HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 111285 /'x.3END AA MINUTES - •ATASCADERO *Y COUNCIL Regular Meeting, November 12 , 1985 , 7 : 30 p.m. Atascadero Administration Building The Regular Meeting of the Atascadero City Council was called to order at 7 :30 p.m. by Mayor Nelson, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL Present: Councilmembers Mackey, Molina, Norris and Mayor Nelson. Absent: None STAFF Mike Shelton, City Manager; Thomas Morlan, Acting City Legal Counsel; Bud McHale , Police Chief; Henry Engen, Community Development Director; Paul Sensibaugh, Public Works Director; Joel Moses, Associate Planner; Meg Morris , Assistant Planner; Cindy Wilkins, Deputy City Clerk; Robert Jones, City Attorney/City Clerk (arrived approx. 9:35 p.m. ) . COUNCIL COMMENT Councilwoman Mackey, on the advice of the City Attorney, asked if Coun- cil would support the citizens' appeal of the Planning Commission's decision allowing for the removal of the sycamore tree at Kentucky Fried Chicken; Council's support would allow for an additional public hearing as well as eliminate the $100 fee requirement for appeals. Based on their lack of information relating to this issue , Council concurred to allow for the normal appeal process to take place , if initiated. Councilwoman Norris congratulated Emile LaSalle, present in the audience, for his recent election to the A.U.S.D. Board. Mayor Nelson proclaimed the month of November as both National Hospice Month and Veterans' Unity Month. A. CONSENT CALENDAR Note: re: Item #6, Mike Shelton, City Manager, briefly summarized this item, re: Item #2 , Mayor Nelson asked that the item be entitled "Pro- posed Resolution 124-85" , omitting the subsequent wording, as some of the Councilmembers felt the: wording to be misleading. 1. Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of October 28, 1985 2, Proposed Resolution 124-85 3. Authorization Requested for Public Works Director to Enter into a 5-Year Elevator Maintenance Agreement with Tri-County Elevator Co. 4. Claim by Lennette Tingey (unspecified amount) (RECOMMEND DENIAL) 5 Proposed Resolution 125-85 - Authorizing a Procedure for the Des- truction of Police Records 6. Motion Directing City Clerk to Advertise for Interested Applicants to Serve as Citizen Representative to the Citizens Transit Advisory Committee 1 0 f COUNCIL MINUTES - 11/12/85 PAGE TWO 7. Tentative Parcel Map 26-85 - Davis/Greene - 8870 San Gabriel Road (Allow division of 8.7 acres into 3 lots of 2 . 9 acres each) 8. Lot Line Adjustment 10-85 - Dulitz/Moore (Adjust property line to create 2 lots with frontage access off Garcia Road) MOTION: By Councilwoman Mackey to approve Consent Calendar Items 1-8 , seconded by Councilman Handshy; passed unanimously by roll-call vote. MOTION: By Councilman Handshy that Council recess and convene as the Atascadero County Sanitation District Board of ,Directors, seconded by Councilman Molina; passed unanimously. B. ATASCADERO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT -(ACSD) 1 . Proposed Annexations into the Atascadero County Sanitation District : A. Public Hearing on the Following Proposed Annexations into the ACSD (Cont 'd from 10/14/85 and 10/28/85) . a. Lots 73-87 , Marchant Way b. Lots 66-72 , Santa Rosa Road c. Lots 11-16 , Santa Rosa Road B. Proposed Resolution 118-85 (Alternate 6) - Approving Annexation for Improvement District #3 (Lots 73-87 , Marchant Way, Lots 66- 72 , Santa Rosa Road and Lots 11-16 , Santa Rosa Road (Cont 'd from 10/14 and 10/28/85) C. Proposed Resolution 123-85 (Alternate 2) - Approving Annexation for Improvement District #3 (Lots '66-87 , Block JC Marchant Way and Santa Rosa Road) Paul Sensibaugh, Public Works Director, gave staff report. He noted that staff would be willing to meet with some of the property owners on Monday, Nov. 18th, 7: 30 p.m. , at the VFW Hall for an informal discussion of this issue and the alternatives before the [-Board, , if the property owners so choose. PUBLIC COMMENT Carl Lownes, representing most of the property owners on Marchant Way and Santa Rosa, expressed that the cost estimates are 2-3 times what they understood the original estimates to be. He requested that t:he Beard postpone their decision until the Nov. 25th meeting in order to give the property owners the opportunity the meet at the VFW on the 18th and dis- cuss the alternatives offered; most of the property owners should be present at that time, along with their owri' engineer and some of the City Staff. Mr. Lownes 'extended an invitation to Council to attend, as `.in- dividua,ls (not as a body) . Shirley Moore, resident, incauired if the parcels under consideration had been included intherecent estimation of remaining sewer hook-ups (some- time back, she stated, the paper reported 90 hook-ups left after the 400 COUNCIL MINUTES - 11/1205 PAGE THREE unit project was included in the system) ; having been paying for several years, she expressed concern about possibly losing the opportunity to hook up should the 90 "slots" be filled up. Paul Sensibaugh responded that the existing lost were included in that estimate, however, potential lot splits weren't figured in. MOTION: By Director Mackey that the Board go along with the wishes of the property owners and continue this item to their Nov. 25th meet- ing, seconded by Director Norris; passed unanimously. MOTION: By Director Handshy that the Board adjourn and reconvene as the Atascadero City Council, seconded by Director Mackey; passed unan- imously. nanimously C. HEARINGS, APPEARANCES AND REPORTS 1. Public Hearing - Appeal by Gary Mulholland of_ a 10-foot Sidewalk Re- quirement for an RMF-16 Project at 5550 Traffic Way Henry Engen, Community Development Director, gave background summary on this item, with further staff report from Paul Sensibaugh, ,Public Works Director. Public Comment Gary Mulholland, applicant, proposed that the City staff perform a pedestrian traffic study and determine what size sidewalkshould be used as a policy, bringing their findings back to Council for an open public hearing on the issue. Mr. Engen reported that he had received a letter supporting the appeal from a party (E. Grinnell) in Vancouver, WA. Councilman Molina questioned the policy of not requiring sidewalks on the industrial side of the street. Councilman Handshy and Councilwom- an Mackey expressed concern over school children traffic. Mayor Nelson and Councilwoman Norris stated that a sidewalk policy for the area should be set as a public Council-level decision. MOTION: By Councilwoman Norris that staff perform pedestrian traffic stud- y and bring back their findings to Council for public hearing, seconded by Councilman Handshy; passed unanimously. 2. Public Hearing- Zone Change 6-85 - 'Planning Commission Request to Revise Minimum Lot Size Performance Standards Formula in the RS, RSF-Z and LSF-Z Zones. (This involves the substitution of specific site in- formation in the septic suitability factor instead -of using generalized soils data, and to consider elimination of the 20% lot size reduction adjustment option. ) Henry Engen, Comm. Develop. Director , gave staff report. No public comment MOTION: By Councilwoman Mackey that Mayor Nelson read proposed Ord. 113 by title only, seconded by Councilman Molina; passed unanimously. Mayor Nelson read proposed Ord. 113 by title only. COUNCIL MINUTES - 11/1085 PAGE FOUR MOTION: By Councilwoman Mackey that this constitutes the first reading of proposed Ord. 113 , seconded by Councilman Molina; passed unanimously. Second reading will be at the Nov. 25th meeting. 3. Public Hearing - Zoning Enforcement Hearings:: Nuisance Abatement Thomas Morlan, representing the City' s legal counsel, Morlan & -Jones, outlined the purpose and procedures for abatement hearings. Oaths were administered to Henry Engen, Comm. Develop. Director, Joel Moses, Associate .Planner, and Meg Morris, Assistant Planner, ,(who all testified on behalf of the City utilizing the VCR) by Cindy Wilkins, Dep. City Clerk. Henry Engen summarized the enforcement effort. A. 1800 El Camino Real (APN: 49-131-47) Owned by Leonard Q. Brazzi (NOTE: Nuisance Abated Prior to Hearing Date) Resolved, as noted; no Council action necessary. B. 5985 Rio Rita (APN: 49-151-06) Owned by Michael Frederick Joel Moses, Assoc. Planner, gave staff report, with assistance of Meg Morris operating VCR to show Planning, Dept. film of site. Mr. Moses added that he had met with Mr. Fredericks for a discus- sion of the issue today, and Mr. Fredericks had demonstrated a willingness to take care of the problem as quickly as possible. Public Comment Michael Frederick, owner of subject property, took oath from Dep. ` Clerk. He stated that the property has always been a problem; in approximately 1959 , Madonna Construction Co. took a lot of the fill material from the side of the mountain on the property and used it in the construction of the freeway overpasses. He stated that the reason for "dragging our feet" was , up until two weeks ago, he had a buyer for the property. The potential buyer had planned to completely redesign the grading plan for a bigger pro- ject. Although the City previously approved the engineered grad ing plan, neither they nor the engineer would guarantee drainage. Though the grading doesn't conform with that plan, Mr. Frederick stated he already has $12 ,000 into the grading as it is. He's willing to work with the City to solve the problem, indicating 30 days would be sufficient time to begin that process. Mr. Engenadvisedstaff could work with Mr. Frederick to process a grading _plan in that period, and he would have 180 days under the permit to do the work. MOTION: By Councilwoman Mackey that Council concurs with staff findings and recommendations, as listed in their report, and directs them to work with Mike Frederick in order to abate this nuisance as expediently as possible , seconded by Councilman Molina; passed unanimously by roll-call vote. ''1 0 COUNCIL MINUTES - 11/12/85 PAGE FIVE C. 2100 El Camino Real (APN: 49-141-41) Owned by Del Rio Investments (Leased by Phillip and Mary Simoneau) Staff report by Joel Moses, Assoc. Planner, with assistance of Meg Morris , Asst. Planner, operating VCR. Mr. Moses added that, during the time of the posting, staff had visited the site and talked to Mrs. Simoneau; in addition, Mrs. Simoneau vis:itd.d -,the City offices today and reviewed what has occurred since then: She has installed a fence and is in the process of trying to screen the property, and she indicated all the vehicles are now operational (unconfirmed, by staff) . She indicated she could not, due to her husband' s illness, be present tonight. No public comment. MOTION: By Councilman Molina that Council concurs with 'staff findings and recommendations, as listed in their report, seconded by Councilman Handshy; passed unanimously by roll-call vote. D. 4540 Hidalgo (APN: 28-042-03) Owned by Walter Braffett, et al. Staff report by Joel Moses , with assistance of Meg Morris (VCR) . Mr. Moses added that Mr. Braffett had visited the City offices Friday to discuss cleaning up the site; he indicated that due to vehicle breakdown and illness, he has been unable to complete the process but that he would continue to try and remove as much of the material as possible. ---No public comment. MOTION: By Councilwoman Mackey that Council concurs with staff findings and recommendations, as listed in their report, seconded by Coun- cilman Handshy; passed unanimously by roll-call vote. It was suggested that volunteer help be sought to assist in the cleanup. E. 8555 El Corte (APN: 30-401-01 through 05) Owned by William Poe Staff report by Joel Moses, with assistance of Meg Morris (VCR) . Mr. Moses added that Mr. Poe visited the City offices to discuss the issue today. Public Comment Bill Poe, owner of subject property, took oath from Dep. Clerk. He related his embarrassment over this issue. He recently ac- quired this property, which was already in a problem state. The Health Dept. issue has been addressed, and the only outstanding problem is with regard to some of the equipment on the property; :It seems no one is really sure who owns the equipment. Other than that, Mr. Poe has no problem resolving the matter and feels 30 days is. sufficient time. 7 COUNCIL MINUTES 11/185 PAGE SIX MOTION: By Councilman Handshy that Council concurs with staff findings and recommendations, as listed in their report, seconded by Councilwoman Norris; passed unanimously by roll-call vote. F. 8405 Coromar Road (APN: 56-041-17) Owned by Harold Jr. and M.K. Sims Staff report by Joel Moses , with assistance of Meg Morris (VCR) . Mr. Moses related that Mr. Sims has asked for a 30-day continu- ance of the matter in order to allow him to work on the site; although 30 days might be sufficient time, Mr. Sims indicated to Mr. Moses during their last contact , about 2 weeks ago, that he didn't know what his regular work schedule would be and whether or not rain might forestall some of his removal of equipment from the site. Thomas Morlan, Acting City Legal Counsel, recommended against a continuance, as the law mandates 30 days to abate if. Council so finds that a nuisance exists. MOTION: By Councilwoman Mackey that Councilconcurs withstaffrecommen- dations, as listed in their report , seconded by Councilman'Molina passed unanimously by roll-call vote. Public Comment Sharon Wright, resident, related that she and her husband fee-1 they have been miscategorized and fall into the abatement Cate fory: They were issued a citation for not having a business license, and she feels the action the City, took against them for having equipment on their property should have come in the way of an abatement notice. Mrs.Wright claims she and her husband, a general contractor, have had a business' license for 3z years which expired in July. They reapplied because the business ad- dress changed; the City lost their files, and they reapplied again in August. They still haven't received a license. The City came out and cited them, and they have to go to court on Nov. 22nd for not having a business license. She feels they have been harrassed by the City and that court is unnecessary. City Attorney, Robert Jones, responded that it ' s within the Council' s power to request the City Atty. to continue the court appearance for a period of time to allow staff to respond; 'Coun- cil consented to follow that suggestion, with a report on the matter to be provided City Council. COUNCIL RECESSED FOR A FIVE-MINUTE BREAK @ 9: 40 P.M. D. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Proposed Ordinance No. 112 -Amending the City Business License Or- dinance Regulations (Recommend Continuance to future; Council Meeting) (Cont 'd from 10/14/85 - Verbal Presentation by Grigger Jones , Atty. ) City Attorney Jones reviewed that the purpose of this amended COUNCIL MINUTES - 11/185 PAGE SEVEN ordinance is that the current one is the County Business License Or- dinance which was adopted in its entirety, and many of its provisions are not applicable today or to the City of Atascadero. He suspects the first draft may be complete in two weeks. E. NEW BUSINESS 1 . Proposed City Council/Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting Agenda i for November 21 , 1985 { i Council consented to approve of the date and proposed agenda; Coun- cilmembers Norris and, possibly, Molina may not be in town to attend. 2 . Authorization Requested for Staff to Enter into Agreement with a Private Engineering Firm to Provide Design Services for Replacing Graves Creek Bridge (Proposals due November 8) (Public Works Direc- tor, Paul Sensibau h, to give verbal presentation) Paul Sensibaugh gave staff report. During the five-minute break, he provided copies of the bid summaries received from the three en- gineering firms the City requested to submit ahem to Council: Bis- sell & Karn, Sacramento; CH2M Hill, Inc. , San Jose; Bruce Fraser & Associates, Shingle Springs , all well-known California bridge con- sultants and confirmed by Cal-Trans to have the capability to work on this project Staff recommends acceptance of the proposal from Bissell & Karn for the design engineering, who would also be doing the construction engineering. (Figures quoted to City by Bissell & Karn: $11,064. 77 , design engineering; $28,956.00 construction eng- ineering) No public comment. MOTION: By Councilman Handshy to accept staff recommendation to accept the proposal from Bissell & Karn, seconded by Councilman Molina; passed unanimously by roll-call vote. 3. Proposed Resolution 126-85 - Authorizing Mayor to Enter into Agree- ment with the County of San Luis Obispo to Exchange Property Tax Revenue, Transfer Appropriations Limit, and Settle and Release of All Claims Mike Shelton, City Manager, gave staff report. He noted that the full County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved the concept of this proposed agreement, which will go 'before them one week from today for conclusion upon Council' s approval tonight MOTION: By Councilman Molina to have the Mayor sign and accept the agree- ment with the County, seconded by Councilwoman Norris; passed unanimously by roll-call vote, adopting Res. 126-85. Council and staff concurred on the significant accomplishment reached by the negotiating process , which, >Mayor Nelson noted, has -seen all 1 COUNCIL MINUTES 11/12/85 PAGE EIGHT 3 of Atascadero' s City Councils since incorporation in 1979 , as well as new faces on the County Board of Supervisors over the same period of time. F. COMMUNITY FORUM No public comment. G. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION City Council - Councilwoman Norris inquired if the business license issuance process is behind schedule; Mr. Engen responded the pro- cess is running on schedule, with no problems or complaints lately. Mr. Shelton commented that the renewal process is now complete. Councilwoman Mackey related that she had received' a complaint from a citizen who used the coin-operated car wash in town, ldst some money in the machine there and found that there was nothing posted providing a contact to secure a refund from. She inquired if there is an ordinance requiring non-attended coin-operated vendors to furnish such information. City Attorney, Robert Jones, responded that , legally, it' s difficult to enforce such a requirement; Coun- cil consented that were customers to avoid patronizing the`.vendor, the problem would take care of itself. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 10: 16 P.M. TO THURS. , NOV. 21ST, @ 4:00 P .M. FOR THE PURPOSE OF INTERVIEWS OF THE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIRECTOR CANDIDATES AND 8: 00 P.M. FOR A JOINT MEETING WITH THE PARKS AND RECREATION COMMIS- SION, AND TO 6: 30 P.M. (PRIOR TO THE REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETING) ON NOV. 25TH IN THE 4TH FLOOR CLUB ROOM FOR THE PURPOSES OF 1984-85 AUDIT REVIEW AND FIRST QUARTER FINANCIAL REVIEW. RECORDED BY: fj ROBERT M. JOITS, City Clerk PREPARED BY: CINDY WILKINS, Dep City Clerk �U