HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 102885 MEETINGAG'NDA _� 1-6yr E , MINUTES - ATASCADERO PTY COUNCIL DA l� 1z Regular Meeting, October 28, 1985 , 7: 30 p.m. APPROVED AS PRESEWB BY COLINICIL Atascadero Administration Building 1/ 55 The Regular Meeting of the Atascadero City Council was called to order at 7: 30 p.m. by Mayor Nelson; he announced that the City Council met in a Closed Session, prior to tonight ' s meeting, to discuss litigation regard- ing the case of Levi & Marlene Barrett vs;. City of Atascadero. Mayor Nelson presented a plaque to Off�' " er Richard Blumberg acknowledging the value of his services as an Atasca6ero Police Officer. Officer Blum- berg is retiring after having served the City of Atascadero since 1980 , a charter member of the Police Department. ROLL CALL Present: Councilmembers Mackey, Molina, Norris and Mayor Nelson Absent: Mayor Pro Tem Handshy STAFF Mike Hicks , Fire Chief/Acting City Manager; Robert Jones , City Attorney/ City Clerk; Bud McHale, Police Chief; Henry Engen, Community Development Director; Paul Sensibaugh, Public Works Director; Cindy Wilkins , Deputy City Clerk. A. CONSENT CALENDAR Mayor Nelson announced the addition of Item #16 to the Consent Calen- dar, proposed Resolution 122-85 . 1. Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of October 14 , 1985 2 . Approval of Treasurer's Report September 1-30 , 1985 3. Approval of Finance Director' s Report - September 1-30 , 1985 4. Motion Approving Mayor ' s Appointment of Mayor Pro Tem Handshy to Council/Atascadero Unified School District Ad Hoc Committee 5. Motion Approving Mayor ' s Appointment of Councilperson Mackey to Em- ployee Recognition Program 6. Approval of Plans and Specifications & Authorization to Solicit Bids for Fire Station Remodeling 7. Proposed Resolution 120-85 - Approving Acquisition of Two Patrol Cars through State Bid 8. Proposed Resolution 121-85 - Approving Acquisition of Building Inspec- tion Truck 9. Tentative Parcel Map 24-85 —7503 Carmelita - Thomas Bench - (Allow division of 3. 53 acre parcel into three lots of 1 .06 , 1 .23 and 1 .26_ acres each) 10. Authorization to So-licit Proposals forEngineeringand Design of Graves Creek Bridge 11. Motion Accepting Staff Report on Urban Service Boundary Lines COUNCIL MINUTES - 10/0/85 PAGE TWO 12 . Tentative Parcel AT 820325 : 1 - Ardilla & Balboa Roads (Lots 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 33, Block 24) - Dovica/Szatlocky (Extension of time to com- plete conditions of tentative map) 13. Tentative Parcel Map 25-85 - 11160 Atascadero Road (Lot 2 , Block 65) - Curtis/Twin Cities Engineering (Allow division of 5 .04 acres into two lots of 2 . 50 and 2 . 54 acres each) 14. Authorization to Enter into Purchase Agreement with State of Cali- fornia for Signal Control - Traffic Way/E1 Camino 15. Approval of Bid #85-32 and Award to M.J. Hermreck for 1985-86 Over- lay Project 16. Proposed Resolution 122-85 - Approving the Application and the Pro- ject Agreement for Historic Preservation Grant Funds for Adminis- tration Building Improvement Project from the California Park and Recreational Facilities Act of 1984 Paul Sensibaugh, Public Works Director, briefly explained Item #16 . Councilwoman Mackey requested Item #9 be removed for separate dis- cussion. MOTION: By Councilwoman Mackey to approve Items 1-16 , minus #9 , second- ed by Councilman Molina; passed unanimously by roll-call vote, with Mayor Pro Tem Handshy absent. DISCUSSION; ITEM #9: Although in favor of denying a lot split on the subject property, Councilwoman Mackey said she was sympathetic to the applicant ' s request, and since the property includes some creek res- ervation land, she inquired what some ,of the other Councilmembers thoughts on the subject were. MOTION: By Councilman Molina to approve of the Planning Commission' s recommendations on Item #9, denying the lot split, seconded by Councilwoman Mackey; passed unanimously by roll-call vote, with Mayor Pro Tem Handshy absent. B. NEW BUSINESS 1. Report on Location of Proposed Post Office Henry Engen, Community Development Director, gave staff report. With regard to site #1 (northwesterly San Anselmo & E1 Camino Real) , subsequent to the staff report, Mr. Engen learned that a soils re- port has been done on this property. With respect to all 3 proposed locations, he advises that a traffic study should be done to indicate what mitigating measures should occur to take care of the impact of a postal facility anywhere in the community. Unfortunately, the Postal Service was unable to provide a representative to be present tonight in order to advise the City further as to how it handles its site sel- ection process and what their benchmark timing and means of influenc- ing events might be. Site #1 , Mr. Engen noted, is the only site which is somewhat in accordance with the General Plan in terms of what the zoning allows. 2 COUNCIL MINUTES 10/28/85 PAGE THREE Public Comment Mel Donald, 4935 Vida, had read somewhere that the Junior High was to be abandoned and two new schools built at another location. He wondered what the possibility is of the Postal Service making an agreement with the school district for the acquisition of the Junior High property, which appears to offer the space they're seeking as well as close proximity to the downtown area. Mayor Nelson responded that he doesn't believe the district is in a position at this time to move the Junior High (unless it were made an offer it couldn't refuse) , and it will probably be a number of years before any such move could be accomplished. Wally Dunn, representing the owner of site #1 , roughly 82 acres to- tal, described the condition of the property, which has been cleared, compacted for buildings and curb and gutter installed. The property was intended for the development of a shopping center; however, Mr. Dunn stated there is no major supermarket chain willing to come into Atascadero for lack of a sufficient customer market. Some of the in- terested parties he has been in contact with have , however, indicated that their firm would be willing to locate here if the Post Office was there , because it would be considered a major "draw" for custom- ers. Were they to decide to build at this site, the Post Office would be (at their choice) next-door to Atascadero Ford, and a large restaurant/steakhouse would be on the corner, leaving roughly 18q ,000 ft. of space between for the development of a shopping center. The property has been under study by engineering, feasibility and envir- onmental representatives of the Postal Service. The proposed new structure is about 5 times the size of the present facility. The openness of site #1 would provide for good access to and from, as well as freeway access and would also, Mr. Dunn believes, contribute to decreasing potential vandalism. Manford Vanderlip, who has a financial interest in the property at site #3, has also had extensive conversations with the Postal Ser- vice representatives. The 3 proposed sites appear to be the only 3 available which really fall into the nature of the site requirements. The standard bid offering and offer to sale clearly say that the Pos- tal Service does have the 'ability to take property through condemna- tion, which would circumvent existing zoning and all public bodies down the line. In his discussions with the Postal Service, Mr. Van- derlip noted their primary concerns are (1) lot size, (2) the avail- ability of a traffic pattern both within and around the facility, and (3) topography, which is why these 3 lots were selected for con- sideration. Doug Leeds, speaking as Postmaster of Atascadero, clarified that there were no feasible offers in the downtown area. Their needs are based on a 20-year projection, and the Post Office is currently oper- ating in a crowded situation. He offered to try and answer any questions Council might have, however, most decisions are handled by the Los Angeles field office and outside of his involvement. MINUTES - 10 85 COUNCIL / / PAGE FOUR Council was in consensus that the west side of the freeway (site #2) would not be an appropriate location, and a central area, if possible , should be pursued. There was some disagreement as to whether the north or south end of town would be best. Council, basically, is in agreement with the recommendations outlined in the staff report. C. ATASCADERO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT MOTION: By Councilman Molina to recess as Council and convene as the Atascadero CSD Board of Directors , seconded by Councilwoman Mackey; passed unanimously. 1. Public Hearing on the Following Proposed Annexations into the Atascadero CSD (Cont' d from 10/14/85) (Request Item Continued to November 12 , 1985 Council Meeting) a. Lots 11-16 , Santa Rosa Road b. Lots 66-72 , Santa Rosa Road C. Lots 73-87 , Marchant Way Paul Sensibaugh, Public Works Director, requested that the Board continue this item until the next regular Council Meeting on Novem- ber 12th, when staff can come back with their report including the engineer' s estimated assessment for each parcel. MOTION: By Director Mackey that the Board continue this item until their meeting on November 12 , 1985 , seconded by Director °Nor- ris passed unanimously. 2 . Proposed Resolution 118-85 - Approving Annexation of Improvement District #3 (Lots 11-16 - Santa Rosa Road, Lots 66-72 - Santa Rosa Road, and Lots 73-87 - Marchant Way) (Cont 'd from 10/14/85) Paul Sensibaugh requested, the same as the previous item, that this be held over until the November 12th meeting. MOTION: By Director Mackey that the Board continue Item C-2 to Novem- ber 12 , 1985 , seconded by Director Molina; passed unanimously. 3. Authorization to Waive Sewer Connection Requirement - Dale Ziegler, 5700 Ardilla Road Paul Sensibaugh gave staff report. MOTION: By Director Molina to approve the waiver request of Mr. Zieg- ler, seconded by Director Mackey; passed unanimously. MOTION: By Director Molina to adjourn as the Atascadero CSD Board of Directors and reconvene as the City Council, seconded by Dir- ector Mackey; passed unanimously. D. COMMUNITY FORUM No public comment. 0 0 COUNCIL MINUTES - 10/28/85 PAGE FIVE E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION Mike Hicks, Fire Chief/Acting City Manager, announced that Mr. Row- land Kenney passed away over the past weekend. Mr. Kenney was a long-time member of the Fire District Board, having served for some 30 years. Chief Hicks expressed condolences to Mr. Kenney' s family and relayed that a memorial service is scheduled for 3 :30 p.m. this Friday, November 1 , at the Community Church. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 8:20 P.M. TO NEXT REGULAR MEETING ON TUES. 11/12/85. RECORDED BY: R ERT M. JVNCity Clerk PREPARED BY: CINDY WILKINS, Deputy City Clerk