HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986 - Cayucos Avenue and Hermosillo Avenue ----------- ------- ------ ------------ JIM 11 N1, L __J r X 4 0 "I A N -—A J t to .................... (Z) ........ .. ............ % 1/1",i , �/ I --t- ,,_,", 111. �4_ k 0 Q) JIG -,Z .....Now 4_ N ......... Ell loll to Yv- -2 7 `4 A�. 1 7 X /'J, X _4 —7 0 1A 4� K� 14 T �j 0, 4,51590 CR. Q .......... 7N f ---------- 7 A 2_ 5444 __J (P)p 0- V -7/4/75 A, VM65 e A Y J C%60 2%5, A VE f-7 4...— �FMOS I_L_L 0 A 1V*4-c.-- S 7_,oV10 7"490 7_,�9 15-1,C6,3 il:,W 729 49 4�7 Construction contractor agrees that in accordance with generally accepted construction practices, construction contractor will be required to assume sole and complete responsibility Information pertaining to existing underground facilities as shown herein is for No7-E: for job site conditions during the course of consttruction of the Oro-Ject, including safety information purposes only. Utilities shown in the plan view may not be shown in profile. of all persons and property; that this requirement shall be made to apply continuously and AS 3U:-'-- PL.,luNS �-'-_RE 3A-SED ON not be limited to normal working hours, and construction contractor further agrees to defend, Contractor shall be responsible for contacting all agencies involved and shall locate all -N ��ECC=S 1-_NLY AND (_CNSrr"-1'UC7_7 indemnifv and hold design professional harmless from any and all liability, real or alleged, facilities prior to excavation in any area. Telephone Underground Service Alert (USA) toll YAY %Cr -Cr17_-RA=- y ENT in connection with the performance of work on this project, excepting liability arising from free at 1-800-642-2444 forty-eight (48) hours prior to the start of construction. the sole negligence of design professional. ---—------- 1.11... 11-1 111-1 11 Ir I -____v.............. .......... ........... ................. --- -------- :7.=77_7 7,771 T- Li .... ...... t .............. 'T' .;... ....... A ........... .......... 7, ............. It. - 77771. 717/ ...... ........ 77-7_77 7-1 --------- .......... 7 7`77t77: ................. L ——--------- .4 J., T 11.11.111.__1.............. .........----------- t 4 t t ....... t ................ 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