HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 07/08/1994 LEE PRICES CITY CLERK • AGENDA ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING Atascadero Administration Building 6500 Palma Avenue City Manager's Office, Room 207 Friday, .July 8, 1994 1:30 P.M. o CALL TO ORDER o ROLL CALL • RULES OF PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: * Members of the audience may speak on any item on the agenda. * A person may speak for five (5) minutes. * No one may speak for a second time until everyone wishing to speak had had an opportunity to do SO. * No one may speak more than twice on any item. * Council Members may question any speaker; the speaker may respond but, after the allotted time has expired, may not initiate further discussion. * The floor will then be closed to public participation and open for Council discussion. PURPOSE OF THE MEETING: The City Council will meet in a Special Meeting to consider a request by Judy Young on behalf of California Manor/Vintage Days Services to have thlo City of Atascadero apply for federal assistance for a Congregate Housing Services;Program. PROPOSED ACTION: The City Council will review the grant application packet, receive staff recommendations and make a determination on whether to submit the application. Adjourn July 5, 1994 s ;•!Z Henry Engen Community Development Director City of Atascadero 6500 Palma Avenue Atascadero, Calif. 93422 Dear Mr. Engen: Per our agreement you will find: 1. Original Grant Application to be applied for by the City of Atascadero on behalf of California Manor/VINTAGE DAYS SERVICES to write down the cost of providing supportive services to the low income frail elderly and disabled. The original application needs to be returned promptly. • 2 . Copy of the Grant Application to be retained by you. 3 . Six extra copies of the pages requiring the City's signature. Please return these with the original entire application in order that I can add these pages to the additional copy packages. FEDERAL EXPRESS ENVELOPE FOR RETURN IS ENCLOSED. I think it may be appropriate . for you to include a short cover letter addressed to Farmers Home Administration, indicating the _ City has limited resources, staff shortages and you are requesting that we the borrower handle the maximum allowable responsibilities for the CHSP program. If possible indicate that the CDBG funds had already been allocated for this year, however a request by California Manor/VINTAGE DAYS could be considered for funding in the next cycle. If you or the City Council have any questions, I can be reached at 916 221-3656 or 221-2268. We at California Manor sincerely appreciate your support and hope that our application will be given serious consideration. Sincerely, d -c�in �� Y''Y g 000001 - )EX C ,� ns Application for Federal Assistance • OMB Approval No.0348-0043 Type of Submission: 2.Date Submitted Applicant Idehtitier Application 1@, 1994 cation PreapQlication 3.Date Received by State f I Site Application Identifier r Construction � Construction Identifier by Federal Agency Federal Identiti CX Non-Construction r7 Non-Construction 5.Applicant Information Legal Name Organizational Unit: City of Atascadero, Community Dev.Dept. City of AtasclderG t�ephbne number of the person t0 be,contacted on matters involving anis Address (give city,county,state,and zip code): Name and application(give area code) 6500 Palma Avenue Atascadero, Calif. . Henry Engen 805 461-5097 93422 ; Judy Young 916 221. 3656 o.Employer identification Number(EIN): 7.Type of Applicant:(enter appropriate tarter I;pox) C 95-338063001 A. State H. Independent;scirlDist B. County I. State Controlled Institution of Higher Learing 9.Type or Application: 0. Municipal J. Private University D. Township K. Indian Tribe New 71 Continuation Revision ! E. Interstate L Individual F. Intermunicipal M. Profit Organigation it Revision,enter appropriate ietter(s)in box(es): 0 G. Special District N. Other(Speedy): _ A.Increase Award B.Decrease Award C.Increase Duration 9.name of Federal Agency: D.Decrease Duration Other(specify): HUD/Fm$A 10.Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Number. 11.Descriptive TRIO of Applicant's Project: 14. 170 Congregate Housing Services Program • 1tle: Title IV 2.Areas Affected by Project(cities,counties.states.etc.): Atascadero, San Luis Obispo County,, California 13.Proposed Project: 14.Congressional Districts of: Start Date Ending Oatea.Applicant b•Protect Est 12/94 ' 12/95 1 District 22 District 22 15.Estimated Funding: ! 16.Is Application Subject to Review by State Executive Order12372 Process? a. Yes. This preapplieatiorvapplication was made available to the a.Federal $ .00 j State Executive Order 12372 Process for review on 260111898, Date: July 10, 1994 $ 65, 225. .00J*b . No. r7 Program is not covered by E.O.12372 of C.Slate $ 213, 313 . .00 ❑ Program has not been selected by Stara for review. 17.Is the Applicant Delinquent on Any Federal Dent? o.Loral $ .00 Yes If'Yes,'explain below or attach an explantation No V01711 Other $ .00 V 1 rhnt-aora 47. 586, i f. Program Income $ -00-00 9.Total $ 652, 247 . .00 18.To the best of my knowledge and belief,all data in this applicaboniprelicadon are true and correct.the document has beemdtfly aut hortzed by the governing body app of the applicant and the applicant wig comply with the attached assurances if the assistance is awarded. a.Typed Name of Authorized Representative b.Title c.Telephone,Number 805 :461-5097 •0.Signature of Authorized Representative e.Date Signed Previous Editions Not Usable torm 188 SF-424(4 ) Authorized tot Local Reproduction Page 1 of 3 Prescribed by OMB Circular A-102 000002 Part B. Flat Fee for Other Services • i t below an flat fees that will be charged for the following services NO Flat Fee Char d. List s y Per UnitService $Fee Amount (example:transportation 0.75 1 per one-way ride) i Case Management Housekeeping t Personal Care w Transportation Escort/Companion service i Preven.health screening Wellness programs Personal response system I i Other(specify) i All services will be offered as a PACKAGE. None • Participant Fee' s not to exceed 20% of income. Actual amount . 1884% based on method 1 = using average incomes. Part C. Certification In cases where oarticipants have no ad'ust d income and so are unabl to gay fees and, as ar the tote pant fees ggilected ar§I deficit with Ht1D/FmHA on aSWIM_ bis_ Program participants will not be charged total fees(meals plus flat fees)for CHSP services that exceed 20% of an individual's annual adjusted income. Signature Date • form HUD-40089(03108/94) Page ref.Handbook 4640.1 40000,3 Exhibit 7: Applicant Certifications(con't.) . Assurances—Non-Construction Programs OMB Approval No.0348.0040 Note:Certain of these assurances may not be applicable to your projector program.It you have questions,please contact the awarding agency.Further.certain Federal awarding agencies may require applicants to certify to additional assurances.if such is the case you will be notified. As the duly authorized representative of the applicant 1 certify that the applicant: 1. Has the legal authority to apply for Federal assistance,and the under which application for Federal assistance is being made;and institutional.managerial and financial ca abili Pclu��gti�dds 0) the requirements of any other nondiscrimination statute(s) sufficient to pay the non•Fed—eraTare of prosect costs)to ensure which may apply to the application. roper planning, management and completion of the project 7. Will comply,or has already complied,with the requirements of escn to thus application. Titles 11.utd III of the Urnfcnit Relocation Assistance and Real 2. Will give the awarding agency,the Comptroller Genera of the Property Acquisition Policies,Act of 1970(P.L.91-646)which United States,and if appropriate,the State,through any autho- provide for fair and equitable treatment of persons displaced or rized representative,access to and the right to examine all records, whose property is acquired tis a result of Federal or federally books, papers, or documents related to the award: and;ill assisted program.These requirements applytoallinterestsinreal z*tablishaproperaccourrianasystem inaccord.amewith¢ene ilv property acquired for project purposes regardless of Federal accepted accounting standards or agency directives. participation in purchases. 3. Will establish safeguards to prohibit employees from using the 8. Will comply with the provisitrns of the Hatch Act(5 U.S.C.§§ positions forapurpose that constitutes or presents theappeatance 1501-1508 and7324-7328)which limit the political activities of of personal or organizational conflict of interest,oryersonal tram. employees whose principal employment activities are funded in whole or in part with Federal°funds. 4. I'll initiate and complete the work wiW the applicable time frame after receipt of approval of the awarding agency. 9. Will comply, as applicable, with the provisions of the Davis- Bacon Act(40 U.S.C.§§276aiand276a 7),the Copeland Act(40 . 5. Will comply with the Intergovernmental Personnel Act of 1970 U.S.C. § 276c and 18 U.S.C. §§ 874),and the Contract Work (42 U.S.C. §§ 4728-4763)relating to prescribed standards for Hotusand Safety Standards act(40 U.S.C.§§327-333).regard- merit systems for programs funded under one of the nineteen ing labor standards for federally assisted construction suorutes or regulations specified in Appendix A of OPM's Stan- subagreements. dards for a Merit System of Personnel Administration(5 C.F.R. 900.Subpart F). 10. Will comply.ifappGcabfe.with flood insurance purchase regtuire- merits of Section 102(a)of the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 6. Will comply with all Federal statutes relating to nondiscrimina- t973(P.L,93-734)which requires recipients in a special flood ;ion.These include but are not limited to:(a)Title VI of the Civil lutrtrd,orea to Ixtroicipate in the program and to purchase flood Rights Act of 1964(P.L.88-352)which prohibits discrimination irisuranceifthe toudcostofinsjurableconstnucuonandacquisition on the basis of race,color or national origin:(b)Title IX of the is S 10000 or more. EducadonAmendmentsof 1972,asamended(20U.S.C.§§1681- 1683.and 1685-1686), which prohibits discrimination on the it. Will comply with environmental standards which may be pre- basis of sex:(c)Section 504 of the Rehabiliuition Act of 1973,as scribed pursuant to the following:(a)institutionofenvironmental _ amended(29 U.S.C.§794),which prohibitsdiscriminadononthe quality control measures wider the National Environmental basis of handicaps:(d)the Age Discrimination Act of 1975,as Policy Act of 1969 (P.L. 91-190) and Executive Order (EO) amended(42 U.S.C.§§6101-61(Y7),which prohibits discrimina- 11514: (b) notification of violating facilities pursuant to EO tion on the basis of age;(e)the Drug Abuse Office and Treatment 117321; (c) protection of wetlands pursuant to EO 11990; (e) Act of 1972(P.O.92-255),as amended,relating to nondiscrimi evaluation of llax)hazards in floud plains in accordance with EO nation on the basis of drug abuse;(f)the Comprehensive Alcohol 11988; (e)assurance of projpc:t consistency with the approved Abuse and Alcoholism Prevention,TreatmentandRehabilitation Shite management program developed under the Coastal Zone Act of 1970(P.L.91-616),as amended.relating to riondisetimi- Management Act of 1972 (16 U.S.C. §§ 1451 et seq.); (f) nation on the basis of alcohol abuse or alcoholism;(g)§§523 and conformity of Federal actionsto State(Clear Air)Implementation 527 of the Public Health Service Act of 1912(42 U.S.C.290 dd- Plans under Section 176(c)'of the Clear Air Act of 1955, as 3 and 290 ee-3),as amended,relating to confidentiality of alcohol amended(42 U.S.C.§7401 epseq.);(g)procectionof underground and drug abuse patient records:(h)Title VIII of the Civil Rights sources of drinking water under the Safe Drinking Water Act of Act of 1968(42 U.S.C.§36701 et seq,),as amended,relating to 1974,as amended.(P.L.93 523).and(h)protection of endan- nondisctim ation in the sale,rental or Cumming of housing.(i) gered species under the Endangered Species Act of 1973. as any other nondiscrimination provisions in the specific statute(s) amended.(P.L.93-205). i Page t of 2 SF-4248(Rev.4-88) prescribed b OMB Circular A-102 Local Reproduction n Prescn Y Authorized for L ep n0n'0n4 II _ 12. Will comply with the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act of 1968(16 15. Will comply with the Laboratory Animal Welfare act of 1966 U.S.C. 3§ 1271 et seq.) related to protecting components or (P.L.89-544,as amended.7 US.C.2131 etseq.)pertainingtothe • potential components of the national wild and scenic rivers care,handling,and treatment Df warm blooded animals held for system. march.teaching,or other activities supported by this award of assistance. 13. Will assist the awarding agency in assuring compliance with l6 Willcom t withtheLeafi-Ba6edPaintPoisoninBPreventionAct Section 106 of the national Historic Preservation Act of 1966,as 42 U.S.C.$$4801 et w ch prohibits the use of lead based amended(16 U.S.C.470),EO 11593(identification and protec- ( �') � tion of historic properties),and the Archaeological and Historic paint in construction or rehabilitation of residence structures. Preservation Act of 1974(16 U.S.C.469a-1 et seq.). -'"-ri 17. W illgause to be pt�forined tha requinancial red f - --—-.--^mo lance 4. Will comply with P.L.93-348 regarding the protection of human audits in accordance with the single Audit Act oT 198-4 subjects involved in research,development,and related activities 1g. Will comply with all applicable requirements of all other Federal supported by this award of assistance. laws,executive orders,regulations and policies governing this program. Signature of Autnonzaa certifying Official Title Applicant Organization i Date Submitted • City of Atascadero • Page 2 of 2 SF4248(Rev.4-88) Authorized for Local Reproduction Prescribed by OMB Circular A-102 000005 Annual Program Budget U.S.Department of Housing and Urban Development Applicant Office of Housing Federal Housing Commissioner • OMP Approval No.2502-0485(exp.12/31/94) Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 0.5 hours per response,including the time folr reviewing instructions,searching existing data sources,gathering and maintaining the data needed,and completing and reviewing the collection of information.send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information,including suggestions for reducing this burden,to the Reports Management Officer,Office of information Policies and Systems,U.S.Department of Housing and Urban Development,Washington,D.C.20410-3600 and to the Office of Mana$ementand Budget,Paperwork Reduction Project(2502-0485),Washington,D.C.20503. Do not send this completed form to either of these addressees. Applicant Namerol�ct N�cne If different) P 6al1LOnla Manor Supportive services) VINTAGE DAYS. Ci ty of Atasnadern .. _ Budget dategory(check one and specify type) Program Veer service ire service offered only as Packa e X Administration 1st Item Name ATotal Amount Administration stration 1. Direct Labor(list staff positions,hours worked,rate of pay per hour and year) Total 2. Fringe Benefits(Provide percentage and calculations for direct labor positions) I Total 3. Materials and Equipment(Identify items and costs used in providing above Service/Administration) I I • _ Total $ _ mount of service provided) 4. Subcontracts Identify service,number of participants,unit cost,and a p ) l Subcontract with California Property Marketing. Administration of ,HSP 60 Pax-fidi=ts $90-59 per m2 nth. Total s65, 224. 55 ` C 5. Other(Specify) _ Total I $ 6. Total Cost $ 7. Applicant Match a. Cash $ b. Imputed value of other agency or third-party provided direct services or staff $ c. In-kind resources $ d. Volunteer services(at$5.00 per hour) $ Total Match ; $ 8. Participant Fees I $ 9. Net CHSP Funds Requested(line 6 minus lines 7+8) $ 65,224.55 . 10. Footnotes(continue on back if necessary) form 1/ 117110MT ref.Handbook 4640.1 OOO(J0 7 U.S.Department of Housing Annual Program BudgetU. Urban Development Applicant Office of Housing Federal Housing Commissioner OMB Approval No.2502.0485(exp.12/31r94) bIlc reporting burden for this collection of information Is estimated to average 0.5 hours per response,including the time for reviewing instructions,searching existing data sources,gathering and maintaining the data needed,and completing and reviewing the collection of information.Send comnhents regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information,including suggestions for reducing this burden,to the Reports Management Officer,Office of Information Policies and Systems,U.S.Department of Housing and Urban Development,Washington,D.C.20410-3600 and to the Office of Managemehtand Budget,Paperwork Reduction Project(2502-0485),Washington,D.C.20503. Do not send this completed form to either of these addressees. Applicant Name Project Name(If different) City of Atascadero California Manor/VINTAGE Budget Category(check one and specify type) Program Year OX service Housekeeping, Linens, Adult Day Care,Perso is Administtrafion 1st—_ —_-_ Item Name Care, Health Screening, Wellness Program Catmpanion~ --Et , Total Amount _ 1. Direct Labor(List staff positions,hours worked,rate of pay per hour and year) Volunteers 109. 81 Hours per week X 52 Wk. = 702 Annual Hrs. X$5. 00 28,551. 34 Staff Resident Assistance 13. 5 Hrs. er week X 52 Wk = 4,152. 33 VALUE OF SERVICES OR STAFF (See calculation sheet) .Total $ 116 ,306. 40 2. Fringe Benefits(Provide percentage and calculations for direct labor positions) 15% X $4, 152. 33 I 623 . 12 Total i — 3. Materials and Equipment(identify items and costs used in providing above Service/Administration) r-N KIND Tools, Equipment, Machine, Building Area Space, Parkin ZESOURCES Products, Supplies, Utilities, Phone System, P.A. System First Aid, Insurance, Misc. and Etc. Total 12,100 .14 ------- -- ...$.----__--.. --- 4. Subcontracts(Identify service,number of participants,unit cost,and amount of service provided) i i i Total 5. Other(Specify) { —_ Total $ 6. Total Cost $ 161,7 3 3 .3 3 7. Applicant Match a. Cash b. Imputed value of other agency or third-party provided direct services or staff $ 116,3A6 40 c. In-kind resources $ 12,10 0 . 14' d. Volunteer services(at$5.00 per hour) $ 28,55 . 3 4 Total Match $ 161,157 .88 8. Participant Fees y $Y^\ —0- 9. 0-9. Net CHSP Funds Requested(line 6 minus lines 7+8) $ 4 ,775.45 10. Footnotes(continue on back if necessary) • form HUD-91178 11/10/9 ref.Handbook 4640.1 Annual Program Budget U.S.Department of Housing 9 9 and Urban Development Applicant Office of Housing Federal Housing Commissioner . OMB'+Approval No.2502-MS(exp.12t31/94) Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 0.5 hours per response,including the time for reviewing instructions,searching existing data sources,gathering and maintaining the data needed,and completing and reviewing the collection of Information.Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information,including suggestions for reducing this burden,to the Reports Managemont Officer,Office of Information Policies and Systems,U.S.Departmentof Housing and Urban Development,Washington,D.C.20410-3600 and to dhe Office of Managrentand Budget,Paperwork Reduction Project(2502-0485),Washington,D.C.20503. Do not send this completed form to either of these addressees. Applicant Name Project Name(it different) City of Atascadero California Manor/VINTAGE DA%S Budget Category(check one and specify Yew type) 1St Service Admi istration Total Amount Item Name Coordinator 1. Direct Labor(List staff positions,hours worked,rate of pay per hour and year) Service Coordinator 30 Hrs. Wk X 52 Wk = 1560 X $20.= $31, 200 Licensee Administrator 30 Hrs. Wk X 52 = 1560 X $16 .36 25,516. 40 (Trudy Valdez) Total 56,716. 40* 2. Fringe Benefits(Provide percentage and calculations for direct labor positions) 15% X $56,716. 40 Total 8,508. 15* 3. Materials and Equipment(identify items and costs used in providing above Service/Administration) IN KIND RESOURCES Equipment, Supplies, Material, Building Space Areas, P I arkincr, • Utilities, Furnishings, Insurance, Telephone System, PA Total $ 4,200.00* 4. Subcontracts(Identify service,number of participants,unit cost,and amount of service provided) Total 5. Other(Specify) 4,000 . Imputed Value Department Social Services S.L.O. County. 11,520 . Imputed Value PAC Members Total $ 15, 520 . s. Total Cost $ 84, 944.55 7, Anlicant Match 1 5.j 5 2 0 .0 " a. Cash b. Imputed value of other agency or third-party provided direct services or staff $ 4,200.0 c. In-kind resources $ d. Volunteer services(at$5.00 per hour) $ Total Match $ 19.,7911-00 8. Participant Fees $ 9. Net CHSP Funds Requested(line 6 minus lines 7+8) $ 84,944.55 10. Footnotes(continue on back If necessary) orm HUMI1 ref.Handbook 4640.1 Of1nn�9 June 3, 1994 Henry Engen City of Atascadero 6500 Palma Ave Atascadero, Calif. 93422 Dear Mr. Engen, With the City of Atascadero having sponsored Califmrnia Manor, a low income retirement home several years ago we are hopeful that we can again count on you. There is a possibility that limited, competitive 5 year grant funds may be available to ,help support the cost of providing new or expanded services to the very low income elderly and disabled. We will need to have ' in place a volunteer Profession Assessment Committee to assess participates needs. I think qualified, interest people from the community would probably be willing to provide their services. Applications for funding must be made by the unit of local government on behalf of a for-profit owner of eligible housing for the elderly. The program is referred to as "Congregate Housing Service Program" . The grant could provide',', up to a maximum of 40% of the cost of services, 10% would be charged participants, and 50% matching funds are required on our part, from another source. Previous research of the U.SD.A. Food Program, administered by the- Department of Education, to licensed Adult Day Care facilities would provide a meal subsidy and future offer to purchase commodities. Of the 50% matching, funding, 10% may be considered as the value of existing equipment, utilities, volunteer staff and or community services. I would believe the E.O.C. health screening provided at the project site and the Atascadero emergency response to the resident pull cords will qualify along with the other items mentioned for the 10% permitted. As we discussed the S.S.I. recipients monthly income has been reduced significantly over the past 2 years. We have reduced our charges and increased our services substantially. The housing and services we provide our in great need yet out of the financial reach of many. The services play a major roll in providing an alternative living environment and avoiding institutionalization of frail and disabled people ;prematurely. . Care within an institution is far more costly and often less disable. 0001)-t0 • I believe if the application is successful your responsibilities would resemble those of the Community Block Grant. ' The very low income potential recipients and I would greatly appreciate your taking this request to the City Council as soon as possible. The deadline for completed applications to be received by July 13, 3:OOp.m. at the National Headquarter and State Office. Allocation of $7 ,900,000 was made for eligible Farmers Home Administration projects. I believe I could primarily complete the application, although I will need a copy of the charter and possibly a few 'other items. I have taken the liberty to order you an NOFA, application, copy of the final rule published in the federal register and any other information available on the program. If you do not receive the items for review within a few days please contact: ' The Multifamily Housing Clearinghouse P.O. Box 6424 Rockville, MD 20850 1-800-955-2232 "Congregate Housing Services Program" I will contact you soon after you have had a chance to look over the application package. If you have any questions I can be reached at 916 221-3656 . I appreciate you support. Sincerely, C udy cam_ oun g California Manor U11f)Oil 1 1 10 165 EL.CAMINQ RFAI_ RTA$1,:♦.DERJ. CiiLI F'�RN1A 93422 �60!51 466•G,r.9 PAX 46 t-t)O$O T June 231 , 1994 City of Atascadero Mayor Robert Nimmo &SCO Palma Avenue Atascadaro, Caiif . 93422 dear Mayor Nimmo, We are '.he owners of Cal . 1 ya Manor a Federally Funded low income congregate houzinq or-_4 C ir. Atasc:adero. We would like to request t':a* the 'it_: of .Atasc_adero ;gold a special council meeting between 41.il S and 9 , 1994 for the- purpose of becoming the applicant � ;r feria:al ;rant _ ..nds application to provide expanded congregate ncusc e s to eligi bl recipients . I will complete the grant app* catloa togother wit,: invited City staff assistance and information ff0m a cop, of your latest -:!715G application. Ca,ifornia Manor . :s el:gib e for grant funds, however may not apply directly . An application aiu:st .:e submitted on our behalf by the local government agency . When T '_earned of the opportunity to apply for federal funding I contacted Mr . gingen and then followed up our requests in writing . am, very aware of the hardship these short time frames cause for all concerned and apologize for the inconvenience. In 1984 ;;he City of Atascadero applied for and secured CnBG funds far California Manor which reduced the developement 'cost and ultimately .ower the rents charged . This current grant we seek requires commit tment letters for matching funds . We would appreciate it if in addition to Submittincg the ;grant application the council would be willing to provide some amount of financial committment. from CBDG entitlement r _,:L r F a�'1'I I� Nt'it}F'N funding during the ,rears 2 through 5 of this croposed 5 year federal q.-ant comrn-ttment peri%)d . Such a ,.ommittment even if small will in essance rete our application as :raving community support'. and participation. Vie 'rr?nt , -4 .1 approved will. .,ri,vi de More - sup?ortive services and a1.:.o:r rasi �er_ts to 3vr;id nigher cost( institutional carei . Our residents primarily ar? very 70w income and Jepe;7d upon taxpayer In-Ilars for ' nursing hones .end et_ . . This grant will provide 40% of the necessary funding for suoportive. ser i._es , reduce California ' s cost of prov, di"tg S�1C}1_sLLvlCes . '.over cast tv tho eli�ii�in new recipients, and create jokes to provide > �c:.1 seC—vices here i^. our eammunity . rye aw?reciate nur consideration of our request . if you have any questions n re contactew at either 605 466-0759 or 916 221-3656 . 5i Lcerel y, .Whew Takata rrays He�+ley Henry Engen Ou 3 i.a