HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC_2020-06-09_MinutesPUBLIC COMMENT PROVIDED BY EMAIL COMMUNITY FORUM: SUBMISSION FROM: Ron Krall From: Ronald Krall <rkrall@midstatesolidwaste.com> Sent: Tuesday, June 9, 2020 10:01 AM To: City Clerk <cityclerk@atascadero.org> Cc: Ronald Krall <rkrall@midstatesolidwaste.com> Subject: Please read during the Community Forum Section on the agenda for Council Meeting on June 9, 2020 at 6:00 PM Good evening Honorable Mayor Moreno and Council Members, my name is Ron Krall, I’m the CEO of Midstate Solid Waste & Recycling and North County Recycling a locally owned and operated facility in Paso Robles, CA. If at any time, after your current contracts end, we may be of service to you and the community you serve, we stand prepared to respond appropriately and completely to any RFP. Throughout the North County, we provide comprehensive solid waste and recycling services for residential and commercial customers. Our menu of services include automated collection service for carts and commercial bins, processing and recycling of solid, C&D, comingled recycling, and composting of green and food waste. Our North County Recycling facility currently is the processer and recycling facility for the City, accepting C&D, comingled recycling, green and food waste streams. Additionally, we complete the recycling loop or process with selling our compost, mulch and wood retail products back to the communities we serve. Our fully permitted facility located in Paso Robles for 20 years, has designed and developed local assets to provide all services required to satisfy a solid waste collection franchise. I’ve included a statement of capabilities for your review. Thank you for your time this evening, I look forward to hearing from you with any questions or thoughts and expanding our relationship. Stay Safe and Be Well Ron Krall CEO Mid State Solid Waste North County Recycling 3360 La Cruz Way, Paso Robles, CA. 93446 805-434-0043 SUBMISSION FROM: Melissa Egger From: Melissa Egger <melissa.e1994@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, June 9, 2020 4:59 PM To: City Clerk <cityclerk@atascadero.org> Subject: City Coucil Community Forum Comment Mayor and City Council Members, In light of recent events regarding police-minority relations, I would like to hear what the city council plans to do to ease these tensions in our community. I would like for the Council to expand existing efforts and explore new opportunities to support people of color and the historically disenfranchised. Investing more funds in community development for additional low-income housing projects, mental health services, rehabilitation, job/housing placement services, increased monetary support for ECHO, and focus on public education at all levels are just a few ways to create a stronger community where policing can be saved for what it is most needed. Divesting these duties from law enforcement will reduce the strain on the police force while better serving the community. Distinct from the diversion of funds, I also challenge the Council to propose what we are going to do as a community to create lasting cultural changes that ensure inclusion and comfort of all people. Regards, Melissa Egger SUBMISSION FROM: Barbara Torrey Workman From: Barbara Torrey Workman <bgtworkman@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, June 9, 2020 4:59 PM To: City Clerk <cityclerk@atascadero.org> Subject: COMMUNITY FORUM COMMENT FOR TUESDAY, JUNE 9, 2020 Below find my comments for the city council meeting tonight. Thank you, Barbara Torrey Workman My name is Barbara Torrey Workman and I am an Atascadero resident. Black lives matter and as a community we must protect and uplift black lives. Those of us who have the privilege to learn about racism, rather than experience it in our daily lives, must do better. We must educate ourselves and each other and change this country and our community. My family and I attended the march from Sunken Gardens to the police department on Sunday. Together with other members of our community we knelt in the parking lot of the police department for eight minutes and forty-six seconds to honor the life of George Floyd and recognize the horror of his murder. I urge you all to sit in silent reflection for that length of time and consider what role you can take in dismantling white supremacy and the systematic racism that pervades our country and our institutions. B. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 3. Woodridge (Las Lomas) Assessment Districts SUBMISSION FROM: Jerry and Cathy LeMoine From: Cathy LeMoine <cathylouiselemoine@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, June 1, 2020 5:01 PM To: City Clerk <cityclerk@atascadero.org> Subject: Re: Las Lomas Subdivision Annual Assessments Please add to the record, but correct the last sentence: We are asking you to stay with the agreed upon maintenance only schedule agreement. Thank you... Cathy ---------- From: Cathy LeMoine <cathylouiselemoine@gmail.com> Sent: Sunday, May 31, 2020 6:46 PM To: City Clerk <cityclerk@atascadero.org> Subject: Las Lomas Subdivision Annual Assessments My husband and I have resided at 11385 Eliano St, Atascadero for over 13 years, but have lived in the City of Atascadero for over 27 years. We have 2 children who graduated from Atascadero High School and who both live in Atascadero with 3 of our 6 grandchildren who attend Atascadero Schools. We are committed to our community and life as a resident of this City. Our youngest daughter is a small business owner here. We would appreciate the same commitment from our elected representatives to remain at the agreed upon increases to the assessments for our Roads Assessment and Landscaping and Lighting Assessment through 2038/39. We do NOT want to see any additional raises--only those agreed upon for the maintenance of our roads and landscaping. The letter sent to us, does not even clarify a change in the Landscaping and Lighting Assessment. I have not done the math, but I assume the $19 increase is the allowable rate of increase we discussed at the last assessment meeting. We have faced huge drops in the values of our homes in 2008, then have had to respond annually to huge increases in our property taxes every year from the County, and assessments from the City. With Covid 19, many homeowners have been hit hard financially, also, and your representatives are asking for another almost $106 over that! This amount is on top of whatever share the City gets of our property taxes and the Mello-Roos tax, also. We can not handle much more taxation! As our elected officials, We are asking to you will stay with the agreed upon maintenance only agreement. Jerry and Cathy LeMoine 11385 Eliano St Atascadero, CA 93422 805-748-6365 SUBMISSION FROM: Gary Adams From: Gary Adams <gadams84@comcast.net> Sent: Friday, June 5, 2020 10:00 AM To: City Clerk <cityclerk@atascadero.org> Cc: Charlotte Hartman <charlottehartman@sbcglobal.net> Subject: Benefit Assessment District Attn: Administrrative Services Dept. and/or Jeri Rangel Please be advised that my wife (Charlotte) and I both strongly object to the proposed annual levy of $527 per EBU for the Benefit Assessment District. The proposed assessment agreed to for fiscal year 2020/21 of $401 should be held to at this time. My wife and I are retired and live on a fixed income. The increase to $527 would be a financial burden to us. The roads are fine for now and for many years to come. The landscape maintenance is ok. Lights? what lights? Can’t really see more than two I believe. We live in the Woodridge Condo’s. Again: OPPOSED TO THE $527 increase. Gary & Charlotte Adams 9358 Riberena Circle Atascadero, Ca. 93422 SUBMISSION FROM: Charlotte Adams From: Charlotte Hartman <charlottehartman@sbcglobal.net> Sent: Friday, June 5, 2020 9:58 AM To: Jeri Rangel <jrangel@atascadero.org> Subject: Las Lomas Street and Storm Drain Maintenance Dist No. 2 I wish to lodge my opinion against the proposal to raise Benefit Assessment District levy amount for Las Lomas Street and Storm Drain Maintenance District No. 2 from $401 to $527. To continue to raise these levies every year to cover some “projected cost” 15-19 years into the future is not fair to the current homeowners. We have no street lights at all on Calle Milano, coming into Los Lomas. The condominiums pay for their own streets and lighting within their development, as likely do the apartments. There are few if any street lights in the single family homes neighborhoods. The property owners in the single family homes, condos and apartments maintain their own landscaping, with the exception of Calle Milano, which remains a mass of out-of-control weeds and a few spring flowers. We are certainly not seeing a proportionate amount of funds for street lights and landscaping. With little cost to maintain the almost nonexistent landscaping and lighting, this leaves funds to be used for storm drain maintenance and road resurfacing. If you multiply the number of homes in this area, excluding the apartments as I do not know how they are assessed, by the 19 years for which you are projecting funds, there is double the amount of monies you would need, by your own writing of $1,000,000, to resurface the neighborhood roads. Is there a guarantee that the levies paid by Las Lomas will be put aside in a separate savings account for ONLY the use of Las Lomas? Unless there is, I remain opposed to this proposed increase. Thank you, Sincerely, Charlotte Adams Las Lomas Homeowner SUBMISSION FROM: Joseph & Beverly Hale From: Beverly Hale <bevhale1@charter.net> Sent: Friday, June 5, 2020 3:58 PM To: City Clerk <cityclerk@atascadero.org> Cc: Covello Eric <lessaje@yahoo.com>; Hammond. Frank & Glenus <fiveburners@yahoo.com>; Fusco Lou & Joan <LLF3@pge.com>; Ellen Grijalva <ellengrijalva@gmail.com>; Benson Gary & Kathy <garybenson@aol.com>; Levy Monique <mlevy04@aol.com> Subject: Virtual Public Hearing June 9, 2020 Las Lomas Street & Storm Drain Maintenance We oppose increasing the Benefit Assessment District fee to an annual levy of $527.00 (adjusted annually for CPI). The current levy amount proposed at $401.00 for fiscal year 2020/2021 is sufficient for annual operating costs and periodic surface treatment (slurry seal) of the roads. We are currently being assessed annually the following amounts: Melos-Roos CFD fee (amortized to cover the cost of the original road work) $ 681.84 2020/2021 Street & Drain Maintenance (increased per CPI annually) 401.00 Landscape & Lighting (2019/2020 assessment) 282.00 TOTAL LEVY’S w/o increase $1,364.84 The proposed amount of $527 would increase our assessments the amount of $126.00 for a total of $1,490.84, assuming the landscape & lighting fee doesn’t increase. We are annually paying for the cost of the original roads as MelosRoos fees and paying road maintenance fees of $401.00 (2020/2021) for a total of $1,082.84. Why should we pay more into the fund for work that will not be necessary until 2038/39????? Let the homeowners living in the development at that time pay for any additional costs that may arise from additional work that may be needed in those years. We are still paying for the cost of the original roads plus $401.00 for maintenance. That seems more than equitable to us. In what year do the Melos-Roos fees end? I would like to have account statements for the Street & Storm Drain account and for the Landscape account showing the current balances sent to me. Are the monies in these accounts earning any interest? There were large balances in both of these accounts in the past. Joseph & Beverly Hale 9600 Via Cielo SUBMISSION FROM: Arlene McRoberts From: Arlene McRoberts <rtpereida@gmail.com> Date: Mon, Jun 8, 2020, 5:35 PM Subject: Imposed increase for Street Assesssment - Las Lomas To: <cityclerk@atascadero.com> Cc: Scott McRoberts <rider400@gmail.com> Hello- My name is Arlene McRoberts and own the property at 11100 Avion Rd, Atascadero, CA 93422. I am writing in opposition of the proposed increase to $527 per year. Please do not increase our rate. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. Respectfully, Arlene McRoberts 805-458-1127 SUBMISSION FROM: Ellen Woodhull From: Ellen Grijalva <ellengrijalva@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, June 9, 2020 5:39 AM To: City Clerk <cityclerk@atascadero.org> Subject: Public Hearing 6/9/20 Re Las Lomas assessment district Hello: We are in favor of the suggested rate of $527 for the Street Assessment to keep out streets well maintained but also have many concerns. Can you please address the following at the meeting: We pay property taxes (like all other Atascadero residents) AND assessments fees. Are a portion of our property taxes used for road maintenance like the rest of Atascadero residents? Both should be contributing to the maintenance, not just the assessment fees. The calculations shown for future projects do not address how much funding comes from property taxes. If funding comes from both, are the increases really necessary given that the rest of Atascadero residents only have their taxes raised as their property taxes go up. If funding does NOT also come from property taxes, why not? Comment: There is concern amongst the neighborhood that another Atascadero school bond proposed for the Nov ballot (when we already have 2 plus a Cuesta bond on our taxes) will be passed and greatly increase our taxes again. Also, increasing the sales tax is a concern. Road patching and striping on Halcon recently, by a contractor for houses on Santa Barbara, was done horribly. It is a patchwork mess and they only restriped where they cut, making the striping incredibly inconsistent. How can we be assured that any work done with our money on our streets will be quality work? Ellen Woodhull SUBMISSION FROM: Maureen Montero From: maureen montero <alltica@hotmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, June 9, 2020 10:45 AM To: Jeri Rangel <jrangel@atascadero.org> Subject: My opposition of the higher increase of $527 for the Benefit Assessment District Hello Jeri I know others have reached out through this avenue of communication. I am writing this today June 9, 2020 prior to the the public hearing to say that I am opposed to the higher increase of $527 for the benefit assessment district. Best Regards, Maureen Montero Owner @ Woodridge Condominiums SUBMISSION FROM: Terry Leigan From: Terry Leigan <tml11310@hotmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, June 9, 2020 12:33 PM To: City Clerk <cityclerk@atascadero.org> Subject: Las Lomas Street & Storm Drain Maintenance Atascadero City Council or to Whom it may Concern, My name is Terry Leigan I live at 11310 Eliano Street in the Las Lomas develo pment. I’ve lived in the development for 13 years and have attended almost all of the meetings with the city. I’m a general contractor and property manager with 45 plus years of experience in the trades. I’ve managed properties for 27 years, 10 years for PG&E. During my years of property management I’ve managed HOAs and apartment complexes that have had service roads and large parking lots. My experience has given me a great deal of knowledge about asphalt maintenance. Because of this experience for many years I requested that the city provide the Los Lomas owners with a reserve study for the streets and storm drains. A proper reserves study would give the owners information regarding future maintenance requirements and cost. It wasn’t until two years ago that city staff attempt to provide this information. My experience over the years has lead me to believe that a reserve study is just a guideline and my not actually hold true in practice. I’ve found that with asphalt if you keep up with the maintenance and take care of the trouble spots you can avoid a total replacement. I know the city has been collecting money from the owners for at least the 13 years that I’ve been here. To date other than the work done under the contractors bond the city has done nothing to our streets. Based on my knowledge of asphalt maintenance our streets should have been seal coated by now. Which shows me a lack of effort on the city’s part to properly maintain our streets. Now you want us to pay a higher assessment for a project 19 years out. When in fact if the city was maintaining our streets properly the replacement in 19 years my never need to happen. I highly disagree with the city’s request for an additional $145 increase in our assessment for streets & drains. Thank you for consider my point of view Terry Leigan 11310 Eliano Street Atascadero CA 93422