HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978 - Montura Lane 00400"Kit;As-"4 FF Wasn't, ev- '4 -,�,',00 _m'L'-,Z��avg �CQNSTRUCTION NOTES: No construction shall be started without plans approved by the County Engineering Department. The j .......... County Engineer shal"L be notified at: least 24 11012rS prior to starting of construction,'i, Any con- A jr 77T"T 771- ....... ................. 7=_ 7, _ij �F�77_',` 2.MT27711.. 7-7 -4-1 ppkoved p3ans Or W An _07271 7 77 t a strucation done without 3 Min! 77--*--AnT 7 171 1z p3li.03: notil IN!cat'!on to the County En _7,,, _A�-''4 4 17 + -4- ......... A_,:'n,:7T­"­ .......... Q K­tLj .......... z.ap. k-1_1,_._____ -�,'yj­ 7 V. W. 1q. TO 17 4 ---------- done at 001 (101141ract0r S and/or 0WIler S 1A Sk -T ZYA K:7 jeected and will be ..Q 131:107 Z:=017ZI:ii I_ -0. A=1 17714 ni n::117 ny Y � -47-0 - --1 -7 47 707: 01, _Q- .............. j­:_z.",1_ fid Specd 1:icatJ ons and all work shallL be subject to the approval of the County. Lint..1.It 7 7 Z01nn- 0- "r­,-�­,'� 0.7z: To 7 -7 ":"1 7 7Yj1,.1. ..j. I -�-A,-. -1- _4, 11711 V7 F-4 T.A All i s Obispo StandaVIS construction work and instaililations ESAU confOrM to U18 County ck: San Luj no ----------- ........ 4- .......... -------- Q..1 Zrisn" z: �Az Wwn izz, nil 1 1 4--l- ............ 0,01"A. Q.,1_ 4", 10-i"s, Sails tests sha"Ll be done ill accordance With the County StandalrdS and SpecAl fications Section 1: z LOW:1 J,_ _4_ 2 :UnA, -­­ __+_ - -­ ......----- ...... + QQ �,, . -..i..q... - :" '4....... _j 1:0 "! �;x � 1 1. 2a r A 471 q K 110,7 V ......... Q mill 1=: �jw­ t be made within 15 days pr 0771701 21 1 '-351. 1403 and Section 111-051.1404. A3131 tests mous '07 1 "14 1:�I - _1 ,,� I z--T-i .-n ,,- l,�­-,WQ�c o- linnAn 1_0, :J_ I .,A I 177t 1.: 4 a -I--- - -1 , , ":, __!�� . W", -�­_­­­­_. , , , F, TtZ material. The tests results shall indicate WOMAN the 31 Qcati 00 alld source Of -4- ..... 10H& ink ZOO L 'I. wzy.. .......... _U L�q_ t Z7 17n_ the material. ......... 7j;Q :07 W -V7 _W7 0-1- ..... 1*77 intr ZOO= :::jL:n:, 10 17�Yjlil n! 0 -A --------- ------ :0, 1z Zoo _Q?l nn=07 :11:1 wont r Mtn. j4",.. ,.. -- - --- ­­�:l:­ :,- 74 Zfp� ------ 0­4--l1mly Tom Compaction tests shaJil be, roade on SUbgradS material alllel material laced as specd fiend by the "­_­,"�a p .......... 1 .......... -------- orn ng yin _-Ann: A Ali 1: in: T 10107n:nj =1 in 1 WKS "n" r MOST, Tint, FIE !Tn'l............... -`Q ]Engineer. S a d te s I W r "I�A V.�j ts -shall be made prior to p1ackyj of the ne3d: Materilal. �4 A I A k se '�:': 'X:, T. 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Uz Ubg3rade materJa3l sha'Ll be c010pact8d to a Eelati V_12.; JZMAIA. 41 A 4-4�...... i �A­Q :0:=- - I A�_ -1777 7',1"-F TAT 1-704-4 1 77771�_ rIT=111101"--- - -0-7771. -YAf1ji jz K- r 1 7�zt _TTXl;j:z: I)Cqtade elevatJ on and one foot be"LMAr All materj'al in fill sectlons below the snone inentioned Q--" ZATEJ glh, Wink n 7_7 ............ 747477 7=7 ===j n1M. 0 90 % rellildkire cornpactilon. above shall be compacted to ......... ,117024 4- 1. 0-- T�­ --,4----. 1'.--,--''I�l-li",-,.�,,.!�i-�'----'-'E� I I h A Q. .0.21 _7077:71ana-0- 1��n R k__ ------ :7�777, 'T A- ,1117 7i ...... + 7 7-7 110707:7 41 ,� �,H ILLO."n not 7=1 =11jazzgn: V 118W.StSEC neer must certify that the 'Unprovements when comp3leted are in aocordaripe . i 1 A -4---- 7 -4 q.4Az:.qn1 "T, wj! th 1:11(e plans prJOr to Xeqlleilt for fin T -:21. construction is comp3i eted. ........ jv, j�n,p It 17 a wn 1qw-1- -Z inn fill 7 ............ VIA 7 41-4 W-7-1 ------- I "n- og sea wnr A J. coat will be appliled. "0" in.zY...n4:al: 117L �'I"- ETA _J........ j A 00 UZO 7;M... T-Vmnnk "11011711", A W A A base prime coat and pavement f _3 "j- 'R At 0 Wy A znl. zj:z A An inspect'Lon aggreeMent is required p3ADr to the start of construction. ;q ..... 4--- 7 Zj=:ZQ7 �:!.�;A A. "Q Wli r RA 7_77"' 4--1 "14_ 11. liz 77, :7t7T4 "-0-100 10 =W-', IN a-- ------- too J" A County encroachment permit is Xe,111018d for any VVC33CIC done within County right-of-way. :4 ny zz2p ry jl� 11T=177. 01.1.7 �"_j 7:_Y:_7t7_7 -1 -717--71 a I I_71, Westland Engineering Cc). shall be) notified 48 110113:15 in advance of construction by the contractor Y-T IAN- 17 71 ....... a... W. I ot onwer 80 thaty they May MACAW!e the engineer s inspection of the construction Q--Yl 0n 0- Y 71 -41 avq- z JN;: 4� 1 A.. LUZ= __+,---t-0,� ZV .1111.1 1-111 - 1 A ------- An—A - L�fl' 1"'��- - � ..........�­_-'-­', "P,x --- , " Z_o ir_Zz_,L, -4"z 71 ..... 411-1-1--f-:7777",77 -'T pnnj Rita 71 WQ::zz 1 clot: IIWZY 71 l7 7.j.. BASE 17LATE113CAL Y ....... t 10- KAY, �Ijnzn�j_ On z 7 07--1 y7W:=: TREAT T I TTT 7 t US j -3- + 01 nVT:A= J z'dl, 1: ---------- :3 Q, ..... 3 -QQ- 0221224470 for CLASS AGGIIEGATE BASE ShAl 11. IM free of vegetable deleterious L AggEegatC3 matter arld other 7"" nn,- 0 0: VIA, llQi__J 4", " _-, , I - Y7 ki HIT— n -22 n_ Substances, and shall be of such nature that: It (:an be compacted rea Aly; arn T W.- .1_4_4... A A0zo±---4- 7 ......... ........... 7 ...... j-7"T 717'�711_7 WX i,,)-- Z71.. 1 .. f: -.0-7.11,170 to J:03= a firm Stab31 8 base. The percentage composition by weight of aggregatS baSEe -AleIN—-�;_---__*r_ -­11-_.____ ,n. .1,__,"" :4 -7 T 707077 177 ifOrnia Test Method tic). 2 2. -----------i-- 7:0 shall conform to the folllowing grading when deterladined by Cal _T` .......... ......... :.4 7- 7 7 'T ..... 71 agee A", % Ann: 0-15 4 -A KINKIER 00 Q--- A 71:fyr:hiz:j:nny:jznA 41 h 07 n 11:��! , , -pinagnm F 4 Passing ........ 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Requirements 70* #21-7 2 5 #229 5, IN *Note: The R-�-value requirement may be waived, provided thb7�S.E. value is 30 or more. ;in S.11. o 1: 0 1 lity requirement may be waived,, provided the SUbgrade has 0 0, or-m,age,0111 M1, 2­� P� M,A 74,4,1 P f5,tt, wfun- �Z, �v lot m., 4 � 3) L MY P, D '�A4' xyhon,PTO "w fit) 0011-0 oil 4 'A �e A=,4 JS J11 AIX 71 T W n Z, A Xi A MIX 7 MCI AIi 1v�Ni 41 kc� Vj JAI, "Wo % IV I y- It N11 777 f 16, W- - '., , �(, -MON _�4p _-, t 41 ------- A X, R AGAR j '777� P a z '3 �It I- -7�_­;,,Ii, , V "i , , OT� e 7,7�7 -4- K W5 , A 4�, �jr j Z7 1 "M MAY I-A Sli_ AU Ix" "�-v Vc- W "n" six MCI j 15 W-1- 1E, lb E-Jr- M rq�t� - , Q All N F a 1 i p 3C COUNqyy 01, SjyN LUIi3 OITISly el�Aid 0 r 70 COV !�_ __ A ? J! IJ N" has, Z11 1-11, L Y111 Aff .7�7T__ 7­"��, A61 y 1 Oil , � , ,,�i ij f D41311017EMENT PLANS 10 H YA 400,04 TV& 4 i a t 5 1! 4 -ENO, for `Q AIF 1j<� 1�, IvAnn)E,� P J��R ARCEL MAP #CO-:77-398 % zz, By: CC) HIGUERA STREE SAN LUIS OBISP(), CALIF. 93401 ill "w" (805) 541- 4 "19 TO 4 'A ,Y pul approv sheet March 3.9778 _41 "M 7J. Enirnee3r date A,257 1'51?,'_A� 22, c $r-l"45 scale o f s no E 4� ted f1g,4�4'� ST 111U ;,M 0 D %Evskw'n A _2 7 _Yvzw,,�4 off, .......... ------........ -------- ------- -------