HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 03/02/1995 AGENDA ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING CITY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING 6500 PALMA AVENUE, 4TH FLOOR ROTUNDA R DOM MARCH 2, 1995 7:00 P.M. This agenda is prepared and posted pursuant to the requirements of Government Code Section 54954.2. By listing a topic on this agenda, the City Council h s expressed its intent to discuss and act on each item. In addition to any action den ied in the brief general description of each item, the action that may be taken shall inc/u e. A referral to staff with specific requests for information; continuance; specific di ection to staff concerning thepolicy ormission of the item,discontinuance ofconsideration;authorization to enter into negotiations and execute agreements pertaining to the item; adoption or approval; and, disapproval. Copies of the staff reports or other documentation relating to each item of business referred to on the agenda are on file in the officeofthe City Clerk (Room 2081 and in the Information Office (Room 1031, available for public inspection during Ci y Hall business hours. The City Clerk will answer any questions regarding the agenda. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need sped d assistance to participate Ina City meeting or other services offered by this City,pleasecontact the City Manager's Office((805)461-5010)or the City Clerk's Office((805)461- 0741. Notifica- tion at least 48 hours prior to the meeting or time when services are needf d will assist the City staff in assuring that reasonable arrangements can be made to prow de accessibility to the meeting or service. RULES OF PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: PLEASE SEE BACK PAGE Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call City Council Comments A. BUSINESS: 1. MID-YEAR BUDGET REVIEW - Review proposed Resolution No. 2 1-95, amending the 1994-95 adopted budget B. ADJOURNMENT: The City Council will adjourn to the next Regular Meeting, 7:00 p m., March'14, 1995 in the 4th Floor Council Chambers. RULES OF PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: The City Council welcomes and encourages your ideas and comments as a citizen. To increase the effectiveness of your participation, please familiarize yourself with the follow ug rules of decorum: b Members of the audience may speak on any item on the a enda, in the order the item(s) are addressed by the Council, as directed by the Mayor. Items not on the agenda should be submitted during the Community Forum period (see below). o Persons wishing to speak should step to the podium and st to their name and address, for the official record. o All remarks shall be addressed to Council, as a whole,and n 3t to any individual member thereof. o No person shall be permitted to make slanderous, profane or personal remarks against any electedofficial, commissions and staff. o A person may speak for five (5) minutes. • o No one may speak for a second time until Y P everyone wishing to speak has had an opportunity to do so, and no one may speak more than twice on any item. o Council Members may question any speaker; the speaker may respond but, after the allotted time has expired, may not initiate further discussion. o The floor will then be closed to public participation and open for Council discussion. COMMUNITY FORUM: o The Community Forum period is provided to receive comments from the public on matters other than scheduled agenda items. o A maximum of 30 minutes will be allowed for Community` Forum, unless Council authorizes an extension. o State law does not allow the Council to take action on "ssues not on the agenda; staff may be asked to follow up on such items. REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL Meet i g Date: 3/02/9-5 CITY OF ATASCADERO Agenda Item: A-1 (Note Revisions dated 2/28/95) Through: Andy Takata. City :Manager From: Bradford Whitty. Finance Dire'c•tar�1 SUBJFCT: 1994-95 Mid-year Budget Review and Report . RE O� MMENAATION; Staff recommends' Council receive the report . review. and provide direction regarding the Mid-Year Review, Resolut-ion 21-95 , Amending the 1994-95 Adopted Budget , will be placed on the consent agenda for 'the March 14th meeting BACKGROUND Attached you will find a summarized version of the , proposed budget changes . This report serves as a starting point to discuss each Fund's financial health. This report will attempt to answer some cluestio s through the use of footnotes following ,each fund. Some general points need to made concerning the report . The amounts shown under the "Original Budget" column were takers from Page 4 of the 199 .-95 budget . Proposed adjustments in revenues and expenditures were dome through a three step process , 1 ) Finance Director met with each Department Head and/or Department Supervisor , 2) Finance Director adjusts amounts based on first meeting and calculations. 3) City Manager, Finance Director , Department Heads and/or Department Supervisors meet to fina-l.ize calculations . Lastly. all . beginning fund balances under "Amended Budget" have been adjusted to actual audited. amounts . DISCUSSION: The following discussion wili follow the funds in order shown in the report General ,Fund: The General Fund' s beginning f nd balance has :been adjusted to aero 'because the 532 . 875 at a ne 30, 1994 is designated for the Atascadero Library. enerai Fund` s revenues have been decreased bv -S258,31,4 . This is,principal l'y due to a reduction of transfers in from other funds and investment earnings which was ;precipitated by the Orange County investment Pool -(OCIP) bankruptcy. General Fund expenditures have been decreased by S140.390. This comes from an elimination of transfers to the Capital Projects fund and. REVISED 2/28/95 decreases . The the net. of other departments increases and a contingency account has been decreased by $138 ,000 to cover those costs that were not originally budgeted. For example,' booking fees are expected to cost $30,000 rather than the budgeted $10,000. The General Fund' s Ending Balance is projected to be $20, 279 at June 30 , 1995 . This will be the second year that the fund has moved in a; positive direction, However , a word of caution is in order because the percentage move is ' only . 3 of the projected revenues. A more comfortable margin would be 5% or $332, 544 of projected revenuesas an ending Fund Balance. Wastewater & Sewer Facility Funds: :Both funds have been heavily impacted by the OCIP bankruptcy.' The figures reflect this in both revenues and expenditures . The net cash for the -funds are $92,688 and $<257, 400>, respectively. The negative cash shortfall will need to be covered ,by another requested draw from OCIP. The City didnot exercise it 's full 30% draw in January because the draw specified "only the amount needed, not to exceed 30%" . Lake Park Pavilion: This fund continues to increase it 's . negative fund balance . Another fund will have to cover the fund' s losses unless the fund can be turned around by June 30th. it ,will' need an additional s10 , 597 to break even based on these projected figures . Recreation: The Fund' s negative fund :balanced increased due to year adjustments at June 30 , 1994 . However , the fund is` projected to break-even or incur a small surplus to decrease the negative fund balance by year end. Zoo: The fund continues to increase it ' s negative fund balance with expenditures over revenues at $39, 818 which will have to be covered by a;notherfund unless additional revenues are found: Assessment Districts: The 'City' s assessment districts do not require adjustments at this time . However . Las Encinas . 3-F Meadows . and Camino Real assessment Districts will be brought before the Council on March 14 . 1993 for consideration of disposition• of remaining construction and State grant monies . Their budgets will he adjusted through those actions at that time ' ii REVISED 2/28/95 1994-95 Mid-Year Review. continued Dial-A-Ride: The fund' s negative balance will increase due to year end audit adjustments . Revenues are projected to exceed expenditures by $31 , 459 or "m. However , these "savings" will need to be used to pay back loans made by the General Fund in prior years . See Note 12 in the 1993-94 audited Financial Statements . C.O.P. Debt Service: The budgeted expenditures exceed revenues because the Police Impact Fees fund ('Exhibit A, Page 12) lacks enough revenues to transfer to Cover the debt payments . Another fund will have to cover the shortfall of $14 , 000 unless funds are released from OCIP. Capital Projects: Many projects have been planed on hold due to the OCIP bankruptcy. City staff proposes a decrease in funding by $757 , 470 and capital outlay of $739 ,',566. Remaining funding sources exceed capital outlay by ,$2, 096. This adjustment will decrease the fund' s negative fund balance and position the fund for projects in the next fiscal year once the OCIP issue is resolved. (See attachments behind Exhibit A) CONCLUSIONS• Resolution 21-95 . Amending the 1994-95 Adopted Budget , will be presented on the consent agenda for the ldMarch 14 , 1995 regular Council meeting. The City must continue to work within it ' s means and to strive for better efficiencies . The Citv must be', aggressive in raising badly needed revenues for the General Fund and several other special revenue funds . The Public, Council , and Staff must always strive to work as a team to resolve the economic problems we face . The citizen ' s incorporated Atascadero to have a stronger voice in thiscommunity' s future . Let us not lose this voice . Recommended Mid-Year Review .Materials : 1 ) 1994-95 Budget 2 ) 1993-94 Audited Financial Statementsl' 3 ) Finance Director ' s and Treasurer ' s h�ports for December 1994 . i /u/brad/midyr95 . agd iii Resolution No. 21-95 Exhibit A Page 1 - Revised 2/28/95 Proposed Original Mid-Year Amended BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS BUDGET FUND: General Fund: July 1, 1994 Fund Balance 135,000(1) <135,000> -0- Add Revenue 6,909,690 <2581810>(2) 6,650,880 Total Available 7,044,690 6,650,880 Less Expenses 6,725,991(5) <140,390>(3) 6,585,601 Less Contingency Reserve 183,000(5) <138,000> 45,000(4) June 30, 1995 Fund Balance $ 135,699 $ 20,279 --------- --------- Notes: ( 1) Unaudited Fund Balance (2) Property Taxes 2,222,500 2,222,500 Sales and Use Tax 1,900,000 1,900,000 Bed Tax 160,500 < 5,000> 155,500 Other Tax 40,400 <200> 40,200 Franchise Fees 424,600 261000 450,600 Business Licenses 107,000 1,500 108,500 Permits & Fees 216,500 10,100 226,600 Intergovernmental 835,600 <8,000> 827,600 Governmental Reimbursement 132,680 -0- 132,680 Charges for Current Service 143,450 <90,350> 134, 100 Fines & Forfeitures 31,000 <200> 30, 800 Use of Money & Property 111,800 <71,550> 40,250 Other Revenues 150,710 <91610> 141, 100 Transfers In 432,950 <192,500> 240,450 Net Revenue Decrease $6,909,690 <258,810> $6,650,880 (3) City Council 27,400 430 ,�� 1 q� 27,830 City Clerk 50,947 <1,800>� 1 49, 147 City Treasurer 5,401 <663> 4,738 City Attorney 70,000 <31110> 66,890 Special Legal 15,000 10,000 25,000 City Manager 151,340 2,770 154, 110 Personnel Admin. 71,603 71,603 Recruitments 3,450 3,450 Police 2,372,258 63,939 2,436, 197 Fire 1,231,611 24,760 1,256,371 PW/Engineering 158, 185 13, 170 171,355 Recycling 2,225 2,225 Comm.Dev./Admin. 169,075 3,830 172,905 Planning 197,361 13,300 210,661 Comm.Dev./Bldg.Insp. 185, 120 <9, 880> 175,240 Code Enforcement 26,550 26,550 Comm.Serv./Admin. 62,613 1,900 64,513 Parks 299,946 <10,970> 288,976 Bldg. Maint. 189,517 800 190,317 Streets Maint. 57,705 <14,976> 42,729 Finance 223,007 7,950 230,957 Risk Management 297,277 297,277 Equipment Replacement 55,475 55,475 Non-Departmental 470,700 <112, 840> 357, 860 Resolution No. 21-95 Exhibit A Page 2 - Revised 2/28/95 GENERAL FUND (CONTINUED) • ORIGINAL PROPOSED AMENDED BUDGET MIDYEAR BUDGET (3) Community Groups 10,225 10,225 Other Financing Uses 322,000(5) <129,000;> 193,000 Net Expenditure Decrease $6,725,991 <14O,39Oy $6,585,601 (4) The $45,000 Contingency amount would be included the General Fund' s Fund Balance at year-end if not utilized. (5) The original budgeted amount was understated by $5,1000 due to a transfer from the General Fund for $40,000 to Recreation for $45,000. This increase was offset by a decrease to the origL,nal budgeted contingency. Note: The $112, 840 decrease in non-departmental results from a shift to the other departments to cover the items not originally, budgeted for in the department. (ie, Gasoline & Oil, Communications, Postage & Freight) . In past years, these items were charged to non-departmental rather than the department. • RESOLUTION NO. 21-95 EXHIBIT A PAGE 3 PROPOSED ORIGINAL MID-YEAR AMENDED BUDGET AMENDMENTS BUDGET FUND• Wastewater: July 1, 1994 Fund Balance 507,292 54,601 561,893 Add Revenue 1, 132,912 <99,000>( 1) 1,033,912 Total Available 1,640,204 1,595,805 Less Operating Expense 1,057,124 <243,450>(2) 813,674 Less Capital Expense 67,550 12,000 79,550 Less Contingency Reserve 60,000 <12,000> 48,000 June 30, 1995 Fund Balance $ 455,530 $ 654,581 ( 1) Loss of Investment Earnings Due to OCIP (2) Restructured Expenses Due to OCIP FUND• Sewer Facility: July 1, 1994 Fund Balance 1,843,821 7,893,554 9,737,375 Add Revenue 524, 100 <119,000>( 1) 405, 100 Total Available 2,367,921 10, 142,475 • Less Capital Projects 1,400,500 <738,000>(2) 662,500 June 30, 1995 Fund Balance $ 967,421 $9,479,974 ( 1) Loss of Investment Earnings Due to OCIP (2) Assumes $50,000 Contingency Reserve will be Spent RESOLUTION NO. 21-95 • EXHIBIT A PAGE 4 PROPOSIKD ORIGINAL MID-YEAR AMENDED BUDGET AMENDMENTS BUDGET FUND: Aguatics: July 1, 1994 Fund Balance <3,835> <(69> <4,504> Add Revenue 39,316 -0- 39,316 Total Available 35,481 34,812 Less Expenses 33,266 33,266 June 30, 1995 Fund Balance $ 2,215 $ 1,546 Notes; ( 1) Aquatics Revenue Decrease FUND: Lake Park Pavilion: July 1, 1994 Fund Balance <34,614> 1,754 <32,860> Add Revenue 41,580 <3,B00>(1) 37,780 Total Available 6,966 4,920 Less Expenses 45,885 2,217(2) 48,377 June 30, 1995 Fund Balance $<38,919> $<43,457> Notes: ( 1) Lake Park Donation 200 Pavilion Food Consession <4',000> Net Revenue Decrease $<1, 800> (2) Salaries & Benefits 717 Electricity Usage 1,500 Net Expenditure Increase $ 2,',217 RESOLUTION NO. 21-95 EXHIBIT A PAGE 5 - Revised 2/28/95 PROPOSED ORIGINAL MID-YEAR AMENDED BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS BUDGET FUND• Recreation: July 1, 1994 Fund Balance <31,280> <2,586> <33,866> Add Revenue 449,838 <2,000>( 1) 447,838 Total Available 418,558 413,972 Less Expenses 449,821 <2,002>(2) 447,819 June 30, 1995 Fund Balance $< 31,263> $< 33,847> -------- -------- -------- -------- Notes: ( 1) Adult Sports <5,000> Contract Classes <4,000> Special Events <1,000> Trips & Excursions <2,000> Youth Center Masonic Bldg. 11,000 Recreation Rentals <1,000> Net Revenue Decrease <$2,000> (2 ) Recreation 4, 130 Special Events <1,350> Trips & Excursions <1,942> Youth Sports <7, 155> • Youth Center - Masonic Bldg. 4,315 Net Expense Decrease $<2,002> FUND• Zoo Operations• July 1, 1994 Fund Balance <60,620> <28,382> <89, 002> Add Revenue 270, 150(1) <38, 000>(2) 232, 150 Total Available 209,530 143, 148 Less Expenses 271,459 509 271,968 June 30, 1995 Fund Balance $ <61,929> $<128,820> --------- --------- --------- --------- Notes• ( 1) Includes $50,000 transfer from General Fund (2) Zoo Admissions < 6, 000> Donations <15, 000> Proceeds - Sale of Fixed assets <17,000> Net Revenue Decrease: $<38,000> RESOLUtION NO. 21-95 EXHIBIO' A PAGE 6 PROPOSED ORIGINAL MID-YEAR AMENDED BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS BUDGET FUND: Las Encinas Assessment District: July 1, 1994 Fund Balance 134,264 <8,933> 125,331 FUND• 3-F Meadows Assessment District: July 1, 1994 Fund Balance 70,459 1,311 71,770 a i i I RESOLUTION NO. 21-95 EXHIBIT A PAGE 7 PROPOSED ORIGINAL MID-YEAR AMENDED BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS BUDGET FUND: Camino Real Assessment District July 1, 1994 Fund Balance 377,434 <59,940> 317,494 FUND: Amapoa-Tecorida-Azucena Fees: July 1, 1994 Fund Balance 223,845 3,232 227,077 Add Revenue 40,000 <11,780>( 1) 28,220 Total Available 263,845 255,297 Less Expenses 12,500 -0- 12,500 June 30, 1995 Fund Balance $251,345 $242,797 ------- ------- ------- ------- Notes: ( 1) Loss of Investment Earnings due to OCIP. FUND: Fire Impact Fees: July 1, 1994 Fund Balance 43,000 21774 45,774 Add Revenue 40,000 4,300(1) 44,300 Total Available 83,000 90,074 Less Expenses 165,000 <120,700>(2) 44,300 June 30, 1995 Fund Balance $< 82,000> $45,774 Notes• ( 1) Investment Earnings <4,500> Other Rents & Concessions 8,800 Net Revenue Increase $4,300 (2) Transfer reduced due to OCIP. RESOLUTION NO. 21-95 EXHIBIT A PAGE 8'I PROPOSED ORIGINAL MID-YEAR AMENDED BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS BUDGET D• Drainage Impact Fees: July 1, 1994 Fund Balance 412,981 3,8665 416,846 Add Revenue 68,000 <27, 8100>(1) 40,200 Total Available 470,981 457,046 Less Expenses 135,400 <95,2100>(2) 40,200 June 30, 1995 Fund Balance $335,581 $416,846 Notes: ( 1) Loss of Investment Earnings due to OCIP. (2) Transfers reduced due to OCIP FUND: Public Works Impact Fees: July 1, 1994 Fund Balance 415,700 6,189 421,889 Add Revenue 115,000 <23,000>+(1) 92,000 Total Available 530,700 513, 889 Less Expenses 117,732 <25,732>j''(2) 92,000 June 30, 1995 Fund Balance $412,968 $421,889 0OTES: (1) Loss of Investment Earnings due to OCIP. (2) Transfers reduced due to OCIP. FUND: Assessment District #4 Redemption: July 1, 1994 Fund Balance 74,913 <5,202> 69,711 1 RESOLUTION NO. 21-95 EXHIBIT A PAGE 9 PROPOSED ORIGINAL MID-YEAR AMENDED BUDGET ADMUSTMENTS BUDGET FUND• Street Maintenance Districts: July 1, 1994 Fund Balance 46,224 685 46,909 Add Revenue 5, 100 <3,000>( 1) 2, 100 Total Available 51,324 49,009 Less Expenses 30,000 30,000 June 30, 1995 $21,324 $19,009 Notes: ( 1) Reduced Investment Earnings due to OCIP. FUND• Dial-A-Ride: July 1, 1994 Fund Balance <29,566> <43,253> <72,819> Add Revenue 474,713 <32,000>(1) 442,713 Total Available 445,147 369,894 Less Expenses 472,304 <61,050>(2) 411,254 June 30, 1995 Fund Balance $< 27,157> $<41,360> Notes: ( 1) State Grant will not be received this fiscal year. (2) Transfers eliminated due to insufficient revenues FUND• TDA Non-Transit July 1, 1994 Fund Balance 136,000 1,235 134,765 Add Revenue 45,000 <2,000> 43,000 Total Available 181, 000 177,765 Less Expenses 180,368 <137,368>(1) 43,000 June 30, 1994 Fund Balance $ 632 $134,765 Notes• ( 1) Transfers reduced due to OCIP. FUND• Gas Tax• July 1, 1994 Fund Balance 64,226 <3,477> 60,749 Add Revenue 439, 000 -0- 439, 000 Total Available 503,226 499,749 Less Expenses 512,655 <30,960>( 1) 485,695 June 30, 1995 Fund Balance $ <9,429> $14,054 Notes: ( 1) Includes a $24,000 Contingency decrease. RESOLUTION NO. 21-95 EXHIBIT A PAGE 1" PROPOSjED ORIGINAL MID-YEAR AMENDED BUDGET AMENDMENTS BUDGET FUND: Tree Planting Trust: July 1, 1994 Fund Balance 31,649 < 1187> 31,462 Add Revenue 4, 100 1,91',11 6,011 Total Available 35,749 37,473 Less Expenses 31,800 <24,5+00>(1) 7.300 June 30, 1995 Fund Balance $ 3,949 $30, 173 ( 1) Transfers reduced due to OCIP. FUND: Sidewalk Trust Fund: July 1, 1994 Fund Balance 45,184 679 45,873 Add Revenue 2,500 2,51100( 1) 5,000 Total Available 47,684 50,873 Less Expenses -0- -0- June 30, 1995 Fund Balance $47,684 $50,873 Notes: ( 1) Increased Revenues from State and Donations. i I I RESOLUTION NO. 21-95 EXHIBIT A PAGE 11-Revised 2/28/95 PROPOSED ORIGINAL MID-YEAR AMENDED BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS BUDGET FUND: Parks & Recreation Impact Fees: July 1, 1994 Fund Balance <185,000> 500 <184,496> FUND: Emergency Services: July 1, 1994 Fund Balance 9,044 58 9, 102 FUND: Weed Abatement: July 1, 1994 Fund Balance 28,902 <17,221> 11,681 FUND: A.D. #3 - Marchant July 1, 1994 Fund Balance 91331 <28,766> <19,435> FUND: A.D. #5 Chandler: July 1, 1994 Fund Balance 44,759 196 44,955 FUND: 0 A.D. #6 Camino Real July 1, 1994 Fund Balance 79,097 2,220 81,317 FUND: A.D. #7 1992 Streets: July 1, 1994 Fund Balance 65,992 <1, 043> 64,949 FUND: C.O.P. Debt Service: July 1, 1994 Fund Balance 138,853 146,413 285,266 Add Revenues 195,500 <451000>( 1) 184,500 Total Available 334,353 469,766 Less Expenses 198,500 198,500 June 30, 1995 Fund Balance $135,853 $271,266 (1) Decrease investment earnings from OCIP. Decreased revenue transfers from Police Impact Fees Fund. RESOLUTION 21-95 EXHIBIT A PAGE 1 PROPOSED ORIGINAL MID-YEAR AMENDED BUDGET AMENDMENTS BUDGET FUND• Police Impact Fees: July 1, 1994 Fund Balance <119,317> <27,500> <146,817> Revenue 25,000 <4,000> 21,000 Total Available 94,317 <125,817> Less Expenses 55,000 <34, 000>( 1) 21,000 June 30, 1995 Fund Balance $<149,317> $<125,817> ( 1) Reduced x-fers due to lack of sufficient revenues. FUND: Police Trainipg. July 1, 1994 Fund Balance <3,543> 655 < 2,888> Add Revenue 20,000 20,000 Total Available 16,457 17, 112 Less Expenses 20,000 20,000 June 30 1995 Fund Balance <3 543> <2 888> r $ r $ r RESOLUTION NO. 21-95 EXHIBIT A PAGE 13 - Revised 3/1/95 PROPOSED ORIGINAL MID-YEAR AMENDED BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS BUDGET FUND: Capital Proiects: July 1, 1994 Fund Balance <261,486> 156, 144 <105,342> Add Funding Sources 1,572,208 <757,470>(1) 814,738 Total Available 1,310,722 709,396 Less Funding Uses 1,552,208 <739,566>( 1) 812,642 June 30, 1995 Fund Balance $< 241,486> $<103,246> --------- -------- Notes: ( 1) Insufficient Fund Transfers unable to occur due to OCIP. See attached Capital Projects Matrixes. amid-year #43 i _ N • e6 a _ _ J a - - - - - --- -- 1— --- - - - - _ __-7 - - - - -- .. ! v Ez it ig at 7 z - _ __ - - _ : .- -_. _ _- _r--- _ 77 1 -r- 1 RULES OF PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: The City Council welcomes and encourages your ideas and comments as a citizen. To increase the effectiveness of your participation, please familiarize yourself with the following rules of decorum: O Members of the audience may speak on any item on the agenda, in the order the item(s) are addressed by the Council, as directed by the Mayor. Items not on the agenda should be submitted during the Community Forum period (see below). O Persons wishing to speak should step to the podium and state their name and address, for the official record. O All remarks shall be addressed to Council, as a whole, and not to any individual member thereof. O No person shall be permitted to make slanderous, profane or personal remarks against any elected official, commissions and staff. o A person may speak for five (5) minutes. o No one may speak for a second time until everyone wishing to speak has had Y 9 p an opportunity to do so, and no one may speak more than twice on any item. O Council Members may question any speaker; the speaker may respond but, after the allotted time has expired, may not initiate further discussion. O The floor will then be closed to public participation and open for Council discussion. COMMUNITY FORUM: o The Community Forum period is provided to receive comments from the public on matters other than scheduled agenda items. o A maximum of 30 minutes will be allowed for Community Forum, unless Council authorizes an extension. o State law does not allow the Council to take action on issues not on the agenda; staff may be asked to follow up on such items.