HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 091382 - Special Mtng MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Adjourned Regular Meeting September 13, 1982 5:00 p.m. Atascadero Administration Building The meeting was called to order at 5: 00P Y Y.m. b Mayor Nelson. PRESENT: Councilmen Mackey, Molina, Wilkins and Mayor Nelson ABSENT: Councilman Stover Mayor Nelson stated that he would like the order of the study ses- sion agenda changed so that the City Treasurer would come first, Com- mittes second. 1. City Treasurer Steven Rizzuto, City Treasurer , stated that the City has been working without a formal investment policy. He made some suggestions for a formal policy and Council asked that a resolution be drafted along the lines . suggested. Mr. Warden noted that the City, in fact, has had an investment policy which the Finance Director had been following since incorpora- tion. The policy was essentially as the one discussed by Mr . Rizzuto except no investments were made in Savings and Loan institutions in excess of the $100,000 as covered by the insured deposits program. ' The policy has been to maximize return on investment, consistent with State law requirements, to invest in local institutions as the first priority and to seek competitive rate quotations as one criteria for selecting a specific institution. Also discussed was Mr . Rizzuto' s conflict of interest in his de- positing City funds in the institution in which he is employed, Fidel- ity Saving and Loan. Mr . Grimes was of the opinion that Mr . Rizzuto could not deposit City funds in his institution. There was discussion regarding this and Mr . Grimes and Mr . Rizzuto were directed to review ' the matter together and report back to Council. 2. Committees ' Mayor Nelson suggested a committee to consider the police depart- ment location, building renovation, and a committee representing the City; Chamber of Commerce and School District to act as a coordinating committee for activities of mutual concern Mr . Warden noted that Council should be aware that all members of committees created by Council must comply with the regulations of the ' Fair Political Practices Commission and that the committee must con- duct its activities in accordance with the Brown Act. He also noted that a specific task should be assigned to each committee and that Council should determine if a committee is to be ad hoc or a standing committee. The Council indicated its preference fo ad hoc committees charged with a specific task. MINUTES - ATASCADERO ITY COUNCIL - SEPTEMBER 131982 Mayor Nelson stated that there should be a long-term committee of the City, Chamber of Commerce and School District officials to look at solutions for common problem within the City. He suggested that the committee be composed of the Mayor and City manager , Chamber of Com- merce Board Chairman and Manager , and School District Board Chairman ' and Superintendent. A majority of the Council agreed to discuss the matter and make a ' recommendation. Mayor Nelson suggested discussing the police location and building renovation committee at the next meeting. He stated that opinions ' from the public are needed and it is best to have committees to help decide. Councilman Mackey proposed a zoo committee. Goldie Carmenetti of the Zoological Society agreed. The Society would like to play a part in the long-term planning for the' zoo in order to assure that donated ' funds are spent wisely and that zoo development follows a logical plan that will be supported by the City. Councilman Wilkins suggested that the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board set up a sub-committee to han- dle the zoo matter . Councilman Mackey will coordinate this committee. Councilman Mackey also suggested a fee committee to review City fees for business licenses, etc. Also, possibly a coordinating coun- cil to coordinate volunteers. Council felt that a coordinating coun- cil could be handled by one of the service agencies in the City; per- haps the Chamber of Commerce. Mayor Nelson suggested another study session for October 9, 1982 at 9:00 a.m. ' The meeting adjourned at 6:06 p.m. Recorded by: PATI HESTER, Deputy City Clerk 2