HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 071382 MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL ' Adjourned Regular Meeting July 13, 1982 7: 30 p.m. Atascadero Administration Building ' The meeting was called to order at 7; 30 p.m. by Mayor Nelson. PRESENT: Councilmen Mackey, Molina, Stover, Wilkins and Mayor Nelson ABSENT: None iMayor Nelson stated that the meeting was called for the purpose of having a study session on the various items listed on the agenda. He stated that he would like the meeting to adjourn by 10: 00 p.m. and, if all agenda items were not discussed, another study session could be scheduled. 1. General meeting procedures Mayor Nelson stated that he would like Council to consider meeting on Tuesday nights rather than Monday nights. He felt that this would 1 give Council additional time to study their agenda packets. He would also like to have study sessions before Council meetings to discuss any agenda items Council feels need additional study. Council members ' discussed this matter and decided to leave the meetings on Monday nights for the time being. Mr. Warden stated that if Council felt it needed additional time, it could be arranged to have the agenda pack- ets come out a day early. Mayor Nelson suggested a time for Council to speak on items not on the agenda at the beginning of the meeting. Mr. Warden stated that a ' time after Public Comment would be set aside for Council on the agen- da. Mayor Nelson also suggested that Council suggest items for the next Council meeting at the end of the meeting. 2. Clerk & Treasurer Barbara Norris, City Clerk, reviewed the way she felt the City ' Clerk' s office should be run. She stated that she wanted an office independent of the City Manager ' s office and needed to staff that of- fice with people she has confidence in. She sees the City Clerk' s ' office as an information and public relations center . She sees this operation evolving over a period of six months. She also stated that she would like to purchase the new City Clerk' s Handbook which will be ' coming out soon at a cost of $100; also, phe would like to attend some workshops. Mrs. Norris felt that the distribution and/or opening of the mail should be handled by the City Clerk' s office to some extent. ' Council discussed these matters and the handling and distribution of the mail at length. Mr. Warden took issue with the fact that the memo from the City Clerk and attachments thereto given to the Council were not provided to him by the City Clerk. He pointed out several inaccuracies in Mrs. Norris' memo. Also he did not see how the mail 0 16 MINUTES - ATASCDERO CITY COUNCIL - JULY 13, 1982 situation would be better served by Mrs. Norris' handling of it as opposed to the way it is currently being handled. Comments were heard from Kathleen Daly, John Daly, George Highland, and Ed Halliday. A majority of the Council decided that the Clerk' s office would be an independent function with no staff at this time, however, they ---__woml-d-- eeva � -Iuae"--the situation at the Council' s second meeting in Oc- tober. Regarding the mail, it was decided that it would continue the way it is; the City Clerk' s mail will go to the City Clerk, individual Councilmembers mail will go to them, and the rest being handled as it currently is being handled. Mr. Rizutto reviewed his activities with the Finance Department indicating that things were working very well. He requested that Council review Ordinances No. 7 and 49 and make a determination as to whether those ordinances describe the job as they want it done. He requested a time on the Council agenda to make a comment and also that a place be provided for him at the front of the meeting room. He would like additional clarification so he knows absolutely when to give the money to the Director of Finance. Mayor Nelson stated that,Council would pick up with this matter at their next study session. The meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m. ' Recorded by: ' BARBARA NORRIS, City Clerk ' By: Ardith Davis, Deputy City Clerk 2