HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 042781 MINUTES ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting April 27 , 1981 7 :30 p.m. Atascadero Administration Building The meeting was called to order at 7 : 30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Reverend E. B Claud from the Atascadero Bible Church gave the invocation. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Councilmen Highland, Mackey, Nelson, Stover and Mayor Wilkins ABSENT: None PUBLIC COMMENT None A. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Minutes of the regular meeting of April 13 , 1981 f (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 2. Minutes of the special meeting of April 14 , 1981 (RECOMMEND APPROVAL) 3 . Lot Line Adjustment LA 810225:1, 5260 Maleza, Michael B. Craig (Bray) to adjust the existing north-south lot line con- figuration to an east-west direction to solve a property line encroachment through an existing residence -(RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) 4 . Lot Line Adjustment LA 810209 :1, 2100 Traffic Way, Levi Barrett (Stewart) to adjust existing lot line to increase Parcel A approximately 0 .60 acres in order to provide a more suitable building site (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) 5 . Lot Line Adjustment LA 810320 :1, 5560 Nogales Street, Kendall B. Gallanger to'adjust 'the existing lot, line and create more conventionallyshaped lots (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) 6 . Tentative Parcel Map AT 79-081 , 8830 San Gabriel, Floyd Slote (Hilliard) approval of a one year time extension to enable completion of road requirements (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF j PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) 7 . Business License Renewal, U-Win Card Room, 5950 E1 Camino ® Real (RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION) ■ Mayor Wilkins reviewed all items on the Consent Calendar. MOTION: Councilman Stover moved for the approval of the Consent Calendar. The motion was seconded by Councilman Highland and unanimously carried by roll call vote. MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting April 27 , 1981 Page Two B. HEARINGS, APPEARANCES AND REPORTS 1. Report on Amapoa-Tecorida Drainage Moratorium Mr. Warden reviewed the memo which discussed the moratorium problem and provided several alternate solutions. The Staff recom- mended including the entire drainage area in an assessment district and preparation of a drainage study with cost estimates to establish drainage solutions with costs to be borne by property owners of the assessment district. It was also recommended that the moratorium be retained in its present form until completion of the recommended items. Comments were heard from John Defumo, Roger Algee, Mel Biging, Ed Chidlaw, Frank Balshun, Jack Stinchfield, Shirley Summers, Bert Vangorse, Gary Daniel, and Dave Holton. Many of the speakers were property owners in the area and all favored lifting the moratorium with the City, State or County rectifying the drainage problem. Council members discussed the matter with Mayor Wilkins favoring Alternate #2 of the memo which would rescind the moratorium and simul- taneously adopt development standards to cope with run-off conditions. Councilman Highland felt that the drainage problem still needed to be resolved. Councilman Nelson suggested contacting the State and County to see if they would help correct the drainage problem"since they allegedly had created it. MOTION: Councilman Nelson moved that Council adopt an ordinance which rescinds the moratorium, but simultaneously replace it ' with certain development standards intended to minimize the impacts to individual structures; and to initiate a par- ticipation program to contribute to an area wide solution to the problem; the program to include property owners, adjacent property owners, the State, County and City. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey. There was further discussion on the motion with an agreement reached that the motion should be simplified by breaking this motion into separate parts. ' Councilman Nelson withdrew his motion and Councilman Mackey her second. ' MOTION: Councilman Nelson moved that Staff be directed to draft an ordinance which rescinds the moratorium and simultaneously replace it with certain development standards intended to minimize the impacts to individual structures. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey and unanimously carried. ' MOTION: Councilman Nelson moved that Staff be instructed to initiate a participation program to seek an area-wide solution to the problem; the program to include property owners, adjacent MINUTES ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting April 27 , 1981 Page Three property owners, the State, the County and the City. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey and unanimously carried. There was further discussion with some property owners in the area feeling that they should not have to bear the costs ,simply because they have property in the affected area; they felt that the City as a whole should take part in correcting the situation. Mr. Warden explained briefly about assessment district proceedings and that any assessment can only be applied against benefited pro- perties. RECESS 9 : 05 p.m. RECONVENED 9 :10 P.M. 2. Report on Chevron pipeline on El' Camino Real Mr. Warden reviewed a suggestion by Larry McPherson to secure Chevron' s cooperation in covering the Chevron pipeline located in front of the Security, Pacific Bank along El Camino Real near Carl 's Jr. In essence, Chevron has agreed to lower the pipes; the City to do the necessary street work; and adjacent property owners to work toward installation of the sidewalk. MOTION: Councilman Highland moved that Council approve this project and authorize the City Manager to sign the documents subject to approval of the City Attorney. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mackey and, unanimously carried. C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS None D. NEW BUSINESS 1. Consideration of request for additional custodian and extending lawn maintenance agreement Mr. Warden explained the manning and work levels required for maintenance of the Zoo and Atascadero Lake Park area. In order to allow the three Parks and Zoo maintenance people more time to accom- plish landscaping and preventative maintenance, he suggested extending the lawn maintenance and watering contract to include all City areas. Presently budgeted funds are sufficient to extend this contract for the rest of the fiscal year. ' An additional full-time custodian is aiso being requested. This person will work some weekends and nights and be present to monitor Rotunda Room parties to assure proper clean-up and protection of facilities. Damage to the building facilities and thefts of equipment ' have occurred during weekends or after normal working hours. Exces- sive damage, spillage of food and liquor and general disregard for protecting the facility has occurred during periods of rental for MINUTES - ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting April 27 , 1981 Page Four private parties. It is hoped that an on-duty custodian will eliminate some of these difficulties. MOTION: Councilman Stover moved that 2500 be transferred from Contingency Reserve to cover the hiring of an additional custodian in the Public Works Department. The motion was seconded by Councilman Nelsonandunanimously carried by roll call vote. E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION 1. City Council (a) Councilman Mackey requested that General Plan amendment hearings not be held on May 11th as she and Mayor Wilkins will be out of town. Other Councilmen had conflicts on other meeting dates, so it was decided to go ahead with the May 11th hearings. Mayor Wilkins asked if Council would agree to changing the budget hearing from June 6th to June 13th, however, Councilman Nelson had a ' problem with that date. The budget hearing date was left for June 6th. 2. City Attorney Mr. Grimes had nothing to report. 3. City Manager (a) Mr. Warden reviewed the .meeting he and Skip Joannes had with the personnel from Atascadero State Hospital ' and the AYA regarding use of 20 acres of hospital property., The Hospital representative indicated their favorable consideration, as well as that of personnel from the Sacramento office, for converting the five year AYA lease to a twenty year lease with the City. The short-term lease held by the AYA would not allow time for recovery of capital improvement costs on the property. The Council will be pro- vided with more information in the future. (b) Mr. Warden advised that the terms of four Planning Commissioners were expiring on July 31st. He asked ' Council as to how they wished to proceed. Council wanted to advertise for anyone having interest to apply and to ask the present Commis- sioners their desires for reappointment. (c) Mr. Warden stated that he was working ori the Capital Improvement Program and hoped to have it to the Council within the next two weeks. (d) Mr. Warden reviewed the road improvements which are expected to be completed before the end of this fiscal year. The meeting adjourned at 9 :35 p.m. Recorded by: MURRAY L. WARDEN, City Clerk BY: Ardith Davis, Deputy Clerk I