Q c�"� o � ;. F� - .� �„�,�t ,; _.��. �t� �,�c� � J .. w ..�- ". r p.K� � ��� L ��;� r ,�-'� .., �� � `� . _ fir., . c" �f� � ^`` P .�� .�,a c� '`� J a ��`�ad ,� �, >� �P \0 V M E M O R A N D U M i TO: City Council FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: Resolution opposing elimination of LEAA Attached is a memo from Tom Butch, Chairman of the Region P Office of Criminal Justice Planning. The Region P encompasses San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara Counties. The Criminal Justice Planning Board attempts to coordinate grant and planning activities for police organizations within the two counties. Insofar as being able to secure significant grants is concerned, the money through LEAA is no longer as readily available as it once was. However, there is a coordination function which is still proving useful and, from the local view at any rate, would seem worth- while to continue. The Board of the Region P Office of Criminal Justice Planning has adopted a resolution urging President Carter to retain funding for the Federal Law Enforcement Assistance Administration (LEAA) programs. If you share in this belief, it would be appropriate to adopt the resolution as suggested by the attached. RRAY WARDEN MLW:ad 5-8-80 COUNTY Office ®f CICO]LlC�Il1C al Justice PlanningCOUNTY LN,uNlav ,N�.. IaN.n,�....A....E. W4 D.. —ft REGION P THE VENTRAL COAST REGION SANTA NR.A�LL MBMNA Nu.A.A COUNTY April 17, 1980 P.Bra o.ETUT"1 a. 1ABPERA REGIONAL PLAFININO D7RCC'TOR CNAlW11 TNOMAS N. BUT,. LITY ADMINISTRATOR \,Ey��! ' ('RB ARROYO GRANDE FF'g5+ :•`��1TY{.��J "1 rVO 1\8..:4.d�.. L , ViC!'f NA IRANN 1 ROGER NEUI,A4 CMIEF OF,pI';r. TO : Jurisdictions. in Region P SAN I,I,DOI% ' NON. FNANN T ALn GI'I.M UADALUPE FROM: Thomas M. Butch, Chairman GARY BLAIR COURT AOMINI'TFBTG'I SAWA BARBARA IUUNIr- RE : ELIMINATION. OF LAW ENFORCEMENT ASSISTANCE ADMINIS- .,LAx PEND T.RATI ON Cnuxl.rI nAN ..AN 11 S BPISPn Jn'*W. LAPPENTCB '.MLN,F,-C WINER %ANTA BARBARA COUNTY JIVE ,,,,;R As you may know, in an effort to balance the federal CNIEF DF PDLIa AR.010 GPANUI. budget , the President and Congress are proposing severe 1`1""1,1 ,CIINGII""1,P,:iro ILCEP cuts in several programs , one of which is the Law Enforce SANTA BABAANA Crf Nr.Y xnNL AxN n;mlti ment Assistance Administration (LEAA) . At its meeting 101'1 0 IAAll'. on April 17 , 1980, the Region P Planning .Board adopted the ANR ! N1NW NIUU EL111rF enclosed resolution. which is being sent to the President risMOBlArI, ` _ as well as California ' s Congressional Delegations. ARTWNNINL MINIFY N, The Regional Board also wishes to call this matter P„ to your attention so that your Council or Board of Super- . .. „ ,,8 :.. visors may send a similar resolution to our federal NUa rom•,I n„�.,r. I.ANTA NARIA representatives . This Region has .been very successful in ”^" XE1LMa"" conducting the projects it has funded over the ten years ,I,I'PVISI' .,x LU I 0111,I10 I:UGNTe of its existence, not to mention the strides we have made GLONGI I DBiI.. CUUWMI.N in our efforts at coordination and. cooperation among: the SANIA M1 jurisdictions and communities within the Region. We pNTY encourage your city or county to make your objections to !1�!NRII :N.• the elimination of .this program. known to .the President and :'I1I ,:..,' II:I:FN O,Nir to Congress . !'.ION I MINI Sincerely yours, AN .a411 IaxtlARA ,;IS F, Ar,DNti,:Y Thomas M. Butch ,AN IU15 Q11W11 CGUNTY naNlll NDNI! Chairman IANPy 4 (Il fill AU,!,NI',NA,ID, 'IFTI(FN �;1NIA I!;,I PnI:," CDIINIY SCA NLCY'N. N!IULN nrn'RI1T,1'Irur,n,. :nH;A Pnr.cnnn IJU!:TY CMI IF OF PUIi F l 0`111.. F. I. SI IVCN', CO,NC I'MAN I.nMPOE DONALn D. ,rn.Weu. ADM141%TAAIIVF aFP,CFP %AN 011K OM11P❑LDUNrr GFNF 1.. NANIIN$ F ITr AUMINISTI"1110. GFOAGF: 5. up! I!iNC SNENIFF-COPOMB iAN LUIS N01SP11 I:IIIINTI - 615 South MCCtettand Street, Suite B, Sa;Tta ,MalLia, Cali.hoani.a 93454 (805) 925-0991 $0 -3 RESOLUTION OF THE • CENTRAL COAST REGIONAL CRIMINAL JUSTICE PLANNING BOARD REGION P RESOLUTION OPPOSING ELIMINATION OF LEAA WHEREAS , the Central Coast Regional Criminal Justice Planning Board , hereinafter referred to as BOARD, which embraces the counties of Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo , and is a subdivision of the Office of Criminal Justice Planning of the State of California , recognizes the advisability of the announced federal objective to balance the national budget ; and WHEREAS , BOARD has received reports that one of the measures being considered to attain this objective is the proposed elimination of the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration ( LEAA) with the resultant termination of funds to implement anti -crime projects ; and WHEREAS , while BOARD fully concurs with the federal administra- tion ' s commitment to its said objective , BOARD does not support any measure which , if implemented , would contribute to a rising crime rate and jeopardize the advances local governmental and private agencies have made during the almost twelve years of financial assistance provided through the LEAA ; and WHEREAS , local governmental agencies are presently faced with the prospect of losing revenue-sharing , CETA and several other federal aid programs which losses will sharply cut into local ability to maintain socio-economic programs designed to promote civic stability ; and WHEREAS , the proposed additional loss of federal aid through the elimination of LEAA coupled with the curtailment of those other socio-economic programs above mentioned would contribute to the endangerment of the community and the nation . BE iT THEREFORE RESOLVED , that BOARD strongly opposes the elimination of LEAA so that federal funds may continue to flow through the LEAA to local public and private agencies in order to promote and maintain the welfare and safety o the community . 13"_ Thomas M . Butch , Chairman I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the resolution adopted by the Central Coast Regional Criminal Justice Planning Board in a regular meeting thereof held on April 17 , 1980 by the following vote : Ay s Z Na -®- Abstained -® - achy A . ab eras- - -- Executiv Secretary RESOLUTION NO. 7-$0 RESOLUTION OPPOSING ELIMINATION OF LEAA T H E C I T Y C O U N C I L City of Atascadero, California WHEREAS, the City of Atascadero is a member of the Central Coast Regional Criminal Justice Planning Board, hereinafter referred to as BOARD, which embraces the counties of Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo, and is a subdivision of the Office of Criminal Justice Planning of the State of California; and WHEREAS, the City Council, along with the BOARD, recognizes the advisability of the announced federal objective to balance the national budget; and WHEREAS, the BOARD has received reports that one of the measures being considered to attain this objective is the proposed elimination of the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration (LEAA) with the resultant termination of funds to implement anti-crime projects; and WHEREAS, while the Council fully concurs with the federal administration' s commitment to its said objective, it does not support any measure which, if implemented, would contribute to a rising crime rate and jeopardize the advances local governmental and private agencies have made during the almost twelve years of financial assis- tance provided through the LEAA; and WHEREAS, local governmental agencies are presently faced with the prospect of losing revenue-sharing, CETA and several other federal aid programs which losses will sharply cut into local ability to maintain socio-economic programs designed to promote civic stability; and WHEREAS, the proposed additional loss of federal aid through the elimination of LEAA coupled with the curtailment of those other socio-economic programs above mentioned would contribute to the endangerment of the community and the nation. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Atascadero strongly opposes the elimination of LEAA so that federal funds may continue to flow through the LEAA to local public and private agencies in o _-dc-r to promote and maintain the welfare and safety of the community. On motion by Councilman and seconded by Councilman , the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call vote- Resolution No. 7-80 Page Two AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ROBERT J. WILKINS, Mayor ATTEST: MURRAY L. WARDEN, City Clerk M E M O R A N D U r3 cJ� TO: CITY MANAGER FROM: POLICE CONSULTANT SUBJECT: RECOMMENDATION FOR AWARD OF BID (80-4) DATE: MAY 6, 1980 Two companies responded to our request for bid quotation on the attached list of miscellaneous police equipment. As there are multiple (38) items requested, Pitt Company and C.E.P.E.C. varied from one item to another as to which was the lesser amount. Because of that, I am recommending we accept partial proposals from each of the bidders so that we may realize a savings on this equipment. From Cal-Police Equipment Company, Inc . , the following equipment is proposed for purchase : (item numbers match attached list) 1. Emergency light bar, Aerodynic 4 ea. @$339 . 00 = $1 , 356. 00 21 . Peerless handcuffs with keys 8 ea. @ 11 . 79 = 94 . 32 23. Baton, wooden, black 18 ea. @ 4.49 = 80 . 82 24 . Handguns, S & W Mod. 66 8 ea. @ 169 . 00 = 1 , 344 . 00 27 . Pistol Locker, 4 cmnt. 1 ea. @ 143 . 00 = 143 .00 28 . Gas masks, federal 6 ea. @ 34 . 00 = 2_04.00 Bid Award Total $3 ,222 . 14 (C.E.P.E,.C. ) prom F. Marton Pitt Co. : 2 . Electronic siren, federal #PA2100 4 ea. @ 325 . 95 1 , 303.80 A. Rabkles for P.A. & radio 4 ea . @ 50. 00 = 200 . 00 3. Electronic Siren PA2040 2 ea. @ 264 . 95 = 529 . 90 A. 9.Gobkles for PA & radio 2 ea. @ 50. 00 = 100. 00 Page 2 • 4 . Siren speaker, mod. TS100 2 ea . @ 114 . 95 = 229 . 90 5 . Map light #WL325 4 ea. @ 12.95 = 51 . 80 6 . Shotgun lock & holder 4 ea . @ 39 . 95 = 159. 80 7. Fire extinguisher, general use 6 ea. @ 26 . 85 = 161. 10 8 . First aid kit for cars 6 ea. @ 16 .95 = 101 . 70 9. Spotlight, hand held 1 ea. @ 35 . 20 = 35 . 20 10. Rotating light, portable 1 ea. @ 39 . 30 = 39 . 30 11. Rolatape traffic measuring wheel 4 ea. @ 37 . 25 = 149. 00 12. Shotgun, standard police 4 ea. @ 159 . 95 = 639. 80 13. Voice gun (PA50) portable 1 ea. @ 109 . 95 = 109 . 95 14 . Accident templates 6 ea. @ 4 . 25 = 25 . 50 15 . Crime scene search kit 1 ea. @ 134 . 65 = 134 . 65 16 . Latent Print kit 1 ea. @ 117. 85 = 117 . 85 17. Disposable blankets 1 doz @ 38 .75 = 38 . 75 J-8 . Helmet, protective 6 ea. @ 49 . 95 = 299 .70 19 . Flex-cufs 25 ea . @ . 50 = 12. 50 20. Sam brown belt & holsters 8 ea. @ 78 . 40 = 627.20 22 . Speed loaders 16 ea. @ 4. 30 = 68 . 80 25. A.Fam.unition, duty 500 @ 105 . 25 = 105 . 25 26 . Mace (teargas) 18 ea. @ 12 . 80 = 230 .40 29 . Ammunition, practice 5 , 000 @ 81. 95/k= 409 . 75 30. Tear gas grenade , flameless 4 ea. @ 21 . 00 = 84. 00 A. Teargas grenade, ball-type 4 ea. @ 14 . 25 = 57. 00 31. Targets , practice 300 @ 85M00/c 255 . 00 32. Evidence ID labels 500 @ 7 . 45/c 37 . 25 33. Evidence tags 500 @ 8 . 55/c 42 .75 34 . Radar unit, hand held 1 ea. @1023 . 75 = 1, 023 . 75 v Page 3 35. Restraint belt, humane 1 ea. @ 52 . 95 = 52 . 9.5 36 . Shotgun cleaning kit 1 ea. @ 5 . 50 = 5 . 50 37. Pistol cleaning kit 2 ea. @ 5 .25 = 10 . 50 38 . Ear protectors 6 ea. @ 9. 95 = 59. 70 Bid Total $7, 610.00 (F. Morton Pitt) Bid Total 3,222. 14 (C.E.P.E.C. ) Grand Total $10,832. 14 It is recommended that we be authorized to award bid to: 1 . F. Morton Pitt Company 1444 So. San Gabriel Blvd. San Gabriel , CA 91776 Bid Amount: $ 8 ,239. 90 Tax: 494. 39 Total : (+ shipping charges) 2 . Cal-Police Equipment Company 1627 E. Edinger, Unit C Santa Ana, CA 92705 Bid Amount: $3,222. 14 Tax: 193. 33 Total : $3,415 .47 (+ shipping charges) BID AWARD GRAND TOTAL $ 12, 149 . 76 Both companies have expressed a willingness to accept partial purchases as outlined in this proposal . RICHARD H. McHALE / POLICE CONSULTANT ` RHM: sb