HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 12/10/1979 0 0 AGENDA ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting December 10, 1979 7: 30 p.m. Atascadero Administration Building Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Invocation Roll Call Public Comment A. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Minutes of the regular meeting of November 26 , 1979 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) B. HEARINGS, APPEARANCES AND REPORTS NOTE: All planning matters will be heard first 1. Appeal of Jack E, Bray from Focused Environmental Impact Determination on Zauft Conditional Use Permit ED78-197 2 . Acceptance of Parcel Pap AT 78-235, Darnal 3 Acceptance of Parcel Map AT 77-233, Carmelita Avenue and Barranco Road 4 . CO 78-125 , West-Stewart, extension of time request 5. AL 79-01, Iverson/Beckwith - Bray, lot line adjustment 6. Public hearing on application of James Watson for a Tenta- tive Tract 770 to allow a subdivision of a 4. 47 acre site into 3 parcels , Atascadero Road 7 . Public hearing on application of George Molina for a Tentative Parcel Map (CO 79-33) to allow a subdivision of a 1.5 acre site into two parcels, Traffic Way 8. Public hearing on application of Barry Aggson for a Tenta- tive Parcel Map (CO 79-91) to allow a subdivision of a 5 acre site into two parcels, San Fernando Road 9. Public hearing on application of Tom Pahler for a Tentative Parcel Map (CO 79-43) to allow` a subdivision of a 2. 45 acre site into two parcels, San Gabriel Road 10. Appearance of Howard Marohn concerning City acquisition of property for parking purposes 11 Appearance of Mike Lucas regarding the Atascadero Emblem Contest C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Consideration of Council meeting date, Christmas Eve, December 24th 2 . Consideration of Councilman Mackey' s committee proposals .zab�u�ys ��TO •£ hauaoggv AgTO 'Z. TTounoO A4TO •T NOIZDK. HO/QNV NOIIVNINUalaQ gVnGIAIQNI *a huedmoD sPO uTUaOJTTPD uaaugnoS o asTgDUPaj SUB 4ue.zb 04 uoT4U9quT 90 -6L-ZZ -ON uoTgnTosa-d •v AuEduioO 0Ta40aTa PUP SPO oTJTDPd oq @STgOUPa oTz daTa 4UPab oq uoT ua uT 906L-TZ -ON uoignTosag .£ apoD gsaaaqul Jo 40TTguOD TzounoO P bu gdoP2 6L-OZ 'ON uoTgnTOsaU •Z sgaoaaa xEs asn PUP saTPS uor4EzTTpnba go papog agp4s go uoTgPuTtuexa buTZTaotl4nP 6L-6T -ON uOT4nTos9U 'T SSaNISng MSN 'a oMs abPa 6L6T 'OT .zaquiaoaQ rIY3Nn0O XIID Oxa(IVOSVJjV VauaOV MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting November 26 , 1979 7 : 30 p.m. Atascadero Administration Building The meetinq was called to order at 7 : 30 p.m. by Mayor Wilkins with the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Wilkins gave the invocation. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Councilmen Highland, Mackey, Nelson and Mayor Wilkins ABSENT: Councilman Stover PUBLIC COMMENT None A. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Minutes of the regular meeting of November 14, 1979 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 2 . Treasurer ' s Report , October 18 to November 19 , 1979 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) MOTION: Councilman Nelson moved for the approval of the Consent Calendar. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey and unanimously carried. B. HEARINGS, APPEARANCES AND REPORTS 1. Environmental Determinations a. Nehez Parcel Map ED79-66 (CO 79-30) (Planning Commission recommends focused EIR) MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Council accept the recommendation of the Planning Commission which includes the Environmental Coordinator' s recommendation. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey and unanimously carried. b. M.S.W. Departmental Review ED79-11 (U790119: 1) (Planning Commission recommends focused EIR) MOTION: Councilman Hiqhland moved that Council accept the Planninq Commission' s recommendation plus the Environ- mental Coordinator ' s recommendation. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey and unanimously carried. Councilman Highland noted that this project is outside the sewer district and stated that he would not favor any future projects unless they are inside the district. MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting November 26 , 1979 Page Two 2 . Consideration of parking lot property acquisition (Planning Commission recommends acquisition) Mr. Warden reviewed this item for Council. The property in question is across the street from the Administration Building on East Mall. The Planning Commission had recommended that the pro- perty be purchased for City parking. MOTION: Councilman Nelson moved that the City Manager proceed with securing appraisals of the property and report back to Council. The motion was seconded by Council- man Mackey. After further discussion on the matter, Council decided that at least two appraisals should be sought. Councilman Nelson amended his motion to include that two appraisals of the property be secured. The amend- ment was accepted by Councilman Mackey and the motion was carried unanimously. 3. Consideration of disposition of road deposit program, e.g. , Largo and Cayucos Streets Mr. Warden explained the situation to the Council. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that this matter be continued until the next regularly scheduled meeting and instructed Staff to look into it further. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey and unanimously carried. C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Discussion of proposed Revenue Limitation Ordinance - John Daly proposal Mr. Warden reviewed the matter and clarified the City Attorney' s past remarks to the Council concerning the Proposition 13 considera- tion of reasonable fees. He noted the limitations placed on cities as a result of Proposition 13 in requiring a vote for "special taxes" , but still allowing cities to charge fees bearing a reasonable rela- tionship to the cost of services rendered. Proposition 4 places additional burdens on the City because Proposition 4 did not provide for the incorporation date which affects Atascadero. Fred Metzger, Acting City Attorney, reviewed the proposed ordinance and advised that, in his opinion , the ordinance is legally invalid. Mr. Daly spoke in support of his ordinance. Y" MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting November 26 , 1979 Page Three MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that the Council not adopt the Daly ordinance. The motion was seconded by Council- man Mackey and unanimously carried by roll call vote. Mrs. Shirley Moore spoke in favor of the Council' s position and Mrs. McNeil spoke in opposition to Council action. D. NEW BUSINESS 1. Consideration of railroad grade crossing - Ferrocarril Road Mr. Warden noted that a Federal grant might pay for this project and that he was requesting Council approval to further explore the availability of such a grant. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that the matter be pursued further. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey and unanimously carried. 2 . Jim Rogers presentation for handicapped ramp construction Jim Rogers of Cal Poly presented a proposal to install a handi- capped ramp in the Administration Building. Students were making the proposal as part of a senior project. The project is proposed to be completed by March, 1980 with funds provided by the County to pay for materials and necessary liability and workers compensation insurance coverages. Bob Snelzer of Paso Robles representing Access California spoke in favor of the proposal. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that a letter of commendation be forwarded to Jim Rogers ' group. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey and unanimously carried. D. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION 1. City Council (a) Councilman Nelson expressed his feeling that the Council should conclude the Emblem contest. (b) Councilman Mackey asked that the subject of committees be put on the next agenda. (c) Councilman Highland discussed the safety problems of the cross-walks in front of Atascadero Market and Gayle Sharp Ford. Discussion included installation of flashing lights , signs in the middle of the street at the cross-walk, or other MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting November 26 , 1979 Page Four measures. It was felt that this should be an item for the City Engineer to consider when the department becomes operational. (d) Mayor Wilkins read a proclamation concerning the Vial of Life program sponsored by the Quota Club of Atascadero. 2 . City Attorney Mr. Metzger had nothing to report. 3. City Manager (a) Mr. Warden requested that two members of the Council be selected to meet with him in screening the proposals submitted by various architects for the remodeling of the. Administra- tion Building. Mayor Wilkins appointed Councilmen Highland and Mackey and a meeting date of November 30th at 9: 00 a.m. was established. The meeting adjourned at 8: 58 p.m. to December 8, 1979 at 8 : 00 a.m. in Room 207 of the Administration Building for the purpose of interviewing applicants for Chief of Police. Recorded by: MURRAY L. WARDEN City Clerk 0 9 M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Manager FROM: Planning Director SUBJECT: Planning Commission meeting 12-3-79 The following items were acted upon by the Planning Commission at their meeting of December 3, 1979 : 1. Acceptance of Parcel Map AT 78-235 (Darnal) Planning Commission recommended acceptance of Final Map. 2 . Acceptance of Parcel Map AT 77-233 (Heino/Ciampi) Planning Commission recommended acceptance of Final Map 3. Time Extension for CO 78-125 (West/Stewart) Planning Commission recommended granting one year time extension since applicant had made substantial progress towards completion of Final Map. 4 . AL 79-01 (Iverson/Beckwith) Planning Commission recommends approval of lot line adjustment subject to Conditions 1-6 established by Subdivision Review Board. 5 . Tentative Parcel Map CO 79-33 (Molina) Planning Commission recommends approval of tentative reap subject to Conditions 1-14 established by Subdivision Review Board; applicant objected to Conditions 3 , 4 and 5 pre- ferring to construct road improvements at building permit stage, but Planning Commission was not agreeable to this. 6 . Tentative Parcel Map CO 79-91 (Aggson) Planning Commission recommends approval of tentative map subject to Conditions 1-18 established by Subdivision Review Board; Subdivision Review Board had recommended denial due to inconsistency with the General Plan (lot size at low range of permitted lot sizes) and site characteristics not amenable to future development (driveway access , slopes restricting building pads, potential for poor design and Memorandum - PC meeting 12-3-79 Page Two development, etc. ) . Applicants indicated that they would probably pursue an assessment district to comply with Condition 6. 7 . Tentative Parcel Map CO 79-43 (Pahler) Planning Commission recommends approval of tentative map subject to Conditions 1-13 established by Subdivision Review Board with the added/revised condition that the easement for access to Parcel "B" be a "meandering" one designed to preclude removal of the existing trees shown within the proposed easement. LAWRENCE STEVENS LS:ad 12-4-79 Af� �C-U- Alt- 'I•.••., COUNTY S9 LUIS OBISPO COU019 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT i ROOM A10I + COURTHOUSE ANNEX. SAN LUIS OBISPO + CALIFORNIA 93408+ (805) 549-5252 GEORGE C. PROTOPAPAS ROADS County Engineer TRANSPORTATION FLOOD CONTROL CLINTON MILNE DEPUTY COUNTY ENGINEER WATER CONSERVATION SURVEYOR GUY PREWITT SPECIAL DISTRICTS ADMINISTRATOR - SPECIAL DISTRICTS November 19, 1979 City of Atascadero Veterans Memorial Building, Room 106 P. 0 Box 747 Atascadero, CA 93422 Attention Mr. Murray Warden, City Administrator Subject: Acceptance of Parcel Map AT 78-235 Gentlemen: Your consideration of the approval of Parcel Map AT 78-235, a proposed subdivision by Clifton and Kathryn Darnal, is requested. It is our RECOMMENDATION that your Honorable Council act upon the attached resolu- tion, and authorize the Clerk to sign the map. Discussion: A finding of consistency with the General Plan in accordance with Section 66473 .5 of the Subdivision Map Act was made by the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Luis Obispo on June 11, 1979. Attached is a vicinity map and layout of Parcel Map AT 78-235 . The total area of this development is 2 .11 acres with minimum lot areas of 1.02 acres. The area is zoned R-A. The road will be maintained by City of Atascadero; water service will be from Atascadero Mutual Water Company; sewage facilities will be maintained by community sewers. Zectful , GEO GE C. PROTOPAPAS County Engineer GCP/JRE/nt • RESOLUTION NO. Ll —7IP RESOLUTION ACCEPTING A 10-FOOT WIDENING OF A CERTAIN ROAD INTO THE CITY ROAD SYSTEM CITY ROAD NO. 4027 The following resolution is hereby offered and read: WHEREAS, the City of Atascadero, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, has been duly requested to accept- a certain offer to dedicate for additional widening of a road presently in the maintained system in said City; and WHEREAS, the County Engineer by letter dated November 19, 1979, has duly recommended that the City Council : Accept the offer of dedication for public use of 'a 10-foot strip along San Gabriel Road as shown on Parcel Map AT 78-235. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED by the City Council of the City of Atascadero: 1 . That the offer to dedicate for the 10 foot widen- ing of City Road No. 4027 as shown on Parcel Map AT 78-235 is hereby accepted into and made a part of ,the City Road System, to be maintained in kind, and shall and does constitute a public highway in the City of Atascadero. 2 . That the City Clerk be and hereby is authorized and directed to record a copy of the resolution in the Office of the County Recorder of the County of San Luis Obispo. Upon motion of Councilman seconded by Councilman and on the following roll call vote to-wit: AYES: NOES : ABSENT: ABSTAINING: the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted. ATTEST: Mayor of the City of Atascadero Clerk of the City of Atascadero Co. Eng./JRE/nt .Planning (1 ) �eR C K SCALE Zft ISee" A T DIVISION OF A P( ATASCADERO. COL fj1 5a1 R m✓ TM 3AN, LUIS OBISPO /A, 1 / - SII•. 5 ,, r SURVEYO F y w.: Iy tj 3�Iti�§�° I THIS MAP WAS PRBA4 K /s 9ASED UPOFfis Fi REQUIREMENTS`OF,Ti PARCEL I TNEREQUEST OF cuFrcw 1 HEREBY STATE, THA 1.09 ACRES GROSS ro 7WAF;,-- 1.05 ACRE3 NBT a t PPROVEW Tg-A. T/ m I4« Aar ti T.V w = e F $ y DANIEL J. ST yti oa,. ' a t PARCEL 2: 2~` rCQUNTY -° e, /A]/O/v ;u GFoa9 N 9 rs 't, HIS MAP CONFORMS W 1 �,- .02 ACRES 0.98 ACRES N� ,a o SUBDIVISION MAP ACT a R ai la ` S Ate„ 5 II _�.. N COUNTY SURVEYOR all4 . .� NOTARY y - {" .o "7 TOO HEREBY PERT/Fy KNOWN THF LOON�IL� '� Yr✓1 bl, 1 ��• J�•,I <r:.J� - !y oFSAN 4�• t" r,Pvar,� 1o* �sls nvry /vaTRi, /r�0 3Raoe 1 MM ar7e-zss r10 u ,, Bb/LIS/ON„M C7 =AA A,2. ?TW�eN C1Jr/.v)T MtwaMnvt . `. N WeJ c�sea , REC�Rt7t� • 77vit Mwp k > 1 r. F/LED 7b43 , 7 THE rd t.. .d.d I�o+bn. R `�. ��AD . d0 Nr'nrO-• --II.! acs Sots o° rM 51` FfC ..Fra cap M—k-A icir 14444 - .-Wc Cap —oloA/! wee 7.5 14A44 'Z e” y,T A l newuwlanis in well JJ it"osd (P r 27 rin da to Ao ,� CoLep /jeld� v Y y [ka%'T I j*."L DjV, 9P•oR jy� IF YInM+1 M lr' ryRy'w� LU c Rcp COUNTY SH0 IS 0UIV1 0 COURTY ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT ROOM A101 + COURTHOUSE ANNEX SAN LUIS OBISPO +CALIFORNIA 93468 + (805) 549-5252 GEORGE C. PROTOPAPAS ROADS County Engineer TRANSPORTATION FLOOD CONTROL CLINTON MILNE WATER CONSERVATION DEPUTY COUNTY ENGINEER SURVEYOR. GUY PREW ITT SPECIAL DISTRICTS SPECIAL DISTRICTS ADMINISTRATOR November 27, 1979 City of Atascadero Veterans Memorial Building, Room 106 P. 0. Box 747 Atascadero, CA 93422 Attention Mr. Murray Warden, City Administrator" Subject: Acceptance of Parcel Map AT 77-233 Carmelita Ave. (NIS) and Barranco Road (NIS) Gentlemen: Your consideration of the approval of Parcel Map AT 77-233, a proposed subdivision by A. V. and D. J. Heino and D. V. and L. M. Ciampi, is requested. It is our RECOMMENDATION that your Honorable Council authorize the Clerk to sign the map. Discussion: A finding of consistency with the General Plan in accordance with Section 66473 .5 of the Subdivision Map Act was made by the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Luis Obispo on September 6, 1977. The total area of this development is 4.654 acres with minimum lot areas of 2 .327 . The area is zoned A-1-A. The road will be maintained by owners; water service will be from Atascadero Mutual Water Company; sewage facilities will be septic tanks. �"ectfully, GEM E C. PROTOPAPAS County Engineer GCP/JH/nt . �I . /• ,fir ,`.:�•`' � �, ��; OF - SIG?A:TURF • - 1 NOTES LY R y A. NO SEWj fff 1015POSA4 S rsrEAf Ws.WL TO `9E WAeED CLOSER THAN Fl, FF THE TOP OF THE EXIST/MG CREEK'"— AGE REEK AGE SWALES. B. SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS INSTALLED ON SLOPES OF 20 % OR MORE SHALL BE LESIGNED BY A REGISTERED CIVIL ENGINEER AND SUBMITTED TO THE PLANNING DEP4P. TMENT FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF A BUILDING PERMIT C SEPTIC TANKS WILL BE AN ACCEPTABLE METHOD UI OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL , PROVIDING PERCS AND AND BORINGS ARE ACCEPTABLE. ' 0. WATER IS TO BE OBTAINED FROM THE ATASCADIERO' MUTUAL WATER COMPANY. CAN RO GAB R 3 z 3 gfNEF/Cf' rlv�� ' rA p cAs�weY .�iTA r AAME5 R. A9,, �'�Ao Po U/YIJER �► DEe o V/C/N/TY NAP c G� 26 No spa le CURVE DATA IS ARMINED FROM MEASURED PELTA AND CHORD. _ LOT, 'AR. 'B"(R.2) i �/ 012 PAR. V' PER R2 l .+-OFFER OF Dm/CATION PER R.2 -(N30v 30'4/"E 420.0'RECD I 40 \ -+- -- N380 4 4'18"E 4/8.16'M,R.2 / 397-9 7' OFFER Of DED/CATION 1BABLE_LOCAT/ON 0'F EASEMENT PER /9Q3-OR-36B f PER R./ �- ~--_ OFFER OF DEO/CATION PER ti /B/B-0.R..-144 tob N PARCEL / o ti 2.327 ACRES(4xvo5) ti a o 2.294 AC. (NET) ^►' . f PAR (R.�� a u a 0 • 0 c' a % o. w w -V ti N38° 44' 18"E r. m 307.00' w V y a ' % _ 0� _ A A Q J � f 0 O a �c cl cb EXAGG ERAT w PARCEL 2 REQ o A 2.327 ACRES "s � PE" w f N6 PAR. 2 (R. /� �, 2./458 AC.(NE77 I NO0.-r tot1 ?o I POea �Nr o(6 � R•as,e' R=//6.26' Rr96.26' ?4P. 4= 3/°5/ 54" L 63.00 75, „ 53.53'L r 63.I4' R Aa L r 'AT/ONS ARE 4=/00 yL52 F 9 �-.�o,3y"E CENTERLINE FET �50� L=13 ���� /.92' /Z '7 pmok1 � Z� w u1 m 491f ORA11Y- N %D o, • Q , , •.� tp ro D1 � _ O O a? SAD Rr 59L 96'> A r9°24' 7 02.57 e 536°20'27W, 99.88'M,R./ , �� (Side/41ir 100.0'RE 5'45'05-W 56 2S' .,— CARMEL/TAar 9f 24 ': AI/E. Is*8•.�a'w Q63'/ UNPLD T TA 8L F (SAN 93.93' BLAS per EASEMENTS AFFEG7/NG LOT 4 "`s73I ' e=a•e4• . SUCH RIGHTS OR EASEMENTS IN FAVOR y. L r94Os• OF ATASCAAERO MUTUAL WATER COMPANY ;, REt• :; 4tasca oeeFO c z *u RECORDED IN BOOK I/3, PAGE 56 OF DEEDS.�qw: Crep'k „& . AN EASEMENT FOR POLES, CONDUITS, ? fir` U. -� /RR/GA TION D/TCH£S /N FAVOR OF OSCii R L. *' - r; A WILLETT, AS TRVSTEE FOR THE ATASCADERO DEVELOPMENT SYNDICATE RECORDED AV BOOM' 94, PAGE 46 OF OFFI CM L RECORDS. :eM r41Rc4n►s4WY F4R vla� (NF.S 1N FAYDR All,'s:'r° A. ^Kerr ;^�.* /`n ► �•:�'J�Y NBn A. RocowAY, Director Telephone(805)549-5600 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Courthouse Annex SAN LUIS OBISPO, CALIFORNIA - 93408 November 12, 1979 RECEIVED NOV 1 5 1979 Honorable City Council and Planning Commission City of Atascadero, California Dear Ladies and Gentlemen: The following time extension request is referred to your Council with a recoit,,mendation for denial from the Subdivision Review Board. 1. CO 78-125 (West - Stewart) Respectfully submitted, LARRY J. RED, upervisor Subdivision Review Section ca cc: County Engineer County Health Department REPORT OF THE SUBDIVISION REVIEW BOARD MEETING NOVEMBER 7, 1979 RE: CO 78-125, PROPOSED LOT DIVISION OF LOT 4, BLOCK 7s ATASCADERO COLONY, COROMAR ROAD, CITY OF ATASCADERO (R-A: MODERATE DENSITY-SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL) (WEST STEWART) RECOMMENDATION FOR DENIAL OF TIME EXTENSION SRB Members in attendance: Chairman, Colonel Sorenson, John Hofschroer, Jerry Erickson, John Wallace Planning Commissioner in Attendance: Blair Shurtleff Legal Counsel Present: None PROJECT DESCRIPTION This application proposes a subdivision of a one acre site into two parcels of approximately 20, 000 square feet each. The site is located on the east side of Coromar Road between Curbaril and Portola. Zoning: R-A: "Suburban Residential" (20,000 square foot minimum) General Plan: 1978 Atascadero Area General Plan: "Moderate Density Single Family Residential" (one acre minimum with sewer service) COMMENTS Time extensions are discretionary in nature and can be approved, conditionally approved or denied by the legislative body. A denial of a time extension request would normally cause the map to expire since it could not be recorded by the required date. An expired map cannot be recorded and can only be reinitiated by the approval of a completely new application. The State Map Act and the Lot Division Ordinance requires an approved Tentative Parcel Map to be recorded within one year of approval. It also allows time extensions to be granted to a maximum of 24 months. The Map Act does not stipulate the criteria for.approving or denying the request, however. The criteria commonly used by the Subdivision Review Board in such decisions includes the progress of meeting conditions, new zoning or general plan requirements, or other concerns about the division as proposed. The subject Tentative Map was to expire on October 23, 1979. On October 15, 1979, the applicant' s engineer requested an extension of time. A review of this request indicates that check prints have been submitted to the County Engineer for review. The applicant stated that he needed additional time to satisfy conditions of approval and complete his Final Map. CO 78-125 • A concern with this request is that the division as proposed does not comply with the density recommended on the current Atascadero General Plan. The Tentative Hap was approved under the 1978 Plan which recommended parcels in the (2-1 acre range. The 1978 General Plan recommends a 1-1z acre density range in the "Moderate Density Residential" category. The parcels as Proposed are only approximately i acre in size. The zoning district remains unchanged at this time. In reviewing other similar time extension requests the Subdivision Review Board has maintained the position that the newly adopted General Plan should be adhered to and that time extensions for parcel maps that do not comply with recommended parcel sizes should not be granted. The only exceptions have been where the applicant has made substantial progress and investment in road construction or other improvements. RECOMMENDATION ,after review and discussion of Tentative Parcel Map CO 78-100, the Subdivision Review Board recommends to the City Council that a time extension not be granted based upon the following: (1) The 1978 Atascadero General Plan recommends a 1 acre minimum parcel size and the proposed parcels do not comply with this density. (2) No substantial investment in improvements has been made at this time and that physical improvements have not been installed. Findings for this action may be based on Section 65302.5 of the Government Code More specifically that: (1) That there is reasonable probability that the subdivision will be not consistent with the General Plan proposal being considered or studied or which will be studied within a reasonable time. (2) There is probability of substantial detriment to or interference with the future adopted General Plan if the use proposed is ultimately inconsistent with the General Plan. DISCUSSION The engineer attended the meeting. The Subdivision Review Board unanimously adopted the preliminary report as written. �,\�� t � '�z .�.� -��..�• �� ��/ G If a \..� , ��A ' Ro Q �• �. ,��r� Qom`' Co �� 7( V S.r. 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' �, r '''• ti r•y • ••`1• 'f ^177' G r tYr •d IN •M • AW40t r,• , 1 I"A. r 17. �C' '�i,�14.1.�c I't7 �' •R��•'% �f' �rS'.L. i i .` :: a►' i,' � � .` ts�, 1 t / � � `� •, 4 yT,�Yr<<:if+,titi"}�`14,St4•��6 r t`,t�`••• ',r:• � t i � � /// r •1:AL1. � t;,��1"}�(}_- L���ati,/� ti,. r�.LY' .•�.• , t ' r't. , j", /r '' .w Z� �Gi'`�'s7 ��rC f4�Sy� fC�y J,Zt`4 •ice \ l M. 1`'.. `..� �`•K.�J, R �+.��.L.,(4•��• l,rt. yr C.•.�Ir`�.'N '�{ •�� / �, F t' �• ••. '' .. <� Lit" t � ,�� •�• ,',1. � r r : t •,•••'`•l•�<•�,'� 1,i1•'fit ���T�t�`'�• AT". 0 low r' /Y.,a•XAr.MNVYYX X),NA./,/yVYY SA14 LUIS OBI SPO COUIj'Y PLA:TN I.NG DEPART TIENT LOT DIVISION APPLICATIO11 FOR PARCEL HAPS FOUR PARCELS 0? LESS lid 1' o C40 (FOUR COPIE D) �'�"' S REnUL�r Code ;dumber 1. Record Owner(s): Name y l L,r/�5 Phone Address �of_5� �o�a•�.�� �ti'a c R.'��Pvd 2. If property is in escrow, the following questions rust be answered: idame of Purchaser Phone Address 3. Agent Name Phone or Subdivider Address 4. Engineer Ido. Tiame Richard H. Cassera Phone 238-0700 or Surveyor _yo. 4283 Address 531 12th' St. Paso Robles, Ca 93446P.0. 2038 5. Existing Use: (4 Residential ( ) Agricultural ( ) Comy.3ercial ( ) Industrial ( ) Recreational ( ) Other (Describe) 6. Proposed Use: ()e,) Residential ( ) A; ricultural ( ) Commercial ( ) Industrial ( ) Recreational ( ) Other (Describe) ?. Public Utilities available to property: (`74-) A21ectric ()c) Gas (-/) Water Telepticne 3. Proposed source of water, if not available from public water company : ( Private i,ell ( ) Neichbor's 1':.ell ( ) Other (Describe) 9. Proposed 'provision for sewage and sewage disposal: ( ) Septic Tank ( Public Sewer ( ) Other (Describe) 10. Is any portion of this property obligated by any assessment(s) under the Improvement bond "-ct of 1915? ( } Yes ( g ) No I f yes, name(s) of assessment district(s) 11. ::re there flooding or drainage problems at any tine during tiie year? ( ) Yes. ) Iio. If yes, explain: 1::. Proposed improvements by applicant: ( } Sidewalk ( ) Road surface ( ) Curbs and gutter ( ) Other �°�°sN „N EIMIM lmN mill (Describe) 13. Are there any existing or proposed easements on the property? ( X ) Yes. JW No. Easements of undefined width along the rear and side lines per 113—Deeds-56 and 84—O.R.-499. Proposed private access If yes, describe: easement across Parcel one to p rnpl two___ 14. Are there any existing structures on the property? (X) Residence ( ) Farm Buildings ( ) Commercial or Industrial ( ) Trailer ( ) Other (Describe) 15. Legal description of property: Lot Portion 13B Block 7 TractAtascadero Colony or Township and Range________ Section Assessor' s Parcel Number(s) 5-6—()41—P() 16. Total acreage in parcel proposed to be divided: 40,950 Sq Ft 17. Total number of parcels created as a result of this division: 7— 18. Size of each lot created: 209475 sq ft each 19. When did Record Owner purchase lot? -7)-) 117,7121, 20. Does the Record Owner or Purchaser (if property is in escrow) own any contiguous property not mentioned above? (Describe) Nn 21. Has Record Owner previously divided any contiguous property? (Describe) NO ` 2. Why is the property being divided?��-�v.�r `i-�r��� fid.-•'rv�i�f"� Y .% 23. Is the owner intending to build structures on newly created parcels? Yes. ( ) No. Estimated starting date 1979 17 Signed, Record Owner: a 2,% Agent or Engineer - G�aL/ `ya- �•s Date Daze ---------------------------------------------------------------------- FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: 1. 'Zoning Zoning Hap :i-o. 2. Parcel 1-laps of four parcels or less or categorically exeinpt from environmental impact determinations under normal conditions. 3. Location 4. General Planresignation _ 5. Previous Lot Divisions granted/denied on above property __ 16- r . Ids NED A. ROCOWAY, Director Telephone(805)549-5600 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Courthouse Annex SAN LUIS OBISPO, CALIFORNIA - 93408 RECEIVED NOV 1 5 1979 November 13, 1979 Honorable Atascadero Planning Commission and City Council City of Atascadero, California Dear Ladies and Gentlemen: The following Lot Line Adjustment was reviewed by the Subdivision Review Board on November 7, 1979, and was found to comply with Section 21.48.017 of the Lot Division Ordinance. This Lot Line Adjustment, recom- mended by the Subdivision Review Board for conditional approval, is as follows: 1. AL 79-01 (Rens w6irvtrx - Wig) It is recommended that the above referenced adjustment be conditionally approved with the conditions as recommended by the Subdivision. Review Board and set down in their attached report. Respectfully submitted, LARRY J. RED, ervisor Subdivision Review Section ca Attachment cc: County Engineer County Health Department REPORT OF THE SUBDIVISION REVIEW BOARD MEETING NOVEMBER 7, 1979 RE: AL 79-01, PROPOSED LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT OF PORTION OF LOTS 3 AND 4, BLOCK 12, ATASCADERO, AT PORTOLA AND ATASCADERO ROADS, CITY OF ATASCADERO. (R-A: SINGLE FAMILY MODERATE DENSITY) (IVERSON/BECKWITH - BRAY) SUPERVISORIAL DISTRICT #4 (884: 1/8/79) RECOMMENDATION FOR APPROVAL SRB Members in Attendance: Chairman, Colonel Sorenson, John Hofschroer, Jerry Erickson, John Wallace Planning Commissioner in Attendance: Blair Shurtleff Legal Counsel Present: None PROJECT DESCRIPTION This application proposes an adjustment of lot lines between 3 legal lots. The site is located between Atascadero Road and Portola Road, in Atascadero, Zoning: R-A: "Suburban District" (20,000 sq. ft. minimum parcel size) General Plan: 1978 Atascadero General Plan: "Single Family-Moderate Density" (1 acre minimum parcel size) REASON FOR THE ADJUSTMENT The arglicant wishes to relocate a property line that has a house sitting on it. The resultant lots will be nearly equal in size. COMMENTS The Atascadero General Plan requires a minimum of 1 acre for new lots in the Single Family Moderate Density category. Parcel "A" only has 0.92 acres. Redesign of the map to create 2 one acre parcels is recommended. The additional . 08 acres can be taken from the westerly parcel shown on the map. This parcel is owned by the applicant but is not part of the Lot Line Adjustment. One last consideration is the matter of the Atascadero incorporation. Although it appears the new City Council will take final action on this project, the Subdivision Review Board may still take action on this matter. Any action taken will likely constitute an informal recommendation to the City Council. It should be noted this staff report and the recom- mendations are based on County policy, procedure and ordinances. RECOMMENDATION After review of applicable General Plans and other available infor- mation, the Subdivision Review Board recommends to the Atascadero City Council that the proposed Lot Line Adjustment be found to comply with Section 21.48.017 of the Lot Division Ordinance and that it be approved. - a. a I.li I J ./1 • Provided that the adjustment is approved, the following conditions are hereby established: 1. That the existing shed on Parcel "B" be removed. 2. That the layout shown on Subdivision Review Board Exhibit 'A, ' dated November 7, 1979, on file in the Office of the County Planning Department be revised so both Parcels A $ B reflect a minimum of 1 acre each. 3. All conditions of approval herein specified are to be complied with prior to the recording of Certificates of Compliance which effectuates the adjustment. Said Certificates of Compliance must be signed by all record owners and holders of interest as defined in Section 21.48.017(e) of the Lot Division and notarized. 4. The Certificates of Compliance must be filed in accordance with Section 21.48.017(e) prior to transfer of the adjusted portions of the property. S. After approval by the Board of Supervisors, compliance with the preceding conditions will bring the proposed adjustment in conformance with the Subdivision Map Act and Section 21.48.017 of the Lot Division Ordinance. 6. The Lot Line Adjustment will expire one year (12 months) from the date of Board of Supervisors' approval, unless the Certificates of Compliance effectuating the Adjustment are recorded. DISCUSSION Applicant's engineer attended the meeting. The Subdivision Review Board unanimously adopted the preliminary report as amended. \ C,n.n•, �•d 1 •'` Itll 41 t�.l� .. � _f ^ �- -j c• TFM LETOH^ °' 'bo '� i., �\.•d---- — — - _', I+ "[` ; •b I.ro .e. 9 v + CRESTON[ 1•'+ 1 � - � - �)� o u•,.o^.. --Zrr.;en ink: i ..-. ti o - 'i;Pte`_ g {• +—r°\ `r `f �' •'d = +°°, SCADERO „ ' ce•w \ `= -- -— and « 'A 9 s� -....1( 3 [ � � (1 h°.r o , �^ • SMT • —`q, •A•wo`•i 9' f`B /- O 1 C (/`,—R:- / leV1�1—_'_�r tan°N° o �' •ted.\(: [ PJ —:�' -� —5 �-._ ..-_ "� •'. i. Mire .I 1I j+ I . +J J6'�w}ya ` l �D,d •°•'.yC��O,°P�- '1]^ —� 58 "I".p• P,eCATUCOS dtilmv _. >•. 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Smo+9159 . •rc^° . , .. u I n 'SAN LUIS - - vi.n n ^ 'sPr .•.cV^ieAS; £..•..° •Y 1 �,t .C mac. -€ r.d. -yo 0 -;_f 1. •va. +.0 ' ` : 1 - --- `_. _ 'r-� tin \t..el^r' ^O� , _ C `•�/ L- >�.u,\ � r�rr/\r' �' A, 1� •�\upu.,`y .i Pe-•..v. �e` — _ —� J j _t' _ hC IRISH H1LL5 �•• _ ._. O .° S•.� SSP �,.D1 !_ �.Ilof __ 3 t j +..c• o — h �,'° / d f c r. h RA- .-.PI fi a 1e...,.�.•� T nP• n Y ? mp,e Gp' '1„ co°..-.ct 'LOPE \1O.i'. -1 / I.� ° ' 1•n C,..b. •� �•'! yR•£SERI OfR S �. _y �VILA REACH V o. iC` , IA 8AI BEACH 8 LA \, ARROYO , J •d' n..•• ANDS Sr,•t �,b G V R CITY -yr°�' _ ^,.,� •m.. .� xe . r P_MP[ �.][•. ••t 1 u ti t weary AL11 a WNo.. 4 Ji- 4 ^Or a .add Avt ,o[. Avenne o, o luc rr F r/L°/� • ��' _ m sl" s a Y[ Lot,-' B°ro[y° o 7- o 4 Ave �, vo C c o 0 MorlQu;rp Avenue [� Co°or \ c4 ° . 41 p; Avenue ARNIORN c 9&e' �Q �°• Vr00 Pol°r,O ri (r Qe,T {iASC P• io C° o tih w°H sc.Noo[ Lam/ �•1L 71/LFN ^ AV[NUl \ fr P°�a 4` uNooL q od0 '7 yr q'e^Or `D° ° sO su)HIAL HCILIII\[1 ; R1a!rra Ave y ^cr Arddla c y e G p o pd 0 o e 6 G \ L °o Av cc c Rpb[es�o Ecc•-� y :, A _ \Cq °ra ' pawl F et P p,ve 9d Ye[°I Ave o n P udo c o p o p�� Avenue �� Spn�o , V,•br,i Flnre �� o y 6. q A'0 n R°od °o" plro y; S^ x1r`.00L v 6 ,,ot _ 7 Gen4[os i Son" Avenue Or Co�' ? Clrr.•e^re AveL a ;c°/ Pe O I ° ATASCADERO D °o ti Snn� f` Drvp� o 4 1 D.1 qo a q pocd G �ourro 2 �. t° p� c`O a "o / o G CUrbOri/ u p•+erre o aO / REGIO\AL o c lo c 1. 101 9oV7 � Q Q 9/. � plono R-ad p o ¢. �' c PARA o o _ 6 o O C Q L 94' _ Of Z- l oa Pr cnue Portol o RO A. (o, CpGr S f ogoA`r ° o A - ,ct �.;Irur°dr•r. 4,c t,.Nr"nos. Pic C_ Hov Road V Yah. no N� 01) S° Gobr Q•oSo Hood o Qe J 1 _ w ti pq 10 Ile aS.aa A>/7S<i J E o^ �N CE'L Z O T 3 JAN 1 h 41 M• \(.5. 117 R yr,a tr,'<�ter.- _. ,,'. ;; /;�,:c"q � i/�_; ,•`%•,-,��. /f �) __- /pub/ic vY`%/i fes, u,.7/.��4,�c/d�n1o/ r✓sr/r�rn/s reser Pe-d/i'd�re/� //-�:.; d //�/IFfr/s SG/ /29 OrnVs 267, / '.y caf»/v f be p/oHrL• AL 79— Q 1 LOT �i//c"- FrV✓IJSi%;'t",ri;_•"Gr �.�,- :/O// Ur GOTJ 3� � COUNTY OF SW -LUIS OBISPO PLANNING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR LOT LINE ADJUSTME oEp't`'«,t 41, r� Return to Courthouse Annex, Room 102, San Luis Obispo, CA 9340 co 995 543-1550 APPLICANTS NAME SIGNATURE ADDRESS n PHONE Mo.m�.e fJ��in wlrson 62/ S�ranon f�//Or• /iso /60f�/ts cn 23B-OZ37 &�&/a ./.8r�.�./� 7827//aa�adiA L 000- z / 0 9,elhesd �Qrh/ � Q0O/4 0 z o _ A—en t 9¢�D OtCO!/!r'o ✓P. 4.fCA <v0 L.S- ng.'orsurveyof Eng. or Surveyor N All owners as shown on the preliminary Title Report must sign the application PROPERTY: : LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot Block 1Z Tract ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBERS: Attach a copy of a current Title Report covering all of the property involved. REQUIRED INFORMATION Why is the adjustment requested? When was the property acquired? Does the owner or owners own any contiguous property? Describe Existing use:W Residential( ) Agri. ( ) Ind.( ) Recreation( ) Other Proposed use: OO Residential( ) Agri. ( ) Ind.( ) Recreation( ) Other Public utilities available to the property: (�4Elec Oq.Gas (SQWater (pt)Phone Proposed source of water: ( JPrivate well ( )Neighbor's Well (Y3Public Water Proposed provision for sewage disposal: ( )Septic tank (A Public sewer ( )Other Are there flooding or drains a rob.{}+7�ems�t any ti a dyring t e year? ( )Yes ( )No If yes, explain s7�7�P �T� 41"04 �f I'med Are there any existing s ructures ori the prop rty? X) sidence ( )Farm Buildings ( )Commercial or Industrial ( )Mobile Home ( )Other VERIFICATION I have read and understand this application and I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury the foregoing statements are true and correct. I am ( ) Applicant f, Owner ( ) Applicant ( ) Agent for applicant Signature Date OFFICE USE ONLY ZONING: MIrJ MAP NUMBER: O GENERA,. PLAN: 19' 1 Ai+s %N - 5' Mov DATE RECEIVED: 1 $ FILE NUMBER: RL 6l� PREVIOUS LOT DIVISION GRANTEED/DENIED ON THE PROPERTY/�w1iNy RECEIPT NO: (p 3 ` CJ ` n BY: LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS Application Content. A lication Form: This form must be filled out completely, with 4 copies. Possible sources of information include the Zoning Maps, Assessor's Maps, and deeds from the Recorder's Office. All questions must be answered. Avoid mistakes or omissions which could delay processing. Filing fees have been established by the Board of Supervisors to pay the costs of processing applications, and are not refundable. MAPS: In addition to the application form (4 copies), seven (7) lot line adjustment maps must be submitted. The maps must contain the following: a. The map must be drawn to scale, on 811 X 14" paper using an engineering scale (one inch on the map equals so many feet on the ground, an appropriate multiple of ten feet). Accuracy of the map is essential to enable the Planning Department to adequately review the map and to provide a permanent record of the adjustment. b. Include a north arrow and scale (1 inch = feet). C. Give the bearings and distances of all exterior and interior lines. d. Each new parcel shall be designated by number or letter. e. Area of each new parcel indicated, in square feet or acres to the nearest tenth. f. Proposed new lines and lines to be eliminated shall be so identified in written notation or by legend. Lines to be eliminated shall be dashed or otherwise drawn so as to be clearly distinguishable from and subordinate to remaining and new lines. g. All structures, wells and septic tanks and leach areas shall be accurately located on the map, together with distances between them and the lot lines. h. Vicinity map. i. The locations, purpose, and width of all existing and proposed easements, streets, and appurtenant utilities. j. The approximate location of all water courses, drainage channels, and existing drainage structures. k. Approximate high-water lines on adjacent lake, ocean or reservior. OTHER INFORMATION: The applicant is also required to submit 2 copies of a current prelim- inary Title Report, dated within the last 6 months, from a title insurance company including the entire area shown on the map. Four copies of the legal description of the resulting parcels must also be submitted. You may include any other information you feel is pertinent or helpful concerning this application, such as deeds, data, pictures, etc. NOTE: It is the policy of the County Planning Commission that applications which do not include sufficient information for adequate evaluation of the proposed adjustment will not be accepted for processing. j DEFINITION OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT: County Code Section 21.48.017. "A lot line adjustment between two or more adjacent parcels, where the land taken from one parcel is added to an adjacent parcel, and where a greater number of parcels than originally existed is not thereby created, shall be processed pursuant to this Section." PROCESSING PROCEDURES: 1. Applications are received by the Planning Department, and reviewed for accuracy and completeness. 2. The application is reviewed by the Environmental Coordinator and either found to be categorically exempt from the State Environmental Quality Act or forwarded to the Board of Supervisors for a determination as to whether an environmental impact report should be prepared. 3. Subsequent to review of the Environmental Coordinator, the Adjustment applications are returned to the Planning Department for processing to the Subdivision Review Board (SRB). 4. The SRB meets once a month. It consists of representatives of the County Engineering, Health and Planning Departments, along with a rotating member of the County Planning Commission. The applicant is notified by mail of the scheduled hearing before the Subdivision Review Boardandof the Preliminary SRB report. A denial by the SRB is final unless appealed to the Board of Supervisors. S. Applications recommended for conditional approval, or applications appealed are forwarded to the Board of Supervisors for consideration of a resolution of approval or denial. 6. The owners must meet all conditions and a Certificate of Compliance executed by all property owners must be processed and recorded within one year of the Board approval. ` NOTE: Approved lot line adjustments are final, the parcels indicated on the approved map, t us become the legal lots, with the recording of the Certificates of Compliance. The property must then be transfered to reflect the approved lot lines and legal description. I Hereby Certify that I have read and understand the above mentioned information. Signature of Applicant rI M E M 0 R A N D U M TO: City Council FROM: City .Manager SUBJECT: Tentative Tract 770 Watson-Hilliard The Planning Commission considered this matter at their meeting of November 19, 1979. They approved the Subdivision Review Board' s recommendation for General Plan consistency and approval and the recommendations for road improvements. This action is advisory to you since the Council must approve the tentative map. You may, if you wish, hear the applicant' s request for any changes to the Planning Commission ' s recommendation. You may also approve the Planning Commission' s actions without change. "VZ � �i MURRAY T�5W5A/RDEN MLW:ad 12-6-79 F'L: OCA e-- � 1419 NFD A. ROGOWAY, Director Telephone(805)549-5600 i I PLANNING DEPARTMENT Courthouse Annex SAN LuIS OBISPO, CALIFORNIA - 9.W08 October 25, 1979 Ms. Ardath Davis City of Atascadero RE: TRACT 770 WATSON/HILLIARD Dear Ms. Davis: Enclosed is a copy of the applicant's request for an exception to the road improvement requirements on the above referenced tract. Also enclosed is the County Engineer's response and a brief staff report pertaining to the exception request. The Tentative Map may now be scheduled for Planning Commission consideration. Primary action should be taken on the subdivision, and the road exception dealt with as a secondary aspect of the hearing. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please feel free to contact me directly. Sincerely, LARRY J. RED, Supervisor Subdivision Review Section ca Enclosure PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT TO: AND CITY PLANNING COMMISSION AND CITY COUNCIL DATE: OCTOBER 25, 1979 FROM: SUBDIVISION REVIEW SECTION SUBJECT: TENTATIVE TRACT 770 (WATSON) REQUEST FOR ROAD EXCEPTION SPECIFIC REQUEST The applicant is seeking Planning Commission approval of Tentative Tract Map #770, and an exception to road improvement requirements recommended by the Subdivision Review Board . As required under Section 21. 20. 030(9) of the Subdivision Ordinance, a report must be made to the City Council when the Planning Commission recommends approval or denial of the requested exception. A decision by the Planning Commission not to grant an exception is final unless appealed to the City Council . PROJECT DESCRIPTION This application proposes a subdivision of a 4 . 47 acre site into 3 parcels, two at one acre and one at 2. 47 acres each. The applicant created 4 parcels at approximately 1/2 acre each on the adjacent property under CO 77-78 . The site is located along Atascadero Road, southeast of Marchant within the City of Atascadero . The applicants are requesting an exception to the road improvement requirements . Attached is a copy of the applicant ' s exception request and a reply by the County Engineering Department . STAFF COMMENTS To approve the exception , in whole or in past , the Ordinance requires that the Planning Commission must make the following findings : (A) That there are special circumstances or conditions affecting said property . (B) That the exception is necessary for the preser- vation and enjoyment of a substantial property right of the petitioner . CD-1065 Atascadero City Planning Commission and City Council October 25 , 1979 Tentative Tract 770 (Watson) Page 2 (C) That the granting of the exception will not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other property in the vicinity in which said property is situated, and that it will not : ( i) be detrimental to the traffic circulation system, the public utility and storm drainage systems; ( ii) result in any increase in maintenance costs ; ( iii) be detrimental to, nor degrade, any portion or part of the improvement work involved in the project . The Staff is fully in agreementwith the Engineering Department in their recommendation for denial of the exception. The recommended road improvements are felt to be necessary to pro- vide access and circulation for the ultimate development of the block in which the property is located. RECOMMENDATION AND FINDINGS It is the Planning Department ' s recommendation that the subdivision be approved as recommended by the Subdivision Review Board. Further, it is the Planning Department ' s recommendation, in concurrence with the Engineering Department , that the exception request be denied. The recommendations and findings , as well as the recommended conditions are reflected in the Subdivision Review Board Report of October 3, 1979. ca „Dr ( � COUNTY SdO Luis OBISPO �,y���” ENGINEERING �� � DEPARTMENT ROOM A101 . COURTHOUSE ANNEX SAN LUIS OBISPO CALIFORNIA 93408 . (805) 549-5252 GEORGE C. PROTOPAPAS ROADS County Engineer TRANSPORTATION FLOOD CONTROL CLINTON MILNE - - - DEPUTY COUNTY ENGINEER - > WATER CONSERVATION SURVEYOR GUY PREWITT SPECIAL DISTRICTS ADMINISTRATOR SPECIAL DISTRICTS October 23 , 1979 Robert P. Hilliard 6125 Portola Road Atascadero, CA 93422 Subject: Request for an Exception to Sections 21 .48 .080(G) , 21 .48 . 125(B) , 21 .48 . 130 of the County Code . Dear Mr. Hilliard: We have received your letter requesting the exceptions to the subject Sections of the County Code and will forward same to the City of Atascadero Planning Commission for ultimate referral to the City Council of the City of Atas- cadero. In reference to your letter in which you state that the right of way will be too close to the existing improvements, we have attached a copy of your tentative map with an in- dication of one method of alleviating the closeness of the existing residents to the proposed right of way. This would require your client to deal with the adjacent owner for the dedication of a very small section of right of way on Lot 7 and a greater amount of right of way on Lot 8 . It does appear however, that Lot 8 is still divisible as the re- maining portion of that parcel under one ownership is about three acres . Also, you indicate in your letter that few lots can be split and thereby a traffic circulation system is not necessary. It appears in the review of the lot sizes in the area, that this road between Atascadero and Portola would serve about eight or ten parcels if those parcels break down to one acre . You also, note a problem with the requested lot line adjustment (decreasing the size of Parcel A) you will note that the suggested road alignment tends to decrease that problem along with allowing a more adequate crossing of the swale. For these reasons, we feel that the required road improve- ments are necessary and can be accomplished without hardship i to the property and will recommend against your request for an exception. Sincerely, GEORGE C. PROTOPAPAS County Engineer JAMES A. GRAN4ATEN Assistant Office Engineer JAG/nt cc: Planning with encl . l I l 1 � �.� ,• .,i� , .. � til �. I � 1 1 16 rp October 15, 1979 Robert P. Hilliard ' ag,;Ks 6125 Portola Road Atascadero, CA 93422 San Luis Obispo County Planning and Engineering Departments Court House Annex San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Attention: John Hofschroer Subject: Tract 660 - Watson Road Improvements Exception Dear Sirs: This letter is a request for exception to road improvements to Tract 770 for the following reasons: That the required road improvements do not allow for the re- quested lot line adjustment which makes a special hardship upon the applicant Mr. Watson. This exception is necessary for Mr. Watson and his family to enjoy the property because if a full "A-5" road is required by him alone, the requested improvements will be too close to existing im- provements and those planned. The granting of this request is not going to affect public welfare because under the new Atascadero General Plan, so very few lots can be split that easements to them will work very well, and a traffic cir- culation system is not necessary. The easement requested will not increase county maintenance cost nor will it be detrimental or degrade the existing circulation of traffic or the existing or proposed public utility or storm drainage systems. Sincerely, v Robert P. Hilliard L.S. 3976 NED A. RocowAY, Director j Telephone(805)549-5600 r' PLANNING DEPARTMENT Courthouse Annex SAN Luis Owspo, CALIFORNIA - 91408 October 17, 1979 RECEIVED CCT 1 8 1979 Ms. Ardath Davis City of Atascadero RE: TRACT 770 WATSONMILLIARD Dear Ms. Davis: Please withhold scheduling of the above mentioned Tract Map. The applicant has requested an exception to road improvement requirements which should be processed prior to hearing by your Planning Commission. We will contact you after the road exception has been processed. If you have any questions, please contact us. Sincerely, LARRY J. RE , upervisor Subdivision Review Section ca e Nsn A. ROGOWAY, Director i ` Telephone(805)549-5600 vvw RECEIVED) 51979 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Courthouse Annex SAN L,uIs OBISPO, CALIFORNIA - 91408 October 5, 1979 Planning Commission City of Atascadero Ladies and Gentlemen: SUBJECT: TRACT 770, PROPOSED SUBDIVISION OF A PORTION OF LOTS 4 AND 5, BLOCK 6, ATASCADERO COLONY, ATASCADERO ROAD, CITY OF ATASCADERO. (R-A: MODERATE DENSITY RESIDENTIAL) (WATSON - HILLIARD) RECOMMENDATION FOR CONSISTENCY AND APPROVAL RECOMMENDATION ON ROAD IMPROVEMENTS At a regular meeting of the Subdivision Review Board, the attached subdivision was considered and is being referred to you for required action and findings regarding consistency with applicable general plans. Respectfully submitted, LARRY J. RED, Supervisor Subdivision Review Section ca Attachment cc: County Engineer County Health Department REPORT OF THE SUBDIVISION REVIEW BORAD MEETING OCTOBER 3, 1979 RE: TRACT NO. 770, PROPOSED SUBDIVISION OF A PORTION OF LOTS 4 AND 5, BLOCK 6, ATASCADERO COLONY, ATASCADERO ROAD, CITY OF ATASCADERO. (R-A: MODERATE DENSITY RESIDENTIAL) (WATSON - HILLIARD) SUPERVISORIAL DISTRICT #5 RECOMMENDATION FOR CONSISTENCY AND APPROVAL (884: 7/3/79) SRB Members in Attendance: Chairman, Colonel Sorenson, Bill MacDonald, Larry Red, Jerry Erickson, Jim Granflaten Planning Commissioner in Attendance: Evelyn Delany Legal Counsel Present: None PROJECT DESCRIPTION This application proposes a subdivision of a 4.47 acre site into 3 parcels, two at one acre and one at 2.47 acres each. The applicant created 4 parcels at approximately 2 acre each on the adjacent property under CO 77-78. The site is located along Atascadero Road, southeast of Marchant within the City of Atascadero. Zoning: R-A: "Suburban Residential" (20,000 sq. ft. minimum lot size) General Plan: 1978 Atascadero General Plan: "Moderate Density Residential" (1 to 12 acre density range depending upon availability of sewers) SPECIFIC REQUEST Environmental Determination: A Conditional Negative Declaration was issued by the Atascadero City Council on August 13, 1979, stating that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment and therefore does not require the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report subject to the following conditions: "l. Safe and adequate access be provided to Parcel C. 2. That letters be obtained from Atascadero Mutual Water Company and appropriate community sewer district and submitted to the City of Atascadero and the County Health Department stating that they are willing and able to serve the proposed parcels." Site and Area Characteristics: The site is characterized by moderate sloping topography and is vegetated with grass and scattered trees. A residence is located on proposed Parcel 'B. ' The site is served by community water and sewer systems. Soils are subject to high erosion hazard and are limited for percolation of sewage effluent. TRACT 770 • The character of the surrounding area is suburban with parcel sizes ranging from to 5 acres. Several other interior lots within this block appear to be capable of dividing down to one acre. Zoning and General Plan Considerations: The site is zoned "R-A," Suburban Residential, that would require a 20,000 sq. ft. minimum lot size. The Atascadero General Plan was amended in 1978 to require a one acre minimum within the "Moderate Density Residential" category provided that the parcels can be served by sewers. The parcels as proposed would appear to be in keeping with the General Plan. Ordinance Considerations: Staff has expressed concern about the proposed access to Parcel 'C' and with the ultimate circulation pattern to serve interior parcels of this block. It would appear that other properties within the block may be able to divide further under the current General Plan and zoning. Section 21.20 of the County Subdivision Ordinance provides for the requirement of reasonable road improvements when properties subdivide. The attached Subdivision Review Board Exhibit 'A' provides for a portion of the interior block access road to be constructed. Also, a minor redesign is necessary for property lines to conform to the new road. The provision of the road appears to also satisfy the requirement for safe and convenient access in the Conditional Negative Declaration granted to the City Council. General Plan Considerations: The property and the surrounding block are designated "Moderate Density Residential" on the 1978 Atascadero General Plan. With the requirement of interior circulation and construction of the necessary utility infrastructure (water and sewer lines) the subdivision as proposed appears to be consistent with the General Plan. One last consideration is the matter of the Atascadero incorporation. Although it appears the new City Council will take final action on this project, the Subdivision Review Board may still take action on this matter. Any action taken will likely constitute an informal recommendation to the City Council. It should be noted this staff report and the recommendations are based on County policy, procedure, and ordinances. RECOMMENDATION After review of applicable General Plans and other available infor- mation, the Subdivision Review Board recommends approval to the Atascadero Planning Commission and that the proposed subdivision be found consistent with the General Plan in accordance with Sections 66473.5, 66474, and 66474.6 of the Subdivision Map Act. • TRACT 770 The following conditions regarding its design and improvements are recommended by the Subdivision Review Board should the application be approved. STREETS 1. The interior road to be constructed to A-5 suburban standard road section with a 50' right-of-way. 2. An additional widening of 5' along Atascadero Road to be dedicated on the Final Map. WATER 3. Water is to be obtained from the Atascadero Mutual Water Company. 4. That a letter be obtained from the Atascadero Mutual Water Company and submitted to the Health and Planning Departments stating they are willing and able to supply water to the lots being created by Tract No. 770. SEWERS AND SOLID WASTE S. Sewage disposal shall be by connection to the community sewers. 6. That evidence be obtained from the Sewer District and submitted to the Health and Planning Departments indicating the Community Sewage Sustem is willing and able to serve additional connections. 7. That the required separation between water mains and sanitary sewers be achieved during construction. PUBLIC UTILITIES 8. Public utility easements be shown on the Final Map. PLANS 9. Improvement plans be prepared in accordance with San Luis Obispo County Improvement Standards and Specs by a R.C.E. and submitted to the County Engineers office for approval. The plan to include: (a) Street plan and profile (b) Drainage ditches, culverts, structures with grades (c) Water plan (d) Sewer plan (e) Public utility location TRACT 770 • • 10. The engineer, upon completion of the improvements, must certify to the County Engineer that the improvements are made in accordance with Subdivision Review Board requirements and the approved plans. FIRE PROTECTION 11. That one standard fire hydrant be installed adjacent to the interior corner of Parcel 'C^ to the satisfaction of the Atascadero Fire Department. `�, � .�.2•cX-2.c.-� �--�7 n..-c�.z..�=-l-z-c�Z ,:r -�- ,�.�-..,�,c,v'i--�..�. DESIGN t .fir � s 12. That a 25' building setback line be shown along Atascadero Road and the road fronting Parcel 'C. ' 13. That the lot area of Parcel C shall contain a minimum area of 1 acre exclusive of area shown for road dedications. 14. That street names for the required road shall be submitted to the Planning Department for approval. Approved street names shall be shown on the final map. 15. That the storage shed on Lot C shall be removed prior to the recording of the Final Map. 16. That the layout be redesigned as per Subdivision Review Board Exhibit 'A' , dated October 2 1979, on file in the office of the County Planning Department. MISCELLANEOUS 17. The developer submit a preliminary subdivision guarantee to the County Engineer's office for approval prior to the filing of the final map. 18. A preliminary soils report by a Registered Civil Engineer be submitted and approved prior to the filing of the final map. 19. That all conditions of approval herein specified are to be complied with prior to the filing of the final map. 20. That a final map shall be filed in accordance with Subdivision Map Act prior to sale, lease, or financing of the subject property within a period of 18 months from approval date of the Tentative Map. DISCUSSION Applicant or engineer did not attend the meeting. The applicant later contacted the Planning Department and stated that they may wish to appeal for a road exception. The Subdivision Review Board unanimously adopted the preliminary report as amended. _ 'AI 20 56 55 4, 6 — E 1s 2/ 20 5T 54 9 y, is - 22 _ 18 58 63tT B' io 16 _. 15-A 23 59- %6 17 d 24 18 60 �S it 18 l5-8 b A • a is 25 16 62 "9 19 , rA,,' ? A Pcrs I5-C. T `-14 ?6 , 13.. 63 2g 2,9 25 30 r d d� .6 G G��<, l V 11 6 t7 ! _ Par- 1 /� / 31 10 14 \ / 33 34 S 27 6 /0/O 3 1 -a: 7 ) 4 ` 36 PLST 37. �_. 38 jo 9 sec New. VAL, ar 1 s dQ - Pf47 r 7n�O 4' ``3P Q \ _ PT ! L 1 39 8 j ttl far V _ t s!►c I A'� - P! ' /14 1 AS . S0 Jg d 4 4\ 46. 4 �A 7 ♦p 45 6 44 *s20 4S 1 n AA �}�7 fp1TY331 46 ;4 e/ 90 09 ew of , 1Ur \ �I 2.0 Olr 4b, to 1 'r T ^4V � � o Y ro i 3 UJC r 40 dOr low daft 71 An j�Fr• ��b iy � � h� C - I � � N / � • � � aOz°szM N wJ `wl OP �2 N L/ _ J S / m f/I /f _ NtC% I yZc -cc LU lu ", 3 ZI QSIM Z O ai ZV., i 0 - ----------------------------------- � If'ser Y C.rP a bLk P ys6 osa f y O 1 M� ro 1 � rr orfs 1 e vlq b y ! q glro 2 4 / 1 O ~ al ►s t c — EZ t B 09 to 1 1 1 I cFO°eN 011/GI1..y o 2F s reP0ai LI_bf �B W161. 3(10 oBN O Ib VI4 '�• ff�.7 •�nv ®I ',1 r'F jlw � �lo I IA I �r f q14 I I I I C9 b 1 1 1 I 99 IR N140910,h • • �•� /`��/�� '•:r it ••i�i�i�i.11 FOR Or, ii•••i .08 •ii+t , • ••••• • ••� •.•.rS*�� r 1 •iii 1 • R IN we 1•r •r � ••i lV•�yrs ••� r' 16 - ` 1 • I� v NEo A. RocOWAY, Director Telephone(805)549-5600 lip PLANNING DEPARTMENT Courthouse Annex SAN LUIS OHISPo, CALIFORNIA - 9MOS November 12, 1979 RECEIVED NOV 1 5 1979 Honorable Atascadero Planning Commission and City Council City of Atascadero, California Dear Ladies and Gentlemen: SUBJECT: CO 79-33, PROPOSED LOT DIVISION OF LOT 2, BLOCK L, ATASCADERO COLONY, TRAFFIC WAY NEAR ROSARIO, CITY OF ATASCADERO (M-1: INDUSTRIAL PARK) (MOLINA - CAMPBELL) SUPERVISORIAL DISTRICT #1 (884: 5/9/79) RECOMMENDATION FOR CONSISTENCY AND FOR APPROVAL RECOMMENDATION ON ROAD IMPROVEMENTS At a regular meeting of the County Subdivision Review Board, the attached subdivision was considered and is being referred to you for required action and findings regarding consistency with applicable general plans. Respectfully submitted, LARRY J. RED, Supervisor Subdivision Review Section ca Attachment cc: County Engineer County Health Department REPORT OF THE SUBDIVISION REVIEW BOARD MEETING NOVEMBER 7, 1979 RE: CO 79-033, PROPOSED LOT DIVISION OF LOT 2, BLOCK L, ATASCADERO COLONY, TRAI-FIC WAY NF.AR ROSARTO, CITY OF ATASCAIIERO (M-1: INDUSTRIAL DARK) (MOLINA - CAMI1BI;1,L,) SUPERVISORIAL DISTRICT#1 (884: 5/9/79) RECOMMENDATION FOR CONSISTENCY AND FOR APPROVAL SRB Members in Attendance: Chairman, Colonel Sorenson, John Hofschroer, John Wallace, Jerry Erickson Planning Commissioner in Attendance: Blair Shurtleff Legal Counsel Present: None PROJECT DESCRIPTION This application proposes a subdivision of a 1.5 acre site into two parcels of approximately . 75 acres each. The site is located on the easterly side of Traffic Way between Via Avenue and Rosario. Zoning: M-1: "Light Industrial" (no minimum building site) General Plan: 1978 Atascadero Area General Plan: "Industrial Park" (1/2 acre minimum lot size) COMMENTS Environmental Determination: A Conditional Negative Declaration was issued by the Environmental Coordinator October 5, 1979, stating that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment and therefore does not require the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report, subject to the following conditions: 1. Comprehensive grading, drainage, and erosion control plans will be approved by the County Engineer's Office prior to the filing of any building permits for the proposed parcels. 2. The County Engineer's Office must approve access plans prior to the issuance of any building hermits. Site and Area Considerations The site is characterized by gentle to moderate slopes on the portion of the parcel that faces Traffic Way. The rear 1/4 of the parcel slopes steeply, 75% slope, down to the railroad spur that services the adjacent grain and feed supply complex. A small portion- of the parcel lies between this railroad spur and the regular railroad track. The location and size of this portion of the parcel would, for most intents and purposes, render it unusable. The proposed parcels would have access onto Traffic Way, and approximately 800 of the area on the site could be utilized. The subject property is located in a mixed use area. Industrial and manufacturing uses are dominant along the easterly side of Traffic Way. Y Land use on the opposite side of the street is basically residen-tial . Mercedes Avenue and Del Rio Road, located on the east side of the site, are unimproved roads of the Colony subdivision, which have not been abandoned. Zoning and General Plan Considerations The site is zoned M-1, Light Industrial, a zoning district which has no minimum building site restriction. Adjacent zoning along the same side of Traffic Way is also. M-1. Zoning on the westerly side of the street is residential. The 1978 Atascadero Area General Plan designates the site and adjacent property as Industrial Park. The plan contains the following comments pertinent to the area: "The Urban Services Area This General Plan stipulates that in the Urban Services Area no land division creating parcels of less than one-half acre should be allowed. This z acre minimum lot size will be permitted in High Density Single Family areas only. In the Suburban Services area lot sizes should generally be graded toward larger lots further from the Central Business District." (P. 42) Light Industrial Atascadero needs clean, light industry in order to provide employment opportunities and reduce the mi ration of young people out of the Colony and to broaden f ax Sase. moclera g ' industry will contribute to a balanced local economy through the production and sale of commodities'. Recent developments in the Industrial Park on E1 Camino Real adjacent to U.S. 101 between Santa Rosa Road and Curbaril Avenue have shown continued growth of industries needing highway transportation. Industries largely associated with railroad use have not located in Atascadero. Additional land is available for compatible industries in this area. However, between Traffic Way and Atascadero creek, from the Armory to the Railroad Tracks, construction is approaching maximum density. Some existing industries resulting in high visual impact and disturbing noise levels are incompatible with surrounding residential areas. Others give unfortunate first impressions to motorists entering Atascadero on U.S. 101. Light Industrial Principles 1. Light industry should be located in physically suited areas that will not create incompatible land use mixtures. 2. Designated industrial areas should be developed first. As these properties become filled, industrial reserve areas can progressively be withdrawn from existing uses and offered for new industrial park development. 3. Industrial promotion and development should include a phased program geared to keeping pace with growth trends in the community. 4. Non-conforming uses should be prohibited from establishing within the industrial areas. S. Landscape setbacks and development standards should be approved by the appropriate governing agency and strictly enforced before development occurs. (p. 51) Light Industrial Policy Proposals 1. Light Industry Land use between Traffic Way and Atascadero Creek and from the Armory to the railroad tracks shall be redesignated as a Light Industrial Park, with the specific design and land use criteria as described in Chapter XIII COMMUNITY APPEARANCE AND STANDARDS, under Industrial Parks. (P. 118) 2. The remainder of Light Industry Land use, from the railroad to the river and north to Estrada Avenue and along the east side of El Camino Real from Curbaril Avenue south to the Commercial use at the Santa Rosa overpass, should remain as it is. 3. Additional areas for light industrial development near Ferrocarril Avenue should be considered if the permitted uses would not adversely affect the surrounding properties and could not be more appropriately located in existing areas. 4. Light industrial uses outside the Urban Services Line should be examined and reviewed, on an individual basis, to insure that there is no conflict between the intensity of the land use and minimum parcel sizes. Sewage disposal should be a prime factor for consideration. (P. 52) Industrial Parks A zoning designation for industrial parks should be established and the following standards applied; 1. All industrial processes should be conducted solely within a building. 2. minimum land-to-building-ratios should be established. 3. Mini um ing—set-ba-7Ks from roads should be established. 4. Minimum side and rear yard set-backs should be established. S. All setbacks should be landscaped with trees, shrubbery, lawns or other ground cover and maintained. 6. Building exteriors should exhibit continuity of acceptable materials and design. 7. Joint agreements among adjacent operations should be encouraged to develop common parking areas. 8. Outside storage areas should be appropriately screened with shrubbery. CO 79-033 9. Loading docks should,: where possible, be on sides or rear of building. 10. Outside lighting should be directed downward or shielded to eliminate glare on other properties. 11. Signing should conform with standards set forth on page 122. 12. All utilities should be installed underground. 13. All building, signing, and landscaping designs should be subject to review. 14. Minimum off-street parking requirements should be established for each type and size of operation. 15. Industries which adversely affect the environment by air, noise, physical or chemical pollution should be prohibited. (P. 118 $ 119) Traffic Way is designated by the plan as a Secondary Arterial, and the following comments are offered: 3. Secondary Arterials Secondary Arterials should be developed to a 60-foot right- of-way. These roads serve as major access routes between residential areas, shopping centers, employment centers and primary recreation areas. Roads in this classification must have shoulders wide enought to accommodate multi-use paths and emergency parking. There are 14 segments of undivided Arterials: b. Traffic Way from El Camino Real to Potrero Road and a future extension of Traffic Way beyond Potrero Road to El Camino Real as a truck route. The portion of Traffic Way between El Camino Real and Olmeda Avenue is also designated to have 40 feet of paving to allow for two 8-foot parking strips on both sides of the arterial. (P. 88) RECOMMENDATION Although it appears the new City Planning Commission and City Council will take final action on this project, the Subdivision Review Board may still take action on this matter. Any action taken will likely constitute an informal recommendation to the City Council. It should be noted this staff report and the recommendations are based on County policy, procedure, and ordinances. After review of applicable General Plans and other available information the Subdivision Review Board recommends approval and that the proposed subdivision be found consistent with the General Plan in accordance with Section 65302.5(a) (4) of the Government Code. CU /y-USS • Provided that a finding of consistency is made and the application ultimately approved, the following conditions are hereby established regarding the design and improvements of the proposed subdivision; which conditions when satisfied.,will mitigate the environmental concerns expressed by the Environmental Coordinator in his Conditional Negative Declaration of October 5, 1979. And, provided that the Tentative Parcel Map is approved, the Subdivision Review Board also recommends that it be found in the interest of the public health and safety, and as a necessary prerequisite to the orderly development of the surrounding area, to require the construction of road improvements within a period of one year after recordation of the Parcel Map, 1. That the following "NOTES" shall be placed on the final map: A. Sewage disposal shall be by connection to the community sewers. B. Water is to be obtained from the Atascadero Mutual Water Company. 2. That operable water facilities exist prior to the filing of the Final Map. A letter shall be obtained from the Atascadero Mutual Water Company and submitted to the Health and Planning Departments for review and approval stating there are operable facilities immediately available and ready for connection to the parcels created. 3. That Traffic Way fronting said property be improved in the following manner: 2/3 an A-4 urban standard section 4. That the grade and alignment of the road easements as shown on the Tentative Parcel Map meet San Luis Obispo County standards. Also, improvement plans shall be prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer and submitted to the County Engineer's Office for approval. S. That the applicant enter into an Inspection Agreement with the County for inspection of said improvements. 6. The Engineer, upon completion of the improvements, must certify to the County Engineer that the improvements are made in accordance with Subdivision Review Board requirements and the approved plans. 7. Applicant shall file with the County Engineer an application requesting apportionment of any unpaid assessments under the Improvement Bond Act of 1915, in compliance with Section 8740. 1 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California. Said apportionment must be completed prior to filing the Final Map. CO 79-033 • 0 8. That any private easement as shown on the Title Report be shown on the Parcel Map with recording data. 9. Note for Parcel Map: That a comprehensive grading, drainage, and erosion control plan, prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer, be submitted for approval prior to issuance of any building permits for the parcels. 10. FIRE PROTECTION STANDARDS The applicant must comply with state, county and district laws/ ordinances applicable to fire protection and consider increased fire risk to area by the land proposed. 11. All conditions of approval herein specified are to be complied with prior to the submittal of the Parcel Map Original to the County Engineer for approval. 12. That a Final Parcel Map shall be filed in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act, prior to sale, lease or financing of the subject property within a period of one year from approval date of the Tentative Map. 13. After approval by the City Council, compliance with the preceeding conditions will bring the proposed subdivision in conformance with the Subdivision Map Act and local ordinances. 14. The Tentative Parcel Map will expire one year (12 months) from the date of City Council's approval. The Tentative Parcel Hap may be extended one year by the Subdivision Review Board. written requests with appropriate fees must be submitted to the Planning Department prior to the expiration date. DISCUSSION Applicant and engineer attended the meeting and questioned road improvements. Staff explained how the road exception appeal can be made. Allen Campbell stated that in the past, road improvements were not required on County maintained roads. The applicant stated that he would not apply for the road exception. The Subdivision Review Board unanimously adopted the preliminary report as amended. L no IN Mok • � '-�Yl:'��-:'' ��=� : �I��j \fir ty�'a �� Q �,� �• ��,•r��+�� ���y'A � �.� ► ��'�' tut I Will FA oil AMOM IMPAild gn WIN EEL a ON so XMIX i w J ��✓�I> ��'Ami . II� � � • W�o44 Qr�a� I c � / ci ,�' r i v)� N LL�yv m lu W [ Jti— O ow� v _ I to "4 �" s �za x Y —WpIU _ 4l LY p W dkDz O1 3 G rm6w � W F OLte ' U 4 Q 33 n V 41."*/Dc 4, a9 he O 0 /4�1s/N�h'p �,� •g6y c bYj�, b v _ Vv •�� O.i. 0/4, s p . 7 o IL i V 1 p f i• U r y..� o� � r i te , a 93 • tj .` m ; a sF I 3` y i �p070� t 6Yy p1®r R.�'�" '.• `JAY f' 4�IrV i s.ie'ot 7�k�fIG ca Ra r+a b H0o79 •�..,,ypyw.w.uti..�..-.�w..n,r.,,;ai`,IY{�'i,�,F,.,,..;..n � ,;ST{':% ,SS+,-...;g!,�'., .�r-.,,+..w. -'�Tww�"snR.�lr.M..*-gF�wq.-� ` COUNTY OF*_ J LUIS OBISP0 PLANNING DEPARTMENT - APPLICATION FOR LOT DIVISION (FOUR PARCELS OR LESS) Return to Courthouse Annex, Room 102, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 (305) S43-1550 (FOUR COPIES REQUIRED) APPLICANTS NAME MAILING ADDRESS PHONE APPLICANT S21Cd� RECORD OWNER V,C_ QQ2 7ENGINEER�J Cell_ Pte- Fyx 855�TC n1- - 1 C� 43a►--►�34 OR SUR EYOR NO. (If different than above) PROPERTY LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot_ _ Block (_ Tract ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBERS: \Ol\ EXISTING USES: ( ) Residential ( ) Agricultural ( ) Commercial (� Industrial ( ) Recreational ( ) Other describe Are there any existing structures on the property? Vjc%le ( ) Residence ( ) Commercial- or Industrial ( ) Agricultural ( } Mobile Home ( ) Other describe When did record owner purchase lot? �oj1 Qj Does the record owner or purchaser (if property is in escrow) own any contiguous property not mentioned above? (describe) np Has record owner previously divided any contiguous property? nO Are there any existing or proposed easements on the property? (If yes, describe.) Ra Is any portion of this property obligated by an assessment(s)under the Improvement Bond Act of 1915? ()0 Yes 0% No � If yes, name(s) of assessment district(s) (Arehereany flooding or drainage problems at any time during the year? Yes No If yes, explain: FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: PARCEL NAP # CO- ')�J_L �'� SUPERVISORIAL,DISTRICT LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOCATION EXISTING ZONING 'r T' r7". ZONING MAP N TOWNSHIP k GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION�� (�j�Ji'�7k'l/��_ �f3G'L�l' ( 7cIir— — REMARKS a rPub acreage i par...:l to be divided: 1,95 number of parcels to be created as a result of this division:�L of each lot created: S59?.2 A -619 Eye. f�L -C4. c utilities now available to property: (,)Q electric (kJ gas water ( ) telephone sed source of water, if not available from public water company: private well ( ) neighbors well ( ) other (describe) sed provision for sewage disposal: ( ) septic tank (�.public sewer other (describe) ed use: ( ) Residential ( ) Agriculture ( ) Commercial ( Industrial Recreational ( ) other PROCEDURE 1. Applications (and fees) are received by the Planning Department... An application concerning four or fewer parcels consists'of the following: a. Four copies of.the land division application form; b. Seven copies of's tentative map; C. Two copies of a preliminary title report covering the property being subdivided (dated within the last 6 months); d. File fee; _ e. Waiver of time restrictions signed; f. Environmental description form (request for negative declaration); g. Verification of legality of the underlying lot (if needed). Details regarding the contents of tentative maps and application requirements may be obcained from the appropriate section of the ordinances on land divisions. NOTE: OTHER INFOMIATION: Submit any other information supportive of your Land Division Request. Such information may include data on slopes, topography, water availability, suitability of septic tank use, grading and drainage, information on-site planning design, surrounding parcel sizes, photographs, and access provisions. 2. The application is reviewed by the Environmental Coordinator and either found to be categorically exempt from the State Environmental Quality Act or forwarded to the Board of Supervisors for a determination as to whether an environmental Impact report should be prepared. 7. Subsequent to reviewof the Environmental Coordinator, land division applications - are returned to the Planning Department for processing to the Subdivison Review Board (SRO). a. The SRB meets once a month. It consists of representatives of the County Engineer- ing, Health and Planning Departments, along with a rotating member of the County Planning Commission. Based on topographic and soil conditions, type of access, availability of utilities, future land division potential, and other on- and off-site criteria,-the SRB will set site improvement standards and other conditions of approval as well as recommendations on General Plan consistency. S. The application may appeal SRB conditions of approval or SRB recommendations to the Planning Commission. 6. The Board of Supervisors reviews the proposed land division in regards to consistency with the General Plan, (NOTE; IN ORDER TO GAIN APPROVAL OF YOUR TENTATIVE NAP. 111E PROPOSED DIVISION MUST BE FOUND CONSISTENT WIT11 THE GENERAL PLAN. THIS HOLDS TRUE EVEN IN THE EVENT THAT THE ZONING PEMIITS A SMALLER MINIMUM LOT SIZE TRAY THE GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION RECOSDIENDS.) 7. 1f found consistent, a final map is prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer or Licensed Land Surveyor and check prints are submitted to the County Engineer (fee charged). Conditions of approval must be satisfied prior to such submittal. B. When approved by the County Engineer, the final map is forwarded to the Board of Supervisors for approval and acceptance or rejection of any offers of dedication. 9. Approximately one or two weeks after Board of Supervisors' action, the map is certified by the County Clerk andcan be picked up by the Title Comoony for recording by the County Recorder (fee charged). - 10. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Approval of this application by the Subdivision Review Board and Board of Supervisors constitutes approval of the tentative map only. The division is not complete until filing of the final parcel map with the County Recorder. It is important to recognize that all conditions of approval must be satisfied, and requirements of the Subdivision Map Act and local ordinance regulating the division of land complied with before the parcel map may be filed for record. The.time-period within which the parcel map must be filed in the Recorder's Office is 12 months following approval by the Board of Supervisors:—While extensions of this time period are permissable under County ordinance for aperiod of 12 months, such extensions are entirely discretionary, and will depee,'. largely on any changes in County policy and/or ordinance subsequent to initial approval of the tentative map. VERIFICATION : I hereby certify that I have read and understand the above mentioned information and that failure to complete this application properly may result in the delay or otherwise jeapordize the processing of this application. 11& �� Q2Signature of APP�CMT Date Date K � lSiqnature of CURRENT PROPERTY OWNERS of ENGINEE , SURVEYOR OR AGENT Date } Nsa A. RocowAY, Director Telephone(805)549-5600 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Courthouse Annex SAN LUIS OBISFO, CALIFORNIA- 93408 November 12, 1979 RECEIVED NOV 1 5 1979' Honorable Atascadero Planning Commission and City Council City of Atascadero, California Dear Ladies and Gentlemen: SUBJECT: CO 79-91, PROPOSED LOT DIVISION OF LOT 27, BLOCK 47, ATASCADERO COLONY, SAN FERNANDO ROAD, CITY OF ATASCADERO (A-1-BV-3-D(508) : LOW DENSITY URBAN RESIDENTIAL) SUPERVISORIAL DISTRICT #1 (AGGSON - LENGER) (884: 5/3/79) RECOMMENDATION AGAINST CONSISTENCY AND FOR DENIAL RECOMMENDATION ON ROAD IMPROVEMENTS At a regular meeting of the County Subdivision Review Board, the attached subdivision was considered and is being referred to you for required action and findings regarding consistency with applicable general plans. Respectfully submitted, LARRY J. RED, upervisor Subdivision Review Section ca Attachment cc: County Engineer County Health Department RUPORT OF THE SUBDIVISION REVIEW BOARD MEETING NOVEMBER 7, 1979 RE: CO 79-91, PROPOSED LOT DIVISION OF LOT 27, BLOCK 47, ATASCADERO COLONY, SAN FERNANDO ROAD, CITY OF ATASCADERO (A-1-BV-3-D508`. LOW DENSITY URBAN RESIDENTIAL) (AGGSON - LENGER) SUPERVISORIAL DISTRICT #1 (884: 5/3/79) RECOMMENDATION AGAINST CONSISTENCY AND FOR DENIAL SRB Members in Attendance: Planning Commissioner in Attendance: Legal Counsel Present: PROJECT DESCRIPTION This application proposes a subdivision of a 5 acre site into two parcels of 2.5 acres each. The site is located on the northerly side of San Fernando Road in the Las Encinas area of Atascadero. Zoning: A-1-BV-3-D508: "Light Agriculture" with a slope related density and a 2 acre minimum General Plan: 1978 Atascadero Area General Plan: "Low Density Urban Residential" (21-2-10 acres in areas without sewer service) COMMENTS Environmental Determination: A Conditional Negative Declaration was issued by the Environmental Coordinator on October 5, 1979, stating that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment and therefore does not require the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report, subject to the following condition: "A Preliminary Soils Report prepared by a registered Civil Engineer in accordance with Sections 17953, 17954, 17955 of the California Health $ Safety Code must be submitted to the County Engineer's Office prior to the filing of the Parcel Map with the County Engineer's Office. Soil report should emphasize soils stability for residential development. " Site and Area Considerations The site is characterized by moderately sloping terrain that is for the most part covered by annual grasses, mature oaks and brush. The County Seismic Safety Element indicates that the area may be subject to a moderately high risk from landslide. The County Fire Hazards map indicates that the area is designated as being subject to extreme fire hazard. The Soil Conservation Service makes note that the area may be subject to a high potential for erosion. CO 79-91 The character of the area is primarily single family, rural residential in nature, with the surrounding parcels ranging in size from 1.5 acres to 10 acres. The physical characteristic of much of the surrounding area is basically similar, consisting of moderately to steeply sloping hillsides with moderate to heavy vegetation cover. San Fernando Road in this area is an unimproved road in a 40 foot right-of-way. Zoning and General Plan Considerations The site and adjacent properties are zoned A-1-BV-3-D508, a Light Agricultural classification with a slope related combining designation and a two acre minimum. The B-V-3 combining district would allow 2.5 acre parcels providing the average slope does not exceed 200. The average slope on Parcel A is approximately 15% and that on Parcel B is 14%. The County's Lot Division Ordinance contains the following design provisions which relate to this project: "21.48. 125 (g) The resulting parcels shall achieve optimal utility as measured by: (1) Efficient utilization of land; (2) Minimizing site disruption in developing access drives and building pads, with respect to cuts and fills and vegetation removal; (3) Ensuring that proposed parcels would not act to deter or hinder the use of the subject or adjacent parcels, present or future; (4) Maintaining the character and parcel configuration pattern of the surrounding area." The 1978 Atascadero Area General Plan designates the area as Low Density Single Family Residential. The site is outside the Urban Services Boundary, and San Fernando Road is designated as a Local Street. The General Plan contains the following comments pertinent to this project. "Land Use Policy Proposals 2. The type and extent of services provided within the Urban Reserve Area will depend on whether land is in the Urban or the Suburban Services Area. Properties outside the Urban Services Line should be evaluated for lot size based on the Suburban Residential range (212 to 10 acres) until sewers are available. (P. 42) Low Density Minimum lot sizes within the Urban Services Area should range from 12 to 23-2 acres. Determination of appropriate lot sizes should be based upon such l;0 Y9-91 • factors as the availability of services, especially sewers; slope of access road to building site; distance from the center of the community; general. character of neighboring lands; soil percolation; and the area needed for access roads to the building sites. (P. 44) Residential Policy Proposals 5. Residential density should decrease as one moves outward from the core, in order to maintain the rural atmosphere of the community. This can be accomplished by a graded increase in lot size and a graded decrease in the permitted density of population. 10. Lot splits should be thoroughly evaluated and be in accordance with community plans and principles. Strict adherence to the lot sizes defined in this Plan is essential in order to retain the desired character of the community. Creation of lots smaller than those recommended must not be permitted if the maximum population of approximately 30,000 is to be maintained. 11. Attention should be paid to the aesthetic result of land division. Building sites should be encouraged on natural slopes, with minimal disruption of native vegetation and watersheds, and efficient layout of access and utilities. 12. A program should be developed to encourage the preservation of trees, watersheds and natural slopes and other natural amenities from abuse and destruction resulting from poor design and development practices. (P. 45 $ 46) The Suburban Residential section also contains the following guidance: Lot sizes should be 22 acres or more. Determination of appropriate lot sizes should be based upon such factors as slope of the access road to the building site, availability of services, distance from the center of the community, general character of neighboring lands, percolation and the area needed for access road to building site.. (P. 44) RECOMMENDATION Although the City Planning Commission and the City Council will take final action on this project, the Subdivision Review Board may still take action on this matter. Any action taken will likely constitute an informal recommendation to the City Council. It should be noted this staff report and the recommendations are based on County policy, procedure and ordinances. After review of applicable General Plans and other available information - the Subdivision Review Board recommends denial pursuant to Section 21.48. 125 of the Lot Division Ordinance and that the proposed subdivision be found CO 79-91 not consistent with the General Plan in accordance with Section 65302.5(a) (4) of the Government Code, with the following specific findings: I. That there is reasonable probability that the subdivision will be not consistent with the general plan proposal being considered or studied or which will be studied within a reasonable time; 2. There is a probability of substantial detriment to or interference with the future adopted general plan if the use proposed is ultimately inconsistent with the general plan. This recommendation is based on the following factors: 1. The proposed map is not consistent with applicable general and specific plans. 2. The design or improvement of the proposed subdivision is not consistent with applicable general and specific plans. 3. The site is not physically suitable for the type of development. 4. The site is not physically suitable for the proposed density of development. Provided, however, that a finding of consistency is made and the application ultimately approved, the following conditions are hereby established regarding the design and improvements of the proposed subdivision; which conditions when satisfied will mitigate the environmental concerns expressed by the Environmental Coordinator in his Conditional Negative Declaration of October 5, 1979. And, provided that the Tentative Parcel Map is consistent and approved, the Subdivision Review Board also recommends that it be found in the interest of the public health and safety, and as a necessary prerequisite to the orderly development of the surrounding area, to require the construction of road improvements within a period of one year after recordation of the Parcel Map. 1. That the following "NOTES" shall be placed on the final map: A. No sewage disposal system installations are to be placed closer than 100 feet from the top of the existing creek bank, drainage swales or areas subject to inundation. B. Septic tanks will be an acceptable method of sewage disposal, if soil tests and plans are acceptable, until public sewers may become available. C. Water is to be obtained from the Atascadero Mutual Water Company. CO 79-91 • 2. Prior to the filing of theap rcel map, the applicant shall submit to and be jointly approved by the Planning Department and Health Department, results of percolation tests and the log or logs of soil borings performed by a registered civil engineer. For this purpose, the applicant shall perform one or more soil borings to be a minimum depth of ten (10) feet in the area of the proposed sewage disposal system to determine the: (a) subsurface soil conditions, (example: impermeable stratas which act as barriers to the effective percolation of sewage); (b) and the presence of groundwater. And the applicant must perform a minimum of three (3) percolation test holes per lot, to be spaced uniformly in the area of the proposed sewage disposal system. Percolation tests shall conform to the methods and guidelines prescribed by the Manual of Septic Tank Practice as adopted by the County Building and Construction Ordinance Title 19, Chapter 10. 24. 3. That operable water facilities exist prior to the filing of the Final Map. A letter shall be obtained from the Atascadero Mutual Water Company and submitted to the Health and Planning Departments for review and approval stating there are operable facilities immediately available and ready for connection to the parcels created. 4. That the applicant offer for dedication to the public for future road widening purposes 5 feet along San Fernando Road; said offer to be made by certificate on the Parcel Map. S. That the applicant submit a preliminary Title Report at the time the Parcel Map is submitted for checking. 6. That San Fernando Road fronting said property be improved in the following manner: 2/3 of an A-5 rural section fronting the property and extending to Monterey Road. 7. That the grade and alignment of the road easements as shown on the Tentative Parcel Map meet San Luis Obispo County standards. Also, improvement plans shall be prepared by a Registered- Civil Engineer and submitted to the County Engineer's Office for approval. 8. That the applicant enter into an Inspection Agreement with the County for inspection of said improvements. 9. The Engineer, upon completion of the improvements, must certify to the County Engineer that the improvements are made in accordance with Subdivision Review Board requirements and the approved plans. 10. That an Encroachment Permit be obtained from the County Engineer's Office for work to be done on the County road. vv i ✓-moi • 11. That any private easement as shown on the Title Report be shown on the Parcel Map with recording data. 12. That the drainage swale on the property be delineated on the Parcel Map. 13. That three (3) copies of'a Preliminary Soils Report prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer in accordance with Sections 17953, 17954, 17955 of the California Health and Safety Code be submitted to the Planning Department and Health Department prior to the filing of the parcel map by the County Engineer's Office. The date and person who prepared the report are to be noted on the Parcel Map. 14. FIRE PROTECTION STANDARDS The applicant must comply with state, county and district laws/ ordinances applicable to fire protection and consider increased fire risk to area by the land proposed. 15. All conditions of approval herein specified are to be complied with prior to the submittal of the Parcel Map Original to the County Engineer for approval. 16. That a Final Parcel Map shall be filed in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act, prior to sale, lease or financing of the subject property within a period of one year from approval date of the Tentative Map. 17. After approval by the City Council, compliance with the preceeding conditions will bring the proposed subdivision in conformance with the Subdivision Map Act and local ordinances. 18. The Tentative Parcel Map will expire one year (12 months) from the date of Board of Supervisors approval. The Tentative Parcel Map may be extended one year by the Subdivision Review Board. Written requests with appropriate fees must be submitted to the Planning Department prior to the expiration date. DISCUSSION Applicant and engineer attended the meeting and discussed the General Plan consistency question. The applicant stated that he wished the item to go on to the Atascadero Planning Commission. The Subdivision Review Board unanimously adopted the preliminary report as written. No �. � � _ J MMIN WA 21 N\7: ` �' � ,� \ � �`+/fin=: .`'-�,►.� �� � � , ���� �,•� i \� I 37 r. — \ 4 1 42 43 44 47 233 21 Ij 4 A 48 ""�►. ' \. 39 13'<,' 4649_ _0 49 5 1 40 �.�P 13 --- 5 36 41 50 .4 } 41 15 1 1N0 40 — --..�0 RI 26 IS i /3 6 4 10 tc 42 1-7 A —'- � 52 r 34 39 2 17\ 9 �( —� Q i S [+ 8 Q 0� 2 Q ' ` 6 \i iA' 19 _3 3 2 9 1 6 '. 20 21 22 _ CJ 38 34\ 3 \ - 3 2-0 0 Y /15 A 23 4 A 37 4 5 12 11 15/ 0 25 ' 27 28 \ 21 F. 5 16 U 14`' 13 14 A- 12 B 29 30 G1 �` X13 I7 10 T i le .1 A ``/ 2 F 9/ B ' 'S'!y 19 1$ 20 I8 a b 6 �{/ Y 7-' 8 r 9 ' 23 \ 32 33 Y Q p 23 1 ;2 d 33 3 2 / I f 12 A. 24 �2 21 / -c A 1 / 1314 15 !' ?— �� ?0 26 /b 33 d. /7 6 5 13 12 II is F 26 2 / 32 ; 4 ' ^ ' 22 2.31 ? �2 3 36 / 16�: � N�5 /\\ i32 f 33° f r 35 14 / 8 7 tt� h 2g __ 8 7 6 5 28 � ° r / 14 A�l2 6 5 U ' _ C: 2g\ 313id c 341 A_ 1 l0 �/ C 4. 3 y q /3 Ft rC \ 1 31 b a i j 15 9 4 10 28 31 31 4 / �\ \/ 6/5 .` f f^ 0 —� �/49 I 29 30 30 '30d _ 16 21 i 4 3 . 3,`f °1 10 28 47 � \2N �L _.___ Ig �, 20 22 LI 12 \ �. 3 32 a �� ' 1�1' .47,C n 31 y �. 2 _ 1923 25 35 34 33 A 14 30 A 36 37 36 45 5 """" `2;9 ' 12 I 9 16 44 1 10 9 8 - '� �• \ \ �6 •�. l 'N��� 11 P 6 r, �7' l 13 _ _1 l 43 27 7 `� 14 Ic 42 � 26`� `2� 46`� q 1520 5 \ - - �5 4 Q \ 16 3 �- }1 3 — / /� �� 14 ll a 45 ,9 ` . Ip 25 Z, 17 22 23 24 15 • 2A 18 25 •., 1 1. 98 96 12 // 19 21 - L C?A - 29 30 31 f: 0 _ 235, 3 27 2 5 5/ 1 4 13 22 / 17 � 14 21 i8 16 28 L J / 15 20 15 24 43 19 14 I I 10 9 6 16 19 �� /13 14 • .42 \ , \7. � -- 41 17 2( 2 19 23 Q 7 40 / a 19 2 a .150 16 21 - 39 22 8 5 4 15 17 9 20 38 ��` 3 8 14 16 &7`10011 741 z` -$ 00 OL m0- (X CD cc d/ a 44 z a Q R Qf a 1 \ � s ° P �O G ,n r W fi y W O a m 0.1wiy0 y �\ OZ N P w mCOJ ti m y O S/1 Q W .y YGP3°i ` ��`•� to cr a 1 ///'0 p O) ED W z U at ct � W fA : P ,ari �\ CL Ell o � O a O V m b �jp � 0 � Qvoo 2QvOo Q � II 1 s C7) ao 0 s all vi a\ o' i 1 v. I I \ p � •Y2 Z 1I r i L (J , 1 O 1 O sit — .L1 io2 M.Pf i `0 .req a : P''r' k •AIPi 13 :T Ir• j •.a 'i. 1. ♦ I: a ••1 W — •.T •J: I. I.' fff a : .tom y_ Am r. a. •.ti :t .I :y •. :R 3 . :M ` a. •r .1 i/ v .J l t• I• �.. .j. jr•I• I t :: '''•'''' �'�:•':•': •'•'•':•. :::'•':•'.•.•::.'..':: t.•.'.::' :Y' TA%• .��:• %,�.::.:::•:•: �::••��:•••�::.•:•• �� �� �� GEN�� : �: :: :: - t,. co 14 -091 COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OGISP0 PLANNING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR �� •°_ ; LOT DIVISION (FOUR PARCELS OR L ) �Ro Return to-.courthouse Annex, Room 102, San Luis Obispo, CA �111U����`�S��Sd3- (FOUR COPICS REQUIRED APPLICANTS : NAME MAILING ADDRESS PHONE BACRY MAQe ArosoN -7AZ15 Pismo A-MoAMM c A 466-1274 ;arrl.Ic.�:T SAMA RECORD OWNER Loe'OHAFZV LAV4.1m Jr.. $o ?�Qc 1115 SAH LLI15 081.SPo. GA S44-b434 &iGI- 6ER-eR SURVEYOR S NO. (-.5. 3811 AGENT (If different than above) PROPERTY: ' LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 41 Lot ZZ Block 41 Tract A7AScAVSw CoL oN`C ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBERS: 49 -Z41- IG EXISTING USES: ( ) Residential ( ) Agricultural ( ) Commercial O Industrial ( ) Recreational pQ Other L.Lh{_- S� descri Are there any existing structures on the property? H.A. ( ) Residence ( ) Commercial or Industrial ( ) Agricultural O Mobile Home O Other describe When slid record owner purchase lot? F659UA4.-Zf ., 1133 Does the record owner or purchaser (if property is in escrow) own any contiguous .property not mentioned above? (describe) ri0 [las record owner previously divided any contiguous property? HO Are there any existing or proposed easements on the property? (If yes, describe.) MD Is any portion of this property obligated by an assessment(s)under the Improvement Bond Act of 1915? ( ) Yes dQ No If yes, name(s) of assessment district(s) Are there any flooding or drainage prc-lems at any time during the year? ( ) Yes No If yes, explain: FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: PARCEL MAP M CO-161-.0SUPERVISORIAL DISTRICT LEGAL. DESCRIPTION L 2 ' Dc :SSC Vie.,' ) CIO C1:•.•�� LOCATION EXISTING ZONING ZONING MAP q% TOWNSHIP q GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATIONe`(,o t, eJee ��i �1=_••=-��� i ��Y .moi., S - �' � RE�L4RKc 5t�w "�i3ci^� �w .., .,.�u•�•e-, �o� � +'�••c REQUEST: , Total acreage in parcel to be divided: S,� AGF-15S S Total number of parcels to be created as a result of this division: Z Size of each lot created: 2.'7 S k. J ZAte. 74 Public utilities now available to property: (>q electric ( ) gas 04 water 04 telephone IProposed source of water, if not available from public water company: ( ) private well ( ) neighbors well ( ) other (describe) • Proposed provision for sewage disposal: pQ septic tank ( ) public sewer ( ) other (describe) as Proposed use: C4 Residential ( ) Agriculture ( ) Commercial ( ) Industrial ( ) Recreational ( ) other PROCEDURE: 1. Applications land fees) are received be the Planning Department. An application concerning four or fewer parcels consists of the following: a. Four copies of the land division application form; b. Seven copies of a tentative.nap; c. Two co p ie s of a preliminary title report covering the property being subdivided (dated within.the last 6 months);. - d. File.fee: e. waiver of time restri.,w ;igned; f. Environmental du ripti(n roan (request for negative declaration); N. rication of 1e4al t , th.e uncle^Is ing lot .if J !). Details ; in; the cunrerts if tentative naps end application �•quirements may be d obtained from the appropriate if of the ordinances on laro divisions. NOTE: OTHER INMR.LITION: Submit any other inforeation supportive of Baur land Uirision Request. Such information may Include data on slopes, topography, water availability, suitability of septic tank use, grading and drainage, information on-site planning design, surrounding parcel sires, photographs, and access provisions. 2. Thr application is reviewed by the Environmental Coordinator and either found To he categorically exempt from the State Environmental Quality act or forwarded to.the Board of Supervisors for a determination as to whether an environmental impact report should be prepared. 3. Subsequent to review of the Environmental Coordinator, land division applications are returned to the Planning Department for processing to the Subdivison Review Board (SRB)- . J. The SRB meetsonce a month. It consists of.representatives cr the County E.;ineer- ing, Health and Planning Departments, along with a rotating member of the Cnun[v Planning Commission. Based on topographic and soil conditions, type of access, av a i1'hi lite of utilities, fumrr land Jivisinn potential, and other on .and off-s are criteria, the SRB till set site improv-meat sr and,ids and Other conditions of approval as well as rocomnendations On General Plan consistency. 5; The anplicatien r v .lwnehl Sal won•litinns of apr.,I o tRB r -._,mwa r,rioms r, the Planning Coeur issiOn. 6. The Board of Supe IL-r, reviews the proposed land division in rexards to consistency with the general flan. (`:U T-.. IN OR DI-.R r0 6A IN APPRM',1.OF 1OUR ri:,TAT IV I�.;•611', ME PR')PO"D 0"ISI D;1 yn i.Sr Br. r0a,%U C0%SISTT%T him rUr ciENEPAL PLAIN. THIS IRI LI15 TRIIF. EVEN I9 THF. FVLN'r TIM THC :ONl%,; PERMITS A 5,`IALLER MINIMI IAT SGE I1LW THE GENERAL PUN DESIGNATION RECO?MENDS.) w. If found consistent, a final mop is prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer or Licensed Land Surveyor and check prints are suhmittea to the County 'nvineer (Fee charged). Condition,of approval must be satisfied prior to suchsubmittal. _ R. when approved by the Countv Engineer, the final map is fo marded to th, Board of SuPero isors fir approval and acceptance or rejection of any oftvrs of dedication. 9. Approximately one Or two weeks after Board of Supervisors' action, the map is certifled by the County Clerk .and In be picked up by the Title Company for recording by the County Recorder (fee charged), to. ADD[TimAL iNFORMATION: ` App re.1I of this application by the SuhdivL ion Review Board and Board of quperri rs cOnstatutes approval of the tentative map anir J':I nor , Hole to pori: fil ng of the tin al parcel map with the County Rvo rder. It sanpn rn[ to reco4nice that all condilion, of ,Ppr s I mus[ he satisti.J ,d requi em+of chc .Subdivision'lap,ct and local ordinance rceulatinc the division or l:rnJ mnmrliuu with Se Farm he par l nap may he filed for eco rd. The tine-re rind with' th- Parcel nap^r;t he til eJ eco J.r Ir ea s I' Y rnl tea pl ro oral by the Baa rd Or Srrpe ry iso s kb,.O extensions r th's tine p rind a per missanle ander tuunty erdi nano:p tc: a perruu of I:months, oc estoa vias a-enti% disc roti ons rv, and will dePenJ la rgely on rano chs nr r,h in�Pnnry ..nli- [nd!or ordinance aoi,r Uc , to ani iia: rpp res:I of ;hc r,.ncrr i• n.n. y VERIFICATION : I ':"ra:,y certify that I have read andunderstand the above mentioned information and that failure to complete this application properly may result in the delay or otherwise jeapordize the processing of this application. SEE 18 ft,0W Signature of APPLICANT Date Date Signature of CURRENT PROPERTY OWNERS Signature of ENGINEER, SURVEYOR OR AGENT Date A , rt I Jx _� - Uo- ,¢ /.41 rJ:z r, t Nan A. RocowAY, Director Telephone(805)549-5600 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Courthouse Annex SAN L,uIS OBISPO, CALIFORNIA - 93408 November 12, 1979 RECEIVED NOV 1 5 1979 Honorable Atascadero Planning Commission and City Council City of Atascadero, California Dear Ladies and Gentlemen: SUBJECT: CO 79-43, PROPOSED LOT DIVISION OF A PORTION OF LOT 8, BLOCK 34, ATASCADERO COLONY, SAN GABRIEL ROAD, NEAR U.S. 101, CITY OF ATASCADERO (R-A: MODERATE DENSITY SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL) SUPERVISORIAL DISTRICT #1 (PAHLER - HILLIARD) (884: 5/17/79) RECOMMENDATION FOR CONSISTENCY AND FOR APPROVAL At a regular meeting of the Subdivision Review Board, the attached subdivision was considered and is being referred to you for required action and findings regarding consistency with applicable general plans. Respectfully submitted, LARRY J. RED, Supervisor Subdivision Review Section ca Attachment cc: County Engineer County Health Department REPORT OF THE SUBDIVISION REVIEW BOARD MEETING NOVEMBER 7, 1979 RE'•: CO 79-43, PROPOSED LOT DIVISION OF A PORTION OF LOT 8, BLOCK 34, ATASCADERO COLONY, SAN GABRIEL ROAD, NEAR U.S, 101, CITY OF ATASCADERO (R-A: MODERATE DENSITY SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL) (PAHLER HILLIARD) SUPERVISORIAL DISTRICT #1 (884: 5/17/79) RECOMMENDATION FOR CONSISTENCY AND FOR APPROVAL SRB Members in Attendance: Chairman, Colonel Sorenson, John Hofschroer, John Wallace, Jerry Erickson Planning Commissioner in Attendance: Blair Shurtleff Legal Counsel Present: None PROJECT DESCRIPTION This application proposes a subdivision of a 2.45 acre site into two parcels of 1.0 and 1.45 acres each. The site is located on the south side of San Gabriel Road just west of the frontage road along Highway 101. Zoning: R-A: "Suburban Residential" (20,000 square foot minimum) General Plan: 1978 Atascadero Area General Plan: "Moderate Density Single Family Residential" (I acre minimum with sewer service) COMMENTS Environmental Determination: A Conditional Negative Declaration was issued by the Environmental Coordinator on October 5, 1979, stating that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment and therefore does not require the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report, subject to the following condition: "Drainage and erosion control plans to be approved by the San Luis Obispo County Engineer ;lg Department." Site and Area Considerations The project site consists of gently rolling to level terrain, covered for the most part by annual grasses and brush. Large oaks are scattered over the parject site. There are two residential structures located on the proposed 1 acre parcel, as designated as Parcel A. Water and sewer service is available to the site and San Gabriel is improved and publically maintained. The area is basically residential in character, with parcel sizes ranging from 1/2 to 5 acres. . f �u iy-4� • • Zoning and General Plan Considerations The site and adjacent property is zoned R-A, Suburban Residential, which has a 20,000 square foot minimum building site requirement. That zoning district allows servant's quarters and non-commercial guest houses (no kitchen) as permitted uses, and second residential units only by Departmental Review. Zoning compliance must be assured prior to recording the Parcel Map. The property is designated by the 1978 Atascadero Area General Plan as Moderate Desnity Single Family Residential. This specifies a one acre minimum in areas where sewer service is available. San Gabriel Road is indicated as a Local Street. The plan contains the following provision relating to this project: "Moderate Density Minimum lot size for the creation of new lots within the Urban Services Area should be one acre if served by sewers and 111 acre if not served by sewers. The keeping of poultry and other animals, excepting swine, may be a permitted use. The keeping of hoofed animals should require a minimum lot size of one acre for the first animal and an additional ? acre for each additional animal." (P. 44) RECOMMENDATION Although it appears the new City Council will take final action on this project, the Subdivision Review Board may still take action on this matter. Any action taken will likely constitute an informal recommenda- tion to the City Council. It should be noted this staff report and the recommendations are based on County policy, procedure, and ordinances. After review of applicable General Plans and other available infor- mation, the Subdivision Review Board recommends approval and proposes that the subdivision be found consistent with the General Plan in accordance with Section 65302.5(a) (4) of the Government Code. Provided that a finding of con -4stency is made and the application ultimately approved, the following conditions are hereby established regarding the design and improvements of the proposed subdivision; which conditions when satisfied will mitigate the environmental concerns expressed by the Environmental Coordinator in his Conditional Negative Declaration of October 5, 1979. 1. That the following "NOTES" shall be placed on the final map: A. Sewage disposal shall be by connection to the community sewers. CO 79-43 • B. Water is to be obtainedfromthe Atascadero Mutual Water Company. 2. That operable facilities exist prior to the filing of the Final Map. A letter shall be obtained from the Atascadero Mutual Water Company and submitted to the Health and Planning Departments for review and approval stating there are operable facilities immediately available and ready for connection to the parcels created. 3: That the applicant offer for dedication to the public for future road widening purposes 5 feet along San Gabriel Road; said offer to be made by certificate on the Parcel Map. 4. That a private easement be reserved on the Parcel Map for access to Parcel "B." 5. That the applicant submit a preliminary Title Report at the time the Parcel Map is submitted for checking. 6. That any private easement as shown on the Title Report be shown on the Parcel Map with recording data. 7. That a grading, drainage and erosion control plan, prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer, be submitted to the County Engineer for approval. 8. That compliance with appropriate Zoning regulations be assured prior to recordation of the Parcel Map. 9. FIRE PROTECTION STANDARDS The applicant must comply with state, county and district laws/ ordinances applicable to fire protection and consider increased fire risk to area by the land proposed. 10. All conditions of approval herein specified are to be complied with prior to the submittal of the Parcel Map Original to the 'County Engineer for approval. 11. That a Final Parcel Map shall be filed in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act, prior to sale, lease or financing of the subject property within a period of one year from approval date of the Tentative Map. 12. After approval by the City Council compliance with the preceeding conditions will bring the proposed subdivision in conformance with the Subdivision Map Act and local ordinances. 13. The Tentative Parcel Map will expire one year (12 months) from the date of City Council 's approval . The Tentative Parcel Map may be extended one year by the Subdivision Review Board. Written requests with appropriate fees must be submitted to the Planning Department prior to the expiration date. DISCUSSION The applicant and engineer attended the meeting. They stated that the second residence was moved onto the site by Departmental Review. The Subdivision Review Board unanimously adopted the preliminary report as amended. �l.yy • ` x 1 `f a � \Xl 2\\ pe 10 �y ay yt �ILc '� Ponds N • l..• 'C��N. \ Seag D spo�al ,\ �o " w 7y� n,�A Z a 2 C E// � � •��' ' \Moya 2 •�'. `�1• / ' f' A . , �'�•� % •✓ t" , .t� '-` N /032 _— IV y �i BO Q Ps 39 �. /064 64 Sewage Wells - ty /01\ 9t s �e O Disposal iO1 P��hl Iz giant is a\ `'► i'` y • � a 1 _ •i. ..•r •GL -t w ►�-, PITAt llI \ .34 = Lol , •of / + J 'ti� w R. A \ / 00e�0 I SO I \ ••�• \ 1�s - �0. 0e2 J. / 9.3;1600 J \. ( 11/� (_ �•`V r • �y;��"e/ t �A � C S ,\ I i \` 20-••- 0 0 /1 0 - / 66 9 RD 6 4' ° 0 tT i L \ _ 72 } R0 - 0/203` `\ Q 0P " VICIVI MAO 20 Co lie ay3 , f tj � i •t:r t tl ; ;Arl v S E Cr unii-Y OF- 4 ua�aru PLANNING '�] ACiTMENT - APPILICATION FOR LOT DIVISION (FOUR PARCELS OR LESS) Return to Courthouse Annex, Room 102, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 (805) 543-1550 (FOUR COPIES REQUIRED) APPLICANTS : F�- GENT E MAILING ADDRESS PHONE g3q�J6 .-, PAW L E.e ¢os 8 1/iN£ 5?. Pi9so PcBLES�CA. 238.3665 T 93996 WNER//i4u.�PO L.s�A� 6ia�ib PTDr.9 �PD. A nos OR SURVEYOR & N0. (If different than above) PROPERTY: PORT/I N LEGAL DESCRIPTION: —bei 8 Block 3.� Tpast A?A S, GoL Oti Y ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBERS: EXISTING USES: r4 Residential j ) Agricultural ( Commercial ( ) Industrial ( ) Recreational ( ) Other describe Are there any existing structures on the property? (� Pesi e--..,i ) Commercial or Industrial ( ) Agricultural M J, Other describe When d &;reSor& p u se lot? 7 Does t 'e,reco ow 04 or u chaser (if property is in escrow) own any contiguous prope pot wt rtTQAed`abbe ? (describe) Np Has reco comerprev�u y divided any contiguous property? ,va > ,are there any ing or proposed easements on the property? (If.yes, describe.) !✓ATEA%�OC�� .EX/S%� /QC'G.E6S Ei9`S:C/`-.t-aliY'� P�//�O�.CQ Is any portion of this property obligated by an assessment(s) under the Improvement Bond Act of 1915? M Yes ( ) No " If yes, name(s) of assessment district(sA�5. �y�sS��wT ��•si'g/ Are there any looding or drainage problems at any time during the year? ( ) Yes No If yes, explain: FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: PARCEL MAP #, CO- SUPERVISORIAL DISTRICT,�� LEGAL DESCRIPTION/-77 ,' LOCATION EXISTING ZONING ZONING MAP p /2_• 15 TOWNSHIP # GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION tqjoto,'Ar REMARKS Total acreage inel to be divided Total number of pa cels to;be created as a result of this vision: Size of each lot created: r/ i.42 2 /c_ ./.e,4144'. Public utilities now available to property: (r) electric ( L gas O water ('xl telephone 9 Proposed source of water, if not available from public water company: f ) Private well O neighbors well ( ) other describe Proposed provision for sewage disposal: O septic tank QQ public sewer ( ) other (describe) Proposed use: Residential ( ) Agriculture ( ) Commercial ( ) Industrial ( ) Recreational ( ) Other LOT DIVISION PROCESSING PROCEDURE 1. Applications (and fns) are received by the Planning Department. An application concerning !our or fewer parcels consists of the following; a. Four copies of the land division application form; b. Seven copies of a tentative asp; C. Two copies of a preliminary title report covering the property being subdivided; d. Filing fee; e. Waiver of time restrictions signed; f. Environmental description fora (request for negative declaration). Details regarding the contents of tentative zaps and application requirements nay be obtained Brom the appropriate section of the ordinances on land divisions. NOTE: CTHER 1NFORMATION: Submit any other information supportive of your Land Division Request. such infor.--ation may include data on slopes, topography, water availability, suitability of septic tank use, grading and drainage, information on-site Planning design, surrounding parcel sizes, photographs, and access provisions. The application is reviewed by the Environmental Coordinator and either found to be categorically exempt .from the Sate Environmental Quality Act or fotva dad to the Board of Supervisors for a determination As :o whether an environmental impact report should be prepared. 3. Subsequent to review of the Environmental Coordinator, land division applications are returned to the Plannir.Z Departaent for processing to the Subdivision Review Board (SRI). The SRI meets once a month. It consists of representatives of the County Engineering, Health and planning Departments, along with a rotating member of the County Planning Commission. Based on topographic and soil Conditions, type of attess, availability of utilities, `uture land division potential, and other on- and off-site criteria, the SAI will set site =PTovement standards and other cinaic:ona of approval u •ail as recommendations on General Plan consistency. 5. The applicant may appeal SRI conditions of approval or SAI recommendations to the Planning Commission. 4. The Board of Supervisors reviews the proposed land division in regards to consistency with the General plan. (NOTE: IN ORDER TO GAIN APPRCVAL OF YOUR T£TATM NAP, THE PROPOSED DIVISION 1I1ST BE FOM CONSISTS-r, wl;d THE GENERAL PLAN. 1{IS FOLDS TRUE r _N IN THII.FYE?!T THAT THE .CNING PERMITS A SMALLER NI\UAIA LC SIoE IiAN THE GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION ASCCFAO NDS.) 7. If found consistent, a final map is prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer or Licensed Land Surveyor and cheek prints are submitted to the County Engineer (fee charged). Conditions of approval must be saris-led prior to such submittal. I. When approved by the County Engineer, the final map is forwarded to the Board of Supervisors for approval and acceptance or rejection of any offers of dedication. 9. Appreaimatsly enf or two weeks after Board of Supervisors' action, the nap is certified by the County Clerk and can be picked'up by the Title Company for recording by the County Recorder (fee charZed). 10. ADDITICNAL INFOPm77ON: Approval of this aPPLioation by the Subdivision Review Board and Board Of Supervisors d-nstitutas approval Of the tentative map only. :he division is oat complete.until filing of the final parcel map with tha County Recorder. It is important to reeognizs that all conditions of approval gust be satisfied, and requirem+nts of she Subdivision lbap ,tae; and local ordinance regulating the division of land complied vich before the parcel map may be filed for record. The time-period within rhich the parcel asp Aust be filed is she Recorder's Office is 12 months following approval by the Board of Supervisors, dhile satenaions of this time period are peraissable under county ordinance for a period of 12 months, such extensions are entirely discretionary, and will depend largely an any changes in County.policy and/or, suordinance subsequent to initial approval of ehe tentative map. VERIFICATION ', I hereby certify that I'have read and understand the above mentioned information. and that failure to complete this application properly may result in the delay Or o ise jeapordit processing of this application. tura i date ::: / ?is / 'date lgnature 0; CU T PR9,PAR-YOWNERS L ;rl . gnature a 57-GSIT'r ST Y Op. .aG'c`, --fie C v - 22 - L` -,31� � . � _ Y M_E_M_O_R A_N_D_U M TO: City Council FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: Council meeting date The second meeting in December is on the 24th, Christmas Eve. I assume you won' t wish to have a meeting on that date. If the Council wishes to hold a second meeting this month, then that date must be set at this meeting. Currently there are no public hearings or planning matters scheduled to come before Council. A motion either setting a date for the second meeting or cancelling it is in order at this time. MRAY .eWA MLW:ad 12--6-79 • • 0a M E M O RAN D U M TO: City Council FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: Conflict of Interest Code Attached is a standard resolution provided by the Fair Political Practices Commission which provides a Conflict of Interest Code for the Council as required by State law. You may change specific provisions of the suggested Code if you wish. As written, however , it satisfies the requirements of the Act and is a resolution as suggested by the Fair Political Practices Commission and by the League of. California Cities. ORA .4WARD4E MLW:ad 12-6-79 RESOLUTION NO. 20-79 RESOLUTION ADOPTING A CONFLICT OF INTEREST CODE APPLICABLE TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL PURSUANT TO THE POLITICAL REFORM ACT OF 1974 T H E CI T Y C 0 U N C I L City of Atascadero, California The Council of the City of Atascadero hereby resolves as follows: Section 1. Adoption of Conflict of Interest Code. In compliance with §87300 of the Government Code, the City Council hereby adopts this Conflict of Interest Code. Section 2 . Application of Code. This Conflict of In- terest Code shall be applicable to members of the City Council, whether acting as a Council member or as governing board member or commissioner of any city agency. Section 3. Disclosure . Members of the City Council are required, pursuant to Government Code §87200, to disclose investments, interests in real property and income. No other or no additional disclosure requirements are imposed by this Conflict of Interest Code, Section 4. Circumstances Requiring Disqualification . Any member of the City Council, whether acting as a Council member or as governing board member or commissioner of any city agency, must disqualify himself or herself from making or participating in the making of any decisions which will fore- seeably have a material financial affect, distinguishable from its affect on the public generally, on any economic interest, Resolution No. 20. Page Two as defined in Government Code §87103. No member shall be prevented from making or participating in the making of any decision to the extent his or her participation is legally required for the decision to be made. Section 5. Definitions. Except as otherwise indicated, the definitions contained in the Political Reform Act of 1974 (Government Code @81000) and Regulations adopted pursuant , thereto are incorporated into this Conflict of Interest Code. Section 6. The City Clerk is directed to forward a certified copy of this resolution to the Fair Political Prac- tices Commission. On motion by Councilman and seconded by Council- man the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following vote AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ADOPTED: ROBERT J. WILKINS, JR. , Mayor. ATTEST: MURRAY L. WARDEN, C1.ty C e'_r-cam M_E M_O_R A_N_D U_M_ TO: City Council FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: Resolutions of intention - P. G. & E. and Gas Company The attached resolutions of intention for the P. G. & E. and the Gas Company franchises are required because of the .City' s incorporation. Under direction of the Public Utilities Commission, utility companies using public rights-of-way for poles or service lines pay a percentage to the City for such use. Theoretically these fees offset the cost of maintenance and construction of those portions of cities' rights-of-way used by the utility. Cities have little latitude in assessing fees against utility companies since the rates are established by the PUC. The resolutions, when adopted, announce your intention to later adopt a franchise ordinance for each of the utilities. There is no action required tonight insofar as adoption of the franchise or ordinance is concerned that will come later. Your present concern is to adopt the resolutions of intent. Recommend your adoption. C �� MURRAY L. IRDEN MLW:ad 12-6-79 1 RESOLUTION NO. 21-79 RESOLUTION OF -IN`1ENTION TO GRANT ELECTRIC FRANCAISE WHEREAS Pacific Gas and Electric Company, a California utility corporation, has filed with the City Council of the City of Atascadero an application requesting that a franchise be granted to it of the character and for the purposes mentioned in the form of notice hereinafter set forth; and WHEREAS in the opinion of said Council the public good requires that said franchise be granted; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that said City Council intends to grant said franchise, that hearing of objections to the granting thereof will be held at the time and place specified in the form of notice hereinafter set forth which the Clerk of said City is hereby directed to publish at least once within fifteen days after the passage of this resolution in the Atascadero News a newspaper of general circulation within said City, and that said notice shall be in the following words and figures: "NOTICE OF INTENTION TO GRANT FRANCHISE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Pacific Gas and Electric Company, a California utility corporation, has filed its application with the Council of the City of Atascadero requesting said Council to grant it a franchise for an indeterminate period, under the - Franchise Act of 1937, to construct, maintain and use poles, wires, conduits and appurtenances, including communicat on circuits, in, along, across, upon and under the public streets and places within said City for transmitting and distributing electricity to the public for any and all purposes. _l_ If said franchise shall be granted to it, said Pacific Gas and Electric Company, its successors and assigns, hereinafter designated grantee, shall during the life thereof pay to said City two per cent of the gross annual receipts of said grantee arising from the use, operation or possession of said franchise; provided, however, that such payment shall in no event be less than one per cent of the gross annual receipts derived by grantee from the sale of electricity within the limits of said City. Said percentage will be paid annually from the date of the granting of the franchise applied For an(] in the event such payment shall not be made said franchiseshall be forfeited. Said City Council proposes to grant said franchise for an indeterminate period. NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN that any and all persons having any objections to the granting of said franchise may appear before said Council at the City Hall of said City at the hour of 7.30 p.m. on Monday, the 14111 day of January 1980, and be heard thereon; and NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN that at any time not later than the hour so set for hearing objections any person interested may make written protest stating objections against the granting of said franchise which protest must be signed by the protestant and delivered to the City Clerk of said City and the Council shall at the time set for hearing said objections proceed to hear and pass upon all protests so made. -2- For further particulars reference is hereby made to said application filed as aforesaid in thc_ office of said Council, and also to the resolution adopted on the day of 19 , declaring its intention to grant said franchise. Dated: , 19 By order of the Council of the City of Atascadero. Clerk of the City of Atascadero The foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Atascadero at a regular meeting of the said Council held on the day of 19 , by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen NAYS: Councilmen ABSr;NT.- Councilmen- -Mayor of the City of Atascadero- - — ATTEST: Clerk of-'the pity of Atascadero -3- i 0 • D4 RESOLUTION NO. 22-79 (To be used where Gas Company does not have a Constitutional Franchise.) CITY COUNCIL ..... . .... .... . ......•.. RESOLUTION BY ......... . ...•-•..--....... (Name of Legislative Body) CITY' OF ATASCADERO .............................................. OF THE ..:.... . ............... ........... :... (Name of Municipality) DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO GRANT THF GAS FRANCHISE APPLIED FOR BY SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY .............. .............. . ... . ........................ .........: ........ .............. ... . ........ ........ , (Name of Applicant) UNDER DIVISION 3, CHAPTER 2 OF THE PUBLIC UTILITIES CODE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, KNOWN AS THE FRANCHISE ACT OF 1937. WHEREAS, this CITY OF ATASCADERO ........ ........: (Name of Legislative Body) has received from SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY - - . ........ ............... (Name of Applicant) a corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of California, and engaged as a public utility corporation in transmitting and distributing gas for all purposes to torn sumers in various municipalities and communities in the State of California, including the . , .......... CITY.. F...AT.i1S.OAD$�iQ. . . -... ............... .....................................................------------ . (Name of Municipality) all application,under and pursuant to the provisions(if Division 3,Chapter 2 of the Public Utilities Code of the Statc of California, for a franchise, which said application states, in compliance with the pro- visions of Section 6231 thereof,that the purpose for which the franchise therein applied for is desired is to lay and use pipes and appurtenances for transmitting and distributing gas for any and all purposes under, along, across or upon the public streets, ways, alleys and places, as the same now or may hereafterexist within the....................................................... .................... .. ..... ............ . ............. ...........CITY...OF ,A7As.CA11E.R0.... ; (Name of Municipality) and that the term for which the franchise therein applied for is indeterminate,as defined in Section 6264 of the Public Utilities Code of the State of California;and WHEREAS, said application further states that the applicant, if granted the franchise therein applied for,will pay to the......CITY...OF..ATASC4LZRO........ ....... ..... ......-- . (Name of Municipality) during the life of such franchise, two per cent (2%) of the gross annual receipts of applicant arising from the use, operation or,possession of said franchise; provided, however, that such payment shall in no event be less than one per cent (1%) of the gross annual receipts of applicant derived from the sale of gas within the limits of the...CITY OF...ATASCADERO .....--- (Name of Municipality) under said gas franchise. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED that this ....................................... (Name of Legislative Body) under and pursuant to the provisions of Section 6232 of the PublicUtilities Code of the State of Cali- fornia,does hereby declare its intention to grant to....... ......................................................... ................. SOUTHERN- CALIFt7.RNIA---GA CQNPY - - (Name of Applicant) the franchise so applied for;and...... gRday...................I the.....14th-.......day of.......January............. 19 .8 0.,at 7 -3A..........o'clock,9.r.M.,at the place where this..CITY.ORN-C.1L ............................... FORM 2499-1A (Name of Legislative Body) qW 0 1 0 usually Meets, to wit Rotunda_.-Rm.:a.-.Admin. 13.1cig.,-� G500 Lc_wis Ave,-, At..,1•`a4cJ(Jgro, is hereby fixed as the day, hour and place when and where all persons having any objection to the granting Of such franchise mac appear before this.. CITY COUNCIL ..................I......._.... ._ (Name of Legislative Body) and be heard thereon,(the time so fixed for such hearing being not less than twenty (20) nor more than sixty (60) days after the date of the passage of this resolution);and iw IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk of this..... Y..COIINCIL (Name of Legislative Body) is hereby directed to publish a notice at least once within fifteen (15) days after the passage of this resolution.in a newspaper of general circulation within this...CITY...OE..ATASCADEIiO........................... (Name of Municipality) to wit,in the .._-.ATASCADERONEWS .............in the words and figures as .. . (Name of Newspaper) follows.to wit:. •'NOTICE OF INTENTION TO GRANT GAS FRANCHISE. To wHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given by the•__-.-CITY---COUNCIL :.:.......... ...... ......-- ........ .... .............. (Name of Legislative Body) of tba......CITY OF ATASCADERO --that it intends to grant,under and . ------- ----.. (Name of Municipality) put sgant to Division.i,Chaptc-2 of the Public Utilities Code of the State of California, known as the f ranchisc 1cf off 1937, to -StOUTHERN....CALIFORNIA_GAS.,.COMPANY .....-_.-- _-- .......... (Name of Applicant) a corporation,a franchie to lay and use pipes and appurtenances for transmitting and distributing gas for any and all purpose, under, along, across or upon the public streets, ways, alleys or places, as the saint no" or may hereafter exist e%ithin the-- CITY OFATASCAD-.AT __.... - -- ---- -- ..... - (N une of Municipality) :end that....-M..onday ._'.. thc....14th - -day uf.:...: Ja.nuary......._ 80 ._ -- - 19------ --,at 7,-3..0 o'clock-------P. M.,at the place where this....CITY COUNCIL ........ ......... ..-- ...- ----- (Name of Legislative Body) Rotunda Room, Administration Building, 6500 Lewis usually meets, to.wit, Avenue, .Atascadero, Ca is hereby fixed as the day, hour and place when and where any and all persons having any objection to the granting;of said franchise may appear before this.-....O.ITY...C-0.1 CIL................................................. (Name of Legislative Body) and be heard thereon. At any time not later than the hour so set for the hearing of objections, any person interested may make written protest, stating objections against the granting of such franchise. Such protest must be signed by the protestant and be delivered to the clerk of this ..------- -=----------=-_ - ..CITY...CQUIIC.IT�....: . ......... ....... . .. .. .. ................................. (Name of Legislative Body) The term for which said franchise is proposed to be granted is indeterminate, as defined in See- lion 6264 of the Public Utilities Code of the State of California. The grantee of said franchise,and its successors and assigns, will,during the life of said franchise. par to thi- .............CITY_-OF. ATASCADERO (Name of Municipality) two per cent (2(;',,) of the gross annual receipts of the grantee and its successorsand assigns arising; from the usc, operation or pos cssion of said franchise;provided, however, that such payment shall - in no event he less than one per cent (17,) of the;gross annual receipts of the grantee, its successors ;111 11 ;csigns, dcrivcd front the sale of gas within the limits of the CITY...OF...ATASCAD.EAO................ FORM 2433 2A (Name of Municipality) -.- under said gas franchise. Said percentage will be paid annually froln the date of the grantili.,al said franchise.and in the event such payment shall not be made said franchise will be forfeited. hated._. __ ..... ._ t9 ..._._. Clerk of_...CITYCOUNCIL -... . _._... ...... (Name of Legislative Body) of the:.CITY_.OF ATASCADERO... . (Name of Municipality) 'OHM L-13:1 3(L