HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 2020-005RESOLUTION NO, 2020-005 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING THE EXISTENCE OF A LOCAL EMERGENCY WITHIN THE CITY OF ATASCADERO (COVID-19) WHEREAS, in December 2019, an outbreak of respiratory illness due to a novel coronavirus (a disease now known as COVID-19) was first identified in Wuhan City, Hubie Province, China, which has since spread outside of China, impacting more than 100 countries, now including the United States; and WHEREAS, COVID-19 is a respiratory disease that may result in serious illness or death and is easily transmissible from person to person; and WHEREAS, as of March 16, 2020, confirmed cases of COVID-19 include over 167,500 people around the world, over 3,480 in the United States, 369 persons in California, and 3 in San Luis Obispo County; COVID-19 has killed over 6,600 people worldwide; and there has been a significant escalation of United States domestic cases of and deaths from COVID-19; and WHEREAS, the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention activated its Emergency Response System to provide ongoing support for the response to COVID-19 across the country; and WHEREAS, the California Department of Public Health has activated its Medical and Health Coordination Center, and the Office of Emergency Services recently activated the State Operations Center to provide support and guide actions to preserve public health; and WHEREAS, the Governor of the State of California has proclaimed a State of Emergency for the State of California and issued Executive Orders directing measures to mitigate the spread of cases of COVID-19 within the State of California; the Director -General for the World Health Organization declared that COVID-19 can be characterized as a "pandemic"; the President of the United States declared that the outbreak of COVID-19 in the United States constitutes a national emergency; the San Luis Obispo County Emergency Services Director has proclaimed a local emergency; and the San Luis Obispo County Public Health Director has declared a public health emergency related the spread of cases of COVID-19 within the State of California; and local school closures have gone into effect; and WHEREAS, on March 14, 2020, the County of San Luis Obispo Public Health Department announced the first confirmed case of COVID-19 in San Luis Obispo County after an individual in San Luis Obispo County tested positive for COVID-19; and OMM WHEREAS, conditions of extreme peril to the safety of persons and property have arisen within the City, caused by the risk of spread of COVID-19 and the demands on public services to mitigate and respond to those risks, as described in the Proclamation of a State of Emergency issued by Governor Newsom, which proclamation is attached hereto and incorporated herein by City of Atascadero Resolution No. 2020-005 Page 2 of 4 .mm this reference as Exhibit 1, and all recitals set forth in the Governor's Proclamation are included as though fully set forth herein; and WHEREAS, the health, safety and welfare of City of Atascadero residents, businesses, visitors and staff are of utmost importance to the City and additional future measures may be needed to protect the community; and WHEREAS, it is imperative to prepare for and respond to COV ID- 19 cases within the City, and to prepare to respond to an increasing number of individuals who may require medical care; and WHEREAS, preparing for, responding to, mitigating, and recovering from the spread of COVID-19 requires the City to divert resources from normal day-to-day operations, and has and will continue to impose extraordinary requirements on and expenses to the City; and WHEREAS, the mobilization of local resources, ability to coordinate interagency response, accelerate procurement of vital supplies, use mutual aid, and allow for future reimbursement by the state and federal governments will be critical to successfully responding to COVID-19, the City may require additional assistance in the future, and proclamation of local emergency allows additional resources to flow to the City in a timely manner; and omm WHEREAS, heightened levels of public health and safety planning and preparedness have been necessitated to respond to cases of COVID-I9 in the community and immediate action, not lending itself to otherwise applicable notice and approval timelines, is necessary to respond to the rapidly evolving pandemic and to mitigate against the spread of COVID-19 and its resulting public health and safety impacts; and WHEREAS, the City of Atascadero will be required to help enforce all restrictions imposed by the State of California and by the County of San Luis Obispo acting as the health agency; and WHEREAS, in the absence of a declaration of local emergency, strict compliance with certain Municipal Code and other City regulations would prevent, hinder, or delay appropriate actions to prevent and mitigate the effects of COVID-19; and WHEREAS, section 4-4.07 of the Municipal Code empowers the Emergency Services Director to request that the City Council proclaim a local emergency where there is the actual or threatened existence of conditions of disaster or of extreme peril to the safety of persons and property within the City of Atascadero ; and WHEREAS, section 4-4.03 of the Municipal Code includes an epidemic as one of the w proper grounds for proclaiming a local emergency; and WHEREAS, after consideration of all facts reasonably available presently for review and all items, the Director of Emergency Services now desires to request the City Council declare City of Atascadero Resolution No. 2020-005 Page 3 of 4 the existence of a state of local emergency to make additional resources available to address the effects of COVID-19. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Atascadero: SECTION 1. City Council finds that the actual existence of conditions of extreme peril to the safety of persons and property have arisen within the City of Atascadero, caused by the effects of COVID-19, and a local emergency now exists throughout the City of Atascadero. SECTION 2. During the existence of said local emergency, the powers, functions, and duties of the Emergency Services Director and the Emergency Organization of this City shall be those prescribed by state law, ordinances, and resolutions of this City and by the City of Atascadero Emergency Operations Plan, notwithstanding otherwise applicable procedures, timelines or methods of action and the Emergency Services Director is expressly authorized to take any and all actions in furtherance of emergency powers to address the local emergency. SECTION 3. The Emergency Services Director is further expressly authorized to make any and all modifications to City paid leave policies as are deemed necessary to support continuity of City services, and may promulgate guidelines and employee advisories as necessary to further define and implement any modifications or paid leave time authorizations pursuant to this .M authorization. SECTION 4. The proclamation of local emergency shall be deemed to continue to exist until it is terminated by the City Council of the City of Atascadero pursuant to a resolution adopted by the City Council of the City of Atascadero. SECTION 5. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon adoption, or if legally permissible, retroactive to March 4, 2020, when Governor Newsom declared an emergency in the State of California. SECTION b. A copy of this order and regulation shall be posted on all outside public access doors of City Hall of the City of Atascadero and in one public place within any area of the City within which this order and regulation applies and personnel of the City of Atascadero shall endeavor to make copies of this order and regulation available to the news media. City of Atascadero Resolution No. 2020-005 Page 4 of 4 PASSED AND ADOPTED at a special meeting of the City Council held on the 17th day of March, 2020. On motion by Council Member Newsom and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Bourbeau , the foregoing Resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call vote: AYES: Council Members Bourbeau, Fonzi, Funk, Newsom and Mayor Moreno NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None ATTEST7 h Lara I Chris ens ty Clexk .=% CITY OF ATASCADERO Heather oreno, Mayor EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT STATE OF CALIFORNIA PROCLAMATION OF A STATE OF EMERGENCY WHEREAS in December 2019, an outbreak of respiratory illness due to a novel coronavirus (a disease now known as COVID-19), was first identified in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China, and has spread outside of China, impacting more than 75 countries, including the United States; and WHEREAS the State of California has been working in close collaboration with the national Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), with the United States Health and Human Services Agency, and with local health departments since December 2019 to monitor and plan for the potential spread of COVID-19 to the United States; and WHEREAS on January 23, 2020, the CDC activated its Emergency Response System to provide ongoing support for the response to COVID- 19 across the country; and WHEREAS on January 24, 2020, the California Department of Public Health activated its Medical and Health Coordination Center and on March 2, 2020, the Office of Emergency Services activated the State Operations Center to support and guide state and local actions to preserve public health; and WHEREAS the California Department of Public Health has been in regular communication with hospitals, clinics and other health providers and has provided guidance to health facilities and providers regarding COVID-19; and WHEREAS as of March 4, 2020, across the globe, there are more than 94,000 confirmed cases of COVID-19, tragically resulting in more than 3,000 deaths worldwide; and WHEREAS as of March 4, 2020, there are 129 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the United States, including 53 in California, and more than 9,400 Californians across 49 counties are in home monitoring based on possible travel -based exposure to the virus, and officials expect the number of cases in California, the United States, and worldwide to increase; and WHEREAS for more than a decade California has had a robust pandemic influenza plan, supported local governments in the development of local plans, and required that state and local plans be regularly updated and exercised; and WHEREAS California has a strong federal, state and local public health and health care delivery system that has effectively responded to prior events including the Hl N1 influenza virus in 2009, and most recently Ebola; and I WHEREAS experts anticipate that while a high percentage of individuals affected by COVID-19 will experience mild flu-like symptoms, some will have more serious symptoms and require hospitalization, particularly individuals who are elderly or already have underlying chronic health conditions; and WHEREAS it is imperative to prepare for and respond to suspected or confirmed COVID-19 cases in California, to implement measures to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, and to prepare to respond to an increasing number of individuals requiring medical care and hospitalization; and WHEREAS if COVID-19 spreads in California at a rate comparable to the rate of spread in other countries, the number of persons requiring medical care may exceed locally available resources, and controlling outbreaks minimizes the risk to the public, maintains the health and safety of the people of California, and limits the spread of infection in our communities and within the healthcare delivery system; and WHEREAS personal protective equipment (PPE) is not necessary for use by the general population but appropriate PPE is one of the most effective ways to preserve and protect California's healthcare workforce at this critical time and to prevent the spread of COVID-19 broadly; and WHEREAS state and local health departments must use all available preventative measures to combat the spread of COVID-19, which will require access to services, personnel, equipment, facilities, and other resources, potentially including resources beyond those currently available, to prepare for and respond to any potential cases and the spread of the virus; and WHEREAS I find that conditions of Government Code section 8558(b), relating to the declaration of a State of Emergency, have been met; and WHEREAS I find that the conditions caused by COVID-19 are likely to require the combined forces of a mutual aid region or regions to appropriately respond; and WHEREAS under the provisions of Government Code section 8625(c), I find that local authority is inadequate to cope with the threat posed by COVID-19; and WHEREAS under the provisions of Government Code section 8571,1 find that strict compliance with various statutes and regulations specified in this order would prevent, hinder, or delay appropriate actions to prevent and mitigate the effects of the COVID-19. NOW, THEREFORE, I, GAVIN NEWSOM, Governor of the State of California, in accordance with the authority vested in me by the State Constitution and statutes, including the California Emergency Services Act, and in particular, Government Code section 8625, HEREBY PROCLAIM A STATE OF EMERGENCY to exist in California. IT IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT: In preparing for and responding to COVID-19, all agencies of the state government use and employ state personnel, equipment, and facilities or perform any and all activities consistent with the direction of the Office of Emergency Services and the State Emergency Plan, as well as the California Department of Public Health and the Emergency Medical Services Authority. Also, all residents are to heed the advice of emergency officials with regard to this emergency in order to protect their safety. As necessary to assist local governments and for the protection of public health, state agencies shall enter into contracts to arrange for the procurement of materials, goods, and services needed to assist in preparing for, containing, responding to, mitigating the effects of, and recovering from the spread of COVID-19. Applicable provisions of the Government Code and the Public Contract Code, including but not limited to travel, advertising, and competitive bidding requirements, are suspended to the extent necessary to address the effects of COVID-19. 3. Any out-of-state personnel, including, but not limited to, medical personnel, entering California to assist in preparing for, responding to, mitigating the effects of, and recovering from COVID-19 shall be permitted to provide services in the same manner as prescribed in Government Code section 179.5, with respect to licensing and certification. Permission for any such individual rendering service is subject to the approval of the Director of the Emergency Medical Services Authority for medical personnel and the Director of the Office of Emergency Services for non-medical personnel and shall be in effect for a period of time not to exceed the duration of this emergency. 4. The time limitation set forth in Penal Code section 396, subdivision (b), prohibiting price gouging in time of emergency is hereby waived as it relates to emergency supplies and medical supplies. These price gouging protections shall be in effect through September 4, 2020. 5. Any state-owned properties that the Office of Emergency Services determines are suitable for use to assist in preparing for, responding to, mitigating the effects of, or recovering from COVID-19 shall be made available to the Office of Emergency Services for this purpose, notwithstanding any state or local law that would restrict, delay, or otherwise inhibit such use. Any fairgrounds that the Office of Emergency Services determines are suitable to assist in preparing for, responding to, mitigating the effects of, or recovering from COVID-19 shall be made available to the Office of Emergency Services pursuant to the Emergency Services Act, Government Code section 8589. The Office of Emergency Services shall notify the fairgrounds of the intended use and can immediately use the fairgrounds without the fairground board of directors' approval, and notwithstanding any state or local law that would restrict, delay, or otherwise inhibit such use. 7. The 30 -day time period in Health and Safety Code section 101080, within which a local governing authority must renew a local health emergency, is hereby waived for the duration of this statewide emergency. Any such local health emergency will remain in effect until each local governing authority terminates its respective local health emergency. 8. The 60 -day time period in Government Code section 8630, within which local government authorities must renew a local emergency, is hereby waived for the duration of this statewide emergency. Any local emergency proclaimed will remain in effect until each local governing authority terminates its respective local emergency. The Office of Emergency Services shall provide assistance to local governments that have demonstrated extraordinary or disproportionate impacts from COVID-19, if appropriate and necessary, under the authority of the California Disaster Assistance Act, Government Code section 8680 et seq., and California Code of Regulations, Title 19, section 2900 et seq. 10. To ensure hospitals and other health facilities are able to adequately treat patients legally isolated as a result of COVID- 19, the Director of the California Department of Public Health may waive any of the licensing requirements of Chapter 2 of Division 2 of the Health and Safety Code and accompanying regulations with respect to any hospital or health facility identified in Health and Safety Code section 1250. Any waiver shall include alternative measures that, under the circumstances, will allow the facilities to treat legally isolated patients while protecting public health and safety. Any facilities being granted a waiver shall be established and operated in accordance with the facility's required disaster and mass casualty plan. Any waivers granted pursuant to this paragraph shall be posted on the Department's website. 1 1.To support consistent practices across California, state departments, in coordination with the Office of Emergency Services, shall provide updated and specific guidance relating to preventing and mitigating COVID-19 to schools, employers, employees, first responders and community care facilities by no later than March 10, 2020. 12.To promptly respond for the protection of public health, state entities are, notwithstanding any other state or local law, authorized to share relevant medical information, limited to the patient's underlying health conditions, age, current condition, date of exposure, and possible contact tracing, as necessary to address the effect of the COVID-19 outbreak with state, local, federal, and nongovernmental partners, with such information to be used for the limited purposes of monitoring, investigation and control, and treatment and coordination of care. The CR— notification requirement of Civil Code section 1798.24, subdivision (i), is suspended. 13. Notwithstanding Health and Safety Code sections 1797.52 and 1797.218, during the course of this emergency, any EMT -P licensees shall have the authority to transport patients to medical facilities other than acute care hospitals when approved by the California EMS Authority. In order to carry out this order, to the extent that the provisions of Health and Safety Code sections 1797.52 and 1797.218 may prohibit EMT -P licensees from transporting patients to facilities other than acute care hospitals, those statutes are hereby suspended until the termination of this State of Emergency. 14.The Department of Social Services may, to the extent the Department deems necessary to respond to the threat of COVID-19, waive any provisions of the Health and Safety Code or Welfare and Institutions Code, and accompanying regulations, interim licensing standards, or other written policies or procedures with respect to the use, licensing, or approval of facilities or homes within the Department's jurisdiction set forth in the California Community Care Facilities Act (Health and Safety Code section 1500 et seq.), the California Child Day Care Facilities Act (Health and Safety Code section 1596.70 et seq.), and the California Residential Care Facilities for the Elderly Act (Health and Safety Code section 1569 et seq.). Any waivers granted pursuant to this paragraph shall be posted on the Department's website. FURTHER DIRECT that as soon as hereafter possible, this proclamation be filed in the Office of the Secretary of State and that widespread publicity and notice be given of this proclamation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Great Seal of the State of Cali rnia to b affixed this 4th day Of rch 20:20 G N NEW:�OM ernor of California ATTEST: ALEX PADILLA Secretary of State CITY OF ATASCADERO PROCLAIMS EXISTENCE OF A LOCAL EMERGENCY DUE TO NOVEL CORONAVIRUS-COVID-19 PANDEMIC by Director of Emergency Services WHEREAS, Atascadero Municipal Code Title 4 Chapter 4, Emergency Organization and Functions, empowers the Director of Emergency Services to proclaim the existence or threatened existence of a local emergency when said city is affected or likely to be affected by a public calamity and the City Council is not is session; and WHEREAS, in December 2019, an outbreak of respiratory illness due to a novel coronavirus (a disease now known as COVID-19) was first identified in Wuhan City, Hubie Province, China, which has since spread outside of China, impacting more than 100 countries, now including the United States; and WHEREAS, COVID-19 is a respiratory disease that may result in serious illness or death and is easily transmissible from person to person; and WHEREAS, the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention activated its Emergency Response System to provide ongoing support for the response to COVID- 19 across the country; and WHEREAS, the California Department of Public Health has activated its Medical and Health Coordination Center, and the Office of Emergency Services recently activated the State Operations Center to provide support and guide actions to preserve public health: and WHEREAS, the Governor of the State of California has proclaimed a State of Emergency for the State of California and issued Executive Orders directing measures to mitigate the spread of cases of COVID-19 within the State of California; the Director - General for the World Health Organization declared that COVID-19 can be characterized as a "pandemic"; the President of the United States declared that the outbreak of COVID-19 in the United States constitutes a national emergency; the San Luis Obispo County Emergency Services Director has proclaimed a local emergency; and the San Luis Obispo County Public Health Director has declared a public health emergency related the spread of cases of COVID-19 within the State of California, and local school closures have gone into effect; and WHEREAS, on March 14, 2020, the County of San Luis Obispo Public Health Department announced the first confirmed case of COVID-19 in San Luis Obispo County after an individual in San Luis Obispo County tested positive for COVID-19; and WHEREAS, conditions of extreme peril to the safety of persons and property have arisen within the City, caused by the risk of spread of COVID-19 and the demands on public services to mitigate and respond to those risks, as described in the Proclamation of a State of Emergency issued by Governor Newsom, which proclamation is attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference as Exhibit 1, and all recitals set forth in the Governor's Proclamation are included as though fully set forth herein; and WHEREAS, the health, safety and welfare of City of Atascadero residents, businesses, visitors and staff are of utmost importance to the City and additional future measures may be needed to protect the community; and WHEREAS, it is imperative to prepare for and respond to COVID-19 cases within the City, and to prepare to respond to an increasing number of individuals who may require medical care; and WHEREAS, preparing for, responding to, mitigating, and recovering from the spread of COVID-19 requires the City to divert resources from normal day-to-day operations, and has and will continue to impose extraordinary requirements on and expenses to the City; and WHEREAS, the mobilization of local resources, ability to coordinate interagency response, accelerate procurement of vital supplies, use mutual aid, and allow for future reimbursement by the state and federal governments will be critical to successfully responding to COVID-19, the City may require additional assistance in the future, and proclamation of local emergency allows additional resources to flow to the City in a timely manner; and WHEREAS, heightened levels of public health and safety planning and preparedness have been necessitated to respond to cases of COVID-19 in the community and immediate action, not lending itself to otherwise applicable notice and approval timelines, is necessary to respond to the rapidly evolving pandemic and to mitigate against the spread of COVID-19 and its resulting public health and safety impacts; and WHEREAS, the City of Atascadero will be required to help enforce all restrictions imposed by the State of California and by the County of San Luis Obispo acting as the health agency; and WHEREAS, in the absence of a declaration of local emergency, strict compliance with certain Municipal Code and other City regulations would prevent, hinder, or delay appropriate actions to prevent and mitigate the effects of COVID-19; and WHEREAS, section 4-4.07 of the Municipal Code empowers the Emergency Services Director to request that the City Council proclaim a local emergency where there is the actual or threatened existence of conditions of disaster or of extreme peril to the safety of persons and property within the City of Atascadero ; and WHEREAS, section 4-4.03 of the Municipal Code includes an epidemic as one of the proper grounds for proclaiming a local emergency. NOW THEREFORE, I hereby proclaim a local emergency in the City of Atascadero, pursuant to the California Emergency Services Act, and Title 4/Chapter 4 of the Municipal Code of the City of Atascadero, due to the existence of conditions of extreme peril to the safety of persons within the City caused by an imminent threat to public health from the likely introduction of COVID-19 in the City. IT IS HEREBY PROCLAIMED AND ORDERED that during the existence of said local emergency the powers, functions, and duties of the emergency organization of this City shall be those prescribed by state law, by ordinances, and resolutions of this City, as approved by the City Council. C , Dated: March 14, 2020 By: Rachelle Rickard City Of Atascadero Director of Emergency Services EXHIBIT 1 EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT STATE OF CALIFORNIA PROCLAMATION OF A STATE OF EMERGENCY WHEREAS in December 2019, an outbreak of respiratory illness due to a novel coronavirus (a disease now known as COVID-19), was first identified in Wuhan City. Hubei Province, China, and has spread outside of China, impacting more than 75 countries, including the United Slates and WHEREAS the State of California has been working in close collaboration with the national Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), with the United States Health and Human Services Agency, and with local health departments since December 2019 to monitor and plan for the potential spread of COVID-19 to the United States; and WHEREAS on January 23, 2020, the CDC activated its Emergency Response System to provide ongoing support for the response to COVIN 19 across the country: and WHEREAS on January 24, 2020, the California Department of Public Health activated its Medical and Health Coordination Center and on March 2, 2020, the Office of Emergency Services activated the State Operations Center to support and guide state and local actions to preserve public health; and WHEREAS the California Department of Public Health has been in regular communication with hospitals, clinics and other health provider and has provided guidance to health facilities and providers regarding COVID-19; and WHEREAS as of March 4, 2020, across the globe, there are more than 94,000 confirmed cases of COVID-19, tragically resulting in more than 3.000 deaths worldwide; and WHEREAS as of March 4, 2020, there are 129 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the United States, including 53 in California. and more than 9,400 Californians across 49 counties are in home monitoring based on possible travel -based exposure to the virus, and officials expect the number of cases in California, the United States, and worldwide to increase; and WHEREAS for more than a decade California has had a robust pandemic influenza plan, supported local governments in the development of local plans, and required that state and local plans be regularly updated and exercised; and WHEREAS California has a strong federal, state and local public health and health care delivery system that has effectively responded to prior events including the Hl NI influenza virus in 2009, and most recently Ebola; and WHEREAS experts anticipate that while a high percentage of individuals affected by COVID-19 will experience mild flu-like symptoms, some will have more serious symptoms and require hospitalization, particularly individuals who are elderly or already have underlying chronic health conditions; and WHEREAS it Is imperative to prepare for and respond to suspected or confirmed COVID-19 cases in California. to implement measures to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, and to prepare to respond to an increasing number of individuals requiring medical care and hospitalization; and WHEREAS if COVID-19 spreads in California at a rate comparable to the rate of spread in other countries, the number of persons requiring medical care may exceed locally available resources, and controlling outbreaks minimizes the risk to the public, maintains the health and safety of the people of California, and limits the spread of infection in our communities and within the healthcare delivery system; and WHEREAS personal protective equipment (PPE) is not necessary for use by the general population but appropriate PPE is one of the most effective ways to preserve and protect California's healthcare workforce at this critical time and to prevent the spread of COVID-19 broadly; and WHEREAS state and local health departments must use all available preventative measures to combat the spread of COVID-19, which will require access to services, personnel, equipment, facilities, and other resources, potentially including resources beyond those currently available, to prepare for and respond to any potential cases and the spread of the virus: and WHEREAS I find that conditions of Government Code section 8558(b), relating to the declaration of a State of Emergency, have been met; and WHEREAS I find that the conditions caused by COViD-19 are likely to require the combined forces of a mutual aid region or regions to appropriately respond: and WHEREAS under the provisions of Government Code section 8625(c). I find that local authority is inadequate to cope with the threat posed by COVID-19; and WHEREAS under the provisions of Government Code section 8571, 1 find that strict compliance with various statutes and regulations specified in this order would prevent, hinder, or delay appropriate actions to prevent and mitigate the effects of the COVID-19. NOW, THEREFORE, I, GAMIN NEWSOM, Governor of the State of California, in accordance with the authority vested in me by the State Constitution and statutes, including the California Emergencv Services Act, and in particular, Government Code section 8625, HEREBY PROCLAIM A STATE OF EMERGENCY to exist in California. IT IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT. In preparing for and responding to COVID-19, all agencies of the state government use and employ state personnel, equipment, and facilities or perform any and all activities consistent with the direction of the Office of Emergency Services and the State Emergency Plan, as well as the California Department of Public Health and the Emergency Medical Services Authority. Also, all residents are to heed the advice of emergency officials with regard to this emergency in order to protect their safety. 2. As necessary to assist local governments and for the protectk r of public health, state agencies shall enter into contracts to arrange for the procurement of materials, goods, and services needed to assist in preparing for, containing, responding to, mitigating the effects of. and recovering from the spread of COVID-19. Applicable provisions of the Government Code and the Public Contract Code, including but not limited to travel, advertising, and competitive bidding requirements, are suspended to the extent necessary to address the effects of COVID-19. 3. Any out-of-state personnel, including, but not limited to, medical personnel, entering California to assist ir. preparing for, responding to, mitigating the effects of, and recovering from COVID-19 shall be permitted to provide services in the some manner as prescribed in Government Code section 179.5, with respect to licensing and certification. Permission for any such Individual rendering service is subject to the approval of the Director of the Emergency Medical Services Authority for medical personnel and the Director of the Office of Emergency Services for non-medical personnel and shall be in effect for a period of time not to exceed the duration of this emergency. ,. The time limitation set forth in Per ai Code section 396, subdivision fbj. prohibiting price gouging in time of emergency is hereby waived as it relates to emergency supplies and medical supplies. These price gouging protections shall be in effect through September 4, 2020. 5. Any state-owned properties that the Office of Emergency Services determines are suitable for use to assist in preparing for, responding to, mitigating the effects of, or recovering from COVID-19 shall be made available to the Office of Emergency Services for this purpose, notwithstanding any state or local law that would restrict, delay, or otherwise inhibit such use. 6. Any fairgrounds thai the Office of Emergency Services determines are suitable to assist in preparing for, responding to, mitigating the effects of, or recovering from COVID-19 shall be made available to the Office of Ernergency Services pursuant to the Emergency Services Act, Government Code section 8589. The Office of Emergency Services shall notify the fairgrounds of the intended use and can immediately use the fairgrounds without the fairground board of directors' approval, and notwithstanding any state or local law that would restrict, delay, or otherwise inhibit such use. 7. The 30 -day time period in Health and Safety Code section 101080, within which a local governing authority must renew a local health emergency, is hereby waived for the duration of this statewide emergency. Any such kcal health emergency will remain in effect until each local governing authority terminates its respective local health emergency. B. The 60 -day time period in Government Code section 8630, with;,) which local government authorities must renew a local emergency, is hereby waived for the duration of this statewide emergency. Any local emergency proclaimed will retrain in effect until each local governing authority terminates its respective local emergency. 9. The Office of Emergency Services shall provide assistance to local governments that have demonstrated extraordinary or disproportionate impacts from COVID-19, if appropriate and necessary. under the authority of the California Disaster Assistance Act, Government Code section 8680 et sea., and California Code of Regulations, Title 19, section 2900 et seq. 10. To ensure hospitals and other health facilities are able to adequately treat patients legally isolated as a result of COVic- 19, the Director of the California Department of Public Health may waive any of the licensing requirements of Chapter 2 of Division 2 of the Health and Safety Code and accompanying regulations with respect to any hospital or health facility identified in Health and Safety Code section 1250. Any waiver shall include alternative measures that, under the circumstances, will allow the facilities to treat legally isolated patients while protecting public health and safety. Any facilities being granted a waiver shall be established and operated in accordance with the facility's required disaster and mass casualty plan. Any waivers granted pursuant to this paragraph shall be posted on the Department's website. 1 i.To support consistent proctlees across C:alifomio, state departments, in coordination with the Office of Emergency Services, shall provide updated and specific guidance relating to preventing and mitigating COVID-19 to schools, employers, employees. first responders and community care facilities by no later than March 10. 2020. 12,To promptly respond for the protection of public health, state entities are, notwithstanding any other state or local law, authorized to share relevant medical information, limited to the patient's underlying health conditions, age, current condition, date of exposure, and possible contact tracing, as necessary to address the effect of the COVID-19 outbreak with state, local, federal, and nongovernmental partners, with such information to be used for the limited purposes of monitoring, investigation and control, and treatment and coordination of care. The notification requirement of Civil Code section 1798.24, subdivision (I), is suspended. 13. Notwithstanding Health and Safety Code sections 1797.52 and 1797.218, during the course of this emergency, any EMT -P licensees shall have the authority to transport patients to medical facilities other than acute care hospitals when approved by the California EMS Authodly. In order to carry out this order, to the extent that the provisions of Health and Safety Code sections 1797.52 and 1797.218 may prohibit EMT -P licensees from transporting patients to facilities other than acute care hospitals, those statutes are hereby suspended until the termination of this State of Emergency. 14. The Department of Social Services may, to the extent the Department deems necessary to respond to the threat of COVID-19, waive any provisions of the Health and Safety Code or Welfare and Institutions Code, and accompanying regulations, interim licensing standards, or other written policies or procedures with respect to the use, licensing, or approval of facilities or homes within the Department's jurisdiction set forth in the California Community Care Facilities Act (Health and Safety Code section 1500 et seq.), the California Child Day Care Facilities Act (Health and Safety Code section 1596.70 et seq.), and the California Residenfia! Care Facilities for the Elderly Act (Health and Safety Code section 1569 et sec.). Any waivers granted pursuant to this paragraph shall be posted on the Department's website. FURTHER DIRECT that as soon as hereafter possible, this proclamation be filed in the Office of the Secretary of State and that widespread publicity and notice be given of this proclamation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto se- my hand and caused the Great Seal of the State of Cali mia to b affixed this 4th day of ch 2020 of California ATTEST: ALEX PADILLA Secretary of State -IM-