HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 06/14/1994 * PUBLIC REVIEW COPY 3F Please Flo nc)t rernotre fram„counter AGENDA ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING CITY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING 6500 PALMA AVENUE, 4TH FLOOR ROTUNDA ROOM JUNE 14, 1994 7:00 P.M. This agenda is prepared and posted pursuant to the requirements o Government Code Section 54954.2. By listing a topic on this agenda, the City Counc 1 has expressed its intent to discuss and act on each item. In addition to any action id9ntified in the brief general description of each item, the action that may be taken shall include: A referral to staff with specific requests for information, continuance, specific direction to staff concerning the policy ormission of the item;discontinuance of consider tion;authorization to enter into negotiations and execute agreements pertaining to th )tem; adoption or approval- and, disapproval. Copies of the staff reports or other documentation relating to each item of business referred to on the agenda are on file in the office of the City Clerk (Roc m 208) and in the Information Office (Room 103), available for public inspection during City Hall business hours. The City Clerk will answer any questions regarding the agenda. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need Special assistance to Participate in a City meeting or other services offered by this City,pleas contact the City Manages s Office ((805) 461-5010) or the City Clerk's Office ((805) 461-5074). Notifica- tion at least 48 hours prior to the meeting or time when services are nee ed will assist the City staff in assuring that reasonable arrangements can be made to Provide accessibility to the meeting or service. RULES OF PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: * Members of the audience may speak on any item on the en * g da. A person may speak for five (5) minutes. No one may speak for a second time until everyone wishing to speak has h an opportunity to do so. ad No one may speak more than twice on any item. Council Members may question after the allotted time has expired, mayp not initiate r; thesfpurthe day respond but, aker The floor will then be closed to iscussion. discussion. public participation an open for Council Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call City Council Comments: O Proclaim June 20-21, "California Peace Officers Foundation Torch Run Days" COMMUNITY FORUM: The City Council values and encourages exchange of ideas and comments from you, the citizen. The Community Forum period is provided to receive comments from the public on matters other than scheduled agenda items. To increase the effective- ness of Community Forum, the following rules will be enforced: * A maximum of 30 minutes will be allowed for Community Forum, unless Council authorizes an extension. * All remarks shall be addressed to Council, as a whole, and not to any individual member thereof. * No person shall be permitted to make slanderous, profane or personal remarks against any elected official, commissions and staff. A. COMMITTEE REPORTS (The following p 9 represent ad hoc or standing commit- tees. Informative status reports will be given, as felt necessary.): 1 . S.L.O. Council of Governments 2. S.L.O. Regional Transit Authority 3. Solid/Hazardous Waste Task Force 4. City/School Committee 5. Traffic Committee 6. County Water Advisory Board 7. Economic Round Table 8. Colony Roads Committee 9. Liability Claims Review & Finance Committee 10. Nacimiento Water Purveyors Advisory Group B. CONSENT CALENDAR: All matters listed under Item B, Consent Calendar, are considered to be routine, and will be enacted by one motion in the form listed below. There will be no separate discussion on these items. A member of the Council or public may, by request, have any item removed from the Consent Calendar, which shall then be reviewed and acted • upon separately after the adoption of the Consent Calendar: 2 i 1. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - May 24, 1994 2. APPROVE CERTIFIED CITY ACCOUNTS PAYABLE, PAYROLL AND PAYROLL VENDOR CHECKS FOR THE MONTH OF MAY 1994 3. RESOLUTION NO. 40-94 - Accepting those roads within the 3-F Meadows Assessment District into the City system of maintained roEids 4. RESOLUTION NO. 41-94 Designating a three-way sop intersection at Ensenada Ave. and Via Ave. 5. GENERAL PLAN CONFORMITY REPORT 94-3 - Potential acquisition of real property located at 10400 Santa Lucia Road for proposed fire station site 6. ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY AT 10400 SANTA LUCIA D. FOR THE PUR- POSES OF A PROPOSED FIRE STATION A. Resolution No. 55-94 - Authorizing the purchase oi real property form G.T. Davis, authorizing the City Manager to execute appropriate deeds, their recordation and authorizing the transfer of funds 7. AUTHORIZE CITY CLERK TO RECRUIT FOR COMMUNITY SERVICES FOUNDATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS (2 SEATS) C. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. RESOLUTION NO. 56-94 - Modifying sewer service charges for the Wastewater Division of the City 2. 1993-98 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN (C.I.P.) A. Resolution No. 57-94 - Approving the 1993-98 C I.P. as a guide for future capital program budgeting B. Direct staff to utilize the existing Traffic Committee to prioritize safety projects 3. ORDINANCE NO. 279 - Establishing special assessme t use charge for Atascadero Street Improvement Project No. 1992 (LaE Encinas and 3-F Meadows) (Recommend (1) motion to waive reading in full and readt y title only, and (2) motion to introduce on first reading by title only) 3 D. REGULAR BUSINESS: 1. ORDINANCE NO. 278 - Amending 17 of the Official Zoning Maps by Map _ rezoning certain real property on Amapoa Ave. from RMF-10 (low-density multi- family) to RMF-16 (high-density multi-family) (ZC 93-006; City of Atascadero) (Recommend motion to adopt on second reading by title only) 2. SCHEDULE DATE FOR JOINT MEETING WITH PASO ROBLES CITY COUNCIL - Suggest July 21 st E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION: 1 . City Council 2. City Attorney 3. City Clerk 4. City Treasurer 5. City Manager NOTICE: The City Council will adjourn to a Closed Session for the following purposes: 1) Public Employee Performance Evaluation - Title: City Manager 2) Conference with tabor Negotiatior - Agency negotiator: Andrew Takata, City Manager; Employee organizations: Service Employees Intl. Union Local 817, Atascadero Police Officers Assoc., Atascadero Sergeants Service Orgn., Atascadero Public Safety Technicians Orgn., and Mid-Management/Professional Employees 3) Liability Claims - Claimant(s): 1) Becker & Bell, Inc.; 2) Tom & Marcia Torgerson 4 i I i I 1 E i flc4ornia Peace officers Foundation Torch RunDap" June 20-21, 1994 WHEREAS, Law enforcement agencies contribute to the well-beingf our community and our residents; and I WHEREAS, Participation in syecial olymyics contributes to the yhysical, social and psychological well-being of the developmentally disabled yarticiyants; and WHEREAS, Syecial olymyics yrovides developmentally disabled articipants with the oyyortunity for successful dyeriences in syorts which develoys confidence and builds a yositive se�- image; and I WHEREAS, Representatives from various law enforcement agencies Pt the County will be . canying the torch through S.L.O. county on June 20th and 21st tor ise money for syecial olymyics; and THEREFORE, The council of the City of Atascadero does hereby jiroclaim June 20 and 21, 1994 to be "California Peace officers Foundation Torch Run Days" in i'he city of Atascadero and urges all citizens to give their suyyort to this unique and highly beneficial yrogram which gives the developmentally disabled their best oyyortunity to eXyerience athletic cotpetition and share in a mainstream community event. ROBERT P. NIMMo Mayor city of Atascadero, Ca ifornia June 14, 1994 i i Agenda Item: B-1 Meeting Date: 06/14/94 ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL 3 MAY 24, 1994 MINUTES 3 The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Councilp�rson Luna led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: Present: Councilmembers Bewley, Borgeson ( rrived 7:07 p.m.), Highland, Luna and Mayor Nimmo Absent: None Also Present: Muriel "Micki" Korba, City Treasurer and Lee Price, City Clerk Staff Present: Andy Takata, City Manager; Henry Engen, Community Development Director; Art Montand n, City Attorney; Brady Cherry, Director of Community Services; Russ Scotten, Interim Finance Director; Mike McCain, Fire Chief; Fred Motlo, Fire Captain and Lt. 13ill Watton, Police Department i PRESENTATION: I Mayor Nimmo presented a plaque of recognition to Mike Kirkwood for his services as a member of the City's Economic Round Table. I PROCLAMATION: e 1 i The Mayor read a proclamation declaring June 1994, "Zoo & Aquarium Month" and presented it to Lindsay Hampton, representing the San Luis Obispo Zoological Society. I i CC 05/24/94 Page 1 s COMMUNITY FORUM: Richard Tubner, 8377 Amapoa, declared that he and other homeowners in his condominium project did not receive any notices regarding the underground utility project scheduled for 1995 in his neighborhood. He encouraged the Council to ensure about events that will affect them. Mr. Tubner that property owners receive notices also asked how the City can continue to neglect the road conditions on Amapoa. Henry Engen invited the citizen to contact his office for background and plans relating to the underground utility project. A. COMMITTEE REPORTS (The following represent ad hocorstanding commit- tees. Informative status reports were given, as 1. City/School Committee - Andy Takata announced that the committee will meet Thursday, May 26, 1994 at 1 :30 p.m. ort on 2. Economic Round Table - Henry Engen dehat° a'report wided a as received efrom meeting of May 18, 1994 and not their subcommittee formed to review fle e rof league conbaseball too proposal. many The Round Table concurred thatppoosal unanswered fiscal questions to merit supeort at this time. B. CONSENT CALENDAR: 1 . CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - April 26, 1994 (cont'd from 5/10/94) 2. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - May 10, 1994 3. CITY TREASURER'S REPORT - April 1994 4. RESOLUTION NO. 36-94 - Authorizing the execution of an agreement with the low-bid vendors on Bid #94-2 for rehabilitation of Dial-A-Ride transit vehicles as noted. 5. APPROVE CERTIFIED CITY ACCOUN OAPRT B E, PAYROLL AND PAYROLL VENDOR CHECKS FOR THE MONTH OF 6. RESOLUTION NO. 35-94 - Providing for the issuance of 1994-95 Tax and Revenue Anticipation Notes 7. RESOLUTION NO. 37-94 - Authorizing the purchaseofreal property the purpose at o 2000 Ramona Rd. from Ronald L. and Paula J. Topley for CC 05/24/94 Page 2 proposed fire station, authorizing the City Manager to xecute appropriate deeds, authorizing the recording of said deeds and authorizing the transfer of • funds y 8. RESOLUTION NO. 38-94 - Authorizing the execution of an agreement with Brett's Tractor Service for Weed Abatement Services MOTION: By Councilman Luna, seconded by Councilman Highland to approve Items #B-1 through 8; motion carrieaiunanimously byroll call. I C. PUBLIC HEARINGS: I 1. WEED ABATEMENT APPEALS HEARING I Mike McCain introduced Fred Motlo, Fire Captain, who availed himself for questions. There were no inquiries from the Council or from the public. MOTION: By Councilman Highland, seconded by C6uncilman Luna to ordered the Fire Chief, or his authorized repr 'sentatives, to abate the nuisance of noxious or dangerous weedsin the lots identified in Resolution No. 27-94; motion carried unanimously by roll call. i 2. AMAPOA AVENUE - MULTI-FAMILY DENSITY A. Resolution No. 22-94 - Approving an amendment tojthe land use map of the Land use Element on Amapoa Ave., between Curbaril Ave. and Portola Rd. (GPA 93-1 ; City of Atascadero) B. Ordinance No. 278 - Amendingma 17 of the Official Zoning Maps b P 9 p Y rezoning certain real property on Amapoa Ave. Irom RMF-10 (low- density multi-family) to RMF-16 (high-density multi-family) (ZC 93-006; City of Atascadero) (Recommend (1) motion to waive reading in full and read by title only, and (2) motion to introduce on first reading by title j onl y) Henry Engen provided background and the staff report. He revised Ordinance No. 278 by deleting an erroneous reference to a Planning Commission heoring on January 18, 1994. Council questions and comments followed. Councilman Highland explained that he had researched the Municipal Code and the General Plan and was not able to find justification for the present zoning. He i CC 05/24/94 Page 3 j i f t� i mentioned that the only issue at hand is to correct the mapping error. Councilman Luna argued that a decision on the matter should be based on the merits of the whether the property should be RMF-16 or RMF-10. He asked staff to comment on how Amapoa could be brought up to minimum road standards. Henry Engen reported that this could be accomplished through the formation of an assessment district. Councilman Luna also asked if there was any way that development would be able to pay for the deficiencies. Mr. Engen remarked that this was not likely. Responding to further inquiry from Councilman Luna, he also indicated that, if asked for a recommendation today, staff would propose single family residential in light of the flooding problems in that area (as was the County Planning Department's recommendation in the 1975 General Plan). Councilwoman Borgeson highlighted the history since 1989 and pointed out that there had been no requests to change the zoning from RMF-10 to RMF-16 until now. She noted that she was concerned that home buyers had been mislead about the zoning and had purchased their lots as low density. Those property owners, she asserted, would be affected by the increase in density. Councilman Bewley argued that there had been no change in the proposal since the last time it came to the City Council and stated that he still supports the zone change. The City Attorney advised that the only way to rectify the mapping error is to make a change in both the General Plan and the zoning ordinance. He added that it was his recommendation to staff to process the correction this way. Public Comments: Dorothy Smith, 8795 Morro Road, referred to her letter addressed to the City Council dated May 24, 1994 (on file in the City Clerk's Office) regarding the conditions of Amapoa Road and expressed opposition to the proposed General Plan amendment. Frank Welch, 8040 Acuzena, asked the Council to address the condition of Amapoa and shared concern regarding safety and increased traffic. Richard Tubner, 8377 Amapoa, reported that everyone in the neighborhood did not receive notification of the proposed change in zoning and declared that he had bought his property under the impression that it was low density. He stated that he was opposed to the General Plan amendment and zoning ordinance change. William Welch, 8035 Acuzena, also spoke in opposition and urged the Council to take action regarding the road conditions on Amapoa. CC 05/24/94 Page 4 i mentioned that the only issue at hand is to correct the mapping �rror. Councilman Luna argued that a decision on the matter should be based on the merits of the whether the property should be RMF-16 or RMF-10. IHe asked staff to comment on how Amapoa could be brought up to minimum road standards. Henry Engen reported that this could be accomplished through the formation of an assessment district. Councilman Luna also asked if there was any way that development would be able to pay for the deficiencies. Mr. Engen remarked that this was not likely. Responding to further inquiry from Councilman Lunja, he also indicated that, if asked for a recommendation today, staff would propose single family residential in light of the flooding problems in that area (as was tlie County Planning Department's recommendation in the 1975 General Plan). I Councilwoman Borgeson highlighted the history since 1989 and pointed out that there had been no requests to change the zoning from RMF-10 to RMFj16 until now. She noted that she was concerned that home buyers had been misledd about the zoning and had purchased their lots as low density. Those property owhers, she asserted, would be affected by the increase in density. Councilman Bewley argued that there had been no change in thel proposal since the last time it came to the City Council and stated that he still supports the zone change. The City Attorney advised that the only way to rectify the mappi,kg error is to make a change in both the General Plan and the zoning ordinance. He added that it was his recommendation to staff to process the correction this way. Public Comments: Dorothy Smith, 8795 Morro Road, read a portion of her letter addressed to the City Council regarding Amapoa Road and spoke in opposition to, the General Plan amendment (see Exhibit "A"). i Frank Welch, 8040 Acuzena, asked the Council to address the condition of Amapoa and shared concern regarding safety and increased traffic. I Richard Tubner, 8377 Amapoa, reported that everyone in the neiighborhood did not receive notification of the proposed change in zoning and declaredthat he had bought his property under the impression that it was low density. He $tated that he was opposed to the General Plan amendment and zoning ordinance change. William Welch, 8035 Acuzena, also spoke in opposition and urgedjthe Council to take action regarding the road conditions on Amapoa. 3i S CC 05/24/94 Page 4 Warren Miller remarked that he owned property on the corner of Amapoa and Curbanl for which a project was in the planning stages. He noted that he has agreed to develop a portion of the street and was willing to do his part in making improvements to the road. Mr. Miller emphasized that improvement can only happen by allowing property to be developed. He explained that he had purchased the lot with the understanding that it was zoned RMF-16 and urged approval of the staff recommendation. ---End of Public Testimony--- Council debate followed. Mayor Nimmo stated that, in his opinion, RMF-16 may inappropriate for the area but added that there is a procedure written in the municipal code for making zone changes. He reiterated his view that to down-zone property by taking advantage of a drafting error would be unconscionable. Councilwoman Borgeson asserted that the General Plan had been updated without any mention of a mapping error and stated that she was not willing to rezone the area to a higher density. Councilman Highland argued that, according to the zoning ordinance, the property has been RMF-16 since 1982. Councilman Luna asked staff what has authority when a conflict between the General Plan and the zoning ordinance exists. Henry Engen reported that the General Plan prevails. Councilman Bewley emphasized that the people, however, were not told of the change. MOTION: By Councilman Highland, seconded by Councilman Bewley to • approve Resolution No. 22-94 amending the Land Use Plan Map of the General Plan; motion carried 3:2 (Borgeson and Luna voting in opposition). MOTION: By Councilman Highland, seconded by Councilman Bewley to read Ordinance No. 278 by title only and approve on first reading; motion carried 3:2 (Borgeson and Luna voting in opposition). D. REGULAR BUSINESS: 1. CONSIDERATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT RELATIVE TO ACQUIRING THE PRINTERY/MASONIC TEMPLE BUILDING AT 6351 OLMEDA A. General Plan Conformity Report Henry Engen provided a brief introduction. There were no questions from the Council or the public. CC 05/24/94 Page 5 MOTION: By Councilwoman Borgeson, seconded by Cbuncilman Highland to find that the acquisition of the Printery/Masonic Temple building and property is in conformance with the Atascadero General Plan; motion carried unanimous/y. i B. Resolution No. 39-94 - Authorizing the execution bf agreements with Atascadero Temple Association for acquisition of the Atascadero Masonic Temple as a Community/Youth Center Brady Cherry, Community Services Director, provided the staff report and recom- mendations. He explained that there were some pending isspes relating to the agreements currently being negotiated and, as a result, staff wasjrecommending that Section 1 (b) of the Agreement to Convey Real Property be deleted. Mr. Cherry noted that it may be desirable to acquire the propert� for historical value and commented that the building can be used immediately for sone activities without immediate improvements. He also explained that current lease ' generate a modest income and recommended that the leases be continued. The building, he said, would require certain improvements pursuant to the American Disabilitils Act (ADA) as well as seismic retrofit. He indicated that while it was not clear when the Atascadero Recreation Center Committee (ARCC) will have the necessary funding available, it was apparent that there was a need and strong community support for a youth center. Mr. Cherry reported that the goal of the Community Services Department is to obtain and operate the building without general fund monies. He explained the levels of programs proposed by the Department and pointed out that procedural guidelines will still need to be developed. In closing, the Director of Community„Services expressed gratitude to the Atascadero Temple Association for their offer a0d for the flexibility and cooperation extended to the City in drafting the agreementsj. Art Montandon provided a brief summary of his portion of the st�ff report relating to the two proposed agreements. He explained that there are two issues of concern: 1 ) the name of the building and, 2) a condition that the building be sed exclusively for youth purposes. The City Attorney commented that youth activities may not be the only appropriate use for the site. He stated that he had discussedthe two issues with the attorney representing the Temple Association and noted that the Association is willing to delete section 1 (b) (relating to use) and have agreed Ithat as long as the Temple name remains on the building, the City can name it anything they like. Mr. Montandon recommended that the City Council adopt the resolution authorizing the agreements and authorize staff to proceed with the opening of the escrow. He added that the Temple Association is a non-profit corporation with members and explained that any changes to the agreements will require a vote of approval by that membership. ! I CC 05/24/94 . Page 6 � i i Andy Takata commended Brady Cherry and Mike Mc Cain for their efforts and publicly thanked the Atascadero Temple Association. Councilmembers voiced support for the recommendation to delete Section 1 (b) of the Agreement to Convey Real Property. Councilman Highland asked when seismic retrofit will have to be accomplished. Henry Engen explained that the Plan calls for retrofit by January 1995 but added that staff plans to bring back an amendment to the Plan by extending the deadline three years. Mayor Nimmo expressed gratitude to Mike Mc Cain and the Masons for their generous offer. He stated that the building was of historic significance and had the potential to provide valued city administrative functions. He added that acceptance of the building carries with it a substantial commitment of funds by the City for future interior and extensive exterior improvements and cautioned that contractual language agreed to must be worded carefully. Mayor Nimmo commented that he was in favor of accepting the building but was not comfortable with either of the two agreements as drafted. He proposed changes, outlined as follows: 1) Section 14 of the Joint Occupancy Agreement - the Mayor suggested that although it may be appropriate to guarantee the provision of another City facility for use by the Masons if the present building can no longer be used, but objected to any obligation to purchase and/or construct another building for the Temple Association in that event. Mayor Nimmo suggested that the Section 14 be removed. 2) Section 3 of the Joint Occupancy Agreement - The Mayor indicated that the areas outside of that designated to the Temple Association should be equally available to all without priority to the Masons. 3) Section 1 (b) of the Agreement to Convey Real Property - Mayor Nimmo, recognizing consensus to revise the language in the article, proposed wording that would suggest that the building is for youth activities or such other purposes as the City shall deem appropriate. 4) Section 4.4 (or other) of the Agreement to Convey Real Property - Mayor Nimmo stated that he had no quarrel with the Temple Association retaining one percent (1 %) interest but suggested that there be a provision built into the contract that would address any possible future abandonment of the building by the Masons. He proposed that if the Masons cease to use the building, their one percent (1 %) should then revert to the City without a long, drawn out legal procedure. Public Comments: The Mayor opened the floor for public testimony. There were no comments. Mayor Nimmo suggested that the Council adopt the staff recommendations with the understanding that the agreements can continue to be negotiated until the close of CC 05/24/94 Page 7 E i escrow. The City Manager asked if there was consensus among jthe Council in favor of revisions to the agreements as proposed by the Mayor. Cou6cilmembers agreed that there was. I MOTION: By Councilman Luna, seconded by Councilman Highland to accept the Atascadero Temple Association's propos I to donate 99% of the building and 100% of both lots (parcel 1 and 2); motion carried 5:0 by roll call vote. MOTION: By Councilman Highland, seconded by Councilman Bewley to accept Resolution No. 39-94 authorizing !the Agreement to Convey Real Property and the Joint Occupancy Agreement with the understanding that they are to be amended before the close of escrow and come back for final approval y the City Council; motion carried unanimously by roll call vote. 2. CDBG ECONOMIC STUDY - Consideration of Econ4ic Round Table's recommendation for consultant i Henry provided the staff report and recommendation. Brief! Council questions followed. There were no public comments. R MOTION: By Councilman Luna, seconded by Councilman Bewley to authorize the City Manager to negotiate a contract with the firm of Palmer Koert to undertake an "Assessment of Business Potentials" study for the City; motion unanimously passed by roll call vo te. 3. COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE: HIGHWAY 41 REALIGNMENT - Request of Councilmember Highland to appoint two members Mayor Nimmo introduced the item and reported that he was locking for consensus from the Council to approve Councilman Highland's request to appoint two citizens to the Highway 41 Realignment Community Advisor Committee.' B mutual consent 9 Y 9 Y Y � Y , the City Council authorized Councilman Highland to make the a pointments. (Note: Councilman Highland appointed Howard Gaylord an Debbie Horton of Atascadero to the advisory committee). s CC 05/24/94 s Page 8 1 S y3 Y E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION: 1. City Manager Andy Takata commended the Chief Mike McCain and members of the Atascadero Fire Department for their quick response to a grass fire on Pine Mountain. He happily noted that although homes were threatened, none were lost due to the fire. Mr. Takata provided a brief overview of the next City Council agenda and explained that sewer rates would be re-examined. CLOSED SESSION: At 8:25 p.m., the City Council adjourned to a Closed Session for the following purposes: 1) Conference with Legal Counsel- Existing litigation, entitled McMeans/Torgerson v. City of Atascadero and 2) Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipate initiation of three matters of potential litigation. Closed Session was adjourned at 8:55 p.m. by Mayor Pro Bewley. The City Attorney announced the following: 1) that he had received authority to file suit to resolve the issue of Colony Roads ownership; 2) that he received authority to offer settlement on the McMeans/Torgerson claim; and 3) that two other matters were discussed as to whether to initiate litigation and that further public disclosure would compromise the City's legal position. THE NEXT MEETING OF THE ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL WILL BE TUESDAY, JUNE 14, 1994 AT 7:00 P.M. MINUTES RECORDED AND PREPARED BY: LEE PRICE, City Clerk Attachment: Exhibit "A" - (Smith) CC 05/24/94 Page 9 i E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION: 3 s 1 . City Manager Andy Takata commended the Chief Mike McCain and members oflthe Atascadero Fire Department for their quick response to a grass fire on Pine Moluntain. He happily noted that although homes were threatened, none were lost dud to the fire. Mr. Takata provided a brief overview of the next City Council agenda and explained that sewer rates would be re-examined. CLOSED SESSION: At 8:25 p.m., the City Council adjourned to a Closed Sessioh for the following purposes: 1 ) Conference with Legal Counsel- Existing i litigation, entitled McMeans/Torgerson v. City of Atascadero and 2) Conference \iiith Legal Counsel - Anticipate initiation of three matters of potential litigation. 4 Closed Session was adjourned at 8:55 p.m. by Mayor Pro Bewley. The City Attorney announced the following: 1 ) that he had received authority to filo suit to resolve the issue of Colony Roads ownership; 2) that he received authority tol offer settlement on the McMeans/Torgerson claim; and 3) that two other matters were discussed as to whether to initiate litigation and that further public disclosure woOld compromise the City's legal position. THE NEXT MEETING OF THE ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL WILL BE TUESDAY, JUNE 14, 1994 AT 7:00 P.M. MINUTES RECORDED AND PREPARED BY: �e C E PRICE, CCity Clerk I CC 05/24/94 Page 9 i i • REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL Mee ing Date: 6/14/94 CITY OF ATASCADERO Agenda Item : B- 2 I Through: Andy Takata, City Manager From: Russ Scotten, Interim Finance Director SUBJECT: Payment of Audited Bills and Payroll for the Month of May 1994. RECOMMENDATION: s Approve certified City accounts payable, payroll and payroll verldor checks for the month of May , 1994. Attached, for City Council review and approval, are the following: A. Payroll for Pay Period ending April 29 1994 $ 123 239.55 B. Payroll for Pay Period ending May 13 1994 -$ 12 688.10 • C. Payroll Vendor Checks for May 1994 - $ 212 668.28 D. Accounts Payable Checks for May 1994 - $ 575 871.69 s The undersigned certifies that the attached represents properly audited demands for payment in the total amount of $1,037,467.62 have been apprted for payment as being in conformity with the budget of the City of Atascadero and that funds are available for these demands. Dated: 6- 6 - EA RUSS SCOTTEN, Interim inance Director 3 i Approved by the City Council at a meeting held LEE PRICE, City Clerk • I i OE ATASCADERO CITY � Payroll for May, 1994 PAYPERIOD ENDING BATE: April 29 , 1944 CHECK NUMBERS ISSUED: 16179 to 16310 TOTAL AMOUNT: $123 , 239. 55 PAYPERIOD ENDING DATE: May 13 , 1994 I, CHECK NUMBERS ISSUED: 16313 to 16455 TOTAL AMOUNT: $125 , 688 . 10 Approved: Interim Finance Director i e I t CITY OF ATASCADERO Payment of audited bills for May, 19914 PAYROLL VENDOR PAYMENTS i Check # _15558 through _16472 Total Amount: _$212, 668. 28__ i s k i Approved : Interim Finance Director i 6 { s i y i i 1 i S s 000003 Cr D 7, 0. 0, 0,0• O. O. O.O. O. 10 111 111(D 01 U1 Ol In (11 u10 01 In kO Ul III Ul 01 U, 01 01 01 In Ul Ul I 3 III D a 0 A A P A A P A A F1 LP (11 U1 Ul U1 In UI (11 In UI (11 U; III cn CIA Ul (ji III In Ol Lill In (il ulall ill 01 1 c) 01 - 01 0 ch 0, 0 0,0 0 0 ,OAD 0 �D I) AD W W CU 01 LO -1 -1 -1J -1 -1 •, r�i -I -1 0 0 a I -S 0 01 Lill t, (A 0 10 w _j 0 4 CA N - 0 0 m CA- 0 AI w 14 It, 111 4`1A 1 0 z co _j in L r j i -I I) G 0 000000 0 C,000 0 00000;1 L) 0 ') C, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 'D 00000 In U1 In In In In Un Ln Un LJI Ln In In In Ul In III CA III In In In 0 In Cn Cn In 0 In In Cri ()i In U1 U1 P_ A A 1:1 1 (A CA 1 CA C-4 (A CA OU O 0 0 0 000000000 II r j r) II I r j I j -A A[) 0 'o Z 10 'D '0 10 10 'Ll - - - (n In In ui (n In Ln Ln Lp Cn Lin In Cn In (ji In a J J j '71 ID ,o 0 'o 10 'o 'o 10 'o 'o D •0 D D AL) Z ID •iD AC) AD 0 -0 'D 43 D0 10 0 10 1) 0 1) 0 0 1) X M 4 40, 4 4 A 41 4 4 41 4 A 41 A C, 1, 4 11 A A 4 A S' 4 4 A U 4 A 4 A 4 4 X LD G)0 0 0 D D D D D U) F- :1E 0 0 -)0) CA) IJ C If) LO :3 L 0 G, (_1 (1 0 D D 1, D D U) IFa 0 W I < D)a DO D D (1) u3 _n _rI -i"A m m 0 D r- r m z Fri D " D )D Z) _)( D D CO -0 a mm --I r, n, nt0r- r f I III ;0 M m „ r- r- Ch 0300 D 'n :D r- r r- C C X)" " 2: 0 b m m -n r r- CO 0 :1 0 n D -Tl 1, F- (­ I• i= C I D 00000000000 -' 000 - rli000l- ofli000000000000In In 0 r r,)1- r r r r r J r r r 0 - (A 0 r 01 r r Ln W r N 'D 0 ('l 1 0 i;'CoI� -I)c_ U_J, :-I G-) 'M-M_D''D'-,_:D 3_>'_D' c) F -I U 'I' U, I m �o a a --1 -1 --1 -A -A m m 0 -1 r_ F '___ Z r- 1-4 D M �o 3 3 -11 -1 --1 -1 --1 CO -4 1 1.il. 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C D .7) I a 03 0 m M -i X I r. a a 1 0 C-, L M I D -1 0 D m I pi I ID -< D 0 0 00000, CITY OF ATASCADERO Payment of audited bills for May , 1994 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Check # _45828 through _46431 Total Amount : _$575,871 . 69 Approved : �� '40 ¢-,- Interim Finance Director i d E O � ti X1 I ,D C In € F I Cl < 1 i UC: 0000000000000 (D O 0 '-) J 0000000000 G OOv !✓ OG a, 0, mrnmmaO a, 01 a O a 0, 01 CT 0, (` (` O. 1r In n 1 3 N 7C 0 - - - - - - -- - - - - • rr - - - 0000GO000G0 O C,GCI Jou 16- il N NNrJNtJ rJNNNNH .- 1-• rt-• Ht- h-• rr• Ci000000000 z z 10 .010 4 z 10 .O 1.D Cu w CA LO co O) 0 ? r) 1 N x 00 O CU J C• ul A W0 r O 10 OD V 01 W AC1Nh- 0 10 0) -4 0• (n A (A Ili O DCOJ a, 04 WN RO .O 00 -A C Ln P 0 CO 1 O 01 01 7 D D G IDG0000000000000GG 000000000000000000000KJ : 000 •-, Ci to (n In Cn (n In Ln In(n In In(n In In!n In In Cn (n to In In In U In(n In to In Cn N In lP In In In In Ln(n In ur CJ (n / In In n n n I O i✓ r r H H t-• (A (A(A r r H r' H H r• +-• h-' f- r 1-• r r r r r r r r r r Y r r H r✓ r r r 1-' r r r✓ :�CU O (•1 is ('1 I N ? 1 41 W C'1 C'I G1 C'1 41 41 G1 4J W W W W W W W(A 41 41 W W W W W 41 W W CN W W 41(q W W W W W 41 k•1 W Cl L•1 O. 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I Ti m m m m m m m m : I m m I D < o C') r-) C) 0 CJ t7 C) C) i-'i C) ; I -i 0 O D 0 0) REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL Agenda Item: r3_3 CITY OF ATASCADERO Meeting Date: 06/14/94 Through Andy Takata, City Manager Via: Henry Engen, Community Development Director .E From: Steve Sylvester, City Engineer SUBIECT: i Acceptance of the 3-F Meadows Assessment District Improvements. i RECOMMENDATION: i 1 . Staff recommends that the City Council accept the subject im rovements as complete and requests authorization from Council to release t e 10% retention in the amount of $20,979.10 from the bond proceeds of the 3-F !Meadows Assessment District 35 days after the Notice of Completion is filed. 3. Staff recommends the adoption of Resolution 40-94 accepting 1the recently improved roads in the 3-F Meadows Assessment District into tie City system of maintained roads. DISCUSSION: I Staff has reviewed the completed 3-F Meadows Assessment District sgreet improvements and determined the improvements to be in substantial conformance 4vith the project plans and specifications. FISCAL IMPACT: The total contract amount for improvements of $214,811 .60, includilig change orders, will be paid from 3-F Meadows Assessment District bond proceeds. ATTACHMENTS: 9 I Attachment A - Notice of Completion Attachment B - Resolution 40-94 93107C35.ATA (m)(1 when recorded,mail to:) City Clerk CI 1 Y Or ATASC AOC RO 65110 Palma Avenue Alas(adero, (A 914)2 NOTICE OF COMPLETION NO TRANSFER Or PROPFRIY Notice is hereby given pursuant to Civil Code Seclion 3093: 1. The undersigned is corporate officer for the City of Atascadero, owner of property hereinafter described. 2. The full name of the owner is the City of Atascadero. 3. The full address of the owner is: 6500 Palma Avenue, Atascadero, CA 93422 4. The nature of the interest of the owner is in fee. 5. A work of improvement on the property hereinafter described was completed on May 24, 1994 6. The work done was 3-F MEADOWS ASSESSMENT DISTRICT Road Improvments 7. Fite name of the contracloi who performed such work of improvement was R. Burke Corporation. The date contract was entered into wasJanuary 4, 1994 8. the property on which said work of improvement was completed was in the City of Atascadero, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, and is described as follows: Roads within the 3-F MEADOWS_ASSESSMENT DISTRICT . 9. The street address of said property is: _Not Applicable . Dated:___ ______ ANDREW 1. TAKATA, City Manager City of Atascadero VFRIFICAT ION 1,the undersigned,say that I am the City Manager,declarant of the foregoing Notice of Completion; I have read said Notice of Completion and know the(onients Thereof;the same is true of my own knowledge. 1 declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Fxecuted on al the City of Atascadero, California. ANDREW I TAKATA, City Manager City of Alascadero illtty( t6AIA RESOLUTION NO. 40-94 RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATA�CADERO ACCEPTING THOSE ROADS WITHIN THE 3-F MEADOWS ASSESSMENT DISTRICT INTO THE CITY SYSTEM OF MAINTAINED ROADS WHEREAS, certain property owners have formed the 3-F MEADOWS ASSESSMENT DISTRICT to fund the design and construction of the improvements required to have portions of these roads accepted into the City Maintained System; and WHEREAS, the roads to be accepted within the 3-F MEADOV�S ASSESSMENT DISTRICT are directly connected to streets currently in the City Maintained System; and s WHEREAS, City Engineering Department and City Road Maintenance Staff have reviewed the improvements and determined them to be in substanti4l conformance with the plans reviewed by the City Engineering Department; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: The roads withlin the boundaries of the 3-F MEADOWS ASSESSMENT DISTRICT are hereby accepted into the City Maintained System. a On a motion by Councilmember , and seconded by Councilmember , the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following role calllvote: AYES: a NOES: l 9 ABSENT: ADOPTED: ATTEST: ATTEST CITY OF ATASCADE1RO f i Lee Price, City Clerk Robert P. Nimmo, ayor i I APPROVED AS TO FORM APPROVED AS TO CONTENT a Arther Montandon, City Attorney Steven J. Sylvester, City Engineer i 93107C35.ATA i i REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL Meetin Date: 6-14-94 CITY OF ATASCADERO Agenda Item: B-4 Through: Andy Takata, City Manager 3 Via: Henry Engen, Director of Community Development From: Valerie Humphrey, Engineering Division SUBJECT 3 Establishment of Stop intersection. 3 RECOMMENDATION The Traffic Committee recommends that Council adopt Resolution No. 41-94 creating a stop intersection on Ensenad Avenue at the intersection with Via Avenue. DISCUSSION This is a three way intersection with Via entering Ensenada at the bridge crossing Atascadero Creek. Currently this is an uncontrolled intersection which results in a dangerous situation. OPTIONS 1) Approve Resolution No. 41-94 2) Deny Resolution No. 41-94 I 3) Return to Traffic Committee for further consideration. s FISCAL IMPACT The cost of this installation is estimated to Oe approximately $300. 00 to be paid out of current fiscal year budgeted funds. i i 9 RESOLUTION NO. 41-94 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO DESIGNATING A 3-WAY STOP INTERSECTION AT ENSENADA AVENUE AND VIA AVENUE WHEREAS, Section 4-2 . 801 et seq. of the Atascadero Municipal Code allows the City Traffic Engineer to determine the location of STOP intersections, and to place and maintain appropriate signs or markings indicating the same; and WHEREAS, the Atascadero Traffic committee has recommended that Establishing a STOP intersection at this location will improve safety. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Atascadero directs the City Traffic Engineer to place and maintain appropriate signs or markings indicating STOP intersections at the location listed above. On motion by Councilmember and seconded by Councilmember , the foregoing Resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ADOPTED: ATTEST• LEE PRICE, City Clerk ROBERT P. NIMMO, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: ARTHER MONTANDON City Attorney APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: HENRY ENGEN Director of Community Development i i 0 I s r 0 I i i I I s i VA a 3 WAY I STOP i I €I i i I 0 i i 3 `f s d D S f R i AGEND 1/14/94 ITEM# u -S M E M O R A N D U M TO: Honorable Mayor and Council VIA: Henry Engen, Community Development Director FROM: '^�J/(Steven L. DeCamp, City Planner l:! DATE: June 8, 1994 RE: General Plan Conformity Report 94-3 Fire Station Site Acquisition This is to advise that the Planning Commission, at their meeting of June 7, 1994, unanimously found that the acquisition of the proposed fire station site on Santa Ana Road near Santa Lucia Road is in conformance with the City' s adopted Gen ral Plan. Attachment : Staff Report CITY OF ATASCADERO Item: B . 1 STAFF REPORT F OR• PlanningCommission Meeting Date: June 7, 1994 BY: Gary Kaiser, Associate Planner6P`1011 File No: GPCR 94-3 SUBJECT: Consideration of a General Plan Conformity Report for the City' s potential acquisition of certain real property for use as a fire station. RECOMMENDATION• The Planning Commission should find the subject land acquisition to be in conformance with the General Plan. SITUATION AND FACTS: 1. Applicant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .City of Atascadero 2. Representative. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mike McCain, Fire Chief 3. Project Address. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10400 Santa Lucia Road 4 . General Plan Designation. . . . .Suburban Single Family 5. Zoning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .RS Residential Suburban) BACKGROUND: Section 65402 (x) of the California Government Code states: If a generaL plan or part thereof has been adopted no real property shaLL_be acquired by dedication or otherwise for street square park or other purpose and no real property shall be disposed of no street shall be vacated or abandoned and no public building or structure shall be constructed or authorized if the adopted general plan or part thereof applies thereto until the location purpose and extent of such acquisition or disposition such street vacation or abandonment or such public building or structure have been submitted to and reported upon by the planning agency as to conformity with said adopted general plan or part thereof. Hence, no real property may be acquired nor disposed of by a City unless the planning body of that City (Planning Commission in our case) first finds the acquisition/disposition to be in conformance with City' s General Plan. It is anticipated that the City Council will soon be approached by the Fire Chief with a recommendation that a site located at the intersection of Santa Lucia and Santa Ana Roads be purchased for future construction of a fire station. It is to facilitate the Council ' s consideration of this land purchase that this General Plan Conformity Report has been prepared. i I s ANALYSIS: On the first page of the Land Use Element (LUE) of the City' s General Plan is a list of "Basic Community Goals. " One of the goals listed is to "provide for adequate public services. " Fire protection needs are addressed specifically in the LUE. With respect to acquiring land for additional fire stations, the LUE states : i "To serve the west side of the City, third and fourth fire stations are needed and should be located in -6he western portion of the City (Page II-23) . " fi Ideal locations for the two additional fire statin s needed are shown on the General Plan Land Use Map. One of th se locations is on the west side of Highway 101 near the Del Ric Road overpass. The Planning Commission has recently made an affirmative finding of General Plan conformity forlthe City' s acquisition of a site in this area for fire station purposes. The item now before the Planning Commission has tondo with the City' s potential acquisition of a fire station sitE in the vicinity of the other site designated on the Land ose Map as being ideal for a fire station (intersection of Santa Lucia and Santa Ana Roads) . Since the site in question is lojcated in precisely the location designated on the Land Use staff feels the recommended finding of General Plan conflap, rmity ought to be fairly easy for the Planning Commission to make.1 I CONCLUSIONS• The Land Use Element of the City' s General Plan ide5ntifies a need for additional fire station sites in the western pojrtion of the City; the General Plan Land Use Map shows ideal loclations for the two additional fire stations needed. The subject property to be considered for acquisition by the City for the future construction of a fire station is located in precislely the location designated for such use by the General Plan Land Use Map (see Attachments ) . Acquisition of the subject sitel for the purpose of constructing a fire station would therefore be in conformance with the General Plan. Attachments: Attachment A - Site Location (shown on City bake map) Attachment B - Relevant Portion of General Play Land Use Map a I E I i 1 CITY OF ATASCADERO ATTACHMENT ALocation Map COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT G-PCR 494-3 DEPARTMENT. 0 2:- ;t0iL /A AH i �� / / �� 7-r- A Py Eft" 1 4- ZEAL =:ZSEfAR, PRO?0 ly /ROAO�== o ROAD LLA o G4j CT f)',"j ATTA1 HMENT B CITY OF ATASCADERO Relevant portion of Land R a n u+ Map yl"" "" COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT GPCRI #94-3 'DEQ DEPARTMENT I Af I T f: FERNAN ���ERRi � \ STF�lTtON �1�1G ��•� �� � `� - I - \ T � I �� -ROAD_ •,, r \ �R9AD O T / � \ X1.1 i Y Y ,_, ,J ��I �� ✓/ 1 1 i REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL CITY OF ATASCADERO AGENDA ITEM: g-6 Through: Andy Takata, City Manager Meeting Date: 6/14/94 From: Michael McCain, Fire Chief SUBJECT: Acquisition of property at 10400 Santa Lucia Road for the purpose of a proposed fire station. RECOMMENDATION: 1. Approve the General Plan Conformity Report. 2. Approve Resolution No.55-94 which: a. allows a $100,000 budget adjustment to acquire this property and b. authorizes the execution of the real property sales agreement to purchase property located at 10400 Santa Lucia Road Atascadero, as the site for the purpose of a City fire station. BACKGROUND: The Fire Department, in trying to follow the City's General PIan recommen- dations, has been working towards acquiring this land for a station on the west side of the City. On June 7, 1994, the Planning Commission considered the attached staff report and, on a unanimous vote, recommended that the acquisition of this site for the purpose of a proposed fire station would be in conformance with the Atascadero General Plan. In 1993, the property was to be gifted to the City contingent on approval of the Long Valley II project. An EIR was prepared for the project which took into consideration that this lot was to be a designated fire station site. The project was not approved. 1 01)001,"Ii; CONCLUSION: Because of the key location of this site for access to the northwest and west sides of the City, and its exact conformity to the City'sGeneral Plan, staff is recommending the authorization to purchase this property. FISCAL IMPACT• $100,000 to be taken from the fire impact (development) fees. MM:ps Attachments: Contract of Sale Resolution No. 55-94 General Plan Conformity Report 2 000011;7 r I RESOLUTION NO. 55-94 e i • RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF 71E CITY OF ATASCADERO AUTHORIZING TH PURCHASE OF REAL PROPERTY FROM GORDON T. DAVIS AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGE TO EXECUTE APPROPRIATE DEEDS, AUTHO IZING THE RECORDING OF SAID DEED, AND AUTHORI ING THE TRANSFER OF FUNDS. t WHEREAS, the City of Atascadero desires to purchase real Oroperty owned by Gordon T. Davis; and WHEREAS, Gordon T. Davis has expressed a willingness to sell his property to the the City of Atascadero. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council does hereby resolve as follows: Section 1. The Council hereby authorizes the purchase of deal property owned by Gordon T. Davis as described below: Northeast corner of Santa Lucia Road and Santa Ana Road, a portion of Lots 49 and 49A, Block 27, Atascadero, California, CJounty of San Luis Obispo, Tentative Parcel Map 94-011. Section 2. The Council hereby authorizes the City Managet to enter into agreement with Gordon T. Davis for the expressed purpose Of purchasing his property as described above. Section 3. The Council hereby authorizes a sale price of $10,000, payable from Fire Development Fee - Fund #575. Section 4. The real property being acquired by the City of 4tascadero shall be used for a fire station site, and is in conformance with the City's General Plan. Section 5. The deed relating to this property, being official;business of the City of Atascadero, is entitled to free recording under Section 6103 of the Government Code. 3 Section 6. The City Clerk shall forward a copy of this resolution to Gordon T. Davis, P.O. Box 2400, Atascadero, CA 93423. s • Page Two Resolution No. 55-94 • On motion by Councilperson and seconded by Councilperson , the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ADOPTED: CITY OF ATASCADERO BY: ROBERT P. NIMMO, Mayor ATTEST: i LEE PRICE, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: ARTHER MONTANDON, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: MICHAEL P. MCCAIN, Fire Chief • 000(1:.',`.) '- CITY OFATASCADERO ocat 4-on Map GPCIR 194-3 411 CONIMUNLITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. '7 � /� � � : �� y ,y ;' ,� _,'�,� �� fir � ,:' C,4z Ic', S*1111) 77 A"- f El' Ay 4 `____anyy ` _ t1 A T E c,T'll PRO? 'y OP ROAD a o LLA— /7 o / / A14 CT (' rl,y OF ATrSCADI'llAZO Relevant portion of Land -i a n use Map COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT GPCR #94-3 DEPARTMENT Tbj •~T SPH TA I • � y i 0 SE RR, STpt'CZoN S1TF i - - - r /Al _= \ I n ROAo 0 \ U 0 cr o Y � 0000,31 I i CONTRACT OF SALE Preamble i i CONTRACT OF SALE entered into 19_, by and between the City of Atascadero, a municipal corporation, (hereafter referred to as "Buyer") and Gordon T. Davis (hereafter referred to as "Seller"). Seller agrees to sell and convey, and Buyer agrees to 1 purchase, the real property situated in the City of Atascadero, San Luis Obispo; County, California (hereafter referred to as "the Property"), and more particularly dei cribed in Exhibit A, which is attached to this Contract and hereby incorporated b� reference on the following terms and conditions: i ARTICLE 1. PURCHASE PRICE I Amount and Terms of Payment M Section 1.01. The total purchase price of the Property is $100,000.00, payable by Buyer to Seller as follows: (a) The sum of $1 ,000.00 on execution of this Contrac�, as a deposit to be applied to the purchase price at the close of escrow. This amount shall be payable by warrant of the City of Atascadero. (b) The balance of the purchase price shall be paid prior to the close of escrow.o This amount shall be payable by warrant of the City of,Atascadero. Consequences of Buyer Default Section 1.02. If Buyer defaults in the performance of this Contract, the deposit described in Section 1 .01 shall be forfeited by Buyer as providedlin Section 5.02. In the event this Contract is terminated for any other reason, tlhe deposit shall be refunded to Buyer pursuant to Section 3.03. s ARTICLE 2. ESCROW Opening of Escrow Section 2.01. An escrow shall be opened to consummjate the sale of the Property according to the terms of this Contract at the office of rirst American Title (hereafter referred to as the "escrow holder") in Atascadero, California. The escrow • shall be opened within 10 days after the execution of this Contrlct. Written escrow E 0000-1 i i instructions in accordance with the terms of this Contract shall be prepared jointly and the instructions shall be signed by the parties and delivered to the escrow holder within 20 days of the execution of this Contract. Buyer and Seller shall also deposit with the escrow holder all instruments, documents and other items (i) identified in the escrow instructions or (ii) reasonably required by the escrow holder to close the sale on the closing date specified below. Closing Date Section 2.02. The escrow shall be closed on the date the deed is recorded. The escrow shall be considered to be in a condition to close when the escrow holder is authorized under the escrow instructions, and when the escrow holder is otherwise able, to record the grant deed. The escrow must be closed no later than June 30, 1994, unless the closing date is extended pursuant to the terms of this Contract; provided, however, that this closing date shall not be extended beyond August 1 , 1994. Prorations Section 2.03. The following shall be prorated between Seller and Buyer on the basis of a 30-day month as of the date on which escrow closes: real property taxes, special assessments and any prepaid rent on the Property. Closing Costs Section 2.04. Seller shall pay any transfer taxes, the costs of the preliminary report and title insurance policy required by this Contract, the reconveyance fees charged for the reconveyance of and deed(s) of trust shown on the preliminary title report required by this Contract, the recording fees for the reconveyance of that deed of trust, and the cost of preparing, executing and acknowledging the grant deed and all other instruments necessary to convey title to Buyer. Buyer shall pay the cost of recording the grant deed and any other instruments required to convey title to Buyer. The escrow fee, other than the cost of the above title insurance policy, shall be paid 50 percent by Buyer and 50 percent by Seller. Brokers Commission Section 2.05. Buyer and Seller specifically state that no broker's commissions are due from either party as part of this sales transaction. If any broker's fees become due, they are the sole responsibility of the party who has retained the services of the broker. Any unpaid fees shall not operate to delay or stop closure of escrow. Vesting of Title Section 2.06. On the close of escrow, title shall be vested as follows: • City of Atascadero, a Municipal Corporation 2 O0003' i i ARTICLE 3. ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITI PNS Preliminary Title Report Section 3.01. Within 30 days after the execution of this Qontract, Seller shall furnish Buyer with a preliminary California Land Title Association jreport of the title to the Property and each document shown as an exception or encumbrance in the report. This shall be done at the expense of Seller. Within 20 days after' the delivery of the report and related documents to Buyer, Buyer shall notify Sellr in writing of any objection to any exception therein. If Buyer makes a timely objection to any exception and the exception is not eliminated within 10 days of the Se6ler's receipt of the objection, this Contract shall be terminated pursuant to Section 31.04. Buyer's failure to object in this manner to any exception shall be an approval by Buyer of that exception. i3 Miscellaneous Conditions e 1 Section 3.02. The close of escrow opened pursuant toj Section 2.01 , and Buyer's obligation to purchase the Property pursuant to this Co tract are subject to the satisfaction of the following conditions, which are solely for Bayer's benefit unless otherwise indicated: Marketable Title (a) The conveyance to Buyer of good and marketable title to the Property, as evidenced by a California Land Title Association standard covorage title insurance policy issued by First American Title Company in the full amount oif the purchase price insuring that title to the Property is vested in Buyer free and clear of all title defects, liens, encumbrances, conditions, covenants, restrictions and othbr adverse interests of record or known to Seller, subject only to those exceptions approved by Buyer in writing and the following: any exceptions shown on the preliminary title report described in Section 3.01 that are not disapproved by Buyer pursuant to that section. R Delivery of Possession I (b) The delivery of possession of the Property to Buyer limmediately on the close of escrow free and clear of all uses and occupancies except those approved in writing by Buyer. j i Failure of Condition and Seller's Breach of Warranty Section 3.03. Except as provided in Section 3.04, if any of the conditions set forth in this Contract fails to occur, or if Buyer notifies Seller intwriting prior to the close of escrow of Seller's breach of any of Seller's warranties set forth in this Contract, then Buyer may cancel the escrow, terminate this Contact and recover the 3 i 00009:3119 amounts paid by Buyer to the escrow holder toward the purchase price of the Prop- erty. Buyer shall exercise this power to terminate by complying with any applicable notice requirements specified in the relevant condition and, in all other cases, by providing written notice to Seller and the escrow holder within 10 days of the failure or breach. The exercise of this power shall not waive any other rights Buyer may have against Seller for breach of this Contract. Seller shall instruct the escrow holder, in the escrow instructions delivered pursuant to Section 2.01 , to refund to Buyer all money and instruments deposited in escrow by Buyer pursuant to this Contract upon failure of a condition or conditions or breach of a warranty or warranties and receipt of a termination notice. This instruction shall be irrevocable. In the event of such a termination, Seller shall bear any and all costs and expenses of escrow. Seller's Election to Remedy Defects Section 3.04. Notwithstanding any provision of this Contract to the contrary, Seller shall have the right to remedy certain violations of this Contract prior to the close of escrow. This right to remedy shall be subject to the following requirements and restrictions. (a) Buyer shall immediately notify Seller in writing of Buyer's discovery, prior to the close of escrow, of a violation of any of the following provisions of this Agreement: Sections 3.02(a), 4.02. For these purposes, the foregoing violations shall be referred to as "defects". (b) If Buyer fails to give notice, Buyer shall waive the defect and the defect shall not be a violation of this Contract. If Buyer gives notice, Seller may elect to remedy the defect by giving Buyer written notice of this election within 20 days of receiving Buyer's notice. Seller's notice of election to remedy shall specify the number of days (if any), up to a maximum of 20, that escrow shall be postponed so that Seller may remedy the defect. If Seller fails to provide a timely notice of election or fails to remedy the defect prior to the close of escrow (including any extension of escrow pursuant to this Section), then Buyer, at Buyer's election, may do either of the following: (1) Terminate the Contract without any liability on the part of either party; or (2) Purchase the Property without a reduction in the purchase price and without any liability for the unremedied defect or defects on the part of Seller. The failure by Buyer to make such an election shall be deemed an election of option 1 . (c) Seller shall instruct the escrow holder, in the escrow instructions delivered pursuant to Section 2.01 , to immediately refund to Buyer all money and 4 3 1 instruments deposited in escrow by Buyer pursuant to this Contr4t on termination of • this Contract pursuant to this Section, and on receipt of notice sof that termination from Buyer. In the event of such a termination, Seller shall bear a y and all costs and expenses of the escrow. j s ARTICLE 4. RIGHTS AND WARRANTIES Right of Buyer to Enter Property i Section 4.01. Seller grants to Buyer, or Buyer's agents, the right, at any time and from time to time within 30 days after the opening of tl�ie escrow for this transaction, to enter onto the Property to conduct tests or inve4tigations, provided that: (a) The acts shall be conducted at the sole cost and exlpense of Buyer; i (b) The acts do not unreasonably interfere with Seller's] possession; i (c) Buyer shall indemnify and hold Seller harmless from �ny costs or liability resulting from the acts, and, if the escrow is cancelled for a reason that is not the fault of Seller, for any damage to the Property resulting from thel acts; and • (d) Buyer shall give Seller written notice of the intention to enter two days prior to the date of the planned entry. Warranties of Seller Section 4.02. Seller warrants that: (a) Seller owns the Property, free and clear of all IienE , licenses, claims, � encumbrances, easements, encroachments on the Property from adjacent properties, encroachments by improvements on the Property onto adjacent prjoperties, and rights of way of any nature not disclosed by the public record. ? (b) Seller has no knowledge of any pending litigation involving the Property. (c) Seller has no knowledge of any violations of, or notices concerning defects or noncompliance with, any applicable building code orther code, statute, regulation, ordinance, judicial order or judicial holding pertaininglo the Property. I (d) Seller is not in default under any contract, note or encumbrance relating to the Property. i (e) Seller will maintain the Property in good repair and in ]the same condition, • reasonable wear and tear excepted, it was in when it was inspected by Buyer. 5 Survival of Warranties Section 4.03. All warranties, covenants and other obligations described in this Article and elsewhere in this Contract shall survive delivery of the deed. ARTICLE 5. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS Loss, Destruction and Condemnation Section 5.01. The parties agree that the following provisions shall govern the risk of loss: (a) If, before Seller transfers legal title or possession of the Property to Buyer, all or a material part of the Property is destroyed without fault of Buyer, or is taken by eminent domain by any governmental entity, Buyer shall be entitled to recover any portion of the price Buyer has paid, and Seller shall not have the right to enforce this Contract. (b) If after Seller transfers legal title or possession of the Property to Buyer, all or any part of the Property is destroyed without fault of Seller, or is taken by eminent domain by any governmental entity, Buyer is not relieved from Buyer's obligation under this Contract to pay the full price for the Property, nor is Buyer entitled to recover any portion of the price Buyer has paid. (c) If at any time prior to the close of escrow damage, destruction or condemnation occurs, and this loss is not covered by Subsections (a) or (b) of this Section, Buyer shall not have the right to terminate this Contract, but shall be entitled to offset the cost of repair or replacement against the purchase price of the Property. Liquidated Damages Section 5.02. If Buyer defaults in the performance of this Contract, the parties agree that Seller shall be released from any obligation to sell the Property to Buyer and may retain, as liquidated damages, the lesser of the deposit paid by Buyer on execution of this Contract pursuant to Section 1.01(a) or 3 percent of the purchase price. Seller shall refund to Buyer the remainder of the deposit, if any. The parties further agree that the amount of liquidated damages established by this provision is a reasonable estimate, under the circumstances existing on the date of execution of this Contract, of what Seller's damages would be in the event of a default by Buyer. Initialed by Buyer: Initialed by Seller: 6 OQ10f};j�; i Insurance ' i Section 5.03.- Seller shall cancel all policies of insurance oo the Property as of the close of escrow. Buyer shall be responsible for obtainin� insurance on the Property as of the close of escrow. Assignment Section 5.04. Buyer may not assign this Contract without $eller's prior written consent. The valid assignment of this Contract shall relieve Buffer of liability under this Contract. Time of Essence Section 5.05. Time is of the essence in this Contract. Notices Section 5.06. Any notice, tender, delivery or other communication pursuant to this Contract shall be in writing and shall be deemed to be properly given if delivered,mailed or sent by wire or other telegraphic communicltion in the manner provided in this Section, to the following persons: r • (a) If to Buyer: (b) If to Seller: City of Atascadero Gordon T. Dovis Attn: City Manager P.O. Box 2460 6500 Palma Avenue Atascadero, CA 93422 Atascadero, CA 93422 i Either party may change that party's address for these Ipurposes by giving written notice of the change to the other party in the manner prodded in this section. If sent by mail, any notice, delivery or other communication shall be effective or deemed to have been given 48 hours after it has been deposited in the United States mail, duly registered or certified, with postage prepaid a0d addressed as set forth above. If sent by wire or other form of telegraphic commurlication, any notice, delivery or other communication shall be effective or deemed to hove been given eight hours after it has been deposited with Western Union, or other 'Carrier, prepaid and addressed as set forth above. s Entire Agreement j Section 5.07. This Contract and the attached Exhibits clonstitute the entire agreement between the parties relating to the sale of the Pgoperty. Any prior agreements, promises, negotiations or representations not expressly set forth in this Contract are of no force and effect. Any amendment to this Contract shall be of no force and effect unless it is in writing and signed by Buyer and Seller. ARBITRATION OF DISPUTES Section 5.08. ANY CONTROVERSY OR CLAIM ARISING OUT OF THIS CONTRACT OR A BREACH THEREOF SHALL BE SETTLED BY ARBITRATION IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RULES OF THE AMERICAN ARBITRATION ASSOCIATION, AND JUDGMENT ON THE AWARD RENDERED BY THE ARBITRATOR(S) MAY BE ENTERED IN ANY COURT HAVING JURISDICTION. NOTICE: BY INITIALING IN THE SPACE BELOW, YOU ARE AGREEING TO HAVE ANY DISPUTE ARISING OUT OF THE MATTERS INCLUDED IN THE "ARBITRATION OF DISPUTES" PROVISION DECIDED BY NEUTRAL ARBITRATION AS PROVIDED BY CALIFORNIA LAW AND YOU ARE GIVING UP ANY RIGHTS YOU MIGHT POSSESS TO HAVE THE DISPUTE LITIGATED IN A COURT OR JURY TRIAL. BY INITIALING IN THE SPACE BELOW,YOU ARE GIVING UP YOUR JUDICIAL RIGHTS TO DISCOVERY AND APPEAL, UNLESS SUCH RIGHTS ARE SPECIFICALLY INCLUDED IN THE "ARBITRATION OF DISPUTES" PROVISION. IF YOU REFUSE TO SUBMIT TO ARBITRATION AFTER AGREEING TO THIS PROVISION, YOU MAY BE COMPELLED TO ARBITRATE UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF THE CALIFORNIA CODE OF CIVIL PROCEDURE. YOUR AGREEMENT TO THIS ARBITRATION PROVISION IS VOLUNTARY. WE HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND THE FOREGOING AND AGREE TO SUBMIT DISPUTES ARISING OUT OF THE MATTERS INCLUDED IN THE "ARBITRATION OF DISPUTES" PROVISION TO NEUTRAL ARBITRATION. INITIALED BY BUYER: INITIALED BY SELLER: Attorney's Fees Section 5.09. If any action, proceeding or arbitration arising out of or relating to this Contract is commenced by either party to this Contract or by the escrow holder, then as between Buyer and Seller, the prevailing party shall be entitled to receive from the other party, in addition to any other relief that may be granted, the reasonable attorneys' fees, costs and expenses incurred in the action, proceeding or arbitration by the prevailing party. 8 Binding Effect Section 5.10. This Contract shall be binding on and inure tlo the benefit of the parties to this Contract and their heirs, personal representativ¢s, successors and assigns, except as otherwise provided in this Contract. Governing Law Section 5.11 . This Contract and the legal relations between the parties shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of thel State of California. Headings Section 5.12. The headings of the articles and sections Of this Contract are inserted for convenience only. They do not constitute part of thio Contract and shall not be used in its construction. i Waiver Section 5.13. The waiver by any party to this Contract Iof a breach of any provision of this Contract shall not be deemed a continuing waived or a waiver of any subsequent breach of that or any other provision of this Contract. Dated this day of 19_. SELLER, i (signature) Gordon T. Davis BUYER, CITY OF ATASCADERO By: Robert P. Nimmo, Mayor 6 i f 3 3 i s 9 Contract of Sale EXHIBIT "A" PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Location of Subject Property: North east corner of Santa Lucia Road and Santa Ana Road, Atascadero Street Address: 10400 Santa Lucia Map Book: Thomas Guide 573 E 4 Census Tract: 127.01 Legal Description: . A portion of Lots 49 and 49A, Block 27, City of Atascadero. Tentative Parcel Map ATAL 940001 identifies the subject site as Parcel 4. Assessment Parcel Number: APN 054-171-019 • REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL Meet ng Date: 06/14/94 CITY OF ATASCADERO Agenda Item : #13-7 Through: Andy Takata, City Manager From: Lee Price, City Clerk SUBJECT: Vacancy and Expiring Term(s) on the Community Services Foundation Board of Directors. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the City Clerk to open a recruitment soliciting i terested citizens to serve on the Community Services Foundation Board of Directors. BACKGROUND: On September 10, 1991 , the City Council adopted Re olution No. 89-91 establishing the Community Services Foundation. The Foundation By-laws, as described in Exhibit "B" of the Resolution, specifies the appointment of directors. On April 14, 1991 , initial appointments were made to the Board of Directors. Board Member Ron Nordeen resigned last fall. His term was due to expire April 14, 1994 and his seat has not been filled. Board Member Sandra chaefer's term also expired on April 14, 1994. DISCUSSION: The City Council did, on 4/26/94 authorize the City Clerk to open recruitments for the City's Planning Commission, Parks & Recreation Commission and Traffic Committee after the June 7, 1994 election. The City Clerk does hereby request approval to open a recruitment for the Foundation Board of Directors concurrently. Attachment: Resolution No. 89-91 (lt)0 RESOLUTION NO. 89-91 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO DECLARING THE NEED FOR A NON-PROFIT CORPORATION FOR COMMUNITY SERVICES AND AUTHORIZING ITS INCORPORATION AS A TAX-EXEMPT ENTITY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO DOES HEREBY FIND AND RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: I. FINDINGS A. There presently exists in the City of Atascadero a need for education about, and additions and improvements to, the Atascadero Zoo, public parks and recreation facilities, cultural opportunities and other community services (hereafter, collectively, "Community Services" . B. The responsibility for providing the needed education about, and additions and improvements to, Community Services presents a burden on the finances and physical resources of the City which can be alleviated by the establishment of a non-profit, tax-exempt corporation to which the public will be encouraged to make contributions for Community Services. II. RESOLVED A. That it is in the best interest of the health safety and general welfare of the public for there to be established a non-profit corporation to encourage participation in, and to accept tax-exempt contributions to, the Community Services. B. That the City Council does hereby authorize the City Attorney's office to proceed with the incorporation of a non-profit, tax-exempt corporation, to be known as the ATASCADERO COMMUNITY SERVICES FOUNDATION, INC. , to be organized in substantial conformity with the Articles of Incorporation attached hereto as Exhibit A and the By- laws attached hereto as Exhibit B, both of which are incorporated herein by this reference Page 1 I i t • III . AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE AND CERTIFICITION The Mayor is authorized to execute thisiResolution and the City Clerk shall certify the adoption ofthis Resolution. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 10th 4ay of September, 1991. ALDEN SHIERS, MAYO ATTEST LEE RA30IN, ,CITY CLERK • 3 APPROVED AS TO FORM: MAb Y EEE GAYLE, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY 1 • Page 2 CERTIFICATION I, LEE RABOIN, CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO, HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the City Council of the City of Atascadero, California at a regular meeting thereof, held on the 10th day of September, 1991, upon motion made by Councilmember Lilley and seconded by Councilmember Dexter and upon the following vote of the City Council : AYES: Mayor Shiers, Councilmembers Lilley, Dexter and Borgeson NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSEN : i Councilm'ember Nimmo LEE RABOI , CITY CLERK Page 3 S s EXHIBIT "A" 3 i ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF ATASCADERO COMMUNITY SERVICES FOUNDATIO*, INC. I. The name of this corporation is ATASfiADERO COMMUNITY SERVICES FOUNDATION, INC. II. I A. This corporation is a nonprofit ; public benefit corporation and is not organized for the private gain of any person. It is organized under the Nonprofits Public Benefit Corporation Law for charitable purposes. B. This corporation is formed exclusively for public and charitable purposes, including the followingt to lessen the burdens of government of the City of Atascadejro by promoting public welfare and education through the acceptance of contributions for use in the Atascadero Zoo, pudic City parks, public City recreational and cultural facilities, and other • public facilities. The name and address in the State of California of this corporation's initial agent for service of proces is: Ray Windsor ' City Manager City of Atascadero 6500 Palma Avenue s Atasdadero, California 93422 IV. A. This corporation is organized and operated P g P exclusively for charitable purposes within the me4ning of Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. B. No substantial part of the actijvities of this corporation shall consist of carrying on propagan0a, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the corporation shall not participate or intervene in any political cam aign (including the publishing or distribution of statements) of behalf of any candidate for public office. 1 EXHIBIT "A" I i I EXHIBIT HB" BYLAWS FOR THE REGULATION OF THE ATASCADERO COMMUNITY SERVICES FOUNDATION, INC. I. NAME AND ADDRESS SECTION A. NAME OF ASSOCIATION. The name of this "Corporation" shall be the "ATASCADERO COMMUNITY SERVICES FOUNDATION, INC- ", a nonprofit organization incorporated under the laws of the State of California. SECTION B. PRINCIPAL EXECUTIVE OFFICE. The address of the principal executive office of the Atascadero Community Services Foundation, Inc. , shall be located at Atascadero City Hall , 6500 Palma Avenue, Atascadero, California 93422, or at such other place as the Board of Directors hereafter may designate. The City of Atascadero is hereinafter referred to as, the "City" . II. PURPOSES AND LIMITATIONS SECTION A. GENERAL PURPOSES. The general purpose of the corporation shall be to assist in maintaining, enhancing, and promoting the Atascadero Zoo, Atascadero public parks, recreation and cultural facilities, and other public facilities which serve the general public, to familiarize the public with those public facilities and their contribution to the growth and welfare of the United States, the State of California, the County of San Luis Obispo and the City, and to accumulate and manage such facilities for the public benefit to the following ends: 1. Personnel - To recruit, train, encourage and recognize volunteers as docents, guides, hosts, staff support in maintenance, displays and public functions under the supervision of the City Director of Community Services, as appropriate; 2 . Publicity - To establish a group to promote on-going use of the public facilities to promote educational, recreational and historical values and to plan and develop special events; 3 . Funding - To encourage donations, grants and corporate gifts for expansion, preservation, improvement and maintenance of the Atascadero Zoo, Atascadero public parks, recreational and cultural facilities, and other public facilities in pursuit of the Corporation's goals . • 1 EXHIBIT "BO A. OTHER PURPOSES. The Cgor oration may SECTIONt Y engage in such further and other purposes as may be permitted by law, provided however, that such purposes are jauthorized and approved by the Board of Directors, are in furtherance of the Corporation's public charitable purposes, and are of the type permitted to be performed under Section 501 (c) Of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 . III.. MEMBERS MEMBERS PROHIBITED. The Corporation shad not have any members . 9 EFFECT OF PROHIBITION. Any action whichjwould otherwise require approval by a majority of all members or lapproval by the members shall require only approval by a maJoritYl of the Board of Directors. IV. DIRECTORS AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETINGS SECTION A. NUMBER AND REQUIRED DIREC11'ORS. ( 1) The number of Directors of the Atasgadero Community Services Foundation, Inc. shall be not less thaw seven (7) and not more than nine (9) . The number of authorizedlDirectors shall be specified by the Atascadero "City Council" and may be changed by City Council annually at the time the Annlual Report (as hereinafter defined) is submitted for City Council review. The Directors shall serve without pay. (2) Four (4) Members of the Board Shall be those persc -is holding the positions of City Director of Community Services, City Director of Community Development', City Director of Administrative Services, and President of the San Luis Obispo County Zoological Society, or persons serving in 'like capacities as those capacities may be renamed from time too time, and as those persons may be selected or elected from time to time. The term of each individual serving in one of the Eour (4) above- named capacities shall be co-extensive with theiterm each such person serves in the capacity so noted. Any person succeeding to the title of one of the four (4) above-named cjapacities shall automatically become a Director of the Corporation- 2 EXHIBIT "B" SECTION B. APPOINTMENT OF DIRECTORS . All Directors not required by Section IV.A (1) , above, shall be appointed by the City Council, as follows: (1) In the event that the City Council initially authorizes seven (7) members to the Board of Directors, the three ( 3) Directors named initially by the City Council to fill the seats not designated in Section IV.A(1) , above, shall be appointed for staggered terms with one (1) Director appointed for a period of three (3) years, one (1) Director appointed for a period of two (2) years and a third appointed for a period of one (1) year. (2) In the event that the City Council initially authorizes nine (9) members of the Board of Directors, the four (4) Directors named initially by the City Council to fill the seats not designated in Section IV.A(1) , above, shall be appointed for staggered terms with three (3) Directors appointed for a period of three (3) years, and two (2) Directors appointed for a period of two (2) years. (3) In the event that the City Council changes the number of authorized Directors at any time permitted by these By- laws, the newly created positions shall be filled for full terms of three (3 ) years each. (4) The term of each person named for a staggered term pursuant to Subsection (1) or Subsection (2) , above, shall be specified in the action of the City Council so naming each of those Directors . (5) After the initial terms of the Directors named by the City Council pursuant to Subsection (1) or Subsection (2) , above, the Directors appointed by the_ City Council shall serve a three (3 ) year term. (6) Directors appointed by the City Council pursuant to this Section IV. B may be reappointed by the City Council at the expiration of their terms, without limitation. SECTION C. EX-OFFICIO DIRECTOR. The City Manager of the City of Atascadero shall serve as an Ex-officio Director. SaLd Ex-officio Director shall have no voting power but may serve otzerwise in all capacities as a Director and may participate in deliberations and discussions at all meetings of the Directors as a member of the Board. The Ex-officio Director shall be a permanent member of the Board and shall not be a Director additional to the number of Directors authorized pursuant to 3 EXHIBIT "B" I i Section IV above. Any Person succeeding to the capacity of city Manager shall automatically become an Ex-officioDirector of the Corporation. SECTION D. PLACE OF MEETINGS. Meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held at any place within ! or without the State of California, which has been stated in thle notice of the meeting, or if not stated in the notice, or �f there is no notice, at Atascadero City Hall, 6500 Pal a, Atascadero, California, 93422 , or at such other place as ma be designated for Directors' meetings, from time to time, by r ,solution of the Board of Directors . SECTION E. REGULAR MEETINGS. Regular meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held on the day land at the hour or at such other day and time as may be determi ed by the Board of Directors. No notice need be given in Gonne tion with such regular meetings, except that notice shall be given to each Director of any resolution of the Board changing the regular meeting date or time. i SECTION F. QUORUM REQUIRED FOR ACTION AT MEETINGS . A majority of the authorized number of Directors present at a meeting shall constitute a "quorum" of the Board of Directors for the transaction of business. For purposes of1l determining a quorum, the Ex-officio Director shall not be counted. SECTION G. SPECIAL MEETINGS. Meetings other than regular meetings of the Board may be called by tho President, and shall be called by the President upon the regulest of any two Directors requesting a special meeting. SECTION H. REMOVAL OF DIRECTORS. A Director appointed pursuant to Section IV.B, above, mayi be removed by action taken by a majority of the City Council or by a vote of the majority of the Directors then in office subiect to approval in writing by the City Council . SECTION I . VACANCIES. A vacancy o� the Board of Directors shall exist upon the occurrence Of any of the following: 4 a ( 1) The death or resignation of any Director. i (2) The suspension or termination of any Director pursuant to the provisions of Section IVH, above. ( 3 ) An increase in the authorized numbler of Directors without appointment by the City Council . 4 EXHIBIT "B" E (4) The failure of the City Council to appoint the full number of authorized Directors to the Board. A reduction of the authorized number of Directors shall not operate to remove any Director prior to the expiration of his or her term of office. V. FINANCING SECTION A. SOLICITATION OF FUNDS. The Corporation's primary source of funds shall be through solicitation of funds from the general public through gifts, bequests, trusts, or other devices and conducting special fundraising events. SECTION B. BUDGETING. The Board of Directors shall prepare and submit to the City Council, for approval, an annual operating budget for the Corporation. VI. INDEMNIFICATION OF DIRECTORS. OFFICERS._ AND OTHER CORPORATE AGENTS SECTION A. INDEMNIFICATION. The Atascadero . Community Services Foundation, Inc. shall, to the maximum extent permitted by California law, indemnify each of its Directors and Officers and the City of Atascadero, its Council and its officers and agents, against any expenses, judgments, fines, settlements, and other amounts actually and reasonably incurred in connection with any proceedings arising by reason of the fact any such person is or was a Director or Officer of the Atascadero Community Services Foundation, Inc. SECTION B. NON-EXCLUSIVITY. The right of indemnification or advancement of expenses provided herein shall not be deemed exclusive of any other rights which any Director or Officer of the Corporation, or any other person seeking indemnification or advancement of expenses may have, whether by law or under any agreement, insurance policy, vote of disinterested Directors, or otherwise. VII OFFICERS SECTION A. OFFICERS. The Atascadero Community Services Foundation, Inc. , shall have a President, a Vice- President, Secretary, Treasurer and such other Officers as may be 5 EXHIBIT "B" s • designated by the Board of Directors. The Treasurer shall be the Atascadero Director of Administrative Services. All other Officers shall be elected by the Board of Directors for a term. of one (1) year. Only Members of the Board of Directors shall be eligible to serve as Officers of the Corporation. : Officers shall have the powers and duties as specified below, togother with such other duties as may be specified from time to tim* by resolution of the Board of Directors. The Officers of the corporation shall serve without pay. Powers and Duties of the President. I E (1) To act as the Chief Executive Officer (2) To exercise general supervision over all �!the affairs of the Corporation. w (3 ) To nominate members to committees necessa�y to carry out the executive functions. (4) To propose activities in the best interest of the Corporation. (5) To propose policies and legislation ofi, the Board of Directors. (6) To propose the budget of the Board o$ Directors in conjunction with the Treasurer. (7) To administer regulations and By-laws. i Powers and Duties of the First Vice President. (1) To assist the President in carrying out; the executive functions. (2) To have the power and authority of the iPresident when the President is absent. Powers and Duties of the Treasurer. (1) To maintain all the financial books and jrecords of the Corporation consistent with generally accepted accounting principles. (2) To make regular financial reports to ; the Board of Directors at regular business meetings. 6 EXHIBIT HBO i i E ( 3 ) To sign all disbursements of the Corporation which shall also be cosigned by the President or First Vice-President. (4) To be responsible for the collection and disbursement of the Corporation funds. Powers and Duties of the Secretary. (1) To keep permanent comprehensive records of the Corporation's action. (2) To record the minutes at each and every meeting, and to prepare the said minutes for presentations and approval at the next regularly scheduled meeting. (3) To handle any correspondence at the request of the Board of Directors or committee members. (4) To be responsible to the President for all letters and notices necessary for promotion and execution of the function of the Corporation and may include a newsletter/bulletin. SECTION A. LIMITED AUTHORITY OS Foundation, Inco No of the Atascadero Community Service shall have any power or authority, outside of the normal day-to- day business of the Corporation, to bind the Corporation by any contract or engagement or to pledge its credit or to render it liable in connection with any transaction unless so authorized by the Board of Directors. VIII . AMENDMENTS New By-laws may be adopted or these By-laws may be amended or repealed by a majority of the Board of Directors. IX. FISCAL YEAR The "fiscal year" of the Corporation shall be the sane as that of the City. 7 EXHIBIT "B" )` ;� x • i ANNUAL REPORTS SECTION A. The Board shall cause an 'Annual Report"' to be sent to the City Council and the Directors Within 120 days after the end of the corporation's fiscal year;. The Annual Report shall contain the following information for the fiscal year, in such detail as is necessary to clearly explain the fiscal transactions and status of the Corporation for that fiscal year: (a) The assets and liabilities, of the Icorporation as of the beginning and the end of the fiscal year. (b) The principal changes in assets and liabilities within the fiscal year. (c) The revenue or receipts of the Corporation, both unrestricted and restricted to particular purposes: 4 (d) The expenses or disbursements of t�e Corporation for both general and restricted purposes. (e) Any information required by Section #.B. , below. The Annual Report shall be accompanied by an audit • report of independent accountants or, if there is; no such audit report as permitted by this Section IX.A, by the icertificate of the Treasurer of the Corporation that such statements were prepared without independent audit from the Corpojration's books and records. If the Corporation receives less than $2$, 000 in gross receipts during a fiscal year an Annual Report ;must still be furnished to the City Council and to all Director but no audit report need be prepared by an independent accountant for such a fiscal year. SECTION B. As part of the Annual Repot to the City Council, the Corporation shall annually prepare' and mail or deliver to the City Council and furnish to eac4 Director, a statement of any transaction or indemnification ofa the following kind within 120 days after the end of the Corporation's fiscal year: (1) Any transaction (i) in which the Corporation, its parent, or its subsidiary was a party, (iu) in which an "interested person" had a direct or indirect material financial interest, and (iii) which involved more than $50, 000, or was one of a number of trans4ctions by the same interested person which, in the aggregate, totalled 8 EXHIBIT "B" 0oi , j I i 1 more $50, 000. For this purpose, an "'interested person" shall be any Director or Officer of the Corporation, its parent, or one of its subsidiaries; Provided, however, that mere common directorship held by a Director or Officer of the Corporation, its parent, or one Of its subsidiaries with another non-related entity or person with whom the Corporation contracts shall not be considered an interested party. The above-required statement shall include a brief description of the transaction, the names of interested persons involved, their relationship to the Corporation, the nature of their interest in the transaction and, if practicable, the amount of that interest, provided that if the transaction was with a partnership in which the interested person is a partner, only the interest of the partnership need be stated. (2) Any indemnifications or advances aggregating more than $10, 000 paid during the fiscal year to any Officer or Director of the Corporation under Section VI.A, above. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, these By-laws have been executed as of this day of 1991. • PRESIDENT SECRETARY 9 EXHIBIT NBN CITY OF ATASCADERO Agenda tem: C-1 Through: Andy Takata, City Manager Meeting ate: 06/14/94 From: Henry Engen, Community Development Director SUBJECT• Proposed wastewater treatment service charges . RECOMMENDATION• Adopt Resolution No. 56-94 revising the City' s wastewater rates . BACKGROUND• On June 22, 1993, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 41-93 based on an analysis by Crawford Multari & Starr of the City' s wastewater costs and charges . This action provided for the first change in sewer service charges since 1982 , aiid predictably resulted in dramatic increases for some customers At the same time, staff was directed to investigate the possibility of cooperating with the Atascadero Mutual Water Company to gain access to their water use records to provide the basis for a more equitable rate schedule for future years . The Water Company has been very cooperative towards this end, and have p ovided us with data showing the actual monthly water usage of various categories of users . ANALYSIS• Staff has evaluated the data provided by the Water Company and has focused on actual water use in February and MarclL 1994 . These months had the lowest water use and, therefore, correlated most closely with domestic use by reflecting minimal irrigation of land- scaping. The common denominator for the fee schedule of the City is the Equivalent Dwelling Unit (EDU) , which is the average daily flow of wastewater estimated to be produced by a single fa ily residence. This figure is estimated at 240 gallons per day. The annual treat- ment cost for one EDU is $242 . 12 or $20 . 18 per EDU per month. All other uses are estimated based on benchmarking from that rate. The City charges its ' rates against the taxes, resulting in two (2 ) payments per year when taxes are due. Analysis of the data resulted in proposed refinements as indicated in Exhibit "A" of the resolution, with fees being both decreased and increased. The fee table has been reorganized into "Residen- tial" and "Nonresidential" land use categories . With respect to Residential uses, it is proposed that the EDU be rec.uced on senior d)(3i ef9sF_� citizen apartments (from . 75 to . 35 EDU) ; mobile homes (from 0 .75 to 0 . 6 EDU) and condominiums (from 1 . 0 to . 75 EDU) . The existing rates for single family and apartment units were affirmed by the data. With respect to Nonresidential uses, the detail provided by the Water Company allowed adding rates for the following new land use categories : banks/savings & loans, bars, funeral homes and vet- erinarians with rates proposed to be increased from the "Com mercial Unit" basic rate of 1 . 0 EDU ( $20 . 18 per month) . Rate increases are also proposed for car washes and laundries . PROPOSED ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURE: The optimum way of charging for sewage services would be to have a meter on the sewer line leading out of each property. The next best alternative is that which is normally employed wherein sewer rates are pegged to water usage. Given the fact that the Mutual Water Company is a private entity, this option is not available to the City. Hence, the best approach that can be made is to estab- lish charges that are based on projected capital and operating costs related back to fair estimates of what the average wastewater discharge would be by different land use type. With regard to nonresidential uses, this can still create inequities because the categories are so broad and the variety of uses that could be a "commercial unit is considerable. Hence, staff is proposing that an adjustment procedure be established for nonresidential uses which permits refunds where overcharging is evident. The Water Company cannot provide individual water records directly to the City. However, the policy as proposed would invite individuals who feel their charges are excessive to submit their actual water records for February and March to staff. The calculations to be performed are as outlined in the attached sheet. Staff is suggesting that only those who are able to show that their rates are 25% or more higher than their water usage reflects be entitled to a rate adjustment. The fiscal effect of this policy is impossible to predict at this point; however, records would be maintained which could be the basis for future refinements to the rate schedule. Clearly, no one is going to come in for an adjustment seeking to pay more in the rates because their water usage is higher. So there will likely be a net loss of revenue which may necessitate having to re-evaluate the service charges . Encl : Resolution No. 56-94 Sewer Rate Calculation Sheet cc : Micki Ready, Chamber of Commerce Ken Weathers , Atascadero Mutual Water Company RESOLUTION NO. 56-94 RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO MODIFYING SEWER SERVICE CHARGES FOR THE WASTEWATER DIVISION OF THE CI Y WHEREAS, Section 7-11. 001 of the Sanitation Ordinance provides for the establishment of sewer charges by, resolution of the City Council; and WHEREAS, the present fees were established byResolution No. 41-93 and became effective on July 1, 1993 ; and WHEREAS, Staff - with the cooperation of the � tascadero Mutual Water Company - has analyzed winter water use patterns of various groups of users with a view to better estimate actual sewage flow; and WHEREAS, it has been determined that certain Pategories require modification or inclusion in order to provjde equitable cost to all users; and WHEREAS, it has further been determined that method of individual adjustment should be available for thos6 users for which an existing category is not applicable. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City of3Atascadero as follows: Section 1. F The Service Charge Schedule is modified as indicated on the attached Exhibit "A" . Section 2 . These fees shall be effective as of July 1, 1994 . Section 3 . Publication The City Clerk shall cause a summary copy of this resolution to be published once within ten (10) days after its aOoption in the Atascadero News, a newspaper of general circulation, printed, published, and circulated in the City. A copy of the full text of this resolution shall be on file in the office of the City Clerk and shall be available to any interested member of the public. On Motion by Councilmember and' seconded by Councilmember , the foregoing resolutipn is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll callvote: i s d►ii��0�,.a I Resolution No. 56-94 page two AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ADOPTED: CITY OF ATASCADERO By ROBERT P. NIMMO, Mayor ATTEST: LEE PRICE, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: ARTHER MONTANDON City Attorney APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: HENRY ENGEN Community Development Director s EXHIBIT "A" CITY OF ATASCADERO WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM SATE SCHEDULE I 7 RESIDENTIAL USES LAND USE EXISTING EDU REVIS$D EDU MONTHLY MONTHLY RATE RATS Apartment Unit 15. 13 .75 NC ; NC Mobilehome Space 15. 13 .75 12 . *1 .60 Senior Apartments 15—z3 . 75 7 . 16 . 35 per unit Single Family Unit 20. 18 1. 00 NC NC Condominiums 2 0-48 3. 09 15. 13 .75 NOTE: EDU = Equivalent Dwelling Unit - the averagejdaily flow of wastewater provided by a single family residence (240 Gallons per day) NC = No Change ADJUSTMENT POLICY Adjustments may be made for non-residential cjtegories after staff review of water use records provided to the city by the applicant. To qualify for adjustment the rate currently charged for the applicable category must be a minimum of 20% higher than the customary fee. i i 's i i i NON-RESIDENTIAL USES . LAND USE EXISTING EDU REVISED EDU RATE RATE Banks/S & L 20. 18 1. 0 40. 36 2 . 00 Bars 20. 18 1. 0 30. 27 1. 50 Carwash 3:89-88 F-:68 151. 35 7. 50 Churches/Mtg.Halls 26.83 1. 33 NC NC <150 seats 53 . 67 2 . 66 NC NC 60. 63 3 . 00 NC NC Commercial Unit 20. 18 1. 00 NC NC Funeral Home 20. 1.8- -}:8$ 181. 62 9 . 00 Gas Station 40. 35 2 . 00 NC NC Grocery Store 161. 41 8 . 00 NC NC >10000 sq. ft. Gymnasium 201.77 10. 00 NC NC Laundry 4:S 1. 3 2 4 . 50 181. 62 9.00 Motel (per room) 6. 66 . 33 NC NC No Connect 10. 09 1. 00 NC NC Office Unit 20. 18 1. 00 NC NC Rest Home-per bed 7. 06 . 35 NC NC Restaurants: < 40 seats 80. 71 4 . 00 NC NC 41-60 seats 121. 06 6. 00 NC NC 61-100 seats 161.41 8 . 00 NC NC > 100 seats 201.77 10. 00 NC NC School (per student 1. 01 . 05 NC NC as of March 31 of previous year Theater 80. 71 4 . 00 NC NC Veterinarians 20. 48 -1. 9G 60. 54 3 . 00 Unlisted Uses 20. 18 1. 00 NC NC (1i➢�'w;i�a";� SEWER RATE CALCULATION SHEET OWNER: 3 PROPERTY ADDRESS TYPE OF USE Total Gallons for February & March (a) 2 = (avg) (a) (b) E 29.5 = GPD (b) (c) 240 GPD = EDU ! (c) (d) i X $20.18/EDU = $ /MO (d) (e) Current Rate $ /MO Adjustment Policy: Adjustments may be made for non-residential categories after staff review of water records provided to the city by the applicant. To qualify for adjustment the rate currently charged for the applicable category must be a minimum of 25% higher than the customary fee. REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL CITY OF ATASCADERO Agenda tem: C-2 Through: Andy Takata, City Manager Meeting date: 06/14/94 File #: 1993-1998 CIP From: Henry Engen, Community Development Director Af-P SUBJECT: Proposed 5-Year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) . RECOMMENDATION• Following review and discussion and any refinements the Council may direct: 1 . Adopt Resolution No. 57-94 approving the 19 3-1998 Capital Improvement Plan as a guide for future capital program budgeting. 2 . Direct staff to utilize the existing Traffi Committee to prioritize safety projects . BACKGROUND: The City' s last 5-year plan for capital program e penditures was for the 1988-1993 period and was adopted on February 14, 1989 . Since that time, the City has experienced problems associated with the state ' s economic downturn, with some projects completed and others deferred. In January 1993, Council adopted R solution 1-93, which expanded the City Engineer' s contract to "revise and update the City' s 5-Year Capital Improvement Plan for revi w and approval by the City Council. " PROPOSED 1993-1998 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN: The attached Capital Improvement Plan has been pr pared by North Coast Engineering (NCE) for consideration by the City Council . Under Government Code Section 65401, capital plans must be referred to the Planning Commission for review and comment a3 to conformity of the projects with the City' s adopted General Plan . The City Council referred this matter, on February 22 , 1994 , to the Planning Commission and a joint study session was held March 15 , 1994 . Subsequently, the Planning Commission continued consider- ation of this subject on May 17 , 1994_, and recommended the draft plan - which had been revised by NCE in response to Council and Commission comments - to you for approval as a general guide for future capital project planning. In this unanimous action, the Commission endorsed the concept of annually updating the plan and looks forward to future reviews now that they are grounded in the basis of the current- project listing. PROJECT PRIORITY LIST: At the Council/Commission joint session, there was consensus that a committee including City/School/Police participation needed to be established to address the issue of prioritizing road improvements, with safety being the main consideration. Staff would recommend that the Traffic Committee be the core group for this task, with the School District asked to send a representative. We are in particular need of getting direction for implementing the long term safety improvements identified as being necessary in the DKS Safety Study. HE :ph Encls : Planning Commission Staff Report- 5/17/94 City Council/Planning Commission Staff Report - 3/15/94 Planning Commission Minutes Excerpts - 5/17/94 City Council/Planning Commission Minutes - 3/15/94 Resolution 57-94 Approving 1993-1998 CIP - 6/14/94 Summary of Circulation Element Capital Improvements REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL CITY OF ATASCADERO ;Item: B.3 STAFF REPORT FOR: Planning Commission Meeting Date: 05/17/94 BY: Henry Engen *0 File No:, 1993-98 CIP Community Development Director SUBJECT: Review of revised proposed 5-Year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) . f RECOMMENDATION• 3 Following review and discussion, forward recommendations on the draft 5-Year Capital Improvement Plan to Council for their con- sideration. BACKGROUND: A joint study session by the City Council and Planning Commission for review of the Proposed 5-Year Capital Improvemlent Plan (CIP) was held on March 15, 1994 . After discussion, it wan the consensus of the Commission and the Council that a committee including City/School/Police participation needs to be established to address the issue of prioritizing road improvements, with s4fety being the main consideration (see attached minutes) . The draft CIP was left to the Planning Commission for review and comment as to conformity with the City' s Genoral Plan and Circulation Element. HE:ph Encls : City Council and Planning Commission Sta$f Report - March 15, 1994 Minutes - City Council/Planning Commission Joint Study Session - March 15, 1994 Revised Draft 1993-98 CIP i REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING COMMISSION ITY OF ATASCADERO Agenda Item• From: Henry Engen A, Meeting Date: 03/15/94 Community Development Director File No: 1993-98 CIP SUBJECT: Proposed 5-Year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) . RECOMMENDATION: Following review and discussion by both bodies, continue consider- ation of the CIP report for subsequent Planning Commission comment back to the City Council. BACKGROUND: On February 22, 1994, the City Council received the attached staff report transmitting a Draft 1993-98 CIP. The action of the City Council, at that time, was to approve the proposed budget ad- justments for mid-year 1993, that are contained in Resolution No. 12-94, and to refer the matter of the 5-year CIP to the Planning Commission for a joint study session. The Council ' s February 22nd agenda was a heavy one and the intent of the referral to the Planning Commission was to allow both bodies to review the draft document in a workshop setting. It was expected that no recommendation would be forthcoming from the Plan- ning Commission at this time, but that the matter would probably be continued to an early Commission meeting date at which time the Commission could forward its ' recommendations on the draft to the Council. Thereafter, the Council then would schedule the matter for consideration for adoption with such amendments as they may desire. HE:ph Enclosure: City Council Staff Report - 2/22/94 Draft 1993-98 CIP Summary of Circulation Element Capital Improvements i REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL C-2 (n&B) CITY OF ATASCADERO Agenda I em: Through: Andy Takata, City Manager Meeting Date: 02/22/94 t File No:i 1993-98 CIP From: Henry Engen, Community Development Directjor !.%, , SUBJECT: Proposed 5-Year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) and proposed amend- ment to FY 1993-94 Capital Budget. RECOMMENDATION• i (A) Refer 5-Year CIP to Planning Commission for re4iew and report back, and 1 (B) Adopt Resolution 12-94 amending FY 93-94 Capital Budget. BACKGROUND: 0 The City' s last 5-year plan for capital program a�Penditures was for the 1988-93 period and was adopted on February 10, 1989 . Since that time, the City has experienced the problems 4ssociated with the State' s economic downturn, with some projectsi completed and others deferred. In January of 1993, Council adopted Resolution No. 1-93 which revised the City Engineer' s contractjto "revise and update the City' s 5-Year Capital Improvement Plan for review and approval by the City Council" . In addition, as part of the mid- year budget review, certain capital projects begun do prior years - or added this FY (such as assessment districts) - need to be reconciled to reflect costs incurred this FY. (A) PROPOSED 1993-98 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN: The attached Capital Improvement Plan has been prep4red by NCE for eventual adoption by the City Council. Pursuant to Section 65401 of the Government Code, such long-term plans mustjbe referred to the Planning Commission for review and comment as td conformity of the proposed projects with the City' s adopted : General Plan. Following review and discussion by the Council, this matter must then be referred to the Planning Commission and brought back for final Council action. i `` i Yelli06, / i i (B) PROPOSED REVISIONS TO 1993-94 CAPITAL BUDGET: Excluding the wastewater treatment projects, the only capital program projects specifically adopted for this fiscal year are $30, 000 for downtown parking and $250, 000 to prepare failed roads. Since that budget was adopted, a grant administered through the San Luis Obispo Council of Governments for $295, 000 has been approved, which serves to free up the earlier City appropriation for this purpose. Hence, adjustments need to be made to reflect this situa- tion. As indicated in the December 14, 1993 budget action with respect to additive projects to the Las Encinas Assessment District Program, it is proposed that $150, 000 be kept in the budget for the purposes of front end payment for the SLOCOG grant programs . This would be for both failed roads, at $295, 000 and for the West Front overlay project of $142,500 . The attached Resolution No. -94 reflects this transfer, together with allocating the freed up $100,00 as follows : $86, 000 for E1 Camino Real median revisions and overlay, and $14, 000 for the San Gregorio overlay. Fire Station No. 3 - Acquisition of a satellite Fire Station No. 3 site is included in the existing 5-Year CIP and was proposed originally to be considered in 1991-92 . An Appraisal has been made on this property at 2000 Ramona at Del Rio in the amount of $150, 000 . The General Plan Conformity Report has been submitted for Council consideration (refer to Consent Agenda) with the Planning Commission advising that this acquisition would be consistent with the General Plan. Hence, this is an acquisition proposed to be added to the current FY budget to be funded out of development fees set aside for fire services . Garcia Road Bridge Replacement - This matter has been a Council agenda item beginning with hearings on January 25, 1994, and a verbal report on alternatives to a conventional bridge on February 8, 1994 . In view of the condition of the bridge as determined by Caltrans, staff is recommending that this project be moved up in priority and added to the current fiscal year budget in the amount of $100, 000 to be funded 1/3 from development fees for roads and bridges; 1/3 development fees for drainage; and 1/3 gas tax. With regard to the latter funding source, staff will continue to seek supplementary non-local monies and may come back with a request for funding from a different source than gas tax, if possible. Russ Scotten, Interim Administrative Services Director, has also made adjustments for other capital projects including those that were funded in prior years and came due for payment this fiscal year, and for assessment districts and grant programs that were authorized in the past FY. HE :ph Encls : Draft 1993-98 CIP Resolution No. 12-94 amending FY 93-94 Capital Budget (J0 0 19�;, CITY OF ATASCADERO STUDY SESSION: PLANNING COMMISSIONXIT1Y COUNCIL ACTION MINUTES City Administration Building March 15, 1994 7:00 PM y ALL COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Wallace, Lochridge, Edwards, Carden, Berger, Bonnema, Johnsob ALL COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Bewley, Borgeson, Luna, �immo [one seat vacant] STAFF PRESENT: Takata, Scotten, McHale, Sylvester, Noil, DeCamp, Kaiser, Wilkins s SUBJECT: PUBLIC COMMENT TESTIMONY: None i ACTION: Mayor Nimmo called the meeting to order at 7:00 pi.m. The City Council then recessed, and the meeting was chaired by Commissioner Johnson in order that the Commission's business could be accom- plished. F i i CITY OF ATASCADERO • PLANNING COMMISSION 3/15/94 ACTION MINUTES SUBJECT: A. CONSENT CALENDAR 1 . Approval of minutes of the regular Planning Commission meeting of February 15, 1994. 2. Approval of minutes of the regular Planning Commission meeting of March 1 , 1994. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve TESTIMONY: None. Chairman Johnson noted that Item A-1 is not available for consideration. ACTION: Approve Item #2. Motion: Edwards Second: Lochridge AYES: Wallace, Lochridge, Edwards, Carden, Berger, Bonnema, Johnson NOES: None ABSENT: None ACTION: Chairman Johnson turned the meeting back over to Mayor Nimmo, who called the City Council back into session to proceed with the study session agenda. (Page 2 of 6) fzf33'���`1 i I i CITY OF ATASCADERO • STUDY SESSION: PLANNING COMM ISSION/CIT=,Y COUNCIL 3/15/94 3 ACTION MINUTES E i SUBJECT: B.1. PROPOSED 1993-1998 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN: Review of draft 5-Year Capital Improvement Plan by the Council and Planning Commission. 3 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: (Engen) Following review and discussion by both bodies, continue consideration of the CIP Report for subsequent Planning Commission comment back to tlhe City Council. DISCUSSION: Steve Sylvester, City Engineer, provided a brief overview of the ,CIP plan, and Russ Scotten, Int. Finance Director, reviewed project funding sourcesf The topic of safe routes to schools was an expressed concern by members of both the Commission and Council. Councilwoman Borgeson inquired if money designated for safety.' improvement projects (C-102, page 3) could be used to fund a needed traffic jsignal on Morro Rd. near San Gabriel Road School. Steve Sylvester indicated he would investigate and report back. It was noted that the former committee which studied the safe routes subject has been inactive for approximately the past year, primarily due to lack of staff. Chairman Johnson encouraged that the committee be reactivated and volunteered to serve on it. Mayor Nimmo agreed that an improved process for setting priorities for road and safety improvements is needed and that a committee needs to be reestablished to include School District and Police Department participation. ACTION: It was the consensus of the Commission and the Cpuncil that staff be directed to return with a proposal for the make-up mf a committee, including City/School/Police participation, to address the issue of prioritizing road improvements, with safety being the main considera- tion. • (Page 3 of 6) E i i��9 ACTION MINUTES - 3/15/94 Study Session: Planning Commission/City Council Proposed 1993-1998 C.I.P., cont'd Andy Takata noted that Councilmember Borgeson has requested that this subject be placed on the City/School Committee's March 31 st agenda. Following question and answer period between staff, Council and Commissioners pertaining to the need for safety improvements (e.g. bike paths and walkways), their prioritization and funding, Steve Sylvester commented that a root problem is the lack of clear direction to staff as to the use of funds for the routes-to-school program. The appointment of a committee should accomplish this direction. Commissioner Wallace recommended increased funding for safety improvements and that immediate safety measures be taken where warranted with no further study delays. In responding to question by Commissioner Carden as to the method used to determine distribution of funds into the various categories, Steve Sylvester indicated priorities are generally established through past Circulation Elements or by the Council. The use of funds is arbitrary within the framework of where they're dedicated and/or must be spent; beyond that, it is up to the discretion of the Commission and Council to allocate them into each area. He recommended against taking funds from overlay amounts. Commissioner Carden recommended an analytic prioritization tool be used. He also encouraged that there be consistency between the various documents in order to clearly relate them to one another and add consistency to the planning process. Councilwoman Borgeson suggested staff provide a check-off list to enable the Council to be aware of completed projects. TESTIMONY: Rush Kolemaine, Box 1990, expressed appreciation to Chairman Johnson and Mayor Nimmo for their input concerning safe routes to school. Marcia Torgerson, 6200 Llano Rd., asked if it's possible to repair roads which show signs of sliding in the future. Steve Sylvester responded that Brian Sword does survey for potential problems and preventive measures are taken wherever (Page 4 of 6) ACTION MINUTES - 3/15/94 Study Session: Planning Commission/City Council Proposed 1993-1998 C.I.P., cont'd possible to minimize cost. Marcia noted she feels much of the djamage to Portola Rd. has been caused by County trucks coming from the Millhollib Mine. She encouraged that, should the City enter into an interim operational agreement with the County to allow the mine to reopen, there be a requirement for contributions to a road repair fund. Such funds might be used for improving the ISanta Lucia Rd. pedestrian bridge. f Tom Bench noted a subcommittee of the Parks & Recreation Corinmission studied safe walkways to schools for two years, and they had developed a list of priorities. It was clarified that this information was made available throughthe Circulation Element process. 00 Discussion ended, and Mayor Nimmo noted the item will be refered on to the Planning Commission for review and comment as to conformity vith the City's General Plan and Circulation Element. E i E (Page 5 of 6) CITY OF ATASCADERO STUDY SESSION: PLANNING COMMISSION/CITY COUNCIL 3/15/94 ACTION MINUTES SUBJECT: C. INDIVIDUAL COMMENT Planning Commission: Chairman Johnson encouraged more study sessions between the Council and Commission. Commissioner Edwards expressed thanks for the opportunity to attend the Planning Commissioners Institute recently in San Diego. He noted that, at one of the workshops, joint sessions between councils and commissions was a #1 recommendation for remedying communications. Commissioner Wallace noted that many City projects have been able to be completed as a result of grant awards and expressed thanks to those responsible for making the applications. She suggested the City utilize an internship or fellowship through Cal Poly to seek additional grants. She also commented on the need to implement the "good" studies which are performed. Commissioner Carden encouraged that handouts from the Planners Institute be distributed for use in the future. Commissioner Bonnema expressed appreciation for the opportunity to attend the Planning Commissioners Institute. MEETING ADJOURNED: 8:40 P.M. (Page 6 of 6) i CITY OF ATASCADERO PLANNING COMMISSION 5/17/94 i ACTION MINUTES SUBJECT: B.3. PROPOSED 1993-1998 CAPITAL IMPROVEMgNT PLAN: Review of revised Proposed 1993-1998 Capital Improvement Plan. (CONTINUED FROM JOINT COUNCIL AND PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF MARCH 15, 1994). r STAFF RECOMMENDATION: (Engen) Following review and discussion, forward recommendations on the draft 5-Year Capital Improvement Plan to Council for their consideration. TESTIMONY: Steve Sylvester, City Engineer, noted that correction pages 9 ani! 14 were handed out to the Commission, which replace those provided in the agenda packets. He then highlighted the major changes made to the proposed CIP asjper the Commis- sion's joint session with the City Council on 3/15/94. Of particular note was, in response to the request to link the CIP to the Circulation Element, the Traffic Safety Study and other documents, a legend (p.1 of the CIP) has been added to indicate the source or historical origin of projects and their order of priority. The acceleration of expenditures for safety improvement projects (Project #C-102) was suggested for consideration. Mr. Sylvester noted that staff +had discussed the implementation of the routes-to-school program, the bike lane implementation pro- gram and safety improvements. Staff is looking to the possibility of using the existing Traffic Committee, along with possibly a member of thelschool district, to review the priorities for these items and make recommendations !for expenditures. In response to the concern that a more analytical approach shoulld be used to prioritize projects, Mr. Sylvester conveyed staff's suggestion that ongoing annual projects (i.e., overlay program, repair projects and minor drainage projects) be subject to a more structured review by the Council on an annuallbasis at the beginning of each year. Mark Latham, Battalion Chief, provided an update review of Fire !Dept. project prioritization for 1993-98. He reported that the sites for future fire stations 3 & 4 have come available and are being pursued for acquisition, howeiver noted the con- struction funds have not yet been projected. rt (Page 5 of 7) t9(l0(► ,,�� 5 I Planning Commission - Action Minutes, 5/17/94 Item B-3, cont'd . There was no public comment. ACTION: Approve staff recommendation. Motion: Edwards Second: Wallace AYES: Wallace, Lochridge, Edwards, Carden, Bonnema, Johnson NOES: None ABSENT: None [One seat vacant] (Page 6 of 7) i RESOLUTION NO. 57-94 • RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO APPROVING 1993-1998 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN AS A GUIDE FOR FUTURE CAPITAL PLANNING I! WHEREAS, the City of Atascadero' s last 5-year pian for capital program expenditures was for the 1988-1993 period 4nd was adopted on February 14, 1989; and WHEREAS, the City Council adopted Resolutio,h No. 1-93 in January 1993, contracting with the City Engineer to "revise and update the City' s 5-Year Capital Improvement Plan '?for review and approval by the City Council" ; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission and the CitylCouncil held a joint meeting to consider said Draft Plan on March15, 1994; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission continued ccjnsideration of this subject on May 17, 1994, and is recommending; said plan for approval by the City Council; and WHEREAS, Government Code Section 65401 protides for such review by the Planning Commission and Council prior to adoption; NOW, THEREFORE, the Council of the City of Altascadero does approve the 1993-1998 Capital Improvement Plan, dated June 14, 1994 , as a guide for future capital project planniig. i On motion seconded by the foregoing Resolution is hereby adopted in its ' entirety by the following role call vote : AYES: NOES: ABSENT: DATE ADOPTED: By: ROBERT P. NIMMO, Mayor City of Atascadoro ATTEST: LEE RABOIN, City Clerk 1 a s �)�?�iE'' ' J i City of Atascadero Department of Public Works�l FOUNDED _- -- II II 1913 1979 3 • 5 -Year Capital 1 Improvement Plan CITY COUNCIL DRAFT 06/14/94 Fiscal Year 93/94 through Fiscal Year 97/98 Prepared By: North Coast Engineering, Inc. Ot)00"" CITY OF ATASCADERO CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN Fiscal Year 93/94 through Fiscal Year 97/98 INDEX I. CIP SPREADSHEET PAGE LEGEND - Projects Sources and Basis for Listing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 CATEGORY A - Major Road Projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 CATEGORY B - Road Overlay/Widening Projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CATEGORY C - Minor Road Improvements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CATEGORY D - Bridge Projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SUMMARY - Road and Bridge Projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CATEGORY E - Drainage Projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CATEGORY F - Minor Drainage Projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SUMMARY - Drainage Projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CATEGORY G - Projects with Dedicated Funds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '( CATEGORY H - Waste Water Projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1i1l CATEGORY I - Parks, Facilities and Recreation Projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 CATEGORY J - Police Department Projects . CATEGORY K - Fire Department Projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . `I<4 CATEGORY L - Land Acquisitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i1 SUMMARY - Grants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Prepared by: North Coast Engineering, Inc. O()Od)SO i I 4 i i 0 INDEX II. CATALOG OF PROTECTS PAGE CATEGORY A - Major Road Projects . . . . . . . . . . 1 CATEGORY B - Road Overlay/Widening Projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Ti CATEGORY C - Minor Road Improvements . . . . . . . . . . 8 CATEGORY D - Bridge Projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 CATEGORY E - Drainage Projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 i CATEGORY F - Minor Drainage Projects . . . . . . . . . . 15 CATEGORY G - Projects with Dedicated Funds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 CATEGORY H - Waste Water Projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 CATEGORY I - Parks, Facilities and Recreation Projects 19 CATEGORY J - Police Department Projects . . . . . . . . . . . 20 CATEGORY K - Fire Department Projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 CATEGORY L - Land Acquisitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 E i f 9 0()()() y I i I S • I. CIP SPREADSHEET LEGEND PROJECT SOURCES AND BASIS FOR LISTING SOURCE i C CITY COUNCIL CIP PREVIOUS CiP rI F FIRE P POLICE R PARKS,FACELITIES;ANDAECREATION 'r >s1 TICELAX TRAFFIC CIRCULATION ELEMENT WITH REPORT IDENTIFICATION NUMBER(TABLE 111-3) _I TSS TRAFFICSAFETYSTUDY WW WASTE WATER Ili BA S LSj< CATEGORIES ARE LISTED IN GENERAL(BUT NOT FIXED)ORDER OF PRIORITY j 1 EMERGENCY-HEALTH AND SAFETY ....... : UNEXPECTED SITt1ATION INVOLVING PUBLIC HEALTH AN SAFETY,REQUIRING IMMEDIATE ACTION 2 AGENCY MANDATE WITH PENALTIES......... PROJECTS REQUIRED BY A:SUPERIOR GOVERNMENTAL A�ENCYWITH DEADLINES AND DOLLAR PENALTIES 3 LOSS OF FUNDS•GRANTDEADLINIE .--- THE FUNDING SOURCE REQUIRES THAT THE FUNDS SEUiSEDBYA DEADLINE DATE OR BE FORFEITED AGENCY MANDATE ,.,,.>;, PROJECTS REQUIRED BY AISUPERIOR GOVERNMENTAL'A�ENCY 5 LEVEL I-TRAFFIC CIRCULATION ELEMENT.. SAFETY/OPERATIONAL PROJECTS(DENTtFiED NEAR TER1 IMPROVEMENT(0 2 YEARS) IMPROVE DEFICIENCY....... ..... . ....... IMPROVEMENTS AND UPGRADES NECESSARY:>TO CITYad OWTH:AND OHANGE 7 MAINTENANCE.:': .......: ROUTINE MAINTENANCE CETY.iNFRASTRUCTURE ITEM 3 ACQUISiTEONS/COMMUNITY:DEVELOPMENT PROPERTY ACQUISITION FOR CITY FACILITIES AND PARTI IPAT10N IN PROJECTS REQUIRING CITY PARTICIPATION " LEVEL II TRAFFIC CIRCULAnbN ELEMENT. MID TERM IMPROVEMENTS j(2-10 YEARS) LEVEL IIl-TRAFFiC CIRCULATION ELEMENT LONG-TERM iMPROVEMENTS(10 20,YEARS)TO MEET NE AT$UILDOUT 11 ' i EXAMPLE.• I CIP —VT A- 101 GRAVES CREEK RD COLUMN ONE SHOWS THAT THIS IS A PROJECT:BROUGHT FORWARD FROM THE PREVIOUS 5-YEARCIP I1 COLUMN TWO IS BLANK SINCE THIS IN NOT A TRAFFIC CIRCULATION ELEMENT PROJECT ' i COLUMN THREE SHOWS THAT THIS IS A PROJECT TO IMPROVE A DEFICIENCY • ` LEVELS II AND III ARE GENERALLY OUTSIDE THE SCOPE OF THIS 5-YEAR CIP i i FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN FY93/94 THROUGH FY 97/98 PAGE 1 1 SOURCE e Category A: MAJOR ROAD PROJECTS PROJECTS WITH FUNDING FY 93-94 FY 94-95 FY 95-96 FY 96-97 FY 97-98 TOTALS C PRODUCE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN $9,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 ' 5,000 CiP 6 A- 101 GRAVES CREEK RD 338,000 CIP6 A- 102 PORTOLA/ARDI LLA-CARM ELI TA 399,000' CIP' 6 A- 103 ATASCADERO RD/S.DIEGO-S.BARB, 265,600' C 1 A- 120 SLOPE FAILURE PROJECTS(SHA GRANT) 195,000 100,000 C 6 A- 121 DOWNTOWN PARKING 16,768 113,233'. C 6 A- 127 ECR/HOSPITAL SIGNAL 0 12,500 87,500 0 Q TOTAL $220,768 $130333 $430,500 $404,000 ( $270,600 $1,456,600 DISTRIBUTION OF FUNDING FY 93-94 FY 94-95 FY 95-96 FY 96-97 FY 97-98 TDA FUND PRODUCE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN ($S,OODJ' A- 121 DOWNTOWN PARKING (16,768) (113,232)', 0 0 0 TOTAL ($25,76$) ($18232) $O $O $0 ($44,000) GAS TAX FUND PRODUCE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN $0 $0 ($5,000) ($5,000) ($51000}' A- 101 GRAVES CREEK RD 0 0 (238,000) 0 0 A- 102 PORTOLA/ARDItLA-CARMELITA (399000 A- 103 ATASCADERO RD/S.DIEGO-S.BARB. 0 0 0 0 (160,000) TOTAL $0 $0 1;($243,000) ($404,000) -r($165,000)- ($812,000) ROAD/IMPACT FUND .'A- 101 GRAVES CREEK RD $0 $0 ($100,000) $0 $0 A- 103 ATASCADERO RD/S.DIEGO-S.BARB. 0 0 0 0 (105,600) A-,:127 ECR/HOSPITAL SIGNAL 0 (121500) 0' 0 0 TOTAL $0 ($12,500) ($100,000) $0 ($105,600)' ($218,100) GRANTS A- 120 ROAD SLOPE FAILURE PROJECTS STP/SHA ($195,000) ($100,000) $D $0 $0 A- 127 ECR/HOSPITAL SIGNAL 0 0 (87,500) 0 0 GRANTS TOTALS ($195,000) 0100,000) ($87,500)) $0 $0 ($382,500) TOTAL DISTRIBUTION ALL SOURCES ($220,768} ($130,732) ($430,500) ($404,000) ($270,600); ($1,456,600) CONTINUED ON PAGE 3 FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN FY93194 THROUGH FY 97/98 PAGE 2 s s I SOupGE e Category A: MAJOR ROAD PROJECTS - CONTINUED PROJECTS WITHOUT FUNDING i GIP 6 A- 104 OLQ MQRRO RD ($350,D00) TC C-3:.: A- 105 S.CRUZ/ECR-TRAFFIC WAY (175,000) TC B-3 A- 106 S.YSABEL PH1 &PH2 (525,000) TSS 6 i A- 107 EAST FRONT/S.ROSA INTERSECTION (201,500) TC A-2 5 A- 108 ECR/CURBARfL (230,000) PRIORITY I IN CIRCULATION ELEMENT- TC A-6 A- 110 ECR/S.ANSELMO EAST INTERSECTION (125,000) TO A-7,:::, A- 111 ECR/DEL RIO INTERSECTION (450,000) PROJECT MAY BE DONE BY PRIVATE DEVELOPMENT TG 82 A- 112 ECR IMPROVEMENTS (1,800,000) TQ Q 4 A- 113 TRAFFIC WAY FRONTAGE IMPROVEMENTS (4,400,000) PROJECT MAY BE DONE BY PRIVATE DEVELOPMENT TGC 5 A- 114 S.GABRIEL SOUTH OF S.LUCIA (1,400,000) TG C 6 A- 115 S.MARCOS WEST OF S.GABRIEL (375,000) Ta, A- 116 CARMELITA NORTH OF MORRO RD (980,000) TCE C-3 A- 117 TRAFFIC WAY N OF CARRIZO (175,000) TCE G4,:, A- 119 S.CRUZ WEST OF S.RAMON (175,000) 4` A- 122 ECR MEDIAN ISLAND MODIFICATIONS INCLUDED IN B-113 T.O.E A4,. A- 123 ECR/SANTA ROSA INTERSECTION (55,000) TC.A4A- 124 ECR/TRAFFIC WAY INTERSECTION (110,000) T,CE 7,0, A- 125 ARDILLA ROAD (175,000) TC A-S A- 126 ECR/S.BARBARA INTERSECTION (450,000) TOTAL UNFUNDED PROJECTS ($12,t51,5b0) i is 1 i i i ()C 00i i 3 FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN FY93/94 THROUGH FY 97/92 PAGE 3 SOURCE e Category B: OVERLAY/WIDENING PROJECTS t$50,000TO$150,000) - 0 PROJECTS WITH FUNDING FY 93-94 FY 94-95 FY 95-96 FY 96-97 FY 97-98 TOTALS CIP '' 7 B- 102 WEST FRONT STREET(STP/SHA) $0 $142,400 $0 $0 $0 C 7 - B- 111 OVERLAY PROGRAM 0 90,000; 100,000 100,000 100,000 C 7 B 112 SAN GREGORIO OVERLAY 14,235 0 0 0 0 C 6 7 B- 113 EL CAMINO REAL OVERLAY 68,800 0 0 0 0 TOTAL $83,035 $232,400 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $615,435 DISTRIBUTION OF FUNDING FY 93-94 FY 94-95 FY 95-96 FY 96-97 FY 97-98 TDA FUND B 111 OVERLAY PROGRAM $0 ($59,803), $0 $0 $0 B- 112 SAN GREGORIO OVERLAY (7,235) 0 0 0 0 B- 113 EL CAMINO REAL OVERLAY (44,797) 0 0 0 0 TOTAL (=52,032) ($59,803) $0 $0 $0 ($111,835) GAS TAX FUND B 111 OVERLAY PROGRAM $0 $0 ($501000)'? ($65,000) ($65,000) TOTAL $O $0 ($50,DDOj ($65,000) ($65,000) ($180,000) ROAD/IMPACT FUND B 111 OVERLAY PROGRAM $0 ($30,197) ($50,OOQ} ($35,000) ($35,000) B 112 SAN GREGORIO OVERLAY (24,003) 0 0 0 0 B- 113 EL CAMINO REAL OVERLAY (7,000) 0 0 0 0 TOTAL ($31,003) ($30,197) ($50,000), ($35,000) ($35,000) ($181,200) FUNDING FROM GRANTS B- 102 WEST FRONT STREET(STP/SHA) $0 ($142,400) $0 $0 $0 GRANTS TOTAL BY YEAR $0 ($142,400) $0 $0 $0 ($142,400) TOTAL DISTRIBUTION ALL SOURCES ($83,035) ($232,400) ($100,000) ($100,000) ($100,000) ($615,435) PROJECTS WITHOUT FUNDING CIP 7'B- 101 SAN DIEGO ROAD ($79,000) CIP 7:,,B- 103 COLORADO AVENUE (70,000) CIP 75:B- 104 S.JACINTO/ECR-NOGALES (58,000) CIP 7 B- 106 EL MONTE (125,000) CIP :' 7 B- 107 ESTRADA/S.ARDONIDA (125,000) CIP 7 B- 108 VIOLETTA (55,000) CIP 7 B- 109 S.GABRIEL/CARMELITA$NORTH (100,000) CIP 7 : B- 110 S.LUCIA (150,000) TOTAL UNFUNDED PROJECTS ($782,000) FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN FY93/94 THROUGH FY 97/98 PAGE 4 • SOURCE B Category C: MINOR ROAD IMPROVEMENTS (<$50,opo) PROJECTS WITH FUNDING FY 93-94 FY 94-95 FY 95-96 FY 96 7 FY 97-98 TOTALS C 7.'.C— 101 REPAIR PROJECTS $10,000 $75,000 $75,000 $75, 000 $75,000 TCE 5 C— 102 SAFETY IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS 0 20,000 5,000 5,00 5,000 i --------- --------- --------- -----I--- -— — --------- TOTAL $10,000 :$95,000... $80,000 $80,000 ,'..$80,000 $345,000 i DISTRIBUTION OF FUNDING TDA FUND C— 101 REPAIR PROJECTS ($10,000) ($52,965) 0 ',0 0 -------- -------- -------- ------- TOTAL ($10,000) $0 $0 $0 ($62,965) GAS TAX FUND C— 101 REPAIR PROJECTS $0 $0 ($50,000) ($50,00) ($50,000) -- ---- ----- TOTAL $0 ---TOTAL $0 $O ($50,000) ($50;00) ($50,000)< ($150,000) ROAD/IMPACT FUND C— 101 REPAIR PROJECTS $0 ($22,035) ($25,000) ($25,0(00) ($25,000) C- 102 SAFETY IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS 0 126,O0p) (51000)' (5;0}0) (5,000); TOTAL $0 ($42,035) ($30,000) ($30;000) (;30,000),' ($132,035) GRANTS NONE $0 $D $D !SO $0 ------- ------ --------- -----— -------- TOTAL $0 $0 $0 0 $0 $0 TOTAL DISTRIBUTION ALL SOURCES ($10,000) ($95,000) ($80,000); ($80, ss o) _;($80,000); ($345,000) i i PROJECTS WITHOUT FUNDING 7 K- 120 OPTICOM—HIGHWAY 41 ($50,000) TOTAL UNFUNDED PROJECTS ($50,000) i i i i s 's 3 FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN FY93/94 THROUGH FY 97/981; 004 MW7 PAGE 5 SOURCE Br Category D: BRIDGE PROJECTS • PROJECTS WITH FUNDING FY 93-94 FY 94-95 FY 95-96 FY 96-97 FY 97-98 TOTALS C 1; D- 101 GARCIA ROAD $15,000 $85,000 $0 $0 $0 TC B-5 6 D 103 SANTA LUCIA/LLANO $4,500 12,000 $205,200 $132 800 $0'' TC 0-8 6 D 114 BARRANCO/CASANOVA-STAGE 1 ;0 $0 $0 200,000 $0" TOTAL $19,500 $97,000 ,< $205,200 -$332,800' $0 $654,500". DISTRIBUTION OF FUNDING FY 93-94 FY 94-95 FY 95-96 FY 96-97 FY 97-98 TDA FUND i D- 101 GARCIA ROAD ($15,000) ($19,000}:. $0 $0 $0 TOTAL (515,000) $O $O $0 ($34,000) GAS TAX FUND $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL $0 $0 $0 $0 $O $0 ROAD/IMPACT FUND D- 101 GARCIA ROAD $0 ($33,000) $0 $0 $0 TOTAL $0 (533,000), $O $O $0 ($33,000) DRAINAGE/IMPACT FUND D- 101 GARCIA ROAD $0 ($33,000) $0 $0 $0 D iD3 SANTALUCtA/LLANO ($4,500) (2,400) (41,040) (26,560) D- 104 BARRANCOICASANOVA•STAGE:1 (40,00p) TOTAL (54,500) (535, 41040} ;($447,500),' GRANTS D- 103 SANTA LUCIA/LLANO -HBRR 80%(Pending) $E7 ($9,600) ($464,160) ($106,240} $0' D 114 B/kRRANCO/CASANOVA-STAGE 1 $Q $0 $0 ($160,000) $0 TOTAL 50 ($s,600) {5164,160) {5266,240}'j $0 ($440,000) TOTAL DISTRIBUTION ALL SOURCES ($19,500) ($97,000} ($205,200) ($332,8M) $0 ($654,500)j i PROJECTS WITHOUT FUNDING CIP 6-D- 102 SANTA CRUZ AT GRAVES CREEK ($775,000) CIP f6 D- 104 S.LUCIA NORTH OF LOMITAS (225,000) TC C-2 D- 105 LEWIS AVE VEHICLE&PEDESTRIAN (1,175,000) TC C-9 D- 106 CURBARIL AT ATASCADERO CREEK (750,000) TC D-t D- 107 S.ROSA/HWY 101 OVERPASS (1,300,000) TC D-2 D- 108 CURBARIL/HWY 101 OVERPASS (1,700,000) TC ID-3 D- 109 MORRO/HWY 101 WIDEN UNDERPASS (3,000,000) TCG D-4 D- 110 TRAFFIC WAY/101 UNDERPASS (1,100,000) TC 'D-5 D- 111 S.ANSELMO/HWY 101 OVERPASS (1,200,000) TC 'D-6 D- 112 DEL RIO/HWY 101 OVERPASS (1,200,000) CIP i 6 D- 113 S.ROSA AT ATASCADERO LAKE (225,000) TC C-8 D- 114 BARRANCO/CASANOVA-STAGE 2 (750,000) TOTAL UNFUNDED PROJECTS ($13,400,000) FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN FY93/94 THROUGH FY 97/98 (��)�) 1�i,�1 PAGE 6 i a SOURCE B SUMMARY - Road and Bridge Projects Catagolies A:through D: TOTAL ROAD/BRIDGE PROJECTS WITH FUNDING i TDA FUND PROJECTS 252,800 GAS TAX FUND PROJECTS 330,000 ROAD/IMPACT FUND PROJECTS 564,335 DRAINAGE/IMPACT FUND PROJECTS 647,500 GRANT FUNDED PROJECTS 964,900' TOTAL FUNDED ROAD/BRIDGE PROJECTS $2,759,535 DISTRIBUTION OF FUNDING FY 93-94 FY 94-95 FY 95-96 FY 967 FY 97-98 TDA FUND(START OF FY) $218,800 so so ISO $0 TEMP.RESERVE-START GRANT WORK (150,000) 0 0 0 0 RELEASE OF TEMP.RESERVE 0 150,000 0 0 0 CALTRANS BRIDGES REIMBURSEMENT 34,000 0 0 0 0 TOTAL OF TDA FUNDED PROJECTS 800) ($150,000)] $0 $0 $0 - --------- -------- - I- ------- TDA FUND FORWARD $0 $0 $0> 0 $0£ GAS TAX FUND(START OF FY) $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $89, $D GAS TAX ANNUAL INCOME 0 0 430,000 430, 430,000 TOTAL OF GAS TAX FUNDED PROJECTS 0 0 (343,000) (5190 (280,000)' GAS TAX FUND FORWARD $2,000 $2,000 $89,000; 0 6150,000 IMPACT/ROAD FUND(START OF FY) $317,000 $360,997 $318,265: S213,4,6,9:- $22,3265 IMPACT/ROAD ANNUAL INCOME 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 TOTAL OF IMPACT/ROAD PROJECTS (31,003) (1117,732) (180,000)' (65; 00) (170,600) IMPACT/ROAD FUND FORWARD $360,997 x318,265 $213,265; $22345 12Trfi65 I' IMPACT/DRAINAGE FUND(START OF FY) $347,500 $3118,000 $257,600< $191;960 $100,000''. IMPACT/DRAINAGE ANNUAL INCOME 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,(00 75,000 TOTAL OF IMPACT/DRAINAGE PROJECTS (104(500) (135,400) (141,040) (1661*) (100000) - ------- -------- -)- -------- IMPACT/DRAINAGE FUND FORWARD ,$257;600$257,600 $191,5605 $100,100 $75,000; C 1 STP/SHA GRANT-ROAD SLOPE FAILURES $295,000 $100,000 $O,t �$0 $40,1700 CIP 7 i STP/SHA GRANT-WEST FRONT OVERLAY 0 142,400 0 0 0 C STPiSHA GRANT ECR/HOSPITAL SIGNAL 0 0 87,500 10 0 TGE&5 STP GRANT•:SANTA E UC1A/LLANO SRIDG> 0 9,600 164,160 106,40 0 TC C-8 STP GRANT BARRAIi[CO/CASANOVA STAGE 1 0 0 O 200;L)00 0' TOTAL OF GRANT PROJECTS 195,000 { ) (252,000) (251,660) (266;440) 0 - --- -------- -----f- --------- GRANTS FORWARD $100,000 $o $0; $40Op0 ;40000'' TOTAL ROAD/BRIDGE PROJECTS WITHOUT FUNDING I TOTAL PROJECTS WITHOUT FUNDING ($26,363,500)' I w i FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN FY93/94 THROUGH FY 97/983 PAGE 7 - - SOURCE Category E: DRAINAGE PROJECTS $50,000 PROJECTS WITH FUNDING FY 93-94 FY 94-95 FY 95-96 FY 96-97 FY 97-98 TOTALS NONE $0 $0 $0 $0 $D TOTAL $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 DISTRIBUTION OF FUNDING FY 93-94 FY 94-95 FY 95-96 FY 96-97 FY 97-98 DRAINAGE/IMPACT FUND NONE $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 PROJECTS WITHOUT FUNDING CIP 6 'E- 101 AMAPOA/TECORIDA DRAINAGE AREA SEE CATAGORY G: CIP E- 102 S.JACINTO/T.WAY/RIVER GARDEN ($375,000) CIP 6:.,. E- 103 S.YNEZ/MORRO RD/CURBARIL/HWY 101 (200,000) CIP 6 E- 104 ECR/SOMBRILLA/ROBLES/CURBARIL (200,000) CIP > 6:., E- 105 S.ANSELMO EAST/AMARGON-ECR (175,000) CIP 6 I' E- 106 CAYUCOS/ECR/HERMOSILLO/NOGALES (175,000) CIP 6 >s E- 107 LA LINIA/ECR-EL DORADO (125,000) CIP 6 E- 108 T.WAY/CHICO/FERROCARRIL (75,000) CIP 6 r E- 109 CAPISTRANO/HOSPITAL DR (65,000) CIP 6 E- 110 LA LINEA/EL CENTRO (55,000) TOTAL OF UNASSIGNED PROJECTS ($1,445,000) Category F: MINOR DRAINAGE PROJECTS <$50,000 PROJECTS WITH FUNDING FY 93-94 FY sa-s5 FY s5-96 FY 96-97 FY 97-98 TOTALS C 6 r F- 101 MINOR DRAINAGE PROJECTS $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 TOTAL $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $500,000 DISTRIBUTION OF FUNDING FY 93-94 FY 94-95 FY 95-96 FY 96-97 FY 97-98 DRAINAGE/IMPACT FUND F- 101 MINOR DRAINAGE PROJECTS ($100,000) (SI00,000) ($100,000) ($100,000) ($100,000) .. TOTAL ($100,000) ($100,000) ($100,000) ($100,000) ($100,000) ($500,000) PROJECTS WITHOUT FUNDING NONE $0 TOTAL OF UNASSIGNED PROJECTS $0 0000100 FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN FY93/94 THROUGH FY 97/98 PAGES i I SOURCE6 SUMMARY - Drainage Projects CatagoKies D:,E:and F: TOTAL DRAINAGE PROJECTS WITH FUNDING TOTAL PROJECTS FOR TDA FUNDING 0 TOTAL PROJECTS FOR GAS TAX FUNDING 0 TOTAL PROJECTS FOR ROAD/IMPACT FUNDING 0 r TOTAL PROJECTS FOR DRAINAGE/IMPACT FUNDING (647,500) TOTAL PROJECTS FOR GRANT FUNDING 0 TOTAL FUNDED DRAINAGE PROJECTS ($647,500) DISTRIBUTION OF FUNDING FY 93-94 FY 94-95 FY 95-96 FY 9 -97 FY 97-98 DRAINAGE/IMPACT FUND(START OF FY) $347,500 $318,000 $257,600 $191,60 $100,000 DRAINAGE/IMPACT ANNUAL INCOME 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 PROJECTS FOR IMPACT/DRAINAGE FUNDING ($104,500) ($135,400) ($141,040) ($166,60) ($100,000) (647,500) DRAINAGE/IMPACT FUND FORWARD $318,000 $257,600 $191,560 $100,000 $75,000 TOTAL DRAINAGE PROJECTS WITHOUT FUNDING TOTAL PROJECTS UNASSIGNED TO FUNDING ($1,445,000) E I N i 000091 FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN FY93/94 THROUGH FY 97/98 PAGE 9 SOURCE B Category G: PROJECTS WITH DEDICATED FUNDS THESE FUNDS ARE IN ADDITION TO CIP FUNDS IN CATEGORIES A THROUGH F FY 93-94 FY 94-95 FY 95-96 FY 96-97 FY 97-98 TCE 5_' G- 101 SUGGESTED ROUTE TO SCHOOL PROGR *1 INITIAL SIDEWALK FUND $37,045 $39,545 $12,045 $4;545 $2,045'' ANNUAL INCOME(ESTIMATED) 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 RESERVED-ROUTE TO SCHOOL PROGRAM 0 ANNUAL EXPENDITURE 0 (30,000) g (10,000) (5;000) (2,500) BALANCE FORWARD $39,545 $12,045 $4,5454 $2,045 $2,045'J TCE 6,::I'G- 102 BIKELANE IMPLEMENTATION PROGRAM *2 INITIAL FUND-June 30,1993 $28,400 $37,400 $16,000 $5,000 $4,000: ANNUAL INCOME(ESTIMATED) 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 ANNUAL EXPENDITURE 0 (30,400) :: (20,OW) (10000) (10,000)', BALANCE FORWARD $37,400 $16,000 $5,000;'; $4;000 $3,000.; C G- 103 NATIVE TREE PROGRAM *3 INITIAL FUND $31,000 $35,000 $14,000 $8;000 $2,006 ANNUAL INCOME(ESTIMATED) 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 ANNUAL EXPENDITURE 0 (25,000) (10,000) (10;000) (51000); BALANCE FORWARD $35,000 $14,000 $8,000 $2;000 C 6 E- 101 AMAPOA/TECORIDA DRAINAGE AREA *4 INITIAL FUND-June 30,1993 $186,000 $203,500 $221,DOQ'; $1;000 $31,OOD 3 ENGINEERING REPORT (12,500) (12,500) 0 0 0 ANNUAL INCOME(ESTIMATED) 30,000 30,000 30,000 30MO 3%000.: ANNUAL EXPENDITURE 0 0 (250,(00) 0 BALANCE FORWARD $203,500 $221,000 $1,000: $31;;000 $61,000:! TC E G- 104 EL CAMINO REAL BIKEWAY INITIAL FUND $0 $0 $375,000 $187,500 $0. ANNUAL INCOME(ESTIMATED) *5 0 $375,000::: 0 0 0 ANNUAL INCOME(ESTIMATED) *6 0 20,020 0 0 0 ANNUAL EXPENDITURE 0 (20,020) (187,500) (187,500)' 0 BALANCE FORWARD $0 $375,000 $787,5001: $0; $0 TICEG- 105 TRAFFIC WAY BIKEWAY INITIAL FUND $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 ANNUAL INCOME(ESTIMATED) *5 0 75,538 0 0 0 ANNUAL INCOME(ESTIMATED) *6 0 100,000 0 0 0 ANNUAL EXPENDITURE 0 (175,538) 0 0 0 BALANCE FORWARD $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 C 6 HIGHWAY 101 LANDSCAPING TEA$148,438(NOT FIRM) s0 $0 $0 $0 $0 BALANCE FORWARD $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 *1 Funded by Route to School Fund and In-Lieu Sidewalk Fund *2 Funded by 2%TDA Set-Aside Fund *3 Funded by Tree Removal Mitigation Fund *4 Funded by Amapoa/Tecorida Drainage Fund *5 Funded by Prop 116 *6 Funded by STP/SHA FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN FY93/94 THROUGH FY 97/98 ! 0 C11 SOURCE B Category H: WASTE WATER PROJECTS PROJECTS WITH FUNDING FY 93-94 FY 94-95 FY 95-96 FY 9697 FY 97-98 TOTALS W 6 'H- 101 EL BORDO FORCE MAIN/G.SEWER $354,400 $0 $0 I$0 $0 W 6 H- 102 REMOTE ALARM MONITORS 50,000 0 0 0 0 W 6 'I H- 103 LIFT STA#5 UPGRADE 0 0 418,CD0 0 W 6 H- 104 RECLAMATION FACILITIES 0 420,000 0 0 0 W 6 H- 105 WWTP FAC UPGRD PHI/PH2 200,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 0 0 W 2 H- 106 CEASE&DESIST AREA G 30,000 312,500 0 0 0 W 6 H- 107 PUMP STA#1 UPGRADE 100,000 0 0 s 0 0 W 6 H- 114 STATION#5 POND PAVING 0 0 0 250,0100 0 W CENTRAL ALARM MONITORCOMPLETE FY 92-93 W RECLAMATION STUDY COMPLETE FY 92-93 W WWTP MAPPING COMPLETE FY 92-93 TOTAL $734,400 $1,732,500 $1,000,000 $668,gbO $0 $4,134,900 DISTRIBUTION OF FUNDING WASTEWATER FUND $1,945,000 $1,710,600 $503,100 $28,100 ($114,900) ANNUAL INCOME(ESTIMATED) 500,000 525,000 525,000 525,000 525,000 TOTAL ANNUAL PROJECTS (734,400) (1,732,500) (1,000,000) (668,Cj00) 0 ($4,134,900) WASTEWATER FUND FORWARD $1,710,600 $503,100 $28,100 ($114,900) $410,100 PROJECTS WITHOUT FUNDING 4 s H- 110 WW PLANT EXPANSION ($1,440,000) TOTAL OF UNASSIGNED PROJECTS ($1,440,000) p 3 000093 FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN FY93194 THROUGH FY 97/9236 PAGE i 1 I SOURCE B'' Category I: PARKS, FACILITIES AND RECREATION PROJECTS PROJECTS WITH FUNDING FY 93-94 FY 94-95 FY 95-96 FY 96-97 FY 97-98 TOTALS R '6. 1- 101 ZOO IMPROVEMENTS $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 R 6 1- 103 TRAIL DEVELOPMENT 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 R " 4,' 1- 109 ADMIN BUILDING SEISMIC RETROFIT 0 0 0 200,000 800,000 TOTAL $40,000 $40,000 $40,000 $240,000 $840,000 $1,200,000 DISTRIBUTION OF FUNDING PARKIFACILITIES FUND PARKS/FACILITIES FUND ($239,000) $0 $10,000 $20,000 $0 TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND 229,000 0 0 170,000 790,000 ANNUAL INCOME(ESTIMATED) 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 TOTAL ANNUAL PROJECTS (40,000) (40,000) (40,000) (240,000) (840,000) ($1,200,000) BALANCE FORWARD $0 $10,000 $20,000 $0 $0 GENERALFUND TRANSFER TO PARKS/FACILITIES FUND ($229,000) $0 $0 ($170,000) ($790,000) NECESSARY GENERAL FUND TRANSFERS ($229,000) SO $0 ($170,000) ($790,000) PROJECTS WITHOUT FUNDING R 1- 102 CREEKWAY DEVELOPMENT ($205,000) i R 6 1- 104 TENNIS COURT LIGHTING (75,000) R, I' 6 <1- 105 CORPORATION YARD RENOVATION (245,000) R fi 1- 106 PALOMA PARK IMPROVEMENTS (37,500) R 6. 1- 107 LAKE PARK IMPROVEMENTS (11,500) R 6'J 1- 108 COMMUNITY CENTER (500,000) TOTAL UNFUNDED PROJECTS ($1,074,000) i FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN FY93/94 THROUGH FY 97/98 PAGE 12 i i . SOURCE B Category J: POLICE DEPARTMENT PROJECTS PROJECTS WITH FUNDING FY 93-94 FY 94-95 FY 95-96 FY 96!97 FY 97-98TOTALS P 6 J— 101 RADIO REPEATER SITE(JOINT W/FD) $0 $40,000 $0 i$0 $0 --------- ------- --------- ------- --------- POLICE PROJECTS TOTALS $0 $40,000 $0 �$0 $0 $40,000 DISTRIBUTION OF FUNDING POLICE FUND POLICE FUND ($119,000) $0 $0 `r$0 $0 TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND 119,000 34,700 0 0 0 ANNUAL INCOME(ESTIMATED) 0 0 0 0 0 ANNUAL EXPENDITURE 0 (34,700) 0 0 0 ($34,700) BALANCE FORWARD $0 $0 $0 3$0 $0 POLICE/FIRE IMPACT FUND r $5,300 $0 $0 $0 $0 ANNUAL PROJECTS 0 (5,300) BALANCE FORWARD $5,300 $0 $0 I$0 $0 GENERALFUND GENERAL FUND TRANSFER ($119,000) ($34,700) $0 =.$0 $0 NECESSARY GENERAL FUND TRANSFERS ($119,000) ($34,700) $0 !$0 $0 PROJECTS WITHOUT FUNDING P 6 J— 102 UPGRADE COMPUTER(INC.DISPATCH) ($100,000) P 6 J— 103 PARKING COVER—POLICE STATION (10,000) P 6 J— 104 BASE COMM.STATION/MOBILE RADIOS (90,000) TOTAL OF UNASSIGNED PROJECTS ($200,000) i s FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN FY93/94 THROUGH FY 97/91 PAGE 13 SOURCE B Category K: FIRE DEPARTMENT PROJECTS , PROJECTS WITH FUNDING FY 93-94 FY 94-95 FY 95-96 FY 96-97 FY 97-98 TOTALS F 6 K- 101 FIRE STATION#1 BAY EXHAUST SYSTEM $0 $126,000 $0 $0 $D F 6 L- 101 FIRE STATION#3 LAND ACQUISITION 150,000 0 0 0 0 F 6 L- 103 FIRE STATION#4 LAND ACQUISITION 125,000 0 0 0 0 F 6 K- 104 RADIO REPEATER SITE(JOINT W/PD) 0 40,000 0 0 0 F 7 K- 108 REPLACE WiLDLAND.BRUSH ENG#9 0 135,000 0 0 0 F 7 K- 11111, REPLACE FIRE ENGINE#4 0 0 0 0 150,000 F 6 K- 112 CARDIAC HEART MONITORS 0 8,500 0 0 0 F 6 K 113 RESCUE TOOL 0 0 25,000 0 0 F 7 >K- 114 COMMAND VEHICLE(C-11) 0 0 25,000 0 0 FIRE PROJECT TOTALS $275,000 $308,500 $50,000 $0 $150,000 $783,500 FUNDING DISTRIBUTION FIRE E3 t=VELOP(JjENT FUfdD FIRE FUND $197,900 $0 $25000 GENERAL FUND TRANSFER 52,1Q0. 28p 800 25,OD0 0 100000 ANNUAL INCOME(ESTIMATED) 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 ANNUAL EXPENDITURE (275,000) (305,800) (50,0M 0 (150,000): ($780,800) BALANCE FORWARD SO $0 $0:; $25jDOD $0 JII POLICE/FIRE IMPACT FUND $2,700 $0 $0 $0 $0 ANNUAL PROJECTS 0 (2,700) BALANCE FORWARD $2,700 $0 $0 $0 $0 GENERAL FUND GENERAL FUND ($52,10D) ($280,800) ($25,000 $0 ($4DE7,000) (552,1 00} (5280,800) (�25,oD0j $0 ($100,000) (457,900) PROJECTS WITHOUT FUNDING F K- 105 FIRE STATION#3 CONSTRUCTION (400,000) F x6 K- 107 TWO QUICK ATTACK PATROL UNITS (100,000) F6 K- 109 EMERGENCY SUPPLY TRAILER (45,000) F K- 115 FIRE STATION#4 LAND ACQUISITION(See L-103) CONSTRUCTION (400,000) F 6 K- 116 CLASS A PUMPER-STA#3 (175,000) F K- 117 CLASS A PUMPER-STA#4 (175,000) F 7 K- 118 REPLACE C-10 (30,000) F 7 K- 119 REPLACE C-5 (30,000) F 6 K- i 21 COMPUTER UPGRADE {50,000) F 7 K- 122 REPLACE RESCUE#1 {125,000); TOTAL OF UNASSIGNED PROJECTS ($1.530,000) 0000`4; FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN FY93/94 THROUGH FY 97/98 PAGE 14 Cat try L.: LAND ACQUISITIONS GT81AtiTii FY 93�J4 Fv 94-9$ Fv s5-st3 F`! 7 #Y 1}7TOTALS, J, 181 FIRE STATION#a3 Category K $0 $0 00 so C L• 109 STAM M PARK-TEA$124,250 0 25�,5I30 0 0 ti LAND ACQUISITIONS TOTAL g0 $2 ! ^ryffip Ro ffi0 3 ; fuNtxko DISTRIBUTfok FY 93-94 FY 94-W FY 95=86 FY w)? F1'901H GYRAL FUND #s 101 FOIE STATION¥3 Categ-y K W $p $0 l- 103 rW STATION S4 Category K L' 109 STADIUM.PARK 0 (1 0 0 0 „X TOTAL gp1.::.. > ($4 ti} GRANTS Tx< { - 109 STAM M PARK-TEA GRANT $0 ($124,500) $0 le so ' < E TOTAL $0 ($124,500) $0 10D $1! ( I24 TOTAL 0 6TRIOUTIGN4 ALL SOURCES $0 affKMEM U tQNED TO FUNDING SOURCE t :I✓ 105 IAKEPARK 100,040 ON HOLD L­ WO`tCEPARK 0 ON HOLD Tr 107 t AKEPARK-PtttNt 0 WAITING COUNCIL DIRECTION < . 108'CAPISTRANO 0 WAITING COUNCIL DIRECTION ; LAND A=ISITION TOTALS $100,0iJ0 f 01001,9 17 FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS.PLAN FY93194 THROUGH FY 97196 s , GRANTS SUMMARY Sti 1�MY @F<RANTS i #� X t©# ROADSLOOE FAILURES-STP/SHA(SLOCOG $29s ow C. A• 129 ECPJ14OSPITAL SAL-STP(SLAG) 87,500 10 Wimfpmt STL3E-TOVERLAY-S*fSHA �WUJC S MORRO FASTS CU # 4ikt U• -103 SANTA L UCLA t 14NQ;BRIDGE2e0AW LAR €-EST,cE#sT$3W.OW # QtT-EST.COST 335f1,009 Go- 104 #. $ S REAL t3tffEW#tYS-PRC3P 118 VOW - 104 EL E}AM SIKEWAY5-STP -106 TRAM WAY"SKEWAYS-PROP##S ##iRl t 76*638 1 400 $F PARK ACOUISITION-TEA 134$250 t AY#Qt LANDSCAPtNG--TEA 1448,436 NOT FM "W TOTAL HOT PAW TOTAL 'y f y 0J9 S FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PL:AO FY93W THROUGH FY 97NNO PAiW tS " Ct, CATALOG Ol F f " � k Wit it CATALOG OF PROJECTS CATEGORY A. � ADS - 1 1 T� I 1� T T1 1� �' R NT CAMIA 19PR—O IE NTS ; N Assemble catalog of projects and prepare spread sheet showing projects w t _ projected casts and funding sources by FY. $ 13,50U MR * Kp d -Monterey to San Fernando r Ove4ay existing paveoient. Reconstruct and realign to Collector st cfar WA bikel ne and u alkw ay� improve existing,drainage facilities. 338,000 (NCE preliminary estimate - 611/92) Note; Improvement pians and specifications are (approx-) 75% coffoote. A 'E 11 W - Ardilla to Carrrelita . overlay sting pavern6n with minor wrider}ing. Improve existing and add new draige�cilities. 393,000 (NCI= preliminary estimate - 5127192) Note: Improvement plans and specifications are (approx.) 75% corroletla. A l aad - North of San Diego Road to Santa Barbara remove steep hill and sharp curve just north of San Diego Road to ImProve . sight distance and drivabill€ty. Overlay and widen the roadway from San D- Road south to Santa Barbara Road. `265,600 (EMK engineer`s estimate - 5/27191) A194 QJA Mo m- Road - Hwy 41 to Hwy 41 Overlay existing pavement. rider, realign and install new improvements and pavement where necessary to improve lane width and sight distance. $ 350,000 (City prelitriina€y estimate) 1. A_ X155 Santa Cruz - ECR to Traffic Way Construct an unimproved portion of Santa Cruz Road connect ng the Santa Cruz- Hwy 101 Interchange with Traffic Way. $ 175,400 (Citypreliminary estimate ` a t A106 &pfA Ymhtl - Ph ..ase 2 and Ph.ase 3 Widen Santa Ysabel and add curb, gutter and sidewalk to connect with Phase 1 completed several years ago. $ 525,000 {City preliminary estimate per B-3 of Traff c Circulation Element} ADI FM EMt7„540M Rom InjWvgfign Install 4 way stop at East Front/S. Rasa, Install crosswalk on east leg of intersection across Santa Rosa Avenue. Repaint all crosswalks yellow-. $ 1,500 for near term solution (TSS). $ 200,040 for widening when D-107 is complete. AM ECUur��r�l ante �ctien Short term, widen Curbaril by one lane in each direction to P ovide two through, lanes and turn lanes and provide a second left turn lane at noithbound ECR, Long term, widen Carbaril to allow for full eight phase signal peration and for two through lanes in each direction. Coordinate with Curbari/Hwy 101 interchange widening, $ 25,400 Short term (Page 4 -of Traffic Safety Study) $'205,000 Existing deficiency (A-2 of Traffic Circula 4on Element) A1ti9 EC Morro Rpa ipth ra 1Q1 intersections Widen Morro Road to two lanes in each direction and provid a-second left tura lane at northbound ECR. Short term improvement pending completion of Hwy 41 exter sion and overpass . widening. CalTrans Route 41 project. (A-3 of Traffic Circulation Elemen Al IQ ECK&n Anselmo East Intersection Add a lane on eastbound'San Anselmo at ECR. $ 1251000 (A-6 of Traffic Circulation Element) 1 7 ECILD91 RIO InterseWo" Provide a double left turn lane on northbound ECR. Provide an exclusive right torn lane on eastbound Del Rio. Provide traffic signals at Leel Rio/ECR and at Hwy 101 northbound and southbound ramps. Provide traffic signal at Hwy 101 northbound ramp. $ 450,0 (A-7 of Traffic Circulation Element) Projec may be built with private development. AM KPI: roUrrts rov nts brio DesignDesign .n and construct the necessary i. mp . erne to g ECR to Arterial Standards.. Includes landscaping and signals at Huey 101/Rosario and State Hospital.- $L800,000 ital.$$800,000 (8-2 of Traffic Circulation, Element)' AM Ita ,WIU- Frontage Improvements and Extension Improve width and frontage and extend northerly to ECR. Provide left turn lanes, a continuous two way left turn lane midblock anda, bikelane. 4#4001000 '(B-4 of Traffic Circulation Element) A71n gel South of Santa Lucia Extend San Gabriel northwesterly to connect with Santa Lucia and Craves Creek Road in existing right-of-way. $1,400,000 (C-5 of Traffic Circulation Element) 3 00010 1y5 San Marcos - West of San Gabriel Extend San Marcos West of San Gabriel to connect with existi g portion of San Marcos in 3F Meadows. $ 375,000 (City prelimary estimate per C-6 of Traffic Circulation Element) AM Qrm.,gl to - North of Morro Road Extend Carmel ita within existing right-of-way to provide contir nous route from Portola Road southwest to Hwy 41. $ 980,000 (C-7 of Traffic Circulation Element) ,_117 Tra€f`ic 'wax - North of Carrizo Design and construct improvements withinexisting right-of-way to extend Traffic Way to ECR. $ 175,000 (City prelimary estimate per C-3 of Traffic Circulation Element) �►_ 119 S. Cruz West of S. Ramon Extend S.Cru:z to San Ramon. A new bridge is also necessary See D-102) $ 175,000 (City Preliminary estimate per C4 of Traff c Circulation Element) A120 Rid ape failurgs Design and perform reconstruction of road failures on Enchan o Road, El Monte Road, San Marcos Avenue and Laurel Road. To include soil s udies, retaining walls, easements for widening and replacement of existing improvements. $ 250,000 (Per City Budget FY93/94) 12 Pa ing_Lr►t Imrn!'mement City contribution to Carlton Project Parking Lot. $ 30,000 (Per City Budget FY93/94) 4 000103 AM Mcdhan Island modrfrca#im Council directed modification of EI Camino Real Median Islands. SEE 8-13 3 WORK IS INCLUDED THERE A LCfi&p4,RQM Int 'ern Intersection widening $ 55,000 (A-1 of Traffic Circulation .Element) Wav I nt Intersection widening 1101000 (A4 of,Traffic Citculation Element) A125 d Extend as two lane collector 175,000 C-10 of Traffic Circulation Element Intersection realignment 450,000 (A-8 of Traffic Circulation Element) R H..3.......>..�„....., .�Y..�x�7+ r.:. n'x'..•.ne�n.S.s..,.,.:.... .. . :s...n .,...+c.:a.,.4:.,.m.,,.,.. x..>. .y:•"ra.,,,, .<�.+..., 000104 CATAGORY B; KQAQ OVERLAYS AND WIDENING - 0 $1510010) B101 San Ding Road - Atascadero Rd to Hwy 101 Overlay pavement and do minor widening and drainage improvement. Improvement plans and specifications are complete. $ 79,€00 {NCE preliminary estimate} AM West FrQnt S W Santa Rosa South to Hwy 101 Overlay pavement and do minor drainage improvement. Improvement plans and specifications are complete. 142,500 (now includes 6112 and 8113) RM Cqllgadg Av rt' + -;San Raphael to San Diego Road Overlay pavement and do minor widening and drainage imps vement. Improvement plans and specifications are complete, $ 70,000 (NCE preliminary estimate) MM Un Wn a= to Iyvgales (REMOVED FY93/94-FY97/98CIP) Widen and overlay pavement. join existing improvements. $ 58,000 (NCE preliminary estimate) B-Ub a Mo. n e Widen, replace and overlay pavement with major drainage improvements. $ 125,000 (City Preliminary Estimate) 0107. EgradaL_ A� Ardo/Vida Widen, improve sight distances, replace and overlay pavemen as necessary and establish safety signs on Estrada, Yerba, Arena, Arizona and Vida. $ 125,000 (City Preliminary estimate) 6 00O- B�8 ?` = Santa Lucia to Aguila Complete improvements in unimproved section and widen, replace and overlay existing pavement and add drainage improvements. 55,008 (City estimate) Widen and overlay pavement and add drainage improvement. (City preliminary estimate) B11 t3 �, � ia► Widen -add overlay pavement and add drainage improver nts. $ t 50,000 (City preliminary estimate) 211 Qygda J%MM _d - Projects less than $50,000 An annul commitment'to the routine maintenance (overlay) of existing stmt pavement. $,100,0.00 Annually, .�.�.�� �►. iia Overlay pavement for approximately 600 feet adjacent to Las Encinas Assessrtient District $ 14,235 (Firm Bid) B113 EUCAinq Beat Overlay pavement from El Bordo south past Hospital entrance and include,work shewn in A-122. $ 68,800 (Firm Bid) 7 000:10f; A CATAC.QRY C; MINOR ROQAD IMPROVEMENTS - < $50,00 C7 1 Rg it Projects Perform routine minor roadway repairs on projects costing les than $50,000. $ 75,000 Annually C,1( Safety Irttpravemenj Projects An annual commirt:ment to implementing the following safety projects: Bring traffic controls, street signs, pavement markingsa d pavement striping in conformance with Federal and State standarils and install, replace and maintain regulatory signs, warning signs ar d schoot-zone signs: at all schools per the Traffic Safety Study Final Report. Provide a program of continuing maintenance to these standards. $ 85,500 Initial +$ 4,500, Annual Staff Time (Traffic Safety S dy) Set standards and study street lighting at Arterial and Collector intersections. $ 101000 Initial +$ 600 Annual Staff Time (Traffic Safety Study) Upgrade street name signs at signalized intersections. $ 2;000 Initial Staff Study . $ 4,000 Signalized Intersection (Traffic Safety Study) Conduct curve advisory speed and speed zone studies to guide proper pasting of curve advisory speeds and speed limits. $ 2,000 Initial Speed Studies $ 6,000 Construction +$ 500 Annual Staff Time (Traffic Safety S udy) Conduct a passing-sight distance study and mark no pa sing zones on roadways with center lines: $ 10,000 Initial Staff Study $ 10,000' Initial Construction + Annual Staff Time (Traffic Safety Study) 8 00010'7 Upgrade and standardize pavement markings, both present and future, to Federal standards. include and maintain an inventory map of all pavement markings. $ 1,000 Initial Staff Hours to implement $ 20,000 Initial Construction +$ 2,000 Annual Staff Time (Traffic Safety Study) Identify, analyze and provide remedial actions for high accident locatibAs. $ 5,000 To Computerize Data $ 9,500 Annual Staff Time (Traffic Safety Study) Implement the low-cost site-specific traffic safety improvements recommended in the Traffic Safety Study. '(Traffic Safety Study) Seek funding for implementation of the higher cost improvements recommended in the Traffic Study. (Traffic Safety Study) Establish a bicycle/pedestrian safety awareness program. (Traffic Safety Study) Encourage the use of City standards on privately maintained streets serving multiple residences. (Traffic Safety Study? 25,000 Annually 9 000 10 8 CATAGORY Q: BRIDGES D1Qi !Garcia Rodd Bridge Replace existing bridge concrete culvert system and standard ad section. $ 100,000 (City preliminary estimate) PM Gum Crmk at son Cruz Design and build a new bridge to connect Santa Cruz (in Las incinas tO to San Ramon. $ 775,000 (City preliminary estimate) PJ-Q UM UrjAl mno atGam Replaceexisting bridge with a conventional concrete bridge or major culvert system. (City;preliminary estimate°1 ... ...v...U"z .,}...-.i4S{n..jixv...{�..tr a. 43A h5.•.: Santa Lucia North of LomitaS Replace existing bridge with a conventional concrete bridge or major culvert system. $ 225,000 (City preliminary estimate P-1-Q-5 Lcw'rs Avenue Vehicle end Fedtrian Design and build a new conventional concrete bridge. $1,175,000 (City preliminary estimate �' i P19fi Atm dera C=k at Curbarit Design and build a new conventional'concrete bridge. $ 750,000 (City preliminary estimate 10 0 101") V197 Santa Rosa/Hwy 1,01, Qver ro,gft Widen underpass to 4 lanes to permit four traffic lanes from Hwy 101 to ECR. $1,300,000 (D-1 of Traffic Circulation Element) Q19_8 8 CM rill"y 101 (3vercmsin Widen underpass to 4 lanes to permit 4 traffic lanes from ECR through interchange. Signalize the two freeway ramps. 1,70€,G00 0-2 of Traffic: Circulation Element) D109 MWS RgAftIn 101 oxamsing Widen underpass to 4 lams and widen Morro Road to four lanes from ECR . through Interchange. Add eastbound and westbound approach lams at ramps. Add signal at northbound on ramp. Project,may be modified by CAPITAL PROJECT STUDY REPORT (PSR) being, conducted by SLOCOG. $ ,Q00,t300 (D-3 of Traffic Circulation Element) 11 r _ftWflwyj ' 1 QxercEoAng Widen underpass to 4 lams and widen Traffic Way to four lanes from ECR through interchange. Signalize the two freeway ramps. $1,100,000 (D-4 of Traffic Circulation Element) D 111 Sart Anstn+ / m IQ 1 'v Mt+�ssinI Widen overpass to 4 lanes and widen San Anselmo to four,lanes from ECR through interchange'. Signalize the two freeway ramps. $1,200,000 (D-S of Traffic Circulation Element) PM Ipef l J M 1.01 Oxacr+assing Widen overpass to 4 lanes and widen Del Rio to four lanes from ECR through interchange. Signalize the two freeway ramps. $1,200,000 (D-6 of Traffic Circulation Element) 11 000110 D113 Santa Rosa (at Atascildero Lake) $ 225,000 (Preliminary City Estimate) Q 114 Barranco/Cagnova Stage 1 - Provide lays water crossing of Atascadero Creek $ 200,000fY: €�; t €�f1 � .v 4.n.......S.i J.v....s{l.. Y .....vvv. iG, .,....h vv.?.}.���nv'�v...+..{�•. Stage 2 - Design and build a new conventional concrete bridge. 750,000 (C-8 of Traffic Circulation Element) 12 CATAGORY E. DRAINAGE PVQIECT5 E101 Anpna •ecorida Prepare drainage study and engineered plans to improve area wide drainage. Construct drainage facilities identified in the study. 91,11,111"MIN I I s €� %c!�l,��r�ffic Waty�Rrver' �r Provide a backbone'drainage system to carry runoff from the San Jacinto/Traffic Way intersection to the Salinas River. 751000 (City preliminary estimate) ry rr0 Ravkadmum 101 Provide storm drain facilities to carry water to Atascadero Creek from the area between Hwy 41 and Atascaders Creek from Curbaril east to Hwy 101, 200,000 (City preliminary estimate) A sub-basin of E101 Provide storm drain facilities for the area between Sombrilla and El Camino Real from-Curbaril to Robles. Work will be necessary on private property and some new curb and gutter may be necessary $ 200,000 (City preliminary estimate) E105 San nstmo Eos AmarVn-ECR' Pavement and shoulder repair together with berms, dikes, swale, curbs, culvert, drain inlets and erosion control devices to direct drainage along San Anselmo (East), $ 1751000 (City preliminary estimate) 13 000112 E706 Cay u s/ECRIHerm si eco llOINogales Pavement and shoulder repair together with berms, dikes, sw les, curbs,;culverts, drain inlets and erosion control devices to direct drainage thr ughout the area. 175,000 (City preliminary estimate) La-Linea/ECR tQ EA 12grAdo Area Tie localized drainage problems to the backbone drainage sys ern for this area to be provided by Chalk Mountain Estates. $ 125,000 (City preliminary estimate) ,�� �"raffic 1 ,�/Chico/Eerra�arril Providea backbone drainage system from the intersection of Traffic Way and Chico under the railroad and across the aggregate miningarea to the Salinas River. 75,000 (City preliminary estimate) L19-9 ranDrive Design and construct catch basins and underground pipeline t Dgether,withstreet improvements to convey runoff ponding to Atascadero Creek. $ 65,000 (City preliminary estimate) EM to Lingaffl.Eenko A localized drainage problem which is a logical extension of Project E107. May -be (partially) constructed as part of a private development. 55,000 (Conceptual City estimate) CATAGORY F; MINOR DRAINA(;E IMPR YEME }T PROI-EUS An annual committment to the upgrading and maintenance of existing drainage systems, including easements acquisitions, 100,000 Annually 15 000114 CATAGORY G: PUBLIC WORKS PROGRAMS WITH DEDICATED FUNDS G101 SMgggsted Route to School Program Determine requirements for new sidewalks, bikeways, school crossings, traffic controls and roadway improvements for pedestrian routes to s hoo#s, as identified in the TCE. ($ 20,000 in Traffic Safety Study) G102 Sikelane Implementation Program Expand and prioritize the bikeway routes identified in the Tra fie Circulation Element. (Traffic Circulation Element) Native Trge Program An annual cornmittment to the protection and replacement of the City's.native trees. 104 El Camino Real Bikeway Expansion of El Camino Real Bikeway. $ 395,020 '(Preliminary City estimate) GGG105 Traffic Way Bikeway Begin Traffic Way Bikeway system. $ 175,538 (Preliminary;City estimate) CATAGORY H WASTEWATER H 101 El Bgrdo Farce Main and Gravity Sewer Currently under construction. H 102 Rete Alamo Monitors Monitoring system for automatic alarm dialers at seven wastewater pumping stations. $ 50,000 for FY 93/94 (Waste Water Memo 2/02/93) 11103 [Lift S Upgrade Upgrade of largest wastewater pumping station transferring 72% of City's errtire flow to treatment facility. This project is on hold pending evaluation of recent repairs and may not be rewired`. ft1QA Reil *p Facilities Protect groundwater basin by pumping reusable wastewater from a shallow aqu-ifer below the treatment facility. $ 420,000 for FY � Tr ili t Improve treatment facility to comply with RWQCB waste discharge requirements. $ 200,000 for FY 93/94 (Waste Water Memo 2/02/93) $2,000,000 for FY 94195 (Waste Water Memo 2/02193) H_ 1 fi CsMg and desist Aroa ,(; Mandated to be sewered by August 31, 1995. 17 H107 Pump Station 1 Upgrade Current repairs necessary. Total project needs additional evaluation. $ 100,000 for FY 93/94 (Waste Water Memo 2/02/93 H110 Waste Water Plant Expansion2 Increase plant capacity to meet year 2000 needs. $ 140,000 (Design) (Waste Water Memo 2/02/93) $1,400,000 (Const.) (Waste Water Memo 2/02/93); H114 Station #5 Pond Paving $ 250,00011ROM (Preliminary City Estimate) 18 000117 CATAGORY 1. PARKS, FACILITIES AND RECREATION` 1101 Zoo Improvements $ 20,000 Annually 1102 Creekway Development 205,000 (Preliminary City Estimate) 1103 Trail Development' $ 20,000 Annually 1104 Tennis Court'Lighting $ 75,000 (Preliminary City Estimate) 1105 Corporation Yard Renovation $ 245,000 (Preliminary City Estimate) 1106 Paloma Park Improvements $ 37,500 (Preliminary City Estimate) 1107 Lake Park Improvements 11,500 (Preliminary City Estimate) 1108 Community Center $ 500,000 (Preliminary City Estimate) 1109 Seismic Retrofit of the Administration Building 9 Ot)(t118 CATAGORY 1: POLICE DEPARTMENT PROTECTS 101 Radio Repeater Site (loint with Fire Department) $ 40,000 (Preliminary City Estimate) 102 Computer Upgrade (Including Dispatch) $ 100,000 Preliminary City Estimate) 103 Parking Cover at Police Station $ 10,000 (Preliminary City Estimate) Base Communication Station and Mobile Radios $ 90,000 (Preliminary City Estimate) 20 000119 CATAGORY K: FIRE DEPARTMENT PROIECTS K101 Fire Station #1 Bay Exhaust System $.. Q tpraisal 1004 Radio Repeater Site (loint;with 'Police Department) $ 40,000 (Preliminary City Estimate) K105 Fire Station #3 Construction Land Acquisition is L-101.' $ 400,000 (Preliminary City Estimate) K106 Emergency Supply Containers RM K107 Two Quick Attack Patrol Units $ 100,000 (Preliminary City Estimate) K108 Replace Wildland Brush Engine #9 $ 135,000 (Preliminary City Estimate) K109 Emergency Supply.Trailer (Generator & Lites) $ 45,000 (Preliminary City Estimate) K110 Computer Aided DispatchT K111 Replace Fire Engine#4 FY 97/98 $ 150,000 (Preliminary City Estimate) K112 Cardiac Heart Monitors (2) $ 17,000 (Preliminary City Estimate) K113 Rescue Tool $ 25,000 (Preliminary City Estimate) K114 Command Vehicle (C-11) FY94/95 $ 25,000 (Preliminary City Estimate) K115 Fire Station #4 Construction - Land Acquisition is L-103 $ 400,000 (Preliminary City Estimate) K116 Class A Pumper - Station #3 $ 175,000 (Preliminary City Estimate) K117 Class A Pumper - Station #4 $ 175,000 (Preliminary City Estimate) K118 Replace C-10 $ 30,000 (Preliminary City Estimate) K119 Replace C-5 $ 30,000 (Preliminary City Estimate) K120 Opticon - Highway 41 $ 50,000 (Preliminary City Estimate) K121 Computer Upgrade $ 50,000 (Preliminary City Estimate) > '. ::::::;:> ` : 40Q'>::; (Pre �minary Csl (rtnt )' r CATAGORY L• LAND ACQUISITIONS L101 Fire Station #3 $ 150,000 (Preliminary City Estimate) L103 Fire Station #4 $ 125,000 (Preliminary City Estimate) L105 Lakepark - Brown On Hold L106 Lakepark - Guidry On Hold L107 Lakepark - Porter Waiting Council Direction. L108 Capistrano Waiting Council Direction. L109 Stadium Park 0 (Current City Estimate) 23 TABLE I1I-3 SUMMARY OF CIRCULATION ELEMENT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS City of Atascadero Map Priority Applicable Key Street/Location Nature of Improvement Level Program Comments A-1 EI Camino/Santa Rosa Intersection widening III 6.10 A-2 EI Camino/Curbaril Intersection widening I 6.10 Existing deficiency A-3 El Camino/Morro/101 ramps Intersection widening; signals II 6.2 Part of Route 41 project by Caltrans A-4 EI Camino/Traffic Way Intersection widening II 6.10 A-5 El Camino/W. San Anselmo Intersection widening II 6.10 A-6 EI Camino/E. San Anselmo Intersection widening II 6.10 A-7 El Camino/Del Rio Intersection widening; signal II 6.10 A-8 Santa Barbara/El Camino Real Intersection realignment II 6.6, 6.10 B-1 Atascadero Ave r�i High School Restriping I 2.11 B-2 EI Camino Real,Santa Barbara-Del Raised landscaped median, III 6.4, 5.1 Rio localized channelization,signals, bikeway B-3 Santa Ysabel Widening;sidewalks II 6.5 B-4 Traffic Way Frontage improvements III 6.8 B-5 Santa Lucia at Graves Creek Bridge reconstruction II 7.3 B-6 Route 41--US 101 to San Gabriel Widen to 4 lanes III 6.3 Caltrans participation C-1 Route 41 east of EI Camino Real New 2-lane arterial II 6.2 Caltrans project C-2 Lewis Ave New bridge across Atascadero II 6.5 Creek C-3 Traffic Way North of Carrizo Construct new road II 6.7 C-4 Santa Cruz Rd. west of San Ramon Extend road/new bridge III 7.4 C-5 San Gabriel south of Santa Lucia Extend as 2-lane collector II 7.5 C-6 San Marcos W./San Gabriel Extend as 2-lane collector III 7.6 C-7 Carmclita Avenue N./Morro Rd. Extend as 2-lane collector III 7.7 C-8 Barranco/Casanova Rd. New bridge across Atascadero III 7.8 Creek C-9 Curbaril Rd. south of Cnrmclita New bridge across Atascadero III 7.10 Creek C-10 Ardilla Rd. Extend as 2-lane collector Ill 7.9 �1s-Pitbtn1:).tbli8 III-44 TABLE III-3 SUMMARY Or CIRCULATION ELEMENT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS City of Atascadero Map Priority Applicable Key Street/Location Nature of Improvement Level Program Comments D-1 Santa Rosa/US 101 Widen overcrossing(4 lanes) [II 8.2 Includes 2 signals D-2 Curbaril/US 101 Widen overcrossing(4 lanes) III 8.2 Includes 2 signals D-3 Morro/US 101 Widen undercrossing to 4 lanes III 8.1 Per ongoing Project Study and/or relocate ramps Report D-4 Traffic Way/US 101 Widen overcrossing(4 lanes) III 8.2 Includes 2 signals D-5 San Anselmo/US 101 Widen overcrossing(4 lanes) III 8.2 Includes 2 signals D-6 Del Rio/US 101 Widen overcrossing(4 lanes) III 8.2 Includes 2 signals Citywide Safety Improvement Program I 2.1 - 2.14 Per "Atascadero Traffic Safety Study" Citywide Traffic Reduction Ordinance I 4.1 Citywide Dial-a-Ride Improvements II 4.2 Citywide Regional Transit Improvements II - III 4.4, 4.5 Participation by SLOCAT, SLORTA Citywide Park-and-Ride Expansion II - III 4.6 Participation by Caltrans, SLOCOG Citywide Suggested Routes to School I 2.3 EI Camino Real Class lI/III Bike Route III 5.1 SLOCOG funding Traffic Way, Atascadero Ave., etc. Interim Bike Routes pending I- II 5.4, 5.6 Pavement widening and/or Roadway Upgrading narrowing of travel lanes-- prioritize per "Suggested Routes to School" studies Lewis/Santa Ysabel Bike Route II 5.3 Curbaril/Salinas River Bridge Bike Route III 5.2 Atascadero to Templeton Bike Route III 5.5Multi-jurisdictional project Miscellaneous Walkways I - II 5.8 Prioritize per "Suggested Routes to School" studies Priority Levels I Near term improvement(0-2 years)to resolve existing safety/operational problem. II Mid-term improvement(2-10 years)currently planned. III Long-term improvement(10-20 years)to meet needs at buildout. Might need to be accelerated depending on timing of specific L development projects. Notes: 1. Includes capital projects only;city ordinances/standards not included in table. 2. See Technical Report for planning level cost estimates. f")124a-04(bink).tb1/B III-45 �- SAN rA CRUZ R C-3 - Z P v � , O D-6 A-7 + \ PSR A \ LLANO,P C-1 0RD RD. a ,� o gENlTO T `` • SAN 1 n Qr CFO\V w o I o RD. o 0 OA0 P, Cr . C A-6 �o f 3 -�• p.5 A-5 Q Bridge SAN / B,--5 B-2 PU .� Bridge C-5 Qo 4 PP`SjR N •• N c D-4 C-1 C-2 � B-1 l APRGUS RD. � sgti taPRG05 9tiop�9s > B.3 0 ' C-6 Bridge ,`C-9 5� D.3 nURBARIL •� C-7 > j'- C-8 -,.. o D-2 A-2 q 1,C f� �- (1 - D- A-1 0 A-0 Key Number(see table for discription) ( ".I A Intersection Improvements _ B Roadway Upgrading L ...... C New Roads i ■ D Freeway Interchange Improvements 3 2 ' BARBARA \, Figure III-10 ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS • �P� III-46 REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL CITY OF ATASCADERO Agenda tem• C-3 Through: Andy Takata, City Manager Meeting ate: 06/14/94 From: Henry Engen, Community Development Director SUBJECT• Establishment of road assessment charges for a y future new building sites in Atascadero Street Improvement Project No. 1992 (Las Encinas and 3-F Meadows) . RECOMMENDATION• Adopt Ordinance No. 279 as follows: 1 . Motion to waive reading in full, and read by title only: and 2 . Motion to introduce on first reading by title only. BACKGROUND• When the Engineer' s report was accepted for Las E cinas and 3-F Meadows road assessment districts, charges were predicated on each existing building site paying an equal amount, In a couple of instances, this included single Assessor Parcel Numbers comprised of two (2 ) legal lots of record with individual own rs indicating the remaining portion was unbuildable. At the hearings, however, staff noted that we would come back with an ordinance which would require any new building sites - including second legal lots of record that are counted as a single assessor' s parcel - to contribute their per lot share to the Road Assessme t District. The attached draft ordinance has been prepared by Cameron Weist, Bond Counsel, and reviewed by staff to require uture payment towards the Road Assessment District on the part cf any lot not previously so assessed. HE :ph Encl : Ordinance No. 279 ORDINANCE NO. 279 AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO ESTABLISHING SPECIAL ASSESSMENT USE CHARGE FOR ATASCADERO STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO. 1992 (LAS ENCINAS AND 3-F MEADOWS) WHEREAS, the City of Atascadero (the "City" ) pursuant to Resolution no. 131-92 has heretofore initiated proceedings under the Municipal Improvement Act of 1913, being Division 12 of the California Streets and Highways Code, for the construction of certain street improvements in the City of Atascadero Street Improvement Project No. 1992 (the "Assessment District" ) , the boundaries of which Assessment District are shown on a map entitled "Boundary Map, City of Atascadero, Street Improvement Project. No. 1992, Area No. 1-3-F Meadows" , and a map entitled "Boundary Map, City of Atascadero, Street Improvement Project No. 1992 , Area No. 3-Las Encinas" , (collectively the "Boundary Map" ) ; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Resolution No. 98-93, the City issued bonds (the "Bonds" ) under the Improvement Bond Act of 1915, being Division 10 of the California Streets and Highways Code to provide for the construction of certain public street improvements (the "Street Improvements" ) within the Assessment District, as more particularly described in the Engineer' s report, which report is on file in the office of the City Clerk (the "Engineer' s Report" ) ; and WHEREAS, the Engineer' s Report contains, among other things, the amount of assessment attributed to each individual parcel within the Assessment District on the basis of the special benefit calculated to be derived by each such parcel (the "Assessment Parcels" ) ; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 2 of the Engineer' s Report, the method for calculating the special benefit to be derived by each Assessment Parcel was determined on the basis that each parcel served in proportion to the total number of parcels serviced in the Assessment District (the "Method of Assessment" ) ; and WHEREAS, the Bonds were issued on September 14, 1993 in the aggregate principal amount of $903, 356 . 13, and the principal and interest sufficient to meet the annual debt service on the Bonds is included on the regular County of San Luis Obispo tax bills sent to owners of Assessment Parcels within the Assessment District against which there are unpaid assessments; and WHEREAS, the intent of this Ordinance is to require that each landowner or potential landowner within the Assessment District bear his or her fair share of those Assessment District costs properly attributable to an increased intensity of use. (►1111) 1 A_ r Ordinance No. 279 Page 2 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Atascadero, as follows : Section 1 . Council Findings . 1 . That the City shall collect, in addition to all other charges of the City, a special assessment use charge '''for any lot or parcel within the boundaries of the Assessment'',, District which was not assessed as part of the Assessment District proceed- ings, and which was either created prior to the adoption of this resolution or subsequently hereafter for 's,the purpose of being developed into a single family residential. dwelling unit (the "New Assessment Parcel" ) . 2 . That the City of Atascadero Public Works Department shall calculate the assessment on each New Assessment Parcel according to the Method of Assessment set forth in Section 2 of the Engineer ' s Report, thereby charging ealch New Assess- ment Parcel for its fair share of the street improvement costs as though it had been originally assessed for '';the Bonds . 3 . That the special assessment use charge shall be collected in cash at the time of being issued a building permit, and each said special assessment use charge collection skull be applied pro rata to the reduction of all assessments within the Assessment District in accordance with the '' provisions of Section 10427 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California. Section 2 . Publication. The City Clerk shall cause this ordinance to bepublished once within fifteen ( 15 ) days after its passage in the Atascadero News, a newspaper of general circulation, printed, published, and circulated in the City in accordance with Section 36933 of the Government Code; shall certify the adopting and posting of this ordinance and shall cause this ordinance and this'! certification together with proof of posting to be entered into the Book of Ordinances of the City. Section 3 . Effective Date . This ordinance shall go into effect and be in 'full force and effect at 12 : 01 a.m, on the 31st day after its passage . Ordinance No. 279 Page 3 On motion by and seconded by , the foregoing Ordinance is approved by the following role call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: DATE ADOPTED: By: ROBERT P. NIMMO, Mayor City of Atascadero, California ATTEST: LEE RABOIN, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: ART MONTANDON, City Attorney PREPARED BY: HENRY ENGEN Community Development Director s i REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL CITY OF ATASCADERO Agenda tem: D-1 Through: Andy Takata, City Manager Meeting ate: 06/14/94 File Number: ZC 93006 From: Henry Engen, Community Development Director NfJ SUBJECT: Adoption of an ordinance to change the density on Amapoa Avenue between Curbaril and Portola from low density t high density multi-family residential . i RECOMMENDATION• Approval and adoption of Ordinance No. 278 on seco d reading. BACKGROUND• On May 24, 1994, the City Council conducted a public hearing on the above-referenced subject. The Council approved Ordinance No. 278 on first reading. HE:ph Attachment: Ordinance No. 278 I ORDINANCE NO. 278 AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO AMENDING MAP 17 OF THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAPS BY REZONING 0 CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY ON AMAPOA AVENUE FROM RMF-10 (LOW DENSITY MULTIPLE FAMILY) TO RMF-16 (HIGH DENSITY MULTIPLE FAMILY) (ZC 93-006; City of Atascadero) WHEREAS, the proposed zoning map amendment IS consistent with the General Plan as required by Section 65860 of the California Government Code; and WHEREAS, the proposed amendment is in conformance with Section 65800 et seq. of the California Government Code concerning zoning regulations; and WHEREAS, the proposed amendment will not have a significant adverse impact upon the environment . The Negative Declaration prepared for the project is adequate; and NOW, THEREFORE, the Council of the City of Atascadero does ordain as follows : Section 1 . Council Findings . 1 . The proposal is compatible with the surrounding land use and zoning. 2 . The proposal is consistent with the General Plan land use element and other elements contained in the General Plan. 3 . The proposal will not result in any significant adverse environmental impacts . The Negative Declaration prepared for the project is adequate . Section 2 . Zoning Map. Map number 17 of the Official Zoning Maps of the City of Atascadero on file in the City Community Development Department is hereby amended as shown on the attached Exhibit A which is hereby made a part of this ordinance by reference . Section 3 . Publication. The City Clerk shall cause this ordinance to be published once within fifteen (15) days after its passage in the Atascadero News, a newspaper of general circulation, printed, published, and Ordinance No. 278 Page 2 circulated in the City in accordance with Section 6933 of the Government Code; shall certify the adopting and posting of this ordinance and shall cause this ordinance and this certification together with proof of posting to be entered into the Book of Ordinances of the City. Section 4 . Effective Date . This ordinance shall go into effect and be in full force and effect at 12 : 01 a.m. on the 31st day after its passage . On motion by and seconded by , the foregoing Ordinance is approved by the following role call vote: AYES : NOES : ABSENT : ADOPTED CITY OF ATASCADERO, CA By: ROBERT P . NIMM , Mayor ATTEST : LEE PRICE, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: ARTHER R. MONTANDON, City Attorney PREPARED BY: HENRY ENGEN, Community Development Director ORDINANCE NO. EXHIBIT A Page 1 of 1 L s i Y4 -- „RMF-16" 4 (RMF-10) 4= i 01 -4� •Z t ) J I R S I I v Rqq �A a / KIM New Zone="ABC' s Old Zone=(XYZ) All Overlay Zones to remain unchanged ()001,33 REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL CITY OF ATASCADERO AJ enda Item: D-2 From: Andrew J. Takata, City Manager Meeting Date: 6/14/94 SUBJECT: Schedule date for joint meeting with Paso Robles City Council RECOMMENDATION: Staff suggests scheduling a joint meeting at the Lake Pavilion on July 21 , 1994. DISCUSSION: A joint meeting with the Paso Robles City Council is proposed for the purpose of discussing economic development, solid waste and other issues concerning the north county. AJT:cw