HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 10/22/1979 4 0 AGENDA - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting October 22 , 1979 7 : 30 p.m. Administration Building Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Invocation Roll Call Public Comment A. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Minutes of the regular meeting of October 8, 1979 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 2 . Treasurer' s Report, 9-20-79 to 10-17-79 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) B. HEARINGS, APPEARANCES AND REPORTS Appeal of Little/Rauch from Planning Commission denial of extension of time for a Conditional Use Permit to allow a n U 5-unit multiple family residential project, Santa Ysabel J Avenue, Atascadero 2 . Public hearing on appeal of Donald M. Rauch from Planning Commission denial of a Tentative Tract Map to allow a t subdivision of a . 49 acre site into a 5-unit condominium project, Santa Ysabel Avenue, Atascadero. Consideration of AL 79-56 , proposed lot line adjustment �L on Santa Lucia Road - Atteberry/Dostie Consideration of AL79-38 , proposed lot line adjustment on Los Osos Road - Knowles/Campbell `1 Report of City Manager on Planning Commission' s recommenda- tions regarding a moratorium on condominium conversions 6 . Appearance of Mike Lucas regarding the Atascadero City Emblem Design and Motto Contest C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Review of Contract Between the City of Atascadero and the County of San Luis Obispo for Performance by County of Services. D. NEW BUSINESS 1. Consideration of request by John Daly for adoption of revenue limitation ordinance 2 . Consideration of Ordinance Establishing Office of City Attorney 3. Review of Use Permitsfor space in the Administration Building and property at Atascadero Lake 4 . Consideration of establishing a speed zone on San Gabriel Road INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION 1. City Council 2 . City Attorney 3. City Manager aPr MINUTES ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting October 8, 1979 7: 30 p.m. Atascadero Administration Building The meeting was called to order at 7: 30 p.m. by Mayor Wilkins with the Pledge of Allegiance. The invocation was given by Reverend E. B. Claud of the Atascadero Bible Church. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Councilmen Highland, Mackey, Nelson, Stover and Mayor Wilkins ABSENT: None The Knights of Columbus, Santa Lucia Council No. 3648, presented a Bunn Coffee Brewer to Councilman Stover for the City Offices. Council members thanked the Knights of Columbus for their donation. Mayor Wilkins announced that the podium had been donated by the Christian Science Church. PUBLIC COMMENT 1. Mike Lucas advised the Council that the Emblem Contest would end on October 13th and he hoped to be able to present the Council with a report at the next regular meeting. A. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Minutes of the adjourned regular meeting of September 26 , 1979 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) Councilman Nelson noted a correction to the minutes on page six, under E (c) ; the matter had to do with the discharge of firearms rather than fire protection. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved for the approval of the minutes as corrected. The motion was seconded by Councilman Nelson and unanimously carried. B. HEARINGS, APPEARANCES AND REPORTS 1. Appearance of Albert Young_ requesting designation of October 25, 1979 as United Nations Day Mr. Young advised that this is the first time Atascadero as a City will be able to participate in United Nations Day. The United Nations has declared 1979 to be the International Year of the Child. A program to celebrate this is scheduled at the High School on l MINUTES ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting - October 8, 1979 Page Two October 25th at 7: 30 p.m. He requested the Council to designate October 25, 1979 as United Nations Day in honor of the International Year of the Child. Mayor Wilkins declared October 25th as United Nations Day and stated that he would sign a proclamation to that effect. Councilman Nelson asked if there was anything that could be done on a year around basis to advance the status of children and Mr. Young outlined some of the programs and stated that he would get additional information for Council members. 2. Public hearing for adoption of proposed 1979-80 Budget Mayor Wilkins declared the meeting open to public comment. There were several questions from the public and the Council proceeded to review the budget page by page. The overhead projector and screen in the City Manager's portion of the budget was deleted since the Board of Realtors has donated enough money to purchase these items. John McNeil was concerned that the LAFCO budget figures as pre- sented in the proposed budget did not agree with the LAFCO figures presented in the pre-incorporation LAFCO report. Mr. Warden stated that as far as he knew they were correct figures, however, he would be glad to go over them with Mr. McNeil to see if an error had been made. It was noted that the $75 , 000 suggested in the LAFCO report for the renovation of the Masonic Temple to accommodate the Police Depart- ment was being proposed to renovate the Administration Building for City Offices to include the Police Department. Itis felt that the Administration Building should be able to accommodate most, if not all, of the City' s departmental needs. There was discussion regarding the Council' s previous approval of salaries for a Building Inspector and Planning Secretary which were higher than those listed in the budget. Mr. Warden stated that the Budget would be revised to reflect those approvals. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that the Budget be adopted as presented subject to the revisions made by the Council' s previous actions and their actions this evening. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and unanimously carried by roll call vote. C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS None MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting October 8, 1979 Page Three D NEW BUSINESS 1. Replacement or repair of the Sycamore Road bridge Mayor Wilkins reviewed the memo from Mr. Warden which outlined the options involved in repairing or replacing the bridge: Council members discussed this matter and decided that repair of the bridge now would be the best option. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Council approve Option 3 in the memo which would be to request the County to continue with the repair program now. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey and unanimously carried. 2. Ordinance relating to the discharge of firearms Mr. Grimes, City Attorney, reviewed the proposed ordinance which would extend the restriction of the use of firearms from the boundaries of the Atascadero Fire District to include the full boundaries of the City of Atascadero. He reviewed sections of the Penal Code dealing with the use of firearms within the City and which the County is already empowered to enforce. He did not recommend adopting the ordinance at this time since the problem seems to be handled through existing Penal Code and County Code provisions. He noted that the City could have enforcement difficulties if they pass this ordinance since the City does not yet have enforcement capabilities. No action was taken on the ordinance. 3. Consideration of entering into Crime Control Joint Powers Agreement, Criminal Justice Planning Mr. Warden reviewed the functions of the Criminal Justice Planning function and the impact upon the City resulting from its participa- tion. He said that he has some doubts about the ability of the JPA being able to help with LEAA funds since they are almost non-existent at this time. However, the Board does coordinate law enforcement planningactivities within San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara Counties and from the standpoint of being able to exchange ideas, participa- tion might be of a benefit to the City. There is no requirement for attendance or commitment of funds by the City at this time. MOTION: Councilman Nelson moved that Council approve entering into the Joint Powers Agreement with the Office of Criminal Justice Planning. The motion was seconded by Councilman Highland and unanimously carried. i MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY 'COUNCIL Regular Meeting October 8, 1979 Page Four 4. Conversion of office spaces in Administration Building Mr. Warden stated that, in considering arrangements for future use of the Building for City Offices, he, felt that it would be advisable that professional assistance and advice be sought to make proposals for renovation of the Building to house present and future City Offices. This proposal would hopefully assure the integrity of the original concept for use of the Administration Building and could assure compliance with Federal and State regulations concerning the use of governmental buildings. The firm would be requested to provide a utilization plan and renovation schedule which could be followed on a phased basis as funds become available. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Mr. Warden be authorized to request proposals for renovation of theAdministration Building for creating City office space. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey and unanimously carried. E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION 1. City Council (a) Councilman Mackey reported on the meetingssheattended at the League of California Cities Annual Conference which included growth control and the use of computers among other things. Mr. Warden advised that he had tapes of some of the meetings which are available. 2. City Attorney jMr. Grimes had nothing to report. 3. City Council (a) Mr. Warden asked Council members to consider the Public Works Director/City Engineer position ad, he had dis- tributed this evening. He intended to bring it as a regular agenda item at the next meeting, but realized that if he waited, he would not be able to advertise in the next issue of Western Cities which would then put the interview time into the latter part of January or February. He asked Council to consider a salary of $2,250 monthly for this position. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Mr. Warden be authorized to advertise for a Public Works Director/City Engineer at a salary of $2,250 monthly, The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey and unanimously carried. MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting October 8, 1979 Page Five Lon Allen asked how this matter could be considered when it was not a scheduled agenda item. Mr. Grimes advised that there were no rules to the contrary. By law, Council was not even required to have an agenda. There is a draft ordinance which has been prepared and will go before Council shortly to implement rules regarding the agenda preparation, however, at this time, it is in order for Council to consider this if they wish. (b) Mr. Warden advised that the final date for accepting applications, for Police Chief is October 15th and asked Council to establish a screening committee for these applica- tions. Mayor Wilkins stated that he would take the matter under_ consideration. (c) Mr. Warden asked Council members if they wished to set Saturday, October 27, 1979 as the interview date for Planning Director. Council set that date with interviewing to begin at 9 : 00 a.m. (d) Mr. Warden stated that Councilman Stover had given him an item of correspondence from the Cooperative Extension of the University of California at Berkeley addressed to the Senior Citizens. The letter advised of a conference entitled "Growth: Its Impact on the Central Coast" to be held on Friday, November 9, 1979 from 9: 30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on the -Loomis Ranch in Arroyo Grande. There will be a $5. 00 fee to cover registration and lunch. A program brochure will be available at a later date. (e) Mr. Warden requested an executive session to discuss potential litigation. Mayor Wilkins adjourned the meeting at 9 :25 p.m. and stated that there would be no announcements at the conclusion of the execu- tive meeting. Recorded by: MURRAY L. WARDEN, City Clerk By: Ardith Davis Deputy City Clerk M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Council FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: Atteberry lot line adjustment Attached is an application for lot line adjustment as contained in the County Subdivision Review Board ' s report. This matter was heard by the City Planning Commission and approved with the five conditions as outlined in the report. The Commission also found that the lot line, adjustment com- plied with applicable General Plan requirements as well as with the provisions of the Lot Division Ordinance. The matter is being referred to you since the Council must take final action. �_M RAY WARDEN MLW:ad 10-18-79 t i REPORT OF THE SUBDIVISION REVIEW BOARD MEETING SEPTEMBER 5, 1979 RE: AL 79-56, PROPOSED LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT OF PORTIONS OF LOT 46, BLOCK 27, ATASCADERO COLONY, SANTA LUCIA ROAD, CITY OF ATASCADERO. (A-1-B-V-5: SUBURBAN) (ATTEBERRY/DOSTIE - STEWART) SUPERVISORIAL DISTRICT #1 (884: 8/21/79) I SRB Members in Attendance: Chairman, Colonel Sorenson, Larry Kelly, Bill MacDonald, Michael Doherty, Jim Granflaten Planning Commissioner in Attendance: David Oakley Legal Counsel Present: None PROJECT DESCRIPTION This application proposes an adjustment that would enlarge the smallest parcel (Parcel B) and shift its location to behind Parcel C. The site is located on the north or westerly side of Santa Lucia Road beyond San Gabriel Road. Zoning: A-1-B-V-5: "Light Agricultural" with slope related density and S acre average. General Plan: 1978 Atascadero General Plan: "Suburban" REASON FOR THE ADJUSTMENT This adjustment would resolve a long standing violation. COMMENTS The Lot Line Adjustment would more equalize the area of the three parcels. The smallest parcel would be expanded from .50 acres, approximate, to .81 acres. One last consideration is the matter of the Atascadero incorporation. Although it appears the new City Council will take final action on this project, the Subdivision review Board may still take action on this matter. Any action taken will likely constitute an informal recommendation to the City Council. It should be noted this staff report and the recommendations are based on County policy, procedure, and ordinances. RECOMMENDATION After review of applicable General Plans and other available infor- mation, the Subdivision Review Board recommends to the Atascadero City Council that the proposed Lot Line Adjustment be found to comply with Section 21.48.017 of the Lot Division Ordinance and that it be approved. Provided that the Adjustment is approved, the following conditions are hereby established: i i i AL 79-56 i 1. That a perpetual easement or restrictive covenant be recorded over Parcel A to serve Parcel B. Evidence thereof must be submitted to the Planning Department for Certification of Compliance. 2. All conditions of approval herein specified are to be complied with prior to the recording of Certificates of Compliance which effectuates the adjustment. Said Certificates of Compliance must be signed by all record owners and holders of interest as defined in Section 21.48.017(e) of the Lot Division and notarized. 3. The Certificates of Compliance must be filed in accordance with Section 21.48.017(e) prior to transfer of ,the adjusted portions of the property. 4. Ater approval by the City Council, compliance with the preceding conditions will bring the proposed adjustment in conformance with the Subdivision Map Act and Section 21.48.017 of the Lot Division Ordinance. S. The Lot Line Adjustment will expire one year (12 months) from the date of City Council approval, unless the Certificates of Compliance effectuating the Adjustment are recorded. DISCUSSION The applicant's engineer attended the meeting. The Subdivision Review Board unanimously adopted the preliminary report as written. i I i I i i i soi I--360-WAPk ,`� 96 ' '✓O^ o rri NI J2 N ��• t •�� R �� �- --fGZ4o�y � 'S • �-'`1 �►� ATA SCA�-E- RO COLONY 800K cq l - _ Vicfiviry A4 x � RI Q. � m ?r m Q �y 4—co -"63 d. �- > 2 O W Uv�. ti � tn pYozWoj 1— a a t/1 ccccffff���� •w x j oom � aZ` � Qm LL, N � QL, � � 3 J-* W P W J W 0 \ V 8• �� q.rry I d 41 1- O U a) i{ / a 0 °b cr n 8 /� A w m u '. 4 - (X ro `Q Ng aLD fy u CL or/ ' rL S3�ya 9 � I - COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPOli!?r PLANNING DEPARTMENT 1q RFrA.. ' Lr� j AUP, 21 APPLICATION FOR 1,979 SAN LOT LINE AOJUSTME Return to Courthouse Annex, Room 102, San Luis Obispo, CA1','•I�OL Q51 3-1SSO APPLICANTS NAME SIGNATURE ADDRESS PHONE i �o�nul� `(�eav� A�l-r1�Y,r� to bya Sc.Nfu Lac/a />'d• ,yG�-�8�u ��a.nLW �ir., ti7eaN A)kb6YY� /S��GScrdcrd, !rili,{ y3yaz 1�5tPneir R f>caS�te /D�3lJ Suti/r� Gucla Rd. �fL�uc�e✓� l�i,j: 5'3�izz 0 0 z o _ LU Agent 'j�iHie) J•�1rwU�R, R•C.�, 149yt-1 ?,0. t3ox Zu3� �uso ��ub)q �35_o7uo Eng. o Surveyvr Eng. yew d g3u��L All owners as shown on the preliminary Title Report must sign the application PROPERTY LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot yG Block 7 Tract blas, ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUbIBERS: SLS-261-`:9/D ///2 Attach a copy of a current Title Report covering all of the property involved. REQUIRED INFORMATION Why is the adjustment requested? / lore — prcn/ � i When was the property acquired. �1 tia»� /y 7�- /xft e. /26L Does the owner or owners own any contiguous property? — Describe Existing use:( y Residential( ) Agri.( ) Ind.( ) Recreation( ) Other Proposed use: (0 Residential( ) Agri.( ) Ind.( ) Recreation( ) Other Public utilities available to the property: ([}Eiec ( )Gas (-JWater (Phone Proposed source of water: ( )Private well ( )Neighbor's Well ( )Public Water Proposed provision for sewage disposal: ( }Septic tank ( )Public sewer ( )Other Are there flooding or drainage problems at any time during the year? ( )Yes (`}No If yes, explain Are there any existing structures on the property? (x-}Residence (t-�farm Buildings ( )Commercial or Industrial ( )Mobile Home (-)Other AS shown• VERIFICATION: I have read and understand this application and I certify (or declare) under Penalty of perjury the foregoing statements are true and correct. j I am ( ) Applicant f, Owner ( ) Applicant ( )'AgLforplicant -'S Date i�;naturc OFr1C.E USE ONLY ZONING: MAP NUMBER: , `� ) 7 GENERAL PLAN: DATE RECEIVED: FILE NUMBER: AL- 2:V ll' LOT DIVIS4ON GRANTED/DENIED ON Tf1E PROPC:R' a^ PIF I0 S RECEIPT N0: 1p�'� Gr 1p?�•CU BY: r r 64 i MEM0RAND U1�1 TO: City Council FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: Knowles/Campbell lot line adjustment This lot line adjustment was also approved by the Planning Commission at their regular meeting of October 15th subject to the conditions set forth in the Subdivision Review Board' s report. Your motion for approval, if you concur with the Planning Commission, is in order. i R L. WARDEN MLW:ad 10-18-79 AL 79-38 Provided that the Adjustment is approved, the following conditions are hereby established: 1. All conditions of approval herein specified are to be complied with prior to the recording of Certificates of Compliance which effectuates the adjustment. Said Certificates of Compliance must be signed by all record owners and holders of interest as defined in Section 21.48.017(e) of the Lot Division and notarized. 2. The Certificates of Compliance must be filed in accordance with Section 21.48.017(e) prior to transfer of the adjusted portions of the property. 3. After approval by the City Council compliance with the preceding conditions will bring the proposed adjustment in conformance with the Subdivision Map Act and Section 21.48.017 of the Lot Division Ordinance. 4. The Lot Line Adjustment will expire one year (12 months) from the date of City Council approval, unless the Certificates of Compliance effectuating the Adjustment are recorded. DISCUSSION Applicant's engineer, Allen, attended the meeting. There were no comments other than to indicate that they would be doing a Record of Survey on the property. The Subdivision Review Board unanimously adopted the preliminary report as written. l _ _ kly /4., '. _ _ Til e E, '$ . 14 �- Nv 1#20 .����� R•i '• A 1 4 h7 6G - 15 A PC y �• a gA0 76-3 t` t • r{�•'• Pe _ •i 1_ •�1 •pacce�l � ,� �\ , I`l j"�� ���ov _ �' / � � a� � _L RJaA" .\32' 9ko 130 i{ \ 1 `( 0 F. i�36 r 3 � N ' I i 61 s 4 . 200 r �9 4q, 0 2 A LV A A i \ DO` GO' 64 o �Z 97PO )11 _4 �. 77 AM VIC T o a �� • R 1 � C 7- z: J _ B � ry O , Ij LAn U 133 El LIVE FILE Convert I Access I Store THIS SHEET INDICATES THIS SECTION CONTAINS POOR QUALITY IMAGES t. 6? , iV- i° i'l + ®' 'i'� �'' ,,��...f'wti" ..dr e�� it L'%�%i%��>�� 'tel%---...��k��-.'�c's.�L,-s�.r- �_e •�. _-_ � � y _ - �s'_r- I _ t F _ fibR i 7 t ��l{'I,- 'F,��' pyl .}. "a{' _�.�"i1;A��'� ,����`•f a�. ;tip., r' ,}„y ti �. , t,..f �.t� �t:,,•a INVart— _ > S e: t�r4, k a t yt7.i 4 �� .,! ��"•�. } • CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF ATASCADERO AND THE COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO FOR PERFORMANCE BY COUNTY OF SERVICES THIS CONTRACT entered into on the day of 1979 , by and between the CITY OF ATASCADERO ( located within the County of San Luis Obispo , State of California , and hereinafter I-eferred to as " City" ) , and the COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO ( a lolitical subdivi ,, ion of the State of California and hereinafter referred to as County" ) ; WITNESSETH : WHEREAS , City was duly incorporated effective on July 2 , ? 979 ; and WHEREAS , Government Code Sections :35441 and 35448 , both of the Municipal Organization Act of 1977 , provide the method of determining which services County will perform within the newly incorporated City during the remainder of the fiscal year atter the eFfective date of she incorporation of City ; and WHERLAS , City and County have disagreed as to the exact nature an,.! scope of the services which said sections require County to provide to City until the end of Fiscal Year 1979-80 ; a r,d WHEREAS ; City and County by this Contract have reached c1gr•eenrent as Lo tine scope of services to be provided ; and WHEREAS , it is in the public interest that City and County un erstand and agree as to the services to be performed by County during the balance of the 1979--£30 Fiscal Year . t10W , THEk[F: .)RE , in consideration of t:he mutual cover i ants , conditions , promises , and agreements herein set forth , City and County hereby mutually covenant and agree as follows : 1 . Planning and related services`. County shall perform for City within City for the remainder of the 1979-80 Fiscal Year the following planning services ., to wit : provide staff for processing current planning activities ( not including general plans , or yeneral plan elements ) , zoning , such as , but not restricted to , zoning amendments ., conditional use permits , variances , and similar matters ; building inspection and environ- mental review and processing service, . Such services shall not include attendance by County staff at ineeti ,rgs of City Council or City Planning Commission without additional compensation as provided in Par-ayraph 9 hereinbelow . County shall retain all fres7enerated by such services as provided in County and City laws , except as set forth in Paragraph 9 hereinbelow. 2 . Eng 1._ilEer_ir-,_q_and_reIated sc,rvices . County shall per- f'orm for C; it.y within City the follow ng engineering and related services , to w t . a . Street ;maintenance . County scheduled street rir�tenance ;hal ; be provided within City for the entire 1979-80 F iso al Year . b . Street construction . Street construction within City budgeted by County prior to incorporation by County for the 1979-80 Fiscal Year shall be completed by County . Any other construction which would increase the capacity of the streets within the City shall not be done un-! ess first specifically approved by the County Board of Supervisors . r C . Miscellaneous engjAe,erinq S r`jces . County shall ,provide for City within City the following engineerincl services , to Wit : Subdivision "yap Act functions , encroachment permit services and qiscellaneous engineering services including administratior of improvement bonds , utility franchises and cable television franchises ; provided that such services shall not include attendance by County staff at meetings of City Council or City Planning Commission without additional compen- sation as provided in Paragraph 9 hereinbelow ; provided further that County shall retain all fees generated by such activities , excepL as set forth in Paragraph 9 hereinbelow. s . Haintenance of public_properties . County shall main- Lain the Veterans Memorial Building , Niall , zoo , and park within City until title thereto is transferred to City , or until the end of the 1979-SO Fiscal Year , whichever comes first . 4 . Administration of animal control laws , a . The Animal Control Officer shall enforce all State animal control laws within City during the balance of the 1979-80 Fiscal Y _ar and continuously thereafter . b . City shall contract with County in the same manner and subject to the same provisions , except as may be modified by mutual agreement to suit the particular circumstances of City , as prevails fcr other cities within the County for enforcement of City animal control laws . 3 . health services . a . County shall enforce within City all State health laws for the balance of the 1979-80 Fiscal Year and continuously thereafter . -3- i b . City shall contract with County in the sante manner and subject to the same provisions , except as may be modified by mutual agreement tc suit the particular circumstances of City, as prevails for• other cities within the County for enforcement of City health lavas . 6 . Law enforcement . a . The Sheriff shall enforce all State laws within City and all County ordinances in existence on dateofincorpo ,'ation of City which have been adopted by City at the same level of service as existed in the year prior to incorporation . b . Fhe Sheriff shall riot enforce City originated rdinances which do riot adopt County ordinances by reference at any time at any place . 7 . Prosecution services . The District Attorney shall i prosecute violations of State law within the City during the balance of the 1979-80 Fiscal Year and continuously thereafter , and shall furnish no other prosecution services . . 8 . Assessment and tax collection functions . County shall perfoi-m such services for City pursuant to Government Code 'Sections j 51514 and 51520 at no cost to the City for the entire 1919-80 Fiscal Year and continuously thereafter . 9 . Retention of fees and adjustment of fee schedules . a . Since presently adopted County , and by reference City , fee schedules are designed to recover costs of services i rendered , City agrees that all fees collected by County while providing continued services to City during 1979-80 Fiscal Year shall be retained by County in the same manner and for the same purpose as existed prior to incorporation . Said collection and -4- I r t retention of fees small continue for as long as County provides those services to City until City notifies County of City ' s irite rition to provide such services through City resource_. , or unti I June 30 , 1986 , whichever f it st occurs . II' b . 1n the event that existing fees are inadequate to recover County ' s actual cost in providing continuing services to City , then such fees may be adjusted by mutual agreement to assure recover o+o f actual costs or City may directly compensate County in the amountsnecessary to cover such �in - creased costs . 10 . Term . This Contract shall commence on the 30th day of October , 1979 , and shall terminate on the 30th day of June , 1980 , except as otherwise provided . 11 . Termination . City may terminate this entire Contract or complete particular service designated -in one of the nuirrt:,-' red para ,; raphs herein at any time by giving to County sixty ( 60 ) day ; written notice of such tem nation , specifying the portion or, portions of the Contract which are being terminated fand the effective date of such termination . The planning , / ongineering and law enforcement services being provided by County shall automatically terminate upon the appointment by SIIthe City of a City officer or employee( s ) whose duties include these soryices . Upon termination of this Contract , or any i.)ortion or portions thereof , pursuant to this Paragraph or' Paragraph 10 above , County shall prorate fees collected and revenue realized between County and City based upon services actually rendered to and including the date of termination For such services . l Z . Indemn if i cation for ,ol e con duct . Each party hereto shall defend , indemnify , and save harmless the other party and ------------ .� the other party ' s officers , agents , and employees , from and + (jainst any and all claims , demands , Iiabi1 ity, costs , expenses , aanrages , causes, of action , including , but not limited to , in- verse condemnation and judgments arising out of the sole negli - gence or, sole intentional acts of the party or its officers , agents , or employees , or independent contractors solely responsible to such party , in performing or attempting to perform pursuant to the provisions of this Contract , including both acts and o;jiissions to act . 13 . Indemnification for joint conduct . City shall defend , indewnify , and save harmless County and its officers , agents , and employees , from and against any and all claims , demands , liability , costs , expenses , damages, causes of action , including , but riot l i mi ted to , inverse condemnation and judgments arising out of the joint neyligence or joint intentional__a s of City and rCounty and their officers , agents , employees , or independent contractors directly responsible to thea; , in performing or attempting to perform pursuant to 'the ` provisions of this Contract , including both acts and omissions to act ; provided , however , that County shall be solely responsible for the amount of any jyudgment rencaereci solely against the County , or one of its agent,, or employees , if such judgment is specifical.ly rendered in a court. finding of responsibility by the County or one of its agents or employees , for an act of negligence , and City shall not be required to indemnify County for, such judgln-e-nt . -6- 0 Likewise , the City shall be solely responsible for any judgment rendered solrlynst it orlits agents oriemploye se which is based upon an expressed act of negligence by it or one of' its agents or employees . County agrees to cooperate with City in the defense of any such claims or litigation . IN WITNESS WHEREOF , City and County have executed this Contract on the day and year first hereinabove set forth . CITY OF ATASCADERO By : ROBERT J . WILKINS , Mayor ,ATTEST : f1URRAY --L . WARDEN , -City Clerk - APPROVED AS TO CONTENT : 11URRAY L. WARDEN , City Manager APPROVED AS TO FORA : i ALLEN GRIMES , City Attorney COUNTY OF SAN LUISOBISPO By B Chairman , Board of Supervisors ATTEST APPROVED AS TO FORM ----- - ------------------ ----------------- E GALF 'Ct E Clerk , Board of Supervisors ANS--��� `� 19 JAMES B. LINDHOLM. JR. COUNTY CDUN1 ;7;8� ISBY _ CUUNTY CUUk3C