HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 08/13/1979 • AGENDA - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting August 13 1979 7 :3"0 p.m. Administration Building Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Invocation Roll Call Public Comment A. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Minutes of the regular meeting of July 23, 1979 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 2. Minutes of the adjourned regular meeting .of, July 30 , 1979 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 3. Correspondence (RECOMMEND ITEMS BE RECEIVED AND FILED) B. HEARINGS, APPEARANCES AND REPORTS 1. Appearance of Elliott O. Stephenson concerning purchasing property near Atascadero Lake Park 2. Report from City Attorney concerning requirements for adoption of a General Plan and zoning consistency for newly incorporated city 3. Report from City Attorney on Ordinance No. 8 amending Ordinance No. 1 relating to the time and place of regular meetings 4 Report from City Manager on publishing costs for legal advertisements C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Resolution `No. 8-79 creating a temporary towaway zone and parade route for Colony Days celebration 2 Consideration of establishing City Council Committees 3. Resolution No. 9-79 formalizing the appointment of City Clerk 4. Resolution No. 10-79 appointing a City Treasurer 5. Consideration of ads for Planning Director and Chief: of Police D. NEW`BUSINESS 1. Consideration of Environmental Determination - - Ruda Parcel Map ED 78-300 (CO 78-262) 2. Consideration of Environmental Determination - Messer Parcel Map ED 78-302 (CO 78-264) 3. - Consideration of Environmental Determination - Watson Parcel Map ED 78-303 (Tract 770) (OVER) • i AGENDA - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting August 13 , 1979 Page Two 4. Consideration of proposed lot division of Lot 24 of Block 46 , Atascadero Colony - Heinemann, San Luis Engineering 5. Resolution No. 11-79 accepting a five foot widening of Portola Road into the City road system 6 . Consideration of Ordinance No. ' 10 establishing a Municipal Code, providing for its up-keep and maintenance, and providing penalties for violations 7 . Consideration of entering into the Joint Powers Agreement for San Luis -Obispo County Area Council of Governments 8. Consideration of Resolution No. 12-79 authorizing investment of City monies in the State administered Local Agency Investment Fund E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION, AND/OR ACTION 1. City Council 2. City Y Attorne , 3. City Manager • 0 - F MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Adjourned Regular Meeting July 30 , 1979 7 : 30 p.m. Atascadero Administration Building The meeting was called to order at 7 : 30 p.m. by Mayor Wilkins. Councilman Mackey gave the invocation. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Councilman Mackey, Nelson, Stover and Mayor Wilkins ABSENT: Councilman Highland PUBLIC COMMENT 1. Dorothy Smith stated that the City Offices had not contacted Cal Poly regarding advertising for positions available in the City as she had asked. She said she obtained the information herself and would give it to Staff. 2. Karen White asked if she could make some comments about the Walton Conditional UsePermit scheduled on the agenda. Mayor Wilkins advised that she would be given an opportunity to speak when that matter was considered by the Council. • 3. Mike Lucas stated that the rules had been formulated for the contest to pick' a city emblem and motto. He reviewed these rules and stated that copies would be available at the City Offices the next day. 4 . One lady stated that she would like to have Cable T�' installed in the area of her residence. A. CONSENT CALENDAR None B. HEARINGS, APPEARANCES AND REPORTS 1. Public hearing on application of Robert W. Walton for a Conditional Use Permit to allow an 8-unit apartment project in a R-2-B-2-D zone, located on the east side of Capistrano Avenue, north of Highway 41, Atascadero Mayor Wilkins asked the public to bear with the Council this evening, since this is very new to them. Normally, a member of the County Planning staff would be present to provide background for the projects under consideration. This will `be the case at future meetings. Tonight, unfortunately, such 'staff support will not be available. MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Adjourned Regular Meeting July 30 , 1979 Page Two Mayor Wilkins read the County Planning Commission' s approval of the project which provided for a maximum of seven units subject to certain findings and conditions. Mr. Robert Walton reviewed his project for the Council. He maintained that the County zoning ordinance allowed him the eight units requested and objected to the seven unit limitation. He reviewed the different rentals that would have to be charged in order to recover the project costs. He felt that the General Plan is not clear as to density requirements; and that it is ,not controlling since it was adopted after he had made his application to the County. Mr. E. F. Smith stated that he had chaired the meeting of the Planning Commission when Mr. Wal'ton ' s project was considered. He reminded the Council that the General Plan allows twelve units per acre and Mr. Walton ' s project would be 13. 8 units per acre. Councilman Mackey stated that she would have to vote against this project She reminded the Council that every action they took now would set precedent which might bind them in the future. She did not feel that she could support more than four units on this property. Mr. Walton advised that the nearby Capistrano Apartments had been approved for a higher density after the General Planhad been adopted. He felt he should be given the same consideration. Council discussed referring the matter to the Planning Commission and Mr. Warden advised that it would be proper to receive recommenda- tions from the Planning Commission, but that ultimately, the Council will have to make the final decision. MOTION: Councilman Stover moved that this matter be referred to the Planning Commissionforrecommendations. The motion was seconded by Councilman Nelson and unanimously carried. 2 . Public hearing on application of Robert F. Stuhr for a Conditional Use Permit to allow the conversion of an existing; 44-unit elderly housing project to general apartment use located at 5525 Capistrano Avenue on the southeast corner of Capistrano Avenue. and Country Club Drive, Atascadero Mayor Wilkins read the Planning Commission ' s approval of this project subject to certain findings and conditions. Mr. Stuhr noted that when this project was proposed, the San Luis Obispo Housing Authority said they could provide him with twenty to thirty tenants under a HUD program for elderly housing; only two were MINUTES ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Adjourned Regular Meeting July 30 , 1979 Page Three sent. He stated he had advertised in local newspapers for tenants , but no elderly had applied. The only County condition he was objecting to was the requirement for 66 off-street parking spaces. The Code requires 1 1/4 spaces per apartment which he has recently provided (55 spaces) an increase from the 24 spaces originally required for an elderly housing project. He felt that 55 spaces were sufficient to support his project which was one-bedroom apartments with single or double occupancy. COUNCILMAN HIGHLAND WAS PRESENT AT 8: 35 P.M. Councilman Mackey suggested that one of the buildings be set aside for elderly only; Mr. Stuhr agreed that that probably could be done. Karen White was concerned about the increased traffic congestion in the area if thisapartmentis converted. There are other apartment buildings in the area and with the added traffic created by this conversion, the situation, especially during the school year, could be dangerous. Mr. Tony Avina, Superintendent of the Atascadero Unified School District asked Council toconsiderthe increased enroll- ment in the school which a conversion such as this could create. He emphasized that the school is already operating at capacity. Mr. Stuhr . advised that there are no children in the apartment building, and, with only one-bedroom apartments , it is unlikely that there will be any significant increase in enrollment as a result of the conversion. Councilman Nelson did not feel that there was any urgency in this matter since Mr. Stuhr is currently renting to people who do not fit the "elderly category. He recommended that the matter be referred to the Planning Commission for recommendations. MOTION: Councilman Mackey moved that the matter be referred to the Planning Commission for recommendations. The motion was seconded by Councilman Nelson and unanimously carried. 3 . Report from City Manager on alternate unemployment insurance plans Mr. Warden discussed alternate plans available to the City for complying with the unemployment insurance laws. - He recommended the self-insurance plan since the City should have very little employee -turn-over the first year. The law requires a minimum of two years ' participation in whatever plan chosen. MOTION: Councilman Nelson moved that the City participate in the self-insurance- plan for unemployment insurance. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and unanimously carried. • MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Adjourned Regular Meeting July 30, 1979 Page Four C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS None D. NEW BUSINESS 1. Consideration of Development Plan for relocation of The Daily Press to 5901 East Mall , Atascadero Mayor Wilkins read the recommendations from the Development Review Section of the County Planning Department. Mr. Dick Reddick from The Daily Press stated that the report from Mr. Chuck Stevenson of the County' s Development Review Section con- tradicted several previous requirements which The Daily Press had understood applied to this project. He noted that he had just re- ceived a copy of the County's recommendations this same -day. Mr. Reddick described the project. There was discussion regarding the provision for a public walk-way on the Northeasterly side of the property to comply with the `Creekway Plan. The Staff report indicated a require- ment for a 25 foot access way through the middle of the property and that the City acquire the two 25-foot wide parcels on each side of this access way. Discussion involved ways of providing access without the City beingcommitted' to property acquisition which it could not afford. Allen Grimes advised that in order for Council to approve this project, they must make a finding that it is consistent with the General Plan and adopt a resolution approving the development. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Council find this proposed development consistent with the General Plan. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey and unanimously carried. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that a resolution be adopted approving the Development Plan for The Daily Press pro- ject subject to the Report from the Development Review Section of the County Planning Department dated July 30 , 1979 ; except that the condition that the applicant pro- vide a 25 foot public access way across the middle 25-foot parcel of the applicant' s property be changed to require the provision of a 7 1/2 foot public passage way along the Northeasterly line of his property. The motion was seconded by Councilman Nelson andunanimouslycarried by roll call vote. MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Adjourned Regular Meeting July 30 , 1979 Page Five 2. Appeal of Paul Washburn from Subdivision Review Board denial of lot line adjustment of a portion of Lots 4, 5, and 5A, Blk 7, Atascadero Colony, located on the west side of E1 Camino Real between Curbaril Avenue and Portola Road, Atascadero Mayor Wilkins reviewed the County Subdivision Review Board' s analysis of this matter. They recommended denial of the adjustment because it would create sub-standard-hots and would not conform with the General Plan requirement for at least 1/2 acre lots. Mr. Washburn advised the Council that he had worked very closely with the County Planning Department Staff on this matter and they had approved the lot line adjustment in his discussions with them. on this basis , he had obtained a short-term loan and commenced construction. Now, they have decided that they will not allow it. Allen Grimes advised that if the project does not conform to existing law, the Council cannot allow it. However, if Council does notconsider the lot line adjustment creating another lot, it is in their prerogative to allow the adjustment. There was considerable discussion with Council indicating a willingness to allow the lot line adjustment. Mr. Grimes advised that a resolution should be adopted allowing the adjustment. ` MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Council adopt a resolution granting the appeal of Pawl Washburn from Subdivision Review Board denial of a lot line adjustment on a portion of Lots 4, 5, and 5A, -Blk 7, Atascadero Colony, Atascadero. The motion was seconded by Councilman Nelson and unanimously carried. 3 . Consideration of approval of Parcel Map CO 77-255 - Allison Mayor Wilkins reviewed the actions of the County Subdivision Review Board. Mr. Allison stated that this matter has been in the County ' s hands for ,three years and requested that Council approve it. Mr. Grimes advised that he had reviewed the documents involved and they are satisfactory. Councilman Highland stated that he had reviewed the maps and they conform to the General Plan. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Council adopt a resolution approving the Parcel Map CO 77=255 in accordance with the Staff Report. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey and unanimously carried by roll call vote. 0 1 • MINUTES ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL' Adjourned Regular Meeting July 30 , 1979 Page Six -4. Consideration of approval of Parcel Map CO 77-198 Bywater Mr. Grimes advised that the proceedings are satisfactory and he has a resolution prepared for Council adoption if they approve the Parcel Map. Council members discussed this and Councilman Highland advised that the map did not conform with the General Plan. Mrs. Bywater stated that the matter had been approved before the General Plan was adopted, however, they had obtained a one year extension because of their inability to get tenants off of the property. Mr. Grimes advised that Council could find that a hardship exists in this case and approve the parcel map. Mr. Warden said that the County has determined that all conditions have been met. MOTION: Councilman Nelson moved that the resolution approving the Parcel Map CO 77-198 be adopted. The motion was seconded by Councilman Nelson and unanimously carried by roll call vote 5. Request of Cal Poly Summer Band for Atascadero City Adminis- tration Building concert on 'August 15, 1979 from 6: 00 to 7 : 00 p.m. " Mr. Warden advised that Mr. Johnson, director of the band, has requested that the band be allowed to hold a concert on the Adminis- tration Building steps. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that the Cal Poly Summer Band be allowed to hold a concert on the Administration Building steps on August 15 , 1979. The motion was seconded by Councilman Nelson and unanimously carried. E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATIONAND/OR ACTION 1. City Council (a) Councilman Mackey raised the questions as to the appoint- ment of various committees. Councilman Highland stated that Council needs to decide what the specific functions of these committees are to be. The matter will be on the agenda of the next regular meeting. (b) Mayor Wilkins stated that he had received correspondence regarding United Nations Day and asked Councilman Mackey to handle the matter if she was interested. (c) Mayor Wilkins introduced Ardith Davis, recording ibsecretary for the Councilandsecretary to the City MINUTES ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Adjourned Regular Meeting July 30 , 1979 Page Seven Manager. (d) Mayor Wilkins advised that the contest to choose a City emblem andmottowill start August l and end October 13th. 2. City Attorney Mr. Grimes had nothing to report. 3. City Manager (a) Mr. Warden reminded the Council that the Planning Commission will hold their organizational meeting on August 14, 1979, and their first regular meeting on August 20th. (b) Mr. Warden advised that the Channel Counties Division of the League of California Cities will hold their quarterly meeting on August 10th at the Golden Tee in Morro Bay. He asked Council members what their policy would be with regard to paying for attendance expenses of Council members and/or Staff members. Council discussed this and decided that the City Manager and City Attorney should be authorized to attend and that their individual expenses would be paid for by the City. However, Council would decide individually about other staff members. Council elected to pay for their own expenses. MOTION: Councilman Highland 'moved that the expenses of the City Attorney and City Manager for the Channel Counties Division of the League of California Cities be paid by the City if they attend those functions. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and unanimously carried. (c) Mr. Warden advised that the City will be receiving correspondence regarding joining the League of California Cities. The dues will be in the area of $2 , 000 per year, however, the League provides a great number, of services to member cities and has a strong legislative representational group in Sacramento. The League recently had a building constructed for its offices and the building costs have been paid on a pro-rated basis by member cities. Atascadero's share would be determined at a later date, but appeared to be about $3, 000 which ;can ;be paid in three annual installments. (d) Mr. Warden reminded the Council that the League's annual conference is in September and they need to make reservations soon if they plan on going. Also they need to r MINUTES ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIZ Adjourned Regular Meeting July 30 , 1979 Page Eight decide policy regarding paying expenses for Council and/or Staff members. The meeting adjourned at 10 :00 p.m. Recorded by: MURRAY L. WARDEN, City Clerk By: Ardith Davis Recording Secretary • Q 1 , M_E M_O_R_A N_D_U M_ TO: City Council FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: Environmental Determinations Attached are three requests for environmental deter- minations requiring your attention acting as the Board of Supervisors under County procedures. A representative of the Environmental Coordinator's office will be present to explain these projects. R7R�ARRA L. WARDEN MLW:ad 8-9-79 It swins like therc arc somepKes Much SHOW not A zpliz,w. GagAMPAQ0 VAS Vall COUH 'Ct hit SPIRS Ath M CANgOnCy I.he fek,%L cAd not split ♦ Then we could look at, all these hills and Lake them vinimum of ten op 20 acros bacause if 15era arc ruads all uver 2hesa hills that can lead to lots of JuSle . 01 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY FORM 62-1 Environmental Determi.natfion:•, and Notice of Determination Project Number Date 7ALAL4 121.7 Project Title/Description PLACel 62reR,) i"142 rtWA .Sj" -to Gl'1,yI OclrelS CAtO -GCAY ocaYCeJ5 of a,I "?L1. APA : 55-3UI - 1 Project Location/Address/Legal Desi-ription _,s0LA*Jn 5d 61a 1`10_rro REtd off ttw v q1 / AInscr d y,ro Co Ion w /47cr-biose i e Lo t 7. 5 )gX-=lc cis L*1 frhGT-• CQ10y1L4 Property S izt. .3 GrC_rej Primary Entitlement: Co 7.8 Lead Agency: COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO. f The Environmental Coordinator recommends that the Board of Supervisors take the following action. FINDING #1 : NEGATIVE DECLARATION' ( ) The Atascadero Citv Council after examination of the preliminary environ- mental description of this project and review of the Environmental Coordinator' s recommendation and the attached statement of reasons supporting this finding, finds that thisprojectwill not have a significant effect on ' the -environment and that this Board issue its Negative Declaration. FINDING #2: ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT ( x) The Atascadero City Council after examination of the preliminary environ- mental nviron-mental description of this project and review of the Environmental Coordinator' s recommendation and the attached statement of reasons supporting this finding, finds that this project may have a signifi - cant effect on the environment and requires the submission of an environmental impact report prepared in accordance with the Environ- mental Impact Report Guidelines . FINDING #3 : CONDITIONAL NEGATIVE DECLARATION ( ) T;ie Atascadero!City Council after examination of the preliminary env i ron- mental description of this project and review of the Environmental Coordinator' s recommendation and the attached statement of reasons supporting this finding, finds that this project will not have a significant effect on the environment and that this Board issue its Negative Declaration subject to the conditions contained in the Environmental Coordinator' s staff report . ACTION BY THE ATASCADERO CITY COU14CIL On The Atascadero Citv Council =' : ate took the following action on the above referenced project: ( ) Adopted the Environmental Coordinator' s recommendation # as stated above. ( ) Adopted Finding # as stated above based on the following: page 2 FORM B2-1 ENVIRONMENTAL CHECK-L-4-.ST,,,; o,es Maybe no = Potential Significant Pollution ( ) ( X ) Water pollution (ground or surface) Air pollution, including odors k) ( ) ( ) Soil erosion and sedimentation ( ) { X ) Noise ( ) ( X ) Other Potential Significant Loss of Resources ( ) ( x ) Agricultural land (X ) ( ) Wildlife habitat (X ) Mineral resources X) ( ) ( ) Vegetation ( ) ( ) Other Potential Significant Effect on Cultural Resources Historical or -archaeological sites ( ) ( ) ( x } Loss of scenic values ( ) ( ) ( X ) Other significant adverse effect on human beings ( ) ( } ( X ) Overload or major impact on community services (fire, police, schools, etc. ) Potential Significant Effect on Physical Features ( X ) ( ) ( ) Contribution to traffic congestion ( ) ( ) (x ) Overload or major impact on community facilities (Sewer, water supply, etc. ) ., ( ) (x ) ( ) Major topographic alteration Sensitive Location ( ) ( ) OO Area .of critical ecologic Concern ( identified by State) ( ) ( ) Scenic and sensitive land ( identified by County Open Space Plan ( ) ( ) (X ) Endangered species- habitat Area subject to seismic faulting or other geologic instability (sliding, soil expansion, etc. ) Area subject to flooding or inundation { X ) ( ) ( ) A rea sub j ect to h i gh f i re hazard Miscellaneous Significant impact ( ) ( X ) Potential for beginning a new land use trend ( ) 00 ( } Significant due to cumulative impact Growth inducing Yes and maybe answers to the above environmental concernsareexplained in the attached sheet, together with other information as needed to assist the Board with their determination. 1/ • s , of • I +�I ` ] 1o�w•� I'. �•+ �°�d ? `Jx e • Isf6 tl• al a . 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'•/(r94. �Id-77 PJM — ••• �••t•.nom. •ww - fes.�a• .•,...` T a W O w r I a I Y / i �O `I O AOS O p 4y. O O �I l �pAap SOY W a s •O ul O Nr;� v y --1 -a• C a cm by _` vice Ch to Y.e y•.- ..,,37g�Z�•� a g• - O O og ao- o Zm �a fAr• �^ a` 4 2 pr �° O Off — n N ti —.'b -- SSdd .a a r 0 O a O V -JCS.ce -I c3 w S m p �M w o ITS.Z► lb f • I .c W N I 0 D n e. i Ul Z 0 Ov a 006 u D 0 STAFF REPORT Ruda Parcel Map ED 78-300 (CO 78-262) . PROJECT_DESCRIPTION The applicant is requesting the division of 93 acres into four parcels of 25, 24, 22 and 22 acres. The property is zoned A-1-BV-5. The site is located south of Old Morro Road off Highway 41 in Atascadero Colony. STATEMENT OF FINDINGS The site is characterized by rugged terrain with some areas having slopes averaging 55%. The vegetation is primarily scrub, with a few oaks. An intermittent stream is present on the property. The area does not seem to be a significant agricultural resource, but may represent significant wildlife habitat; the property is also within an area of critical concern designated by the State as scenic backdrop. The area is subject to a moderately high landslide risk and an extreme fire hazard. Data from the Soil Conservation Service indicates that the erosion hazard for the area is high and that the soil may have a severe limita- tion for the percolation of sewage effluent. The Health Department should review any proposed sewage disposal plans. A letter received from the County Health Department states that adequate and potable water is available on the site. Access to the site may be a problem as it reached only by dirt roads. The proposed division could create significant cumulative impacts. The Atascadero General Plan designates the area as rural . The parcel directly adjacent to the site is 228 acres, while many parcels to the north range from 5-10 acres. COORDINATOR'S RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Atascadero City Council may wish to require the preparation of a focused environmental impact report to address the project's potential problems in the areas of soil erosion, sliding, access, loss of vegetative resources and wildlife habitat, presence of "historicalor archeological sites, and cumulative impact. APPLICANT Rudolf Ruda Post Office Box 276 Templeton, California 93465 434-1081 RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED OfficeofEnvironmental Coordinator San Luis Obispo County Elden Rognas Environmental Specialist I I t I � ,Id- -e Lc. 14 I CULU'di" ' 'i Ot,'l �,Lscai, o L u UIQ r c: FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY FORM 62-1 Environmental Determi nat ton•;"' and Notice of Determination Project Number L7 78 3Q2 Date Jur-Q aCo 19-79 Project Title/Description He -Ford Pc,r�l i-•1c,f2 Ica r 19 LAX--, i v 1*a,�_, 1 I I L cc—re-5 *c knh_-> -amu r PG r6--U5 * '1'S� r�z crf S a c rPs mac•c h V1 C-) e—►-�..c._ rt 3. G c',c,res. Project Location/Address/Legal Description �or` (�c✓PSt R- XGdC�fC � A-rc]1•I l c., RO C,46 or cl CC4_scc�e%_l 42cCACJ . PM-: 54-051- 41L4y5 Sy- 091- 09 Pi-n 5q- 091-13 • Property Size I I. tyres Primary Entitlement: Fcu res-1 T'l ca_T_ ( CC?—T S 2 U 4 Lead Agency: COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO t, The Environmental Coordinator recommends that the Board of Supervisors take the following action. FINDING #1 : NEGATIVE DECLARATION ( ) The Atascadero Ci t.v Council after examination of the preliminary environ- mental nviron- mentol description of this project and review of the Environmental Coordinator' s recommendation and the attached statement of. reasons supporting this finding, finds that this project will not have a significant effect on` the -environment and that this Board issue its Negative Declaration. — _l FINDING #2: ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT ( The Atascadero City Council after examination of the preliminary environ- mental nviron- mental description of this project and review of the Environmental Coordinator' s recommendation and the attached statement of reasons supporting this finding, finds that this project may have a signifi - cant effect on the environment and requires the submission of an environmental impact reoort prepared in accordance with the Environ- mental Impact Report Guidelines . FINDING #3: CONDITIONAL NEGATIVE DECLARATION ( ) Tne Atascadero City Council after examination of the preliminary environ- mental nvironmental description of this project and review of the Environmental Coordinator' s recommendation and the attached statement of reasons supporting this finding, finds thatthisproject will not have a significant effect on the environment and that this Board issue its Negative Declaration subject to the _conditions contained in the Environmental Coordinator' s staff report . ACTION BY THE ATASCADERO CITY 000NCIL On The Atascadero City Council ate took the following action on the above referenced project: ( ) Adopted the Environmental Coordinator' s recommendation # as ,stated above. ( ) Adopted Finding ¢# as stated above based on the following: page 2 FORM B2-1 ENV i RONMENTAL CHECKL'S-T,,;; ,es Maybe no _ - • Potential Significant Pollution ( ) { X) Water pollution (ground or surface) - ( Air Pollution, including odors ?C ) ( ) ( ) Soil erosion and sedimentation Noise ( X) ( ) Other d ra ina Potential Significant Loss of Resources Agricultural land ( ) ( x ) Wildlife habitat ( ) ( x ) Mineral resources ( ) O Vegetation ( ) ( X ) Other Potential Significant Effect on Cultural Resources { ) ( ) ( x ) Historical or archaeological sites Loss of scenic values Other significant adverse effect on human beings ( ) ( ) ( ?C ) Overload or major impact on community services (f-ire, police, schools etc. ) Potential Significant Effect on Physical Features ( ) ( X ) ( )( Contribution to en acc ems Overload or major impact on community facilities (Sewer, water supply, etc. ) ( X) ( ) Major topographic alteration Sensitive Location ( ) O Area of critical ecologic concern ( identified by State) { ) ( ) ( X ) Scenic and sensitive land ( identified by County Open Space Plan ( ) ( ) (-x) Endangered species- habitat Area subject to seismic faulting or other geologic instability (slidinc, soil expansion, etc. ) ( ) ( ) ( X ) Area subject tog or inundation Area subject to high fire hazard Miscellaneous- Significant impact ( ) ( ) ( X ) Potential for beginning a new land use trend ( ) ( X ) ( ) Significant due to cumulative impact ( } ( ) ( X) Growth inducing Yes and maybe answers to the above environmental concerns are explainec in the attached sheet, together with other information as needed to assist the Board with their determination. is • 0 a \ DILL A R o Pi ae tp; _F IaF.. 2 , + 7397u • � a 0 TZ 2 • � 1�I ��� SFn IFS ?�n!f ��, Q ` a d -- ` =s- r 1 -c V , • �� � "d 'rf` �Tom. ,�� � 'f' ;` �as /.• � { r•� �4 a�. • nt 9 dot _•.�Q� �4�� • i� . y'- / / _ � . � .` •• •/ ;'mss./ � .i�.� / 4f 4.,W \ / .01 � 9 obb . 6 �_ / " � -;•- _ X400 - •s �h• ,\ 00 43 04. ATASCAnERO COLONY \ � • •' MAP bOOK �P< 1y /4js, �� $• '�'� i 90, P Cos. .` � �� .�- \� civ '' ��• • � y�q .• J� `h 'r �� ay a. -�. f. ���• 41 LO CJ , 1 • • •• 6''G�T V 1� � • gull, :� or, ` •w'\• /ter.. �_ . . .,• I O - 001- Nl i It s — 10 X-'U 106 LLJ �• \ 4 -�• — • �l � MSI � �` � ••f • V 1. ,l� l Oy�� _ r It 0 0000 tl \ \ z i f; ' 200' 920 00 fi • 23 / 4 FL 27 '9 i•) •� _�`^.+ f r- w CII ` \ / IV 3.1 ,1-� :, .�: y`kyr wtaq„� i-V. /.'Yyy •'��' '.lam,t.? jr ..} ' ^ .�` •� . ' 16 Ac IT v 7 —fir ...'��' --. 29 / ,,+,"�� ...T..�� / , •' _..T1 •x 17 r.�- tel•' „_�a s�� �� a / 'i^yam_. f`Y` ��• \�' ►"` •T .. 'Cp � � J i.� a x PGr 1• //�. 000, s� .. �, GLf4ir7S.hs } 1-���•r•� .p .iR• )7"._7 a - F - ♦ Y- ao t45 o r ..•Y r -��•- ♦ 'J" r��-Lw= ` � -r '!<-r.t."1'= 1-'? •c '"i :` �_ -s•_•�1`-• �V +S L�. ��1,� T�4'T ti _Z.aty of .J R1 •-i 1 '-' l; .a.• \`1..1•T i �♦ , �� Jam. -. .� ti�` +-lR _ � y � -a .� r c ._ �; ,ria, � `^` ` �• � •) r..; �� �:. a Zr 1 r. -_ '� .: ` _ , -,` .a ti•,� x w} ,• �. = +.r 44: .„ ` i- ', - •fie - �� %r`_ �•'`. ; f ' ~- r . r... r •• Jam- -_yam 47 ` `�,� 'K 42 _ •�. 'T ' _ 25 Q ,- ,. :22 �• 1' •' '�`�) � �� l�� � 1 t _' � ter' ?- 2'. C. v 6 Ar 8 rl =: .f ` •� .�., 1 18�•�. ; G� P -mow �� AI Par. 15, J '17 Por.4,`�� �{C 77�`'?D9 , S'- • •� ;�`1 ,:' <•-F_L.�j:i� .",f t1-� r/.'+ar _ a � ��•_•a L'. -r a;� - +• (. � -1. �'-y .•�� • � •1! --may d �. �� yc ` t �� -, _�J L -� � .L:.xa_L.i•���.2� .L:w.!e��7�. a=.•a-}�r.��3.!-� a'. �)!'-J.y ' `:L:`�1. �.li�E VT�O•N .2NM,2 STAFF REPORT: Messer/Wofford ED 78-302 (CO 78-264) PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting the division of an 11 .4 acre site, consisting of two lots , into four parcels , three at 2.5 acres each and one at 3.9 acres . This application is a proposed redivision of previous Parcel Maps CO 70-72 and CO 73-270. The site is located between Ardilla Road and Cascabel Road in northwest Atascadero. The propert,v is zoned A-1-2%. STATEMENT OF FINDINGS: The site is characterized by grass cover and oak trees . There is an existing residence and barn onthe property. The northerly portion of the site is very steep, with a switch-back driveway serving as access from Ardilla Road to the residence. The southerly portion of the pro- perty is moderately 'rolling with proposed and steep access from Cascabel Road. The site does not appear to constitute an important agricultural resource or a unique wildlife habitat. Data indicates that the pro- perty is susceptible to extreme fire hazard contitions and has a moderately high landslide risk . Information from the Soil Conservation Service indicates that the oarcels may be severely limited for their capability to percolate sewage effluent and that soil erosion potential is high. The Health Department will review any new proposed subsurface sewage disposal systems . The appli- cant will also need to submit evidence to the Health Department assuring that adequate potable water exists for the new Darcels . Access does not appear to be adequately provided to parcels C & D. Sig- nificant problems may arise due to confusing access provisions which do not appear to conform with the topography and lot pattern of the surrounding area. Due to the steepness of the terrain there is potential for significant effect caused by major topographic alteration; drainage problems may also arise. The 1978 Atascadero Area General Plan designates the property as Low Densitv Single Family Residential , which establishes a density range of 2.5 to 10 acres in areas not served by the community sewer system. COORDINATOR'S RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Atascadero City Council require the preparation of a focused environmental impact report to address the following topics: 1. Access and circulation 2. Potential significant effect due to major topographic alteration 3. Soil erosion 4. Potential alternative lot configuration in order to mitigate the above mentioned impacts. APPLICANT: H. Daniel & Marjorie L. Messer, 3650 Ardilla Road, Atascadero, CA. 93422 466.2749 Ronald E. & Edna I. Wofford, 4855 Dolores Avenue, Atascadero, CA. 93422 466-2161 RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: Office of Environmental Coordinator San Luis Obispo County Mary B. Reents, Consulting Environmental Coordinator Ellen L. Rognas, Environmental Specialist NBD A. ROcowAx, Director Telephone(805)549-5600 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Courthouse Annex SAN LUIS OBISPO, CALIFORNIA- 93408 August 10, 1979 Honorable City Council Atascadero, California The following Lot Line Adjustments were reviewed by the Subdivision Review Board on August 8, 1979, and were found to comply with Section 21.48.017 of the County Lot Division Ordinance. These Lot Line Adjustments recommended by the Subdivision review Board for conditional approval, are as follows: 1. AL 79-49, Proposed Lot Line Adjustment of a portion of Lot 2 and 5 Life Residence Park, Atascadero and a portion of Parcel 2 of CO 74-185. (R-2-B-2-D(506)) (Rural Development/County of San Luis Obispo Lenger). 2. AL 79-47, Proposed Lot Line Adjustment of portions of Lot 13 13A, Block 7, Atascadero Colony. (R-A) (Ramey/Frantz/Gaynos - Garing, Taylor 4 Assoc.) 3. AL 79-43, Proposed Lot Line Adjustment of portions of Lots 4 & 5, Block 7, Atascadero Colony, El Camino Real, city of Atascadero. (C-2-D(518) $ M-1-D(518)) (Dove Investments/Eaglet Investments - Stewart) It is recommended that the above referenced adjustments be conditionally approved with the conditions as recommended by the Subdivision Review Board and set down in their attached reports. The County Subdivision Ordinance (Title 21) provides for approval of Lot Line Adjustment by the governing body or City Council. Please note: The last four conditions on each item are standard conditions establishing how the Lot Line Adjustment is to be recorded. They are established by the County's Lot Division Ordinance. LARRY J. RED, Supervisor Subdivision Review Section ca Attachments • REPORT OF THE SUBDIVISION REVIEW BOARD MEETING AUGUST 8, 1979 RE: AL 79-49, PROPOSED LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT OF A PORTION OF LOT 2 AND 5 LIFE RESIDENCE PARK, ATASCADERO COLONY AND A PORTION OF PARCEL 2 of CO 74-185 (R-2-B-2-D(506) : LOW DENSITY MULTI-FAMILY) (COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO/RPIV PARTNERSHIP (RURAL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATES) - LENGER) SUPERVISORIAL DISTRICT #1 (884: 7/26/79) SRB Members in Attendance: Chairman, Colonel Sorenson, Larry Kelly, John Wallace, Michael Doherty Planning Commissioner in Attendance: Claude Devereaux Legal Counsel Present: None PROJECT DESCRIPTION This application proposes an adjustment, of a trade of equal area, to follow the existing apartment driveway. The site is located between Country Club Drive and Capistrano Avenue, City of Atascadero. Zoning: R-2-B-2-D(506) : "Low Density Multiple Residential District" (10,000 sq. ft. minimum lot size) General Plan: 1978 Atascadero General Plan: "Low Density Multi- Family" REASON FOR THE ADJUSTMENT To comply with County entrance requirements at project property line. COMMENTS The adjustment was required by the County Board of Supervisors on August 21, 1978 by Resolution #78-460. That resolution exchanged property with Rural Development Associates to allow an access drive on an approved project. The Board of Supervisors required the adjustment to consolidate the adjusted portions to the adjacent property avoiding the creation of additional sub-standard lots. One last consideration is the matter of the Atascadero incorporation. Although it appears the new City Council will take final action on this project, the Subdivision Review Board may still take action on this matter. Any action taken will likely constitute an informal recommendation to the City Council. It should be noted this staff report and the recommendations are based on County policy, procedure, and ordinances. RECOMMENDATION After review of applicable General Plans and other available information, the Subdivision Review Board recommends to the City Council that the proposed Lot Line Adjustment be found to comply with Section 21.48.017 of the Lot Division Ordinance and that it be approved. Provided that the Adjustment is approved, the following conditions are hereby established: 1 . All conditions of approval herein specified are to be complied with prior to the recording of Certificates of Compliance which effectuates the adjustment. Said Certificates of Compliance must be signed by all record owners and holders of interest as defined in Section 21.48.017(e) of the Lot Division and notarized. 2. The Certificates of Compliance must be filed in accordance with Section 21.48.017(e) prior to transfer of the adjusted portions of the property. 3. After approval by the City Council, compliance with the preceding conditions will bring the proposed adjustment in conformance with the Subdivision Map Act and Section 21.48.017 of the Lot Division Ordinance. 4. The Lot Line Adjustment will expire one year (12 months) from the date of City Council approval, unless the Certificates of: Compliance effectuating the Adjustment are recorded. DISCUSSION The applicants were. not present at the meeting. Larry Kelly, Planning Department, amended the Recommendation Section and conditons 3 and 4 to refer to the City Council instead of the Board of Supervisors. The Subdivision Review Board unanimously adopted the preliminary report as amended. • ,. . ® ®� " op WWI �"'�, �� � _-� +��'•r;�`��{, ,.fes{a%�7 �'� �. �, ��� �j Inn TONS !k ' ♦�► ���/ � �j=i�! •.'tib �.�,,��"'�,�, ,ala, `� `rr-�I'� SO IN Ay M. 04 p OVA ift �V V 1 ' ' .. � ✓f , �• � � toy° r ae apt=� I ' n � y j • I , 6 ( �LL•n ` \9 f k k • I; � I � � f El t lit El 51 A o;'' �• � �. � ,.� a .�,e d Vit, , Et•� .x ; , v�del 4• 6 :, Ilk co .t t:�t � � -moi!/�O'_, • is 3i »— o•�r� a Q a �'Lr..��..r.`v...,.:.:.L� �rrr�-. n�l•i:F•� a r�' — a r' i - `..,yr ':. �+• _ .� } •. y�.a "-ori •� —r, .r- .. _ v - , , 'i 1 Ai .i. • � J - � � tag •~z V - • b �o b lo, l,J i W kit �::• t tip � • i o, :.� �• .. cif/� • O ,• . . i. � � it � � .� � ��� , 6 p • Y Diwv �I 4 C' c ! L ...... t t 4�` I 1 .N 04, Ey� ` 'v')f o`v C ^ 1rr 14 . ��a � kl� ^ � I Y �.1. •I . . O Vit \ \ ` • � , ' ' .. a e9 s -1114F9 `y e n I �.. i r 51 tq lit ik ' � tsa:a • � � t d ty ���� Z ani 1a.10e •,a l:_ i OCT 978 COUNTY OF SAN LUIS B ISPO 3 PLANNING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION F - �Y�r. ��., �1 r� 'k-pp y LCAT LINE �►©�l.� I a Oct 2s�4'4 ttJ o ?84. 4 Return to Courthouse Annex, Room 102, San L G�` �po, CCL '1101 6 05)�afft'�q S APPLICANTS : 6' NAME S I GNATIJRE ADDRESS PI IU`:f. Bruce H. Dodson 894 Meinecke #C San Luis Obispo 544=5665 Robert F. Stuhr Same Same _y 0 cc o — L Agent Lenger Surveys S �� P.O. Box 1115 San Luis Obispo 544-6434 Eng. or Surveyor Eng. or Surveyor # All owners as shown on the preliminary Title Report must sign the application. PROPERTY LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 5 Block —Tr a a ffiWence ' Atascadero Colony, Atascadero CA Id P� De/SPO `� 'E` Or +� ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBERS: 29-102-10 NhJN� Cp �� Attach a copy of a current Title Report covering all of the pr lyed. REQUIRED INFORMATION Why is the adjustment requested?To comply with County entrance requiremen s a ject When was the property acquired? 1976 property line. Does the owner or owners own any contiguous property? P40 Describe Existing use: (X) Residential( ) Agri. ( Ind. ( ) Recreation( Other Proposed use: (X) Residential( ) Agri. ( Ind. ( ) Recreation ) Other Public utilities available to the property: ( x)Elec-(x )Gas � )Water � )Phone Proposed source of water: ( )Private well ( )Neighbor's Well (x )Public Water Proposed provision for sewage disposal : ( )Septic tank ( X)Public sewer ( )Other Are there flooding or drainage problems at any time during the year? ( )Yes (K )No If yes, explain Are there any existing structures on the property? ( )ResidWe ( )Farm Buildings ( )Commercial or Industrial ( )Mobile Home ( )Other VERIFICATION : I have react and un(ferstand this application and I certify (or declare) under '.penalty of perjury the foregoin tatements are true-and correct. I am (%,/.) Applicaner Ap licant ( ) Agent for applicant 10-23-78 Signa�fur Date OFFICE USE ONLY ZONING:1`�2 MAP NUMBER: f2- W 33 "jLGENERAL PLAN: dW .tfi , X(bt4lr/A,P ,r*cf14- (GAJ F oQ?,4Cs - DATE RECEIVED: 7 FILE NUMBER: AL-2-7 -y 9 PREVI0l15 LOT DIVISION! GRANTED/DENIEiD ON TILE PROPI TY�" RECEIPT NO: 57 BY,BY: "lihis Only Upp, is A ilia firvilaye Un 1 W la? tl s 4 are nc'� acceptiq the accesu PUGS LOU' S SAGN Boo WO. 0sn' t 1"Were some discussion an if a IN was fuss A= u, acre thc road cauk not buuMad ilu the Lq. falage? �\ COUNTY SH Luis OBISP 0 COUNTY ENGINTMENT �� DEPARTMENT i ROOM A101 + COURTHOUSE ANNEX + SAN LUIS OBISPO + CALIFORNIA 93408 + (805) 549-5252 GEORGE C. PROTOPAPAS ROADS County Engineer TRANSPORTATION FLOOD CONTROL CLINTON MILNE {.r. WATER CONSERVATION DEPUTY COUNTY ENGINEER RECEIVED AN 2 19-79 SURVEYOR GUY PREWITT SPECIAL DISTRICTS SPECIAL DISTRICTS ADMINISTRATOR July 31, 1979 City of Atascadero Veterans Memorial Building, Room 106 P. O. Box 747 Atascadero, CA 93422 Attention Mr. Murray Warden, City Administrator Subject: Acceptance of Parcel Map AT 77-122 Gentlemen: Your consideration of the approval of Parcel Map AT 77-122 , a proposed subdivision by Elizabeth Williams, is requested. It is our RECOMMENDATION that your Honorable Council act upon the attached resolution, and authorize your City Clerk to sign the map. Discussion: A finding of consistency with the General Plan in accordance with Section 66473 .5 of the Subdivision Map Act was made by the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Luis Obispo on September 6 , 1977. Attached is a vicinity map and layout of Parcel Map AT 77- 122. The total area of this development is 5. 06 acres with minimum lot areas of 1 . 0 acres . The area is zoned R-A-B-D-I-D 506. The road will be maintained by the City of Atascadero; water service will be from Atascadero Mutual Water Company; sewage facilities will be maintained by the owner. Respectfully, C . GE RGE C. PROTOPAPAS County Engineer GCP/CFC/alb Attachments RESOLUTION NO. 11-79 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING A FIVE FOOT WIDENING OF A CERTAIN ROAD INTO THE CITY ROAD SYSTEM CITY ROAD NO. 4012 T H E C I T Y C 0 U N C I L City of Atascadero, California The following resolution is hereby offered and read: WHEREAS, the City of Atascadero, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, has been duly requested to accept a certain offer to dedicate for additional widening of a road presently in the maintained system in said City; and WHEREAS, the County Engineer by letter dated July 31, 1979 , has duly recommended that the City Council: Accept the offer of dedication for public use of five feet as shown on Parcel Map AT 77-122 . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED by the Council of the City of Atascadero: 1. That the offer to dedicate for the five foot widening of City Road No. 4012 as shown on Parcel Map AT 77-122 is hereby accepted into_and made a part of the Cites^ ` Road System, to be maintained in kind, and shall and does constitute a public highway in the City of Atascadero. 2 . That the City Clerk be and hereby is authorized and directed to record a copy of the resolution in the Office of the County Recorder of the County of San Luis Obispo. On motion by Councilman and seconded by Councilman the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call vote - AYES: ote :AYES: NOES : ABSENT: ADOPTED: ROBERT J. WILKINS, Jr. , Mayor ATTEST: MURRAY L. WARDEN, City Clerk a t qw p0R•ToL.A RD• "I, N o R aI5• /7'8/' L•2Y7./l'(M -ute ar.� 30 z MCI G i, 5" bFF6R OF DWICATW14 = PARCEL �1 1.32 Ac.. cy1[. S' NTA 'Lu Ao o : AG• �� � t . `°' % ,: -� SiT 'uv 2's, AccE55 r.':� EASEMStTr 1 SAN n122° p 1 140.65' loo. 5(-'44 z l •* . 14 m f,p Ys a1 In fn ODvlclNITy relAP � ~ � I J Q W 4 " s o OD W uj No SCALE ,. � 2< �s tic r^NKS -WILL BE AN ACCEPTABLE METHOD ' go p _ kG E..,p 15 P05AL . 5 TO BE 'OBTAINED FRor( THE ATASCADSZO I IHo• 5� 1 0:51' '�' WATER COM PAN Y. - N v N2'w SOILS , STUDIES SMALL- BE ,CONDUCTED ON .'oy A REGISTERED CIVIL; ENGINEER SITE PLAN 19 ESTABLISMED, PRIOR To :6 OF A BUILDING PERMIT..--,, PARD E h - ERo MUTUAL WATER co p113__..D,.DS-Sb TI 91TY,41£ I2T- Doi- 30? i _ -- N l LOT 3 I go 1w A � � � , � �.� Lo a ^ N22': 'S(2' W �q281. oL (R) T b 728r+ 95' C�t) , 1 _ 1 t r L I . • �4• S v p v_.- '-- - r, ,.:e.`�- ,'ate �S '- J.' t� ✓ f T 1 f m ` a I/_� ~QIP �� �•i J ,d �Y Y y � � � I-►- t t , t ` t , r .. _ a //♦ ; <�� ,� ' i „,, {,�•y ✓ s' :cam-••. • � - t iy+n� �.. f � � �. '�^•" s s z�:r ` �' r a�, � trt k i , 16 ie 14 di 21 .4 -Al `a.` T� �' '-� d�-.�� 1 � ✓ �t ' °far f. x _ �. '� ' it 'R V 13 LIVE FILE Convert ( Access l Story. THIS SHEET INDICATES THIS FILE HAS NO NAME AUJY 2b , 19 79 kayos iilkins, LoUnci.l members MacKay, Nelson & Stover r Council memler Highland VC I T Agenda Items D-1, D-3 & D-4, 7/20/79 My recommendations would be as follows; 1. D-1» refer to Planning Commission. There are serious c unflict 3 between this arovact & the Lreckways Van wiichmust be re iolvcde 2 . U-3; approvo par wal mop. 3 . D-4: what axe Vs lagal MUM ramifications? Application was submitted in 1Yi7 & applicant equested an exp ,rasion 8/.15/76. Was .reviewed by OHS 9/6/78 & approved as corforming wath ( � tie Lien oxastk ] G. P. Split new is not in conformance wits 1978 G® P. , why ch pronzolts ,gee new ,lots of les _ than i acre. l et isgal 61vic a from Lit Attorney. REPORT SUBDIVISION REVIEW BOARD MEETING SEPTEMBER 6, 1978 RE: CO 77- , Proposed lot division of Lot 8, Block HC, Atascadero, O Carmelito Avenue, Atascadero (R-1-B-3-D 506) (Bywater - Pacific Engineers) SRB Members in Attendance: Chairman, Colonel Sorenson, John Hofschroer, Jerry Erickson, Jim Granflaten Planning Commissioner in Attendance: Claude Devereaux Legal Counsel Present: PROJECT )DESCRIPTION This application proposes a subdivision of a 1 acre site into two parcels at approximately z acre in size. The site is located along Carmelita Avenue, Atascadero. Zoning: R-1-B-3-D 506: "Single Family Residential" (20,000 square feet minimum lot size) General Plan: 1968 Atascadero General Plan: "Single Family-Low Density" (z-1 acre) COMMENTS The subject tentative map was to expire on August 15, 1978. On July 17, 1978 the applicant's engineer requested an extension of time. A review of this request shows that the Zoning District and General Plan remain unchanged at this time. The Lot Division Ordinance allows a maximum of 12 months time extension. EXTENSION - LOT DIVISIONS After review and discussion of Tentative Parcel Map CO 77-198, the Subdivision Review Board, granted a one-year extension to August 15, 1979, subject to the original conditions of approval as set forth in the minutes of the Subdivision Review Board meeting dated August 3, 1977. DISCUSSION The applicant did not attend the meeting. The Subdivision Review Board unanimously adopted the preliminary report as written. StP4 i 1978 COUNTY ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT REPORT OF THE SUBDIVISION REVIEW BOARD MEETING August 3, 1977 RE: CO 77-198, Proposed lot division of Lot 8, Block HC, Atascadero, Carmelita Avenue, Atascadero (R-1-B-3-D 506) (Bywater - Pacific Engineers) Supervisorial District #1 Recommendation For Consistency SRB Members in Attendance: Larry Gaddy, Mike Doherty, Jim Granflaten, Roger Lyon Planning Commissioner in Attendance: NONE PROJECT DESCRIPTION This application proposes the subdivision of a 1-acre site into two parcels approxi- mately h-acre in size each. The site is located along Carmelita Avenue in Atascadero. ,' Zoning: R-1-B-3-D (506) : Single Family Residential (20,000 square foot minimum lot size) General Plan: 1968 Atascadero General Plan: "Single Family-Low Density" (1-2-1 acre) COMMENTS The site is gently sloping and is developed with two residences. The character of the area is residential with parcel sizes ranging from z to 1 acre. The residence on the center of the subject site must be removed since it lies on the proposed lot division line. RECOMMENDATION After review of applicable General Plans and other available information, the Subdivi- sion Review Board recommends to the Board of Supervisors that the proposed subdivision be found consistent with the General Plan. Provided that a finding of consistency is made, the following conditions are hereby established regarding the design and improvements of the proposed subdivision: 1. That the following "NOTES" will be placed on the Final Map: A. Sewage disposal shall be by connection to the community sewers. B. Water is to be obtained from the Atascadero Mutual Water Company. 2. That a letter be obtained from the Atascadero Mutual Water Company and submitted to the Health and Planning Departments stating they are willing and able to supply water to the parcel (s) being created by Parcel Map No. CO 77-198. f3. That the applicant offer for dedication to the public for future road widening purposes 6 feet along Carmelita Avenue; said offer to be made by certificate on the Parcel Map. 4,�Applicant shall file with the County Engineer an application requesting appor- tionment of any unpaid assessments under the Improvement Bond Act of 1915, in compliance with Section 8740. 1 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of / California. Said apportionment must be completed prior to filing the final map. 5/ That any private easement as shown on the Title Report be shown on the Parcel Map with recording data. CO 77-198 t -w 6. All conditions of approval herein specified are to be complied with prior to the submittal of the Parcel Map Original to the County Engineer for approval. 7. FIRE PROTECTION STANDARDS (not a Condition of Final Map) The applicant must comply with State and County laws/ordinances applicable to fire protection and consider increased fire risk to area by the land proposed. The applicant, where water supply is provided by electric pump, should install electrical service drop from service pole, to pump, to structures in order to prevent a possible structure fire from disrupting access to water. 8. The existing building is to be removed that is lying on the lot line between Parcels "A" and "B" prior to recording the Parcel Map. 4 _ 9. Compliance with the preceeding conditions will bring the proposed subdivision in conformance with the Subdivision Map Act and local ordinances. The application will be forwarded to the Board of Supervisors for their consideration regarding consistency with the General Plan. 10. That a Final Parcel Map shall be filed in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act, prior to sale, lease or financing of the subject property within a period of one year from approval date of the Tentative Map. Upon application, an extension of the approval of the Tentative Map (not to exceed one additional year) may be granted by the governing body or advisory agency. REPORT OF THE SUBDIVISION REVIEW BOARD MEETING DECEMBER 6, 1978 RE: CO 77-255, Proposed lot division of Lot 94, Block 19, Atascadero Colony (A-1) (Allison - Hilliard) SRB Members in Attendance: Chairman, Ned Rogoway, John Hofschroer, Michael Doherty, Jim Granflaten Planning Commissioner in Attendance: Blair Shurtleff Legal Counsel Present: Roger Lyon PROJECT DESCRIPTION 4 This application proposes a subdivision of a 2 acre site into 2 parcels at one acre each. The site is located along Silla Road, Atascadero. Zoning: A-1: "Light Agriculture" (one acre minimum lot size) General Plan: 1968 Atascadero General Plan: "Single Family" - "Low Density" (�-1 acre) COMMENTS The subject tentative map was to expire on December 19, 1978. On October 18, 1978, the applicant's engineer requested an extension of time. A review of this request shows that the Zoning District and General Plan remain unchanged at this time. The Lot Division Ordinance allows a maximum of 12 months time extension. EXTENSION - LOT DIVISIONS After review and discussion of Tentative Parcel Map CO 77-255, the Subdivision Review Board recommends to the Board of Supervisors that a one-year extension to December 19, 1979 , subject to the original conditions of approval as set forth in the minutes of the Subdivision Review Borad meeting dated September 21, 1977. DISCUSSION Mr. Hilliard attended the meeting. The Subdivision Review Board unanimously adopted the preliminary report as written. 1T REPORT OF THE SUBDIVISION REVIEW BOARD MEETING September 21, 1977 RE: CO 77-255, Proposed lot division of a Portion of Lot 94, Block 19, Atascadero Colony, along Silla Road, Atascadero (A-1) (Allison -. Hilliard) Supervisorial District #1 Recommendation For Consistency SRB Members in Attendance: John Hofschroer, Shireen Fahey, Jim Granflaten, Roger Lyon Planning Commissioner in Attendance: RATHMELL PROJECT DESCRIPTION This application proposes the subdivision of a 2 acre site into 2 parcels at 1 acre each. The site is located along Silla Road, Atascadero. q Zoning: A-1: Light Agriculture (one acre minimum lot size. General Plan: 1968 Atascadero General Plan: Single Family - Low Density (1/2 R EC:a:jV to 1 acre) COMMENTSJ EP ti 9 j977 ENVIR0IYMElVT4L The site is gently sloping and grass covered. There are no structures on the site HE4LjN The character of the surrounding area is suburban with parcel sizes ranging from 1 to 5 acres in size. RECOMMENDATION After review of applicable General Plans and other available information, the Sub- division Review Board recommends to the Board of Supervisors that the proposed sub- division be found consistent with the General Plan. The Subdivision Review Board also recommends to the Board of Supervisors that it be found in the interest of the public health and safety, and as a necessary prerequisite to the orderly development of the surrounding area, to require the construction of road improvements within a period of one year after recordation of the Parcel Map. Provided that a finding of consistency is made, the following conditions are hereby established regarding the design and improvements of the proposed subdivision: 1. That the following "NOTES" will be placed on the Final Flap: A. No sewage disposal system installations are to be placed closer than fifty feet (501 ) from the top of the existing drainage swales. B. Septic tanks will be an acceptable method of sewage disposal, n_ roviding percolation tests and soil borings are acceptable. C. Water is to be obtained from the Atascadero Mutual Water Company. 2. Prior to the filing of the parcel map, the applicant shall submit, for approval by the Health Department, results of percolation tests and the log or logs of soil borings, performed by a Registered Civil Engineer. For this purpose, the applicant shall perform one or more soil borings to be a minimum depth of ten (10) feet, in the area of the proposed sewage disposal system, to determine the (a) subsurface soil conditions, example: impermeable stratas -which act as CO 77-255 barriers to the effective percolation of sewage; (b) presence of groundwater, and a minimum of three (3) percolation test holes per lot, to be spaced uniformly in the area of the proposed sewage disposal system. It is suggested that the Engineer who will conduct the tests, discuss the procedure with the Health Department prior to conduction of the tests. 3. 4 That a letter be obtained from the Atascadero ;Mutual Water Company and submitted to the Health and Planning Departments stating they are willing and able to supply water to the parcel(s) being created by Parcel Map No. CO 77-255. " 4. That the applicant offer for dedication to the public for future road widening cap purposes an additional 15 feet along the flag and the partial knuckle, at the Northerly end of Silla Road; said offer to be made by certificate on the Parcel Map. 4 5. That the road easement, Silla Road, as shown on the Tentative Parcel Map be j improved in the following manner, with said improvements to be noticed by certi- ficate on the Parcel reap: 2/3 an A-5 suburban section fronting the property and extending to El Camino Real-.---- . 6. eal--:---6. That the grade and alignment of the road easements as shown on the Tentative Parcel Map meet San Luis Obispo County standards. Also, improvement plans shall be prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer and submitted to the County Engineer's Office for approval. j ' 7. That the applicant enter into an Inspection Agreement with the County for inspection 1 of said improvements. 8._ The Engineer, upon completion of the improvements, must certify to the County Engineer that the improvements are made in accordance with Subdivision Review Board requirements and the approved plans. That the drainage Swale on the property be delineated on the Parcel Map. 10. All conditions of approval herein specified are to be complied with prior to the submittal of the Parcel Map Original to the County Engineer for approval. 11. FIRE PROTECTION STANDARDS (not a Condition of Final Map) The applicant must comply with State and County laws/ordinances applicable to fire protection and consider increased fire risk to area by the land proposed. The applicant, where water supply is provided by electric pump, should install electrical service drop from service pole, to pump, to structures in order to prevent a possible structure fire from disrupting access to water. 12. Compliance with the preceeding conditions will bring the proposed subdivision in conformance with the Subdivision Map Act and local ordinances. The application will be forwarded to the Board of Supervisors for their consideration regarding consistency with the General Plan. 13. That a Final Parcel Map shall be filed in accordance with the Subdivision Hap Act, prior to sale, lease or financing of the subject property within a period of one year from approval date of the Tentative 'lap. Upon application, an extension of the approval of the Tentative PMap (not to exceed one additional year) may be granted by the governing body or advisory agency. t • 0 COUNTY SHI UIS ORISPO rOUHTY ENGINEERING L U V (J V lJ U DEPARTMENT ROOM A101 + COURTHOUSE ANNEX + SAN LUIS OBISPO + CALIFORNIA 93408 + (805) 549-5252 GEORGE C. PROTOPAPAS ROADS County Engineer TRANSPORTATION C . FLOOD CONTROL CLINTON MILNE DEPUTY COUNTY ENGINEERA WATER CONSERVATION { SURVEYOR GUY PREWITT SPECIAL DISTRICTS SPECIAL DISTRICTS ADMINISTRATOR July 23, 1979 3o 77 City of Atascadero Veterans Memorial Building, Room 106 Atascadero, CA 93422 Attention: Mr. Murray Warden, City Administrator Subject: CO 77-255, Allison CO 77-198 , Bywater Gentlemen: In accordance with the recent incorporation of Atascadero and the provisions for the approval of subdivision maps, we will now transmit all maps to your office which require City Council approval. Enclosed herewith are Parcel Maps CO 77-255, CO 77-198 and various agreements requiring City Council approval. This office has completed and reviewed the subject maps and they conform to the Subdivision Map Act and local ordinances. In addition, all conditions of the Subdivision Review Board have been met. As mentioned above, we have enclosed several agreements for CO 77-255 guaranteeing the constructing of the required improvements after filing of the Parcel Map. These docu- ments consist of a Performance. Agreement, Performance Bond and Payment Bond. Although these documents are currently used,by this office, we recommend that your City Attorney review and approve said documents. There are no similar documents required for CO 77-198 . 1 • • City of Atascadero - 2 July 23 , 1979 After City Council action, please notify the title companies representing these applicants for their activity related to filing the maps for recordation. We draw your attention to the closeness of the expiration date, August 15, 1979 , for map CO 77-198. If you have any questions, please contact this office at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, (� 9-� C : ;t-' GEORGE C. PROTOPAPAS County Engineer JRE/ds Enclosure k B*NO. SCR 6315970 PAYMENT BOND C KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: WHEREAS, the G� u N �" e ounty of San i State of California and JACK ALLISON PS P-Owa (hereinafter designated as "Principal" ) have entered in gr'��- ment for the furnishing of all materials , labor , services and transportation , necessary , convenient , and proper to construct all improvements for improvement plans for Co-77-255 - which said Agreement dated May 23, , 19 79, and all of the Contract Documents attached to or forming a part of said Agreement , are hereby referred to and made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, pursuant to law , the Principal is required before entering upon the performance of the Work , to file a good and sufficient bond with the body by whom the contract is awarded , to secure claims to which reference is made in Sections 3247 thru 3252 , inclusive, of the Civil Code of California , and Sections 3181 , 31101 3111 and 3112 of the Civil Code of California , NOW, THEREFORE, said Principal and the undersigned FIREMAN'S FUND INSURANCE COMPANY Cry v as corporate surety , are held and firmly bound unto the Ce. nty 91 :aaT ob4s-FLd, and unto all laborers , materialmen and other persons referred to in said statutes in the sum of two thousand two hundred and 00/100 ----------------------- ($ 2, 200 . 00 ) lawful money of the United States for the payment of which sum well and truly made , we bind ourselves , our heirs , executors , administra- tors , successors , or assigns , jointly and severally by these presents. F . f TN-1 7 e-"-.I 7_7I i. TY+.+mn.t h T?niill c The condition of this obligation is such that if the said Principal, his or its heirs , executors , administrators , successors or assigns , or subcontractors , shall fail to 'pay any of the persons named in Civil Code Section 3181 , or amounts due under the Unemploy- ment Insurance Code with respect to work or labor performed by any such claimant , or any amounts required to be deducted , withheld , and paid over to the Franchise Tax Board from the wages of employees of the Principal and his subcontractors pursuant to Section 18806 of the Revenue and Taxation Code, with respect to such work and labor , that the surety herein will pay for the same in an amount not exceeding the sum specified in this bond , otherwise the above obligation shall be void. In case suit is brought upon this bond , the said surety will pay a reasonable attorney ' s fee to be fixed by the court . This bond shall inure to the benefit of any of the persons named in Civil Code Section 3181 as to give a right of action to such per- sons or their assigns in any suit brought upon this bond. Should the condition of this bond be fully performed , then this obligation shall become null and void , otherwise it shall be and re- main in full force, virtue, and effect . And the said Surety , for value received , hereby stipulates and agrees that no change , extension of time, alteration , or addition to the terms of said contract or to the Work to be performed thereunder or the specifications accompanying the same shall in any manner affect its obligations on this bond , and it does hereby waive notice of any such change , extension , alteration , or addition. Death of the Principal shall not relieve Surety of its obligations hereunder. IN WITNESS WHEREOF four identical counterparts of this instrument , each of which shall for all purposes be deemed an u original thereof , have been duly executed by the Principal and Surety above named , on the 23rd day of May 19 79 (Seal) (Seal) (Seal) Principal (Seal) (Seal) FIREMAN'S FUND INSURANCE COMPANY (Seal Surety David 5. Armstrong rney-ir- act P. 0, Box 2808, Reno, Nevada 85505 Address NOTE: State of NEVADA t County of WASHOE s ss: On May 23, 1979 before me, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared DAVID S. ARMSTRONG known tome to be Attorney-in-Fact of FIREMAN'S FUND INSURANCE COMPANY the corporation described in and that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and known to me to be the person who executed the said instrument in behalf of the said corporation, and he duly acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the same. { IN W��j�� W ,F� � mo and affixed my official seal, the day and year stated in this certificate above. MARY L DEVER = Kctary Pub"ic — State of Nevada MyCo ,i- I Expireswas _ i �� /`f - - _ y Commission expires Aug. 12, 1982 Notary Public E 3602T9..wi1999....... .......... BOND NO. SCR 631597n PM:Ui'CI'DIANCL BOND ?parcel .,Ian No. , XNGW ALL MEN BY T1=0E PRESENTZO; That Conditional Use �� Gavr/ p Tf/E o f y_ ! 4w Permit, Variance SY�:EI1LAti , the -��_- �i-��=��Q- A)rASGADER0 , S2p Laaig State of California, has entered into an agreement dated —, whereby JACK ALLISON (hereinafter designated as "Principal") agreed to mai_e and complete all of the improvements rer_:uired for the final approval of Co-77-255 as set forth in (1 said agreement; and WHEREAS , said Principal is rec,uired under the terms of said agreement to furnish a bond for the faithful Performance of said agreement; NGf�, Tgit;ti�:�'pT3EI we, the Principal and — FIREMAN'S FUND INSURANCE COMPANY -- — C o F as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the A-rA5GA DE Ato (hereinafter called "Owner") , in the penal sum of four thousand four hundred forty dollars and 00/100 ----------------------------- ( 4, 440. 00 ) -- _ , lawful money of the United States, for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators and successors, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. The condition of this obligation is such that if the above bounden Principal, his or its heirs, executors, administrators, successors or assigns, shall in all things stand to and abide by, and well and truly keep and perform the covenants -and conditions in the said r agreement and any alteration thereof made as therein provided, on his or their part, to be kept and performed at the time and in the manner therein specified, and in all respects accordin17 to their true intent and meaninrr and shall indemnify and save harmless Owner, its officers, agents, and employees, as therein stipulated, then this obligation shall become null and void; otherwise it shall be and remain in full force, virtue and effect. And the said Surety for value received, hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the Agreement or to the work to be performed thereunder or the specifi- cations accompanying the same shall in any wise affect its obligations on this bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration or additions to the terms of the contract or to the work. or to t►ie specifications. In the event suit is brought upon this bond by Owner and judgment is recovered, Surety shall pay all costs incurred by Owner in such suit; including a reasonable attorney 's fee to be fixed by the Court. Leath of the Principal shall not relieve Surety of its obligations hereunder, IN WITNESS VIHEREOF, four- identical counterparts of this instrument, each of which shall for all purposes be deemed an original thereof, have been duly executed by Principal and Surety above named, on the 23rd day of May , 1929 2 Performance Bond (meal) (Sleal) _n �r(Ceal) Princ i pal (Seal) (W-eal) FIREMAN'S FUND INSURANCE COMPANY (Ceal) Curety �a . rms rong -"torney-,H- a.. P. 0. Box 2808, Reno,'"Nevada 89505 Address NOTE: "di-nature of those executing for Surety must be properly acknowledged, 4PP63O` ED AN TO FO;3i�l: DI"TIC'i AT'fG11N:0-Y 2y: c Denuty y APPROVED AS TO FOiu'v_t_ CITY i;TTORNz -- - Performance Bond State of NEVADA County of WASHOE ss: i On May 23, 1979 before me, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared DAVID S. ARMSTRONG known to me to be Attorney-in-Fact of FIREMAN'S FUND INSURANCE COMPANY the corporation described in and that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and known to me to be the person who executed the said instrument in behalf of the said corporation, and he duly acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the same. IN WITNESSm u .u uw�.run.nouxuuuuu.�uuwuwuuun ..VKSi�,R�B(�F, 1 HlYV� hM eU t� s6MX,hand and gffixed my official seal, the day and i 575-7'f � - year stated in this certificate above. tdotory Pudic — State of Nerada _ My Commt§si E es Washo2 County - My Comn:issron exprres m.nnwwwwut.wan.ua,..aa..aun.n....pa.uu.a..aanaq.""unua. Notary Public 360212-6-66 RECPRDBIG REQUESTED BY , AND WHEN RECORDED KAM TO Name F Street kddrees Lip stat L GENERAL POWER OF ATTORNEY FIREMAN'S FUND INSURANCE COMPANY KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That FIREMAN'S FUND INSURANCE COMPANY, a Corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of the State of California, and having its principal office in the City and County of San Francisco, in said State, has made, constituted and appointed, and does.by these presents make, constitute and appoint DAVID S. ARMSTRONG and MARY E. DEVER jointly or severally its true and lawful Attorneys)-in-Fact, with full power and authority hereby conferred in its name, place and stead, to execute, seal, acknowledge and deliver any and all bonds, undertakings, reeognizanees or other written obliga- tions in the nature thereof and to bind the Corporation thereby as fully and to the same extent as if such bonds were signed by the President, sealed with the corporate seal of the Corporation and duly attested by its Secretary, hereby ratifying and confirming all that the said Attorney(s)-in- Fact may do in the premises. This power of attorney is granted pursuant to Article VIII, Section 30 and 31 of By-laws of FIREMAN'S FUND INSURANCE COMPANY adopted on the 19th day of November, 1965, and now in full force and effect. "Article VIII, Appointment and Authority of Resident Assistant Secretaries, and Attorney-in-Fact and Agents to accept Legal Process and Make Appearances. Section 30. Avvpgo s.ntment. The Chairman of the Board of Directors, the President, any Vice-President or any other person authorized by the Board of Directors, the(:hafrman of the Board of Directors, the President or any Vice-President,may,from time to time,appoint Resident Assistant Secretaries and Attorneys-in-Fact to represent and act for and on behalf of the Corporation and Agents to accept legal process and make appearances for and on behalf of the Corporation. Section 31. Authority. The Authority of such Resident Assistant Secretaries, Attorneys-in-Fact, and Agents shall be as prescribed in the instrument evidencing their appointment, and any such appointment and all authority granted thereby may be revoked at any time by the Board of Directors or by any person empowered to make such appointment." This power of attorney is signed and sealed under and by the authority of the following Resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of FIREMAN'S FUND INSURANCE COMPANY at a meeting duly called and held on the 15th day of July, 1966, and that said Resolution has not been amended or repealed: "RESOLVED, that the signature of any Vice-President, Assistant Secretary, and Resident Assistant Secretary of this Corporation, and the seal of this Corporation may be affixed or printed on any power of attorney, on any revocation of any power of attorney, or on any certificate relating thereto, by facsimile, and any power of attorney, any revocation of any power of attorney, or certificate bearing such facsimile signature or facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the Corporation." IN WITNESS WHEREOF, FIREMAN'S FUND INSURANCE COMPANY has caused these presents to be signed by its Vice-President, and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed this 18th day of_ay 19 76 �� ••.";;5 FGr FIREMAN'S FUND INSURANCE COMPANY Z� r �'? By co `° WILLIAM W. LAUBER,Vice-President STATE OF CALIFORNIA, CITY AND COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO ss On this_ 18th day of—_ $y__ 19 76 , before me personally came WILLIAM W. LAUBER, to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say; that he is Vice-President of FIREMAN'S FUND INSURANCE COMPANY, the Corporation described in and which executed the above instrument; that he knows the seal of said Corporation; that the seal affixed to the said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said Corporation and that he signed his name thereto by like order. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal; the day and year herein first above written. ■swtouuuuuutma�a>toaumauuuue�otte�ensre��e� H. CRADY NEWBERRY - ta •�t NOTARY PUBLIC - CALIFORNIA CITY 8 COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO 2 7WBERRY, Notary Public C -'`- My Commission Expires Sept. 28, 1976 �uontauutanuuu�tmiuuuu�uunuuunuuui�f CERTIFICATE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, CITY AND COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO I, the undersigned, Resident Assistant Secretary of FIREMAN'S FUND INSURANCE COMPANY, a CALIFORNIA Corporation, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing and attached POWER OF ATTORNEY remains in full force and has not been revoked; and further- more that Article VIII, Sections 30 and 31 of the By-laws of the Corporation, and the Resolution of the Board of Directors, set forth in the Power of Attorney, are now in force. Signed and sealed at the City and County of San Francisco.-Dated the 231^d day of May 191-9 S AN 5 F 1 Lt✓uc ` WINIFRED H. BROWNE, Assistant Secretary Nce�o 360545 (HO)—FF-10-75 (1) Parcel Map No. , Conditional Use Permit, Variance PERFORMANCE AGREEMENT WHEREAS, JACK ALLISON the Applicant has applied for and received preliminary approval of Co-77-255 from the G7 of ASGAI���O o, but all improvements required by Title 21 and Title 22 of the San Luis Obispo County Code as a condition of final approval have not been completed or performed; and, WHEREAS, the Applicant desires to obtain the final approval of said Co-77-255 from the �TAsc !DE,2v saw-� �s-z }spa for performance of the requirements made a condition thereof , NOW, THEREFORE, THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this 23rd day of May 19 79 , by and between ,TACK ALLISON of the County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, here- 0)x inafter referred to as "Applicant" , and the ' �AS�flDfieO C�T%c5 _LUTS OBISPO, a political corporation and one of the ee�=� of the State of California, hereinafter referred to as OEe�ty WITNESSETH: Pursuant to the provisions contained in San Luis Obispo County Code, Chapters 21. 48 and 22. 92 , and in consideration of the final approval of said Co-77-255 , the parties hereto do promise and agree one with the other as follows : 1. The Applicant is to make and complete all the improvements made a condition of final approval of said Co-77-255 as shown on the plans thereof approved by the County Engineer and as set forth in Chapter 21. 28 of San Luis Obispo County Code. 2 . The Applicant promises and agrees to complete all improvement work referred to hereinabove to the satisfaction D'K of the County Engineer of the County of San Luis Obisp� on or before May 23 , 1980 Survey Sort inn Gird No . 9448 3 . If said improvement work is not completed on or C,//y before said date, the Applicant agrees that the County) may elect to complete the same. 4 . If th1Co nty) shall elect to complete said work or improvement, then and in that event, the Applicant agrees that the LC4d?*Y)may at its option declare the bond or de- posit, as hereinafter described, forfeited and utilizethe proceeds to complete said improvements or that the (g'�ty may complete said improvements and recover the full cost and expense thereof from the Applicant and his surety. 5 . The Applicant further agrees to reimburse the Lc�i y) for the cost of inspection of all improvements by the San Luis Obispo County Engineer, or his designated represen- t ative For all services rendered by )personnel, the Applicant shall be charged and pay to the Ldkn*Jthe actual cost. In the event theCouxfty/ finds it necessary to employ outside individuals, or private engineering firms, to con- duct the aforementioned inspections, and said persons or firms are not permanent employees of the OJIt"Y) the Appli- yy -� cant shall pay to the Couty the actual cost to the(Clny) C for such services. The (c6uni vy shall invoice the Applicant for such inspection costs,�and any amounts unpaid 30 days from the date of the Co U t'y' s invoice shall bear interest at the rate of loo per annum beginning 30 days after the date of said invoice. 6 . Permission is hereby granted to the CAnty) or its authorized agent, to enter upon the land which is the sub- ject of Co-77-255 for the purpose of inspection of any and all improvements to be constructed or installed under this agreement. 7 . The Applicant shall, contemporaneously with the preliminary approval. and filing of said Co-77-255 file with the �K O.}a-ice- a surety bond (in the form set forth on Exhibit A, which is attached hereto and by reference made apart here- of) , a cash deposit, or a certificate of deposit. Said bond or depositshallbe in the amount of $ 4 , 440. 00 , survey Section Card no. 5449 which sum is deemed sufficient by the County Engineer and which bond or deposit aforesaid shall guarantee payment to the said/� �fASCA / - arri o for all costs of work of improvements, engineering, inspection, and related inciden- o/,!­ AZAS040Eot tal expenses done or incurred by th Coun�of San Luis Obispo as is provided for herein. Further, said Applicant shall//file in like manner a labor and materialmen' s bond (in the form set forth in Exhibit B, which is attached hereto and made a part hereof) in the amount of or, when surety is guaranteed by a cash deposit or certifi- cate of deposit, $ 2 ;rte0,0- will be retained from the cash deposit or certificate of deposit upon com- pletion of the improvements, securing payment to the con- tractor, to his subcontractors , and to persons renting equipment or furnishing labor or materials for said work or improvement. 8 . It is understood and agreed by and between the Parties hereto that this agreement shall bind the heirs , executors , administrators , successors, and assigns of the respective Parties to this agreement. 9 . It is further understood and agreed by and between the Parties hereto that the following items shall be completed by the Applicant before the 'r� shall accept as completed the improvements in said Co-77-255 , to-wit: improvement plans for Co-77-255. 10. Applicant �fuurrther agrees to defend, indemnify, and save harmless the Co y and its officers , agents, and employees from any and all liability, claims, demands , suits, or causes of action from damages, of whatsoever kind and nature and to whomsoever occurring, arising out of this agreement and/or the performance or attempted performance thereof , in whole or in part, by the Applicant and/or his agents and/or employees. Survey Section Card No. 5450 � 4 14.1 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Applicant has hereunto set his hand and thehas caused these presents to be signed and its corporate seal hereto affixed by its duly sworn and authorized officers the day and year first hereinabove written. r Applicant APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL CT James B. Lindholm, Jr. Count Counsel COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO �0- /A By Depu 'CountPCouVel GEORGE C. PROTOPAPAS County Engineer APPROVED AS TO FORM 1 r� CITY ATTORNEY RFPOR`I' OF '['tll: SUBDIVISION REVIEW BOARD MEETING AUGUST S, 1979 RE: AL 79-47, PROPOSED LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT OF PORTIONS OF LOT 13 AND 13A, BLOCK 7, ATASCADERO COLONY (R-A: MODFRATE DENSI'T'Y SINGLE, FAMILY) (RAMI:Y/I-RANTZ/GAYNOS GAR1NG) SUPERVISORIAL. DISTRICT #1 (884: 7/23/79) SRB Members in Attendance: Chairman, Colonel Sorenson, Larry Kelly, Jim Granflaten Planning Commissioner in Attendance: Claude Devereaux Legal Counsel Present: None PROJECT DESCRIPTION This application proposes an adjustment of line between a lot of 31, 752 sq. ft. and one of 54,186 sq. ft. The site is located at the corner of Curbaril Avenue and Coromar Avenue. Zoning: R-A: "Suburban" General Plan: 1978 Atascadero General Plan: "Moderate Density Single Family REASON FOR THE ADJUSTMENT The reason was given as to better utilize existing property. CONIMI:NTS The adjustment would equalize the area of the two parcels. Both would have almost l acre each. Access now could be made onto Coromar Avenue, eliminating access on to Curbaril Avenue, an arterial street. Both of the new lots would have adequate building sites. One last consideration is the matter of the Atascadero incorporation. Although it appears the new City Council will take final action on this project, the Subdivision Review Board may still take action on this matter. Any action taken will likely constitute an informal recommends- tion to the City Council. It should be noted this staff report and the recommendations are based on County policy, procedure, and ordinances. RECOMMENDATION After review of applicable General Plans and other available information, the Subdivision Review Board recommends to the City Council that the proposed Lot Line Adjustment be found to comply with Section 21.48. 017 of the Lot Division Ordinance and that it be approved. Provided that the Adjustment is approved, the following conditions are hereby established: Al, 79-4' • 1. All conditions of approval herein specified are to be complied with prior to the recording of Certificates of Compliance which effectuates the adjustment. Said Certificates of Compliance must be signed by all record owners and holders of interest as defined in Section 21. 48.017(c) of the Lot Division and notarized. 2. The Certificates of Compliance must be filed in accordance with Section 21.48. 017(e) prior to transfer of the adjusted portions of the property. 3. After approval by the City Council, compliance with the preceding conditions will bring the proposed adjustment in conformance with the Subdivision Map Act and Section 21.48. 017 of the Lot Division Ordinance. 4. The l,ot Line Adjustment will expire one year (12 months) from the date of City Council approval, unless the Certificates of Compliance effectuating the Adjustment are recorded. DISCUSSION Bob Garing, the applicants' agent was present at the meeting. He had no comments. Larry Kelly, Planning Department, amended the Recommendation Section and conditions 3 and 4 to reflect City Council instead of the Board of Supervisors. The Subdivision Review Board unanimously adopted the preliminary report as amended. IN/07 ' - � w S• �i� �O , i is- - I• t. ��"/� •�• • i 'f / � /,• �_ v- L .� �\ � • :� 8�j kms, • ,� ;'�••. � -t�le 62 I. 1 io Hig Ze ilp q It- • r ---iii • ���.�y • ,�� f ! _ : • . Y •� • • Ma, • / H • 1 _, � �� . ''�'9Z0 -�� . ,per- � �, �-_ � � ��• -T �• f ' • • x ``• e _ - 1. _ - -.,�^� • L \ i • ♦. 4tdo A \� Al a _ 40 41 I _ , 'f. t+' �• • �� .. NC ^ �� �. ext. • � •' �t • 1{:,2 � k'00- � �—_'. \ �= C•�v �� ,//J `tt &OV177 A#A/o -� 14- 4 �U� l /p/ / — 60" Off• N4 65: Area of oris. / \ �b remainder of D �� p LOT 13= 31752 Sq.f4. ror i Parce 42,845 sq. Ft, ti0 0.98 Ac. `� s Parcel 2 q\ 4.3, 090 Sq Ft. 0.99 .4c. ti a°i Area OF or remarndCr of S/R Oy. LOT 13A= 54181. Sq F1. LE61AID \, 202 �� ` ` ' •w3io , --o%'/ot/.�� C�� ! Per 31//Yh;.os 0/a'road R/W oMq \B•�p 79'p� 1 per 3//Map s_ / r -Exferior Property bdy. ^�'— \`•^� o-- New lot ti line EL CAM1NO AE .R-I x 3 Maps / S �o� R-2 = 78/ O.,F 5/4 3 0. 288 o MAP po. C� •,I 4 � LOCA T/0V LOT L. AD✓USTMEl1 7- IVO. COAL- 79 - �7 OF PORTIONS OF L07-5 /3 4` I3 A, BLOCK 7 OF ATASCADERO COLONY, PER AMENDMENT 5 THEREOF IN BOOK 3, PAGE ET. SEQ., OF MAPS. COUMTY OF SAAJ LUIS 08/5P0 , CA4IFORN/A DARING , TAYLOR & ASSOC., INC. Civil Engineers 141 S.Elm St, Arroyo Grande, Calif. 79-06 Sheen I of l b�// T-r ,"Al¢/S4 S6lY 99 0 IV P . •t J -68- :68� � / nti Area of oriq. 0 remaindcr of LOT/ �4 Dry—gP oT i3 = 31752 Sq.f 4 V � O0r�. �.. Parce 0.98 Ac. Parcel 2 q o � Vj � A 43, 090 5y7ON Ft. �• D. 99 An ti �a oo / Zf- Area OF orh / L / remarncfer 2 LOT 13 A= 5418,� Sq.F,: LEGEAJD N old I0t1ii,P per \COQ `"�26 �g/)y� �� -- — p d rocr R/N per 311Vap5 Exterior Property baly._ Ale w /of ti line EL CAM/NO [ R-/ 3 /tea Ps / U S.�o R-2 = 781 0.,f 5/9 ,f 3 =/12 7 0.,f 288 � 7 o. o MAP L OCAT/OA/� I �`' LOT LIVE ADJUSTMENT IVO. COAL- 79 -y OF PORTIOwS OF LOTS /3 -e 13 A , BLOCK 7 OF ArASCADERO COLONY, PER AMENDMENT 8 THEREOF 1A1 BOOB 3, PAGE ET. SEQ., OF MAPS. COUAITY OF SAA! LUIS OB/SPO , CALIFOR/VIA CARING , TAYLOR & ASSOC., INC . Civil Engineers 141 S. Elm St, Arroyo Grande, Calif. 79-06 Sheet I of COUNTY OF SAr\l*-UIS OE31SP0 PLANNING CDEPARTMENT =r '� 2 •''_ APPLICATION FOR LOT LINE A0 JUSTIA PENT Reti,rn to Courthouse Annex, Room 102, San Luis Ohi�,no, CA 93,101 005) 5.13-1550 APPLICANTS NAME S I G.NIA 7URE ADDRESS PHONE k Dai Ranier( 1, f'� �. E 3 P F►-aNfZ � �. t<c i 17.7_ X L C r I S Sc c C7a Yn of (cs�c:� n G/c f ` -t 3 slc /3 ll 4- l Z c ter, sem- L ofi�hrrf' C. alvlki 7 J,o iC ,'7 9tav'doc 'ZI_S -:' 77 �i o ; _ Agent 6a,4igTylorgAssa,INc• 141 5.Elm 57`.1,Arrejo Cramde 93110 (BoS)489-13 2-1 Eng. or Surveyor Eng. or Surveyor # All owners as shown on the preliminary Title Report must sign the an plication PROPERTY : FIEG,4LDESCRIPTION: Lot Block Tract o{ Lo IS 13 13A elk. 7 0 � A-Fa scGclero Co/o►,cJOR'S PARCEL NUPIBERS:a copy of a current Title Report covering all of the property involved. REQUIRED INFORMATION 11hy is the adjustment requested? to better u4i lize eXrs{,:+f �rop�e✓f7 x When was the property acquired?_ X Does the owner or owners own any co'nt'iguous property? - Describe - Existing use: ( ) Residential ( ) Agri. ( ) Ind. ( ) Recreation(X1 Other �aCa.a7` Proposed use: V Residential( ) Agri. ( ) Ind. ( ) Recreation( ) Other Public utilities available to the property: X Elec 0Q Gas (X)Water (X)Phone Proposed source of water: ( )Private well ( )Neighbor' s Well (X)Public Water Proposed provision for sewage disposal : ( )Septic tank (x)Public sewer ( )Other Are there flooding or drainage problems at any time during the year? ( )Yes ANo If yes, explain ,a dra,,..IV sv�(e LvoSSPS {C� �re�erf� No Pro4leb"s Are there any existing structures on the property? ( )Residence ( )Farm Buildings ( )Commercial or Industrial ( )Mobile Home ( )Other &/o ►+e VERIFICATION Ep read and understand this application and I certify (or declare) under;_ of perjury the foregoing statements are true and correct. Applica�i Owner ( ) Applicant ( ) Agent for applicant #� 2 aov�� re Date E . OFFICE USE ONLY ZONING: MAP NUMBER: GENERAL PLAN: `'' DATE RECEIVED: ' FILE NUMBER: AL- PREVIOUS LOT DIVISION GRANTED/DENIED ON THE PROPERTY ' C.ET"T ti BY LOT LINE APJU�'iTMi_tiT APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS • A, ic.it on Content: Application Form: This form must be filled out completely. Possible sources of inforaiaLicn include the Zoning daps, Assessor's Maps, and deeds -from the Recorder' s Office. All questions must be answered. Avoid mistakes or omissions which could delay processing. Filing fees have been established by the Board of Supervisors to pay the costs of processing applications, and are not refundable. 4L4PS: In addition to the application form, seven (7) lot line adjustment maps must be submitted. The maps must contain the following: a. The map must be drawn to scale, on 8f� X 141' paper using an engineering scale (one inch on the map equals so many feet on the ground, an appro- priate multiple of ten feet) . Accuracy of the :nap is essential to enable the Planning Department to adequately review the map and to provide a permanent record of the adjustment. b. Include a north arrow and .scale ,(l inch = feet) c. Give the bearings and distances of all exterior and interior lines., d. Each new parcel shall be designated by number 'or letter,. e. Area of each new parcel indicated. f. All structures, wells and septic tanks and leach areas shall be accurately located on the map, together with distances between them and the lot lines. g. Vicinity map. h. The locations, purpose, and width of all existing and proposed casements, streets, and appurtenant utilities. i. The approximate location of all water courses, drainage channels, and existing drainage structures. j . Approximate high-water lines on adjacent lake, ocean or reservior. OTHER INFORMIMON: The applicant is also required to submit a current preliminary Title Report, dated within the last 6 months, from a title insurance company inclu- ding the entire area shown on the' map. , _You may ,Jnclude any other information you feel is pertinent or 'helpful concerning this application, 'such-as deeds, data, pictures, etc. NOTE : It is the policy of the County Planning Commission that applications which do not include sufficient information for adequate evaluation of the proposed adjustment will not he accepted for processing. DEFINITION OF LOT LINE .ADJUSTMENT: County -.Code -Section 21 .48.015d "A lot line adjustment between two or more adjacent parcels, where the land taken from one parcel is added to an adjacent parcel, and where a greater, number of parcels than originally existed is not thereby created, provided the lot line adjustment is approved by resolutions of the Board of Supervisors." PROCESSING PROCEDURES 1. Application is received by the Planning Department, and reviewed for accuracy ' and completeness 2. Staff reviews "the' application, the` existing "zoning and general 'plan designation. The staff recommends approval or denial of the .application. The applicant is notified by mail of the scheduled•hearing'before-the Board of Supervisors and the staff recommendation. s. Application forwarded to Board of:Supervisors for consideration of a resolution of approval with conditions or denial. ' 4. Resolution is filed with the County Clerk's office. S. A copy of the approving resolutions are mailed to the owners and the owner's engineer or surveyor. 6. The owners must meet all conditions and transfer the property to reflect the. approved adjustment lines: NOTE: Approved lot line adjustments are final, the parcels indicated an the approved map, thus become the legal lots. T hereby Certify that I have read and understand the above mentioned information. Signature f Applica • 03 REPORT OF THE SUBDIVISION REVIEW BOARD MEETING AUGUST 8, 1979 RE: AL 79-43, PROPOSED LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT OF PORTIONS OF LOTS 4, AND 5, BLOCK 7, ATASCADERO COLONY (C-2-D(518) $ M-1-D(518) : INDUSTRIAL) (DOVE INVESTMENTS/EAGLET INVESTMENTS - STEWART) SUPERVISORIAL DISTRICT #5 (884: 7/12/79) SRB Members in Attendance: Chairman, Colonel Sorenson, Larry Kelly, John Wallace, Jerry Erickson Planning Commissioner in Attendance: Claude Devereaux Legal Counsel Present: None PROJECT DESCRIPTION This application proposes an adjustment of the line between two parcels of about 1. 5 and 3.0 acres each. The site is located between 1:1 Camino Real and U.S. Highway 101, south of Curbaril Avenue. Zoning: C-2-D(518) $ M-1-D(518) General Plan: 1978 Atascadero General Plan: "Industrial" REASON FOR THE ADJUSTMENT The applicants indicated the reason for the adjustment was that "Lot 5 is land-locked." CONPIENTS The adjustment would be enlarging (lot 5) Parcel 1 somewhat equalizing the area. The adjustment would also create Parcel 1 as a flag-lot to provide access along the side of Parcel 2. To approve an adjustment, one of the criteria set down by the County Subdivision Ordinance, upon which an adjustment must be judged is as follows: Section 21.48. 125 Design. "(g) The resulting parcels shall achieve optimal utility as measured by: (1) Efficient utilization of land; (2) Minimizing site disruption in developing access drives and building pads, with respect to cuts and fills and vegetation removal; (3) Ensuring that proposed parcels would not act to deter or hinder the use of the subject or adjacent parcels, present or future; (4) Maintaining the character and parcel configuration pattern of the surrounding; area." ' AL 79-43 2. Access along the access easement to Parcel 1, be designed for proper drainage into the drainage system along E1 Camino Real, to the approval of County Engineering. 3. That a perpetual easement or restrictive covenant be recorded over Parcel 2 to serve Parcel 1. Evidence thereof must be submitted to the Planning Department for Certification of Compliance. 4. That the trash and debris dumped on the site be removed. 5. All conditions of approval herein specified are to be complied with prior to the recording of Certificates of Compliance which effectuates the adjustment. Said Certificates of Compliance must be signed by all record owners and holders of interest as defined in Section 21.48.017(e) of the Lot Division and notarized. 6. The Certificates of Compliance must be filed in accordance with Section 21.48.017(e) prior to transfer of the adjusted portions of the property. 7. After approval by the City Council, compliance with the preceding conditions will bring the proposed adjustment in conformance with the Subdivision Map Act and Section 21.48.017 of the Lot Division Ordinance. 8. The Lot Line Adjustment will expire one year (12 months) from the date of city Council approval, unless the Certificates of Compliance effectuating the Adjustment are recorded. DISCUSSION Daniel Stewart was present at the meeting. He questioned condtion #2. John Wallace, Engineering Department, revised condition #2. Larry Kelly, Planning Department, revised conditions 7 and 8 to reflect City Council. The Subdivision Review Board unanimously adopted the preliminary report as amended. AL 79-43 � • Flag lots do not represent the most efficient utilization of land as noted in Section 21.48. 125 of the Lot Division Ordinance. A 25 ft. access easement is more efficient, allowing for possible joint use to reduce unnecessary curb openings onto E1 Camino Real. The easement would not deter or hinder the efficient use of the parcel, or adjacent parcels (see S.R.B. Exhibit "F") . A site inspection has found that there is a large drainage culvert under E1 Camino Real in the middle of the 25 ft. access way. Special review will be required to assure that practical access can be obtained at this point, see condition #2. Another concern by staff was the large piles of trash and debris dumped on the site. The D9518) Designed Development Zoning District on the site requires the following: "A. Departmental Review, with particular attention to ensuring attractive, appearance from public roads by means of setback area for buildings and uses. B. Adequate screening of any outdoor storage area. C. Landscaping, signing and lighting." Efforts should be made to clean this up prior to the recording of the adjustment. One last consideration is the matter of the Atascadero incorporation. Although it appears the new City Council will take final action on this project, the Subdivision Review Board may still take action on this matter. Any action taken will likely constitute an informal recommenda- tion to the City Council. It should be noted this staff report and the recommendations are based on County policy, procedure, and ordinances. RECON1b1ENDATION After review of applicable General Plans and other available information, the Subdivision Review Board recommends to the City Council of the City of Atascadero that the proposed Lot Line Adjustment be found to comply with Section 21.48.017 of the Lot Division Ordinance and that it be approved. Provided that the Adjustment is approved, the following conditions are hereby established: 1. That the layout be as shown on Subdivision Review Board Exhibit "F," dated August 8, 1979, on file in the Office of the County Planning Department. A final adjustment map must be submitted to reflect the above noted change. �'� �' '�, 1 ` ,p •��✓'� 846 Alf ''�' 10 ' �y \� • • 1.•./,. //,,. ••/�'N1_ At At dor 4-:44 ho LL to :.r••t .l•�' /:` y' i, / .d�`v .\ 880 • aJ R, p r .��. It Sewag Drspo$al %� -- 0\0 Porvds Ega?S / 10321 / 1i EL ap 39 1 1 a \ rev 'f '!� o' 1064 .•. i Ls ia`a �, �t•�eG ,'�1C ` �. - Y t •. Se,vage ` well, y _ _ ' ' ��_. , 4 5s.•. a�', s �� \ tae OI �• Disposaf \ (ecru y WDERO Jim \ „r w �• � .� PITAi A 55 13 c�' r z `Y� ' l✓ �°. 'i •_.` I -< � X01;` /, ;�L•i ,.... � % •• r \ .tet. ••_, 0. oor 1 1 ) \ \, �• , moi., \ \ ` . AOS, i/ � 1 � - 9.39 �u�4 30 , • - r r � • ��" _ /moo �L �- i/I Ehr1 IIAI� 22- 3 W r en r LU I m 0Q n W 1,01 m ' <T O� :�•1 r O d 1 `JT` n�U4� vi 0 p H K ....! J T V H W J W O � J�QUs Oto d J U at /71D U 4 t ' os oS; til - k4` i'l 107 f rrr 3 Q 00W C(I CC) Q. 0 4 r' U S � I 0i < N 7 z cl1 Z a OL CD Q ce WO [d rn pCLIONQ y tt1 J� oC LL U Lnto Lu In113 O LL U ~ O T< �. O N OL J V}— W O O ~OAn UMIZ < :) i J .J O F- a QuN ` h d� ,� pPa•��� r MAW Ln t Q4 m dN W W `� r moi. �W en "F J z � � AI~ � �, C� �Cr•OL 3 � ,AS-.Si[ < �i x m� 4-J u/ T , ti I t Q LUJ 11 144 M OAS l.eZ.CEN 6't 107 t COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISP0 PLANNING DEPARTMENT c . APPLICATION FDIC LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT Return to Courthouse Annex, Room 102, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 X805) 543-1550 APPLICANTS : FAME SIGNATURE ADDRESS PHONE . LAll /Y� i►�1E P n✓ �Slewy.4• /SCE• �y / PD. box ?D3B 104fo A4,4-s �3i071JD Surveyor Eng. or Surveyorers as shown on the preliminary Title Report must sign the application PROPERTY : LEGAL DESCRIPTION- L_ _ 9 7 Block 7 Tractd;u5,2e/ara /D ,ey-y. i ASSESSOR' S PARCEL NUMBERS:-- u6- �5/' 35� 36 Attach a copy of a current Title Report covering all of the property involved. REQUIRED INFORMATION iy74., he adjustment requested?�-7f -f r3" Ltihc�Lrrl.!'oc.�. l[Are h�� the property acquired? /�17� cs; the owner or owners owls any contiguous property? /y0 Describe isting use: ( ) Residential( ) Agri. ( ) Ind. ( ) Recreation( ) Other 160-1456,11- Proposed use: ( ) Residential( ) Agri. (y Ind. ( ) Recreation( ) Other blic utilities available to the property: (�Elec (r�Gas ()Water (y Phone oposed source of water: ( )Private well ( )Neighbor's Well (+)Public Water oposed provision for sewage disposal : ( )Septic tank (L4-public sewer ( )Other there .flooding or drainage problems at any time during the year? ( )Yes ( )No If yes, explain �0•e there any existing structures on the property? ( )Residence ( )Farm Buildings ( -)Commercial or Industrial ( )Mobile Home ( )Other /YGrJe- VERIFICATION I have read and understand this application and I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury the foregoing statements are true and correct. I am ( } Applicant & Owner ( ) 'Applicant ( ) Agent for applicant IX Del to OFFICE USE ONLY ZONING: MAP NUMBER: GENERAL PLAN: DATE RECEIVED: FILE NUMBER: AL- PREVIOUS LOT DIVISION GRANTED/DENIED ON THE PROPERTY Ry APPLICATION INSTRUCTIOINS Application Content: Application Form: This form must be filled out completely. Possible sources of information include the Zoning Maps, Assessor' s ~laps, and deeds -from the Recorder' s Office. All questions must be answered. Avoid mistakes or omissions which could delay processing. Filing fees have been established by the Board of Supervisors to pay the costs of processing applications, and are not refundable. AAPS: In addition to the application form, seven (7) lot line adjustment maps must be submitted. The maps must contain the following: a. The map must be drawn to scale, on 81 X 14" paper using an engineering scale (one inch on the map equals so many feet on the ground, an appro- priate multiple of ten feet) . Accuracy of the map is essential to enable the Planning Department to adequately review the map and to provide a permanent record of the adjustment. b. Include a north arrow and scale (1 inch = feet) c. Give the bearings and distances of all exterior and interior lines. d. Each new parcel shall be designated by number or letter. e. Area of each new parcel indicated. f. All structures, wells and septic tanks and leach areas shall be accurately located on the map, together with distances between them and the lot lines. g. Vicinity map. h. The locations, purpose, and width of all existing and proposed easements, streets, and appurtenant utilities. i. The approximate location of all water courses, drainage channels, and existing drainage structures. j . Approximate high-water lines on adjacent lake, ocean or reservior. O'rium INFORMATION: The applicant is also required to submit a current preliminary Title Report, dated within the last 6 months, from a title insurance company inclu- ding the entire area shown on the map, You may include any other information you feel is pertinent or helpful concerning this application, such as deeds, data, pictures, etc. NOTE: It is the policy of the County Planning Commission that applications which do not include sufficient information for adequate evaluation of the proposed adjustment will not be accepted for processing. , DEFINITION OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT: County Code Section 21.48.015d "A lot lille Tl.)ll':11111'lll Tot I .711 I lrll 111' 111.401"' 1111 j!wn111- p111'1-`o l n, 1J11n1'ti 1 hr, Mild �cd,tlll Cl'1'111 LIM llil l.'Illi l i.-_; added Co all adjacelit paY•cel, and where a greater number of parcels than originally existed is not thereby created, provided the lot line adjustment is approved by resolutions of the Board of Supervisors." PROCESSING PROCEDURES: 1. Application is received by the Planning Department, and reviewed for accuracy and completeness 2. Staff reviews the application, the existing zoning and general plan designation. The staff recommends approval or denial of the application. The applicant is notified by mail of the scheduled hearing before the Board of Supervisors and the staff recommendation. 3. Arr i i.CA t i on forwarded to hoard of ,Supervisorr, for con si dorat i on of n ire>rll-it i ren l+i <l�,E,ruval wscll l:un�lltlon:� ur d�inial. 4. Resolution is filed with the County Clerk's Office. 1 S. A copy of the approving resolutions are mailed .to the owners and the owner' s engineer or surveyor. 6. The owners must meet all conditions and transfer the property to reflect the approved adjustment lines. NOTE: Approved lot line adjustments are final, the parcels indicated on the .l piva,l ul.tp, clEu 1 000il►a the iag41 lots. . I Hereby Certify that I have read and understand the above mentioned information. .r x Signature of Applicant f � a O M'E M_O_R_A_N_D_U M_ TO: City Council FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: Local Agency Investment Fund Attached is a resolution authorizing the City Manager and Finance Director to deposit and withdraw funds from the Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) . This fund was created by the State Treasurer a few years ago to provide small cities an opportunity to invest their temporarily idle funds at the most advantageous interest rate possible and with the greatest degree of flexibility in using those funds. Basically, the system allows a city to invest at least $5, 000 or more in increments of $1, 000 each. It further allows for telephone transfer of deposits and withdrawals through corresponding banks, thereby making funds available to the City within twenty-four hours of request for availability. The interest rate is comparable to and, on the short term, better than rates offered by commercial enterprises. It is an excellent devise for short-term investments maximizing cash flow. As an example, funds can be deposited on Friday and withdrawn as needed on Monday morning or funds can be allowed to remain in deposit for longer periods of time. As you know, cities are limited as to the investments they are allowed to make. Generally speaking, commercial bank time deposits are secured by appropriate collateral and unlimited amounts of these time deposits may be purchased. Savings and loans, by contrast, only collateralize the first $100 , 000 of their certificates thereby making the next $100, 000 less attrac- tive as an investment vehicle. Other authorized investments are Treasurery Notes, Federal Home Adminisration notes and a few other similar vehicles. Each bear somewhat different interest rates and each have somewhat different liquidity characteristics. The LAIF provides a good overall vehicle providing the utmost in liquidity security and comparable interest return. A mix of any of these vehicles may be used and probably will as we go along. All in all, the LAIF is an excellent device for small cities investments as permitted by law and I strongly recommend your adoption of the attached resolution. JLWR L. WARDEN ad 8-9-79