HomeMy WebLinkAboutPublic Notice 100582 NOTICE OF ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Atascadero City Council will hold an adjourned regular meeting on Saturday, October 9, 1982, at 9 : 00 a.m. in Room 304, third floor of the Administration Build- ing, Atascadero, California. This meeting is held for the purpose ' of conducting a study session on all or a part of the following items: ' 1. City Clerk 2. Committees 3. Information strategies 4 . Communication programs 5. Open house Dated: October 5, 1982 ' ATSY A. HESTER, Deputy City Clerk City of Atascadero, California 1 -MINUTES ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Adjourned Regular Meeting October 9, 1982 Atascadero Administration Building The meeting was called to order at 9:O0 a.m. by Mayor Nelson. PRESENT: Councilmen Mackey, Molina, Stover, Wilkins and Mayor Nelson ABSENT: None ' Mayor Nelson stated that the meeting was called for the purpose of having a study session on the various items listed on the agenda. 1. City Clerk ' Barbara Norris, City Clerk, commented that indexing the Minutes had not been completed when she took office. She also noted that ' the Deputy needed to be available to the public for more than three hours per day. She referred to a list of statutory duties, noting that Ordinance No. 48 did not include all of them. Mrs. Norris felt that the Clerk's Office should handle claims filed against the city. Mr. Warden commented that he was under the impression, that the indexing of Minutes had been agreed to by Mrs. Norris and Ardith ' Davis. He stated that normally indexing did not take very much time to accomplish. He was of the opinion that typing of Minutes or other typing duties could be done while the Deputy was perform- ing PBX duties. Healsostated that to his knowledge all statutory duties were being done or had been transferred to the City Clerk' s Office. Mr. Grimes stated that in many cities the Clerk's Office does much more than statutory duties and the .offices are always available to the public. He noted that when he was City Attorney as a full- time employee by other cities, his office was responsible for all claims. However, this city is a member of, a JPA for insurance and the JPA attorney handles the claims. He stated that he is kept ' aware oftheclaims and that the city' s legal interests in claims matters are being handled properly. Comments were heard from Ed Halliday, Maxine Halliday and Tom McNamara. Council discussed this matter at considerable length. The majority of the Council decided not to take any action now and to reevaluate the matter in three months. MINUTES ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 9, 1982 2. Committees a. Police Department Location Committee ' Lon Allen and Judy Young were selected to be on the committee. Mr. Grimes statedthatthis _committee should be ad hoc. ' Council agreed that police location and renovation of the Veteran' s Building should be addressed together and that the committee should come back with recommendations and alternatives. b. Zoo Committee Mayor Nelson stated that Councilman Mackey should be respon- sible for handling selections and establishment of .the zoo committee. This will be a_sub-committee of Parks Advisory Board and they will decide on the number of committee members. C. Fee Committee Councilman Mackey stated that a very critical matter concerned the fees established for the new sewer treatment plant. Mr. Warden noted that the Public Works Director was looking into this matter and would be returning to Council with an evaluation of these fees in the near future. Councilman Mackey suggested that businessmen be on a committee ' to look at all fees. Mayor Nelson stated that Council will consider the matter at ' a later date and. suggested that Councilman Mackey bring back a definite committee structure and tasks for it to consider. d,. Emergency Preparedness Mr. Warden noted that present police and fire procedures identify local, state, and federal resources available to handle ' emergency situations beyond the capabilities of the city depart- ments. ' e. Energy Committee Councilman Mackey is to look into the possible organization and tasks for this committee. ' RECESS 10 : 31 a.m. RECONVENED 10: 38 a.m. -2- MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL - OCTOBER 9, 1982 ' 3. Information Strategies The following information strategies were suggested by 1 Mayor Nelson: a. Agenda Mayor Nelson believed that the Council should be more involved in the agenda process. 1 Council agreed that Mayor Nelson will continue to be involved in the agenda process. b.- Information Mayor Nelson felt that the Council should become more informed and involved in problems before they come to the Council at its 1 regular meetings. He thought that there should be a way for them to do so, .perhaps, by having department committees or periodic meet- ings with departments. Perhaps councilmen could rotate their departmental committee assignments so that all could become familiar with all aspects of departmental activities. Mr. Grimes noted that any Council direction to departments ' had tocomefrom the Council as a whole, as determined at a regular Council meeting, and through the City Manager, since he is res- ponsible for the day-to-day administration. Mr. Grimes cautioned against any use of the commission form of government. Mr. Grimes noted that in some cities the Mayor routinely met ' with the City Manager to discuss the agenda. Councilman Wilkins thought it should be up to each councilmember to find out inform- ation from each department head'. Mr. Warden noted that from this viewpoint councilmen should come in and talk over any matter that ' concerned them as frequently as they needed or wanted. Comments were heard from Tom McNamara and Ed Halliday. ' The consensus of the Council was that there should be no change in procedure and that the Mayor should act as agenda liaison as he felt necessary. C. Communication with the Public ' Mayor Nelson was of the opinion that Council should find ways to provide more information to the public, perhaps through a quarterly city report or newsletter. He gave examples of several -3 MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 9, 1982 pamphlets showing what other cities are doing and asked the Council to consider some of them. ' Council agreed that Mayor Nelson should pursue the matter and find out costs, etc. d. Open House Mayor Nelson suggested a special open house situation such as tours of the Administration Building, speakers, and giving awards. Council agreed to host an open house around the first of the year. The meeting adjourned at 11:34 a.m. ' Recorded by: BARBARA NORRIS, City Clerk By: JG�, I, d,� PATS A. 'HESTER Deputy City Clerk 1 l 1 -4-