HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 11/26/1979 C-0 AGENDA - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting November 26, 1979 7:30 P.M. Atascadero Administration Building Call to Order Pledge of .Allegiance Invocation Roll Call Public Comment A. CONSENT CALENDAR NOTE: Matters listed under Item A. Consent Calendar, are considered to be routine and will be enacted by one motion approving the entire Consent Calendar. There will be no separate discussion of these items. If discussion is required, that item will be removed from the consent calendar and will be considered separately. Vote may be by roll call. 1. Minutes of the regularmeeting of November 14, 1979 (Recommend approval) , 2. Treasurer's Report, October 18 - November 19, 1979 (Recommend approval) . B. HEARINGS, APPEARANCES AND REPORTS NOTE: Planning matters will be heard first so that the County Staff can make their presentations early in the meeting. 1. Environmental Determinations a. Nehez Parcel Map ED79-66 (CO 79-30) (Planning Commission recommends focused EIR) b. M.S.W. Departmental Review ED79-11 (U790119:1) (Planning Commission recommends focused EIR) 2. Consideration of parking lot property acquisition (Planning Commission recommends acquisition) . 3 Consideration of disposition of Road Deposit program, e.g. , Larga and Cayucos Streets. C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Discussion of proposed Revenue Limitation Ordinance- John Daly proposal D. NEW BUSINESS 1. Consideration of Railroad grade crossing - Ferrocarril Road 2 . Jim Rogers presentation for handicapped ramp construction. E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND'/OR ACTION 1. City Council 2. City Attorney 3 . City Manager - fir► -�,e�2 d" i MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular .Meeting November 14 , 1979 7: 30 p.m. Atascadero Administration Building The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Wilkins with the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Wilkins also gave the invoca- tion. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Councilmen Highland, Mackey, Nelson and Mayor Wilkins ABSENT: Councilman Stover PUBLIC COMMENT 1. A gentleman talked about the City's new bus system and suggested that it be expanded to include the Twin Cities Hospital. Mayor Wilkins stated that the City does not control the system as yet; also, it is only in its first week of operation. 2. Mr. John Cole stated that the rules for the Emblem Con- test have. been violated in that the finalists had been requested to redo their drawings in black and white and in a more professional manner. He cited the various rules he felt had been violated. Mike Lucas responded to the charges; he had received no complaints from the other finalists. Council members discussed this matter and it was noted that the Council would choose the final entry from three recommended by the Council committee appointed to narrow them down. He requested that the final emblem entries be reduced by 50% so that the Council can see how they will look when placed on City stationery. 3. Mayor Wilkins advised that Councilman Stover was ill and would probably not be at Council meetings for the next month or longer. A. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Minutes of the regular meeting of October 22, 1979 (RECOMMEND - APPROVAL) 2. Minutes of the special meeting of October 27, 1979 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) MOTION: Councilman Mackey ,moved for the approval .of the Consent Calendar. The motion was seconded by Councilman Nelson and unanimously carried. B. HEARINGS, APPEARANCES AND REPORTS 1. Environmental Determinations MINUTES ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting November 14 , 1979 Page Two a. Prestini Departmental Review ED79-08 Ellen Rognas from the County Environmental Coordinator's Office reviewed these projects for Council. This project was for a request to allow a restaurant in a C-1-D zone. The Staff had recommended a Negative Declaration finding and the Planning Commission had con- curred in that finding. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Council adopt the Planning Commission' s finding for a Negative Declara- tion. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey and unanimously carried, b. Godfrey/Gutierrez Departmental Review ED79-14 This project is for an addition of four apartment units to an existing four-unit apartment complex and the Staff had recommended a Conditional Negative Declaration finding in which the City Planning Commission had concurred. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Council adopt the Planning Commission' s recommendation for a Conditional Negative Declaration. The motion was seconded by Councilman Nelson and unanimously carried. C. Yeomans Parcel Map ED79-26 d. Yeomans/Jenkins Lot Line Adjustment AL79-22 e. Jenkins Parcel Map ED79-27 f. Boyle Parcel Map ED79-28 These projects had all been included under one Environmental Determination by the County Staff. Ellen Rognas passed out a letter from Central Coast Laboratories which answered some of the focus questions required by the Staff determination. She asked that Council eliminate soil erosion and landslide hazard; and flood and fire hazard from the focus items for the EIR. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Council approve a Focused Environmental Impact Report for agricultural potential; potential for beginning a new land use trend; and cumula- tive impact only. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey and unanimously carried. 2 . CO 78-100, Moore-Hilliard parcel map extension of time request Larry Red from the County' s Subdivision Review Section reviewed MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting November 14, 1979 Page Three this project for Council. He stated that the Subdivision Review Board had recommended for denial and the Planning Commission had recommended that the extension be granted. A gentleman representing the applicant reviewed the problems he had had in _securing neigh- boring property owners' agreement for road construction. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Council accept the Planning Commission's.`recommendation in this matter and grant the extension. The motion was seconded by Councilman Nelson and unanimously carried. 3. CO 77-236 , Finch-Stewart parcel map extension of time request Mr. Red stated that the Subdivision Review Board had recom- mended denial on the request for extension of: time, however, the Planning Commission had recommended approval. Comments were heard from the applicant"s agent Don Messer. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Council accept the Planning Commission' s recommendation and approve the time extension. The motion was seconded by Councilman Nelson and unani- mously carried. 4. CO 77-241., Finch-Stewart parcel map extension of time request Mr. Red stated that the Subdivision Review Board had recommended approval of the request and the Planning Commission had concurred in that recommendation. MOTION: CouncilmanHighland moved that Council approve the extension of time request. The motion was seconded by Councilman Nelson and unanimously carried. 5. CO 77-233, Heino-Stewart parcel map extension of time request Mr. Red stated that the Subdivision Review Board had recommended approval of the ,time extension-, request and the Planning Commission had concurred in that recommendation. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Council approve the extension of time request. The motion. was seconded by Councilman Mackey and unanimously carried. 6. AL 69-34, proposed lot, line adjustment, Greenaway/ Department of Veteran Affairs MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting November 14 , 1979 Page Four Mr. Red stated that the recommendaion on this project was for approval by both the Subdivision Review Board and the Planning Commission. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved for approval of the lot line adjustment subject to the conditions set forth in the Subdivision Review Board Meeting of October 3, 1979. The motion was seconded by Councilman Nelson and unani- mously carried. 7 . Application for two certificates of compliance (CC54-111-36) Brainard Mr. Red stated that Certificates of Compliance are processed regardless of the zoning and General Plan classification or consis- tency. What is important to find is that the property was divided under existing rules and regulations at the time the parcels were first established. He reviewed the two certificates for Council infor- mation and stated that the Planning Commission had approved the certificates at their November 5th meeting. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved for the approval of the applica- tions. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey and unanimously carried. 8 . Acceptance of Parcel Map AT 78-209, Worthan Mr. Red advised that the applicant in this matter has satisfied all conditions of approval and he recommended that the map be accepted and the Clerk and Mayor authorized to sign. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Council accept the map and authorize the Mayor and Clerk to sign. The motion was seconded by Councilman Nelson and unanimously carried. 9 . Acceptance of Parcel Map AT78-145 , Nelson Resolution No. 17-79 accepting a five foot widening of a certain road into the City road system, City Road No. 4023 Councilman Nelson stated that he would not take part' in the discussion or voting of this matter as the applicant was related to him. Mr. Red explained that the County Engineer had recommended that Council authorize signature of the map and adopt the resolution. 1 MINUTES ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting November 14, 1979 Page Five The map is consistent with the General Plan. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Council adopt Resolution No. 17-79 and authorize the Mayor and Clerk to sign the map. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey and carried with Councilman Nelson abstaining. 10. Consideration of condominium conversion moratorium' Mr. Warden reviewed his memo to Council regarding this matter. The Council was also in receipt of ,a letter from Acting City Attorney Fred Metzger recommending that Council adopt an ordinance, imposing a four month moratorium; Mr. Warden stated that he would pass out the ordinance if Council decided to impose a moratorium.. At this time, it was in order to hear comments from the public regarding this proposal. There were no public comments on this matter. Council members discussed the issue and felt that a moratorium was in order to give them time to study the conversion subject and develop rules and regulations to govern conversions. MOTION: Councilman Nelson moved that Council adopt a four- month moratoruim on condominium conversions. The motion was seconded by Councilman Highland and unani- mously carried. Mr. Warden passed out Ordinance No. 12, an Ordinance making findings and creating a moratorium on the approval of permits for condominium uses, condominium subdivisions, and condominium conver- sions within the City of Atasca.dero and declaring said ordinance to be an emergency ordinance. Mayor Wilkins read the ordinance in its entirety. Mr. Peterson objected to adopting the ordinance before the public has a chance to look at it; he also stated that there were no provisions in the ordinance directing certain actions to be taken during the moratorium. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Ordinance No. 12 be adopted as an emergency measure. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey and unanimously carried by roll call vote. 11. Tentative Tract #777, proposed condominium conversion subdivision of a 16-unit apartment project on the east side of Capistrano Avenue Kamm-Orton MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL` Regular Meeting November 14, 1979 Page Six Mr. Warden advised that the applicant has withdrawn this application. 12 . City Council selection of Planning Director Mayor Wilkins announced that, after interviewing applicants for Planning Director, Council had decided to hire Lawrence Stevens, a Senior Planner for the City of Norwalk. MOTION: Councilman Nelson moved that Council hire Mr. Stevens as a consultant to set up a Planning Department and, after the department is established, he be hired as Planning Director. The motion was seconded by Council- man Highland and unanimously carried by roll call vote. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Mr. Stevens' salary be set at the advertised rate of $21,000 per year. The motion was seconded by Councilman Nelson. Mr. Warden asked that the hire date be included in that motion. Councilman Highland amended his motion to include that Mr. Stevens be hired effective December 1, 1979. Council- man Nelson accepted the amendment and the motion was unanimously carried by roll call vote. C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Set date to interview Police Chief applicants Mr. Warden advised that there were seventeen applicants to be interviewed. Council set December 8th to interview starting at 8: 00 a.m. 2. Employee holidays Mr. Warden advised that City employees would be off Thursday and Friday, November 22 and 23 in accordance with the holiday schedule adopted when Council adopted the County Code. Also, December 24th is Christmas Eve and a regularly scheduled Council meeting date. He asked if Council wished to cancel the second meeting in December or set it for Wednesday, December 26th. Council members decided to cancel the meeting on December 24th, however, they would decide at a later meeting whether or not to have a second meeting in December. 3. Ordinance No. 11, an ordinance relating to the office of The City Attorney MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting November 14, 1979 Page Seven MOTION: Councilman Highland moved for the adoption of Ordinance No. 11. The motion was seconded by Councilman Nelson and unanimously carried by roll call vote. D. NEW BUSINESS 1. Property tax revenue negotiations- Mayor Wilkins reviewed this matter which dealt with the nego- tiations the City must enter into with the County to determine Atascadero' s share of the property tax revenues. Mr. Warden had suggested that he and the City Attorney be appointed to negotiate with the County with no decisions made without Council approval. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that the City Attorney and City Manager be appointed to negotiate with the County and report back to Council. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey and unanimously carried. 2. Employee health insurance Mayor Wilkins explained that the proposed coverage would be for City employees until the JPA for employee health insurance went into effect, which is expected to be sometime after January, 1st. Council members can also be included in the coverage if they wish. There was discussion regarding the Fire Department Memorandum of Understanding which sets forth the employee benefits. Mike Cox asked what effect the JPA would have on that. Mr. Warden stated that that matter will have to be studied. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Council implement the Blue Cross Group Plan Coverage 3077 as a temporary plan for employees only with the option of the employee covering his dependents, until such time as the City can activate a JPA coverage plan. The motion was seconded' by Councilman Mackey and unanimously carried. 3. Consideration of parking lot property acquisition Mr. Warden stated that he had been approached by a realtor asking if the City would be interested in purchasing the property on West Mall for a City parking lot. He stated that it is proper for the Planning Commission to consider this matter, but only as far as consistency with the General Plan and necessity for the City activities. If the Council wishes to pursue the matter after Planning Commission consideration, it would mean that an appraisalofthe 0 MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting November 14, 1979 Page Eight property would have to be sought. Council members felt that the property would be necessary for City uses, however, they referred it to the Planning Commission for their recommendations before requesting an appraisal. E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATIONS AND/OR ACTIONS 1. City Council (a) Councilman Mackey stated that she had attended the Growth Conference held in Arroyo Grande and found it very informative. (b) Mayor Wilkins asked about the status of the Ad Hoc Public Safety Committee. Mr. Warden stated that they had a meeting scheduled for November 28th and would probably have recommendations for Council after that. 2. City Attorney (a) Fred Metzger, Acting City Attorney, stated that Mr. Grimes' operation was successful and he was in the process of recovering. 3 . City Manager (a) Mr. Warden stated that he was in receipt of a letter from the County Engineer's Office reviewing the Largo and Cayucos Street road deposit situation which has been in the news lately. He advised Council that, contrary to reports in the newspaper, he had entered into no agreements regarding this situation. The Board of Supervisors has adopted the County Engineer's recommendation that the ordinance remain in effect insofar as these areas are concerned and that the County advance the costs of_com- pleting those streets to the City and that the City pay it back to the County with interest over a period of ten years. Mr. Warden said he planned to come back with this matter as an agenda item at the next meeting with some options outlined; one of which may be to rescind the County ordinance that the City adopted as part of the County Code regarding this specific matter. (b) Mr. Warden advised that he would be in Los Angeles Monday attending a League of California Cities con- ference regarding the Gann initiative. The meeting adjourned at 9; 25 p.m. Recorded by: By: Ardith Davi MURRAY L. WARDEN, City Clerk Deputy City Clerk FOR OFF]^1 iL USE FORM B2-1 Part 1 COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBIPSO ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION and x NOTICE OF DETERMINATION Project Number _Fb t & Date Oc_f. I`1F I�i�°I Project Title/Description /Jg�ks?-*, 1?C21-4I t-1- rc.D-19-1� raa;_i,c�si- �o A1•v�. N,g4 ac rQS c.r,ft!:, two QQrt_aas of Q12F2MX r» 1L1 Project Location/Address/Legal DescriptionG1�'JY>rt)Xirr-Y- G ,•� m)Lo SCL.(i't•+nn J 2f �daD u14e4'Se4J1vn r*P 4.,-, rfir4L.A.l d0C,,J T Verde, R=d ndeen Property Size e.Gm5 Primary Entitlement: (f0-]q-`30 Supv. District # S RECOMMENDATION THE ENVIRONMENTAL COORDINATOR RECOMMENDS THAT THE ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL TAKE THE ,. FOLLOWING ACTION: OFINDING NO. 1: NEGATIVE DECLARATION Atascadero City Council after examination of the preliminary environmental des- cription of this project and reviewof the Environmental Coordinator's recommendatic- and the attached statement of reasons supporting this finding, finds that this pro- Jett will not have a significant effect of the environment and that this Board issue its Negative Declaration. FINDING NO. 2: ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT O Atascadero City Council after examination of the preliminary environmental des- cription of this project and review of the Environmental Coordinator's recommendatic-. and the attached statement of reasons supporting this finding, finds that this pro- Ject may have a significant effect on the environment and requires the submission of an environmental impact reoort prepared in accordance with the Environmental Impact 'Report Guidelines. (X ! FINDING NO. 3: FOCUSED ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT Atascadero City, Council after examination of the preliminary environmental des cr;rtion of this project and review of the Environmental Coordinator's reconinendati the L:tcChEd statement of reasons supporting this finding, finds that tnis pro- roY nave a significant efsect on the environment and requires the submission of a focused environmental impact report prepared in accordance with the Environmental Impact Report Guidelines and including the topics as listed in the attached Staff Okeport prepared by the Office of Environmental Coordinator. FINDING 140. 4: CONDITIONAL NEGATIVE DECLARATION A;.aar.adero City f.nunril after examination of the preliminary environmental des- cri;tion of this project and review of the Environmental Coordinator's recommendati:, and the attaches statement of reasons supporting this finoino, finds that this pro lett will not have a significant effect on the environment and that this Board issue its Negative Declaration subject to the conditions contained in the Environmental Coordinator's staff report. ACTIOti $Y ATASCADERO CITY COIL'ZCIL On the Atascadero City Council took, the followinq actin on the above referenced Proiect: Adopted the Environmental Coordinator's Recommendation No. as stated above. Adopted finding No. o as stated above based on the following: REVISED 7/79 .I_ 1 FORM B2-1 Part 2 COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISP0 INITIAL STUDY - ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST Project Number £D79-0& Date (0(7,t. 1-71 I�i7q Yes Maybe No* POTENTIAL SIGNIFICANT POLLUTION O ( ) (X) Water pollution (ground or surface) ( ) ( ) (X) Air pollution, including odors , O O O Soil erosion and sedimentation l ) ( ) (X) Noise k; l ) { ) (70 Other POTENTIAL SIGNIFICANT LOSS OF RESOURCES ;. ( ) (X) ( ) Wildlife habitat ( ) l ) ( ) Vegetation O ) ( Mineral resources ( ) O ( Agricultural land Other POTENTIAL SIGNIFICANT EFFECT ON CULTURAL RESOURCES ( ) ( ) X Historical or archaeological sites Loss of scenic values ( ) ( ) ) Other significant adverse effect on human beings ( ) ( ) lX) Overload or major impact on community services (fire ( ), police ( ), schools ( ), other ( ) POTENTIAL SIGNIFICANT EFFECT ON PHYSICAL FEATURES ( ) ( ) ) Contribution to traffic congestion ( ), or traffic circulation concerns (X) O ) Limited or unsafe access ( ) ( ) �c) Overload or major impact on community facilities (sewer O, water supply ( ), solid waste disposal( ) other ( ) (X) ( ) Major topographic alteration SENSITIVE LOCATION ' ( ) ( } State area of critical ecologic concern ( ) (X) Scenic and sensitive land (Open Space Plan) Endangered species habitat Area Subject to seismic faulting or other aeologic instability (siidinc X), soil exoansion( ether ( ) ) Area suzject to drainage problems, flooding or inundation Area subject to high fire hazard: Rating 2YPX✓lA , MISCELLA14EOUS SIGNIFICANT IMPACT ( ) ( ) DO Potential for beginning a new land use trend Significant due to cumulative impact Growth inducing impact �. '`ves" answer indicatesthatthere is sufficient documented evidence to indicate su: 'ani al environmental impact in this category. A it maybe" answer indicates that there appears to be substantial environmental impact and requires further investigation in this category. A "no" answer indicates that there is sufficient evidence either documented or obvio..,` thai there will be no environmental impact in this category, z Yes and maybe answers to the above environmental concerns are explained in the attac,ed sheet, together with other information as needed to assist the Board with their - determination. REVISED 7/79 ._ \ r ...��. .V' � �i a � ) -I � I � 1 1 r�• I \I\� •t� I1 _L•-;---J� �.1 l_-. AN.MIGULI. �� •, I�. -. mM,�rwl 1�•'� � 41.••.aur " + -ty� �, /_ ' ', Y a• ti S• .�� -- - tt ,. Y�-. a ..�j�a+ •• � n I �g. T,P •J ah� �� x , �a1 �• ,o of al' s7 ti aO (l/1 s. ,., . T4s.,f.w A..w�ll•r ,.� - i �... Y sa fi N CLa•. s. a•. aa•..�• a•.I• t `a Ya,`'f• ' �,L�3 s1 tV O1i1. 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DATE 9Y Chk'd 1 1r7 �' Feb 7g HM 1 • svY 1 �b P7 I. 14� 1" •FJ�D'b fir: r. •� f1 .n+5 a. e e.•a�\.ae.4 A c.aaa . ea . aea..\ E E f - ' ", !"• S'L:bCk1lyt`tett •`bit.,i <""EnEtF�ec^�Ett�4t�biiEft.�e a itf erS4et� -. � �r ',/ � �a:t.a=��;��ga�6et<rite e4�t4t'a: tbi`:� • r _ 44a5�SYY att:s ttSt4e: C o IL !ELwaI t t••ialt!:at1t •�- � ti tv%t � Yi" � '1 1 YI y I V r let+.�+leteiet>��►++, A / I � ,� t f � ZYie atb••4tLL•� •Ie+: � (t v Qe�e'Z•��br�5riatb.� MZ ` trek j ,I f t't ne eAtA e��n'Q ihtt? sl tk ate •>; Vit. � � y,/ v r �d , .ri a \r _i i �ta F Ltipa of.r4; t F • j I �'! p / x to*so .f•J• a 71 co s {- l73 r "� .y• tea, ti�E , O •� maw v•Y9 sr O Q „ cn R e', t ss 1 Nf f7•.,7' O R �r .J�f+•a�s 0 $ FORM B2-1 Part 3 COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO STAFF REPORT An Project Number ED79-66 Date October 10, 1979 Project Title NEHEZ Parcel Map THE FOLLOWING STAFF REPORT WAS PREPARED BY THE OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL"COORDI- NATOR AND INCLUDES BASIS OF DECISIONS FOR YES AND MAYBE RESPONSES ON THE i ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST (Form B2-I, Part 2). PROJECT DESCRIPTION e applicant is requesting the division of 14.84 acres into two parcels being 7.5 acres and 7.3 acres in respective size. The project is located just within the city limits of Atascadero, approximately one mile south of Highway 41. The site is approximately one mile southeast of the intersection of San Miguel Road f and Palo Verde Road although these roads are apparently paper roads at this time. ' STATEMENT OF FINDINGS The site is characterized by rugged terrain with some slopes averaging 40a. The vegetation is primarily Chaparral brush with scattered oaks. The area does not appear to be a significant agricultural resource, but may represent significant wildlife habitat. The State has designated the area as having a high value for scenic backdrop and it is thus an area of critical concern. The County Seismic Safety Element indicates that the area is subject to a moderate y high risk from landslide. The County Fire Hazards Map indicates the area iso µ within an extreme fire hazard zone. Data from the Soil Conservation Service indicates that the erosion hazard for s the area is high and that the soil may have a severe limitation classification for the use of septic systems. The Health Department should review any proposed sewage disposal plans. The Atascadero General Plan designates the area as rural. The zoning for the area is A-1-BV-5. Surrounding parcel sizes range from 5 - 10 acres in the north to 200+ acres to the south. A *a This project is adjacent to the northwest boundary of another proposed parcel `, map division (Ruda, Parcel Map CO`78-262, ED78-300). An EIR was required by the Atascadero City Council on August 13, 1979. The EIR is presently in the Request for Proposal stage. It would be to both clients` benefit that they share the cost of the EIR, should one be required for this project. COORDINATOR'S RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Atascadero City Council may wish to require the preparation of a focused environmental impact report to address the project's , potential problems. The report should focus on: 1. Soil erosion and landslide potential; 2. Wildlife habitat and vegetation; 3. Fire hazard; 4. Cumulative impact. APPLICANTS ose abrick, Michigan Stephen M. Nehez RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED San Luis Obispo County Office of the Environmental Coordinator REVISED 7/79 -3- RECEIVED WOO 1 3 1979 .- County of San Luis Obispo C'011RT11011S8 ANNEX SAN LUIS OBISPO,CALIFORNIA 93408 805-543-1550,EXT. 201 OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR TO: ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL FROM: ELLEN ROGNAS, ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIALIST - DATE: NOVEMBER 7, 1979 SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT DETERMINATIONS - Attached are the Initial Studies, Staff Reports and recommendations for the following project: M.S.W. Departmental Review ED79-11 (U790119:1) This has been prepared by the San Luis Obispo County Office of Environmental Coordinator. If you have any questions or comments, please contact me at 549-5011.' jr Attachments 1 • FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY FORM B2-1 Part 1 COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBIPSO ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION and NOTICE OF DETERMINATION Project Number EZ-7q-11 Date /JN. Ii. 1975 Project Title/Description H. D¢a2r'fr,1aAntC41 Oayler. . In r�s�.� 1v alloc.J av, I1 uv�if .nt com��L�r cw� cwt - =1 Project Location/Address/legal Description QIg2 .Sav M QOM -fC6CLYG�P.rO c�� MA): 58-7 p -1 q Property Size S,SFsgB �'TT Primary Entitlement: R-790119 Supv. District # 1 RECOMMENDATION THE ENVIRONMENTAL COORDINATOR RECOMMENDS THAT THE ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL TAKE THE ; FOLLOWING ACTION: OFINDING NO. 1: NEGATIVE DECLARATION Atascadero City Council after examination of the preliminary environmental des-, .5 cription of this project and review of the Environmental Coordinator's recommendtion and the attached statement of reasons supporting this finding, finds that this pro- ject will not have a significant effect of the environment and that this Board issue f its Negative Declaration. 0 FINDING NO. 2: ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT Atascadero City. Council after examination of the preliminary environmental des- cription of this project and review of the Environmental Coordinator's recommendation and the attached statement of reasons supporting this 'finding, finds that this pro- ject,may have a.significant effect on the environment and requires the submission of an environmental impact report prepared in accordance with the Environmental Impact Report Guidelines. (�O FINDING NO. 3: FOCUSED ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT Atascadero City. Council after examination of the preliminary environmental des- cription of this project and review of the Environmental Coordinator's recommendation and the attached statement of reasons supporting this finding, finds that this pro- may have a significant effect on the environment and requires the submission of a focused environmental impact report prepared in accordance with the Environmental Impact Report Guidelines and including the topics as listed in the attached Staff Report prepared by the Office of Environmental Coordinator. 0 FINDING NO. 4: CONDITIONAL NEGATIVE DECLARATION ` Atascadero City Cminril after examination of the preliminary environmental des- cription of this project and review of the Environmental Coordinator's recommendation and the attached statement of reasons supporting this finding, finds that this pro ject will not have a significant effect on the environment and.that this Board issue its Negative Declaration subject to the conditions contained in the Environmental Coordinator's staff report. ACTION BY ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL On the Atascadero City Council took the followinq action on the above referenced Proiect: Adopted the"Environmental Coordinator's Recommendation No. as stated above. Adopted finding No. _ as stated above based on the following: REVISED 7/79 -1- f FORM B2-1 Part 2 COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO INITIAL STUDY - ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST Project Number E p 7 4 -// Date Se p t• 6 1171 9 Yes Maybe No* POTENTIAL SIGNIFICANT POLLUTION r" Water pollution (ground or surface) O ( ) (< Air pollution, including odors ( ) Soil erosion and sedimentation Noise l 1 ( Other POTENTIAL SIGNIFICANT LOSS OF RESOURCES Wildlife habitat ( ) ( ) nc) Vegetation O 44 ) (x) Mineral resources Agricultural land Other POTENTIAL SIGNIFICANT EFFECT ON CULTURAL RESOURCES ( ) O PU Historical or archaeological sites O O (X) Loss of scenic values ( ) O (Y Other significant adverse effect on human beings ( ) ( ) ( Overload or major impact on community services (fire ( ), police O,schools O, other O ) POTENTIAL SIGNIFICANT EFFECT ON PHYSICAL FEATURES O ( Contribution to traffic congestion t g ( ), or traffic circulation concerns � Limited or unsafe access O ( ( ) Overload gr major impact on community facilities , (sewer Q`), water supply ( ), solid waste disposal( ) other ( ) O (X) Major topographic alteration ) SENSITIVE LOCATION J. F ( ) O OC) State area of critical ecologic concern O O K) Scenic and sensitive land (Open Space Plan) Endangered species habitat O (X) ( ) Area Subject to seismic faulting or other geologic instability (sliding soil expansion( ) other ( ) (X) ( ) Area subject to drainage problems, flooding or inundation ( ( ) ( ) Area subject to high fire hazard: Rating MISCELLANEOUS SIGNIFICANT IMPACT ( ) ( ( ) Potential for beginning a new land use trend ( ) (X) ( ) Significant due to cumulative impact ( ) ( ) OQ Growth inducing impact * A "r " answer indicates that there is sufficient documented evidence to indicate sub- stantial environmental impact in this category. A "maybe" answer indicates that there appears to be substantial environmental impact an: requires further investigation in this category. A "no" answer indicates that there is sufficient evidence either documented or obvious, that there will be no environmental impact in this category. Yesandmaybe answers to the above environmental concerns are explained in the attached sheet,together .with other information as needed to assist the Board with their determination. -2- REVISED 7/79 1 , 1ASO Rdo Es a r � .•1 ✓ � � � t r e _.1_� i , �� ' e_� I f 1 •I1.,. �L '.''. ; .,� f�... 1 ,` I r I`.,• r i �! • i.�l � j (�- �f, �,.1r fff ' L L ..Ir•a=, {•'•a - tit 1 ^..� LV r� � � - � 3 r �.' r'� .p'. I �. 1• d rr ��.. -fir t�i. ' ."`.., e.��..� - I �. , ,•.. :'.-. �.• .�- '� - I ! ° •� � j • ���� ;.i • � li�vti---r•� _ �'�. �`{ j)�� � �` at.y a. H �r :r ! 'a ��r•��.a ' ..\ 1 1,. f� �� � ' � � s 1 y 4 `•�., �' r�a• l .ri. { '— `t ( �rf:a: �1 t.• \r• �� ii,l 1 .0 11•,. 1\ 1�` • l - (� w '\,s `gi —' / .{—I UIS=OMI 1 1 .r • , 1 ,� , �, v(\�;'•�* .,. AT,SCAOERO- ^—.-{ t• s_L \1 r. :!1s l -'�----=� +r+.: - '--'tom i Y .,1.. ri• i L • ( �. ..ti+e (. `-,_tea 1 {�: I 1 r.l• ` 1 w.R .` � 3 k� C, t ' �.•��Y. y •( _.i...r \ '�J•r c �M1,.,L� i a� } 4 1-- ,� s• r :\. CATU(4a�dr .1�._���A<. 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CI 4' _ �'•.� s 1 rw.n Y•�'I a..a � o.^7R� \� =•1 t,.,. ,e r,, f ' k '{ 1 ,�"! / '� `\tet O �. ��•: n s s `rile -.� 44 t-•t w 3' • _ s.0 y,• k yOt• �. w a` t./ - dnr �'siY . i r: �� IRISN NILLS .. - Cf, ` .w... O• , ' rC' • . •Ft '' i / •{a '. r £ � ?p y �„!f... c/'. v .111..E ti'*r d•- �� ��_� I~—,�-a. •.,, r. uw(tl'wFso f'^'� �.r•'.s '� �:' / i l v •/��1I IY.-s i`� A \ 4• - q {t' {t ��r - /R. .f ' AVILA ar ACN +✓l \' �- �� `•�+. �, ` t '.` p,•`. .• C_���a{p ( »: �\ `l ` t. ._r�tr .F •ice..sl.... r V.. _ `f�. (' ''s d% •- '� a\II.It I' 7Tlt Yn1' Z.r,1lA( r r a� )y” ✓.` y \ �' �.. ►ISMO~'. t • ^., • f,t'�•�s,') ... ..�.. '. 6� MC EAC GRANDI GROWN CITY C�'7 4.r••� y� •tel.f f� l• ; S 4 •vOC1AN0 I^ t y •. 4.� �• 1r ot`! L _ � 3 sAw=r rrA[1♦ �` 54N R —F EL Oq„ I• Cl fl La y � as • L . , •• ! - ; x � '' it 1 R Of■,• w to 1 ,,1 •�.�;�,� i• Z � 1 1 I 1 _CD I A S r�,,j: ;"`." -+�'R•, '?i + ."� •� r'!•�-•�"7"'i,..•-•i 7 6s ,� �` — •�' Bess _ -- — -- - - � a A � � _r. I _ . 97 L C ey' I CZ j �p � I--• ! 1-•-- 1 U'C < j, 7f - r.l tO fANDU`Iwwn rat Ms.w, 511t flfd•I1'ttty. vw+. MwLJ � L ASSOCESr • •{ 11tf♦trt{rf C,I M 1 1 ! C T Y A [ !. Y • 1 Y [ lR 1 RO 1'. • .• M f A. � _ 61 - _ i is � �— , � /�� -- '���/►-`�� _ _ - _ _ r 'c / i M� OC+�T� CONDOF'IImum FOC I15U. 6�A7it;G PIAN�IIEY v+,n ��n�� n n \RR1�?li.�F♦NY LI+INL'IRYYINS J1`.++ /, '`-'---'., (`'-----+�+ RIS RRRRRtRR[RO M•1YOY N nYyKIIAO %LR - ■�Rl� RRA. C\LAR l [. C RI. 1 T. ! G 7 V � E f M Or•l M [ f [ 1 M O � .:L �IR�\ � ;IR•MRRO FORM B2-1 Part 3 COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO STAFF REPORT Project Number ED 79-11 Date September 6, 1979 Project Title Development Review M.S.W. 11-unit Apartment Complex THE FOLLOWING STAFF REPORT WAS PREPARED BY THE OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL COORDI- NATOR AND INCLUDES BASIS OF DECISIONS FOR YES AND MAYBE RESPONSES ON THE ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST (Form B2-1, Part 2). PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting to develop an 11-unit apartment complex (6 three- bedroom units at 1200 square feet each; 5 two-bedroom units at 1400 square feet) on a 55,888 square foot parcel of land. The proposed project is to be located off of San Diego Way, next to State Highway 101 in Atascadero. STATEMENT OF FINDINGS: The property is characterized .by moderately rolling terrain; vegetation is annual grasses. An undetermined amount of cut/fill will be necessary for roads, parking and pads. Information from the County Seismic Safety Element indicates that the site may be subject to a moderately high landslide potential. The Soil Conser- vation Service identifies the area as having potentially severe limitations for the utilization of septic tank drainfield systems. The County Public Health Department and the Regional Water 'Quality Control Board recommend connection to the Atascadero Sewer System. The San Luis Obispo County Fire Hazards Map indicates that the site may be susceptible to moderate to high fire hazard risk. Surrounding land use consists of scattered single family residences on variable parcel sizes in the 1 to 10 acre range. The establishment of the currently proposed development could have a signifi- cant cumulative impact and lead to a new land use trend. COORDINATOR'S RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that a focused environmental impact report be prepared to address the following: 1. Wastewater disposal feasibility - 2. Cumulative impact 3. Potential for developing a new land use trend 4. Topographic alteration and drainage APPLICANT: M.S.W. (Maul/Stewart/Williams), Morro Bay RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: ffi San Luis Obispo County Office of Environmental Coordinator Dan Vossler, Environmental Coordinator Ellen Rognas, Environmental Specialist, REVISED 7/79 -3- ; M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Council FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: Parking Lot Property Acquisition You previously considered the possibility of acquiring property in the neighborhood of the Administration Building by referring the matter to the Planning Commission for their consideration and recom- mendation. They considered the matter at their regular meeting and unanimously recommended that the City undertake the acquisition of the property. They found this parking use as being consistent with the General Plan. If you concur in this recommendation it would be appropriate to instruct the City Manager to secure an appraisal and return the matter to you for final consideration. At the same time the property owner will be contacted to determine the range of options available for acquisition. Additionally, we will explore the possi- bility of obtaining a grant under the California Department of Trans- portation-FY 79-80 program for special public transportation needs, to be applied toward this acquisition cost. This grant may be feasible if the property is used for the Dial-A-Ride parking and turn-around point. RAY WARDEN M W:as 11-21-79 M E M O R A N D U M TO: Planning Commission FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: Acquisition of property The attached Assessor' s Map indicates some properties immediately to the east of the Administration Building which might be available for purchase by the City for parking. The property consists of approximately 26 , 000 square feet. ' The City Council at its meeting on November 14th referred the question, as they are required to do by statute of the State, to the Planning Commission to determine if a parking lot is desirable in the area indicated for the purposes of providing parking for Administration Building activities; is the parking lot consistent with the Genera Plan; and does the Planning Commission recommend the acquisi- tion as being necessary for the functioning of the City. Your concerns do not include the pricing or methods of acquisi- tion. MURRAY L. WARDEN MLW:ad 11-15-79 n kJ _ M B M 0 R A N D_U M TO: City Council FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: Acquisition of property I` have been asked as to the City' s interest in acquiring a parcel of property located to the east of the Administration Building bounded by East Mall and Lewis Avenue to be used for a parking facility. The property consists of approximately 26 ; 000 square feet. If the Council is interested in purusing this matter, I would request your indication of such interest. You might wish to have the Planning Commission provide a recommendation as to the need for parking facilities to serve the Administration Building. The Commission would have to be consulted in any event prior to purchase. You should be aware that property acquisitions should be based upon securing a valid appraisal in order to be assured that a reasonable price is being paid. If you would like to pursue the matter further, I will refer the matter to the Planning Commission and get an estimate as to the costs of an appraiser. j, RRA WARDEN MW: 11-9-79 • TELEPHONE (605) 466.9700 ATASCADERO REALTY Ai�• 6760 EL CAMINO REAL ATA6CADERO. CALIFORNIA 0842! N. L. (HERB) LAIRRADE REALTOR Lots 16, 19, 20, & 21 of Brock ►►OL►► Atascadero Colony. ' 6,037 Sq . Ft. Sales Pricu $210,000.00 ($8.065 per sq. ft. ) Esc row to close after Jan 2, 1980 Int.erest only for first two yrs at 10% per anum paid monthly. Amortized payments to commence Jan. 2, 1982. Comparable= sales or asking prices. Lots '1 2, 13, & 14 of Block OL 7,500 Sq. Ft sola for $72,500-00 ($9.66 per sq. ft. ) summer 1979 ,_,oLs 9, 10, 11 of Block NA, E1 Camino $322,000.00 25, 375 Sq. Ft. (12.53 Per Sq. Ft. ) Lots 2A & 2B of Block JA E1 Camino $250,000.00 30,000 Sq. Ft. ($8.33 Per Sq. Ft. ) C ' C � 0< 3 fa z + £ 'ON N0UVAa3S3H H33d3 Oa3CWOSVI —,a OY1..Mi x �1�•'tihM LS,.Ad $ �y� 41.2 'r _ b, �'. f �! -� - 1 6 1 1, .i 1$ = 1 � n TEN dal N1Wo > �.; 1 S I N I WON3Wd y , 1 • 060, g - Lf 96E - S:aE say N 01.Qv 9A it I ... W -� m1, t- - ` R-_�� 1��04 Oi dig,;-.,� �; _d I 1 �, �` OV In ] N A.►rte'M oolL 4WD S2 -f mj ��71^ ��W m 49a.. 5a ' 1O In I�I QD Ar 2- W R '° � � �•�-tam'" Col r. 1p y W LS W . I s o5 Q I., u! £ sa e1L ' 1 £1 3 AIV �y o, ., s N I e 2 t •, 901.m G' M i N ; ` - * 1N3WON Q I ..� � � � Wim'• Q _ '579. 5L- '^ Y 061f1 �. 01 i1 �..OS IIS' c o • V py U: a¢ a -M 4L Oil U. W i"r tx Gam'% Q 69G Goa ot '6al N s -- v s5 05 <. ool M E M 0 R A N D U M TO: City Council FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: Road Deposit Program - Larga and Cayucos Streets, etc. As you know the County has determined that it does not wish to continue the road deposit program. In making this determination the Board of" Supervisors decided that they would continue the program for areas within the City if the Council would agree to act as a collection agency and would reimburse the County the costs of the program plus interest within a ten year period. In consideration of the factors involved I would suggest that the Council consider rescinding the appropriate ordinance and request that the County refund all funds presently collected, with interest, to the property owners concerned. The program has not generated enough money to keep up with the inflation factor for construction and materials. It would appear that attempting to raise the monies from the city' s general revenues would result in a special expenditure for the benefit of a few property owners as opposed to the public at large. The need for road improvements is apparent - the difficulty is in arranging financing. Perhaps assessment district procedure should be explored. RRAY . WARDEN LW:a 11-21-79 COUNTY ENGINEERINGSRO Luis OBISPO cou HTY DEPARTMENT 1 ROOM A101 , COURTHOUSE ANNEX SAN LUIS OBISPO + CALIFORNIA \ �, 93408 + (805) 549-5252 GEORGE C. PROTOPAPAS ROADS County Engineer TRANSPORTATION ..FLOOD CONTROL CLINTON MILNE DEPUTY COUNTY ENGINEER ��iicc((�� J��)) (('''�� c 'n- pyo �N ATEF2 CONSERVATION f!l..4 t1[ —Cf NOV, , ;ik �'�77�T SURVEYOR GUY PREWITT • SPECIAL DISTRICTS SPECIAL DISTRICTS ADMINISTRATOR November 13 1979 Mr. Murray Warden, City Administrator City of Atascadero Veterans Memorial Building Room 106 P. O. Box 747 Atascadero, CA 93422 Subject: Road Deposit Roads in Atascadero and Petition from 19 Property Owners on Larga and Cayucos Streets in the City of Atascadero Dear Murray: George Protopapas will be out of the County for the remain- der of the week and asked that I write to you as a follow-up to his telephone call . As you know,- 19 property owners on Larga and Cayucos Streets in Atascadero petitioned the Board of Supervisors to pave their streets pursuant to the "Road Deposit Ordinance" (Chapter 13 . 10 of the San Luis Obispo County Code) . Al- though County Ordinances are no longer applicable in the City of Atascadero --see the attached Resolution No. 79-401 which pertains to the "Road Deposit Ordinance" - the Board of Supervisors on Monday, November 12, 1979 approved the following: "Advance funds to pave those roads in Atascadero where properties representing 50% of the frontage on a block have paid their road deposit funds prior to June 30, 1979, provided the City of Atascadero agrees to reim- burse within ten years the funds advanced by the County plus interest on those funds. " The above is applicable only on Cayucos and Larga Streets as only they have the 50% frontage paid. We estimate that the City will be required to reimburse the County $53 , 830 plus interest over the ten-year period. We now ask that you take the matter up with your City Coun- cil and if they concur with the Board' s action then we will prepare the necessary agreement. Murray Warden 2 November 13 , 1979 Incidentally, we had suggested a five-year reimbursement period but Supervisor Hans Heilmann advised that he had talked to some of your City Council members individually and came away with the understanding that a five-year period would not be acceptable but that a ten-year period would, and thus at his urging the Board approved the ten-year reimbursement period. Because the City adopted the County' s "Road Deposit Ordin- ance" and pursuant to the recent agreement for services by the County staff until the City staff is ready to take over, we will act as your agent and will collect the Road Deposits and will provide such to the City. Accordingly from time- to-time, you may expect status reports from us. Sincerely, GEORGE C. PROTOPAPAS County Engineer CLINTON MILNE Deputy County Engineer M/nt cc: Chairman Hans Heilmann i LL•6'(-aLo c a 6" `` IN Th.A-. BOARD (..)F SUPER v ISORS l COUNTY t►W SAN LUIS OBIS 130, STA'L'E OP' ('A LI FORNIA --------- day ---- -------------,ly----- 'luiss '.Piok,Lemuur 4 I'Mi.�SENT: Supervisors .o..... I._ a'l' ►,Lvsit►e,' .,.,x� i . `, yuZ', �1CJ'•7.`.!',- .i ' .lJu•.i►►J , �..�.. ,:, ..0 J . lsejUa. WW i....rir..,.►., ii�►A ► �ii:..a u, ABSENT: Jk41Ua,6 RESOLUTION NO. 77-7, RESO UN'TON DELETING CERTAIN ROADS IN THE CITY (bF ATASCADERO FROM THE REQUIREMENTS OF CHAPTER 13 . 16 OF THE SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY CODE The following resolution is hereby offered and read: WIJERFAS, Chapter 13 .16 of the San Luis Obispo County Code requires those who construct structures on property fronting certain roads within the County to deposit with the County Engineea_ sums necessary to defray the cost of im- proving these roads and WHEREAS, the 'roads requiring said deposits are desig- nated on maps approved by resolution of the Board of Super- visors pursuacit to Section 13 .16.020 of theSanLuis Obispo County Code; acid WHEREAS, certain roads within the corporate limits of the City of. At:ascadero are designated. on the current maps, previously approved by the Board of Supervisors; and WHEREAS Coicnt)v ordinances and the a m' nistration thereof w_ 1.1 no longer be anplxc b el in the City of Atas- cadero after November 1, 1979. - NOW, THE.IlEFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, as follows: Those road, shown on Exhibit "A" attached Viereto acid icicorpoi ralf'd herein as though fully set forth are hereby dole ted from maps on file in the offices of the County Engineer and the Building Official effective November 1, 1979 . Upon nnllinn of Supervisor seconded by supet v i sor andti>41fte following roll call vo -, Lo-wit: Kupptlr AYES: NUTS: t' i)ervisors c+° tk L,,s, t t;..rx, t' 1.v:,Lue, i,rejua, ABSENT: ,utle and Chairman i1eilttuttlt ABSTAINING: I :011e the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted. HANS HEILMANN ATTEST: Chairman of the Board of Supervisors MINIM WOLLAM Clerk of the 96ard of Supervisors Co. Eng. W/alb II,Y►1?N1;\, County of San Luis l lliisln,, ('Wanly Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the hoard of SO,4-tI'll rS, "in'slnI for Illy, County Of San I,nis ()hialo, Stolle .If ('aliforaan; do 111-1'eby eel-til), the forvgoiol; 1„ 1w :1 fill, true and correct. copy of nn order made by tile. Board of Supervisors, its the sane-npt-ai: ,prend upon their gniaute hook. WITN K,88 lay Banal and 111- , :11 Wf said Board of Supervisors,alliaed this Llsl day of. County Cle&aAtl t.u-tri'I(teMll',Uk of the Board (Sk AL,) of Supervisors BY Deputy Clerk. EXHIBIT „Au RESOLUTION NO. In the City of. Atascadero: Tranquilla Avenue - From San Anselmo Avenue to Rosita Avenue Rosita Avenue From San Anselmo Avenue to Nogales Avenue Lobos Avenue - From San Anselmo Avenue to Nogales Avenue Cayucos Avenue From San Anselmo Avenue to Lobos Avenue Hermosilla Avenue From Cayucos Avenue to Lobos Avenue Mira Flores Avenue - From Navarette Avenue to San Andres Avenue E1 Retiro Avenue From Navarette Avenue to San Andres Avenue Linda Vista Avenue - From Navarette Avenue to E1 Retiro Avenue Los Cerritos Avenue From Navarette Avenue to E1 Retiro Avenue Larga Avenue - From Clemente Avenue to Navarette Avenue • • _TDi M E M 'O RAN D U M TO: City Council FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: Railroad Crossing Attached is a letter from the State Department of Transpor- tation informing ransportationinforming of a grant program for the construction of a grade crossing at Ferrocarrill Road. The program is a 90/10% grant with an estimated cost to the city of $4500 to $6500. At this point we are requested to determine if we are interested in pursuing this project, and if so, are we prepared to assure the State that we will come up with our 10% share. This appears to be the most favorable funding offered for this type of project. We will not be committed to any costs until the final estimates are provided to us and we sign a contract. Accordingly, it is my suggestion that we indicate our interest realizing that we have the option of backing out if the final costs appear too high. U Y WARDEN M :ad 11-21-79 RECEIV& t-ja'v t 6 t979 STATE OF CALIFORNIA—BUSINESS AND TRANSPORTATION AGENCY EDMUND G.BROWN JR.,Governor DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION P,O.BOX L,SAN LUIS OBISPO 93106 TELEPHONE:(805).549-3111 November 14 , 1979 05-SLO-O-Atas R/R Crossings Mr . Murray Warden CityManager City of Atascadero P . O . Box 747 Atascadero , CA 93422 Dear. Mr . Wardens Your agency has the below listed Railroad-Highway atgrade crossings , recommended by ,the Public Utilities Commission for the installation of protection devices pursuant to 23 U . S . C . , Section 405 and Section 203 of the Highway Safety Act of 1973 . This program is a 90% Federal Funds and 10% agency funds program. If your agencywishesthe protection devices installed at the listed crossings , please forward a letter to this office stating that the agency will provide the required 10% matching funds . As you can. see from the attached chronological procedures , the work involved for .an agency is very minor . This letter is Step 3 of the procedures . Xing No. Road/Street Federal System E-225 . 1 Ferrocarril Rd . Off-System Sincerely , W. W. Evans Asst . Dist. Local Assistance Engr . Attachment L Ci1+'.Ur. C1:0"SING 1111OTI C 'ION pf.OGRAI� Proposed Proce(lures Listed Chronologically 1• PUC estalbli ahes priority 11.-t for flscnl year. 20Bridge decignates each crossing on the priority list as being on Federal route or non-Federal route. 3 Bridge sands priority list to each District' Local -Assistance EnAlnecr with request that District contact local agencies for comment's on proposed installation and expression of v,111irgness to Provide 10;%, of the cost as local agency 's share. 4. bridge receives local agencies ' input frog District. S Brldee sends list of crossing in width kcal agencies have expressed interest to each railroad and asks for plgn and lump sum estimate of cost. Also requests railroad to contact local agency and District for comments and slte review if necessayry 6e Rail.rond contact. local aaency and District to discuss proposed instnl'lation And to arrange for site review If required. 7. Br c.ge receives input from railroad. $. Bridge requests EA T:o* for each project. �3 Bridge prepares service contract with railroad. (Standard Fora) 10, Bridge sends copy of railroad 's estimate and plan ani copy of service contract to Headquarters Local Assistance for programing As Federal project ond preparation* of agreement with local arency- for paywEn.t of local agency's 10,-x. share. (Standard Form) 11. bridge sends service contract to railroad for execution. HQ Local A.:sistance sends local agency agreement to District for Obtaining local Agency's execution and return to HQ Local . Acslstance. 13. F1Q Local Assistance informs Rrldge project has been progracrred as Federnl pro jer.t anti Local Agency has executed agreement.. �.••. ,ii-A"K4 recei•i service contract fron.0.11rond and sends to Office-. Eek iriccr for Execution by Stnte. 150 Bridge retorn^ railroad 's copy of executed service contract to railroad, :Znys OK to do w�rlc, and requc is rcilrond notify District and Local Agency prior to sta t of installation. 16. Bridge sends copy of service contract to District for for- warding to local agency for Information. 179 Railroad installs signals. 18. Local agency send's f anal report of completion to District 19. Railroad serfs bill to Bridge for work done. 20, bridge reviews bill and sends to Federal Audit for audit. 21 . After audit, Hrid;-,c schedules fqr payment to railroad. 22.' After audit, . Bridge sends copy of final report anti fin31 bill to HQ Local ASs starce so t!^e&/ can bill- l'ocnl cgcnc, for 10;:. 23. 11Q Local Assistance arranges for 90% reiitburscmant from FawA. Except for review, audit and scheduling for payment of railroad bills, Headquarters Local Assistance will perform all accounting functions including fiscal control for subverted funds programmed by LocztL Assistance, fiscal control for contributed local. agency funds, and necessary project control readrds.