HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 022585 I&UNCIL MFETINGc 3/11/85 AGENDA ITEM NQ, : A - 1 MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting February 25, 1985 Atascadero Administration Building Page 1 The regular meeting was called to order at 7 : 30 p.m. by Mayor Nelson. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Invocation was given by Mayor Nelson. ROLL CALL Present: Councilwoman Norris and Mackey, Councilman Molina and Handshy and Mayor Nelson. Absent: None STAFF Ralph Dowell, Acting City Manager and City Treasurer; Grigger Jones, City Clerk; Georgia Ramirez, Deputy City Clerk; Bud McHale, Police Chief; Mike Hicks, Fire Chief; Henry Engen, Planning Director; John Wallace, Contract Engineer; and Bob Best, Recreation Director. COUNCIL COMMENT A presentation of a City plaque was made to Carlos Garaikoetxea, President of the Basque Country, by Mayor Nelson and Councilwoman Norris. Mr. Garaikoetxea, following expressions of appreciation, presented Mayor Nelson with a book on the history of the Basques. PUBLIC COP41ENT Bill Rempel stated his concerns about transportation for Senior Citizens and the discussed the possibility of using electric carts as an alternative. John Cole discussed his concern over unleashed dogs and the fact that he has been bitten by them. Chief McHale responded that enforcing animal regulations in the City is a problem. A. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Minutes of the Regular Meeting of February 12, 1985. 2. Treasurer ' s Report — January 1 31, 1985. (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 3 . Finance Director 's Report - January 1 - 31, 1985. (RECOMMENDAPPROVAL) 4 . Final Parcel Map AT-810305: 1, 13505 Old Morro Road (Ptn. Lot 7, Block 95) , Fortington/Hilliard Surveys - (RECOMMEND ACCEPTANCE) 5. Final Parcel Map 26-84, 8200 Los Osos Road (Lot 19, Block 37) , Nimmo/Twin Cities Engineering - (RECOMMEND ACCEPTANCE) 6 . Final Lot Line Adjustment 6-84, 8375 Los Osos Road (Lots 14 & 15, Block 37) , Estes/Westland Engineering (RECOMMEND ACCEPTANCE) -1- 5 City Council Meetin& 3/11/85 6 Proposed Resolution Number 20-85 - New Stop Sign Installation (Los Gatos/San Marcos & San Gabriel/San Marcos) E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION 1. City Council 2. City Attorney 3. City Clerk 4. City Treasurer 5. City Manager NOTE: There will be "a closed session to consider Personnel Recruitment and Property Acquisition. 3 MINUTES - ATASCADERO CIT COUNCIL Regular Meeting 10 February 25, 1985 Atascadero Administration Building Page 2 MOTION: By Councilman Molina, seconded by Councilwoman Norris to approve items 1-6 of the consent calendar. Passed unanimously by roll call vote. B. HEARINGS, APPEARANCES AND REPORTS 1. Public Hearing to consider the Planning Commission Report and recommendation on: (A) General Plan Amendment 1C-85, 8800 E1 Centro Ave. , (Lot 24, Block 4) , Michael Yeomans/Joseph Lindsey (Amending the Land Use Element Map Designation from Moderate Density Single Family Residential to Low Density Multiple Family Residential, and (B) Amending the zoning from RSF-Y Single Family Residential to RMF (6`) PD Multiple Family Residential Planning Development Overlay (24 dwelling units) (Proposed Revised Resolu- tion 11-85) (Cont'd from 2712/85) Henry Engen, Planning Director, gave staff report. Those from the audience speaking against the project were: Art Cunningham, Sylvia Rempel, Bill Rempel, Mary Cunninghma, Anthony Wymans, Gary Baske, Linda Witt, Joe Nile, Troy Mitchell, Peggy Bascom, Jennie Ralph and John McNeil. Mike Yeomans spoke in response to some of the questions and concerns that those against the project had discussed. MOTIONS By Councilman Molina, seconded by Councilman Handshy to uphold the Planning Commission's decision and except for item B, Page two the wording should be changed to "development shall be subject, to any city wide development fee schedule which may be adopted by the City Council" . Passed 3 : 2 roll call vote with Councilwoman Norris and Mackey voting no. 2 . Public Hearing to Consider Zone Change 1-8'5 Request Initiated by Planning Commission to Revise the Zoning ordinance Text Modifying the Rear Setback Requirement in Commercial and Industrial Zones which are Adjacent to Residential Zones, to allow waiving the ten- foot setback for buildings, or portions of buildings, twelve-feet in Height or less within 10-feet-of- the rear property line (Proposed ordinance No. 98) Henry Engen, Planning Director, gave the staff report. Ed Chidlaw, representing his client, Joe Babcock, spoke against the proposed ordinance. MOTION: By Councilwoman Norris, seconded by Councilman Handshy to read Ordinance No. 98 by title only. Ordinance No. 98 was read by Mayor Nelson .by title only. MOTION: By Councilwoman Norris, seconded by Councilman Handshy that this constitutes the first reading. Passed 4:1 with Councilwoman Mackey voting no. -2- fo MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITI&OUNCIL Regular Meeting February 25, 1985 Atascadero Administration Building Page 3 C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Report From the Reorganization Committee - Verbal Councilman Molina reported that he and Mayor Nelson had met 2 or 3 times since the last council meeting and made the following recom- mendations: Planning/Building -The Planning Director will bring recommendations at the mid-year budget review regarding the possibility of another building inspector, creating the position of Sr. Planner, creating the position of zoning and business license enforcement officer and maybe eliminating the plan checker. MOTION: By Councilwoman Mackey, seconded by Councilwoman Norris that council concurs with those recommendations. Passed unanimously. Parks/Recreation - The committee recommends to combine the parks with the Recreation Department and staff to bring this back for the June budget with staff recommendations. MOTION: By Councilwoman Norris, seconded by Councilman Handshy for staff to give the council recommednations. Passed unanimously. Public Works - Due to the combining of parks and recreation and the shifting of personnel that will probably arise, at this time the committee has no recommendations and maybe staff can come up with some for the June budget review. Assistant City Manager/Personnel Director - The committee has no recommendations at this time. Public Safety The committee suggests that Chief Hicks be chairman and serve on a committee with Chief McHale and come back in three months with recommendations where public safety can be improved. MOTION: By Councilman Handshy, seconded by Councilwoman Mackey to concur with committee recommendation. Passed unanimously. Planning Commission - The committee recommends that the Planning Commission be changed from 7 to 5 members, that an ordinance be drafted and be brought back for the next meeting and that this become effective as of June 1, 1985. That there be 2 members to be appointed to serve until 1986 and three members to be appointed to serve until 1988 . Also that if four meetings are missed in one year, that it is an automatic resignation unless excused by the Chairman. Also to be included in this ordinance would be that if a- person on this commission decides to run for other elective office in the city, that they resign effective when they apply for that position. MOTION: By Councilwoman Norris, seconded by Councilman Handshy to send to staff for ordinance to be drafted. Passed 4:1 with Councilwoman Mackey voting no. MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITWOUNCIL Regular Meeting February 25, 1985 Atascadero Administration Building Page 4 Parks and Recreation Commission Board - Basically the same as Planning Commission, changing from 7 to 5 members, the difference is that ordinance become effective in 1986 when four members of that board are due for reappointment. One ex-officio member from the school district which will be appointed by the Mayor without a vote. MOTION: By Councilman Handshy, seconded by Councilwoman Norris to send to stafffor an ordinance. Passed 4: 1 with Councilwoman Mackey voting no. Remuneration for both commissions- to be considered at the June budget. MOTION: By Councilman Handshy, seconded by Councilwoman Norris that this recommendation be sent to the June budget hearing. Passed unanimously. 2. Police Facility Recommendations - Combined reports by Police and Public Works Departments (Proposed Resolution 13-85) Staff report was given by Bud McHale, Police Chief. John Wallace, Contract Engineer, stated that if the Council wishes to consider using the Masonic Building that a study be funded to determine what might be needed in way of adequate structural re- habilitation for housing offices of the police department. If we cannot or will not fund this study, we should let the Masons know that we are no longer interested so that they can lease it to another party. Bud Downs of the Masonc Building said they have been waiting for three months for an answer from the council and would hope for an answer soon. Chief McHale stated that Rex Hendrix has made a new offer on his building that may be discussed in closed session. Mayor Nelson said that he had received a letter from Performance Design and Construction, Inc. of Paso .Robles asking for a chance to meet with the council to discuss the building of a new police facility. Mayor Nelson said that the city owes Mr. Downs a meeting. He proposed that a committee of George Molina, Wayne Handshy, Ralph Dowell, and Bud McHale meet with Mr. Downs to go over the plans and to go through the building and talk. This same committeewillmeet with Performance Design and Construc- tion to discuss a police facility. A report on all of the alternatives will be brought back to the next council agenda. -4- MINUTES - ATASCADERO CIT-OOUNCIL !_ Regular Meeting February 25, 1985 Atascadero Administration Building Page 5 3 . Proposed Resolution 14-85 General Plan Amendment 1B-85, 1875 El Camino Real (Lot 31, Block 49) , H.L.S. Properties Ltd./Associated Professions - Amending the Land Use Element Map Designation from Suburban Single Family Residential to Retail Commercial (Neigh- borhood Commercial) (Continued from 2 12/85) Staff report was given by Henry Engen, Planning Director. i MOTION: By Councilwoman Norris, seconded by Councilman Handshy to approve Resolution 14-85. Passed 3 : 2 by roll call vote, with Councilman Molina and Councilwoman Mackey voting no. 4 . Pr000sed Resolution 15-85 - Initiate Proceedings for Approving Annexation Number 3 Staff report was given by Henry Engen Planning Director. MOTION: By Councilwoman Mackey, seconded by Councilman Molina to approve Resolution 15-85. Passed unanimously by roll call vote. 5. Proposed Resolution 16-85 Approving Annexation Number 4 to the City of Atascadero (.Wastewater Treatment Plant) Staff report was given by Henry Engen, Planning Director. MOTION: By Councilman Molina, seconded by Councilwoman Mackey to approve Resolution No.. 16-85. Passed unanimously by roll call vote. D. NEW BUSINESS 1. Mid-Year Budget Review Set Date for Study Session Ralph Dowell, Acting City Manager, stated that he had submitted the date, of March 9th, but understood that one of the council members would be out of town. The date of March 16th at 9 : 00 a.m. in room 304 was decided on. 2. Dial-A-Ride Publicity Advertisement 'and Cost Ralph Dowell, Acting City Manager, reported that the advertisement ran on February 22 and again on February 27 . The cost of the advertisement is $134 .40 and will be charged to the contract account for Dial-A-Ride. 3. Recommendation of Recreation Advisory Board Addressing the Naming Of South Atascadero Park (Proposed Resolution No. 17-85) Staff 'report was given by Bob Best, Recreation Director. MOTION: By Councilwoman Mackey, seconded by Councilman Molina to approve Resolution No. 17-85. Passed unanimously by roll call vote. -5- i MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITJVOUNCIL Regular Meeting February 25, 1985 Atascadero Administration Building Page 6 4 . Discussion and recommendation concerning ,Bid No. 84-24, Rennova tion of Administration Building Phase II Ralph Dowell, Acting City Manager, reported that the City is eligible for a grant under Proposition 18 for $75,000 to $80, 000. His recommendation is that the Council reject all the bids and wait to see the outcome of the grant application. MOTION: By Councilman Handshy, seconded by Councilman Molina to reject the bid 84-24 . Passed unanimously. E. INDIVIDUALDETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION CITY COUNCIL Councilwoman Mackey reported that she had received a phone call about goats being killed by wild dogs. Ralph Dowell, Acting City Manager, suggested having a "sweep" by Animal Control Servicesinorder to try to eliminate some of these problems. Chief McHale and Ralph Dowell will bring a report back to the Council at the next Council Meeting regarding the "Sweep" CITY ATTORNEY None CITY CLERK None CITY TREASURER None CITY MANAGER None MEETING ADJOURNED AT 11: 04 P.M. TO A CLOSED SESSION. Councilwoman Mackey excused herself from the Closed Session at approximately 12:30 a.m. Closed Session recessed at 1 a.m. Regular Meeting reconvened at 1;01 a.m. Mayor Nelson announced. that Ralph Dowell, Acting City Manager, Finance Director, and Acting Public Works Director had submitted his resignation in closed session. Pursuant to Section 2-4.01 of Ordinance No. 86 the City Council appointed Mike Hicks as Acting City Manager, Acting Finance Director and Acting Public Works Director. A press release was written and staff was directed to bring back a resolution at the next regular council meeting ratifying the appointment of Mike Hicks as stated. 10 MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL 'Regular Meeting February 25, 1985 Atascadero Administration Building Page 7 MEETING ADJOURNED AT 1: 05A.M -- RECORDED BY: GR ER ON-A y lerk I(