HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007 - Nacimiento Avenue GENERAL NOTES ' GRADING X41 UALITY" MI TIGA►TI u'sftN MEASURE'S EROSION CONTROL NOTES >; SIS &AKIN " 1. No construction shall be started without pians and/or permits approved by I. All work shall conform to chapter 33 of the latest adopted .,,dition of the U.B,C,, the 1. All material 'excavated or graded shall be sufficient) watered to prevent 1. The site shall be maintained f g y p as to prevent law of sediments from the project. THE "BASIS OF BEARINGS" FOIA THIS MAP AND the city engineering department. The city engineering department shall be latest revision of the City of Atascadero Standards and Spec ;ications, these plans, excessive amounts of dust. Watering shall occur at least twice dailywith notified at least 24 hours prior to starting construction. An construction done the recommendations and requirements of the supervising soils engineer and SURVEY IS GRID NORTH PER CALIFORNIA p g Y q P 9 9 complete coverage, preferably in the late morning and after work. is 2. All areas over 5% grade which are disturbed by grading activities shall be NIA EMBED STRAW without approved plans or prior notification to the city's engineering the recommendations and requirements of the preliminary soils report for the finished for the da hydroseeded with an approved perennial mix prior to final acceptance. Areas with COORDINATE SYSTEM OF 19 C 83-ZONE 4" MIN. department will be rejected and will be at the contractor's and/or owner's risk project. All work shall comply with the y' 84 (CCS 83 ZONL' S�. INTO SOIL P 1 / j p y geotechnical engineerir g report for the established growth at the time of final acceptance need not be hydroseeded. THE MEAN CONVERGENCE ANGLE' FOR THIS SITE and expense. project prepared by 2. All clearing, grading, earth moving, or excavation activities shall cease >21"• through SECTION A �- A 2. All construction work shall conform to the City of Atascadero Standards and 2. All areas to receive fill shall be cleared of all brush and objectionable during periods of high winds (i,e, greater than 20 mph averaged over one 3_ Erosion control and sediment control measures shall be provided for any site IS -01031 work performed during the rainy season (October 15, April 15 . See hour) so as to prevent excess amounts Of dust, ) Specifications and all work shall be subject to the approval of the city debris, including existing asphalt pavement, scarified to a depth of 1 f(.)t, and attached straw bale detail. .MEASURED DISTANCE'S SHOWN HEREON ARE engineering department. watered and compacted as required by the supervising soils engineer prior to 3. All material transported off--site shall be either sufficiently waterd or GRID DISTANCES IN U.S. .FEET. TO OBTAIN placing of fill material. Underlying soils shall be observed by the Geote(':nical securelyCovered to prevent excess amounts of dust. �• Erosion control and sediment control measures shall be provided after ANGLE STAKE TOWARD 3. Soils tests shall be done in accordance with city of Atascadero Standards and Engineer prior to backfill. P construction is completed until permanent measures are in place. GROUND DISTANCES, MULTIPLY GRID DISTANCES BALE TO BY 1.OU003191F. PROVIDE TIGHT FIT Specifications section 4.03. All tests must be done within 15 days prior to 4. The area disturbed by clearing, grading, earth moving, or excavation 9 5. During rainy season, all paved areas shall be kept clear of soil and debris. placing material. Testing results shall clearly indicate the location and source 3. 'The c.ut areas of building pads with traversing cut/ fill daylight lines will be over- operations shall be. minimized so as to prevent excessive amounts of dust. 1' �` of the material. excavated as required b the soils engineer min. of 2 feet and the t ckfill brought 6. All erosion q y g ( ) g 5. Permanent dust control measures identified in the approvedproject the end of eachworkandraftes eh alfa be ria�npfalltedveat d repaired as necessary at to grade at the some time as the fill. This procedure shall apply under eath the PP y, Compaction tests shall be done on subgrade material and material placed as building area and a minimum distance of 5 feet beyond their exterior :)rimeter. revegitation and landscape plans shall be implemented as soon as possible specified by the city engineering department. Said tests shall be completed by following completion of any soil disturbing activities, 7. An erosion control Ian will be required to be submitted, approved and BENCHMARI%IAW P q PP A �, U a certified soils engineer and approved by the city engineering department prior 4. Positive drainage shall be maintained away from all structur, at a min,'mum of implemented should grading occur between October 15 and April 15. SECTION BF'to the placing of the next material. 2% for a minimum of 5 feet. 6. Exposed ground areas that are planned to be reworked at dates greater TBM = TOP OF A ,S'E'T' MAG NAIL & TIN IN' WOODEN STAKE than one month after initial radia shall be sown with fast-germinating ; OR REBAR DRIVEN � grading 9 9 OB5ERVATION AND TESTING PROGRAM ASPHALT (T CS#73) LOCATED N,.AR AN ASPHALT THROUGH BALE, 5. Subgrade material shall be compacted to a relative compaction of 95% (ASTM D1557) 5. Cut and fill slopes shall not exceed a grade of 2 horizontal to 1 vertical. native grass seed and watered until vegetation becomes established. CURB ALONG. NACIMI OCA AVENUE, in the roadway prism between finished subgrade elevation and one foot below. All The soils engineer shall observe the following tasks: material in fill sections below the zone mentioned above and in the sidewalk 6. Fill and backfill .placed at near optimum moisture in layer with loose thickness 7. All d�sturbed areas not subject to revegitation shall be stabilized using - Final plans sections shall be compacted to 90% (ASTM D1557) relative compaction, not greater than obt8 inches should be compacted to a min. of 95% of the max. approved chemical soil binders, jute netting, or other methods in advance - Stripping and clearing of vegetation ELEVATION z= 873.82 .._'.EET (bVGS84 -- GEIOD 99 density ainable by the ASTM D1557 test method..The soils engineer shall provide by tl e opcd. .ME' . - Recompaction of scarification soils ORTHOTRIC HEIGHT PER GPS OBSERVATIONS) s - 6. A registered civil engineer must certify that the improvements, when inter nittent inspections and testing of the fill and backFill placement and compactionfill. - Over excavating ° completed, are in conformance with the approved plans prior to the request or 8. All roadways, driveways, sidewalks, etc. to be paved shall be completed as soon as g �. possible. In addition, structural foundations shall be com leted - Final report..�- final inspection. Record drawings are to be prepared after construction is 7. No t ees shall be removed other than thane designated for removal on hese P P _- completed. The civil engineer certifying the improvements and preparing the pians. Tree removal includes removal of stump, and proper disposal the. Of. as s)on as possible following building pad construction. g• ���' _ �� _ �!'� �""�(addr.) record drawings shall be present when the final inspection is made. p P The soil engineer Of work shall be 9. On-site vehicle speed shall be limited to 15 mph for any unpaved surface. .. ' (lic.#}, _" _____ (photej 8. Earthwork estimates: cubic yards cut, • 1 cubic yards I UBC SEC 106.3.5 7. An inspection agreement is required prior to the issuance of an encroachment (estimates are based on surface to surface volumes) 10. All u+ipbved. areas with vehicle traffic shall be watered at least twice per permit and start of construction. day, using non-potable water. PAD CERTIFICATION / REQUIRED REPORTS PLAN Note: Exact shrinkage, consolidation and subsidence factors and losses lie to clearing 8. An effort has been made to define the. location of underground facilities operations are not included. Estimated earthwork quantities are based u )n the 11. Streets adjacent to the project site shall be swept daily to remove silt A final report prepared by a soil or civil engineer shall be submitted to the field ins ^ctcr P Y stating the work performed is in substantial conformance with the approved plans, NOTES: within the job site. However, all existing utility and other underground differ>nce between existing ground surface and proposed fini.hod grades in lots which may have accumulated from construction activities so as to prevent structures ma not be shown on this Ian and their location where shown is and ubgrade in streets, as shown on the plans, and should vary acco� in applicable codes, and is found to be suitable to support the intended structure. Su 1. THE STRAW BALES SHALL BE PLACED y P y g excessive amounts of dust from leaving the Site. report shall include any field progress reports, compaction data etc. ON SLOPE CONTOUR. approximate. The construction contractor agrees that he shall assume sale and to tl se factors. The contractor shall be responsible for site inspection 2. BALES.TO BE PLACED IN A ROW WITH THE complete responsibility for locating or having located all underground and uantity take off, and shall bid accordingly. Excess exca ated mate iI ENDS TiGHTLY ABUTTING. USE STRAW, ROCKS, STRAW BALE utilities and other facilities and for protecting them during construction. inclu, ng strippings shall become the property of the contrac or. OR FILTER FABRIC TO FILL GAPS BETWEEN THE , PROTECTION BALES AND TAMP THE BACKFILL MATERIAL TO DIKE 9. Ail utility companies must be notified prior to the start of construction. 9. Aggr(: late base: PREVENT EROSION OR FLOW AROUND BALES. Y P NOTES The construction contractor shall contact underground service alert (usa) at a. A( lregate base material shall conform to the applicable requirements of 1-800-642-2444 two to ten days prior to the start of excavation and shall verify secti.;i 26 of California state standard specifications. Aggreyate base c.�,�d subbase 1. No oak tree shall be removed without prior City opproval. the location of any known utilities and whether or not a representative of each mate ial shall be,compacted to a minumum relative compact'on of 95% EXTRA STRENGTH FiLTER FABRIC company will be present during excavation. 2. Trees within 20 feet of grading or trenching shall be protected by placement NEEDED WITHOUT WIRE MESH SUPPORT 10. Asph(,It: asphalt concrete paving shall conform to the requi ments for asphalt of protective fencing as indicated. PARCEL C 10. A city encroachment permit is required for any work within the public right- asphalt concrete type B as specified in section 39 of the S(ute of Calif)rnia of-way, for both sewer and road construction and the inspection card shall be Department of Transportation Standard Specifications, July 1992 edition. 3. Protective fencing shall be four feet high chain link or safety fence, and shall S1olc 23-PM -78 STEEL OR posted on the job site prior to the start of construction. be placed at the dripline unless otherwise indicated t�gw g� GEORGE & KAY KARTSIOUKAS 6510 NACIMIENTO AVE. WOOD POST _-----'-"` 11. Grade construction stakes shall be set by a licensed surveys or registE ed ,� APN 030-341-024 FLp� 11. The city inspector, acting on behalf of the city engineering department, may Civil engineer in the state of California. 4. Trenching and excavation within tree dripiines shall be hand dug or bored to 164.1 M) 5a. --'� minimize root' disturbance. Any root encountered 1" diameter or greater, shall szs7' ') FLOrequest revisions in the plans to solve unforeseen problems that may arise in be hand cut and appropriately treated. " °' "E 70.00' R1 --mow the field, Revisions shall be reviewed b the design engineer prior to 12. Sedimentation and erosion control m 3' �y' --- -- Y g 9 P measures, as approved by the building official, i P ELEV.-876.J2' 7 __ -- FLO' implementation. The inspector may alert the contractor to deviations in the shall be in place between the dates of October 15th through April 15th where grading 5. Pruning of lower limbs in the construction area shall occur prior to J - X 8>s , work from the plans. The contractor shall remedy the work to comply with the may affect off-site property. Should these measures no be in place no inspec''ons will construction activities to minimize damage. � ' / plans to the satisfaction of the inspector. be given until measures are implemented.N 10 FT MAX 4 / \ VR" IRE SUPPORTFENCE CING iTFi -8,7e ,. j�1/j��� r �� 6 FT MAX SPACING WITHOUT 12. The Construction contractor shall maintain a current, complete, and accurate a r' �jr ';; eA +Q p �' � , ��. WiRE SUPPORT FENCE record of all changes which ueviate from the construction a5 p < MUTUAL WATER g proposed in these plans and specifications for the purpose of providing the engineer with a basis 4 / CO.BLUE PAINT NO WATER" for record drawings. No changes shall be made without prior approval of the City engineering department and the design engineer. -.,� FO O TRAFFIC WAY c ARpILF O q,�p WAY - 13. The structural section shall be based upon soils tests to determine the 2-PRONG PONDING; HT. PONDING HT. P / ` qV F� 7„ ' % MP r--value of existing soil and a traffic index designated by the city engineering T EpE 1^ STEEL OR FILTER FABRIC r /a department and shown on each crass-section. / r 36 ODHiPOST �SMAX TATTACH UPSTREAM ELY P " SiDE OF POST. r . 14. All fresh cut and fill slopes shall be provided with a method of erosion VFNgO0 / I RUNOFF RUNOFF ------ i PORTION LOT 10 � ¢ control approved b the cit community development and engineering departments 73,,G0 gg ��qq� -:�------- P P Y Y Y P g� g P '�V� p �'�' s'TALL (REc�QMNtEXNDED) o h rior to the final inspection. `� BLOCK H-B '`--1 �s . WOOD FENCE 4 M B 32 x STORAGE HT. ;�;�; P P � 101 , P. E $0.CALIF, 15. All utility relocations and/or alterations shall be the sale responsibility / \Q ATASCADERO UNIFIED GAS PAINT _„• Of the developer at his expense. �JG SCHOOL DISTRICT S F\,� Ake'] PARCEL B 12" MIN. SITE T E > � 6510 NACIMIENTO AVE. o(TCS#5> 1 -PNS 78 12 MIN. ' irregularities �'�` APN 030-341-010 ELEvis.39' e7 o FSS v I' 4"x6" TRENCH 16. In the event that the contractor notices irre ularities in the line or rade `° �9 PETER J. & SUSAN L. !{!?ETZU 6486 NACIMIENTO AVE. WITH COMPACTED - GRAVEL g g '� P 6490 NACIMIENTO AVE. BACKFILL he shall bring it to the immediate attention of the design engineer and the city NACA INTO �ya� ���� EXISTING RESIDENCE APN 030-341-025 cv i» 15"Sy MORE `y6 "o � ,�-�hl engineering department. If he fails to do so, the contractor shall be �A © �9� © / � W' responsible for any error in the grade and necessary reconstruction to correct SAN HIGH SCHOOL �� oa >s 4. $$/ 4 FF O O� 3 STANDARD DETAIL ALTERNATE DETAIL such error. HILL RD �w � , .9 ¢ C7�Z 10"TREE 6'TALL /'� ^^Ma 'P 6° ASPHALT WOOD F�yCE t I pG EXISTING TRENCH WITH NATIVE BACKFILL. TRENCH WITH GRAVEL '0 =z 1 I 17. Existing pavement shall be saw---cut in accordance with the city/ county ITASCADERO 41 standards and specifications to reveal a competent structural section and new Tco > cQ4c NATE: paving shall be joined at this point. The structural section shall be inspected � rQ 1. INSPECT AND REPAIR FENCE AFTER EACH by the city engineering department prior to the placement of base. ,, / GARAGE 30' STORM EVENT AND REMOVE SEDIMENT WHEN NECESSARY. 0 2. REMOVED SEDIMENT SHALL BE 'DEPOSITED 18. Any survey monuments within the area of construction shall be preserved or �NO�'<``S `v a Go �,0�4 TO AN AREA THAT WILL NOT CONTRIBUTE AVE SEDIMENT OFF-SITE AND CAN BE PERMANENTLY reset by a registered Civil engineer or licensed land surveyor in accordance o SAN ANDRES p�� STABILIZED. SILT � FENCE with city standard drawing #426 and as required by state law, land surveyors act AVE J, 3. SILT FENCE SHALL BE PLACED ON SLOPE S � and subdivision map act. y MER y��o � Q CONTOURS TO MAXIMIZE PONDING EFFICIENCY. ` - _spa 6484 NACIMIENTO AVE. p2 Qj EXISTING RESIDENCE GAS 19. Ail grading or other construction work outside of the right-of-way shall not © METERQ I be permitted without written permission from the off--site property owner. 25' 8� P 20. No trees shall be removed without permission from the city community development department. All work within a dripline of a protected tree shall be consistent with the tree protection plan. as" EE 21. The contractor agrees that in accordance with generally accepted ;f � k I N"1 T Y M A P DIVERSION DEERIDGE REQUIRED construction practices the contractor shall be required to assume sole and WHERE GRADE EXCEEDS 2q q FOUND 1"I.P.: GREATER OPEN NO TAG 0 2 % OR complete responsibility for the condition of the job site during the course of (Tcs1J,o5) No t t O Scale ELEV.=87x.48' -----__ R^ 26J9.82' Rt) 6�2 7 GQ construction for this project, including the safety of all persons and property, g7xgG0" g72,7'GD A- °o,o446 R') - ---- - EXISTING PAVED and that this requirement shalt be made to apply continuously and not be limited (R1) 01 G�� ��•4, F,o >g, �„ OOH O�JGOc ROADWAY w to normal working hours. The contractor further agrees to defend, indemnify and 7 J hold harmless the city of Atascadero and the design professional from any and �`t�,� r� ��" „�i�i , �^'� 5'OFFER of DEDICATION Pw4 _� 'OP/TV° q r - > PER 23-PM-93 5 FILTER FABRIC ail liability, real or alleged in connection with the performance of work on the G Y �' a - r0 est, excepting liability arising from negligence of the design professional. �5' � � GAS � -� �-� � �'-��� ��-' SECTION A �- A P j P 9 Y gg P Woe" 8�2 7 WATER �� o 'a 50.CALIF. >% A�J l°3 A S N GD 872.5'C METERS I F T° ���� GAS PAINT 22, The contractor shall maintain two-way traffic at all times. Traffic control r! �{/�/ A �y gyp) o �+ SEDIMENT BARRIER Shall be in accordance with the current Caltrans manual for traffic control and t r7'�. I+'11.a rtf-4t^• ;>�)I At t" !./ ITL✓ '�^ o (STRAW BALE TYPE SHOWN) -____ _ >� , A work area traffic control handbook. No street or lane closure shall be permitted GAS „use GAS° GAS GAS SUPPLY WATER TO WASH o unless previously arranged for and granted by the city engineering department. -- PAINT _ N a (C TI MI PI JE N T O Eli V P- N U IE T M'T WHEELS IF NECESSARY. R= 2664.62' (R,RIN) / / G1= 09'05'49" (R1) 23. Construction grade stakes shall be set by a registered civil engineer ora / Ti 09'06'09' (M) a licensed land surveyor registered in the State of California. /� (T. 173) 1 454,86' (R1) .......... .. ��� �tia�� El _ 62 45514 =873 (M) Q. � a °° °°° 8�° °�• °' 24. An disturbed mail boxes shall be replaced in a manner approved b the �GIF�t ,�,I IIS - tN�1. TCs 3 ��� Y p P p Y ( f 1 �� ASPHALT CU a °� OQ postmaster and the city community development department. ELEV.-673.8zq 9 2'-3'° COURSE _ A AGGREGATE 6" TICK Q ( N 25. Plans and Construction shall be in conformance with the 2001 California Building Code � c� ° g as pis p, 2001 California Plumbing Cade, and the Atascadero Municipal Code (AMC). ri SITE MAPI "1 11111 1111g.Jill I O O d p W - DIVERSION RIDGE APPLICABLE L�",r�BLE CSCALE 1" - 20' +�' .)WER �5�..�'T .. 07ES" 50' MIN UBC--1997 Uniform Building Cade NEC-1996 National Electric Code PARCEL A, OF PARCEL M"AP C~D 76---472 IN a' �"' �' PLAN Grading --- 33 UBC Appendix LUO--County Land Use Ordinance THE CITY Or UPC-1997 Uniform Plumbing Code CZLUO--Coastal Zone Land Use Ordinance REVISIONS THiS SHEET ATASCADARO, AND AS RECORDED IN BOOK 23, PAGE' 78, OF NOTES: UMC-1997 Uniform Mechanical Code Title 19-Count Building and Construction Ordinance -� 1, THE ENTRANCE SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN A Y �1RQ�E55r'ON Robeir 1 E �') PARCEL AiAPS` IN THE' OFFICE OTTHE COUNTY .RECO.RDE'.R, CONDITION THAT WILL PREVENT TRACKING OR ICs I �t I��grunteeirunwr ��C.��I..� �RA�+�,�Sry � 1�+� � COUNT)` OF ,SAN LUIS 0 8IS'.FO S'TAT'E' OFCALIFORNIA PUBLIC RIGHTS (� �7 Z OF-WAY. OFSEDIMENT MAY EREQQUIR E TOP DRESSING,� P c�Gj ( `"" ` , wV� ="`� REPAIR AND/OR CLEANOUT OF ANY MEASURES ` �� Timothy P. Roberts Design/Drawn/Check(: Scale Publi -Works Director, I y of Atascad(. oUSED TO ,�► TRA SEDIMENT. ' a Civil Engineer - RCE 35366 2. WHEN NECESSARY, WHEELS SHALL BE CLEANER 'TEMPORARY j PRIOR TO ENTRANCE ONTO PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY, 1 -71, 3. WHEN WASHING IS REQUIRED, IT SHALL BE DONE GRAVEL ON AN AREA STABILIZED WITH CRUSHED STONE ��++r�T r�T 2015 Vista de la Vina ,; - Stever Kahn Date THAT OR SEDIMENT NT INTO N APPROVED SEDIMENT TRAP CONSTRUCTION RUC 1, ION * Exp. �/�O/09 * Templeton, A 93465 � ' � `4' �" Job No. � e� Tem leton C ENTRANCE/EXIT Fnone {805} 239-0664 -`� ": 1130104 •7-� AU j Q I V I �Q Fax (805) 238-6148 ;��; . ATE QF `�0�� Email robertsen Ch< rter.net �..,�,� ''�' '' California _ � Tlmotity P. Roberts, RCE 35366 Exp. 9/30/07 Date CAL gG SIGNATURE Sheet # 0f # 2 , > ...�,. .._ _ PARCEL C N) o 23— PM - 78 1,� fr > r GEORGE & KAY KARTSIOUKAS _. 't6 510 NACIMIENTO AVE. ���" �' °iso��, �� ��. A P N 030-341 -024 .� , . f '/it its- . �3117' ��1) �� �'N � � � � � � � ' � � � " w--w-------�- � ��.•'' �ZQ N 53°20 O E 70,00', R 1 ' ( ,- l l ' {TC 76) � a� ELE .-"876 2' 15 . � �� SUI EYOR'S NOTE. �` 1 . "� // OWN s 26C.:.._..—OR-163 CONTAINS AN EASEMENT ACROSS PORTION OF PARCEL �� '� �"� 6 .� �' � ,�'� - �' C, 2�—PM---78 FOR BENEFIT OF PARCEL A, 23—PM--78 FOR COMMON �, 4 ,j.. 0, ' air �.- `� DRI' PURPOSES. PER AGREEMENT OWNERS OF PARCELS A & B Ntfclm � t � '" �, ' �-- oo , •Z rv• SH��';..,L NOT PARK OR ALLOW TO BE PARKED ANY VEHICLES ON THE r , 875.52 EAS vIENT. ANY SUCH VEHICLES PARKED ON THE EASEMENT SHALL , ��' {{ / , ,• 0, BE :_MOVED BY THE OWNER OF PARCEL A OR B IMMEDIATELY ON �a71•'1r TASCADERO THE.. REQUEST BY ANY OTHER OWNER, OR MAY BE TOWED OUT OF THE MUTUAL WATER RIGI . OF WAY AT THE EXPENSE_ OF THE OWNER OF THE OBSTACLE. - / CO. BLUE PAIN 4� ,�f •1. �„ No WATER ova :. _... +� � �_t��., ► ..��"' '.1"'1r�. �!c�ct , f,�,c,�,�.� , ���=�+t�,c�,C7� 10 5 0 10 20 SCALE: 1 �- 10 F7. f,^ c� fi I CONTOUR INTERVAL= 1 .,FOOT 2- R NG� REE 2' I fyj 7t ,, CONSTRUCTION NOTES y "� 1 Construct City Standard 425 driveway approach w/4'handicap walkway S-2%min. PORTION LOT 10 � 6' TAL -� 4 2 Construct 41handicap walkway adjacent to existing driveway approach BI._...00K H — B � WOOD FE 3 Match existing curb,gutter and sidewalk. 4 MB 32 x p ATASCADERO UNIFIED �, s CALIF. G PAINT ( 4 ) Existing curb,gutter and sidewalk Uli SCHOOL DISTRICT 1'�� !r(i� A��'> , A ' �, PARCEL R C E L B S Existing City Standard 425 driveway approach I 6 0 w 2 3---,- P M --- 7 8 10 NACIMIENTO AVE. (TCS54 � Grade to slope away from proposed structure at ' =2% min.to daylight ,� ELEV.X876.39' �� d ��S `�' APN 030---341 --- 010 � � j �o� � � � � �Z1 / '� � � PETER J. cue SUSAN L. I�RETZU � x 6486 NACIMIENTO AVE*- �' � �..: � 6 49 0 �N A CI M 1 EN TO A�/�. Construct 6'curb with 18"gutter per city stand,rd 41.8 co rR / `� ' p . EXISTING RESIDENCE { Q -P: -tom ° / A P N 030-341 -025- Construct 5' integral sidewalk per City Standaz 419 c, b ✓. ca w� a r C;� 4� '� 9 Construct asphalt ramp to provide transition bt seen proposed sidewalk and new asphalt 15 SYCAMORE o o ¢ ,gg' 10 Construct new asphalt street section.2"minima . type B asphalt over 6"Class 11 agg.Base min. Final section to be i= determined b I2-value testin of basement soil TI=6.0 c� 0 Baa 9 y g n 107' TREE 6' TALL �� P _ I1 Construct 50'asphalt transition , WOOD FENCE �, ' 12 Construct 9'wide driveway 875" 1�1 � .q2 j 13 Demo and remove existing wood fence 11-4 4/A �_G 4 14 Saw cut line; 1 foot minimum into existing paves: ,;at x SHARED , d .k..,•,....•.... .__....�.,:._ o e I' e d o e ,: �!' ® l�'oC/� Gp � 16 Relocate existing water meters as necessary to c1t,:ir new curb. y ��� 17 Install new water meter and service line per AM' f'C requirements eleOi-k4l e 4PP19/"t�WA ,� C j f x i , ' EXISTING 18 Construct new 4"PVC sdr 35 sewer lateral per City Standard 603. Slope=5%+/- ; ' ASPHALT PG&E ' 14 19 Construct new gas service METER `S --` — g�4 6484 NACIMIENTO AVE. fi2� $ 20 Construct new electrical service EXISTING RESIDENCE GAS ` ETER fit ' 21 Construct new 6"wood fence X d ' �2 22 Construct retention basin. Bottom area=2.5'wic ,x 7.5' long. Bottom elevation=873.0,Top elevation =874.25, Side 2 P� '� slopes 3;1. 3'wide overflow weir elevation=87:°.15,Max.Depth=1.25 feet.Max.volume=94 CF Construct earth swale a0. S=1% min.typical(6"d,-:ep x 36"wide) X Install roof drains and down spouts. Pipe to retex.. on basin with 4"corrugated FVC pipe at S=0.5%min. ' r' 9' ` ' r� �' o 25 Construct new masonry retaining wall. Max hei ,�t=6.5 feet. Dein an details -A f y g g Design d d tads by others. �� G � 872• Gp I 26 Install 12 PVC dram inlet boxes typical two plat:: as noted. 46" TREE Q.7 Install 4"min.corrugated PVC drainpipe at S=1 , min. Outlet EL.—873.00 at bottom of basin �t 28 Install approximately 115 LF,1.75"PVC bleedea, ine at S=0.5% min. - ' "� FOUND 1" I.P., fit'' �•�' � -rr __ �G7,�,ttrtl�q0�l�c.l�` � OPEN NO TAG ! ' r - '° > 29 Outlet bleeder drainpipe at gutter flow line,El.-; 12.00. vz , f m-_�_____� .......� _._._. _ _. � {TCS#105} ,�,. �,� I � ELEV.=8,72.48' R ', r•► t,, cn �*w, , , ° o 30 1n accordance with Municipal Code section 9•-4.16 ,the applicant shall slurry seal Nacimiento Avenue across the • r. • ► ZA �» ' , ,�� -E� » ��°�' �,`� ° frontage of the property to a width of z the street ,.:ass 10 feet, If existing buildings are located on the parcel,these >Q PP • » , • $.,__� s . , • improvements are only required if the constructed 'clue of the proposed buidings plus site improvements exceeds • f • 4 dP fV 25°10 of the value of existing buildings plus site imi; vments. 1n order to qualify for this exemption,the applicant A!% .01'°� 4.46" (`/R , ,..' :t - w d �, �. Q' o ff, TV OP/1 ° Q { t ' a OP/TV p will need t0 provide copies of assessor's informato ,n the valuation Of the existing building and site improvements as 'D ,• L= • 70 02 {R 1) P: TV a r - P OP TV �� . well as construction cost estimates of the proposed l:ididings plus site improvements V f ILT (P.G ISVY ♦ .. .. „ - GAS `~' GAS GAS GA A5 GAS GAS 1�5fif& 4WAJ 1". ) J I `""'� 872 so.WATLK CLI F -' -� , . (j I;ETE \ GAS PAINT { , , � 7, 344. I 0.47 � > SS SS . . . LF m . SSS SS _ SS - SS SS JE � ' o PARCEL A,! OF PARCEL MAP CO 76-472 IN THE CITY OF REVISIONS THIS SKEET ATASCADE'R , AND AS RECORDED IN BOOK 23, PAGE 78, OF • ~''" =ESS`�'- Roberts ,, PARCEL M,. PS IN TME' OFFICE' OF THE COUNTY RECORDER, � (Lin�.iP`l�'.�r(.�.invor RECORD .�.it�! WWU �i'�: �''�' f�f�j�l��A�l� COUNTY OF ,SANT ,UIS OI3IS'F'0, STATE OF CALIFORNIA - Design/Drown/Checked Scam Publi Works Dire , City f tascadero TBM: g �`,�� �'i ,�� 1'�S' TIIOt � P. Ro3e�tSrla} , , w , TCS 73 , x,, . �� tvtl En sneer - RAE 35366 T.P.R. ELEV 873.52' j' �` `� ,/ 3536Er Steven . Kahn Date Exf: 9/30/09 2015 Vista de la Vxna r Job No. Templeton, CA 93465 ,` . ID 7-Z407 I Phone (805) 239-0664 f S,�, IV1LP � s Fax ($05) 238 6148 Timothy P. Roberts, RCE 35366 Exp. 9/30/09 Date 0) ���,� Email robertseng@charte�r.net ' California Coordinates Sheet SIGNATURE T N E Of # 2