HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 08/27/1979 0 w • AGENDA - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting August 27 , 1979 7: 30 p.m. Administration Building Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Invocation Roll Call Public Coffment A. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Minutes of the regular meeting of August 13, 1979 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 2. Treasurer' s Report, 7-16-79 through 5-20-79 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) B. HEARINGS, APPEARANCES AND REPORTS 1 . Public hearing on applicatio7, of Robert W. Walton for a Conditional Use Permit to allow an 8-unit apartment project in a R-2-B-2-D zone, located on the east side of Capistrano Avenue, north cf Highway 41, Atascadero - contined from 7-30-79 2. Public hearing on application of Robert F. Stuhr for a Conditional Use Permit to allow the conversion of an existing 44-unit elderly housing project to general apart- ment use located at 5525 Capistrano Avenue on the south- east corner of Capistrano Avenue and Country Club Drive, Atascadero continued from 7-30-79 3. Public hearing on the application of Stinchfield and Summers (6790611: 2) for a Conditional Use Permit to allow signing in excess of sixty (60) square feet in a C-1 zone, 4401 El Canino Real, City of Atascadero 4. Public hearing on application of Charles Kamm for 'a Tentative Tract Map to allow a 16-unit condominium conversion sub- division on a 1. 07 acre site, located on Capistrano Avenue, north of Santa Ysabel, City of Atascadero - Recommend item be continued to 9-24-79 5. Public hearing on application of Donald M. Rauch for a Tentative Tract Map to allow a subdivision of a . 49 acre site into a 5-unit condominium project, located on the west side of Santa Ysabel Avenue just south of Robles Avenue, City of Atascadero Recommend item be tabled C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Legal advertising policy - continued from 8-13-79 D. NEW BUSINESS 1. Consideration of Lot Line Adjustment of a portion of Lot 2 . �. .zabsu-ew A-4TO •£ � AauJO44V A4TO 'Z y v � TTounoO A4TO •T NOILLOV /QNV NOIsVNiWx9saQ 7VfIGIAICINI •9 gabpnq 08-6L6T o.zap oss�� �o � .D bu�pzs�a� uoTssn6sTQ •L ul94SAS qu9ui9.aT49H saaAoTdiva oTTgnd Jo uoT4e.a9pTSuoO •9 sAspTToq aaAOTduia Jo uOT4s29pTsuOD •S m94sAs ssa.zpps OTTgnd buTspuo.znd 90 uoTgPl9pTsuOD •D, squauxgsanui gaTbpa/squauigsanul anoQ - o.zapsossW 90 A4TO 'AuOTOO oaapaoSPW 'L NOOTg 'S I V sgoQ go suoT-.aod go 4uaur4sn[pV auTZ -.oj go uoT-.-e.aapTsuOO •£ s ouAQ D/z qua.z3/Aaumu Oa9Pgosa4V 90 A4TD 'AuOTOO oa9pPoss4V 'L NOOTU 'VET I £T 40q Jo SuoTgaod go quauigsnCpv auTZ qoq 90 uOTgs.zepTsuOO 'Z 4uauu OTanaQ TPanH - o.zapsosPW 90 i�4TO '98T-VL OO 40 Z T93JPd go uoT420d s puV 'xzsd aouapisag aJTZ 'S pus ( -4=0) SSSN.I:SIlq MaN 'Q OAA, ablea 6L6T 'LZ 4snbnv buT499W JPTnbag gIONnOO ALIO OUHU 'OSVIV - VGNRDV MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting August 13, 1979 7 : 30 p.m. Atascadero Administration Building The meeting was called to order by Mayor 'Wilkins with the Pledge of Allegiance. The invocation was given by John Cole of the Atascadero Bible Church. POLL CALL PRESENT: Councilmen Highland, Mackey, Nelson, Stover, and Mayor Wilkins ABSENT: None PUBLIC COMMENT There was no public co -hent. A. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Minutes of the regular meeting of July 23, 1979 (RECOMMEND • APPROVAL) 2. Minutes of the adjourned regular meeting of July 30, 1979 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 3. Correspondence (RECOMMEND ITEMS BE RECEIVED AND FILED) Mayor Wilkins asked if Council members had any comments con- cerning the Consent Calendar; if not, all items can be approved by one motion. Under Correspondence was a letter from the State Board of Equalization notifying the City that they had received the agree- ment concerning administration of the local sales and use tax; and a letter from Lt. Pledger of the Califo-"nia Highway Patrol advising that his office will provide traffic safety services for Atascadero until July 1, 1980. I OTION— Counc^' lman Highland moved for approval of the Consent Calendar. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey and unanimously carried. B. HEARINGS, APPEARANCES AND REPORTS 1. Appearance of Elliott O. Stephenson concerning purchasing property near Atascadero Lake Park Mr. Stephenson read his letter of August 6, 1979, to Council which encouraged the Council to purchase from the County thirteen lots facing Lake View Drive on the easterly shore of Atascadero Lake. He felt that the County would soon put the lots on the market • and the City should purchase them for recreation and conservation purposes. MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting August 13 , 1979 Page Two Mayor Wilkins advised that the City Manager would look into the matter and keep the Council advised regarding the status of these properties. 2. Report from City Attorney concerning requirements for adoption of a General Plan and zoning consistency for newly incorporated city Mr. Grimes stated that he had misinformed the Council regarding their adoption of the General Plan through adoption of all County ordinances. After reviewing the applicable sections of the Govern- went Code and discussing the matter with the County Counsel, he is now of the opinion that the City does not have an adopted General Plan. The City should begin the adoption process by instructing the Planning Commission to hold public herrings on the General Plan this instruction should also inolude that the Council believes the General Plan adopted by the County in December of 1978 is appropriate for the City of Atascadero. Councilman Highland noted that Government Code Section 65302. 5B • states that the Council may determine that individual projects on a case by case basis do or do not conform with a general plan proposal ageing considered for future adoption. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that the Planning Commission be instructed to prepare an Atascadero General Plan for adoption as its first order of business and that they follow the Atascadero General Plan as adopted by the Board of Supervisors in December of 1978. The motion was seconded by Councilman Nelson and unanimously carried. 3 „ Report from City Attorney on Ordinance No. 8 amending Ordinance No. '1 relating to the time and place of regular meetings. In response to a question by Councilman Nelson concerning the proposed ordinance, Mr. Grimes advised that he has researched the Natter and came to the conclusion that the original ordinance as adopted is satisfactory and requested that the proposed Ordinance No. 8 be dropped from the agenda. 4. Report from City Manager on publishing costs for legal advertisements Mr. [warden reviewed his memo regarding the costs of publication. A letter-sized typed page costs between $15. 00 to $20. 00 to publish. • He reviewed the sections of the Government Code which govern legal publications and alternatives to publishing. During the first year, Council can have the ordinances posted in three designated places. • MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting August 13, 1979 Page Three After that, they must be published, either in whole or in summary. Councilman Mackey asked that the matter be tabled until the next meeting so that Council has a chance to study the matter further and perhaps _get an idea from the public as to whether or not they read legal ads. MOTION: Councilman Mackey moved that this matter be tabled until the next meeting. The motion was seconded by Council- man Nelson and unanimously carried. Mr . Warden asked Council to be thinking of three places in which to post the ordinances if they decided to post instead of publish. C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Resolution No. 8-79 creating a temporary towaway zone and parade route for Colony Days celebration Mayor Wilkins stated that this resolution set out the designated areas for a parade route and concession area for the October 20th celebration. MENTION: Councilman Highland moved for the adoption of Resolution No. 8-79. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey. Mayor Wilkins read Resolution No. 8-79 by title only. The motion was unanimously carried. 2. Consideration of establishing City Council Committees Councilman Mackey stated that many people had expressed an _nterest in serving on committees and she had given Council a list of proposed conur...ittees which should be established soon. Among the caomznittees recommended were Beautification which would include Horticulture and Litter; Administration Building Committee to begin looking into updating the building and the possibility of obtaining grants; Public Safety Committees Park and Recreation Committee, etc. Council members discussed the concept of committees with some members feeli4ng that the City should wait until some of the City departments are established before committees get started. Council- man Highland felt that the committee needed definite directives from the Council. Council decided that those interested in serving on committees • MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting August 13, 1979 Page Four should write to the City stating their areas of interest and expertise. 3. Resolution No. 9-79 formalizing the appointment of City Clerk Mayor Wilkins read Resolution No. 9-79 by title only. This resolution appointed Murray L. Warden as City Clerk. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved for the adoption of Resolution No. 9-79. The motion was seconded by Councilman Nelson and unanimously carried. 4 . Resolution No. 10-79 appointing a City Treasurer Mayor Wilkins read this resolution by title only which appointed Ralph H. Dowell, Jr. , City Treasurer and relieved Murray Warden from the duties as Interim City Treasurer. MOTION: Councilman Stover moved for the adoption of Resolution No. 10-79. The motion was seconded by Councilman Highland and carried with Councilman Mackey voting no. 5. Consideration of ads for Planning Director and Chief of Police Mr. Warden discussed these ads and asked if Council had any ctaanges. There were none, however, Councilman Nelson asked what Mr. Warden ' s salary recommendation was for Chief of Police. Mr. Warden felt that the $20,500 salary suggested in the LAFCO budget was too low in comparing the ads running in Western Cities Magazine for Police Chiefs and in comparision with local. salaries. He suggested at least starting at $22,500. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that a Chief of Police position be advertised at a salary of $22,500 per year. The motion was seconded by Councilman Nelson and unanimously carried. There was discussion about an interview date and Mayor Wilkins suggested ghat Council set aside October 27th as a tentative date to interview applicants for Planning Director. Mar. Warden stated that during this advertising period, the process to hire Staff people: for these departments should begin so that when a. Planning :Director is hired, he can participate in the interview and selection process for his departmental staff. • MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting August 13 , 1979 Page Five D. NEW BUSINESS 1. Consideration of Environmental Determination- Ruda Parcel Map ED 78-300 (CO 78-262) Ellen Rognas from the County Environmental Coordinator' s office was present to answer questions regarding this project. She stated that Staff had recommended that the applicant be required to pre- pare a Focused Environmental Impact Report which is less than a full EIR and focuses only on those issues considered by Staff to be significant enough to warrant mitigating measures. In this case, soil erosion, sliding, access, loss of vegetative .resources and wildlife habitat, presence of historical or archeological sites, and cumulative impact. Robert Hilliard, surveyor representing the applicant Mr. Ruda, disagreed with the Staff' s recommendation. He stated that the pro- perty had just experienced two very wet winters and, if soil erosion was a problem, it would have presented itself at that time. Don Sylvia, County Fire District, was concerned about access and fire hazards in the area. There was considerable discussion by Council members .regarding this project. Mr. Ruda stated that he had discussed this matter with the Planning Staff and explained to them that a geologist had inspected the soil in the area and determined that soil erosion would not be a problem. Ellen Rognas had suggested that the geologist write a letter to this effect which could be included in the report. He asked if the letter would eliminate the need for an EIR focused only on the soil erosion problem. Councilman Highland still felt that a focused EIR was necessary because of the access problems and fire hazard. MOTION: Councilman Nelson moved that Council adopt Finding #2 on the Staff determination and that the EIR focus its report on the areas of soil erosion, sliding, access, loss of vegetative resources and wildlife habitat, presence of historical or archeological sites, and cumu- lative impact. The motion was seconded by Councilman Highland and unanimously carried. 2. Consideration of Environmental Determination - Messer Parcel Map ED 78-302 (CO 78-264) Mayor Wilkins stated that this project was also recommended for a Focused EIR. Councilman Highland stated that he had some problems • with the access to this parcel which was also one of the recommenda- tions the EIR was to consider. MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting August 13, 1979 Page Six MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Finding #2 of the Staff determination be adopted with the EIR to be focused on access and circulation, potential significant effects due to major topographic alteration, soil erosion, and potential alternative lot configuration in order to mitigate the impacts mentioned in the Staff report. The motion was seconded by Counc-Aman Nelson and unani- mously carried. 3. Consideration of Environmental Determination Watson Parcel Map ED 78-303 (Tract 770) Ellen Rognas stated that this project was recommended for a Conditional Negative Declaration which means that if the applicant complies with the conditions set by Staff, no EIR is required. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that the Council accept Finding 43 of the Staff determination on the condition that the applicant provide safe and adequate access to Parcel C and that letters be obtained from Atascadero Mutual Water Company and appropriate community sewer district and submitted to the City of Atascadero and the County Health Department stating that they are willing and able to serve the proposed parcels. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey and unanimously carried. 4 . Consideration of proposed lot division of Lot 24 of Biock 46, Atascadero Colony - Heinemann, San Luis Engineering John Ho-4schroer of the County Subdivision Review Section reviewed this project which proposes to subdivide a 13. 1 acre site into three parcels of 4, 4, and 5. 5 acres each. The County Staff recommends approval with the conditions set forth in their report. Mr. Walker, representing the applicant, was present and stated that they intend to comply with the recommendations as set forth. MOTION: Councilman Nelson moved that the Council adopt the findings and recommendations of the Subdivision Review Board; find that the project is consistent with the General Plans adapt the Environmental Coordinators recommendations and certify the EIR as being adequate. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey and unanimously carried. 5. Resolution No. 11-79 accepting a five foot widening of Portola Road into the City road system. • Mr. Warden explained that this dedication is required of new developments in order to widen the road in accordance with the General Plan requirements. Mr. Grimes suggested that an additional section MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting August 13 , 1979 Page Seven be added to the resolution to state that Council approves the map and authorizes the Mayor and City Clerk to sign it. Council accepted the amendment. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Council adopt Resolution No. 11-79 as amended. The motion was seconded by Council- man Mackey and unanimously carried. 6. Consideration of Ordinance No. 10 establishing a' Municipal Code,. providing for its up-keep and maintenance, and providing penalties for violations Mr. Grimes stated that this would provide a basis for organizing the City' s ordinances which will maks: them easier to find and keep them in an organized form. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Ordinance No. 10 be read by title only. The motion was seconded by Councilman Nelson and unanimously carried. • Mayor Wilkins read Ordinance No. 10 by title only. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved for the adoption of Ordinance No. 10. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and unanimously carried by roll call vote. 7. Consideration of entering into the Joint Powers Agreement for San. Luis Obispo County Area Council of Governments Mr. Warden explained the functions of the Council of Governments and, in particular, with regard to the distribution of SB 325 monies. He suggested that the Council agree to become a member of this body and make a motion authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the agreement. MOTION: Councilman Nelson moved that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the Joint Powers Agreement for the San. Luis Obispo County Area Council of Governments. The motion was seconded by Councilman Highland and unanimously carried. S. Consideration of Resolution No. 12-79 authorizing invest- ment of City monies in the State Administered Local Agency Investment Fund MOTION: Councilman Highland moved for the adoption of Resolution • No. 12-79. The motion was seconded by Councilman Nelson and unanimously carried. MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting August 13, 1979 Page Eight E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION 1. City Council (a) Councilman Mackey stated that she had a request from Kate Johns to talk to Council and she would like her to have this opportunity to speak. Mrs. Johns stated that she is the owner and operator of Atascadero Taxi. She stated that with Dial- A-Ride coming into the City and increased costs in gasoline and , insur- ance, she is finding it difficult to be able to operate financially. She asked Council if they felt a taxi was needed in the City and if they could help her. Mayor Wilkins stated that, financially, the City was unable to help her. Mrs. Johns maintained that with Dial - A-Ride, she would be unable to make a profit and could not make pay- ments which were due in the near future. Councilman Highland said that Dial-A-Ride is not in the City yet and may not be for several months. There was discussion on this matter with no Council action taken. (b) Ken Harthoorn stated that the Council had passed Ordinance No. 10 which states that it will be posted in three places as opposed to publishing; he asked Council which they had intended. Mr. Grimes stated that he had anticipated the Council deciding to post and that they could determine, at this time, which way they wished to go for this particular ordinance. Council agreed that this ordinance should be posted. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that this ordinance be posted at the Post Office, Library, and City Clerk's office. The motion was seconded by Councilman Nelson and unani- mously carried. (c) Mayor Wilkins asked Mr. Warden about purchasing a PA system to replace the one the City has been borrowing. Mr. Warden stated that he has looked at several systems and hopes to be coming back with some recommendations to Council in the near future. 2. City Attorney (a) Mr. Grimes addressed himself to the situation between the City of Atascadero and the County of San Luis Obispo with regard to the County continuing to provide services for the rest of the fiscal year. Mr. Grimes believes that the Government Code requires the County to do so, but the County Counsel 's opinion is that the County need only provide services for a 120-day period. i MINUTES - ATASCA®ERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting August 13, 1979 Page Nine He recommended that the City Manager and City Attorney be directed to write to the Board of Supervisors to find out if it, the County, is going to comply with the State law and furnish the City with free services and, if they say "no" , then the City should turn to the courts for relief. He stated it is impossible to carry on City business and make plans not knowing if the City is going to be cut off on January 2nd or not. He thought the cost of going to court might be in the neighborhood of $1,000 to $1,500. There was discussion on this matter with Council agreeing that it could not operate efficiently unless it knows for sure what is going to happen. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that the Council instruct the City Manager and City Attorney to pursue this as aggres- sively as necessary to whatever point necessary to get it settled.. The motion was seconded by Councilman Nelson and unanimously carried. 3. City Manager (a) Mr. Warren stated that the Council needs to appoint a voting delegate to the League of California Cities Annual Convention in September. Mayor Wilkins is the only Council member going to the convention, so he was appointed. (b) Mr. Warden advised that, according to the County Code whish the City has adopted, September 10th is Admission Day and a legal holiday; it also a Council meeting day. He asked Council if they wished to set their meeting over to Tuesday. Mayor Wilkins requested that the holiday schedule be brought back at the next meeting and Council could discuss it at that time. (c) MA, . Marden advised that the City had received $10,500 from the Atascadero Fire District at 6% interest which must be paid back by January 1, 1980 or. before. He stated that as of now, the financial picture for the City looks brighter than a few weeks ago and it may not be necessary to use either this money or the money Council authorized the City to borrow from the Bank. The tax revenues are starting to flow; the City just received over $37,000 from the State in motor vehicle license fees today. (d) Mr. Warden explained that he had discussed the Public Employees Retirement System benefits with a repre- sentative of that organization and he feels that their retirement package is very attractive for the City and its employees. He will bring back a report for Council with information about securing an actuarial study. • 0 MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting August 13, 1979 00 Page Ten (e) Mr. Warden reviewed the financial picture of the City to Council members. He stated that we should receive somewhere in the area of $65,000 this month with costs totalling approximately $4,500. Although there will be quite a few expenditures during this year while different departments are being set up, he felt that the City could expect a surplus at the end of this fiscal year in the area of $500,000 to $600,000. Mr. Warden discussed different ways the City can consider in order to save money, such as establishing a public safety depart- ment as opposed to the traditional fire and police departments. (f) Mr. Warden requested an executive session to discuss personnel matters. Mayor Wilkins stated that the meeting would adjourn to executive session and adjourn directly after that; there would be no announce- ments after executive session. The meeting adjourned at 10 :30 p.m. Recorded by: MURRAY L. WARDEN, City Clerk By: Ardith Davis Deputy City Clerk M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Council FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: Stinchfield and Summek-s CUP This matter was heard by the Planning Commission on August 20th and approved subject to the provisions of the Staff report attached hereto. You may modify or alter the conditions if you so desire or you may adopt the recommendations of the Planning Commission. 16161, 'MUR Y 'WARDEN MLW:ad 8-23-79 i PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT TO: ATASCADERO PLANNING COMMISSION DATE:AUGUST 20, 1979 FROM: DEVELOPMENT REVIEW SECTION SUBJECT: COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT U790611 : 2 - STINCHFIELD/SUMMERS - CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW SIGNING IN EXCESS OF 60 SQUARE FEET IN A C-1 ZONE, ATASCADERO SPECIFIC REQUEST: The applicant is requesting a Conditional Use Permit to allow signing in excess of 60 square feet for a recently developed nine-space professional office complex located at 4401 E1 Camino Real between San Anselmo and San Jacinto Avenues in Atascadero. The applicant is seeking additional signing to provide better identification within the complex, in addition to the existing 40-square foot free-standing complex directory located in the center of the site frontage on El Camino Real. The 180 square feet of proposed additional signing would identify each business within the complex by being located on the parapet above each office space The maximum sign area proposed for each tenant would be limited to twenty square feet . Consequently, the proposed signing would increase the total area of on-site signing from the existing 40 square feet to a total of 220 square feet . ZONING AND GENERAL PLAN INFORMATION: Zoning for the site is C-1, the General Shopping District which allows signing in excess of 60 square feet subject to Conditional Use Permit approval The adopted 1978 Atascadero General Plan designates the site as Retail Commercial. The Plan text_contains the following "General Retail Policy Proposal" on page 47 which is relevant to this re- quest : 113 Commercial uses should be developed in clusters to encourage concentrations of compatible retail trade service. Each cluster should be developed in a coordinated architectural design. The sign- ing and identification of the stores in each cluster should be combined, thus reducing the confusing clutter. SITE CONSIDERATIONS: The 1. 11 acre irregular shaped site is presently developed with a professional office complex approximately 9,000 square feet in floor area which is divided into nine rental office spaces. Terrain for the majority of the site is generally level as a result of grading with the southern and eastern edges of the site rising abruptly to adjoining properties. CD-1065 U790611: 2 STI FIELD/SUMMERS Page 2 Building architecture is characteristic of a "Western Town" style with each office space provided with a large "false- front" facade which would accomodate the proposed signing. AREA CONSIDERATIONS: The site is located along the El Camino Real commercial strip approximately one mile north of the Atascadero Central Business District in an area of scattered commercial residential uses. Land uses adjacent to the site include a convenience market to the north with vacant land and commercial offices beyond; single--family residences to the east ; vacant land and service commercial uses to the south; and a church and vacant land to the west across E1 Camino Real. Access to the subject site and to other existing commercial properties in the area is by means of E1 Camino Real. STAFF COMMENTS: The proposed signing, together with the existing directory sign, represents an unobtrusive and uniformly designed program properly suited to the identification needs of the complex. Off-site identification from E1 Camino Real is adequately provided by the existing directory sign. The design and facade placement of the proposed signs would complement the western motif of the project while attractively identifying the individual businesses for on-site customer and delivery convenience. Consequently, the proposed signing program would not be excessive and would suitably fulfill the project ' s on-site and off-site identification needs. RECOMMENDATION It is the Staff recommendation that this Conditional Use Permit be approved subject to the following: Findings: A. The requested signing would satisfy the project's signing needs while being consistent with the emerging character of commercial development along El Camino 'Real. B. The proposed project is consistent with the mandatory findings set forth in Section 22.92.080 (1) of the County Zoning Ordinance. U790611: 2 STIIOFIELD/SUMMERS Page 3 Conditions: 1. Signing approved under this Conditional Use Permit is limited to the following: a. On-site signing shall be limited to a maximum total area of 220 square feet , including the existing 40 square foot directory sign. b. The proposed signing for the, individual offices shall be limited to, a maximum of 20 square feet each for a total maximum area of 180 square feet said pro- posed signing shall be mounted flush with the building facade and not extend above the facsia per the approved sign elevations. Report prepared by NANCY L. HEMMEN and approved by Warren Hoag, Supervisor, Development Review Section. vl — ---ate - ---_ _ 19 e 4 224 225 ? i/t �3 226 DWI /� 0 se Pt `�e 223 222 232231 cb>y.81 ��9 s9 3 P-1310 ,6 c 7p - :.69 �� vnR 1 230 y otiS�'\ 221 229 / 0 a9 228 213 21?.: 211 1 0 o O ?/♦o o° \6 215 1 6 o `o a QPo2 220 1 / P 429 `�♦ 09 • \♦� ` 218 217 210 ZO 202 208 207 T' -1- csor 21 205 tZ 'A/ `qo ��� `\� , �o ♦oma oe eo c .:..6� ' 2p6 .10 �` t `'��, ^ ♦`•� 0 `oti, 9♦ ce`eojO y ,tp4 �9 ♦ yz 203 t u `w ` qb , g4 202 1P ` d`ry4 q1.. 99 98 g5 PO I—Z1 /90 /80 \ �0°u `9♦ a ♦rym 12'� v91 165 /8 �,a,,. �,? 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I �, _._... i -r� , - f r- i-�.-• • _ - --y- , , - - i IST : .� i T , Y *-1 F T 11 ' TA fit 12TIQca' fl��zz�cr'o�Y 51 C-sna SITE PLAN • • _M E M_O_R A N D_U M TO: City Council FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: Public hearing on application of Charles Kamm for a Tentative Tract Map to allow a 16-unit condo- minium conversion subdivision on a 1. 07 acre site This matter was published for a Council hearing on August 27th, however, the Planning Commission has continued its consideration of this matter, at the applicant's request, until September 4th. Because of the previous legal ad, it will be necessary to continue this hearing until your regular meeting of September 24th. Your motion to this effect will avoid the requirement for re-advertisement. g RRA rI . WARDEN M W• L .ad 8-23-79 M E M_0_R A_N_D_U M_ TO: City Council FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: Public hearing on application of Donald M. Rauch for a Tentative Tract Map to allow a subdivision of a . 49 acre site into a 5-unit condominium project This matter was legally advertised for hearing on August 27th, however, the Planning Commission denied the applicant' s request fora subdivision. Under County ordin- ances, the applicant has a right to appeal within ten days after Planning Commission action. It is my understanding that it is the intention of the individual to appeal, however, he has not yet done so. Consequently, the hearing for August 27th is no longer appropriate. Upon receipt of the applicant's request for an appeal, the matter will be re-advertised and re-scheduled. M RAY WARDEN U MLW:ad 8-23-79 M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Council FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: Purchase of a public address system As you know, we have been utilizing borrowed sound equipment for the Council and Planning Commission meetings. I have looked at three different sources for public address systems and have found prices ranging from $2898 to $3751. The two most feasible appear to be a submission by Mid State Sound System from San Luis Obispo which would provide an amplifier, recording system with seven microphones and two speakers, and a rolling cabinet for storage in the amount of $3,016. 98 including taxes. The other is from Vanderlip Enterprises in Atascadero which provides eleven microphones, four wall speakers , a cassette tape deck, amplifier, and a cabinet for $2898 including taxes. Both of these proposals would allow for a wheeled cabinet with built-in capability for storage and use by both the Planning Commission and Council or any other meetings of that nature. The Vanderlip proposal would provide a floor mike for audience use and enough mikes for staff use. Both the Mid State and Vanderlip proposals use reputable materials with the major difference being price With these considerations in mind, I recommend that we Memorandum - PA system Page Two accept the Vanderlip proposal and that this system be installed as soon as possible. Your approval of this recommendation by motion would be appropriate. AUR L. WARDEN MLW:ad 8-23-79 r • D's MEM O_R A N D U M_ TO: City Council FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: Employee holidays In adopting the County Code, we have both Labor Day and September 9th, Admission Day, as legal holidays. All cities in the County gave the Labor Day holiday and some join with the County in giving Admission Day as a holiday. All grant from eleven to twelve holidays throughout the year. The question, then, arises, does the City Council intend to follow the County ordinance as previously adopted with respect to the Admission Day holiday? If so, then the City Council meeting of September 10th should be moved to September 11th. If not, then the Council should make this an exception to the County/City ordinance. Attached is a list of holidays as adopted by the City through the County ordinances. ;UR Y L WARDEN Lam ` MLW:ad 8-23-79 `J t a! 2 44. 070 The committee shall be composed of the fo dowing members or their designees : The county administrative officer, county personnel director, the department head of th department in which the employee works, a member of the sh iff ' s depart- ment employees ' association , and a fifth me er` from among the county department heads chosen by the four bove members. (e) The benefits provided for in t s section shall be integrated with workers compensation bene its so that, if em- ployees are entitled to such benefits, o ly the difference between the workers compensation paymen and the employee ' s salary shall be paid under the provisi ns of this section. (f) The benefits provided for der this section shall be in addition to any sick leave ben its, but any employee who is receiving payment pursuant t this section shall not be entitled to sick leave payments or the same day or days. (g This section shall not a construed as adopting any of the provisions of Division 4 , Part 2, Chapter 2 , Article 7 of the Labor Code of t e state. (i) This section shall a ply only to covered employees serving in regular permanently allocated positions as identified in subsection (b) of this sec ' on, including their service as a reserve deputy sheriff. A other reserve deputies are expressly excluded from the rovisions of this section. (j ) The determinatio of disability by the special disability benefit committ a under the provisions of this section is expressly limi ed to carrying out the purposes of this section and shat in no be construed as having any binding effect on t San Luis Obispo County pension trust with respect to y subsequent application for disability , retirement. (Ord. 18 §l , 1977) . 2. 44 . 070 Holidays and time off, (a) The following are established as paid holidays for all permanent county employees : (1) January 1 (New Year' s Day) ; (2 ) February 12 (Lincoln ' s Birthday); (3) The third Monday in February (Washington' s Birthday) ; (4) The last Monday in May (Memorial Day) ; (5) July 4 (Independence Day) ; (6) First Monday in September (Labor Dav) ; (7) September 9 (Admission Day) ; eT (8) The second Monday in October (Columbus Day) ; (9) November 11 (Veterans ' Day) ; (10) That day in November designated as Thanksgiving Day; (11) The Friday in November immediately following the day designated as Thanksgiving Day; (12) December 25 (Christmas Day) ; (13) All other days as may be proclaimed by the Govern- or of the state of California or the President of the United States. 34-4 (San Luis Obispo County 3/30/78) o M E M ORA N D U M TO: City Council FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: Consideration of Public Employees Retirement System In a previous meeting, I asked your consideration of entering into the State Public Employees Retirement System. I will provide a verbal summary of PERS provisions Monday night. 4RAY7. WARDEN MLW:ad G (� � 8- 3-79 C � s ti . r r J t� 07 _M_E M O R A N D U M TO: City Council FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: Temporary budget I have placed this matter on the agenda although I do not yet have the final copies prepared. Hopefully, copies will be available prior to Monday night' s meeting. If not, then the item should be continued to the next meeting. If I do get the written budget prepared, then I suggest that we summarize it verbally Monday night and continue it to the next meeting so as to provide you with more time. By following this process, we will at least get the item started for con- sideration. In considering this temporary budget, you should be aware that there are a great number of unknowns simply because we don't have a track record of our income and expen- ditures nor do we have a determination as to the overall structure of the City. I have, therefore, used the LAFCO personnel structure as a guide. A budget, even the temporary one, will serve as a framework within which we can work. It can be modified as needed as we progress through the year. When the department heads are on board, we will then be better able to provide hard figures. I would like to reiterate that this budget is only an assist to get us through the next few months and will need a great deal of refinement as we go along. G MU Y L WARDEN LW:-.ad 8-23-79