HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 031284 MEE-' 7 AG-:NDA DA MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting March 12, 1984 Atascadero Administration Building The meeting was called to order- at 7: 30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Mel Schroer of the Community Church gave the invocation. ROLL CALL Present: Councilman Molina, Nelson, Stover, Wilkins and Mayor Mackey. Absent: None Mayor Mackey presented a proclamation declaring March 11 to March 18, 1984 .as Camp Fire Birthday Week to the Camp Fire Girls. STAFF: Present: Murray Warden, City Manager; Ralph Dowell, Finance Director; Allen Grimes, City Attorney; Georgia Ramirez, Deputy City Clerk; Mike Hicks, Fire Chief; Skip Joannes, Recreation Director; Bud McHale, Police Chief; Barbara Norris, City Clerk; Larry Stevens, Planning Director; and Steve Rizzuto, City Treasurer. PUBLIC COMMENTS Dan Stewart appeared before the Council to discuss a problem with getting a final map approved for a lot split on Cascabel Street. He stated the time period will be up March 22, 1984 . He stated all conditions except one (final signature on the map) is needed. He stated that he would have that in hand by March 22. Larry Stevens, Planning Director, suggested to proceed with approval under the provisions of the Map Act. Mr. Warden discussed several alternatives and suggested that Council could approve the final map conditional upon the remaining four out- standing conditions being met. Mr. Grimes objected. After consider- able discussion Mr. Grimes felt that under the circumstances the Council could approve the final map subject to the applicant comply- ing with the four outstanding conditions if done so prior to the March 22nd deadline. The Council therefore concluded that the conditions still outstanding must be met and that the subject would be added on the agenda as item D-7 . COUNCIL COMMENTS Mayor Mackey presented Larry Stevens with certificate of appreciation. 0 0 A. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Minutes of the regular meeting of February 27, 1984 (Recommend approval) 2. Treasurer' s Report, 2-1-84 to 2-29-84 (Recommend approval) 3. Finance Director' s Report, 2-1-84 to 2-29-84 (Recommend approval) 4. Tentative Parcel Map 20-83, 3320 El CaminoReal (Ptn. Lots 8, 9, and 17B, Block 18) , Lee E. Gustafson (Pults/Vessely) to allow division of 4 .25 acres into two lots of 2. 23 acres and 2.02 acres each (Recommend approval of Planning Com- mission recommendations) 5. Bid for Alvord Field Fencing, Bid No. 84-2 (Recommend Bid be awarded to the Fence Factory in the amount of $24,245.60) MOTION: Councilman Wilkins moved to approve items Al-5 of the Consent Calendar. The motion was seconded by Councilman Nelson and was unanimously carried by roll call vote. B. HEARINGS, APPEARANCES AND REPORTS None C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Report from Planning Commission on Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment 2-83 on "indoor recreation" in the CPK and IP Zones. Larry Stevens, Planning Director, reported the consider- ation of concern to the Planning, Commission and stressed the following items: 1. Discussion with representatives of other cities indi- cates that many allow indoor recreation uses such as gyms, racquetball facilities, etc. , within their indus- trial zones. 2. Many of the uses that fall within the definition of indoor recreation can be small in scale with only minimum improvements. As a result they can be an interim use from eventually occuring. The discretion available through the conditional use permit would allow each application be evaluated for compatibility. 3. Many larger industrial users provide indoor recreation facilities accessory to their principal use as part of employee fitness programs. This indicates that such uses are not dissimilar. -2- 0 Bob McGarvey, owner of the gym, stated that it was a locked door situation and felt very strongly that they were not disturbing anyone. There are seldom more than three or four cars in the parking lot at one time. Mr. Baum spoke in favor of the gym. He stated that 80% of the buildings are vacant and that. in larger cities you would find gyms in an industrial area. Mayor Mackey stated that she felt it was a good use. Council- man Nelson stated that he would go along with a conditional use, as did Councilman Wilkins. Councilman Molina urged that the City Council have an exception clause in the zoning ordi- nance_ for this very reason. Larry Stevens stated that the Council would ,have to amend the Ordinance. Elliott Stevenson stated he was a `strong supporter of McGarvey' s Gym and that perhaps they should file a use permit application. Council- man Nelson asked if other council members were in favor of discussing the exception clause besides himself and Council- man Molina. No other councilmen gave a response. MOTION: Councilman Nelson moved to rescind zoning ordinance text amendment 2-83. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wilkins. Motionwasapproved by 4 :1 vote, Councilman Molina voting no. D. NEW BUSINESS 1. Proposal from Elliott Stephenson for improvement of Atascadero Lake Shoreline. Elliott Stephenson appeared before the Council with a proposed donation. of time, equipment and funds on the part of Mr. Stephenson and Mr. Souza. He stated that they propose to take earth materials from one or more of the lots on the easterly side of Lakeside Drive, presently owned by the City at locations selected and designated by the Director of the Department of Public Works and use it to widen and extend the pedestrial pathway at the lake shoreline. The work would be done at no cost to the City of Atascadero. It is understood that the city has no .funds at the present time to pay for the proposed project. City Attorney, Allen Grimes, said that unless the cost re- mained under $5, 000, it would have to go out to bid. MOTION: Councilman Nelson,. moved, seconded by Councilman Molina, to accept the donation providing that it does not exceed $4, 500 of labor and equipment. Motion was carried by roll call vote 5. 0 2. Chamber of Commerce Lease Agreement MOTION: Councilman Molina moved, seconded by Councilman Stover, to accept lease agreement with the Chamber of Commerce. Passed unanimously 5: 0. -3- 3. Request from Mr. Lea of the Menagerie requesting limited parking. Mrs. Wilson appeared before theCouncilstating that she is against limited parking because she felt it was public domain. Mr. Lea appeared before the Council and stated he felt he is being discriminated against because just ,a half block down the street there is limited parking. MOTION: Councilman Wilkins moved to direct this matter back to the City Engineer to extend the limited parking to Rosario St. Councilman Stover seconded, passed unanimously 5 :0 vote. 4. Expiration of terms for Members of the Building and Con- struction Board of Appeals. MOTION: Councilman Nelson moved to advertise for applications to fill the architect/engineer and general contractor positions. Seconded by Councilman Molina. Passed unanimously. 5. Block Grant Program Alternatives Larry Stevens, Planning Director reviewed the potentials of the following seven projects for receiving a CDBG grant: 1. Simmons/YIP Motel-Restaurant 2. Young Senior Housing 3. Commercial Park Sewer/Road Improvement 4. Sewer extensions to serve residential areas with identified septic system failures 5. Downtown Parking 6. Study to develop economic development strategy 7. Community facilities. He noted that most of these did not appear likely to be funded since the CDBG program is oriented primarily to pro- viding programs having specific economic or demographic impacts as opposed to general city-wide physical improve- ments such as streets, sewer, etc. He also noted that CDBG funded facilities must serve areas with minimum of 510 low and moderate income persons which generally precludes most community projects in Atascadero. Mr. Stevens recommended that staff be directed to prepare a CDBG grant application for the Young Seniors Housing Project for $475, 000-$600, 000 for review and approval at a public hearing on April 9, 1984 . -4- 0 0 Doug Lewis appeared before the Council and asked what the medium household income was. The PlanningDirector gave him the breakdown. Mr. Lewis asked if he could apply as an individual for the CDBG grant or does the application have to come from the City. Larry Stevens replied options are available and encouraged Mr. Lewis to submit his ideas to the Planning Department. MOTION: Councilman Nelson moved to go along with staff recommenda- tions. Councilman Wilkins seconded. Passed unanimously. 6. Temporary replacement for Planning Director Mr. Whitey Ford, appeared before the Council and asked what the chances were that the temporary replacement would become the permanent replacement. Murray Warden, City Manager stated that they were from the Public Skills, Inc. an organization designed to provide temporary assistance to cities by making people available who have experience incityoperations. These people were mostly retired people. He noted that this was a temporary position with no intention to fill it permanently by hiring the temporary replacement. MOTION: Councilman Wilkins moved to replace the planning director for the interim period from the Public Skills, Inc. Seconded by Councilman Nelson. Passed unanimously 5:0. 7. Dan Stewart' s request for extenion of time to consider approval of a final map. The Council noted its previous discussion and briefly re- stated its desire to approve the request subject to the approval of four conditions being met that had been out- lined by the Planning Director. All other provision of the tentative map to be as previously approved. MOTION: Councilman Molina moved, seconded by Councilman Wilkins. Passed unanimously that Mr. Stewart's application be pro- cessed and approved subject to resolution of the outstanding items needing correction and to be completed on or before Manch 22, 1984 . E. ATASCADERO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT (Council recessed and convened as the Atascadero County Sanita- tion District Board of Directors) MOTION: Councilman Wilkins moved, seconded by Councilman Nelson to recess as Council and convene as the Atascadero Sanita- tion District Board of Directors. Passed unanimously. 1. Audit requirements - selection of auditor The City Manager recommended approval of the Finance Director ' s recommendation to hire Moss Accountancy to perform the last two years audit at a cost of $4,400. -5- 0 0 MOTION: Director Wilkins moved that the" City hire Moss Accountancy for the sum of $4,400 to perform the audit. Seconded by Director Stover. Passed 5:00 by roll call vote. 2. Resolution No. 17-84 accepting work and giving notice of completion for construction of the Atascadero Water Reclamation Plant - Pacific Mechanical Corporation. MOTION: Director Wilkins moved to adopt resolution No. 17-84 . Seconded by Director Molina. Passed by roll call vote unanimously. MOTION: Director Nelson, seconded by Director Wilkins to adjourn as Sanitation District and reconvene as City Council. Passed unanimously. F. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION 1. City Council Mayor Mackey said the dedication of the Administration Building as a historical site went very well and the plaque arrived the following day. 2. City Attorney Reminded the Council about the importance of the bidding process. 3. City Clerk Barbara Norris reported that 8 candidates have returned their filing papers for City Council and one still has to return his papers. 4. City Treasurer Steve Rizzuto, City Treasurer gave his resignation effective May 31, 1984. 5. City Manager Murray Warden reported that he received a letter from the Office of Historic Preservation. This year the grant failed again because the City did not qualify or there was not enough money. The meeting was adjourned to a closed session at 9: 50 p.m. Council reconvened at 10:50 p.m. and there being no further business, Council then adjourned. Recorded by: E RGI RAMIR , Dep u City Clerk