HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 012384 MEE '"3; AGENDA DAt a EM# MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting January 23, 1984 Atascadero Administration Building The meeting was called to order by Mayor Mackey at 7 :30 p.m. Reverend Bert Young of the Gospel Chapel gave the invocation. Mayor Mackey introduced Boy Scout Troop 176 and Scout Masters Marty Latimer . and Joel Moses and - read a Proclamation designating February 5th through 11th as Boy Scout Week. The Boy Scouts presented the colors and the lead the Pledge of Allegience. The Scout members presented each Councilman with a small Universal Civilian Pin to be worn at the Scout' s Backpack and Campout next week- end. Mr. Latimer, gave a brief report on the activities of the Boy Scouts in the community of Atascadero. He commented that Scouting is growing in Atascadero and felt that the Scouts were well guided by the registered adults. Mayor Mackey thanked the Scouts for their present- ation. ROLL CALL Present: Councilmen Molina, Nelson, Stover, Wilkins, and Mayor Mackey Absent: None STAFF Present: Murray Warden, City Manager; Ralph Dowell, Finance Director; Allen Grimes, City Attorney; Mike Hicks, Fire Chief; Skip Joannes, Recreation Director; Bud McHale, Police Chief; Larry McPherson, Public Works Director; Barbara Norris, City Clerk; Steve Rizzuto, City Treasurer; Sandra Sans, Secretary to the City Manager, and Larry Stevens, Planning Director. PUBLIC COMMENTS None COUNCIL COMMENTS Councilman Molina brought up the fact that February 13, 1984 would be a holiday and was interested in postponing the meeting until the 15th so that all staff would be present. Mr. Warden stated that the ordinance called for the meeting to automatically go to Tuesday. Mr. Grimes stated that he would be able to attend the evening meeting on that Tuesday, therefore, Councilman Wilkins suggested that ordi- nance be followed. Minutes - Atascadero City Council - January 23, 1984 Mayor Mackey reported that she had been in contact with a lady who is concerned about the vandalism in the cemetary. Mayor Mackey asked that if the members of the Council and staff had any ideas to let her know. A. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Minutes of the regular meeting of January 9, 1984 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 2. Acceptance of Lot Line Adjustment LA830317:1, 9005 El Camino Real (Lots 1,2,3,29,30,89, Block 2 of Eaglet #2) - Harold D. Peterson (Central Coast Engineering) (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) 3. Acceptance of Tentative Tract Map 7-83, 9290 El Bordo Avenue (Ptn. Lot 1, Block 7, Eaglet#2) - William E. Dunn (Associated Professions) (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENTATION) Item A-3 was changed to reflect the correct name of the requesting party as Wallace E. Dunn. 4. Acceptance of Tentative Tract Map AT810320:2, 7000-7250 Santa Cruz Rd. (Lots 28-31, Block 50) - Mike Yeomans (Twin Cities Engineering) (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) 5. Claim of Jose Alvarez for damages in the amount of $130,000 (RECOMMEND DENIAL) 6. Claim of Bernadino Godinez for damages in the amount of $130,000 (RECOMMEND DENIAL) 7. Claim of Myron Nalepa for damages in the amount of $110 (RECOMMEND DENIAL) 8. Claim of David Pogue for damages in the amount of $10,000 (RECOMMEND DENTAL) 9. Resolution amending Resolution No. 42-83 for adoption of a Salary/Classification Schedule for the 1983-84 Fiscal Year. (Resolution No. 9-84) Item A-9, Attachment II , was corrected by Mr. Warden to reflect a change from APPOINTED OFFICERS to ELECTED OFFICERS. MOTION: Councilman Nelson moved to approve Items A-1 through A-9 of the Consent Calendar. The motion was seconded by Council- man Molina and unanimously carried by roll call vote. 2 Minutes - Atascadero City Council - January 23, 1984 B. HEARINGS, APPEARANCES AND REPORTS 1. Consideration of the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) Mr. Warden presented a draft CIP for the years 1984 through 1989. He indicated that this document is extensive in that it pro- vides a point of comparison as to what might be done to reach the goals which Council established in terms of building a police facility. He emphasized that this is merely a guideline. It is based upon assumptions that the revenue base will increase 7% per year and that personnel costs will go up 5% per year. He explained that Council could change any set of assumptions in order to accomplish the goals which have been set or might be set in the future. He emphasized that the CIP affords an opportunity to analyze the impact of certain actions on both revenue and expenditures for all departments. Mr. Warden stated that personnel increases have not been con- sidered in the CIP. He also emphasized that it is a five year pro- jection and that it gives staff and others in the City an idea of what might be accomplished and in what time frame they might be accomp- lished. Mr. Warden stated that it is used as a starting point for the annual budget. Healsostated that there is no way of knowing what might happen as far as legislation changing the revenue or expenditure outlook. Councilman Nelson referred to a particular motion in a previous_ meeting regarding a placement of $300,000 in the budget for the police facility in the 1983/84 year. He also stated that after reviewing the CIP, he understands it to be that the City cannot afford to build a police facility until 1988/89. Mr. Warden confirmed Councilman Nelson's assumption, based upon the analysis provided. MOTION: Councilman Wilkins moved to adopt Program A of the CIP on the grounds that this document was not permanent and could be changed at any time to reflect other ideas that might be appropriate. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover, ' but was not passed with Councilman Nelson, Molina and Mayor Mackey voting no. MOTION: Councilman Nelson moved to place this item on the next Agenda. The motion was seconded by Councilman Molina and unanimously carried. 2. Departmental Report - Fire Department Mike Hicks presented the Fire Department report to the Council. He indicated that in 1983 the department had 1,036 calls for emer- gency compared to the 946 calls in the previous year. He also stated that the average response time for 1983 was 3 minutes and 14 seconds. He reported on the EMT training program and that there are 16 EMT trained employees. He also stated that the Department was given $1100 from the Kiwanis Club for the CPR class. 3 Minutes - Atascadero City Council - January 23, 1984 The Council, commented that it was a good report and commended the Department on the excellent response time. C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Ordinance No. 75 — Amending the Text of Title 9 (Zoning Regulations) Concerning Arcades MOTION: Councilman Wilkins moved to read Ordinance No. 75 by title only. The motion was seconded by Councilman Nelson and unani- mously carried. Mayor Mackey read Ordinance No. 75 by title only. MOTION: Councilman Wilkins moved to adopt Ordinance No. 75 . The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and unanimously car- ried by roll call vote. D. NEW BUSINESS 1. Resolution 10-84 placing one (1) measure on the ballot for the General Municipal Election to be held on June 5, 1984 (Election Code Section 5353) and amending Resolution No. 3-84 Mr. Warden stated that this resolution amends Resolution No. 3-84 by adding Advisory Measure A which reads "Shall the City of Atascadero construct a new police facility at an approximate cost of $700,000 using voter approved financing" to the ballot for the June election. There was some discussion regarding the wording of the Advisory Measure. Mr. Warden stated that the Advisory Measure will be placed on the ballot as "ADVISORY ONLY" and the Council has the final say as to whether the the police facility will be built or not. Mayor Mackey said she would like to find out how the people feel about a new police facility. The issue of where the money would come from could be placed on the November ballot. MOTION: Councilman Wilkins moved to adopt Resolution No. 10-84. The motion was seconded by Councilman Nelson and carried unanimously on a roll call vote. 2. Resolution No. 7-84 authorizing City Attorney to institute a civil action in the name of the City against C. Sanchez & Sons to recover damages to a city bridge and city vehicle as a result of an incident which occurred on October 8, 1982 4 Minutes - Atascadero City Council - January 23, 1984 MOTION: Councilman Molina moved to adopt Resolution No. 7-84. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wilkins and unanimously carried by roll call vote. 3. Resolution No. 6-84 commending the Atascadero Greyhounds as CIF 1983 Desert-Mountain Conference Football Champions MOTION: Councilman Molina moved to adopt Resolution No. 6-84. This motion was seconded by Councilman Wilkins and unanimously carried by roll call vote. 4. Request from Recreation Department for a Transfer of Funds from Contingency in the amount of $1000 to cover costs of sending Park and Recreation Advisory Board members to Annual Recreation Conference in San Diego, March 9-12 MOTION: Councilman Molina moved to approve the transfer of funds_ in the amount of $1000 to the Recreation Department budget to cover costs of sending Park and Recreation Advisory Board members to the Annual Recreation Conference. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and unanimously approved by roll call vote. 5. Request for Transfer of Funds from Contingency for $900 to cover costs of establishing lot corners on the Lakeview Pro- perty, Lots No. 43,44, and 45. Mr. McPherson, Public Works Director, explained that Lots 40 and 41 would also be included. MOTION: Councilman Wilkins moved to approve the transfer of funds in the amount of $900 to cover costs of establishing lot corners on Lakeview Lots No. 40,41,43,44, and 45. This motion was seconded by Councilman Molina and unanimously carried by roll call vote. E. ATASCADERO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT None F. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION 1. City Council Mayor Mackey stated that she has received a request from a man in Oakland who collects flags, and it is his desire to obtain one from the City of Atascadero. Mayor Mackey stated that he intends to display his flag collection in San Francisco at the Democratic Convention. It was suggested that this request be turned over to the Democratic Club. 5 Minutes - Atascadero City Council - January 23, 1984 2. City Attorney None 3. City Clerk Barbara Norris introduced Sandra Sans, the City Managers Secretary, who was taking the minutes for the meeting. Mrs. Norris also reminded Council that the opening date for filing nominations in the upcoming election was February 14 and the closing is March 9. 4. City Treasurer None 4. City Manager Mr. Warden reminded Council that the Channel Counties meeting will be held in Ventura on the 17th of February. He also informed Council that the "March on the Capitol" is scheduled for February 28. Mr. Warden briefly discussed a personnel matter regarding a workers compensation issue and sought a council indication of attempting to utilize disability retirees in constructive city employ- ment rather than automatically retiring them. The Council indicated its desire to attempt to create useful constructive employment oppor- tunities as an alternative to automatic retirement. Mr. Warden discussed the issue of an injured police officer and stated that the City is making every attempt to place this officer into a light duty assignment. Council adjourned to closed session at 9:00 p.m. and returned to regular session at 10: 15 p.m. , at which time they adjourned. Recorded by: AA A NORRIS, CITY CLERK 6