HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC_2019-08-06_Minutes2019 CITY OF ATASCADERO PLANNING CITY OF ATASCADERO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Regular Meeting — Tuesday, August 6, 2019 — 6:00 P.M. City Hall Council Chambers 6500 Palma Avenue, Atascadero, California CALL TO ORDER - 6:02 p.m. Chairperson Zirk called the meeting to order at 6:02 p.m. and Commissioner Anderson led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners Anderson, Beraud, Wolff, Vice Chairperson Dariz, Chairperson Zirk Absent: Commissioner van den Eikhof (excused absence) Commissioner Shaw (excused absence) Others Present: Recording Secretary, Annette Manier Staff Present: Community Development Director, Phil Dunsmore Senior Planner, Kelly Gleason Associate Planner, John Holder APPROVAL OF AGENDA MOTION: By Commissioner Wolff and seconded by Commissioner Anderson to approve the Agenda. Motion passed 4:0 by a roll -call vote. (Dariz absent) PUBLIC COMMENT None. Chairperson Zirk closed the Public Comment period. PC Minutes of 8/6/19 Page 1 of 8 CONSENT CALENDAR 1. DRAFT MINUTES OF JUNE 18, 2019 Recommendation: Commission approve the June 18, 2019 Minutes. 2. APPROVAL OF TIME EXTENSION FOR 1905 EL CAMINO REAL • Recommendation: Commission approve the time extension (TEX19-0064). MOTION: By Commissioner Wolff and seconded by Commissioner Beraud to approve the Consent Calendar. Motion passed 4:0 by a roll -call vote. (Dariz absent) COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT STAFF REPORTS None. PLANNING COMMISSION BUSINESS OATH OF OFFICE: A. Administration of Oath of Office Administration of Oath of Office to new Planning Commissioner, Tori Keen by the City Clerk's Office. PRESENTATION: B. Recognition of outgoing Planning Commission member, Ellen 136raud. Vice Chairperson Dariz arrived at 6:10 p.m. Roll Call: Recording Secretary Manier performed roll call with the new Commission sitting at the dais. PUBLIC HEARINGS 3. USE PERMIT FOR HOTEL USE AT 6000 DEL RIO ROAD The proposed project is a use permit to allow a hotel use comprised on 20 lodging units, a manager's unit, and associated amenities. • Ex -Parte Communications: • Recommendation: Approve the project with conditions. (DEv18-0101) PC Minutes of 8/6/19 Page 2 of 8 EX PARTE COMMUNICATIONS Commissioner Anderson reviewed this item at the DRC. Vice Chairperson Dariz reviewed this item at the DRC. A letter from Caltrans was distributed to the Commission prior to the meeting (Exhibit A). A letter from APCD was distributed to the Commission prior to the meeting (Exhibit B). Planner Gleason gave the staff report, and answered questions from the Commission. PUBLIC COMMENT The following members of the public spoke during public comment: Peter Laughlin and Diana Heller. Mr. Laughlin requested that the fire sprinkler conditions be changed to fall under HCD (California Department of Housing and Community Development) rules. Chairperson Zirk closed the Public Comment period. Staff responded to Mr. Laughlin's request and suggested that conditions could be modified to state that all units should meet the requirements of the Fire Marshal. MOTION: By Commissioner Anderson and seconded by Vice Chairperson Dariz to adopt PC Resolution 2019-A approving a Conditional Use Permit for a modular hotel use, subject to findings and conditions of approval, with a change to Condition 50 on Page 42 to state that the applicant and the Fire Marshal work together to come to an agreement that all units be modified to meet the requirements of the Fire Marshal. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll -call vote. 4. AMENDMENT TO EMERGENCY SHELTER OVERLAY ZONE TEXT FOR 6370 ATASCADERO MALL (ECHO) The proposed project consists of adding 10 additional beds and modifications to the existing Zoning Ordinance governing the EI Camino Homeless Organization. • Ex -Parte Communications: • Recommendation: Approve the project with conditions. (zCH19-0060) EX PARTE COMMUNICATIONS Chairperson Zirk met with ECHO at their office, and met with neighbors that he knows personally to get a feel for the application. Vice Chairperson Dariz spoke with Jim Patterson regarding the project. PC Minutes of 8/6/19 Page 3 of 8 Planner Gleason gave the staff report and stated there is an updated site plan (Exhibit C) and suggested revisions to Resolutions A and B as follows: • Adopt Draft Resolution A approving a Zone Text Change for the Emergency Shelter Overlay District, subject to findings and conditions of approval. With deletion of "24 hours" in section (d)(1) • Adopt Draft Resolution B recommending that the City Council approve a Conditional Use Permit for daytime programming at the existing shelter. With amended exhibit clarifying the intake and recreation areas. Planner Gleason answered questions from the Commission. PUBLIC COMMENT The following members of the public spoke during public comment: Eric Gobler, Wendy Lewis, Lon Allen, Lori Deschard, Michelle Blanc who submitted a letter on behalf of Twin Cities (Exhibit D), Tom Ferrell, Laurel Weir from County Homeless Services, John Sanders, Josh Donovan, David Middleton, Diana Heller, and John Holman. The following letters were received after publication of the packet, and distributed to the Commission: Letter from Emily Andrews (Exhibit E), Letter from Sarah C. Andrews (Exhibit F), Letter from Daniel G. Andrews (Exhibit G), Letter from Kristen Barneich (Exhibit H). Chairperson Zirk closed the Public Comment period. Wendy Lewis addressed questions raised during public comment, and answered questions from the Commission. MOTION: By Chairperson Zirk to adopt PC Resolution 2019-A recommending the City Council introduce an ordinance for first reading, by title only, to approve amendments to Title 9 of the Atascadero Municipal Code, Chapter 3 Article 23 ES (Emergency Shelter) Overlay Zone text, based on findings, and subject to conditions of approval. Commissioner Dariz suggested changing the language in Resolution A on Page 152 of the staff report, to keep the neighborhood meetings to two per year instead of one per year. The maker of the motion agreed. MOTION: By Chairperson Zirk and seconded by Commissioner Keen to adopt PC Resolution 2019-A recommending the City Council introduce an ordinance for first reading, by PC Minutes of 8/6/19 Page 4 of 8 title only, to approve amendments to Atascadero Municipal Code Title 9 Chapter 3 Article 23 ES Overlay Zone text at 6370 Atascadero Mall, based on findings, with the following revision to Page 151 to delete "24 hours" in Section (d)(1), a revision to Item 7 on Page 152 to keep the neighborhood meetings to two (2) per year (instead of one (1)), to include the adopted site plan (Exhibit C), based on findings and subject to conditions of approval. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll -call vote. MOTION: By Commissioner Zirk and seconded by Commissioner Keen to adopt PC Resolution 2019-B recommending the City Council approve a Conditional Use Permit for daytime programming within a designated emergency shelter overlay zone located at 6370 Atascadero Mall, with a revision to include an amended exhibit (Exhibit C) clarifying the intake and recreation areas as noted by staff, based on findings and subject to conditions of approval. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll -call vote. Chairperson Zirk adjourned the meeting at 7:27 p.m. for a break. Chairperson Zirk called the meeting back to order at 7:33 p.m. 5. USE PERMIT FOR 11450 VIEJO CAMINO AND 11505 EL CAMINO REAL (MINI STORAGE) The proposed project is an 81,000+ sf mini -storage facility on a 4.2 -acre site. • Ex -Parte Communications: • Recommendation: Design Review Committee recommends the Planning Commission approve the project with conditions. (DEv18-0103) EX PARTE COMMUNICATIONS Commissioner Wolff attends United Methodist Church, and has had conversations with some members of the church. Additionally, she spoke to the head of Trustees of the church, and they declined to take a stand on this issue. Commissioner Anderson has heard this project twice at the DRC. PC Minutes of 8/6/19 Page 5 of 8 Commissioner Keen attends United Method Church and had conversations with the congregation prior to becoming a Planning Commissioner. Some church members were not in favor of the project. Vice Chairperson Dariz heard this project twice at the DRC, and talked with the applicant, Mr. Newton, on the phone immediately after the last DRC meeting to discuss issues the applicant would be facing. Planner Gleason gave the staff report and answered questions from the Commission. Planner Gleason stated that there are proposed revisions to be made in the staff report, and recommended updating the following conditions: • Deletion of Condition 8 (Page 275) • Correction in title of Draft Resolution to remove an extra zero from 2019. (Page 271) • Exhibit B: correct typo (mino-storage to mini -storage) (Page 278) Director Dunsmore explained that the decision of the Planning Commission can be appealed to the City Council, and explained the process. PUBLIC COMMENT The following members of the public spoke during public comment: Scott Newton who shared a presentation (Exhibit 1), Blaine Reeley (Engineer of Record), Christen Nelson (Terra Verde Environmental Consulting), Daniel Van Beveren (Exhibit J), Jack Bridwell, Keleen Miller (Exhibit K), Janet Murrieta, Sally Dexter Smith (Exhibit L -video), Rob Fell (Exhibit M), Joe Schmidt, Susan Riojas (Exhibit N-letter/pictures), Robert Nims, Anna King, Clyde W. Snider, Josh Cross, Camille O'Bryant, Keith Vreegan (Dove Creek HOA Board Member), Daniel Neeley (Exhibit O -video), Edward Guzman, Max Zappas, Diana Heller, Josh Donovan, and Andrew Debude. The following Exhibits were submitted and distributed to the Commission: Letter from Sean Doyle (Exhibit P), Letter from Stephen Dummit (Exhibit Q), Letter from Chris Ferree (Exhibit R), Email from Rudy Garcia (Exhibit S), Email from Anissa Hedges (Exhibit T), Letter from Jared & Charise Holcolm (Exhibit U), Letter from Branden Holguin (Exhibit V), Letter from Patrick Ibarra (Exhibit W), Email from Sydney Li (Exhibit X), Letter from Bill Murrieta (Exhibit Y), Email from Chris Neary (Exhibit Z), Letter from Tiffany Riojas (Exhibit AA), Email from Carol Salas (Exhibit BB), Letter from Sommer Shahan (Exhibit CC), Letter from Mark Barnett (Exhibit DD), Letter from Colleen Barnett (Exhibit EE), Land Use Study Handout from Scott Newton (Exhibit FF) Chairperson Zirk closed the Public Comment period. Chairperson Zirk reopened closed the Public Comment period. Staff, Scott Newton, and Blaine Reeley answered questions raised during public comment. PC Minutes of 8/6/19 Page 6 of 8 PUBLIC COMMENT The following members of the public spoke during public comment: Richard Smith, Jack Bridwell, a representative from U -Store -It -Mini Storage on Traffic Way, and a member of the public who spoke regarding lighting. Chairperson Zirk closed the Public Comment period. Commissioner Keen stated that the project is inconsistent with the neighborhood, and she believes the public does not favor this project. Chairperson Zirk stated that he believes this project should be a policy decision, and should be decided by the City Council. MOTION: By Vice Chairperson Dariz and seconded by Commissioner Anderson to adopt PC Resolution 2019-A approving a Conditional Use Permit for a Mini -Storage use located at 11405 Viejo Camino and 11505 EI Camino Real and certifying proposed MND 2019- 0007 (SCH#2019069058) based on findings, and subject to conditions of approval, with the following revisions: Deletion of Condition 8 on Page 275, Correction in the title of Draft Resolution to remove an extra zero from 2019 on Page 271, and to correct a typo on Page 278 to change mino-storage to mini -storage. Motion passed 3:2 by a roll -call vote. (Zirk, Keen opposed) COMMISSIONER COMMENTS AND REPORTS None. DIRECTOR'S REPORT Community Development Director gave an update on the future agenda items for August 20, 2019. Director Dunsmore introduced John Holder, new Associate Planner in the Planning Department. ADJOURNMENT — 9:32 p.m. The next Regular meeting of the Planning Commission is scheduled for August 20, 2019, at City Hall, Council Chambers, 6500 Palma Avenue, Atascadero. MINUTES PREPARED BY: Annette Manier, Recording Secretary Administrative Assistant PC Minutes of 8/6/19 Page 7 of 8 The following exhibits are available in the Community Development Department: Exhibit A — Letter from Caltrans Exhibit B — Letter from APCD Exhibit C — Updated ECHO Site Plan Exhibit D — Letter submitted by Michelle Blanc on behalf of Twin Cities Community Hospital Exhibit E — Letter from Emily Andrews Exhibit F - Letter from Sara C. Andrews Exhibit G — Letter from Danel G. Andrews Exhibit H — Letter from Kristen Barneich Exhibit I — Powerpoint Presentation from Scott Newton Exhibit J — Email from Daniel Van Beveren Exhibit K — Email from Keleen Miller Exhibit L — Video from Sally Dexter Smith Exhibit M — Letter from Rob & June Fell Exhibit N — Letter/pictures from Susan Riojas Exhibit O — Video from Daniel Neeley Exhibit P — Letter from Sean Doyle Exhibit Q — Letter from Stephen Dummit Exhibit R — Letter from Chris Ferree Exhibit S — Email from Rudy Garcia Exhibit T — Email from Anissa Hedges Exhibit U — Letter from Jared & Charise Holcolm Exhibit V — Letter from Branden Holguin Exhibit W — Letter from Patrick Ibarra Exhibit X — Email from Sydney Li Exhibit Y — Letter from Bill Murrieta Exhibit Z — Email from Chris Neary Exhibit AA — Letter from Tiffany Riojas Exhibit BB — Email from Carol Salas Exhibit CC — Letter from Sommer Shahan Exhibit DD — Letter from Mark Barnett Exhibit EE — Letter from Colleen Barnett Exhibit FF — Land Use Study from Scott Newton Adopted 9/3/19 PC Minutes of 8/6/19 Page 8 of 8