HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRC_2020-06-24_AgendaPacket * COVID-19 NOTICE * Consistent with Executive Orders N-25-20 and No. N-29-20 from the Executive Department of the State of California and the San Luis Obispo County Health Official’s March 18, 2020 Shelter at Home Order, the Design Review Committee Meeting will not be physically open to the public and Planning Commissioners will be teleconferencing into the meeting. HOW TO SUBMIT PUBLIC COMMENT: Members of the public are highly encouraged to call 805-538-2888 to listen and provide public comment via phone, or submit written public comments to drc-comments@atascadero.org by 5:00 pm the day before the meeting. Such email comments must identify the Agenda Item Number in the subject line of the email. The comments will be read into the record, with a maximum allowance of 3 minutes per individual comment, subject to the Chairperson’s discretion. All comments should be a maximum of 500 words, which corresponds to approximately 3 minutes of speaking time. If a comment is received after the agenda item is heard but before the close of the meeting, the comment will still be included as a part of the record of the meeting but will not be read into the record. AMERICAN DISABILITY ACT ACCOMMODATIONS: Any member of the public who needs accommodations should contact the City Clerk’s Office at cityclerk@atascadero.org or by calling 805-470-3400 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting or time when services are needed. The City will use their best efforts to provide reasonable accommodations to afford as much accessibility as possible while also maintaining public safety in accordance with the City procedure for resolving reasonable accommodation requests. Design Review Committee agendas and minutes may be viewed on the City's website: www.atascadero.org. Copies of the staff reports or other documentation relating to each item of business referred to on the Agenda are on file in the Community Development Department and are available for public inspection on our website, www.atascadero.org. All documents submitted by the public during Design Review Committee meetings that are either read into the record or referred to in their statement will be noted in the Minutes and available for review by contacting the Community Development Department. All documents will be available for public inspection during City Hall business hours, M-F 9 am – 12 pm and 1 pm – 4 pm by appointment only, or once City Hall is open to the public following the termination of the Shelter at Home Order. http://www.facebook.com/planningatascadero @atownplanning Scan This QR Code with your smartphone to view DRC Website CITY OF ATASCADERO DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE AGENDA Committee Meeting Wednesday, June 24, 2020 2:00 P.M. City Hall 6500 Palma Avenue Atascadero, California CALL TO ORDER Roll Call: Chairperson Roberta Fonzi Committee Member Heather Newsom Committee Member Duane Anderson Committee Member Mark Dariz Committee Member Emily Baranek APPROVAL OF AGENDA PUBLIC COMMENT CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVAL OF DRAFT MINUTES OF APRIL 29, 2020 City of Atascadero Design Review Committee Agenda Regular Meeting June 24, 2020 Page 2 of 2 http://www.facebook.com/planningatascadero @atownplanning Scan This QR Code with your smartphone to view DRC Website DEVELOPMENT PROJECT REVIEW 2. PRELIMINARY DESIGN REVIEW OF A MINI-STORAGE FACILITY, STORAGE SPACE, WORKSHOP, AND CO-WORKING OFFICE SPACE AT 11450 VIEJO CAMINO AND 11505 EL CAMINO REAL. The project applicant proposes a mini-storage facility with approximately 56,330 square feet of storage space, a 2,000 square foot workshop, and 3,320 square-feet of co-working office space in the Public zoning district. The project includes a Lot Line Adjustment, realignment of a natural drainage feature, and a remainder parcel for future development.  Recommendation: Staff requests the DRC review the proposed design and direct the applicant to make any modifications to the site or building design as necessary. (PRE20-0035) COMMITTEE MEMBER COMMENTS AND REPORTS DIRECTOR’S REPORT ADJOURNMENT The next DRC meeting is tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, July 15, 2020, at 2:00 p.m. Agendas, Minutes and Staff Reports are available online at www.atascadero.org under City Officials & Commissions, Design Review Committee. DRC Draft Minutes of 4/29/2020 Page 1 of 4 ITEM NUMBER: 1 DATE: 5-XX-20 x CITY OF ATASCADERO DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE DRAFT MINUTES Regular Meeting – Wednesday, April 29, 2020 – 2:00 P.M. City Hall, 6500 Palma Avenue, Atascadero, CA (Meeting held by teleconference) CALL TO ORDER – 2:00 p.m. Chairperson Fonzi called the meeting to order at 2:14 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Chairperson Roberta Fonzi Committee Member Duane Anderson Committee Member Mark Dariz Committee Member Emily Baranek Committee Member Heather Newsom Absent: None Staff Present: Community Development Director, Phil Dunsmore Senior Planner, Kelly Gleason Luke Knight, IT Director Others Present: David Low David Graham Matt Cebulla, Architect, Cebulla Associates John Ferguson Charles Cebulla Paula Gardner APPROVAL OF AGENDA MOTION: By Committee Member Anderson and seconded by Committee Member Newsom to approve the Agenda. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. 1 DRC Draft Minutes of 4/29/2020 Page 2 of 4 ITEM NUMBER: 1 DATE: 5-XX-20 PUBLIC COMMENT None. Chairperson Fonzi closed the Public Comment period. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVAL OF DRAFT MINUTES OF MARCH 25, 2020 MOTION: By Committee Member Newsom and seconded by Committee Member Anderson to approve the Consent Calendar. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. DEVELOPMENT PROJECT REVIEW 2. DESIGN REVIEW OF A MULTI-FAMILY DEVELOPMENT AT 7298 SANTA YSABEL. The project applicant proposes the construction of 10 residential units on a multi-family site.  Recommendation: Staff requests the DRC review the proposed design and direct the applicant to make any modifications to the site or building design as necessary. (PRE19-0126) Planner Gleason gave a presentation on the project, and she and Director Dunsmore answered questions from the Committee. PUBLIC COMMENT The following members of the public spoke during public comment: Matt Cebulla, Charles Cebulla, John Ferguson, David Graham, David Low, and Paula Gardner. David Low spoke about his concerns with the project and had sent an email to the Committee prior to the meeting (Exhibit A), which was read into the record. David Graham spoke about his concerns with the project and had sent a letter to the Committee prior to the meeting, which was read into the record (Exhibit B). An email and map from Paula Gardner was received during the meeting and was read into the record. (Exhibit C). Paula Gardner joined the meeting and spoke about her concerns with the project. 2 DRC Draft Minutes of 4/29/2020 Page 3 of 4 ITEM NUMBER: 1 DATE: 5-XX-20 Chairperson Fonzi closed the Public Comment period. Staff, the applicant, and the Committee addressed the questions raised by the public. DRC ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION: The Committee deliberated on all items listed and included the applicant in their discussion. The Committee made the following recommendations: Conceptual Site Design The Committee recommended at the last meeting that the applicant reconfigure the site and suggested ideas for changing the site design. Overall the Committee was in agreement with the applicant’s changes. The applicant is unsure yet if he will have an onsite manager for the project. The Committee recommended the applicant work with staff to make room for additional storage. Trash The Committee recommended that the owner work with staff to decide if the project should have a common dumpster or individual trash cans. It was noted that the project will likely not have a green waste container. Fencing The Committee recommended the applicant work with staff to choose fencing that is secure at the back of the property line, attractive (not chain link) but possibly dog-eared where it hits Adobe Plaza. Fencing for individual units should include a gate to allow for trash bin storage. Fencing should be high enough to screen trash bins. . Landscaping The Committee was in agreement with staff’s recommendations. Parking The Committee was in agreement with staff’s recommendations on parking. The Committee recommended that the applicant work with staff on signage that could include preserving guest parking. The applicant stated that he may be able to write this into the lease agreement so that the garage is available for parking and not storage. This project will not go to Planning Commission for approval, and can go straight to building permits. COMMITTEE MEMBER COMMENTS AND REPORTS None DIRECTOR’S REPORT Director Dunsmore stated that the next meeting on May 13, 2020, will be cancelled. 3 DRC Draft Minutes of 4/29/2020 Page 4 of 4 ITEM NUMBER: 1 DATE: 5-XX-20 ADJOURNMENT– 3:51 p.m. The next regular meeting of the DRC scheduled for May 13, 2020, will be cancelled. The next DRC meeting is tentatively scheduled for May 27, 2020. MINUTES PREPARED BY: _________________________________________________ Annette Manier, Recording Secretary Administrative Assistant The following exhibits are available in the Community Development Department: Exhibit A – Email from David Low Exhibit B – Letter from David and Janice Graham Exhibit C – Email and map from Paula Gardner 4 ITEM 2 Dove Creek Mini Storage DEV18-0103 / Newton ADDITIONAL INFORMATION MAY BE OBTAINED BY CONTACTING THE ATASCADERO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT AT http://www.atascadero.org 6500 PALMA AVENUE | ATASCADERO, CA 93422 | (805) 461-5000 Atascadero Design Review Committee Staff Report – Community Development Department Dove Creek Mini Storage MEETING DATE PROJECT PLANNER APPLICANT PROJECT NO. 6/24/20 Kelly Gleason Scott Newton PRE20-0035 PROJECT ADDRESS GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION ZONING DISTRICT ASSESOR PARCEL NUMBER(S) SITE AREA 11450 Viejo Camino 11505 El Camino Real Public Facilities (PUB) Public (P) 045-342-009 045-341-010 Approximately 4.2 acres RECOMMENDATION Staff Requests the Design Review Committee: 1. Review the preliminary project design components and provide feedback to the applicant related to architecture and site layout. Note: land use is not part of the discussion at this time and the project is subject to a conditional use permit and potential rezoning in order to accommodate desired land uses. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The applicant proposes a mini-storage facility with approximately 56,330 square feet of storage space, a 2,000 square-foot workshop, and 3,320 square-feet of co-working office space in the Public zoning district. The project includes a lot line adjustment, realignment of a natural drainage feature, and a remainder parcel for future development. ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION The City of Atascadero’s environmental review process incorporates the requirements in implementing the California Environmental Quality Act. Persons, agencies, or organizations interested in obtaining more information regarding the environmental should contact the Community Development Department. ☒ CEQA analysis required ☐ Prior CEQA Review: ☐ Categorical Exemption ☐ No Project - § 15268 Ministerial Project 5 ITEM 2 Dove Creek Mini Storage DEV18-0103 / Newton Design Review Committee | City of Atascadero | www.atascadero.org | fb.me/planningatascadero USE CLASSIFICATION ALLOWED OR CONDITIONALLY ALLOWED USE STRUCTURE 50- YEARS OLD OR GREATER JURISDICTIONAL CREEK Mini Storage and co- working office ☐ Allowed ☒ Conditionally Allowed ☒ Zone Change &/or GPA required (for office use) ☐ Yes ☒ No ☐ Atascadero ☐ Graves ☒ Paloma ☐ Boulder EXISTING USES Single-family residence (geodesic dome) and accessory animal grazing ZONING AND LOCATION 2014 AERIAL SURROUNDING ZONING DISTRICTS AND USES North: CN, RMF-24 South: P East: L, RMF-10 West: RMF-10, OS AVERAGE SLOPE VEGETATION Less than 10% Generally annual grasses with wetland-indicator species on a portion of the lot ZONING ORDINANCE / MUNICIPAL CODE STANDARDS / CITY POLICIES City Standards Meets Requirements Exception Requested Setback standards (AMC 9-4.103) ☒Yes ☐No Unknown setback to creek re- alignment Height Standards (AMC 9-4.111) ☒Yes ☐No Parking Standards (AMC 9-4.114) ☒Yes ☐No 4 spaces required L P RMF-24 RMF-10 RSF-Y 6 ITEM 2 Dove Creek Mini Storage DEV18-0103 / Newton Design Review Committee | City of Atascadero | www.atascadero.org | fb.me/planningatascadero Landscaping (AMC 9-4.124) ☒Yes ☐No 10% lot coverage required Fencing Standards (AMC 9-4.128) ☒Yes ☐No Grading Standards (AMC 9-4.138) ☒Yes ☐No Lighting Standards (AMC 9-4.137) ☐Yes ☐No Undetermined at conceptual level Water Efficient Landscaping (AMC Title 8, Chapter 10 ) ☒Yes ☐No Use Classification Standards: Mini-storage and co-working office space* ☒Yes ☐No * Co-working office space is not a permitted use. Either a zone text amendment to add the use to the P zone or a GPA and ZCG to change the property classification will be required as part of a formal application. ADVISORY BODIES / OUTSIDE AGENCIES THAT REQUIRE REVIEW OF PROPOSED PROJECT: ☒ Native American Tribes ☐ Atascadero Mutual Water Company (AMWC) ☐ Caltrans District 5 ☒ Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) ☒ Dept. of Fish & Wildlife (DFW) ☒ SLO Air Pollution Control (APCD) ☐ SLO County ☒ Army Corps of Engineers APPROVAL PROCESS ☒ DRC ☐ AUP ☒ PC ☒ CC DATE APPLICATION DEEMED COMPLETE N/A DISCUSSION: Background A previous application for a mini-storage use was reviewed on the property in 2019. At that time, the City council found that a mini-storage use was not compatible with the surrounding neighborhood and the project was denied. The applicant has resubmitted a revised mini-storage and co-working project for preliminary architectural and site design review. If the applicant chooses to proceed with a formal application, a Conditional Use Permit will be required in addition to a Zone text Change to add general office uses to the Public zone or a General Plan Amendment and Zone Map Change to change the zoning district of the property to a zone that allows or conditionally allows both mini-storage and office uses such as the commercial Service or Commercial Park zones. Currently the Public zone only allows for Government Offices. Project Summary The applicant is proposing an approximately 5,600 square foot mini-storage facility, an approximately 3,300 square foot co-working office space, and an approximately 2,000 7 ITEM 2 Dove Creek Mini Storage DEV18-0103 / Newton Design Review Committee | City of Atascadero | www.atascadero.org | fb.me/planningatascadero square-foot workshop in a total of 5 buildings. Paved drive aisles and twenty parking spaces are included. The project location includes a seasonal creek which is proposed to be realigned to accommodate development of the site. The swale will be re-positioned at the proposed property line between the two existing parcels. The existing drainage and creek area is somewhat degraded due to previous droughts and animal grazing. The project includes a proposal to restore the creek and mitigated any wetland impacts on- site. There is an existing geodesic dome shaped residence on the site that would be demolished to accommodate the project. ANALYSIS: The proposed project concept includes a 6-foot wrought iron fence surrounding the development area with landscaping adjacent to the realigned creek channel and adjacent streets. There is a retaining wall adjacent to the proposed creek channel to allow for the creation of a flat development pad. The retaining wall is proposed to be a rectangular textured block. The building concepts include a contemporary agrarian design theme. Materials include standing seam metal siding and roofing with simple gable roof forms. Building A includes a monitor roof element with clerestory windows for visual interest. (See attachment for full design concept package) Site Plan Proposed mini- storage buildings Proposed co- working and workshop 8 ITEM 2 Dove Creek Mini Storage DEV18-0103 / Newton Design Review Committee | City of Atascadero | www.atascadero.org | fb.me/planningatascadero Design Compatibility The overall design of the site plan, treatment of the creek and the planned incorporation of different land uses has generally improved the scope of the project. However, the land use is still predominantly reserved for storage units, and the City Council determined that the storage land use is not consistent with the neighborhood and not consistent with the General Plan. The applicant is seeking preliminary design feedback, however the land use topic continues to the significant constraint to allowing this development to proceed. NEXT STEPS: In order to proceed with the project, the applicant will need to submit the following applications for consideration:  Conditional use permit  Zone Text Change or General plan Amendment and Zone Map Change  Lot Line Adjustment  Environmental Analysis The applicant will also be required to obtain approval from the Army Corps of Engineers (ACE), the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (DFW), the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB), and, if development places grading in the floodway, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Based on the input from these agencies, the proposed site plan could change. Staff recommends that the DRC comment on the preliminary design plans. The applicant would need to submit a complete application to be reviewed by the DRC and Planning Commission before design comments can be finalized. If a rezoning is sought, the application will also need review by the City Council.. The DRC should comment on the design concept and exterior fencing style in relation to compatibility with the neighborhood. If the applicant proceeds with a formal application, the DRC will have an opportunity to review a more complete design package at a later date. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Applicant Design Package 9 ITEM 2 Dove Creek Mini Storage DEV18-0103 / Newton Design Review Committee | City of Atascadero | www.atascadero.org | fb.me/planningatascadero Attachment 1: Project Design Package DEV18-0103 See Following 10 DOVE CREEK STORAGE & WORKSPACE PROJECT DESCRIPTION FOR DRC The Dove Creek Storage & Workspace Project has been designed in response to comments made by the City Council & neighbors about aesthetics, compatibility, & the alignment of the creek during the appeal hearing. The project is located at 11405 & 11505 El Camino Real, Atascadero, Lot 7. The applicant proposes five (5) buildings with a building footprint of 47,250 square feet & a total square footage of 61,740 square feet. Building A is 5,410 square feet & includes “flex space” that provides a shared workspace area comprised of 3,565 square feet of office area including workstations, meeting rooms that can be used by tenants &/or the community with a reservation & a workshop. A receptionist will manage the self-storage & workspace will be located in Building A, available from 8 am to 5 pm Monday thru Saturday. Building A also includes restrooms that can be access by self-storage customers through an exterior door. The office space requires nine (9) parking spaces; 20 are provided including one (1) ADA accessible space. Buildings B-E total 56,330 square feet of storage, Building B is two stories. Project access is from Viejo Camino through an existing driveway. Several significant changes have been made to the project to further enhance its residential character that include reducing the total square footage by 31% from 81,500 square feet in eight (8) buildings to 56,330 square feet in four (4) buildings that have been positioned to allow a view through the site. The buildings vary in height & mass with varying heights listed below. A variety of neutral colors are used in a design complimentary to the area including bronze, burnished slate, & ash grey to add interest. The self-storage units will be available to tenants from 5 am to 10 pm seven (7) days a week. Building Area Sq. Ft. Height at Peak of Roof Building A 5,410 21’ 6” Building B (2 Story) 29,980 25’ Building C 12,100 16’ 6” Building D 11,750 16’ 6” Building E 3,500 12’ 6” Total Building Area 61,740 The nine (9) foot high CML walls depicted in the original project have been totally eliminated and replaced with 6-foot-high black tubular fencing screened by landscape. Total site landscape including the creek area is 40,483 square feet. The creek is proposed in a natural alignment to enhance the site and create a buffer between the proposed storage/workspace area & the other parcel on the southwest corner of the site which could be rezoned in the future for multifamily housing that is compatible with the surrounding neighborhood through either the pending General Plan Update or other applicant driven process. This project also proposes a Lot Line Adjustment with the new property line being located in the center of the creek as well as the demolition of the “dome house”. APN Existing Acres Existing Sq Ft Proposed Acres/LLA Proposed Sq Ft/LLA 045-342-0010/Lot 6 1.98 86,248 2.81 122,555 045-342-0009/Lot 7 2.34 101,930 1.51 65,624 4.32 188,179 4.32 188,179 11 PROJECT INSPIRATION 11405 & 11505 EL CAMINO REAL 12 BUILDING A BUILDING B - BEYOND LINE OF NATURAL GRADE @PROPERTY LINE 6’ W.I. FENCE PROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINECOLOR BOARD 11405 & 11505 EL CAMINO REAL Standing seam metal roofingMBCI lockseam series 18” ‘Ash Grey’ Aluminum StorefrontsKawneer anodized finish ‘Medium Bronze’ Ribbed metal wall panelsMBCI PBR series ‘Burnished Slate’ Security FenceAluminum Tubing / Posts‘Black’ Metal roll-up doorsJanus self-storage series ‘Bronze’ 13 LOT 7 LOT 6 LOT 7 LOT 6 A R C H l T E C T S DRAWING NO.REV PROJECT NO.DATE DRAWN BY CHECKED BY REV DATE NOTES DRAWING TITLE SELF STORAGE / SHARED WORK SPACE 11505 EL CAMINO REALATASCADERO, CAAPN: 045-342-010 THIS WORK WAS PREPARED BY ME ORUNDER MY SUPERVISION ANDCONSTRUCTION OF THIS PROJECT WILLBE UNDER MY OBSERVATION. © 2019 LSA Architects, LLCThe designs and concepts shown are the sole property of LSAArchitects. The drawings may not be used except with the writtenconsent of LSA Architects, LLC OWNER NEWTON, SCOTT, NEWTON, JILL215 SANA FE AVE.PISMO BEACH, CA 93449 LSA Architects POB 3057 Pismo Beach, CA 93449 808-895-2682 Loch@ LSAArchitects.com SEAL ST A TE OF CA L I F O RNIALICEN S E D ARCHIT E C TLOCHSODERQUIST No. C36061 EXP. 02/28/21 MARCH 23, 2020 PROPOSED LLA MFP LBS A100A NTS PROJECTNORTHTRUE NORTHAPN 045-342-0010/Lot 7 045-342-0009/Lot 6 Existing Acres Existing Sq Ft Proposed Acres/LLA Proposed Sq Ft/LLA 1.98 2.34 4.32 86,248 101,930 188,179 2.81 1.51 4.32 122,555 65,624 188,179 1" = 50'-0"SCALE:A100 A EXISTING LOT CONFIGURATION 0'12.5'25’50’100'1" = 50'-0"SCALE:A100 B 0'12.5'25’50’100' PROPOSED LLA 14 SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSBLDG. C BLDG. DBLDG. B BLDG. E 210'250'250'5'60'4'-6"28'60'28'60'28'50'9'-7"44'-5" BLDG. A FUTURE MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL 55'112'LOT 6 LOT 7 A R C H l T E C T S DRAWING NO.REV PROJECT NO.DATE DRAWN BY CHECKED BY REV DATE NOTES DRAWING TITLE SELF STORAGE / SHARED WORK SPACE 11505 EL CAMINO REAL ATASCADERO, CAAPN: 045-342-010 THIS WORK WAS PREPARED BY ME ORUNDER MY SUPERVISION ANDCONSTRUCTION OF THIS PROJECT WILLBE UNDER MY OBSERVATION. © 2019 LSA Architects, LLCThe designs and concepts shown are the sole property of LSA Architects. The drawings may not be used except with the writtenconsent of LSA Architects, LLC OWNER NEWTON, SCOTT, NEWTON, JILL 215 SANA FE AVE.PISMO BEACH, CA 93449 LSA Architects POB 3057 Pismo Beach, CA 93449 808-895-2682 Loch@ LSAArchitects.com SEAL ST A TE OF CA L I F O RNIALICEN S E D ARCHIT E C TLOCHSODERQUIST No. C36061 EXP. 02/28/21 MARCH 23, 2020 SITE PLAN MFP LBS A101A0'15'30' 60' 1" = 30' - 0"SCALE: # LOT NO. 7 2.81 ACRES ZONING P: PUBLIC FACILITIES ADDRESS 045-342-0010 LANDUSE P: PUBLIC FACILITIES APN 11505 EL CAMINO REAL ATASCADERO, CA 93422 LOT NO. 6 1.51 ACRES ADDRESS 045-342-0009APN 11405 EL CAMINO REAL ATASCADERO, CA 93422 SETBACKS REAR FRONT SIDE HEIGHT LIMIT 10 FT 35 FT 10 FT NONE * NTS PROJECTNORTHTRUE NORTHTOTAL LOT AREA:122,555 SQ. FT. 65,624 SQ. FT.TOTAL LOT AREA: TOTAL LANDSCAPE AREA:40,483 SQ. FT. Stamped Eco Block Site Walls Creek bed with Native Landscape Typical 6'-0" High Wrought Iron fence with landscape belt Regional Design Building A - Community Co Work space Increased parking Lot 7 Coverage Sq. Ft. % Building Footprints 47,250 38.5% Paving / Concrete 34,822 28.4% Landscape 40,483 33.1% Total Site Area 122,555 Building Area Sq. Ft. Building A 5,410 Building B (2 Story)28,980 Building C 12,100 Building D 11,750 Building E 3,500 Total Building Area 61,740 Parking Calc 1 Park. Space Per 400 Sq. Ft. Bldg. A Office Area 3,565 Required Spaces 9 Provided Spaces 20 15 11405 & 11505 EL CAMINO REALATASCADERO, CAAPN: 045-342-009 & 010 THIS WORK WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY SUPERVISION ANDCONSTRUCTION OF THIS PROJECT WILLBE UNDER MY OBSERVATION. © 2019 LSA Architects, LLC The designs and concepts shown are the sole property of LSAArchitects. The drawings may not be used except with the writtenconsent of LSA Architects, LLC NEWTON, SCOTT, NEWTON, JILL215 SANA FE AVE. PISMO BEACH, CA 93449 SEAL S T A TE OF CA L IF O RNIALICEN S E D ARCHIT E C TLOCHSODERQUIST No. C36061 EXP. 02/28/21 BUILDINGS A-E A1020'5'10'20'1" = 10' - 0"SCALE: # LOT NO. 5 2.35 ACRES ZONING P: PUBLIC FACILITIES ADDRESS 045-342-0010 LANDUSE P: PUBLIC FACILITIES APN 11505 EL CAMINO REAL ATASCADERO, CA 93422 LOT NO. 7 1.89 ACRES ADDRESS 045-342-0009APN 11405 EL CAMINO REAL ATASCADERO, CA 93422 SETBACKS REAR FRONT SIDE HEIGHT LIMIT 10 FT 35 FT 10 FT NONE * NTS PROJECT NORTH TRUE NORTH BUILDING COLOR BOARDS LSA Architects POB 3057 Pismo Beach, CA 93449 808-895-2682 Loch@ LSAArchitects.com 03.23.20 MARCH 23, 2020 SELF STORAGE / SHARED WORK SPACE BUILDING A BUILDING B - BEYOND BUILDING C BEYOND BUILDING D BEYOND BUILDING B BEYOND BUILDING D BEYOND BUILDING C BEYOND BUILDING B BEYOND BUILDING A BEYOND PROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINELINE OF NATURAL GRADE @ PROPERTY LINE 6’ W.I. FENCE 6’ W.I. FENCE 6’ W.I. FENCE STREET TREES,SEE SITE PLAN STREET TREES, SEE SITE PLAN EL CAMINO VIEJO CAMINO PROFILE OF VIEJO CAMINO PROFILE OF EL CAMINO REAL BOTTOM OF BASIN, SEE GRADING PLAN BUILDING A WALKING PATH OPEN WATER CHANNEL 1/16” = 1’-0”SCALE: EL CAMINO REAL ELEVATION 1/16” = 1’-0”SCALE: NORTH PROP LINE ELEVATION 1/16” = 1’-0”SCALE: VIEJO CAMINO ELEVATIONPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINE6’ W.I. FENCE STANDING SEAM METALROOF, TYP. BUILDING D BUILDING B - BEYOND 1/16” = 1’-0”SCALE: SOUTH PROP LINE ELEVATION BUILDING E PROFILE OF WALKING TRAIL ELEVATION BOTTOM OF BASIN / WATER WAY 16 D O V E C R E E Kco - work1" = 10'-0"SCALE:A103E0'2.5'5'10'20'LOWER FLOOR PLANDRAWING NO.REVPROJECT NO.DATEDRAWN BYCHECKED BYREVDATENOTESDRAWING TITLE11505 EL CAMINO REALATASCADERO, CAAPN: 045-342-010THIS WORK WAS PREPARED BY ME ORUNDER MY SUPERVISION ANDCONSTRUCTION OF THIS PROJECT WILLBE UNDER MY OBSERVATION.© 2019 LSA Architects, LLCThe designs and concepts shown are the sole property of LSAArchitects. The drawings may not be used except with the writtenconsent of LSA Architects, LLCOWNERNEWTON, SCOTT, NEWTON, JILL215 SANA FE AVE.PISMO BEACH, CA 93449LSA ArchitectsPOB 3057Pismo Beach, CA 93449808-895-2682Loch@ LSAArchitects.comSEAL03.23.20STATE OF CALI F OR NIA LIC E NS ED ARCHITECTLOCHSODERQUISTNo. C36061EXP. 02/28/21MARCH 23, 2020BUILDING AA1030'5'10'20'1" = 10' - 0"SCALE:#LOT NO. 52.35 ACRESZONINGP: PUBLIC FACILITIESADDRESS045-342-0010LANDUSEP: PUBLIC FACILITIESAPN11505 EL CAMINO REALATASCADERO, CA 93422LOT NO. 71.89 ACRESADDRESS045-342-0009APN11405 EL CAMINO REALATASCADERO, CA 93422SETBACKSREARFRONTSIDEHEIGHT LIMIT10 FT35 FT10 FTNONE *NTSPROJECTNORTHTRUE NORTHBUILDING A1" = 10'-0"SCALE:A103A0'2.5'5'10'20'EAST ELEVATIONBUILDING A1" = 10'-0"SCALE:A103B0'2.5'5'10'20'NORTH ELEVATIONBUILDING A1" = 10'-0"SCALE:A103C0'2.5'5'10'20'WEST ELEVATIONBUILDING A1" = 10'-0"SCALE:A103D0'2.5'5'10'20'SOUTH ELEVATIONBUILDING A55'-0"65'-0"21'-6"112'-0"38'-0"46'-0"28'-0"112'-0"5'-0"45'-0"5'-0" 55'-0" 4'-6"12'-0"12'-0"12'-0"4'-6"WORKSHOPOPEN DESK SPACEPARTITIONEDOFFICESPARTITIONEDOFFICESCONF.ROOMLOUNGE/MEETINGAREAKITCHENETTE RECEPTIONRESTRM.01RESTRM.02RESTRM.03STAFFOFFICESTOR.ENTRYEXITEXIT43'-0"6'-0"6'-0" 55'-0"D R I V E W A Y5,410 SQ. FT.SELF STORAGE / SHARED WORK SPACE17 1" = 10'-0"SCALE:A104A0'2.5'5'10'20'UPPER FLOOR PLANDRAWING NO.REVPROJECT NO.DATEDRAWN BYCHECKED BYREVDATENOTESDRAWING TITLE11505 EL CAMINO REALATASCADERO, CAAPN: 045-342-010THIS WORK WAS PREPARED BY ME ORUNDER MY SUPERVISION ANDCONSTRUCTION OF THIS PROJECT WILLBE UNDER MY OBSERVATION.© 2019 LSA Architects, LLCThe designs and concepts shown are the sole property of LSAArchitects. The drawings may not be used except with the writtenconsent of LSA Architects, LLCOWNERNEWTON, SCOTT, NEWTON, JILL215 SANA FE AVE.PISMO BEACH, CA 93449LSA ArchitectsPOB 3057Pismo Beach, CA 93449808-895-2682Loch@ LSAArchitects.comSEALSTATE OF CALI F OR NIA LIC E NS ED ARCHITECTLOCHSODERQUISTNo. C36061EXP. 02/28/21BUILDING BA1040'5'10'20'1" = 10' - 0"SCALE:#LOT NO. 52.35 ACRESZONINGP: PUBLIC FACILITIESADDRESS045-342-0010LANDUSEP: PUBLIC FACILITIESAPN11505 EL CAMINO REALATASCADERO, CA 93422LOT NO. 71.89 ACRESADDRESS045-342-0009APN11405 EL CAMINO REALATASCADERO, CA 93422SETBACKSREARFRONTSIDEHEIGHT LIMIT10 FT35 FT10 FTNONE *NTSBUILDING B1" = 10'-0"SCALE:A104B0'2.5'5'10'20'LOWER FLOOR PLANBUILDING BPROJECTNORTHTRUE NORTH14,490 SQ. FT.14,490 SQ. FT.60'-6"5'-6"15'-0"5'-0"20'-0"5'-0"10'-0"10'-0"10'-0"70'-0"6'-0"50'-0"6'-0"80'-0"10'-0"10'-0"10' X 10'STORAGEUNIT. TYP.5'-0"10'-0"5' X 10'STORAGEUNIT. TYP.60'-6"10'-0"10'-0"5'-0"20'-0"5'-0"10'-6"5' X 10'STORAGEUNIT. TYP.10' X 10'STORAGEUNIT. TYP.10'-0"10'-6"RETAINING WALLRETAINING WALL242'-0"242'-0"10'-0"03.23.20MARCH 23, 2020SELF STORAGE / SHARED WORK SPACE18 1" = 10'-0"SCALE:A105A0'2.5'5'10'20'EAST ELEVATIONDRAWING NO.REVPROJECT NO.DATEDRAWN BYCHECKED BYREVDATENOTESDRAWING TITLE11505 EL CAMINO REALATASCADERO, CAAPN: 045-342-010THIS WORK WAS PREPARED BY ME ORUNDER MY SUPERVISION ANDCONSTRUCTION OF THIS PROJECT WILLBE UNDER MY OBSERVATION.© 2019 LSA Architects, LLCThe designs and concepts shown are the sole property of LSAArchitects. The drawings may not be used except with the writtenconsent of LSA Architects, LLCOWNERNEWTON, SCOTT, NEWTON, JILL215 SANA FE AVE.PISMO BEACH, CA 93449LSA ArchitectsPOB 3057Pismo Beach, CA 93449808-895-2682Loch@ LSAArchitects.comSEALSTATE OF CALI F OR NIA LIC E NS ED ARCHITECTLOCHSODERQUISTNo. C36061EXP. 02/28/21BUILDING BA1050'5'10'20'1" = 10' - 0"SCALE:#LOT NO. 52.35 ACRESZONINGP: PUBLIC FACILITIESADDRESS045-342-0010LANDUSEP: PUBLIC FACILITIESAPN11505 EL CAMINO REALATASCADERO, CA 93422LOT NO. 71.89 ACRESADDRESS045-342-0009APN11405 EL CAMINO REALATASCADERO, CA 93422SETBACKSREARFRONTSIDEHEIGHT LIMIT10 FT35 FT10 FTNONE *NTSBUILDING B1" = 10'-0"SCALE:A105D0'2.5'5'10'20'SOUTH ELEVATIONBUILDING B1" = 10'-0"SCALE:A105B0'2.5'5'10'20'WEST ELEVATIONBUILDING B1" = 10'-0"SCALE:A105C0'2.5'5'10'20'NORTH ELEVATIONBUILDING BMETAL FASCIAVERT. RIBBEDMETAL SIDINGCORRUGATED METALSIDING2" METAL CORNER TRIM,MATCH SIDING COLOR4" FLASHING BAND, TYP.FINISH GRADEBRONZE ALUMWINDOWS, TYP.STEEL ROLL UPDOOR ASSEMBLY250'26'-3" 25'-0"FIN. FLR.03.23.20MARCH 23, 2020SELF STORAGE / SHARED WORK SPACE19 1" = 10'-0"SCALE:A106A0'2.5'5'10'20'FLOOR PLANDRAWING NO.REVPROJECT NO.DATEDRAWN BYCHECKED BYREVDATENOTESDRAWING TITLE11505 EL CAMINO REALATASCADERO, CAAPN: 045-342-010THIS WORK WAS PREPARED BY ME ORUNDER MY SUPERVISION ANDCONSTRUCTION OF THIS PROJECT WILLBE UNDER MY OBSERVATION.© 2019 LSA Architects, LLCThe designs and concepts shown are the sole property of LSAArchitects. The drawings may not be used except with the writtenconsent of LSA Architects, LLCOWNERNEWTON, SCOTT, NEWTON, JILL215 SANA FE AVE.PISMO BEACH, CA 93449LSA ArchitectsPOB 3057Pismo Beach, CA 93449808-895-2682Loch@ LSAArchitects.comSEALSTATE OF CALI F OR NIA LIC E NS ED ARCHITECTLOCHSODERQUISTNo. C36061EXP. 02/28/21BUILDING CA1060'5'10'20'1" = 10' - 0"SCALE:#LOT NO. 52.35 ACRESZONINGP: PUBLIC FACILITIESADDRESS045-342-0010LANDUSEP: PUBLIC FACILITIESAPN11505 EL CAMINO REALATASCADERO, CA 93422LOT NO. 71.89 ACRESADDRESS045-342-0009APN11405 EL CAMINO REALATASCADERO, CA 93422SETBACKSREARFRONTSIDEHEIGHT LIMIT10 FT35 FT10 FTNONE *NTSBUILDING CPROJECTNORTHTRUE NORTH1" = 10'-0"SCALE:A106D0'2.5'5'10'20'NORTH ELEVATIONBUILDING C1" = 10'-0"SCALE:A106E0'2.5'5'10'20'SOUTH ELEVATIONBUILDING C1" = 10'-0"SCALE:A106B0'2.5'5'10'20'EAST ELEVATIONBUILDING C1" = 10'-0"SCALE:A106C0'2.5'5'10'20'WEST ELEVATIONBUILDING C12,100 SQ. FT.METAL FASCIAVERT. RIBBEDMETAL SIDINGCORRUGATED METALSIDING2" METAL CORNER TRIM,MATCH SIDING COLORFINISH GRADEBRONZE ALUMWINDOWS, TYP.60'-0"210'-0"210'-0"15'-9"10'-0"10'-0"10' X 10'STORAGEUNIT. TYP.10'-0"5'-0"20'-0"5'-0"20'-0"5'-0"20'-0"5'-0"20'-0"5'-0"20'-0"5'-0"20'-0"5'-0"20'-0"5'-0"10'-0"10'-0"20'-0"40'-0" 16'-6"60'-0"15'-9"60'-0"03.23.20MARCH 23, 2020SELF STORAGE / SHARED WORK SPACE20 1" = 10'-0"SCALE:A107A0'2.5'5'10'20'FLOOR PLANDRAWING NO.REVPROJECT NO.DATEDRAWN BYCHECKED BYREVDATENOTESDRAWING TITLE11505 EL CAMINO REALATASCADERO, CAAPN: 045-342-010THIS WORK WAS PREPARED BY ME ORUNDER MY SUPERVISION ANDCONSTRUCTION OF THIS PROJECT WILLBE UNDER MY OBSERVATION.© 2019 LSA Architects, LLCThe designs and concepts shown are the sole property of LSAArchitects. The drawings may not be used except with the writtenconsent of LSA Architects, LLCOWNERNEWTON, SCOTT, NEWTON, JILL215 SANA FE AVE.PISMO BEACH, CA 93449LSA ArchitectsPOB 3057Pismo Beach, CA 93449808-895-2682Loch@ LSAArchitects.comSEALSTATE OF CALI F OR NIA LIC E NS ED ARCHITECTLOCHSODERQUISTNo. C36061EXP. 02/28/21BUILDING DA1070'5'10'20'1" = 10' - 0"SCALE:#LOT NO. 52.35 ACRESZONINGP: PUBLIC FACILITIESADDRESS045-342-0010LANDUSEP: PUBLIC FACILITIESAPN11505 EL CAMINO REALATASCADERO, CA 93422LOT NO. 71.89 ACRESADDRESS045-342-0009APN11405 EL CAMINO REALATASCADERO, CA 93422SETBACKSREARFRONTSIDEHEIGHT LIMIT10 FT35 FT10 FTNONE *NTSBUILDING DPROJECTNORTHTRUE NORTH1" = 10'-0"SCALE:A107D0'2.5'5'10'20'NORTH ELEVATIONBUILDING D1" = 10'-0"SCALE:A107E0'2.5'5'10'20'SOUTH ELEVATIONBUILDING D1" = 10'-0"SCALE:A107B0'2.5'5'10'20'EAST ELEVATIONBUILDING D1" = 10'-0"SCALE:A107C0'2.5'5'10'20'WEST ELEVATIONBUILDING D11,750 SQ. FT.METAL FASCIAVERT. RIBBEDMETAL SIDINGCORRUGATED METALSIDING2" METAL CORNER TRIM,MATCH SIDING COLORFINISH GRADEBRONZE ALUMWINDOWS, TYP.250'-0"50'-0"10' X 10'STORAGEUNIT. TYP.10'-0"10'-0"10'-0"5'-0"20'-0"5'-0"20'-0"5'-0"20'-0"5'-0"20'-0"5'-0"20'-0"5'-0"20'-0"5'-0"20'-0"5'-0"20'-0"5'-0"20'-0"5'-0"10'-0"10'-0"10'-0"30'-0"50'-0"16'-6"250'-0"16'-8"VERT. RIBBEDMETAL SIDING03.23.20MARCH 23, 2020SELF STORAGE / SHARED WORK SPACE21 1" = 10'-0"SCALE:A108A0'2.5'5'10'20'FLOOR PLANDRAWING NO.REVPROJECT NO.DATEDRAWN BYCHECKED BYREVDATENOTESDRAWING TITLE11505 EL CAMINO REALATASCADERO, CAAPN: 045-342-010THIS WORK WAS PREPARED BY ME ORUNDER MY SUPERVISION ANDCONSTRUCTION OF THIS PROJECT WILLBE UNDER MY OBSERVATION.© 2019 LSA Architects, LLCThe designs and concepts shown are the sole property of LSAArchitects. The drawings may not be used except with the writtenconsent of LSA Architects, LLCOWNERNEWTON, SCOTT, NEWTON, JILL215 SANA FE AVE.PISMO BEACH, CA 93449LSA ArchitectsPOB 3057Pismo Beach, CA 93449808-895-2682Loch@ LSAArchitects.comSEALSTATE OF CALI F OR NIA LIC E NS ED ARCHITECTLOCHSODERQUISTNo. C36061EXP. 02/28/21BUILDING EA1080'5'10'20'1" = 10' - 0"SCALE:#LOT NO. 52.35 ACRESZONINGP: PUBLIC FACILITIESADDRESS045-342-0010LANDUSEP: PUBLIC FACILITIESAPN11505 EL CAMINO REALATASCADERO, CA 93422LOT NO. 71.89 ACRESADDRESS045-342-0009APN11405 EL CAMINO REALATASCADERO, CA 93422SETBACKSREARFRONTSIDEHEIGHT LIMIT10 FT35 FT10 FTNONE *NTSBUILDING EPROJECT NORTH TRUE NORTH1" = 10'-0"SCALE:A108B0'2.5'5'10'20'WEST ELEVATIONBUILDING E1" = 10'-0"SCALE:A108CSOUTH ELEVATIONBUILDING E1" = 10'-0"SCALE:A108D0'2.5'5'10'20'EAST ELEVATIONBUILDING E1" = 10'-0"SCALE:A108ENORTH ELEVATIONBUILDING E3,500 SQ. FT.140'-0"25'-0"10'-0"25' X 10'STORAGEUNIT. TYP.12'-6"140'-0"STEEL ROLL UPDOOR ASSEMBLYFINISH GRADE27'-0"03.23.20MARCH 23, 2020SELF STORAGE / SHARED WORK SPACE22