HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Resolution 2019-0033CITY OF ATASCADERO PC RESOLUTION 2019-0033 PLANNING A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL REPEAL AND REPLACE TITLE 8 (BUILDING REGULATIONS) AND AMEND THE LATEST EDITIONS OF THE CONSTRUCTION CODES, AND ADOPT FINDINGS OF FACTS TO SUPPORT THE IMPOSITION OF REQUIREMENTS GREATER THAN THE REQUIREMENTS ESTABLISHED BY OR PURSUANT TO THE CALIFORNIA BUILDING STANDARDS CODE CITY OF ATASCADERO (CPP19-0080) WHEREAS, an application has been received from the City of Atascadero, to consider a project consisting of Amendments to the Atascadero Municipal Code to be consistent with the California Building Standards Code; and WHEREAS, it is the desire and intent of the Planning Commission to provide residents with common sense reform to the City's Municipal Code to reduce regulations; and WHEREAS, it is the desire and intent of the Planning Commission of the Atascadero to provide citizens with the greatest degree of fire, life and structural safety in buildings in the most cost effective manner by adopting that body of regulations referred to as the California Building Standards Code with amendments specific to the City of Atascadero; and WHEREAS, the California Health and Safety Code, Section 17958.5 and Section 18941.5, require the Planning Commission, before recommending any modifications or changes to the California Building Standards Code pursuant to Health and Safety Code Sections 18941.5 and 17958.5, to make an express finding that each such modification or change is needed; and WHEREAS, the California Health and Safety Code Section 17958.7 requires that such changes must be determined to be reasonably necessary because of local climatic, geological, or topographical conditions; and WHEREAS, such findings must be made available as a public record and a copy thereof with each such modification or change shall be filed with the State of California Building Standards Commission; and WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Atascadero affirms the findings justifying previous changes and modifications to the adopted construction and fire codes previously adopted; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has determined that the provisions of the State Building Standards Code are shall be modified, changed and amended, as provided for in this ordinance, based upon the foregoing findings and that said Council takes said action because of the public interest in protecting life and preserving public safety and property; and WHEREAS, the Building Official is hereby authorized and directed to transmit a copy of this ordinance to the California Building Standards Commission as required by California Health and Safety Code Section 17958.7. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Commission of the City of Atascadero make the following findings, determinations and recommendations with respect to the proposed Code Text Amendments: SECTION 1. Recitals: The above recitals are true and correct. SECTION 2. Public Hearing. The Planning Commission of the City of Atascadero, at a Public Hearing held on November 19, 2019, considered the proposed zoning text amendments. SECTION 3. Findings. The Planning Commission makes the following findings, determinations and approvals with respect to the Code Text Amendments: 1. Each of the changes or modifications to measures referred to therein are reasonably necessary because of local climatic, geological, or topographical conditions in the area encompassed by the boundaries of the City of Atascadero 2. The code amendments are at least as restrictive as the State mandated Codes 3. The following statements support the local necessity for the changes or modifications: A. That the City of Atascadero is situated at the base of a watershed of the Santa Lucia Mountains and that flooding of Atascadero Creek, Graves Creek, and Salinas River results in conditions rendering fire department vehicular traffic unduly burdensome or impossible as witnessed in major floods that occurred in 1952, 1961, 1969, 1973, 1978, 1982, and 1995. Furthermore, flood conditions described above create the potential for overcoming the ability of the fire department to aid or assist in fire control, evacuations, rescues and other emergency task demands inherent in such situations. The resulting overburdening of fire department personnel may cause a substantial or total lack of protection against fire for the buildings and structures located in the City of Atascadero. The afore -described conditions support the imposition of fire protection requirements greater than those set forth in the California State Building Standards Code and, in particular, support the imposition of greater requirements than set forth in the 2019 California Building Code; B. That the City of Atascadero is situated near three major faults each capable of generating earthquakes with a magnitude of 7.5. These are the San Andreas to the east of the City, the Nacimiento-Rinconada that crosses Hwy 101 north of the City then parallels the City to the east, and the Hosgri to the South West. Other faults of importance are the Huasna and West Huasna to the Southeast of the City, the San Simeon to the Northwest. In as much as these faults are included as major California earthquake faults, which are subject to becoming active at any time, the City Atascadero is particularly vulnerable to devastation should such an earthquake occur. The potential effects include isolating the City of Atascadero from the North and South due to the potential for collapsing of freeway overpasses or a slide on both the Cuesta and Ontario Grades and the potential for horizontal or vertical movement of the Edna fault rendering surface travel across the southern extremities of the city unduly burdensome or impossible. Additional potential situations inherent in such an occurrence include broken natural-gas mains causing structure and other fires, leakage of hazardous materials, the need for rescues from collapsed structures, and the rendering of first aid and other medical attention to large numbers of people. The protection of human life and the preservation of property in the event of such an occurrence support the imposition of fire protection requirements greater than those set forth in the California State Building Standards Code and in particular support the imposition of greater requirements than set forth in 2019 California Building Code; C. That the central commercial area in the City of Atascadero consists of mixed conditions that create the potential for possible conflagration, including congested streets during the business day, numerous older buildings without adequate internal fire -resistance, and contemporary low- rise buildings. Significant spread of fire in said area will actually exceed the fire suppression capabilities of regional firefighting personnel. The continued development of the Atascadero commercial area and the current and potential development of high-rise buildings pose a substantial threat of fire to human life, public safety, and the preservation of property and support the imposition of fire protection requirements greater than those set forth in the California State Building Standards Code, and in particular, support the imposition of greater requirements than set forth in 2019 California Building Code; D. That the City of Atascadero is bisected by a major freeway (Hwy 101), traversing in the north/south direction and a major highway (Hwy 41) traversing in an east/west direction. The City is also transected by a mainline railroad that traverses in the north/south direction. It is a frequent occurrence for the aforementioned highways and railway to support the transportation of hazardous materials. The potential for release or threatened release of a hazardous material along one of these routes is highly probable given the volume transported daily. Incidents of this nature will normally require all available emergency response personnel to prevent injury and loss of life, and to prevent as far as practicable, property losses. Emergency personnel responding to said incidents may be unduly impeded and delayed in accomplishing an emergency response as a result of this situation, with the potential result of undue and unnecessary risk to the protection of life and public safety, particularly in those buildings or structures without the protection of automatic fire sprinklers. The above-described problems support the imposition of fire protection requirements greater than those set forth in the California State Building Standards Code, and in particular support the imposition of greater requirements than set forth in the 2019 California Building Code; E. That seasonal climatic conditions during the late summer and fall create numerous serious difficulties in the control and protection against fire situations in the City of Atascadero. The hot, dry weather in combination with Santa Ana winds frequently results in wildland fires in the brush - covered slopes on the Santa Lucia Mountains and several areas surrounding. The aforementioned areas completely surround the City. When a fire occurs in said areas, such as occurred in 1994, the Highway 41 fire burned for several days and entered the City, the entirety of local fire department personnel is required to control, monitor, fight and protect against such fire situations in an effort to protect life and preserve property and watershed land. The same climatic conditions may result in the concurrent occurrence of one or more fires in the more populated areas of the City without adequate fire department personnel to protect against and control such a situation. Therefore, the above-described findings support the imposition of fire -protection requirements greater than those set forth in the California State Building Standards Code, and in particular support the imposition of greater requirements than set forth in the 2019 California Building Code; F. That for the most part, the soils in the City of Atascadero are medium to highly expansive in nature, and such soils may cause damage to foundations, structures and underground utilities if not properly mitigated through known construction techniques. Furthermore, a significant part of the City lies on hills and rolling topography subject to earth slides and movements and present problems to developments constructed in such areas due to surface water drainage and disposal. The above-described conditions support the imposition of requirements greater than those set forth in the California State Building Standards Code and, in particular, support the imposition of greater requirements than those set forth in the 2019 California Building Code. SECTION 4. All Chapters of Title 8 of the City of Atascadero Municipal Code are hereby repealed and replaced by new Title 8 as follows: Title 8 BUILDING CODE Chapters: 1 Administrative 2 Organization and Enforcement 3 Building Code 4 Residential Code 5 Electrical Code 6 Plumbing Code 7 Mechanical Code 8 Green Building Code 9 Unsafe Buildings and Structures 10 Water Efficient Landscape and Irrigation 11 Unreinforced Masonry 12 Post -Disaster Regulations Chapter 1 ADMINISTRATIVE Sections: 8-1.101 Title. 8-1.102 Adoption of Codes. 8-1.103 Building Official designated. 8-1.101 Title. This title shall be known as the City of Atascadero Building Construction Code, Title 8 of the Atascadero Municipal Code. 8-1.102 Adoption of Codes. Eleven (11) documents, three (3) each of which are on file in City offices, identified by the Seal of the City of Atascadero, marked and designated as: 1. 2019 Edition of the California Building Code (Volumes 1 and 2) published by the International Code Council; 2. 2019 Edition of the California Residential Code published by the International Code Council; 3. 2019 Edition of the California Electrical Code published by the National Fire Protection Association; 4. 2019 Edition of the California Mechanical Code published by the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials; 5. 2019 California Plumbing Code published by the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials; 6. 2019 Edition of the California Green Building Code; 7. 2019 Edition of California Energy Code; 8. 2019 Edition of the California Historical Building Code; 9. 2019 Edition of the California Existing Building Code; 10. 2018 Edition of International Property Maintenance Code published by the International Code Council 11. 2018 International Swimming Pool and Spa Code are hereby adopted, including chapters and sections not adopted by agencies of the State of California, and including appendices thereto, as the Building Construction Regulations of the City of Atascadero. The provisions of such are hereby referred to, adopted, and made a part hereof as if fully set out in this chapter except as modified hereinafter. The 2015 International Solar Energy Provisions and Commentary and the TMS 402/602 Building Code Requirements and Specification for Masonry Structures, 2016, are hereby incorporated as a reference document only to pertinent section of the Building Code as determined by the Building Official. 8-1.103 Building Official designated. The Building Official is hereby designated as the Building Official and Code Official for the City of Atascadero. Where the "authority having jurisdiction" is used in the adopted codes, it shall mean the Building Official.) Chapter 2 ORGANIZATION AND ENFORCEMENT Sections: 8-2.101 Administration of adopted Codes. The administration and enforcement of this title shall be in accordance with Chapter 1, Division 11 of the California Building Code as adopted in Chapter 1 of this title and amended in this chapter. (a) Unlawful Continuance Any person who shall continue any work after having been served with a stop work order, except such work as that person is directed to perform to remove a violation or unsafe condition, shall be subject to a misdemeanor violation consistent with Title 12-1.05. (b) Authority to enforce Unsafe Building Any person who occupies or enters a building or structure after the structure has been posted with an "Unsafe to Occupy" notice, except under the direction of the Building Official to evaluate or perform building repairs, shall be subiect to a misdemeanor violation consistent with Title 12-1.05. (c) Authority to enforce Restricted Use Buildings. Any person who occupies or enters a building or structure after the structure has been posted with a "Restricted Use " notice, except under the direction of the Building Official to remove personal items, shall be subject to a misdemeanor violation consistent with Title 12-1.05. Chapter 3 BUILDING CODE Section: 8-3.101 Modifications of the California Building Code. 8-3.101 Modifications of the California Building Code. (a) Adopt the 2019 California Building Code Volume 1 and 2 in its entirety, (b) Delete all appendices except for Appendices I, Appendix O, and Appendix J except as modified in (d), (e), and (f). (c) Adopt as reference North American Standard for Cold -Formed Steel Structural Framing (2015) and the TMS 402/602 Building Code Requirements and Specification for Masonry Structures (2016). (d) Adopt Appendix I in its entirety: (e) Modify Appendix O to read as follows: SECTION 0101. GENERAL. 0101.2. Location of emergency housing and emergency housing facilities shall comply with Section 0109. 0101.3. City approval shall be required for any emergency housing unit or emergency housing facility. SECTION 0103. EMERGENCY HOUSING. 0103.1. General. Emergency sleeping cabins, emergency transportable units, membrane structures and tents constructed and/or assembled in accordance with this appendix, shall be occupied only during declaration of state of emergency, local emergency, or shelter crisis. Buildings a -ad st-r-uetur-es eenstfueted in weer-danee w4h t4e California Building Standar-ds Code, used as emefgeney housing, shall be per-miaed to be 0 0 0103.2.1. New additions, alterations, and change of occupancy. New additions, alterations, and change of occupancy to existing buildings shall comply with the requirements of the California Building Standards Code and all provisions of the Atascadero Municipal Code effective at the time of addition, alteration, or change of occupancy. SECTION 0105 EMERGENCY TRANSPORTABLE HOUSING UNITS 0105.2. Emergency transportable housing used as temporary housing or as emergency housing must be located in a City approved location and are not permitted in residential properties unless the emergency transportable housing unit is used for temporary replacement for a damaged residence. Recreational vehicles used as temporary housing or as emergency housing must be currently registered with the California Department of Motor Vehicles. SECTION 0109 LOCATION, MAINTENANCE, AND IDENTIFICATION 0109.3. Emergency housing and emergency housing facilities shall be located in appropriate locations as determined by Title 9 of the Atascadero Municipal Code and shall comply with zoning requirements, density requirements, and development standards of the appropriate zoning district. Emergency or temporary housing units are not permitted in residential properties unless the emergency transportable housing unit is used for temporary replacement for a damaged residence. (f) Adopt Sections of Appendix J. Adopt only Sections J104, J105, J106, and J107. (g) Amend Section 7A (Materials and Construction Methods for Exterior Wildfire Exposure) to read as follows: 709A.2 Where required The walking surface material of decks, porches, balconies and stairs shall comply with the requirements of this section when any portion of such surface is within 10 feet (3 04 8 mm) of the building. Chapter 4 RESIDENTIAL CODE Section: 8-4.101 Modifications to the California Residential Code. 8-4.101 Modifications to the California Residential Code. (a) Adopt the 2019 California Residential Code in in its entirety, except, (b) Amend the following sections: Amend Section R310.2.5 Replacement Windows to read as follows: Window replacements in existing R Occupancy Units shall comply with the following Egress Requirements. Requirements for Replacing Bedroom Windows in Existing Homes A minimum of one window must comnlV unless there is a door to the exterior_ Year House Egress Net Opening Minimum Maximum Sill Was Built Requirements Size Opening Size Height From Finished Floor 6 sq ft Per CHC Prior to 1964 Window size only (Window Size 3.3 sq ft min None specified only) 18 inches -Height 18 inches -Width 1964 to 1980 Yes 5 sq ft 22 Inches -Height 48 Inches to Sill Netopening) 22 Inches -Width 24 Inches — 1980 to 2007 Yes 5.7 sq ft 44 Inches to Sill (Net Opening) 201ghInches _ Width D.% sq ft 24 Inches — 2008 to Present Yes (Net Opening) Height 44 Inches to 5.0 sq ft on 20 Inches — Clear Opening Ground Floor Width Amend Section R324.6.1 to read as follows: R324.6.1 Pathways. Not fewer than two 36 inch wide (914mm) pathways on each roof plane on which modules are located, or on adjacent roof planes or straddling the same and adjacent roof planes, from lowest roof edge to ridge, shall be provided on all buildings. Pathways shall be over areas capable of supporting firefighters accessing the roof. No portion of a pathway shall be located on aportion of a gable roof overhanging the gable rafter or truss. Pathways shall be located in areas with minimal obstructions. Such as vent pipes, conduit or mechanical equipment. Amend Section R324.6.2 to read as follows: R324.6.2 Setbacks at ridge. A setback of not less than 36 inches (914mm) is required on both sides of a horizontal ridge. Delete Section R324.6.2.1. Amend Section R324.6.2.2 to read as follows: 8324.6.2.2 Emergency escape and rescue openings. Panels and modules installed on Group R- 3 buildings shall not be placed on the portion of a roof that is below an emergency escape and rescue opening. A pathway of not less than 36 inches (914mm) wide shall be provided from the emergency escape and rescue opening to the eave directly below and a 36 inch wide (914mm) shall be provided directly in front of the full length of the wall line containing the emergency escape and rescue opening(s). Amend Section R324.7.2 to read as follows: R324.7.2 Ground -mounted photovoltaic panel systems. Ground -mounted photovoltaic panel systems shall comply with Section 1204.1 and this section. Setback requirements shall not apply to ground -mounted, free-standing photovoltaic arrays. A clear, brush -free area of 10 feet (3048 mm) shall be required around around -mounted photovoltaic arrays and under the array. Arrays shall be located a minimum of 20 feet (6096 mm) from other structures and shall not be located so as to impede access to and around a structure in any manner. Mounts shall be of non-combustible construction. No storage shall be permitted under the panel arrays. Arrays shall not be located upon biological conservation easements, riparian or vernal pool area. (c) Delete all appendices except for Appendices Q (d) Adopt and amend Appendix Q Section AQ 102 to read: Tiny House. A dwelling that is 400 square feet (37 m2) or less in floor area excluding lofts. Must be on permanent foundations. This section does not include any structures on wheels or those regulated by the California Department of Motor Vehicles and the State of California Department of Housing and Community Development. Chapter 5 ELECTRICAL CODE Section: 8-5.101 Modifications of the California Electrical Code. (a) Adopt the 2019 California Electrical Code in its entirety, except, (b) Delete all appendices, (c) Amend Article 230.70(A)(1) to read as follows: (1) Readily accessible location. The service disconnecting means shall be installed at a readily accessible location either outside the building or other structure, or inside nearest the point of entrance of the service conductors. The disconnecting means shall be accessible to emergency personnel, either directly or by a remote actuating device, without requiring transit of the building interior. Dedicated electrical equipment rooms located at the building perimeter and providing direct access to the outside shall satisfy accessibility for emergency personnel. (d) Underground Utility Service. All new electric, telephone, television, and other communication service connections, for all new, altered, or enlarged buildings shall be provided by underground wiring. Extension of electric or communication distribution lines to serve such projects shall be underground wiring. Exceptions: 1. Replacement or relocation of electric service equipment served by existing overhead wiring. 2. Where determined by the building official to be impractical or infeasible within the standards and practices of the utility or other companies providing such services. Where the utility or other company's distribution system is underground, the service lines shall terminate at a connection point designated by the utility company. Where the utility or other company's distribution is overhead, the service lines shall terminate as a pole riser on a pole designated by the utility company (e) Adopt as reference the 2018 International Solar Energy Provisions (ISEP), 2018 International Swimming Pool and Spa Code (ISPSC), 2018 International Residential Code Chapter 23 Solar Thermal Energy Systems, and the City of Atascadero Fire Department Solar Photovoltaic Installation Guidelines. Chapter 6 PLUMBING CODE Sections: 8-6.101 Modifications of the California Plumbing Code. 8-6.101 Modifications of the California Plumbing Code. (a) Adopt the 2019 California Plumbing Code in its entirety, (b) Delete all appendices except for D, I. and K. Chapter 7 MECHANICAL CODE Section: 8-7.101 Modifications to the California Mechanical Code. 8-7.101 Modifications to the California Mechanical Code. (a) Adopt the 2019 California Mechanical Code in its entirety, except, (b) Delete all appendices, (c) Adopt as reference Chapter 15 of the Uniform Solar Energy Hydronic Codes Chapter 8 GREEN BUILDING CODE Section: 8-8.101 Modifications to the California Green Building Code. 8-8.101 Modifications to the California Green Building Code. (a) Adopt in its entirety, (b) Delete all appendices. Chapter 9 UNSAFE BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES Section: 8-9.101 Modifications to the International Property Maintenance Code. (a) Adopt in its entirety except, (b) Delete all appendices. (c) 8-9.102 Placards. (a) The following official placards shall be used to designate the condition for occupancy of buildings or structures: (1) Green: "Inspected—Lawful Occupancy Permitted" is to be posted on any building or structure wherein no apparent structural hazard has been found. This placard is not intended to mean that there is no damage to the building or structure. (2) Yellow: "Restricted Use" is to be posted on each building or structure that has been damaged wherein the damage has resulted in some form of restriction to the continued occupancy. The individual who posts this placard will note in general terms the type of damage encountered and will clearly and concisely note the restriction on continued occupancy. (3) Red: "Unsafe—Do Not Enter or Occupy" is to be posted on each building or structure that has been damaged such that continued occupancy poses a threat to life safety. Buildings or structures posted with this placard shall not be entered under any circumstances except as authorized in writing by the Building Official or authorized representative. Safety assessment teams shall be authorized to enter these buildings at any time. This placard is not to be used or considered as a demolition order. The individual who posts this placard will note in general terms the type of damaged encountered. (b) The placard shall display the number of the ordinance codified in this chapter, and the name, address and phone number of the jurisdiction. (c) Once the placard has been attached to the building or structure, it shall not be removed, altered or covered until authorized representative by the Building Official. It is unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to alter, remove, cover or deface a placard unless authorized pursuant to this section. (d) Violation of this section will be subject to AMC Title 8 chapter 2 section 101 (AMC 8-2.101) Chapter 10 WATER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION Sections: 8-10.101 Purpose. 8-10.102 Adoption of Codes. 8-10.101 Purpose. Consistent with California State law, it is the purpose of this chapter to: (a) Promote the values and benefits of landscapes that integrate and go beyond the conservation and efficient use of water; (b) Establish a structure for planning, designing, installing, maintaining, and managing water efficient landscapes in new construction and rehabilitated projects by encouraging the use of a watershed approach that required cross -sector collaboration of industry, government and property owners to achieve the many benefits possible. (c) Establish provisions for water management practices and water wise prevention for existing landscapes. (d) Use water efficiently without waste by setting a Maximum Applied Water Allowance as an upper limit for water use and reduce water use to the lowest practical amount. 8-10.102 Adoption of Code. The administration and enforcement of this title shall be in accordance with section 490 through 495 of Title 23, Division 2, Chapter 2.7 of the California Code of Regulations. Chapter 11 UNREINFORCED MASONRY Section: 8-11.101 Modifications to the California Existing Building Code. 8-11.101 Modifications to the California Existing Building Code. (a) Adopt in its entirety except, (b) Delete all appendices. Chapter 12 POST -DISASTER REGULATIONS Sections: 8-12.101 Intent. 8-12.102 Application of provisions. 8-12.101 Intent. This chapter establishes standard placards to be used to indicate the condition of a structure for continued occupancy following an earthquake or other destructive event. The chapter further authorizes the Building Official and representatives to post the appropriate placard at each entry to a building or structure upon completion of a safety assessment. 8-12.102 Application of provisions. The provisions of this chapter are applicable to all buildings and structures of all occupancies regulated by the City of Atascadero following each destructive event. The Planning Commission may extend the provisions as necessary. SECTION 5. CEQA. The proposed Title 8 zoning text change is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), Public resources Code Section 21000 et seq., because it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that the enactment of this Ordinance would have a significant effect on the environment (Pub. Resources Code § 21065; CEQA Guidelines §§ 15378(b)(4), 15061(b)(3). SECTION 6. Recommendation of Approval. The Planning Commission of the City of Atascadero, in a regular session assembled on November 19, 2019, resolved to recommend that the City Council introduce for first reading by title only, an Ordinance that would amend Title 8 of the Atascadero Municipal Code and make modifications to the California Building Code as specified. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this Resolution be delivered forthwith by the Planning Commission Secretary to the City Council of the City of Atascadero. On motion by Commissioner Anderson, and seconded by Commissioner van den Eikhof, the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety by the following roll call vote: AYES: Anderson, Keen, van den Eikhof, Wolff, Dariz (5) NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Shaw, Zirk ADOPTED: November 19, 2019 A Phil Dunsmore Planning Commission Secretary CITY OF S ADERO, CA Mark Dariz Planning Commission Vice Chairperson