HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRC_2020-11-04_AgendaPacket * COVID-19 NOTICE * Consistent with Executive Orders N-25-20 and No. N-29-20 from the Executive Department of the State of California and the San Luis Obispo County Health Official’s March 18, 2020 Shelter at Home Order, the Design Review Committee Meeting will not be physically open to the public and Committee Members will be teleconferencing into the meeting. HOW TO SUBMIT PUBLIC COMMENT: Members of the public are highly encouraged to call 669-900-6833 to listen and provide public comment via phone, or submit written public comments to drc-comments@atascadero.org by 5:00 p.m. the day before the meeting. Such email comments must identify the Agenda Item Number in the subject line of the email. The comments will be read into the record, with a maximum allowance of 3 minutes per individual comment, subject to the Chairperson’s discretion. All comments should be a maximum of 500 words, which corresponds to approximately 3 minutes of speaking time. If a comment is received after the agenda item is heard but before the close of the meeting, the comment will still be included as a part of the record of the meeting but will not be read into the record. To join the virtual meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_ayhTfGcwQquKia4aq7O7Qg Webinar ID: 885 3238 7491 By Telephone: (669) 900 -6833 AMERICAN DISABILITY ACT ACCOMMODATIONS: Any member of the public who needs accommodations should contact the City Clerk’s Office at cityclerk@atascadero.org or by calling 805-470-3400 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting or time when services are needed. The City will use their best efforts to provide reasonable accommodations to afford as much accessibility as possible while also maintaining public safety in accordance with the City procedure for resolving reasonable accommodation requests. Design Review Committee agendas and minutes may be viewed on the City's website: www.atascadero.org. Copies of the staff reports or other documentation relating to each item of business referred to on the Agenda are on file in the Community Development Department and are available for public inspection on our website, www.atascadero.org. All documents submitted by the public during Design Review Committee meetings that are either read into the record or referred to in their statement will be noted in the Minutes and available for review by contacting the Community Development Department. All documents will be available for public inspection during City Hall business hours by appointment only, by calling 805-461-5000 when the documents become available. http://www.facebook.com/planningatascadero @atownplanning Scan This QR Code with your smartphone to view DRC Website CITY OF ATASCADERO DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE AGENDA Committee Meeting Wednesday, November 4, 2020 2:00 P.M. City Hall 6500 Palma Avenue Atascadero, California CALL TO ORDER Roll Call: Chairperson Roberta Fonzi Committee Member Heather Newsom Committee Member Duane Anderson Committee Member Mark Dariz Committee Member Emily Baranek APPROVAL OF AGENDA PUBLIC COMMENT CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVAL OF DRAFT MINUTES OF OCTOBER 14, 2020 City of Atascadero Design Review Committee Agenda Regular Meeting November 4, 2020 Page 2 of 2 http://www.facebook.com/planningatascadero @atownplanning Scan This QR Code with your smartphone to view DRC Website DEVELOPMENT PROJECT REVIEW 2. DESIGN REVIEW OF A MIXED-USE DEVELOPMENT AT 11700/11600 EL CAMINO REAL (Dove Creek Commercial Amendment) The applicants are proposing a mixed-use development concept that includes retail, residential and lodging uses on an approximately 5-acre site within the Dove Creek development. Two concepts are proposed, each with 80 residential units, 100 hotel rooms and approximately 37,000 square feet of commercial uses for review and consideration:  Concept 1 is designed with a more public plaza setting surrounded by retail and restaurant uses with residential and a hotel use on the upper floors;  Concept 2 is designed with a resort focus bringing the hotel pool down to the plaza level with pool membership to residents of Dove Creek.  Recommendation: Staff requests the DRC review the proposed design and direct the applicant to make any modifications to the site or building design as necessary. (AMND19-0086) COMMITTEE MEMBER COMMENTS AND REPORTS DIRECTOR’S REPORT ADJOURNMENT The next DRC meeting is tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, November 18, 2020, at 2:00 p.m. Agendas, Minutes and Staff Reports are available online at www.atascadero.org under City Officials & Commissions, Design Review Committee. DRC Draft Minutes of 10/14/2020 Page 1 of 3 ITEM NUMBER: 1 DATE: 11-4-20 x CITY OF ATASCADERO DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE DRAFT MINUTES Regular Meeting – Wednesday, October 14, 2020 – 2:00 P.M. City Hall, 6500 Palma Avenue, Atascadero, CA (Meeting held by teleconference) CALL TO ORDER – 2:00 p.m. Acting Chairperson Newsom called the meeting to order at 2:05 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Committee Member Duane Anderson Committee Member Mark Dariz Committee Member Emily Baranek Committee Member Heather Newsom Absent: Chairperson Roberta Fonzi Staff Present: Community Development Director, Phil Dunsmore Public Works Director, Nick DeBar Senior Planner, Kelly Gleason Associate Planner, John Holder Assistant Planner, Mariah Gasch Others Present: Thom Jess Gina Cirocco Greg Ravatt APPROVAL OF AGENDA MOTION: By Committee Member Anderson and seconded by Committee Member Dariz to approve the Agenda. Motion passed 4:0 by a roll call vote. PUBLIC COMMENT None. Acting Chairperson Newsom closed the Public Comment period. 1 DRC Draft Minutes of 10/14/2020 Page 2 of 3 ITEM NUMBER: 1 DATE: 11-4-20 CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVAL OF DRAFT MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 9, 2020 MOTION: By Committee Member Anderson and seconded by Committee Member Dariz to approve the Consent Calendar. Motion passed 3:0 by a roll call vote. (Due to a poor connection, a vote was not recorded for Baranek.) DEVELOPMENT PROJECT REVIEW 3. 2ND DESIGN REVIEW OF A MIXED-USE BUILDING AT 5802 TRAFFIC WAY The proposed project includes design review of a new mixed-use building on a vacant lot. The proposed three-story building will have a total of 10 dwelling units on the 2nd and 3rd floors and one commercial space on the 1st floor. The dwelling units will be for rent and parking is accommodated on a surface parking lot in the rear.  Recommendation: Staff requests the DRC review the proposed design and direct the applicant to make any modifications to the site or building design as necessary. (PRE20-0063) Director Dunsmore gave a background on the project. Planner Gasch gave a presentation on the project. EX-PARTE COMMUNICATIONS None PUBLIC COMMENT Recording Secretary Manier read the following emails into the record: Gina Cirocco (who sent an email which was distributed to the Committee as Exhibit A). Toni Boykin (who sent an email which was distributed to the Committee as Exhibit B). The following members of the public spoke during public comment: Greg Ravatt and Gina Cirocco. Acting Chairperson Newsom closed the Public Comment period. Thom Jess gave a presentation on the project and addressed questions raised by members of the public, as well as the Committee members. 2 DRC Draft Minutes of 10/14/2020 Page 3 of 3 ITEM NUMBER: 1 DATE: 11-4-20 DRC ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION: The Committee made the following recommendations: Revised Site Design and Architecture The Committee recommended that staff work with the applicant on parking. A red curb in the front of the building would not be allowed per the Public Works Director Nick DeBar. The Committee recommended the City record a covenant on the property so that it restricts someone from creating a bedroom out of the extra space (Units 205/305) which would in turn create an additional parking problem. The Committee was in agreement with the revised architecture and design, and stated it’s much more appropriate for the downtown , and a great improvement to Traffic Way. Staff and the applicant will work together on the larger awning and landscaping. Director Dunsmore stated that the item will be approved with the recommended changes, although, this item can be appealed to the Planning Commission within 14-days. COMMITTEE MEMBER COMMENTS AND REPORTS None DIRECTOR’S REPORT Director Dunsmore stated that the next meeting is scheduled for October 28, 2020, but currently there are no items ready for that meeting. ADJOURNMENT– 3:12 p.m. The next regular meeting of the DRC is scheduled for October 28, 2020. MINUTES PREPARED BY: _________________________________________________ Annette Manier, Recording Secretary Administrative Assistant The following exhibits are available in the Community Development Department: Exhibit A – Email from Gina Cirocco Exhibit B – Email from Toni Boykin 3 ITEM NUMBER: 2 DATE: 11/4/2020 Atascadero Design Review Committee Staff Report – Community Development Department Dove Creek Commercial Development Concepts MEETING DATE PROJECT PLANNER APPLICANT CONTACT PLN NO. 11/04/2020 Kelly Gleason Cal Coastal LLC AMND19- 0086 PROJECT ADDRESS GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION ZONING DISTRICT ASSESOR PARCEL NUMBER(S) SITE AREA 11600 El Camino Real Mixed-Use / Planned Development(MU/PD) Commercial Retail / Planned Development 24 (CR/PD24) 045-331-014 Approximately 5.2 acres RECOMMENDATION Staff Requests the Design Review Committee: 1. Review preliminary design concepts for a mixed- use development on a vacant commercial lot within the Dove Creek Development. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The applicants are proposing a mixed-use development concept that includ es retail, residential and lodging uses on an approximately 5 -acre site within the Dove Creek development. Two concepts are proposed, each with 80 residential units, 100 hotel rooms and approximately 37,000 square feet of commercial uses:  Concept 1 is designed with a resort focus bringing the hotel pool down to the plaza level with possible pool membership to residents of Dove Creek.  Concept 2 is designed with a more public plaza setting surrounded by retail and restaurant uses with residential and a hotel use on the upper floors; ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION The City of Atascadero’s environmental review process incorporates the requirements in implementing the California Environmental Quality Act. Persons, agencies, or organizations interested in obtai ning more information regarding the environmental should contact the Community Development Department. ☐ EIR / MND / ND / Statutory Exemption to be circulated ☐ Prior CEQA Review: ☐ Categorical Exemption ☒ Undetermined – Analysis required 4 ITEM NUMBER: 2 DATE: 11/4/2020 DISCUSSION: Project History: The Dove Creek project was originally approved as a General Plan Amendment in 2004 as a mixed-use project and included 279 residential units and a 5-acre commercial parcel to replace a 63-acre commercial center previously envisioned for the site. The resulting 5-acre commercial parcel was approved to be developed with a 60,000 square foot neighborhood commercial center and was later amended to allow for the construction of a hardware/nursery store with an outdoor sales yard and large parking lot (Tractor Supply). The commercial parcel has remained vacant even though the City required that the commercial parcel develop in conjunction with the residential project . The commercial corner site is located within the Commercial Retail zoning district and within the PD12 overlay zone. The 5-acre parcel is all that remains of the former 63- acre commercial area that was rezoned as part of the Dove Creek Mixed -Use project. The Commercial retail zone allows mixed-use development with a maximum base density of 24 units per acre, resulting in a maximum potential of 125 market rate units on the existing vacant 5.2-acre commercial site in addition to a large variety of commercial uses. However, the PD12 overlay zone sets a maximum residential density of the entire Dove Creek project to 200 base density units and 79 bonus units for a total of 279 residential units, consistent with the previous environmental analysis for the project site. This base residential density of 279 units was also assumed within the comprehensive environmental analysis performed for the 2002 General Plan Update and therefore, any amendments will need to be considered through additional environmental review to determine if the amended project proposal will create additional environmental impacts. The current owners of the 5-acre commercial parcel submitted a request for an amendment to the Planned Development to increase the residential density of the Dove Creek Project and proceed with a mixed -use development on the vacant comm ercial site. The Council authorized the application to proceed and the applicant has refined two design concepts for DRC review to begin their application process. Since the applicants wish to retain the Commercial Zoning, no amendment to the General Plan Land Use map or an amendment to the zoning map is being requested. The concept plans propose a variety of uses to achieve economic viability and synergy with a goal of long-term success. The current project proposals rely on experience based land uses, which include visitor-serving uses combined with neighborhood serving uses. Unlike traditional retail centers, this new concept is consistent with the current trend for commercial properties and significantly helps increase neighborhood compatibility. The mix of uses include residential, small-scale boutique retail, a boutique hotel and restaurant spaces. Each of the concepts incorporate a large central courtyard that accommodates outdoor spaces for the surrounding uses and a pedestrian oriented environment that would be open to the Dove Creek neighborhood. Both concepts include:  80 residential units (24 apartments and 56 air space condominiums)  100-room hotel 5 ITEM NUMBER: 2 DATE: 11/4/2020  37,053 square-feet of commercial tenant space divided into 23 potential individual tenant spaces Design Concepts: The proposed design concept includes multiple levels that maximize the use of site topography:  A semi subterranean ground level parking area to conceal the parking lot and preserve additional space for community use;  A main level which includes the central courtyard with retail and residential uses,  Upper floors that include residential and hotel uses including a usable roof deck The design concept allows the parking count to be maximized while creating a walkable, experienced based mixed-use development that is aesthetically pleasing as viewed from surrounding properties and the street. The two presented design concepts share the same mix of uses and building massing.  Design A provides for a large pool within the ground floor courtyard area;  Design B provides for a park-like central courtyard with the pool on the roof deck of the hotel. Each of the concepts are described further below. Ground /Subterranean Level: The ground level plans are the same for both concepts A and B. The existing site provides a flat graded pad that is several feet higher than the adjacent internal project streets: Cashin St. and Bliss St. However, the rear of the pad, towards the intersection of El Camino Real and Santa Barbara Road, is approximately 15-feet below the grade of the streets. The current design concept includes lowering the grade of the site down to the level of Cashin and Bliss Streets, reducing the height of the site approximately 7- 10 feet from the high point along Cashin Street and allowing for a semi-subterranean parking area lined with residential uses facing the internal streets. This ground level includes a retail building at the intersection of Cashin Street and El Camino Real. Residential units would line Cashin and Bliss streets to enhance neighborhood compatibility between existing residential and proposed commercial uses. The new residential uses would provide a transition in use, massing, and scale from the existing neighborhood to the larger commercial building located toward t he “rear” of the site, closer to the Santa Barbara and El Camino Real frontages. The remaining portion of the ground level would be underground parking (both private residential garage parking and general use parking for the development). Designing the site with this semi- subterranean level allows for a majority of the parking to be hidden from sight , while also reducing the overall height of the development as viewed from the existing neighborhood. 6 ITEM NUMBER: 2 DATE: 11/4/2020 Main (Podium) Level: The next level is a raised “podium” that is designed as the main level for the commercial uses and takes advantage of the approximately 21 -foot grade difference between the internal streets and the intersection of El Camino Real and Santa Barbara Roa d. This level is proposed with commercial storefronts surrounding an outdoor use area and access to additional residential uses adjacent to Cashin and Bliss streets. While the podium level is raised above the parking level, the central shared courtyard area is proposed to have ample landscape with mature trees and greenspace throughout to define and accentuate outdoor use areas. Additional parking is provided on this level adjacent to Santa Barbara Rd and El Camino Real. The podium level is raised approximately 19-feet, allowing for the level to be at grade at a portion of El Camino Real and Santa Barbara Rd to allow for emergency vehicle access. Elevators to the podium level and mechanical rooms Ground level retail 24-unit Apartment building Residential condo units Garage parking 7 ITEM NUMBER: 2 DATE: 11/4/2020 The site is enhanced by the addition of a central community area that includes numerous commercial and neighborhood serving amenities. Two concepts are proposed for this area, each designed with flexible use areas that can change and respond to adjacent commercial activities as needed. The focus for both concepts is on commercial synergy and creating an experienced based destination. Hotel units above ground floor retail Hotel Lobby and Banquet space Larger commercial tenant space Apartments Residential condominiums Boutique retail Central Plaza 8 ITEM NUMBER: 2 DATE: 11/4/2020 Design Concept A: Resort Spaces The first design concept offers a “resort” like appearance for the podium level. The hotel pool is located within the central courtyard surrounded by poolsid e amenities. It is envisioned that in this concept, the pool will also be available for access to Dove Creek residents for a membership fee. Amenities include a covered bar and game area, dedicated restrooms and showers, and cabanas surrounded by landscaping for privacy from adjacent commercial uses. Outdoor spaces are also provided adjacent to restaurant and retail uses to allow for outdoor dining opportunities. A detached covered beer garden or similar stand-alone use is integrated into the design in addition to areas for outdoor fire pits possibly associated with a restaurant or tasting room. Additionally, the concept includes two small vendor spaces that could be utilized for pop-up commercial or restaurant uses, such as those that would fit within a class ic airstream type trailer. Design Concept B: General Public Spaces The second design concept offers an outdoor park-like setting with areas for outdoor restaurant opportunities and community uses. A tiered turf area that can be used as a small amphitheater venue is the main feature of the space with adjacent water features that may include a splash pad and other family oriented features . Large paved spaces are located adjacent to restaurant and retail spaces to allow for expansion into the outdoor environment. Covered outdoor spaces offer opportunities for a beer garden or similar outdoor oriented use. The concept proposal also includes space for up to seven pop-up market stands for non-permanent vendors. 9 ITEM NUMBER: 2 DATE: 11/4/2020 Third and Fourth Floors: The third floor is mostly occupied by residential uses and the hotel. Residential uses lining Cashin and Bliss Streets will be a total of 3-stories. The third floor of these buildings include a large entry deck, diminishing the mass of the third floor as a transition from the surrounding 2-story neighborhood. The main hotel and retail building (A), located more internal to the site, will be a total of 3 main stories with the 4th story and roof deck tiered back from the lower floors and accompanied by an indoor/outdoor roof deck bar, as discussed below. Roof Deck / 5th floor: The concept for the 4th floor of the hotel building varies depending on the podium level design. Both concepts include penthouse rooms in a design that steps the building back to create a diminishing building mass. Under podium Concept A, a gym room and other accessory hotel amenities would be located on this level along with the rooftop bar. With podium Concept B, the hotel pool would occupy a portion of the roof deck in place of the gym. Under this scenario, the pool would remain for hotel guests only. It is envisioned that the roof deck bar would be open to the public in both scenarios. 10 ITEM NUMBER: 2 DATE: 11/4/2020 Neighborhood Character: During the October 2019 City Council meeting, neighbors expressed concerns about scale and mass, in addition to general compatibility with the surrounding neighborhood. Existing residential units along both Bliss and Cashin Streets are two stories with side and/or rear yards adjacent to the street. Within the proposed project, all ground floor residential units are designed to take primary access from the internal vehicular alley allowing for landscaping within the setback areas between the buildings and the existing sidewalk. Small balconies are currently included on the second floor for visual interest. There are two layers of residential buildings that act as a transition to the commercial portion of the development. The “E” buildings are located adjacent to Cashin and Bliss Streets with the “D” buildings located behind them, more internal to the site. The “E” buildings are designed to be 3-stories with the upper unit footprint approximately 50% of the lower floors to reduce the building mass and provide greater compatibility with the adjacent existing residences. The “D” buildings are four stories tall and are designed with a similar upper floor deck feature. (See Residential Component section below for more discussion) Boutique Hotel Concept: The proposed hotel is designed with 100 total rooms on the upper floors of buildings A and B. A small concierge lobby and banquet room is accessed from the podium level in Building A. The hotel is envisioned as a self -check-in model and each room is currently designed with a kitchenette. Current City code limits the number of hotel rooms with kitchenettes to 10% of the total number of rooms. This is to ensure that hotel rooms do not turn into long-term residences. The current hotel proposal includes single studio rooms. No multi-room spaces are proposed. In Building A, access to the rooms is via an external walkway on the 2nd floor and an internal hallway on the 3rd floor with roof deck access on the top floor. Juliette balconies are included to provide visual interest. Residential Component: The concept proposal includes two different residential types: apartment units and “for- sale” condominiums. The apartments are located in Building C, at the corner of Bliss Street and Santa Barbara Rd. All three stories are residential with a total of 24 one- bedroom units. All units are currently designed with an interna l hallway including the ground floor units in building C. Balconies are included on the upper floors. The stairwell and elevator shaft are located adjacent to Bliss Street to minimize privacy issues with existing residential townhomes. 11 ITEM NUMBER: 2 DATE: 11/4/2020 The condominium units are located along Cashin and Bliss Streets. The “E” buildings are three stories with a combination of one and two story units. The 3rd floor footprint is approximately 50% of the levels below to allow for an enhanced deck feature that acts as the entry to the upper units. The roofline is varied along the elevations facing Cashin and Bliss streets to provide texture and visual interest. The “D” buildings are designed similarly to the “E” buildings but contain an extra residential level to accommodate retail spaces on the podium level with high ceilings. The ground floor, 2nd and 3rd level includes one-bedroom units backed by either the private garages accessed from the subterranean parking level or the podium level retail spaces. The fourth floor penthouse units have 2-bedrooms each and a large deck area that acts as the entry to the unit. 3rd floor deck with trellis 12 ITEM NUMBER: 2 DATE: 11/4/2020 Affordable Housing: The project is proposing to follow the State density bonus law in compliance with the City’s current Inclusionary Housing Policy. The State law requires that the City grant concessions to projects providing a minimum percentage of affordable housing units. As the design concept is further refined, these concessions will be identified and analyzed prior to final action by the City Council. Qualifying concessions include parking reductions, height waivers, and other property development standard deviations. Architectural Theme: The applicant is proposing a mission style architectural theme. Building details include stucco exterior finish, mission tile roofing, arched recessed windows, and tower elements. This architectural style generally allows for clean lines and rhythmic design features that layer and allow light and shadow to provide visual interest. The theme also has numerous design features that can be used to enhance the visual appearance of the buildings and break up the building mass such as wrought iron accents, balconies, trellis features, and textured tile roofs. The applicant is proposing a consistent color scheme throughout the project to create a sense of place and provide an authentic architectural style. The buildings are proposed as white or off-white with dark windows and doors and red clay tile roof. Arched covered patio areas are included on the apartment buildings and circular tower features are included in the hotel building, consistent with the mission theme. Parking and Access: The project includes 392 total parking spaces, 32 of which are private residential garage spaces accessed from the subterranean parking level. Of the remaining 360 spaces, 13 ITEM NUMBER: 2 DATE: 11/4/2020 266 are hidden from view underground and 94 are behind the hotel building adjacent to El Camino Real and Santa Barbara Rd. Based on preliminary calculations, the project is providing more parking than is required by code. There are two vehicular access points to the project: one from Bliss Street and one from Cashin Street. The approved Master Plan of Development for Dove Creek permits up to three driveways into the site. An emergency access point is a lso proposed from Santa Barbara Road near the intersection with El Camino Real at the point where the podium level is at grade with the adjacent street. This will allow emergency vehicles to enter the podium level without navigating the subterranean parking level if needed. Main pedestrian access to the site utilizes the stairway and elevator system for the residential units fronting Cashin and Bliss streets. The stairways and elevators are located at the sides of each building, providing up to six (6) ma in pedestrian access points to the podium level from the surrounding sidewalks on Cashin and Bliss streets. There are also opportunities for access in buildings B and C and the central parking elevator and stairway located in Building A. There may also be opportunities for pedestrian access off El Camino Real and Santa Barbara Road where the podium level is at grade with these streets, however, more analysis is needed on accessibility compliance for connections in these locations to determine feasibility. Setbacks: The buidings along Cashin and Bliss streets are set back 10-feet from the back of sidewalk. A corner of the stairwell of Building B, located at the corner of Cashin and El Camino Real encroaches approximately 3 feet into the setback area . This building is designed with the stairwell fronting Cashin Street to limit the number of hotel room windows overlooking the street and existing residences beyond. The Building C hotel rooms are setback approximately 20 feet from the street. Building A, the larger retail and hotel building is designed with the podium parking between the adjacent El Camino Real and Santa Barbara Road frontage and the building. The hotel building setback from these streets varies between 75 - and 100-feet. From the street level, the hotel building will appear as a three-story building. The podium parking is setback a minimum of 7- feet at the closet points and provides for up to 25-feet of landscaped setback area at the intersection of El Camino Real and Santa Barbara Road. 14 ITEM NUMBER: 2 DATE: 11/4/2020 As the podium level utilizes the site topography, portions of the semi -subterranean level will daylight along the El Camino Real and Santa Barbara Road frontages. True to the mission style, white walls have been incorporated where this occurs and landscaping has been included in the setback areas to layer with this feature. Height: Per the Atascadero Municipal Code, the maximum height, as measured from average finished grade, is 35-feet in the Commercial Retail zoning district. This project is unique in that there are two finished grades, the ground level and the podium level. The following table provides a summary of proposed building heights as measured from either the podium level, ground level, or both, as appropriate, based on building siting and visual impact: Architectural walls to conceal semi- subterranean parking level 15 ITEM NUMBER: 2 DATE: 11/4/2020 Building and use Location Height from ground level (GL) or podium level (PL) Average finished grade (AFG) Zoning Height Limit from Average Finished Grade (AFG) A – Retail / Hotel Internal facing ECR and Santa Barbara 68’ (PL) 77.25’ (AFG incl PL) 35’ B – Retail / Residential Apartments Corner of ECR and Cashin St. 56’ (GL) 46.75’ (AFG) 35’ C – Residential Apartments Corner of Santa Barbara Rd and Bliss St. 51’ (GL) 47.95’ (AFG) 35’ D – Residential / Retail Internal, behind E buildings 52.67’ (GL) 41.67’ (PL) 46.47’ to 47.74’(AFG) 35’ E – Residential condos Adjacent to Cashin and Bliss Streets. 33’-38’ (GL) 32.27 to 36.67 (AFG) 35’ As this project includes an amendment to the PD24 overlay zone, the City Council can approve a height exception to allow for the additional building height. Height can also be a requested concession through the State’s Density Bonus Law. Should an exception to the maximum height be requested under the provisions of the Municipal Code, the following finding will need to be made: 16 ITEM NUMBER: 2 DATE: 11/4/2020  The project will not result in substantial detrimental effects on the enjoyment and use of adjoining properties and that the modified height will not exceed the lifesaving equipment capabilities of the Fire Department The key to making the findings for increased height is neighborhood compatibility. Design elements have been included for the residential condominiums fronting Cashin and Bliss streets to increase neighborhood compatibility while maintaining the viability of the project. The condominium units are three stories in total height but have a reduced upper floor to diminish the overall mass of the buildings. The taller more commercial buildings are set back toward the interior of the site to increase setbacks from the existing residential units. Buildings B and C are designed with the most height fronting Cashin and Bliss Streets and may impact neighborhood compatibility. Each of these buildings are located at the intersections with the internal Dove Creek streets and the adjacent City arterials. Building B includes retail on the ground floor and two floors of hotel units above. The stairwell is integrated at each end of the building and abutting Cashin Street. The building is setback 7-10-feet from the back of sidewalk. As previously mentioned, the stairwell was intentionally located at this elevation to minimize intrusions to the privacy of existing residential units. However, design and use of the building will result in an approximately 3-story building adjacent to Cashin Street with a tower feature that extends to accommodate the elevator and stairwell. Building C is similarly designed at the corner of Bliss Street and Santa Barbara Rd. View from Santa Barbara Rd 17 ITEM NUMBER: 2 DATE: 11/4/2020 The Fire Department has reviewed the preliminary concepts and believes that current emergency response vehicles would be able to adequately serve the site; however, more detailed analysis will be required as the project moves forward through the review process. DRC DISCUSSION ITEMS: Two concepts are presented for DRC and neighborhood review. The applicant is seeking direction on which concept best fits within the Dove Creek development and provides the best commercial opportunity for the City. The DRC is also asked to provide direction on neighborhood compatibility, including building height, scale, and massing. This also includes direction on architectural theme and overall site design concept. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Applicant Design Concept Package 2. Public Comment Letters received as of 10/30/2020 18 LOVEVIRTUAL ENVIRONMENTSCUSTOM RESIDENTIALCOMMERCIAL9155 CURBARIL AVENUEATASCADERO, CA 93422209.535.1907don@lovearchitecture.netARCHITECTUREMIXED-USEDEVELOPMENTDOVE CREEKPROMENADEATASCADEROCALIFORNIA 93422THE USE OF THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONSSHALL BE RESTRICTED TO THE ORIGINAL SITEFOR WHICH THEY WERE PREPARED ANDPUBLICATION THEREOF IS EXPRESSLY LIMITEDTO SUCH USE. REPRODUCTION OR PUBLICATIONBY ANY METHOD, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, ISPROHIBITED. TITLE TO THESE PLANS ANDSPECIFICATIONS REMAIN WITH THE ARCHITECTWITHOUT PREJUDICE. VISUAL CONTACT WITHTHESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS SHALLCONSTITUTE PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE OF THEACCEPTANCE OF THESE RESTRICTIONS. WRITTENDIMENSIONS ON THESE DRAWINGS SHALL HAVEPRECEDENCE OVER SCALED DIMENSIONS.CONTRACTORS SHALL VERIFY AND BERESPONSIBLE FOR ALL DIMENSIONS ANDEXISTING CONDITIONS ON THE JOB AND SHALLREPORT ANY DISCREPANCIES TO THE ARCHITECTFOR RESOLUTION PRIOR TO COMMENCING WORK.PROJECTDATESSHEET TITLESHEET #07/15/20 PRELIM DRAWN BYR ACHDNSEIA ECTACLIFOR NS TALIC EOTFC 35361E ITDON LOVEPRELIM INARY 08/19/20 STAFF REVIEW10/29/20 DRCT.0PROJECTDATAATASCADERO, CA 93422DOVE CREEK PROMENADEMIXED-USE DEVELOPMENTVICINITY MAPPROJECT DATAPROJECT ADDRESS:CORNER OF SANTA BARBARA ROAD ANDEL CAMINO REALATASCADERO, CA 93422APN:TBDLOT SIZE:5.2 ACRES (226,512 S.F.)ZONING:CR (COMMERCIAL RETAIL)BUILDING AREASBUILDING A:PARKING LEVEL:4,170 SF HOTEL STORAGEPODIUM LEVEL:16,000 SF COMMERCIAL8,312 SF LOBBY / BANQUETSECOND LEVEL:24,312 SF (40 HOTEL ROOMS)THIRD LEVEL:24,312 SF (40 HOTEL ROOMS)ROOF LEVEL:3,000 SF ROOF TOP BAR (COMMERCIAL)2,048 SF (4 HOTEL ROOMS)82,154 SFBUILDING B:GROUND LEVEL:8,133 SF RETAILSECOND LEVEL:8,133 SF (8 HOTEL ROOMS)THIRD LEVEL:8,133 SF (8 HOTEL ROOMS)24,399 SFBUILDING C:GROUND LEVEL:8,133 SF (8 APARTMENTS)SECOND LEVEL:8,133 SF (8 APARTMENTS)THIRD LEVEL:8,133 SF (8 APARTMENTS)24,399 SFBUILDING D:GROUND LEVEL:2,026 SF (2 CONDOMINIUMS)(4 TOTAL)SECOND LEVEL:2,026 SF (2 CONDOMINIUMS)PODIUM LEVEL:2,480 SF (RETAIL)THIRD LEVEL:2,026 SF (2 CONDOMINIUMS)FOURTH LEVEL:2,026 SF (2 CONDOMINIUMS)10,584 SF x 4 = 42,336 SFBUILDING E:GROUND LEVEL:3,240 SF (4 CONDOMINIUMS)(4 TOTAL)SECOND LEVEL:3,240 SF (2 CONDOMINIUMS)THIRD LEVEL:1,620 SF (2 CONDOMINIMUS)8,100 SF x 4 = 32,400 SFUSE AREASTOTAL APARTMENT AREA:24,399 SF24 APARTMENTSTOTAL CONDOMINIUM AREA:64,816 SF56 CONDOMINIUMSTOTAL RESIDENTIAL AREA:89,215 SFTOTAL COMMERCIAL/RETAIL AREA:37,053 SF23 TENANT SPACESTOTAL HOTEL AREA:79,420 SF100 HOTEL ROOMSTOTAL COMMERCIAL AREA: 116,473 SFTOTAL COMBINED AREA: 205,688 SFSHEET INDEXT.0PROJECT DATAT.2SURVEYA1.1SITE PLANA1.2PODIUM PLANA1.3SITE SECTIONSA2.1BUILDING FLOOR PLANSA2.2BUILDING FLOOR PLANSA3.1EXTERIOR ELEVATIONSA3.2EXTERIOR ELEVATIONSA3.3EXTERIOR ELEVATIONSA3.4EXTERIOR ELEVATIONSA4.1PERSPECTIVESA4.2PERSPECTIVESA4.3PERSPECTIVES - OPTION AA4.4PERSPECTIVES - OPTION BA4.5PERSPECTIVES - OPTION AA4.6PERSPECTIVES - OPTION BC1.0 PRELIMINARY GRADING PLANC2.0PRELIMINARY UTILITY PLANL.1AMASTER SITE LANDSCAPE PLAN -OPTION AL.1BMASTER SITE LANDSCAPE PLAN -OPTION BL.2ACENTRAL CORE FOCUS PLAN -OPTION AL.2BCENTRAL CORE FOCUS PLAN -OPTION BL.3SITE INSPIRATIONL.4SITE INSPIRATIONL.5SITE INSPIRATIONL.6 SITE INSPIRATIONDIRECTORYOWNER:CAL COASTAL PROPERTIES242 EL DORADO WAYPISMO BEACH, CA 93449CONTACT: TED LAWTONEMAIL: TED.CALCOASTALSLO.COMARCHITECT:LOVE ARCHITECTURE9155 CURBARIL AVENUEATASCADERO, CA 93422CONTACT: DON LOVEEMAIL: DON@LOVEARCHITECTURE.NETCIVIL ENGINEER:WALSH ENGINEERING1108 GARDEN STREET, STE. 202-204SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA 93401CONTACT: MATT WALSHEMAIL: MATT@WALSHENGINEERING.NETLANDSCAPE ARCHITECT:FORTINI LANDSCAPES3021 SOUTH HIGUERA STREETSAN LUIS OBISPO, CA 93401CONTACT: WES AROLAEMAIL: WES@FORTINILANDSCAPES.COMPROJECT DESCRIPTIONCAL COASTAL PROPERTIES HAS A VISION TO CREATE A MIXED-USE WORK/LIVEAND COMMERCIAL/RETAIL DEVELOPMENT THAT WILL BE INCORPORATED INTOTHE REMAINING DOVE CREEK COMMERCIAL SITE LOCATED AT THE CORNER OFSANTA BARBARA ROAD AND EL CAMINO REAL ON THE SOUTHERN END OFATASCADERO CITY LIMITS. THE SITE IS APPROXIMATELY +/-5 ACRES ANDCURRENTLY ZONED CR (COMMERCIAL RETAIL). THE PROPERTY IS VACANT WITHOFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS SURROUNDING THE SITE BOUNDARIES. MINOR OFFSITEIMPROVEMENTS ARE ASSUMED. THE PROPERTY IS IMMEDIATELY ADJACENT TOVACANT LOTS TOWARDS THE SOUTH ZONED CN (COMMERCIAL NEIGHBORHOOD).TOWARDS THE EAST, THE EXISTING NEIGHBORING PROPERTY IS ZONED P (PUBLICFACILITIES). THE NORTHERN AND WESTERN SIDE OF THE LOTS ARE ADJACENT TOTHE EXISTING DOVE CREEK RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT AND ZONED RMF-10(MULTIFAMILY). THE PROJECT SITE IS LOCATED NEAR HIGHWAY 101, JUST OFF THESANTA BARBARA ROAD ON/OFF RAMPS.PARKING REQUIREMENTSSANTA BARBARA RDEL C A M I N O R E A L CASHIN STBLISS ST19 20 DWDW02" TREE 02" TREE02" TREE02" TREE02" TREE02" TREE02" TREE02" TREE02" TREE02" TREE02" TREE02" TREE02" TREE02" TREE02" TREE02" TREE04" TREE02" TREE02" TREE02" TREE02" TREE02" TREE02" TREE02" TREE02" TREE01" TREE02" TREE06" TREE06" TREE06" TREE01" TREE04" TREE04" TREE04" TREE04" TREE06" TREE04" TREE02" TREE02" TREE02" TREE04" TREE06" TREE03" TREE03" TREE9359309259209159109259209159109159209209209159159 1 0 925ARV913912913911911912913914914916917918919916917918919921922922921920921922923923922921920BUSHG:923.8'BUSHDWDWDWDWDWDWDWDW81133163326191373 RAMP UPCB104A27D1 CC C CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC 20CCCCCC CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC21M77M3M C32AA1.3 BA1.3 162COMMERCIALHOTEL324' WIDE FIRE ACCESS ALLEYVEHICLEENTRY VEHICLEENTRY BLISS STREET SANTABARBARAROAD EL C A M I N O R E A L RETENTIONBASIN CASHINSTREET W/DW/DE1W/D W/D E2DWDWW/D W/D DWDWW/D W/D E4E38D28D3DWDW8D4LOVEVIRTUAL ENVIRONMENTSCUSTOM RESIDENTIALCOMMERCIAL9155 CURBARIL AVENUEATASCADERO, CA 93422209.535.1907don@lovearchitecture.netARCHITECTUREMIXED-USEDEVELOPMENTDOVE CREEKPROMENADEATASCADEROCALIFORNIA 93422THE USE OF THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONSSHALL BE RESTRICTED TO THE ORIGINAL SITEFOR WHICH THEY WERE PREPARED ANDPUBLICATION THEREOF IS EXPRESSLY LIMITEDTO SUCH USE. REPRODUCTION OR PUBLICATIONBY ANY METHOD, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, ISPROHIBITED. TITLE TO THESE PLANS ANDSPECIFICATIONS REMAIN WITH THE ARCHITECTWITHOUT PREJUDICE. VISUAL CONTACT WITHTHESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS SHALLCONSTITUTE PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE OF THEACCEPTANCE OF THESE RESTRICTIONS. WRITTENDIMENSIONS ON THESE DRAWINGS SHALL HAVEPRECEDENCE OVER SCALED DIMENSIONS.CONTRACTORS SHALL VERIFY AND BERESPONSIBLE FOR ALL DIMENSIONS ANDEXISTING CONDITIONS ON THE JOB AND SHALLREPORT ANY DISCREPANCIES TO THE ARCHITECTFOR RESOLUTION PRIOR TO COMMENCING WORK.PROJECTDATESSHEET TITLESHEET #07/15/20 PRELIM DRAWN BYRACHD NSE IA EC T AC LI F O R N S T A L IC EOTFC 35361 E IT DON LOVEPRELIM INARY 08/19/20 STAFF REVIEW10/29/20 DRC A1.1SITE PLAN SCALE: 1" = 30'-0"60'30'0'15'30'21 02" TREE02" TREE02" TREE02" TREE02" TREE02" TREE02" TREE02" TREE02" TREE02" TREE 02" TREE 02" TREE 02" TREE 02" TREE 02" TREE 02" TREE 04" TREE 02" TREE 02" TREE 02" TREE 02" TREE02" TREE02" TREE02" TREE02" TREE 01" TREE 02" TREE 06" TREE 06" TREE 06" TREE 01" TREE 04" TREE 04" TREE 04" TREE04" TREE06" TREE04" TREE 02" TREE02" TREE 02" TREE 04" TREE 06" TREE 03" TREE 03" TREE 935930925 920915910 925920915 910915920920 920 915915910 925 ARV913912913911911912913914914916917918 919 916 917 918919921922 922 921 920921922923923922921920 BUSHG:923.8'BUSH26361913CENTRAL PARKSEE SHEET L.2A RAMP DOWNDWDWDWDWDWDWDWDW DWDWDW DWDW DWDW D WAA1.3 BA1.3 CBE4E3COMMERCIALCOMMERCIALLOBBYFIREACCESS (E) BUSSTOP CANOPYBLISS STREET SANTABARBARAROAD EL C A M I N O R E A L CASHINSTREET DWDWD3DWDWD2RETAILRETAILDWDWD4RETAILDWDWD1RETAILE1 E2LOVEVIRTUAL ENVIRONMENTSCUSTOM RESIDENTIALCOMMERCIAL9155 CURBARIL AVENUEATASCADERO, CA 93422209.535.1907don@lovearchitecture.netARCHITECTUREMIXED-USEDEVELOPMENTDOVE CREEKPROMENADEATASCADEROCALIFORNIA 93422THE USE OF THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONSSHALL BE RESTRICTED TO THE ORIGINAL SITEFOR WHICH THEY WERE PREPARED ANDPUBLICATION THEREOF IS EXPRESSLY LIMITEDTO SUCH USE. REPRODUCTION OR PUBLICATIONBY ANY METHOD, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, ISPROHIBITED. TITLE TO THESE PLANS ANDSPECIFICATIONS REMAIN WITH THE ARCHITECTWITHOUT PREJUDICE. VISUAL CONTACT WITHTHESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS SHALLCONSTITUTE PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE OF THEACCEPTANCE OF THESE RESTRICTIONS. WRITTENDIMENSIONS ON THESE DRAWINGS SHALL HAVEPRECEDENCE OVER SCALED DIMENSIONS.CONTRACTORS SHALL VERIFY AND BERESPONSIBLE FOR ALL DIMENSIONS ANDEXISTING CONDITIONS ON THE JOB AND SHALLREPORT ANY DISCREPANCIES TO THE ARCHITECTFOR RESOLUTION PRIOR TO COMMENCING WORK.PROJECTDATESSHEET TITLESHEET #07/15/20 PRELIM DRAWN BYRACHD NSE IA EC T AC LI F O R N S T A L IC EOTFC 35361 E IT DON LOVEPRELIM INARY 08/19/20 STAFF REVIEW10/29/20 DRC A1.2PODIUMPLAN SCALE: 1" = 30'-0"60'30'0'15'30'22 GROUND LEVEL - 913.00PODIUM LEVEL - 932.00 ACENTRAL PARKPODIUMCOMMERCIALHOTELHOTELHOTELPARKINGPARKINGRETAIL RESIDENTIALPARKINGPARKINGGARAGE DALLEYCASHIN STREET(E) RESIDENCE SANTABARBARAROAD ERESIDENTIALGROUND LEVEL - 913.00PODIUM LEVEL - 932.00 ADECOMMERCIALHOTELHOTELHOTELPARKINGPARKINGPARKINGPARKINGGARAGERAMP CENTRAL PARKPODIUMRETAIL RESIDENTIALRESIDENTIALBLISS STREETEL CAMINOREAL ALLEYCASHIN STREET(E) RESIDENCE ERESIDENTIALERESIDENTIALBLISS STREETLOVEVIRTUAL ENVIRONMENTSCUSTOM RESIDENTIALCOMMERCIAL9155 CURBARIL AVENUEATASCADERO, CA 93422209.535.1907don@lovearchitecture.netARCHITECTUREMIXED-USEDEVELOPMENTDOVE CREEKPROMENADEATASCADEROCALIFORNIA 93422THE USE OF THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONSSHALL BE RESTRICTED TO THE ORIGINAL SITEFOR WHICH THEY WERE PREPARED ANDPUBLICATION THEREOF IS EXPRESSLY LIMITEDTO SUCH USE. REPRODUCTION OR PUBLICATIONBY ANY METHOD, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, ISPROHIBITED. TITLE TO THESE PLANS ANDSPECIFICATIONS REMAIN WITH THE ARCHITECTWITHOUT PREJUDICE. VISUAL CONTACT WITHTHESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS SHALLCONSTITUTE PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE OF THEACCEPTANCE OF THESE RESTRICTIONS. WRITTENDIMENSIONS ON THESE DRAWINGS SHALL HAVEPRECEDENCE OVER SCALED DIMENSIONS.CONTRACTORS SHALL VERIFY AND BERESPONSIBLE FOR ALL DIMENSIONS ANDEXISTING CONDITIONS ON THE JOB AND SHALLREPORT ANY DISCREPANCIES TO THE ARCHITECTFOR RESOLUTION PRIOR TO COMMENCING WORK.PROJECTDATESSHEET TITLESHEET #07/15/20 PRELIM DRAWN BYRACHD NSE IA EC T AC LI F O R N S T A L IC EOTFC 35361 E IT DON LOVEPRELIM INARY 08/19/20 STAFF REVIEW10/29/20 DRC A1.3SITESECTIONS SCALE: 1" = 30'-0"60'30'0'15'30'SITE SECTION ASITE SECTION BBUILDING HEIGHTSBUILDINGFF1FF2FF3FF4ROOFDECKHIGHESTPOINTAVERAGE NATURALGRADETOTAL BUILDINGHEIGHT (FT)A913.00932.00949.00963.00978.001025.00918.75106.25B913.00929.50940.67-951.83969.00922.2546.75C911.00922.17933.34-944.51962.10914.1547.95D1911.50923.00934.50946.00-964.17913.7550.42D2911.50923.00934.50946.00-964.17915.0049.17D3912.00923.50935.00946.50-964.67916.9347.74D4913.00924.50936.00947.50-965.67919.2046.47E1911.50922.00932.50--949.83911.5038.33E2911.50922.00932.50--949.83914.9534.88E3913.00923.50934.00--949.67916.2533.42E4913.00923.50934.00--951.33917.4033.93 SECTION THROUGH CASHINSECTION THROUGH BLISS23 4,000 S.F.COMMERICAL 4,000 S.F.COMMERICAL 4,000 S.F.COMMERICAL 4,000 S.F.COMMERICAL 8,312 S.F.LOBBY / BANQUET 3,000 S.F.BAR 2,823 S.F.COVERED POOLOPTION B 1,550 S.F.COVEREDROOF DECK LOVEVIRTUAL ENVIRONMENTSCUSTOM RESIDENTIALCOMMERCIAL9155 CURBARIL AVENUEATASCADERO, CA 93422209.535.1907don@lovearchitecture.netARCHITECTUREMIXED-USEDEVELOPMENTDOVE CREEKPROMENADEATASCADEROCALIFORNIA 93422THE USE OF THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONSSHALL BE RESTRICTED TO THE ORIGINAL SITEFOR WHICH THEY WERE PREPARED ANDPUBLICATION THEREOF IS EXPRESSLY LIMITEDTO SUCH USE. REPRODUCTION OR PUBLICATIONBY ANY METHOD, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, ISPROHIBITED. TITLE TO THESE PLANS ANDSPECIFICATIONS REMAIN WITH THE ARCHITECTWITHOUT PREJUDICE. VISUAL CONTACT WITHTHESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS SHALLCONSTITUTE PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE OF THEACCEPTANCE OF THESE RESTRICTIONS. WRITTENDIMENSIONS ON THESE DRAWINGS SHALL HAVEPRECEDENCE OVER SCALED DIMENSIONS.CONTRACTORS SHALL VERIFY AND BERESPONSIBLE FOR ALL DIMENSIONS ANDEXISTING CONDITIONS ON THE JOB AND SHALLREPORT ANY DISCREPANCIES TO THE ARCHITECTFOR RESOLUTION PRIOR TO COMMENCING WORK.PROJECTDATESSHEET TITLESHEET #07/15/20 PRELIM DRAWN BYRACHD NSE IA EC T AC LI F O R N S T A L IC EOTFC 35361 E IT DON LOVEPRELIM INARY 08/19/20 STAFF REVIEW10/29/20 DRC A2.1 BUILDINGFLOOR PLANS SCALE: 1" = 20'-0"40'20'0'10'20' BUILDING APODIUM LEVELCOMMERCIAL, HOTEL LOBBY & BANQUET AREA: 24,312 sf UNITS: (4) @ 4,000 sf BUILDING ASECOND LEVELHOTELAREA: 24,312 sfUNITS: (40) @ 512 sfBUILDING ATHIRD LEVELHOTEL AREA: 24,312 sf UNITS: (40) @ 512 sf BUILDING AROOF LEVELBAR & HOTELAREA: 24,312 sfUNITS:(4) @ 512 sfBAR: 3,000 sfCOVERED ROOF DECK: 1,550 sfCOVERED POOL: 2,823 sf 24 W/DW/DDWDWDWDWDWDWDWDWDWDWDWDWDWDWDWDWDWDWDWDWDWDWDWDWDWDWDWDWDWDWDWDWDWDWDWDWDWDWDWDWDWDW810 S.F.1 BED810 S.F.1 BED 810 S.F.UPPER 1,013 S.F.PENTHOUSE 1,013 S.F.PENTHOUSE 720 S.F.DECK 720 S.F.DECK 620 S.F.RETAIL 620 S.F.RETAIL 620 S.F.RETAIL 620 S.F.RETAIL 1,013 S.F.1,013 S.F.4,000 S.F.RETAIL 4,000 S.F.RETAIL 810 S.F.LOWER 810 S.F.LOWER 810 S.F.LOWER 810 S.F.LOWER 810 S.F.UPPER 810 S.F.UPPER 623 S.F.DECK 623 S.F.DECK 810 S.F.UPPER DWDW1,013 S.F.1,013 S.F.LOVEVIRTUAL ENVIRONMENTSCUSTOM RESIDENTIALCOMMERCIAL9155 CURBARIL AVENUEATASCADERO, CA 93422209.535.1907don@lovearchitecture.netARCHITECTUREMIXED-USEDEVELOPMENTDOVE CREEKPROMENADEATASCADEROCALIFORNIA 93422THE USE OF THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONSSHALL BE RESTRICTED TO THE ORIGINAL SITEFOR WHICH THEY WERE PREPARED ANDPUBLICATION THEREOF IS EXPRESSLY LIMITEDTO SUCH USE. REPRODUCTION OR PUBLICATIONBY ANY METHOD, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, ISPROHIBITED. TITLE TO THESE PLANS ANDSPECIFICATIONS REMAIN WITH THE ARCHITECTWITHOUT PREJUDICE. VISUAL CONTACT WITHTHESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS SHALLCONSTITUTE PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE OF THEACCEPTANCE OF THESE RESTRICTIONS. WRITTENDIMENSIONS ON THESE DRAWINGS SHALL HAVEPRECEDENCE OVER SCALED DIMENSIONS.CONTRACTORS SHALL VERIFY AND BERESPONSIBLE FOR ALL DIMENSIONS ANDEXISTING CONDITIONS ON THE JOB AND SHALLREPORT ANY DISCREPANCIES TO THE ARCHITECTFOR RESOLUTION PRIOR TO COMMENCING WORK.PROJECTDATESSHEET TITLESHEET #07/15/20 PRELIM DRAWN BYRACHD NSE IA EC T AC LI F O R N S T A L IC EOTFC 35361 E IT DON LOVEPRELIM INARY 08/19/20 STAFF REVIEW10/29/20 DRC A2.2 BUILDINGFLOOR PLANS SCALE: 1" = 20'-0"40'20'0'10'20' BUILDING CGROUND LEVEL1 BED APARTMENTSAREA: 8,133 sf UNITS: (8) @ 800 sf BUILDING EGROUND LEVELCONDOMINIUMSAREA: 3,240 sf UNITS: (4) @ 810 sf BUILDING BGROUND LEVELRETAILAREA: 8,133 sf UNITS: (2) @ 4,000 sf BUILDING CPODIUM LEVEL1 BED APARTMENTSAREA: 8,133 sfUNITS: (8) @ 800 sfBUILDING BPODIUM LEVELHOTELAREA:8,133 sfUNITS:(8) @ 800 sfBUILDING CTHIRD LEVEL1 BED APARTMENTSAREA: 8,133 sfUNITS: (8) @ 800 sfBUILDING BTHIRD LEVELHOTELAREA:8,133 sfUNITS:(8) @ 800 sfBUILDING ESECOND LEVELCONDOMINIUMSAREA: 3,240 sfUNITS: (4) @ 810 sfBUILDING ETHIRD LEVELCONDOMINIUMSAREA:1,620 sfUNITS:(2) @ 810 sfBUILDING DGROUND LEVELPARKING & STORAGEAREA: 4,500 sf UNITS: (2) @ 1,013 sf SPACES: (8) STANDARD BUILDING DPODIUM LEVEL & THIRD LEVEL2 BED CONDOMINIUMSAREA: 4,500 sfUNITS: (2) @ 1,013 sf PER LEVELBUILDING DFOURTH LEVEL2 BED PENTHOUSEAREA: 2,026 sfUNITS: (2) @ 1,013 sf 25 932.00PODIUM913.00PARKING 93'-0" HIGHEST POINTABOVE PODIUM+0'-0" F.F.+17'-0" F.F.+44'-0" ROOF+56'-0" T.O.P.+14'-0" T.O.P.+27'-0" T.O.P.+31'-0" F.F.+41'-0" T.O.P.-4'-0" T.O.P.-19'-0" F.F.PODIUMPARKING LOVEVIRTUAL ENVIRONMENTSCUSTOM RESIDENTIALCOMMERCIAL9155 CURBARIL AVENUEATASCADERO, CA 93422209.535.1907don@lovearchitecture.netARCHITECTUREMIXED-USEDEVELOPMENTDOVE CREEKPROMENADEATASCADEROCALIFORNIA 93422THE USE OF THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONSSHALL BE RESTRICTED TO THE ORIGINAL SITEFOR WHICH THEY WERE PREPARED ANDPUBLICATION THEREOF IS EXPRESSLY LIMITEDTO SUCH USE. REPRODUCTION OR PUBLICATIONBY ANY METHOD, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, ISPROHIBITED. TITLE TO THESE PLANS ANDSPECIFICATIONS REMAIN WITH THE ARCHITECTWITHOUT PREJUDICE. VISUAL CONTACT WITHTHESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS SHALLCONSTITUTE PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE OF THEACCEPTANCE OF THESE RESTRICTIONS. WRITTENDIMENSIONS ON THESE DRAWINGS SHALL HAVEPRECEDENCE OVER SCALED DIMENSIONS.CONTRACTORS SHALL VERIFY AND BERESPONSIBLE FOR ALL DIMENSIONS ANDEXISTING CONDITIONS ON THE JOB AND SHALLREPORT ANY DISCREPANCIES TO THE ARCHITECTFOR RESOLUTION PRIOR TO COMMENCING WORK.PROJECTDATESSHEET TITLESHEET #07/15/20 PRELIM DRAWN BYRACHD NSE IA EC T AC LI F O R N S T A L IC EOTFC 35361 E IT DON LOVEPRELIM INARY 08/19/20 STAFF REVIEW10/29/20 DRC A3.1EXTERIORELEVATIONS-BUILDING AVIEW FROM BLISS - SOUTHWESTVIEW FROM EL CAMINO REAL - EASTVIEW FROM PODIUM - NORTHVIEW FROM SANTA BARBARA - SOUTHEAST SCALE: 1" = 20'-0"40'20'0'10'20'26 55'-11" HIGHEST POINTABOVE AVERAGENATURAL GRADE +0'-0" F.F.+16'-0" F.F.+27'-2" F.F.+38'-4" ROOF+46'-4" T.O.P.+13'-0" T.O.P.55'-11" HIGHEST POINTABOVE AVERAGENATURAL GRADE +0'-0" F.F.+16'-0" F.F.+27'-2" F.F.+38'-4" ROOF+46'-4" T.O.P.+13'-0" T.O.P.LOVEVIRTUAL ENVIRONMENTSCUSTOM RESIDENTIALCOMMERCIAL9155 CURBARIL AVENUEATASCADERO, CA 93422209.535.1907don@lovearchitecture.netARCHITECTUREMIXED-USEDEVELOPMENTDOVE CREEKPROMENADEATASCADEROCALIFORNIA 93422THE USE OF THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONSSHALL BE RESTRICTED TO THE ORIGINAL SITEFOR WHICH THEY WERE PREPARED ANDPUBLICATION THEREOF IS EXPRESSLY LIMITEDTO SUCH USE. REPRODUCTION OR PUBLICATIONBY ANY METHOD, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, ISPROHIBITED. TITLE TO THESE PLANS ANDSPECIFICATIONS REMAIN WITH THE ARCHITECTWITHOUT PREJUDICE. VISUAL CONTACT WITHTHESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS SHALLCONSTITUTE PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE OF THEACCEPTANCE OF THESE RESTRICTIONS. WRITTENDIMENSIONS ON THESE DRAWINGS SHALL HAVEPRECEDENCE OVER SCALED DIMENSIONS.CONTRACTORS SHALL VERIFY AND BERESPONSIBLE FOR ALL DIMENSIONS ANDEXISTING CONDITIONS ON THE JOB AND SHALLREPORT ANY DISCREPANCIES TO THE ARCHITECTFOR RESOLUTION PRIOR TO COMMENCING WORK.PROJECTDATESSHEET TITLESHEET #07/15/20 PRELIM DRAWN BYRACHD NSE IA EC T AC LI F O R N S T A L IC EOTFC 35361 E IT DON LOVEPRELIM INARY 08/19/20 STAFF REVIEW10/29/20 DRC A3.2EXTERIORELEVATIONS-BUILDING BVIEW FROM EL CAMINO REAL - EASTVIEW FROM PODIUM - SOUTHVIEW FROM CASHIN DRIVEWAY - WESTVIEW FROM CASHIN - NORTH SCALE: 1" = 10'-0"20'10'0'5'10'27 51'-11" HIGHEST POINTABOVE AVERAGENATURAL GRADE +0'-0" F.F.+12'-0" F.F.+23'-2" F.F.+34'-4" ROOF+42'-4" T.O.P.+0'-0" F.F.51'-11" HIGHEST POINTABOVE AVERAGENATURAL GRADE +12'-0" F.F.+23'-2" F.F.+34'-4" ROOF+42'-4" T.O.P.LOVEVIRTUAL ENVIRONMENTSCUSTOM RESIDENTIALCOMMERCIAL9155 CURBARIL AVENUEATASCADERO, CA 93422209.535.1907don@lovearchitecture.netARCHITECTUREMIXED-USEDEVELOPMENTDOVE CREEKPROMENADEATASCADEROCALIFORNIA 93422THE USE OF THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONSSHALL BE RESTRICTED TO THE ORIGINAL SITEFOR WHICH THEY WERE PREPARED ANDPUBLICATION THEREOF IS EXPRESSLY LIMITEDTO SUCH USE. REPRODUCTION OR PUBLICATIONBY ANY METHOD, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, ISPROHIBITED. TITLE TO THESE PLANS ANDSPECIFICATIONS REMAIN WITH THE ARCHITECTWITHOUT PREJUDICE. VISUAL CONTACT WITHTHESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS SHALLCONSTITUTE PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE OF THEACCEPTANCE OF THESE RESTRICTIONS. WRITTENDIMENSIONS ON THESE DRAWINGS SHALL HAVEPRECEDENCE OVER SCALED DIMENSIONS.CONTRACTORS SHALL VERIFY AND BERESPONSIBLE FOR ALL DIMENSIONS ANDEXISTING CONDITIONS ON THE JOB AND SHALLREPORT ANY DISCREPANCIES TO THE ARCHITECTFOR RESOLUTION PRIOR TO COMMENCING WORK.PROJECTDATESSHEET TITLESHEET #07/15/20 PRELIM DRAWN BYRACHD NSE IA EC T AC LI F O R N S T A L IC EOTFC 35361 E IT DON LOVEPRELIM INARY 08/19/20 STAFF REVIEW10/29/20 DRC A3.3EXTERIORELEVATIONS-BUILDING CVIEW FROM SANTA BARBARA - SOUTHEASTVIEW FROM PODIUM - NORTHEASTVIEW FROM BLISS DRIVEWAY - NORTHWESTVIEW FROM BLISS - SOUTHWEST SCALE: 1" = 10'-0"20'10'0'5'10'28 38'-4" HIGHEST POINTABOVE AVERAGENATURAL GRADE +0'-0" F.F.+11'-6" F.F.+23'-0" F.F.+33'-0" T.O.P.38'-4" HIGHEST POINTABOVE AVERAGENATURAL GRADE +0'-0" F.F.+11'-6" F.F.+23'-0" F.F.+33'-0" T.O.P.52'-8" HIGHEST POINTABOVE AVERAGENATURAL GRADE +0'-0" F.F.+11'-6" F.F.+23'-0" F.F.+33'-0" F.F.+44'-6" T.O.P.52'-8" HIGHEST POINTABOVE AVERAGENATURAL GRADE +0'-0" F.F.+19'-0" F.F.+33'-0" F.F.+44'-6" T.O.P.LOVEVIRTUAL ENVIRONMENTSCUSTOM RESIDENTIALCOMMERCIAL9155 CURBARIL AVENUEATASCADERO, CA 93422209.535.1907don@lovearchitecture.netARCHITECTUREMIXED-USEDEVELOPMENTDOVE CREEKPROMENADEATASCADEROCALIFORNIA 93422THE USE OF THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONSSHALL BE RESTRICTED TO THE ORIGINAL SITEFOR WHICH THEY WERE PREPARED ANDPUBLICATION THEREOF IS EXPRESSLY LIMITEDTO SUCH USE. REPRODUCTION OR PUBLICATIONBY ANY METHOD, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, ISPROHIBITED. TITLE TO THESE PLANS ANDSPECIFICATIONS REMAIN WITH THE ARCHITECTWITHOUT PREJUDICE. VISUAL CONTACT WITHTHESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS SHALLCONSTITUTE PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE OF THEACCEPTANCE OF THESE RESTRICTIONS. WRITTENDIMENSIONS ON THESE DRAWINGS SHALL HAVEPRECEDENCE OVER SCALED DIMENSIONS.CONTRACTORS SHALL VERIFY AND BERESPONSIBLE FOR ALL DIMENSIONS ANDEXISTING CONDITIONS ON THE JOB AND SHALLREPORT ANY DISCREPANCIES TO THE ARCHITECTFOR RESOLUTION PRIOR TO COMMENCING WORK.PROJECTDATESSHEET TITLESHEET #07/15/20 PRELIM DRAWN BYRACHD NSE IA EC T AC LI F O R N S T A L IC EOTFC 35361 E IT DON LOVEPRELIM INARY 08/19/20 STAFF REVIEW10/29/20 DRC A3.4EXTERIORELEVATIONS-BUILDINGSD&EVIEW FROM RESIDENTIAL ALLEYVIEW FROM STAIRWELLVIEW FROM PODIUMVIEW FROM STAIRWELLVIEW FROM RESIDENTIAL ALLEYSIDE VIEWSIDE VIEWVIEW FROM BLISS / CASHIN SCALE: 1" = 10'-0"20'10'0'5'10' BUILDING DBUILDING E 29 LOVEVIRTUAL ENVIRONMENTSCUSTOM RESIDENTIALCOMMERCIAL9155 CURBARIL AVENUEATASCADERO, CA 93422209.535.1907don@lovearchitecture.netARCHITECTUREMIXED-USEDEVELOPMENTDOVE CREEKPROMENADEATASCADEROCALIFORNIA 93422THE USE OF THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONSSHALL BE RESTRICTED TO THE ORIGINAL SITEFOR WHICH THEY WERE PREPARED ANDPUBLICATION THEREOF IS EXPRESSLY LIMITEDTO SUCH USE. REPRODUCTION OR PUBLICATIONBY ANY METHOD, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, ISPROHIBITED. TITLE TO THESE PLANS ANDSPECIFICATIONS REMAIN WITH THE ARCHITECTWITHOUT PREJUDICE. VISUAL CONTACT WITHTHESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS SHALLCONSTITUTE PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE OF THEACCEPTANCE OF THESE RESTRICTIONS. WRITTENDIMENSIONS ON THESE DRAWINGS SHALL HAVEPRECEDENCE OVER SCALED DIMENSIONS.CONTRACTORS SHALL VERIFY AND BERESPONSIBLE FOR ALL DIMENSIONS ANDEXISTING CONDITIONS ON THE JOB AND SHALLREPORT ANY DISCREPANCIES TO THE ARCHITECTFOR RESOLUTION PRIOR TO COMMENCING WORK.PROJECTDATESSHEET TITLESHEET #07/15/20 PRELIM DRAWN BYRACHD NSE IA EC T AC LI F O R N S T A L IC EOTFC 35361 E IT DON LOVEPRELIM INARY 08/19/20 STAFF REVIEW10/29/20 DRC A4.1 PERSPECTIVES RESIDENTIAL ALLEYCASHIN DRIVEWAYBLISS DRIVEWAYINTERSECTION OF SANTA BARBARA AND EL CAMINO REAL 30 LOVEVIRTUAL ENVIRONMENTSCUSTOM RESIDENTIALCOMMERCIAL9155 CURBARIL AVENUEATASCADERO, CA 93422209.535.1907don@lovearchitecture.netARCHITECTUREMIXED-USEDEVELOPMENTDOVE CREEKPROMENADEATASCADEROCALIFORNIA 93422THE USE OF THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONSSHALL BE RESTRICTED TO THE ORIGINAL SITEFOR WHICH THEY WERE PREPARED ANDPUBLICATION THEREOF IS EXPRESSLY LIMITEDTO SUCH USE. REPRODUCTION OR PUBLICATIONBY ANY METHOD, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, ISPROHIBITED. TITLE TO THESE PLANS ANDSPECIFICATIONS REMAIN WITH THE ARCHITECTWITHOUT PREJUDICE. VISUAL CONTACT WITHTHESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS SHALLCONSTITUTE PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE OF THEACCEPTANCE OF THESE RESTRICTIONS. WRITTENDIMENSIONS ON THESE DRAWINGS SHALL HAVEPRECEDENCE OVER SCALED DIMENSIONS.CONTRACTORS SHALL VERIFY AND BERESPONSIBLE FOR ALL DIMENSIONS ANDEXISTING CONDITIONS ON THE JOB AND SHALLREPORT ANY DISCREPANCIES TO THE ARCHITECTFOR RESOLUTION PRIOR TO COMMENCING WORK.PROJECTDATESSHEET TITLESHEET #07/15/20 PRELIM DRAWN BYRACHD NSE IA EC T AC LI F O R N S T A L IC EOTFC 35361 E IT DON LOVEPRELIM INARY 08/19/20 STAFF REVIEW10/29/20 DRC A4.2 PERSPECTIVESBLISSCASHINEL CAMINO REALSANTA BARBARA 31 LOVEVIRTUAL ENVIRONMENTSCUSTOM RESIDENTIALCOMMERCIAL9155 CURBARIL AVENUEATASCADERO, CA 93422209.535.1907don@lovearchitecture.netARCHITECTUREMIXED-USEDEVELOPMENTDOVE CREEKPROMENADEATASCADEROCALIFORNIA 93422THE USE OF THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONSSHALL BE RESTRICTED TO THE ORIGINAL SITEFOR WHICH THEY WERE PREPARED ANDPUBLICATION THEREOF IS EXPRESSLY LIMITEDTO SUCH USE. REPRODUCTION OR PUBLICATIONBY ANY METHOD, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, ISPROHIBITED. TITLE TO THESE PLANS ANDSPECIFICATIONS REMAIN WITH THE ARCHITECTWITHOUT PREJUDICE. VISUAL CONTACT WITHTHESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS SHALLCONSTITUTE PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE OF THEACCEPTANCE OF THESE RESTRICTIONS. WRITTENDIMENSIONS ON THESE DRAWINGS SHALL HAVEPRECEDENCE OVER SCALED DIMENSIONS.CONTRACTORS SHALL VERIFY AND BERESPONSIBLE FOR ALL DIMENSIONS ANDEXISTING CONDITIONS ON THE JOB AND SHALLREPORT ANY DISCREPANCIES TO THE ARCHITECTFOR RESOLUTION PRIOR TO COMMENCING WORK.PROJECTDATESSHEET TITLESHEET #07/15/20 PRELIM DRAWN BYRACHD NSE IA EC T AC LI F O R N S T A L IC EOTFC 35361 E IT DON LOVEPRELIM INARY 08/19/20 STAFF REVIEW10/29/20 DRC A4.3PERSPECTIVES-OPTION AAERIALOPTION APODIUM BIRDS-EYE 1OPTION APODIUM BIRDS-EYE 2OPTION APOOLOPTION A 32 LOVEVIRTUAL ENVIRONMENTSCUSTOM RESIDENTIALCOMMERCIAL9155 CURBARIL AVENUEATASCADERO, CA 93422209.535.1907don@lovearchitecture.netARCHITECTUREMIXED-USEDEVELOPMENTDOVE CREEKPROMENADEATASCADEROCALIFORNIA 93422THE USE OF THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONSSHALL BE RESTRICTED TO THE ORIGINAL SITEFOR WHICH THEY WERE PREPARED ANDPUBLICATION THEREOF IS EXPRESSLY LIMITEDTO SUCH USE. REPRODUCTION OR PUBLICATIONBY ANY METHOD, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, ISPROHIBITED. TITLE TO THESE PLANS ANDSPECIFICATIONS REMAIN WITH THE ARCHITECTWITHOUT PREJUDICE. VISUAL CONTACT WITHTHESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS SHALLCONSTITUTE PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE OF THEACCEPTANCE OF THESE RESTRICTIONS. WRITTENDIMENSIONS ON THESE DRAWINGS SHALL HAVEPRECEDENCE OVER SCALED DIMENSIONS.CONTRACTORS SHALL VERIFY AND BERESPONSIBLE FOR ALL DIMENSIONS ANDEXISTING CONDITIONS ON THE JOB AND SHALLREPORT ANY DISCREPANCIES TO THE ARCHITECTFOR RESOLUTION PRIOR TO COMMENCING WORK.PROJECTDATESSHEET TITLESHEET #07/15/20 PRELIM DRAWN BYRACHD NSE IA EC T AC LI F O R N S T A L IC EOTFC 35361 E IT DON LOVEPRELIM INARY 08/19/20 STAFF REVIEW10/29/20 DRC A4.4 PERSPECTIVES-OPTION BAERIALOPTION BPODIUM BIRDS-EYE 1OPTION BPODIUM BIRDS-EYE 2OPTION BPATIO DININGOPTION B 33 LOVEVIRTUAL ENVIRONMENTSCUSTOM RESIDENTIALCOMMERCIAL9155 CURBARIL AVENUEATASCADERO, CA 93422209.535.1907don@lovearchitecture.netARCHITECTUREMIXED-USEDEVELOPMENTDOVE CREEKPROMENADEATASCADEROCALIFORNIA 93422THE USE OF THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONSSHALL BE RESTRICTED TO THE ORIGINAL SITEFOR WHICH THEY WERE PREPARED ANDPUBLICATION THEREOF IS EXPRESSLY LIMITEDTO SUCH USE. REPRODUCTION OR PUBLICATIONBY ANY METHOD, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, ISPROHIBITED. TITLE TO THESE PLANS ANDSPECIFICATIONS REMAIN WITH THE ARCHITECTWITHOUT PREJUDICE. VISUAL CONTACT WITHTHESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS SHALLCONSTITUTE PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE OF THEACCEPTANCE OF THESE RESTRICTIONS. WRITTENDIMENSIONS ON THESE DRAWINGS SHALL HAVEPRECEDENCE OVER SCALED DIMENSIONS.CONTRACTORS SHALL VERIFY AND BERESPONSIBLE FOR ALL DIMENSIONS ANDEXISTING CONDITIONS ON THE JOB AND SHALLREPORT ANY DISCREPANCIES TO THE ARCHITECTFOR RESOLUTION PRIOR TO COMMENCING WORK.PROJECTDATESSHEET TITLESHEET #07/15/20 PRELIM DRAWN BYRACHD NSE IA EC T AC LI F O R N S T A L IC EOTFC 35361 E IT DON LOVEPRELIM INARY 08/19/20 STAFF REVIEW10/29/20 DRC A4.5PERSPECTIVES-OPTION APODIUM RETAILOPTION ASTAIRS / PARKING ACCESSNORTH ENTRY TO PODIUMOPTION ASOUTH ENTRY TO PODIUMOPTION A 34 LOVEVIRTUAL ENVIRONMENTSCUSTOM RESIDENTIALCOMMERCIAL9155 CURBARIL AVENUEATASCADERO, CA 93422209.535.1907don@lovearchitecture.netARCHITECTUREMIXED-USEDEVELOPMENTDOVE CREEKPROMENADEATASCADEROCALIFORNIA 93422THE USE OF THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONSSHALL BE RESTRICTED TO THE ORIGINAL SITEFOR WHICH THEY WERE PREPARED ANDPUBLICATION THEREOF IS EXPRESSLY LIMITEDTO SUCH USE. REPRODUCTION OR PUBLICATIONBY ANY METHOD, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, ISPROHIBITED. TITLE TO THESE PLANS ANDSPECIFICATIONS REMAIN WITH THE ARCHITECTWITHOUT PREJUDICE. VISUAL CONTACT WITHTHESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS SHALLCONSTITUTE PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE OF THEACCEPTANCE OF THESE RESTRICTIONS. WRITTENDIMENSIONS ON THESE DRAWINGS SHALL HAVEPRECEDENCE OVER SCALED DIMENSIONS.CONTRACTORS SHALL VERIFY AND BERESPONSIBLE FOR ALL DIMENSIONS ANDEXISTING CONDITIONS ON THE JOB AND SHALLREPORT ANY DISCREPANCIES TO THE ARCHITECTFOR RESOLUTION PRIOR TO COMMENCING WORK.PROJECTDATESSHEET TITLESHEET #07/15/20 PRELIM DRAWN BYRACHD NSE IA EC T AC LI F O R N S T A L IC EOTFC 35361 E IT DON LOVEPRELIM INARY 08/19/20 STAFF REVIEW10/29/20 DRC A4.6PERSPECTIVES-OPTION BPODIUM RETAILOPTION BSTAIRSOPTION BNORTH ENTRY TO PODIUMOPTION BSOUTH ENTRY TO PODIUMOPTION B 35 GRADING LEGEND GENERAL LEGEND STORM DRAIN LEGEND: 99 100 GRADING KEY NOTES: 0 2 " T R E E 0 2 " T R E E 0 2 " T R E E 0 2 " T R E E 0 2 " T R E E 0 2 " T R E E 0 2 " T R E E 0 2 " T R E E 0 2 " T R E E 0 2 " T R E E 0 2 " T R E E 0 2 " T R E E 0 2 " T R E E 0 2 " T R E E 0 2 " T R E E 0 2 " T R E E 0 4 " T R E E 0 2 " T R E E 0 2 " T R E E 0 2 " T R E E 0 2 " T R E E 0 2 " T R E E 0 2 " T R E E 0 2 " T R E E 0 2 " T R E E 0 1 " T R E E 0 2 " T R E E 0 6 " T R E E 0 6 " T R E E 0 6 " T R E E 0 1 " T R E E 0 4 " T R E E 0 4 " T R E E 0 4 " T R E E 0 4 " T R E E 0 6 " T R E E 0 4 " T R E E 0 2 " T R E E 0 2 " T R E E 0 2 " T R E E 0 4 " T R E E 0 6 " T R E E 0 3 " T R E E 0 3 " T R E E 935 930 925920915910 925 920 915910 91592092092091 5 915 9109251 0 ' B U SH A R V 913912913911911912913914914916917918919916917918919921922922921920921922923923922921920B U S H G : 9 2 3 . 8 ' B U SH FF 911.50 FF 912.50 FF 913.00 FF 911.50 FF 912.00 FF 913.00 FF 911.50 FF 911.50 FF 911.00 FF 913.00 FF #2 932.00 (PODIUM) FF #1 913.00 (UNDERGROUND PARKING) C1.0 PRELIMINARY GRADING PLAN Know what'sbelow.before you dig.Call811 00 30'60' 30' SCALE: 1" = ON STRUCTURE GRADING PERARCHITECTURAL AND LANDSCAPE PLANS BY OTHERS.LOVE VIRTUAL ENVIRONMENTS CUSTOM RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL 9155 CURBARIL AVENUE ATASCADERO, CA 93422 209.535.1907 don@lovearchitecture.net ARCHITECTURE MIXED-USE DEVELOPMENT DOVE CREEK PROMENADE ATASCADERO CALIFORNIA 93422 PROJECT SHEET TITLE SHEET # DRAWN BY KYLE GENEVAY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION THE USE OF THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS SHALL BE RESTRICTED TO THE ORIGINAL SITE FOR WHICH THEY WERE PREPARED AND PUBLICATION THEREOF IS EXPRESSLY LIMITED TO SUCH USE. REPRODUCTION OR PUBLICATION BY ANY METHOD, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, IS PROHIBITED. TITLE TO THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS REMAIN WITH THE ARCHITECT WITHOUT PREJUDICE. VISUAL CONTACT WITH THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS SHALL CONSTITUTE PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE OF THE ACCEPTANCE OF THESE RESTRICTIONS. WRITTEN DIMENSIONS ON THESE DRAWINGS SHALL HAVE PRECEDENCE OVER SCALED DIMENSIONS. CONTRACTORS SHALL VERIFY AND BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL DIMENSIONS AND EXISTING CONDITIONS ON THE JOB AND SHALL REPORT ANY DISCREPANCIES TO THE ARCHITECT FOR RESOLUTION PRIOR TO COMMENCING WORK. DATES 10/29/20 DRC 36 GENERAL LEGEND STORM DRAIN LEGEND: WATER LEGEND: SANITARY SEWER LEGEND: A R V FF 911.50 FF 912.50 FF 913.00 FF 911.50 FF 912.00 FF 913.00 FF 911.50 FF 911.50 FF 911.00 FF 913.00 FF #2 932.00 (PODIUM) FF #1 913.00 (UNDERGROUND PARKING) SANITARY SEWER KEY NOTES STORM DRAIN KEY NOTES WATER KEY NOTES C2.0 PRELIMINARY UTILITY PLAN Know what'sbelow.before you dig.Call811 00 30'60' 30'SCALE: 1" = LOVE VIRTUAL ENVIRONMENTS CUSTOM RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL 9155 CURBARIL AVENUE ATASCADERO, CA 93422 209.535.1907 don@lovearchitecture.net ARCHITECTURE MIXED-USE DEVELOPMENT DOVE CREEK PROMENADE ATASCADERO CALIFORNIA 93422 PROJECT SHEET TITLE SHEET # DRAWN BY KYLE GENEVAY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION THE USE OF THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS SHALL BE RESTRICTED TO THE ORIGINAL SITE FOR WHICH THEY WERE PREPARED AND PUBLICATION THEREOF IS EXPRESSLY LIMITED TO SUCH USE. REPRODUCTION OR PUBLICATION BY ANY METHOD, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, IS PROHIBITED. TITLE TO THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS REMAIN WITH THE ARCHITECT WITHOUT PREJUDICE. VISUAL CONTACT WITH THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS SHALL CONSTITUTE PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE OF THE ACCEPTANCE OF THESE RESTRICTIONS. WRITTEN DIMENSIONS ON THESE DRAWINGS SHALL HAVE PRECEDENCE OVER SCALED DIMENSIONS. CONTRACTORS SHALL VERIFY AND BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL DIMENSIONS AND EXISTING CONDITIONS ON THE JOB AND SHALL REPORT ANY DISCREPANCIES TO THE ARCHITECT FOR RESOLUTION PRIOR TO COMMENCING WORK. DATES 10/29/20 DRC 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49