HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC_2019-09-10_MinutesCITY OF A TASCADERO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Tuesday, September 10, 2019 City Hall Council Chambers, 4th floor 6500 Palma Avenue, Atascadero, California (Entrance on Lewis Ave.) City Council Regular Session: Successor A-gency to the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero: REGULAR SESSION — CALL TO ORDER: 6:00 P.M. [:3�1Ifl a Ji Immediately following conclusion of the City Council Regular Session Mayor Moreno called the meeting to order at 6:03 p.m. and Council Member Funk led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: Present: Council Members Fonzi, Funk, Mayor Pro Tem Bourbeau and Mayor Moreno Absent: Council Member Newsom Staff Present: City Manager Rachelle Rickard, Administrative Services Director Jeri Rangel, Public Works Director Nick DeBar, Police Chief Jerel Haley, Community Development Director Phil Dunsmore, Fire Chief Casey Bryson, City Attorney Brian Pierik Deputy City Manager/City Clerk Lara Christensen and Senior Planner Kelly Gleason APPROVAL OF AGENDA: MOTION: By Council Member Fonzi and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Bourbeau to: 1. Approve this agenda; and, Atascadero City Council September 10, 2019 Page 1 of 6 2. Waive the reading in full of all ordinances appearing on this agenda, and the titles of the ordinances will be read aloud by the City Clerk at the first reading, after the motion and before the City Council votes. Motion passed 4:0 by a roll -call vote. Newsom ABSENT. PRESENTATION: Pledge to Make a Smart Commute Choice During Rideshare Week, October 7-11, 2019 Peter Williamson of SLOCOG presented to the Council. A. CONSENT CALENDAR: 1, City Council Draft Action Minutes —August 13 2019 • Recommendation: Council approve the August 13, 2019 Draft City Council Meeting Minutes. [City Clerk] 2. July 2019 Accounts Payable and Payroll ■ Fiscal Impact: $5.453.235.83 ■ Recommendation: Council approve certified City accounts payable, payroll and payroll vendor checks for July 2019. [Administrative Services] 3. Emergency Shelter Overlay Zone Update ZCH19-0060 EI Camino Homeless Organization) ■ Fiscal Impact: None. ■ Recommendation: Council adopt on second reading, by title only, Draft Ordinance A approving amendments to Atascadero Municipal Code Title 9 Chapter 3 Article 23 ES (Emergency Shelter) Overlay Zone text, based on findings. [Community Development] 4. Property Acquisition for Via Avenue Bridge Replacement Prosect ■ Fiscal Impact: The total compensation to be paid is $51,400. The HBRRP grant will cover approximately 88.5% ($45,489) of the project costs with the remaining 11.5% ($5,911) local share funded through Local Transportation Funds. ■ Recommendation: Council adopt Draft Resolution approving compensation payments and Right-of-way Agreements for property acquisitions located at APNs 028-201-005, 028-341-008, 028-341-018, and 028-341-021 for the Via Avenue Bridge Replacement Project. [Public Works] 5. Formation of Battalion Chief Position & Technical Support Specialist II Position ■ Fiscal Impact: The creation of the Battalion Chiefs positions is estimated to cost $113,000 per year in budgeted funds The creation of the Technical Support Specialist II position is estimated to cost $76,000 in budgeted funds. • Recommendations: Council: 1. Authorize the City Manager to establish a new Battalion Chief position. 2. Authorize the City Manager to establish a new Technical Support Specialist II position. Atascadero City Council September 10, 2019 Page 2 of 6 3 Amend the fiscal year 2019-2020 monthly salary schedule to include the Battalion Chief position & the Technical Support Specialist II positions as follows: 4. Adopt Draft Resolution for Non -Represented Professional and Management Workers and Confidential Employees. 5. Authorize the City Manager to execute a Side Letter with the SEIU MOU adding the Technical Support Specialist II at the salary range shown above. [City Manager] 6. Accept Parcel Map AT 18-0087 - 6450 Portola Road (FMP19-001 fit ■ Fiscal Impact: None. ■ Recommendations: Council: 1. Accept Parcel Map AT18-0087. 2. Accept, on behalf of the public, the offer of dedication for a Public Utility Easement and the offer of dedication for a portion of Portola Road. [Public Works] MOTION: By Council Member Funk and seconded by Council Member Fonzi to approve the Consent Calendar. (#A-3: Ordinance No. 627) (#A-4: Resolution No. 2019-073 and Contract Nos. 2019-009, 2019-010, and 2019-011) (#A-5: Resolution No. 2019-074, and Contract No. 2018-013-A2) Motion passed 4:0 by a roll -call vote. Newsom ABSENT. UPDATES FROM THE CITY MANAGER: City Manager Rachelle Rickard gave an update on projects and issues within the City. COMMUNITY FORUM: The following citizens spoke during Community Forum: Geoff Auslen, Marcia Alter (Exhibit A), Dylan Little, Clyde Snider, Maria Cagnina, and Ellen Beraud Mayor Moreno closed the COMMUNITY FORUM period. B. PUBLIC HEARINGS: Appeal Dove Creels Mini -storage - DEV18-0103 Newton ■ Ex -Parte Communications: ■ Fiscal Impact: There will be some level of tax revenue increase following completion and occupancy of the project. ■ Recommendations: Council: 1. Adopt Draft Resolution A upholding the Planning Commission's approval of the Dove Creek Mini -storage project, subject to findings and conditions of approval. Atascadero City Council September 10, 2019 Page 3 of 6 161:1 2. Adopt Draft Resolution B overturning the Planning Commission's action and denying the Dove Creek Mini -Storage project. [Community Development] Ex Parte Communications Council Member Funk reported speaking with the applicant, current and former Planning Commissioners Keen, Van den Eikof, Beraud and Donovan, Mike Zappas a local developer, Dove Creek residents, participated in a forum on Nextdoor, read through and responded to correspondence received through email, and utilized Google Maps to look up comments that came through. Council Member Fonzi reported meeting with the applicant, speaking with constituent Don Vert, and reading through and responding to correspondence received through email. Mayor Moreno reported speaking with the applicant, Planning Commission Anderson, former Planning Commissioner Josh Donovan, former Mayor Tom O'Malley and Supervisor Debbie Arnold, Council Member Newsom, neighbors of the project, and reported that she read through and responded to correspondence received through email. Mayor Pro Tem Bourbeau reported speaking with the applicant, former Planning Commissioner Josh Donovan, Planning Commission Chair Tom Zirk, doing research through Google, reading through all correspondence received through email, followed the conversation about the project on Nextdoor, spoke with staff, and listened to the meetings s held by DRC and Planning Commission on this project. At the request of the Mayor, Deputy City Manager/City Clerk Christensen and Community Development Director Dunsmore gave brief comments, prior to the presentation of the staff report, regarding the appeal process; the make-up and role of the Design Review Committee, Planning Commission and City Council; the Conditional Use Permit process; and the history of the project. In response to letters delivered by an attorney representing the applicant (Scott Newton), the City Attorney asked questions of Council Member Fonzi to determine if she had any bias regarding the project. Following his questioning and hearing the answers provided by Council Member Fonzi, Attorney Pierik reported he was satisfied that Council Member Fonzi was not biased. Attorney Pierik also asked Senior Planner Gleason to respond to the Declaration of Scott Newton that was provided by Mr. Newton's attorney. Senior Planner Gleason gave her account of the interaction detailed in Mr. Newton's declaration. Under questioning of Attorney Pierik, Senior Planner Gleason reported that she did not tell the applicant that the Council would not be approving the project. Community Development Director Dunsmore and Senior Planner Gleason gave the presentation and answered questions from the Council. The applicant, Scott Newton, and his team made a presentation to and answered questions of the Council (Exhibit B). Mayor Moreno recessed the meeting at 8:43 p.m. Mayor Moreno reconvened the meeting at 8:58 p.m. with all present. Atascadero City Council September 10, 2019 Page 4 of 6 Community Development Director Dunsmore noted that the site plan presented by the applicant was not one staff has previously seen and was different than the one presented to the Planning Commission and in the City Council's agenda packet. He stated that should Council wish to approve the project, they would need to identify which site plan they were approving. Community Development Director Dunsmore noted that the Planning staff does have discretion to approve the changes as indicated on the new site plan. PUBLIC COMMENT: The following citizens spoke on this item: Don Vert, Bill Murrieta, Nancy Ayres, Monty Clouse, Dr. Annes, Ellen Beraud, Camille O'Brien, Geoff Auslen, Jake White, Vy Pierce (Exhibit C), Clyde Snider, Sally Dexter Smith, Daniel Neeley, Janet Murrieta, DC Carter, Anna King, Keith Vreeken, Nigel Stout, Dan Van Beveren, Rob Fell (Exhibit D), Chris Towers, Francis Romero, Lox Setterquist, Anna Callow, Mike Platter, Josh Donovan, Josh Cross, John Voget, Charlie Fruit, Dave Miller Mayor Moreno closed the Public Comment period. On motion by Mayor Pro Tem Bourbeau and seconded by Counc:I Member Fonzi to extend the meeting passed 11:00 p.m. Motion passed 4:0 by a roll -call vote. Newsom ABSENT. MOTION: By Council Member Funk and seconded by Council Member Fonzi to adopt Draft Resolution B overturning the Planning Commission's action and denying the Dove Creek Mini -Storage project making the following revisions to Section (3)(1) of the Resolution: Strikeout Sections A, B, C, E, F and G Revise FACT D to read: The proposed mini -storage project is surrounded primarily by residential, parkland, child-care facilities, churches, and a seasonal creek. A mini -storage project and use is incompatible with the surrounding neighborhood and is a departure from the established land use pattern. It is also contrary to the orderly development of the immediate neighborhood. Motion passed 3:1 by a roll -call vote. Bourbeau "NO". Newsom ABSENT. Mayor Moreno recessed the meeting at 11:06 p.m. Mayor Moreno reconvened the meeting at 11:13 p.m. with all present. C. MANAGEMENT REPORTS: None. Atascadero City Council September 10. 2019 Page 5 of 6 D. COUNCIL ANNOUNCEMENTS AND COMMITTEE REPORTS: The following Council Members made brief announcements and gave brief update reports on their committees since their last Council meeting: Mayor Pro Tem Bourbeau 1. Integrated Waste Management Authority (IWMA) Council Member Fonzi 1. SLO Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCo) Council Member Funk 1. Homeless Services Oversight Council E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND 1 OR ACTION: None F. ADJOURN TO MEETING OF THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY Mayor Moreno adjourned the meeting at 11:15 p.m. to the Meeting of the Successor Agency. MINS ES_ EP 7� LVaKrtstet;s Dity Pyla ,ager 1 City Clerk The following exhibits are available for review in the City Clerk's office: • Exhibit A — Tiny Footprint Expo flyer • Exhibit B — Bound copies of letters regarding the Dove Creek Self Storage project • Exhibit C — List of neighbors in Las Lomas opposed to the mini -storage project • Exhibit D — Copy of photo published in Atascadero News — Friday, February 14, 1992 APPROVED: September 24, 2019 Atascadero City Council September 10, 2019 Page 6 of 6 OCTOBER 11-13 2019 MADONNA MEADOWS, SLO GAk 6-t - A- FRI OCT 11 VIP 3-7 PM SAT OCT 12 PUBLIC 10-5 PM SUN OCT 13 PUBLIC 10-3 PM i �hvy H Co... Ouse see r°urs r Inside! MONOSSON presented by SmartShare Housing Solutions and the following sponsors & community partners: smart R'E ECOLOGISTICS i§SHARE SLO caaP INNNA 4 F�4 SAM U= 66MV Hall Itte OPERATION Ion PAk I F I t -Guild O 'r SrL 1 srAMER CAH TINY HOUSE 1�P ASSOCIATION f Now J&C OTJ SLO COUNTY CENTRAL COAST TINY HOMES rb rn X E. Dove Creek Self Storage CUP 178 Public Comment Letters & Petitions 11% OPPOSED 120 People) 89% IN FAVOR (158 People) FOR OPPOSED TOTAL 15"89%) ZO (1196 Letters- Planning Commission 14 20 Letters- City Colund 53 Petition 72 Internet 72 19 Floor to Door September 10, 2019 Hon: Heather Moreno, Mayor Members oFthe Clty Council City of Atascatlero 6500 Palma Ave. Atascadeio CA 93422 RE: Agenda Item B1e Appeal OovO Creek Mlni-Siprag¢ — OEV18-0103 (N¢wtpn) Oear Mayor Moreno and Council Members: Prior to Council Member FonzYs filing of appeal of the Planning Commission approval of the Dove Creek Self -Storage proposal, only limited public outreach had been done to inform my neighbors o{our plans. AtCer tM1c appeal was Filed, the £allowing ac[Ivities were done in an effort Yo ensure that nBig M1bors were informed about tM1e project and answer tM1eir qu¢stio ns: I personally visited over 400 homes in tM1e OOVe CreeK ffi La Paloma neigh6orhood5 and was fortunate to actually speak with at least 45 restd¢nis of these homes. � We used o r Fa ebboK page to discuss the project and a r quest Fons. For ¢ mple, when we asked on Facebook if neighbors would IiKe us to add a public trail IinKing She Dove Creek Community to La Paloma Park, the post recewed 741ikas and seven positive comments. W¢ els ¢d Fa cebook to promote o r peti[ion In support of [he project on gopatliion.com. As of Monday, September 9 at g a.m_, 72 people have signed Hie p¢Htion in favor of 2M1e proJc+d. Primarily as a r alt of ovr door-to-door outreach, since In Me 5 ¢period, only on¢ n w letter was received by the City opposing the projecq bringing the total number of oppositton letters m 2D. This s ..er eight -to -one margin attributable, I believe, to [he demand For self -storage m the area, and [he flood pro2ectlpns and neighborhood -compatible design incorporatetl into our plan_ Since/r�el/y�� Scott i;< All Newton Dove creek SeIF-Storage ITEM NUMBER_ B-1 DATE: 09/'I O/19 ATTACHMENT: 5 A�n¢tt¢ Manl¢� J4.. 51 I, asnc ,;cGy. Pages 347 of 444 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 DATE: 09/10/19 ATTACHMENT: 5 Aur 1151 5, 2019 Secretaty to the PI; nninp Commission h",Utl Palma Avenur Atlsi i dero, CA 93422 Dex Plalutlirg G!ammisslaners and Staff, I I and wrifirtg tb suf7port the appwval o! the self sturage facility an Viejo Camlnn. talc prolmrty bas looked as);.oi lowed for yea+ -s and is blare blight tham anything e150, The %o?if �toi agv, 1,361ily wo,4lld be , great ill -fill project and provide a much norded service, I h,avo seen OW ,11 r !,rlr renderings and the Iand3capmg and building designs are very attractive- ThF propm,ed pmiLct will he a t�.rFnl hi for 1'he property and the appC,rance will Only enha11LL VIe •I' L'a 711x1111{ You, r Rage 355 of 444 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 GATE: Q9/'10/'19 ATTACHMENT: 3 July 31. 2019 5¢creiary [v Lbe Planning Comm(sslon 6500 Palma Avenue Atascad¢ro. CA 93422 Oear Planning Cvmmissbn. s¢If 5[ tags tlevelopmanfts C PPortb M1¢ tlavetopment of tha self s[orage facilitby on VIeJo Camino; Th¢ 1 ¢ca s tr with aRvtdable housing Y 91v1n q[hose w o liv¢ in a 9artamen[s avd smaller (times a m¢a a s ¢it personal belongings. Naving ana onal sno Passib;e¢ of a a[o [Imantl w [I�se1F s[oq 90 al re Itl¢n^s c Ou 1 pace CM1Cy ¢tl a [ Ilva off San ad Ina 850 [ [wo atllW<s and tM1i ce hlltltan. I m IaoKmg f attl [o get[Ing a s a nit b aH T¢a mtlPleton [hard m lunab ¢ to acces coo lon9mgos�l a t ent1Y using a selfts vta9C sunt n ] f@c'stvt t b tw mY n u of wolthtin San l.ulW The t tngeYe sol[[ t an tllat ba�usa iau ugly metal shed i my backyard hick i b for my na gbbo s ryas ¢t1 loss oT nme oT my Itrepalaceabl¢ keepsakes b¢caos¢ of leaks a mvls[ute.IZ am hoptnB this d¢Yelvpm¢n[ lsodonc in th¢ n r Pu[ure so I can uhpie [ e faclllti¢s. tl tlev n¢w d¢Yalopmie+5[ replacers - II nctl a lapldated s e with a ccd lanfll IOP tett [hat we[la on as9^n¢t^us IatlndscaPln ¢[backs [ bwlll se s Rro] anG willM1be both aas ct 11 na 9 " t ^�¢ a great aartm¢nts across t e sires[ when a y p u B a tl rov Ce• ch need¢d service. I lived in tha ste oP usabl¢ city space. I Know ft wa yo, pnlger and the bt bas always be¢n full of weeds and a be[[¢t business to co e m ntl d op uhe ace�it will b my Ilfa t gat there couldn't be a ane prPYee a ml.�h n¢eded s¢,.n�e. a ao .,�er[.nv cd an ma r orgies In m¢ area slni¢rely. Anna I<;ng Page 320 of 444 REGIEQV EU AUL :? 1 2079 COMMUNITY oEVFCUPMENi ITEM NUMBER. B-"1 DATE: 09/ � O/ 1 9 ATTACHMENT 5 00 P commumy Development Aoascad¢roa`CA¢93922 J Wy 31. 2019 ed .he Informa[lon s ..ging t aga c¢tl about t ¢apman mal 04 �h�s P M1Q p¢o sed - .y ptrschand that m QOPe es l'v geb - ged t Find s 'ag¢ zPaee a a5g ea[IYsh a fac LltY,l Oa¢ a bitty of stncau'e vaao m ¢xv emcty llamtea. ana the quaplStY of wrenttfacilY.aies are lachmg. c pmpe.ry . tl had b¢¢n o t br a 1ig�a Flcanv periotl o hill er nd ev¢lop¢d s uld hen t be des�gn¢tl facilvY na - Y fo s, m.a.an¢n y aoluy a a�n.ana for:enrage. ���-•jam-_ �< s pn¢.. o...nm,t Page 356 of 444 ITEM NUMBER: B-"1 GATE: 09/'I O/'19 ATTACHMENT 5 ]ulY 34 2010 Auantiary Plw+ ing Commassaun. av+d suPP�`+"aur of P nl P cTaJ' ngM1an. I a mcd aabasut abc haanaling of aM1c LArvc Crcck Mini S v Prt+Pnaaca a iv=J�cC nna n..m.=vim=n. � . br � aur a�.,r � w:�n a„ �w=+��:nn ne ��rn� P �nisbc�. n.,a n �,r.n� r•nr=rtv¢ �P nnr-rc ..vn;l� an�� � e� . r^- ru.., r.n . P.I.�nn=aa a,.. .�.eaw ,1 ., e;n '.nna b: _ - - a:nia :,a.�e nn an.,wa.blc iQa n UI�Y. Our Plm+atir �aG'ommiesion c nvPP�^vcs C whY this a nnlann `iabc Iu vca nn wolL Plcrvvc ullmv Gcon N¢caoc m cm Calc c M1ie- P a Jai ^^sabc Innal M1c nwna RcxrecJ ullY. c�n�.n rna,�n� Page 357 of 444 ITEM NUMBER_ B-"1 DATE' 09/'10/'19 ATTACHMENT: 5 Arn¢t[e Manl¢� PC mczt�ng of a-sng n/off/tg __ _ _.. _ zele ine crty snoula glad y weirome n. s p ole � and mea greav �neease in p op¢r ry va ue (antl m. z p epertv Paga 356 of 444 ITEM NUMBER B-1 DATE: 09/10/19 ATTACHMENT: 5 Annette Manier From; Anissa Hedges Sent: Tuesday, Augus+ 6 2019 ?'47 PM To; Anrielte Monirt, Subject: Mir+i Storage City Staff & planning Commissioners, I am writing to give my support to the Dove Creek Mini -Storage Project on your agenda for 8/6 The facility is well-designed and our community is in need of additional storage facilities It would also make that area much more attractivO Thank you for your consideration Anissa Hedges Page 359 of 444 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 GATE- 09/-10/'19 ATTACHMENT 5 Support Letter e+ty ¢f.+raacaa¢.-¢: enmma..aty oe.,¢h.pm¢n[ v/zap a To Ctry 50Ff Ba Planning Cammisslenen.. Oova Cre¢R Minl 5[o rage As resld¢n6 of Dove Cre¢K w¢ [b(nR ¢ Quid b¢ great [o s¢¢ tM1e property v¢lopntl_ Th¢ ptoposetl storage Facll/ty bas a d¢slgn antl loalc that is !ar sup¢rtor [o mpatitors. T nF [own c aid really banefit knm hating sclF-smrage ailable veldt sll of [he aparvt�¢nss antl M1om¢s [Iaat hav¢ m mals rage space. Perhaps s e basinesses c old taRe advantage of incraased trafFc as well. Th1s. project would b¢ a great Cat (or th¢ n¢ighborM1ood, and w¢ would l(h¢ [o s¢¢ i[ apprpy¢tl. s.ne¢r¢Ir. a -=-Q_ . �' l'.�_ k-trete.-¢- Q. -- lama Be Charlse Holcolm Page 360 of 444 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 OATS 09/l0/l9 ATTACHMENT: 5 jury 2v. zoc9 Clry of AtaSCadero Cbmmuniky 0¢valopmanr 6500 Palma Ave Ataacaticrq CA 93422 To'. CM1aim¢rspn Tom 21ik, Vlce CM1alrp¢rson Mark wadi. Commisslon¢r Ouane Anderson. Commissioner Jan WOIT, Commisslon¢t Mlchad Shaw. Commissipn¢r Ellan Beraud Commisslpn¢r Jaff van den E1KM1of I a my i and my suppan for tM1e Oove Cre¢k MIN Storage project. I hav¢ s ¢n nd M1eard IM1e efforts to Identify Santa Harbare e a gateway e I*y Inac rre��¢ntly .. mai eat. I c ¢u vn�rla nme �,3 awav aaderos lsb¢Lav¢ tM1e s raga fa citify w ulti b¢ a great addlLon t5con M1as daslg ed and I5 pioposing s aiM1ing \M1al will bs visually aWpeafmg and will also provide a ebn¢¢d¢d 5 1 M1ave a vary tllff cult tlma IIM1 [ba Id¢a oP city 54af4 and/or officials decltlln9 mal a project should n t ba tleveloped b¢cause It -6g M1t not b¢ ma Ideal u of iM1¢ land. Is tM1at not what municipal code and sorting Is Pore TM1Is CLIP should bs approa¢d. R¢sp¢ctfully, � J �� � l �`� arand¢n Nolgu�n Page 3B'1 of 444 ITEM NUMBER: 6-1 GATE 09/'10/T9 ATTACHMENT: S August "1. 2019 City of Atas[:atlaro Commurnty �¢valopmant 6500 Palma Ava Ataacadaro. CA 93422 To: City Planning Staff. Chairpafson Tom Zirk. Vc¢ Chairparspn Mark Uanm, Commissioner Juana Anderson. Commissioner JanWolf. Commissioner Micheal Sbaw. Commissioner Ellen Beraud, Commisslnnar JeA van den Eikhof 1 s a that [ha Oov¢ Crack m stor'aga TaciliH is finally on Na Planning Commission's a®ansa (or Tuesday 6f6. Whlla 1 a ragatl los a that tba ORC is wntlihB approval wiRt contlMons, 1 (seri Hien ed to axpr¢ss support for the projetY based on its history. When It was bafo ra PC prav�ously, m mbars of [ha public spoKe against the profett saylnB H1sY would rather see it ba a parK o er Leld, Ona oP tM1osa m mbars of Ihs pub6p n ih¢ Planning Commvsslon and 15 rely hope [ t her previous posi4on on Ma matter M1as changed_ V [ha d[y wa [atl in having a parK n field et [he property In dlscu%sioq they had o cr�9 years [o purchase it and wWn purchasatl the pmpa Ry Knowing that his m rafla TaciGty was a ailowabla'u with a GUP a vel and t really era n anytgmuntls for denying his CUP. 1 would kka to urge the Planrnng Commission to appmv¢ this pmjep[ and 1o11oW the Dame renommendation. RaspacHully, Patrick Ibarra Ibarra CreaGv¢ Page 362 of 444 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 GATE: 09/'1 O/'19 ATTACHMENT 5 July 30_ 2(119 -aAcm Community C�c"..+lopmcn. 6500 pnlmrv�i A A vssmAaro. C4 9a2_ Rc Ovv¢ Cmok Mini 4br Fc "ITc in olaPis lo..cr i otYc� my n uf.M1u Omic (' mk Mini ,i 14.Sp V iGlo C ullyer + ays Prvjex. 1 enx¢A .,n a s¢m.m�n.�.hn. 'a�� p.mc=� rs nn� n,c Nghcs. A:,a mom. nn.. nr n,.c p.or=ny. A f w yaars nbn- wM1ilc M1 rnl . unly a 'f IP. Maynr Mcrcno (C mhaaa a c) s8 ¢ lin¢s oa onllY Aon-. w Flvc p oPle m P`hcre v+i.h aav p o,tic do which types ��! Fusmcsscs we .Mnk arc Fat_ _ _n M1,Lv m bc. uMaui w4a. ry nllcwubi¢. .+nA ao np:aaiRic 1 w uld c the sc n Pln.miaig C n s�mJa PP -+ch nnA ppmv¢ M+_ Nowrtun s C'W so 6¢ can 1cv¢Iop H's prcpmry. 3inmretY. '(4YY' � 2ipia � � - Page 368 of 444 5¢ptembec 3, 2019 To whom rt may coma rn, MY nameIs IYatia'Riais �do not want{oO ¢a a4na Lan LS C A[ anad¢tn� Ca 9J922. 1 have IN¢d in Atascadeto fot 36 ProJecG PartmCn gp fn d'$V Pport [hc OovC Ct¢¢k S¢If Storage Th"an�A�yo\v\� 1\^`� ` _ '�� ITEM NLIMBEH: B-� GATE: 09/10/19 ATTACHMENT: 5 [+it�tiat z, zo t s ntt.,. mat,.. x �mm�aai.,a ane C.ty stag' - Rc: i]nvc C[cch Mini SmiaBc ppo[t of ah¢ Oov¢ G'rccR Mini S[o[age p[uposrd rot 11450 ViGlu Ciwino,tThv-m f a avGni[¢ ncctl rti ni ty fo[ addiiioael s rn6¢. T[a cwxeni f cititiea a ailablc- i cadem aze ober wmplm¢ly full. [waowt[. pnnrly manrgctl or somcmmbinanon of [hose [him. 'adlia iLn[ s be seN et Do a CreeN bnaBe u Ie d of de s36n Ana. ;� ra[a. a.,a .y..sn a .a a+s���alvbe�.,t=ua.,tala_ Th¢ lata it, yneat.an baa Pleaw,ee..eiop�lr r. yenta o.te .n:a a ¢ r ¢:uty w .[la b¢ a a at. om c�neml idcnaiCcs [hc Sanm BazbsWFl (. a B'•icwaY- -LR s P l'•ct inaiccs that Y.atewaY T more atitacnve than wlat cwaanly sais�tbe[t.. 1 ht+pc lha Pbmnity5 Cmm�iission will 4LIow d[�utyyb watl[ the UAC's recommendation m vPpmve pts Pr.aJeat. AcspcctfullY. / l (/� /� � �_: ... ._._.. .. .. �. t. Page 370 oT 444 ITEM NUMBER: B -t DATE: 09/ t O/t 9 ATTACHMENT: 5 J I Page 3� 1 of 44a ITEM NUMBER: B -'I UATE 09/'10/'19 ATTACHMENT_ 5 v�ce�eiv. �_ � _.' i �_ Page 372 of 444 ITEM NUMBER B-1 DATE 09/10/19 ATTACHMENT: 5 Lara Christensen From: Kate Neiswender <katelawven1ur,9@gmatl,com> Sent; Thursday, August 29, 2019 9,26 AM To: Heather Moreno; Charles Bourbeau, Roberta Fonxi; Susan Funk; Heather Newsom; Rachelle Rickard; Lara Christensen Subject: Dove Creek Self Storage Nearing Sept, 10th -- CUP DEV -18-0103 Attachments: bCSS-Cltyl-Itr,pdf Please see attached eomespondence concerning the Love Creek Self Storage Projeci -- Hard Copy to follow Knli� Neiswender Lau (]Dice of K. Ni. Neiswender PO no-, 1225 Blue Jay CA 92317 805.654.1557 cel 805 320-2520 Page 380 of 444 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 pATE_ 09/'10/'19 ATTACHMENT: 5 LAW OFFICE OF K.M. NEISW EN DER �aod usn � auxiness � Environm¢nxal s'^e¢at ze. z(oYm. o3e ca oa•away.z r. Cip' t of [l.e (fY E'mrsf( nntl OS' Mni/ CiIY .� cndcro nSUU Pvlmv IT'ivc Ra_ alf5tomba- nal Llsc Pcm,i.l UEV18-VIV3) and NcbatSve lJ n(S'C}1H2V1Y<)F9U58) Hear n Aoova - . Plan n b- O 9 r.. me mm�a..oma, c;.>' c..t,ncil. •aPkxa...: s n, P��ia=. a - . me oa.o c alp naafi s.o.a�� eui:r lol�,..ee n � aso v .. cnaP' ^' ane ti + cl c t. Renl. we „..ne o a:ac..as a,� r -Ana .nom: car sl enalrs;. �r mer .m v �n=ro.nn.ns cnmmvsla.n�. .�nrr.=P=�.+. ns of .mom dvtc. ..c na.-�.,o� s..�.. m� =aalr 'mow.. r•ma.ad .�.) a,at ca,n,.=a. aPPavl i Ute ofv uNinanctc (V�1 ry - aPPe,l� .'filed i .nc Formdc m Iv9 � vd). vnd did nc, ..bs,ami a t mea cvl. Por�.nis r ea.n vlune .ne uPPcal sFo..l ai nc a;=�. ,nxa ..;.n...d nca� ss� �s .mac d:��P�s :n mv. I�uc.. -r nt- rlan.dnE c tm� n -1n:. .., c„d�d nr .. .fli= a.,da.aatt, ua, ., .�.�u�9:em�R - _'m= .ndry� oma: oac n�maPn� r - n. i�n�- rn.nn:nx c - 2cA saf s��aE.--�., nll, �r�n��( a,a3 �ta..eac rn,¢�.�r +11 n�' �arr�al de.'r:.� v��r�,�ad...al d - - c n..nad a, lind aM arPea�l ha. no morn. wed allow Uta. rlann b amm5sslan aPr. oval m stand. _ all Stufaga f a.ill induct¢ n n BU.000 sa.>a.e t� - �s=�..�,�s aeat.- mac .�aiaeat. zots �amm»e�.,.as _ _ �e.r>e�,e� � � �a:tns r.m�t:, �.eaan :_z.`� a �tn� s�u=�t.,...Ea n -rn� c arr�..'al a n suo nran.,><nt .. 5 nas a t.,a to - �.aa V:�td.61 s - � ..t,namc.. � Hlc- ,nr d a��,�d n and n ems n .ed er = .Htn ; la,n seitasta..aec aama..a�a��i,� c-: �sn�.aa n .. sn ma,t,� .�n���,. _ ,,, .mau=.� �s.dtn«� r �,.t..� nn...nr ,.aa:as �.. add:.vanal ...,.'a:« sPa�c- Pag¢ 38"1 of 444 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 DATE. 09/l 0/'1 9 ATrAC H M E NT: 5 - ,ty cnnn=;i - m.as¢ r.�oi¢c. wns� czv ~_o l e the C rs rufic¢. tix s end uailily acmanas a y rn,P�s¢a n r a¢vNUP^ _ aside cd ticmama f"o e1 F+ tah�a ,aSh¢r fv ml¢. a..e � .,aa�n�� ., t >ra�.e.,,pi�. a L000 w = mn. w, .::u h n,a31 tas¢ �+t.n¢ atoms¢ .apace .,3 n la.'sca h..me. r=I m¢ .a.,,= n...nM1¢, n3 n..=nn.�.a mar o=c..Pr mei �Pa�¢. o.,.e (-mak xlr::aa,�as= w wl i v rt:nti Flnuamg i. - tally-PlcaxinF sarvcuuo [M1m i nKblc .M1e c will, b ud'anJ n wcannds c ata. 1>¢Par.n,c--nt n calxaaY c ted o�Fe p ana w sYpn-.iIF Fy r¢nd of SCPtc nh � W Pliancc . iIM1 all (_:�a.T - mF ti al 1An=onaat=n.:. ana �.,mns. a=n��epr .ean. .. a..ma n. �_ .alrn,.,�-n,�, ix .¢.,.,na,a aso ..aJ.ea.. =a=n . -m=.e : =ar.,ne t m= P . o-�m «.rr ana le ..1. -,���. - atn¢ ea..nea �- n:�.;� n m=.-= ., n.,na_ yo.. �u�. ¢aklself s3 ��aea �nmronem n+mc na.h plmnina, ...,e nw. a ....nan¢¢� ana M1lems :n ....m .F¢ �ommannY. _ e c�==k s=ups _ uainsc a .w,a�a er = � r,.,l� r..=:ne �- r..,3 ¢=. n � e� a :a ;.�, a,.�F. sM1ln,m.n.aT v.,�. oeasena .ea �ruls P�� =hans¢.a [ ,� an= r en:.y w ns .� ata' %�sF=s:ea - �a .ne a Pl:eant a aea - ,ma m .,rx�aet �� ¢cp¢. p::cFcd aaa;a.,nai landaeanin�..na aem.,.:k�- TM1ei �g�.e,areJ�, a9-3eat1 .e�nd 1M1c I' vili.y i - s pmnma awn IF¢ saback a4mcdsof ahv 1>ov¢ Crcck :aenn:,l ..na��.�...n „�..,..� m¢ Win«._ -roe rec:M1.Y :nm nae ,. -,.,ra . olox. m.w;3seaanna a. me acpign a- M1Y a f'iry n ccPacd F_ aarPlicant will i IM1c c or cunstn.c.ion Y R30 - [M1e apPlicanu snc ♦ .hm IM1c p�'ryia-ct Pouv:d Ds i-._vlaa scaa.cvs ana�m FlSTamc vm.. — F1rnas in w,tF �F� =nn,mu y tM1¢ h¢arin6. Y aill Fc p viacJ . iaM1 r1.o.na. u ¢ Cityp3fF¢re i I>nv¢!' a -k SclrG �n1Y a a11Y Plc..c ngn M1n. .. ¢a.¢L,k.a nm..n m��wa�a��.wmm. w:uam.,..� _o-n.,a. m..n.m�s .a a,¢ aaa. a M1nnawl nrmm .-arxa�¢a = aM1.,ut a,¢-l..ok-.,rm¢ racn;a. l-M1e .,nss., - that�it� sill ¢Cl be tlkv- a,c ¢ acl r-_vtaml*c utl.� � uo..� r ¢ok selr st.,ms.e w . a�asnea . = him �eau�ara �: .,e rn„-..;a. ,am mak. .,nn.,����a 1. .F� a.._hiw....wl .¢nae..nea. ¢aP==�.ur..h¢n eonmaaea n. e.,...ns a=Ir m�.�zrn, win n^ �� .M1... Page 362 of 444 ITEM NUMBER- B-'1 DATE: 09/l O/l 9 ATTACHMENT 5 o city c K S¢If stiumRCPy t AVRun 29, 2119. Pag¢�n„a¢ l (rF[�T-.RAL 11.AN COI�CLRNING ALST1lETIC'S All of fnc G'iry's Ci eneral Plan polici¢s Lu aPPly to then¢sth¢tics of [his Pr ]¢cf suPpon appmvvl: Policy l.3(2y Rvyuim IandscaAin6 and/or'scmenmg m buRur non-residential hx¢sfrom t�a;a�nnal .teas. ana ooFoy 1 3Ca J= 0 urt1Y LF 9tY� P`lmary entryways inai m, d io by cmaGng Citic atr...a..�- 3„¢ f anv � - daa¢.n 4,x11 b¢ maa¢mnr¢ intengn iaen�m,.� aPPu��uot, esu ¢Prlta,a ��s aee�„aatb ranas�apmg, �.„c mnnamrn,.. ana rvral �na,a�ic. ana a¢. �mnm¢nt. ".raum.. na, uPPnrn.im, �' ••J/rs mn�n�nr r ,.nn,:..ue ,, a- y-r.na'/ n•../ •gin.`. ...tcxu., n..n.._ .. ai�..d.:�am/nK.a+ - �. �.-aa .�,d/e. e�. //ha. /un Jsau/>i./aK Lrr JKul i o/m aew 330U�OO L-0 lru ♦vlliraaavai r'uKea� 391�r/�( �IP/aen //ru v'1N/h nJ /hu Lyf)u' v mad rhe dn•u Crvuh �rs)dury/ul xufa✓ro/.e h//L. CvrM, unxJ m'+O s+du.r�u(R. u nl rhGPa'oJ¢cr Nus/gn. u•4/vh cn hrsncc /hu mr.ulir„ u�o/Rarrt oz J /t�rx/.r-uc /nLcy 23/30-. 'olicv 1 Ensure than-'aiarAness” - rel enwae[aris,ie byre ng that afl u Rnax tiFhaint ane-� nna reel. in s. gn ficanti anti --site spillage or L;larcui m/ re a..ndr...n. han-r hra.. n.... �a,�mrd into rhe P..+lror tmdiun.. mtnLrs:_r q(j-.r e X m a uem 1 ina rl cra,,.na. R - r:r" - ,.� en.� Wit,. a mra�ona .naast.;al P K a.¢a ..•nl�n�a�� rte.,. nt� to. m� lan:,tar.,. ¢ersnmm... a�nu:ry .,f m.. a:emn.an,a. ana ,al l_oc a/b J- x w aa:..�InPmcnt t my wim n of me wnnaatan¢¢ Rcviov Munual n ciAc 1 cahc El Camino Rcul c +,ida+r, including IM1c i cornotatinn of IenascaPi^6 ^ a P afv-slnan wulKwms. ana Providing mcimm�al ariviway aca.os ')'hr /Nsv¢ ( .rh .C¢//-F/usuA'a'.1nePiry� nrr¢/x /hla' K.uL r - ne/ cmc/un/ .yr/e ad/y- ¢edea r or ur rreidun/a. b vrenr/msmer /vndaeopinK emd peduxtriurr .auflnvµar" Page 383 of 444 ITEM NUMBER: B -'I GATE- 09/l0/t9 ATTACHMENT. 5 Hoye�a�rn c;t.. a ea t emek self 5to vxe Prgi Rr at z�, eo res tease rim llae Om'e Cre Tlm GiHI Engiay.erinx 'rnd Hydroln y Flan of Mmesn�+ upon and stnm.wver Control Manx' aha. was mch+ticd witM1 IM1cr Ptnnn b ommrssmn s Smit report. L< std c nianu+ t nx Flood risk. bu[ [M1c s cc sM1ows the opPosi[clo beTtry 9 Ncw aestFnv f aro pexa++naaFla s will be a.ilized a .M1e¢T iaV'+bly� � tM1n. a typical r -11 r _ Cefhe s r Plan - - nl 48000 gallons o r harvc - Swrmwur aHtr -aJl wJl - ear:. �H �;�t�¢be. tmN nann�ains.+. �+ iu xh nubs[ a kno - - .rtes �„'n..xb m� P .ntet� al ori n sa�n3.s¢r. o nnbM1lers i ou rv�.�v en..r�a_ TM1� .. e.ian . P...em:n.bme P.+aJcct ��all F� Jasc.usce in morc acrvil Rcluwtr nl. -[Fac Jc a pro)e r ha ntl t - acluacd IM1aa risk nl pnnJinxt[ we a t rte elr,�..an,�.can.+ me r.�M1 n ..,a..,K t - me r•.o n., a:r,ri t. es: t1� mc5k lion n zs-r=dr �-..c... w .o 'I-�.e �a "� rro .¢naso .ear mta loo -r a� nonce a wa arnP Fr aM1cur a - - ry=�� o ~ba .., -nf: will a:rceuy Iwnem n.� aai� �:wtae r amazes Iron �..en a I oo-r=a. =-ent w:n Fc w>..�. ¢r¢ a.,e noes[ .tau 16. -nen[ :rte ca. H� a wn�.m�. aanreyseae real rne: - - e Flnea:nx. F..��F�m � rlr .m »x �t�a�e><sp thm'�"rM1c s r ticsix�+. ahc c - - -th cc -V aancm of an - of`c anJc rnxt Plus aan a oats (such a - vll hclP i Jav P vcs r¢rv-ol moon of stomawmer. v.tl aecrcases floaading nsks by a sax.tiRca n margrn. <.PNI RA 1 I AN Pol.lc IF S C u\CI RN1NG 51-ot2M wA1 til3 1 M1� Ctq" v uuaa.val F lace Pnlaeays [baa v-nnvcrn stomrwaacr alsn .caPP. n prat c uPPmvuF: Policy 8.1.11 n Ilnntliug, u {JcntiPCJ a muBF Flnua h lay and Iluoa n M1SM1a11a A- P m ..nsounJ Ju cloprnam c.roustent with the Cap s Flood M1v�.ra nrcYine.+cc + y emant>< /n I n�a +...0 ue..cun. P..Mt .i l.rA gn(1/tom rsnan+nv. :ey S. 1. snrr=•n m m,a Prema..,n nr a.,maM1te teraate.. we.mnae. and re �exv-tmbn vlon6 necks arta sv ams. %hls p+vilrre.0 nls +(ev✓ - V/Ju n%a/a-g+uelc v/mee(m.+L�+o-.. u.+� uJ a nR u»oud ar r+/wvin. uwN p+`u+a+vox L (+ +(r¢¢/afi- q% J P i +. Pages 3S4 of 444 ITEM NUMBER- B-1 DATE. 09/l D/l9 ATTACHMENT: 5 cnd¢m Giry Cowcil pov¢ creek 5¢It' Stom6e Pt jea s.uSust 29. 2019 b policy 8 5(y: nclude desipr guidcllnaP [ arvmuc swluc¢s ¢nd d¢c.¢as< oR'-siae xtonn flows in the Appearance ReviewnManuvl- J'tic - - c/»des <aln •+P�'. llrc mabo _ [Jl)-s c+»J(ti. aP J(duo- ru !/rc dcvlg». a+llAa Prolem mrd eAc emivae»gto» gl.tr¢+JJ n +tem✓ mina./n Polity tl-5(3J= N¢w devdaP�Pent :ball b¢ rvM t n hisrdrtc ofY-zfte z 1¢ss r npaov¢ments v¢.madc Mat maintain histor. ct dawnatr¢vm w upav¢am 3lows.0 9'h is nsnJc adocan »(I -moire vr»�en p...es. heu» uotry'dce.'enss tab. F/»ud+.q�/ NTvv J`e�,urea mJd Nnao.e. be eY4srinen¢J. TRe ick of /ton I+»F ti e»m u - u/dp.. do»,n abv n-.hlrHa.- t/rc rsklre Ye.+r .- 'ed a ]Z< -`i Av li» - mrdn/00-veva good e.x�n.r.[ n/J e4ela trr u6oam a .F 4d. IFIa n.//t Ac»cli. b/(r/oen/ xntdc aam »vd.hr C p oa <a .ohNo_ and feda•r¢I s . Ibera i a Gi6M1ly dcpraJcd F c lir.c cpM1emarml d C¢be J+vt c - Cwrvntl ¢passes tl ulv¢n wrier GI Camino Rcnl. c Pn>f¢ Ind cuh' t Vi¢�o G'anemo a»d convcr8<s with Paloma Cinch vbout ¢ yu ¢� mile ¢ast of tl ¢ P.gtcm sue. cnading to c bioloeislx' n (I cRa-V ¢rvi¢ L tnl C xulting). ahc drvinapc L hi8hlp' dc8 utletl vnd f ¢ V aLLty habiwt v 'r Nevenheleyx. M¢ Prol¢ct will rc- di.¢c� a '1'M1u biolobixts tbund Malt rvl s ial sp¢e3¢seFa t6�s v. bul n v.ere presrnt- b aa+ry bird xscoulJ poacnually uxe ah¢ yn¢ ne well. bin none wu¢ loved. 4F_Nla A4C/WC C All of th¢ C'ny s Uenural Plwo pauicicx Mr.t vpp _. t . thix P�u]c-ct su Penn aPP�ovnl: Goal LOC R Pmz¢rvc n cal them tin d pm[¢ct :came lands. srnsanve ¢aN.'al arcus_ bisorie bu(ldin5%and cultw¢t mxouvc¢%. nGq� !s ¢ Maa. devclopmenvdoea not depadc x rnic u.+d s - neh,din� i, x.o� � x a'eekx..manw ea,.rmn..�, wed..atl,.. .. andlwd%. hd ls.a�:: and oMvr val»nblc I.ab:�u�s, Tia.. nr»�e ..,n cone.»<-e_..—...ear<»daeend nme�..nr»»/,rr rnatea.a a»d .»ev rya, .o cola u.:. nPea ar.. 6oeh ro .ha q. ¢�. Page 385 of 444 ITEM NUMBER_ B-1 DATE' 09/'10/-19 ATTACHMENT_ 5 Atanuadcro Ciay C uil Dovi-Cmck JCIfSmmpa P ql • 39.2019 v e= eta Pnliey R.1 : Lnsum thx, tle-velaapmcne p onF A -trek. 4 s CteeXs. ah Sallous et. blue line v vnd n slayings, lak¢s� other' n as dues nc insert p nmurnl Mows ur pdvc _ elY imPua �iPa�ivn ¢a.osysmms nntl wptvr Sue - p /nprnanr o J /ong-rerun .G - rhv dr u/nage r/ _- ahs pan/e.er n �u/. ' /+ /Was . .gR e v /nom s tl the. n64u. 4rhlFh/Y ✓+'Rsn✓echo!/mv¢v¢�, /he Pr �Jee/Nircavrr nYc�n+un¢nr ¢t/ondx n +r/v a -h u. L/ resuL t o:/em.eeJ huhirm u p rent(o/p o rcun r u/ Prvu er¢ 1. �avet¢.c rand migr'mory h/rc/s nna eHa m c -a Policy 8 I l3)v TM1c +n .v�pys i the City shell b¢ m m•mn¢a in x nxnrxl stem ane convuc a.lwnna.4mnon crc¢Ks��fiall bc- P�oM1ibhcd. v Oue / der¢/oPrn¢n. ar d /ong-eor m }[� o- eeRe . rhes n /u rsg¢� ' vd. "Thr dromogcr ig �harnre L�rb nr rb o-dircnrod ro o e huddfugv t ¢•/urrd.��/h<�� ¢r u:nor u! � ocr ¢. rol..vlund. .. .r hcna-j Ir rn 64a onr/P/nn. cncu¢5. Policy fl 1(El obit n r distufbanw of rtpavan M1xM•pt alonF e-fee.K banks czccPt for rcnorauvn puryoscs. ]ae r .nn..n vrnu a r cm... ?1- �"' na rr.. ql'.. ¢r/un.Gs ca o Pr rnrnry e.. ran. na r r ...! ani• P ' - vPPlicmn 1 r DO\'¢ C ¢¢X Sa=If Smfag¢ bclicws ,M1m this p - ill b - ovbly- aaJitinn t aM1c Ciw'and i xidcnu. cspmiully s J vtthomv-s-a xod smaller singlo-lpmilya ally IxokosuR3ci¢na s TM1e design and ell r ummendcvl mudiGemmn• M1vva mvar- tM1ts pm/wl one this [ mmeilaa,an a Proud to ppmra- vnpt coane;l a.iu n - ala„ Pnliei¢a a tea i this Ien¢t w na i ,emeea i n,¢ earl t.a,�.. p n.=+� � n,� Pln�.,.,e c p.�clr_ . b¢ ¢via¢ncc of bias • CiTy s aff: m J`belov'_ linaing lbnt the p - �iPlc tC y P^licietpi t� K¢a Duly la nlicics nntl a mcd [hent nulyztis c +ul b etthcv .nay. We hoP~ ahe vtalYSYs in this Icncr pmvidcs mu.r vlpv tltructiu�� to p ou. > J+=motions by Incal „-siaents at¢ bx�xea n a lack o �tntl ns nnXing t ..mwaYttl ugh c Wiry o nch, shonnm bp' the c s�P�nice, ,�;-nnoa;�s.:�k. w:u �rshs_ rn�P ,.,a t nxbitar. ng al.ma�.. - � r.aentw� � m��..e� �,'mh� � �peK t m� Flu wm ., - - - - .. P� tel „ate ttn� � .aie� i�„e> =Ince err Flo P a� �- f1'a Pm: �mrn�',pPostnnn . in meh ., t. n..� a.e aetpa. nl .M1._ n.el� ��. ���ee.ea P+��==t a.a �cvliacd. Page 386 of 444 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 DATE: 09/10/'19 ATTACHMENT. 5 Aiascad=co C'iry Cnwcil Uove C eek SelfSmrae¢ Pmjec[ AUS++st29. 2019 Pa&= Seveu aid, th applicm[ has his u nvcros sbou[ <bc pmccax ahua 1¢a us m IAia Cotmcil hewita8. V - - The Citp%s Cotle (9metiuu s-l.I t u a a tress. m peal �-�na ' x RI=a : m= Na nr-d le ne r - - [ne apPem�PmNoaa=h miP[=r w eax=a w:N me cur witmn m�� aav appm P=.;�r�maaeae- them wag v. en. a;l. wh: el, anea no[ ma.vr t e Pl+vn Iw+gmse al tl.a eeWa_ Tlac cuee regttires th¢ apP¢al 1 tM1u re r Ne a =al. W e would svpgest tout a possible res apreal c uld G a p jec[ry a Cnneml Plw policy. i• Pcrhnys. p+ut a proJvet w -quires atldiuonal ry rhes= wov\d be subs[an[ive rrnsons. naena iMac¢ tome raga a l�atee mr u,e appee�� Fi rs4 thvr tt.c P apPmvc3 by a n-2 v 6+u[ in aPPeah Sccnn N. that o Rh¢ Pla++ang C - ¢xpc¢ssaai mto n [ha[rahc d¢cision wa b - wed by a cry Gorman. b G+n+ sid ntsl¢R tlt= to -acing F¢elin8t[hat th=v oPm.ons hatl ne[ been =enaiaerea �a�s�,ann,�e or teo:� reaiam+a mesalea. Tm,a, a:bsa anea bar... nae a<ggt+irea a anbstmd�e+.eaaon m �mP�l�nna�nat a�-r el;,astama[ m aPP=aly..nuaie tl,e t e=. r: arthemrare. w anaeasmna that a m=al Ta:a=m n;¢a [ peal. bat h=r ami . oaama by city a[aR-. sh= w .=a ten[ a carr v mb=r ..� .. arc=..g<u .[ t ham=n=a r=u. n he yspPeo.� ena r w- � ner- �..rp¢a.= n City s a1T conk i themselvev m j_v_E a arpeul a.+tl t c¢p a eq>pcvi i most ^++ (::, tl¢a¢e) with no 1¢@jt;ma.o s Icd+m avP=al- Tms x t`<S�i�r t bas[ md. a Dees[. ahc lccaima of [bc F+s[ uPPe 1 vas Id+cctcd by Ce+v.+cSlmumbdl Ponzi- tb¢ aPPcll not hem. ctesularihea� City. s ppews to be -liege tka[ th¢.y can direct [he pmcessiunfw w+d +wa[hom rvc 13- 2019, Plannm K=IIY Gleeson s t the appiicana o ]¢tree askivg him a Ciry orR3as wi[h a clicck For ahc p ordins ui'the NOGee ul Oae[¢ �Yoc ahc N=eativc LJuclaration n vea [+Yaaw e Cotnrnlsxion. >.••+22. 2Ut9, th=appliovT ♦ o [he Ci[y[witM1 n check. haat Utv- City r s=d ao IaRc i � g thm Nc CiIY Council (wh]ch ohviouslY baa Yct to hear ahis en wnitrb= a=nymg u.= prn�=a (ae= m= auamea lkm.+na ,bn .,r emu Nom. qn r r a¢aana ar tFnl antcrncuonL i=d to sive Ms. Cil¢eson [he check [hat sta= re ted 1 r ttac N ¢gmiv O 1-a liras Itc stab mid M1 t tiold o t. 4hcxaid "The Camnty will n a mtvm yoaar mon¢Y +'hen d+c rnal¢ct t ind[� P cvPlivd_ a Imve a l'acling Nat City Council w anY mYt cpondede e¢I nS is will n �PPmv¢al" Mc N¢avtasn N said h¢ thought i[ v¢ry odd [ha[ N¢ CitYCCovncil u is aetaYinB(n Pages 367 of 444 ITEM NUMBER_ B-1 GATE' 09/'10/19 ATTACHMENT.- 5 A[ascsacm C' y CouncJ n19 Pa.Sc F.iy-nt t anm M1uJ F d by t LLn.,ua a publSu 6 nb o a1T ry-port. o PPlic�anf% Preseu[mima.PMs�Cilcaso., B3J ao all Fns naa a obl¢m rwi[n mg Catmmission u - tnai renenv-sl them. T .r will F¢ bona for tF¢m tai uvd¢rstantl tF.at tfi¢Y n cdi �o iaR¢ry,oix vmc m ru m.. tningv " l Lt¢ t Mr. Newton aid n asR Ms 6lcasun n v planninb %atT l'el[ that e,=Y nemw . ¢inn plannmt emm�t„%�:nne.% a .-n�.,gea me %.,ni«i. . ne - nea a o¢w¢a tea. sV�e naa a.:cmea n:� r yn� la na,� �aPrN.�a ..,b¢n mnt ...o_% not �F¢ nnn¢m%.nn Imm m� %[arr.�pnra g, cn an m¢ Pl...,n ..M ni Wc- diJ . AUSust 27. 3G 19, dtaa inc n o [hc aPPro."al o - - uv-¢ Ibr ane Scp[c-mb¢r 1 O.L201) ncnri,.g a n29n'ca ¢ tne¢N - _ nPpewl,J[wt a e Uucl:vnlon 'v c lima- nnJ ytY shuulaTinF anP¢e tar Publication ut [h¢ dncuntvty pursuana to ane Cal Tnmia Em uv.,an r.mal Vua1nY Act (CF1V A). Uudar CEVA tnc Iced n y (in � - - Yaetomtination W[M1in Fve wnrklnp Jnys ll4C Rnp15005la))'�- n¢a�a n.cJWa Y P'ncexs to cclua[ion. ban [ rcPosca at Idr Ciry sanlF u ,iPulate tl a Pmeos i. orJ¢r to i ¢Camalines ev¢ cJ.,al nPPl3cant n e c o�epm me re¢ .n �rq� p - �l�ee n amea Icnc�Po r ca�.,�a>_ :.r�� .r,�i �n%n ��n� c� �.,�II ..nJ .�natna co,.n¢. a- - _ - -.a a_ .��,��e:.« o,, •.r �n��',ppcllnm� bcreclra ca..n¢J .....-mxr - mn. � t - E b ..�. TJte lrrcgulnrnics in c fi14ob o^J �m n6 a tal. -mo u c Prate.. r s put. t a� a¢onu:¢ l e4 m:3. asR ane e _ wliJip�ofth¢P� cal i %ca14 i ane f m 4.�imd F _ - P rnr aP cal. na r 9 .^'J Fp anc� nNmanccy Ilta app¢nl should tv J vrm isxW nviinuw fuabo u.umt_ s wee;^^- me c - ..r me n=%vxn rsewc... enmmvnee. m nna me rnm:c�no�� ticen oaa>`a.w t ..gin t s¢lr ao a�eya,rn..nxn ennnt:c% mnae ny a,e oae. ...,e am s %mm,wm¢ �e �.ea. -- a,��. etlanae Page 38B of 444 ITEM NUMBER. B-1 DATE- 09/10/19 ATTACHMENT5 Alascadero City Council Dave Creek Self' Storage Project August 29, 2019 Pagr Nine f [adding risks, aesthed" and habitat concerns have A been addressed. It`rbe itppeal is not dismissed witlioui action due to its PTOUCdural dcficicneics_ we urgr the Council to approve this project, deny the appeal, and allow the Planning Commission approval to stand. llte Council is also asked to instruct City staff to cuoperatc io the further prucessing of tttc prq1ea CC: Pity ManagCr Fuge 389 of 444 .,rnder ITEM NUMBER: B-1 DATE'. O9/"I O/"I 9 ATTACHMENT. 5 1. a r«�==t m e Ineatetl n cflma;A.10 a �iteaa v�eio c �aeD.o� i I.F .�w.o:.,ti�as=.,r av nea :n m:a oe�iam�o.. nna �� e..nea nwn enwa nna a,�we 4ai.r> eoma�ienu>� ` a6crzm- sa 2@, 2Oi9. t wenn m Awscatlero C calla teiY 10:(10 v make d Pay`ncna P Y G'Icasonah _ .,ue �.�Ir �.�tb��k n d:d nni Fiat Fa�k. m?2 h... - - wOh ibe . .,.,e .e eek r . a� n,n�. r��c nt 3_ The rz Nx. ellason necd c+ich Mac Glcasoncbuttl„vY�e`a e u � nM1 he re ePit n�. 1. cty smrl�nembe�n .a��a� m - �chccF v ccpuoNcm chcck�and saitl a Wd g i Ma 4'I vcor�. T1s rs Caa+asonw ov6 iMiF `v1 _ Ma nem) w uld p vtigFi a and II andvrd Fvck-vntl-Eanh,�t� y wvs anasunl, wuM1 Mv. Mamcs acnng ax a sM1c �..na unv..nn'oau.bl,LY vAer c li ricd [ ccc, Md n t�s5hciz oCownryw 'll tl csPo•+dcd4 vPP �� igtic 1 tld F i Plannn 6 t -n nimissioncwiw vnv Publ F by ialThas hnJvv - . me.� �T 1 m gnoa ro. Ib..�n i., ,�ad�tata,a ma, w�Y nee...., �ai.e m..•n..��me .., te.,e...Fm�x_ 'r.,,. aIT FaJ d n areae was not me a.ommston M1'om ahe emrf eCnri `envcn to the I'Juntung Cbmm'iaa n�iv r P=�L.ry antle. iF� yaw. or a,e aiaF. .,reahw.a.a wai ma im egnmg .a o eetl, ..abv.. za. viz !{�„--_—_ _ _ Page 390 Of 444 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 DATE: 00/l O/19 ATTACHMENT: 5 LAW OFFICE OF K_M. NEISWEN�ER Sana u:a — gn:ina:: — enehonman�l Re -Neve clan —Subm of Pilssa []cave G4 all9taa 2UV 19 UUU9 l5CHY 2019 Vfi9V581 aehea i Oeeek in [he am o! S2 JU9.75. mane Payable to. ehe C n[y'rat 9aa, f Qbfspo,t rtnar-oreation analp otlnNn[i=c orPcaciminaaiun R,ruNbs+ativeD for the a -- cca ryroicot_ a bgm3ve Occlamuon wa nPPrtrvee by the PlartaunE cnmmasmnn ul the Cf q of A�ascaemn ma Augus[ 6. 2019. maees[ame [M1at tmeet n talc [hc Ciry w ala Pn,ccsz c fur t Cou City s ¢tTac ail a alto= a Pliican n Au a 13_ 2U uskua6 F fan te+t[bc Ciry. t On Autgust 2 2U 19. lnc aPPlicaM w Ciry weh u cuk- b rePssea t take it F that tl v CiIY C 1 (wM1id M1usaYetetu-a�Vaia mnttu) will be elerrytnB a c rroiccu scv ouauhcai ncdwvtiun lov aataes of that inta:acvun_ t 29.2 9. [tae a tPliv-ant w stirst. inf m�M [bat ibc a col w - ccPr(^*^t � aPP�awal u e C claa'ation�"Il caC i[y nE vs been s t Fv Septcmbo[ 1 V. 2U 19. ITM1¢re['uret'unecr the a'nlifomia = mlOmliry'A a. the leadu Y(in [hisc .ahe( ' - atnf actv+minmion wishing Rvc m eking tlnYs f 14 CCR 919UO5(y ytwh ila p neewe are . -mea. rr me r� 1 eea�a [ rarlr r � me N - chi na nmaaa � vca Win; na: anvra, gine r« - n.e aeam:e. sea J nrnti� �ihe-. ca, n an ePa me r e aae Prop�.�r pns. mo an�amen. w.mn¢, me ay -s vn�m..ca,ent_ ask [ne C'.oun[y [ cep[ the Cee fc,r ahe Negative neclaa'snon,so tha[ it may properly be mcoralea as re4mred nY law c Alasc¢acrn Ci[y Council A[ascaeem Ciry Mnnagcr Re � (,Ity, rr-1,�/ c \ 1I Kate M. Nryst[cnaar Page 39'I of 444 Em�.i, zv.e ... nom,.. m y •r• wagon 2p. zu 19 ary c i�rn �yl s San Luis OnisPn CAt Re -Neve clan —Subm of Pilssa []cave G4 all9taa 2UV 19 UUU9 l5CHY 2019 Vfi9V581 aehea i Oeeek in [he am o! S2 JU9.75. mane Payable to. ehe C n[y'rat 9aa, f Qbfspo,t rtnar-oreation analp otlnNn[i=c orPcaciminaaiun R,ruNbs+ativeD for the a -- cca ryroicot_ a bgm3ve Occlamuon wa nPPrtrvee by the PlartaunE cnmmasmnn ul the Cf q of A�ascaemn ma Augus[ 6. 2019. maees[ame [M1at tmeet n talc [hc Ciry w ala Pn,ccsz c fur t Cou City s ¢tTac ail a alto= a Pliican n Au a 13_ 2U uskua6 F fan te+t[bc Ciry. t On Autgust 2 2U 19. lnc aPPlicaM w Ciry weh u cuk- b rePssea t take it F that tl v CiIY C 1 (wM1id M1usaYetetu-a�Vaia mnttu) will be elerrytnB a c rroiccu scv ouauhcai ncdwvtiun lov aataes of that inta:acvun_ t 29.2 9. [tae a tPliv-ant w stirst. inf m�M [bat ibc a col w - ccPr(^*^t � aPP�awal u e C claa'ation�"Il caC i[y nE vs been s t Fv Septcmbo[ 1 V. 2U 19. ITM1¢re['uret'unecr the a'nlifomia = mlOmliry'A a. the leadu Y(in [hisc .ahe( ' - atnf actv+minmion wishing Rvc m eking tlnYs f 14 CCR 919UO5(y ytwh ila p neewe are . -mea. rr me r� 1 eea�a [ rarlr r � me N - chi na nmaaa � vca Win; na: anvra, gine r« - n.e aeam:e. sea J nrnti� �ihe-. ca, n an ePa me r e aae Prop�.�r pns. mo an�amen. w.mn¢, me ay -s vn�m..ca,ent_ ask [ne C'.oun[y [ cep[ the Cee fc,r ahe Negative neclaa'snon,so tha[ it may properly be mcoralea as re4mred nY law c Alasc¢acrn Ci[y Council A[ascaeem Ciry Mnnagcr Re � (,Ity, rr-1,�/ c \ 1I Kate M. Nryst[cnaar Page 39'I of 444 ITEM NUMBER_ B-1 DATE: O9/'I O/19 ATTACHMENT 5 Lara CM1rlsr¢ns¢n Tpis a nY �PP�"oval n "thv> O reek Self Smtagv P 1 M1vvc lived in Aavacadc� o s 905. Sit [Ire y hM1a Plctcd. So od. s goop_ Hu np 1 n d'Lhv YyM1ue dY'6n ugh, I Ieel it has t tla all e s tfiv i sign Jimugh aPP�o al Pro ¢ 1 c n4 •he1P'hu[ lecl ahv the a Iitldc nda ud tatM1is nppenl.T Ptnlcct is a wtn wm. fur the rnbs PryPerty t si untl Rav the nefgM1Mrhovtl. 1 vcgecYou m Plv-asv d¢nY ttte aPPcah. Plac�mtnt , nddv n u.uca9 eLek IinR I.clo.... inn vcn tsltic- Sales Paso Rcblas Glass p��AGs Hnderseri �w-. Page 392 of 444 n�P n..5..z� as. mss ios3 nm crtY Cdcay, sunjea. owc creek Sc115m�a9¢ Tpis a nY �PP�"oval n "thv> O reek Self Smtagv P 1 M1vvc lived in Aavacadc� o s 905. Sit [Ire y hM1a Plctcd. So od. s goop_ Hu np 1 n d'Lhv YyM1ue dY'6n ugh, I Ieel it has t tla all e s tfiv i sign Jimugh aPP�o al Pro ¢ 1 c n4 •he1P'hu[ lecl ahv the a Iitldc nda ud tatM1is nppenl.T Ptnlcct is a wtn wm. fur the rnbs PryPerty t si untl Rav the nefgM1Mrhovtl. 1 vcgecYou m Plv-asv d¢nY ttte aPPcah. Plac�mtnt , nddv n u.uca9 eLek IinR I.clo.... inn vcn tsltic- Sales Paso Rcblas Glass p��AGs Hnderseri �w-. Page 392 of 444 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 DATE: 09/l 0/'19 ATTACHMENT: 5 Fx.a s[aw.. �emnl .ea 1 P ng uBxin. a e CrceR. i f-tl+e P sed s¢IF-storngc fncilian 1 p- rs1Y ubn t d a Iv- ah¢ Plar - nd a mPp�� tha aPP � o ha - inPP�aladl6Y o � l be e x all a 6M1borhood � siecr{n6 '[han ghbozhonds'ry nd+ahis~P - .aThcic+a alsoinciagbbnrrse suPpnn`J+carpml ct_ nOcr ne a c la r¢px a¢d tl+a. v -Iv az Jrc Prcsid¢ ni tic Do c Cmck - +HtOA when rs ¢along m [ha Planning C'ommiss nn i n. ThxtiPvrsnn is NOT tl IJ o+cn C'rcrck Communiq' I sleanl ibe I IOA bas ncv t po11N us r'¢sid¢nts and M1csur¢IJ' docs nor sP ale for mr. nor' many of nt} nughbors 1 1-ullp's IM1c f>ovc [-rvck Mini SWenge protect O _ the nnlY % raga 1 c nd i t facilities 0.m 1 suldn Ybelongings. We evscrvc rM1v-u ol'hxvin6nhi6M1-yualitY-• 4ecsib^ae.l au=am.: �P. rma�� d�,e.�� In m¢ r xi � eee �ar..rna. 1 nrge Yna m a¢In.. d,¢ aPP¢al H,aa rn aPPpvc (agarol etc Pm nw br ibe Om�u Ci �k Mini S orxPg na ree S` C a Iloludrn Y 172 4'blonetina Coui1 11>oye {`i.e¢Ip gmccntl _J__ (gOS �901G Page 393 of 444 m�sma�imm� Te. Gry`cl¢ ¢atrv¢z mor¢ne. cnazl¢s eowb¢au aebarta Fenzl, Susan Funk. M¢x[rv¢r subjuee. Dov¢ creek 5[ g Fx.a s[aw.. �emnl .ea 1 P ng uBxin. a e CrceR. i f-tl+e P sed s¢IF-storngc fncilian 1 p- rs1Y ubn t d a Iv- ah¢ Plar - nd a mPp�� tha aPP � o ha - inPP�aladl6Y o � l be e x all a 6M1borhood � siecr{n6 '[han ghbozhonds'ry nd+ahis~P - .aThcic+a alsoinciagbbnrrse suPpnn`J+carpml ct_ nOcr ne a c la r¢px a¢d tl+a. v -Iv az Jrc Prcsid¢ ni tic Do c Cmck - +HtOA when rs ¢along m [ha Planning C'ommiss nn i n. ThxtiPvrsnn is NOT tl IJ o+cn C'rcrck Communiq' I sleanl ibe I IOA bas ncv t po11N us r'¢sid¢nts and M1csur¢IJ' docs nor sP ale for mr. nor' many of nt} nughbors 1 1-ullp's IM1c f>ovc [-rvck Mini SWenge protect O _ the nnlY % raga 1 c nd i t facilities 0.m 1 suldn Ybelongings. We evscrvc rM1v-u ol'hxvin6nhi6M1-yualitY-• 4ecsib^ae.l au=am.: �P. rma�� d�,e.�� In m¢ r xi � eee �ar..rna. 1 nrge Yna m a¢In.. d,¢ aPP¢al H,aa rn aPPpvc (agarol etc Pm nw br ibe Om�u Ci �k Mini S orxPg na ree S` C a Iloludrn Y 172 4'blonetina Coui1 11>oye {`i.e¢Ip gmccntl _J__ (gOS �901G Page 393 of 444 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 GATE' 09/'10/'19 ATTACHMENT: 5 Lara CM1rist¢es¢e slb P censioa� ln® vell s�orsga Cemantl ge ¢�a[etl by tn¢ naw nom¢a n appmv¢s ane [M1a ¢`enemas p o)eca'io Falp msec the gtasmearoBCA va932 Page 394 of 444 tl be®yeFo¢mm> g st 30, 2019. v25 nm Cley CI ek slb P censioa� ln® vell s�orsga Cemantl ge ¢�a[etl by tn¢ naw nom¢a n appmv¢s ane [M1a ¢`enemas p o)eca'io Falp msec the gtasmearoBCA va932 Page 394 of 444 ITEM NUMBER- B-1 UATE_ 09/10/19 ATTACHMENT: 5 Lare CM1fIR¢ns¢n ez�gmaLLcoms a �a n�a uta obe zi�aa k@a ro.nt6 . It¢atM1v zem <hn¢wzom�a[azcetlaco.¢ca> Subject Noilce u/ PubYc Heatlna Mtni swage appeal I a ¢ ¢ a being intormetl of [he u til h¢afng t ppaal o al U ¢ prnpnxed x o learn that [h6Fappeal w tl by amCiry C until M mbertandgla ulld IikecMs ¢ pxhow o rt for the p a, for a �nd [ of ho pz iha[ this a plicaln[ Isxb¢ ngaa k¢tl to Jump [ mlouz, a iaen�e >:ea�¢n ¢d � nv nxt�a a aRv aunwed .. - ory pie f [ INe n p[he p erty' [h¢re has b¢¢n a VERYs n KM1ing b ¢ frlentls b ek [haL would lov¢ [o halve cin ¢ga ¢ facility Ilke [h¢ o e being p xed. This pml c[ has b ved by Planning Commission [c oxdiffece ora Thea ale earv, I . �a v�� a nv m pad .,penia tna appen�al oe Planning enm.ni slo�n en aYio[, Mt. laawfon fo euiitl hre ptal¢cc. y edgee n nndt¢x n..¢. n[ax[aee.o, ca sanzz Page 395 of aa4 epy �Ieaz nM Subycc cw, r✓otme vt vubvc tica g �rn stocagc nppaal ez�gmaLLcoms a �a n�a uta obe zi�aa k@a ro.nt6 . It¢atM1v zem <hn¢wzom�a[azcetlaco.¢ca> Subject Noilce u/ PubYc Heatlna Mtni swage appeal I a ¢ ¢ a being intormetl of [he u til h¢afng t ppaal o al U ¢ prnpnxed x o learn that [h6Fappeal w tl by amCiry C until M mbertandgla ulld IikecMs ¢ pxhow o rt for the p a, for a �nd [ of ho pz iha[ this a plicaln[ Isxb¢ ngaa k¢tl to Jump [ mlouz, a iaen�e >:ea�¢n ¢d � nv nxt�a a aRv aunwed .. - ory pie f [ INe n p[he p erty' [h¢re has b¢¢n a VERYs n KM1ing b ¢ frlentls b ek [haL would lov¢ [o halve cin ¢ga ¢ facility Ilke [h¢ o e being p xed. This pml c[ has b ved by Planning Commission [c oxdiffece ora Thea ale earv, I . �a v�� a nv m pad .,penia tna appen�al oe Planning enm.ni slo�n en aYio[, Mt. laawfon fo euiitl hre ptal¢cc. y edgee n nndt¢x n..¢. n[ax[aee.o, ca sanzz Page 395 of aa4 ITEM NUMBER. B -"I DATE: 09/-I O/1 9 ATTACHMENT 5 Lara Christensen C�tyC st n0. 20ts 3.tt cm Subjwe Oove Crew m�n� Sto ege M1uoniam C n t ovni�l. rma.� �, ,J .hn., a . J,< rm.,-� t .. �..,i.,�.�. Icuc� �o � tthv� �. vuaJ ..J itM1cr i plvl�t� I� i II nJa t ��I♦ � ul10 I � ll v �hw i r ul elle Ja.. Ih�Ivn1 tqui..��tl -Li..n unJ� I. RJIv�p�..n a I��a �.bi null. �i �.n��. YLW t PlmnninH ( nppnevJ �hc < Jc:+P toll i mM1c� o sFM1bn�� i .�a ,�Ihu�^c toJ is Yhc`p I t idci coi�ul thvlP � M1us n • M1ccnln VI`�Jv t'J i u'I ,M I,l ural � i banM1 tJP the `ahs �"M1,x M1u. iJ u.lc J uhi l'M1i � 1 s � t of i. �...,e , :,I r ��i: �� -.J�r - =e. 131 � ..,r;.,_ t¢J�� `Jn�'heli+r'o( cil �lll�nJt c1dceini� eohu+F+e•JisresPue�lullt r�J Ja` 1'I'onning ( v JiliFcm a cnJlnp t �� nous. � ¢hu. �o mJVJ� inana u b xv6noJ �npw unJ hv�� bull of mono M1elin'c muAioB thuii�J vvcinion. ..rr=+l . - '�hc l ccL. nt_� .,.,e .��.1 ... ti�hJ,a .. �. nl .,ia a.� l w..ni .r- nn,... v..�n... J��,...,•. t. I.r....,.�ta,�. < .,nJ �t�.....J u.� Page 396 of 444 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 DATE. 09/10/ 9 ATTACHMENT: 5 Amanda Mu[6¢c City CIcrA -uy of ntaaaaaam 65 Q(] Pvlmv Ava_ AlvscnJcm CA 93422 uircicrh.i'iLLla�lAa'.[4�tiL tC Urga: City C'auncil surpart for' Uova Cinch $cl f -Storage Doan chy cicria: Plvacc aba„a [Itis latta� with nta mambv+rs of lbe City Cuuneil nnJ Plwmin6 stun As an Amscuac-m rvslJcm GNng, i urarurmnr_ 1 swEBle with LL�a v of som6 viluMc [ 1 6onrv. -f ynu s wiJr 1 mr liitly smmgv- Ilrc tYPrcul upurtnrent pmviae%Fm It a sig�ri fi ru-irtalY Ics than You p obabl Yulrirvc in > mrr Immo a' with b 'al s - mse firll caP>'c the n- fc♦ ui4tNc nlu T M1 �s a[ Icast m Part bucausc of thcl amount of arPnnmcnts ana high-Jrnslty bnn ¢5 > v Itavv- aPPmvva in recon y rs. i s n m� on.'o cinch s - _ •ax= rmle=t a .':u rmeiaa a Placa r -ana mn�� r�.ia�m... r rcd nn _ vo �no�a a sieat �ea..,g an> ma.:. >rtgh�an- r > .��a..r.t..J „nits m tee ty � .ii ,nn �aamsa J. anrtam �u==wmga snnn��z� Thmh you. Uilton Liitic Pa9a 397 of 444 ci �hatTaltCaT> 9ncll SubJace. g c.ry c zuppen rot Dove ueek segs-Sto age City CIcrA -uy of ntaaaaaam 65 Q(] Pvlmv Ava_ AlvscnJcm CA 93422 uircicrh.i'iLLla�lAa'.[4�tiL tC Urga: City C'auncil surpart for' Uova Cinch $cl f -Storage Doan chy cicria: Plvacc aba„a [Itis latta� with nta mambv+rs of lbe City Cuuneil nnJ Plwmin6 stun As an Amscuac-m rvslJcm GNng, i urarurmnr_ 1 swEBle with LL�a v of som6 viluMc [ 1 6onrv. -f ynu s wiJr 1 mr liitly smmgv- Ilrc tYPrcul upurtnrent pmviae%Fm It a sig�ri fi ru-irtalY Ics than You p obabl Yulrirvc in > mrr Immo a' with b 'al s - mse firll caP>'c the n- fc♦ ui4tNc nlu T M1 �s a[ Icast m Part bucausc of thcl amount of arPnnmcnts ana high-Jrnslty bnn ¢5 > v Itavv- aPPmvva in recon y rs. i s n m� on.'o cinch s - _ •ax= rmle=t a .':u rmeiaa a Placa r -ana mn�� r�.ia�m... r rcd nn _ vo �no�a a sieat �ea..,g an> ma.:. >rtgh�an- r > .��a..r.t..J „nits m tee ty � .ii ,nn �aamsa J. anrtam �u==wmga snnn��z� Thmh you. Uilton Liitic Pa9a 397 of 444 ITEM NUMBER_ B -"I DATE 09/� O/1 9 ATTACHMENT: 5 rda Mutnae At�¢nuun (tp' Cuuncil: - n� t uPPor the ak Mit i S[o ¢ge Pte: Je - W'r liv t the Ouks ApaK vta n r liv u .tom c���ek. wm s ..ten no��:�g a tms ar.a. „a..:ag mass to nsn-•rvautr- .gnu-a��itgt¢.mg loam sir seorae� wotaa i,e a.�elu.mea oaav�lo�. I ..0 a:.onr.�+r.ea to leer. ali mat n� aE, n:.n+.-im m:� nni:e«. n ne. neer na�,asl. I istt a - . ootrr.:tt¢¢ x:- aaa nea�e ny . � a:rr . t rlaama� ct;ata,;��ions.an �¢a nem t . It aces a sl�� a an a,at i ,¢tga came vy a y coa�ml Mea,ne�...eo nlaL,� t .. n,e .,weo..,� �r a,;. ..nt=m ¢u Enwia mot he mlo.�ea_ era u.e o�..e utak nai,,: seas¢ zhawe n¢ aPP�ovea. ��, � to Munte tiviim�n Y Jor,(uas 1 n tAUcl 4U_ >3J) `J �� Scnt @om my il'none Page 398 of 444 en�ideua.mm� PPt¢mbv L 2019 3.i0 PM To. Clty O¢tk At�¢nuun (tp' Cuuncil: - n� t uPPor the ak Mit i S[o ¢ge Pte: Je - W'r liv t the Ouks ApaK vta n r liv u .tom c���ek. wm s ..ten no��:�g a tms ar.a. „a..:ag mass to nsn-•rvautr- .gnu-a��itgt¢.mg loam sir seorae� wotaa i,e a.�elu.mea oaav�lo�. I ..0 a:.onr.�+r.ea to leer. ali mat n� aE, n:.n+.-im m:� nni:e«. n ne. neer na�,asl. I istt a - . ootrr.:tt¢¢ x:- aaa nea�e ny . � a:rr . t rlaama� ct;ata,;��ions.an �¢a nem t . It aces a sl�� a an a,at i ,¢tga came vy a y coa�ml Mea,ne�...eo nlaL,� t .. n,e .,weo..,� �r a,;. ..nt=m ¢u Enwia mot he mlo.�ea_ era u.e o�..e utak nai,,: seas¢ zhawe n¢ aPP�ovea. ��, � to Munte tiviim�n Y Jor,(uas 1 n tAUcl 4U_ >3J) `J �� Scnt @om my il'none Page 398 of 444 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 DATE: 09/t OH 9 ATTACHMENT: 5 Amanda Mu<h¢r 1¢(�gmall.com> - xemb¢r �. 20Y9 <:55 PM SubJecc sm g r.o�ect Attention City Council_ 1 a iting [o support [M1e Oove Cr¢ek Mini Storage projeR. 1 Ilve a the Oaks Apartments antl Fave irlentlsr[h at Ilve In Oove Creek. With s uch housing in this area, having acc¢ss to hlgM1-quality, well- designed, local self -storage would be a welcomed addRion_ I w s disappointetl to learn all that 6a5 [ nspired with [M1Is project. It has b¢en through O¢sign Review Committee twice and heartl by two difpercnt Planning Com mission; approved both t - It does n right a all [ha[ It Is being appealetl by a P[V Council Member who plans to v e the outcome o£ th s appeal. It should no[ be allowed, antl [he Oove Creek Mmi Storage should be approvatl, again. Thank you, Kyle �aveiga 9399 Jomada Ln #6 Atascad¢ro CA 93422 Page 399 of 444 ITEM NUMBER_ B-! GATE' 09/'10/'19 ATTACHMENT: 5 Amanda MuIF¢t - ckg626®sbcg obal.neo Sublace. Mem sm gP npp.vval nr ntaxeaaem tilt G'nnnca w.erahna noe- aoaaetrt. cA vawzz am protesamg cn..noa M.;mn=r r-.,na`=arp=m nrd,e manning. c ntn.n �aa.on � apr.•+�al nrm= on..e u�epK selr- - �.,.€= nroPpsai. rlannmg enn,.nisa:t,n n¢am an Jlro.�a Pnbre .e smema mo .n orr•np..are ana moagnt B.1 arr.n�ea u a proposal by a - <��i�iKa- -n arpev] tit -ate> � on Mcmbcr Fon..i ->_= nn ��i a.n i�gal :axne� ana ort rs no snnan.,u:e r..amn . n> me rlanni„s enm.n;axinn-s a �.n,...,inanrtn xnnwa u,==� _ s.a�rea. eai i n a:mol. o,nmo� wim et,..nea M=.nea. t- x uat nr p.;nt;do� ..min .,n=.on r,. e;q cvanca. anbena Fonzill sled gRovwnr:ng t =Planning P„ocess to rant n - .<df cavblu f t vPPlicants"- Even sne mnliica (ul the e) 1 rctlic nblc end i er=ode t Pro tcnl m uu� o:ty. L�K� mo- t Pol:[icmm u IooRs IiAe ,t wus Jus. evmpuign loads„ m.a sh¢ caved to somcene a mOuu+cu. Hearing M1cr vprcvl +ills v prey-dum For - n Atvacvdcm d � IiKc U ucK Scli-Sicmgc. niiv,vud all ahs mics+end .nca rPc rvtv`d suggcsunns�- cv tiycsuggusaions —orad¢ n>' tnc Ciay vnJ in tasponx= [v Ou tuf.v t> caa I'a+=.he urrbc c auc Pm nd n@has. and cul ur cunvicen Ib� the hvnni 1 P„VClJenl ne cPtinp aM1is urruvl t+a�id es.ablish. Please deny the apPcnl. ospucafullY- 6mcA Mittry soot r m n,y :Phone Page 400 of 444 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 DATE: O9/'i O/'19 ATTACHMENT 5 Amanda M City of Atmcvticro City Cou..cil 6500 Pnlma Avc. A.ascaaem. CA Y3422 Owr CiaY Council , Pmt¢cting C nul M¢mb¢� !nn>. arPeal ofL.¢ PlanninH Con.n.ission s aPProvvl ullne Oovc ErecR Se1F- S[oraH¢ P svl ou Tne PlaminE Cgmn,lssinn M1 n1Y .ea rubPe t¢ onY- p sid¢red then aPP�oprimc ana amuBnLfl1 ana upprovca O,c p.'op al lby a m mquircLL Tw 4ppcnl r tlPby Cowmll M ses no mle . Ie al isauc-s vnJ.vlfcrs nn wbstvnanc ievsnn +a1.Y th¢ Pla,n. ng Omm�uss.pn s a¢[a.'mmahon shoula�bc- a�va¢.�a. 'n,�avr=a � , a.n=¢. ¢ - - orn�e�n:aa .a,¢n ten¢ ran rnr coy c m. Knxaa s•ona tm � ie¢..amPlnH �n� Pia���nH n eAti� � �cal�tamp ror appr.¢ana.+". liv¢n..: -- ata w¢ cl I.0 mwna a n« - wnm =n=� t rp ¢nt . aay. uk� meat P�, ra a moi LIt¢ a .. i . ean,pe.gn r ae�a a�.e ee¢ ea�¢a .n �nm�nn� � ..a. n.,ena. no-ns b¢v aPP¢aisvlu a .{ibl¢ em¢¢a¢nt r r' ran.¢ Proi¢=ta :n oaaem that. hkc oto..e erten sci 1=s - ��r uo..�ca ml me rdh �� vn�n.Pnre�¢a .-:. rH.. Pw.� - ..ns.ly spsH�x.-.,n.. - .aaa¢ nY u,¢ c;n ana In �¢apnna¢ .n oa.. n ¢�n¢a t`r a,�- appeca.,t-a a ¢.nm¢a:a ana .:gets, nna not a'etnnmrn r r the na.,,,nJ P.�c=atm a�.,trt,nH o.:.. aPP=a� wpwe ¢�tabt:an. pm:.ap aen>� ma appeal. K¢I¢en t)isvcll A[vrcaJ¢no•+L A x422 Page 4Ol of 444 v�yaneo:cem. City of Atmcvticro City Cou..cil 6500 Pnlma Avc. A.ascaaem. CA Y3422 Owr CiaY Council , Pmt¢cting C nul M¢mb¢� !nn>. arPeal ofL.¢ PlanninH Con.n.ission s aPProvvl ullne Oovc ErecR Se1F- S[oraH¢ P svl ou Tne PlaminE Cgmn,lssinn M1 n1Y .ea rubPe t¢ onY- p sid¢red then aPP�oprimc ana amuBnLfl1 ana upprovca O,c p.'op al lby a m mquircLL Tw 4ppcnl r tlPby Cowmll M ses no mle . Ie al isauc-s vnJ.vlfcrs nn wbstvnanc ievsnn +a1.Y th¢ Pla,n. ng Omm�uss.pn s a¢[a.'mmahon shoula�bc- a�va¢.�a. 'n,�avr=a � , a.n=¢. ¢ - - orn�e�n:aa .a,¢n ten¢ ran rnr coy c m. Knxaa s•ona tm � ie¢..amPlnH �n� Pia���nH n eAti� � �cal�tamp ror appr.¢ana.+". liv¢n..: -- ata w¢ cl I.0 mwna a n« - wnm =n=� t rp ¢nt . aay. uk� meat P�, ra a moi LIt¢ a .. i . ean,pe.gn r ae�a a�.e ee¢ ea�¢a .n �nm�nn� � ..a. n.,ena. no-ns b¢v aPP¢aisvlu a .{ibl¢ em¢¢a¢nt r r' ran.¢ Proi¢=ta :n oaaem that. hkc oto..e erten sci 1=s - ��r uo..�ca ml me rdh �� vn�n.Pnre�¢a .-:. rH.. Pw.� - ..ns.ly spsH�x.-.,n.. - .aaa¢ nY u,¢ c;n ana In �¢apnna¢ .n oa.. n ¢�n¢a t`r a,�- appeca.,t-a a ¢.nm¢a:a ana .:gets, nna not a'etnnmrn r r the na.,,,nJ P.�c=atm a�.,trt,nH o.:.. aPP=a� wpwe ¢�tabt:an. pm:.ap aen>� ma appeal. K¢I¢en t)isvcll A[vrcaJ¢no•+L A x422 Page 4Ol of 444 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 DATE: 09/'I O/19 ATTACHMENT: 5 Amaada Mutbar Ataswtler0 Gity Gnun¢II, I M1ava dnvan by tM1is dilapidefctl property fbr y¢ars. 1 always Fguretl theta Fad to ba a M1ad tl¢v¢loped IL After seeing tM1a tla[ails of tM1a proposed self s[orag¢ 1 n understand why. TM1a property will require a vary substantial in o just maKe It bulltlabla, antl if appears [M1at tM19 o r M1as slreatly spent a great tleal o the studies and enginearrng. Wtiila I w understand wrvy s against iL 1 don'[ tM1inK tM1ey untlarstand tba limits of wM1at wn b¢ built there. Ves It w ultl be mw to sea artlog ParK. soccer field or other public usage. but the owner M1as tM1e ng M1t [o tlavalop rt. Looking at the allowable u und¢r the PubKc Zaning, iM1a o very limltetl t what they c n do. At tM1e last Planning Commission M1eanng many spoke bf many otheWgmat u oT [M1¢ property but tM1osa u no[ allowed. Staff ¢ven broug M1[ up about wM1at z ing R "migFt" ba in tM1a future but tM1at Is trrel¢vanl TM1¢ar owner can not be M1¢Ip [o wM1at mlg M1t ba tM1a bastousa based on wM1at the futu2 zoning may or may not ba. If w¢ don't allow tM1ls pra]ect [o ba appmvatl it sats off many red flags_ TM1e Clty M1as worKetl against the r by discussing tM1e Tuture z nlnB ata Planning Commission meeting where the nary praje¢t was b¢Ing [ed on. TM1a only possible axplana[bn is mpt [o way v s. Antl If a property o r follows all of tM1a rules and gets 9rant¢d a pemHq [M1ls demoncttra[¢a that o a City official w act On tM1elr own to sabotage a projad for any r aeon (1 woultl hope i[ Wauld be based on a IeBal argument). 1 urge tM1¢ Gty Council to ENV the appeal, and vote in. FAVOR of [M1e s¢If storag¢ project 1 don't want [o sae tM1e old corvpt city pogtiw 2[urn_ Regartls. Barak Miles 5420 Nontla Avq Aiascadero. CP 93422 805.305.8438 Page 402 of 444 5ep[¢mbar 3. 20t9 s zs Am Co�xday. svb�cct City Counoi Appeel'z �EVIe-oto.3 - vro�ccr t t<so view Camine Ataswtler0 Gity Gnun¢II, I M1ava dnvan by tM1is dilapidefctl property fbr y¢ars. 1 always Fguretl theta Fad to ba a M1ad tl¢v¢loped IL After seeing tM1a tla[ails of tM1a proposed self s[orag¢ 1 n understand why. TM1a property will require a vary substantial in o just maKe It bulltlabla, antl if appears [M1at tM19 o r M1as slreatly spent a great tleal o the studies and enginearrng. Wtiila I w understand wrvy s against iL 1 don'[ tM1inK tM1ey untlarstand tba limits of wM1at wn b¢ built there. Ves It w ultl be mw to sea artlog ParK. soccer field or other public usage. but the owner M1as tM1e ng M1t [o tlavalop rt. Looking at the allowable u und¢r the PubKc Zaning, iM1a o very limltetl t what they c n do. At tM1e last Planning Commission M1eanng many spoke bf many otheWgmat u oT [M1¢ property but tM1osa u no[ allowed. Staff ¢ven broug M1[ up about wM1at z ing R "migFt" ba in tM1a future but tM1at Is trrel¢vanl TM1¢ar owner can not be M1¢Ip [o wM1at mlg M1t ba tM1a bastousa based on wM1at the futu2 zoning may or may not ba. If w¢ don't allow tM1ls pra]ect [o ba appmvatl it sats off many red flags_ TM1e Clty M1as worKetl against the r by discussing tM1e Tuture z nlnB ata Planning Commission meeting where the nary praje¢t was b¢Ing [ed on. TM1a only possible axplana[bn is mpt [o way v s. Antl If a property o r follows all of tM1a rules and gets 9rant¢d a pemHq [M1ls demoncttra[¢a that o a City official w act On tM1elr own to sabotage a projad for any r aeon (1 woultl hope i[ Wauld be based on a IeBal argument). 1 urge tM1¢ Gty Council to ENV the appeal, and vote in. FAVOR of [M1e s¢If storag¢ project 1 don't want [o sae tM1e old corvpt city pogtiw 2[urn_ Regartls. Barak Miles 5420 Nontla Avq Aiascadero. CP 93422 805.305.8438 Page 402 of 444 ITEM NUMBER_ B-1 GATE: 09/l O/l9 ATTACHMENT: 5 n «..nnnn c n, F ..a�na r. rye ,r Icncr r. J,e rh.nnins c .J,n`.�r�., nrr=r�snnnl l'bi I Ix .J n 1 - .elv JtJI\ r ..r� �. n..,i�.�rr �. .,..�>�,�.. �. 'ah=v.:,r.�f..- e�l:nirel>r •eiv �n t be tl cJ . the 1 r.J nJu n'. Dine. rl . r h-. utl un .. la.,, u�� „hh v C r 1 _ I ..r_ FIOJ a a M1..a- rM1ur rM1u. I Lug^ F nnvnuxinn in.iJc. Jac r�Fhr Jccio-i.m. _ _, dimPr"i ntctl a _ cJ n nM1vr a cJinY t c Pl' Jwlsia.n. J� Plemh�a val n uIJ r6uule 'Ju. p u. n1•i +bcYanc�la _ • M1uvc'a. y, rlv Ivawrdn rhe nph�a ,rM1inY. N�ilhJnm IM1is :arPun Lral r p a ul a mmrmum unci un6oalai a6� .rl>n>^` ul rl the RcaPce liJ 1p_ - uluiem Ave Page a03 of aaa �s e.eay re. �.a ere.ra: aea<r.ca r,.ao.e,.o. �haaes aa,,.ahea... aen�.<a Fenn. s,.>:en s..na. rv.ce.he. s..n�.e.. vra.,n a �o..,...�ss.a,.. e. ��ti �o....��r .ere. n «..nnnn c n, F ..a�na r. rye ,r Icncr r. J,e rh.nnins c .J,n`.�r�., nrr=r�snnnl l'bi I Ix .J n 1 - .elv JtJI\ r ..r� �. n..,i�.�rr �. .,..�>�,�.. �. 'ah=v.:,r.�f..- e�l:nirel>r •eiv �n t be tl cJ . the 1 r.J nJu n'. Dine. rl . r h-. utl un .. la.,, u�� „hh v C r 1 _ I ..r_ FIOJ a a M1..a- rM1ur rM1u. I Lug^ F nnvnuxinn in.iJc. Jac r�Fhr Jccio-i.m. _ _, dimPr"i ntctl a _ cJ n nM1vr a cJinY t c Pl' Jwlsia.n. J� Plemh�a val n uIJ r6uule 'Ju. p u. n1•i +bcYanc�la _ • M1uvc'a. y, rlv Ivawrdn rhe nph�a ,rM1inY. N�ilhJnm IM1is :arPun Lral r p a ul a mmrmum unci un6oalai a6� .rl>n>^` ul rl the RcaPce liJ 1p_ - uluiem Ave Page a03 of aaa ITEM NUMBER: B-"1 GATE' 09/"10/l9 ATTACHMENT: 5 g !or n s Intl t snmv my support o£[t.¢ p sN s mRe 1' the s u[}. ena o� [ 1 Ince iouslY submillctl a Id[cr 1c U,v V ng C n1ay. ry aifsePP.Nn[¢a [ ais Vtba .bc r ac aPP>o aPP vl¢a by a Ciq' Cm til n ¢a'P ^P� ca as ubb¢ vna � ¢s lined v t Fot vbo.rt a avevaa Tbc City bva a nPn' t ¢na [bc 4'rn cul Pluv a,a P cbvn&e [b¢ _ itf tbem- a de otb¢ ahe ,Min m¢c - t1Y 1 - vllowablc sa !or abc nP[dcsign na s nai, ci¢.bor. ba vPP cc alit ¢nn¢¢ms_ u+ Ynn-re I:nm..ms�u,� n¢:el�nns a.Y resstam ao Aiv� aa�. ��mPmcn� n J . a..- 4�r=¢:r.¢ ..:el. Tnfs rml¢e[ h . ber re [he owe t .aa P .nom c.,n,ns�inn [ . 1 I:..a u mN¢t¢ly .. .� . aemcav� .n ana m � br ng m:.. n - ¢iia PlY b==an ��to c. ..n...:.nn¢nm¢. na��., . �m me P �.. Ti.��o a m¢ ¢ ¢Ini� ��a. a..a . a.fahc �-. a¢a. ,',tm¢P .,r�tinsinEil..�l¢�r���� ¢il �hn...�, a:..osera¢rot r.¢•.i `,..S�P�sbilhy. wti �i a� n�PPnaea�Y a r m�.,n. e.,nn¢u. The banau.,e nt,r a,:¢ n - ¢aa a gnm n n ae�mnPo n¢. ..Pt s¢m n �a«a m�ssaec [n Plnnn.ne eomnss�on¢�z. .'at�,t. not ��.ta a s..,a ..,¢ssmg� [n nn� ¢na¢ns.. Lllp� svPPnn a ¢ C'reeR Mini Smrugc pt Jv'c, vna 1 9u¢stinn J.e m of[bcaPPcaL Th¢ vPplicant hvs e vigbt m d¢veluP his lantl una � c don¢rv¢ U np[inn of having bipb-Vuulltp'�tve-d¢signea s¢IF-smmge. 1 t gc Yua ao alo tF� .-iEht O„ng by aevyivE the vPPcalanna vPP�t,"L@ U,¢ P¢�mit fot.[he Dove Cra-A Mfnf Rmmg¢. ' Jo c An�hu rEu c Page 404 of 444 ie. ciy c vin I+avmv mo.eno, engines eou.beau, aebarta Fenn, Susan Funr. Hea,ne. sub)ace oe..e ueek mtm sm ege. g !or n s Intl t snmv my support o£[t.¢ p sN s mRe 1' the s u[}. ena o� [ 1 Ince iouslY submillctl a Id[cr 1c U,v V ng C n1ay. ry aifsePP.Nn[¢a [ ais Vtba .bc r ac aPP>o aPP vl¢a by a Ciq' Cm til n ¢a'P ^P� ca as ubb¢ vna � ¢s lined v t Fot vbo.rt a avevaa Tbc City bva a nPn' t ¢na [bc 4'rn cul Pluv a,a P cbvn&e [b¢ _ itf tbem- a de otb¢ ahe ,Min m¢c - t1Y 1 - vllowablc sa !or abc nP[dcsign na s nai, ci¢.bor. ba vPP cc alit ¢nn¢¢ms_ u+ Ynn-re I:nm..ms�u,� n¢:el�nns a.Y resstam ao Aiv� aa�. ��mPmcn� n J . a..- 4�r=¢:r.¢ ..:el. Tnfs rml¢e[ h . ber re [he owe t .aa P .nom c.,n,ns�inn [ . 1 I:..a u mN¢t¢ly .. .� . aemcav� .n ana m � br ng m:.. n - ¢iia PlY b==an ��to c. ..n...:.nn¢nm¢. na��., . �m me P �.. Ti.��o a m¢ ¢ ¢Ini� ��a. a..a . a.fahc �-. a¢a. ,',tm¢P .,r�tinsinEil..�l¢�r���� ¢il �hn...�, a:..osera¢rot r.¢•.i `,..S�P�sbilhy. wti �i a� n�PPnaea�Y a r m�.,n. e.,nn¢u. The banau.,e nt,r a,:¢ n - ¢aa a gnm n n ae�mnPo n¢. ..Pt s¢m n �a«a m�ssaec [n Plnnn.ne eomnss�on¢�z. .'at�,t. not ��.ta a s..,a ..,¢ssmg� [n nn� ¢na¢ns.. Lllp� svPPnn a ¢ C'reeR Mini Smrugc pt Jv'c, vna 1 9u¢stinn J.e m of[bcaPPcaL Th¢ vPplicant hvs e vigbt m d¢veluP his lantl una � c don¢rv¢ U np[inn of having bipb-Vuulltp'�tve-d¢signea s¢IF-smmge. 1 t gc Yua ao alo tF� .-iEht O„ng by aevyivE the vPPcalanna vPP�t,"L@ U,¢ P¢�mit fot.[he Dove Cra-A Mfnf Rmmg¢. ' Jo c An�hu rEu c Page 404 of 444 ITEM NUMBER_ B-1 GATE' 09/'10/'19 ATTACHMENT: 5 Attention Clty Council: 1 a ing bt a ontl Gm® to support tba lova Cra6R Mlnl Storage project. 1 submittatl a letter to Planning Commission on 8/t/t9 and w m¢tl about the M1antlKng of [M1is project at fha! point in its history. The Tan[ [hat [his Ise n bebg bmugbt babra City Cnun¢II by m of an appeal from a Gity Council m mbar is highly co inB and Innhs very muoh likes a taK ng advantage oT [M1el� position. Ther applicant owns th¢ propertyms proposing a cantlitionally allowed u a br [he property's i ing, he's been through ORC twice antl heartl by two differ Rnt Planning Commissions. An appeal S mpletely antatl, pl6ase don spentl any m ¢taR Lima o n tM1is p�oJect s mply because o Council m mbe� Is obviously biased [owartl [M1a u e. OCny theuapp¢al, approve the CVP and a and the policies to create acwun[ability antl prev¢nt this Klntl of appeal situation fmm happening againm Thank you. PatncR Iberia Ibaira Ct¢atNe 5860 EI Caminn Real, Suite E Abscatl¢to. Ca 93422 (605)305-'1432 Page 405 of 444 zs®Bmaa.com� e��k r aouroceu, rsoticna von=i, scan wnK. Iraeenar Iae.+so�r. sunpce. vwe aeeb nn��. smrag� nppml Attention Clty Council: 1 a ing bt a ontl Gm® to support tba lova Cra6R Mlnl Storage project. 1 submittatl a letter to Planning Commission on 8/t/t9 and w m¢tl about the M1antlKng of [M1is project at fha! point in its history. The Tan[ [hat [his Ise n bebg bmugbt babra City Cnun¢II by m of an appeal from a Gity Council m mbar is highly co inB and Innhs very muoh likes a taK ng advantage oT [M1el� position. Ther applicant owns th¢ propertyms proposing a cantlitionally allowed u a br [he property's i ing, he's been through ORC twice antl heartl by two differ Rnt Planning Commissions. An appeal S mpletely antatl, pl6ase don spentl any m ¢taR Lima o n tM1is p�oJect s mply because o Council m mbe� Is obviously biased [owartl [M1a u e. OCny theuapp¢al, approve the CVP and a and the policies to create acwun[ability antl prev¢nt this Klntl of appeal situation fmm happening againm Thank you. PatncR Iberia Ibaira Ct¢atNe 5860 EI Caminn Real, Suite E Abscatl¢to. Ca 93422 (605)305-'1432 Page 405 of 444 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 GATE: 09/'1 OH 9 ATTACHMENT: 5 ATanda Muther A¢[;ntinn Ciry Ccuncil: 1 a ing to support the Oove Crech Mini Storage. 1 attentletl [M1e Plannin€ Commission hearing in August ager le nF the pr jed's hismry_ Tfierc all n tuber of neighbo ng r side tM1a spoKc i opposition [ the projectCHowcver. nany of them M1atl unFoundctl c r¢garding flooding, [raTFe and n e. A Ivrge n tuber of them opposition [o any development and o Duple that spoke in opposiEon i mpeti[otr oP[he applicvnt [hvt o s oxbar smrag¢ facility i 1 fiavc s rel close friends tM1at live in [M1is a oFtown that r cognize a ced for vtldi[ional s res€a spaces du¢ m mall lot sy and small footprint fiousinS. TM1e M1antlFul of residents xbat w¢r¢ m opposiiimt [o [M1e project do not raptus¢nt th¢aentircty of the rasitlen[s in [hat part of [own. h i obvious fiom v ending [hem itis that those opposin€ points a valid: My understanding is tfivt [his project may very w¢II improve the floodingts n F m i eel state. and that [M1e neigbboring houses will n t be mpacted by development of [M1e mL On Che contraryts[hers xay a�ery well be impmv¢tl- Tha oth¢r raffc and n - also n valid. Asa aidan of tM1e[n rth end of town [near mini Stora€e at EI Camino/mel Rio) I M1avetn a been tlisturbed by uaitic o e from then arby m mS¢. Storvge is very low tmffla destination. It ie vlso very s - itM1 closin€ hours ^£¢'tieing and c o deter any acvviry vt night My experience is [hat a storage Facility is vn itleal nei66bor- quiet. IiNe acbviry, and seouriry. Mr. Netv[on o the pmperty and m ni s rage is lis¢d as allowable u e £or lantl tuned "Public" Ips grotty cl¢ar [ha[ "Public" i t the appropriate zoningtdasignxtion for this property and it should have been changed- Ciry Sxati' aid a rch tlur ng the hearing but w say they w a laic geeing to it tt sat v an[ and o x [M1e market Por [en y¢ars there � s plenty oFtime [o make a General Plana endmeot and atldress the zoning of that property ays. pan oFa [egic plarr.aBut when'M r. Newlon c o City StatT prior [o purchasing [he property. he wase raged about M1is proposetl u a. Ho has it Ced a lot of money i o [fits p jeer. worked with every a sy along the way and w provide a needed s o our connnu ity. TI>et Planning Commission made [M1e riglait decision when [hey approved the Conditional Use Permit¢ t A City Cormoil Memberappcaling tltal decision i sary antl bas [be appearances of somaon¢ abusing th¢ir position. TM1e project w mp[ed [o be roadblochedt at ORC and h[vs been given m than adeq Yate a n fmm StatT. DRC antl two Planning Commissions. Now. w re going to detlicatc n [a$[ime and n [M1is p jeer without collecting any appeal fee m offset associaxed c s bccauso a angle City Council m mberodoessnot agr¢a w ith a p jeer This appeal demonstrates a lack of Fiscal ruesponsibility antl a IacK of accountability. This i citing tinea for Atascadero right n ands ethinS IiKe [M1is coWd be detrimental t reputation. LL is alraadyn Sain ing public a and 1 £ear it will g¢t w if this appeal i allowed [o be heard �It shotritl be r tided. antl Mr. Ncwmn shoultl be allowed t ¢ for'rvard w;<•h M1is CLP_ My f ar is drat denial of this project will Further deter others From an¢mpting future projects that will continue to nnprove our city_ 1 w uld also urge the Council v address amendments to [he policy and pmcedaues surroundinS aPP[%als: in an efx rt to prevent [fits Kind of action in ttre future. ThvnK you. ISevin Ferrell. concerned AtaScadero Homeowner Page 406 of 444 Kevin ferrall <kevinf¢me1151@gmail.com> Tu¢sday, 5¢pt¢mb¢r 3, 2019 l 02 PM Gty C vk atM1ar Mo : CM1arl¢s Bourb¢au: Rob¢rea Fenz�, Susan FunK� Heather Newsom Subj¢cb Mlnl Stb rag¢ CVP A¢[;ntinn Ciry Ccuncil: 1 a ing to support the Oove Crech Mini Storage. 1 attentletl [M1e Plannin€ Commission hearing in August ager le nF the pr jed's hismry_ Tfierc all n tuber of neighbo ng r side tM1a spoKc i opposition [ the projectCHowcver. nany of them M1atl unFoundctl c r¢garding flooding, [raTFe and n e. A Ivrge n tuber of them opposition [o any development and o Duple that spoke in opposiEon i mpeti[otr oP[he applicvnt [hvt o s oxbar smrag¢ facility i 1 fiavc s rel close friends tM1at live in [M1is a oFtown that r cognize a ced for vtldi[ional s res€a spaces du¢ m mall lot sy and small footprint fiousinS. TM1e M1antlFul of residents xbat w¢r¢ m opposiiimt [o [M1e project do not raptus¢nt th¢aentircty of the rasitlen[s in [hat part of [own. h i obvious fiom v ending [hem itis that those opposin€ points a valid: My understanding is tfivt [his project may very w¢II improve the floodingts n F m i eel state. and that [M1e neigbboring houses will n t be mpacted by development of [M1e mL On Che contraryts[hers xay a�ery well be impmv¢tl- Tha oth¢r raffc and n - also n valid. Asa aidan of tM1e[n rth end of town [near mini Stora€e at EI Camino/mel Rio) I M1avetn a been tlisturbed by uaitic o e from then arby m mS¢. Storvge is very low tmffla destination. It ie vlso very s - itM1 closin€ hours ^£¢'tieing and c o deter any acvviry vt night My experience is [hat a storage Facility is vn itleal nei66bor- quiet. IiNe acbviry, and seouriry. Mr. Netv[on o the pmperty and m ni s rage is lis¢d as allowable u e £or lantl tuned "Public" Ips grotty cl¢ar [ha[ "Public" i t the appropriate zoningtdasignxtion for this property and it should have been changed- Ciry Sxati' aid a rch tlur ng the hearing but w say they w a laic geeing to it tt sat v an[ and o x [M1e market Por [en y¢ars there � s plenty oFtime [o make a General Plana endmeot and atldress the zoning of that property ays. pan oFa [egic plarr.aBut when'M r. Newlon c o City StatT prior [o purchasing [he property. he wase raged about M1is proposetl u a. Ho has it Ced a lot of money i o [fits p jeer. worked with every a sy along the way and w provide a needed s o our connnu ity. TI>et Planning Commission made [M1e riglait decision when [hey approved the Conditional Use Permit¢ t A City Cormoil Memberappcaling tltal decision i sary antl bas [be appearances of somaon¢ abusing th¢ir position. TM1e project w mp[ed [o be roadblochedt at ORC and h[vs been given m than adeq Yate a n fmm StatT. DRC antl two Planning Commissions. Now. w re going to detlicatc n [a$[ime and n [M1is p jeer without collecting any appeal fee m offset associaxed c s bccauso a angle City Council m mberodoessnot agr¢a w ith a p jeer This appeal demonstrates a lack of Fiscal ruesponsibility antl a IacK of accountability. This i citing tinea for Atascadero right n ands ethinS IiKe [M1is coWd be detrimental t reputation. LL is alraadyn Sain ing public a and 1 £ear it will g¢t w if this appeal i allowed [o be heard �It shotritl be r tided. antl Mr. Ncwmn shoultl be allowed t ¢ for'rvard w;<•h M1is CLP_ My f ar is drat denial of this project will Further deter others From an¢mpting future projects that will continue to nnprove our city_ 1 w uld also urge the Council v address amendments to [he policy and pmcedaues surroundinS aPP[%als: in an efx rt to prevent [fits Kind of action in ttre future. ThvnK you. ISevin Ferrell. concerned AtaScadero Homeowner Page 406 of 444 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 DATE: 09/'I O/19 ATTACHMENT 5 Amantla Mu[6eF osn@}osM1donovarvc Clsday^5¢p[emb¢r 3, 2019 l 4l PM ry C a[M1errM v. Charles Bourbeau; Rob¢rta Fonml: Susan Funk, Heatber N¢wsom Subj¢c[: Dor¢ Creek Seli Storage Clp' Council Giry of itascadcro [i500 Palmn ave. ataxnaa¢ro ca n�aa� RG+ DP.\' 16-p 103 ([7ovc Cccck \clF Gorngv) llaax lnsoadcco Coma-il Latoavbcra: l v -ed ac,d a ted l of cka¢ Dov¢ Crcah S¢IF� c..6c Pcoleci a '. Planning � - w6cu i - c be Eom u > la .\r rhu [ irM1 n nda[ion t cne 0RC1 o dcuy chs CL`P, \Vl,cudr Fant r %nd d,e scxi FC x ecP�'nuvth¢ r ndm od ., a u -uxl feaatm - uple • Thx� a a'he Eana u e 1 s naau ng Fcom CJ = (uwuxllc c c Evora z vi FfJc:.ud i xlxo the Evn e I s ndntion !or d e.aial [The vapp6ccamasked c ich me ahead of the PC 6exnn8a 1t chae n uB. 1 ]earaeav[hate\bnNcaa-ton aiseussed bis a a build v asaRc wie6 C' a' Pln„w-,8 1 aFf prior m Pc¢chnsingcdae ProP¢vry. 1 -Ie a old that i vdiciouvaL}Sxllowed u nd 6a'a need to Ko through Planning Commissiory I c nnmicd chis c t aao with C aFf duda,g th= 1=anuac{- hcarinK� In a unS wie6 rhe raPPGeann 1 also Icn mea rM1.zt PerhnPs s of them a, Fov v o Itix Prolecr a rhe DRC Iced T s aur t til m mbet v a-nlly capmssiug s oaug oPiavons ul ora x ca8e ma 1>ciuS � P=e Fe¢ea c s the "nigh�s[:ana 1 cs.c - �hc Ca a,d�Thc „ 120 m mbcas chxa vvinb x s Plaatmng Commissioncvs cspm�scd [bar w.bilc the pco1==� cm_a t be ideal- i Dnd l n vLLlowable a amd 1=i -ery n ash i ngmemea,c The}- of coume ended uP v nS iaa fv,voc uE the P=oject Irsr Gk¢ w vW did that niShC-ZO. Tssonly. a'egaacs. that mvadc a expand the uou4e.auon vadius Hoar 3011' to IOUO' in nu efF ai m sue if [Here would be x,} �t a,g a-Khbochuudt cxaxtancc. 'Ileo aPPGcmr has ro gn naeA tna'dugn DRQ i otdec m get M1aeA in from of Plxuv,ia,g < _ "that PrVe=sx � ule � iths avnlen s s likb a ua1R loa,g t meEv.,me l"hv ptoi==� �� • Placed u the PC 18enda Cur a - a>a t e but 5th a a, Fvom t nppmve 1 uded tbx� I _ hesavnK nna xAolce i , fava>c ofarhe Prolect- snaning m eM1 of thecio fo 1 ududed i lthet Feat pnawBmPh nlaa>ve. l Ech at m,Ponam [ o be [M1c c _ 0 6xd ,with Ciry Plxnving 1 aFF Pnoc to pucchvasin8 the Pxoperp�a lvalso aPoanted o th. ttw611c thcmnt aKhbt>ts h v,dwacc a ith dent opposition ro. develoPmcnq [Here a also nciShbots in .,ppnrt .,E the Ppi==��.,a r��,t a,e m .-sP�nx¢ a na; Ff¢�¢n¢¢. adiaax .,F I ,emains all of On. -e e_reew aha ¢nue�r«l t,�t+ ie�. than a �:d¢nrx t�xPn�.a, ��rh�tar>�� t:. ��a-t� .,cgx.a.-el.._ il� „d the eommisxioncrs [hat \lv. Newmn o tnv Pc�Peaic nna n - mgt i. listed a a,ditioa,ally xLLowcd u Whilo d,c Pc�P�rty . -¢n� cnnn¢nging t, dc����aP- nlr_ nl¢a..tt,.. nra.gi,�t ,.,,'d p..ad a,t the �hxv�a,ge and vx cleasly np .n the taxa. Eae has n :;K6a �o nnaa n;x P>--t>i¢et. ll.c � - riq� of « ne a ,x11 n ml,ct of) ne;gh h..n that sp.,Ae : .apP".iti.. a, t e,e pvoi=eta m rrom the a cignbornood (i.x hale tmx C- a rt) t-ith t6c- s c c - utnamcn[s. 'Chcy bcticve t6eu PcoPccn' will £luod aua they malty aonY v a,g bwh these. I _ a,denou svud v _ uch when 6c w the Pmcesa of voti.,� "]lvu rhe r - tnc}- u c 6cwu,tug thou aght w chs spec iEac a , nm a -aches u+ development i rat. T�ven�on¢ hna n cnnnce niche hex,d .hat mgb�. ca ca mwtipmx..mea r.>r atm¢ Pet,Plc cthen Planaea,K f-�.r.n•xx,t,n ..naa�a�a,¢:r ae¢:a:.>n- Page 407 of 444 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 GATE: 09/1 O/19 ATTACHMENT: 5 The nPPlicn.+r bus .. v bcde be Eocc Uesigm Revieav Communes rrx nd Ens r - .-ed appcuval Fvom n o different Plnnui++g C omnussions. l � - meK disnPPoinrc-d r a Icor char apPenl had beem Eled bg c6c v c Cip- C'�uucil .\lember char. aouLy expcessad a m8 oPPosiriom a oh¢ Prolecv whsv i r+giaaullr Pmsam¢d ro DRCm i hnve ccad rbc nPPreal and 9a`csdora irs mcrrrn ar.d ica rmpli w:'rioms. fisc appeal z v IcF a ir6 chc f¢e4..8 vhw nc�ix uPimion a ndc9uamly 6avd o sidaced." Tae Plnn mg Comrruxsionrdidsn -r Gntir obe�n tuber o - sprnkera. rhae a u lengthy dinlo6uc, including nmPlc dizcusR uta -the topica sed by rhrasc who mode PubG� c .The Plnnnin8 ( n FulSllcd i ole urd a ei8hed da¢ e v borb chose in faa�car uud rho c� otippoved r dac proPoxnl s\l'hsv a c goes :aguiaaur rbc avishcx of n P"rson oc gwauhsrhw daacs aaor mews 'rhnr their opinion wnsn taade9.aurelp 6uvd e>r aeaasidemd." \Ve 6ave m samds I nd m c6 Iwod rhnr - said be a ed t chose meeds- DevdoP'vs mune he allele m n'usr our Ciep' svu FE nndno r Pcoeai-ne sabe Eoce bciaaR aviW raR m dwcloP r6em. "['hinTPp¢ul vroluees dmr rmsr. 'Phis L al bass red daw Esenl cssponsibiGry i oP P^.ern'- �t'Ivs aPP"al demonsrerms n disregird for Fisch espon�bilira-- T'hcrpugeosc of dfc aPPnxtl Eee i oFCscr rhe c cell a drh 6oldiug dac heaairg stud briubnnFi tlae pcolecr beFode ( nciL Liur r 'r Eec i vcd as p:vr asFa Couvcil n vabsc filing rhe nPPcnl. � rhe udW Donal s nFC mase +ad r - rhauumill raced m^be dsdic-. ed _n again ro chis Proiecracome as u acasr ro rise G qra�\ORaers is the fiscal r¢sPon �biliOE� \'hccc iz r6c :mcoumubiGp-P 1 urge rho fin' Covocil ra rabecs r dae appeal of DR\' l8 [ Ila iv ordec r a Pcevem such a Harmful Pcecedciar Fmm oaeucrua6 ^^d exp^sing rhe City- of AruncuNero m Pomaiul ii8ndo¢ Rcspicrfiilly, Josh Donoa wa Page 408 of 444 City of Alascatlatp Attn. Ci[y GIarK 0500 Palma Ava. Absmdero. CA 93922 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 OATS 09/'10/'19 ATTACHMENT: 5 I web b you ictlay to axpre¢s ovt campanl¢s ¢uppoM1 !or iba propceatl minrotoeaga. Our bualnaas in Afas dam apada11za81 fba'�'ale at Primarily Naos. and used R�t¢atidnal V¢hlolps_ Om businaa¢ g¢naea[aa tM1ouaabd¢of dolbrs In fa vary monM br N¢y City of Ataacadaro. Afosoad¢tn M1as bmn a au�ssful ppara0on (ot us, and wa f¢ai ptbaful 9ta[ wa era ebb [o do good buslnass. antl g�anamta a large volume of [az mvandua fo ucM1 an amaing dry- A major dnrubacK W RV and ¢amps[ Ias 1¢ the avallabiliry of safe aeW m [Drage opportuni[f¢s ono res. Tha sum¢ssful opanln0 atM op¢ra0on of this iadlity wM1htlt will og¢ such ataraga, would h¢Ip dur company to ¢¢cum additional ¢aMs. Wa f¢el t tl ba a d Iba City. If we a nal ¢al¢¢, thisiw uldlm¢vl[ In addltio ¢lbsa - a br tM1¢ City. In atldlllon fol ptaviding adtlltlonal ¢forage • tba niry, ih¢ Ptolact aPP¢ a Fr¢t cia¢¢ s[wa9a Iaclii[ias w icM1 [M1 city cu Ixka. A 9uality bu aa. tba Y odn uld on1Y nhance M¢ ub of [b pltyY P loam do nal tlaiay s a plan, b¢ous¢ the ¢ r M1 is ops a0onal ttw sooner wa Wil � atldltbnal sales. 1 appraca[a ydvr bma. tard worK and all IFat you do (or such an asnaz�ng city— Afascad¢m. Regards, Page 409 of 444 ITEM NUMBER_ B-1 GATE_ 09/'10/'19 ATTACHMENT: 5 wt, u.... � •vt wm ar..va eo � �.ycm •••�••e. Page 4'I O of 444 ITEM NUMBER_ B-1 GATE- 09/'10/'19 ATTACHMENT: 5 �..r..�.., � �_,..,.... �....,..��.,...��...�.,.,.�... r...,.�.�.... �<.. �.....�.,... �i....n.......,... ....�.., 1��..-.--.b_� Page 411 of 444 ITEM NUMBER: E-1 DATE 09/10/19 ATTACHMENT: 5 TO Au —clew tiny Gmanwal AP. WI.1m 17oY• [_f.xk 86M.SIaryu i rn,Wm�iY had conrerna �6eut IM'F'nw[wti+ rvf Iha Dom Grnew Se11,5fornp° 1iCilrty ho-irq 1[,rll mar my hw AArr m"f 1p wit, n,. u,'h wnr'. I ran ue thal IM prop � waa desgned with ft rnmmu[wiy-nrr+,n� Fra. n. l�.,,.r,y r-NkVuv lvW aelbWLI .aa .rf.m�vo lantlacnp.q l .w�ae. evn v.I, uiJuc.r Ku dtl mkj In Aw "m'lM4h . r mel Done GroeN ;b[l- f Ijww a anll W a Umd rwpn6o' wl+Ue P#w4 t,a ihn e4 n ,MV wO 2ddlwnal wSafpge a WdV a'e de pssmte[y nvf4 fheaae ..py j Pavy Cr..l, FS #SIOINO rd,er, it romps Irf— Y ­ Page 412 of 444 ITEM NUMBER; B-1 DATE; 09/10/19 ATTACHMENT; 5 I., Ilat q1 L,}, 't1top, NV nemn >S kJChg %1011 LO -1 111.11 wy -n ktLeaderg at C) 3p) Mcrite r" t¢ur{ I hmva I,vgd n Ala�ce0era An4e :ill/ r �nnw nbou! :rir Ilcvn C,er•',r�r3lcrorg nnV Jnr m IJrI mPP6H o11'Ir �fale[I ll5lhy II n n Ilrrat (nc,,l on kir n slomug,, fact 6ly Ynrvtvip Page 413 of 444 ITEM NUMBER.' B-1 DAVE: 09/10/19 ATTACHMENT: 5 CITY Ce6 (11Y 0s f I;AHadere 65110 Palma Are. hiwadef0 CA 43477 ..,. i _ Y9 m: UFV Clty Gllncll Wppon Im flare Creek S61 -S Wdgu• Oea, City Clerk peau iha,n Inn let[ol M[h 1W members d the Crty Council and N-,rr„mq uaft. A4 an Atev:ddero rnudrnL Hwfn4 ho air aLW Irho ML. I itrMle with the amount of slump! araHBbl! in MV MOP O WrIPI am nor iu If Ynu are f.i-thou wr[I' hpw 11TILP 5LQfagr rhP'tYpKal apartment IIrrWWes, but If h IlgnlrKantly less than ywr prehahlY huu, m-, Ivvtn, Wilk Loeal self strrraRe IaMlLln at. N tt0wr 10, IW CO rrly, rtrrre WE Im aralleWc m Auftuars. Th,s n at IeATt in I.oL lrnr "of the amounl 0f �Q.7Rnsenl3 010 hlgk-(pasny 110111,`5 eu, have appriwell fry 16icnt VOM%. t support Lt1' Ibis CTmO Sell-Slotbat prQ)KI R4 IL WIII provide a place for me, and 00*0 rr444,1., le ildle ml treasured possnsrom. You sh6u11d n0T [ KOI AWIrif Ono more high-rSrniQv raMEWi ltal ut11t4 E* i4e city un%ypt, addrna Its uufferll will, eaRr 1110r[ne, I hank you, /J! 'J V - Ftcia 1 rh 3'�a7 Mage 414 of 444 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 DATE: 09/10/19 ATTACHMENT: 5 6501I IrWnn[ A,c A,oknJ, n, [W) 13:: hmurulh. vagw+ L ­ ...p III 1hnN rec4 pcll-Snwpyr 4LL.Mmap ILTW'oui Iksl hl„ and nw tkw I'(IIs i u} 4 rrww,I I a,n anlnit,n -%Imt, A,I- I)me , -L Stl7-w l�@v iwmn I K 1.1111.,rLFIOIW ltluunup dW dCa1gn1AW „ilh lhr 1 ---ill .n MOO. [Iu. p[dln[ hill W 0- PA W,ii .-Lb ,lie Awl "folic ,wiphl.r,In.v1 I am Iumcuw4? m,p,ewd rilh dw iu,-p md whin 6haL %Air. uhwh -11 hide She imide ,y-„ w [hc Igiluv, rr,dik. rddee,ell-4Mdgt IMI"m il"n 'n. I,Wl', p,lAutl rLIA, L111wull �I Iiplin„h wwl it irM-mien) 4AT %hrmc. I., sue writ d:urnnl with nv,un,mil} ,,, -W I Yn- —L ticlf-ti,r,rayc Hill IrII,.r.W,rtilw 41,aWenmf[ofthecLml;s>nrni,wtd- pnOvelmy a pl.;nmp rinrtr rl %h. •h-••. r. ,rtV,,dy n ll ntr, I1-1 Imlr ' wpr rrl lk.eL'reel'%clt­ -,cc 3uk.erl�. Page 415 of 444 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 DATE: 09/10119 ATTACHMENT; 5 o'.r ul dralabmcl i5,7� Pf�wd ,r9 rlaxadro I:n 4'5111: Re IDIV 14 r40l toe to.r..d r,x n hnTe tle•�oioM- Ce iet � irY riucuas � x cxrrx4ld n,ul h'rei1 P_rr � ,_aa,a MArm �Mr rt "vwwo 4xW SI'Nx 1%X irkwit it Al 09V"Ci 413r 4Xa! 11011 Li a r,xt;,q rA u Imo" 67;m,S Orbuitk 0lha'4x niwpa'irr bW an lit rldra rM* pr'04k ON XN OF rOffili y TtFr tl41+'x tl the Cpw Eiw1$4xrcyi V+'"a: ,r nrox rr x �mraacr s nghirre ' hare min•_5gatl a Cdy stdll VvP apdx+61 Mkki dpi l*rbt s10J?IhA Rkjo'!f,W Nrs}a iRyOH* J,,'Hh111fi 101111. 14LgNrl 'Nlul4 say9P� fhxy rW m'ai,r nn pada Syl Y,c+rords iti �ui,ms xhrra7wfx+xrl 41d,011w prnr'ri Was O11}a 04WIT+ 044ty k+eWi rNRI mi!0444vd+rb Ow 0* RYON i'G,r,MW figs Naw 41EI NN grrl57 a,Ppvri a kaae LFII L•axra hvpita Fmf d i,rr:x+ 4xnwft✓ In hF 41 x"A-1111, dwin . Mw r arni i!,L ,i,,.a i Nnt"a moon appMxd . i 144*Aluiy h.r Pi. tl:sM II11.'. P� .vy LJlr,Axy l*,aie xasI 111L. iWr:.,k,W!rrf AlLLr•, L' tfil r 11;Flo-Ili, slur. -I Ix''rr�en_I �, i �. .r;+r+wNhdrspLl In µ it . +i nwnr'n nix" 11 PMPpal n9N;,'A'r. I L . . Piwxrg :Opr,risw pm Wd w, rcir . V J: rR OkPl.nal rok arse*C umlll„L � adl 31nX 0cdl' 110411,14 pall 'b kla"'+' 1 1-1}1711;111 C`I 15',x,-❑; igpe: Pln!rl.�.' � � , y paw IN CNI Ip INdx111} Olt 4iur N hl . `-"411WO? IN+hlr tr#1 Pw E4111 in 4 LyStl Nle x1:1,1, II'K Plt4.__ s:_ i, i ��.i r,j: rw r_m1 i PJM 11111 194 SM "N R1tt XW4 41w -A"S exWrwtl d tt,,+ 014-4 'N1#0t W Yw Rj1"W e4d MNXWttrr k'q Lhylwi lalJdli�LVri�J;lf1 ti'LF __ JJ Page 416 of 444 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 DATE : 09/10/19 ATTACHMENT: 5 t',rn f:. -anal r .rtr of lh,c:, lit.. f.S(Nl Pals, :1r, .%lA4{Ad,y„ (.A 9.1413 rl Ox Ir ��a rar rade M u l FS Rl?: yupp„r1 I,,, I).K� Crekl tirlf filnnRr GearA1J4MLkP,f 01WL4WWWO. 1%44 ijltw� t.r.ek well•4tural¢ pt%,t,tpl aJjj 1"ing, nj dh un�dcd n ,ppKtytxmrf Irr tlra,d n,rltn,l kl film lran of 11MIT, •grtlGprlHl.t i0W Ifig fl, Al wk f -)r m} ;wy1 ,..t. and mrud. In addtlngl, I I,.-br -, rhe pw1ca is Ad t"igrml =.al u,ll male a hctru imichl"d Than agrxher high demi+l almnmcm prniccl w.nrW 1-.,t Ilhr� IrdFnnx, 1 ,uMmwl the Llo, r t ttrir Irmlcct ;rah 14M G, ■r uc111 �[nctirrly, Mel hAti i V+fit, Rage 417 of 444 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 GATE: 09/1 O/19 ATTACHMENT- 5 :V an Pnln.a Ave. wu.dc:v. CA 931'1'2 'Pu whom d m..> a.nncm-n. nr un a cr.-ek sel r-smraka r ea . tl.� fh.nn:»k r�n...minxi..n .M+ n,i a.. richt. kind nn,mn . . r mom. »a rh» .. aid n.» <.nnfo.-.., w u.T tFaV look of ahc »uKh L.arhrusa. ThcYn. mn6 n bo. h c»unto. 1^ .year thea . 1.»a: m m.dunl�,a.»rtmnnt-and n »an ae�monmanta th.- _ rbc nfa nF i uburh. »I a 'Phcs<. h.• n 6� a<I : <ad f r nPc t6o whi-h »ku uPn nP^:uc ua.,� Wa nee.l gra<build n.mtluJ ua rv.<u cloa< ro wha��n the �demnnd in. '1'hc plan.. rnr rho pnsJf<=c . akc i clear shut Unvo t uk Sclf-timrngc is NO'CI IINC: like th< clFn rnge ncihu tba utY�'Cho � fir�ilit nldn r. fit i chc ah6. r6v W, bt Uo c Cr ek~SCIPSaa �ilL I n tl nnKful .6. t}.c ho +y.. �.i rho ci6hbnrh<nd and .. a,d wont lunka mwo hhc n n»rk umund it. If.my u.n ... her aovcloPc.'a could be t6ia e. nP^nxiblc. aDp of :.h: ill 5aht � P� al t . build a »Yrbi^ the ._ l -o ahould . Uaem n .d nivo u n facie cy w acJ ,that will c nlcment nor nart of tmv n. It ice t the uPncal »na vme m favor of »PProvi^¢ tha w-11' etur»¢e. POge 4'18 OF 444 ITEM NUMBER: B -'I DATE: 09/'1 O/19 ATTACHMENT: 5 �H cw QN of wtascaaoe scP�mbe� 1. z�tv Gh cowcn, n<I ehrt vbuW�mss to'aq¢ Fs )w# me tns�-c M1aM(ulIX al tM1es¢IfsWage�I' µae��. o v.o�.., .,w+ � �rvar r rv� n,e.� .m... i,. main e naz a��� me �a� ��w . i,.�g uke ..,�..e....m, ia�ve. .m�e rv..�c a�s..ea�=�n�nv ro. m..�.,rv..P�i 1 �rs� ���s a.�.e'� �,ve. ve.. � m � u.�: o oir� r�a.o wne..� � eea.e .o,. o,. s�a.e..�e �.�. ��-`- Com%-v�-� Pmscatltlro �U 53ni2 Page 4'19 of 444 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 UATE: 09/'I O/'I9 ATTACHMENT 5 CI[y Council of Atazcad¢ro R¢: Mini Sioraga 9/02/19 To whom i[ may concern_ 1 Fav¢ s¢rv¢d In [b¢ U.S. Afmy 82^^ Alfbofn¢ �Ivislon antl Fay¢ b¢¢n s o AfgbaniRan on s a¢ployments. WFen 1 w s a¢ploy¢a 1 Fad n wF¢re [o sore my pa[sonal belongings b¢sides tF¢ u of a SCIF rtorage_ 1£ i would n [Fav¢ Fad [FIs optlon� 1 ould Fay¢ Fad to gNa up my p¢fsonal possessions since i Fad no Tamlly In [Fe arca and could not affofd [o pay r¢m whit¢ d¢pidy¢d. I a - ng [FIs b¢caus¢ 1 [Fink mns[ people [Fink of self storag¢ as junk Stora g¢: Whll¢ tFis may b¢ [ru¢ In o[F¢r ar¢as. qmt¢ s mply pric¢s F¢re £or s[orag¢ a o FigF £or [bac Fortbe m pie rtortng lx¢ms F¢r¢ a e doing so b¢caus¢ tF¢y hay¢ n other op[ion. s¢g storag¢ Flls a <rvaucommYpity ne¢a. 1 Yrgervnn cn yslc a s¢If storag¢ £adutr dna s¢¢ Fow cFey ar¢ Ynu:ed. On¢ tFing We a[¢ Laugh[ in the Army Is [l[e impor[anc¢ of ^chain of command'. i[pm WFat 1 5 Is tba[ [he Planning Commission approved tFis pfoJ¢ck and a singl¢ Cl[y Countll m mb¢r tOuk F[ upon tF¢msclves [o appeal it 1 w uld Fav¢ nn Issv¢ N [Fe appeal Fad com¢ T[om [F¢ didn'tnity, but aFer r ailing tMe appeal Ii Is very appar¢n[ [Fa[ [F¢ Coundl m tuber simply agree wi[F tFe approval and dec]aed [o aci as dlc[ator and s[¢p on th¢ Planning Commission's approval. TFIs appal should not av¢n be allowed. 1 Yrga ydY [O support [F¢ Dov¢ Cr¢¢R $¢tf $torag¢ projec[ and deny [F¢ appeal. sncer¢Iv, i_> ���� �� Jams W. Parsaly Page 420 of 444 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 DATE: 09/10/19 ATTACHMENT: 5 C I[y L,x,n[, 1t.nda a.,arm[n lulA wlu,nI„nr utn... I ncl I, dre n , a lvpf im,n It, wnkv n• nil l at us I h al Ilµ. 1n.n .P.nmotll :.ln 1 •n'3Y -.h., 01,•r Iu, urle, 1hJL 01.r eb 11'1.1. .f5 abIIIMLnt I11rl,dnofrrl Antf „r,LLa,a ,I ,InnA� unrl1 mild ru,l r•nh+r. •uur NI n+r Irobi'r, Llr hrymlt B S11m0'n{ r,ImRIY{In rl{hn.4'+'rWpyl.r,K,m,r-r,rY+1'�,r1r•„rnl la ,S4r. Irr.5�11r,M1, Cdr 11"11 „rmplalrp IILM ry IIr,1l I hqn j-!0 dnr• Iq 1'.+n knn1., ,gym r. pu,,,, wrn,�. 1 „r1r .v,rl�Id, laraNr flua:e dnu I hmd tlrr r,ge 1101 renin. ArLd smfll hgmr nwnrrr I.'r1 h.r — e,, rr,en Ir A,I hA- I AJILM" [•I F.I' '1w1 B a1 0h. 11041'. Vluau' ,1x1:1, -II , In n1 n! and I,I III I, %I01M m46alnnglnA' nthI ,xy ho ,Il, 111enh You, iron. Hu1r U Page 421 of 444 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 GATE: 09/"I 0/"19 ATTACHMENT: 5 Hea[M1ar Moreno. Mayor (hmoranoQa. � prg) Lara Chnsten¢an. City Clerk (cityclad(�tarascadero org) 6500 Palma AVa. Atascadary GA 93422 RE: SUPPORT (or Uovo GraoY Sali 3[orapa Oove Creek SaK-Storage will help meat <be naeG !or storage within A[ascadaro. something ouf town deapera toy n¢ads, Ead¢ting saM-aToraga la4lWea'in Atas®darn era Tull, anG wa are /armd to travel ou[ pt [own (or Noraga spat¢. As' maetirsg MB faqu{ramants of California's Raglonal Housing Need¢ Assassmanfs conOnuas t0 bong M1igb density M1ousinB to ouf community. [M1a shortage oT saH- storaga unif8 wig only gel worse_ Aa tM1a City m appmva m a boma8 8 apanmanls, it mu¢t c nardar tM1a storage needs 1Msa naw raaldanis will have, as wail as tba neaCs of aziating rasidanta and businesses. PI¢ase ¢uppoR thB OOVa Creek SaH-storage pfofaR. TM1ank you. �' `y � y .nn,.wl..�r .�� /i%R��A/'�4'Ji CAS Y3Y2= Page 422 0£ 444 ITEM NUMBER' B -'I DATE: 09/'I O/1 9 ATTACHMENT: 5 Pages 423 of 444 ITEM NUMBER B41 QUITE: 09/10119 ATTACHMENT: 5 4 Ar 111 htAVa4rr4. GSDO Pllma Avnnon lviia loio,:1�11AJ7 1'sIV r 4,„y n, I IRE nn.raa in drrh lhr �.,. i' .c OICJN . fhrrc n wl'Vrnt de-wmd w tn., ulr L4 -14a -,.1, d In. Jn,p,• M II-,, No.rou i. .rIn.q+.v 1P it -11114 u. Wfu W 1n IPL. ,IVI id UVI{L•.-nr I,u Nfxinri s Paau wm's, oli Ihr ltla_ ra,lvu[a ler i[_ nppro.a, 19d rnnrarm4 wJh rwnr+i+uaalg h}hwtlJRm By dankd Urr.ouw 1p.nrno LJr9aRw041 the p,urronr m Lr imun.J rpr InplL d.nwlr hnuun�- w pfPsin 0+4. 111111 IhusI -t-.11rbpps, L.jIh.4M11.11di, larJ4yxrokldpl<Ii+at.Iyo pulnvr�n-o,. •r. --Ilv Dorho u6hr7hkti4 hro... 15n�.,tief�49e}L`•Iuhp P1 r,Cz+t 4]u2� �, Bnhon 01101111 Page 424 of 444 ITEM NUMBER. B-1 DATE; 09/10/19 ATTACHMENT; 5 Septa„ b" 3. 2019 City of Atascadero City CPUncil 6500 Palma Ave. Ala%radfrrp, CA 93422 Regarding: Mini Slorage brar Cily Cauncll, I have lived In Atesr.edefo All pr my kOW4, IiFP The pnrpo;pd self storage is a beautiful lacillty and its design and landscaping make It blend in in rhr uarhunding pre,, perrectfy Self storage rs very mutt; needed now let alone rn the (Wine ds 111V t ity LOhllnuCt ro gfgw. I ser mdrr & Mort• Smaller homm anti Apar rnwril� tiring huilt and this will only increase the demand for this service. I am for this new storage falilily and eik that yuu vote• Ipr rr•, approval, Thank you tur your lime K consideration, Culleen Burrimi 5325 Mercedes Ave. Atascadero,CA 93422 Page 425 of 444 ITEM NUMBER; B -'I DATE; 09/10/19 ATTACHMENT: 5 RI: w.FNgl C IL• i'_k kII+nwxp, Ihr lx,rl —A 4.h =.—I xdl ln,n,] n01'M w ,l IFTp . ni. I.,,l,r 1�, ,h.. Irn ul l,nvu,.ym,iw.ndy udw.'gF m.xl el hx n,, w., 01'.01 In.AhI n I I.h.z,,lu rn�,n,r�s0.k,t,.x.!oW.1Y 10444Ir1WW'04 r,11..,—.a-1hy,ll'knx11 F,n4... ... dd n ih— m.,nn, l «lq,js t ,M IN. 1.1,0. 411 .� n1y,r IY,w;'.x,l•,r.uraµ. �"� n .. rdl —"1, "k \� .4 I Page 426 of 444 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 DATE: 09/ � O/'19 ATTACHMENT 5 city of Aaazcaa¢ru 6500 Palma A Atascadero. CA 93922 R¢ga[tling: Mlm Sta�age Approval I liv [hc sed m age e $ my t ¢IgM1bo s M1a ¢ M1atl s ega[dinB IL It {5 alno t like [hc 1 f¢¢I [ba oftbo agart t ea ¢a¢a a .age Ina [silo : Lm.�l..eing: erg nnz�¢s�ign� ath¢ane paisea �e m i nae ah�ee..�e <e e� mrol.gn mem, m :ng a�a�i Done m nem ngs my o�ing i�¢ ¢a f n. k. k fn o(� mnany anay ¢I is slam This ¢qWf¢ aha a falr of ¢open splays na uof s ng tM1 uipm t bo[ .Sadly ntly ba el o g¢ sln ¢ I tlld [he - ultl g e tly app ¢cls [ If yo ultl appm [M1is w is i[y ^ ultl alto ark lfequiratl i[¢ms clos o home_ II [M1e[¢ wasn t any storage space availabl4 I woultl oat M1av¢ a Job. Thank Vou (o[ your [Ime S consideration. V ic¢� rs� Page 427 Of 444 ITEM NUMBER- a-1 GATE- 09/l0/'19 ATTACHMENT: 5 Mambars of tM¢ Clly Gnundl de Orly Clerk .t.n a. ascabo�o ,SJg RE SUPPORTNG APPROVAL OF DOVE CREEK SELF -STORAGE O¢ar Atasregaq Cary Oeunc�l M¢mb¢�s, Sag Sb�ag¢ e nmrv¢d`baas M1a a p4acea meek o eat Q adJr$ibn,¢lgsbtaga en n (s1n�a a <x l q al�ry p nog Fat M1 � pa�)w of town. e y wnass 9eoCs �n rtry 9a�aB¢ lwM1a�a 1 woultl P at¢� to Pa`k mY mr). 1 take Is po¢c tlta n irrry s u aM1¢y TM1¢�a a Ceask Salk 5 uago_ 11 will boF batt anyg�l�i�g In tna area, b1ar�C to wall wM tna Oovo C�mK n¢igM1bo M1md. wnn'a �imta <raTrc, all wM1lb P�ov�tl e9 a ml( ste�age tM1N w¢ e�-ael. Pleas¢ vola In bvo� 07 Uov¢ O�aM SaII Sm�ngal gym' s � - - i .� � ! -/c - .. __ l.� Pages 428 of 444 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 OATE.- 09/lOH9 ATTACHMENT: 5 ctyor Aaai�ae¢to c rl 500 Palma P Pca:�ae¢ro, a 9.TPzz Council m mbar Roberta F ultl c up w@M1 1Q ct¢eibi¢ r appealing the Oav¢ Ct¢¢k 5¢IM1Stotag¢ ptoj¢ct, sp the Council sM1oule b¢ asking M1¢i who! tM1¢ real t¢ason Iz ti¢bine b¢! appeal. Th¢ gmuntls zM1¢ z tee are ndlculauz. A 3-2 vo[¢.countx. TM1¢ comments of on Co thi[ tlien n be neo � ne ¢ s M1¢aftl. whether [h¢ytbk¢e the oumom¢ or not. So 1['a obvious this appeal was file a kine of bacK-roam pobb�ai lavoq wM1ICM1 begs the qu¢rtion: WM1a[ kine oT political Tavot is Fonxl H¢[ting In ♦¢tumT ThaPs not the way to tun City G l C6uncq zboule e¢ny tMz M1ighly suspect ane 1¢gaIIV unwattam¢tl appeal and allow [b¢ Ouv¢ Cm¢k pmpozal m move fotwate. Snc¢�re/IJY. y/t tel/ iCa '"'�^ Page 429 0£ 444 ITEM NUMBER 8-1 DATE 49110119 ATTACHMENT. 5 TO Ftrnthe- IAwam I.Wyw- LAIA CPUWansaa Cny C ., i fi_m Puma Aft P61A5ivjFrV r.R V:M1 , R!r %UPMFt I to 0— CwaA 3411 Srafage Go e C reN SeII,Srpyg4 4W hWo novel " mo t44 umgh woven At4• a m,v, unmwuurp uur WO rMl YrPlnry ni w EsakrV In AlAwAck ro Ore OUR rW wt We ftw-H to ua—1 oul d lows ra WWaW r:P A5 m4etnlg If# mgrwenrr4• 01 "ka koro Ho ,nc NeWt Au4Lli mta cor bmo s to bring bghdxn4y IoOw" w yyr a llnhAmV Ino alr mr d W- Atoragr unpe w it ry y grl>+wrwe n e [er curH,nooes to aoPe more norrrr 6 wwwwli. 1 "m � m4 sivoge needy Panic rww r4v m w l hare, u w49 of ft ooeeda or ewsbiy nMl** M end bualne Ykarn q..Wd ul. fro.. Cin 501.t.bO Proton Then* you, Page 430 of 444 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 DATE. 09/'10/'19 ATTACHMENT: 5 CRY council Ciav ufAWrcvJam tis(Ai Palrnv Avc. 4aascadcrta. CA 93422 Subject: Oaave Crc'ele Self Staamg�'s CF.anges [h= rvc nppr'ovnl CiiY Council. 1 Fn wd wWit 1 Felic wFY sa dl'n mP1Y PnaPcn ah: n tare law-nlo [ Fvv r be¢n d¢r¢I.apeel. 1 rtc¢i veal n mgaNinB iFc uPPn ,al Fu' r ahis m rcgc f [Fa post 2 Y¢arc ur v� ns alitl mY [ aigbbaars. Nuw vfi¢r all tFia l c na f"cw of mY vaacnl neiShbon: a trying to R¢t tb¢ a: aPPmvnl mvcrvsl. Huw m m peoPie th¢ wFe they w cile nP u ahix Puia + l vm ahe rz Ira x-ctcJ a Io raaP m cY vnJ t e basca o wM1a1 1 M1n mf alt¢ pleas and Pictures of tF¢ self xaorage will 1 amk like wFcn c mpl¢i¢tl. 1 hnv¢ nO�pmblem wi1F n rteighbnrs hawing aonccros :mJ inPw :aF.wt wFm s Pnilxis¢tl n r FPaatea. btn chiming aft¢r tFc vPPrtaval i aao lute_ This s nals : cicnr signal [o oth¢r PmiaenY a nd nrs 1n avoid Amaead�m and renunds me of tFe dirty paalitics IFat wo Fava :n Our 1>m+Y- Plmsc support thin m:m s[orag¢ appmvnl u[ui ¢ncrn:mgc forum quuhty development IiRc Sinaxrely / N I c. MGL ft G/z,4 kR,n 7cU 5 c tilA� I� a A.r� � s4� ���r t��+'u ca`� • 3i:-1 ?� Page 431 0£ 444 ITEM NUMBER. B-1 DATE 09110/19 ATTACHMENT: 5 August 29.21M) ) IX-ar bluyor Nlurunu and Alasuadena Chy S'nunWI, -uprAirl tits 11uvc C'ratis< SLIGStonige pn.juvi as a nuedud and %yell-phtmtud I;rcilRl Il►Qt %011 jinra Ide ;1 licuessury 44 r%kx w the jxople and businussus rd Auseadem. I urge %rru, us approve the pr(ajeet "hun It come,. bethre you on S4ptuntivr I(). -I-he (Liar should not -.lop them from providing a needed service to our commortity- A1,51 # Lmw someone Iivus inti smaller home does rust mean hull thcN don't dewrvk: the right ro owi :additioimtl items thal may require r4nthig slor;tge spao:- I r44pull thal Intl thal sorra rnu� have I;ager Itorrmcs and nol nutd to rent a slorage unil. hul sumo oI`dupulld oll it Ijlarl1 %cru, Page 432 of 444 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 DATE: 09/10/19 ATTACHMENT: b City Couneil ol'Alascadero WSW Palma Avenue A tascadem, CA 93422 Fie_ Permit for Mitri Storage Having To drive to industrial arcas fnr residential deli rte nqw titil of town is it true hunlen for ntc. Please consider approving Dove Creek Selt Slorage. I rely an public minsi-mmation and the new mini sromp would Ise "ILILlt elk. -dr for ane, It will nucl [fie storage: needs elf the community, without added c0nge4[ioir, iraff u, and I can :[void [lie king drives, In out est town faciiitics. This iy ;a needed service here. espcciully as the Iown continues to build n7{ur homea. t3e41 Rl'�;Irds. r r� - l i Page 433 of 444 1TEM NUMBER: B-1 GATE: 09/1 O/19 ATTACHMENT: 5 Aun: AauscWgrts C iaY Council: W hen Yuu vPPR+va:J abv many n w lrum¢s and apanm¢ntx tha[ are Ming buih vmurW nJ laa a baxaen bulb [he. la a f¢w Yea . Y^ sidari+tl if Ior_al inFz - ulfic uPPon ah¢ dtic — u8h pulite oftic nd fire fi8b[ ugbs wv[¢r arW [s capacilY- c. Vou aal..+ naN m cor�rid¢r w6c0¢r tbcm s ana u8h sclf- saor.+g¢ caPa�ry avvilabl¢. Musa of Ih¢ a vppmvcJ arc cmvllor — :apvrtmcn[a and n nhumcs — wMcla pry vide nl s .mgc spas:¢. Ev¢ry ¢ - ng s m¢c- 0rciliay i - vpvci[Y s + Ya u ba nbligLL aRc aah¢ cidnn u! lan lc s Yo :ePP^ will Mable ao findv PhY rc Chair "saufl re Jusl Mcause ah¢Y c affoN a Figr� ho iah ahry - r garngc arrd In cicas dae¢ n Yo sbouldn a pnY .mm�aron va�ahor n¢¢Jsr Nor shaald wosM forced [u dri v¢ om of mwn liar sac+rnga. Rw¢ Crm4 tidf Slom¢c Dais naN i very a r. lu dcsi8n is far uperior a [be deign of a nY Daher sel Fseuru8c rad ahcm,s no rrvvan whY anYon¢ sM1aiuW la- uPsca to lavvc rt as s nciSM1buc I'm acrminlYanua. Ploum aPPnavc Ilais d¢cervin& tmd nocdod PmK+suL. Thank Y"u for Your alrraugh[ful c i sidom[ion- -ice �'�,��;(� ��. KI'1Y11Y�U �iil� Page 434 of 444 z2 os ser ro �u�ril led. ITEM NUMBER: 6-1 DATE: 00/1 O/19 ATTACHMENT 5 City of A[nuadcm City Clark 6500 Palmv Alvscadem. CA 534?_2 Re Cnndi[iniul Uaer PcmYl f�EV 1[[-0103) Dear e9ty eou[aeil. TM appeal before you a n Sa p[ember 1 O oT [hm Planning Commission's approval a[f [be. Oove Ca[aYon SeIPSmmge facility is gmurafle nd Junge and n[vn[s swift dcmal by ttae Couracil ao :be aPPlicana cera move Forwa iywi b hispr je as a R is groundless because Council Member }-onzi c ted mashing in A[zvcuUem's planning. mg or General plan that is ola[cd by the a[ve Creek Self StnmSa prt�P�-mal. 1[ is dangerous Fur mvny rcs 5. R would be v sigrml to businc�s owners seeking [o mpmvc r lacal a_ mY abmugh their businessabat Anasualure is sn unlrieeWlY Plvice aaM [heY 5laould go. dscwhcrc. 1[ w old c vbl ish a prectdcnt [lav[ ny p j¢[ mold M vpperflN for -milady gm ndlc And i c dangc us. mm[ ccrtamly. Ma's um it woulgl cafw�sc she xitY [o conxidcmblc Iega1 li:abili[Y Oai alto tbis nPPeal to M Ixard_ If Y^u la© ir. do oa allow d an mx c forwanl. APPmvc JIc Oawa C[ceK Se11-51omge fnciliry- r Rcgarl'. /„ Pages. 435 of 444 Pages. 435 of 444 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 GATE 09/�O/'19 ATTACHMENT: 5 AUSus. 31.2019 City oT A.aScaalCm City Cawncil 65UD L'alma Avo. Atasa.dcto. CA 93422 R¢: OEV r8-0IU3 (Mini StorayC) City Council. 1 w ri8i. a11Y againaa U.is P lot when 1 1.¢a.al abnm i and aa.crorc dCCidCd . Coal tM1C Lut Plano ng Commission bwring_ Tb¢ owner clu['ly mmlo bis case fur appmwl and adtlre55Cd all of mY c s. 1 like many i.ad a nega[iv¢ axxi[ude MwaN it M.acd on wba. 1 Iwve scan o! mbn �..> F-�..,.a �., som¢ nr.h¢ :..Ya,s 1 hatl heave rn,.n atba.s. n e.Y ala .oat rba -> had dn..a his hn o.'k <>.. .h:s d¢ ¢loom _Ther d¢...a> ¢d n,--�. an.,<�d:..s I.aa lK 2l.,li� aJiaad nna .ha.mn�r w wd h..v mPa>� m!n¢ _ aMsignad a BrCa aPLaCa - nJ n huge o! la..d > u1J b¢ al¢Jic eJ ta+s et1aYJ n . TM1C n1Y c n lah. � .h¢ a>! a alkinp pa.h along [be ¢. cide. It haJ lana the n¢i nvl Pl:ms bu �ahc m 1. u1J b¢ gre i! tl.oec silo -ng tba Oaaw Geek Cummuni.Y u. L,1'ulumn Pvrk. AnJ tbC aalJitioneJ sidawalKs will bC mcC (taxa taYl they will be .)m n1Y a nea ao hav¢ xb¢ml- Ba.veJ c .h¢ lass hmdnS 1 en(.ect to hear the E:a mPlainti. Them Jong w a[toYt t4x>Jing t many �r th¢ 5 anding bomas yhnYld caPec. na. >a:ng a ¢ .n¢y naih.: :. na>cYm.l Pla:h). aa. ¢ .ain h ,>nld br ®n ¢resn.a [moor .a>Id m¢ .I.a..na-Y Imd n n h>nk¢J m P.it>r). and or m >taJ i - � (o .v M1a .'igh. idc c1oP i r Nc itY N> uuld ba C In .c'basCal itJr t do . kn w how ch • .F¢ itY � aJJ r 1.k .hc � do_ This i a O alac>li[Y 1>usi.>axnthv. is Pmn"s¢dmnJ .h¢ City shaaulal aL>Prove it. 1 vill tla> naq even Ynak.svuaJ wbY it w..a :ataP�alcd. Smrom1Y- �_ Uave Miller SU35 b'ia Culamia C.. A iascadcrt>. CA 93422 Page 436 0! 444 ITEM NUMBER= 6-1 DATE. 09/'10/19 ATTACHMENT: 5 Ciay Ca oil rf A.nsrneam esoo ral.n„x nve. A ta+a:aein,. GA V3422 xiaon �� Rc: Mini M1turvgc Pr Jcct 1 wxn.ed .0 my auppa,n fur tlu proposed m ni s mga. I lx ng . el KI x lo. Ib ark i abe li xY Arto 1 hove se .he Ye¢rs bow ci.Y planning bait cbanHed- 1 stc sell s[nmpes buil. n tM1c >a cighM+rM1ua+ds that Uwr s+. "lhrs is n f r ctTcicnry xntl works wNl witM1 sm¢Ilcr .:awn os becoming u, pnpw¢r. Thcsc s.=1! x,.¢gc pino..-. ¢.. not likes the o..¢s we carren[lY b¢ve- they :..� mceb aey.gnaa aml Im.a-.�axa ones 1m,k s.�m. Then w p.apn-..,a nolr-swmSe lvcllhr is Ibr saper;nr aosal.etic¢or al.¢n ¢nr otn<r ..,eh r..c:l:.>. nd. with i -.:ac tial stria mae6:. nd c c Im,ascaping ane U.e mucb-nccecd storage it will pn>vid�_ it �s ¢ wm-wm Tr rhes neighMrhra,A. 1'or tl,es¢ .'cawns. 1 supq,n Dove Creek .l'cl! Stnmge ¢nes nsk Uw[ Ynu acny .l,c- appeal and nppmve [M1v prc jeer. 1'Iwnk J'nu one plcux vuti. to upp,n L.ic nxw mm. sto.aga: -1'\��.�u.c5 �-� i-�1-�,1'�ICi �c-lcll'l Page 43� o£ 444 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 DATE: Og/1 O/1 g ATTACHMENT: 5 A ugusa 31.2019 Am-¢adcna Ciry Hall A [m. Ciq Council Tc±whaun is nmY c-c±nc¢rn. A2 a fcw wamltfrY rKighbnrs kFPinR xlf-stag-vgc from dre mucsna- Amw-:adore nccdn m mgc facilillcs. This is dc+rc Ili arty im{rr±ssiblc to _ CJrw¢ Clr�ek Self-Saorng¢ i well d¢siSn¢d and is lawv[¢d clos¢ ao 1M1e ho -nA lbuxi rr¢ wilr y¢. Ir vsli4¢a cw nhY ncighbx+rx vtrn probably dnn 1 n �H z:olf-ua±rag¢vbx'nu`serlheir lurg¢ Mnnm otY¢r Plcnry of elnneas xmd gara@¢s. arc g¢v nS in the way of -vPPm�ing dais 16ougbrtul P J¢cl- Oa±n'1 let 16c a+piniun of a fcw kaxP Aaax`aafam fmm addmssing is nrr'il for smriga — ewpeciallY w6an ba+ve Cmek Sa1F 5romgq i. well dtriiglrad and will law±k gnat. blcrrding i ith rhe n¢ighlwrhavrl. Once it is built 1 vm sure it will itrv¢ 01a c'ily anJ [ha may+=aycr:: will coon love ir. Stnccmly. \FFiid� �� . (�_ S�iG ��.. µi�� P3gB 438 OF 444 ITEM NUMBER. B-'1 DATE. 09/'10/'19 ATTACHMENT'. 5 it - `I'nlrua - . rlu n.W : _. _::..• N.-. \Il..i nt...nK. \Pp:...:a ('iao t'....w il. 1 : .. n.n .L.. rl..n.: i.:� <-...F..n .F.--. ..x � am,r... ,.d. 1. nr..a. . - 1 lica� qFt 1 •rl,:. �1':J•nac. al'arla i tl:o IT.vo ( ck ('. iry. l�L.� . I M.�. . Lp . L'FL. vo a • IL..+Ni ny;. '1"L qv n6..aa.+1 aidro. a .6.•,a r lu-inp ulrr. I.L. rr 6arnu��rr,l Lrr.r.diry�.d.6c pu:'1.. ♦. •J aclun ♦ n Fu1`Iwn i � yearn. \19ti 1.� 1 n nY+`.I.ieo a i.L .6oi: Il.....linc pr.a.l.�n r. Jn� : ain� i .6nt aL. _p Lsu}rbt`n alanu.a- i : tla...d PLan"1-L.� t1....dinR' i a Loa. \a>N" •.1 i. u1. ..1 �:Fc Inuponv.l nrll n nKo 1 cfliap In 1- :Lo..- i nLiuK tl.o .�11 � 'J.. ra :L.9r yrvblou: (Jwr.- Lu,.axa s Irw : ul . Wd r �.1 . Lo -.I i. -1-L. � pr•aa..• n}:,i.u'... iJ t6... .Irta a6.-•. .oll nt o.,a K•-, :Iloaa.-.1 Ic Wlv . P: - uldn :d .M10 .d ahv aJ.a ity. url .'V. !~%n'r'inorra alms: ♦•Lin. nia hLo ll.avvlianK �nua.nno(aLa-noigLL.n��in nroL.a,uu .un. tLe nuts :,to ati.. mill Fac.. uo . upaoa un .La -u:. cL npoll.d . -.L: nFa bun nt .6. nu .. .4 [Lm .La . �igL1... r-. r+.11y L. . alon t .a.u.a vY°Li 4 s a -a. r Lt'tl miM1 tba r.. 19eaaa vnlalrur. aLr m:tv nt.. }, and ao.• m l'a eur •d�ien :gaprov:J olu.a... Prue Page 439 of 444 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 GATE: Og/tO/t g ATTACHMENT. 5 To: Heather Moreno, Mayor ( � Lara CM1rislensen, Clty CIerK ( � Kelly Gleason. Sanidr Planner ( � 8500 Palma Ave. Atascatlaro GA 83422 RE: SUPPORT for' Oova C[aeR Salf Storage Oova CY¢¢K Self-Sioraga will help meet the n¢¢tl for storage w;thin Atascadero, something o [own desperately needs. ur Existing self -storage facilities in A[ascadero a arty 1002% £ull. As maaiing the r¢q ulrem¢nts of Cali£ornia'S Regional Housing Needs Assassmenfs continuos to bring high d¢nslty housing to our commun)ty, the shortage of solf-storage units will only Bat worse. As the C{ty continues to approve higher density plans. it mus[ c nslder [tte storage na¢ds these naw residents will have. as wall as the needs of existing resitlan[s and buslnossas. Plaasa support [h¢ Oove GreaK Self -storage project. ThanK you _ �J _ _ _ — V Page 440 of 444 ITEM NUMBER: 6-'1 DATE: 09/10/19 ATTACHMENT: 5 City Council Ciry of Atascadero 6500 Palm¢ Ave. Atascadero C'A 93422 ciryclerk(7atascadero.ors R L-': Support for Dome Creek Sal f -Storage Dear Atascadero Council Members: The pove Cmeh Sell=Sto age pr sal will bit e this pati o£towrt signiT]cantly �eane;ng Bond ri, h torcmv eded improvements to flood v ul m eig abo wid t�yoelf. In atlditi jI belie a the pr Ject i well designed artd will mane a better neighbor thmt ther high den 3ry apartmem Protect would. Fnr these reasons. 1 support the DovcCrcek SeI C -storage Project and ancuvragc you to as well Sincerely ��� Page 441 of 444 ITEM NUMBER: B -'I DATE_ 09/10/l9 ATTACHMENT 5 Heather Moreno, Mayor (hmoreno@atascadero. org) Lara Christensen, City CIerK (citycle rKQatascadero.or9) Kelly Gleason. Senior Planner (Kgleason Qatascadero_org) 6500 Palma Ave. Atascade ro CA 93422 RE: SUPPORT for Oove CreeK Sel£ Storage Dear Mayor Moreno and members of the City Council We are writing i upport of the Oova CraaK Sal£ -storage project. As a resident of Monarch Dunes, Trilogy Development in Nipomo this letter is to provide support an insig Mfor the Dove Creek Self -Storage Project. Our townhoma is wikhin '1000 feet (ora ' n-mla) from Scott Newton's Woodlands Salf Storage at Monarch Dunes 1 w sY [o provitle tasiim ony stating that the home values c ntinue to climb in this. development, and we feel very safe and secure in this beautiful Trilogy Development The proximity of this Storage facility has not brought in undesirable traffic or security concern but provides a needed amenity of a close, secure well-designed facility for the storage Heads of the residents in this community_ We see the Scott Newton's Wootlla nd Selfi Storage as a positive amenity to this community. Monarch Dunes. Trilogy. Dove CreeK Se1F-Storage will help address iha storage n ads for Atascadaro while providing a pleasing skraatscapa where there is currently a barren lot Please support Oova CraaK SaIF-storage. Thank you fior your consideration Jorr and Kim Voget 1167 Spring Azure Way Nipomo, CA_ 93444 Page a42 of aaa ITEM NUM6ER: B -'I GATE: 09/'I O/19 ATTACHMENT: 5 Lara Clt rGstensen From. Max Zappas < axC�azvilagesco m> Sent: Wednesday. September 4, 2019 2:44 PM Too Phil �unsmore; Rachelle Rickard; Heather N. Arnold Su bj¢c[= storage facility 1-li Heather, Rachelle, and Phil, I am sm-e yo .have heard quite enoughabouv the project locatedon flue southern end of the city where the dome home is currently situated but I just wanted to drop a quick note i upport o£the project- I hope you will urge [he city couvcil to appro a the pa of ect n xt week- There area uple re s I believe this is important a ugh to address you three speci£vcally and I have listed them below cThattk you for taking live time to hear me om and for upporting [he business community bete m the region! 7 -The site has very serious constraints to it and the applicant has painstakingly addressed all of them- [f he doesn't build, who will? Also_ to Force him to go another r ute by changing the zoning and redesigning will cost him a lot of money in plamving and higher construction costs. His xtensive team of engineers and covsuhants ha a addressed the flooding a[Ld a nta] concerns oftfie pr jeci in a ay that will improve the current conditions, not make them worse.- I-lerdid all of this over the course of a relatively long time in development standards and at ah exu-eme cost relative to the value of the fixture asset. 2- if we want the city of A[ascadero, and the region a whole. to be generally perceived a "business fYiendly" area w cannot block oa- delay businesses in this way-_ He has been working at this eratitlemcnt process { r { r too Tong and hearing horror stories like this forces developeYs to say goodbye to the city, region and state- It is just too much to bear and I feel as though his p[of ect there is already Fnancially squeezed a - Tfie timing of approvals/entitlements truly need to be expedited, hold ups like this are simply vot a ceptables The damage here is already done, it can only get worse if the project gets denied- Developers hear about cases like this and they run { r ll�e hills, word has already gotten out about this and it istit good For the city of Atascadero- It is terrifying hearing stories like this, it doesn't make n wanl to keep doing real estate development hcre- Califorrvia. is. bad enough with all of the a -ottmental ands ial requirements. placed on developers/builders, e don't need local jurisdictions arbitrarily appealitag approvals.--- Not to anen[ion the fiscal and legal tight rope the city is a ng when one o{ their council members. files the appeal herself--- Anyway, happy to chat. more about this topic or xplain mme of my opinion on this particular council member- Thaz[]c you for your time and consideration! Let me know iF you'd like to [alk more, good luck next week with tivs tough decision! Thank. you, Pages 443 of 444 Heather Moreno, Mayor amity of Atascadero SSDO Palma Ave. 4tascadaro CA 93422 n mo rano@atascadero_ o rg 2E:Oove CreeK Self -Storage: Supporting Approval wear Mayor Moreno and mem bars of the City Council: am writing in support of the Dove Creek Self-sto raga project_ With thoughtful planning and designing with the community in mind, this project will be consists nt with the IooK if the neighborhood. am particularly impressed with the deep sot -bac Ks and solid b1ocK wall, which will hide :he inside view of the facility, unliKa older self -s to raga Facilities in town. The plan's �itc had roofs, controlled lighting and r.eutra i/natural color schemes also are well iasigned with community compatibility in mired. Jove CreeK Se1F-Storage will help address tM1e storage needs of the community while xoviding a pleasing streetsca pe where there is currently a barren lot. Please support Jove Creek Self-sto rag a. Sincerely, sierra Frazier September 5, 2019 Glty Council City of Atascatlero 6500 Palma Ave. Atascadero CA 93422 Su bj¢d: Lett¢r of Support for xlte Dov¢ Cre¢K Self-Storag¢ Honorable Council Members- The purpose of xhls letter is to gree ypq to tlenv the appeal o{the City Pla nning Commission approval o{ the Conditional Use Permit for Oove CreeK Sel{_Storage. Becen2 home c nstruction in the City antl other ar ofi The County has trended towards s alter homes, townho mes, antl apartments. In addition¢asgreater n tuber of theses alter homes have to be anticipated for the abundance of properties n arby the Project that a ed for muhl-family development. This facility would provide greatly n edetl storage ca paclty for r silents of the City antl nearby communities that have or will be purchasing or renting these smaller tlwellings. LacK of adequaxe storage a s leads r side nts to u e their enclosed, garage pa rking a a for storage of xhelr household items that simply c of fit within s alter homes. Asa ult, vehicles a e pa rKed in driveways, in front Ya rtls, and on the scree[. This has a deleterious effect on neighborhood character, traffic orculatlon, bike and petlestrian safety, antl emergency services. In r of the Projects application materials, staff report, antl c nditio ns of approval, it Is evident that the appeal of the Planning Commission is wiiho ui any objective m rit antl ignores them ny attributes the project provides to the c nity — an aesthetically pleasing architectural design and landscaping, abundant mttigation of any potential a ntal Im pacxs, additional flood protection, antl �mpo rta ntly, additip nal tax revenue wlih li[ile to no d¢mand For city Se Nice S. I urge you to support Oove CreeK Self -Storage, and deny the appeal. Sinc¢rel�y� / / ��ts�/ </ Jeff Barfield, AICP 260 Shasta Avenue Morro Bay, CA 93442 Petitions SUPPORT FOR DOVE CREEK SELF -STORAGE I am familiar with the plans for the proposed Dove Creek Self -Storage facility and urge the City Council to approve it. Name: —Signature* Address: v ch'm An( �o � _ City: i��C-ak"ro Email: _ Phone: STATEMENT OF SIiPPORT FOR APPROVAL OF DOVE CREEK SELF -STORAGE FACILITY The City's approval o£hundreds o£new apartment and tow�tome units has created a sed for an additional self -storage Facility to sews residents o£those homes since existing facilities ar arly 100 % £ally rented. I urge the City Council to act responsibly and provido additional self -storage capacity in Atascadero through dve approval of the proposed Dove Creek Self -Storage facility. Signature- l!JJS%�L�Gt-gym ��tS Simi �j - _ Address: _L� �O T6i'{'a5-Ce�_y-� City: ����rcv.. �_: O ZTP cL��I��_ Phone: ¢��f-Z�- /Y�'€mail: r lo. �.Sle.�k���rn�c+- \ _ Co,�� SUPPORT FOR DOVE CREEK SELFSTO RAGE 1 am familiar with the. plans for the proposed Oove CreeK Self -Storage facility and urge the City Council to approve it. � /f///J Name: J %n.0 i�9' �Y/�'L�6��L�G Signatur - �- Address: ���0/,7 /r8�'z�rs[-fa- �` lr�-�� cite �y� - ,�aj� �'^"���� /�J Email: !�'i�JCL,� 710-1 \/iT LIfY`:�iffYYl Phone: !"JAS —1 �T --f W � / SUPPORT FOR DOVE CREEK SELF -STORAGE I am familiar with the pans for the proposed Dave Creek Self -Storage facility and urge the City Council to approve it,. Name: Signature:J aLa2weL— Address: 4 e2- City: Email: Phone: STATEMENT OF SUPPORT FOR ApPROV AL OF DOVE CREEK SELF -STORAGE FACILI'T'Y 1'he City's approval or hundreds of new apartment and towrvhome units has created a eed for an additional set£ -storage Facility to server s:dants of those homes s - fisting racili rias 'a arty LOO"/o rally rented. I urge the City Covndl to aci rsponsibly and prov;de additional sett -storage capacity i Atascadero through dte aPProval cif the proposed Dova Creek Sa1C Storage Facility. Nam _�_ �l� _-�y G— �/f�iii fizz Signature: � �f��_f� Address:/J� /6.Y/J� � ��/_� if��� City: 7�r�.z�s�' � Z1I' %��_� Fhonc:�s�/—.aim-/�9oHmail: �/� .� ��o i .:nov ®�ma. % � �-. S"FA1'EM ENT OF SlSPPO R'P FOR APPROVAL OF DOVE CRE EK SELF -STORAGE FAC[LITY The City's approval of hundreds of new apartment and towrxhoma units has Bated a Bed { ran additional self -storage f cility to s sidents of those homes sia ce a fisting facilities ar arty 100 % Fully rented. [urge the City Co cil to act responsibly and provide additional self -storage capaci<y in Axascadero through theapproval of the proposed Dove Creek Self-Sxarage Faciliry. Name: � S � NL (�4-�-��x Signarurc- / y� �� O r^ �J � AddrG.56' �C���l— .J'��-+�-+{ l.✓✓`G- E'�!t City: ���eeS.�,di l -U G/� Z1P <2'S'�Cz-� i �� Flaone: �TZS IGS /�F:mail: S�s�g�i ��(�aYc.�-os/t 1G-� "�� SUPPORT FOR DOVE CREEK SELF -STORAGE I am familiar with the plans for the proposed Dove Creek Self -Storage facility and urge the City Council to approve it. Name: Addreti remail: 'Q-1$4Vo . ,O11"\ Signature: City:�e Phone: SUPPORT FOR DOVE CREEK SELFSTO RAGE 1 am £amillar w1tFi the plans for the proposed Oove Creek Se1RSto ra fa' lity and ge M1e City Coin((%%nu�c\\��i))l to approve it. N9me: `22i1����L T�7/f/ ]7 L� SignatU re' Address:�i���r�� �� 1 iza Ct �` Ema1.�'�-/�i��� C__deT1 d��/sl� GDN� Ptione:�� �-�%�r- -%�� �% NEIGHBOR SU pOORT FOR DOVE CREEK SELF -STORAGE FACILITY Asa eigh bor of the proposed Oove Creek Self -Storage facility, I have ed plans fior the project and believe its architect ore, set -backs, walls, olor scheme, and lantlscaping make i[ compatible with our neighborhood. There i ed {or self -storage units in this part of the city, and I urge the Clty Council to approve the project. / Name: /n��PF�/�/7 i Q./"/%/i% Signature: !S/''--�-C��C<'-+t/� _/�_hl l'//��� Address ���5 ,/�/Y..Y/�i�i_'�.K6" J7'-i/f; city: �i��c.=�`E�.�' /( State: /JT 21P ^r"l�f-1a.? Phone/Email: /l_�i Q��S `� <._� ✓/� "4"' _�/iii/ i� c��rs��«cL���*c� -- ��f�zfJ/2v/m-� //�fr�zc�� �C�'�.i� �!��i �-cv .tet. s� �/� .��� f �+�-��v� , G�77'//7ccs'7i �' ��iz-s_� ���z ���J� �«.� �/�� i>Z�Gch `Z��--�1� c��l-�7'�/JC�cc%P-�n c_Y ��'7 �G- �d7iS� ��/ SUPPORT FOR DOVE CREEK 9ELNSTOi OC 1 am familiar with Lhe plans for the proposed Dov(~ Creek ;calf-Stomge facility and Urge lfrre City Council to approve it. ,. Signature:ek, Add roSS' 65t /x�_�� Ery'►il: _ J; fly ,� Rhone: SUPPORT FOR DOVE CREEK SELF -STORAGE I am farniliar with the plans for the pr posed Dove Creek Self -Storage facifty and targe the City Council to approve it. , r Name: E, Y. Signature:-E4L.— �1r�c:iress' City: Ern 3i1: C,CL7-I-1,L In F1 Gr'Zo IC. r' phone: .- SUPPORT FOR DOVE CREEK SES STORAGE Ia m % m @arwith the aria for the proposed Dom Creek Self -Storage mdHt and urs the D@ ('oumd|b approve it. _ Nome ' �C�lT_")0 _ S%natur' J x Address: � Email: ®t ! /a < LAD . Phone: 7- SUPPORT FOR DOVE CREEK SELFSTORAGE I am fa ntiliar with the plans for U'le praposad Dove CreeK Self-SLGra ge faculty and. urge 4ha City Council to approve il. ``ll r.lame: �-�7'==/- ! - - t. �/ ��- slgnaxu re: <-H��—�?L�C�`t �- .. it / I Addrass- X17-- �Z–_ ter. �. 'i C-�Cf:-_-'b`=caxv: �=�7�2-'a �.��i PJ Email C_)L,y Pt �G'.lQi) ��3 �1�7/.lCf,/ �c`1/l/ Phuno: •'1%'� - ! �=� �._ �-G-</ � -� {AL, �-C.rj. �Y� CC �1 ./7 Yr -C IIZC.'�/ r-F/� �e, ,../� ��-1<c,<i .=<.t�LL_/. f S- / , S! s- ��l v �iLi4�:d- LGL `� ' ! P!<: / � f Lc:� „/ -� ,31 LIJ2e /,1 (ci � cz�i_ c! / z:c.�a �L/ ,1!_ �!( �1 r /�_L �/ �) � �-iilz t! �L:.]- �l:i.e�)a�1�C r''r%-i. !I_ >�C�� �f .�C-.f%-Ga�`Lj!��-� t��.-gL / �. � ��1 l -tai �{ �-L�GL.t .� l.tiz,�L °---f:Y:C C�'f-.�.� �l c •.:,i! e� c�- 1. ,/ � , S'I'A"rEMENT OF SI]PPOR1' FOR APPROVAL OF OO VE CRES[G SELF -STORAGE FACILITY The City's approval oY hundreds ol'new apartment and towahome units has ated a eed For an additional sett -storage- Facility to sera -e residents of those homes since; existing { uili pees are nearly 100% fully rented. I urge the City Council to ac[ responsibly and provide additional sell=s Corage capacity in Ataxcadero ttvuugh tTsa aPPawal bF the proposed Dove Creek Sel F -Storage Facility_ Name: __�,�q�tl���'g-yt,lYt1((l� s;gnacnre: %�%� �Q�i� g-y�.thto.�ii- Address " A�n � f;�' City: �5 �<�.tS�' ZIP 9�a��_ Plaonc: gifl��.� r.ma: t: /1 !.'t 9rl�iP kzan-re f7-8(Q/c�ts,'fi�lu,L(.Coyv� NEIGHBOR SUPPORT FOR DOVE CREEK SELF-STORACCE FACILITY Asa eigh bor of the proposed Oove Creek Self -Storage fiacility, 1 M1ave viewed plans for the project and believe its archit¢ciure, set -backs, walls, color scheme, and landscaping make it compatible with o eighbo N�op d. There i eed for self -storage units in this part of the city rand I urge the City Cpuncll [O approve the prol¢ct. Name: �CLY� �_Xvt-Pi� signat..re: � ��/r��1�-�� Addres�s/_{,/�75 p�e � �� city: '�/""��SG�.c��c��o scare: � zip �✓���z Pnpne/Email: ��-- �'�S — 9�1.�Z STATE1t�1ENT OF SUPY'ORT FOR APPROVAL OF OO6�E CRE)rK SELF-S"f'OliAGE FA CIi,ITV The City's approval o£ hundretls o£ new apartrnent and towrahome units has - ed a ed for additional sett=storage Facility to s sidonts o£thosa 6�omes s n existinG facilities a arty t 00^/., Billy rented- I urge the City Council oto act resY+onsSbly and provide additional set{_storage capacity in A[ascadero through the approval of the prnposed 17ove Creek Self -Storage facility. Name_ Y�F�N �IoN i3AGZ�t�d� Signature: Addresps]: �'` �F �(�9�tt �—G''.((�C.(rC�� �-VE. Cit1': �LS�+'SC�CII-�-4`-�C� ZiP c.� Jai z Z Phoac_ �v5'i3J�J -� 5`{ L,v ail: STATEMF'.NT OF SLJPPO RT POR APPROVAL OF DOPE CREEF: SELF -STORAGE FACII�ITY The City's approval of hundreds of new apartrrv¢nt and townkvome units teas created a need Eor an additional s¢li=storages facility to server sidents of those homes s _ istirg [ cil itias a arty lU0% £catty r rated. i ru a tFe City Council+t fact responsiFrly and provide additional s¢If=storage capacity in Atascad¢ro through ffie approval o£ the proposed Dove Cre-elc Sel £-Storage xscir ny. Name- � '�C' Yl^r^�+"+ .-T Signa Wre �/�� cite �ko sc. c..d �_r� ziF G�3e-122 poor e`': 83 5 - � 5 \5 F_mait STATEMENT OF SiJPPORT FOR APPROVAL OF DOVE CREEK SELF -STORAGE FACILITY The City's approval of hundreds o{new apat2ment and tow.tdtome units has created a need for an additional self_stornge facility to serve residents o{llrose homes since a fisting facilities are nearly 100 % {ally rented. I urge the City Council to act responsibly and provide additional sel{-storage capacity in Atascadero through the approval o{ the proposed Dove Creek Self-Stornge facility. Name: � 4tn lC� __ _ —�_. signamrc: Address: �0�2. �^��1�y�a City: _yytG��i5� �' Ti' ZIP his .2.�g Phone: �305� Slt(3dUCEmai1: Yi-:v�r�+a�t-l�C��j �i.-iia\.Ccvf- SUPPORT FOR DOVE CREEK SELF -STORAGE I ani farni;iar with the plans for the proposed Dave Creek Self -Storage Facility and urge the City Council to approve it, fVrrre:inature: - �-&LA 4, 77 rz Qc Crty:Address: n 1 Email: Y Phone: SUPPORT FOR DOVE CREEK SELFSTORAGE 1 am familiar with the plans for the proposed Dpve CreeK SeIF-Storage facility and urge the City Cdu ncll to approve K. Name: Signature: � - Adtlre City: � �/'(� �/ Email: �— - Phon L, ` < <�i,�� l To: Atascadero Ciiy Council (citv<I¢rk Caatas<adero o a) Title: Oeny Dove Creek Self -Storage Appeal Oear Members of the City Coundh With existing self -storage facllit"res ai or near ca pacify and some 900 storage -short apartments eptly approved by tFe Council, Dove Creek Self -Storage will bring mucF-Deeded storage space to the uty of Atascadero. The City Council needs to address this shortage, or it will be turning its back on the ne¢tls of its residents. Dove Creek Sel{_Storage can fill tFe shortfall in a sensitive manner_ The owner has made costly cFanges requested by the Plan Nng Commission and City staff toe a the facility Fits in with the neighborhood, including setbacks tF ree Umesd¢ep er than those of neighboring subdivisions, solid eMerior walls and residential siyfearchitecture with pitched roofs. Additionally, tFe flood convoi im proveme Ms incorporated into the Oove Creek Seif_Storage Plan will Fen aFR residents ofi this flood -prone area by reducing the flood risk of 5-10 year storms by JO -g0% and the flood risk of 50.100 year storms by one-tMrd. i urge you to deny Council Mem her Fonzi s unwarranted appeal aF the Planning Commission's apprpyai of this sensitively designed and much-needed pro�ecY. Thank you, Roy Degeer 2830 Peaceful Point Arroyo Grande 93420 To: Atascadero city council (�_. �. -- - _, ,, ,,.) Title: !J¢ny pove Creek Self-Sto Jage Ap p¢al Dear Members of the GiLy Cau ascii, With existing self -storage Facilities at or n¢ar capacity and some 90O storage -short apartments recently ap Proved by Lhe Council, Ocve Greek Self-Stprage will bring much-needed storag¢ space 20 the city of A[ascadero. Tha City council needs to address this shortage, or it will be turning its back on the needs of its residents. Dave Creek Self -Storage can fill the sho rtfaB i nsltive n r_ Tne o r has made cosLy changes requested by Ll:e Planning commission and City staff m e ur¢ the facility fits in with the neighborhood, dudireg setbacks [h re¢ times deeper than th se of neigh bo mg subdivisions, solid exterior wails and resid.�ntial style architecture with pitched roofs_ Additionally, the flood c ntrol Improvements it orporated into the Dave Creek Self -Storage Pian will benefit residents ofi this flood -prone area by rad utlng the flood rsk of s-10 year sxorms by i0 -S20% and the flood risk of 50-100 year storms by one-third. 1 urg¢ you to deny Council Member Fonzi's a nt¢d appeal of the Planning Gomrn fission's approval of this sensitivey designed and much-needed project. Thank you, 1145Q Viejo Camino A ra Sradero 53422 To: Atascad¢ro Cliy Council TI [le: Oeny Dove Creek Self -Storage Appeal Oear Members o{ the City Council, With a fisting self -storage facilities at o ape city ands a 900 storage -short apartments recently approved by the Council, Dove Creek Se1F-Storage will bring much-needed storage space to Che city of Atascadero. The City Council needs to address this shortage, or it wilt be turning its back on the needs of iCs residents. Dove Creek Self -storage n Fill the shortfall in a sensitive m .The owner has made costly changes req ues[ed by ttre PlanN ng Commission and City staff io en a the facilixy fits in with the neighborhood, eluding setbacks three times deeps -r than thoseuof ne:ghborfng subdivisions, solid eMerior walls and residential style architecture with pitched roofs. Add Rian ally, tyre flood control improvements i orporated into [he Dove Creek Self -Storage Plan will ban efit r silents of this flood -prone area by reducing the flood risk of 5-10 year storms by %0-80% and the flood nsK of So -1o0 year storms by one-tberd. I urge you to deny Council Member Fonzi's unwarranted appeal pf the Planning Commission's approval pF xhis sensitively designed and much-needed project. ThanK you, Jill Newton 11505 EI Camino Real Atascadera 93422 i"o: A[ascadaro City Council ( � } Title: Deny Dove Creek Se1F-5[o rage Appeal Dear Members of the City Council, With a isGng self -storage facilities at or n capacity and some 900 sTorage-short apar[m en[s r .ntly ap Proved by ehe Council. hove Creeek Self -Storage will bring much -n ceded sxorage space [o the city of Atascad ero. The CF[y Council needs to address this shortage, or it will be turning Ixs bacK on the needs o4 its residents. Dove Creek Self -Storage can fill the shortfall in a s sitive m r. The owner has made costly changes requested by The Planning Cpmmisslun and City staff to ensure the facility fits in with rhe neighborhood, Including setbacks [h ree rimes deeper [har'� those of neighboring subdivisions, solid e:rte rior walls and residential Tyle architeccu re with pitched roofs. Additionally, the flood c ntrol improvements in orporated into the Dove Creek Self-Sxo rage Plan will benefit residents of this flood -prone area by reducing the flood risk of 5 -SD year storms by 70-80% and the Flood risk of 50-100 year sxorms by on¢ -third. 1 urge you To deny Council Member Fon�i's a warranted appeal of the Planning Commission's approval of this sensitively designed and much-needed project. Thank you, Heather Pryor 267 Polk 76 west Mcna ]1953 Too Ata scadero oty Council ( _ _ .. -. ) Titie: Deny Dove Creek Sel{_Storage Appeal Dear Members of the City Coun cB, With existing self -storage facilities at o capacity ands a 904 storage -short apartments recently approved by the council, Dove Creek Self -Storage will bring much-needed storage space to the city ofi Atascadero. The Giy Council needs to address this shortage, or it wil( be turning its back on the nec-ds of Rs residents. Dove Creek Self -Storage can fill the shortfall in a ensitiye manner. The owner has made costly ch angers req..esred by the Planning commission ane clxv stare toe . e the fac.hTy Tics .n with the neighborhood, :ncWdeng setbacks three times deeper th an chose of neigh boring subdivisions, solid exterior walls and residential style architecfure with pitched roofs. Additionally, the flood con4rai improvements incorporated into the Dove Creek Self -Storage elan will benefit residents of tlVs Flood -prone a a by reducing The flood risk o£ 5-10 year storms by 7G-8094 and the flood risk of 50-100 year storms by one-third. 1 urge you to deny Council Member Fonzi'S unwarranted appeal o£ the Planning Commission's approval of this sensitively designed and much-needed project_ Thank you, scan Doyle 9545 Gasa Bella ATascadero 93422 To: Atasca dero City CouncH (. �-J Title: Deny Dove Creek Self -Storage Appeal Dear Members of the City Council, W itFr a fisting self -storage facilities at o apacity ands ¢ 900 sto raga -short apartments recently approved by the Council, Dove Creek Self -Storage will bring much-needed storage space to the city of Atascadero. The City Council needs to address this shortage, or it wilt be turning its back on the needs of fits resitlents. Dove Creek SeIF Storage can fill the short{ail in a sensiiiv¢ manner- The owner has made costly changes req ues[etl by the Planning Commission and City staff toe s e the £aciliiy Rts in wish T.he neighborhood, eluding setbacks [hr a tim s deep. -r Lh an Lhose o{ neigh bo mg subdivisions, solid e:cte rior walls and residenti at style archit¢ctu re wish pitched roofs. Ad tlitlona By, the flood cantroi improvements incorporated into the Dove Greek Self -Storage Alan will ben efrt resld ants ofi this {loud -prone a a by reducing the flood risk of 5-10 year storms by 70 -HO% and eha Flood risk of 50-10o year storms by one -third - 1 urge you to deny Council Member FoniYs u rrant¢d appeal of the Planning Commission's approval of this sensitively desgn¢tl and much-needed project - Thank you, AI¢xa nd rea Cini 13155 San Antonia Road Atascadero 93422 Toa Atasca dero Gty Council (. - _ Tit Pe: U¢ny Dove creak Selfi-Storage Appeal Uear Members of the City Councvl, With existing self -storage facilHies at o near ca pacify and some 900 storage -short apartments recently approved by the Council, Dove Creek Self -Storage will bring much-needed storage space to Lhe city of Ata scad¢rq. The City Covn cil needs Lo address this sho Kage, or it will b¢ turning its back pn the needs of its residents. Ovve Creek Se1R5to dg¢ can fill the shortfall En a sensitiv¢ manner Th¢ o r has made costly changes requested by the Planning Commission and C'rty staff to ensure the facility fits in with the neighborhood, including sei6aoks three times deeper than those of neighboring subdiyuion�, olid extarior waits and residenxial style arc6itectu re with pitched roo{s. additionally, the flood c ntrol improvements i co rporat¢d into the Dove Creek Self -Storage Pian will benefit e- sidents o{ibis flood -prone a ea by reducing the flood risk of 5-10 year storms by i0-80% and the flontl risk of 50.100 year storms by one-third. 1 urge you to deny Council Member FonzYs u r nt¢d appeal of the Planning Commission's approval of this sensitively designed and much-needed project. Thank you lUdy H6ffman 13165 San Antonio Rd A[ascadero 93422 To: Atascadero City Council ( ) Titley Deny Dove Creek Self-Starz�ge Appeal Dear Members o{ [he City Council, With existing self -storage facilities at n ar capacity ands a 900 rtorage-short apartments recently approved by [he Council, Dove Crack Self -Storage will bring much-n�eatl ed storage space to the city of Atascadero. The City Counc❑ needs io address ibis shortage, or ii will b¢ turning its back on the needs ofi its residents. Dove Creek Self -Storage c n fill the shortfall in sitive m r. Theo r bas made cosily changes requested by the Planning Commission and City staffi to ensure the facility fits in with the neighborhood, including setbacks three times deeper than those_ of neFgh boring ,u bdivYsion=, sofid ea,-terior walls and residential style architecY�+re with pFiched roofs. Addidonally, the flood c nvol irn proyements i corp orated info the Dove Creek Seif-Storage Plan will be efit r stdents of this Flood -pr a by rade ng the flood nsk of 5-10 year storms by 70-80% and the Flood risk of 5040D year storrns by one-third. 1 urge you to deny Council Member r-onzi's u nt¢d appeal of th¢ Planning Commission's approval of this sensitively designed and much-needed project. Thank you Keleen Miller 5035 via Colonia C4 Atascadero 93422 To: A[a scad aro City Council ( _ , I _ _ _. ) Title: Deny Dove Craeh Self -Storage Appeal Oear Members of the GtY Council, With a fisting self -storage {acilities at o capacity antl 5 ¢ 900 storage-shoR apartments recently approved by the Council, Ooye Creek Self -Storage will bring rnuch-n added storage space to the city of Atascadero. The City Co until needs to address this shoriag¢, or it will be LurNn[', its bacK on [he Heads of its resid ¢nts. Dove Creek Seif-Sxorage c n fill die shortfall in a sitiy¢ manner. The owner has made costly changes rey ues[etl by the Pian Hing Commission and City stafif toe s e the facilNy Fits in wKb the neighborhood, i cWding sexbacks th r¢e Limas deeper Yhan those of neighboring subdivisions, so Od ¢xtarior walls and residential style arch i[ectu re with pitched roofs. Additionally, the flood control improvements incorporated into the Dove Creek Self -Storage Plan will ben e£t r sid ents of LMs flood -prone a a by reducing the flood risk of 5-10 year storms by �O-HOti and the flood risk of 50-100 year storms by one-third. I urge you to deny Council Member Fonzi's u nted appeal ofi the Planning Commission's approval o£this sensitively designed and much-needed vroject. ThanK you, L=m rt'�a Stramberg Lawrance 66049 Tp: Atascad aro City Council ( _ _ : _) Tixl¢: Deny Dove Creek Self -Storage Appeal Dear Members of the City Council, With a fisting self -storage Facilities at Or near capacity ands a 900 storage -short apartments recenUY approved by the Council, Dave Creek Self-Stora¢e will bring much-needed storage space to the city of Axascadero. The City Council needs to address this shortage, or i[ will be turning its back nn then acts of its residents. Oova Creek Sel{_Storage c n t{II the Sho Rfall i a nSltive m r. Theo r has n atle costly chances requested by the Plan rting.Commission and City staff toe a the {acility fits in with the neighborhood, i [lading setbacks [Free times deeper than those of neighboring sa�bdlvision5, solid exterior walls and resid Ential style archfteclurc with pitched rooFs. Additlonaliy, the flood control improvements incorporated into the Dove Cmek Se1F Storage Vlan will ben¢tit resld anis of this flood -prone a a by rc+d acing the flood risk of 5-10 year storms by 70 -SO% and the flood risk of 50-100 year storms by one-th9 rd. I urge you to deny Co til Me.rber Fo ar Hied appeal of the Planning C'ommrsston approval of this sensitively designed andrm uch-needed project. Thank you, Layla Raeder 14221 a J4ih si Cushing 74023 To: A[ascadero City Council [ -) Tttlec Deny poye Creek Se(f-Storage Appeal Dear Members of the City Council, With existing self-smrage Facilities at or n opacity ands a 900 storage -short apartments recently approved by the Council, pove Creek Self -Storage will bring much-needed storage spare to the city of Atascadero- The city council Heads to address chis shortage, or it will be turning its back on the Heads o£ its residents. Dove Creek Sei£-Storage c n £iii the shortfall in a s sitive m r. The owner has matle costly changes requested by the Planning Commission and CKy staff to ensure tha facility fits in with the neighborhood, including satbacks three Times deeper than those of neighboring su bdivlsions, solid axterior walls and residential style architecture wieb pitched roofs. Additionally, tihe flood c nirol im prove monis incorporated into tFra Dove Creek Seif-Storage Plan will ben¢flt r s:dents of this flood -prone a ea by reducing the flood risk of 5-10 year storms by 70-80:E and the flood risk of 50.100 year storms by one-third. 1 urge you to deny Council Member Fo nzi's u Hied appeal of the Planning Commission's approval of this sensitively designed and much-needed project. Thank You, John Rankin S34 5th sYreeY Grange cove 43646 To: Atasca dero City Counoi ( _. _ _ _ - .) Title: pf±ny Dove Creek Self -Storage Appeal pear Members of the City Council, With existing self -storage Facil itis at o ear capactYy ands me 900 siorag¢-short apartments recently approved 6y 2he Council, Dove Creek Self -Storage will briny much-needed storage space to the city of Atascadero. The Cay Council needs to address this shortage, or it will be turning Its back on U+e needs of its residents. [Jove Greek Self -Storage c n Fill the shortfall in nsiilve+ m r. TM1¢ o r has made costly changes reques-ted by the Planning Commission and City s[afi toe 5 a the facility fits in with the neighborhood, including setbacks ih r¢e times deeper than those of neighboring subdivisions, solid eMerPor walls and residentl al sTYle arc F+itectu re with pitched roofs'_ Additionally. the Flood control improvements in orporated {nto the pove Creek Self -Storage Plan will ben eflT residents of this flood -p tuna area by reducing the flood risk of 5-10 y¢ar storms by 70-g0% and the flood risk of 50.100 Year storms by one-Lhird. 1 urg¢ you [o deny Co cil Member Fo zi's u arr nted appeal of [he Planning Com m+ss�on s approval of this sensitively designed and much-needed project_ l'hank yo+.a pave IVliller Atascadero 93422 To: Atascad ero City council ( _ -) TiC1e: OenY move Creek Self -S [Drage Appeal Oear Members of the City Council, With a fisting selfi storage facilities aT o apacity antl s e 9IXJ s[orage-short aper-trn ents receMiy approved by fibs cov Heil, Dove Creek Sell -Storage will bring much-needed storage space to the city of Atasca dero. The City council needs to address this shorage, or it wt31 be to rn ung its back on the needs of its residents. Dove Creek sett -storage c � 1111 the shortfall In a sensitive m r. Theo r has made cosily changes requested by the Planning Comrn fission and City s[a!{ t ens a the facility fits in with the neighborhood, including setbacks three times tleeper then those of neigh bo ng subdivisions, solid exterior walls and residential style archlterr[ure with pitched rooPs- Additionally, the flood control improvements incorporated Into the Dove Creek Self -Storage Plan will benefit resid e=n Ts of LiK flood -prone a _a by reducing the flood risk of 5-10 year storms by 70-80% and the ilootl risk of 50-J.O+J year storms by one-third. i urge you to deny Council Member Fo nzi's un war Hied appeal of the Planning <ommissinn's approval of This sensitively designed and much-needed project. Thank You, Mason Miller Atascadero 93422 To: Ata scadero City Council (; ) Title: Deny Dove Greek Self-Sto ra��e Appeal Dear Members of the City CounUl, With existing self -storage facilities at or near capacity ands a 900 storage -short apartments ntly approved by the council, Dove Creak Self -Storage will bring much-needed storage space to the city of Atascad ero. The City Council needs to address this sho nage, or it will he to ruing its back on the needs of its residents. Doye Creek Self -Storage can FII [he shortfall i strive m _The owner has made costly changes req uestetl by the Planning Commission antl CHy staff to ensure the facility fits in with the neighborhood, including setbacks three Mmes deeper [ban those of neighboring subdivisions, solid exterior walls and residential style archite to re with pitched roofs_ Addi[ion ally, the flood c n[rol impro nts inc rporated info Hie Duye Creek SaIRS[urage Plan will benefit residents of this flood •prone area by reducing the flood risk of 5-10 year storms by 70-80^5 antl the flood risk of 50-100 year storms by one-third. 1 urge you to deny Council Member Fo nzi's unwarranted appeal of the Planning Commission`s approval of this sensitively designed and much-needed project. Thank you, H�nt.ar Miller Aiascatlero 93q 22 To: Atascatl ero City Council ( � �rk=�_-�_ .. _ �) Title: Deny Dove Geek Self -Storage Appeal Dear Members of the City Lou ncil, With a fisting self -storage facilities at o capacity ands a 9DD storage -short apartments r n[ly approved by the Council, Dove Creek Seif-52orage will bring much-needed storage space Co the city of A[asca dero. The C[ty Covn cil needs io address this shortage, or It will be turning its back on the needs of its resid anis. Oo e Creek Se1AStorage n fill the shortfall Ina.: sitive m r. The r ha ad¢ ostly changes requested by the planrdng Commission and City staff to ensure the facility flits in with the neighborhood, including setbacks three times deeper than chose of neighboring subdivisions, Solid c-Merior walls and residentialstyle architec-[u re wiiM1 pitched roofs. Additionally, the flood c ntrol improvements incorporatetl Into the Dove Crcek 5¢If-Storage Plan wi❑ be a{it r std ants of this flood -pr ea by reducing the flood risk of 5-10 year storms by 7D-8095 and the flood risk of 50-100 year storms by one-third. 1 urge You to deny Council M¢mb¢r Fonzi's u ar nt¢d appeal of the Planning Commission's a pprovai of this sensitively designed and muclWneeded protect. Thank you, Donovan Reeder 2611 Solano Pismo Beach 93449 To: AYascadero City Council ( ic���l i � - ,_.) Tile: Deny Dove Creek 5¢If_Storage Appeal Dear Members of the CiTy Council, With existing self -storage facilities at or near capacity and some 900 storage -short apartments r nt1Y approved by the cou ncp, Dove Creek Self -Storage will bring rnucb-needed storage space io the ci[y of Atascad ero. The Gify Council needs T.p address this shortage, or it wiU b¢ turning Fts back on the needs of its residents - Dove Creek Self -Storage can fill the shortfall in a sitive m r- Theo r has made costly changes requested by [he Planning Commission and Gity staff to ensure the facility fits in with [h¢ n¢ighb orhood, including setbacks 2hre¢ times deeper than those of neighboring subdivisions, solid exterior walls and residential style architecture with pitched roofs_ Additia Wally, the flood c ntrol impr eats inc rRoraxed Into the Dove creek sel( Storage Plan wilt benefit residents of this flood -prone a a by reducing the flood nsk of 5-10 veer rtorms by 70.80% and the flood risK of 50-100 year storms by one -third - I urge you to deny Council Membur Fonzi s u nted appeal of the Planning Commission's approval oFxhis sensltiyely design ad and much-needed project - Thank you, 5035 VIa Colonia Court Atascatlero 93h22 To: Ata sna dero City Cpuncvl ( _ <�:_ _ Title: OenY Obv¢ Creek Self -Storage Appeal Oear Members of th¢ City Gou ncd, Witte existing se!{_storage faciliiies at or near capacity and some 900 storage -short apartments recently approved by the Council, Dove Geek 5¢if_Storage will bring much-neetled storage space to the city of Atascadero. i'he City Council needs to addrEws this shortag¢, or it will be Luning its back on the needs of its residents. lova Creek Self -Storage can fill the shortFa 11 in nsitive m r. Theo r has made costly changes requested by the Planning Commission and City staf{to ensure the facility {its in wRh the neighborhood, i clutling setbacks three times deeper than rhos¢ of neighboring subdiv�s�o s, solid ¢xt¢rior walls and residential s -tyle arch Rec-tu ra wins pitched roofs. Additionally, the Flood c nirol improv¢m¢nts incorporated into the Oove Creek Self -Storage Plan will benefit residents of this (food -prone area by reducing the flood risk of 5-10 year storms by 70-80% and the flood risk of 50. L]O year storms by one-third. 1 urge you to deny Council Memher FonzYs u nted appeal of the Planning Commission's approval of this sensitively designed and much-needed project. Thank you, ASaScad¢ro 93422 To: Atascadero City Council (_L �.-. .._ � ) Title: Deny Oove Creek Self -Storage APPeaI Dear Members of the City Council, With existing self -storage facilities at o near capacity and some 900 storage -short apartments ntiy approved by the Council, Oove Creek Sclf-52orage will bring m ch -needed storage space to the city of Atascadero. The City Cvu ncil needs to address this shortage, yr it w.11 be turning its back on the needs of its residents. Oave creek set£ -storage c n fill the shortfall i a s strive m r. Theo r has n ade costly changes requested by the Planning Commission and City staff to ensure the facility fits in with the neighborhood, including setbacks three times deeper than those of neighboring subdivisions, solid eMerior walls and •esid ¢ntial style architecture with pitched roofs. Additionally, the flood c ntrol improvements i orporated into the Oove Creek Se1F-Storage Plan will benefit r sidents of this flood -prone area by reducing the flood risk afS-10 year storms by 70-5096 and the flood risk of 50-100 year storms by one-third. 1 urge you to deny Co urtcii Member f-onzi's i nted appeal of the Planning Commission's approval of this sensitively designed and much-needed project. Thank you, Anna King 14255 San Antonio Rd B Atascadero 93422 To: Atascadero City Council ( _ , ; ) Title: Oeny Oove Creek Self -Storage Appeal Dear Members of Che Giy Council, With existing self -storage £adlities at or near capacity and some 900 storage -short apartments r ntly approved by iM1e Council, Dove Creek Se1F-Storage will bring much-needed storage space io the city of Atasca darn. The City Council needs to address ibis shortage, or ii will be to rn tng its back on the needs of its residents. Oove CreeR Self -Storage c n Ffll the shortfall in sitive m r_ Theo r has made costly changes requested by the Planning Commission and City stall to ensure the facility fits in with the neigh bortlood, i eluding s¢tb acks th rae Hmes deeper than those of neighboring subdivisions, solid exterior walls and residential style architecture with pitched roofs. Additio Hefty, the flood c ntroi im pro anis it orpo afed i . o the Do a Creek Self -Storage plan will beneR[ residents of this flood -prone a a by reducing the flood risk of 5-10 year storms by 7D-80% and the Flood risk o£ 50-100 year storms by one-third. 1 urge you to deny Council Member Fonzi's u Hied appeal of the Planning Commission's approval of this sensitively designed and much-needed project. Thank you, Oen�se Armstrong 9soo sa nia war ra AYascadero 93422 rte: Axasr:adero car cn.,ncn f _ - _... �_) Title: perry Dove Creek Self -Storage Appeal Dear Members of [he City Council, With c isiing se!{_storage Facilities ax o apacity ands a 900 storage -short apartments ntiy approved by the Cou Hell, Dove Creek Self -Storage will bring m ch -needed storage space to the city of Atascad ero. The City Council rteetls to adtlress this shortage, or it will 6e turn ng its back on the needs of Ks residents. Dove Creek Self -Storage c n fill the shortfall in - - nsiiive m r. Theo n¢r has made c stay changes requested by the Planning Commission and City staff to � e iM1e faulity fits in wish the neighborhood, ind udtng setbacks three times d¢eper than those of neighboring subdivisions, solid eMarior walls and resitl ential style architecture wah pitched roofs. Additip Helly, the flood control in'Iprovements incorporated into the poye Creek Self -Storage Plan will beneFit r sidants of Yhis flood -prone area by reducing the flood risk of 5-10 year storms by 70-809e¢antl the 41ood nsk of 50-100 year storms by on�xhird. i urge you to deny Cau Hell Member Fonzi's u Hied appeal of the Planning Commission's approval of this sensitively designed and much -n oeded project. Thank you, Gharissa Kier Atascadero 9342.2 To: Axascadero Clty Cou ncii ( _ _ _ Title: Peny Oove Creek Self -Storage Appeal Pear Members ofi the Gity Council, With existing self -storage Facilities at or near capacity and some 9OD storage -short apartments oily approved by the Council, Dove crec-k Self -Storage will bring m ch -needed storage spa a io the rity of Rtascadero. The Cexy Co ncii needs [o adtlress this shortage, or h will be turning its back on the needs of its residents. Oove Creek Self -Storage can fill xhe shortfall in a s strive m c The o r has made cosily changes rey nested by the pian ning Commission and City staff ro ensure the facility fits in with the neighborhood, including setbacks Three times tleerycr than those of neighboring su bdivisro s, solid exterior walls and residential style architecture ..with pitched roofs Additionally, the Flood c ntrol improvements in orporaxed into xhe Pov6 Creek Seif-Storage Plan wilt benefit r sidenxs of this flood -prone a a by reducing the flood risk ofi 5-]o year storms by 70-8096 and the flood risk of 50 -].OP year storms by one-third. l urge yoar to deny Co c11 Member Fo zi's nied appeal of the Planning Commisslo n's approval of this sensitively designed and much-needed project. Thank you, Soft aou nYree Atascadero 93422 To: A[ascadaro City Gou ncil (._ ___ �-) Title: Deny Oovc� Creek Seif-Storage Appeal Dear Members of the City Council, With a fisting self -storage facilities at o ear capacity ands a 900 storage -short apartments recently approved by the CouncEl, Dove Creek Self -Storage will bring much-needed storage space to the ci[y of Atasczd ero. The City Council needs to address This shortage, or it will ba turning its back on The needs of its resitlents. Dove Creek Seif-5 [Drage c n fill the shortfall i rsitivc� m n The o r has made costly changes requested by the Planning Commission and City staffi toe a the facility fits in with the neigtibprh ood, including sethacks three times deeper than those of neighboring subdivisons, _olid ext�r:or walls and resocniial style archit ecru re wKM pPoch ed roofs. Additionally, the flood control improvements incorporated into the Dove Creek Self -Storage Plan will bE efii r silents of Yhis flood -pr ea by redu "ng The flood risk of 5-10 year storms by 70-80^Rs and the Flood risk of So- 200 year storms by one-third. 1 urge you to deny Co cil Member Fo rr nted appeal of the planning Com mrsson s approval of this sensitively designed andrm uch-needed project. l'hanh you, Taylor Vaughn 4355 mel Rio rd Atascade ro 93422 To: Atas�adero ocy cnn ncii (_ _ Title: pent' Dove Creek Se1fiSCorage Appeal pear Members of the City Council, With existing self -storage fariliti¢s at er near capacity ands me 900 storage -short apaKments recently approved by the Cou ncii, pove Creek Self -Storage will bring much-needed srorage spat¢ to rile city oT Atascatl ero. The GitY Cou ncii needs to address this shortage, or rt will tre turning its back on the needs of its rasid encs. po a Creek Se1F-Storage n FII the 56ortfall i a strive m .The r ha ade silt' changes requested try the Planning Commission and City staFf to ensure the facil Fly Fr[s incwith the neighborhood, including setbacks three times deeper than those of neigh boring su bdivl510ns, solid eMer[Or wall: and residentlal style architeciu re with pitched rOOTs. Additionally, the flood control improvements incorporated into the pove creek Self -Storage Plan will benef£t r sidents 'of this flood -prone a ea by reducing the flood nsK of 5-10 year storms by X0-80% and the stood risk of 50-100 year storms by one -[bird. 1 urge you to deny Council Member Fo ar Hied appeal of the Pian Hing Comm�ss on s approval of this sensitively designed andrm uch-needed proje�. Thank you Justine yanEck Atascadem 93�J22 To: Atascaticro City Council ( -J Title: Deny Dove Greek Setf-Stora!'e Appeal Dear Members of the City Council, WKh existing self -storage facilities of o apaccty ands a 46U storage -short apartments recently approved by the Gou ncil, Dove Creek Seif-Storage will bring much-needed storage space to the city of Atascad ero. The City Cou ncii needs io address this shortage, or it will be turning as back on rhe needs o{ its residents. Dov¢ Creeh Self -Storage c n fill the shortfall in a s sitiva manner. Theo r has made costly change eques[ed by the Planning Co � antl Gity staff to ens a [be facilKy fits in with the neighborhood, including setbacks eh ree limes deeper than those of neighboring subdivisions, so Gd eMerinr walls and residential style arch Kectu re with pitched roofs. Additionally, The fleod control improvements incorporated into the Dove Creak Self -Storage Plan will benefit residents of this flood -prone a a by retl ucing The flood risK of 5-10 year storms by 70-SO^6 and the flood risk ofi 50-100 year rtorms by one-third. I urge you 20 deny Council Member Fonzi's u nted appeal of the Planning Commission's approval of this sensitively designed and much-needed project. Thank you, Anthony Brescia 289 Leeward Ave Pismo beach 93A49 To: Atascad aro City Council (�- _ _ - -. _ - _ - �) Tinea perry Dove Creek Self -Storage Appeal pear Members of the City Council, With existing self -storage facilities at or near capaciEy and some 900 storage -short apartments recently approved by the Council, pove Crack Seif-Storage will bring much-needed storage space to [lie cl'ty of Atascadero. The Ci[y Council needs to atldress [bis shortage, or it will be turning its back on the needs of its residents. pove Creek Self -Storage can fill the shortfall i nsKive m r. Theo r has made cosHy changes requested by the Planning Commission and City stafif to ensure the facility fits in with the neighbor hood, including setbacks ih ree times deeper than those of neigh baring su bdivrvons, solid n#error wails and resid¢ntial style architecture wieh pitched roofs. Additionally, the flood control improvements incorporated into the pove treeK Self -Storage Plan will beneii2 r side+ntis of ibis flood -prone a a by reducing [be flood risk of 5-10 year storms by 70.80%sand the flopd nsk of 50-100 year storms by one-third. 1 urge you to deny Council M¢mber Fonai's u orad appeal of the Planning Commission's approval of this sensitively designed and much-needed project. ThaM� you Mika Oifver 679 Camino caballp Nipomo 93444 ro= Acascad ero cxy cpcmcn ( __,_ _. _ i TiU e: Deny ❑ov¢ Creak Se1F-Storage Appeal pear Members ofi the Cay Council, Wixh a isiing self-y-tora ge facilities aT o capacity ands a 900 storage -short apartments recently approved by the Council, pove Creek Self -Storage will 6dng much-needed storage space to the city of Aiascadero. The City Council needs to address this shortage, or it will b¢ turninII i s back on Ybe needs of its residents. Dove Creek Self -Storage c n fill tba shorYFa 11 in a sensitive manner. Th¢ owner has made costly changes requested by the Planning Commission and City _staff Coe a the facility Rts in wKh the neigh borh pod, including setbacks three times deeper than thpso of neighboring subdivisions, solid exterior walls and residential style architectu r¢ with pitched roofs. Additionally, the Flood control improvements incorp oraf¢d into the Dove Creek Self -Storage Plan will beneFlt resid encs of this flood -prone a a by red ucing the flood risk of 5-10 year storms 6Y 70 -SO% and xh¢ T1ood rak of 50-snO year storms by one-xhird. 1 urge you to deny Council Member Fonzi's u ni¢d appeal of the planning Commission's approval of this sensitively designed and much-needed project. Thank you, len MFer Rice 6523 Santa Lucia Atascadaro 93422 'rn: Ata scaaem eity eonneil F - 1 TiUc+: Deny Dove Creek Se1F-Storage Appeal Dear Members of the City Cpu Heil, With a fisting selfi-storage tacit Tries at o capacity ands a 300 storage -short apa+Ym ants ere ntly approved by the Cou nail, Dove Creek Self-Smraga will bring much��needed storage space So the city of Atascadero. The City Coun cit Heads So addrt-ss chis shortage, or it will be fuming its back on the Heads of its residents. Dove Creek Self -Storage can fill the shortFa 11 in sensitive manner. The owner has made costly cfiange eq nested by the P)an Hing Commission and City stall 20 e e the facility Tits in with tM1e neighborhood, including setbacks tFrree times deeper Than tboseUOF nigh boring subdivisions, solid cMerior wails and residential s4yie arehl4eeeu re with pitched roofs. Addl[ionally, tt+e flood c ntrol impro encs i rpo ¢d intro the Oov¢ CreeK Se1F-Storage Plan will ben eti[ residents of this fidod ,prone area by reducing She flood risk of s -1D year rtorms by 70-80`5 and the Flood risk of sD-100 year storms by one-third_ I urge you to deny Goun cit Member Fon zi's u warranted appeal of the Planning Gommissioris approval of this sensitively designed and much-needed project. Tba nia you, Julie Medders 701 E Adelaide Way Dinuba 93618 Tb: Atascatlero clay Council ( ) Title: C>cny Dove Greek Self-Storag¢ Appeal Oear Members of n.e City Council, With existing self -storage facilities at or near capacity and some 90o storage -short apartments ecenily approved by the Co uncia, Oove creek Self -Sao rage will bring much-needed storage spa a to the c:LY of Atascadero. Tho City Council needs to address this sho nage, or it w111 6e turning its back on the needs of its resitlents Dove Greek Self -Storage c n fill the shortfall i sitive m r. Theo r has r. oda costly changes reyuesied by the Planning Commission and City staff to ensure the facility fits in wish the neigF.borhood, incfai ding setbacks three limes deeper Chan those o£ neighboring subtliyisions, solid eMervor walls and residential style architFr_ture with p3[ched roofs. Atldltio�ally, the Flood c nirvl imps nisi orporated iniv the Uove Creek Self -Storage Plan will benefit r sidants of this flood -prom a a by red ucinE the flood risk of 5 -SD year storms by 70-g0% and the. flood nsk of 50.100 year storms by one-third. 1 urge you to deny cou Weil Member Fo nv's u ar - nted appeal of the Planning com misv on s approval of this senstively designed and much-needed project. Thank Vou, 9308 LiOClna lane iiC Atascadero 93422 To: Ata ,cadero city cnu ncll ( � Title: Oeny Dove Creek Self--Sxo rage Appcaf Oear Members of the City Cuu ncil, With existing self -storage facilities at or near capacity and some 900 storage -shot[ apar[m ents me ntly appro ed by the Coe cil, Do a Creel. Se1F-Storage will bring 'm ch- eded storage space to tfie city of Atascadero. The City Council needs to address this shortage, or it will be turning its back on the needs of its resitlent. Dove Creek Self -Storage c n fill the shortfall i strive m r. Thz o r has made costly changes requested 6Y the planning Commis on and City s[aff to ensure the facility fits in with the neighborhood, including setbacks th tae times deeper than those of neighboring su bdiv¢�ons, solid ear[e r�or walls and residential style architcc¢u re with pinched rooFs. Additionally, the flood control improvernen[s Incorporated in[o the Dove Creek Self -Storage Plan will benefit r silents of this flood -prone a a by reducing the Floud rlsK uF 5-10 year storms by 70-8095 and Uze flood risK of 50-100 year storms by onrLxhird- I urge you to tleny Co cil M¢mber FOnzi' nicd appeal of th¢ Planning Comm�ss�on s approval of this sensitively designed and much-needed project. Thank you, Blake Ponek 3525 Colima Rd. Atascadero 93422 To: A[a scadero City CouncJ (- �, .� I _ otr.-,: �.) Title: Deny Dove Creek Self -Storage Appeal Dear Mem bets of the City Cou ncii, Wif.h existing self -storage Facilities at or' near capacity and some 900 storage -short aRartments recently ap Rroved by the Council, Dove Creek Self -Storage will bring much-needed storage space to the city of Atascadero_ The GItY Council needs to ad dr¢ss this shortage, or it will b¢ turning its back on the needs of its restd ents. Dove Creek Self -Storage c n RFI the shortfall in sitive rr r. Theo r has made costly changes requested by the Planning Commission and Ciiy staff to ensure the facility fits in with the nigh both ood, in ciuding s¢[backs three times deeper than those of Haigh boring subdivasao ns, slid ¢xterior walls and resitle nt:al style architecture with pviched roofs_ Additionally, the flood control improvements incorporated into Che Oove Creek Self -Storage Plan will benefit residen Ys of this flood -prone area by red ucfng the Rood risk pF 5-10 year storms by 70-8D% and the hood risk of So -1o0 year storms by one-third. 1 urge you to deny Council Member Fonzi's unwarranted ap Raal of the Planning Commission's approval of this sensi [Feely designed and much -Headed proj¢a. T6anK you, Kelly MCCrtldd an 4534 Mananita Av¢. Atascadero 93422 To: A[ascad¢ro City Council (_-__ _ _ _ _. _, ) Title: Deny Dove Creek Self -Storage Appeal Oear Members of the City Council, With existing self -storage Faciiiti¢s aT o apacity ands a 90Q storage -s Faort aparxments recently approvetl by the Council, Dove Creek self -Storage will bring much-needed storage space to the city of Atasca dero. The Qty Council needs 20 address ihis shortage, or R will be turning its back on the needs of its residents. Oove Creek Seif-Storage can fill the shortfall in a sensitive manner. The owner has made costly changes requested by the Plannb'rg Commission and City staff to ensure the facility Fits in wKh the neighborhood, i -.eluding setbacks th re¢ times deeper than those of neighboring subdivisions, spiid exterior walls and residential style architecture with pitched roofs. Additionally, the flood control improvements incorporated into the Oove Creek Setf-Storage Pian will benetit r silents of this flootl-prone a a by reducing the flood risk of 5-10 year storms by 70-86% and the hood r sk of So -100 year storms by one .hird. 1 urge you to deny Council Member Fonz� s unwarranted appeal ofi the Planning Commission's approval of tM1is sen_slHvelY designed and much-needed projac[. Thank you, Autumn Aurkey 9104 Atascadero Ave. Atascadero 93422 To: Atascadero City Cou i(�p,�� _ au;_ ___ ,�,) Title: Deny Dove Creek Setf-Storage Appeal Gear Members of the City Council, With existtng self -storage tacit ities at or near capacity and some 900 storage -short apartments Wily approved by the Council, Oove Creek Self -Storage will bring much -Headed storage spa a to the cay of Ata ade _The city Go ncil needs to address this shortage, or rt will be turning its back on the needsroF its residents. Oova Greek Self -Storage c n FII the shortFa ii in nsitioe m r. Theo r has made cosily changes req ucrted by the Planning Commission and city staff to ensure rite facility fits in wixh the neighborhood, including setbacks three times deeper than those of neighboring subdiyisbns, solid exterior waOs and residential style architecture wfih pKch ed roofs. Addittnn ally, the flood c ntrol improvements i co rporated into the Dove Creek SeIF-Storage Plan will benefit rc-sid ents of Luis flood -prone area by reducing the flood risk of 5-10 year storms by 70-8042 and the Hood risk of 50-100 year storms by one-third. 1 urge you to deny Council Member Fonzi's u warranted appeal of the Planning Commission's approval of this seansitiveiy designed and muvh-needed project. Thank you, Noelle Pritch and s�70 6olores Ave. Atascadero 93422 Tp: Atas>=ar_ero ciry cn�n�u ( .) TKI¢: Deny Oove Cr¢eK Sell-Sio ra Ee App¢vl Oear Members of the City Council, With existing self -storage facilities at or near capacity and some 900 storage -short ape rcme Ms recently approved by the Council, Dove Creek Self -Storage will bring much-needed storage space- [o the city of Aiascad era. The City council needs io address this shortage, or it will be to minE its back on the needs of Its resitl n_nis. Dove Creek Seif-Storage can fi0 the shortfall in a sensitive manner- Theo r has made costly changes rey nested by the Plan mng Commission and Oiy staff [o ensure the facility Rts in with the neigh bor6oud, i cludinE setbacks t6 ree times d¢¢par than ihasP of neiEh bnrinE subdivisions, solid ¢xte rior walls and residential style architecture with pitched roofs. AddiLO�ally, [he Rood c rtt rol impruvemena into rp orated Inco the Dove CreeK Salt -Storage Plan will benefit r std cnts of this fiootl-Prone a ea by red ucing tfie flood risk of 5-10 year storms by 70-g0% and the flood risk of 50-100 year storms by one-third. 1 urge you to deny Cou Weil M¢mb¢r Fonzi's u arranted appeal of the Planning Commission's approval of Phis sensitively designed and much-nr=_aded project - Thank You, Mike Penner 9309 6ocina Ln. ACascadero 93422 ro: Atasca acro cicv coon I ( __._� I _ --- -___-9 Title: Deny Dove Creek Self -Storage Appeal Dear Members of the city council, With exisiFng self -storage facilities aY or near capacity ands a 90D sto rag¢ -short apartments ntly appro ed by the Coun<ll, Oo a Creek Se14-Sto age will br ng n ch -n eded sto a6e space to the city ofi Atascadero_ Th¢ City Council needs io address th isoshortage, or it well be wrning its back on the needs of its restdenis. Oove Cr¢ek Sel{_Storage can fill the shortfall in a sensitive manner. The owner has made cosily changes requested by the Planning Commission and City staff to ensure the Facility fres In wish [he neighborhood, inclutling setbacks Th r¢e timet deeper than Those of neighboring subdivisions, solid cxt¢rior walls and rnsidential .-cyte architecture with pitched roofs. Additionally, the flood control improvements incorporated into the Ooye cr¢¢K Self-Sio rage Plan w6l bencAt r sGden Gs of This Flood -prone a ea by red uctng die flood risk of 5 -SO year storms by 70-£30% and the flood risk of 50-100 year storms by ane -third_ I urge you io d¢ny Council Member Fonzl's u anted appal of the Plan Nng Commission's approval o! this sensitively designed and much-needed project. Tbanla you, Colleen Barnett 53?5 Mercedes Avc. Atascadero 9342? To: Atascadero city cot ncil (,____-_ _ _ __ _ _ :..) Title: Deny Oove Creak SefF-Sm rage Appeal Oaar Members o{ tfie City Council, With existing self -storage facilities aY or near capacity and some 900 storage -short apar[m ents ntly approved by the Cour cO, Dove Greek SeiF-Storage will bring much-needed storage spa a to the city of Atascadaro. The City Co ncil needs to address this shortage, or it wfll be turning its back on the needs of its residents. Dove Creek SelAStorag¢ can £ill the shortfall in a s sitiv¢ m r_ Theo r has made cosily changes requested by the planning Commission and City staff to ensure the facility fits in with Yha neighborhood, IncludEng setbaci¢ three [Imes deeper than those of neighboring ..0 bdlvid on.., sobd exterior walls antl residential Kyle architectu r¢ with F•i cfsed rrno{s. Additionally, the flood control i rip rovemenis into rporated In[o the Dove Greek Sei{-Storage Plan will be efit r sldents of this £Iood-pr ea by redu ng the flood risk of 5-io year storms by 70 -SO% and the flood risk of SO -100 year Kornis by one-third. I urge you to deny Gau ncil Member Fonzrs unwarranted appeal of the Planning Commission's approval of this sensRiyely designetl and much-needed proJec[. Thank you, Vicente Guizar 13355 San Antonia Rd. AYascadero 93422 To: Atascadero Eity COO ncil (.._ _ _ ,_ j Tltle: deny Dove Creeh Self -Storage Appeal Dear Members of the City Council, With a sting seif-sxoragc facOltles at u apacixy ands a 900 storage -short aper m nss recently approved by iha Council, Dove Creek Seif-Storage. will bring much-needed storage space to the rity of Atascadero. The City Council needs to address this shortage, or it will be turning its back on Che needs of its residents. Dove Creek Self -Storage can fill the shartfail in a sitive m .The owner has made costly changes req uesfed by the planning Commission and City siafF to ensure the facility Fts in with the neighborhood, IncWding setbacks three times tleeper than those of neighboring subdivisions, solid earferior wails and residents al seyle architeciurc+ with pitched roofis. Add ttionally, the flood control improvements incorporated Into the Dove Creek Self-Sto raga Plan will baneflT residents of this fiootl-prone a a by retl OCYng the flood risk of 5-i0 year storms by 70-80Y£ and the flood risk of 50-100 year storms by one4Mrd. 1 urge you to deny Council Member Fonal's u - rated appeal of the planning Commission's approval of this sensitively designed and muchneeded project. "thank you, Charles Fruit 73f5 EI Camoni Real A[ascadero 93422 To: Atascadero City tour c I ( i_ _cI - - lc_r _ :_:) l"Itle: Deny Dove cr.=ak self-scoraE¢ siPneal Dear Members of the Gity Council, W ixh a fisting self -storage Fa cili[ies at o apacity and some 900 stn raga -short apartments recently approved by the Council, Dova Creek Self -Storage will bring much-needed storage space to the city of Atascadero. The Ciiy Council neetls Lo address this shortage, or i2 will be turning ¢s bank on the needs of its re sidenis. Oove Creek Self -Storage c n fill the shortfall in a sensitive manner. The owner has made costly changes req ues[ed by file Planning Commission and City staff to ensure the facility fits in with the sigh boyhood, dulling setbacks thm¢ times d¢eper than those of neighborirvg su hdivi_aions, solid exterior wails and residential style architecture with pitched rooFs. Additionally, she flood c ntrol improvements in orporat¢d into the !Jove Creek Self -Storage Plan will benefit residents of this flood -prone area by reducing the flood risk o{ 5-10 year storms by 70-80% and the flood risK o4 50-100 Vear storms by one-third. I urEe vnu to deny Cau Heil Member FonzYs u arranted appeal of She Planning Commission's approval of this sensitively designed and much-needed project. Thank you, Robert Callahan 11153 EI Camino Real ALascadero 93422 ib: Atascadero City Council (. - , _ — - _) Title: Deny Dove Creek Self -Storage Appeal Dear Members pf the City Council, With a fisting serif -storage facilities at o apaciry a +d some 900 storage -short apartments recenHy approved by the Council, Doye Creek Self -Storage will bring much-n¢edatl storage space to the city of Atasca dero. The City Council needs to address this shortage, or it will be xurn ing Ks bacK on the needs o{ its residents. Dove Creek Self -Storage can fiB the sf+o rtfall in sitive m Hoer. TF.e owner has made costly changes requested by the Planning Commission and City staff to ensure the facility Efts in with xhe neighborhood, i eluding setbacks three times deeper than those of neighboring sa�bdiv�sons, solid ex[c rior walls and r¢sdd ¢Hifi al styic= arcrn [ec[u r¢ wRh pitched roofs- Additionally, the flood control improyem encs into rporated 'colo the Dove Creek Self -Storage pian will bene'Ft r std ¢nts of this flood -p rpn.� area by reducing the flood risk of 5-10 Year storms by -10-80% and the flood risk of 50-].00 year storms by one-third. I urge you to deny Council Member Fonzi's unwarranted appeal of the Planning Commission's approval of this sensitively designed and much-needed profed. Thank you, 4534 Mana Nta Ave. AGascader'o 93422 To= Atasca dery City Council ( _. Title= Deny Ooye Creek Self -Storage APPcaI Oear Members of the City Council, WiNi xistlng selFstorage facilities at o apacity and 5 e 900 sto age-shoR apartments recently approved by tl�e Council, Uoye Creek Self-Sto raga will bring much-needed Yorage space to the city of Atasca deco. The Cay Council needs m address this shortage, or it will be to rn ing its back on the needs of its residents. Oo a CreeK Self -Storage n fill the shortFail i a s siiive � c The r ha ade stly changes requested by the Planning Commission and City staff [o ensure the facility fits in wish the neighborhood, including setbacks three times deeper than those Pf neighboring subtlivi signs, solid eMerior walls a nd residential style architecture wi4h pitched roofs. Additionally, the flood c n'irol im proyemenis incorporated into the Uoye Creek Self -Storage Pla will be Miv silents of this flood -pro ea by redo ng the Flood risk of 5-10 year smrms by 70-80% and The flood risk of 50-100 year storms by one-third. i urge you to d¢ny Co cil Member Fo ar rued appeal of the Planning Commission's approval of this sensi tiyely designed an d,m uch-needed project. Thank you, 4665 San Vicente Ave. Atascadero 93422 To: atascad ero City Council ( _. _. _ __,.) Title: Oeny Oove Greek self -storage APPr'al Dear Members of the City Cou nett, With eristing self -storage facilixies at or near capacity ands a 90o storage -short apartments recently approved by the Council, Oove Creek Self -Storage will bring much-needed storage space to tFe ci[Y of atascatlero. The City Council needs to adtlrass this shortage, or it w{II be turning ixs back on the needs o! its residents. Oove Creek Seif-Storage can fill the shortfall in a sensitive m r. Th¢ owner has made costly change equ ed by the Olan ning Co a nd City staff to ¢the facility Fiis in wrth the neighborhood, including setback, three times deeper than those of neighboring subdivisions, solid exteripr walls and resid entia! style architecture with prccM1 ed roofs. additionally, the flood c ntrol im provem encs Incorporated into the Dove Creek Seif-Storage Plan will benefit resFde nts ofths Flood -prone a .a by reducing the flood risk of 5d0 year storms by 20 -go% and the Flood risk of 50-10o year storms by one-third_ 1 urge you to deny Gou ncil Member FonzYs unwarranted appeal of the Planning Commission's aP Prnval of this sen sitivciy designed and much-needed project. Thank you, Tadhg Morrison fi236 Monterey Court Atascadero 93422 To: Atascadem City Go until (� _. ) Tltle: pony pova CreeK Self -Storage Appeal pear Members of the City Council, With existing self -storage facil ittes at o ca pacify ands a 90D storage -short apartments recently ap Proved by the Cou ncii, Dove Creek Self -Storage will bring much-needed storage space to the city of Atascadero. The City Counul needs to address this shortage, or it will be to rn log f2s back on the needs of its resitlants. Dove Creek Self -Storage can fill the shortfall in a sensitive manner. The owner has made costly changes requested by the Planning Commission and City staff toe sure the Facility fits in wish t Y.e neighborhood, ciuding setbacks three. times deeper than those of neigh.bod ng subdivisions, solid exterior walls and residential style arcfiitectu re with pRched roofs. Ad ditlonally, the fiaotl control improvements incorporated into the Dove Creek Self -Storage PfOn wFll be efli r sidents of this Flood -pro a by retlu ng the flood risk of 5-10 year storms by 70-80% and the Flood risk of 50.100 Year s[orms 6y one-third. I urge you to deny Council Member FonzPs u Hied appeal of the Planning Commission's approval of this senstively designed and much-needed project. Thank You, Jesus Rios 9300 EI Bprdo Ave. Atascad¢ro 93422 To: Atasca dz ro Gty Cou �cJ ( _ ) Titles Deny Uove Creek Self -Storage Appeal Dear Members of the city co.,n�d, W iH'i exiseing self -storage facilities at or near capacity antl s e 900 storage -short apartments w ntly approved by The Council, Dove Creek Szl!-Storago will bring m ch -needed storage space m the city of Atascadero. The City Council needs to address this shor[age, or it will be {u ruing its back Un the needs of its residents. Dove Creek Self -Storage can FlII the shortfa if in a save m c The o r has made co tfy changes requested by the Planning Commission and City staff to ensure the facility Fits in with the neighborhood, including setbacks three times deeper TM1an {hose of nelgM1 boring sub div�sio ns. solid zMerior walls and residential styl¢ a�chitzcYurz with pftc Fe¢d roofs. Additionally, the flood control improvements incorporated into the Dove Creek 5¢If-Storage Plan will ber�ef{2 residents of this flood -prone a a by red using the flood risk of 5-10 year s¢orms by 7p-80% and thz flood nsk of 50-1 Oo year storms by one-third. I urge you to deny Council Member Ponzi's unwarranted appeal of the Planneng Commission s appy oval of thus sin sitively designed and much-ner_tled proj�cT. Thank you, McP.han Floctk c+r q SUU Mananita Av¢. Atascadero 93922 To: Atascadero City Gou d ( _ ��_ I _ _ _ __ ) Titlz: Deny Dove Creek Self -Storage Appt±al Oear Members of She City Coundi, With existing self -storage facilities at or near capacity and som¢ 900 storage -short apartments ntiy approved by th¢ Goundi� Dove Creek Self -Storage will bring m ch -needed storage spa a to th¢ city of Atascad¢ro_ TFre City Go Heil ne¢tls to address this sFartage, or it will be to rnirtg its back on the needs of its residents. hove CreeK Self -Storage c n fill the short fa it in a nsltive m r. Theo r Mas made cosLy change ¢qu sied by the Pia ng Co i avid City staff to a the facAity flits m with the neighborhood, including setbacks three times deeper than those+ of neighboring subdivisions, solid exterior walls and residential style architectu.'e with pitched roofs. Addetionally, the flood c ntrd impro ants in orp orated into the Oova Creek Self -Storage Plan will bennfii residents of this flood -prone a a by reducing the flood risk of 5-10 year storms by %0-80% and the hood risk of 50-100 year storms by one-thlyd- 1 urge yoo to deny Council Member Fonz� s u need aPP¢al of the Planning Commission's approval of this mnsitively design¢d and much -n ¢¢d ed project. ThanK yop, Leah Gra Mham 8122 Castenada Ln. Atascadero 93x22 To: Atascadero Ciiy Council (_y--i--r } _�._.., . is ;_) Tithe: O¢nY Dove Creek SeiF-Storage Appeal Dear Mem hers of the Gty Council, Wi[h a fisting self-sCorage facilitl¢s at o apacity ands es 900 storage -short apartments rec¢ntly approved by the Council. Dove Creek Self -Storage will bring much-needed s[orage space to the city of Atasca defo. The City Cou nail n¢eds eo address ih is shwtag¢, or it will be to ming as back on the needs of its residents. Dove Creek Self -Storages can fill the shortfall in a sensieiva manner. The owner has made costly changes req u¢sted by the Planning Commission and City staff to ensure the facility flis fir, with Sh¢ neighborhood, i eluding s¢ibacKs th re¢ i s deeper H'ian those of n¢ighboring subdivisions, solid exterior -walls and r¢sid¢nUal style archrtectu re with pitched roofs. Additionally, [hes flood control im prvyements incorp orat¢d into the Ooye Croak Self -Storage Plan will beneFit r silents of this flood -prone a ea by reducing [be flood risk of 5-10 y¢ar storms by 70-9D% and She flood risk of 50-] 00 year storms by one-ehird. i urge you to deny Council Member Fvnzi's u warranted appeal of the Panning Commission's approval of tM1ls s¢nsitively designed and mucF-n eetled project. Thank you, Daniel Grantham 8122 castenada 1_anc- A[ascadero 93422 To: Axasca dEro clay count❑ (_' _ _ ) Title: Deny Dove Crack Self -Storage Appeal Dear Members of the city Cnu Heil, With existing self -storage facilities at o apaciiy ands a 900 storage-shvrY apartments c nt1Y approved by the Council, Dove Creek Serif -Storage will bring much -Headed storage space to the city of Atasca derv. The City Council needs to address chis shortage, or it will be turning its back on the needs of its residents. Dove Creek Self -Storage can fill the shortfall in a sen sitiye manner. The owner has made cestly changes requested by the Planning Commission and City staff to ensure the facility fits in with the neigh borb ood, eluding sPLb asks three Limas deeper d'�an those of neighbo mg subdivisions, solid exterior walls and residential style architecture wixh pitched roofs. Additionally, the food control im m-oyements incorporaietl info the Dave Creek Self -Storage Plan will benefR residents of tbis flood -prone a a by reducing xhe flood n5K of 5-10 year rtorms by 70-8092 and the flood raK of 5P100 year s[orms by one-third. I urge you to deny Cou ncFi Member Ponzi s unwarra Hied appeal of the Planning Commission's approval o£ this sensixively designed and much-needed prv)ect. Thank you Shaun Rrewer 2850 EI Camino Real Atascadero 93422 To: Axascaaero cty en.,ncu ( _ ) TitIE: Deny Dove Creek Self -Storage Appeal Oear Members oP iba CI(y Council, Wilh Existing SBIf-StOrHgO fa Ci{itiEs at Or nBar capacity and 50mB 90D stO ragO-Stlort apartments recently ap graved by the Council, Ooye Creek Self -Storage will bring much-needed storage space to the city of AYascadero. The City Council neetls to address Lhis shortage, or K will be turning its back on the needs of Rs residents. Do a creek snit -storage n fin cha sho Kfall i sitiye m r. The r ha ade ostly changes requested by the Planning Commission and City staff toe a the fapil ity fits in wiih the neighborhood, Including sEtbacks three times deeper than those of neighboring _.ubdiyisions, sond eaae nor walls and residential style architecture with pitched roofs. Additionally, the flood control improvements incorporated into the Dove Creek Self-Sto ra gE pian will benefit residents of this flood -prone area by reducing the flood risk of 5-10 year storms by 7o -80'X. and the Flood risk of 50-3.00 year storms by one-third. 1 urge you to deny Council Member Fonzi's unwarranted appeal of the Planning Commission's ap grovel of this sensitively designed and much-needed project. Thank you Kathryn Houghton 8120 Casten ada Ln. Atascadero 9342J_ To: Atascadc-ro CRY Council ( j � _ _ _ _ -'..) Titfe- Oeny Dove Creek Self -Storage Appeal Oear Members of the City Council, With a sxing s¢If-storage facilities at o apacity ands a 900 storage short aparxments eptly apProv¢d by the Council, Dove Creek 9e9f-Storage will bring much-needed storage space to the city of Atascadcro. The City Council needs to address this shortage, or it will be turning its back on the needs of its residents. Dove Creek Self -Storage c- � fill the shortfall in s¢nsitive m r. Theo r has made costly changes req vested by the Planning Commissio.a and City staff to ensure the facility fits in with the neighborhood, including setbacks three filmes deeper than those of neighboring sv bdiY�s.nr 5, solid eMenor wal{5 and rc+si 1en2ial styi¢ architec[u re With pitched roofs. Additionally, the flood r_ ntrol improvements i orporated into the Dove Creek Self -Storage Pian will benefit residents of this flood -prone area by red ucingihe flood risk of S30 year storms by 70-80% and the flood risK of SU -10O year storms by one-thtrd. I urge you to deny Council Member Po nzi's unwarra Hied appeal ofi the Planning Commission's approval of this sensitively designed and much-needed project. Thank you, A.+ssa lycdgcs 7000 sen Antlres Av¢. Atasvad ero 93422 "fo: Atascadero City Council 0-.t:-�i �.i. �,-t :_ � _ _s,. .. __. _ � r ) TKlec Luny >7ove Geek Selt-Storage Appeal IJear Members of the City Council, With existing seSF-rtora ge fad 6Yies at o ear capacity ands � 966 storage -short apartments � ece tly appr ed by the Co r+cil, Do � Cre¢L. Sctf-52orage will bring m ob-needed s age space to the tory of Ata scadero. The Ciry Council needs to address ehis shariage, or k will be turning its back on the needs of its residents. Ooyc� Cr¢ek Setf-Storage c n fill iha sho rtfatl i a .. sitiva m r. 'rhe o r has made cosEly cfiange eq vested by chs pia ng Co � nd city staff toe s eche facility frts m with the neighborhood, including setbacks three times deeper than those of neighboring su Gdivisions, solid raMerior walls and re sid entlal style archil'e�_ture with pitched roofs. AdditFonatly, the flood c ntrot :m provaments incorporated into the Dove Creek Se1P-Storage plan will bencflt residents of this flgpd-prone area by red uc.ng the 41ood risk of 5-10 year storms by 76-80% and the flood risk of SO -100 year storms by one-third_ 1 urge you [o deny Co til Member Fo ar nted ap penal of the Planning Comm¢s�on 5 approval of this sensitively designed an d,m uch-needed project. Thank you, Monte Garrison 4349 Jorn ada Ln Atascadam 93422 To: Atascad ero City Council ( __. -) Title: Deny povc Cre¢h Self -Storage Appeal Dear Members of the City Coun cii, Wrch existing self_scorage facilities at or near ca pactty and some s00 storage -short apartments r¢ ntly appr ed by tM1e Coun cll, povc Creek Self-StoragE= will br ng m d�- ceded sto age space to the city of Atascad ero. The Cfty Council needs to address this shortage, or ir. will be turning its back on the needs of its residents. povc Creek Se1R54orage c n Pill the shortfall i si4ivc m r. Tne o r has matle COS[ly changes requested by She planning Commission and City staff to en a ehe facility fits in with the neighborhood, including retbacks three times deeper than those of neighboring subdivisions, solid arterior walls and residential style architecture with pitched roofs. Additio ally, Che Hoop c. ntrul impr ants i rporatc�d into the povc Creeh Sarf-Storag¢ Plan will benefit residemts of this flood -prone a a by reducing the flood risk of 5-10 year storms by 70-80% antl the flood risk of 50-100 year storms by one-third_ 1 urge You to deny Co cii Member Fo ar ed aPp<'-al of the Planning Commission`s approval of this se nsiiively design ¢d and'm uch-needed pro}mct. Thank You, Holley Edwards 5191 Alamo Ave Atascadero 934J2 To: Htas�a aero city co.,ncn (. _ _ . , , ) Title: Peny Pove Creek Seif-Storage Appea! Oear M¢mbars uF the City CouncU, With a isiing self -storage facilities at o near capacity and some 900 sio rage -s Flort apartments ntiy approved by the Council, Pove CreeK Self -Storage will bring much-needed storage spa a So She city o{ qta cede Th¢ City Co ncil needs to address this shortage, or I[ will be turning its back on the needsrof its residents. Po a Cr ek Setf-Storage n Till the shortFa 11 i a s sixive m The r ha ade ostly changes req uestad by the Planning Commission and City staff to ensure the facility fits in with the neightiorhootl, Incur ding setbacks ih ree times deeper than those o{ neigh bo ng subdivisions, solid eMerior walls and rc-sid anYial style architertu r¢ with pitched rou$. Additionally, the flood control improveme Ms Incorporated into the Dove Creek Self-Rprage Plan will ben ein. residents of this flood -prone area by reducing the flood risk of 5-10 year sxorms by 70-80% and the flood rusk ofi 50-1no year sxorms by one-Shird. I urge you to deny Council Member Fonzi's unwarranted appeal of the Planning Commission's approval of This sensitively designed and much-needed project. Thank you, KYIe Paveiga 9349 Jorn ada Ln St6 Htascadaro 93422 To: Atascad ero City Council ( ..b:-�'. __ — _ _ �,) Title: Deny Oove Creek Se1A5torage Appeal Dear Members of the City Cpuncii, With existing self-s[orage facilitie at o c apacity and 5 e 900 5iorage-short apar[m ants .-ntly approved by the Co cilsOo e Creek Self -Storage will bring m ch -n aged storage space M the city of Atascadero- The City Council needs to address this shortage, o it will be turning its back on the needs of i[s residents. Oove Creek Self -Storage c n fill the shortfall in a nsitive m c Theo r has made costly changes requested by the PlanninK Commission and City staff toe s the facility fits in with the neighborhood, including setbacks Yh ree times deeper than those of neighboring subdivisions, solid eMerior walls antl res?❑anti al style arch itectu re with pitch etl roofs- Additio ally. the flood c ntrol impro nts ins rporated into the no n Creak Self -Storage Plan will ben eflt residents of this flood -prone a a by reducing [he flood risk of 5-10 year storms by %O-IIO% and the ?food risk of SO -100 year storms by one -third - 1 t rgr= you to deny Co cit Me mbc+r Fn zi's nted aPPeal of the Planning Comm�sson s approval of this sensitively designed and much-needed project. -rF�ank you, Jose Anthony Rodriguez 7745 vasal Ave Atascadero 93422 To: ALascadero City Cou c 1 (_�.:_, __ _ _ _ c) Title: OenY move Creek s¢If-storage Appeal Dear Members of the City Cowtcil, with a fisting s¢If-storage facilities at o capacity ands ¢ 90o sxo rage -short apartments ntly approve 1 by the Council, pove Creeek Self -Storage will br'Ing m ch -needed storag¢ space to the city of Atascad ero. The CiTy Council needs to atldress this shortage, or it will be turning its back on the needs of its residents_ Dove Cre¢k Sel{_Storage c n fl1i :he sboKfall in a sitiv¢ rn r. Theo r has made costly changes requested by the Planning Commission and City staff to ensure the facility fits in with Hte neit,h boyhood, including setbacks three times deeper than those of neighboring subtlivi5ion5, polld eMenor walls and rasidc+nti al style architecCure with pixch ed roots_ Addiilonally, the flood c ntrol improvements tricorporated into the Dove Greek Self -5Y0 rage Plan will benefit residents of this flood -prone area by reducing the flood risk of 5-].O year storms by 70-80% and the flood risk of 50-100 year storms by one-third_ 1 urge you to deny Council Member Fo nzYs unwarranted appeal of the Planning Commission's approval of this sensitively designed and much-needed project. Thank yov, Patrick Fbarra 5860 EI GaminO Real, Suite E Atascatlero 93422 To: At ascadero City Councl ( - __) Title: Deny Dove Creek Self-aoragc Appeal Dear Mem b¢rs of the Ctty Cov n<il, With existing self -storage facilities at or near capacity and some 900 storage -short apartments recently approved by the Council, Dove Creek Self -Storage will bring much-needed storage space xo LM1e city of Atascadero. The Ci[y Council needs to atltlr¢ss [his shortage, or ii will be turning i s bacK on the ne¢ds of iv r�sid¢n K. Dove Creek Self -Storage can fill the shortfall in a sensitive manner_ T1ze own¢r has made costly changes requested by the Planning Commission and City staff to ensure the facility flis in with Th¢ neigh borhootl, ind titling se[bacKs tbr¢e [im¢5 deeptir than Those of neighboring subdivisions, solid ex [c�rinr wags antl rasid¢n tial Ryle aachitectu re with pitch ed roofs. Additionally, the flood control improvements incorporated into the Dove Creek Self -Storage Plan will benefit r std ents of Lhls flood -prone a a by retl ucing the Flood risk of 5-10 y¢ar' storms by 70-F30% and the Aood risk of 50-100 year worms by ora -third_ I urge you Yo deny Council Member FonzYs unwarranted appeal of the Planning Commission's approval of this s¢nsitively design etl and mucM1-nestled project. ThanK you Chris Ferree 5275 O�.lz..ra Av¢ Atascatlero 43422 To: Atascatlero City Council ( _ '. ) TiNe: Oeny Opve Greek Self -Storage Appeal Dear Mom bets of the City Council, WRh existing self -storage facilities at o capacity ands a 90U storage -short apartments ntly approved by the Council, Dove Creek Self -Storage will bring much-needed storage space to the city of Atascadero. l'he City Ca until needs to address this shortage, or it will be tumlrtg Rs back on the. needs of its msidenis. Oove Creek Sefl-Storage can fill the shortfall in nsitive m r. Then r has made costly than ges requested by the Planning Commission and City staff io ensure the facility fits in with the neigh bprhood, including setbacks three times deeper th an those of neighboring subdivisions, ..olid aMcrlor walls anJ resid en[ial style archltc�ctu re wi[h Pitched •oofs. Additionally, the flood control improvements incorporated into the Dove Creek Self -Storage Ptan will benefli residents of this flood -prone area by reducing the flood risk of 5-10 year storms by 70-80% and the flood risK of SO -100 year storms by one-third. I urge you to deny Council Member Fo nzi's unwarranted appeal of the Planning Commission's approval of this sensitively designed and much-needed project thank you, Kevin Ferrell 9150 Seville Ln_ Atascadcro 934L2 To: Atascadero City council h.. ....� I, - - _ __ ;-0 Title: Deny Dove Greek SeiF-Storage Appeal Dear Members of ehe City Council, With a stln� s¢If-storage fact HLlc+s a[ v apacity and 5 e 900 storage -short ape r[ments ntly approved by the Council, Dove Creek Self -Storage wiS! bring m ch -needed storage space to the cRy of Atascaderp. The City Council Heads to address this shortage, or it will be turning its back on the needs of its residents. Oo a Creek Self -Storage - n £11 the shortfall i a s salve m _The r ha ade stly changes requested by the Planning Commission and Ciiy staff to ensure the facility fits in with the neighborhood, including setbacks three times deeper than those of neighboring su bdivlslo ns, solid exterior walls and residential Ryle arch ae4ure with pitched coo{s. Additionally, the flood control improvem en cc i orporated into Hie Dove Creek Se1F-Storage Plan will benefit residents of this flood -prone area by reducing the Flood risk of 5-10 year storms by 7U -SO% and the Rood risk of 50-100 year storms by one-third. 1 urge you io deny Co cil Member Fo err nted appeal of the Planet ng Com m�ss�on s a pproyal of this sensitively designed and'm ucfWneeded project. Th anK you, Jacek Holcolm 7325 Santa Ysabel Ave Atascadaro 93422 To= Atascadero City Cou 1 ( � 1 __ _ _ ;•) Title: OenV Foye Creeh Self -Storage Appeal near Members of the Oty Council, With existing self -storage facll hies at or near ca pacify and some 900 storage -short apartm¢nts Wkly approve -d by the Council, l7oye Craeh Self -Storage will brinS m ch-need¢d sto. ag¢ spa ¢ to the dty of Atascaderm- The City Co r ell needs to address tI'ris shortage, or ii will be turning its bark pn the needs of its residents. Dove Cre¢K Se1F-Storage can Fill the Sho Kfall In a Welt Wert r- TFra o r has made costVy cfrang¢ equ st¢d by the planning Co v, nd City staff to r e the facility FLs in wit tr rhe neigh bor600d, including setback=_ eF.ree times deeper than chose of neighboring su bdiv3sions, solid a#erior walls and residential style arch Recture with pitched roofs. Atldition ally, ih¢ Flood c ntrol improvam ents incorporated info tlia Oove CreeK SeIF-Storage pian will ba efit r sidents of oris Flood -pr a by redo ng the Flood risk of 5-10 veer sto nns by 70 -HO% and the flood risk of 50-100 year storms by one -[herd. 1 urEe yo r to deny Co cil Member Fo zl'S rr yd appeal of the Planning Commrssron 5 a PPro�ral`oF this sensitively d¢sign�d and much-needed project - Thank You, Tiffanv a-oEas 8364 Santa Vnez Ave Atascadero 93422 To: Atascatlero City Cau ncd (• � _ _ ) Title_ Oeny IJov¢ Greek self -Storage Appeal Dear Members of the City Council, With existing self -storage faciliii¢s at or apacny ands a 900 storage -shore aperim ¢n[s recently approved by the Council, Dove Creaek Seif-Storage will bring n ch -needed storage space to the city of Atascad ero. The City Council needs to address this�sligrtage, or it will be turning its back on the needs of its residents. Oo a Creek Self -Storage n (ill the shortfall an a s skive m r. The r ha ade osdy changes requested by the Planning Commission and City staff to ensure the fa ciHty fits in with The neighborhood, including settracks three times deeper than those of neigh boring Subdlvlslon5, solid ext erlor walls and re5idenTial style archiTertu re: with piYcltad roofs. Additionally, the flood control Fm provem cots incprpor'at¢d into the Dov¢ Creek self -Storage Plan will benefit r sidcnts of This flood -prone area by reducing the flood risk of 5-10 year storms by 70-80%and Tile flood risk of 50-100 year storms by one-third_ 1 � rge you to deny councO Member Ponzi' ar ed appeal of the Planning Com missio n's approval of This sensitively designed and much-needed project. Thank you, n..ay car�:a 9015 Ramage Ave Atascad ero 93422 To: Atasead ero City Couneel (':_�; �_ e _ , __ __.. TINe: Deny pove CreeK Self -Storage Appe.:�� Dear Ma tubers o4 the City Council, With a fisting seif_stora Qe fadliifes ai o capacity ands a 90D rturag¢-short apartm encs re a tly approved by the Co cn, Oo c Cr ek Self-Sioragc will Fr ng m ch- ed.zd storage space to tFe city of Atascadero. The City Council needs to address ibis shortage, or it veal be xuming its back on the needs of tts residents. Dove creek Self -Storage c n fill tha sho Kfall i a nslt We rr r. TFe o r Fas made costly cM1 anges requested Fy the Planning Commission and city sta Ff toe a the facility Fits in with the neighborhood, including saxb asks three Yimes deeper ih an those of neighboring subdiylsion s, solid exterior walls and reside nttal style arc Miecxure vaKh pitched roofs. Atlditionaliy, ehe Hood c nxrol improvements incorporated :ntq the pove Creek Self -Storage Plan will benaflt residents o{ tFis tlaod-prone arca by reducing [he flood risk o4 5-10 year storms by 'JI}£30% and the filood risk of 50.100 year storms by one-third. 1 urge you to deny Council Member Fonzi's • ar ed appeal of the Plar. Hing Gom mission's approval of ih is sensttivaly designed and mucF-needed Project. Thank you, P.ra �, cJ¢n Holguin 9VZ� Cascada Rd Atascadero 93422 To: Atascadero City Cou Hell (�. �_ _ � r.. ;.) Title: Oeny Oove Creek Self -Storage Appeal Dear Mem ber5 of the City Council, With existing self -storage facilities at or near capacity and some 900 storage -short apartments mit ly approved by the Council, Dave Creek Self -Storage will bring much-needetl storage spa a to vile city of Aiasca dcro. The City Council needs to atl dress this shortage, ar it will be w ruing its back on the Heads of its residents. Dove Creek Self -Storage can fill the shortfall in a sensit Ne manner. The owner has made costly bhanges requested by the Planning Commission antl City staff toe a the faclllCy Flis In with the neighborhood, i clodinE setbacks th rae Yimcs deep c'r than those of Haig F•b oring subdivisions, solid a#erior walls and residential style architecture with pitched roofs. Additionally, the Flood c ntrol improvements Incorp oratetl info the Dove Creek Self -Storage Plan will be eft std ants of tF•is Fond -pro ea by reducing [he Flood r•sk of 5-10 year storms by 7IJ-SO4�G and the Flood risk of 50-100 year storms by one-third. l urge you to deny Council Member Fonz(s unwarranted appeal ofi the Planning Commission's approval of <his sens[nvely designed antl much -n e¢d¢d projeaY. Thank you, Stephen Oummit 4235 Traffic Way Atascadero 43u22 To: Atascadero Cfiy Gou ncil ( - __ Title_ Deny Oov¢ Creek Self-Sto ra�c- ApP�al Dear Mem Gers of the City Council, With axisting s¢if-storage facii hies at o apacity ands c 900 sio age short apariments ntly approved by the Council, Oove Creek Seif-Storage will bring m ah -needed storage space to the city of Atascad ero. The City Council needs to address this shortage, or it will be turning Ks back on the needs of its resid¢nts. Ooy¢ Creek Self -Storage c n fill the sbor2fail i sitive m r. Th¢ o r has made costly changes requested by the Planning Commission and City staff to ensure [he facility Fits in with xhe neighborhood, inr_luding setbacks three times deeper than those of neigh baring subdivisions, solid earlerior walls and residenCial style archPtedure wltli prtcFed roof>. Additianaily, the flood c ntroi improvements i orporated into the Dove Creek Self_Sto rage Plan will benefit residents of this figod-prone area by reducing the flood risk of 5-10 year storms Uy 70�-8[)� and the fload risk of so -100 year storms by one-third. I urge you to deny Council Member Fonzi's t nted appeal of the Plan nin gCom mission's approval of this sensitively designed and much-needed project. l'bank you, Susan Townsend 10386 LI Camino Beal Atascadero 93422 To: Atascad ero Ciiy Council (.� — _ i _-i1: _�. - .-_�) Tile: Deny Oov¢ Cr¢ek Se1F-Storag¢ Appeal Oear Members of the City Council, With a fisting self -storage facilities at o apacity ands a 900 storage -short apartmerfts r ntly aper ad by robe Cou nca, Do a<rceh SeiF-Storage will bring m ch -needed storage space to the city of A[ascadero. The City Council needs to address ibis shorta¢e, or it will tre [u ming its back on the needs of its residents. Ouva Creek Self-Storagca c •fill eh¢ sfior[fall i a s slxiv¢ m r_ Theo r has made c stly changes requested by xheaPlanning Commission and City staff toe ure xhe fadlay fits in with the neighborhood, including setbacks three times deeper th an those of neighboring svbdivi Bions, solid eMerior walls and resid entfal style architecture wixh pitched roofs. Additionally, the flood c ntrol improv¢mant in orporatad into tha [dove Creek Self-4orage Plan wilt benefit residents of this flood -prone area by red ucirtg the Fland risk of 5-10 year storms by 10-g0% and the flood risk of 50-100 year storms by one-third. 1 urge yo � tp deny Cu cil Member Fo zl's ar nt¢d appeal of the Planning Commas:on s approval of this sensitively designed and much-naaded project ThanK you, 10386 EI Camino Real Atascadero 93422 To: Atascad aro city coo vl (:-.�+.�r i __ -s) TiLlc: Oeny Dove Creak Self -Storage Appeal Oear Members of the Ci[y Council, WItF a fisting self-sxo rage facilities at o apacity ands a 90o s[o rage-shoK apartments recently approved by the coon cit, Dove Crack Se1F-Sxorage will bring much-needed storage space to the c{ty of Atascad ern. The City Council needs to address this shortage, or it will be turning lis back on the needs of its residents. Dove Greek Self-Stgrage c n fill the shortfall in a nsRiye m r. Theo r bas made costly changes requested by the Planning Commission and City staff to ensure the facility fits in wieh the neighborhood, inr_Iuding setbacks three times deeper than those of neighboring sutdlylsion s, solid cxte ripr walls and rzsidentiai sxylz architzcturz with pitched rpoFs. Additionally, [he flood control improvements in orporated into the Dove Creek SelfSxo rage Pian will benefit residents of this food -Prone area by reducing the flood risk of 540 year storms by '10-8045 and the Flood rlsK of 50400 Year Yorms by ons-tM rd. i urge you to deny Council Mern bear Fpn>i's u r - ntad appeal of the planning Gom mission's approval of this sensitively designed and much-needed projetY. Thank You, Stzvz pa Kon ca Tulare 93274 To: Atascadero City Council ( ) Tnaa: oanv Dove cr�ah self-sc.�rage a.p P�,ai Dear Members of the Cixy Council, With existing self-scoragc- facilities aY or n capacity ands a 900 storage -short apartm nLs ntly approv¢d by [he Gou ncll, Dove Creele Self 5 age will bring m cfr-neaCed Sf Oraga space xo xhe cixY of Axascad ero_ The City Gouncfl needs to address this shroreage�, or it will be turning its back on the needs of its residents. Iwve Crec+h Self -Storage c n R(I iHe shortfall in a nsitive m r_ TM1e o r has maUe costly change egu sted by the Pla Nng co mis and city staff to ens a the facilixv fits in with the neighborhood, including setbacks three times deeper than those of neighboring subdivisions, solid exit rfor walls and reside ntial style architecture with hitched roofis. Additionally, the flood c. nerot improvements incorporat¢d i th¢ Oov¢ Cresh Seli-Stvrag¢ Pian will benefR residents of this flaaod-prone area by reducing the flood risk of s-10 year storms by 7CL80% and iha flood risk of 50-100 year storms by one-third. 1 urge you to deny Gvun cil Member FonzPs u ar ed aPPeal of the Planning Commission's approval of this sen siiively designed and much-needed project. Thank you, Matthew Simas 855 n biosser Santa maria 93454 Tn= Atas�aaaro c¢v co.,n�n <. _,- _ _. ,i__ - -__ _ __ _ -.�J Titiee Deny Dove Creek Seif-Storage AVPeaI Oear Members of The City Coamcil, With existing self -storage facilities ai or near capacity and some 900 storage-sfiort apartments recently apVroyed by the Council, Dove Creek Self -Storage will bring much-needed storage space to the city of Ata seed ero- The Cfty Council needs To address this shortage, or it will b¢ turning i s bacK on the needs of its residents Ooye Creek Self -Storage can fill the shortfall in a sensitive manner. The owner has made costly changes requested by the Planning GOmmissbn and City staff to ensure the facility fits in with the neighborhood, i Swaine setb a<K5 th r¢e times deeper than those of Haigh bo mg su bdivrsons...olid exterior walls and residential style archieectu re with pitcfi ed roofs. Additionally, the flood control improvements incorporated into the Dove Creek Self -Storage Plan will benefit residents of this Hood -prone a a by reaucingthe flood nsK of 5-a0 year storms by 7n-HOh. and the hood rlsK of 50-100 year storms by ones-Shird. 1 urge you to deny Council Member Fonz� s unwarranted appeal of the Planning Commission's approval oftMs sensitively designed anU much-needed protect. Thank you Renese Saxman Visalia 93277 To: Atascadero City Council (cityclerk@ata scad ero.org) Title: Deny Dove Creek Self -Storage Appeal Dear Members of the City Cou ncfl, with a Isting selfi-storage facilities at or near capacity ands a 900 storage -short apartments eptly approved by the Council, Dove Creek Self -Storage will bring much-needed storage space to the city of Atascadero. The City Council needs to address this shortage, or ii will be turning its back on the needs of its residents. Dave Creek Self-Siorage c n fill the shortfall in a sensitive m .Theo per has made costly changes requested by the Planning Commission and City staff to ensure the facility fits in with the neighborhood, i eluding setbacks three vmes deeper than those of neighboring subdivisions, solid exterior walls and residential style ar<hitectu re with pitched roofs. Additionally, the flood c ntrol improvements incorporated into the Dove Creek Self -Storage Plan will benefit residents of this flood -prone a a by reducing the Flood risk of 5-10 year storms by 70-g0%and the flood risk of 50-100 year storms by one-third. I urge You to deny Council Member Fonzi's u nted appeal of the Planning Commission's approval of this sensitively designed and much-needed project. Thank you, Susan Vaughn Atascadero, CA T¢. Ata scad ero City Council (cityclerk@ata scadero.org) Title_ Oeny Dove Creek Self -Storage Appeal Rear Members of the City Countll, With existing self -storage facilities at or n apacity and some 900 storage -short apartments ntly approved by the Council, Dove Creek Se1F-Storage will bring m ch -needed storage space to the city of Atascadero. The City Council needs to address this shortage, or it will be turning its back on the needs of its resitlents. Dove Creek Self -Storage c � fill the shortfall i sitive manner. Theo er has made cosily changes requested by the Plah Hing Commission and City staff to ensure the facility fits in with the neighborhood, including setbacks th rce times deeper than those of neighboring subdivisions, soled exterior walls and residential style arc Fritecture with pitched roofs. Additionally, the flood c ntrol improvements incorporated into the Dove Creek Self -Storage Plan will benefit residents of this flood -prone area by reducing the flood risK of 5-30 year storms by 70 -SO% and the Flood risk of 50-100 year storms by one-third. 1 urge you to deny Council Member Fonzi's u rra Hied appeal of the Planning Commission's approval of this sensitively designed and m ch -needed pro)ect. Thank you, Kevin Wolf Atascad ero, CA To: Atascad aro (Jty council ( _ ) Title: Deny Doye Creek Self -Storage Appeal Oear Members of the City Council, With existing self -storage facilities at or near capacity and some 900 storage -short apartments e ntiy approyetl by the Gou Heil, Dove CreeK Self-52orage will bring much -Headed storage spat¢ t the dtiy of Atiascadero. The GitY Council needs to addr¢ss Lhis shortage or iY will ba turning its back on the reeds of its residents Doye Creek Self -Storage can fill the shortfall in a sensitive manner- -fhe owner has made costly changes req ueseed by the Planning Commission and City staff toe a the Facility Rts in with the sigh born oo d, including setbacks three tames cleaver than chose of naighbo mg subdivisions, solid exterior walls and residential style architeceu re with pitched roofs - Additionally, the flood control improvements in orporatad info the Ooye CraeK Self -Storage Plan will beneF2 r sidan is of H'Js T'lood-prone a -ea by reducing [he flood risk of 5-10 yi:ar storms by 70-80% and the flood risk of Sn-100 year storms by one -third - 1 urge you to deny Gou Heil Member Fp nzi"s unwarranted appeal of the Planning Commission's approval of this sen sltNely designed and much-needed projecz- Thank You, Gary Metlders 701 E Adelaide �inuba 936].:i To: At ascadaro cvty ca.,n�d E... _ - � J Title: Deny Dove Creek Self -Storage Appeal Oear Members aF tF.e Ci[Y Cour. til, With existing s^If-storage facilities at or near capacity and some 900 storage -shore apartments recently approved by the Council, Dove Creek Se1R5torage will bring much -Headed storage space to the city of Atiascad ¢ro_ Tne CKy Co w-.cil needs do adtlrc ss 4Ms shortage, or it will be Iurmn¢ its back on the needs of Its residents. Dave Creek Self -Storage can fill the shortfall in a sensitive manner. The owner has made costly changes requested by The Plan n)ng Commission antl City staff toe ¢the Facility Rts in with tFie neighborhood, i cludiag setbacks tivaaz Nmr_s dreap¢r th ar. 4h oseuoF neltrh boring subdivlz.ons, sd:d extP nor walls and resits entiai style architecture with hitched roofs. Additionally, the flood c ntrol improvements incorporated into the Oove CraeK SEIf-Storage Plan will benefit r sid¢nts oFthis flood -prone a ea by r¢d ucing the rlood risk of 5-10 year storms by �o-HO% and the flood risk of 50-100 year storms by one-third. 1 urge you to deny Coundl Member Fonzi s unwarranted appeal of the Planning Com missiori s approval of [his sensitively designetl and much -n ceded project. Thank you, Nicholas Graham 7050 Navajo Ave. Atascadero 93r122 Too Atascadero Gty Council ( - :-) Title: Deny Ooye Greek Self -Storage. Appeal �¢ar Mem bets of the Gity Gou ncil, Wixh existing self -storage facilities at or near capacity and some 900 storage -short apartments recently aPProved by the Council, Dove Creek Self -Storage will bring much-needed storage space to the city of Atascatlero. The City Council needs io adtlress this shortage, or it will be touring its bacK on -rhe ne.¢ds of its r¢sid¢n ts. Dove Creek Self -Storage can fill the shortfall in a sensitive manner. The owner has made costly changes requested by the Planning Commission and City staff to ensure xhe fac Olty fits in wixh [he neigh 6or600d, i cludinp, se[bacKs three Fim es deeper than those of neigh borinp� subdWisio ns, solid exterior walls and r¢sidenual style architecture with pitched roofs. Additionally, the flood control im provern ents incorporated into [tie Dove Creek Self -Storage Plan will benefit rNsidents of this flood -prone area by retl acing the flood risK of 5-10 year storms by 70� HO% and ih¢ flood rlsk of 50-100 year storms by one-H-drd. I urge you to deny Council Member FonzYs unwarranted appeal of the Planning Commission's approval of 2h is sensKNely tlesign ed and much-needed project. Thank You, Roy Foley 2205 Ferro Carril Rd_ A[ascad ern 93922 To: ACascadero City Gou ul ( �_„1 _ - ___ t) Title: OenV Dove Creek Self -Storage Appeal war Mem hers v{the City Cv�mcil, Wi[h existing serif -storage facilities at or near capacity and some 900 storage -short apartments recently approved by the Council, Dove Creeh self -Storage will bring much-needed storage space To the ciN of Atascadero. Th¢ City Council needs To add r¢ss this shor-tags, or it will be turning Its back vn the needs o6 its residents Dove C£Bak Self -Storage can fill Cha sfiortfall i sensitive m .Theo nor bas n oda cos[ly chanEe aq uest¢d by The Planning Co - nd Ciiy staff Y nc ¢the £acilitY £1Cs in with the neighborhood, i eluding setbacks thrne t'm�s deeper th an those of neighboring ..ubdivisions, solid a#ericr walls and residential style architecture with pitched roofs. Additionally, the flootl c of impru nts incorporated Inco She pnve Creek Self -storage Plan wUl be efit s:d onts of chis flood -pr a by redu ng the flood risk of 5-10 year storms by 70-80% and The food risk of 50400 year storms by one-ihird. 1 lJrga you YO tlany Co oil Member fonzi'S rr nted appeal of the Planning Commission's approval o£t6is sen siHv¢ly design ad and much-raiceded pr ojact. Thank you Masnn Miller 5035 Via Colonia Ct. Ata scadero 93422 To: Ata sca dero City Council (.. ) TKIe: Deny Oove Creek Seli-S forage pppaal Dear Members of the City Council. W4th existing self -storage Facilities at or near capacity antl some SOo storage -short apartmenxs r ntly aPprov¢d by tl"e Gov ncil, Dove Creek 5¢IF-$toragE' will bring m ch -Headed s<oraga space to Me city of Atascad ero. The city Council needs to address this shortage, or it will be turning tis back on the needs of its residents. Oove Creek SeIF-Storage c n Fill the sM1ORFaII i a s sitiva m r. Theo r has ade c stly change ayu sted by the Planning Commission creed City staff fo a the facility fits In with the neigh bnrhood, including setbacks th tea times deeper than those of neighboring subdivisions, solid exterior walls and resdenval style architactu re with phched tooFs. Atld KionallY. <he flood c ntrol improvom en is incorpara ced i .o f6e Oove Creek Self -Storage Plan will benefit residents of this flood -prune area 6Y reducing the flood risk of 5-10 year storms by 70-80% and the flood risk of 50-100 year storms by one-third. 1 urge you <o deny Council Member Fonzi'S u ar nted ap pcxal of the Planning COmmissiori 5 approval of this sen siiively designed and much-needed project. Thank You, 2205 Carril Ftd. Atascadero 93422 To: Aiascadero City Cou Hell ( - __ �-!:,,) lltl¢a p ny pov¢ Creek SCIR ctor ugc gpp¢al Dear Mr_mbers of the Ci[y Cc uncih wLLh exfsdng YCIF-storage' Pacl6tiEs at b capaclry ands 5U0 Storag H -short aVartments e nSIY a cd 6V fhr r cil, p e C e¢h 5¢Ir-Storage v iil bring. c6-n¢c-d¢d s age space to lh¢ dtY of q[ascaderu. Tb c- Ci[y Council needs M address this shortage, or R will be turning fu back on rhe nee -ds of Its residents. po .¢Ek. sort -r age n fru r ,. ani a � r - _ - r ha aae uy cha.-.ga en.. ea a+y xhe wa ng eo - and of vff an .. ¢ tih¢ ram: rr*y f)ts In wan the neighborhood, i eluding setbacks three eimee dc�ner than t6 o_e of n�iglzbur;n¢ subdivisions, solid eMerior walls and msitlential style archltectu re with pitched roofs. gdditiunally. the Flood c of Impro�emnetc in r ¢k Self -Storage Plan will benefit r sidanps of [his Flood -prone a arby rerdu .ng th eE(food¢r sk of 5-10 year storms by yU-S09fi and the flood risk Of 50.1.00 year storms by one-third. I u o ricnY C JI Member FmizYs ar ._ai a al of the Pla onion, Gommisslnnls appro alLof this sensitively designad and much-naedr_tl proieca-. Thank you, Llano 6ovidian 9365 N Santa M19argarita Atascader0 93822 ITEM NIJM BER: B -t DATE: 09/t O/t 9 ATTACHMENT_ 3 Aor[etie Maniep From. CLYpE W SNIPER sent Monday, July l5, ]Oly 9B5 AM o ally Gee zone Subject Mini -storage protect pove Ci¢ek (pEV l8 �O103) Mombafs of tM1a Planning Commisslon of tM1a s utfl Atascatl¢ro pov¢ GreaK a I w opposition t ng of a Ond�tiona uwe pamtlt(for of stprolect Smce m tpg M1 e I tr¢qua n[ly u e ther'pafk antl n¢Ig M1bonng walking t ells. and relrsM1 [he f fest/suburban m of thea TM1e wa1K from my home to the park m chance [o en)oy [M1a s al of aogee 1 tithe w sheep from then ghboring Colony M1 e gree¢ and r storage l ility a flatlenab landtscarpa w tly alter [M1¢ character) of IM1 Is city ga[ewaytan[ranca. and no[ serve [be m[or¢s[s nmetlia[a neigM1 bots or the population of A[ascadem rn general TM1IS ubti ng o allow fo ny c al d¢ n[ o[n -s[o age ed o Dire IIs olspu till a facilh a lu abo al, ligio ultu ala Bill a ogle tamely M1 aHo Ihai c a qu¢s[bn of cl[rz¢n Interest II sl[salf a d leads t speculation o wM1al closed tloof agreements in gM1t atltto tlM1is outlier Tba Parham Group self -storage consultants asoma[¢ a "[y pica)" ROI or 2g 6^/0- an allractl�e busnasa modal indaatll onglnal r endatlon of the Design R w Committee In November oT 20l B w o deny the apphca[lon basetl s failu o£ [ s Ge I Pia ch ¢lie ¢ fa ulweigM1 [M1 atlopT nga[a age peclara4on fM1at the I tenon g Commies on du acted IberpRGlto dmf) after the review of the ORC report January l4 2019Vc Afte n9 the 99 Page sport i n9 [ e Go n date f [M1e ProJ¢ct' mign be n [he Pu of the old provide ultl m ly 1 ng.r nd p -sibly s all b This ss p[sa[he n ulO[uda of (actors that (M1e PRC T airy t elements of [M1¢ glaneral plan sulm nating I observahbn that the proposed pro)ect is not In "[ha M1lg M1es[ andrbest m[¢r¢s[s" of [he us¢ of [M1a[ parcel TM1ese include. "Minrs[orage u of generally c sidered a desirable land u They requite a large a of flat lantls (6500 c of cut a '13 000 cu yards o LII o s far tl s prolecU, and provide neoithetr sales tax signiflcanf n of )obs The proposed protect does not contribute [o ttie Jobs/housing nbalaieics � e Cby n will t, a protect 9a r [M1e cJy" (O slopsr's a s property to hb r nge n91e IIY r side er) u n1Y r Iry w e Paltry 52 al foe (or�aacM1 umt (490�par oayslopep �unoe�y' 1000 yearly, while being providetl bast clry tpobca. flLra- alt Pro)a a Ge al Plan Goal l3 "Ba liy IM1e City's pn ntryways by c aLng Cw Gates aye uappm- cele o Ata ade all be ade ugM1 )odic apple on clutl ntg I apmg.r nts nd ar alt etch elo The opo ed t ro)ectis mpaO tits with [be c ng of [rye nerghb �hoode"r I w old su99asL tf mples[h¢ s ould s "Gateway t e Salinas Valleyse educaOonal and tounsbc introduction to [M1e city and rc-gron rtta rhes city were serous abouto Gual l3 fano wlllln9 Ionpurc M1ase [M1e parcaq "Storage bulldings a e typically u a[tracbve long. featureless, n a-buJdrngs "Desgte [M1e developeYs 'rcM1M1ecta efforts to wl[M1 [ Cry to a e the rappsarance of tM1a facades, nbitious lantlscaping plans. netlantls nlibga[lon atcK [M1 Is r s to my m erbral "IipsRck o the pig," Great lora upscale tlus[nal parK 1 nd Oaks or[W alnut CreeK[ but[r sitlential a adero uptlated ORG f ngs s - ng [he pro)ect a this locafJon w uldf�r pofentlally I stbebcs a In [M1¢ Qty"- which luster nnfoV'ces [M1e v ala alysls TM1ere a early plenty o stp age taclpbes a allablen rn Atascadero along EI Camino Real, Tfaffc Way. etc I had no problem hndmg s rage l/2 mile £mm my home when 1 m ed M1 r years ago TM1ca rs no compslling r anon for anotheL to[her than [he developeYs bottom Irne. In Ihisun¢igh bort�oiod Page 3t6 of 444 ITEM NUMBER_ B -'I GATE_ 09/"10/'19 ATTACHMENT 3 Thl a tleslgnal¢d wa[lantls ntl b e (s aq c ny al[e nd m tlga t be appro ad by s olde - ell as be pba Ibe o Ge all Pa nVLOC PobcY Bal that tle eloPm 1 do e� upl al flows o ad v¢fselyalmpac[a npanan ¢ os ys[emsr�Hreas subje 1 to flooding sM1all be n ¢d O'o nd de oP^ uding ProM1lblryo My M1op¢ nd ¢xpe tM1a fIIM1 ng Go pp v olc o[ba p¢rmlthn9 w ultl tbeorelsdetl by aBtner s t tedetal a a deSP�¢ [he da�¢IOPef'S ognl[Yon t ata uld b etl to b¢ doneto ¢K drv¢21on antl wetlands tlgabon )usI [o meet m�rnmum slandatds In o�de� to alter [M1e rest of IM1e safe This In alt¢ady M1eavJy [raveleb anYJ [M1e contll[ion pi EI Camino R n[ly poor - ad surtace aontl,marKing s- and t a4e Y r padastrlans w a/flc a ng [M1earl sidenrtial a - 45-55 mpM1 Gonstrucbon activity in nd d rty`r nd [M1¢I ¢i ¢d s age c er raHlc w s�grvFlcanOy �mpac[ Ibe y sah[y of lileurrt tM1¢ ne�g M1bomootl nWM1ile lM1e d¢velo P¢Ys � rch RectSlpresentaFOn c ntls "Hlmos\ n e pollution" a[ad wi[M1 [M1e protec[ [M1e pro nal esM1mate pnstitu[¢ of Tra sportatlon Engn¢¢rs) cited by IM1e IJRC I5 over l SO [nps a day 'o I plan o ending the P ug Comntlss�on M1 ng on 6 August to c n tM1ese a also be me sletl In tM1 ntl spacific of [M1 -pa 5 be n Mr Ne ano Commiss�oners IJ o Danz reporteo 1 Ib¢ m o! [he l5 January mee[in g. anu any subseq uenl com mun�cabons or d2cussions not on Yecortl curten[ly Suicerely, QVde Snitler CA July 15tl 2019 Page 319 of 444 ITEM NUMBER.- B -"I DATE: 09/t O/"I 9 ATTACHMENT: 3 Annette Manier From: saline R Sxnea asday. ary l5. 2019 5.58 PM Subj¢ !o Proposed proj¢ t C l 1905 VIeJo Camino mini sto age To: AtasCadcro Planning Commission: 1 x t fary w' of the pro Posed Project (mini sloryge)Incatcd at 11405 Viejo Cantlno and 11505 F1 Can.lvu Real Lor s rnl r 11¢rc i a brief list: 1 There i nape ea -K that+flows tiv'ough the ProPertY- Tberc i uch w that a uu11Y a tall IaKc shows up,"1'hcr sir uKh w •r to c - attract a a- uFls of ducKs. 1`personally would nuss dte beatuy of d.is 'al low land 1'511 itg with a ach Ycar. Witivotu thew r Tlowing above ground we would lose our natural fa'og POPulat[on, which Kea Ps the osquitov POPtalatlea.n do.vn. 3- A s rage t uld look t rriblc i tbic ncig6borMood (Viejo Camino). It doesai t kit iu a family ncTshborha,a>da'd:ugo..a11Y a- s r c,m a baautf M1,1 < citY ParK- Please feel frac to a.ontau me Ibr anY other infonx anion by Phone o1 mailCl doti t raKtdarlY checK e-mail). TltatLc Ycu. Si ncerelY, Aosalin¢.lo Rancour Aosallne Jo Rancour Page 3-18 of 444 ITEM NUMBER B-1 DATE 09/10/19 ATTACHMENT: 3 SECRETARY OF PLANNING COMMISION 6500 PALMA AVENUE ATASCADER0, GA. 53422 PROM: ALAN I INDICTOR AND MARI-ENE K. INDICTOR RE. MINI STORAGE FACILITY 19450 VIEJO CAMINO AND 11505 EL CAMINO REAL We are against the project. it is not appropriate for the location which has substantial residential housing. (DOVE CREEK) across from it. Thank you for your kind consideration in this matter ALAN AND MARLFNE INDICTOR 445 Page 319 of 444 Acascatl¢ro. cA 92922 July 27, 2019 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 DATE. D9/'10/l9 ATTACHMENT. 3 We a .esp¢cC£ully requesting t at the proposed O ¢ Ct¢ek Self S[oragc� faci6iy project on Vlelo Camino be denied until whim time a com pl¢t¢ Envi oonmen[al Impact Repots can be performed. My busbar n I liu t do r Chis p.o]¢ ].91 ny H I5 causing us @rear anxre[y tots[ vuf p.o p¢rty maY be des[ Dyed due tv flooding und¢tg.lou nd and above grou ntl_ Tn¢ ¢ mg Oove Creek H ng Pto jacC required the o ¢t pipe [o got ougM1 o r props Ky. O¢ca user! ¢y Burr odes [M1e Ipipe w M1 gravel it Inadv¢rten Hy ere ted a FCe ncnrtl.aln [hat Plootled o ep[[ 5 wlJch ba rketl For 40 ye rth r r s. s ul[ a hatl [o book a ouG[y 5¢wa. System � ultl n i pump [ u[sfas[ ¢ ugn¢wr f large pumps wnila a mpfing t reach tbetsaub o o book up t the City 5 r pipes a almost reyvi.etl diNng i m o g¢ o the pipe- Be wz livz in a Flood pia equ red [o nave flood insu Beea�tse c r ofect c mon:ands of collars w tr.r ¢e i m n panYran,eY ca nd after fencing or, to uscne noosing r ced from undetgrnr. �tl Ooodingamey woym n ¢. nv of n exp¢ Th¢ � Prole n ba..e de ng r.nkn equ n me ntmng pro Pe nd enw ron I kn i edaP ole es [ba oche able s fiat ba Gro ntlt which i POu n r o1Y dug a tr cn whicb i edits ¢ly flll¢J w tb Tne t ha[ dig 15 fee o reach me s ub ou This i cly filled wrtb wale, and netanre a lake whicb reyuired four pumps [o connn uous pump_ I[ was a nightrna.¢- To redirect miss al creek and Hootl plain from tw es 6 feet t otlaR [his pmj¢ct would ne d¢ � ng t er On al o r u we bane been Flooded i cne The t be ng f ebf cry of 1992 eynad two fo oT w vn of t pro perry which wiped o salt of o lands aping a tl da aged wood o rho ba nd ga age 1 c n imagin wba w uld haPpo rif we ba a 100 Ya am a did i 01992 wstn [he 2 a re w ¢ shed ar are ed by [bie osetl n proJ¢c4 h they [a ke away all o Ibis w rsb ¢d pa.king a antl c en , o finis s all prpn postsd ditch [nal w uld obviously result In or FlootlinE of out M1om¢ underground atntl above ground_ l'o a u[borrze [bu p.ol¢4 without a complete Environmental Impact R¢porl wpultl b¢ eglig¢ n. Sinc¢tely. lack 6 Barba.a Br idwcll Page 321 of 444 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 DATE: 09H O/"I 9 ATTACHMENT: 3 To whom it may contain, A m storage (�EVtE3-0103) facility ne�ct to a large n mbaf of resitlential homes in move CraaH ni[y (and otber9) i of appropriate city pla ng antl we feel rt would b r property aluasu VII expect a ni storage facility should ba placed n ottier rn al pfopartias ns[ead. W¢ also fear that m storage ay i aighborhood in Do CraeK antl s ndin9 c aK afeas. This is. a Famaly housing section of town antl 1 hope the oty can Kaep tMs spirit in mind. Thank you, Jonn 8 Brandi Zoleai _�_ — �/ Atas�tlero, GA 93422 - Page 322 of 444 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 GATE: 09H OH 9 ATTACHMENT: 3 July 30, 2019 City of Aiascadero Kelly Gleason. Community O¢Y¢lopm¢nt Department 6500 Palma Ave A[ascadero cA 93422 Re: Projec[ No. OEV18-0103, Mini 5<orag¢ Dear Mi Gleason antl members of tfl¢ Planning Commrssron. 1 became a resident of Atascatlam and m vetl [v La Paloma Q Iasi years Having sp¢n2 m of my IN¢ In 53n L)1¢go. 1 decided tv getaway $om the congestion antl pollution and move [ this city whet¢ mV wife's family resides. My wife and 1 arc reUreO and wanted tv Ilve som¢wtr¢r¢ peaceful and bucolic as yell. Our real es[at¢ agars[ sbowetl u rel homes for sale In <h¢ area. Upon seeing our pr¢sen[ home, w w [aK¢n by <b¢ r rel beauty of Paloma Creek and the adjacent parK. Tha quiet calm n¢igbbvrnvvd c matl¢ tMs location a o brain¢/' for buying our home h uushcs m and my wife t0 tM1ink Chat s e (a - esldant), w nts [o <e ar up our lovely meadow and destroy the seasonal c eek [o build nary storage fac(liGy when [her¢ are three or four oP [hem on EI �amino Real only a faW miles from iha p ropos¢d site - W¢ live Hcross [b¢ roatl Prom an historic Noma built in 1914 which becomes a veritable island wM1¢n w¢ awp¢ri¢nc¢ moderate Co heavy ralnfalL Paving [be area proposed, w n'C allow any absomtion by [ha eadow wMch feeds our a uifers antl drains into the Salinas Rlyer antl will cause the Paloma Cr¢¢k fo y¢rflow ifs banks and threaten homao Wners tlowns[r¢am. Please deny [Itis request for building [he facility antl preserve the Yalu¢ and safety of our homes: SincerHlY. Richard smlch Page 323 of 444 ITEM NUMBER: B-� DATE: 09/'I O/'I 9 ATTACHMENT: 3 JULY 22. 2019 To: Pla ng Co .ss.on c;t� .ter aiaseaaerct• 12a: Proposed Mini-Sioragc project 11450// 1 1 SUS 81 Camino From: Steven Davis Atascadero_ Ca 93422 -Chis leiter is [o inf m, the c n tha! 1 would like to 130 on rcvurd 0vposing the brantjng of a < onditionvl l Ise Permit for this pr jt ca_ This land is a Public Zoning Dis45ct and should vot bre used for this connmet ctal Vt.tPose. LL i a State designaved wetlands and a Federal designated flno 1 Plain. Diversion antl m tigation of this laotl will adversely impam w r tliversion antl a osystems. esYednllY during a storm a wi. l -his will impact the s und:..g ncig,66orhoods ci zea oiling Los Lomas. Dove CreeK. the new home ptoJ ect on Viejo Caanino as well as the apartmem complexes in tba arca. -i'hin Vroj c-ct will n mprove property values attd will more likely lower them jn the fuiurc for the surround ng resid retial areas. This type of dnvalopmcnt i n line with the characior of this ar Palomar Park well a oiled al a. ng the c oT Atascadero: At t - it v n be very htisY and c wiled along v:eicaCan-.;no ea"istii�pr iect will c adait;onal safety concerns along a,at street. wl och alsa sirxcs tete am mimding hoaaine- vrev:oa.iY m..na oned. This a -dose to the s uthem c nY to the- �itY off of Hishway t OI - This pr jacv i of c. intent iih the General Plan Goab to Beautify the City s Primary cn[rvwxYs. It may ac[ua11Y Gave Hte , oPPo»LLQ cfTu a.L 1 feel dtat a nFle- of "beat u f"or this Pro PertY w old be a tat facility that w ultl be ecmeati ble with Palomar Park_ al[ would s all c of iha eiitynattd c old be a my ntination. h w .ad c - tale - [alti„Paet, add to the values of the sta.om,aing aroa., and Provide .rn attracu ve i try tni the. ity as a ra.cr¢vuonal hig6ligln. 1 thank you f r Your nota m this matter auLL IroPe You will take tlrese issues mtn a.unsidcration Steven Dave Page 324 Of 444 ITEM NUMBER= B-'1 GATE: 09/'10/'19 ATTACHMENT 3 July 31, 2019 �J'rU IR-mlu j Ci<y o£A<ascad¢ro Kelly Gleason. Community !)¢velopm¢nt'�epartment 6500 Palma Ave Atasca dero CA 93422 - Re: Project No. OEV18-Oi03. Mlnl Stosaga Dear Ms. Gleason and members oT <he Pla nnmg Commission, My nam¢ is Rosemary Oei[[c r. 1 am 94 years old and have lived In Atascad¢ro for over 40 years. [I am a founding m mb¢r of the Vni[ed Methodist cFiurch o ¢rlooking the p s¢tl s e fadli<y.] Some people maKe fun of ma na "Aiascatl¢ro' (Spanish for mudho/c], but I u[hlnk i< Isas appropr[at¢. We do have mutlholes In [h¢ a which Fave been here for Cen<urtas_ There are not many {eR but [tirs particular piece of real ¢ tat¢ iso of <he few ramal niPg mudholes in ur city_ It isactually divltl¢tl by Camino Real and it appears to b¢ somewhat cared for on iha w¢si sltl¢o v¢ been by [hem thousands of times and loved the openness and loyal V green grass. iha<groWs <h¢[e. We ne¢[f open spat¢—We need th ¢ water 1[ holds Lo percolate down [o our aqulTer. W¢ need <his [Iny bit of mudbole 1¢R In out city. 1 beg you io preserve 1[ for fu<ur¢ g¢n¢raTionx to enluy [by denying <he application for ftiis project]. 1[ Is. a tiny jewel to ba ctiertshetl. Rosemary �aorter Page 325 of 444 ITEM NUMBER'. B-1 DATE: 09/10/19 ATTACHMENT: 3 452 Page 326 of 444 ITEM NUMBER: B-"1 DATE. 09/10/"19 ATTACHMENT: 3 July 31, 2019 City of Atauad¢ro Kelly Gleason, Community O¢velopmenY Department 6500 Palma Ave Atascatlem fA 93422 R¢: Project No. OEV18-0103, Mini Storage Dear Ms Gleason and members of the Planning Commission, I Ilve on la Paloma Ci, a rcle of nineteen Fomes tliractly across Viejo Camino from CF¢ proposed MInI Storage facility you a e con5ltlering for approval. 1 do not believe the project Is a good flt for Che property ax tFe addresses IlsYetl, and urge you to tleny YFe appllcatlon. My husband antl I m ved to Atascadero from the San Diego area a year and a half ago. When ¢altor tlmve u o [o tFe nelgF borM1ootl, w r struck by the active outdoor characY¢r of thea a TFis i a lively neighborhood with people ut walking (wltF and wltFout dogs), riding bike rga rd¢ ng, nd enjoying Palo a CreeK ParK_ TFere a mgle fa milt' homes (InCWdinga FiStorlc Colony Home adjacent to the proj¢ctlpcatlon), apartments, two cFu rcF¢5, a nity garden, two day care facilliies, many beautiful t wo blue Ilne creeks, and a very large park witF spo s fields, playgrounds, walking paxhs, nd a equestrian a .All of L1e others v n nl storage facilities in Atascad ero: a ntled by commercial/Industrial type businesses YFat a mpatlble witF tFe appears c¢ of those s Drage facil Kiel A rural appearing eighborhootl of Fomes, churches, parks, and day c nobthe place for an 81.000 sq R project of mini garages surrounded by pavement antl walls. We believe ih¢ ¢sxabllsFed character of tFe neig Fborhood would be negatNely impacted wltF [F¢ building of [Fe proposed self-s<o age facility. In adtlition, the fe outing of the blue Ilnc cfeek on the property woWd c nVlcon mental harm to a asonal wetland thaC percolates water back mto o r aquiF¢r and keeps downstream ho afe From the winker deluge 1 Fave r ad [he mitigation propo els for re uUng the ¢k Into � of a e tFa[ w uld tM1¢n flow Ina eight hne past the Colony Home, Into tFe ulv nder Viejo Camino: and into YF¢ c ¢k bortle -ng six homes on La Paloma GY. I do of nderstand Fow [Fats all a nt of w¢tla ntl r ratlon can handle thea ni of water that w uld sFeei off the buildings nd pa nt of [Fe m storage fie cility when ih¢ entire a reag¢ ntly ac a floodplain [o mitigate tM1:e a nt of w r flowing Into the c eK. The env�ronm ental it pact seems extreme, not only for tFe possibilKy of flootling, but for tFe Page 32� of 444 ITEM NUMBER: B --I GATE 09/-10/'19 ATTACHMENT; 3 R e'. ProlfCl NO. OEV 3$-0103, Mhv SCorage Gacima rnd wilyliff rra Ultat anrJ tha reduchcn of available land for percolatJon of rainfall Info our aq W fe r. Prnally, the pro/ecf calls fur a re[a ke is residence as part of the faulity. Atasca dero Public ZO a Us ally ou a eta kfls r sidan Ce a an appYo etl t e In 20ne L but n in Zona G_ I radar stand that a ng/e fon-ri/y r sic/enCe i approved u e In Zonc P. Bui If Ibis is part Ut a busrne ss, tha t Ldence would not be &vslla bl¢ [o the general public. I ha6¢vf [his is an unap Proved zoning use. r -rat chf nro<euion of the aha to [tzr of a esca r>nsnea s m�- al neighnorn rand, me environ n 4vl harm that the pr olecY m tJd do, any tl>L z ung r s rictlons being bYPassed. I urge you to y¢ny tl-ie applicavon For the Minl Storage fa<Illty Prolea No. OEV 18-0103 Thank you for gout thoughtful consid era ton, SaIIY (AKA Rosemary) Oex[ervSmitF Act: Photos o4 neighborbootl Pa9a 328 of 444 Rp; Project No. DEV18-0103, Mini Storage 4-t ITEM NUMBER: B-1 DATE 09/10/19 ATTACHMENT: 3 P13 455 Page 329 of 444 �� � i ��: ,- ..-�.j 1�/.� �t 9 I y� ` � y k° y. S� ITEM NUMBER_ B -'I fJATE: 09/'1 O/'I 9 ATTACHMENT: 3 City of Atascad¢ro Co nrtY 12eveloPment Oe Partment Attn: K¢IIY Gleason 65 D0 Palma A�anuc- Atascad¢ro. CA 93422 RE: Mini Storagu, Projact No. OEV26-0103 Document Number 2019-0007 11450 Viejo Camino, APN 04 5-342 009 11505 EI Camino. APN D45-341-030 I a ng tp address my r witF tFis above m ntion protect. I Fav¢ r etl s rat documents rega Ming tFis project tFe mos[ impor[a ni of wM1icF i tFe CEQA R¢po. rt. TFIs CEr1A Reppr¢t ide tifi¢s s ale ntal nd m tigatlon plans but I mY opinion does n mpr¢F¢nsiv¢ly atldr¢ss a allstic m tigatlonr plan for many of tFe f I BY r allstic. I a referring t ehe u al stic and u iso nable m tlgation proposals m [F¢ Issues ide ntlfied. ¢TFIs all looks gppd,on paper but in reabtV will nut wprh_` TF¢ negative env n al impact tFis pro}eci is going to have o [he proposed protects ¢ is d¢va stating. One of my m c r r n[Fe n ¢rload of water tFat wiu flow rnTn [Fe vieto Camino aulv¢rt I nave r r ¢d tb¢ vgatlon Plan, speclPcallY tFe is of div¢rnng than al w -ofF and r aligning tFe Blue¢ m¢ Creek ¢[c _.but I do n [F¢ issue of tFe change m [he percolation ai'at¢ dt ¢ to paving [b¢ a a and [he n ¢ wb¢b the culvertswill Fill o mal to Meavy s al r n fall being addressed, wFicb is s s rssu . 1 TF¢ u[M1 side of La Pal[ama Ctn wFCfe Che culvert salocat¢daF as and will c e ch maxim m plus capacrTy with heavy r n fall, flootling [br= park and possi blY tF¢ homes on that zide of ih¢ c u ¢I have o ¢d my property a 9312 LaaP aloma Ct. z c¢ April 2013 and haves n thiz z r o happen twice, o � 2014 and again during our n fall sn MV Fellow neigh bots pn La Paloma Ct. antl Viejo Caminp'r[b at have lived I this e gFForhood (or twe rtyo thirty, forty plus year c n attest Rrst-Fend to [M1e reality of what M1appens [o this area when the culvert cannot Fandle iFe ram fall and run off. In addition to the it vita bl¢ flooding is I have great c egarding cba wildlife that live or migrate to the ste for [Fis prof ¢tied plan. Again, living iusthe neigh both ood for s x Vaars, I Fave Feen Fortunate ¢ ugF t exp erlence Flrst-Fantl migration of deer witF [Petr fawns, ducks with their cFicks and otF¢r v wild lif¢oa fox or wo, w n Fad a few geese r tigrat¢ to [F¢ site this year. I believe the wild Ff¢ i ibis a a tFnv¢ due Co tFe s - nding s of securhy from predators antl tFe water [ba[ naturally flows from creek and additional ponding pnr[F s vte dunnq tFe rainy mon[Fs- I do respect the t ie. effort and those i Dived In pu[tinR tFe CEQA Report tog¢tF¢n I just wisF they c old x Peri¢nc¢ what fw s ¢ighbo rbood s a daily Fasts. Taking this a aY From u will only Fave a neganye impact on the amazing cl araci¢n sfics of ouroch arminR community and n¢igbborF ootl. I sL tingly disagree with tFis project antl ask tFa[ i[ is not approved Best r¢ga rtl s, Page 337 of 444 ITEM NUMBER_ B -t GATE: 09/t O/ -I g Al"'fACHMENT_ 3 ITEM 6 16/6/20'19 MInlStolage OE V 'I B -BY 63 /Newton From: B.atly Thomason Sent_ Thu�stlay. November 29, 2018 S47 PM Toe H¢ath¢r Moreno SubJ¢ct: CUP: 11405 EI Camino Real I'm c nad about what types of businesses the city decides to approve for development on EI Camino. Tha Identity of our city is at a c oads. 1'va noticed s e pushes and m en[ n the right dlrecHon lately. and woultl hate to s e [hat thwarted by d visions fM1at Impact [he age of our city and its m - street Asa Dove C�aaK bomcowneq o ¢project I'm spaciflcally nad about is the mini, storage facility CUP fol t 1405 EI Camino_ Not only would this affect F.ome values in [ha a i[ would also be u sightly and a high nsK addition n a liquor store for riH raft I Know I spaaK for most ci5z¢ns of Squth Afascadato when I say we're opposed to [M1is type of business in tM1is alae. Please consider [hese ThougM1[s on tNs pr jest, and Know we fe rooting for youl ThanK you, Btady Thomason - — Plamm�e commisslon I c.1r of ntas�aaere I �w a�aremrn.or9 I r6.me/Ptamm�eatasoaaem - - 4s6 Pa9a 332 of 444 ITEM NUMBERv B -'I GATE: 09/l OH 9 ATTACHMENT: 4 Lara CI„risf ertsen From: Roberta Fonzi c obertafonzi@yahoo.com> 5¢nt: Friday, August l6; 2019 6:45 PM To: Lara Christensen Subject: Mini- Storage: PC Decision Appeal Lara. TFank yatu for your email regarding tM1c appeal of the Planning Commission decision on a proposed nnn�-s[oraga complex locatetl be[ween EI Camino Real and V i jo Camino_ 1 a aAPaaling [M1t decision because: 1 _) TM1e Planning Commission's vn[e w s 3-2. with 2 c absent: 2.) One of the Planning Commissioners expressed his opinion [M1at tM1is decisiov should be r wed by the City CouncfLduc to n sial and 3.) The Planning Commission w s heavily attended by residen[s living near tM1e proposed developmcnq andtrmany IeR with aM1e feeling that [heir oPin ion warn t ade9uatelY considefed. Based upon these c nce�ns. I £elt [Fest tM1e City Council should rev mw thedecision madgand requcstetl the appeal m allow Nrther re��ew_ Regaraa. Roberta Fonzi Atascadero City Council Pages 333 of 444 ITEM NUMBER: B -'I GATE 09/'10/'19 ATTACHMENT: 5 Page 345 of 444 ITEM NUMBER: B-'1 DATE: 09/'1 O/'19 ATTACHMENT: 5 Page 346 of 444 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 DATE 09/10/19 ATTACHMENT: 5 Exhibit L PC Mooting of B-6-19 Sally Dexter Smith (Video) File located in DEV18-0103 on t: drive Page 348 of 444 ITEM NUMBER: B -t DATE: 09/t O/t 9 ATTACHMENT 5 rvbsc..�m�n.... ti.ce.n. rnb.... crm _ - oru�.rc..,..i�rw �•ne.o.v.�.{yy.ran...r. mr "+6 rt.. n-�ab.a�.. u�rrtYrK�.��k. i..aq.sl•�cr` u^"" arn. o.u..: W.wnv..n ur..0 war.->.m....:4.��.r F, vve ���r oi.�.ai eNai.wl�R. w�..�� ra _ np r�4aoWnc•sac �V _ vl rv�ntr w�ec�+P�aW aura, wrr� .mn � ow we ru.c rk- urs n.vbbms_ � Nr �>�rta LL= � ' � �J'•�Mw RF .�.�- c.ra�rvmsm arv, uz tri our ru uc nurr. [w aMrbocrv�s - wvrruss cts_ cRrouc�wr��ra�o.au`r�..n F c�urej�+ur:.rrvu�..u�. n-ra�rmWra-.vat � N•` •na�c.wr.� e.r � mar s �'� a n6n�N � cvn r rvral4 nwm.ra ..uio� ���� rcumvp. aln. n uu. � roiar a nkr� ro �c raua uc �n�yn.-.� pro, e.. mn nrv= m.a.m- nrzw my ror.�-� iim n.ur u e..oe a Fn me M1rpnnmrvae_uieg�to�iooa rwvrr surveyu nc�mr mr��a JrMwr]a...�r..�eu r..wnmm Page 349 of 444 ITEM NUMBER: B-'1 DATE_ 09/'10/l9 ATTACHMENT 5 olrci (ry m.)� and [ne Homes u.at s¢ aalacenx m me cr¢aA. axi •o me mxaaow. �6¢n a wooia iiooa eFe oeew. me pax S.,.m_ _ �1�_-� Page 35p of 444 J - Y ITEM NUMBER: B-1 DATE: 09110/19 /ATTACHMENT: 5 Page 351 4f 44'4 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 DATE 09110/19 ATTACHMENT: 5 ,-; 4 . ji - 4;-", Page 352 of 444 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 DATE: 09/10/19 ATTACHMENT: 5 7 -kis is cy YYl a Aouz� , Page 353 of 444 ITEM NUMBER, B-1 DATE: 08!10119 ATTACHMENT 5 Exhibit 0 PC Mesling of 0.6.19 Daniel Neeley (Video) ITEM NUMBER: B-"1 DATE: 09/'10/ 9 ATTACHMENT: 5 sugcau vwa rromsu 9 .orecr Nu oev+a-mo.3. an: n: sm.aga Ke1M 4 e Serrior P Xqsnl A ro g9U,3496J ¢�Ni3/dl Oa ia' ssabe 'u) Sublecr fmacaunb P+uaeu Nov�1➢YVIX�-ual l)7�Mmr Storage l lvllo Kv-Ily. 11 san.conc rakas 550D00 om ni m3' P lad_ .ab.uusr mY rIL and nw n m his mvn Vackca. rFa+ a robboq .W ai r cry Fc .. ba.vnub w wbcvM1or Fc sFouiJ Jo rFc ranbcry, o. our Ju o. OFvrunslY noa. Ha. sFuu1J na+ Jo n. nor L.e rn.�ar r -a 1 g-ni r.a. - - ,J v;ey.. c a - nuallY .be same aF b �+++m au. will Fv- tekmE mora. +Fon So(L+nr6mm�w++ � v aAm, im M1rs ma -n Fana M1t- c:Wc+o. a - m +Fc 1. roi o cJ nnnr sr.:uFa 1: Wa anu s r g .-a Fm14 ury Fvma- volae w. F Jowu ror mom man 5320002u 1 IF li 1 m un b u ba mb � d. asv pP c. L b, b luu. . rbv vommump. .ak muvb wo�sv L w s rangy �=nom ei3 �.r 1 .0 n, .a,m nar...r I'uoaJ ... si, rrn n . r,ma- n we = an . - r. b - a.ed aa. .,m.. nna a..., 1 F..r .a nor c arnn,.rmrY ��=..err,m,.�nr�. �i,„...a m,r anmrna..... Ja.al. r :nanr „r ..0 I w, r ...mJ .. rmnr .rn g nb ..axi rn >. .,. nnmr> 1 Far .., n ..m n..r. Pa9a 363 of 444 ITEM NUMBER: B-� PATE: 09/f O/t 9 ATTACHMENT 5 - .vul m=r leau> , a..,� .,..� s ��x h.....e m=r ...��, ..[,a i ..c.. � - � n..cs ., =nll� � _ s h�,�„cam I s h.a..[i rd �, �.hn..[n.,..d- 'abc�C [ I�ePe[��[mmd -this un �[m��nip 1 1h¢ n1[ eigh nrM1[ - d � _ r •P vxh c g N huv 111 Eo dmm 1 nhu ell I c 1' E A 1 F ugh - to dr,.+ �. P��Peny wluve ga down. P 1 x �wcvuu to[ 11u C[p fi down- « m. Hcza mgvrda- Page 364 of 444 ITEM NUMBER: B-� SATE- 09/"10/'19 ATTACHMENT: 5 -�..r�,,.-,u o�n,�n�»�n� .. s.o.� ry la -. til, rr, s.,...e ..,..nn ---a.�a-ooe I I�o� a c,..,,.nn. ..rw loos sal-alo nay m � cicu„..n .rop.cz¢ � - .e. J�..�h.nrr+=nr pmnn�J � _- rl .�ic=vlr.. m�� n .. nom.=, ., ,,. ..n .,.�..�u ..�...»,.... �.�r�r>I.. ..,.,leh�e J�xpla... ��.��.nJ �nah� - .uhooE .� sully _ _ �. Ito.�r��e� I I P�.rr nnr w wvl .a ... r_. , r. ., nl} �x.ran u r .< <. aunE � , � .., .rucxtas or ,h¢ uv� ,n or�h�o�f r .. uIJ hm�v on .... - p' Mbhacl�A„anJm'nn n l'� ulrtr¢ � 1 �hx� h� I l P�tica.e �L O�- .. I mrls'� 1 � - �hrrvc Pa�iub �� �J hevr v eau � �.v ni 1 � cert♦ 1 � � Lv role a J. a n. sscJ .0 IJ i �Fi- lJllm � low l- r�unr M1_ u a!1 - N ��p� • � • C: � M1"nl E, I - 'rJer r Jinr_ r � ..nl � o.�� . � .. cc a�wm u� a a. app' uauJf 1 Rurr. LAn m� � m ahs Page 365 0£ 4�V4 ITEM NUMBER: B-1 DATA: 09/101/9 ATTACHMENT: 5 t� I}c• til Lclri�ul,ti en�ssirrL tY,rlli� ,�n Ihir. hrid�t !v CX Lf ilr4'15' 1r11.4ajlc A signilicanI increase in ill is It 11C ,'s'i1101c rrsrrlillp ,in Vicln 4 01111110 W111 sl IOSIlrall} mi max IIIC I1CVW-fences ill' N'ehrcic• III,.ion•. Ill [ILII. Its( 1,; 111 t.- dc} AII1nienl Ijr6ccI -,Iliu+Itl Smlply not he apju-olxal Int IhL, ako%e ICUSODS ApproYak .d p LjfL'It)IlPjCnl in Llii5 I(1CLllIUl1 is Ifri'.Spnnsihle and lin-WCIPnuiTed. Yutll cOnsideraLrnn to Ihiti rrrrlltr it pi ,`.a1. ;ippFCC i13tCGl sIIICCrt l V (dill ML11.1-ie i1 Page 366 of 444 ITEM NUMBER: B -t UATE- 09/t0/t9 ATTACHMENT 5 sunl�a G W �+sn conoecvon. you are me new eco se. e6ns rv¢ary ns a ianao...ne...e.. me p opo..a n•olPc., i ...ase ao g ec....y ono..z.uen baser on ere m� .., s .ea:urs �)T it �. ei.o�. .,w=«^ Jie naen.. �n�,ea,�ng ��..,oe.ne .�.k m, u.e n..,.e, m.ei� �nin as n,ne.e.�den��ai a.oPe.�...ePia.. „e 31 . ��e „�ii4 ,¢..ue a...�.. M. r�. nonna��. goes �n ,�eea a. 9 eo.:o .ee o o�e� s s .. v P M1upz//www.aaazcaac.� o ry/ sneagzuez/Inaci_pnp. opuon�mm_mc4pape=alcxtumwnnlRtmck�neJ�l=395e Page 367 of 444 sub]cci nw.mea rvoc ozevialoiom'min� sm aga Page 369 of 444 rulac m ITEM NUMBER: 6-"1 DATE. 09/"10/l 9 ATTACHMENT 5 �.alcca.uo mq�cc Fw Davie-o�on, m.... sosy� sub]cci nw.mea rvoc ozevialoiom'min� sm aga Page 369 of 444 rulac m ITEM NUMBER: 6-"1 DATE. 09/"10/l 9 ATTACHMENT 5 ITEM NUMBER_ B -t GATE 09/10/t9 ATTACHMENT 5 � rcECE1VE� ........ w+...mr �i�ob ice.... n..,..e.. e..e....... ..... ..�. ...n cmairnuriv�e�onyem� s..a�.� ...�.... ......... ........ ..... ......�, --D�ciRI611TF1 Page 379 0£ 444 City Council Minutes Exhibit C Date: 9 f IU List of names of neighbors who could not attend at short notice but who signed on to support: Scott & Amoreena Anker, 9505 Alcotan Ln scotteanker@gmaiLcom amoreena—scott@yahoo.com Nina Lu and Gaobo Fang, 9505 Azor Lane xiaojun.hang2008@gmail.com Justin Crawford, 11360 Eliano Street justin@alumni.calpoly.edu Cathy and Jerry LeMoine, 11385 Eliano St cathylouiselemoine@gmaii.com Susan and Eric Sparling, 11400 Eliano St ssparling@charter.net Irma Yelinek, 11200 Avion Road samtuscany@att.net Steve and Melissa Holder, 11220 Eliano St Joe Larson and Paula Toscano, 9352 Riberena Circle Greg and Carrie Squires, Via Cielo Lisa Gattuso, 9515 Via Cieio Monty Clouse, 11305 Eliano St Erick Pierce, 11415 Eliano St Steve Wheeler, Via Cieio 20 Atascadero residents gsquires@gmaiLcom Ifgattuso@yahoo.com mclouse@pacbell.net erickpierce@gmail.com paycsw@att.net ?lmse do n& ?wv� eYYVz+t addresses dwi�o -lige recr YcA. tlarnes arm} s4 e eE 00AY.P sses QM otic' . V40/. 716 race seats )uracil indidaies interested a seat on the Atas- icil June 2. city clerk's office, n Atascadero busi- en out nomination t swat on the council. t seats up for grabs, ibents Mayor Alden letter and Robert taken out nomina- !de George Luna, :ity planning com- thernatics professor Bench, retired, cur - the city's parks and Fission; Dale Crad- t at the California n San Luis Obispo; id, a teacher at Tem - 001. sit were also candi- ut of a Field of seven vas third highest vote pt in sixth place. The Lan years ago d Bonita Ives four - 1.7 No. 14 Friday, Feb. 14, 1992 City Council Minutes Exhibit D Date: /1()/ ( q 21 ISv wr Atascadero, Calitornia Little house on the -- water! 35 cents a copy Zor►inq The fami/yliving at 11600 Viejo Camino woke up to a new view Thursday morning. They now have take front property! The waters flowed down from the surrounding hillsides and filled the area in front, beside and behind the single-famil -rsilence. Although it doesn't show from this angle, there Is one car In the garage. The home is across the street from Paloma Creek Padclaphoto by L. W. Allan. maps to be Atascadero Plana iow that it has fine ;eneral plan, wil :hanges to the zon: lay (7 p. m. Ken Be, s the school distr )n West Mall). Th ,pair in city hall tying people to Dom. Under California vithin the city m trance with the Jupter of the city' iew general plan the city council or Henry Engen, cc mens director, has a finding be made changes will nosh. environment othi cussed in and mid the general plan available forrevie in city hall. 'llte various pies willbeaffectedb are located throu Anyone interest points for or posed zone c mendedenvim Now can