HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 101485 AG7 DA LO fl-V 85 11:-�, ;# A-1 MINUTES ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL ....__ Regular Meeting, October 14, 1985 , 7: 30 p.m. Atascadero Administration Building (MINUTES APPROVED AS PRESENTED BY COUNCIL - 10/28/85) The Regular Meeting of the Atascadero City Council was called to order at 7 :30 p.m. by. Mayor Nelson. ROLL CALL Present: Councilmembers Handshy, Mackey, Molina and Mayor Nelson Absent: Councilwoman Norris STAFF Mike Shelton, City Manager; Robert Jones , City Attorney/City Clerk; Henry Engen, Community Development Director; Paul Sensibaugh, Public Works Direc- tor; Bud McHale, Police Chief; Mike Hicks, Fire Chief; Cindy Wilkins, Deputy- City Clerk. PUBLIC COMMENT On behalf of the Atascadero Board of Realtors, Sharon Morin and Eric Michiel ssen presented a check to Fire Chief Mike Hicks in the amount of $3 ,800 , the proceeds from a recent golf tournament which the Board sponsored, which will be used to help pay for the purchase of a portable heart defibrillator moni- tor for the Atascadero Fire Dept. Chief Hicks acknowledged, the City's appreciation of the Board' s and the participants ' efforts and contribution. COUNCIL COMMENT Mayor Nelson read a Proclamation of Thanks & Appreciation for Lillian Murdock, School Crossing Guard for over 8 years in Atascadero; Police Chief Bud McHale spoke of Mrs. Murdock' s dedication over the years and will present the pro- clamation to her along with the Council' s thanks and best wishes. Illness has forced Mrs. Murdock to leave the City' s employ. A. CONSENT CALENDAR Mayor Nelson announced Item #16 has been dropped. Regarding the minutes of 9/23: Councilman Molina requested that Page 3 , paragraph 5 , be amended to reflect that he did not vote; Councilman Hand shy requested that it be clarified that he , as a Sanitation District Boardmember, did not vote for "buildings" but for annexations to the sewer system (Page 3 , Paragraph 2-4) Councilwoman Mackey requested Item # ' s 2 , 3 & 18 be pulled for separate discussion. 1 . Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of September 23 , 1985 2 . Approval of Pop' s Tackle Shop Concession 10/85 - 9/86 Lease Agreement - Atascadero Lake Park 3. Approval of Zoological Society Novelty Concession 7/85 - 6/86 Lease Agreement - Charles Paddock Zoo • COUNCIL MINUTES - 10/14/85 PAGE TWO 4. Proposed Resolution 117-85 - Approving Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Atascadero and the Atascadero Police Officers' Association. 5. Approval to Enter Agreement with David Griffith & Associates to Pro- vide Mandated Cost Claiming Services for 1983-84 & 1984-85 with an Estimate for 1985/86. 6. Claim by Jeong Kang and Arthur Popovits (unspecified amount) (RECOM- MEND DENIAL) 7. Claim by Muriel P. Loose (unspecified amount) (RECOMMEND DENIAL) 8. Claim by Frank Sanders in the amount of $75,000 for Damages (RECOMMEND DENIAL) 9. A. Approval of Reclassification of Public Works Administrative Secre- tary 1 to Clerical Technician B. ProposedResolution116-85 - Adoption of Position Classification of Clerical Technician 10. Approval of Bid No. 85-31 and Award of Contract for Pavement Painting by Safety Striping Company 11. Tentative Parcel Map 22-85 - 6905 El Camino Real (Century PlazaShop- pingCenter) - El Camino "Associates/Kennaly Engineering Division of 8 Acres into 3 Lots 12 . Final Parcel Map 1-85 - 6599 San Gabriel Road - Peterson/Kennaly Engi- neering 13. Final Parcel Map 17-83 - 9300 Laurel Road I .D.M. Enterprises/Twin Cities Engineering 14. Final Parcel Map 16-84 - 8405 Atascadero Road - Folbre/Stewart 15 Final Parcel Map 15-85 7850 Portola Road Knowles/Dan Stewart and Associates 16. THIS ITEM DROPPED 17. Lot Line Adjustment 11-84 - 4522 San Jacinto Avenue - Langford/Daniel Stewart & Associates 18. Proposed Resolution 119-85 - Relocation of Various Animals _at _Charles Paddock Zoo MOTION: By Councilwoman Mackey to approve Items 1-18 , omitting #16 , and pulling Items 2 3 & 18 for separate discussion, seconded by Coun- cilman Handshy; passed 4:0 by roll-call vote. DISCUSSION, ITEM #2: Councilwoman Mackey questioned the $500 ,000 liability insurance requirement for Pop' s Tackle Shop Lessee , as she feels their liability is greater than both the Museum and the Zoo Society, which are both required to carry $1 ,000 ,000 liability insurance. Mike Shelton, City Manager, explained that the issue was researched by Bob Best, Recreation Director; although staff concurs that $1 ,000 ,000 may be more appropriate coverage, there is no more insurance available to the lessee and, if there were , the premium costs would probably drive Pop' s out of business. COUNCIL MINUTES - 10/14885 PAGE THREE DISCUSSION, ITEM #3: Councilwoman Mackey suggested the 10-day notice of eviction clause in the Zoological Society' s Novelty Concession Lease Agreement be extended to 30 days; Council and staff concurred. DISCUSSION, ITEM #18: Councilwoman Mackey suggested zoo ' s pig be the basis for a fund-raising barbeque/luau; Council unsupportive. MOTION: By Councilman Handshy to approve Items 2, 3 & 18 , with change as discussed 03) , seconded by Councilman Molina; passed unanimously by roll-call vote. Mike Shelton, City Manager, noted (regarding Item #2) that , upon direction by Council, staff will inform the responsible parties that the City desires to see their liability coverage increased as soon as possible. MOTION: By Councilwoman Mackey that Council recess and convene as the Atascadero County Sanitation District Board of Directors , sec- onded by Councilman Handshy; passed unanimously. B. ATASCADERO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT 1. Public Hearing on the Following Proposed Annexations into the Atasca- dero County Sanitation District: A. Lots 11-16 , Santa Rosa Road (Cont'd from 9/23/85) B. Lots 66-72 , Santa Rosa Road (Cont'd from 9/23/85) C. Lots 73-87 Marchant Way (Cont 'd from 9/23/85) 2. Proposed Resolution 118-85 - Approving Annexation of Improvement Dis- trict #3 (Lots 11-16, Santa Rosa Road, Lots 66-72 Santa Rosa Road and Lots 73-87 Marchant Way) Paul Sensibaugh, Public Works Director, gave staff report. Public Comment Carl Lownes , -9550 Marchant Way, spoke in support of annexing the entire area (Marchant Way, ,as well as both sides of Santa Rosa) ; he has spoken with the majority of the property owners there, and most have indicated they would like to get off septic tanks ,_ basically to contribute to clean- ing up the lake. Since they will be paying for their ,own annexations if approved, Mr. Lownes stated they would be willing to wait until spring, if necessary, and annex the entire area at once instead of in sections.- Council Comment Due to the receipt of new information regarding the Urban Services Line along Santa Rosa Rd. , Board . concurred to continue this item to their next meeting to allow staff to study this issue further. MOTION: By Director Mackey to continue this item to the meeting of Monday, Oct. . 28th, seconded by Director Molina; passed unani- mously. COUNCIL MINUTES - 10/14/85 PAGE FOUR 3. Utilization of FmHa Loan MoniestoAssist Cease and Desist Areas Paul Sensibaugh, Public Works Director , gave staff report. MOTION: By Director Molina that Board direct the Public Works Director to put the items (listed on P. 2 of the staff report) out to bid and use the remaining $153 ,000 to pay the engineering costs neces- sary to solve the problems in the Cease and Desist areas, speci- fically the Seperado and Estrada areas, seconded by Director Mackey; passed unanimously by roll-call vote. MOTION: By Director Handshy to recess as the Atascadero CSD Board of Directors and reconvene as the Atascadero City Council, seconded by Director Mackey; passed unanimously. C. HEARINGS, APPEARANCES AND REPORTS 1 . Proposed Ordinance 112 - Amending County Business License Ordinance Regulations (Continue to October 28, 1985 Council Meeting) Mayor Nelson announced this item will be continued to the Tuesday, November 12th meeting. COUNCIL RECESSED FOR FIVE MINUTES IN ORDER TO PREPARE FOR THE PRESENTATION FOR THE NEW CITY LIBRARY 2 . Presentation on Proposed New City Library (Presentation by City Manager and Architect) - Verbal Mike Shelton, City Manager, gave staff report. He indicated that the ultimate objective tonight is to get �Council approval of the proposed' ' plan, as their go-ahead would (1) allow the City to complete the pro- perty tax agreement with the County (the library funding formula is one of the elements of that agreement) , and (2) expedite the movement of the library from the Administration Bldg. to the Polin site. Ken MacIntyre , -of Ross-Levin-MacIntyre Architects , reviewed their schem- atic design for the library, explaining how the building is proposed to be placed on the site; the design allows for possible future expan- s:.on. if adjoining property can be acquired. Public Comment Doug Lewis, local resident, inquired how large a city must be before it requires branch libraries. Mr. MacIntyre said he couldn't answer that question, but that this City can currently support one library facility. Sylvia Key, Librarian in the- Atas. Branch, spoke in support of the construction of a new library. She indicated the library currently has 8 ,822 registered patrons (who've used the library at least once in the past year) , and that number continues to grow ,on :an average ' of 200 new patrons per month. She believes the service of the -lib- rary has an indirect financial impact on the community. 9 0 COUNCIL MINUTES - 10/14/85 PAGE FIVE Sarah Gronstrand, Friends of the Library, spoke in support of the "good will"- approach which made the library project a reality, and she extended thanks to Bill Briam, Chief County Administrative Of- ficer , his assistant Debbie 'Hossli and Mike Shelton, City Manager, for their efforts and. "a fantastic achievement" . MOTION: By Councilman Handshy that Council approve the site and give staff direction to proceed with proposed plans, seconded by Councilwoman Mackey; passed unanimously. D. UNFINISHED BUSINESS (Order of items changed from agenda) 1 . Architectural Standards Review Committee Membership Recommendation ` Henry Engen, Community Development Director, gave staff report. He clarified that the purpose of the committee is to examine the stan- dards that are in both the General Plan' and Zoning Ordinance to see if changes or strengthening are necessary, the end product a handout for developers in the community which would give them direction for future projects. No public comment. Council consented to go along with staff recommendations (see staff report in agenda packet) . 2. Community Block Grant - Request for Amendment to Agreement to Fund Selected Site Improvements Henry Engen, Comm. Develop. Dir. , gave staff report. Public Comment Edward Young., 9010 San Diego, applicant, spoke in opposition of fur- ther delays on this project in order to take advantage of now available State funds. Councilman Molina questioned the propriety of using CDBG monies for the water improvements, in view of its having been included in the Farmers Home Loan on the project. MOTION: By Councilwoman Mackey that Councilapprove the $44 ,357 .30 , if Mr. Engen gets approval from the State, seconded by Councilman Handshy; passed 3: 1 , with Councilman Molina voicing N0. (See letter from R.E. Hamilton, Atas. Mutual Water Co. , dated 10/14/85 , to Judy Young for breakdown of costs) 3. Proposed Resolution 85-85 - Prohibiting Parking on West Side of El Camino Real, from Santa Rosa to the South Boundary of the Goodrich Dairy Property (Cont'd from 8/26/85) Paul Sensibaugh, Public Works Director, gave staff report. Public Comment Tom McNamara suggested that the Council consider a 2-hour parking limitation on all of El Camino, from San Anselmo to Santa Rosa, be- COUNCIL MINUTES - 10/14'85 PAGE SIX cause of the increase in business congestion; also because many per- sons who work in San Luis Obispo park their vehicles alona El ,Camino Real and leave them all day long. Council consented to ask the Traffic Committee to look into that sit- uation and consider the 2-hour parking limit. MOTION: By Councilwoman Mackey to adopt Res. 85-85 , seconded by Council- man Handshy; passed unanimously by roll-call vote. E . NEW BUSINESS 1. Proposed Resolution 114-85 - No Parking and 2-Hour Parking Zones at Various Locations on Santa Ysabel & South Mall Extension , 2. Proposed Resolution 112-85 - Prohibiting Parking on the South Side of San Anselmo , from El Camino West to Hessick Realty, & North Side of San Anselmo 20 ft. to West, and El Camino Real from San Anselmo 100 ft. to North and 20 ft. to South , 3. Proposed Resolution 115-85 - No Parking Zone on Southeast and North- west Side of East Mall at El Camino Real 4. Proposed Resolution 113-85 - Installation of Yield Sign at Southeast Corner of Pueblo and Sombrilla 5. Proposed Resolution 111-85 - Installation of a Stop Sign on Ardilla Ave at Balboa Rd. Paul Sensibaugh, Public Works Director, gave staff report on each of the above items. Public Comment Doug Lewis, resident, asked if the Park & Ride people were considered in the area involved in Item #1 Santa Ysabel & South Mall Extension; Paul Sensibaugh responded that the Park & Ride users appear to park along the. . street in-that area instead of in the Park & ;Ride lot provided, which has contributed to much of the congestion problem. MOTION: By Councilman Handshy to adopt Resolution Vs 114-85 , 112-85 , 115-85 , 113-85 and 111-85, seconded by Councilwoman Mackey; passed unanimously by roll-call vote. 6.- Zoning Code Enforcement Status Report (Verbal by Community Develop- ment Director) Henry Engen, Community Development Director, gave staff report, sum- marizing the Planning Department' s ongoing nuisance abatement effort which is being implemented in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance. The. outstanding, cases will be closed or heard by Council at their first meeting in November. F. COMMUNITY FORUM Terrill Graham, 6205 Conejo Rd. , spoke to Mayor Nelson, Councilman Handshy and Councilman Molina regarding the recall issue, reading a COUNCIL MINUTES - 1.0/14/85 PAGE SEVEN prepared statement. G. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION City Council - Councilman Handshy expressed concern about a teen-age dance at McCarthy' s on Sunday nights (which does .,not include alco- hol) . Sgt. John Lovgren stated the APD is aware of the activity: There have been two such dances to date; the crowds have been ex- tremely light, with no problems or calls to the Police Dept. for service. City Attorney/City Clerk - Robert Jones inquired if the Council plans to have its meeting of Mon. Nov. 11th (Veterans Day) on Tues. , Nov. 12th, and if so the Clerk' s Office can properly notice the public of that change. Council responded yes. City Manager - Mike Shelton announced, for those Councilmembers un- aware, that Pat Reising of KPRL has changed jobs. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 10: 15 P.M. RECORDED BY: .d ROBERT M. JONM8, City Clerk PREPARED BY: CINDY WILKINS, Dep. City Clerk