HomeMy WebLinkAboutTBID_2019-09-18_Minutesn ADVISORY BOARD FOR THE A TASCADERO TOURISM BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT MINUTES Wednesday, September 18, 2019 at 2:00 P.M. Atascadero City Hall - 6500 Palma Avenue, Club Room Atascadero, California CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Alexander called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Chairperson Alexander, Vice Chairperson Dawson, Board Member Sohi, Board Member Mahar. Vacant: Board Member O'Malley Absent: None. Staff Present: Destination Management Consultant Hanna Meisinger, Destination Management Coordinator Kylee Corliss, Destination Management Consultant, Amanda Diefenderfer, Marketing Consultant Ashlee Akers, Marketing Consultant Megan Albee, and Deputy City Manager/Outreach Promotions Terrie Banish. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: MOTION: By Board Member Sohi and seconded by Vice Chairperson Dawson to approve the agenda. Motion passed 4:0 by a roll call vote. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. A. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. ATBID Draft Action Minutes — August 21. 2019 • Recommendation: Approve the Draft Action Minutes of August 21, 2019. [Big Red Marketing] MOTION: By Board Member Sohi and seconded by Vice Chairperson Dawson to approve the consent calendar. Motion passed 4:0 by a roll call vote. Atascadero TBID September 18, 2019 Page 1 of 4 B. BUSINESS ITEMS n 1. TMD Renewal Hearing Presentation • Recommendation: Review and discuss the TMD renewal hearing. [Visit SLOCAL] • Fiscal Impact: None. President & CEO from Visit SLO CAL, Chuck Davison, presented the TMD renewal presentation and distributed the TMD results to date (Exhibit A). Davison explained the TMD renewal process and answered questions from the Board. Board Member O'Malley arrived at 2:12 p.m. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. MOTION: By Board Member O'Malley and seconded by Chairperson Alexander to approve Visit SLO CAL's TMD renewal and to recommend to City Council to approve the renewal as presented at 10 years and 1.5% Motion passed 5:0 by a roll call vote. 2. The Garagiste Festival Event Sponsorship Presentation • Recommendation: Receive and file event sponsorship application for the 2019 Garagiste Festival. [The Garagiste Festival] • Fiscal Impact: None. Doug Minick, Co-founder of Garagiste Festival, presented their application for event sponsorship with the Garagiste Festival and distributed additional Information about The Garagiste Festival (Exhibit B). Minick discussed opportunities with the Board to utilize an Atascadero venue for the Friday night event in 2020. Minick answered questions from the Board and offered to answer any additional questions they may have via email. PUBLIC COMMENT: Stewart McLennan. The Garagiste Festival sponsorship application presentation was received and filed. 3. Right Angle Inc. Advertisement Opportunity • Recommendation: Decline the $12,000 advertisement opportunity as presented with Right Angle Inc. [Verdin] • Fiscal Impact (GL 2502): None. Marketing consultant Ashley Akers shared a review of the benefits received compared to the benefits promised in the 2018/2019 contract. Lisa Campolmi from Verdin explained media buying research and costs and what a comparable digital campaign would garner for the Visit Atascadero website. Akers and Campolmi answered questions from the Board. PUBLIC COMMENT: David Wilson, Zoe Zappas, Lisa Campolmi, and Mary Verdin. Atascadero TBID September 18, 2019 Page 2 of 4 MOTION: By Chairperson Alexander and seconded by Board Member n O'Malley to approve the $12,000 advertisement opportunity as presented with Right Angle Inc. and gather metrics to review for the following year. Motion denied 2:3 by a roll call vote. Motion does not pass. 4. Draft 2019/2020 Visit Atascadero Budget • Recommendation: Approve 2019/2020 expenditure budget for Visit Atascadero. [Big Red Marketing] • Fiscal Impact: None. Destination Management Consultant Diefenderfer presented the proposed budget for 2019/2020 and answered questions from the Board. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. MOTION: By Board Member Sohi and seconded by Vice Chairperson Dawson to approve 2019/2020 expenditure budget for Visit Atascadero. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll call vote. 5. Monthly Marketinq Statistics Summary • Recommendation: Receive and file Marketing Statistics Report. [Verdin] • Fiscal Impact: None. Marketing Consultant Akers presented the marketing statistic results from June, July, and August and answered questions from the Board. Akers presented the new marketing materials for the Brews and Burgers Trail campaign. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. The Marketing Statistics Report was received and filed. 6. Monthly Budget Report • Recommendation: Receive and file Budget Report. [Big Red Marketing] • Fiscal Impact: None. Destination Management Consultant Meisinger presented the Budget Report to the Board and answered questions. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. The Monthly Budget Report was received and filed. Atascadero TBID September 18, 2019 Page 3 of 4 C.UPDATES 1. Visit SLO CAL TMD Update - Board Member Sohi updated the Board on the TMD and other news from Visit SLO CAL on marketing efforts. 2. Visit SLO CAL Marketing Committee Update - Marketing Consultant Akers mentioned the new flight announcement and the upcoming Google My Business workshops through Visit SLO CAL.. 3. Destination Management Update - Destination Management Consultant Meisinger shared updates on destination management, including the decision not to attend CALSAE and the RFP for Destination Management and Marketing proposal deadlines. 4. Short -Term Rental Update - Deputy City Manager Banish passed out the short-term rental information sheet (Exhibit C) to update the board on currently compliant properties. 5. City Business Update - City Manager's Office - Deputy City Manager Banish shared updates from City Business, including a no smoking ordinance that was passed on September 12, 2019. Banish also reviewed the social media policy (Exhibit D) for the Board to sign. D. BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS None E. ADJOURNMENT Chairperson Alexander adjourned the meeting 4:24 p.m. MINUTES PREPARED BY: Corliss, Destination Management Coordinator Exhibit A — TMD Results to Date Exhibit B — The Garagiste Festival Information Exhibit C — Short -Term Rental Information Sheet Exhibit D — Social Media Policy APPROVED: October 16, 2019 Atascadero TBID September 18, 2019 Page 4 of 4 n n T ry! y jv. V6 ��; S CAL i 1 Y N6 916[KI(I to- 1r' 411 . dh Visit SLO CAL has a three-year track record of success on behalf of our lodging investors and the tourism community. We need your support to see the district renewed. Over the next few pages we've outlined some of our key successes and the return on investment that Visit SLO CAL brings. As we approach the "vote" we need your support to renew the Tourism Marketing District. . 901aff DIRECTION ZW6 ....................................... ­ ........ I—— .................................................................................................... I .......... ­­ ........ Ott OPTIMIZE OUR ORGANIZATIONAL CAPACITY ESTABLISH BRAND CLARITY AND INCREASED AWARENESS THROUGH UNIFIED EFFORTS �► BUILD AND EXPAND STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIPS ADVOCATE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF CRITICAL TOURISM INFRASTRUCTURE DEMONSTRATE VALUE TO OUR STAKEHOLDERS, PARTNERS AND COMMUNITIES TOURISM ECOSYSTEM BRAND USA VISIT CALIFORNIA CCTC VISIT SLO CAL or &MffZWNTS, ATTRAC1101$, RETAIL ........................................... IMPERATIVE: ESTABLISH BRAND CLARITY AND INCREASED AWARENESS THROUGH UNIFIED EFFORTS ............. .......... E94NP KEW4 9( Visit SLD CAL funded a first -of -its -kind research co-op for the county to inform the development of a new brand and future marketing campaigns. LOW AWARENESS 11 HIGH PROPENSITY AVERAGE VISITOR $210 AVERAGE 7D /O TO VISIT E SPEND0 SPEND I N SLO CAL M k9l P150&4S NEW SLD CAE BRAND IV VTO ACTIVE CULTURED THE MAX ADVENTURER CLASS SOURCE: MERRIli RESEARCH i Irv - LAUNCHED JANUARY 2017 M0111 MAIN ()SAN FAAIVCISCO LA VEGAS Aw LOS ANGELES 0 PHOENIX 0 IMPERATIVE: ESTABLISH BRAND CLARITY AND INCREASED AWARENESS THROUGH UNIFIED EFFORTS 994NP 4PV1911QIN sPENo S3.3M f'- cuCKs 2,662,381 o iMPREssioNs 651,531,783 opo 00 r 004 FOLLOWERS 281"-* PRE-TRI);74,6617 0 RRENT sores3 18119' CLICKS 921 " CY 2015 6.155 6r 2018 62,851 BEYOND ORGANIC SESSIONS 500,000 400"000 340.000 200.000 Cr CY CY CY 2015 2018 2017 2018 41 M BOUNCE AVERAGE ORGANIC TOTAL SESSIONS RATE DURATION (MIN] THROUGH CY 2818 N CY CY CY CY 2015 2018 2615 2018 45%4 13%t TOTAL SESSIONS BY MARKET AAAAAA CY CY CY CY CY CY CY CY CY CY CY CY 2015 2018 2015 2018 2015 2018 2015 2018 2015 2018 2015 2018 LOS ANGELES SAN FRANCISCO SEATTLE PHOENIX DENVER LAS VEGAS 265" t 904 t 1286" t 916'* 1724" t 191%* SLOCAL.CU 'R IMPERATIVE: DEMONSTRATE VALUE TO OUR STAKEHOLDERS, PARTNERS AND COMMUNITIES ................................... . SUPPORTING OUR LOML PUIN16* V/Q109 XbWhr - 180,000 CIRCULATION 163 PARTNER ADS ca-ap A� p�a�►AMS CRISIS RESPONSE .............. 9 PROGRAMS Crisis Communication Plan Created (Sepiember20)5j-. ilk 44 PARTNERSHIPS . Chimney Fire 5642,417 SPEND (Aug u5 • September 2016] 75.990.979 IMPRESSIONS • Highway 1 Closure AW (November 2016) Thomas Fire A,LjF0Rlyj,4 5 LQ (CA jDeccrn6�-r 201.j • Highway 1 Dream Drive & Re -Opening * 2018) HIGHWAY 1 GETQIJR SUPPORT G REOPENING PACIFIC CdAST "Moric5 reflect data through March 2019 224 PROPERTY VISITS S86x CO-OP SPEND INTERNATIONALLY -TRANSLATED 24 VI53TC1R CENTER &CHAMBER VISITS 5 DETOURMAPS 'i I he 1l iuiu•r V/Q109 XbWhr - 180,000 CIRCULATION 163 PARTNER ADS ca-ap A� p�a�►AMS CRISIS RESPONSE .............. 9 PROGRAMS Crisis Communication Plan Created (Sepiember20)5j-. ilk 44 PARTNERSHIPS . Chimney Fire 5642,417 SPEND (Aug u5 • September 2016] 75.990.979 IMPRESSIONS • Highway 1 Closure AW (November 2016) Thomas Fire A,LjF0Rlyj,4 5 LQ (CA jDeccrn6�-r 201.j • Highway 1 Dream Drive & Re -Opening * 2018) HIGHWAY 1 GETQIJR SUPPORT G REOPENING PACIFIC CdAST "Moric5 reflect data through March 2019 224 PROPERTY VISITS S86x CO-OP SPEND INTERNATIONALLY -TRANSLATED 24 VI53TC1R CENTER &CHAMBER VISITS 5 DETOURMAPS ............................................. .--....... IMPERATIVE: BUILD AND EXPAND STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIPS ............ EVINK Ap P - 14visit ran 36,547 REFERRALS A SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY EXPERIENCE IMPRESSIONS ........... ........ 43 SAN DIEGO EVENTS 1,38,1,`: MEDIA REACHED "L IMPRESSIONS ..................... T 9 Y INTERNATIONAL MISSIONS 201 RUNNING 3 59 �� 2K a INTERNATIONAL TV SPOTS ............. EVENTS PARTNERSHIPS REACH Ap �. �A"IGE392 " TQURof PRODUCTIONS CALIFORNIA - YEARS IH r�..r S 130K 3COUNTY CAL FILMING DAYS SPONSORSHIP stncfrHesraeTocrxErNo '• • �, ,�•' ...................... y� .............................................. r HOURSOF REACH 4 INTERNATI OTV NAL ;1 7m - FILM C R M M 15 ..a IMPACT 11 9m ... .. .. .. .. ......................... .. . IMPERATIVE: ESTABLISH BRAND CLARITY AND INCREASED AWARENESS THROUGH UNIFIED EFFORTS .--........................................ PORI( KIL 4 1/ 0 �' IK4 VIL T�A �� . ................................................................................................................ 1,166 MEETINGS 26 TRADE SHOWS 710 ARTICLES TURNER PR 796 APPOINTMENTS 679M IMPRESSIONS ►� �► SIOOK 16 MISSIONS S AD EQUIVALENCY400M '' S6M BUYING POWER PARTNERSHIP WITH 308 FAM ATTENDEES BLACK DIAMOND 165 FAM ATTENDEES 16 COUNTRIES -EXPOSURE IN UNITED KINGDOM & IRELAND 6 COUNTRIES "Metrics reflect data through March 2019. AMGEN metrics reflect data through May 2019. ............................... IMPERATIVE: ESTABLISH BRAND CLARITY AND INCREASED AWARENESS THROUGH UNIFIED EFFORTS eONP Lif-I10(X[P 4KKIML�­ ................. Research Now measures the consumeArand interaction post marketing COLORADO 3% campaign and helps identify favorable changes in the customer journey. OTHER i14% n NEVADA 2% 'D HAVE VISITED SLQ CAL IN THE PAST UP FROM 36% IN WAVE 1" WASHINGTON 5°Ie . . TEXAS 190 44k fj/ 38 3% WOULD VISIT AGAIN ja 45%-111111138% VERY LIKELY(AFTER ELIHOOD TO SOMEWHAT LIKELY IDER VISITING SEEING AOS o D o 1210 VERY UNLIKELY r � SOMEWHAT UNLIKELY SOURCE: RESEARCH NOW `Wage 1 was condticted February 2017; Wave 3 was ccnducled August 201 8 ARIZONA 5% CALIFORNIA 80% SOURCE; ARRIVALIST "Metrics reflect data through March 2019 ... I ........................ IMPERATIVE: ADVOCATE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF CRITICAL TOURISM INFRASTRUCTURE ...................................... 419 WKIV I (I ON r[KIN (I ( IN [EK FEASIBILITY STUDY u" GROWTH UNITED� AIRLINES`iR+ UNITED AIRLINES! American Airlines\ � UNITED AIRLINES 270K ADDITIONAL , SEATS IN 3 YEARS SIM IN AIR SERVICE MARKETING SUPPORT t—zU,UUU SQFT BALLROOM DESIRED ................ ...... 81 % WOULD BOOK IN SLO CAL IF NEW FACILITY WAS BUILT 79%ARE LIKELY TO RETURN IF NEW FACI-FrY WAS BUILT MID-WEE0 SHOULDER SEASON SHOD HIGHEST POTENTIAL SOURCE: VOtAIRE ................................. .. .. ..... IMPERATIVE: 0EMONSTRATE VALUETO OUR STAKEHOLDERS, PARTNERS AND COMMUNITIES ........................................... ME vM[O� sPFNPIN�vTf�►� vC�L� LODGING OTHER $1.9 BILLION z 54.8 BILLION 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 16.7 BILLION Q'O GROWTH SOURCE: TOURISM ECONOMICS 2015-2018 10-2 2014-2018SOURCES TOURISM ECONOMICS; V10 vut194 V RUNYAN, INC. DOMESTE TOP ORIGINATING METROPOLITAN STATISTICAL AREA (MSA) BY SPEND AMOUNT :SMI Q INCREASE INCREASE 4 OVER 4YEARS OVER 4YEARS '15 '16 '17 '18 '15 '16 '17 '18 115 116 '17 '18 LA �F SB r IM, 52,472,408,49 11,B44,118 MSA KEY v LA = LA/ORANGE CDUNTY /RIVER SID E FR = FRESNO SF=SAN FRANC ISCUIGAKLAND/SAN JOSE BF=BAKERSFIELU '15 '16 '17 '1B '15 '18 '17 '18 '15 '16 '17 '18 SB = SANTA BARBARAISANTA MARIA SO = SAN DIEGO FK BF SD TOP ORIGINATING NTERNATUNAI.. BY SPEND AMOUNT ISM COUNTRIES W Q o Q 0 n� 0 0 INCREAl 06 INCREASE OVER4Y OVE94YEARS '16 '16 '17 '18 '16 '16 '17 '18 '15 '16 '17 '18 Ck UA CA 578,987,990 517,929 COUNTRY KEY "' o CN = CHINA D€= GERMANY UK=UNITED KINGDOM FR=FRANCE '15 '16 '17 '18 '15 '16 '17 '18 '15 '16 '17 '18 CA = CANADA AU = AUSTRALIA P1 ck �l A U SOURCE: VVVVISA `These figures reflect the impact in visilalion due to the Highway II closure. U ........ .. .............................. IMPERATIVE: DEMONSTRATE VALUE TO DUB STAKEHOLDERS, PARTNERS AND COMMUNITIES .... -- .. -- . --- ............ V191 ALO CAL N#lk� A Piff"19IN(l -.1 ............. -.- ... I .... I ........... ........ -.1- .............. .............. ........................................................... $190.60 T 5167.50 - $145.00 .... Osseo ..nen 4.0*8 S 100.00 IAN JULY JAN JULY JAN IULY JANIULY JAN JULY JAN AUG 2015 2015 2016 2016 2017 2017 2016 2018 2019 M2020 2020 FUR't. TREND •■■••• _r•. _ REVENUE PER AVAILABLE ROOM (REVPAR) 5166 5126 S$6 840 JAN JOLY JAI JURY JAN July JAit JULY JAN JULY JAN AUG 2015 2015 2016 2016 2017 2017 2018 20182019 [—� 2020 2020 TREND • . • ■ • • FORECAST 1 13.75M •■ ■\\\\. \�• ■..... ..• ........ \ .......... . $2110 11.2W a JULY JAN JULY JAN JULY JAN JULY JAN 2015 2015 2016 2018 2017 2017 2018 2018 2019 TREND ■■e•■• SOURCES: STR, INC, VISIT SLO CAL These figures reflect the impact in visitation due to the Highway 1 closure. 11 Au I�meAEASE JI{N2015- DEC 2018 72EA5E JAN 2015 - DEC 2018 1 6 UICREASf JAN 2015 - DEC 2018 JAN 2015 -DEC 2018` HOTEL OCCUPANCY (OCC) 81CAEASE R]GVULVANG 90 32e 12% 80 300K " .. • •' • • AIG 2020 • Wii a■oaeon sense •;1* •'•• 286k ROOM SUPPLY .a.. .... ... ...... 604t ..... — pECAEASE 5Q2A11k JAN 2015- JAN JULY JAN JULY JAM JULY JAN i11LY MAR JULY JAN AUG DEC2018 2015 2015 2016 2016 2017 2017 2018 2018 20102010 2020 2020 OCCUPANCY OCCUPANCY TREND • ■ ■ • • • SUPPLY TREND • ■ ■ • ■ ■ FORECA. AVERAGE DAILY RATE [ADR] $190.60 T 5167.50 - $145.00 .... Osseo ..nen 4.0*8 S 100.00 IAN JULY JAN JULY JAN IULY JANIULY JAN JULY JAN AUG 2015 2015 2016 2016 2017 2017 2016 2018 2019 M2020 2020 FUR't. TREND •■■••• _r•. _ REVENUE PER AVAILABLE ROOM (REVPAR) 5166 5126 S$6 840 JAN JOLY JAI JURY JAN July JAit JULY JAN JULY JAN AUG 2015 2015 2016 2016 2017 2017 2018 20182019 [—� 2020 2020 TREND • . • ■ • • FORECAST 1 13.75M •■ ■\\\\. \�• ■..... ..• ........ \ .......... . $2110 11.2W a JULY JAN JULY JAN JULY JAN JULY JAN 2015 2015 2016 2018 2017 2017 2018 2018 2019 TREND ■■e•■• SOURCES: STR, INC, VISIT SLO CAL These figures reflect the impact in visitation due to the Highway 1 closure. 11 Au I�meAEASE JI{N2015- DEC 2018 72EA5E JAN 2015 - DEC 2018 1 6 UICREASf JAN 2015 - DEC 2018 ........................................ IMPERATIVE: ADVOCATE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF CRITICAL TOURISM INFRASTRUCTURE................................................ p 19/ N 4 ff� y ............... ........ ................... I..,... INE; MIRE IRE PLACE WHERE PEOPI ` 1VETO VISIT � GOAL k ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT :SIVE ECOSYSTEM FY 15116 OUTLINE THE EVOLUTION, MARKETING AND MANAGEMENT OF OUR DESTINATION 20-30 YEARS INTO THE FUTURE • PROTECT OUR QUALITY OF LIFE ■ ENHANCE SLO CAL AS A PLACE TO LIVE, WORK AND VISIT • RESPONSIBLY STEWARD OUR LOCAL RESOURCES 200IN-PERSON 25,053RESIDENT STAKEHOLDER INTERVIEWS SURVEY RESPONSES SURVEY RESPONSES 8 FOCUS AREAS AND 28 RECOMMENDATIONS FINAL STRATEGY TO BE DELIVERED SUMMER 2019 ....... IMPERATIVE: OPTIMIZE OUR ORGANIZATIONAL CAPACITY lom L Rplkpffukl� FY 16117 FY 17118 FY 18119 7OF 80/SDALES AND PUBLIC RELATIONS OVER 4 YEARS ���7Z3 173 r � NJ I S I r WHY TOURISM SAM Luis ONSPO COUNTY i CALIF0RRIA& 13 DIRECT SPENDING BY SECTOR G NMIi� ARTS, RETAIL LODGING FOODSERVICE RECREATION 5 ENTERTAINMENT if DIRECT SPENDING BY ACCOMMODATION TYPE VACATION PRIVATE CAMPGROUNDS DAY HOTELS/ HOMES HOMES TRAVEL MOTELS 210 OTHER TRAVEL 100 VISITOR 510 GROUND TRANSPORTATION AIR TRAVEL 1,530 RETAIL "Ohl Affl, 4.10 20,680 TOTALJOBS VISITOR SPENDING 2018 i 2017 5.2% TRAVEL SPENDING 2018 2017 5.2% DIRECT SPENDING BY DOMESTIC AND INTERNATIONAL TRAVELERS AVERAGED: -.0 $5.0M $208K $3.5K A DAY AN HOUR A MINUTE 12,730 ACCOMMODATIONS O FOOD SERVICE $58 A SECOND 0000000 9199119 I OUT OF 7 SLO CAL JOBS DEPEND ON TRAVEL & TOURISM % TRAVEL COMPANIES ARE CONSIDERED 830F SMALL BUSINESSES SOURCE; U.S. TRAVEL • • r r S11M OTHER TRAVEL SBM VISITOR S32M GROUND TRANSPORTATION AIR TRAVEL 153M RE TAIL. a S696M INDUSTRY EARNINGS LOCAL TAX REVENUE= s8�081M WHICH COULD COVER EXPENSESTOR: ' Boo ALI ;o POLICE OFFICERS' SALARIES FIREFIGHTERS' SALARItS &1,736 Jk 128 m TEACHERS' SALARIES OF 2 -LANE RESURFACED RO,[i PARKS V 1 5 r r 5128M ARTS. ENTERTAINMENT ACCOMMODATIGfs0 6 RECREATIONFOOD SERVICE WITHOUT TOURISTS, EACH SLO CAL HOUSEHOLD WOULD HAVE TO SPEND AN ADDITIONAL $17,231 TO CREATE THE SAME ECONOMY IMPACT FOR THE COMMUNITY SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY C A L I F0 RN IAo EACH SLO CAL HOUSEHOLD WOULD PAY AN ADDITIONAL $1582 IN TAXES WITHOUT THE STATE 8 LOCAL TAX REVENUE GENERATED BY TRAVEL 8 TOURISM SOVRCE5: DEAN RUNYAN, US RUR£AU OF LABOR STATESTICS, U5 CENSU5 0UREAU, SAN IU150BISPO COUNTY OFFICE 0F EDUCATION hLON110N Of A�PITI04 1-UPIIV� ............................................. .............. ............................................._..... .. _.---. . .............................. The countywide Tourism Marketing District will expire in June 2020 and the lodging community, in partnership with Visit SLG CAL, is seeking the ren ewoI of the District. Visit SLG CAL has worked with lodging investors to identify and plan for priority investment needs and growth opportunities over the coming decode. Through a ten-year renewal and increase in assessment from 1 % to 1.5%, additional funding would he allocated in the following ways: ADVERTISING G MARKETING Increased campaign investment in key feeder markets (Los Angeles, San Francisco, Phoenix, Seattle, Denver, Dallas -Fart Worth and Las Vegas) to drive demand during need times and increase length of stay through highly -targeted brand marketing and co-ops, in order to offset a 20% increase in countywide lodging inventory over the next four years STR is forecasting a 3.5% decrease in occupancy and a 1.7% decrease in ReVPAR in 2020 0 0 0 ............................................................................................. SALES SUPPORT INTERNATIONAL MARKETS Help communities manage the unprecedented 20% Investment in top inbound international increase in countywide lodging inventory over the next markets and key new growth markets four years through the growth of travel trade initiatives , a .............................................+ ....Fr<... .................................. AIR SERVICE DEVELOPMENT DESTINATION MANAGEMENT Grow economic impact of tourism through continued ,�TRATEGY IDMS) RECOMMENDATIONS development of additional flights and new air service Implement Visit,SLG CAL owned tourism -related markets recommendd#Fans coming out of the DMS TOGETHER WE CAN SECURE SLD CAPS SUCCESS Cultivate Establish Foster International Drive More Advocate for Awareness New Markets Visitation Demand Our Future Vtslr SAH LOIS OBISPO COUNTY C A L I F 0 R N I A� ATBID Minutes Exhibit B Date: c r R� f�lSTEG�. - 1ELEBRA71NI ;THE ARTISAN WINEMAKER A 5016 non-profit grganiAtion benefiting the Cal Poly Wine'& Viticulture Program I I- f ; S'1kR! A YNd ljALLElll1141$;-Ai ;iELE8 f� yF,qunded 2911 + "The #1 Best Wine Festival in the Country" USA Today Reader's Poll Our unique, year-round focus on Paso Robles Wine Country pays major dividends in national attention. Your support makes it possible. Let's recap - Nine years ago when we began, the word "garagiste" was largely unknown, even within the wine industry. But due to our PR efforts, the word is now in common usage in the trade and consumer press and Paso Robles Wine Country is now widely recognized to be the home of this movement of cutting-edge micro -wineries. This gives the area a unique selling proposition, setting it apart from wine regions anywhere in the world. The Garagiste Festival is the center of that movement and it creates increased tourism for the area not just for our popular sold -out events, but all year round as awareness of the Garagiste movement spreads in the consumer wine world. Why We Need Your Support - Simply put, we could not exist without the support of our sponsors. We deliberately keep our ticket prices affordable for the average wine consumer - allowing more of our attendees to travel and to afford a hotel room. Your support is crucial. Why We Need Your Support, Part 2 - Our story is unique. No other event or organization focuses on the micro -winery movement, which is an emerging story nationally. Your support is necessary for us to continue to employ a professional PR firm to spread the word through editorial coverage (as opposed to advertising). Obviously, editorial coverage is worth many times the value of paid advertising. The national recognition in USA Today is a direct result of our efforts. Our unique, press -based marketing approach attracts wine tourists nationally and internationally, Remember: 74% of our attendees come from outside of SLO County. 90% of out of county attendees make more than one trip to wine country every year Attendees from 34 States, plus the UK, Canada and Mexico Paso Wine Country Awareness — Our Los Angeles events in June are sold -out smash hits. Many, many of our attendees are learning about the Central Coast for the first time. The Garagiste Festival is essentially a traveling road show for the area all year long. It is amazing how many wine aficionados still have no idea where Paso is and how good the wines are. There is a HUGE wine audience in So Cal that still thinks "wine country" means only "Napa." We are helping to change that, not only to the festival attendees, but to all who read about us in the LA Times, Fox TV, the LA Daily News, and LA Weekly (and many more) as well as word-of-mouth. We are making a difference. C"013 r N '�Jl 11 rg11!}''f r° j MAZAZiNE The DaUg cUporaph lbos Ai►pr1cs 805 mrixiii.its Clinics - PASO ROTES PRESS W NEWS Zile �ritl�ork 1►�i.►f�►ul;►k►lr�++1'sF�. S LJJ t,lfilii We Never Stop - We are always active, always promoting, always reaching new wine tourists. The Garagiste Festival is much more than just one event on one weekend every year Sponsor support has enabled us to conduct our extensive promotion, fueled our growth, and has paid off in all of the ways outlined above. And yet, we are just beginning. The Garagiste movement is exploding and we are only just scratching the surface of potential wine tourists for Paso Robles Wine Country. What We Can Do For You --- Now firmly established as the home of the burgeoning micro - winery movement, we have a robust and dedicated audience of more than 10,000 subscribers and social media followers, We can work with Visit Atascadero to develop an e-mail and social media campaign spefically promoting Atascadero hotels to our lists We would love to answer any questions you may have and we hope you will choose to support our work and the small wineries that we represent. Thanks for your consideration! Doug Minnick and Stewart McLennan Co -Founders, The Garagiste Festivals 818-929-3684 HAVE YOU HEARD THE BUZZ? We make news. The London Darcy Telegraph, New York Times, ABC News, LA Times, Huffington Post and dozens more have covered the Garagiste Festivals... • BEST FESTIVAL - Sunset Magazine, "Best of the West" issue. • One of the Top Ten "Incredible Epicurean Destinations in the World" - ABC News • "One of wine's premier events. This is one not to miss." - LOS ANGELES TIMES • "Where the cutting edge cuts most intensely; winemakers you haven't yet heard about, let alone tasted. It's a crazy thrill of discovery." - KCET WINEMAKERS LOVE US, TOO "The best wine event on the Central Coast... the only event (we) participate in" - Ryan Pease, Paix Sur Terre Wines "The Garagiste Festival is by far the best event Nicora does. The focus on small producers really helped put as on the map. This is a wonderful event to be part of." - Nick Elliot, Nicora Winery Thrilled to see just how far the Garagiste Festival has progressed the past several years ... The Garagiste Festival is my favorite event of the year! - Carl Bowker, Caliza Winery PRODUCED BT GARAGISTE EVENTS, INC. A 50IC3 HON -PROFIT ORGANIZATION, WWW.GARAGIST=TIVAL.00M 5225 SAWrA RITA RD. TQ"PLETOH, CA 93465 818-424-3684 The Garagiste Festival by the Numbers A proven, unique and wide -reaching event Tier 3 Support Request - $10,000 - Four days of events in 2019 to encourage multi -night and mid -week (Thursday and Sunday night) stays. - Sunday, November 10 is Garagiste Passport Day — Many festival wineries will be offering special events. This is a popular event and many of our guests stay in town on Sunday night to take advantage of this - ]November 7, 8, 9, and 10 — What used to be an off -weekend for tourism is now an annual mainstay event weekend for wine tourists. - Over 70% of our attendees come from outside SL4 County. And from 30 states and 3 Canadian provinces and Mexico - Over 90% of our attendees from out of town visit the Paso area more than once a year. - 56% stay in local hotels, motels, and B&Bs - 92% of those make repeated trips to the Paso area during the year - 51% make 2 to 5 trips a year, - 27% make more than 5 trips per ,year. - 33%Q of respondents travel to the area more often now because of the Garagiste Festival. - 68% have household incomes over $100,000 per year, 40% over $150,000 per year. - Strong out of area promotion. This means LA and all of Southern California. No other event focuses on out of area like we do. See our press coverage - LA Times, LA Weekly Los Angeles Magazine, KCET, Fax 11, plus national and international press like ABC News USA Today. Huffington Post, London Daily Telegraph, Wine Enthusiast Magazine and dozens more. - 800+ Festival weekend attendees, plus repeat visitors all year round - Receive promotion in Garagiste e -newsletters, which reach people from coast to coast. Our `open' rate is over 300% better than standard travel and tourism industry e-mail marketing. - Visit Atascadero logo and links on home page of website - Dedicated E -Blast featuring Visit Atascadero - Dedicated Facebook post featuring Atascadero 2019 VACATION STAY RENTALS ATBID Minutes Exhibit C Created 7/10/19 Ref Bus, Identilied AddrQ55 1III L 13202 Monterey Rd, Atascadero, CA 93422, USA Owner Name FRANK FRANKLIN f TRf Owner Street Add re.5s 13202 Monterey Rd . Atascadero CA 93422_ TRUE]More Last 191-365 days Documented Last 8.30 days 2 NL 3650 Traffic Way, Atascadero, CA 93422, USA ANDERSON AN C 3650 Traffic WayAtascadero CA 93422 TRUELast 18i-365 days Last 121.180 days 3 BIL 3710 Maricopa Rd, Atascadero, CA 93422, USA KREM KE SCOTT ATRE ETAL 3710 Maricopa Ad Atascadero CA 93422 TRUELast 31-60 days Last 0-7 days 4 B/L 4990 Rosario Ave, Atascadero, CA 93422, USA ANSELMO THERESA M 4990 Rosario Ave Atascadero CA 93422 TRUEMore than one year ago last 121-180 days 5 BIL 51 Quail Ridge Dr, Atascadero, CA 93422, USA JONES THOMAS P 51 Quail Ride Or Atascadero CA 93422 TRUEMore than one year ago N/A 6 B/L 5225 Palma Ave, Atascadero, CA 93422, USA GENOVA NICHOLAS 7 & 8RITTNI L 5225 Palma Ave Paso Robles CA 93446 TRUEMore than ane year ago _ Last 8-30 days 7 BIL 5395 Dolores Ave, Atascadero, CA 93422, USA PEEK SETH & KAREN 5395 Dolores Ave Atascadero CA 93422 TRUE than one year ago Last 0-7 days 8 5535 Vida Ave, Atascadero, CA 93422, USA SAXER ROBYN ETAL 5535 Vida Ave Atascadero CA 93422 TRUE More than one year ago Last 61.120 days 9 5575 Nogales Ave, Atascadero, CA 93422, USA MCCARTHY ROBERT R ETAL 5575 Nogales Ave San Rafael CA 94901 TRUE Last 181-365 days Last 181.365 days 10 BA 5670 Encino Ave, Atascadero, CA 93422, USA SHARON JOSHUA & GRETA 5670 Encina Ave _ Atascadero CA 93422 TRUE More than One year ago Last 0.7 days 11 NL 5715 Santa Crux Rd, Atascadero, CA 93422, U5A HILLTOP M AN 0 R ATASCAD ERO LLC j 715 Santa Cruz Rd Atascadero CA 93422 TRUE Last 181-365 days Last 0.7 days f 12 5750 Olmeda Ave, Atascadero, CA 93422, USA WHITAK€R COSY L & MELANIE 0 5750 Olmeda Ave Atascadero CA 93422 TRUE More than one year ago More than one year ago 13 5800 Llano Rd, Atascadero, CA 93422, USA LADD EVLEYN GM TRE 5800 Uano Rd Atascadero CA 93422 TRUE Last 121-180 days Last 61-120 days 14 6849 San Gabriel Rd, Atascadero, CA 93422, USA MONSON ERIC ETRE ETAL 5849 San Gabriel Atascadero CA 93422 TRUE More than one year ago Last 0-7 days 15 NL 7105 Marchant Ave, Atascadero, CA 93422, USA 16 B/L 720 DeAnza Lt, Atascadero, CA 93422, USA BENTON LAVETA A WHITAKER R MATTHEW HEIRS OF 71051NereharrtA 720 De Anza Ct ! Paso Robles Atascadero CA CA 93496 93422 TRUE TRUE More than one year ago last 181.365 days Last 8.30 days Last 8-30 days 17 B/L 18920 Arcade Rd, Atascadero, CA 93422, USA BREESE KENNETH W & IZABELC 8920 Arcade Rd Atascadero CA 93422 TRUE Last 181.365 days Last 31-60 days 18 NL 18940 San Gabriel Rd, Atascadero, CA 93422, USA MAIN DAVID C TRE 89405an Gabriel Rd Atascadero CA 93422 TRUE More than one year ago Last 181.365 days 19 6/L 189SO Balboa Rd, Atascadero, CA 93422, USA GOWER CALUM 5 & DEBORAH 8950 Balboa Rd Atascadero CA 93422 TRUE Last 121-180 days Last 0.7 days 20 NL 90 View 0r, Atascadero, CA93422, USA COMBS BARBARA M1111111MW 9005 Lake View Dr Atascadero CA 93422 jbUE Last 181-365 days Last 61.120 days 21 9900 Carmel ita Ave, Atascadero, CA 93422, USA MARKS LEVtJ & AMY B 9900 Carmelita Ave Atascadero CA 93422 TRUE More than one year ago Last 181.365 days LEGEND: GREEN = B/L = NEW BUSINESS LICENSE APPLIED FOR (or) HAVE EXISTING BUSINESS LICENSE YELLOW = LT = NOW DOING " LONG TERM" LEASE INSTEAO ORANGE = NL = NO LONGER 001 NG "VACATION STAYS' OR ANY TYPE OF "PAID" STAYS AT ALL (ONLY FREE; i.e. FAMILY) BLUE =DR =DEED RESTRICTED/AFFORDABLE HOUSING, SO INFORMED THAT SHORT TERM STAYS NOT ALLOWED Totals: DR - 0 NL- 5 LT - 0 RIL - 14 15 Remainina (No Res Pon5esl 6 Ref 111 Bus. Identified Address B/L 114006 Morro Road, Atascadero, CA, United States Owner Name Steven M Treeta 1 Owner Street AddressOwner 14006 Morro Road City Atascadero Owner State CA Owner. 93422 TRUE 5/13/2017 0:00 cumented Stay 4/14/2017 0:00 2 10519 Cuesta Court, Atascadero, CA, United States RIDDLE COURTNEY B 10519 Cuesta Ct Atascadero CA 93422 TRUE 7/4/2016 7:44 10/16/2016 17:11 3 10720 Portal Road, Atascadero, CA, United States GEI BEL WILLIAM C & PAULA K 10720 Portal Rd Atascadero CA 93422 TRUE 11/27/2014 12:11 4/10/2017 0:00 4 NL 10805 Colorado Road, Atascadero, CA, United States BURELLE LAWRENCE H & ELAINE M 10805 Colorado Rd Atascadero CA 93422 TRUE 3/13/2017 5:22 5 11165 Avion Road, Atascadero, CA, United States CAO XIAOHONG 11165 Awon Rd Atascadero CA 93422 TRUE 6/20/2016 6:18 4/6/2017 23:17 6 11505 Santa Ana Road, Atascadero, CA, United States GRASH CHARLES M TRE ETAL 825 Riverside Ave Ste 15 Paso Robles CA 93446 TRUE 4/30/2015 0:00 4/9/2017 16:10 7 11519 Piona Lane, Atascadero, CA, United States CURRY RYAN A & STEFANI N 11519 Piona Ln Atascadero CA 93422 TRUE 4/6/2016 11:07 7/19/2016 2:02 8 10775 Santa Ana Road, Atascadero, CA, United States YOUNG-MOHLE AMIE R TRE 10755 Santa Ana Rd Atascadero CA 93422 TRUE 4/8/2013 14:01 8/10/20161:55 9 21 Quail Ridge Dr, Atascadero, CA, United States BROAD GARY 20 Bayview St San Rafael CA 94901 TRUE 2/28/2017 0:21 10 2905 North Ferrocarril Road, Atascadero, CA, United States HAZELHOFER GREGORY M & CHELSEA A 2905 Ferrocarril Rd Atascadero CA 93422 TRUE 3/16/2016 8:53 4/9/2017 16:01 11 3955 Monterey Road, Atascadero, CA, United States KUDEN DAVID J ETAL 3955 Monterey Rd Atascadero CA 93422 TRUE 2/22/2017 0:21 4/9/2017 15:57 12 4060 Nogales Avenue, Atascadero, CA, United States SILVA KEVIN G TRE ETAL 4695 San Anselmo Rd Atascadero CA 93422 TRUE 7/13/201517:09 4/8/2017 18:22 131 15092 Palma Avenue, Atascadero, CA, United States HARVEY BENJAMIN P & CHLOEE C 5092 Palma Ave Atascadero CA 93422 TRUE 9/17/2016 16:35 3/3/2017 19:22 14 5220 Vida Avenue, Atascadero, CA, United States CUMMINGS DANA M 5220 Vida Ave Atascadero CA 93422 TRUE 10/16/201618:18 3/19/2017 18:11 15 5304 Barrenda Avenue, Atascadero, CA, United States Hardy Robert Tre Etat 6700 Rocky Canyon Rd Atascadero CA 93422 TRUE 10/16/2016 16:16 4/9/201718:24 16 5420 Palma Avenue, Atascadero, CA, United States SNOW ROLAND H 11 TRE ETAL 1250 Paint Horse PI Paso Robles CA 93446 TRUE 1/20/2015 13:24 4/12/2017 20:02 17 5445 Olmeda Avenue, Atascadero, CA, United States STAHL ANNE 5445 Olmeda Ave Atascadero CA 93422 TRUE 6/23/2014 12:21 2/7/2017 0:00 18 LT 5529 Madrono Place, Atascadero, CA, United States NATHANSON NICOLE A 5529 Madrono PI Atascadero CA 93422 TRUE 10/25/2015 18:59 3/19/2017 16:31 19 5595 Lobos Lane, Atascadero, CA, United States PETERSON BARRY M ETAL 5595 Lobos Ln Atascadero CA 93422 TRUE 2/15/2016 19:37 4/9/2017 15:12 20 15711 Olmeda Avenue, Atascadero, CA, United States ERWIN ROBERT N & CLARA C 5711 Olmeda Ave Atascadero CA 93422 TRUE 8/18/2014 17:11 4/9/2017 15:53 21 6291 Monterey Court, Atascadero, CA, United States KIEL JOHN & JILL 6291 Monterey Ct Atascadero CA 93422 TRUE 7/24/2016 16:17 4/13/2017 0:00 22 6480 Alta Pradera Lane, Atascadero, CA, United States OTIS TERRY B ETAL 6480 Alta Pradera Ln Atascadero CA 93422 TRUE 9/19/2016 11:57 4/9/2017 15:28 23 6680 Navarette Avenue, Atascadero, CA, United States WILLIAMS AMBER ETCON 6680 Navarette Ave Atascadero. CA 93422 TRUE 5/31/2016 0:00 2/21/2017 17:18 24 6705 Llano Road, Atascadero, CA, United States BER DOLL CHRIS L ETUX 6705 Llano Rd Atascadero CA 93422 TRUE 5/23/2016 8:59 10/19/2016 9:06 25 6960 Santa Lucia Road, Atascadero, CA, United States FUTAK TRUDY 6960 Santa Lucia Rd Atascadero CA 93422 TRUE 12/28/2014 14:23 3/19/2017 15:26 261 NL 17060 Santa Lucia Road, Atascadero, CA, United States BAGOWAL LAVIN DER PO Box 1906 Atascadero CA 93423 TRUE 6/25/2016 18:51 8/21/2016 7:06 27 7100 Carmelita Avenue, Atascadero, CA, United States DEROSE MARIO & NORA L ETAL 7100 Carmelita Ave Atascadero CA 93422 TRUE 2/16/2016 15:52 4/12/2017 23:25 28 7150 Bella Vista Road, Atascadero, CA, United States MILLER MELANIE S 7150 Bella Vista Rd Atascadero CA 93422 TRUE 10/10/2016 15:09 11/28/2016 6:40 29 7975 San Marcos Road, Atascadero, CA, United States HAYS ANDREW & ELLEN 7975 San Marcos Rd Atascadero CA 93422 TRUE 6/19/2014 12:54 3/26/2017 18:47 30 8030 Atascadero Avenue, Atascadero, CA, United states DIEN20 RAYMOND & LAURA 8030 Atascadero Ave Atascadero CA 93422 TRUE 12/14/2015 18:10 4/8/201715:09 31 8220 Santa Rosa Road, Atascadero, CA, United States TRUMBULL JONATHAN &JEAN 8220 Santa Rosa Rd Atascadero CA 93422 TRUE 1/29/2016 13:44 4/9/2017 18,49 321 18590 Alegre Avenue, Atascadero, CA, United States KELLY ROBERT D 1R & ELIZABETH A 8405 Morro Rd Atascadero CA 93422 TRUE 2/16/2015 15:33 2/15/2016 21:23 33 8850 San Gabriel Road, Atascadero, CA, United States FOWLER ROBERT H 8850 San Gabriel Rd Atascadero CA 93422 TRUE 9/1/2014 16:32 10/16/201615:47 34 9045 Via Tortuga, Atascadero, CA, United States BURKE MICHAEL T TRE ETAL 9045 Via Tortuga Atascadero CA 93422 TRUE 11/25/2015 17:35 9/14/201616:42 35 9060 Santa Lucia Road, Atascadero, CA, United States MANCUSO VIRGINIA CTRE 9060 Santa Lucia Rd Atascadero CA 93422 TRUE 5/30/2016 7:46 4/9/2017 22:45 36 9160 Santa Lucia Road, Atascadero, CA, United States HOGUE PATRICK L TRE ETAL PO Box 1076 Atascadero CA 93423 TRUE 6/13/2014 0:00 9/16/2014 0:00 37 9205 Balboa Road, Atascadero, CA, United States GURREAU YULE B & LAURA L 9205 Balboa Rd Atascadero CA 93422 TRUE 6/30/2015 11:52 4/4/2017 0:00 381 19350 Via Cielo, Atascadero, CA, United States WHEELER STEVEN B & SELENA M ETAL 9350 Via Cielo Atascadero CA 93422 TRUE 4/1/2016 0:00 4/9/2017 16:49 39 NL 9555 Sausalito Road, Atascadero, CA, United States VANINWEGEN CURTIS S & MARTHA S 9555 Sausalito Rd Atascadero CA 93422 TRUE 2/15/2015 15:36 6/14/2016 9:41 40 LT 9630 Santa Lucia Road, Atascadero, CA, United states NICHOLS DAVID J & CHANTEL C 9630 Santa Lucia Rd Atascadero CA 93422 TRUE 5/19/2016 21:46 41 9730 Atascadero Avenue, Atascadero, CA, United States KIRK BLAIR G 9730 Atascadero Ave Atascadero CA 93422 TRUE 1/31/201615:35 4/9/201715:54 42 9230 CurbariI Avenue, Atascadero, CA, United States ROBASCIOTTI DEL 14465 Sandoval Rd Atascadero CA 93422 TRUE 6/21/2017 0:00 7/3/2017 0:00 ATBID Minutes Exhibit D Date:_ 5kyrjL�Qj I 3(C'Icf Atascadero Administrative Policy Policy No: 21 Original Policy Approval Date: 08-15-2011 Revision Date: 09-20-2011 Revision Date: 08-27-19 Approved By: �G_''r Q_ "D Social Media Use Policy Definition Social Media is a variety of online sources that allow people to communicate, share information, share photos, share videos, share audio, and exchange text and other multimedia files with others via some form of online or cellular network platform. Purpose The purpose of this Social Media Use Policy ("policy") is to establish guidelines for the City of Atascadero's ("City") participation in and City staff use of third -party platforms commonly known as social media sites, channels, networks, and technology such as Facebook, Google+, MySpace, LinkedIn, Foursquare, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Snapchat, Nextdoor, YouTube, and similar social media platforms or in similar kinds of electronic networking services (collectively, "social media networks") for City business. The purpose of this policy is also to establish guidelines and standards for all City employees, officers, volunteers, and any consultants, providers, and contractors acting in an official capacity and who are authorized to post infonnation ("posts") on social media websites on behalf of the City, and to provide guidelines for the use of social media networks for any employee, volunteer, consultant, provider, and contractor with access to social media during working fours, non -working hours (subject to the limitations set forth in this policy), and/or at the workplace. The City intends for its use of any social media site to relate solely to matters of City business and does not, in any way, intend to nor actually create general public forums. Social media networks offer substantial opportunities to communicate to a significant segment of the population, and if used properly, may provide a benefit to the City of Atascadero by providing an additional avenue of public outreach and dissemination of information. However, as with other interactive uses of the internet, posting information on social media networks is not without risks. Use of such networks for official City purposes raises legal issues that are unique to the City and generally do not affect private persons or entities. When posting on social media networks on behalf of the City, authorized employees, officers, volunteers, and any consultants, providers, and contractors acting in an official capacity are, in effect, serving as the voice of the City. The City has an overriding interest and expectation in deciding what is "announced" or "spoken" on behalf of the City on social media platforms. Therefore, all participation on social media must be in accordance with the provisions set forth herein. General Policy This policy applies to all employees, officers, volunteers, and any consultants, providers, and contractors acting in an official capacity who utilize social media networks on behalf of the City for the following City business purposes: A. To establish guidelines for posting of information on social media networks. B. To establish guidelines for user policies of social media networks. C. To provide a uniform policy that will be implemented by all departments which utilize social media as an informational tool. D. To establish guidelines for the use of social media for all employees who observe and monitor postings of others as part of their work assignment. All City employees, officers, volunteers, and any consultants, providers, and contractors shall comply with this policy in all respects. This policy is subject to revision at any time. In the event of a revision to this policy, the City will attempt to provide prior notice of any such change. However, this policy may be changed without prior notice when deemed necessary to fully protect the City's interests and/or the public's interests. If it is necessary to change this policy without providing prior notice to employees, the City shall notify the employees of the change at the earliest possible time. All City employees, officers, volunteers, and any consultants, providers, and contractors who have been authorized for social media access shall sign an acknowledgement of receipt of this policy indicating that he or she has read and understands all of its provisions and agrees to be bound by the same. Before posting anything on social media networks, the employee must check the most current policy to ensure compliance. While this policy acknowledges that social media is a way to engage with others, this policy is not intended to require the City, nor any City employee, nor contractor acting in an official agency capacity to actually use social media. The City will periodically conduct a risk assessment of the use of social media technology and sites and determine whether the use of social media sites is appropriate and whether appropriate risk mitigation controls can be implemented. Ownership and Adherence to Other City Policies 1. All social media communications composed, sent, or received on City equipment are the property of the City. 2. The use of City computers, City -issued smartphones, City -issued tablets, or any other City -issued electronic device to post information on a social media network are subject to all applicable policies of the City. 1 This policy is in addition to the City's Personnel System Rules and Administrative Policies. Creation of Social Meda Peres 4. The City Manager's Office may establish official "City of Atascadero" social media networks and pages. The City Manager's Office will maintain a written list of all approved social media networks and pages along with the user name and passwords of each page. 5. Each established department within the City may create departmental social media networks and/or social media pages for a specific City - related purpose or City event. Any social media page that is created for a specific City -related event purpose or event is subject to the limitations in section 5, below. a. Creation of any such social media network must be proposed, in writing, by the department head to the City Manager (or Designee). The City Manager (or Designee) may, in his/her sole discretion, approve, deny, or modify the creation of such social media networks or pages. A department may not create a social media network or page without the prior written authorization of the City Manager (or Designee). Consideration shall be given to the overall nature and theme of the network or page, and its suitability for use for City purposes. 6. Each department is responsible for the creation, administration, posting and deactivation of their social media account. a. Generally, new social media networks should not be created for a specific purpose or event. Information about specific purposes or events should be streamlined through the City's Facebook page or another primary social media page. Any request to establish a page for a specific purpose or event should be requested in writing to the City Manager's Office for consideration. b. If there is an existing social media network that has not been used for 12 months or longer, it should be deleted or taken down if it is not being utilized on an ongoing basis. The department must provide written confirmation to the City Manager's office if it intends to delete or not use a social media page before deactivation. C. The City Manager's Office shall have ultimate authority over all City participation on social media networks and may order the deactivation of all or part of a department's social media networks if the City Manager, in his/her sole discretion, determines that the content or social media network is not in the best interests of the City. 7. For the purpose of this policy, an "authorized social media network" is one that has been approved and created in accordance with this policy. Administration and Maintenance of Authorized Social Media Networks 8. Only City employees, officers, volunteers, and any consultants, providers, and contractors acting in an official capacity who utilize social media networks on behalf of the City authorized in writing by his/her department head or the City Manager ("authorized employees") are permitted to maintain, administer, and/or post on an authorized social media networks on behalf of the City of Atascadero. a. In approving an authorized social media network, the City Manager, or his/her designee, shall designate at least one authorized employee that will be responsible for the regular monitoring and maintenance of that particular social media page or pages. b. Authorized employees shall only address issues within the scope of their specific authorization. C. Authorized employees must conduct themselves at all times as a representative of the City and in accordance with all City policies. 9. Social medial networks often have their own polices, terms of use, conditions of use, and/or legal restrictions. These terms could have significant legal and financial implications for the City. Therefore, prior to signing and/or agreeing to adhere to any polices, terms of use, conditions of use, and/or legal restrictions for social media networks, authorized employees must obtain the City Manager's or his/her designee's written approval. In addition, prior to posting any content on an authorized social media page, authorized employees must review, become familiar with, and comply with the designated social media network policies and terms and conditions. 10. While City -approved social media sites are to be used for City business and for the purposes stated, herein, they are not intended to replace nor serve as the primary means of the City's communication with anyone. The City has an official website. This website shall remain the primary means of online communication with the public. 11. Any and all information posted on behalf of the City by authorized employees who utilize social media networks for City business must: a. Directly pertain to the City; b. Contain factual information that is freely available to the public and that is not made confidential by any policy of the City, or by local, state, or federal law; C. Not include any proprietary, confidential, sensitive, personally identifiable information and intellectual property; d. Comply with all other City rules and policies, including but not limited to, the City's harassment prevention policy; and e. Present the City in a positive light. 12. Authorized employees who utilize social media networks on behalf of the City are prohibited from posting the following content on any authorized social media networks: a. A photograph, video, or image of any nonemployee who can be readily identified by the naked eye in the photograph, video, or image without first obtaining the depicted person's written consent. If the person depicted in the photograph, video, or image is a minor or someone incapable of providing consent, the City must obtain the consent of the depicted person's parent or legal guardian before posting the photograph, video, or image to an authorized social media page; b. Language that is sexually explicit, or that is lewd or obscene, racial, promotes religious beliefs, political, or illegal, or that expresses a personal opinion, except as provided under the "Comments and Posts by the Public" guidelines listed below; G. Actual or perceived threats to public health, safety or property unless the authorized employee has authorization from the City Manager to post such content; d. Actual or potential legal claims, lawsuits or other legal issues, unless approved in advance in writing by the City Attorney; e. Personnel or medical matters; f. Testing materials or matters related to the evaluation of employment applicants (this does not prohibit the City from advertising vacancies on social media networks); g. Budget planning and priorities, unless approved in advance in writing by the City Manager; h. Criminal investigations and content regarding crime scenes; Solicitation, engaging in or endorsing any commercial, products or activities unless it is for the sole purpose of promoting the City with upcoming events, sponsorship or promotional in nature (like National Donut Day, where all donut companies in the City are represented). This provision is intended not to limit the City's ability to support business in Atascadero generally, but to refrain from supporting one particular business or a particular commercial enterprise or sole business.; j. Comments in support of or in opposition to elected and appointed City officials, political candidates, political campaigns, ballot measures, and matters that may reasonably be agenized for consideration by the City Council, Atascadero Tourism Business Improvement District (ATBID), Downtown Business Improvement District (BID), and/or any City commission, agency, or board. No City social media site may be linked to any private web site related to a candidate's campaign for elective office, but they may link directly to the home page of the Office of the City Clerk's election -related pages where general election and candidate information can be found; and k. Comments regarding the position of any City Council member or member of any City commission, agency, or board regarding a City -related issue or comments regarding, or speculating about, a potential decision by the City Council or any City commission, agency, or board. Comments reflecting the author's personal opinion or beliefs. 13. Following City Manager approval of an authorized social media network, authorized employees who utilize social media networks on behalf of the City must adhere to the following rules: a. Authorized social media networks shall utilize account names or user names that are clearly identifiable as City social media platforms. Examples include, but are not limited to: @AtascaderoCity @charlespaddockzoo, @planningatascadero @LakePavilionAtascadero @atascaderocs @atownteencenter @AtascaderoPolice @AtascaderoFire b. City account profiles must contain a valid City username, address, website and phone number. C. Authorized social media networks must clearly indicate the City department or organization it represents on the home page. d. If possible, authorized employees who utilize social media networks on behalf of the City may disable any feature of an authorized social media post to not allow members of the public to post content or comment on authorized employees' postings to the authorized social media network. If commenting on the post is allowed, the authorized employees are not allowed to hide, delete, or otherwise alter comments except as permitted in Section 15, below. The City Manager may grant an exception to this upon the request of the Department Head. Any social media network that permits members of the public to post content or comment on authorized employee's postings on a social media network is subject to the provisions set forth in the "Comments and Posts by the Public" listed below. e. Authorized employees may not use or include personal email addresses or any other personal information in the user profiles and/or posted content for authorized City social media networks. Instead, authorized employees may use their name, title, and a city email address. If an authorized employee wishes, he/she may request a "common" email address frorn the IT department (i.e. "planningfb@atascadero.org") or other similar email address that is received by the authorized employee managing a social media page. In order to manage any of the City's social media networks, it is required that an employee be assigned as an administrator or editor of the page. f. The City logo (with or without the department naive) or a City Asset logo shall be used as the account profile picture, If a department wishes to use an image as the Cover photo, the department must obtain approval from the Department Head before changing the existing photo. g. Authorized employees shall enable, set, or configure all accessibility features available on authorized social media networks to help ensure that the content of such social media platforms are accessible to as many people as possible with the understanding that City and authorized employees have no control over particular social media provider algorithms nor can City nor any authorized employee guarantee how or when content is accessed by others. h. If an approved social network requires account administrative approval to join, everyone who requests access must work with the Deputy City Manager on approval in order to be added, The City Manager may also delegate this approval authority to a Department Head or other designee. i. In order to maintain the security of the City's network, authorized employees who manage social media pages shall use different passwords for authorized social media networks. These passwords will be kept with the Deputy City Manager and IT Manager. j. Authorized employees shall follow the City's IT department password guidelines when selecting passwords for social media networks. k. An authorized employee may not share an authorized social media network account password with anyone who is not an authorized employee as to that particular authorized social media network. The only exception is when the different social media pages are being promoted by a professional Marketing company to boost and promote event information. Access has to have the oversite and approval from the Deputy City Manager in charge of the promotion. 14. Authorized employees may only work on authorized social media networks during City business hours and on City -owned computers, unless (a) otherwise directed and authorized by the City Manager or his/her designee or (b) after-hours and/or off-site work is necessary to avoid and/or remedy a violation of this policy and that, in the authorized employee's best judgment, waiting for approval by the City Manager or his/her designee would cause harm to the City's interest and/or the public's interests. In the event that an authorized employee performs after-hours and/or off-site work on an authorized social media networks, the authorized employee must report such work in writing to his/her department head and the City Manager or his/her designee at the earliest possible time following such work. 15. Except as expressly provided in this policy, employees accessing any authorized social media networks shall comply with all applicable policies of the City, including, but not limited to those policies that pertain to use of the internet by employees, officers, volunteers, and any consultants, providers, and contractors acting in an official capacity, including email content. Personal Use of Social Media 16. The following rules and guidelines apply to all employees, officers, volunteers, and any consultants, providers, and contractors acting in an official capacity of the City of Atascadero: a. While employees may voluntarily choose to engage with the City on its social media pages, the City does not encourage or require any employee to follow or "like" City social media networks. b. The City does not condone the personal use by City employees of social media sites during the working hours by any means, including by using City -owned equipment. Employees are permitted to use social media sites for personal use during their breaks and at lunch. City employees have no right or expectation of privacy when using City issued devices or systems. The City reserves the right to monitor, search, or disclose employee use of City resources. C. When an employee, officer, volunteer, consultant, provider, or contractor uses social media in a personal capacity, they are doing so for themselves and they are not speaking nor communicating on behalf of the City. Employees and contractors should make certain that it does not appear that they are speaking or posting for the City unless authorized to do so. d. Employees, officers, volunteers, consultants, providers, and contractors are reminded and cautioned that nothing posted on the internet is private. Content can easily be shared, forwarded, and distributed to broader audiences without your knowledge or permission. e. Information posted on any social media site may be used as evidence in disciplinary, administrative or legal proceedings. The City will not require you to provide a password or other security information for your personal sites that are password protected or otherwise non-public. f. The personal use of social media by a City employee, officer, volunteer, consultant, provider, or contractor in a manner that violates any City policy or procedure will not be tolerated, and may be grounds for disciplinary action, up to and including termination. Employees, officers, volunteers, consultants, providers, and contractors are expected to comply with the same ethical and performance standards on-line as in the workplace. Using social media in a way that adversely impacts a job, co-workers, the City, or the public is prohibited. An employee's use of social media in a manner that violates the City's policies and procedures, including, but not limited to, the City's workplace harassment, discrimination, and retaliation policies, will not be tolerated, and may be grounds for disciplinary action, up to and including termination. g. Employees, officers, and volunteers may not use their official City email addresses to create or maintain any personal social media page(s). h. Employees, officers, volunteers, consultants, providers, and contractors may not post any content on the internet or social media that constitutes or contains City confidential, proprietary, privileged, private, personnel, or other non-public information. L Employees, officers, volunteers, consultants, providers, and contractors are prohibited from using the City logo or informal logo, representing the City, or representing that they speak on behalf of the City. Employees, officers, volunteers, consultants, providers, and contractors must also make clear in any on-line activity that the views and opinions they express about work-related matters are their own, have not been reviewed by the City, and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of the City. This policy is not intended to prohibit conduct permitted by Section 3502 of the Meyers-Milias-Brown Act or any other state or federal law. Comments and Posts by the Public 17. Authorized employees should be aware that it is not always possible or recommended on social media networks to disable the feature that allows or permits responsive posts by members of the public. By permitting use of this feature, the City does not intend to create a general public forum, and all comments and posts must comply with this Social Media Policy. In addition, most social media platforms have their own terms of use and standards of conduct. All content posted on a City social media page must comply with this Social Media Policy and any host site user guidelines. In such an event, the following regulations apply: a. The authorized employee for each authorized social media network that allows public posts make sure the "terms of use" or "disclaimer" is posted and readily accessible to anyone wishing to post a comment, and are being updated and followed by the authorized employee managing the responses. Any changes to the "terms of use" policy must be approved in advance by the City Manager or City Attorney (or their respective designees). b. To the extent that members of the public are permitted to post content on an authorized social media network, authorized employees should only respond to a post by a member of the public if they are answering a question or providing direction. All posts responding to a particular post must be positioned as a response to benefit the entire social media audience or addressing a concern that is being shared. It is not necessary to respond to each post. The same applies to private messages by Facebook Messenger or Instagram where a question is being asked. Only answer to those questions that are relevant and make sure the answers are thorough as if you were talking to a public audience. Spam related messages should be ignored. Timeliness in your response is important and responding within 24 hours is always a good practice or on a Monday following a weekend post. C. Authorized social media networks provide the ability to hide or delete posts from the public. If the authorized employees wish to hide or delete a post, they need to coordinate with the Deputy City Manager before removing any items. If the post is to be deleted, there is a documentation process for public records that needs to be followed before any post can be deleted. Standard practice for social media is that once a post is published, it cannot be deleted. It can be edited as long as it doesn't change the original intent of the post. d. No post, comment, or other content shall be removed solely because it is critical of the City, its' officials, employees or programs, or because City staff disagrees with the viewpoint of the comment, content or submittal. e. The authorized employee must review their assigned social media page(s) and all associated content not less than once each workday. If the authorized employee will be absent for more than one workday for any reason, the department head or his/her designee is responsible for performing the review. 1 S. Every social media page that allows comments or posts from the public must include the following disclaimer/terms of use located in a readily accessible part of each social media page, such as the privacy policy, the "about us" section, or as a pinned post: THIS SITE IS NOT MONITORED IN REAL TIME. IF YOU HA VE AN EMERGENCY OR KNOW OF A CRIME IN PROGRESS, PLEASE CALL 911 IMMEDIATELY. OUR SOCIAL MEDIA SITE IS A MODERATED ONLINE DISCUSSION SITE AND IS .DESIGNATED AS A LIMITED PUBLIC FOR UM. This is an official social media page of'the City of Atcr,scader•o. For more information about the Cit)' of Ataseadero, please visit viliilrr,rltu.s-4:etcte)-o, rt' i. The City does not intend to create a general public forum, and all comments and posts must comply with these terms of use. This social media page is intended to serve cis a rrrechani.stri fltr communication between the City and the public to help , further our inission. Argy comment submitted to this page and its list of farts. followers, or subscribers nzay be considered a public record, which is subject to disclosure pursuant to the California Public Records Act. Public iraforination requests must he directed to the City Clerks office. If any public comments are allowed on this large, all comments posted will be monitored daily and inappropriate content will he removed as soon as possible. The City reserves the right to report a user directly to the host site if a post, comment, or other content by the user violates the host site's terms of use. Under the City of Atascader o Social Media [f -;e Policy, the C'r'ty reserves the right to remove, inappropriate content, including, but not limited to, thefollowing: 1. Profane, obscene, violent, orpornographic nographic content and/or language,- 2. anguage: ?. Content that promotes, fosters, or perpetrates discrimination or harassment on the basis of race, color, national origin, religious creed, ancestrv, physical or mental disability, medical condition, pregnancy; childbirth or related medical condition, age, sexual orientation, sex, gentler identity, gender expression, genetic iglbrination, militaty or veteran status, marital .status, or any other basis protected by applicable state or federal lcnv; 3. Threats to any person or organization or encouragement of illegal actil,ky; a. Information that tends to compromise the ,wifely or security of' City employees, the public, public .systems, or the City's technology resources, 5. (7ontent that violates any legal ownership interest, such cis a copyright or trademark; 6. ('ontent containing personal infnr•)riation, such as home addresses, phone numbers, social security) numbers, dates of birth or driver's license numbers; 7. Solicitation of commerce, including any advertising or business services or products for sale; 8. C'ontenl that violates any.federal, state or local laws; 9. Comments in support oj' or opposition to arty political campaigns or - ballot measures. The (.'ity dr'sclainis any and all responsibility and liability fur any materials that the Cixv deems inappropriite for posting, which cannot be removed in an expeditious and otherwise tin7ely manner. The City reserves the right to remove any. fans, followers, or subscribers that continuously violate this policy. A comment posted by a member of the public on any City of Atascadero social media site is the opinion of the commentator or poster only, and the publication of a comment does not imply endorsement of, or agreement by, the City of Atascadero, nor do such comments necessarily reflect the opinions or policies of the City of Atascadero. The City reserves the right to restrict or remove any content that is deemed in violation of this policy or any applicable law. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the City of Atascadero is not obligated to take such actions, and disclaims any and all responsibility and liability for any materials posted by a member of the public. By posting a comment, users agree to indemnify the City of Atascadero, its officers and employees from and against all liabilities, judgments, damages, and costs (including attorney's _ fees) incurred by any of them which arise out of or are related to content posted by users. If a user does not agree to these terms, the individual should not use the City of Atascadero's social media sites as a violation of these terms may lead to legal liability. Please enjc�v this page and ij' your have any questions regarding, the terms of use please email urs at fircehoolcata.s•cadero.rrrr 19. The above disclaimer may not be altered without the prior approval of the City Manager. If it is not possible to provide the preceding disclaimer on a social media network, this fact must be brought to the City Manager's attention prior to establishing a social media website. In that situation, special approval from the City Manager will be necessary in order to proceed with that particular social media website. The Deputy City Manager will work with authorized staff to set up the page and disclaimers correctly. 20. The inclusion of links in any post must comply with the City's official website external link policy, unless authorized by the department head or City Manager. California Public Records Act 21. All content posted on a social media website may be subject to the California Public Records Act, California's civil discovery statutes, and other applicable laws requiring the disclosure of public records. All content must be managed, stored, and retrieved to comply with these laws, including any photographs or images. In addition, all content subject to the City's records retention policy must be maintained consistent with that policy. Any content on authorized social media networks shall be maintained in a format that preserves the integrity of the original record and must be easily accessible using the approved City platform and tools. Any content submitted for posting that is deemed unsuitable because it is not topically related or is inappropriate under this policy must also be retained pursuant to the applicable record retention schedule. In addition, City staff must adhere to the following rules: a. The City Manager's office will maintain a list of all authorized social media pages and all account information for such pages, including login passwords, to allow for the immediate alteration or removal of content that is inappropriate or inconsistent with City policy. b. Authorized employees shall maintain a record of social media account information, including user name, password, registered email address, date established, and authorizing representative and the site's terms of use. C. Authorized employees shall maintain a content calendar that provides general information on what was posted and the corresponding dates. d. All documents shall be easily accessible, including photographs or images if the website is subject to a California Public Records Act request or similar request for disclosure. C. City staff' shall direct any public records requests to the City Clerk's Office. FAILURE TO ADHERE TO POLICY An employee's, officer's, volunteer's, consultant's, provider's, or contractor's failure to adhere to the provisions of this policy may result in disciplinary or adverse action being taken against the employee, officer, volunteer, consultant, provider, or contractor up to and including termination.