HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 111183 AGENDA WNG S3 ITEM 1 MINUTES ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting November 14, 1983 Atascadero Administration Building The meeting was called to order at 7: 30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Mackey gave the invocation. ROLL CALL ' Present: Councilmen Molina, Nelson, Stover, Wilkins and Mayor Mackey Absent: None STAFF iPresent: Murray Warden, City Manager; Ralph Dowell, Finance Director; Allen Grimes, City Attorney; Patsy Hester, Deputy City Clerk; Skip Joannes, Recreation Director; Captain Mike McCain, Fire Department; Bud McHale, Police Chief;_ Larry McPherson, Public Works Director; Joel Moses, Planning Department; Barbara Norris, City Clerk; and Steve Rizzuto, City Treasurer. ' PUBLIC COMMENTS ' 1. Eric Michaelson, representing the Atascadero Jay Cees, requested Dial-A-Ride transportation at no charge for senior citizens for the annual Thanksgiving dinner at the Jr. High School on November 20. Councilman Molina asked that requests of this type be made _during each year's budget considerations so as to avoid having to make hurried last minute decisions. He noted, however, his willingness to favorably consider the present request. MOTION: Councilman Nelson moved to provide two hours of Dial-A=Ride service on Sunday, November 20, 1983, and authorized transfer of $50 from reserve. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wilkins and carried on the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen Molina, Nelson, Wilkins and Mayor Mackey ' NOES: Councilman Stover 2. Gary Larson was concerned with the parking requirements at La Familia Plaza. Mr. Larson requested suspension of the current parking space requirements as determined by the zoning ordinance in the Central Business District for existing structures pending completion of the current parking study. He also requested MINUTES- ATASCADERO. CITY COUNCIL - NOVEMBER 14, 1983 immediate implementation of the parking overlay district, as well ' as advocating inclusion of a special exceptions clause in the zoning ordinance. Mr. Warden noted that the La Familia Plaza was not originally approved for a restaurant and consequently parking requirements satisfied the designed use. He suggested that the matter be referred to the Planning Commission for their consideration and recommenda- tion. MOTION: Councilman Nelson moved to refer the matter to the Planning Commission and for the Commission to respond at the next Council meeting to the requests made by the Chamber of Commerce. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wilkins and unanimously carried. 3. Herb LaPrade requested that Item A-12 of the Consent Calendar be continued to the next meeting. 4. Les Brown requested consideration of a General Plan amendment. Mr. Warden suggested that he apply for a General Plan amendment through the Planning Department. He stated that the next cycle for individual property owners will be in January. COUNCIL COMMENTS 1: Mayor Mackey stated that she will have office hours every Thursday from 4: 00 to. 6:00 p.m. on the 2nd floor of the Administration Building. A. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Minutes of the regular meeting of October 24, 1983 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 2. Treasurer' s Report, October 1, 1983 to October 31, 1983 ' (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 3. Finance Director' s Report, October 1, 1983 to October 31, ' 1983 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 4. Claim of Laura Mazzi for damages in the amount of $35.00 (RECOMMEND DENIAL) 5. Resolution No.- 46-83 authorizing the City to participate in existing governmental cooperation purchases (RECOMMEND ADOPTION) -2- MINUTES ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 14 , 1983 r 6. Resolution No. 47-83 designating authority to make determina- tions on employee disability (RECOMMEND ADOPTION) 7. Resolution No. 48-83 accepting portions of San Diego and San Dimas Roads into the City street system (RECOMMEND ADOPTION) 8.- Bid No. 83-10 - Storm drain inlets (RECOMMEND BID BE RE- JECTED) 9. Bid No. 83-9 - Vehicles (RECOMMEND BID BE AWARDED AS RECOM- MENDED BY THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR) r10. Tentative Tract Map 13-83, 11050 San Marcos Road, Paul Martin (Twin Cities Engineering) to resubdivide . approximately 21. acres into three parcels (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) 11. Tentative Tract Map 14-83, 9500 Laurel Road, G. J. Williams (Twin Cities Engineering) to allow the resubdivision of a previously created parcel having 38 acres into three parcels (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) 12. Tentative Parcel Map 11-83; 6700, 6750 and 6760 El Camino Real, Herbert LaPrade (Daniel J. Stewart) to allow division of an 0. 95 acre parcel into three parcels (RECOMMEND APPROVAL r OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) 13. Tentative Parcel Map 12-83, 8045 Cristobal, G. W. Johnson ' (Daniel J. Stewart) to allow the division of a developed 2 . 04 acre lot into two parcels (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENATION) 14 . Certificate of Compliance 4-83, 6375 and 6385 Santa Ynez, L. C. and June Gibaut, legalization of a lot split that occurred in 1960 through the Certificate of Compliance pro ' cess (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDA- TION) ' 15. Acceptance of Parcel Map AT 810908 :1 and street name, Palo Verde Road, Rudy Ruda (Hilliard Surveys) (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) Mayor Mackey requested that Item A-12 be pulled. Councilman Nelson requested Item A-6 be pulled. -3- 1 MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL —NOVEMBER 14, 1983 MOTION: Councilman Nelson moved to approve Items A-1 through A-15 of the Consent Calendar, deleting Items A-6 and A-12. The motion was seconded by Councilman Molina and unanimously carried. A-6 Resolution No. 47-83 designating authority to make determina- tions on employee disability (RECOMMEND ADOPTION) Councilman Nelson questioned the need for this resolution and for designating an authority. Mr. Warden stated that PERS requires thiscertification but that Council could determine who should be designated. MOTION: Councilman Nelson moved toadoptResolution No. 47-83. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wilkins and unanimously carried. A-12 Tentative Parcel Map 11-83; 6700, 6750 and 6760 El. Camino Real, Herbert LaPrade (Daniel J. Stewart) to allow division of an 0. 95 acre parcel into three parcels (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF ' PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) MOTION: Councilman Molina moved to table the matter until the next ' meeting. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wilkins and unanimously carried. B. HEARINGS, APPEARANCES AND REPORTS 1. Public hearing on Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment 1-83, initiated by Planning Commission, to consider allowing second residential units - continued Mr. Warden stated that this is a continuance of a hearing con- cerning secondary housing and alternatives,. He felt that alternative number 7 provided the best approach. Jim Carpenter stated that he had received permission from the county before incorporation to build a second unit, which was never finished. He asked if he .would be able to complete the building. MGlen Lewis, speaking on behalf of seniors in the city, was in favor of permitting second permanent dwellings . Eric Michaelson and Whitey Thorpe was in favor of second units. Carla Sanders and Jerome Schultzy_ spoke against second units. -4- MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL - NOVEMBER 14, 1983 MOTION: Councilman Molina moved that second units not be allowed and that findings required by Government Code Section 65852.2 be adopted and directed staff to prepare an ordinance implementing these findings. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wilkins and unanimously carried. 2. Continued public hearing on Ordinance No. 70, Building Regulations second reading MOTION: Councilman Wilkins moved to read Ordinance No. 70 by title only. The motion was seconded by Councilman Nelson and unanimously carried. Mayor Mackey referred to the title as read in the meeting of October 10, 1983. MOTION: Councilman Wilkins. moved to adopt Ordinance No. 70. The motion was. seconded by- Councilman Molina and unanimously carried by roll call vote. C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Resolution No. 40-83 establishing fees for permits, plan ' reviews and other activities undertaken pursuant to build- ing and construction regulations MOTION: Councilman Wilkins moved to adopt Resolution No. 40-83. The ' motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and carried on the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen Stover, Wilkins and Mayor Mackey NOES: Councilmen Molina and Nelson Allen Grimes noted that this resolution will not be in effect until Ordinance No. 70 becomes effective. 2. Resolution No. 49-83 of intention regarding Maleza Avenue maintenance district MOTION: CouncilmanMolinamoved to adopt Resolution No 49-83. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wilkins _and unanimously carried by roll call vote. -5- MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL - NOVEMBER 14 , 1983 3. Recommendation of Fred Schott/Director of Public Works for fourth floor repairs Mr. McPherson recommended allocating funds as soon as possible to make the recommended seismic safety repairs on the fourth floor. MOTION: Councilman Wilkins moved to allocate $36, 000 for suggested repairs of the Administration Building and authorized receiving bids for the work to be done. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and unanimously carried by roll call vote. D. NEW BUSINESS ' 1. Ordinance No. 71 authorizing an amendment to the contract between the City and PERS first reading MOTION: Councilman Nelson moved to read Ordinance No. 71 by title only. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wilkins and unanimously carried. Mayor Mackey read Ordinance No. 71 by title only. MOTION: Councilman Nelson moved that this constitute the first ' reading. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wilkins and unanimously carried. ' 2. Ordinance No. 72 adopting the Atascadero Municipal Code, a codification of the permanent and general ordinances of the City together with those secondary codes adopted by refer- ' ence as authorized by the general laws of the State of California - first reading ' MOTION: Councilman Wilkins moved that Ordinance No. 72 be read by title only. The motion was seconded by Councilman Molina and unanimously carried. ' Mayor Mackey read Ordinance No. 72 by title only. MOTION: Councilman Wilkins moved that this constitute the first reading. The motion was seconded by Councilman Molina and unanimously carried. ' 3. Report on drainage, street lighting and traffic safety i MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL - NOVEMBER 14, 1983 Mr. Warden suggested that the traffic safety matters be deferred until receipt of the State 's decision as to the traffic enforcement grant. ' Mr. McPherson recommended authorization to evaluate the estab- lishment of a city-wide lighting district at major intersections, upgrading and improving drainage facilities, and employment of a traffic enforcement officer. Doug Lewis asked if there is a problem with the off-ramp at Santa Rosa. Mr. McPherson did not recall this being a problem area. MOTION: Councilman Nelson moved to authorize_ staff to evaluate the establishment of a city-wide lighting_ district and to consult with a specialist. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wilkins and unanimously carried. 4. General Plan Amendments/Cycle 1 (1984) Mr. Warden presented information indicating the status of amend- ment requests for the present cycle. 5. Recommendation for upgrading the Pavilion Mr. McPherson noted that the present occupancy: of 50 or less people for recreational use should be maintained and would not require further corrective work. He recommended that: funds be allocated for ' structural repairs to the Rotunda Room as soon as possible to accom- modate public activity. MOTION: Councilman Wilkins moved to leave it as status quo for 50 or less occupants until the next report is received from the Pavilion committee. The motion was seconded by Councilman ' Stover and unanimously carried. Councilman Nelson requested his vote be changed to show no on the above motion. E. ATASCADERO COUNTYSANITATION DISTRICT ' MOTION: Councilman Wilkins moved that the Council recess and convene as- the. Atascadero County Sanitation_ District Board of Directors. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and unanimously carried. 1. Consideration of sewer service extension policy ' Mr. Warden stated that his is an issue of sewer service extensions outside of the existing improvement district. -7- MINUTES - ATASCADERO `CITY COUNCIL - NOVEMBER 14, 1983 Mr'. McPherson recommended revising the consolidated Sanitation ' District Ordinances to simplify computation and to make annexation fees more equitable. ' Gary. Larson asked if it would be the developer 's responsibility to pay for having the sewer extended to them. Mr. McPherson replied that they would have to pay. Mr. Vanderpool stated that he has property outside the current assessment district and would Tike to be accepted within the district. ' MOTION: Director Molina moved that an ordinance be drafted reflecting sewer proposals and to bring it back for first reading at the next meeting.. The motion was seconded by Director Nelson ' and unanimously carried. MOTION: DirectorWilkinsmoved that the Board of Directors adjourn . and reconvene as the City Council. The motion was seconded by Director Molina and unanimously carried. ' F. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION 1. City Council 1a. Councilman Nelson asked what the plans were for the Phase 2 remodeling. Mr. Warden stated that it is contingent upon fire safety. He noted that the requests for proposals for develop- ing a facilities Master Plan had just gone out and that the question of separate facilities would depend, in part, upon completion of that Plana i2. City Attorney None 3. City Clerk None 4. City Treasurer ' None 5. City Manager a. Mr. Warden requested a closed session to consider personnel matters and potential litigation and did not anticipate any announcements afterwards. -8- MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL -- NOVEMBER 14 , 1983 Council adjourned to closed sessionat10 :27 p.m. and returned ' to regular session at 11: 05 p.m_ , at which. time. they adjourned. Recorded by: ' BARBARA NORRIS, City Clerk By:--�L 4. PATSY—N-. HESTER Deputy City Clerk 1 -9-