HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Resolution 2019-0022 EXHIBIT A: Conditions of Approval DEV 18-0101 Conditions of Approval Conditional Use Permit R.V. Modular Hotel 6000 Del Rio Road DEV 18-0101 Timing BL: Business License BP: Building / Grading Permit FI: Final Inspection TO: Temporary Occupancy FO: Final Occupancy Responsibility /Monitoring PS: Planning Services BS: Building Services FD: Fire Department PD: Police Department CE: City Engineer WW: Wastewater CA: City Attorney Planning Services Conditions 1. This Conditional Use Permit shall allow a modular RV Hotel use as described in these conditions of approval and generally shown in attached Exhibit B located at 6000 Del Rio Road, (Assessor’s Parcel Numbers 049-131-074 and 049-131-075), regardless of owner. Violation of any condition of approval or inconsistency with any adopted plan not authorized by the City shall result in immediate revocation of this entitlement. Ongoing PS 2. No permit shall be issued during the fourteen (14) day appeal period following the Planning Commission approval. Should an appeal be filed, no permit shall be issued until final action on the appeal has been taken. BP PS 3. Approval of this project includes 20 modular RV units for short-term stays as a hotel. Short-term stays shall be consistent with the City’s code requirements. Stay length shall include any consecutive stay by any party regardless of change of unit(s) or re-signing of stay agreements. All units, with the exception of the manager’s unit, are subject to the payment of Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT). Ongoing PS 4. The Community Development Department shall have the authority to approve minor changes to the project that (1) modify the site plan of the project by less than 10%, (2) result in a superior site design or appearance, and/or (3) address a construction design issue that is not substantive to the Conditional Use Permit. BP / Ongoing PS 5. Approval of this Conditional Use Permit shall be valid for twenty-four (24) months after its effective date, unless the project has received a building permit or a time extension has been applied for. BP PS 6. The owner and applicant shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of Atascadero or its agents, officers, and employees against any claim or action brought to challenge an approval by the City, or any of its entities, concerning this Conditional Use Permit. Ongoing PS 7. Should the State exercise its permitting authority over the units as an RV park, the city shall retain land use and code enforcement authority over the continued operation and maintenance of the site as a hotel use for short-term tourist lodging. Regardless of Ongoing PS permittee, all conditions of this use permit shall remain in effect and enforceable by the City. No changes to the site plan, unit architecture, or use shall be allowed without City approval. 8. Development of the site shall be in accordance with the City approved exhibits as attached unless specifically modified by conditions of approval or approved by the City. Ongoing PS 9. Prior to permit issuance for any site work or structure, a deed notification shall be recorded against the property restricting use of the site to short term occupancy as a tourist lodging facility. In addition, the deed notification will require a local off-site manager responsible for responding to any issues that may arise. BP PS 10. The site shall be modified to eliminate all improvements other than grading from the area necessary to accommodate construction of interchange improvements as adopted by the City council and approved by the City Engineer. These improvements currently include a roundabout at the Del Rio / Highway 101 southbound interchange. BP PS 11. Prior to issuance of any permits for buildings or site work, permits for off-site improvements of Del Rio Rd and the highway 101 interchange shall be issued by the City and Caltrans. BP PS/CE 12. The applicant shall coordinate, to the greatest extent feasible, with the adjacent property owner(s) should a commercial or higher density residential development occur, to share access and provide for pedestrian connectivity between the two projects. Ongoing PS 13. All site improvements and buildings shall be maintained in a high quality manner. All buildings and landscaping shall be repaired immediately if damaged. Continued regular maintenance shall occur to ensure that the units and site improvements reflect a high quality hotel project. Ongoing Planning 14. A lot merger shall be completed prior to the issuance of any permit. BP PS/CE 15. The hotel shall be limited to a maximum of 20 short-term stay units and 1 managers unit. Ongoing PS 16. A maximum of five short-term stay units can have full kitchen facilities. Other units may have a wet bar subject to the following:  No stove or oven, or any countertop equivalent shall be permitted. A microwave is permissible.  The wet bar sink shall have a single-trap drain size limited to 1.5” maximum.  The wet bar counter shall be a maximum of 6 feet in length.  Any refrigerator must be sized to fit under the counter. Ongoing / BP PS The manager’s unit may have a full kitchen in addition to the 5 short-term stay hotel units. 17. All laundry shall be processed off-site. No on-site laundry is permitted. Ongoing PS 18. The owner shall install all new and relocated utilities underground. BP PS Architecture: 19. All units shall be consistent with project exhibits. Final colors shall be approved by the City prior to issuance of permits. 20. The units shall have subtle color variations (i.e. on main building or on trim) and the units shall be designed to complement each other. No highly contrasting color changes between units shall be permitted. All railings shall be architectural and shall be of wood or similar dimensional material. No thin metal railing shall be permitted. 21. The units shall be installed as low as possible to the finished grade to minimize skirting. All skirting shall be architecturally compatible with the units and shall be designed to match the siding of the unit. 22. Individual unit decks and railings shall be constructed of wood or wood look material, consistent with the architectural style of the units. BP PS Swale re-contouring and landscaping: 23. Any grading of the existing swale banks shall be designed to mimic natural contours. 24. The existing drainage swale shall be landscaped and hydroseeded with native, drought-tolerant plants to provide for slope stabilization BP PS 25. The drainage channel shall remain free and clear of any debris and shall not be cross-fenced in a way that may inhibit flows. Ongoing 26. Perimeter fencing shall be consistent to project exhibits. Fencing shall be natural earth toned. BP PS 27. Internal privacy fencing shall be permitted at the locations shown on the attached exhibits. No additional fencing between or around units is permitted. Ongoing / BP PS 28. A sign program for the site shall be submitted to the City prior to any permits or installation of signage. The sign program for the site shall be reviewed and approved by the Design Review Committee. Ongoing PS Landscaping: 29. A final landscape plan prepared by a qualified design professional shall be reviewed and approved by the City prior to the issuance of any site development permits, and shall include the following: BP PS  Street trees shall be provided along the Del Rio frontage at 30-feet on center to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Tree variety shall be London Plane Sycamore.  Shade trees shall be provided throughout the site at locations where screening and/or outdoor use areas are proposed.  Trees located adjacent to the internal access road shall be species that allow for the maintenance of 14-foot clear vertical distance, per Fire Department requirements.  All landscaping shall comply with the City’s water efficient landscape ordinance.  Denser landscape shall be provided along the north and west property lines to buffer the proposed use for the adjacent rural residential area. Should the adjacent properties develop with a more intense use, denser landscape will no longer be required.  Landscape screening shall be provided adjacent to highway 101. Landscape shall include native trees and shrubs. Site Improvements: 30. No gravel may be used for access drive or pathways. 31. Pathways shall be constructed of a decorative material such as pavers or stamped concrete. 32. The trash area will be fully enclosed and shall include wood siding compatible with the architecture of the units. Doors shall be high quality steel powder coated a dark color. BP PS 33. A local after-hours manager must be available to respond to any issues that may arise during hours when no office staff is present. Ongoing PS 34. Pole lights shall be limited to 14-feet in height. Bollard lighting shall be used whenever possible to reduce light spillage and glare. All lighting shall be directional, fully shielded, and dark sky compliant with the exception of any decorative string lighting in common gathering areas. BP PS Public Works Conditions 35. All signage shall be located within private property and shall comply with the sight distance requirements per City Standard Drawing No. 414. Ongoing PS/CE 36. The project shall be redesigned to accommodate the current roundabout interchange improvements approved by City Council BP PS / CE unless an alternative improvement design is approved by the City. 37. The Developer shall design and construct the following public improvements. a. New 6-ft wide integral sidewalk, curb and gutter on the Del Rio Rd frontage. b. New driveway approach with an integral 4-ft wide walkway. c. Street pavement shall be widened to meet the new frontage improvements. Pavement transitions may be required to be extended beyond the limits of the property frontage to integrate the new widened street improvements with the existing roadway, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. d. Street striping and signage in accordance with the CA Manual on Unified Traffic Control Devices (CA-MUTCD), and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. e. Pedestrian improvements at the intersection of Del Rio Rd and the State Rte. 101 Southbound On-Off ramps in accordance with City Standard Specifications and Caltrans requirements. f. Signal modifications, as required, for the new pedestrian improvements. g. New public gravity sanitary sewer main in Del Rio Rd across a portion of the project frontage to the sewer manhole in Del Rio Rd that discharges to the Apple Valley Lift-Station. The proposed project shall include a capacity analysis of the existing Apple Valley Lift-Station and sewer force main in Del Rio Rd and shall be responsible for any upgrades required to serve the proposed project, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. h. Utility laterals shall be extended and adjusted to conform to the new street improvements. BP CE 38. The Developer shall provide Public Improvement Plans, prepared by a registered Civil Engineer and approved by the City Engineer, prior to the start of any work. The plans shall include, but are not limited to the following: a. On-site and off-site grading, drainage and erosion control associated with the public road improvements. b. Public street design. c. Public and private utilities necessary to serve the project. d. Extension or modifications to the AMWC water distribution system. e. Extension and modifications to the City wastewater collection BP CE system. f. Storm water management and/or storm water collection system. g. Plans and designs shall be prepared in accordance with City Standard Specifications and Drawings, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. 39. The Developer shall be responsible for providing the City with record drawings prepared by a registered civil engineer, to be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer. BP CE 40. A Soils and/or Geology Report providing technical specifications for grading of the site shall be prepared by a Geotechnical Engineer. The City Engineer may require the Geotechnical Engineer to either sign the improvement plans or provide a letter stating that the recommendations in the soils report have been incorporated into the improvement plans. BP CE 41. A Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) is required prior to any ground disturbing activities. The WDID number, provided upon acceptance of the SWPPP into the State’s SMARTS system registration, shall be noted on the Title Sheet of the grading plans. BP CE 42. The Developer shall provide a detailed hydrology study, prepared by a registered civil engineer, and submitted for review and approval by the City Engineer. The analysis shall indicate the effects of the proposed development on adjacent and downstream properties. The scope of the study may be required to include analysis of existing Caltrans storm drain and the existing channel capacity, if required by the City Engineer. Storm water detention or retention facilities may be required. All proposed detention or retention basins and associated drainage improvements shall be privately owned and maintained by the property owner. BP CE 43. Bridging, culverting and modifications to the existing drainage channel must be in compliance with City Standard Specifications, codes and policies, the City's flood management policies and regulations, and may be subject to approval by the Army Corp of Engineers, the CA Fish & Wildlife Dept., and the Regional Water Quality Control Board. BP CE 44. A Storm Water Control Plan (SWCP) shall be prepared in accordance with City Standard Specifications and the Regional Water Quality Control Board Res. No. R3-2013-0032. The SWCP shall be completed on the City standard form available from the City’s website or the office of the City Engineer. BP CE 45. When a project includes Post-Construction Requirements 2, 3 or 4 an Operations/Maintenance Plan & Schedule (OMPS) is required to be prepared for each PCR. In soils types not conducive to percolation, the project may be required to include amended permeable layers of material below drainage features and the basin to enhance and promote percolation of storm water. BP CE When on-site basins are proposed, such as Retention basins, Detention basins, and Subsurface Infiltration Basins, the developer’s engineer shall provide evidence that the basins will completely drain within five (5) days, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. 46. Discharges to the public storm drain system are subject to review under the City’s MS4 State Permit and the boundaries established by the Regional Water Quality Control Board for discharges to waters of the United States. Illicit discharges shall not be approved and shall be eliminated where known to exist or are identified. Certain non-storm water discharges may not be considered illicit where it can be shown that these waters are not contaminated. Uncontaminated spring water, pumped ground water, and water from crawl space pumps are not considered illicit discharges and are therefore not prohibited from discharging to the storm drain system. Provide verification to the satisfaction of the City Engineer that the proposed discharge waters are not contaminated. BP CE Building Conditions Accessibility 47. A minimum of two hotel units shall be fully compliant with ADA standards. 48. The manager’s unit shall be fully accessible including restroom facilities and shall have an ADA compliant parking space and path of travel to the manager’s unit/office. 49. All common areas shall be fully accessible and compliant with ADA requirements. BP BS Fire Department Conditions 50. The applicant and the Fire Chief shall work together to address whether fire sprinklers are required. BP FD 51. One (1) interior fire hydrant shall be provided at the northeast corner of the road as shown in project exhibits, to the satisfaction of the City Fire Marshal. BP FD 52. The accessway shall be constructed to maintain 15 feet of clear width. Any trees or landscaping that may project into this area in the future shall be maintained to provide a minimum 15-foot clear width and 14-foot clear height, unless otherwise dictated by the City’s Fire Marshal. BP FD 53. Auto-turn software shall be used to ensure adequate width and turning radii are provided to accommodate Atascadero fire apparatus. BP FD EXHIBIT B: Mitigation Monitoring Program DEV 18-0101 MITIGATION SUMMARY TABLE Modular R.V. Hotel DEV18-0101 Per Public Resources Code § 21081.6, the following measures also constitutes the mitigation monitoring and/or reporting program that will reduce potentially significant impacts to less than significant levels. The measures will become conditions of approval (COAs) should the project be approved. The City of Atascadero, as the Lead Agency, or other responsible agencies, as specified, are responsible to verify compliance with these COAs. MITIGATION MEASURE TIMING Aesthetics AES-1 All lighting should be directional, fully shaded, and anti-glare to minimize light pollution into surrounding neighborhoods. Screening should be erected on the northern and western property lines in order to buffer adjacent neighborhoods from internal light pollution. Lighting controls shall be set to dim after 10pm but maintain a level appropriate for site safety. Prior to Building Permit Issuance AES-2 Fencing and screening landscaping shall be provided along Del Rio Rd and perimeter of the site. Fencing along Del Rio Rd and the perimeter of the site shall be dark toned to blend in with landscaping. Screening landscaping shall include native, drought tolerant species. Street trees shall be installed along Del Rio Rd at a spacing of 30-feet on center. Prior to Issuance of site development permits Air Quality AQ-1 Diesel Idling Restrictions for Construction Phases: The APCD recognizes the public health risk reductions that can be realized by idle limitations for both on and off-road equipment. The following idle restricting measures are required for the construction phase of projects: 1. Staging and queuing areas shall not be located within 1,000 feet of sensitive receptors; 2. Diesel idling within 1,000 feet of sensitive receptors is not permitted; 3. Use of alternative fueled equipment is recommended whenever possible; and 4. Signs that specify the no idling requirements must be posted and enforced at the construction site. During Construction Cultural Resources CR-1 The applicant shall hire a qualified consultant to prepare a Phase I archeological assessment of all exposed native soils Prior to issuance of any permits on- MITIGATION MEASURE TIMING on-site. Should any reason be discovered for further analysis or mitigation, all recommendations of the Phase I analysis shall be adhered to and completed as recommended. site Water Quality / Hydrology WQH-1 The re-contoured slopes shall be revegetated and stabilized. New vegetation shall be irrigated until all plant material is established Immediately following grading of the bank Public Services PS-1 Development impact fees per the adopted fee schedule in place at the time of permit submittal to the State shall be paid prior to granting of occupancy for any hotel unit. Prior to issuance of permits for hotel units or manager’s unit Transportation & Traffic TP-1 See PS-1 Prior to issuance of permits for hotel units or manager’s unit TP-2 The driveway serving the project site shall be located as far west as possible from the 101 freeway off-ramp to minimize conflicting turning movements and increase sight-distance along Del Rio Rd Permit review / Public Improvement Permit review Utilities Services USS-1 Sewer connection fees shall be paid to the City prior to issuance of any permits for construction of any hotel or manager’s unit. Usage fees shall be billed and paid annually per the City’s current fee schedule at the time of billing Prior to issuance of any permit for a hotel or manager’s unit / Ongoing Tribal Resources TR-1 See CR-1 Prior to issuance of any permits on- site EXHIBIT C: Proposed Plan Set DEV 18-0101 Fire Hydrant location to the satisfaction of the City Fire Marshal Fencing Types Perimeter Fencing Internal unit privacy fencing Pole Lighting