HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 01/31/1995 NORTH COUNTY SUMMIT CITIES OF EL PASO de ROBLES AND ATASCADERO, TEMPLETON COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT NORTH COUNTY SUPERVISORS TUESDAY, JANUARY 31, 1995 7:00 P.M. CITY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING 4TH FLOOR ROTUNDA ROOM 6500 PALMA AVENUE ATASCADERO This agenda is prepared and posted pursuant to the requirements of Government Code Section 54954.2. By listing a topic on this agenda, the City Council has expressed its intent to discuss and act on eacIh item. In addition to any action identified in the brief general description of each item, the action that may be taken shall include: A referral to staff with specific requests forinformation;continuance,specific direction to staff concerning the policy ormission of the item; discontinuance of consideration; authorization to enter into negotiations,and execute agreements pertaining to the item, adoption or approval; and, disapproval. Copies of the staff reports or other documentation relating to each item of business referred to on the agenda are on file in the office of the City Clerk(Room 208)and in the Information Office (Room 103), available for public inspection during City Hall business hours. The City Clerk will answer any questions regarding the agenda. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act,if you need special assistance to participate in a City meeting or other services offered by this City,please contact the City Manager's Office ((805)46Y-5010)or the City Clerk's Office ((805) 461-5074). Notification at least 48 hours prior to the meeting or time when services are needed will assist the City staff in assuring that reasonable arrangements can be made to provide accessibility to the meeting or service. RULES OF PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: * Members of the audience may speak on any item on the agenda. * A person may speak for five (5) minutes. * No one may speak for a second time until everyone wishing to speak has had an opportunity to do so. * No one may speak more than twice on any item. * Council Members may question any speaker; the speaker may respond but, after the allotted time has expired, may not initiate further discussion. * The floor will then be closed to public participation and open for Council discussion. CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS COMMUNITY FORUM: The City Council values and encourages exchange of ideas and comments from you, the citizen. The Community Forum period is provided to receive comments from the public on matters other than scheduled agenda items. To increase the effectiveness of Community Forum, the following rules will be enforced * A maximum of 30 minutes will be allowed for Community Forum, unless Council authorizes an extension. * All remarks shall be addressed to Council, as a whole, and not to any individual member thereof. * No person shall be permitted to make slanderous, profane or personal remarks against any elected official, commissions and staff. 1. STEERING COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS A. Joint resolution establishing the North County Council and approving organizational by-laws B. Appointments to the North County Council 2. GENERAL DISCUSSION FOR PURPOSES OF GUIDANCE A. North County Water Issues B. Economic Cooperation C. Salinas Area Plan 3. ADJOURN - 10:00 P.M. 2 REPORT TO NORTH COUNTY SUMMIT Meeting Date: 01/31/95 CITY OF ATASCADERO Agenda Item : 1-A Through: Andy Takata, City Manager From: Lee Price, City Cler`/ SUBJECT: Establishing the North County Council and adopting its By-Laws. RECOMMENDATIONS: Adopt a Joint Resolution of the City Councils of the cities,of Atascadero and EI Paso de Robles, the Board of Directors of the Templeton Community Services District and the San Luis Obispo County Supervisors of Districts 1 & 5 Establishing the North County Council and Adopting its By-Laws. BACKGROUND: • On November 3, 1994, members of the North County Summit (City Councilmembers of the Cities of EI Paso de Robles and Atascadero, San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors (North County) and the Templeton Community Services District) met and appointed a steering committee to formulate: recommendations regarding the formation of a North County advisory body to address regional issues. The Steering Committee met on November 21 , 1994 to discuss what direction to take and what agencies should participate. There was consensus to create the North County Council and By-Laws, including purpose and membership, were approved. In addition, the Steering Committee agreed on three items of regional concern: North County Water Issues (Salinas Dam, Lake Nacimiento pipeline and water levels, etc.), Economic Cooperation between North County agencies, and the Salinas Area Plan. The Steering Committee's recommendations have been forwarded to members of the North County Summit. DISCUSSION: The By-Laws specify that the North County Council be recognized by resolution of the County Board of Supervisors. The joint resolution will meet this requirement and provide document authority for all concerned governing bodies. • Attachment: Joint Resolution RESOLUTION NO. - • A JOINT RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCILS OF THE CITIES OF ATASCADERO AND EL PASO DE ROBLES, THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE TEMPLETON COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT AND THE SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SUPERVISORS OF DISTRICTS 1 & 5 ESTABLISHING THE NORTH COUNTY COUNCIL AND ADOPTING ITS BY-LAWS WHEREAS, a joint resolution of intent to pursue the formation of a North County organization to advise county, state and federal governments and regulatory agencies regarding issues of common interest in North San Luis Obispo County was adopted in September, 1994, by the City Councils of the Cities of Atascadero and E1 Paso de Robles; and WHEREAS, on November 21, 1994, a meeting of the Joint North County Steering Committee was held including representatives from the City Councils of the cities of Atascadero and EI Paso de Robles, the Board of Directors of the Community Services District and San Luis Obispo County Supervisors of Districts 1 and 5. The Steering Committee agreed to recommend the creation of the North County Council and formulated By-Laws outlining purpose and membership. WHEREAS, the City Councils of the cities of Atascadero and EI'', Paso de Robles, the Board of Directors of the Community Services District and San Luis Obispo County Supervisors of Districts 1 and 5 met on January 31, 1995 to discuss the recommendations • of the Joint North County Steering Committee. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Councils of the cities of Atascadero and EI Paso de Robles, the Board of Directors of the Community Services, District and San Luis Obispo County Supervisors of Districts 1 and 5 as follows: SECTION 1 . The North County Council is hereby established. SECTION 2. By-Laws, including purpose and membership for the North County Council, as set forth in the attached Exhibit "A", are hereby adopted. SECTION 3. Specific appointments to the North County Council will formally be made as set forth in the By-Laws by each governing body. In addition, the County Supervisors of Districts 1 and 5 shall appoint one member from each publicly elected and recognized area, advisory committee located in the North County. On motion by and seconded by , the foregoing Resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: • ABSENT: ADOPTED: Resolution No. - Page Two ATTEST: CITY OF ATASCADERO By: LEE PRICE, City Clerk R. DAVID BEWLEY, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: ARTHER R. MONTANDON, City Attorney ATTEST: CITY OF EL PASO DE ROBLES By: RICHARD J. RAMIREZ, City Clerk WALTER J. MACKLIN, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: IRIS YANG, City Attorney • ATTEST: TEMPLETON COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT By: LAURIE A. ION, Board Secretary RUSSELL S. THOMPSON, Vice-President APPROVED AS TO FORM: STEVE KRONICK, Legal Counsel SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTYSUPERVISOR (District #1) By: HARRY L. OVITT SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTYSUPERVISOR (District #5) By. DAVID BLAKELY REPORT TO NORTH COUNTY SUMMIT Meeting Date: 01/31/95 CITY OF ATASCADERO ,Agenda Item : 1-13 Through: Andy Takata, City Manager From: Lee Price, City Clerk i SUBJECT: Appointments to the North County Council. RECOMMENDATION: Option #1 : Following adoption of the Joint Resolution establishing the North County Council, announce specific appointments. Confirmation by',resolution,or other document authority as needed, may be deferred to each of the individual governing bodies to be determined by its own appointment policy (i.e., resolution, minute order, etc.). • Option #2: Defer formal appointments and defer the matter back to the individual governing bodies for individual determination. JAN 30 '95 02:49PM P•2/32 LEE PRICE CITY CLERK TOs NORTH COUNTY COUNCIL • FROMf RICHARD J. RAMIREZ, CITY MANAGER, PASO ROBLES PREPARED BY: JORN R. MoCARTHY, DYRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS SUWNCT: NACIMIENTO 'WATER DATEt JANUARY 27, 1995 Needs: For the North County Council members to receive this update of the proposed Nacimiento Water Pro j;, ct axld affirm the importance of the project to the- orth county communities. Facts: 1. The first phase (Preliminary Evaluation and Environmental Review) of the Nacimiento Water Project was completed in Jure of 1994. (Excerpts are attached) . 2. The communities of Atascaderor Paso Robles, Santa Margarita and Templeton have requested a total of 9,320 acre feet of water from this project. 3. Total water available from the Nacimiento water project is 16,200 acre feet. 4. County-wide requests total 16,001 acre feet. 5_ The Board of Supervisors at their December 6, 1994 meeting approved the Phase II Participation Agreement for engineering feasibility report and environmental impact report. 6. Most agencies have approved the Phase II Agreement at this time. Analysis and conclusion., The agencies in the North County '', have joined together to support this project which will insure a long terve reliable source of water.. The first phase study completed in June of 1994 answered a number of questions regarding the project such as: • Reliab-ility Water quality January 30, 1995 JAN 30 '95 02;50PM P.3i32 • Pipeline alternatives • These issues are addressed in the attached "Executive Summary" for the Phase I Report. As the County Plood control District proceeds with Phase II of this project, a "Participatts Advisory" committee will be established to help advise the District through the process. Fiscal Impact: Attached to this report are excerpts Brom the Phase I report _illustrating estimated construction and funding costs and project time table. Water is projected to be available for delivery, should the project go forward, by the year 2001.. Based on Alternative No. 1 estimated costs areas follows: Estimated cyst for Atascadero - $802.00/AF Estimated cost for Paso Robles - $639~00/AF Estimated cost for Santa Margarita - $1,065.00/Ar Estimated cost for Templeton - $670.00/AF options: 1. Affirm the need for the North County to establish a reliable water source other than groundwater and communicate the urgency of continuing with Phase II of the project to the District. 2. Receive this information and take no formal Council action at this time. 3. Amend, modify or reject the above: options. Attachments: U) 1) Phase I Report Excerpts x:\lb\uater\nacuaterlstmait.roem January 30, 1995 i --- — -_ P.4/32 RECEI vEa ..LN ( 1994 DEPT.OF R JBUC WORMS San Luis Obispo County Flood Control and Water Conservation District i Preliminary Evaluation for the Nacimiento Water Supply Project Phase III Preliminary Engineering Evaluation and Environmental Assessment - Final Rdport - Client Roprrs=atives Clinton Milne.County Eggu=r Louis Or.Gibson, Hydraulic Musing Engineer Boyle Engineering Corporation Project Managcr Christine M.Ferrara,PR Assistant Project Manager James M.KentoA P.E. Project Engineers Peter A.Bamuconi,P.E. redrey A.Lodge Woodward-Clyde Consultants Environmental Comubnb Keith Julian,Pgjda Manager Joddi Leipnw, Assistant Project Scientist F-3ot4le Fugro-McClelland (West), Inc. . . . Geatechnical Consultant James A. Hianchim,C.E.G., Cm Project ftsftleoring Geologist Thomas F.Blake„G.E.,C.E.G_, 973 qi�t--Stre)or Geotechnical Scrrrices Manager f. FAX 805/542,9-91DM. F �r Christine M.Ferrara, P.E. U ; Project Manager No.C 042090 VT-S30-200-03 4 May 1994OFCA+IFU'` JAN 30 '95 02:51PM P.5/32 Executive Summary a 1959,the San Luis Obispo County blood Control and Water Conservation District(District)executed an affom=t with Monterey C County Water Resources Agency entitling the Cpwaty of San Luis Obispo to 17,500 acre-feet per year(AFY)of supply from Nacimiento 4::4Ac ervoir. To date,use of the District's eatidement has been linuted m uses in and around the lake. Nwimiento Reservoir has long been rernonized as a significant,viable dement is the County of San Luis Obispo's regional water supply prc gram. Interest was heightened following the collective decis to bene&from 4,830 Madmiento Reservoir AFY ofthc District's 25,000 AFY State Water Project entitlement. has long been recognized In June 1992,the District retained Bayle Engineering�Corpara4m to pa*rm as a sign cart, viable a reliability assessment,preliminary engineering,geotechnical,and element in the County of emirmmital assessment for a Nacimiento water supply projeeL A draft E ,Stn Luis Obispo's report was published in October 1993,cmmments word received from affeetod regional water supply parties(Appendix B),and this final report was published program. The reliability assessment,published in Novcmber 1992 concluded that `Nadmiento Reservoir could have supplied 100 percent of the San Luis Obispo District's entitlement ftom October 1950 thrOx&November 1990. Even in the[critical)year of the[1987-1992]drought,Sen Ltris Obispo could have received its fall 17,500 acre-foot entitlement- Uc District authorized Boyle to proceed with evaluating the distribution of the full 17,500 AFY crgidem=. Following the reliability assessment,28 entities entered into a reservation agreerac t with the District to participate in the subsequent project study �- phases. Requests for water total 26,321 AM 1.5 times the amount available under existing contracts. Thus,it was necessary to explore project alternatives that allocated the available water. Two principal route alternatives were considered;the Cypress Mountain Route and the Salinas Valley Route_ It was detemmed that the Salinas Valley Route traversed the areas of demand more favorably than the Cypress Mountain Route. It would also permit more construction m existing roads and rights-of-way,which is favorable from an environmental impact stand point_ Four project altcrn nicer were examined along the Salinas Valley Route: Alternative 1: North County Treated Water Alternative Alternative 2: North County Raw Water Alternative 6194 Final 1 E30 LE JAN 30 '95 02:51PM P.6/32 Alternative 3: North County and Chorro Vdlley Alternative Alternative 4: North and Soutar County Alterpative For each project alftmati%%requests along the aligtuneot were"scaled down" to stay within the 17,500 AFY available. Ztequesta were scaled down thmugh the use of`participation probability factors"which consider such Aictors as the degree of benefit to existing residents,tbo type of entity maldrug the request,and,to a degrM ft requester's track record ffor pursan other water supply sources. It should be emphasized that the allocations defined herein are used solely for the purpose of providing cost estimates and are not intended to form a basis for establishing the final distribution of water. No environmental `fatal flaws" or unmitigable Pipeline corridors were established for each project alternative and are shown probable impacts were in Plate 1. The distribution system is envisioned to consist of a pipelim from the lake,out Nacimiento Lake RoadlDrive,then southil alm the Highway 101 found to exist along the corridor,through Cuestas Tunnel,with a possible extension to the Lmpez T alae proposed pipeline route. system near Pismo Beach. is 211,up to 56 miles of pipeline,ranging from 9- ineb to 36-inch diameter,are needed to distribute Nacimiento water. A preliminary environmental assessment was performed for the 56 mile pipeline con idor by Woodward-Clyde Consultants. No environmental`Taunt flaws"or uumit tgable probable impacts were found to+exist along the proposed pipeline route. Given the munber and compbdty of environmental issues and the potential for public sensitivity,it is expected that the preparation of a California Environmcn:W Quality Act Environmental Impact No geotechnical 'fatal Report will be quire r flaw$"were found along A preliminary geohazards investigation was also pa*rmed along the pipeline the alternative routes. corridor by Pugro McClelland(west),Inc. That investigation included a literature review of geologio conditions along the pipee and made t recommendations for further geologic study. No geatWinical`TaW Raws" !, were found along the alternative routes. Tho total estimated capital cost to construct 56 miles of pipeline,a 16.9 to • 18.4 million gallons per day(MGD)conventional treatrimt plats,inlet structure at the lake,three booster stations,Wemetry system and turnouts is $109 to$117 million_ This cost esti nate includes a budget for right-of-way acquisition. l 5/94 Final 2 BO4rLE JAN 30 '95 02:52PM P.7i32 A preliminary ec000mie analysis concludes that treated wauw can be delivered along the Nwmuento water supply system at the following costs per AF: San Miguel,Paso Robles $640-$710/AF r; Santa Margarita 51,040-$1,290/AF City of San Luis Obispo $880-$1,0401AF Chorro Valley Tumout(Los Osas, Cuesta ColleIA Morro Bay) $990-$1,480/AF Lopez Lake system $1,320-S 1,440/AF Note that these cost esticuates are for Nacimi a to water delivered too a turnout and do not include arty local facilities to connect into odstiutg dystramdon systems. Some local facilities are;stgnis=nt(San Miguel would require 7.7 miles of 6-inch pipdkr,increased capacity would bee,needed in the proposed Chorro Valley pipeline,plus 4 miles of 8-inch pipeline to convey water into Las Osos,and 3.5 miles of 8-inch pipeline to the Californitr Cities-Edna system)- Cambria and Sam Simeon too would roquirrt a separate prciect at an estimated local cost of$13.3 to$14.1 million. Each requester should consider local project impacts as well,as costs to participate in the regional Nacimiento project when omldng find participation decisions. Contacts with purveyors during the course of this investigation have revealed one predominant fact: supplemental water is needed lhmugtrout the Conroy to provide a reliable water supply to edsting and fixture County residents_ The Supplemental water is facx that current requests for Nadmiento water exc �eutitle�ment by 50 needed throughout the percent is tenunam to this situation. County to provide a As a result of preliminary studies performed to date,the Naoimiento water reliabte water supply supply project has been found to be a reliable water slupply of goad quality for to existing and,future domestic use. Further,no"faW flaws"have been encountered that might County residents. pude the constructioa of the 56 miles of transmission pipelines treatment plWt booster and storage facilities recommended to distribute Nacimiento water. The cost per AF estimates presented herein are high when compared to existing ground wi ter supplies. But,considering than several basins are known to be in a state of overdraft and that supplemental water supplies are needed,each purveyor must compare the estimated cost ofNacimieato water with other options for augmenting local supplies. 5/94 Final 3 t31D419LE JRN 30 '95 02;53PM P.13/32 It is IGSS costly W deliver Nacunicmto water to purvCWM IDIOM to the L-dw and Moen COAIY to REV and ttanspott Nacimwdo water otw Cucuta Crrade. The Nacimtiento water supply project may be mote likely M U pursued by north county purveyors for this reason. 4WD wncluda that the DIstrict should continue thr Nadi gado water supply pIIII:ikittlplemwiation by. i. FMccute amcfacts wlth intereseed parties for the next step ofp mject impletnautation Mnvirortmental Impact Report preparation and preliminary design). 2. Prooeed with the preparation of environuxotal doo==adm awrn ding to the California Envirmuental Quality Act for the deFmed prJect and its alternatives_ 3_ Proceed with preliminary desiga a gineecing to f0m in on issues I&Attified herein such as pipeline material sdeWc%treatment plant pmdesign,pump station pmdesgn telemetry system feg W definition,and inlet works predesign. 4. Continue water quality$angling of the lake water to provide a data. • base for treatment plant and disinfection system design, S. Define potential funding mechanisms for the pgecx,including consideration of a Joint Powers Agreement among participants. 6. Seek participation in the Baal design,eanstmctio%and delivery cf Nacimiemuo water. x184 Final 4 BC��LE • JAN 30 '95 02;53P W P.9/32 < 'c t CL 4 _ s►i� ts'C�' a ¢ I d4CO 4 1� O , r <Lui 1 r! ;' O • 1 t { all z b JRN 30 '95 02=54PM P.10/32 40 cr) r g� �v 0 y� ou�iW��i �v $ �S b'mm wive v�nrN•. mAc M1f'�rr Of q' to (q r Tv �-� TOlaf o/ To► TTa�T rrr N ,0 MN �. W TtV N Ill NM �b T tMl T N r � r r " .?: �y° u�q m�p �p ammm oIcs Naco*i ��i 'r i i S Q G7 N to mtbr GDW W W OW q4 pct rZ . N to t- v W WCD TPO t? GVO IN� � r T r r r w r N N CC, Z - pGbcSM1mGo � co mt�Drltmo ct .4i �p r � t�11wN W M s-NN T 10 V w10 N CONN N ON t' (V GpwNM i ! i ! W coto � 4w (OL, t t t s 000"ro� o eov NCD oma' e fHllp 4x .-� C2WC r S L L L WGov addo Z Z S ea •" �. v oa co co W i m n. f~ oo r � l � � ro�a¢ i' ! ! i aOD � 4 `W" 4� � ot'' t t t r O C d T v T G4 W co w e� Q. u!L" egVhWlc! t+) NNa P NI�r. N all .S O d A � mFmF z O OC3 aO 8 o ', v a o � d oCV � C � w� 6 e, o0 Aw o m o app ?It-, Va '� 6 a) b g O m U1 ' a fn a ai ' O .G! d m z 0 `N Elin� ac>a � Vci � � Ni.� d �Wuio ,�itu� �cao_ � � x 5/94 Fina[ 110 MOYL,E JAN 30 195 02;55PM P.11i32 CP H U a �. r m CL cm CD m a m � IL 93 'C a o � , E e ii m `o d J2 _ � o gra ,P � • i m °a a6 _ v Cl L V pp o� "' m c W o c U Fwi C7 W is ra �_ ate• Q -5 CL d ti a` w c�i ci n"_ a m U ca N JAN 30 '95 02.55PM P.12i32 TO: NORTH COUNTY COUNCIL FROM: RICMARD J- RAMIREZ, CITY MANAaLR, PASO ROSLES MMPARED BY: JOHN R. 140CARTHY, DIRECTOR OF 1PpBLIC WORKS SUB3MCT= SALIN,AS RRSERV0IR EXPAMSYON DATE t JAr U3MY 27r 1995 Needs: For the North County Council to consider joint acts as-. regards the proposed Salinas Reservoir Expansion by the City of San Luis Obispo. 1. The City of SLO is proposing the expansion of Facts., 1. Salinas Reservoir. 2. A number of member agencies have concerns regarding the reservoir expansion as well as the dam transfer and water right$ issues. 3. Some agencies such as Ataseadero Mutual Water, TCSD and City of Paso Robles, have actively sought clarification of the project impacts and alternatives to the proposal' by SLO. 4. The. City of Paso Robles will be:, meeting with City of sLo in February, 199$ to further discuss the issues. i5. Central to the many issues involved is the protection of Salinas River water for the North County and mitigation of the environmental impacts to downstream users. Analysis and Conclusion: The City of San Luis Obispo is planning to modify the existing dam at the Salinas Reservoir (Santa Margarita Lake) . As part of the project they are planning to install spillway gateg on the dam spillway structure. These gates wera originally in the 'design of the dam but were not constructed, most 'likely due to the war effort at that time. The City now proposes to install the gates which will add 20 feet Of additional storage height. January 30, 1995