HomeMy WebLinkAboutTBID_2020-10-21_AgendaPacket ATASCADERO TOURISM BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT AGENDA * COVID-19 NOTICE * Consistent with Executive Orders N-25-20 and No. N-29-20 from the Executive Department of the State of California and the San Luis Obispo County Health Official’s March 18, 2020 Shelter at Home Order, the Atascadero Tourism Business Improvement District Meeting will not be physically open to the public and Advisory Board Members will be teleconferencing into the meeting. HOW TO OBSERVE THE MEETING: To maximize public safety while still maintaining transparency and public access, the meeting will be available by visiting https://zoom.us/j/99765963807. HOW TO SUBMIT PUBLIC COMMENT: Members of the public are highly encouraged to join the video conference to listen and provide public comment. AMERICAN DISABILITY ACT ACCOMMODATIONS: Any member of the public who needs accommodations should contact the City Clerk’s Office at cityclerk@atascadero.org or by calling 805-470-3400 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting or time when services are needed. The City will use their best efforts to provide reasonable accommodations to afford as much accessibility as possible while also maintaining public safety in accordance with the City procedure for resolving reasonable accommodation requests. Atascadero Tourism Business Improvement District Board Meeting agendas and minutes may be viewed on the City's website: www.atascadero.org. Copies of the staff reports or other documentation relating to each item of business referred to on the Agenda are on file in the office of the City Clerk and are available for public inspection on our website, www.atascadero.org. Contracts, Resolutions and Ordinances will be allocated a number once they are approved by the City Council. The Minutes of this meeting will reflect these numbers. All documents submitted by the public during Council meetings that are either read into the record or referred to in their statement will be noted in the Minutes and available for review by contacting the City Clerk's office. All documents will be available for public inspection during City Hall business hours once City Hall is open to the public following the termination of the Shelter at Home Order. ADVISORY BOARD FOR THE ATASCADERO TOURISM BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT AGENDA Wednesday, October 21, 2020 at 2:30 P.M. Video Conference: https://zoom.us/j/99765963807 Atascadero City Hall - 6500 Palma Avenue, Club Room Atascadero, California CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: Chairperson Tom O’Malley, Portola Inn Vice Chairperson Lucian Caprau, Best Western Plus Colony Inn Board Member Deana Alexander, The Carlton Hotel Board Member Patricia Harden, SpringHill Suites by Marriott Board Member Amar Sohi, Holiday Inn Express and Suites APPROVAL OF AGENDA: PUBLIC COMMENT: This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wanting to address the Board on any matter not on this agenda and over which the Board has jurisdiction. Speakers are limited to three minutes. Please state your name for the record before making your presentation. The Board may take action to direct the staff to place a matter of business on a future agenda. A maximum of 30 minutes will be allowed for Public Comment, unless changed by the Board. A.CONSENT CALENDAR 1. ATBID Draft Action Minutes – September 16, 2020 •Recommendation: Approve the Draft Action Minutes of September 16, 2020. [Big Red Marketing] B.BUSINESS ITEMS 1.COVID-19 Visit Atascadero Website Banner •Recommendation: Approve the addition of a banner on Visit Atascadero’s website with COVID-19 updated information. [Verdin] •Fiscal Impact [GL 2401]: $300. 2. Revised Event Tiers and Application •Recommendation: Discuss and provide staff direction on the revised Event Tiers and Sponsorship Application. [Big Red Marketing] •Fiscal Impact: None. f 3.SPARTAN Race AdHoc Committee Update •Recommendation: Discuss and provide staff direction on the SPARTAN Race AdHoc Committee Update. [SPARTAN Race AdHoc Committee] •Fiscal Impact: None. 4.Citywide Yard Sale Sponsorship •Recommendation: Discuss and provide staff direction on the Citywide Yard Sale Sponsorship. [Parents for Joy] •Fiscal Impact [GL 2801]: $3,750. 5. AdHoc Committee Update •Recommendation: 1.Approve the cancellation of the January 2021 Atascadero TBID Board Meeting. [AdHoc Committee] 2.Approve the change of monthly marketing statistic and detailed budget reports to quarterly marketing statistic and detailed budget reports. [AdHoc Committee] •Fiscal Impact: None. 6. Monthly Budget Report •Recommendation: Receive and file Budget Report. [Big Red Marketing] •Fiscal Impact: None. C. UPDATES 1.Contract Review AdHoc Committee Update – Chairperson O’Malley 2.Visit SLO CAL TMD Update – Board Member Sohi 3.Visit SLO CAL Marketing Committee Update –City Manager’s Office 4.Visit SLO CAL PR Task Force - Verdin 5.Destination Management Update – Big Red Marketing 6. City Business Update – City Manager’s Office D. BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS E.FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS 1.Big Red Marketing Meeting Roles 2.Marketing Statistic Update 3.Short-term Rental Update F. ADJOURNMENT Atascadero Tourism Business Improvement District (ATBID) WELCOME TO THE ATBID MEETING The ATBID Advisory Board meets in regular session on the third Wednesday of each month at 2:30 p.m. Board meetings will be held at the Atascadero City Hall, 6500 Palma Avenue, Atascadero. Matters are considered by the Advisory Board in the order of the printed Agenda. Copies of the staff reports or other documentation relating to each item of business referred to on the Agenda are on file in the office of the City Clerk and are available for public inspection during City Hall business hours at the Atascadero City Hall, 6500 Palma Avenue, Atascadero, and on our website, www.atascadero.org. All documents submitted by the public during Advisory Board meetings that are either read into the record or referred to in their statement will be noted in the minutes and available for review in the City Clerk's office. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in a City meeting or other services offered by this City, please contact the City Manager’s Office or the City Clerk’s Office, both at (805) 470-3400. Notification at least 48 hours prior to the meeting or time when services are needed will assist the City staff in assuring that reasonable arrangements can be made to provide accessibility to the meeting or service. TO SPEAK ON SUBJECTS NOT LISTED ON THE AGENDA Under the Agenda item, “PUBLIC COMMENT”, the Chairperson will call for anyone from the audience wishing to speak concerning any item not on the Agenda to approach the lectern and be recognized. 1.Give your name for the record (not required) 2.State the nature of your business. 3.All comments are limited to 3 minutes. 4.All comments should be made to the Chairperson and Advisory Board. 5.No person shall be permitted to make slanderous, profane or negative personal remarks concerning any other individual, absent or present. This is the time items not on the Agenda may be brought to the Advisory Board’s attention. A maximum of 30 minutes will be allowed for PUBLIC COMMENT (unless changed by the Advisory Board). If you wish to use a computer presentation to support your comments, you must notify the City Clerk's office at least 24 hours prior to the meeting. Digital presentations must be brought to the meeting on a USB drive or CD. You are required to submit to the City Clerk a printed copy of your presentation for the record. Please check in with the City Clerk before the meeting begins to announce your presence and turn in your printed copy. TO SPEAK ON AGENDA ITEMS (from Title 2, Chapter 1 of the Atascadero Municipal Code) Members of the audience may speak on any item on the agenda. The Chairperson will identify the subject, staff will give their report, and the Advisory Board will ask questions of staff. The Chairperson will announce when the public comment period is open and will request anyone interested to address the Advisory Board regarding the matter being considered to step up to the lectern. If you wish to speak for, against or comment in any way: 1.You must approach the lectern and be recognized by the Chairperson 2.Give your name (not required) 3.Make your statement 4.All comments should be made to the Chairperson and Advisory Board 5.No person shall be permitted to make slanderous, profane or negative personal remarks concerning any other individual, absent or present 6.All comments limited to 3 minutes The Chairperson will announce when the public comment period is closed, and thereafter, no further public comments will be heard by the Advisory Board. ADVISORY BOARD FOR THE ATASCADERO TOURISM BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT DRAFT ACTION MINUTES Wednesday, September 16, 2020 at 2:30 P.M. Video Conference: https://zoom.us/j/95530935043 Atascadero City Hall - 6500 Palma Avenue, Club Room Atascadero, California CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson O’Malley called the meeting to order at 2:34 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Chairperson O’Malley, Board Member Alexander, Board Member Harden, Board Member Sohi Vacant: None. Absent: Vice Chairperson Caprau Staff Present: Destination Management Consultant Hanna Meisinger, Destination Management Consultant Amanda Diefenderfer, Marketing Consultant Ashlee Akers and Deputy City Clerk Amanda Muther. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: MOTION: By Chairperson O’Malley and seconded by Board Member Alexander to approve the agenda noting that Colony Days presentation will be pulled from this meeting as they will not apply until 2021, thus resulting in removal of item B3. Motion passed 4:0 by a roll call vote. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. A. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. ATBID Draft Action Minutes – August 19, 2020 • Recommendation: Approve the Draft Action Minutes of August 19, 2020. [Big Red Marketing] MOTION: By Board Member Sohi and seconded by Board Member Alexander to approve the consent calendar. Motion passed 4:0 by a voice vote. B. BUSINESS ITEMS Page 4 of 35 1. Atascadero Mural Project Sponsorship • Recommendation: Discuss and provide staff direction on the Atascadero Mural Project sponsorship. [SLO County Arts] • Fiscal Impact [GL 2502]: $10,000. Following the review of the staff report and the letter submitted by the Equality Mural Project that were both included in the Board packet, Zoe Zappas presented a PowerPoint presentation sharing more details of their history, goals and the anticipated costs. In response the Board asked questions regarding the process. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. MOTION: By Chairperson O’Malley and seconded by Board Member Harden to support in-kind marketing through hosting a landing page for the mural map on the Visit Atascadero website and drive traffic to that page through other marketing efforts within the approved budget and approve $5,000 to support the first mural while inviting them to re-apply for support of additional murals once complete. Motion passed 4:0 by a roll call vote. 2. Measure #D-20 Atascadero Sales Tax Measure • Recommendation: Discuss a potential motion that provides the official position of the TBID Board on Measure #D-20. [ATBID Board] • Fiscal Impact: None. City Staff member Rachelle Rickard provided an update explaining the Sales Tax Measure and what areas of City services it would support. The Board asked questions regarding the tax measure. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. MOTION: By Chairperson O’Malley and seconded by Board Member Alexander to endorse Measure #D-20 on behalf of the Atascadero TBID. Motion passed 4:0 by a roll call vote. 3. 2020 Colony Days Event Sponsorship • Recommendation: Decline sponsorship for the 2020 Colony Days event. [Atascadero Colony Days Committee] • Fiscal Impact [GL 2801]: $5,000. This business item was cancelled. 4. Visit SLO CAL Spartan Race Co-op • Recommendation: Discuss and provide staff direction on the Visit SLO CAL Spartan Race Co-op. [Visit SLO CAL] • Fiscal Impact [GL 2502]: Up to $6,250. Destination Management Consultant Meisinger provided a staff report regarding the costs and the co-op offerings. Brendan Pringle with Visit SLO CAL further explained the benefits Page 5 of 35 of upgrading to a National Series. Board Members followed up additional questions. Chairperson O’Malley appointed Board Member Sohi, Board Member Harden, and public member Ketchum to an AdHoc Committee created to discuss this opportunity further. PUBLIC COMMENT: Corina Ketchum. MOTION: By Chairperson O’Malley and seconded by Board Member Alexander to direct staff to follow up with Visit SLO CAL on outstanding questions regarding sponsorship exposure and determine a co-op support level up to $5,000; staff to work with appointed AdHoc committee. Motion passed 4:0 by a roll call vote. 5. Strategic Marketing Plan Update • Recommendation: Approve the Strategic Marketing Plan. [Verdin] • Fiscal Impact: None. Marketing Consultant Akers presented the updated strategic marketing plan. Board members gave feedback on the plan. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. MOTION: By Board Member Alexander and seconded by Board Member Sohi to approve the Strategic Marketing Plan. Motion passed 4:0 by a voice vote. 6. Monthly Marketing Statistics Summary • Recommendation: Receive and file Marketing Statistics Report. [Verdin] • Fiscal Impact: None. Marketing Consultant Akers presented the monthly marketing statistics and answered questions from the Board. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. The Monthly Marketing Statistic Summary was received and filed by the Board. 7. Monthly Budget Report • Recommendation: Receive and file Budget Report. [Big Red Marketing] • Fiscal Impact: None. This business item was tabled for further discussion. C. UPDATES 1. Visit SLO CAL TMD Update – Board Member Sohi – This was tabled for later discussion. 2. Visit SLO CAL Marketing Committee Update – City Manager’s Office – This was tabled for later discussion. Page 6 of 35 3. Visit SLO CAL PR Task Force – Verdin – This was tabled for later discussion. 4. Destination Management Update – Big Red Marketing – This was tabled for later discussion. 5. City Business Update – City Manager’s Office – This was tabled for later discussion. D. BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS None. E. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS 1. Citywide Yard Sale 2. Garagiste Event Sponsorship 3. Revised Event Tiers 4. Wine Speak Update 5. AdHoc Committee Update 6. Short-term Rental Update 7. Visitatascadero.com COVID Banner F. ADJOURNMENT Chairperson O’Malley adjourned the meeting at 4:38 p.m. _______________________________________________ Hanna Meisinger, Destination Management Consultant APPROVED: Page 7 of 35 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 DATE: 10/21/2020 ADVISORY BOARD FOR THE ATASCADERO TOURISM BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT Staff Report COVID-19 Visit Atascadero Website Banner RECOMMENDATION: Approve the addition of a banner on Visit Atascadero’s website with COVID-19 updated information. DISCUSSION: The COVID-19 pandemic has inflicted restrictions on many of the facets of the tourism industry. These business restrictions are specific for each region and changing constantly. In order to help tourists and potential visitors understand current rules and regulations for Atascadero as they plan their trip and itinerary to the area, it has been recommended that the Visit Atascadero displays COVID-19 updates. The updates would be displayed at the top of each page as a pop-up banner to allow visibility for all and will be linked to the regularly updated atascadero.org COVID page. FISCAL IMPACT (GL 2401): $300. ATTACHMENTS: None. Page 8 of 35 ITEM NUMBER: B-2 DATE: 10/21/2020 ADVISORY BOARD FOR THE ATASCADERO TOURISM BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT Staff Report Revised Event Tiers and Application RECOMMENDATION: Discuss and provide staff direction on the revised Event Tiers and Sponsorship Application. DISCUSSION: The Event Sponsorship Tiers were established in 2016 to help guide event sponsorship support discussions. The ATBID board uses the tiers to evaluate events against current Visit Atascadero goals and strategies. The Visit Atascadero Event Sponsorship Program has grown since its inception to support numerous events hosted in Atascadero. The Event Sponsorship Tiers system has been revised due to the increased interest in the Event Sponsorship Program to ensure Visit Atascadero continues to strategically host mutually-beneficial events. During the March 2, 2020 Special Meeting, the revised Event Sponsorship Tiers and Application were presented and the Board provided feedback for edits. The attached revised Event Tiers and Sponsorship Application reflect that feedback. FISCAL IMPACT: None. ATTACHMENTS: 1.Revised Event Sponsorship Tiers 2.Revised Event Sponsorship Application Page 9 of 35 Event Sponsorship Tiers Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 •Attracts 1,500+ attendees •At least 35-40% of target market is out-of-town visitors •Marketing campaigns reach at least 1,000 subscribers •Event encourages multi-night stay in Atascadero •Attracts 750+ attendees •At least 25-30% of target market is out-of-town visitors •Marketing campaigns reach at least 500 subscribers •Event encourages overnight stay in Atascadero •Attracts 750 or less attendees •Marketing message encourages visiting Atascadero •Marketing campaigns reach at least 500 subscribers •Event encourages overnight stay in Atascadero •Event appears sustainable and offers growth potential in number of days and/or attendance to grow to Tier 2 Total Support = Up to $10,000 Total Support = Up to $7,500 Eligible for In-kind Support B-2ITEM NUMBER: DATE: ATTACHMENT:10/21/2020 1 Page 10 of 35 Event Sponsorship Tiers Additional Considerations: 1. Does event support Visit Atascadero objectives? 2. Will event be held during off-season (January – March)? 3. Is event new or existing? If existing, how was previously awarded money spent? 4.What is the three-year growth plan for the event? 5.Is there statistical data on the demographic status of your attendees or targeted attendees? 6.Can the organization prove complete fiduciary responsibility of all event expenses? 7.Do your event organizers and attendees garner influence and have the ability to promote Atascadero tourism? *The factors above will be taken into consideration when determining funding award B-2ITEM NUMBER: DATE: ATTACHMENT:10/21/2020 1 Page 11 of 35 Expectations of Event Organizer by Tier Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 •Visit Atascadero logo on all event marketing materials including but not limited to flyers, programs and website •Appropriate shout outs on social media and promotion of the event •Visit Atascadero and lodging property promotion in mailings and marketing outreach •At least one guest event item featuring Visit Atascadero logo (ex. Glassware, bag, etc.) •Visit Atascadero logo on all event marketing materials including but not limited to flyers, programs and website •Appropriate shout outs on social media and promotion of the event •Visit Atascadero and lodging property promotion in mailings and marketing outreach •Visit Atascadero logo on all event marketing materials including but not limited to flyers, programs and website •Appropriate shout outs on social media and promotion of the event B-2ITEM NUMBER: DATE: ATTACHMENT:10/21/2020 1 Page 12 of 35 1 The Atascadero Tourism Business Improvement District (TBID) was established to promote Atascadero as an overnight destination. The mission of the Atascadero TBID is to encourage visitors to discover what makes Atascadero a simply genuine travel destination resulting in increased revenue for the local community. We appreciate the efforts of community partners to design events that attract visitors to Atascadero and would like to offer our support of those events that align themselves with the Visit Atascadero mission. A portion of the TBID annual budget and regular marketing efforts are set aside each year to help maximize the effect of these efforts. If you would like to be considered for support, please complete the following application. The application must be received at least 6 months in advance of the funding deadline to request support from the Atascadero TBID. Unfortunately, we are unable to provide assistance for all events, but please know each request will be considered thoroughly. Our Mission: Encourage overnight travel to experience Atascadero’s beautiful and authentic outdoor recreation, culinary adventures, and welcoming hospitality. In order to qualify for event sponsorship, your organization must meet the following requirements or provide a three-year plan detailing how you will ultimately meet these requirements: 1.Support the Visit Atascadero mission 2.Attract visitors from outside San Luis Obispo County 3.Encourage overnight stays of one night or more 4.Obtain the necessary ABC permits, law enforcement approval, city permits, safety guidelines, and any additional documents needed for the event 5.Provide a detailed event budget and marketing plan 6.Provide post-event metrics which show positive effect on Atascadero tourism In addition to these requirements, ATBID Board will consider the following factors: 1.Does event support Visit Atascadero objectives? 2.Will event be held during off-season (January – March)? 3.Is event new or existing? If existing, how was previously awarded money spent? 4.What is the three-year growth plan for the event? 5.Is there statistical data on the demographic status of your attendees or targeted attendees? 6.Can the organization prove complete fiduciary responsibility of all event expenses? 7.Do your event organizers and attendees garner influence and have the ability to promote Atascadero tourism? Please submit application and all additional documents by email to Hanna Meisinger at hmeis@bigredmktg.com in PDF format. You will receive a confirmation that we have received the application. Typically, we ask that event planners attend a Board Meeting to present their event to the Board which provides an opportunity to ask questions. Atascadero TBID Board Meetings are regularly scheduled for the third Wednesday of the month at 2:30 B-2ITEM NUMBER: DATE: ATTACHMENT:10/21/2020 2 Page 13 of 35 2 p.m. at City Hall. The vote regarding funding often takes place at the meeting following the event presentation. B-2ITEM NUMBER: DATE: ATTACHMENT:10/21/2020 2 Page 14 of 35 3 Event Sponsorship Requirements Checklist The following requirements must ALL be met in order to qualify for sponsorship and receive funding. Please be sure to carefully read and submit all necessary documentation and information. ¨Complete application and submit at least 6 months prior to event ¨Include requested sponsorship amount in application ¨Select eligible event tier and describe how your event meets qualification ¨Provide event budget with line items detailing how sponsorship funding will be used ¨Provide a detailed marketing plan ¨Include a financial statement from your organization – applicant must be able to demonstrate financial accountability for event expenses ¨Describe all sources of event income and additional sponsorships that have been secured ¨If requested, attend an ATBID Board Meeting to provide event presentation ¨If awarded event sponsorship funding, plan to attend two ATBID Board Meetings: o Provide planning progress update at least two months prior to event o Provide an event recap detailing attendance, marketing efforts and results, impact on Atascadero tourism and future plans B-2ITEM NUMBER: DATE: ATTACHMENT:10/21/2020 2 Page 15 of 35 4 Event Support Application Form Requesting Organization: _______________________________________________ Contact: _________________________ Phone Number: _______________________ Email: ____________________________ Mailing Address: ____________________ City, State, Zip: ________________________________________________________ Name of Event: ________________________________________________________ Event Description: _____________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Event Dates/Times: _____________________________________________________ Is event located in Atascadero? Yes No Venue Name: ________________________________________________________ Venue Location: _______________________________________________________ Event Website: ________________________________________________________ Are you receiving in-kind or financial support from the City of Atascadero? Yes No Total Anticipated Attendees: _______ Portion From Outside SLO County: _____% Is this the first year the event will take place? Yes No B-2ITEM NUMBER: DATE: ATTACHMENT:10/21/2020 2 Page 16 of 35 5 If this event has taken place previously, please provide historical data including attendance numbers: __________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Are tickets sold for your event? If so, please provide the price per ticket and any package opportunities. ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Crowd Control Safety Plan Details: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Will the event require an ABC Permit? Yes No Has a City permit been issued for your event or contracted the venue for your event date? Yes No Describe how the event supports Visit Atascadero’s mission and goals: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ B-2ITEM NUMBER: DATE: ATTACHMENT:10/21/2020 2 Page 17 of 35 6 Select eligible event tier for your event: Additional details about eligible event tier qualification: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Support Request (desired monetary amount or in-kind marketing support): ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 •Attracts 1,500+ attendees •At least 35-40% of target market is out-of-town visitors •Marketing campaigns reach at least 1,000 subscribers •Event encourages multi-night stay in Atascadero •Attracts 750+ attendees •At least 25-30% of target market is out-of-town visitors •Marketing campaigns reach at least 500 subscribers •Event encourages overnight stay in Atascadero •Attracts 750 or less attendees •Marketing message encourages visiting Atascadero •Marketing campaigns reach at least 500 subscribers •Event encourages overnight stay in Atascadero •Event appears sustainable and offers growth potential in number of days and/or attendance to grow to Tier 2 Total Support = Up to $10,000 Total Support = Up to $7,500 Eligible for In-kind Support B-2ITEM NUMBER: DATE: ATTACHMENT:10/21/2020 2 Page 18 of 35 7 Detail how awarded funding will be utilized, include any in-kind or additional support provided by Visit Atascadero (feel free to attach additional sheets as needed). Event Item Amount Ex. Social Media Ads $2,000 Please include all sources of income that have been secured and those that are being solicited to support event (feel free to attach additional sheets as needed). Income Source Amount Ex. City of Atascadero $2,500 in-kind venue sponsorship B-2ITEM NUMBER: DATE: ATTACHMENT:10/21/2020 2 Page 19 of 35 8 Please describe your paid advertising and the outlets you plan to utilize. Include the amount you plan to spend with each outlet or provide a copy of your marketing plan. Media Outlet & Geographic Location of advertising Type & Frequency Cost of Advertising Please share your intended public relations outreach. ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ How will your organization recognize Visit Atascadero’s support (including but not limited to promotional materials, website, and at the event)? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ B-2ITEM NUMBER: DATE: ATTACHMENT:10/21/2020 2 Page 20 of 35 9 ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ What opportunities do you plan to offer that specifically promote lodging in Atascadero? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Additional Details: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ B-2ITEM NUMBER: DATE: ATTACHMENT:10/21/2020 2 Page 21 of 35 10 Rules and Regulations for Event Coordinators •Event coordinators will be held accountable for promoting and advertising the event, including, but not limited to, listing the event on the Visit SLO CAL website (www.slocal.com) within 30 days of Board approval for funding. •Event coordinators will also be held responsible for ensuring the Visit Atascadero logo and branding is used appropriately on any event materials. This includes ensuring the Visit Atascadero logo is visible on event website and marketing collateral within 30 days of Board approval for funding. •Event coordinators should ensure every effort is made to promote the entire Atascadero destination. On the event website, event coordinators should only link to the Visit Atascadero lodging page (www.visitatascadero.com/lodging) and always pay careful attention to never promote specific lodging properties unless individual agreements with those properties have been arranged outside of ATBID activity. •Event coordinators should plan to attend an ATBID Board Meeting following the event to provide a recap presentation which includes attendee numbers, overnight stays, event perception and any other pertinent information for the Board. •Visit Atascadero must be offered logo promotion opportunity (ex. Visit Atascadero logo included on event marketing materials like glassware) if event support from the ATBID Board totals more than $7,500. •Please also reference the Expectations of Event Organizer by Tier to ensure you are correctly and accurately recognizing Visit Atascadero’s support. B-2ITEM NUMBER: DATE: ATTACHMENT:10/21/2020 2 Page 22 of 35 11 ***Please include a detailed event budget and marketing strategy. Feel free to attach additional information for consideration with application. ***You must submit copies of additional required documents two weeks prior to event. The Atascadero TBID Board reserves the right to withdraw funding if the appropriate documents are not obtained for the event. You must acknowledge and agree to the rules and regulations on Page 10. IMPORTANT: Future ATBID event sponsorship funding requests may be affected should any discrepancies, including, but not limited to, event application, planning, marketing materials or website, be brought to ATBID’s attention. Cancellation Policy: Should the event not take place as presented and scheduled; event coordinators are required to reimburse the ATBID for sponsorship support. If the event is cancelled by the Event Coordinator because of sickness, accidents, riots, strikes, epidemics, inclement weather, acts of God, or any other legitimate conditions beyond either party’s control, the Event Coordinator agrees to refund the ATBID sponsorship reward less any out of pocket expenses within 30 days of the event cancellation, along with a list of those out of pocket expenses within 30 days of cancelling. Applicant Signature __________________________ Date ___________ In case of questions or the need for clarification, please contact Destination Management Consultant, Hanna Meisinger at hmeis@bigredmktg.com. B-2ITEM NUMBER: DATE: ATTACHMENT:10/21/2020 2 Page 23 of 35 ITEM NUMBER: B-3 DATE: 10/21/2020 ADVISORY BOARD FOR THE ATASCADERO TOURISM BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT Staff Report SPARTAN Race AdHoc Committee Update RECOMMENDATION: Discuss and provide staff direction on the SPARTAN Race AdHoc Committee Update. DISCUSSION: The SPARTAN Race is intended to take place in Spring 2021 after the event was cancelled in Spring 2020. The event organizers have encouraged that the support for this event be increased. Visit SLO CAL proposed a co-op opportunity for lodging communities to opt in to help boost the event to a higher level of coverage and attendance. At the September 2020 Board Meeting, an AdHoc Committee was formed to further discuss this opportunity and work with Visit SLO CAL to have questions from the Board answered. The AdHoc Committee was given power to approve participation in the co-op at up to $5,000, dependent on the answers received from the SPARTAN Race. The deadline for co-op participation is October 28st. FISCAL IMPACT: None. ATTACHMENTS: 1.SPARTAN Race Questions and Answers Page 24 of 35 Visit Atascadero Spartan Race Questions 1.Will there be a lodging link on the Spartan Race website? If so, will that link to Visit SLO CAL's lodging page or will there be individual links to the participating destinations? Yes, we will have ARES which we can customize to add all location's participating hotels/lodging. We can also add additional links that highlight each location. 2.Will there be an opportunity for logo placement on the website, apparel, signage, etc.? If yes, will the logo provided be exclusively Visit SLO CAL's logo or will there be an opportunity for the individual destinations' logos? Yes, on the website and signage but not apparel. SLO CAL will be the only on the lanyards and some additional signage. There will be opportunity for individual location logos. 3.On social media posts, will each supporting location be tagged or will it only be Visit SLO CAL? Each can be tagged on destination related posted if desired. SLO CAL will be on all pertaining to the event. 4.Will all digital logo placements link to the Visit SLO CAL page? That depends on the digital ad. Most will link to the event page. B-3ITEM NUMBER: DATE: ATTACHMENT: 10/21/2020 1 Page 25 of 35 ITEM NUMBER: B-4 DATE: 10/21/2020 ADVISORY BOARD FOR THE ATASCADERO TOURISM BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT Staff Report Citywide Yard Sale Sponsorship RECOMMENDATION: Discuss and provide staff direction on the Citywide Yard Sale Sponsorship. DISCUSSION: The Atascadero Citywide Yard Sale is an event organized by volunteers of a local non- profit group, Parents for Joy. The event brings together locals and out-of-town “treasure- hunters” in Atascadero to shop for unique items and great deals from over 100 different shop locations hosted by local community members and businesses in Atascadero. The Atascadero Citywide Yard Sale was first held in 2018. Since 2018, the event has been held annually and shown growth, with the exception of changes due to the COVID-19 pandemic at the 2020 Citywide Yard Sale. The goal of the event managers is to grow this event with the possibility of increasing to a two-day event. Parents for Joy are requesting financial sponsorship from the Atascadero TBID to help cover their advertising and printing costs. FISCAL IMPACT (GL 2801): $3,750. ATTACHMENTS: 1.Citywide Yard Sale Event Sponsorship Application Page 26 of 35 Event Support Application Requesting Organization: Parents for Joy (non-profit organization) Contact: Kate Auslen Phone Number: (805) 466-1985 Email: parentsforjoy@gmail.com Mailing Address: PO Box 1124 City, State, Zip: Atascadero, CA 93422 Name of Event: Atascadero Citywide Yard Sale Event Description: Community members and businesses register to host a sale at their home addresses around town. They sign up and make a donation to Parents for Joy in order to participate. Each sale location and the descriptions of items for sale are added to a digital map that shoppers use to navigate around town to the different sales. The event is free to attend for shoppers, and whatever money is made on the sale of items is kept by the yard sale host, unless they decide to donate a portion to Parents for Joy. Event Dates/Times: Saturday, April 24, 2021, 8:00am-2:00pm (Possibly Sat-Sun two-day event. This is flexible to best serve a partnership with TBID and other the City events, more detail below) Is event located in Atascadero? Yes Venue name and location: 100+ sale locations throughout Atascadero Event Website: www.parentsforjoy.org/events If this event has taken place previously, please provide historical data including attendance numbers: The Atascadero Citywide Yard Sale was first held in 2018, and has continued annually for three years now. Year 1: -121 yard sale locations registered -3,000+ facebook users marked themselves as “going” or “interested” in attending the event. (Exact data unknown due to glitch with facebook that made the original event page disappear). -Digital yard sale map viewed 4,283 times. Year 2: -146 yard sale locations registered -4,000 facebook users marked themselves as “going” or “interested” in attending the event. -Digital yard sale map viewed 3,053 times. B-4ITEM NUMBER: DATE: ATTACHMENT:10/21/2020 1 Page 27 of 35 Year 3: -86 yard sale locations registered -1,000 facebook users marked themselves as “going” or “interested” in attending the event. -Digital yard sale map viewed 12,240 times. -Please note: This event was rescheduled to a new date, later than originally planned, because of the COVID19 pandemic and shelter in place orders that were in effect on the original date. Promotions were greatly reduced to respect the situation, limit the potential for crowds and maximize safety. Participation turned out better than expected considering mixed comfort levels during such unusual circumstances. *Note: It is difficult to estimate shopper attendance numbers, as shoppers are not required to register in order to attend the event. I have some ideas for improved tracking discussed later in the application, and open to other suggestions. Are tickets sold for your event? If so, please provide the price per ticket and any package opportunities. No, tickets are not sold for the event. Registration amounts to host a sale are $15 per household or $40 per organization/business. These are donations that go to the non-profit. Crowd Control Safety Plan Details: Since attendees do not congregate in one central event location, no plan has been developed. Although, numerous safety guidelines were shared with participants on our website and social media during the 2020 event due to the COVID19 pandemic. Will the event require an ABC permit? No Has a City permit been issued for your event or contracted the venue for your event date? None required Describe how the event supports Visit Atascadero’s mission and goals: The idea for this event stemmed from the same type of event held in Morro Bay for the past 20 years. They very successfully drew thousands of visitors from outside the area, hosted hundreds of yard sale locations and filled their hotels for the weekend. The event was held annually during the first weekend in April, and expanded from a one-day event into a three-day event over time. Participation in the Morro Bay event has gradually started to fade due to the fact that residents are running out of things to sell. Further, the event was cancelled in 2020 due to the Coronavirus pandemic, so it has lost some momentum. I believe Atascadero has an opportunity to capitalize on the same treasure-hunting crowd that is accustomed to spending a weekend on the central coast in April, and share what Atascadero has to offer. There are two audiences for the event. One is locals who want to host a yard sale at their property and sell their items. The second is shoppers, either locals or guests from out of the area, who are searching for items to purchase. We know visitors are already coming from out of the area due to phone calls we have received from places like thousand oaks and fresno, saying they were coming and asking about the types of items for sale. B-4ITEM NUMBER: DATE: ATTACHMENT:10/21/2020 1 Page 28 of 35 When thinking about the mission of the Atascadero TBID, it occurred to me that pairing the Citywide Yard sale event with another popular event would attract a larger crowd and greatly increase the probability of overnight stays. One idea for this partnership is alongside “Brew at the Zoo”, an annual city sponsored event scheduled for April 24, 2021. The Citywide yard sale runs from 8am-2pm, and Brew at the Zoo begins at 5:30pm, allowing plenty of time for guests to rest and transition from one event to another, then spend the night in town. If traveling from out of the area, it is plausible that shoppers will also spend Friday night in town so that they can get an early start in the morning. Known as “early birds”, serious yard sale shoppers are notorious for showing up ahead of the scheduled start time of a sale. In addition, the event could be expanded into two days, Saturday and Sunday, which would greatly increase the chances of shoppers spending the night in town. A handful of sellers have requested this option in the past, and I think a larger portion would be interested if a two day event was offered. Select the eligible event tier for your event: Tier 2 •Attracts 750+ attendees •At least 25-30% of target market is out-of-town visitors •Marketing campaigns reach at least 500 subscribers •Event encourages overnight stay in Atascadero Total support= up to $7500 Additional details about eligible event tier qualification: Based on the social media stats provided above, it is safe to say there are at least 750 attendees and our marketing efforts have reached more than 500 subscribers. Again, it is difficult to track which visitors are coming from out-of-town. In the future, some tracking measures could be put in place, such as an opportunity to win a drawing prize if they complete a brief survey on our website, asking where they are from, how long they plan to stay, etc. Or they might be required to answer such a survey before gaining access to the digital map of sale locations, etc. I understand that facebook has the ability to provide insights about the demographics of respondents, but that information is not available for past events that I have found. This is something to be researched further as we move forward. Encouraging overnight stay as described above. Support Request (desired monetary amount or in-kind marketing support). Detail how awarded funding will be utilized, include any in-kind or additional support provided by the City of Atascadero (feel free to attach additional sheets as needed). Social media and digital ads $1,000 Print ads $1,000 Printed collateral (flyers/banners/etc) $500 Design of hard copy map for distribution $500 Radio Tour/Ad (KJUG or other) $750 Total requested: $3,750 B-4ITEM NUMBER: DATE: ATTACHMENT:10/21/2020 1 Page 29 of 35 Anticipated/Desired In-kind Support City of Atascadero – Recreation Guide Flyer, Visit Atascadero website, shared on facebook Atascadero News – Colony Magazine flyer, printed listing of sale locations in Atascadero News, mention in Barbie Butz’ column. ATBID – Advertising and public relations support. Advice on which media outlets and ad types are most beneficial for regional outreach. Also seeking a designer to help with production of a hard copy map for printing. Opportunity to sell advertising to local businesses to be on the map. Please include all sources of income that have been secured and those that are being solicited to support event (feel free to attach additional sheets as needed). Anticipated seller registration fees and voluntary donations: $2000 Anticipated local business, cash sponsorships: $500 Anticipated in-kind sponsorships (drawing prizes) $500 There are numerous opportunities for future income that can be shared at our presentation. Please describe your paid advertising and the outlets you plan to utilize. Include the amount you plan to spend with each outlet or provide a copy of your marketing plan. This has all been done with no expenses and on a volunteer basis by the event organizer. No paid advertising has been done in the past, but is necessary in the future to expand promotion to out of town guests. We are seeking assistance and suggestions for a more detailed marketing plan that includes where and how that should happen. Media Outlet & Geographic Location of advertising Type and Frequency Cost of Advertising Parents for Joy Website and Facebook page, SLO County Weekly posts Free Facebook buy, sell, trade groups – SLO County, Santa Maria, Bakersfield, Fresno, Visalia Event shared on each page Free Online event calendars and listings: Visit SLOCal, KSBY, KCBX, KJUG, New Times, Craigslist, GSalr, yardsales.net, nextdoor, kiddos-a-gogo, paso daily news, atown news, eventful, event Crazy, Atascadero chamber of commerce, etc. Event details posted once, remain on calendar until day of event. Free Handmade Signs Posted around town 1 month prior. Would prefer professionally printed banners. Free B-4ITEM NUMBER: DATE: ATTACHMENT:10/21/2020 1 Page 30 of 35 Please share your intended public relations outreach. In addition to everything noted above, we would like to expand our outreach to regional markets such as Bakersfield, Fresno, Visalia, Salinas, Monterey, Santa Barbara, etc. to encourage travel to Atascadero for a weekend stay. We would also like to create a website dedicated to this event, rather than continuing to use one page of the parents for joy website. This website could include reciprocal links to Visit Atascadero and other resources. How will your organization recognize Visit Atascadero’s support (including but not limited to promotional materials, website, and at the event)? We can recognize Visit Atascadero on the event flyer, the Parents for Joy website and facebook page, on the yard sale digital map (logo and description included) and in the Atascadero News listing. If we decide to do a printed map, we could include the logo there as well. What opportunities do you plan to offer that specifically promote lodging in Atascadero? -Expand to a two-day event -Partner with another event in the same weekend, and cross-promote. Proposed: Brew at the Zoo, Saturday, April 24th, 5:30pm, Charles Paddock Zoo, Atascadero. Additional Details: This event is organized by volunteers of a local non-profit organization, Parents for Joy. In partnership with the City of Atascadero as well as numerous community organizations and businesses, Parents for Joy built and opened SLO County’s first inclusive playground, Joy Playground, in April 2019 at Colony Park. Ongoing fundraising is necessary to help maintain the equipment and grounds. We are very open to expanding partnerships to enhance the impact on local businesses and tourism as the event continues to grow. This event is an anchor that can help ATBID in their efforts to attract visitors from out of the area. It has numerous other benefits as well, such as: building connections among neighbors, supporting a community asset, Joy Playground, that can draw families of special needs children to our town , diverting waste from the landfill by reusing/recycling items that might have otherwise been thrown out, preserves history through stories told about antique items, and more. Another factor worth mentioning is that Joy playground in and of itself can be a destination for families of children with special needs. Our community can market itself as an ADA friendly vacation destination, and Parents for Joy can help with that. Finally, there is a strong culture around reusing, repurposing, upscaling, picking and antiquing (Popular television shows: American Pickers, Flea Market Flip, Antique Roadshow, etc.). These events are held in numerous cities throughout California and nationwide, in many cases are organized by the local Chamber of Commerce, City, or Visitors and Convention Bureau. See some related reading below: B-4ITEM NUMBER: DATE: ATTACHMENT:10/21/2020 1 Page 31 of 35 Article in NBC News Bay Area re: Morro Bay Citywide yard sale https://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/local/worth-the-trip/roam-a-citywide-yard-sale-in-morro- bay/191913/ Article in Central coast tourism re: Morro Bay Citywide yard sale https://www.centralcoast-tourism.com/event/annual-city-wide-yard-sale/ The World’s Longest Yard Sale http://www.127yardsale.com/ A four-day, 5,000-vendor extravaganza that stretches 690 miles and extends though Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia and Alabama. Started in 1987 to drum up tourism, the sale draws an estimated 50,000, some from as far away as Alaska. Their mission? Find hidden treasures --or fodder for their own garage sales. (adapted from People. 9/2/2002, Vol. 58 Issue 10, p108). Reminiscence and Recompense: Reuse and the Garage Sale Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies; Author: Gretchen M. Herrmann https://www.worldwidewastejournal.com/articles/10.5334/wwwj.12/ B-4ITEM NUMBER: DATE: ATTACHMENT:10/21/2020 1 Page 32 of 35 ITEM NUMBER: B-5 DATE: 10/21/2020 ADVISORY BOARD FOR THE ATASCADERO TOURISM BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT Staff Report AdHoc Committee Update RECOMMENDATION: 1. Approve the cancellation of the January 2021 Atascadero TBID Board Meeting. 2. Approve the change of monthly marketing statistic and detailed budget reports to quarterly marketing statistic and detailed budget reports. DISCUSSION: During the September 16, 2020 ATBID Board Meeting, an AdHoc Committee was appointed, consisting of Chairperson O’Malley and Board Member Sohi, to discuss options to reduce operating costs of the Atascadero TBID. The AdHoc Committee met virtually on September 28, 2020 to discuss the Destination Management roles and areas to reduce staff responsibilities, particularly in regard to Board Meeting preparation. During the meeting, the AdHoc Committee discussed the opportunity to reduce to nine meetings during this fiscal year and reduce the reoccurring monthly reports to quarterly reports. Upon reflection of upcoming agenda items and in consideration of staff time, it was recommended that the January 2021 meeting be cancelled and the monthly marketing statistic and detailed budget reports become quarterly reports. FISCAL IMPACT: None. ATTACHMENTS: None. Page 33 of 35 ITEM NUMBER: B-6 DATE: 10/21/2020 ADVISORY BOARD FOR THE ATASCADERO TOURISM BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT Staff Report Monthly Budget Report RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file Budget Report. DISCUSSION: The 2020/21 Fiscal Year Budget shows all expenditures through August, 31 2020. FISCAL IMPACT: None. ATTACHMENTS: 1.2020/21 ATBID Budget Page 34 of 35 GL # REVENUE PROJECTIONS July August Actuals Budget 1100 2% BID Revenue July 2020 - June 2021 $326,770.00 1200 Estimated Fund Balance from 2020/2021 $256,830.00 1300 Revenue from Use of Money $4,670.00 Total $588,270.00 Budget Recommended Budget Updates % of Total Budget 2100 Admin $38,385.00 14.78% 2101 City Admin Fees $2,610.00 2102 Office Expense $2,500.00 2103 Operating Supplies and misc. expenses $500.00 2104 Lodging Ordinance Enforcement $5,200.00 2105 Big Red Marketing 750.00$ 750.00$ 1,500.00$ $9,375.00 2106 Verdin 885.90$ 2,002.90$ 2,888.80$ $18,200.00 2200 ATBID Management $20,812.00 8.01% 2201 Board Management & Coordination 850.00$ 1,200.00$ 2,050.00$ $8,625.00 2202 Financial Management 500.00$ 500.00$ 1,000.00$ $8,512.00 2203 Strategy 280.00$ 280.00$ 560.00$ $3,675.00 2300 Visual Assets and Branding $23,000.00 8.85% 2301 Photography & Video $0.00 2302 Creative Services - Verdin Scope 1,306.10$ 1,816.50$ 3,122.60$ $23,000.00 2303 Creative Services - Out of Scope 2304 Promotional Items & Visit Atascadero Brochure $0.00 2400 Digital Marketing $23,480.00 9.04% 2401 Website Updates 129.80$ 129.80$ $780.00 2402 Social Media contest hard costs $200.00 2403 Social Media/Contest Management 1,579.20$ 1,560.60$ 3,139.80$ $18,800.00 2404 E-Newsletter 41.99$ 41.99$ 83.98$ $3,700.00 2500 Advertising $64,576.00 24.86% 2501 Planned Media Buys $50,000.00 2502 Reactive Advertising & Co-Ops 1,000.00$ 1,000.00$ $10,000.00 2503 Verdin Media Retainer $4,576.00 2600 Public Relations $4,500.00 1.73% 2601 FAMs/ Individual Itineraries $1,500.00 2602 PR Retainer & Reactive Planning $3,000.00 2700 Tour & Travel $10,000.00 3.85% 2701 Trade Show $10,000.00 2800 Consumer Outreach $35,000.00 13.47% 2801 Event Sponorship $30,000.00 2802 Management of Event Sponorship 300.00$ 450.00$ 750.00$ $5,000.00 2900 Recovery Plan $40,000.00 15.40% 2901 Social Videos 960.80$ 960.80$ $10,000.00 2902 Social Takeover Management 302.10$ 302.10$ 2903 Recovery Campaigns/Giveaways $10,000.00 2904 Public Relations Tactics 465.60$ 87.00$ 552.60$ $5,000.00 2905 Partnership Programs $10,000.00 2906 Signage $5,000.00 TOTAL EXPENSES 8,088.59$ 9,951.89$ 18,040.48$ $259,753.00 Cash Reserves $58,000.00 Funds Unallocated $270,517.00 Total Budget $588,270.00 ATBID 2020/21 BUDGETED P&L B-6ITEM NUMBER: DATE: ATTACHMENT: 10/21/2020 1 Page 35 of 35