HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 042682 i • 1 MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting April 26 , 1982 7: 30 p.m. Atascadero Administration Building The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Reverend E. B. Claud of the Atascadero Bible Church gave the invocation. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Councilmen Highland, Mackey, Nelson, Stover and Mayor Wilkins ABSENT: None PUBLIC COMMENT ' 1. Mr. Ed Halliday announced that he accepted the Mayor ' s offer to meet with him to discuss his (Mr. Halliday' s) problems with the Planning Department as long as it was a meeting open to the public and press. Mayor Wilkins questioned the accuracy Mr. Halli- day' s statement and stated that because of the hearing possibility of Mr . Halliday' s appeal, he would wait for a report on Mr. Halliday' s ' assertions before he would respond. A. CONSENT CALENDAR ' 1. Minutes of the regular meeting of April 12, 1982 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) ' 2. Minutes of the adjourned regular meeting of April 12, 1982 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) ' 3. Resolution No. 14-82 authorizing the purchase of Parcel No. 3 in accordance with the Agreement between the City and V. M. Cook, et al, relating to the purchase of Mall property (REC- OMMEND ADOPTION) 4. Resolution No. 15-82 instituting the annual weed abatement program and setting date for public hearing for protests (RECOMMEND ADOPTION) 5. Acceptance of Parcel Map AT 811211:1, 8030 El Camino Real, ' Everett and Ruth Knight (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COM- MISSION RECOMMENDATION) 6. Acceptance of Parcel Map AT 810722:1, 4605 Carrizo Road, ' Ralph Brink (Hilliard) (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COM- MISSION RECOMMENDATION) ' 7. Acceptance of Lot Line Adjustment LA 810817:1, 5300 Traffic Way, Ernest and Neta Simon (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL - APRIL 26, 1982 8. Acceptance of Lot Line Adjustment LA 811021:1, 5880 Encino, ' Garry and Virginia Brill (Stewart) (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) ' 9 . Rules of Procedure for the Building and Construction Board of Appeals (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF BOARD OF APPEALS RECOMMENDA- TION) ' Mayor Wilkins reviewed all items on the Consent Calendar . Coun- cilman Highland requested that item A-9 be withdrawn and considered separately. Councilman Mackey stated that she wished to make some comments on items A-5 and A-7. MOTION: Councilman Stover moved that the Consent Calendar be approved with the exception of items A-5, A-7 and A-9. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey and unanimously carried by roll call vote. ' A-5 Acceptance of Parcel Map AT 811211:1, 8030 El Camino Real, Everett and Ruth Knight ' A-7 Acceptance of Lot Line Adjustment LA 810817:1, 5300 Traffic Way, Ernest and Neta Simon ' Councilman Mackey was concerned about the sizeof the lots ap- proved by these actions. Larry Stevens stated that the half-acre min- imum applies to residential lots, not commercial. ' A-9 Rules of Procedure for the Building and Construction Board of Appeals ' Councilman Highland was concerned about Section 15, page 5 of the proposed rules. He did not feel it was necessary to add that section.. Mr. Stevens stated that it was extracted from the Planning Commission ' rules. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Council accept items A-5, A-7 and A-9 and recommendations. The motion was seconded by Councilman Stover and unanimously carried by roll call vote. B. HEARINGS, APPEARANCES AND REPORTS ' 1. Appearance of Jay Salter requesting Council support of the Nuclear Arms Freeze Initiative Larry Waugh stated that Mr. Salter had organized this item, how- ever, he would present it to Council. He requested that Council sup- port a resolution which would be read by Rollin Dexter of the United ' Methodist Church. Reverend Dexter read a proposed resolution which would support the bilateral nuclear weapons freeze initiative. ' Also speaking in support of this resolution were Dr. Willard Osibin, Dr. Dugald Chisholm and Ted Munson. ' Councilmembers assigned No. 18-82 to the proposed resolution. 2 MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL —APRIL 26, 1982 MOTION: Councilman Mackey moved for the adoption of Resolution No. 18-82 subject to approval of the City Attorney as to the wording of the resolution. The motion was seconded by Coun- cilman Nelson. Councilman Highland stated that he would be voting no on the pro- posed resolution, however , not because he is in favor of nuclear arms. He believes that there is no such thing as a "limited" nuclear war . He does not think that the proposed resolution really gets to the root of the problem; the initiative does not say anything about nuclear weapons reduction, just a freeze which he does not believe will accom- plish anything. Councilman Mackey disagreed stating that there is a need to stop producing nuclear weapons and then start moving in the right direction Councilman Nelson expressed the hope that other major powers would support this initiative. The motion carried with Councilman Highland voting no. 2. Public hearing on Zone Change 2811124: 1, John Kleinhammer (Westland Engineering) to change the zoning from R-1-B-2-D to R-4 on a portion of the property and to modify the "D (532) " combining district requirements fortheentire property and ' to contruct a commercial office project with approximately 14,000 square feet of floor area Larry Stevens reviewed the the application and the Planning Com ' mission' s consideration for the zone change, Departmental Review for offices subject to conditions and the Tentative Tract Map for offices to become condominiums subject to conditions. The Planning Commission ' approved the Negative Declaration and Zone Change with a finding that the rezoning is consistent with the Commercial-Professional designa- tion in the General Plan. ' ,Mayor Wilkins declared the hearing open to the public. - Terry Orton, engineer for the project, supported the Planning Commission' s recommendation and agreed with the conditions. Al Sherman, a resident ' in the area, spoke in opposition to the project. He objected to hav- ing to look at the back wall of a two-story building. He also felt that the building would add to the drainage problems in the area. The hearing was closed to the public and Councilmembers discussed the project at length. Councilman Mackey was in favor of shifting the development so that the parking lot faced Navajoa thereby mitigating the visual impact for Navajoa residents. Mr. Stevens explained that the visual impact had been considered and mitigating measures taken to alleviate the two-story "wall" the residents would have to face, such ' as requiring a 25-foot setback, architectural measures extended to the back of the building as well as the front and landscaping. It was felt that the noise, car fumes, lights, etc. would be more of an im- pact on the residents than the building as designed. 3 MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL - APRIL 26, 1982 Councilman Nelson felt that perhaps a one-story building should have been considered for this property. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Council adopt the Planning ' Commission's recommendation regarding this project. The mo- tion was seconded by Councilman Stover and carried with Coun- cilman Mackey and Nelson voting no. Mr. Stevens stated that an ordinance changing the zoning would be brought back for Council adoption. 3. Report regarding San Luis Obispo County Area Council of Gov- ernments agenda, May 6, 1982 agenda Larry McPherson reviewed the agenda by discussing those items with which City Staff had a different recommendation than the COG staff. 1. Item 10 regarding a meeting schedule for the Area Council and TTAC City Staff recommended that the COG meetings be moved one week ahead of the present schedule. Then all city coun- cils would have time to consider the agenda instead of just half of them. 2. Item 11 regarding the Social Services Transportation Coordin- ation Plan; City Staff recommended that the comments from CTAC and TTAC be incorporated in the final document. 3. Item 12 regarding request for improved - public transit ser- vices; City Staff recommends that the Paso Robles/San Luis Obispo commuter link not be implemented until the demonstra- tion project is completed allowing an assessment as to the validity of the Atascadero/San Luis Obispo commuter link. 4. Item 16 regarding Local Transportation Fund apportionments; City Staff recommends that the handicapped system be taken out of this claim fund and be considered in Section 8 and 4 claim funds. Cities should have control over the apportion- ment of their funds rather than allowing automatic disburse ' ment. 5. Item 17 regarding a procedural change in the transfer of Transportation Develoment Act funds; Staff recommends sup- porting the TTAC recommendation for local control of TDA funds. Council agreed with the recommendations. C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS None 4 MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL - APRIL 26, 1982 D. NEW BUSINESS ' 1. Council suggestions for General Plan Amendments/Cycle 2 (1982) Larry Stevens reviewed the requests for the Cycle 2 Genera-1 Plan Amendments and asked Council if they had any additional items to be ' considered. Councilman Nelson asked about studies concerning indus- trial areas. Mr . Stevens said there were adequate opportunities for development, however, the subject needs some study. Doug Lewis asked about studies dealing with problem or hazardous building sites. Mr. Stevens did not feel that the General Plan was the proper place to address this matter . He outlined the various avenues for identifying problem areas. Council had nothing to add to the Cycle 2 amendments. 2. Request of Mr. Sells, Plaza del Camino manager, for no park r ing zone on El Camino REal Mayor Wilkins reviewed this matter stating that Mr . Sells was re- questing a no parking zone in front of the Plaza del Camino because of sight distance problems. It was noted that Council recently decided that parking would be allowed based on recommendations from a Citizens ' Parking Committee. Lon Allen, a member of that committee, stated that several of the merchants in the Plaza had been contacted during the committee' s consideration of the parking situation and they had de- manded that some parking be allowed there. That was the reason the Parking Committee had recommended 2-hour parking in that area. Council decided not to take action on this matter pending a Cal- Trans determination on Council recommendations. 3. Approval to request proposals for development of a park plan for the Park at Atascadero State Hospital site Mr. Warden reviewed this noting that the Parks and Recreation Ad- visory Board had recommended soliciting proposals for development plans for the park. MOTION: Councilman Nelson moved that Council authorize Staff to seek ' proposals for the development of the Park. The motion was seconded by Councilman Highland and unanimously carried. E. ATASCADERO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT BUSINESS MOTION: Councilman Nelson moved that Council adjourn from this meet- ing as City Council and reconvene as the Atascadero County Sanitation District Board of Directors. The motion was sec- onded by Councilman Mackey and unanimously carried. 1. Consideration of resolutions approving bond issue for Atasca- dero County Sanitation District Mr. Warden reviewed the two resolutions which must be adopted in 5 ' MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL - APRIL 26, 1982 order to start the cash flow for the sewer project. Doug Lewis ob- jected to a statement in one of the resolutions which stated that sewer service could be discontinued for non-payment of bills. He did not feel that discontinuing service is proper . Allen Grimes felt that the resolution was proper as is. RESOLUTION NO. 16-82. Resolution providing for the issuance of $1,300,000 principal amount of Atascadero County Sanitation Dis- trict 1982 Sewer Revenue Bonds and prescribing the terms, condi- tions, dates, forms, maturities, redemption provisions and rate of interest on said bonds MOTION: Director Highland moved that Resolution No. 16-82 be read by title only. The motion was seconded by Director Mackey and unanimously carried. President Wilkins read Resolution No. 16-82 by title only. MOTION: Director Highland moved for the adoption of Resolution No. 16-82. The motion was seconded by Director Stover and unanimously carried by roll call vote. RESOLUTION NO. 17-82. Resolution setting the time and place for the sale of $1,300,000 principal amount of Atascadero County Sani- tation District 1982 Sewer Revenue Bonds and directing notice of sale of said bonds to be given MOTION: Director Highland moved that Resolution No. 17-82 be read ' by title only. The motion was seconded by Director Nelson and unanimously carried. ' President Wilkins read Resolution No. 17-82 by title only. MOTION: Director Highland moved for the adoption of Resolution No. ' 17-82. The motion was seconded by Director Stover and unanimously carried by roll call vote. Mr. Warden stated that the bonds would be advertised in the paper ' and the City should receive the first funding for this project within three to four weeks. ' MOTION: Director Highland moved that the Board of 'Directors adjourn and the City Council reconvene. The motion was seconded by Director Nelson and unanimously carried. Council convened with all members present. F. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION 1. City Council (a) Councilman Nelson asked Mr. Warden if there had been any solution to Mr. Halliday' s problem. Mr. Warden stated that Staff is in the process of getting information together . 6 MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL - APRIL 26, 1982 (b) Councilman Mackey reminded everyone about the Beautifi- cation Committee' s contest on trees. The Museum will have an open house on May 14th to view the entries. (c) Mayor Wilkins reminded Council that the Channel Counties Division of the League of California Cities will be holding their quarterly meeting in Fillmore on Friday, May 7th. 2. City Attorney Mr. Grimes had nothing. 3. City Manager (a) Mr. Warden stated that the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) would be on the agenda at the next meeting and he asked Councilto get their comments to him so that they could be in- ' cluded in the final draft. (b) Mr. Warden requested a closed session to discuss labor negotiations. He said that there would not be an an- nouncement after the closed session. The meeting adjourned to closed session at 9: 38 p.m. and returned to regular session at 10:15 p.m. at which time they adjourned. Recorded by: MURRAY L. WARDEN, City Clerk By: Ardith Davis Deputy City Clerk r 7