HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 12/26/1979 1 J AGENDA ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting December 26 , 1979 7:30 p.m. Atascadero Administration Building Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Invocation Roll Call Public Comment A. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Minutes of the special meeting of December 8, 1979 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 2. Minutes of the regular meeting of December 10, 1979 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 3. Treasurer' s Report, 11-20-79 through 12-17-79 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) B. HEARINGS', APPEARANCES AND REPORTS Note: Planning matters will be heard first 1. Acceptance of Final Map, AT 78-143 Hendrix 2. Request for extension of time, Tentative Parcel Map CO 78-46 - Holmes (Hilliard) 3. Request for extension of time, Tentative Parcel Map CO 78-98 Stinchfield (Stewart) 4. Consideration of variance to moratorium on condominium conversions - Tentative Tract No. 866 , Lenzi/Morris Gannage, 3750 El Camino Real C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Consideration of rescinding County ordinance dealing with road deposit projects - Cayucos and Largo Street matter 2 Selection of architect for remodeling Administration Building 3. Selection of Police Chief 4. Set date to interview Public Works Director/City'Engineer 5. Consideration of joining JPA for employee health insurance benefits D. NEW BUSINESS 1. Consideration of Addendum to self-insurance JPA to include health insurance 2. Setting salary and advertising for Police Chief's secretary E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION 1. City Council 2. City Attorney 3. City Manager ""I� � �^ �� ��� �C` •`)''L`�"�`9 ��r,,,�;��a-,, o,,�,,, ,e.��.�,� .Com, �.�- , ) MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting December 10, 1979 7:30 p.m. Atascadero Administration Building The meeting was called to order at 7: 30 p.m. by Mayor Wilkins with the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Wilkins also gave the invo- cation. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Councilmen Highland, Mackey, Nelson, Stover and Mayor Wilkins ABSENT: None PUBLIC COMMENT (1) A gentleman complained about the trucks on El Camino damaging the road. A. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Minutes of the regular meeting of November 26 , 1979 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) MOTION: Councilman Mackey moved for the approval of the Consent Calendar. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and unanimously carried. B. HEARINGS, APPEARANCES AND REPORTS 1. Appeal of Jack E. ,Bray from Focused Environmental Impact Determination on Zauft Conditional Use Permit ED78-197 Mr. Warden stated that since the Planning Commission had con- sidered this matter, additional information had been received from the applicant which would answer the EIR issues and negate the appeal. The matter would then be referred back to the planning process for a _conditional use permit. Ellen Rognas fromtheCounty Environmental Coordinator' s office reviewed the additional information that answered the various EIR questions. Councilman Highland wondered if an EIR was necessary at this point since the conditions could be placed on the Conditional Use Permit. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Project ED78-197 be given a negative declaration. The motion was seconded by Councilman Nelson and unanimously carried. MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting December 10 , 1979 Page Two Councilman Highland noted that his motion does not mean that the Council approves the project or that it is going to be approved; it still has to go through the Planning Commission and City Council through the Conditional Use Permit process which includes public hearings. Comments in opposition to the proposed racquet ball/health club were expressed by Stephanie Hughes, Rick Webber, Louie Borjes, Maynard Farnsworth, and others. Comments in favor of the project were provided by Richard Allen and Jack Bray. 2. Acceptance of Parcel Map AT 78-235, Darnal Larry Red of the County Subdivision Review Section reviewed this matter. The County Engineering- Department has found the map to be consistent with the General Plan and the City Planning Commission has recommended to Council acceptance of the map. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved for the approval of Parcel Map AT 78-235. The motion was seconded by Councilman Nelson. Mr. Warden requested that approval include adoption of Resolu- tion No. 18-79 accepting the 'ten foot widening as a part of the City road system. Councilman Highland amended his motion to include adoption of Resolution No. 18-79. The amendment was accepted by Councilman Nelson and the motion was unanimously carried. 3 . Acceptance of Parcel Map AT 77-233 , Carmelita Avenue and Barranco Road Larry Red reviewed this matter for Council and noted a finding of General Plan consistency and approval by the City Planning Commission. MOTION: Councilman Nelson moved for approval of Parcel Map AT 77-233 . The motion was seconded by Councilman Highland and unanimously carried. 4 . CO 78-125, West-Stewart, extension of time request Larry Red reviewed this item and noted that the Subdivision Review Board had recommended denial of an extension because the minimum lot size did not comply with the ,General Plan. The Planning Commission, however, had recommended granting the extension since the applicant, had made substantial progress towards completion of the Final Map. MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting December 10, 1979 Page Three There was considerable discussion on this matter with Council- man Highland not favoring the extension. He did not feel that he could approve the project when it got to the permit stage. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that the extension be denied. The motion was seconded by Councilman Nelson.' There was further discussion with comments from Acting City Attorney Fred Metzger. He felt that the Council had approved similar time extensions and should remain consistent. Mayor Wilkins was in favor of at least giving the applicant a six month extension. Councilman Nelson withdrew his second and Councilman Mackey seconded the motion. It was carried with Councilman Nelson and Mayor Wilkins voting no. 5. AL 79-01, Iverson/Beckwith Bray, lot line adjustment Mr. Red reviewed this project. The Subdivision Review Board' had recommended approval with the conditions contained in their minutes of November 7 , 1979; the Planning Commission had concurred in that recommendation. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that the lot line adjustment _ be approved with the conditions contained in the Sub- division Review Board minutes of November 7, 1979. The motion was seconded by Councilman Nelson and unanimously carried. 6. Public hearing on application of James Watson for a Tentative Tract Map #770 to allow a subdivision of a 4 .47 acre site into 3 parcels, Atascadero Road. Larry Red reviewed the project and stated that it had been approved by the Subdivision Review Board with the conditions listed in their minutes of October 3 , 1979 which included road improvement requirements. The applicant had requested exception to the road improvement requirements. The Planning Commission, at their meeting of November 19, 1979, approved the Subdivision Review Board' s con- ditions including the road requirements. Robert Hilliard, representing the applicant, did not feel the road improvements were necessary since no increase in traffic was likely because very few lots in that area can be split. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Council endorse the recd mendation of the Planning Commission for General Plan consistency and approval of the project in accor- MINUTES ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting December 10, 1979 Page Four dance with the Subdivision Review Board meeting minutes of October 3, 1979, with deletion of condition number 1 under Streets. Mr. Hilliard also requested deleting number 11 under Fire Protection, installation of a fire hydrant, and number 14 under Design regarding street names for the road. There was further dis- cussion about the necessity for the fire hydrant and the feeling on the part of Council that they would like recommendations from the Fire Department on this requirement. Councilman Highland amended his motion to include the deletion of items 11 and 14. The motion was seconded by Mayor Wilkins. Councilman Highland amended his motion to include the provision that approval be subject to the review of the Fire Chief to assure that proper fire protection is afforded. The amendment was accepted by Mayor Wilkins and the motion carried unanimously. 7. Public hearing on application of George Molina for a Tentative Parcel Map (CO 79-33) to allow a subdivision of a 1. 5 acre site into two parcels, Traffic Way Mr. Red reviewed this project. The Subdivision Review Board, at their meeting of November 7 , 1979, had recommended a finding of General Plan consistency and approval subject to the conditions and road improvements specified. The Planning Commission concurred in this recommendation. Mr. Molina objected to the curb, gutter and sidewalk improve- ments , stating that they should not have to be constructed until a building permit was applied for. Mr. Red reviewed the provisions for curb, gutters and side- walks and stated that the applicant had not requested an exception to this condition to the Engineering Department, therefore, no recommendations were made regarding elimination of this condition. Councilman Highland felt that these requirements could be built into the building permit process and was in favor of elimi- nating them at this time. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved for approval of the Tentative Map subject -to the conditions of the Subdivision Review Board meeting minutes dated November 7, 1979, with con- ditions 1, 2, 4 through 14 and eliminating condition 3. MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting December 10 , 1979 Page Five The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey and unanimously carried. 8. Public hearing on application of Barry Aggson for a Tentative Parcel Map (CO 69-91) to allow a subdivision of a 5 acre site into two parcels, San Fernando Road Larry Red reviewed the project noting a Subdivision Review Board recommendation at their meeting of November 7 , 1979, finding inconsistency with the General Plan and for denial, along with recommendations for road improvements. The Planning Commission had recommended for approval, subject to conditions 1-18 as established by the Subdivision Review Board. A presentation was made by Leonard Lenger. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved for approval of the Tentative Map subject to conditions 1-18 of the Subdivision Review ,Board meeting minutes of November 7, 1979. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey and unani- mously carried. 9. Public hearing on application of Tom Pahler for a Tenta- tive Parcel. Map (CO 69-43) to allow a subdivision of a 2. 45 acre site into two parcels, San Gabriel Road Larry Red reviewed the project and stated that the Subdivision Review Board had recommended a finding of General Plan consistency and approval. The Planning Commission had concurred in that _recom- mendation, but added an additional condition that the easement for access to Parcel "B" be a meandering one designed to preserve the existing trees. Mr. Hilliard advised that his client had surveyed the property and determined that they could comply with this addi- tional condition. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved for approval of the Tentative Map subject to conditions 1-13 of the Subdivision Review Board meeting minutes dated November 7, 1979 as amended by the Atascadero Planning Commission. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey and unanimously carried. RECESS 9: 08 p.m. RECONVENED 9: 15 p.m. 10. Appearance of Howard Marohn concerning City acquisition of property for parking purposes Mr. Marohn addressed the Council' s decision to explore the purchase of property across from the Administration Building on MINUTES -- ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting December 10, 1979 Page Six East Mall for parking purposes. He felt that such a large expen- diture should receive more discussion. He reviewed alternatives to purchase of the property for parking and suggested consideration be given to using portions of the Sunken Gardens and yard area in front of the Administration Building. He also suggested contacting the school district ,to determine their interest in purchasing the property with the City. Mr. Warden advised Mr. Marohn that he had already contacted the school district relative to their interest in a joint venture with the City and they had responded that they would like more information as to costs. The Council authorized an appraisal of the property which will answer this question. He reminded the Council that this matter had been brought to the Council at a regular meeting and, after discussion, referred to the Planning Commission who in turn discussed the matter at a regular meeting and recommended that the parking lot use was consistent with the General Plan. They recommended acquisition. The matter was further discussed at another Council meeting with direction given to the City Manager to secure two appraisals: Councilman Mackey stated that the property had long been desirable as a part of the Administration Building and she advised Mr. Marohn that a grant was being sought for its purchase Council was -adamently against any use of the Sunken Gardens or Administration Building grounds for a parking lot. 11. Appearance of Mike Lucas regarding the Atascadero Emblem Contest Mr. Lucas passed around three final drawings selected by the Council committee to screen the finalists. Council reviewed and selected the drawing depicting the Administration Building surrounded by a wreath of cattails drawn by Ken Gouff of. Atascadero. For a motto, Council selected "Vision of one, work of many. " Mayor Wilkins thanked Mike Lucas and the Committee for their many hours of work on this contest. C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Consideration of Council meeting date, Christmas Eve, December 24th Council decided to set Wednesday, December 26 , 1979, for the second Councilmeeting in December. MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting December 10, 1979 Page Seven 2 . Consideration of Councilman Mackey's committee proposals Councilman, Mackey discussed her suggestions establishing various committees. As to the .Parking Committee: Mayor Wilkins stated that the Chamber of Commerce is in the process of revitalizing their parking committee. As to the Park and Recreation Committee: Mayor Wilkins suggested that Councilman Mackey contact the Zoological Society to find out if they have suggestions as to the needs of the Zoo. As to the Beautification Committee: Mayor Wilkins did not feel that the Council needed to appoint a committee on this matter; if a group of citizens wished to make recommendations as to beauti- fication, they could do so. As to the Litter Committee: Council felt that service clubs might wish to provide containers for various places throughout the City. As to the Emergency Services Committee There was discussion on this with Mayor Wilkins stating that the cities in the County were in the process of developing a joint effort to arrive at coor- dinated emergency plans. As to the Alternative Energy Committee: Council felt that individuals could look into this themselves for their own homes; after a building department is established there may be some oppor- tunity for researching funding sources. D. NEW BUSINESS 1. Resolution No. 19-79 authorizing examination of State Board of Equalization Sales and Use Tax reports MOTION Councilman Highland moved for the adoption of Resolution No. 19-79. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and unanimously carried. 2. Resolution No. 20-79 adopting a Council Conflict of Interest Code MOTION: Councilman Highland moved for the adoption of Resolution No. 20-79. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey and unanimously carried. MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting December 10, 1979 Page Eight 3. Resolution No. 21-79 of intention to grant electric franchise to Pacific Gas and Electric Company MOTION: Councilman Highland moved for the adoption of Resolution No . 21-79. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and unanimously carried. 4. Resolution No. 22-79 of intention to grant gas franchise to Southern California Gas Company MOTION: Councilman Highland moved for the adoption of Resolution No. 22-79. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and unanimously carried. E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION 1. City Council (a) Councilman Mackey stated that the City of Morro Bay is attempting to change the name of Atascadero State Beach in Morro Bay to Morro Bay State Beach. She said that that property was originally purchase by E. G. Lewis and, because of its historical nature, the name should remain Atascadero State Beach. She requested Council authorization to make a presentattion in opposition to the name change at the hearings on this matter. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Councilman Mackey be authorized to speak at the hearings in opposition to the name change for Atascadero State Beach. The motion was seconded by Councilman Nelson and unani- mously carried. (b) Councilman Nelson stated that he had received ques- tions from merchants about securing business licenses. Mr. Warden said that people need to get their licenses from the County; the present ordinance is regulatory rather than revenue generating.- The County supposedly receives only what it costs to process the license. The City will take over administering the business license tax ordinance in July, 1980. (c) Councilman Stover reported that during a Council of Governments meeting a ride-sahring program had been discussed and will be implemented for the Atascadero area. (d) Mayor Wilkins stated that he felt the City should take definite action against the revenue limitation initiative which is being circulated in Atascadero. Fred Metzger, . Acting City Attorney, was of the opinion that the ordinance is MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting December 10, 1979 Page Nine illegal and suggested that the City seek declaratory relief action from the courts to enjoin circulation of the petition. There was considerable discussion as to the merits of having the courts determine the validity of the ordinance at this time or after the issue has been presented on the ballot and voted for. MOTION Councilman Stover moved that Council take action to determine the validity of the ordinance at this time. The motion was seconded by Councilman Highland and carried with Councilmen Mackey and Nelson voting no. 2. City Attorney Mr. Metzger had nothing to report 3. City Manager (a) Mr. Warden advised that the City Offices were relocating in the Administration Building to Rooms 201-203. (b) Mr. Warden requested an executive session to dis- cuss personnel matters and stated that there would be no announcements at the conclusion of the meeting. The meeting adjourned to executive session at 10:45 p.m. and it was noted that the next regular meeting of the Council would be on Wednesday, December 26, 1979. Recorded by: MURRAY L. WARDEN, City Clerk By: Ardith Davis Deputy City Clerk t 4 • S A3 3 TREASURER'S REPORT November 20 through December 17, 1979 BALANCE as of 11/19/79 $ 5,922. 38 RECEIVABLES• Per attached deposit listing 54 ,416.44 PAYROLL: 11/21 $1, 814. 77 12/5 $1, 814.77 ( 3,629. 54) PAYABLES: Per attached Expenditure List ( 52,257. 79) BALANCE as of 12/17/79 $ 4 ,451.49 OTHER FUNDS: Petty Cash 49. 48 Local Agency Investment Fund State of California 130, 000. 00 Time Deposit, Mid State Bank 13. 9% int. , mature 4/25/80 100,000. 00 TOTAL: $234,500. 97 DEPOSIT LISTING November 20 through December 17, 1979 Date Source Amount 11/26 State Gas Tax (10/79) $ 15,019. 61 11/29 State - Highway Carriers 1,244 . 94 Publication sales 17.65 12/12 County Revenues (11/79) 6,548. 78 Atascadero County Water District - closing 1,552. 76 12/13 State Motor Vehicle "in lieu tax" (11/79) 30,032. 70 TOTAL: $ 54,416.44 EXPENDITURE LIST November 20 through December 17, 1979 PAYROLL: 11/21 Checks 1124 , 1125, 1126 $ 1, 814. 77 12/5 Checks 1139, 1140, 1141 1,814.77 $ 3,629. 54 PAYABLES: Dated Check No. Vendor Amount 11/21 1127 IRS - FWH 11/3-11/16 $ 437. 40 11/21 1128 San Luis Blueprint maps 43. 17 11/21 1129 Western Cities Magazine, ad 96. 00 11/21 1130 Daily Press ad 30. 40 11/21 1131 Jobs Available - ad 56. 10 11/21 1132 Santa Maria Times - ad 22 .95 11/21 1133 Fred Metzger - Atty services 490. 00 1.1/21 1134 Bancroft-Whitney Co. - code books 333. 90 11/21 1135 Atascadero News - ad 51. 60 11/21 1136 U.S. Post Office - postage 30. 00 11/27 1137 Blue Cross - Medical Ins. 149. 60 ` 11/30 1138 Local Agency Investment Fund 10,000. 00 12/5 1142 IRS - FWH 11/17-11/30 437. 40 12/5 1143 EDD - SIT 11/3-11/30 162. 20 12/5 1144 M.L. Warden - car allowance 11/79 150. 00 12/5 1145 A. Grimes, Atty. Serv. 11/1-11/7 343. 00 12/5 1146 K&F' Leasing - dictaphone 105. 80 12/5 1147Arrowhead Water 11/79 15. 00 12/5 1148 Cal West Photo - projector 258. 64 12/5 1149 Paper Works - copy 11/9-11/30 285. 58 12/5 1150 Radio Shack - tapes 40. 58 12/5 1151 Fresno Bee - ad 47. 46 12/5 1152 Daily Press - ad 44. 80 12/5 1153 Western Office Prod. - supplies 30. 86 12/5 1154 Telegram Tribune - ad 91.20 12/5 1155 Atascadero News ad 144. 90 12/5 1156_ SLO Co. Planning services 653.20 12/5 1157 City Treasurer - petty cash 48.81 12/11 1158 Fred Metzger Atty Serv. 11/16- 11/30 427. 15 12/11 1159 Pacific Telephone Sery to 11/20 191.00 12/11 1160 PERS actuarial study 90. 00 12/11 1161 PG&E street lights - serv. to 11/30 1,626. 45 12/11 1162 Western Office Prod. - supplies 160. 72 12/11 1163 M. Warden - LOCC seminar 116.50 ry Expenditure List 11/20/79 to 12/16/79 Page Two PAYABLES: (Cont. ) Dated Check No. Vendor Amount 12/11 1164 City Treasurer _ petty cash $ 38.67 12/11 1165 ICMA - publication 6. 75 12/13 1166 Local Agency Investment Fund- 3510.00..00 $52 ,257.,79 TOTAL: $ 55, 887. 33 I M E M O R A N D U M TO: Atascadero City Council FROM: Planning Consultant/Director SUBJECT: Planning Commission Meeting of December 17, 1979 The following items were acted upon by the Planning Commission and are forwarded to the City Council for final action: 1. Acceptance of Parcel Map AT 78-143 Hendrix, et al. The Planning Commission recommends acceptance of the Final Map. 2 . Time Extension for CO 78-46 - Holmes (Hilliard) The Planning Commission recommends granting a time extension of one year. 3. Time Extension for CO 78-98 - Stinchfield (Stewart) . The Planning Commission recommends granting a time extension of one year. 4. Variance to Condominium Moratorium for Tentative Tract No. 8661 Lenzi/Morris., ` Gannage (Maddalena) . The Planning Commission recommends that the variance not be granted since the applicant was unable to satisfy all of the mandated Findings set forth in the moratorium ordinance. The appli- cants contended that they were substantially through the approval process; that a substantial investment had been made in the project including fees paid to the County, preparation of engineering plans; and various bond agreements; and, that the moratorium would adversely affect their financing, commitment. Planning Commission discussion centered on when the applicants decided to change the project from an apartment to a condominium; on the reasons that the Commission previously supported the moratorium; on the desirability of having condominium projects comply with any requirements that would result from the soon-to-be completed study; and, on the inability of the . applicants to satisfactorily demonstrate how this particular project was different from other projects affected by the moratorium. The Planning Commission discussion and action can be summarized by the following Findings a. The strict application of the provisions of the moratorium to this particular condominium project may result in some , Memorandum - Atascadero City Council December 20, 1979 Page Two difficulties or hardships but. these seem necessary because of the nature of the problem resulting in the adoption of the moratorium and the need to complete ongoing studies. b. There are no exceptional circumstances or conditions applicable to this condominium project that do not apply to other condominium projects that are at similar or more advanced stages. C. The granting of the variance for this condominium project would not be materially detrimental to the public welfare. Submitted by: Concur: LAWRENCE STEVENS MURRAY ARDE Planning Consultant/Director City Ma er kp 12/20/79 Q§193408 + (805) 549-5252 COUNTY SRO LUIS OO COV 0 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT DOOM A101 . COURTHOUSE ANNEX � SAN LUIS OBISPO � CALIFORNIA GEORGE C. PROTOPAPAS ROAbS County Engineer TRANSPORTATION FLOOD CONTROL CLINTON MILNE WATER CONSERVATION DEPUTY COUNTY ENGINEER SURVEYOR GUY PREWITT SPECIAL DISTRICTS SPECIAL DISTRICTS ADMINISTRATOR .. December 6 , 1979 City of Atascadero Veterans Memorial Building, Room 106 P. 0. Box 747 Atascadero, CA 93422 Attention Mr. Murray Warden, City Administrator Subject: Acceptance of Parcel Map AT 78-143 Gentlemen: Your consideration of the approval of Parcel Map AT 78-143, a proposed subdivision by Rex Hendrix, et al, is requested. It is our RECOMMENDATION that your Honorable Council act upon the attached resolution, ° and authorize the Clerk to sign the map. Discussion: A finding of consistency with the General Plan in accordance with Section 66473. 5 of the Subdivision Map. Act was made by the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Luis Obispo on March 12 , 1979. Attached is a vicinity map and layout of Parcel Map AT 78- 143. The .total area of this development is 4. 92 acres with minimum lot areas of 0.72 acres. The area is zoned R-A. The road will be maintained by San Luis Obispo County; water service will be from Atascadero Mutual Water Company; sewage facilitieswill be maintained by community sewers. Respectfully, aRE C. P 0TTOPAPAS County, Engineer GCP/JRE/ald RESOLUTION NO. 23-79 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING A FIVE FOOT WIDENING OF A CERTAIN ROAD 'INTO THE CITY ROAD SYSTEM CITY ROAD NO. 4027 The following resolution is hereby offered and read: WHEREAS, the City of Atascadero, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, has been duly requested to accept a certain offer to dedicate for additional widening of a road presently in the maintained system in said City; and WHEREAS , the County Engineer by letter dated December 6 , 1979, has duly recommended that the City Council: Accept the offer of dedication for public use of a five foot strip along San Gabriel Road, and reject without prejudice the 25 foot and 20 foot radius as shown on Parcel Map AT 78-143. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED by the City Council of the City of Atascadero: 1. That the offer to dedicate for the five foot widening of City Road No. 4027 as shown on Parcel Map AT 78-143 is hereby accepted into and made a part, of the City Road System, to be maintained in kind, and shall and does constitute a public highway in the City of Atascadero. 2 . That the City Clerk be and hereby is authorized and directed to record a copy of the resolution in the Office of the County Recorder of the County of San Luis Obispo. Upon motion of Councilman , seconded by Councilman , and on, the following roll call vote to-wit: �i AYES: NOES ABSENT: ABSTAININGc the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted. ATTEST: Mayor of the City of Atascadero Clerk of the City of Atascadero Co. Eng./JRE/ald ay 0 so ao 200 too \. ti89G1s .. 1`-�lin 1 ria.���R_I T`( 0-Z4'Oe4W 0•Z4 0ion 311.40' �� V 130.78 CMJ L• 190-6I'G� Rot nw1L W� JdRSGR 17 FQ L SC.'T PLR 10 .N OrtcR {>�TAA1.A SCALd 1".100 N e9°40rc17G i�o4C►� .+►..,.,�,..,,. 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RocowAx, Director Telephone(805)549-5600- PLANNING DEPARTMENT Courthouse Annex .SAN LUIS OBISPO, CALIFORNIA - 93108 December 6, 1979 Honorable City Council and Planning Commission City of Atascadero, California Dear Ladies and Gentlemen: The following time extension request is referred to your Council with a recommendation for approval from the Subdivision Review Board. C078-46 (Holmes - Hilliard) Respectfully submitted, LARRY J. RED, Supervisor Subdivision Review Section ca cc: County Engineer County Health Department REPORT OF THE SUBDIVISION REVIEW BOARD MEETING DECEMBER 5, 1979 RE: CO 78-46, PROPOSED LOT DIVISION OF LOT 5, BLOCK 22, ATASCADERO COLONY, DEL RIO ROAD, CITY OF ATASCADERO. (A-1-22: LOW DENSITY SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL) (HOLMES - HILLIARD) SRB Members in Attendance: Acting Chairman, Larry Red, John Hofschroer, Bill MacDonald, Jerry Erickson, John Wallace Planning Commissioner in Attendance: George Rathmell S Legal Counsel Present: None PROJECT DESCRIPTION This application proposes a subdivision of a 10.85 acre site into 4 parcels, l at 3.15 acres and 3 at 2.5 acres. The site is located on the south side of Del Rio Road, east of Highway 101 in the City of Atascadero. Zoning: A-1-22: "Light Agriculture" (22 acre minimum) General Plan: 1978 Atascadero Area General Plan: "Low Density Single Family Residential" (22 acre minimum without sewer service) COMMENTS The subject tentative map was to expire on December 19, 1979. On October 30, 1979, the applicant's engineer requested an extension of time. A review of this request shows that the Zoning District and General Plan remains basically unchanged at this time. The Lot Division Ordinance allows a 12 month time extension to be granted to a maximum of 2 years. RECOMMENDATION Although it appears the City Planning Commission and City Council will take final action on this project, the Subdivision Review Board may still take action on this matter. Any action taken will likely constitute an informal recommendation to the City Council. It should be noted this staff report and the recommendations are based on County policy, procedure, and ordinances. After review and discussion of Tentative Parcel Map CO 78-46, the Subdivision Review Board recommends to the City Council that a one- year extension be granted to December 19, 1980, subject to the original conditions of approval as set forth in the minutes of the Subdivision Review Board meeting dated December 6, 1978. DISCUSSION Applicant's engineer attended the meeting. The Subdivision Review Board unanimously adopted the preliminary report as amended. •� 1 �._ • ,fid 1�►`� � '•• �� mss— ��� 1.� �����`� NOW- Mal -11*0 Ila ArMIN � •_ I ® 11 ° 01 - zt��/� Ln .O y ti �\ tea,0 > tl �) e ' r"a rn ry r o ml "YxL, i r m) Ort Ov- m Dtn FAz „A L = om Ip 1 � � N Lp V. O m n DNOt� 0Or'•-� Pm 7b o m ° ° ; nA z< L o T 3 zoo < o n m A D ~ D o P x 0310 P n c+ yo^ r,+.A _ in” LSOD T'1 o o n R1 ➢N Cl V1 �,� A. G O < 0 0 9 L PO n.z n P � A �D 'L r a.n S A � 1 N oox rr� v °° mA.v I- �y i... T (iJo � „ �DI� � D _ nr oo .-+ N °=F.Ac m N O o r m D A L n a 1 � V � � N • D N V A F N P U �� 1�{ � 2 V n , 1� � r 'i i SLq z � y P `' I NBn A. RoaoWAY, Director Telephone(805)549-5600 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Courthouse Annex SAN LUIS OBISPO, CALIFORNIA-93408 December 6, 1979 Honorable City Council and Planning Commission City of Atascadero, California Dear Ladies and Gentlemen: The following time extension request is referred to your Council with a recommendation for approval from the Subdivision Review Board. CO 78-98 (Stinchfield Stewart) Respectfully submitted, LARRY J. RED, Supervisor Subdivision Review Section ca cc: County Engineer County Health Department REPORT OF THE SUBDIVISION REVIEW BOARD MEETING DECEMBER 5, 1979 RE: CO 78-98, PROPOSED LOT DIVISION OF LOT 11, BLOCK LB ATASCADERO, LOCATED ALONG VENADO AVENUE, CITY OF ATASCADERO. (R-A: LOW DENSITY SINGLE FAMILY) (STINCHFIELD - STEWART) SUPERVISORIAL DISTRICT #1 (884: 7/24/78) RECOMMENDATION FOR APPROVAL OF TIME EXTENSION REQUEST SRB Members in Attendance: Acting Chairman, Larry Red, John Hofschroer, Bill MacDonald, Jerry Erickson, John Wallace Planning Commissioner in Attendance George Rathmell Legal Counsel Present: None PROJECT DESCRIPTION This application proposes a subdivision of a 2.7 acre site into 2 parcels, one at 1.59 acres and one at 1.19 acres each. The site is located along Venado Avenue, City of Atascadero. Zoning: R-A: "Suburban Residential" (20,000 sq. ft. lot size) General Plan: 1978 Atascadero General Plan: "Low Density Single Family" (11-2 acre minimum) COMMENTS The subject Tentative Map was to expire on November 27, 1979. On November 5, 1979, the applicant's engineer requested an extension of time. The applicant's engineer stated the reason for the extension was because of "extensive improvement design and construction." A review of records indicates that only check prints have been submitted. The applicant has had approximately 11 months to meet conditions and record the Final Map. RECOMMENDATION After review and discussion of Tentative Parcel Map CO. 78-98, the Subdivision Review Board recommends to the Board of Supervisors that a one-year extension be granted to November 27, 1980, subject to the original conditions of approval as set forth in the minutes of the Subdivision Review Board meeting dated November 1, 1978. DISCUSSION Applicant and engineer attended the meeting and explained that they were waiting to construct the road. Improvement plans have not been submitted but have been prepared, according to the applicant's engineer. The Subdivision Review Board unanimously adopted the preliminary report as amended. 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December 14 1979 RE: TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 866, 3750 El Camino Real, Lenzi, Morris, Gannage (Maddalena) REQUEST: Variance to Ordinance No. 12 creating a moratorium on approvals for condominium uses , condominium subdivisions , and condominium conversions. DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: The applicants propose an air space condominium subdivision on the 2,1-acre site for the purpose of constructing 25 multiple family residential units. The site is located on the southerly side of E1 Camino Real between San Anselmo and San Benito. Zoning: R-4-B-2-Dl General Plan: "High Density Multiple Family" STATUS OF PROJECT: The project was issued a Negative Declaration on March 7, 1977 and was conditionally approved under the departmental review process on July 13, 1978. That approval was extended for six months until January 13, 1980 at the applicant' s request. Structural plans were filed on September 5 , 1979 for plan check and were returned to the architect for corrections approximately three weeks ago. The tentative map application was submitted on November 6 , 1979 but was returned to the applicant because of the moratorium. County Planning Staff has indicated that the following factors affect proceeding with the project: There is no evidence that certain conditions that must be compiled with prior to issuance of permits have been accomplished. These include submission and approval of certain engineering plans (grading, drainage, street improvement, etc. ) and approval of building plans by the Fire Department. - It is unlikely that the applicant can obtain building permits and reach a satisfactory stage of construction (completion of foundation and rough framing)prior to the expiration of the time extension. While an additional six month extension could be applied for, the change in the project from an apartment to a condominium might be a reason for denial of another time extension. TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 866 December 14 , 1979 Page Two - The project was never indicated to be a condominium at any time and this change would necessitate reconsideration of the project under the departmental review procedure. Further- more, it was indicated that the application would probably be elevated to a hearing process (similar to a Conditional Use Permit) since this can be done at the discretion of the County Planning Staff. - The tentative map would not be accepted for filing as long as the moratorium remained in effect and would not have been processed because of the change in project status (apartment to condominium) and the associated time extension/departmental review situation. STATUS OF MORATORIUM: The moratorium was adopted as an urgency matter on November 14 , 1979 and remains in effect for 120 days until March 14 , 1980 unless extended. Section 6 makes provision for granting a variance to the moratorium if the following findings can be established: 1. That strict application of the provisions of the, moratorium to a particular condominium project would result in practical difficulties or unnecessary hardships inconsistent with the general purposes and intent of the moratorium. 2 . That there are exceptional circumstances or conditions appli- cable to the condominium project that do not generally apply to the other projects covered by this moratorium. 3. That the granting of a variance would not be materially detrimental to the public welfare. The Planning Commission would recommend an action by City Council based upon these findings. The study, including a draft ordinance, for consideration by the Planning Commission is tentatively scheduled for the meeting of January 7 and it seems probable that the entire process including adoption of an appropriate ordinance can be completed long before expiration of the moratorium. DISCUSSION: There does not appear to be substantive reason to grant a variance from the provisions of the condominium moratorium. While money has been expended for various County .fees and engineering/ design costs, these have been on the basis of an apartment project and the project has always been so represented (until November 1979) before TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 866 December 14, 1979 Page Three public agencies. In fact, the project can proceed on that basis and obtain permits and be constructed. Most of the money expended would have been expended whether or not the project was an apartment or a condominium. Changes in the lending market have apparently resulted in a decision to change the nature of the project from an apartment to a condominium and this necessitates additional public review (i.e. , tract map, resubmittal for departmental review, etc. ) which cannot be accommodated in the time frame set forth for the financing commitment. Many projects are adversely affected by the lack of availability of suit- able financing. While the project appears to be well designed, in compliance with current development standards, and would be consistent with the general plan now under consideration, there is no way to ascertain its degree of compatibility with procedural or other regulations that would result from the current condominium study. It should also be pointed out that this study should be completed within the very near future. It is also likely that there are a number of similar projects at a similar, or even more advanced, stage of review which would demand similar favorable treatment for their projects. Approval of the request could cast doubt about the urgency expressed by the adoption of the moratorium. Typically, consideration of variance requests should be based upon certain special or unique circumstances applicable almost exclusively to the characteristics of a particular project (i.e. , unusual topo- graphy making setbacks impractical, substantial physical, improvements already completed, etc. ) . Economic and financial factors should not be considered acceptable under the hardship criterion and certainly there is no "vested right" established for this project as a condo- minium. The project should properly follow the procedures set forth in existing regulations as temporarily modified by the moratorium. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that ,the variance not be granted. ACTION: The Planning Commission should make an appropriate motion setting forth its Findings to approve (or deny) the request as an advisory recommendation for transmittal to City Council. LAWRENCE STEVENS Consultant/ Planning Director RECEIVED DEC 7 1979 November 28, 1979 Atascadero City Planning Commission 6501 Lewis Avenue Atascadero, Ca 93422 Re: The Village Oaks (Condominium Subdivision) Tract 866. Dear Sirs: : The intent of this letter is to provide the Planning Commission with a brief history of the above referenced project for the purpose of requesting a variance, as per Section 6 of the new condominium moratorium. This project was conceived in 1976 and proposed to the county in January 1977 by a sir. Nichols. Later that year he received approval of his departmental review. Apparently due to a prob- lem with his partnership he decided to liquidate in early 1978. Our group purchased the project in August of 1978 and proceeded to file new applications, with the County of San Luis Obispo, so that we might get the project underway. However, the real thrust to obtain our permits did not begin to occur until March of 1979 when our sale closed. Since then we have applied for and received building permits, pending minor plan corrections by the architect, and turned in our tenative map application. The moratorium has now halted the latter pro- cess, Consequently, besides the fees which have been paid to and accepted by the County for some time, in excess of $6,000.00, we have also incurred and paid fees to Cal Trans and P.G.&E. , $2,500.00, as well as, architectural, engineering and attorney fees, $22,000.00, to see that this project is developed and designed as an enhancement to the community. We have also received a construction financing committment in excess of one million dollars which has to be signed by January 4, 1980 and a 100% completion bond which also has to be signed at the same time. Both of these coramittments now seem in jeop- ardy. Lenzi Design and Development $ c �xk �Sj.528-5456' Mactor's License :umber 296=99 P. O. Box 5, Atascaaero, Ca 93422 November 28, 1979 Atascadero City Planning Commission Re The Village Oaks (Condominium Subdivision) Tract 866 Page 2 This project is a new condominium project designed by professional atchitects under the directives of the uniform building code, meeting all requirements of the county depart- mental review and having staff approval. It is a project with alot of time, effort and concern having been spent to ensure that it will be completed properly. Therefore, we would request of the Planning Commission and City Council a hearing for the purpose of granting a variance to our project, because of the difficulties and unnecessary hardships we are now experiencing due to the moratorium. Thank you for your co-operation. Very tr Y Yours, C. Lenzi 41-1 LENZI DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT CL/sel cc: Morris Gannage file _M_E_M_.O_R A_N—D—U M_ TO: City Council FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: Largo and Cayucos Streets/Road Deposit Program At the November 26th meeting, you deferred any action on this ma�ter in order to allow the property owners an opportunity to work out a solution with the County. It is my understanding that they have done so. The question then remains as to the Council' s desire to continue or to abandon the road deposit program. In view of the difficulties the County has encountered in administering the program and in view of their cancelling it and the inherent difficulties in the program keeping pace with increased building costs; it is my recommendation that the Council repeal the ordinance governing the program. As you are aware, we adopted all of the County ordinances at the time the City became operational. Each of those ordinances remains in effect until specifically superseded by Council action. Attached hereto is an ordinance cancelling the County' s road deposit ordinance which I recommend for your adoption. It is my understanding that the monies involved will be refunded by the County to each of the persons who have made deposits and that upon adoption of the attached ordinance, monies will no longer be collected for this pro- gram. It is also my understanding that the property owners intend to pave the roads at their own expense and to maintain them as private roads. fR L WARDEN 712-20- 9 i ORDINANCE NO. 13 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO AMENDING ORDI- NANCE NO. 2 DECLARING AN URGENCY AND PROVIDING THAT THE ORDINANCE SHALL TAKE EFFECT IMMEDIATELY. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO ORDAINS as follows: Section 1. County Ordinancesin Effect as City Ordinances Amended. San Luis Obispo County Code adopted by City of Atascadero Ordinance No. 2 is amended by deleting entire Chapter 13.16 re- lating to Deposits for Improvements of Non-County Roads (Sections 13.16 .010 through 13.16 .090) Section 2 . Declaration of Urgency. This ordinance is an urgency ordinance and is for the imme- diate preservation of the public peace, health, and safety. The facts constituting the urgency are these; the City of Atascadero isnewlyincorporated and comprises territory formerly unincorpo- rated. It is necessary that this ordinance take effect immediately in order to assure continuity in the application, administration, and enforcement of the ordinances and policies of the newly incor- porated city. Section 3. Taking Effect. This ordinance, being an urgency ordinance for the immediate protection of the public health, safety, and general welfare, con- taining a declaration of the facts constituting the urgency, and passed by a four-fifths (4/5) vote of the Council shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. Section 4 . Publication. The City Clerk shall cause this ordinance to be published once within fifteen (15) days after its passage in ,the Atascadero News, a newspaper of general circulation, printed, published, and circulated in this City; shall certify to the adoption and publi- cation of this ordinance; and shall cause this ordinance and its certification, together with proof of publication, to be entered in the Book of Ordinances of this City. AG: f -1- 12/20/79 ORDINANCE NO. 13 The foregoing ordinace was introduced, adopted, and ordered published at a meeting of the Council held on , 1979 , by the following vote: Ayes: Noes: Absents Robert J. Wilkins , Jr. , Mayor ATTEST: Murray L. Warden, City Clerk Approved as to form: Allen Grimes, City Attorney -2 M_E_M_O_R A N_D U M TO: City Council FROM: City Manager ]- SUBJECT: Selection of architect The committee appointed to consider architects' pro- posals met and, after reviewing the submissions, interviewed representatives of three firms. Upon completion of the inter- views, the committee is recommending the retention of the firm of A. H. Stephenson associated with Elliott 0. Stephenson. Mr. Stephenson has considerable knowledge of the building itself, has .lived in Atascadero since his childhood and is extremely interested in the building as an attribute to the community. His background is extensive and, based upon his experience, should be able to do a `creditable job. If the Council agrees with this recommendation, it would be appropriate to approve the City Manager entering into a contract with Mr. Stephenson for the completion of the work pursuant to his, proposal. After your approval, the City Attorney will review necessary contractual documentation to assure meeting appropriate legal requirements. Mr. Stephenson has estimated an overall cost of $150,000 for the remodeling and furnishings. The budget now has $75, 000 for the remodeling of the Police Department which would be applied as a part of the overall remodel project. rec end your concurrence with the committee's action. Y WARDEN ML :ad 12-20-79 c � M E M O RAN D U M TO: City Council % fir" �11 FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: Interview of Public Works Director/City Engineer applicants Our application date for the position of Public Works Director/City Engineer closed on December 7th. We had . surprisingly few applicants for the position. I am unable to account for this lac-K of interest. However, we do have two who are very well qualified on thebasisof their resumes. I would suggest, therefore, that the Council interview these applicants January 5th. If neither appears suitable, then we could go out and re-advertise recognizing that it would be two to three months before we could have another selection opportunity. I suggest proceeding with the interviews. On of these applicants may be eminently well qualified for the position. 00'aZ MU RAY . WARDEN LW:-ad 12-20-79 C M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Council FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: Employee health insurance - JPA Attached is a memo from the Finance Director with which I concur. Please note that the benefit plan would be administered through the JPA and is tailored to the City' s needs. The costs are those previously approved by the Council with the City paying only for the employees ' coverage and the employee paying for the family's participation. I recommend your approval. Y LGARDEN M :ad 12-20-79 _M_E M O_R A N_D U M_ TO: City Manager FROM: Finance Director SUBJECT: Employee Medical Coverage Attached is. a draft of the Health Benefit Plan under the Joint Powers Agreement for the City of Atascadero with a proposed effective date of January 1, 1980. This plan has equal or better benefits than those contained in our temporary Blue Cross Plan. Major medical benefits have a lifetime maximum of $1,000,000 with a per calendar year deductible of $100 per individual and $300 per family. The policy pays 80% of the first $2,500 for all other charges, after deductible, and 100% for all over $2 , 500. Dental benefits, whish are not a part of the temporary plan, have a maximum ofer ear, $25 deductible per individual •- per calendar year, an pays 50% on dentures, bridge work, etc. , and 80% of all other covered expenses. This policy also offers, at the employees' expense, Life Insurance and Accidental Death and Dismemberment, AD&D, at $. 35 per $1,000 to a maximum of $7, 500. Cost per employee is $40. 40 with the cost per family of $67. 99. These are the same figures briefed to Council in ourmemorandumof 11/5/79. It is recommended that Council give favorable considera- tion to implementing the JPA Health Benefit Plan January 1, 1980. It is further recommended that the City pay the employee's cost and that each employee may have deducted from their pay those costs for family participation. Further, that Staff take action to cancel the temporary Blue Cross Plan at the appropriate date to insure no loss of coverage, and, that our share of JPA Document Services, $1, 750, be authorized for payment from reserves. cooce,.� f+w�awawo RALPH H DOWELL, JR RHD:ad 12-19-79 CHAPTER 4. PROPOSAL I-OR STOPLOSS COVERAGE LIFE INSURANCE AND ACCIDENTAL DIEAI'H & DISMEMBERMENT S 7,50 per covered employee $ .35 per 1 .000 N'THLY AGGREGATE STOPLOSS COVERAGE Monthly Deposit Facto For Medical/Dental/with Mater ty 50 Employe $40.40 30 Families 67.99 Maximum monthly s ploss point $4,060 Maximum annual cost $48, 720 A 0REGATE AND $5, 000 SP IFIL STOPLOSS CO TO JPA Expected annual cost $ 14,612 50 Employees $ 12. 12 30 Families 20.39 EXPECTED COSTS Or PLAN '(DALLY Expected incurred cla s (under $5 ,000 ) $23,386 Expected paid clai ( under $5,000 ) 18, 108 Claims; administr ian ( Foundation ) Depos itand 14,612 TOTA $38, 192 2 Re $ 1 528 pected interest 9 5.5 $ 2 CHAPTER 4. PROPOSAL FOR STOPLOSS COVERAGE 4-1 CHAPTER 5. SUMMARY OF BENEFITS MAJOR MEDICAL BENEFITS LIFETIME MAXIMUM - PSYCHIATRIC $20,000 LIFETIME MAXIMUM ALL BENEFITS $ 1 ,000 ,000 DEDUCTIBLE Per Individual , Per Calendar Year $ 100 MAXIMUM FAMILY DEDUCTIBLES Per Calendar Year $300 PERCENTAGE OF PAYMENT - Per Calendar Year PSYCHIATRIC OUT-OF-HOSPITAL - after deductible 50% PSYCHIATRIC IN-HOSPITAL - same as any other illness Limited to 30 days per confinement, 60 days lifetime maximum ALL OTHER COVERED CHARGES - after deductible First $2 ,500 80% Over $2,500 100% ,.,. ROOM RATES Hospital and Convalescent Average Semi-Private Rate Intensive Care Twice Average Semi-Private Rate Convalescent Nursing Home Care further limited to same number of days as immediately preceedinq hospital stay SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFI'T'S no deductible Supplemental Accident Benefit - per accident $500 Annual Multiphasic Examination $50 DENTAL BENEFITS MAXIMUM PER YEAR $750 DEDUCTIBLE - Per Individual , Per Calendar Year $25 PERCENTAGE OF PAYMENTafter deductible Dentures , bridgework , inlays, crowns and gold fillings 50% All other covered expenses 80% Limitations apply ,to some benefits - see the Benefits and Limitations provisions . CHAPTER 5. SUMMARY OF BENEFITS 5- 1 t M_E M O_R A_N_D_U M_ TO: City Council FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: Addendum to JPA insurance The attached Addendum to the JPA establishing our self-insurance is necessary in order to implement the employee medical package as a part of the JPA. The Addendum has been reviewed by the City Attorney and approved by each of the City Managers of the nine cities involved. The Addendum is satisfactory as to form and content and carries out the intention of the Council in joining the JPA. Recommend your approval. ®RAY WARDEN :ad 12-20-79 KIN DLER bl LAUCCI ADDENDUM TO JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT ESTABLISHING THE CENTRAL COAST SELF INSURANCE FUND WHEREAS, the Cities of Arroyo Grande, Atascadero, Grover City, Morro Bay, Paso Robles, Pismo Beach, Santa Paula and San Luis Obispo have entered into a Joint Powers Agreement relating to Workers' Compensation. WHEREAS, said Agreement establishes the Central Coast Self Insurance Fund and establishes a'procedure for the administration of self-insurance generally. WHEREAS, said cities intend to enter into a similar agreement to provide self-insurance relating to Employee Benefits. WHEREAS, the following state laws, among others, authorize the cities to enter into this Agreement a.. Government Code Section 990.4 permitting a city to provide insurance and self-insurance in any desired combination; b. Government Code Section 990.8 permitting two or more cities to enter into art Agreement to jointly fund such expenditures under the authority of Government Code Sections 6500 - 6515; C. Government Code Sections 6500 6515 permitting two or more cities to jointly exercise under an Agreement any ,power which is common to each of them. -1- - L naiN 1J1.C.it t~l.AUC;C;I WHEREAS, each of the cities desire to enter into an Agreement with ea(!li of the others for the purpose of insuring against various risks jointly, rather than individually. WHEREAS, after obtaining studies and recommendations, each city has determined that it is economically practical and for its public benefit and in its interest to do so; NOW, THEREFORE, it is agreed as follows: All of the terms of the existing Joint Powers Agreement are incorporated herein and made a part of this Agreement, except for Paragraphs I, III, IX, X, XI, and XII, which are not a part of this addendum. I. AUTHORITY AND PURPOSE This Agreement is made under the authority of Government Code- Sections 6500 6515 between the following cities : ARROYO GRANDE, ATASCADERO, GROVER CITY, GUADALUPE, ,MORRO BAY, PASO ROBLES, PISMO BEACH, SANTA PAULA, and SAN LUIS OBISPO. The purpose of this Agreement is to exercise jointly powers common to each city by (a) pooling on a self- insurance basis various risks in excess of established deductible amounts and up to a jointly selected maximum; (b) jointly purchasing excess insurance coverage over the self-insured maximum; (c) creating and maintaining a central loss fund to pay the cost of the self-insured portions of losses insured against; (d) implementing a Risk Management Program; and (e) providing for inclusion in the future additional cities which desire to become parties to the Agreement. -2- 1 KI N DIER&LAUCCI 11. DEFINITIONS (1) The "Fund" means the Central_ Coast Self Insurance, Fund. A public self-insurance fund established by an existing Agreement and separate and apart from the parties to this Agreement; (2) "Board" is the governing board of the Fund•, (3) "Administrator" is the claims administrator hired by the board to administer claims and make or recommend payments from the central pool. (4) "Consultant is the insurance broker and riskmanagement firm; (5) "Central Pool or Pool Fund is the fund created by the Fund for the purpose of paying the cost of covered losses and administration; (6) "Covered Losses" are those losses resulting from claims by employees which are covered by the city and are insured by the Fund; (7) "Member means a member of the Board and includes an alternate member; (8) "Operating Fund" is the fund established by the Fund for the purpose of paying insurance premiums, administration and other costs. III. TERM OF AGREEMENT This Agreement becomes effective upon execution by cities whose combined number of participating employees exceeds 200, as attested by the signatures and dates of execution hereof and shall continue in effect until terminated as provided herein. ARROYO GRANDE, ATASCADERO, GROVER CITY, GUADALUPE, MORRO BAY, PASO ROBLES, PISMO BEACH, SANTA PAULA, and SAN LUIS OBISPO will become participating members effective upon individual execution of this Agreement. The board may accept additional members after consultation with and the concurrence of the majority of the governing bodies of the member agencies. -3 KIN DLER t':&LALJCCI IV. DUTIES, POWERS AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF FUND The Fund, or its designees, shall be responsible for the receipt, processing, review and payment of all covered claims. The Fund shall receive, collect, invest and disburse monies paid as premiums by member agencies. The Fund is empowered to take all actions necessary to carry out the purposes of this Agreement. The Fund may hire or contract with persons or firms as required to carry out its legal, accounting and administrative duties and responsibilities. The Fund may establish revolving funds as necessary from which the administrator may pay claims. The Fund shall be empowered to determine contribution rates on a fiscal year basis and by April will determine excess contributions required and will determine the method by which contributions will be paid to the Fund. Each member agency consents to audit of its records and agrees to supply all information necessary to establish the contribution rate. Cumulative records will be maintained of each agency's proportionate contribution to the Fund and losses experienced. V. ADMINISTRATION The Board shall select an administrator of Employee Benefit claims after consultation with and concurrence of a majority of the governing bodies of the member agencies. The Board shall direct the Administrator e of the Fund. The initial Administrator shall be Medical Care Foundations of Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo and Ventura Counties. The Board shall review and report to each of the governing member agencies the feasibility of continuance of the program annually, but not later than March 1. -4- KIN DL ER t,~LAUCCI The Board shall select a Risk Management,Consultant after consultation with and (-oncurren(-e of a majority of the governing bodies of the member agencies. The Board shall direct the Consultant of the Fund. The initial Consultant shall be Kindler & Laucci. Tentative agreements relating to Administration and Risk Management with the above designated firms are accepted subject to final review, and execution by the Board. VI. FISCAL YEAR The "fiscal year" of the Fund is the period from the first day of July of each year to and including the 30th day of June of the following year. VII, FUND'S "INSURANCE POLICIES Pursuant to the payment of monthly deposits by each city to the Fund, a plan Document indicating the plan of benefits provided to the City by the Trust Fund will be issued. Each Plan Document incepts on the date the agreement is executed between the City and the Trust Fund. The terms of each Plan Document will determine the liability of the Trust Fund. In addition, a Summary Plan Description will be issued by the Trust Fund to each participating employee. The SPD will summarize the terms and provisions of the Plan Document. In the event of dispute the terms and provisions of the Plan Document will prevail. -5- tiny ul.tac t~L.AUUUI VIII. MONTHLY DEPOSITS . The Monthly Deposit by each City is in payment for the coverage specified ineachPlan Document. Each city by the act of paying the monthly deposits accepts the coverage provided by the Plan Document. The Fund is responsible for the coverages specified in each Plan Document above the City's retention. Each city is responsible for the retention applicable to it under the Plan Document. The retention may vary from one city to another and the Fund shall take the amount of the retention into consideration in calculating the amount charged to each city for risk covered. The term "loss" includes claims paid, and incurred legal costs and all other costs related to the handling, and satisfaction of the claim. IX. EXCESS COVERAGE The Fund shall be protected from paid catastrophic losses in excess of $20,000 per individual claim and in the aggregate in excessof fund deposits for all cities through the purchase of excess reinsurance. The Board shall have no power or authority to incur any obligation on the part of or chargeable to participating agencies in excess of the requirements for contribution to the Fund as specified herein. A participating agency shall not be obligated in any manner to contribute money to the Fund in excess of the respective contribution as set forth herein, except that the member agencies may be assessed by the Board in its discretion for excess losses as herein provided. X. ESTABLLSHMENT AND ADMINISTRATION OF FUNDS (a). The Board shall establish the following funds: 1. Trust Fund Account broken down within the Fund by expected losses and catastrophic reserves; 2. Separate drawing accounts for claim payments. -6 KI N DLLK t-LAUCCI • (b) . The Board may establish such other funds as it considers necessary: (c) . Except for purposes of investment funds shall be separately maintained and not mingled with Worker's Compensation Funds, or Liability Central Loss Fund. The Worker's Compensation Funds are not available for payment of liability claims and the Liability Central Loss Fund is not available for Worker's Compensation Funds. Employee Benefit Funds are not available for the payment of liability or Worker 's Compensation claims. (d) . The Trust Fund Account shall be used only for the purpose of paying the covered losses for which the Fund is self- insured, and for establishing a reserve to cover probable future payments for claims not settled. In fulfilling the claims administration function, all claims, checks shall be issued through the Fund including those for claims below and including the deductible amount. The Fund: will bill on a monthly basis each city for the contracted deposit amounts. The deposit amount may vary monthly depending on changes in Employee enrollment. (e). Operating Fund is for the purpose of paying excess insurance premiums, broker 's fees, adjusting fees, administrator, consultant, legal fees, employee salaries, risk management and loss prevention services and such other operating expenses as the Board directs. -7 KINDLER&LAUCCI XI. RESERVES Excess cash reserves shall be maintained in the Trust Fund for potential liability. If, in the opinion of the risk manager and the Board, excess reserves exist in the Trust Fund, no rebate of those reserves may be made to the participating cities. Excess reserves may be used to reduce future premiums. XII. EXCESS LOSSES In the event that the total losses and loss adjustment expenses of the Fund in .any fiscal year exceed the budgeted Trust Funds for said fiscal year, the Board may in its discretion recover said excess. An assessment for excess losses will be applied to each entity to recover the excess losses for the fiscal year in which the excess loss occurs. Each entity will pay its pro-rata share of the excess losses for the fiscal year in which the excess losses occur. Each entity's pro- rata share will be based on the ratio of each entity's loss as a portion of total losses for the fiscal year times the excess losses which have occurred during the fiscal year. The determination of total losses for a fiscal year shall include all claims occurring during such fiscal year and all related expenses. With respect to losses the term "loss" includes all claims paid and , incurred plus legal costs and all other costs related to the handling and satisfaction of the claim. It is recognized that the full amount of losses as they occur in a fiscal year cannot be fully determined until all claims have been paid. The Board must make its final determination within one year after final resolution of all claims relating to said fiscal year. -8- &IN VI&H tom'1.AUUUI XIII. LOSS RECORDS The Fund shall maintain or have maintained accurate loss records covering all claims paid and for such other matters as it requires or directsf be maintained. Said records shall include all matters required in the existing Joint Powers Agreement. The Board shall insure that a complete and accurate system of accounting of the Fund shall be maintained at all times consistent with established accounting procedures. The Fund will vile annually with participating agencies, within two months after the close of the fiscal year, a complete statement of income and expenditures made during the prior fiscal year. The Fund will maintain a cumulative monthly statement of all claims paid. Said monthly cumulative report shall also include a cumulative statement of payments made on behalf of each member agency. The Fund will furnish all agencies with a summary of the method used in determining assessments against each of the agencies of the projected premiums for the following fiscal year and shall do so no later than Harch 15th so that agencies can exercise their option to terminate. Books and records of the Fund shall be open to inspection at all reasonable times by representatives of the cities. The Board shall either make an annual audit or contract with a certified public accountant to make an annual audit of the accounts and records of the Fund. In each case, the minumum requirements of the audit shall be those prescribed for the annual audits for City Governments under appropriate Government Code Sections and shall conform to generally accepted auditing standards. Audit costs are a charge against the operating funds of the Fund. -9 KIN DLLR&LAUCCI • XIV. INITIAL DEPOSIT OF PREMIUM The Trust Fund and Operating Fund shall be established initially by the deposit of a sum of money by each agency party hereto based on the level of benefits established in the Plan Document for each City. The payment schedule for fiscal year 1979/80 shall be based on the Monthly Deductible Factor assigned to each of the agencies for the plan year ending June 30, 1980 and shall be adjusted pro-rata based on date of membership. The foregoing deposits will be adjusted for each subsequent fiscal year as herein provided. The specified monthly amount . shall initially be deposited in the Fund on or before January 10, 1980 or date of membership. A participating agency shall not be obligated for any additional charges to the Fund in excess of the respective contribution as set forth herein, except member agencies may be assessed by the Board for excess losses as herein provided. XV. CHARGES TO CITIES The consultant shall calculate annually the amount of the premium payments for risk coverage required by member cities. The board shall approve each charge before it takes effect. Premium payments will be determined by the Board based on the recommendations of its Administrator and Consultant. Each risk coverage charge shall be calculated in a reasonable and prudent manner. For second and subsequent years, the risk coverage charge to each City may include a surcharge for loss experience in addition to the standard insurance premium. In connection with its determination of insurance premium -10 hl N 01k 1{&1AUM • rates the Consultant will use recognized insurance practices and shall consider , among other factors, the loss history of each individual entity. The consultant shall make premium recommendations and the board shall make final determination. I Interest shall accrue on past due obligations at the rate of ten percent (10%) per annum and each entity agrees to indemnify the Fund for any expense resulting from failure to pay the sum due on or before the due date. XVI. FUND FUNCTIONS AND RESPONSI13ILITIES The Fund shall perform the following functions in discharging its responsibilities under this agreement. (a). Provide claims management services; (b). Provide claims recovery and services; (c) . Negotiate and purchase excess insurance policies; (d) . Provide loss analysis control by use of statistical analysis, data processing, record and file keeping services. The purpose of this information is to identify high exposure benefit areas, and to evaluate proper level of self-retention and deductibles; (e). Conduct audits to review the participation of each city in the program. Each entity consents to inspection of its records and contracts and to be audited by representatives of the Board for purposes of assessing each City's participation; —11— (f). Select legal counsel; (g). Perform other functions as required by the Board for the purpose of accomplishing the goals of this agreement. XVII. CITY RESPONSIBILITIES Each city.has the following responsibilities: (a). Appoint its representative and alternate to the Fund Board; (b). Cooperate fully with the Fund in reporting claims; (c). Establish a claims procedure; (d) . Provide Worker's Compensation Coverage; (e). Require 30 days written notice of cancellation or material change of any insurance policy provided for the benefit of a city's employees. M. Upon withdrawal from the Fund, City shall remain` responsible for any claim expense and any other costs which it has incurred while a member of the Fund and for any losses as specified in Article XIX herein. XVIII. CANCELLATION By a two-thirds vote of the Board for non-compliance with this agreement, the Fund may refuse to issue a Plan Document or may cancel any Plan Document issued by it effective as of the close of the fiscal year. In the event that the loss history of an individual entity significantly exceeds the loss history of the other participating entities, the Board, by two-thirds votes, may elect to cancel the Plan Document of an individual -12- KI N DLEIt t,�P LAUCCI entity and terminate its participation in the Fund effective as of the close of the fiscal year. The Board will provide at least 90 days notice to an entity of its intention to terminate that entity's participation and will provide an adequate opportunity to respond. XIX. TERMINATION AND WITHDRAWAL This agreement may be terminated upon the consent of all the parties to it. A city may withdraw as a party to the agreement at the end of any fiscal year upon the giving to the Fund three months prior written notice of its intent to withdraw. In the event a city voluntarily elects to withdraw from the Fund said city shall be entitled to its contributions to the Trust Fund after all claims and other obligations have been satisfied. Any compensations due any member , at the time of withdrawal, shall only be paid should the Fund possess cash reserves which in the opinion of the Board of Directors, the Risk Manager, and the Administrator, exceed the amounts necessary to meet the current and future costs of the collective claims filed or expected to be filed on behalf of (the) plan participants. Subject to the foregoing, distribution of such compensations shall generally be on the basis of 1/5 of the total eligible portion of such contributions to be paid within the year of withdrawal with the 4/5 remainder to be retained by the Fund until such time as the Fund shall be terminated. An entity shall not be liable for future losses effective as of the last day of the fiscal yeas after the date of its withdrawal but shall remain liable for all excess losses occurring prior to the date of its withdrawal. An entity shall give not less than 90 days written notice of its intention -13- KIN DLLR&IMM 10 10 to withdraw and the withdrawal shall be effective as of the close of the fiscal year. The right to recover a contribution relates to that amount placed in the Trust Fund as a reserve for losses and not to administrative expenses, excess policy costs and other expenses actually incurred by the Fund. XX. DISPOSITION OF ASSETS UPON TERMINATION Upon complete termination of this Agreement by all cities and the settlement of all liabilitiesandclaims, including incurred but not reported claims, all property of the Fund shall be divided among the cities in a ratio equalto that of the total amounts paid by the cities to the Fund for the five fiscal years preceding the year in which the agreement is terminated. XXI. NOTICES Notices to cities under this agreement shall be sufficient if delivered to the office of the City Clerk. Notices to the Fund shall be sufficient if delivered to the office of the Chairman of the Board of Governors. XXII.MISCELLANEOUS (a) The section headings in this agreement are for convenience only and are not to be construed as modifying or governing the language in the section referred to. (b). Whenever in the agreement consent or approval is required, the same may not be unreasonably withheld. XXIII.AMENDMENT This agreement may be amended by resolution of the city councils of two-thirds of the then participating cities. -14- KIN ULCK t�LAUCCI XXIV.BOARD MEETINGS AND RECORDS (a). by-laws` and Regulations: The hoard may adopt by-laws, procedures and regulations which are not inconsistent either with applicable law or with this agreement .. The risk manager shall send to each city each by-law and regulation and amendment promptly after its adoption by the Board. XXV. POWERS The Fund is authorized, in its own name, to do all acts necessary for the exercise of all powers provided for herein including, but not limited to each of the following: 1. Make and enter into contracts; 2. Incur debts, liabilities and obligations but no debt, liability or obligation of the Fund is a debt, liability or obligation of any city which is a party to this agreement; 3. Acquire, hold or dispose of real and personal property; 4. Receive contributions and donations of property, funds services and other forms of assistance from any source; 5. Sue and be sued in its own name; 6. Employ agents and employees; 7. Acquire, construct, manage and maintain buildings; 8. Lease real or _personal property including that of a member city. -15- KINDLER&LA.UCCI IN WITNESS 4llIIsRE.OF the parties iat,reto have executed this agreement by their officers. DATED; CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE CITY OF GROVER CITY by CITY OF MORRO BAY CITY OF PASO ROBLES by CITY OF GUADALUPE CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPU by CITY ON PISMO BEACH CITY OF ATASCADERO by CITY OF SANTA PAULA by -16- • � 0�k M E M O R A N D U M TO: City Council FROM City Manager SUBJECT: Police Department clerical assistance With the hiring of a new Police Chief, it is necessary to provide him with support so that he can start getting the department organized. One of the first positions to be considered is that of the Police Chief' s secretary. This will provide him with the capability for putting together job specifications, job classifications, advertising, internal police rules and regulations as well as other administrative tasks involved in the formation of a new Police Department. Our original hiring schedule called for this position to be filled in January. I would like to advertise as soon as possible and would like to establish that position at a salary of $890. 00 per month. This salary is comparable to that of the Planning Secretary and to other cities within the County for similar positions. It is contemplated that this job will be more than just clerical/typing in that it will probably call for the individual to be responsible for Police Department records, dispatch or at least training for dispatch functions, and other specialty items within the department. I would request your approval of the salary so that I *W.:-a ise d test for the position. WARDEN 12-20-79